Saturday, December 8, 2018

Fairy Legion Chapter 2 Welcome to Fairy Tail

Disclaimer: This Post had originally been posted on April 25, 2018 at 11:10 PM. I'm reposting this Chapter along with Fairy Legion Chapters 1-26 because of a massive plot change. If you've read this story before, not much will have changed except Zane's reason for going to the Fairy Tail Dimension. The Author Note and whatever I talk about in them may or will be extremely outdated today or I'm somehow seeing the future so just ignore if you want.

A/N: Enjoy Chapter 1? I may have went a little overboard on the Author Note and be shocked, this fact isn't going to change at all. I have a lot to talk about in these so enjoy the longer Author Notes or just skip them. It won't kill me if you do or don't. I'm mainly going to be talking about Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry with a quick review, Fairy Tail Sequel Series, Hiro Mashima's next work, One Piece, and some last minute stuff for Fairy Legion.

The latest Fairy Tail movie was okay being that I liked it more than the first one being that it didn't have a terrible female lead more than Lucy. Eclair ,whose name reminds me of eclair donuts every time I hear it, did nothing for me and her plush bird sidekick didn't do anything for me. However, I'll say that it did the fanservice better because Dragon Cry had that in spades. I mean this movie has it in spades as well but with Fairy Tail: Phoenix Priestess, I would say that it wasn't in your face.

Fairy Tail has a problem of fan service from the very start of the series to the end and this movie does that. I would say that the biggest example is at the bar scene for me being that the way to obtain the key to the plot macguffin involves our main female lead dancing in a skimpy outfit. Yeah, that's a great plan Erza but I just bet you wanted to dress in a bunny girl costume didn't you? I would say that seeing Carla's human transformation in an animated form is cool.

I really did like the magical girl style transformation that they gave her. I would say that this movie made me laugh more than the first one, mainly at the beginning with Fairy Tail's supporting cast. I'm a dub watcher being that to me, watching, listening, and reading subtitles requires complete focus and I have trouble paying attention to things. That's just a me thing being that I watch a series that I really like such as One Piece subbed.

Back to the funniest moment, Juvia's voice actress Brina Palencia stole the show for me being that her as Juvia and also Chopper works for me being that she does the character justice. I really like the Gajeel bit being that it just worked. I would also say that it does lose some points because Laxus or the Thunder Legion isn't featured in it at all. That's something that the movie suffered for being that the last one had the cast in it such as Droy before he become ninety ninety percent fat.

I get why they weren't featured in it being that it takes place before Alvarez Arc I think. I do like how we see Star Dress: Capricorn Form and Natsu's Demon Dragon Form. The latter may have been for a couple of seconds but its more than the manga did being that it did NOTHING. The same is applied for the former as well being that it took the movie to reveal the final dress. I'm sure that I said this before but why didn't you show Capricon in the manga and anime more Hiro?!

I mean we only saw him on a rare occasion but we saw Loke and Virgo all the god dam time. Is it because he doesn't sell merchandise like they do? I know that this isn't a reason but I feel like out of all of the Celestial Spirits, he got shafted the most. He even had a plot importance in Tenrou Island just like Loke had in his own arc. It isn't on the same level but it's better than nothing. I should stop ranting being that I'll give this movie a full review later on.

Lets talk about the Fairy Tail Sequel Series being that we know very little at it. Lets talking about the ending so for this, I'm going to comparing the end of Fairy Tail ,which ended a year ago god dam, to both Bleach and Naruto. These two have ended for over an year and for me, they have unsatisfying ,in different ways, endings. Bleach ended with more questions than answers. I did binge the entire series and well, I can just imagine how fans felt.

It had its peaks and dips being that it peaked at Soul Society and well being honest, its quality went up and down as the series went on. To me, an story should give its audience questions and then as the story goes on, the questions are answered. Bleach didn't do that for me at the least. Naruto's ending is different mainly because of Boruto. I've mentioned this before being that I don't like Boruto and to be honest, I think its the setting.

Compared Bleach, One Piece, and Dragon Ball, Naruto to me is more grounded. I mean Bleach is the most realistic out of the four mentioned before hand but Naruto is a close second. I really like how grounded Naruto was ,despite the characters being able to create fire or water, with its world but with Boruto, it feels weird to see characters playing their tablets/gamepads in a series about ninja. I would say that this is one of my biggest problems with Boruto being that the characters are the other flaw.

Back to the ending, I would say that it was nice to see Naruto become Hokage after all of the stuff he went through for 600+ chapters and my problem with this end is an example of an okay ending. It left me with questions being that how did Choji get together with Karui ,has there been an answer to that pairing?!, Sai getting together with Ino, and why would Sakura get with Sasuke after almost killing her and rejected her for the entire series?!

They're minor complaints being that it left me with little to no questions compared to Bleach. Fairy Tail's ending left with me questions. I did a mini-review about the final chapter in Episode 35 of Zero so if you want my full opinion at the time, look there. As a quick summary, I felt that this ending had several questions and that's more of minor. The questions are Why is Mermaid Heel models?, Are Erza and Jellal or Lucy and Natsu together?, and Why wouldn't Makarov die?.

This was me at August being that we may get a sequel and some extra content later down the road but it was a gamble. Earlier this month ,April when I'm writing this, we got information about this and the next story that Hiro works on. We don't know much ,or at least, I don't know how much, about both of them but I'm thinking that the almost year break that Hiro had will improved those stories so lets talk about the sequel series.

This could be very interesting being that I have two theories about this and it could go either way. It could either be the story of the 100 year quest which I want more between the two or the Boruto route meaning a ten plus year timeskip ,despite the series already having a seven year and two one year time skips already, with the kids. I did mentioned that I wanted to see Gajeel's kids but if we have kids like Nashi or Snow, I'm good.

I don't like the name Snow being that it's pretty sad, given his parents. I mean Nashi isn't winning any awards in terms of naming kids being that both Nashi and Snow are giving Boruto name vibes being very lazy. If the series goes the Boruto route, I only ask for one thing if that's the case. KILL Makarov off and make Laxus master of Fairy Tail. Despite us having the announcement for a new series, I don't have a lot to talk about it compared to the sequel to my favorite Manga.

I'm interested ,don't get me wrong, but I'm cautious. If I get bored with a series or it doesn't update as often, I'll drop it. The two prime example for me is the Promised Neverland and Dr. Stone being that i just got bored of them. You should read it but to me, I got bored. I'll replaced them with Black Clover and Seven Deadly Sins with the latter being perfect for an first time anime watcher. I may drop the series if it isn't very good but I'm willing to give it a chance.

Hiro may have trouble telling a story when it comes to fleshing out the world and its characters but he has a great art style. It's ten out of ten. The last thing before some final Fairy Legion stuff is about my second best manga One Piece. I may be wanting Reverie more than I do with Wano being that I know that Wano is going to be awesome no matter what but Whole Cake Island won't end. It's a good arc despite my problems with the arc aka the Big Mom Pirates.

It made me actually find Big Mom as a serious threat being that she's in the middle of the five known Yonkos of the series with Shanks and Blackbeard being right above her with the first and second spot respectively. You can figure out where Kaido and Whitebeard are being that Kaido will mostly likely change. My big problems are that I don't care for most of the Big Mom Pirates, Jimbei will not stay a part of the dam crew, and how fast Big Mom recovered after eating her wedding cake.

The first reason probably won't change at all due to us still not knowing Smoothie's devil fruit being that she's a SWEET COMMANDER aka ONE of the YONKO's strongest members and compared her feats to Oven, she's very much lacking. I just want to know the name of her fruit and I really do hope we get that in the main story rather than an SBS. You know the saying, too many cooks spoil the broth meaning too many persons involve in managing an activity can ruin it.

That's my best reason for my dislike for the Big Mom Pirates. The next biggest problem with this arc is that Jimbei. I like Jimbei being that he fits on the crew but I'm more for Bentham or Reiju more due to me liking these characters more. I don't really care about Carrot so if she joins, I'll be okay with her joining being that Oda has proved her worth to me. Lets go back to Jimbei being that with the most recent chapter, Oda keeps tugging at my heart strings with Jimbei.

The problem is more of a joke problem rather than a serious by the numbers problem. It's mainly because this wedding cake is so good that it should put her into a coma of pure bliss but nope, she gets back up and well, she's after the Straw Hats. Not a big problem but we also learn that one of Big Mom's children ,who died earlier in the arc, came back to life but it was explained. Does that mean possibly Opera could come back? His Devil Fruit was interesting.

I only have one thing left to say about One Piece before heading off to my final point. I would say that one of the reasons why Luffy won against Katakuri is because of her little sister. People says that Luffy only won the fight thanks to plot armor and in this case, plot armor comes in that jelly bean woman whose up there in my least favorite characters in One Piece alongside Brulee and Rebecca being that I either like a lot of the characters or don't care being the latter is more obvious.

Here is some final stuff with Fairy Legion. This went longer than I expected but hey, I like to talk in these thing. Fairy Legion will have a lot of fourth walking break such as how Zane called Bora Brook being that both character share the same dub actor Ian Sinclair. Expect a lot of jokes like that later down the line. There will also be just jokes about the series and other series as a whole. They will not be clever and not at all subtle.

I will be fleshing out the supporting cast to the best of my abilities. Some will shine and others like Droy won't. I may have mentioned this before in a previous post and I know that I mention it in this. I don't like Droy before and after the time skip. His magic was interesting being that it's plant based combat but Hiro made him fat and well, I call him the human whale for a reason. I don't hate people who are overweight but making a character look ninety percent fat in X792, is just silly.

I will also be giving Zane multiple love interests being that this series, Zero, and the DC crossover will have this. I can do this because it's my story and also I love Harems. You'll be meeting a couple of them in this Chapter but some pairings from canon may or may not be in here. I can't see the future like Katakuri can but I wish I could. The last four things are that any forms from the past episode of Zero will be done like how it was last time.

The first thing is that I'm calling this story by Chapter instead of Episode mainly because it was based off a manga to begin with and I wanted to honor that. This will apply to the DC one ,not Chapter but but something else, as well. The third thing is that I will be introduce new attacks to Zane but they WILL appear in the main series I promise. This is just because I need to show off Zane's diverse powerpool.

This won't apply to the Forms being that I need to show them all off somewhere for the finale episode of Zero. It's going to be epic for sure. There will be some spoilers to Zero but I will say, "Read Zero to find out the truth behind this and that.". The final thing is that Zane's going to be an over-powered asshole and man, it is going to be so much fun I can tell. He calls Bora a prick and well, he will be very blunt despite him being older and wiser than Zane from the main series.

Lets begin at a new location not seen in the series just yet. However, if you've read the start and end of chapter 1 plus the start of Chapter 2, you know exactly where we are going and who we're going to be meeting there.  Lets begin. Sly will also mainly be in her dragon form being that this is a fictional world of magic plus Zane won't be telling anyone about them being in a fictional world because that would only cause problems and in this story, this isn't a thing.

Narrator P.O.V.
At the magical council headquarters in the Era. "Those dam fools from Fairy Tail! They would have destroyed the town if not for that blur." said a man's voice. Currently above a large magic circle, nine people stood there looking at video feed of Hargeon. "Do they know resistant?" said a man's voice. "I find them delightful." said a young man's voice. "Yes. They may fools but with their magic power, they're a force to be reckoned with if proved." said an older man's voice.

A man voice said,"They proved quite the problem honestly.". "Let them be. If we didn't have fools like them, the world would just be boring. The main concern is that speedy wizard who was able to repair after Fairy Tail. I doubt the army would lie about one of their major fishing town." said the young man's voice. One of the nine smiled when a picture of Zane ,in Swift Form, appeared on the video feed as things were going to get worse.

Magnolia is known through-out Fiore for being calm and peaceful. There is a forest surrounding the eastern side of the city, a beautiful church standing in the center, but at the very end of town, most stay away from the magical and possibly crazy wizards of the local guild Fairy Tail. It's a shame due to Lake Scilliora being right behind the guild hall. The group of Happy, Lucy, Natsu, Sly, and Zane were heading toward the guild with Lucy wanting to join being that Sly and Zane not.

Zane did loved the medieval feeling of the town, being that he may be a city kid but he enjoyed the simple things. "Okay. I think we lost them." said Natsu. "You think?!" said Lucy. "We lost them when I repair the town so maybe a couple of hours ago." said Zane, putting his arms behind his back as he walked. "Aye! You two are so dumb." said Happy. Lucy glared at the cat as Natsu said,"Nice job with that faker! Your Take Over was so cool!". "Yes but Zane has more of them." said Sly.

Lucy said,"So I'm guessing that you fixed the town using one of them? And how come you're just used to the cat talking?". "When you've seen all the stuff I have Lucy, a talking cat isn't on my radar of weirdness plus I've been with Sly for so long that talking animals are normal to me." said Zane with him thinking back on all of his adventures. "Zane. Are you planning on telling anyone about where we really came from or what?" said a new voice.

This voice belongs to Sivarth aka one of the most deadly Phantoms and the creator of Tyrannus Nether. He lives alongside Kane in Elysian which is inside of Zane and both Phantom and demon can talk and response with Zane without anyone thinking that he's strange. This also applies with Athena and Cole plus Sly can hear them. "No. I'm sure you've been informed of my lie by the others so I'm going to believe into the lie." said Zane.

Natsu said,"Could you show me more of your forms?! I mean the giant battery and fast one were so cool!". "Aye! Do you have a cat or fish one?!" said Happy. "Huh?!" said Lucy. "I'm used to this kind of reaction for people Lucy but I'll show you guys one later I promise. So beside a guild being just for work, is there anything else to it?" said Zane. "Yeah! It's where you can show off your skills and in some cases, a family." said Happy. "Interesting." said Sly. 

The group later stood in front of a large building that seemed rather quaint and peaceful from the outside. It's an imposing building consisting of three floors and having several architectonic styles to it. It takes on the shape very familiar to a pagoda with each floor being smaller than the one before it and sitting on the latter's roof. The roofs also bore great resemblance to those of real pagoda out there, consisting of extremely long, arched tiles.

They were lined up one after the other and possessing simple curved protrusions jutting upwards on the building's angles. On the highest roof ,topping the summit of the building, sat a simple, round and pointed dome, highly reminiscent of those seen on Arabian buildings, which bore a flag on the point of it. The roof below the one with the dome, the middle one, housed a large banner with the insignia on it, held up by a pair of vertical poles.

The building's large entrance was once again Arabian in design, with its shape being reminiscent of that of the dome on the summit, and above it was the guild's name, topped by a protruding, stylized heart shape and flanked by a pair of carved fairies. Stylized hear shapes were also visible on the frames of the numerous, large pentagonal windows located on each floor, with the top floor housing smaller, arched windows partially covered by banners.

Zane looked at Lucy, who was screaming awe and honor being that this must have been her first time she has seen as a guildhall before. He looked at Happy and Natsu with nostalgia in their eyes and smiles on their faces. "Wow! It's so big!" said Lucy. "That's what she said!" said Kane. Zane sighed as Natsu flashed a toothy grin, not even bothering to look back at his new friends. He soon opened the door in an excited manner, knowing that both Zane and Lucy would love it.

His way of opening said door was by kicking it open. Lucy was slightly shocked by this but Zane was used to Theron smashing his way through things just to tackle him so Natsu opening a door by a kick isn't that strange to him at the very least but it was still strange. "We made it back alive!" said Natsu upon entering the building. "We're home!" chirped Happy, flying behind Natsu's shoulder with a smile spread across his lips.

Zane looked around to see that the inside of the building looking like a large lunch hall, and was mainly constructed of wood ,having a parquet floor, and a mezzaine held up by wood beams overlooking it. Several long benches and the related tables stretched across its length with a bar at the end. Several waitress walked through the air being that it was filled to the brim with wizards and a sense of warm.

Lucy, Sly, and Zane walked in after Happy and Natsu with Zane putting on his headphones. Lucy looked at Zane with Sly saying,"Zane has trouble in loud places.". "Ah." said Lucy. Zane could tell that several members looked at Natsu with smiles and joy. Zane turned to see two men nearby them with them having unique appearance. Both of them looked to be slim men of average height with one having black hair and the other brown.

The black haired man had his hair in the shape of a rounded triangle pointing upwards, which droops down over his ears. He has an elongated, mildly square face, and thin eyebrows. He's wearing a black t-shirt, with a light violet buttoned up shirt over it, olive pants and simple. The brunette had his hair pointed upwards, bushy eyebrows, and very noticeable upper central teeth, reminding Zane of a rat of something along those lines aka buck-teeth.

He's wearing a light, zipped sweatshirt with a high collar and dark lines running down the sleeves' upper parts, bearing the letter "J" on the left part of the chest. He's wearing light pants and shoes. "It's good to see Natsu. Welcome back." said a member before taking a sip layer of beer. "So I heard that you went all out in Hargeon, Natsu. I'm betting that you were saved by...." said beaver teeth but he was stopped by Natsu's sandal to his face.

He flew across the room a moment late, destroying a table in the process. "Why did you that?!" said Lucy. "That's for lying to me about that Salamander! I'm going to kick your ass!" said Natsu. The man soon recovered at me with him saying,"Hey! That was just a rumor man! You don't have to blame me here!". "It was a rumor?" said Natsu. "Lets fight!" said the man. "Bring it!" said Natsu. The two soon began throwing punches and fists, as the crowd watched like it was normal.

However, this soon charged being that their fight quickly spread all across the guildhall with tables being knocked over, drinks and food fell onto the floor, and more people soon got into the fighting mood as a result. "Now, now Natsu. I think you need to calm doooooooooown!" said Happy, being that he was hit and sent flying through the guildhall like a ping pong ball, Zane ,who grabbed a mug of beer thanks to the chaos, looked at Lucy looking slightly confused.

She had a blissful smile with her saying,"Oh wow. I'm inside of the Fairy Tail guild.". "Me thinks she shut her brain down." said Cole. "Perhaps." said Athena. "So this doesn't freak you out Lucy?" said Zane. "Not really Zane. Sorcerer's Weekly says all the time how insane Fairy Tail and I get to see it in person." said Lucy. "This place makes Theron's random fights seemed planned out." said Sly. Zane slowly nodded with the two hearing,"So flame brain's back.".

The two turned to see a young man ,about 18 years old, standing there with him wearing nothing beside for black boxers and a necklace with a sword ,with a strange stone in it, pendant. He has spiky black hair, dark blue eyes, and a toned and muscular physique. Lucy was confused by his attire with Zane noticed that like Happy and Natsu, he has the guild's symbol ,being dark blue, on the upper right portion of his chest. "This presents a problem." said Kane.

The man screamed out,"Come out here and fight me Natsu! We need to settle things!". He walked toward the crowd with Zane hearing ,despite having headphones on, a woman's voice,"Gray, your clothes.". "Screw that!" said Gray, before jumping into the fight. Zane looked to see a brown-haired woman with several large beer barrels beside her sigh. She's a tall and slim young woman with her being about the same age as Gray.

She has long mid-back length thick and wavy brown hair with two shoulder-length strands of hair framing her face with the left one starting with a prominent, high fringe. She has large purple eyes and visibly long eyelashes. Her figure ,like most of the women here, seemed very voluptuous with large breasts and curvy hips. Like Gray, she has her Fairy Tail stamp ,being black, located on the lower left part of her abdomen, right above her hips.

Her clothing left little to the imagination with her upper half clothed into nothing more than a light blue bikini top ,with a camouflage pattern that showed off her stomach. She's wearing a pair of capri pants with two bangs hanging from each one of her leg and also a light belt covered in heart motifs loosely tied around her waist. She's wearing high-heeled sandals. She also had on a pair of metal bracelets, adorning her biceps, bearing an incision compared of many A's.

She also had three simple, round metal bracelets on her wrists. She's currently has a shoulder bag with the plain brown strap passing over her left shoulder and diagonally crossing her chest, with the bag itself being covered in very long and massive feathers that are lavender and light blue. "This is why I don't the guys here. No class at all." said the woman before drinking straight from one of the nearby barrel of booze. "I may no will be taking one of those barrels later." thought Zane.

Lucy was shocked by this as Natsu who was holding beaver mouth's arm back looked at Gray. "Come here and fight me Natsu!" said Gray. "Put on some clothes first!" said Natsu. "You're all here wining like babies before noon!" said a man. Lucy turned to see a tall man standing behind her. He looked to be the same age of Cana and Gray, being 18. He's a large and muscular man with tan colored skin and he's slightly taller than Zane.

He has long white hair which is styled upwards in long, wavy spikes. His dark eyes possess no visible eyebrows and his rectangular, elongated face has a stitched scar running down its right side, crossing his right eye. Zane noticed that his Fairy Tail stamp was locked on the left part of his neck. The man's currently wearing an outfit that wouldn't too out of place on a normal fictional Japanese high-school hooligans.

This consisted of a dark blue jacket with purplish blue innards, held closed on the front by a line of large buttons, with similar buttons on the sleeves' back and the zip located on the high collar left open. The back of his jacket is adorned by large ,light Kanjis, reading,"The greatest". The jacket itself seems to be worn over a light red shirt. He's wearing matching colored pants held up by a simple belt and traditional Japanese geta sandals. 

The man said,"If you want to be a real man, fight like me!". "Don't encourage them!" said Lucy. The two just looked at the white haired man before they both punched him away. "Wow. That guy just got yamcha'd." said Zane with him still drinking. "It's so loud in here isn't it ladies?" said a voice. The trio of Lucy, Sly, and Zane turned to see a man sitting there with two lovely ladies. This man looks to be the same height and age as Gray.

His face looks very delicate with his orange hair. It's mildly short and spiky with spiky strangs covering his forehead, and other, longer ones jutting upwards from the top of his head. His hazel eyes are covered by a pair of azure-tinted sunglasses with a thin frame. He has three earrings being a stud and two rings. He's wearing a green coat with a wide collar, complete with very prominent ,spiky, brownish-white fur trimming lining the hood.

He's wearing a light red t-shirt covered in many flower-like motifs, black pants, and whitish sneakers, each adorned by a pair of light green stripes. A projectile ,in the form of a glass bottle, soon hit his forehead, making him lose his confident smile he wore for a second. "Are you okay Loke?" said one of the girls. "I'll be fine but I need to teach these fools a lesson." said Loke. "Good luck!" said the two before Loke went to fight.

At this point, most of the guild was currently fighting using their fists rather than magic. "And there goes another guy off my list. Isn't there a single sane person here?" said Lucy. Zane sat down next to the brunette with her looking annoyed. She looked at the headphone wearing teen with her saying,"I thought that you would be joining the rest of them.". "I enjoy a good fight lady but this isn't one. This is just rough-housing. To be honest. I'm craving something to drink " said Zane.

The brunette soon sighed as she said,"Welcome to Fairy Tail. Name's Cana. I saw both you and the blond ,who is freaking out, come in with Natsu.". "Zane. Nice to meet you." said Zane. "I guess you two have met some of our members." said a sweet feminine voice. Lucy and Sly turned to see the owner of the voice, to which their eyes were greeted by the sight of a breathtaking and beautiful young lady being older than Gray by a year.

She has a slim figure with her being a below average height. She has long, white hair which curls slightly at the ends, with two bangs framing her face and reaching down to her chest, being that it had a short, upwards ponytail obtained by gathering and tying the hair covering her forehead. She has a pair of captivating gorgeous sapphire blue eyes, a curvy and voluptuous body with large breasts and a smile.

She's wearing a sleeveless, ankle-length maroon dress with a pleated skirt. The chest is adorned by a large, pink bow, and similarly colored trimmings framed the rather ample neckline, acting as straps, and circles around her waist. She wears matching colored high-heeled shoes. She wears a small chain necklace with a blue oval gem attached to it, and a bracelet made of white flowers circling her right wrist.

Lucy squealed with her eyes turning into hearts,"It's Mirajane in the flesh!". "I can see why Lucy is going fangirl on her. She's quite beautiful." thought Zane while sipping his beer. The white hair girl giggled in a flattering manner, having a small blush on her. "Come with me over to the counter and I'll be able to help you out." said Mirajane. Zane shrugged as he said,"See you around Cana.". The brunette nodded as she continued to chug her barrel. 

The brawl raged on all over the guildhall with the tiro following the supermodel. Thanks to Crisis Judgement, Zane dodged most of the bodies and furnishings. Upon making it to the main bar, they took their speeds. Mira soon walked behind the counter and began to clean off a series of glasses with a innocent smile. "They're really lively today." said Mira. "Shouldn't we try and stop them like at all Mira?" said Lucy, pointing to the brawl.

Mira giggled as she said,"They're having fun and it's normal around here. So are you two wishing to join?". "Absolutely!" squealed Lucy. Mira giggled as she turned to Sly and Zane. Before either of them could answer, Gray came flying across the room with her knocking the blond out off her chair in a second. Gray was on the floor dazed, with Natsu standing a few feet away and twirling his boxers around in his hands, smirking.

Lucy squealed, turning away in disgust. "So is him not wearing clothes normal?" said Sly. Gray stood back up as he said,"Give me back my underwear jerk!". Natsu didn't answer him being that he looked at Lucy. "Excuse me miss, could I borrow your underwear?" said Gray. Lucy soon punched him away as she said,"No one just lends out underwear!". "Wow. What a punch." said Mira. "I'm sure that was for a gag but he's something else to say the least." said Zane while sipping on his stolen beer.

Loke soon picked up Lucy ,bridal style, as he said,"These guys are so insensitive. A woman has needs after all.". He was soon uppercutted away thanks to the white haired man. "Real men used their fists to seduce women Loke!" said the man. He was soon kicked by Natsu, who said,"Get out of my way Elfman!". Elfman went flying toward them being that it was going to hit Mira. He soon stopped in the middle of the air, looking confused.

Mira soon looked at Zane who said,"Go bother someone else you meat-head! You're being a pain to me!". The man was sent flying away with a comically large bruise on his head upon landing on the ground. "Are you okay Mirajane?" said Zane. "I'm fine but how did you catch him? Was it?" said Mira. "I'll explain later after I handle them. Their fighting is getting on my nerves and trust me, you won't like me when I get angry." said Zane, as he stood up from his seat.

Cana ,from her spot, looked over at Zane who was stretching for a bit. "What the heck is that guy doing exactly?" thought Cana. He soon glowed being that he was replaced by something else. He's now a gray rock like humanoid with him being twelve feet tall and two red diamond shaped eyes. He has a muscular and thin build. He has five fingers and toes. In the center of his chest, there is a circle shaped core which is his heart/essence. It’s a red and orange color.

He wears black ,with white lining, sleeveless shirt and pants with a brown belt. He also had the short black robe like Camouflage, Diamond, Fulmination, and Swift Form. "You may want to stand back from Gravity Form because this is going to be bad for everyone acting more childish." said Zane as Mira moved back from him. He soon aimed his hands ,which was glowing crimson red, toward the fighting wizards with them soon floating in the air.

Mira was shocked by this as she said,"Funny, you really remind me of Erza.". "Is she a member of the guild?" said Zane. "She's an S-Class wizard who always gets what she wants being that she tends to use force to get it." said Mira. "She sounds like a really interesting woman. I'm probably not going to like her. I hate people who force their opinions down others throats plus force me to do things. Time to bring the house down!" said Zane.

The wizards were dropped onto the ground with Zane turning back to normal. Zane heard mumbling and heard voices coming over. Zane soon turned up his music being that he was closing his eyes and  sipping his beer. Both Cana ,who was nearby them, and Mira looked at the multi-haired teen with interest. Gray and Natsu came over with them looking at Zane. "Hey. Did you know how did that? It was like gravity was stopped for a moment." said Gray.

Zane said,"Don't ask me. You really should focus on keeping your clothes on. Gravity never turns off but people can manipulate it are called gyrokinetics.". "He's right. You guys were annoyed but for some reason, you guys were floating in the air." said Cana. The two boys shrugged and walked away from them. Zane winked at Cana with her sending him a flirty smile. Happy was currently still in the rubble being that the gravity send him toward the rubble.

Just then, a large black figure appeared being about twenty feet tall. He had one expression on his face being very pissed off. "What's going on here? You morons almost destroyed the Guild Hall again!" boomed the giant. "He's huge!" screamed Lucy. All of the members looked at the creatures looking sorry. "I'm sorry Master. I didn't know that you were still here." said Mira. "The giant is a master? Cool but I know the truth." said Zane.

Natsu laughed as he said,"You guys are cowards because I'm the last....". He was soon crushed by the giant's foot and also Zane ,whose's right hand matched his rocky form, slamming him into the floor even more. "He had it coming." said Sly. "Oh. It seems like we have a couple of new recruits with one of them stopping the fight." said the giant, turning to Lucy and Zane. "Yes sir!" said Lucy with Zane staying quiet. The giant soon roared as energy flowed off his body. 

Lucy held up her hands in an attempt to defend herself from any kind of punishment came here being that she heard,"Lucy. You may want to look down.". She opened her eyes to see an elderly dwarf of a man in front of him holding some papers. He looks to be a short, elderly man in his late 80s. He has black eyes with him growing bald except for the outer rims of his hair having white hair. He has a thick white mustache with a joyful look.

He's wearing an orange hoodie over a white undershirt and in the center of it, it has a black Fairy Tail insignia at its center. He's wearing orange shorts and wearing an orange and blue stripped jester's hat to him. "Nice to meet you three." said the old man, raising his hand in a friendly manner. "He's so tiny! He's really running this place?!" said Lucy. "Of course he is! This is Master Makarov." said Mira. "Yeah Lucy. Don't judge a book by its cover no matter how small it may be." said Zane.

He jumped into the air, landing in a less than graceful manner atop the second floor railing. "Smooth old geezer." said Kane. "Aren't we older than him?" said Sivarth. "Yeah but you guys don't look like you'll croak any time soon." said Cole. Makarov cleared his throat with all noises stopping except for Zane's music which has a noticeable guitar sound. Cana and Mira looked at him as Zane said,"If you can't handle my taste in music, deal with it. I honestly don't care.".

Makarov seemingly ignored the music as he said,"You've gone and done it again, you idiots. Just take a look at how much paperwork the Magic Council sent me this time!". Zane soon noticed a large stack of paper in the man's right hand as Athena said,"That's a lot of complaints. This must be normal around here I think and try not to make it bigger Zane.". "No promises at all Athena." said Zane with a smile. "Gray!" said Makarov. "What??" said Gray.

Makarov said,"You did good rounding up those ring smugglers but you then stumbled into town in the nude with you stealing someone's underwear and running away.". Gray looked embarrassed as he said,"I couldn't just ran around naked right?". "Maybe he should keep his clothes on and he wouldn't have this problem at all." whispered Cana. "However, he can't." said Zane. "Elfman! While you were performing bodyguard service, you attacked the VIP!" said Makarov.

Elfman said while looking away,"The guy made a joke about a men needs education rather than his fists so it just happened.". "Cana. You drank fifteen kegs of alcohol at a taven being that you sent your bill to the council." said Makarov. "Dam. I didn't think they would find out." said Cana. Zane smirked as he said,"Then next time, be more sneaky.". Cana lightly punch him as she said,"You'll be getting lectured soon enough.". "Probably." said Zane.

Makarov said,"Loke! You seduced one of the council member's granddaughters and also we've been given a report about damages at a talent agency!". Loke looked away. "We now have Natsu. You may have taken out the Devon Bandit clan but you destroyed SEVEN private homes!! You destroy Tuly Village's historic clock town! The town of Freesia's church! A section of Lupinus Castle! And almost Hargeon itself!" said Makarov. "That's impressive." said Sly.

Lucy thought to herself,"So most of the stuff I read in the last issue was Natsu's doing.". "I also got reports about you Krov, Reedus, Warren, etc. This list goes on and on." said Makarov. "Me too?" said one of the wizards. Makarov took a deep breath with him saying,"All of you kids seem to do nothing but make the council mad at me!". His rage was slowly growing as the guild members looked away disappointed, Lucy looking scared, and Sly and Zane shrugging.

Makarov said,"However...". The palm of his hand ignited in flames being that the papers were soon burnt and became nothing more than ash. "I say screw the council and their rules!" said Makarov as he threw the paper toward the ground. Lucy was shocked by the elderly man with amazement in her eyes being that she didn't noticed that Natsu jumped into the air and consuming the flames. "I wonder what he works birthdays." thought Zane as he watched Natsu eat the flames.

Makarov said,"Listen up. Any power that surpasses reason still comes from reason, right? Magic isn't some kind of miraculous power. It's a talent that works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of the natural world works in perfect harmony. To perform magic, someone needs a strong mind and the ability to focus. It takes over your soul being that it comes out in waves! If we spend time worry about the rules, we'll never grow. That's what it means to be a Fairy Tail Wizard!".

He soon pointing his right hand into the air with his index finger extended and his thumb pointed out to the side. The guildhall cheered, with them mimicking the old man's action by performing the same hand gesture. After the cheering soon died down, the members of the guild went about their business being that Makarov went back over to the bar in order to greet the three guest. "That was an amazing speech master." said Mira.

Zane soon take off his headphones and stopped the music as Kane said,"I'm giving that speech a 6 out of ten.". "Thank you Mira, now who might you two be? I saw the young man turning into that rock form in order of stopping the brawl. I must thank you again for stopping one of many brawls I hope." said Makarov. Zane nodded while sipping his beer. "My name is Lucy, and I would nothing more than to be able to join the guild!" said Lucy. The elderly man soon chuckle.

Zane thought,"Huh. Why didn't she mention her last name?  She has one right?". "You can read her mind and we'll look through the research logs. We did get a lot of info when we arrived yesterday so we can find her out." said Athena. "You've got nothing to worry my dear. In fact, let me be the first one to welcome you into our Fairy Tail family!" said Makarov, with the crowd cheering upon hearing that.

The celestial wizard soon beamed with joy as Zane watched her happily dance and swirl around the room. Out of everyone that he's ever met in his life, she would be the most dramatic hands down and he knows Ivan or Liv/Olivia who cries at the drop of a hat. She was also the loudest girl but it wasn't on Hannah's level being that she probably couldn't break glass with her voice right? Makarov soon looked at Zane with him saying,"And who might you be boy?".

Zane said,"The name is Zane Vincent Alvarez but you can me Zane for short. It's simple and clean you know. The dragon is my partner in crime Sly Alvarez. Oh and don't worry about it old timer. I'm used to clean up after children except normal children have limits.". Makarov looked at Zane with Sly saying,"He's actually being nice Master Makarov despite sounding like a dick.". "It's nice to meet you three. Mira, could you please give our new recruits their guild marks." said Makarov.

Mira soon smiled as she said,"Sure thing master. If you two would follow me.". She and Lucy were soon going headed to the other side of the counter as Zane sipped his beer. The girls looked at him with him saying,"You should know that I'm not going to join the guild exactly like Triple B over there. I want to make sure that I'm making the right choice before I join.". "I see. I can sense an unique energy from you that's different from your run of the mill wizard." said the elderly man.

Zane rolled his eyes, as Natsu was walking over to them and Happy was on his shoulder. "Zane's pretty awesome Master. He even helped me fight those guys back in Hargeon." said Natsu, punching the air in front of him. "Didn't I take down most of them because you were sea sick?" said Zane. "Is that so Natsu? I hope you don't mind me asking, but what kind of magic do you use Zane?" said Makarov as Zane sipped his beer. "If I answer you, you'll get off my back right?" said Zane.

Makarov nodded as Zane sighed and said,"You're just like the dam reporters back home. I'm the user of a magic that goes by many names but the three most common ones are Chaotic, Zenith, or Zero Magic.". "I see. I've never heard of this magic before. Is this magic common where you're from? I can tell that you're not from around here." said Makarov as he tilted his head. "You do have a plan for this right? I wasn't a part of it since I was adapting to this dimension." said Sivarth.

Zane said,"It is even rare where I'm from old geezer. It's basically the culmination of several types of magic and some of its effects are unique to me alone. I actually came here from my old country to just start a new. It's just that for a long time, I've been missing something in my life and well, I think a new place and people is the cure for that.". Crisis Judgement went off as Zane said,"You should know this about me now Mirajane, I hate when people sneak up on me because it's impossible.".

Mira was right behind him as Cana said,"Wow Zane. So how good is your hearing? Mira is really good at sneaking up on people. Your hearing must be better than Natsu.". "It's one of the side effects of my magic. It has its strengths and weakness just like everything in the Omniverse. I did hear about this guild from one of my teachers and friends. He said that Fairy Tail is filled with legends in the marking and I should stop by if I have the chance." said Zane.

Mira said,"Well Zane, I think you should join Fairy Tail! We're amazing!". "Yeah." said Lucy as she was still in a daze of joining the guild."I'll think about it. Hey old geezer. I know that I may seem suspicious but I'm really harmless. I'll slowly reveal more about me over time. No one here could handle seeing or hearing about what I've been/done through in my life. If you don't trust me, I don't give a fuck. Your opinions means nothing to me got it?" said Zane.

Natsu ,who seemingly ignored Zane's threat, said,"Okay then! You're strong and that's what matters man! I want to fight you like right now! That battery Take-Over of yours was so cool!". "He usually is Natsu but like I promise you and the furball, I'll show you another one. I'm sure that you two would badgering me until I do it. I'll show you one of my favorites. Oh and can you give me some room? I like my space when I transform or just in general." said Zane.

The small crowd moved back with Zane standing up and glowing. The crowd soon saw a ,dark red and fish inspired, suit of living armor standing there with the armor being slightly cracked. He had a hood connected to the armor and his face is the visor that's connected to the hood. On the visor, Zane has four glowing green eyes which works as his eyes and doesn't have a mouth but can still talk. The chest part of his armor looked like a crab.

It has two matching green eyes on the chest piece and legs forming into a rib cage. He looks six feet tall. The chest color itself is a violet shade of gray. On his hands, he has a hole with his forearms having a unlimited supply of water going through him much like blood. He had a giant dark blue fin on his back very much like a dolphin. He has four fingers with claws instead of nails. He has barnacles that were around his hands and shoulders.

He's wearing the short black robe over the armor. People were in awe of the armor due to it looking to be a unique Take-Over with Elfman and Mira looking at it in awe. "That form looks manly!" said Elfman. "That's good right? I have seen weirder things but well, it's an interesting world here." said Sly. Zane shrugged as Happy said with him looking away,"You don't look very appetizing Zane despite being a crab.". "You look a giant crab and I'm sure you're really tasty." said Natsu.

Zane said in a deep and gasping voice,"I'll show you two idiots how Water Form taste.". He soon aimed his hands at the two being that plums of water soon came out and rushing at the duo. Upon being hit by the water, Happy was dizzy and saw fishes over his head. He soon fell to the ground in a daze with Natsu being completely soaked. "So did you learn your lesson?" said Zane. "That was a dirty trick man!" said Natsu.

Zane said,"Not really. I saw you eating fire earlier and I thought you could eat water too. I'm only human.". He soon deactivated the form with him sitting back down. The crowd soon died down, much to Zane's joy. Makarov rubbed his chin with him saying,"It's not that rare to hear of wizards being that Earthland is filled with several types of magic. Could you at least tell me where you're from?".

Zane said,"Why are you the persistent type of old geezer? I'm from Cypress Park. It's a really small town so you won't find it on any map because the elder hates maps. It's a weird hatred but I don't really care about him. So could I have something a little stronger Mirajane?". Mira smiled with her saying,"Sure thing Zane!". She went to get him a beer with Natsu saying as he was now dry,"So are you thinking of joining the guild Zane?".

Zane said,"Didn't you hear me earlier? I'm here to make up my mind because making a commitment like this takes some time.". "So did you know that Natsu was raised by a dragon? Here you go by the way." said Mira as she handed him a mug filled to the brim with beer. "Thank you Mirajane. That is quite interesting being that I've seen and met people who were raised by wild animals and looked and act like their parents. So is Natsu like that as well?" said Zane.

As Zane was about to sip his beer, Natsu smiled and slapped Zane's left shoulder. Zane glared at the pink haired teen said,"Well, we'll the best guild around..". The pink haired teen felt a static shock upon touching Zane. "Okay. You should learn this now Natsu but I really hate when people touching me!" said Zane. Natsu was soon floating in the air, with Zane throwing him across the guild hall. He soon landed right onto a table, breaking it with Cana said,"Wow Zane. You sure have a temper.".

Zane said,"Do you like when people interrupt your drinking? It's the same thing except I hate being touched.". "No. I see your point. Natsu isn't the brightest bulb in the world." said Cana. "I think this immense anger of yours is really my fault and the rest of your powers but mainly mine. Did you have to throw him?" said Sivarth. Zane shrugged with Makarov said,"I think you didn't have to do that to him but Natsu is right. We'll be a good family to you Zane. ".

Zane said while holding up his hands,"I got it okay? I'll think about it okay?". "So Sly, is he a fan of people?" said Cana. "He likes people just fine but just not the annoying kind." said Sly. "And I define annoying as someone who doesn't get the hint or people who tell me what I should be doing. It's such a turn off for me." said Zane, sipping his beer and enjoying it. "Yeah you guys. Zane hates annoying people even if they're super models!" said Cole.

Makarov said,"Well anyway Zane. I know you're sick of hearing this so I'll stop. You're welcome to join the guild if you feels that it will be worth your time. I'm sure that you've done your research but Fairy Tail is the best guild and I'm sure that you'll fit into our family. We're always looking for new members." said Makarov. "Aye!" said Happy. Natsu ,who recovered, slapped his hand on Zane's right shoulder with him saying,"So how does that sound Zane?".

Zane glared at Natsu ,with his eyes turning red, as he said,"I'll think about it and you need to learn your god dam place with me Pinkie!". Instead of being thrown in the air by an unknown force like before, Zane soon grabbed Natsu with his right arm. The guild soon watched his right arm turning into turquoise candy syrup and soon into a giant version. Natsu was soon inside of it and trapped with the candy syrup.

He tried to break out with Zane saying,"And you're out of here! Giant Toss!". Zane soon threw the dragon slayer out of the guild hall with him soon becoming a twinkle. Zane's arm soon reformed with him saying,"He'll be back in a few seconds. If Natsu touches me again, I'll be less gentle.". He sat back down with the guild thinking,"He's just like her but much worse!".  "I understand my boy." said Makarov, concerned for Natsu's safety.

After making a crater, Natsu soon returned. He didn't learn his lesson being that Zane currently had him in the turquoise candy syrup. "Come on Zane! You just have to join Fairy Tail, it's the most awesome guild ever!" whined Natsu. "Yeah! You have to." said Happy, being that he was in the same predicament as Natsu. Zane looked at them with him sighing. "I'm getting tired of saying this but I'll think about it okay? I don't make a decision until I see everything to it. Got it?" said Zane.

The two nodded with Zane saying,"Okay. You two are free to go.". Zane soon tapped the candy prison, being that it soon broke. "Whatever. I'm going to look for a job so I'll be over at the request board." said Natsu before walking off. Zane sighed with him soon turning around in his seat and set his arms on the bar, resting his head on his hands. "Can I get you another beer Zane?" said Mira from across the bar. "I need some water. Dealing with the campfire and furball is draining." said Zane.

As she handed him his drink, Mira said,"I want to thank you for saving me earlier. You really didn't have to do that.". "It's fine Mirajane. Everyone here is a wizard I'm guessing so what about you?" said Zane. "I'm a Take-Over Wizard. Your crab form is like Take-Over magic right? Well, I'm currently more of an employee than a wizard. My magic power isn't the best Zane." said Mira who soon had a faraway look on her face, accompanied with a small frown. "I won't pry Mirajane." said Zane.

Zane looked at Lucy who was just standing there with him saying,"So about her? She's been standing there in a daze since I turned into Water Form aka the walking crab.". "Oh right! I totally spaced out about her." said Mira. Zane smirked as he said,"So how does one join a guild? I noticed that all of you have a mark on their bodies.". "Well Zane, I'm not sure about other guilds but all you have to do to join Fairy Tail is just ask and you're in." said Mira. "Ah. That sounds easy." said Zane.

Later, Lucy, Mira, Sly, and Zane were watching the induction ceremony which was less dramatic than Zane thought it would be. Mira was holding a normal stamp with her saying,"So do you want it here?". "YES PLEASE!" yelled Lucy, as a grin spread across her face. Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Do you have to be so loud Triple B? I mean it's just joining a guild.". "And what color would you like? We have so many colors." said Mira, ignoring Zane's comment.

Lucy soon looked around the guild for some inspiration being that her eyes spotted Natsu as she said with a smile,"I'll take pink Mira.". "Pink?" said Mira. She soon followed Lucy's gaze with the busty blond looking at Natsu, with a small smile plastered on her face. Mira ,with a smile, soon pressed the stamper down onto Lucy's hand. Lucy went over to go show Natsu her guild mark and she sighed with her having a goofy smile on her face.

Zane soon looked at her with him saying,"So what's wrong?". "Aren't those two cute together?" said Mira. "You mean Pinkie and Triple B? I guess so. So you aren't just the waitress and a former wizard aren't you?" said Zane. Lucy walked towards the request board, coming up behind Natsu. as Lucy said,"Hey Natsu! Check it! Mira just put the guild mark on my hand!". "Oh yeah. Welcome to the guild Luigi." said Natsu in a bored toned. "My name is Lu...!" said Lucy.

Natsu quickly spun around to face her with a wide grin on his face as he said,"I'm kidding Lucy. It's looks great on you.". Lucy blushed with her saying,"Thanks.". "I guess I should go on a job. I need to pay for food for me, Happy, Sly, and Zane." said Natsu. "Huh? Why those two?" said Lucy. "Because they're staying with us!" said Natsu. "I didn't agree to that did I?" said Zane. "Sometimes, Natsu just does things without asking permission but that's just part of his charm." said Mira.

Natsu said,"Hey Mira, is Erza in town?". "Nope. She went on a mission a day after you and Happy left to meet up with Lucy and Zane. She wanted to do something to kill some time." said Mira with a smile as she was wiping down a glass. "You mention this Erza earlier. Are they like those two?" said Zane as he pointed to Lucy, being told how the request board works by Natsu and comments from Happy. "Yep. Are you a matchmaker too?" said Mira.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yep. I've paired up many couples in my day.". Sly very much noticed that the other guys in the guild were interested in the blonde. After telling Lucy how the job board works and everything, Natsu scanned the request board for a job that he thought would suit him. "Make sure to pick one with a nice reward Natsu, We got mouths to feed!" said Happy. "Okay little buddy. So how about this one? 160,000 Jewels to take down some thieves. I'm in!" said Natsu.

Natsu soon heard a worried child's voice,"How come my dad hasn't come back yet?". "No." said Makarov as he sipped his beer. This also caught the attention of Zane as well because he could hear everything and most of the time, not by choice. He hated this power but it has its advantage. He's a slim, young boy with straight, dark purple hair with his bangs covering part of his forehead, with some smaller strands jutting outwards from the top of his head. His nose is small, mildly round nose.

Zane soon took note of the young boy's outfit being a dark green t-shirt adorned on the front by a drawing of a sunflower with a man's face, brown plated shorts with two large pockets on the back, and simple blue sandals, each held up by two bands joined by around button. "What's up with that sunflower or is a sun?" said Cole. "Who cares about that Cole? I can read him like a book thanks to my powers and well, he's worried sick." said Kane.

Makarov said,"You're working my nerves Romeo. You're the son of a Fairy Tail wizard, have more faith in your father and wait patiently for him.". "But sir, he told me that he would be back in three days and it's been a week now!" shouted Romeo. "I think he took that job on Mount Hakobe." said Makarov. "That's right. It's really close to town so can't you send anyone to go look for him?! Please I'm begging you!" said Romeo.

Makarov said,"Listen kid, your father is a wizard and just like every wizard in this guild, they can take care of themselves. If he can't handle an easy job like that, he doesn't belong in the guild. Just go home and have some milk and cookies and wait!". Romeo sniffed with him clenched his fist. "You're a big....." said Romeo. However before he could punch him which would have hit Makarov's nose and sent him flying back, the master was soon punched ,hard. in the jaw.

The master went flying into the wall with Mira screaming,"Master!". The guild was quiet being that they heard,"You're a real bastard you know that old geezer?". Natsu turned to see Zane ,with a copy of his arm stretching out from his neck, with his arms crossed. Zane ignored the death glares with him walking toward Romeo who was crying his eyes out. Zane got down to his level as he said,"I'll go find your father Romeo for you so don't you worry okay? My name is Zane.".

Romeo looked up at the teen, who still had an extra arm as he said,"You will? Aren't you a member of the guild?". "If this is how they do things, I won't be any time soon. I know that you're just really worried about you dad aren't you" said Zane. Romeo nodded rapidly with Zane said with a smile,"I understand exactly where you're coming from little guy. I need you to be a strong man right now. I'll get him back so don't shed another tear okay? Now get out of here. I got to deal with my actions.".

Romeo soon ran out of the guild with Gray saying,"Hey! Why did you do that to Gramps?". "Screw you stripper. I hate people who ignore a crying child whose worried about their parents just because of some bullshit pride. If you excuse me, I have to save a man's life because your dwarf of a master is a bastard." said Zane. He was soon gone with Sly sighing. "I know that Master was being really tough with the kid but why did Zane get so angry and how did he make another arm?" said Lucy.

Sly said,"Zane knows perfectly well that the master cares and is possibly worried but Zane has some issues with the master. He has always been very close to the people that he calls family being that he'll hurt or seriously injure someone for making fun of them even a little joke can get Zane in a very strong rage. It is a serious problem that he's faced his entire life. He hates those who ignored when a family member is begging for help in saving their loved one.".

She took a breath with her saying,"He always has taken jobs that involving rescuing a family member for any danger in the Alliance regardless of pay. He also sees himself in Romeo because he lost his dad around his age.". Before either Lucy or Mira could ask Sly what the Alliance was or what she mean by Zane losing his father, Natsu soon punched a hole in the request board as he soon stormed off. His expression was fixed in a frown with his cat companion followed suit.

He grabbed his pack with him silently walking out of the guild. From the main bar, Makarov ,with bandages around his jaw from Zane's punch which broke a couple of bones, sighed. "This isn't looking good master, you know how Natsu can be. He's going to Mount Hakobe to save Macao along with that Zane guy." said one of the members. "Those kids need to grow up one of these days." said Krov, drinking. "Who knows? The request isn't the only thing going to be damaged." said a man.

Makarov soon had a pipe in his mouth with him saying,"I'm sure that both of them have their reasons for going. You can't change fate being that Zane punching me is just what fate wanted. Leave it be Nab." said Makarov. Nab is an extremely tall, heavily muscular and massive young man, being that he towered over most of the guild. He has straight black hair with it styled in a bob cat with a light-colored band circling it near the top, and two curved bands emerging from under it.

This framed the upper portion of his face, which has a somewhat rectangular shape. Nab also has prominent thick lips, and a pair of wide, horizontal white stripes, each covering one of his cheeks. It looked like tribal war paint. His shoulders had a white tattoo consisting of several circles with a large one in the center being surrounded by smaller ones, in a shape very much like a stylized sun. He's wearing a black, open vest with the edges decorated by green and red triangles.

He's wearing a fun loincloth held up by a belt adorned by many rings. His forearms and lower legs were covered by armor plates held up by ropes, and he also carried around a number of small, round skulls on his person being that they held together by cords, circling both is neck and waist. "I sorta of get why Zane's upset but Natsu. I have no idea." said Lucy. "I think Natsu sees himself in Romeo just like Zane does." said Mira.

She had her back turned and was trying to keep busy by washing several glasses. "I may not agree with Zane's method of punching Master Makarov but he's right." said Mira. She turned to give Lucy and Sly a sad smile. "All of us in Fairy Tail in Fairy Tail have personal issues being that we've all experience suffering and loss. I'm guessing that Zane has well." said Mira. "More than all of you combined. He's been through a lot in a long period of time." said Sly.

Mira said,"Natsu's father has been missing for some time now and well, Natsu is worried. He doesn't want Romeo to feel the same being that it was rough for him. I'm not talking about his real father but his foster foster.". "You're talking about Igneel? He mentioned that he was looking for a dragon. It does explain how he was able to use to Dragon Slayer magic." said Sly. Lucy was shocked by this being that she fell off her booth.

She soon sat back as she said,"You can't be serious can you?". "When Natsu was little, the dragon taught him to write, talk, culture, magic, and well everything. He just disappeared one day without warning and that was almost seven years now." said Mira. Lucy was quiet as Sly said,"Zane lost his father when he was six years old and well, that's a story for a different time.". "That's just part of the reason why he's so cute right Lucy?" said Mira.

Lucy said,"So does he go out whenever he hears a rumor?". "Yep. He hasn't any luck in the search so far." said Mira. Lucy soon got up and went to go look for Natsu. Sly soon looked right at Mira with her saying,"So do you know where a realtor is?". "Why?" said Mira. "I'm going to look for a house for me and Zane. If I'm right, we'll be joining soon." said Sly. "Okay. Do you mind if I take you there Sly?" said Mira. "Sure." said Sly.

Later, the group of Happy, Lucy, Natsu, and Zane were sitting in the confines of a wooden buggy being that it was pulled a giant purple pig looking things being that it oddly whinnied like a horse for some reason. Lucy sat in comfortable silence with Natsu hunched over with his cheeks puffed out being that he let out a strangled moan and gag. "Wow. You really just have no lucky when it comes to anything that moves don't you?" said Zane, holding back his laughter.

Lucy said,"So why didn't Sly come with us?". "Who knows with her. So why did you come again? I mean it's strange why you would come dressed like that." said Zane. "Simple, Natsu invited me and I didn't punch the master. It'll also get me good with Mira and I'll get to visit her house." said Lucy with a smile. "Yeah. That isn't at all creepy." said Zane. "What's that supposed to mean huh?!" said Lucy. "I think you know exactly what I mean." said Zane.

The two glared at each other with Happy saying,"You two are in love aren't you?". The cat was soon floating in the air with Zane saying,"Say the word and he's out of here.". "Please don't do that!" said Happy, trying to break free. "Zane just kidding Happy. I think both of us wanted to make sure that you didn't go overboard again." said Lucy. "Thanks Luc......!" said Natsu as his nausea soon got even worse. "So is there a way to stop/prevent this for getting worse?" said Zane.

Happy said while floating,"You could use your telekinesis to hold him.". "Yeah but that sounds like work. So what do you guys do when you go on missions?" sad Zane. "Well, Erza would lay Natsu's head in her lap and gently stroke his head. You sure be careful Lucy. Only Erza is able to do that but I have faith in you." said Happy. Zane put the cat down with Lucy said,"And why me?". "Your lap is softer than Zane's." said Happy. "I would argue that it isn't but I don't care." said Zane.

The cat was soon right back in the air with Zane sighing. "If it gets him to stop, I'll try." said Lucy. "I hope this get you in good graces with Fairy Tail. I mean you're already doing better than me since you haven't punched the guild master." said Zane. Lucy stood up and moved over to Natsu's side of the carriage. She sat next to the dragon slayer, and gently laid his head onto her lap. She hissed a bit when she felt his skin burning her thighs.

Natsu looked better as Zane said,"So are you okay? I'm sure Natsu's enhanced heat isn't helping you at all.". "He's actually really warm like a heater. Is there anything else I can do Happy?" said Lucy as Zane looked at the floating cat. "Yeah. Erza usually says nice things to him." said Happy. "Oh. You'l be fine Natsu. We'll find Macao and reunite him with Romeo." said Lucy, in a calm and loving tone as Natsu was soon passed out.

Lucy smiled at this as she thought,"He's really cute when he's asleep.". "So you like him don't you Lucy?" said Zane. Lucy looked at Zane who said,"I can read ones inner thoughts and the fact that you did this for him is really nice and rather sweet.". "I just feel sorry for him and don't read my mind without permission!" said Lucy, absentmindedly run her fingers through his locks. Happy smiled at this with him saying,"Could you put me down now Zane?". "Meh." said Zane.

The group was like for a while with Lucy saying,"So after we find Macao, I have to find a place for me to live.". "You could live with me and Natsu. I mean Sly and Zane are staying with us aren't you Zane?" said Happy. Lucy's face flushed a deep shade of red at the suggestion. "No thanks. I rather live on my own thanks." said Lucy. "And I rather not stay with you guys. I may stay in the hotel or out in nature. I think you should take a nap Happy. I need to talk with Lucy in private." said Zane.

Happy and Lucy were confused with Zane saying,"Abolish and Siesta.". Lucy soon watched the cat fall asleep as Lucy said,"And why did you do that?". "I need to talk with you in private and since these two are asleep, we can. Can you tell me why you hide your last name?" said Zane. Lucy looked at him with him saying,"I didn't read your mind about this Lucy but I guessed. Your face screams that you're hiding something.".

Lucy said with her sighing,"My family runs a very profitable and powerful company. We have more than enough money but I don't want them to treat me like a princess. I want them to treat me just like a normal girl. The guild should know me as Lucy and not by my family's last name.". "I understand but you're going to have to tell them eventually. Your secret is safe with me I promise." said Zane with a smile on his face. "Thanks Zane. You're not such a bad guy after all." said Lucy.  

The carriage soon stopped a few moments later, breaking the mood. Happy and Natsu both woke up as Lucy said,"I guess we're here.". "No shit!" said Cole as Athena slapped him. "All right, we've stopped moving!" roared Natsu as his head shot out of Lucy's lap. Both and Happy began to dance with Lucy saying with her amused by their antics,"At least, they're back to normal.". "True but why did we stop? I'm sure we at the base of the mountain due to the lack of going up." said Zane.

The dragon slayer stopped with him smirking slightly. "Nah. This guy isn't able to even get close to the mountain being that the weather is always like this." said Natsu. "Why?" said Lucy. Natsu soon opened the back doors to the carriage with the group suddenly hit with a strong gust of freezing wind being that Lucy was shocked. Natsu soon stepped out unfazed by the raging snowstorm with Lucy soon started to shiver uncontrollably.

Zane looked around to see that it was really nice. It was cold, frigid, snow falling down in every direction, and a rather violent blizzard. "Wow. This is nothing to the blizzards that you've been in Zane." said Sivarth. Lucy slowly stepped out with her shivering like a chihuahua. "Why did it start snowing?! It's a frozen wasteland! It's too damn cold!" said Lucy with her teeth chattering very loudly.

Zane shrugged with Lucy saying,"Why is it so cold?! We may be high up in the mountains but it's still summer!". Natsu was unfazed by the cold with Zane guessing that it had something to do with his magic. The group soon began making their way toward the summit with Lucy shaking and her holding her shoulders tightly. The weather was very much brutal being that the snow never stopped and there were chilling winds that cut to the bone, and howled without end.

Zane looked up to see the clouds weren't make any visible sign of progress. Out of the group, Lucy was the only one who was having trouble being that she was wearing something made for summer and not winter. Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Can you please quit the complaining? We're still at the bottom of the mountain so you can just wait for us there.". "I came here to help you guys and I'm not leaving until we find Macao!" said Lucy.

Zane sighed as he said,"Then deal with it Lucy. It's part of the job and I warned you about the weather when we were getting in the carriage.". "Didn't you start to say that before being well, Natsu looked like crap?" said Athena. "It's also kinda your fault for wearing such light clothing.I mean wearing a skirt like that may be good for the fellas but this mountain being that isn't the most fashionable choice for the arctic." said Zane.

Lucy screamed out,"Then how come you guys aren't cold?!". "I'm the Fire Dragon Slayer. I don't get cold at all." said Natsu. "I have my amazing fur that keeps me warm." said Happy. "Oh yeah. what about you Zane? You should be shivering like me!" said Lucy. "The cold never bother me anyway Lucy. I've training in worse blizzards. This wind is like being blasted by a fan to me." said Zane. "I think you should tell her that you're using your powers to stay warm." said Sivarth.

Zane rolled his eyes at Sivarth's comment as he said,"I'm also using a technique that increases my body's natural temperature being that this cold is really nothing to me right now.". "That's so not fair!" whined Lucy. "Them's the breaks Lucy." said Zane. "She sure complains a lot doesn't she Zane?" said Happy. "Yeah. She's a big crybaby. Totally unattractive." said Zane. "Shut it cat and don't encouraging him Zane! Could I borrow your blanket Natsu?" said Lucy.

She tried to grab the large blanket that's strapped to Natsu's bag. "Will it shut her up if he does?" said Zane, who was slowly tempted to warp her back to town. "Yes. It will. " said Lucy. "Fine Lucy. Just don't lose it okay." said Natsu. Lucy cheered being that she soon wrapped herself tightly in it. "She's really mean isn't she?" said Happy. "Be nice Happy. She's just cold. I got it! You can share my body heat!" said Natsu as he extended his arm toward her.

Lucy's cheeks flushed with her saying,"Nope! That's good! I have an better idea!". "Is it shutting up and dealing with the cold? You're a wizard right? Find a way to deal with this." said Zane, slowly losing his patience by the second. She soon held a silver key with her saying,"Open! Gate of the Clock Constellation, Horologium!" said Lucy. The trio soon saw a spirit appearing next to Lucy and it was an interesting one.

It was a tall brown grandfather clock with a face. This included his silt eyes with a small mouth and nose plus a thin, long, and twirly mustache. He has long, black arms with a glass case. He has a Roman-numerical clock at the center. "Whoa, a giant clock." said Natsu with a smile plastered on his face. "Cool!" said Happy. Zane shrugged as he watched Lucy step inside of the clock. She soon began talking from inside of the clock, being that the trio outside couldn't hear anything.

They looked at each other before Zane broke the silence. "Hey Triple B. You do know that we can't hear a dam word right?" said Zane. "She says,"I'm staying here and not moving another muscle in this cold."." said the clock. "So you're too lazy to talk or walk? What a lame spirit." said Zane, kicking some snow. "You're right Zane." said Happy, crossing his arms and shaking his head in a disappointed fashion. "Not that I'm curious but why do you have this spirit again?" said Zane. 

Horologium replied,"I can summon this particular spirit and request that I'll be transported within in him. He's very sturdy and allows me to stay nice and warm. She explains evenly.". "So why did she come again? And is she going to help us?" said Natsu, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't care about that Natsu. I'm not leaving until we're off this mountain, she states quite furiously" said Zane in a mimicking tone, causing Happy and Natsu to laugh at his impression of the clock.

Lucy yelled at Zane with Horologium said,"I doubt you'll want to hear what she's saying at you Zane so let me repeat her less volatile words. What kind of job would force Macao to come to a crazy place like this, she inquires.". "You really should have asked early Lucy. I mean it's pretty obvious if you were smarter than a bag of monkey brains." said Zane. "And he isn't complaining about the weather Lucy." said Natsu. "Can it both of you!, she exclaims." said Horologium.

Natsu slowly rolled his eyes as he said,"Anyway, he's here to slay some Vulcans. They're really big monsters.". Lucy paled at hearing this with Zane shrugging his shoulders. "So it's just a simple job that this deadbeat failed. Lets go back." said Sivarth. "We can't. There is a kid, missing his dad and you know how that tugs at Zane's Essence." said Kane. Zane soon followed Happy and Natsu as they walked forward.

Horologium said,"I want to go back to the guild, she proclaims.". "Then go ahead. You're free to leave whenever you want. I don't want you to stay somewhere you're not wanted." said Natsu. "You need someone to keep an eye on you, she says with a worried tone." said Horologium. "Aye! That's why Zane's here!" said Happy. Zane watched the clock spirit head back with Zane thinking,"I wonder how Sly's doing. She would have love this place.".

Back at the guild hall, Makarov was humming in thought.. He was currently sitting on the wooden bar with a mug of alcohol still filled to the brim. "Is something wrong master?" said Mira, as she was holding a tray of empty glasses in her left hand. When Makarov didn't answer, she got worried about him. "Master?" said Mira. "Huh? Oh, sorry about that. I was just thinking about something that's has been bothering me is all." said Makarov.

Sly ,who was in her chibi dragon form, floated nearby Cana as the brunette said,"Shouldn't have you gone with Zane?". "Nah. He's fine without me. We're not connected at the hip like Lucy and Natsu are." said Sly. "Is it about Macao, Master?" said Mira. "Yes. He really should have been by now and I now worry that something's happened. It might end up a good thing that Natsu decided to go after him." said Makarov. 

Cana said,"So why did he go to Mount Hakobe for? And did you just forget that Zane punch you for ignoring Macao? So how did he grow that arm anyway?'. "Long story short. Zane can turn his body into candy syrup and can make limbs with ease. It's one of his signature abilities where we're from and also it was the basis for one of Fantasia's slushies. The owner even based a couple of flavors off Zane's forms much to our joy." said Sly. "Slushies?" said Cana. "I'll tell you later." said Sly.

Makarov said,"He went to slay a Vulcan, which is why his lack of returning worries me plus Zane's punch wasn't that strong.". Several around him were panicked upon hearing that. "Master, Vulcan's can..." said a member. "I know that you dam fool! That's why I'm happy that those two did what they did. Heck, Natsu'll need those two if those beasts were traveling in a pack." said Makarov. "He'll be just fine, Master. Zane's with them so there's nothing to worry about." said Sly.

Cana said,"You have a lot of confidence in him don't you?". "If you doubt him, he'll prove you wrong with gusto. He's been through a lot in his life so some beasts are nothing plus he's very stubborn to let some beasts stop him from reuniting a family." said Sly. Makarov looked at the dragon as he said,"I don't think that Zane's stubbornness can compete with Natsu but those two working together. They're an unstoppable force.". 

Back on the mountain, Zane was currently trying to get Natsu's attention. "Hey pinkie." said Zane as he noticed that Natsu had been looking back to where Lucy had abandoned them and Happy was currently resting on Natsu's shoulder. "So what's up man? Are you going to join the guild?" said Natsu. "This weather is pretty nasty and you keep looking back where we left Natsu. Should we go back for her? And by we, I mean you." said Zane.

The wind and snow had began to pick up more and more as they had continued to head toward the summit of the large mountain. The Cross-Species was slightly shocked on how much the dragon slayer was concerned about Lucy. "You mean Lucy right?" said Natsu. "Yeah. She's blonde, talks an annoying amount, wanted to go back because of the weather, and was concerned about you. I would mentioned her appearance but I haven't seen an unattractive women since I've been here." said Zane.

Happy said,"Oh, you're talking about Luigi?". "Not even close." said Zane. "Oh yeah. She'll be just fine Natsu but why do you care?" said Natsu. "Because I'm a good person." said Zane. "I guess but Vulcans don't typically live toward the bottom of the mountain so that's why we're going to the top of the mountain." said Natsu. "Wow. I'm very impressed." said Zane. "Thanks Zane but Erza told me that. She's really smart." said Natsu. "And violent." said Happy.

Zane said,"Well now, I just have to meet her. So how are we going to find Macao? I'm sure that you have a plan.". "Well, I can't smell Macao because of the blizzard so my senses are useless. I got a pretty cool idea." said Natsu. He soon put his hands to amplify his voice as he shouted at the top of his lungs,"Hey Macao, where are you?!". "That isn't going to work and if you do that again, I'm throwing you off the mountain." said Zane, holding his ears.

Natsu yelled,"Are you here?! Did a Vulcan kill you?!". Zane was about to throw him and Happy off the mountain but Crisis Judgement went off. Zane looked up as he noticed a huge, ape like shadow right above them. Zane soon pushed the two out of the way, as the shadow soon crashed onto the ground where they stood. The trio soon turned to see a large, anthropomorphic monster that looked like an ape.

They had a good amount of noticeable facial features being elongated chins, prolonged ears, and pointed head looking like a single horn on the top of its head. It had noticeable large arms and hands being that they were attached to its muscular torsos. It had a pair of smaller-scaled legs that look like a long tail connected to the bottom of its torso. Its fur is white being that its abdominals, ears, facial features, hands, and pectorals are black.

The lower half of its body is a darker shade of black and the decorative pattern on their arms consists of five black circles on each arm, which are composed of black tufts of fur. "So I'm going to take a shot in the dark here and say that's it's what we're looking for." said Zane. The creature soon taunting the two. "He's a Vulcan alright." said Natsu. "Time to beat this unfunky monkey." said Zane, with him cracking his knuckles. Natsu did the same, being that the two were ready to fight the monkey.

However, the Vulcan sniffed the air around it, as it smelled something. A moment later, it let out a very disturbing chuckle before it simply ran off, leaving Natsu confused. "So why did he just leave us huh Zane?" said Natsu, sounding very much lost being that Zane was gone. The Vulcan was heading toward something before he was stopped by Zane, whose changed. His skin was light blue with it looking like he was frostbitten or very cold. His body was covered in ice

Natsu was amazed by Zane who moved so fast being that he soon stopped the beast. "You're so not getting her you dam ape! Sweet Arctic Fist!" said Zane. He soon fired a normal Sweet Punch being that the ape was going to avoid the attach but the ape couldn't dodge the attack. It send the ape flying back with the ape growled upon hitting the snow. "Sorry but you won't be going after her anytime this year." said Zane.

The ape soon threw snow at Zane, being that it melted upon contact with the steam. "Yeah. That isn't going to work." said Zane. However, the ape soon escaped Zane's vision. "Son of a..! Come on! We have to get going!" said Zane. He soon ran after the Vulcan with the other two. "What. Why are you in a hurry man?" said Natsu. "Think about it Natsu. The Vulcan smelled something and who else is on the mountain right now?" said Zane.

Natsu looked worried as he said,"Lets go!". Zane smiled as he said,"Right! Hang on boys!". He soon grabbed Happy and Natsu with him saying,"Time to push right past your limits in order to get what you truly want!". He was gone, leaving behind a huge burst of steam. Even through all of the snow and harsh winds, you could heard two people screaming being that Zane was going really fast down the mountain in order to save the blonde.   

Horologium said,"Miss Lucy, we're making good progress but I must warn you right now as per my contract agreement. I won't be able to take you all the way down.". "I understand Horologium, if you can just me a little closer, I'll be fine." said Lucy. "Graaaaaaaaaaaa!" shouted a bestial roar further up the mountain path. The Vulcan charged relentlessly and effortlessly down the path to the mountain's summit, effectively causing Lucy's skin to white out.

The beast soon grabbed onto the clock with him having a sickening grin plastered on his apish face. It took no time at all for the blonde to think that said monster was maybe going to be eating her there on the spot. "Me really do like human woman." said the Vulcan with the girl screaming loudly. The ape soon swung the wooden clock spirit over his back and began to run off, laughing and giggling like an idiot. "Help, she screams furiously!" said Horologium, trying to match Lucy's voice.

Zane soon stopped during his run to heard Horologium's voice with him looking down to see that both Happy and Natsu were dizzy. "I wan't going that fast you two. We didn't make it in time, he got her!" said Zane. "So do we have to find that Vulcan's lair and find Lacy?" said Happy. "Isn't that the most obvious answer? And why does Natsu look motion sick? You were only going Mach 5." said Cole. "That isn't a bad idea Happy but we don't know where we should look." said Zane.

He soon dropped the two into the water, being that it was snow before Zane arrived and melted it. It took a second for Natsu to recover. "Dude! Next time, tell me what you're going to do something that involves my well being." said Natsu. "I'll do that when you starting doing that." said Zane. "What do you mean?" said Natsu. "You said that me and Sly were going to stay with you and Happy despite not asking us!" said Zane. Natsu nodded with him saying,"You wanted to stay with Mira don't you?'.

Zane slapped his forehead with him saying,"I just don't know with you. Okay. I'll go up the mountain because I can cover more distance than you and Happy. You guys go to where Lucy was heading. She must have been near the bottom.". "Aye!" said Happy. Both boys nodded to one another before they ran off, or Zane's case flew, in opposite directions, each having a single goal in mind. To rescue both Macao and Lucy from the perverted Vulcan's clutches.

Near the summit of Mount Hakobe, the large ape-like being entered its cave with an sickening grin still etched on his face and slight bouts of laughter still exiting its mouth ever so often. He soon placed the large clock down in the center of the cave after which the white-furred creature began to dance around in an idiotic fashion, only adding to the blond's dismay. "How did I even get myself in this predicament and why is this monkey so happy, she says tearfully." said Horologium.

He soon held his hands over his eyes in a manner that illustrated he was crying. The comment soon stopped dancing being that he looked deeply into the glass casing, looking right at the celestial wizard inside. "Please hurry Natsu or Zane. I really don't care. Just save me from this...." whispered Lucy as Horologium soon disappeared. She sat there on the floor for a few seconds with the ape starting his dance upon the clock leaving. "Get back here Horologium! You can't leave me!" wailed Lucy.

Horologium's voice echoed,"Sorry Miss Lucy but unfortunately for you, our time is up.". "Please give me an extension!" said Lucy. The beast chuckled perversely, with steam coming out of his nose as he walked closed. Lucy paled at the sight of the terrifying creature being so close to her and thankfully for her, someone saved her. "Hey you big ape!" said Natsu's voice. The Vulcan soon turned to Natsu standing there as Lucy said,"Natsu!".

Natsu shouted,"Hey Zane, I found her!". Lucy sweatdropped with her saying,"Even with his hearing Natsu, I doubt he's going to hear you from here.". "Nah. Zane's ears are really good. He was able to hear that weird clock thing's voice when I couldn't due to Zane being like a bullet." said Natsu as he crackled his flaming knuckles and shivered a bit. He soon turned to face the Vulcan with him saying with a smile,"Time to fight you dam ape!". "Huh?" said the Vulcan with Natsu rushing toward him.

Natsu said,"Where's Macao?!". He brought back his left fist but he soon slipped onto the ice and slid onto his face until the far war stopped him. The ape and girl watched this scene being that both of them sweatdropped. "He's so not cool sometimes! I mean do you have to make a scene every five god dam minutes!" said Lucy as she punched the bridge of her nose. Natsu soon shook the ice shards from his hair with him shouting,"Okay! Where's Macao?!.

The Vulcan muttered,"Huh?". "You can understand me right? I'm talking about Macao, he's a human man!" said Natsu, glaring at the Vulcan. "Man?" said the Vulcan. "That's right. Tell me where you're hiding him right now or I'll kick your ass!" said Natsu. "Aren't you jumping to conclusions?!" said Lucy. The Vulcan jumped around in place being that it looked like he was dancing around, mainly to communicate with the teen duo.

Lucy thought,"Is Macao even alive anymore? These monkeys don't like men.". The ape soon pointed to somewhere outside of the cave, which made Natsu smile at the fact that he thought his point had gotten through. "See Lucy, he's trying to tell me something." said Natsu. He soon followed the giant monkey toward a hole in the cave and the Vulcan pointed toward it. "What? Is he...." said Natsu as the ape soon pushed out of it. "Curse you dam monkey........!" yelled Natsu as he fell.

Lucy soon ran toward the entrance with her saying,"He can't survive out there. Natsu!". "Me like women not man! Women! Women! Women!" said the Vulcan, while dancing like an idiot around its cave and pounding its chest. "Okay you pervy monkey! You're going down!" said Lucy. She reached for a golden key and she said,"Open! Gate of the Golden Bull, Taurus!". A giant bull spirit soon appeared in the cave along with the pervy ape and busty blonde.

He's extremely tall, heavily muscular and athletic humanoid whose physical features are very much like a bull. His body is covered in a black and white pattern similar to that of a Holstein Friesian cattle with his upper halt ,from the waist up, seems more massive than the lower half. His head is bovine in shape, with small, elongated ears jutting outwards from the sides of his head, and a pair of horns ,proving that he's indeed a bull, sitting on top of it.

He has dark eyes, and his flat nose bears a large golden ring in it, worn by real bulls. His muscular chest bears six teats: two on his pectorals and four on his upper abdominal area. The tail sprouting from his back which ends with a dark tuft is quite small compared to his massive body. He isn't wearing much for clothing being that he's wearing dark blue swim briefs over his groin and it's held up by a red, studded belt with a circular, thin, golden metal buckle.

The buckle had a pair of curved protrusions jutting outwards from it in its upper part. He's wearing simple dark boots with lighter upper edges consisting of three lines circling his legs and a red belt circling his neck, to which a golden cowbell is attached. His forearms are wrapped in bandages and he wears brown fingerless gloves. He's wearing a large, plain dark belt closed by a simple buckle and he had a noticeable large ax on his back.

It was a large twin-headed axe called a Labrys, which has symmetrical blades and light gray cutting edges and black central parts, which are adorned by light gray carvings being that the carvings on both blades ,upon putting them together, represent a stylized horned helmet. The axe's blades are connected to a massive, long metal pole which has the handled end wrapped in bandages and the upper, ,being a bronze color, end in a conical point. "Moooooo!" roared Taurus.

The Vulcan said,"Cow or Bull?". "You're facing against Taurus being that he's the most Celestial Spirit that I currently have a contract with! You perverted monkey!" said Lucy, sounding serious. "Oh wow Ms. Lucy, I almost forgot what a nice figure you have! Why don't you come here and give me a kiss before I destroy this monkey!" said Taurus. "Oh yeah, he's a big perv too." said Lucy with him soon releasing a sign of sheer annoyance.

The Vulcan said,"No touch my woman.". "You're woman? Them's fighting words." said Taurus as he was holding his weapon. "That's right! Kick his ass!" cheered Lucy. "You totally should have said my breasts instead of my woman." said Taurus. "What the hell?! That's no right at all!" said Lucy, as she covered her chest. "Horologium used a lot of my magic power earlier. I just hope that I have enough to make Taurus last for a while." thought Lucy as she clenched her fists.

Taurus soon rushed toward the giant monkey with him soon swinging in the air and he slammed it right into the ground, with sure force that the ground itself tore a path as if it were an attach headed straight towards the Vulcan with shocking accuracy. The Vulcan dodged it with him soon charging right at the bull. "Oh wow, he's fast!" said Lucy, worried for her spirit. Before the Vulcan could even attack Taurus, someone else decided to intervene.

Right in front of Lucy's very eyes, Zane soon stood there with him still covered in steam. "I finally found you Lucy and with another monster too! Lets show this dastardly do my Sweet Arctic Fist and Sweet Arctic Trample!" said Zane. Both the monkey and ape were soon hit by a really fast punch and a barrage of kicks, with Taurus soon flying across the cave and knocking him out. The Vulcan was catching his breath being that he glared at Zane.

Lucy looked at Zane who was brushing off the dust from his hands and his body lost the smoke. Zane looked at the Vulcan and Taurus with him saying,"So Lucy, did you know that cows live up here? I mean you were being fought over by a perverted cow and monkey. That must be pretty bad for your self-concept huh?". "You idiot! You just knocked out my spirit!" yelled Lucy. "I did? Huh. I don't feel bad about it that at all. I hate bovine like him anyways." said Zane.

The Vulcan was about to swipe at Zane with them hearing,"Fire Dragon Talon!". The monkey was soon hit by a flaming set of feet being that the Vulcan fell backward. He soon recovered as he saw Natsu standing there with Happy, flying in the air. "Natsu! You're okay!" said Lucy. "So how was your trip? I mean you got tricky by pervy chimp." said Zane. "He just got lucky okay?! At least, I didn't attack that pervert cow for no good reason." said Natsu.

Zane said,"Yeah but I would have attacked him anyways.". "Can you two focus?!" yelled Lucy as both boys looked at her. "So has she been complaining this whole time?" said Zane. Natsu nodded as Happy said from about Lucy,"Yep. You could hear it from outside. I can fly thanks to Aera.". "So you can't handle any form of transportation except for Happy right?" said Lucy. "Of course. Happy isn't a vehicle, he's my friend!" said Natsu. "Aye!" said Happy.

Lucy face palmed with Zane saying,"You totally walked into that one.". "Oh Ms, Lucy. What lovely breasts you have......" muttered Taurus. Lucy's face went a brilliant shade of red with Zane saying,"So I'm pretty sure that your spirit just that you have lovely breasts.". "Nope. You heard him right." said Lucy. "Oh. Ms. Lucy...." said Taurus. "And I'm sure our monkey thinks the same thing." said Zane as he soon caught the Vulcan's attack with his left palm.

Zane soon turned to the monkey with him saying,"I know that you and your pals are alone up here but you don't have to kidnap this girl from her friends! Sweet Dragon Claw!". Lucy and Natsu soon watched a copy of Zane's arm sprout from his back being that his hand was now a three dragon claw limb. The claw soon grabbed the ape's shoulder and he threw the Vulcan into the air. "Listen up you dam monkey and Lucy! Everyone in the Fairy Tail Guild is my friend!" said Natsu.

He soon rushed toward the Vulcan with him saying,"From Gramps and Mira or even those annoying guys Elfman and Gray.....". "What is he?" said Lucy. "To Happy and you, Lucy. We're all friends so that why I'm bring Macao home!" said Natsu. He soon had fire around his fist and he said,"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!". The monkey was soon sent flying toward a deeper part of the cave with Zane soon appearing right behind the monkey.

Lucy soon noticed that Zane's right leg was currently candy syrup and it was soon compressed so much being that his ankles had a circle shape. His entire leg was soon covered in dark purple metallic scales with a spiral pattern to it. "Sweet Forge + Vulcan Force= Beatdown for you!" said Zane. He soon kicked the monkey right into the wall of the cavern, with him soon flying past Lucy. "You better tell us where Macao is or else, I'll burn you to a crisp!" said Natsu as flames gathered around him.

Zane nodded with the Vulcan standing back up. He soon grabbed several sharp icicles with him soon throwing it at the trio. Lucy soon jumped out of the way with the ice soon melting upon hitting the dragon slayer's body. "Ice doesn't work on fire!" said Natsu. Zane rolled his eyes as his body soon turned into candy syrup. The icicles soon went through him, creating several holes in him. Lucy and Natsu were shocked before the holes soon reformed.

Zane said,"Instead of gawking at me, focus on that site!". The two soon noticed the ape was walking to the fallen Celestial Spirit. He soon held the battle axe, lifting it up over his head. "That doesn't look good at all." said Natsu. "That's Taurus's Axe!" said Lucy. "Please be careful Ms. Lucy." said Taurus who was still recovering from Zane's attack earlier. "Me no want men at all, me just want pretty lady!" said the Vulcan. He soon glared right at Zane being that he shrugged.

Zane said,"I could be your dream lady if you just buy me dinner first.". He soon charged at Zane being that he soon sliced Zane clear in half. "Zane!" yelled Happy, Lucy, and Natsu. "I hate repeat myself so let me this clear! Stop focusing on me and on this monkey! Alligator Rudder!" said the two halves of Zane. The two soon kicked the Vulcan ,which launched him back, and they soon reformed back together and jumped into the air.

He slowly spinning around ,very much like a drill, and slams both of his feet right into the Vulcan as Natsu said,"Hey! Don't leave me out of the beat down Zane! Fire Dragon Iron Fist!". He soon went toward the Vulcan being that he totally expected this. He brought his giant axe up to block Natsu's attack with him swinging the axe in a flurry of quick swipes and slashes, forcing both Natsu and Zane to be on defensive.

Just as Zane jumped back from a particularly dangerous slash, Natsu soon slipped on the ice with him found himself on his back, looking right up at the giant white beast. "Natsu!" said Lucy. "Instead of watching us, come join us in kicking this monkey's ass!" said Zane. He soon glowed with a new form appearing in his place. He's 12 feet tall with him looking to be muscular. His feet and hands look to be bigger than his arms and legs. His skin is now dark gray.

Zane’s hair was noticeable being that it was a pure black color. It was long and more shaggy than normal being that it went up his shoulders and covered his neck. There were several streaks of white in it. He has heterochromatic eyes with his left eye being blue and right eye being pink. He has normal human sized ears and nose. He has sharp teeth. Parts of his arms is covered in stitched up scars from what seems like a serious case of surgery.

He has his arms and legs divided in half being that they’re a large, jagged stitch-like line scars going around his ankles and elbows. He has black ,with three crimson red lines, metallic fathead screws that poked out of his body being that each one was painful. There were two of each side of his neck. He has two black metallic tower generator conductor coils/transformers protruding from his back with silver coils and bright crimson red bulbs that are producing sparks of crimson red lighting.

During this transformation, his clothing had changed. He's shirtless exposing his chest. He’s now wearing black pants with a silver belt and five crimson red lines on them. He’s wearing large and metallic silver boots and gauntlets over his feet and hands respectively. He's also wearing the black robe that was signature on all of his forms. Zane soon rushed toward the ape with him saying in a heavy German accent,"Time for a punch from Frankenstein Form!".

He cocked his fist back and slammed his fist into the cow's stomach as he mooed in pain. Lucy glared right at Zane with her screaming,"Idiot! He isn't the enemy you know that right?!". "We need to get right of him so the axe of his will be gone. The plan is pretty simple and clean. The pervert cow can take a hint isn't that right?" said Zane. He kicked Taurus with the cow mooing once again as Lucy yelled,"Stop that!". "Make me then. I'm willing to stop if you make me." said Zane.

The two glared at each other with Happy saying,"I think you two are in.....". Zane shocked him as the Vulcan was about to finish Natsu off with Taurus's axe. However, the pink haired wizard grabbed it and held it right above his face. Steam soon erupted in the cave being that it came from the axe from the intense heat the dragon slayer exerted. One by one, a group of melted metal dripped down into Natsu's mouth. "Is he melting the blade with just his body heat?" said Lucy. "Aye!" said Happy.

Natsu was chewing it with him saying,"Oh right! I got a fire in my belly!". He soon spit out the burning metal shards all over the Vulcan's face. The ape soon went back from the metal spit as Zane said,"And it's my turn now! Thunder Emperor Giant Fist!". Zane's right fist was covered in crimson red thunder with the monkey soon hit by a giant punch of thunder and it caused a massive explosion upon contact.

The Vulcan's eyes soon bugged out and it flew across the cavern. He smashed ,back first, into the wall on the opposite side. It fell to the ground with a hefty thud and was down for the count. His body was sparking with electricity. "And that's the end of this chapter. So are you guys alright and why didn't you help Lucy?" said Zane. "What did you expect me to do?!" said Lucy. "Use your whip of yours to tie him down so me and Natsu can land a smackdown on him." said Zane.

Natsu nodded with him saying,"Yeah. So does those things hurt Zane?". "When I was first starting out, it did but I've honestly got used to it. So what's up now?" said Zane. He soon turned back to normal as Lucy said to Happy,"Remind me to not make him angry.". "Aye." said Happy. Zane sighed as Natsu said,"So are you sure that you don't want to join Fairy Tail? You have the power.". "I'll think about it okay? Lets go find Macao." said Zane as Taurus went back to the Spirit World.

Lucy said with a sigh,"Wasn't this monkey supposed to tell you when Macao is?". "Oh right!" said Natsu. "Well, I doubt that he's going to be talking anytime soon. Maybe SOMEONE should have kept this thing conscious." said Lucy. "You could have stopped me." said Zane. He soon walked over to the creature with him saying,"Time to see if his mind isn't just perverted.". Before Zane could do anything, the creature was soon engulfed in a blinding yellow light.

The trio of Fairy Tail Members looked at Zane who said,"I didn't do that maybe.". The Vulcan was soon gone as a man was in its pace. He has a slim, mildly muscular man of average height with him having short, straight, and slicked back dark blue hair, He has linear dark blue eyebrows, dark eyes, and a prominent nose with a flat, rectangular front. The lower part of his face is covered by a large amount of stubble which includes a thin mustache.

He's wearing a knee-length white jacket ,currently open, with a wide, dark purple collar and matching edges with the sleeves rolled up. You could see his black undershirt's sleeves being that it's thanks to his jacket and goes down below his elbows. He's wearing brown, pinstriped pants held up by a lighter colored belt bearing a snake-like pattern. It's simple square shaped buckle is partially obscured by his shirt and a very distinctive pair of shoes, with a leopard pattern.

He wears a large, serpentine necklace which is held up a chain. "It's Macao!" said Natsu, shocked by this.  "Whoa! This guy was that monkey! I didn't see that coming." said Cole. "This is an example of Take Over magic. According to the guild's files which I accessed when we at the guild hall, he's quite popular among woman." said Athena, "Are you telling me that this perverted monkey was your friend this whole time?!" said Lucy.

Happy said,"Yeah. He was taken over by that Vulcan. It's the same magic that you used don't you Zane? The Vulcan survive by taken over people's bodies. They are evil body snatchers.". "It's like Take Over magic but well I don't know." said Zane. The group was soon looked over Macao with his body covered in wounds. "It looks like he was fighting hard against that Vulcan before he was taken over by that creature." said Happy.

Zane noticed that Macao's guild mark was on his right bicep just below his shoulder. "We should get focused on his wounds. Here Lucy." said Zane. He handed her some medical supplies as Lucy said,"I got it.". She soon clean Macao's wound being that she soon put bandages on him. She soon swabbed Macao's cuts with alcohol. "This wound here is really serious." said Lucy as she did her best to clean the large laceration on Macao's side.

After cleaning the wound, Lucy got a solemn look on her face. "This wound on his side is too deep. I can't do anything else with your first aid kit we have." said Lucy, about to cry. Natsu sighed and he raised a flaming hand. "I know that the best way is to cauterizing the wound with your flames but I've a better idea. Macao is a big boy but right now, I need to do some instant surgery." said Zane. He soon glowed as a new form appeared.   

He's eight feet tall with a slender figure. He looks to have a more elderly appearance compared to the other forms. He looks human but he's actually a sentient hive of virus and there are a a lot of them. His body is multicolored with these colors being blue, red, and green. He wears a silver mask that covers his entire face with five slits on the side of his neck making ten over all and has a large beak over the area where his mouth and nose would be.

Sticking out of the mask, he has gray hair that was currently hanging right in front of his green oval shaped eyes that appear thanks to glass lenses over his mask. His mouth is a circular shape with several teeth pointing out of them. He's wearing a long white lab coat, gray v-neck shirt, black pants, and matching black dress shoes. He wears black and white headphone with a first aid symbol on them. He had a larger than normal syringe and it was resting on his back. 

His four fingers are very much in the shape of needles. He also had on the short black robe just like the rest of Zane's forms. "Restore Form. You two, hold down Macao for us okay?" said Zane. Lucy and Natsu looked at each other with Zane stabbing Macao in the sides. "Time to heal you. We won't let you leave Romeo's side before he grows up!" said Zane. Macao began to writhe and scream loudly in pain. Lucy and Natsu did their best to hold down the thrashing man down. 

The feline watched all of Macao's wounds heal right in front of him as Zane said,"Don't you dare let the reaper win! Romeo is waiting for you and we won't let another son out there live without his father by his side!". The trio looked at Zane as Macao slowly opened his eyes. He saw the group with him saying,"Natsu.". "Macao, are you okay?! What did you do to him Zane?!" said Natsu. "I'm so dam weak." said Macao as he coughed a bit. 

Zane shrugged his shoulders as he said,"He'll be fine Natsu. We just gave him some of our viruses to keep him alive for now. He should be fine with a good night rest.". "I defeat nineteen of those brutes but the last one got me. I'm so pissed right now and embarrassed. I can't go back home to face Romeo Natsu." said Macao but was punched by Zane who was back to normal. "We just healed him so don't punch him Zane!" said Happy. 

The Cross Species looked at him as he said,"I don't care. You can't put yourself down like this Macao was it? You defeated nineteen of those perverted gorillas. Any son would be proud of that. Your son looks up to you like all sons do. They may show it in ways that no one truly understands but from my experience, all children ,in the entire Omniverse, care about their parents and vise versa. Just be a man okay? Your son asked me to bring you back and I don't break my promises.".

Lucy soon looked at Macao with her thinking,"Macao went up against almost twenty of those by himself?! We barely could beat one!". "Zane's right! Lets go okay!" said Natsu with a toothy grin. The two soon shook hands with Macao saying,"Give me a couple of minutes to rest. The blackette's weird Take Over healed me but not to my full strength.". He drifted off to sleep with his expression looked peaceful and his breathing looked easy.

Natsu said,"So Zane, are you going to help me take him back to Romeo?". "Of course but can you tell me something?" said Zane. "What?" said Natsu. The two boys soon hoisted up Macao's body with them walking out of the cave. Lucy could do nothing but stare in awe, a shocked expression plastered on her face, mainly at the dedication the two showed just to get Macao home. "So is this what it's like to be a Fairy Tail wizard? They're really out of my league." said Lucy.

Happy stood next to her with him saying,"Why are you smiling like that Lucy? It's creepy.". Lucy soon turned on the cat with a glare. "I'll show you creepy cat. Watch your back." said Lucy. "So what was it Zane?" said Natsu, ignoring the cat and girl's bickering. "So did you come up to knock some sense into Macao or do you relate with Romeo like I do?" said Zane. "A little bit of both." said Natsu who smiled. "I see. I made up my mind." said Zane. The trio looked at him confused.

Romeo was currently sitting outside of the guild hall, his thoughts plagued by the myriad of insults that he heard about the Fairy Tail wizards. All of the other kids in Magnolia were always picking on him for wanting to be a wizard when he grew up. "They're nothing but drunks coward Romeo!" said one of the kids. Over time, the insults got to him. "Dad please! I can't take it anymore. Please go over to the request board and take a job." said Romeo.

He had talked with Macao at the guild hall with the father smiling. "Sure thing champ." said Macao as he tussled his son's hair. Romeo regretted forcing his dad to take his job. He wanted him to be okay and he didn't care about what the other kids thought anymore. He soon looked up as he heard,"Hey! I got you your dad back Romeo!". He soon lost his frown being that it turned into a smile. Five people were walking toward the guild in the distance.

He knew all of them being that the one ,being held up by Natsu and Zane, made the smile the biggest in the whole world. "Dad!" exclaimed Romeo. He soon tackled his father with him crying his eyes out. Lucy was shocked by this being that Natsu and Zane smiled at this display. The look of pure joy on Romeo's face made the trip entirely worth it. "Dad! You're back! I'm so sorry!" said Romeo who was still crying.

Macao grabbed his son and he said,"No. It's my fault for making you worried.". "I can handle it dad because I'm the son of a Fairy Tail wizard!" said Romeo. "The next time any of those bullies pick on you, here's what I want you to say. "Can your old man take down nineteen monsters, cuz' mine sure as hell can!". Got it?" said Macao. Romeo's smile grew even bigger with the group except for Zane walking away, leaving Zane to watch the father and son reunion.

Zane said,"See Romeo? I brought back your dad and I only need one thing from you.". Macao looked at the teen with confusion as Romeo said,"What is Zane?". Zane soon held out his right fist with him saying,"Let me tell you something amazing. When two people fist bump, they're connected even if they're on a job. They can be millions of miles away but the connection never dies. So would you do me the honors?". Romeo smiled as he fist bump Zane with him saying,"Sure big bro Zane!". 

Romeo soon thanked Happy, Lucy, and Natsu as well with Sivarth saying,"So did she do anything beside complain?". Zane shook his head with him saying,"Well, I should get going.". "Going to join the guild kid?" said Macao. "Yeah. I thought about it and well, they remind me of my family back where I'm from. It's been a while since I've this feeling in my Essence. The guild may be a bit weird but I think I'll fit just in plus I want to teach my little bro and his dad some tricks." said Zane.

Macao was slightly confused as Romeo said,"What could you teach my dad?". "How to be a even better father than he already is. I got some fatherly tips for him." said Zane. He soon walked away as Macao said,"So how do you know him?". "He's my big brother dad!" said Romeo. Zane soon joined back up with the trio with Lucy saying,"It felt really good to help him out, and seeing them reunited was worth dealing with that mountain.".

Zane said,"It wasn't that bad Lucy.". "For you it wasn't but for normal people, it was!" said Lucy as Zane shrugged. "This is Fairy Tail Lucy. We're family and family looks out for each other. This is just a part of being a member of Fairy Tail." said Natsu with a toothy grin, prompting the blonde to nod in agreement. "And you can count me as a part of that." said Zane. The three turned to Zane with Lucy saying,"So does that mean.....?".

Natsu said,"You're joining Fairy Tail, for real?!". Zane smiled as he said,"Yeah. You showed me what I've been missing for a long time so thanks pinky.". "All right! Lets get you signed up!" said Natsu as he grabbed Zane's arm. He was soon shocked by Zane who said,"I thought you would remember that I don't like being touched!". "Aye sir!" said Happy as he flew around in circles. "So you don't mind me stealing your spotlight?" said Zane. "Nope." said Lucy. "Wow. How mature." said Zane.

Everyone in Fairy Tail waited with baited breath as the doors to the guildhall flew open with the group of Happy, Lucy, Natsu, and Zane walked it. Happy and Natsu were their usually happy and peppy selves with Lucy and Zane walking in normally. "We're back!" said Natsu. "Aye sir!" said Happy. The group soon made their way over to the main bar where Lucy, Natsu, and Zane sat down as Happy went to go find a tasty fish to snack on.

Mira said,"So did you find Macao?". "We did and they're reuniting as we speak." said Natsu as he smiled from ear to ear. "All right Natsu! Way to go!" cheered the guildhall. "That was really sweet of you Natsu. Going up there to rescue Macao like that." said Mira. "Thanks Mira but I can't take all of the credit. Heck, Zane did more to be honest with you. He saved Macao using that weird doctor transformation and then fought a Vulcan ,who captured Lucy, using a scarred one." said Natsu.

Mira said,"Looks like Sly was right about you Zane.". "He was so awesome! His body also erupted in steam and he could grow limbs out of his body! He also took out the Vulcan with a single punch! I've never seen anything like his magic before in my life!" said Natsu, "No way!" said a guild member. "I don't believe it." said another one. "You're telling me that he actually defeated a Vulcan with a single punch? Yeah right, I'll believe that the day I see it," said Cana from a nearby table.

She took a swig from his drink in her hand with Kane saying,"So did she forget that you're the reason why you stopped the fight earlier today plus blasted Happy and Natsu. And where is Sly anyways?". "It's true Cana! I really want to fight you soon Zane!" said Natsu who was looking right at Zane with both admiration and determination. "I wouldn't do that Natsu. I'm sure if he can do all of the stuff that you said he could do and more." said Lucy.

Zane was rolling his eyes being that he was used to being praised for his strength but on this level, it is something else. "Natsu. I'm thankful for the praise truly but it wasn't a big deal. That overgrown and perverted monkey was nothing. I've seen much worse." said Zane. "Well aren't you just Mister Cocky? I hope you didn't hurt Macao too much. From how Natsu describes you, he should be happy that he survived against you." said Cana who smirked.

Mira soon had her hands on her hips with her scolding Cana,"Cana! Be nice, Zane didn't know that the Vulcan had taken him over.". "Should we tell him that we knew from the start that he was taken over by that monkey and you were just going to punch him regardless?" said Cole. "He really shouldn't Cole. He's punched the master." said Athena. "Somewhat but I need to make sure not to leave his son. The bond between family is precious and I'll make sure he knew it." said Zane.

Mira said,"I see. I'm sure Romeo is overjoyed to have his dad back.". "Yeah, he looked very happy to me. We did it you guys. We really did a good job." said Lucy. "Didn't you do nothing beside hiding inside of a clock just because it was a little cold and didn't your spirit get knocked out because he's more perverted than the ape?" said Zane. The guild was quiet as Zane said,"What? I'm a very blunt person.". "Smooth Zane." said Kane and Sivarth.

On the end of the bar, Makarov coughed as he said,"Anyway, we owe you a great deal of thanks for helping rescue one of our own.". He soon took a sip of his drink while he sat cross-legged with his smiley-faced cane behind him. "So Zane, why don't you tell Mira the real reason you came back with us?" said Lucy, winking slightly. "Wow. You ruined my surprise Triple B. I'm very much hurt by your action. Anyway, I'm joining your family." said Zane, flashing his signature smile.

The guildhall went silent for a while, the usual chatter dying and being replaced with shock at what the blackette just said. Cana ,who did nothing but sit around and drink most of the day, had to put her ale down and look at Zane in shock. Natsu chuckled with Lucy smiling. "So I'm guessing that you made your mind." said Mira. "Bingo. I didn't join this guild just because you're the best. This guild is something that I've been needing in my life for a long time. A family." said Zane.

He looked right at Master Makarov with him saying,"So how about it old geezer? Is the offer still on the table? There may be some reasons why I joined but the main reason is because I wanted a family's warmth in my Essence. Sly would agree with me wouldn't she?". Sly soon rested on Zane's head with her saying,"And you're learning. Took your stubborn ass long enough.". "Meh. Don't try to change what works." said Zane. Mira smiled warmly as Makarov grinned and laughed like a madman.

Makarov said,"That's the spirit! Yeah!!". He soon raised his mug high into the air with the guild soon following suit being that cheers and laughter erupted throughout the building. "Welcome to Fairy Tail, Zane!" said Natsu, placing a hand on Zane's right shoulder. "Quit touching me!" yelled Zane as he soon did a German suplex on Natsu. "You really need to get over your touching phobia." said Sly as she rested on the table. "I do that once Natsu learns his lesson." said Zane.

Mira ,meanwhile, reached down into the counter behind the bar, taking out the same stamping device with the official seal of Fairy Tail etched on the bottom. "So what color do you want?" said Mira with cheer in her voice. "Well, I have a little problem with that." said Zane. Happy poked Natsu ,who was still recovering from Zane's attack, as Cana said,"Is someone afraid of getting a tattoo?". "Not at all Cana. Let me show you." said Zane.

He soon grabbed the stamping device with him soon taking off his jacket. He soon stamped it on his right shoulder ,parallel to his shoulder tattoo, being that the mark was there but it was soon gone in a second. The guild was shocked as Sly said,"Is her wish still in effect?! It's been so long!". "Yeah. I can't be marked but I can sew my guild mark into my clothing and the short robes. Sorry about this Master but you shouldn't piss off a person who can alter reality by just a simple wish." said Zane.

Makarov said,"I see. That's fine Zane. We'll know that you're a member since you wear in on your person at all times right?". "Yep except when I'm asleep." said Zane. Sly slapped her forehead with her saying,"I can be marked Mira unlike my idiot partner. Hey pinkie, how about you pick the color for me.". "Me?" said Natsu who just recovered from Zane's early attack. "Well, we found this guild so I think it's fair." said Sly, smiling. "Sure, I would be happy to." said Natsu.

Happy flew over to the group with him saying,"You called?". Zane rolled his eyes at the cat's bliss and ignorance. "Sorry buddy, I wasn't trying to." said Natsu with placing a hand on the back of his head in a sheepish manner. The blue cat soon shrugged it off with him eating his fish. "So Zane, how long are you able to stay in your transformation?" said Mira. "For weeks at a time. I once had to stay in Brawn Form for a month because I was in a war and man, what a war." said Zane.

Zane wiped his tear with him saying,"I'll miss those guys.". The guild master was laughing his ass off being that he was currently plastered. Zane wasn't used to that sight being that he had been around his fair share of drunks in his life and this wasn't the first. "Oh wow, I'm plastered!" said Makarov. "How much do you have to drink while we're gone?!" said Lucy. "I must have lost count because I was so worried about you guys." said Mira.

Sly coughed as she said,"My guild mark. Remember?". "Where would you like it Sly and in what color?" said Mira. The females turned to see Natsu thinking about it. "How about Dark Blue and in the middle of her back?" said Natsu. "That's actually a good spot Natsu. Not!" said Zane as he karate chopped Natsu. "Hey! What was that for?!" yelled Natsu. "I didn't say that you could pick the spot too pinkie." said Sly. "Then why did you let me pick the color?" said Natsu.

Sly showed Mirajane the back of her head as she said,"Right there Mira. I want to make sure that it's noticeable in my dragon and salamander form.". "Sure thing Sly." said Mira. The barmaid took the device and within in a second of contact, she removed it. She soon had a indigo Fairy Tail guild mark on the back of her head. "So what about you Zane?" said Natsu. Zane sighed as he said,"Watch and learn the power of String Form.". He soon glowed as he turned into a new form.

He's now eight feet tall with him having a lean yet muscular figure. His skin is tan. He has a cigarette in his mouth with it currently being lit. His lavender hair is cut short ,with it looking like it was made out of thread, and it currently covered his forehead. He has six pupil-less monochromatic red eyes which are hidden by a pair of curved thin black sunglasses. His mouth was open and were exposing his pointed down fangs. He has four arms. 

Zane is wearing a black double-breasted suit over a white shirt, red tie that has the symbol of a black widow on it, blue jeans with a white web pattern to it, and black dress boots with thick gray soles. He's wearing the short black robe like his other forms with Lucy noticing that Zane's guild mark was there and under his superhero logo. The blond was unaware of what the superhero logo however. The guild mark is a platinum color and its outline is crimson red. 

Happy said,"What can this form do?". "Make new clothing and also this." said Zane. He soon made Natsu soon jump in the air with Sly saying,"This form is like a marionette thanks to his ability to create some powerful string.". "And I love making my enemies do stuff like this." said Zane. He soon made Natsu begin to punch himself with the guild laughing at the scene. Zane soon turned back to normal as Mira said,"I'll explain the basics of doing jobs tomorrow since its late.".

Sly said,"Don't worry Zane. I already found a place thanks to Mira's help and it's near a really good restaurant. You'll love it. We'll just have to wait a bit.". "Ah. Thanks for helping Mirajane. We got some money in Hargeon. So do I have to do jobs in order to get Jewels?" said Zane. "Yep. I guess you won't need that much help after all." said Mira. "Well, I'll still take it anyway. So how much are places here in town?" said Zane.

Lucy said,"Well, most apartment places cost around 50,000 to 100,000 Jewel a month.". "I actually got it for a steal. It's for 1,000 Jewels but the place is need of some major renovations." said Sly. "She's right. It's a dump Zane." said Mira. "Well, I really don't care if the place is a dump Mirajane. If I have somewhere to crash for the night, I will be good." said Zane. "Where have lived before now?" said Lucy. "Well, it isn't important but I've slept on a bed of spikes before." said Zane.

Natsu said,"So I'm guessing that you have nowhere to stay for the night then?". "I'm not staying with you and Happy Natsu. You didn't ask me or Sly so no." said Zane. "Mira, you should ask him to stay with you.. I think a guy like him and girl like you will be in paradise......." said Makarov with him rolling around and laughing drunkenly. "At least he isn't destroyed the bar. Your grandfather is much worse." said Athena. "Master." said Mira, with a light blush and a warning tone.

The elderly wizard continued laughing being that he rolled off the counter top and hit the ground without any resistance, releasing a pained groan from him. "You really think that the master of such a prestigious guild would be a little more responsible." said Lucy. "Well since Zane said no, how about you stay with me and Happy Lucy? You have nowhere to go right?" said Natsu. Lucy's face turned bright red as Cana and Zane said,"Smooth Natsu.".

Natsu looked confused as Happy said,"You really don't understand the heart of a maiden don't you Natsu?". "What's that supposed to mean?!" said Natsu. "You'll understand when you're older. Your heart may be in the right place but you need to think before you speak. Do you mind if me and Sly sleep here for the night? We'll be gone by tomorrow." said Zane. "It's fine Zane. So can I get you three anything to eat? You all must be pretty hungry." said Mira.

Lucy said ,after recovering from her blushing fit, "I'm good. I need to head out soon. I want to break in my new apartment.". "When did she do that?!" said Cole. "I'm starving so that would be really good Mirajane. Bring a lot." said Zane. Mirajane soon went into the kitchen and Lucy soon left the guild herself. Zane soon looked at everyone eating, drinking, and taking happily to each other. The guild master was still on the ground like a fool, thinking something dirty from his look.

Zane shook his head with him thinking,"Hey you guys. Do you really think this was a good idea to begin with?". "Zane. This is the best way to truly enjoy ourselves plus you've missed having that bond of a family being that it's been a long time." said Sivarth. "Yeah man and Mira is so hot Zane!" said Kane. Athena sighed as Zane thought,"Okay then. I need to eat.". Mirajane returned with a plate of food as Zane said,"Thank you Mirajane.". He soon started to eat.

Later that night, Zane was currently lying on some table with Sly nearby him. The two were looking at the ceiling high above them. They were the only ones in the guild being that everyone left for the night. "So do you think we should tell them why we're really here? I mean from what I gathered in my time here, they'll seem pretty accepting." said Sly. "Yeah but I read their minds and they're not too keen of killing." said Zane.

Sly said,"True. I'm usually not for killing people but some people are a exception. So what do you think of those three?". "Happy and Natsu are nice people but Natsu reminds me of a younger me but more impulsive like most hot heads. Lucy is useless but I may be judging her based off my hatred of the summoner class in games. Horrible reason but I can be really petty. We're in for a wild ride for sure." said Zane. The two soon went for sleep being that their mission was just starting.

Next time,
After saving Macao from a perverted Vulcan and slave trader in Hargeon, things are only going to get crazy at Fairy Tail. The trio of Lucy, Sly, and Zane began their first jobs being that Sly and Zane go on their own with Lucy going with Happy and Natsu. One of the two jobs involving retrieving a book from a corrupt politician by dressing like a maid and the one is currently being a bodyguard for Sorcerer Weekly. These two jobs are different but similar at the same time. This and more next time on Fairy Legion!

Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Gravity Form. This card has a black frame with a planet with little rocks floating around it. This form was introduced in Zero Episode 21 and it's Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet. This form can create and manipulate gravity around him.

Water Form. This card has a black frame with a giant wave in the background of the card and a fish like creature surfing that wave. This form was introduced in Zero Episode 16 and it's Prime Form was introduced in Zero Episode 49. He can control and manipulate the water with Zane able to take off the form for undersea diving. The appearance without the armor was introduced in Zero Episode 42 and its Prime Form hasn't been seen yet. This form later gets a change/upgrade thanks to the Zenith Core. It's very similar to Brain and Frost Form being that instead of going through a metamorphosis, both Water Form and its Prime Form (With or Without Armor) progress into the future or matures according to Parker. It's armored form is seen in person around the time of Fairy Legion Chapter 32 alongside its Prime Form. It's unarmored form is seen in person around the time of Zero Episode 124 alongside its Prime Form.

Frankenstein Form. This card has a black frame with a creature covered in a blanket and getting a shock from a giant bolt of lightning coming from the heavens. This form was introduced in Zero Episode 19 and it's Prime Form was introduced in Zero Episode 89. He can control and manipulate the thunder that course through his body which is a crimson red color. He's one member of the monster four which consisted of Frankenstein, Mummy, Vampire, and Werewolf Form. This form is somewhat painful according to Zane when he was younger.

String Form. This card has a black frame with a spider like silhouette in the center of the card. It's holding a sewing needle and spindle filled with string. This form was introduced in Zero Episode 54 and its Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet. This form can make clothing on the spot being that he's an expert with his string.

New Cards/Forms that haven't been seen in Zero yet:
Restore Form. This card has a black frame with several red crosses all over the cards with two syringes crossed. This Form hasn't been in Zero yet and it doesn't have a Prime Form, He's able to heal anyone using his viruses, He can heal himself as well being able to restore the environment such as which forest, animals, and building. This form is used mainly to heal Zane if he goes overboard on his training. He usually talks with pronouns just as we and us due to him being a hive mind.

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