Sunday, March 19, 2017

Zero Episode 16 A Maiden's Anger

A/N: Yeah. I will admit that last episode was really preachy. I fully admit to that but sometimes, you need to preach. We are also slowly learning about the Z.E.R.O. watch which is based off Iron Man's Armor from the nineties animated series. It could change from its normal form to something else. It is like that but far better in my opinion. Lets begin with Zane training with the older members of Team Power in their training zone in Taelamelan.

Narrator P.O.V.
Inside of a Colosseum that looked to be from Rome, Italy. Ray stood there with his body covered in orichalcum and he said,"Ready for your beat down good girl?!". He stood across from Tara with her saying,"You're so going down bad boy.". Zane sat there in the stands with Kania with her saying ,"So are they dating?". "I honestly don't know girl." said Zane. Eon stood there in front of the two and he said,"And begin!". He disappeared into the stands.

Ray rushed toward Tara as she made the ground glow under her. She flew into the air and she said,"I think you can't get me from up here ground boy.". "Wow. She is good at making Ray mad." said Zane as the boy jumped toward her. He was caught by Tara with him held in a force field. "I think your temper Zero is nothing compared to Raymond." said Eon. "Wow. I think you both got insulted at the same time. Color me impressed." said Kania.

Ray was dropped on the ground and he said,"How about you fight me down here? Danny does that with me.". "Yeah but Tara isn't Daniel." said Eon. "She uses her brain more than her muscle unlike you. I think I used my emotions right?" aid Zane. "Sure you do buddy." said Kania. "I got to agree with Kania cos." said Tara as she floated toward the trio. "Continue the training!" said Eon. Ray and Tara fought with Zane enjoying some popcorn.

Eon said,"So explain to me why Daniel, Gwendolyn, Karen, and Rachel aren't here again Zero? My student is powerful but can still learn more and Daniel, I got nothing.". "Well, I bet that you noticed the amount of portals from Terrarune opening up right? I have been busy catching and sending them back with me suffering in school because of that. I also seen as a delinquent due to my problems with authority," said Zane.

Eon said,"I see. They are helping you while you take a break. They are good friends. Your father had trouble working with others unlike you.". "So what did you do with Kevin and Marcus anyway Zane?" said Kania. "Well, I used that to get what I want. So have you been inside of Uncle Ed's house yet?" said Zane. "No. Have you?" said Kania. "Yes. I think Kevin has more electronics devices in his house but it is more scary. He has a weapon vault." said Zane.

Eon said,"Really? Have you been in there?". "Yeah. It's a death trap and wow, I think my uncle is a major hoarder." said Zane. "Hey. What happened to those two?" said Kania. Eon and Zane looked down and the two were out cold. "I'm guessing that Raymond punched one of Tara's force fields hard enough to cause a shockwave to knock them both out. I think we have found something out." said Eon. "Yeah. Anyone up for a Slushie?" said Zane. The dog and wizard rolled their eyes.

The next day, Zane was currently sitting at a picnic table outside with Karen and Rachel. Zane looked up to see that it was the annual Fall Dance at Cypress High. Most of the student body except for him were interested in getting a date with one of them being Kevin who was asking out girls during lunch time and crashing hard. "Hi there. I'm Kevin and I was wondering if you would...." said Kevin. "No way." said the girl that he asked. He asked three girls with them all saying no.

He walked over to Karen and Zane looked at him. He looked slightly depressed with Zane rolling his eyes. He went to staring at cloud with the girls next to him working on their homework. Kevin faked a cough to get their attention even though he was slightly scared of an angry Zane. "Huh? What do you want Kevin? I'm currently looking at the clouds here." said Zane. "How about the fact that I asked out every single girl in our grade to the dance and all of them said no?" said Kevin.

Rachel said,"That isn't a surprise Kevin. I mean you did get possessed by a Phantom and tried to convince all to eat meat, You are also what girls don't want in a guy.". "What is that supposed to mean rich girl?" said Kevin as he glared at her. "It means that they don't like you. You also asked girls from the A-Listers. You know they're the group at the top being the children from money, good looks, good at sports, cheerleaders, or something that makes them stick out." said Rachel.

Karen said,"Or in layman's terms Kevin, they were are ignorant, pompous, superficial, vulgar, and they think that they should have everything on a silver platter.". "Is that a bad thing?" said Kevin who was acting stupid. "No. They are out of your league. Ask out someone in your league." said Rachel who were getting sick of him. "You could get any guy that you want with you being rich and you also have Zane." said Kevin.

Zane looked at him and he said,"So how did I get wrapped into this?". "First off, Zane isn't interested in the dance plus I hated those people even more than Zane does." said Rachel. "I would disagree and also you wouldn't have a chance with her Kevin. Her family is loaded. Be nice Rachel. Kevin, if you want a girlfriend just be yourself and not someone else." said Zane. "Why not?! The ladies love a man who is confident!" said Kevin.

He turned his head to wink at some cheerleaders walking by. The girls saw this and turned their heads with one of them waving to Zane. Karen got a little jealous with Rachel rolling her eyes. Kevin tried this with a short haired brunette who flipped him before going back into the school. Rachel couldn't stop laughing at this with Karen giggling. "Love a man who is confident? You have a point but I think you are mixing up confidence with egotism." said Zane.

Kevin scanned the area and he said,"It doesn't matter. You should always go for the gold and there she is.". The trio saw his gaze and he saw Kristen. She sat under a tree reading a book with several boys fighting over her attention. "Kristen." said Kevin. "Seriously Kristen? You know that she has a boyfriend right and she can't be bought." said Rachel. "So how much change do you have any you man?" said Kevin. "Let me see man. I think Ten." said Zane.

Karen pinched him and she said,"Zane!". "Ouch!" said Zane. "Give me it!" said Kevin. Zane flicked him away as Zane said,"Sorry but this is for food money.". "You shouldn't judge a book by its cover. I think she's reading a poetry book." said Karen. "No way! That stuff is for nerds. I bet she is reading a fashion magazine." said Kevin. "Well I am going to find out while getting me a drink because I am so thirsty." said Zane. He got up as Rachel said to Karen,"You need to step your game.".

Zane then walked over to the nearby soda machine which just happened to be by Kristen. "Hey there Zane." said Kristen. Zane stopped and he said,"Let me guess. You're going to say that you're saying that you have fallen for me. That line was so last semester.". "Ha. You are so funny Zaney." said Kristen as her voice dripped with sarcasm. "So why are you out here by yourself?" said Zane who sat down. "I just need some space from Hannah and Sam because well, the dance." said Kristen.

Zane said,"Yeah. I really don't care.". "Do you care about anything?" said Kristen. "I do. If they run out of soda, I care. You want one?" said Zane. "I would like a water. It's way better for you." said Kristen. She walked with him as Zane said,"Seriously Kristen? A dollar fifty for a bottle of orange soda and a dollar twenty five for water, what is this world coming too?". "Wow Zane. I thought that you were just a crazy idiot but now, you're insane." said Kristen.

The two flirted as Kevin got jealous at Zane's luck with the ladies and Karen was starting to get worry about Zane. On the roof, a portal appeared once again and something different from Florence aka the Food Queen came out. It was a young woman with her brown hair braided and pale skin. She wears a dark green medieval inspired gown with a blue string tied around the waist and matching sleeves that cover her entire arms except for her hands.

Around her next, she wears a gold amulet with a aquamarine jewel very similar to a reptile eyes and she has glowing red eyes. She looked around and she looked down at the humans who didn't even notice her. She floated down and became invisible not to notice her. She looked around and she saw a poster for the school dance. Her eyes grew smaller as she got more visible. Her body began to change from pale to dark red.

Her skin was gaining a scale armor around her with her face stretching to form a reptile like nose and she had gold horns growing from her head. Large wings popped out of her back along with a tail from the back and she grew in size to be the same size as the building next to her. She roared causing all of the students to notice her with them running away in fear but the dragon spread her wings out and took to the sky.

The screams from the students caused others to see the flying reptile with them screaming. Kristen and Zane were part of this as they retrieved their drinks from the machine. Zane's Crisis Judgment went off with him noticing but the dragon was about to attack a group of student. "Another one of those things?" said Kristen. "And I just got my drink." said Zane. "Really?" said Kristen. "Yep. I'll right back. I just have to go get my car. My mom gave me a weapon just in case." said Zane.

He ran off as Zane hid behind a dumpster. "Okay. That was a dick move but I need to stop that gecko from hurting the student body." said Zane. He turned into Zero and he flew toward the dragon. She saw him and she let out a huge amount of elemental fire. Zane created an Nether shield around him as he said,"Sorry you over grown gecko but I'm not in the mood for a tan. Taste this!". He created a little fist which grew in size upon hitting the dragon's stomach.

The dragon flew back with Zane saying,"Time for a new toy!". A card appeared in his chest plate and it had a silver frame. The card's picture had a bazooka in the hands of a soldier with a giant explosion right behind him. His body glowed yellow. Two matching bazookas appeared in his hands with them having a thin girder like appearance with him holding the grips of them. They didn't have triggers due to them being connected to Zane mentally. "Swift Bazooka!" said Zane.

He fired two missiles at the dragon with the beast roaring in anger. She grabbed Zane with her right claw and she made it hard for him to breathe. She slammed him into the ground and Karen looked at Zane. She was worried but she was shocked to see Kristen running over to the dragon. Zane saw this as well as he said,"Kristen?!  What are you doing?!". "Helping you hero boy." said Kristen. She threw the bottle of water and orange drink at the dragon.

Zane thought,"NO!". The dragon looked at the human and she let out a roar. She was about to grab her with her other claw as Kristen said,"Maybe this was a bad idea!". During that, Zane escaped and he was mad. The bazookas were gone as a new card went in its place. It had a black frame with a tiger in the center of it. He's twelve feet tall with him having a muscular build. He looked to be a liger ,a hybrid of a lion and tiger, and he doesn't have a tail unlike more felines.

He has shaggy black fur that covered his entire body with white stripes on his forearms, legs, shoulders and upper half of his body. His chest and mouth/muzzle is a white color with two of his sharp teeth coming out of his mouth. He has a tiny snout with a small orange nose. His eyes are bright blue with red sclera. He has a belt formed of energy that looked to be a championship belt. In the center of this belt on him, he has his superhero logo. 

It's the sword and shield from Zero Episode 1. His ears are the exact same color as his nose and slightly bigger than his nose. He has large hands and feet with five fingers and toes respectively. For clothing, he wears a dark red gi with a black mark on the right chest of the gi that has the word LZ there, a pair of black fingerless gloves, a pair of dark red pants with a white tiger-like stripes pattern, and three large retractable black claws on his feet and wrists. 

The crowd watching saw Zane's new form and he roared out,"Liger Form!". The roar got the dragon's attention. "Hey there brother! You may hate students for some reason!  I can deal with you hurting me, making fun of me, or hurting my feelings brother but no one lives after spilling a drink in front of me!". He rushed toward the beast and he yelled,"Die gecko brother!". He punched the dragon hard in the back and he kept on punching it. 

The dragon tried to get him off but this caused Zane to rush toward her with him punching her face into the ground. During this beatdown, Roxy was trying to get away just in case Zane hurts her during his rage. She hid behind an over turned table with her seeing Kevin looking at her with a smirk. "So how are you doing? Did that overgrown kitty hurt you?" said Kevin. "Really? You're flirting with me right now?" said Roxy.

She turned back to the fight and Kevin said,"So how is he doing?". "Well...." said Kristen. She then saw the cat making the dragon punch itself and he yelled,"How about you quit hitting yourself brother! If you are a real dragon, try and hit me then brother!". "He's winning by just punching it. I think Zero isn't really thinking about stopping it. I do hope Zane isn't mad about me wasting his drinks but Zero is for some reason." said Kristen. Kevin groaned at hearing Zane's name once again.

During the fight, Zane noticed the golden trinket around her neck and he thought,"Why would this over grown gecko have a gold shiny thing?". He caught the claws and he threw the dragon back. He jumped onto it and he ripped off the necklace. Zane was shocked to see that the dragon was actually a girl and she said,"Get off me you dam dirty feline!". She didn't noticed that the necklace was gone and landed in the bushes.

She said,"All I wanted to do is go to this dance but you wouldn't let me.". "Okay then brother who can transform into a dragon. How about you stand up and just do it already?! And don't mess with the orange flavored drink ever again! Or I will hurt you brother!" yelled Zane. He punched her back to Terrarune and Zane took the card out, shivering. "Note to self. He has angry issues and like saying the word brother." said Zane.  

Athena said,"Power remaining 50%.". Seeing that the coast was clear, Kristen ran up to Zane to check up on him with her saying,"Wow. You really have a temper don't you hero boy?". "I do but did you have to spill the orange nectar?" said Zane. She punched him and Kristen said,"You really went into that form because of a drink?". "Yeah. I kinda did." said Zane. "Sometimes. You remind me of Zane. So where did he go anyway?" said Kristen. "He is fine." said Zane.

The two talked with the amulet being picked up by Sam. She looked at it and she placed it around her neck with a smile. "Looks like good things happen to people like me." said Sam. Despite the dragon attack and the rampage of Zane's newest form, the students went on with their day but they were taking about the dance or the attack earlier rather studying. They were pretty sure that it was some stunt for a movie or for a TV show that the teachers didn't tell them about.

Others believed that it was created by the nerds to scare everyone while one of them played Zero to impress Sam and when Zane and company heard these rumors, Zane couldn't stop laughing. He was actually crying from them. He stopped in front of his locker and his Crisis Judgement went off. He turned to face Brad and Zane said,"And what do I owe this honor Bradley? Run out of nerds or did you fail another test?".

Brad said,"Shut up Zane. I want to make a bet with you.". Danny said,"We're interested.". Zane then looked at his friend and he said,"What are you talking about?". "I bet you're not going to the dance this Saturday making you an anti-social loser." said Brad. "Wow. How original." said Zane. "So what is the bet?" said Danny. "Whoever brings the hotter girl between us has to dress up like a cheerleader for Halloween you interested?" said Brad.

Danny said,"We're in!". Zane looked at Danny with Brad saying,"I bet you'll rock that skirt.". "Hey. I was going to say the same for you except we'll need an extra wide skirt." said Zane. Brad growled as he was about to throw a punch. "Don't man. We need you for that." said Austin. "You're lucky that I'm needed for something else." said Brad. "Yeah. I would have made you hit the metal lockers so hard buddy." said Zane. He and Danny walked away.

Zane stood in front of his car and he said,"Okay. What are you doing? You know that I wasn't going to the dance because I have extra circular stuff after school this weekend.". "Your mom told me to get you out Saturday night and do something with your peers. She says that crime can take the night off and so can you. I have a date." said Danny. "You know that Gwen mostly likely doesn't know what a dance is and you're going as friends so does that count?" said Zane.

Danny said,"Okay. I didn't expect Brad to do that so what are you going to do?". "Nothing. I don't mind wearing a skirt. I think I would rock the whole cheerleader thing." said Zane. "What about Nova man?" said Danny. "Nova? Haven't seen her since New York." said Zane. "Dude. You sound so happy when you were talking about her and her accent. How about you go on patrol and maybe you'll find her? I will see you tomorrow okay?" said Danny.

He walked away as Zane heard,"Zane!". He turned around to see Kevin walking toward him but he was punched square in the fact by Mack with him saying,"You really should stop trying to flirt with my girls loser.". He walked away as Kevin was knocked out from the punch. Zane would normally help him but after spending the entire trying to pick up chicks and failing badly at it, he didn't want to help. He got into his car and he drove off as Kevin was left there.

Zane was heading toward home and he saw police car heading toward the pizzeria. "Okay. I guess I'm never going to get the day off." said Zane. He parked in the alleyway across from the street and he saw a giant hole in the building. The dragon from earlier emerged and she roared. "Again? Someone must have found that necklace of hers but who has it now?" said Zane. He got out of his car and he crossed his hands turning into Zero.

People rushed out of the restaurant while the dragon went on a rampage with them screaming. It was causing the dragon to be really annoyed. She aimed her head at them with elemental fire rushing to them and Zane flew toward the fire. He made a giant Steel Gray Nether wall, blocking the fire. "Two words. Mouth wash." said Zane. He threw an Nether fist into the chest causing her to go back with the building to break a bit more. "Note to self, remove dragon from area." said Zane.

She then looked at Zane with her roaring at him but her eyes opened as she saw another Nether ,but slightly bigger, fist heading toward her face. She moved to the right with evading the attack but Zane saw this as a chance. He fire a steel gray Nether beam into her side and she roared. He landed on the ground and he said,"Come on. Hit me with your best shot!". The dragon got back up and she flew away from Zane with her roaring.

Zane sighed as he said,"Okay. I better make sure no one is trapped under the rubble.". He searched around inside and he saw no one around. "Okay. Why did the dragon attack here to begin with? I'm still trying to figure out why she attack the school." said Zane. He noticed that one of the table was untouched and he thought,"Weird.". He flew after as he could hear news vans. He didn't want to be seen by the news and called the person who did this.

At the Alvarez house, they were having dinner. Natasha made a pasta dish that smelled just like from Italy with the Alvarez men sitting at the table and getting really hungry. Zane devour it when a plate was in front of him with his family rolling his eyes. Kania sat nearby them with her enjoying it. As they enjoyed their meal, the TV in the living room was left on. The TV was taking about the dragon attacks with Zane looking down.

Arturo said,"Zane, what do you know about the dragon attacks?". "They attacked the school and the pizzeria. I was nearby and...." said Zane. "Zane. I don't mind if you fight Phantoms but try your best to keep them away from large groups of people if you have a chance or try not to break any building because they could find you out and it would cost you a lot to fix it all." said Natasha. "Thanks mom but why are you making me go to the dance?" said Zane.

Kania said,"Wow. He figured out really fast.". "Danny told me." said Zane. "You need to be a teen son. I knew that you wouldn't ask a girl so I asked Susan if she could send Marcia to help you out with a date." said Natasha. "Seriously? You remember what happened the last time we were together mom?" said Zane. "You two were so cute together and she'll arrive Saturday night so get ready okay Zane?" said Natasha. "Fine." said Zane. He sulked by eating.

Zane P.O.V.
Friday arrived and I was tired. The Phantom dragon shown itself again which means that I was really busy. Even with the help of my team, I was still busy. I'm really lucky that the cops weren't after me and my friends because I spend time making sure that the people and buildings were safe but I kept letting the dragon go, I was also looking for the amulet which summoned the dragon to Earth and I am scared of using a new form because of Liger Form being filled by rage.

The day at school was pretty eh for me. I tried to stop the A listers from being dicks and bitches but well, you can't change people even with force. I watched Kevin trying to find a girl who wasn't taken for the dance and failing hard. It was either really funny to look at or just sad mainly the later to me but sometimes, I got a laugh. In Gym class, me, Danny, and Gwen watched as Kevin tried and failed to impress a girl from the basketball team by attempting a slam drunk.

Danny laughed at how Kevin couldn't even jump more than a foot off the ground with Gwen looking away so that she wouldn't see how embarrassing it was. I was so tempted to destroy Kevin's larger than humanly possible ego but he seemed determined so I sat there. He went back as he was half way across the court with the rest of the class watching this display. The jocks ,that were in our class, are making jokes about how Kevin would fail and land face first into the ground.

Kevin ignored them as he winked to the girl who was on his phone before jumping toward the post and Danny said,"This is going to be so good.". "I can't watch this." said Gwen. I covered her eyes as I didn't need to do anything since fate wasn't kind to poor Kevin. He tripped over air as he landed face first onto the floor with the face bouncing off the floor causing his body to flip over. He landed on his back with him looking at the ceiling with him seeing stars.

The others including Danny laughed at Kevin with Gwen pinching him. "Ouch. What was that for Gwen?" said Danny. "You being a jerk. Kevin may be a horrible person but no one deserves that kind of bad luck." said Gwen. I went over to Kevin and I kicked him gently. He was still out cold and the magical girl went her placing her hand on his chest. It was still moving with me and Gwen being the only ones who kind care about Kevin.

He woke up to see us looking at him. "Dude. Wasn't I amazing?" said Kevin. Gwen looked at me and I said,"Dude. She laughed the hardest when she saw your face hit the floor. I guess being in the NBA is out of your future.". I grabbed a ball and I started to dribble it. "Man. I must look like a giant loser to her." said Kevin. I turned my back to a basket and I threw the ball behind me. It landed in the basket and the girls cheered. I waved to them as Kevin said,"Dick move Zane."

I heard him but Gwen didn't due to the bell ring meaning that class was over. The rest of the class but Danny left him alone as they went to go change out of their gym clothes. "I can't believe them. They would leave a classmate behind if they have a chance." said Gwen. I helped Kevin as Danny said,"It is the way things work here Gwen. If you aren't popular, they don't give a dam about you.". Me and Danny dragged Kevin to the nurse's office as Gwen went to go change.

Narrator P.O.V.
At lunch, Gwen was looking through a book to try and find the amulet that Zane was talking about as Zane was nearby sipping on a soda. "So who do you think took it?" said Gwen. "I don't know but I don't think it could be our friends Gwen." said Zane. "What makes you so sure? I highly doubt that our friends would do something like this." said Gwen. "Karen can't go near the pizza place, Rachel and Tara wouldn't go into the dress shop, and Danny and Ray hate shopping." said Zane.

Gwen said,"Wow. So we have over two hundred suspects.". "I would say slightly less because of the fact that the amulet seems to react to anger. Thanks to my powers, I could feel the emotions and that dragon was filled with rage." said Zane. "Do you think it could be Kevin?" said Gwen. "He could have but I expect it is a girl." said Zane. Before Gwen could ask him why, Zane noticed Brad and the rest of the jocks. He wasn't in the mood for Brad right now.

The group was joking and bragging about how many of the nerds that they picked on today with Zane being surprised on the fact that Brad wasn't do anything to him. The hero expected him to be saving all of his teasing for tonight and he heard,"Dude, did you see that piece of shit necklace around Sam's neck?". "Yeah. She so does it for the attention." said Bryan. "Yeah but who cares? She has the best rack in school and that gold necklace with a blue jewel in the middle" said Brad.    

They laughed while thinking about her rack. "So is that all guys think about?" said Gwen. "I would say yes but I don't want to slam my gender. I may hate Sam but she isn't some trophy won at the fair or at the big game. Did they say necklace?" said Zane. "Good. I thought that you didn't hear that part Zane. I think we know the owner of the amulet. We should try to get it away from her because from I have heard, she can be a real bitch." said Gwen.

Zane said,"You're turning into a mini Rachel which scares me.". "Anyway, how are we going to get it off her?" said Gwen. "We could use a magic spell to lift it off." said Zane. "Yeah but I can't let people see me doing it and that spell requires me to be real close to her. Does your uncle have anything that we can use?" said Gwen. "He does but I rather not cause her to be hurt. I rather not fight the dragon for a fifth time and destroy my uncle's house. I just hope she doesn't get mad." said Zane.

As the day ended, Zane was on edge. He couldn't stop wondering what would happen if Sam used the powers and turned into that monster. He wasn't a detective but he could tell that Sam is a living bomb when it comes to her emotions and if some lit that flame, Zane would be fighting a dragon and the dance would be cancelled. He didn't care about the dance but he knew that the rest of the school did and he couldn't do that to them.

Nothing went wrong with Zane thanking the gods for that. Most of the school left to either go get ready for the dance or those without a date went on with their lives. Among them included Kevin who was sad about it. He stepped out of the school with him moping about how not a single girl wanted to go to the dance with him. "What's wrong with the girls here?! I have charm, good looks, and charisma. Are they blind?" said Kevin. He walked up to Karen, Rachel, and Zane.

Rachel said with anger in her voice,"You're none of them Kevin. I think you're the complete opposite of those things.". "Hera." said Zane. "Then what's wrong with me?" said Kevin. "Please don't answer that Rachel. I really don't want a fight today." said Karen. "Fine. Zane. What are my flaws and please be honest with your pal?" said Kevin. "Okay. You're a narcissist, womanizer, selfish, irresponsible, a coward, sexist, an ego maniac, and a megalomaniac. Anything else sir?" said Zane.

The trio was shocked at what Zane said with Kevin saying,"I thought you were my friend!". "Yeah. I wouldn't say friend but more of an annoyance. I don't want to sugarcoat the truth from you but you really need to hear that. I got bigger problems on my hands than your sad excuse of a love life." said Zane. "Wow. Zane was savage." whispered Karen. "I think Sam having a necklace that turns into a giant and fire breathing dragon would make him act like this." whispered Rachel.

While Zane was trying to figure out how to remove the necklace, Sam was walking toward their location. She then saw Brad talking with Austin with her heading up to her and join them but she stopped upon hearing the topic. "So man, are you going to bring Kristen to the dance tonight?" said Austin. "I can't lose to Zit so I'm bringing Roxy instead. She is way hotter than Kristen." said Brad. "I can't believe it. Why not Sam? And aren't you and Kristen a couple?" said Austin.

Brad said with him laughing,"Sam is hot but she is second best compared to Roxy and I am the Brad "Rush" Stevens can do whatever I want with other girls.".  This broke Sam ,mainly the second best part, as she began to turn into the dragon with her roaring loudly. The jocks turned around and they screamed like little girls at seeing the dragon version of Sam. She snapped her teeth at them caused them to run for their lives.

Outside, Zane was about to start his car with Karen and Rachel in the back but his Crisis Judgement activate. He jocks ran out as the dragon was right begin them. She let out another roar causing the remaining students to run in utter terror. "Hera!" said Zane. "Hera?" said Karen. "Since when have you said that?" said Rachel. "Don't know. I really like the Gods. You two, stay here and this gets super serious, call the others." said Zane.

Karen said,"On the brighter side of things, you don't have to worry about getting back the necklace from Sam Zane.". "Yeah but knowing Zane like we do Karen, he'll fight her until he gets the necklace off her that way." said Rachel. "I won't be using Liger Form. That form needs some serious work before I can use it again." said Zane. He ran off as Zane began to turn hero. "It's a good thing that the giant dragon makes such a great distraction from Zane." thought the girls.

Zane made a card appear from his bags around his waist ,where all cards came from, and it was Frost Form. He turned into the bug and he flew toward the dragon with him saying,"Time for you to chill out scaly.". He took a deep breath as a huge burst of ice came flying out. Sam however countered it with her flame breath causing Zane to fly under it. "It looks like she's learning from my previous attacks. Time for Plan B." said Zane.

He flew to the back of the dragon with him heading toward the necklace. However, he was stopped by another wave of fire with Zane wondering if he could even get the amulet off again. "I think you can sense me coming with my cold aura can't you scaly? If that's what you want, I'll bring the fight to you!" said Zane. He landed on the roof top as he removed the card turning back but he had a new card. It was Raptor Form.

He then turned into the avian creature and he said,"Time for you to get a but kicking by me!". He jumped toward her with him spinning to the left due to the dragon aiming for him. He had gotten a kick on her snout. She went back with her tried to smash Zane into the ground but Zane had Crisis Judgement. He grabbed the hand and he kicked it back. "Okay. She seems to be able to sense me coming. I can't exact use all of my power or I'll be cooked." thought Zane.

While he was thinking this, he was dodging her fiery breath. She stood on her hind legs and she had her wings out with her about to fly into the air. She was about to make another fire blast but this one was going to be bigger. In the process, her neck and amulet were exposed and Zane smiled. "Time to fight fire with water!" said Zane. He removed the card turning back into Zane as he activated a new card in its place.

It had a black frame with a giant wave in the background of the card and a fish like creature surfing that wave. Zane was now a ,dark red and fish inspired, suit of living armor standing there with the armor being slightly cracked. He had a hood connected to the armor and his face is the visor that's connected to the hood. On the visor, Zane has four glowing green eyes which works as his eyes and doesn't have a mouth but can still talk.

The chest part of his armor looked like a crab with it having two matching green eyes on the chest piece and legs forming into a rib cage. He looks six feet tall. The chest color itself is a violet shade of gray. On his hands, he has a hole with his forearms having a unlimited supply of water going through him much like blood. He had a giant dark blue fin on his back very much like a dolphin. He has four fingers with claws instead of nails. He has barnacles that were around his hands and shoulders.

Zane said in a deep and gasping voice,"Water Form! Lets see how you like your first bath in over five centuries!". He aimed his hands at the dragon with water rushing out. The dragon fired her breath and the elements clashed. It was an amazing sight to see,  He soon swam through his water with his legs now being a mermaid tail. "I think it's time to get rid of you foul beast!" yelled Zane. He cocked his fist back, breaking the necklace of Sam's neck.

A huge flash of light blinded anyone who was close by from seeing the fight. When it was gone, the dragon was gone. In the center of the area, Sam was there with Zane holding the necklace in his left hand. "Okay. That was too close. I need to get rid of you and place you somewhere that no one can find you." said Zane. He was about to fly off using pressured water when his danger sense went off.

He turned to see the woman and he said,"What are you doing here?! I will blast you with water and I tend not to hold back.". "I came back for MY necklace. After that savage form of yours attacked me Zero, I came back to get back my necklace." said the woman. Zane gave back her necklace as he said,"Don't come back if you're going to hurt anyone.". "Fine Zero. My name is Mareona and I hope we met on better terms." said Mareona.

She was gone as Zane said,"What the hell is with this overly convenience? I question life many times.". He turned to see the students come near him and he said,"I know that you want me but I have to get Sam here to the hospital.". He picked the girl up on his shoulder and he aimed his hand down to fly off using water pressure. Sam woke up and she said,"Who are you?". "Your knight is shinning armor that was created in Atlantis." said Zane.

He didn't want to save Sam but sometimes, a hero has to be the good guy. "So where are we going exactly?" said Sam. "To the hospital. You need to rest but I promise you that you'll be ready for the dance tomorrow." said Zane. He placed her down on the ground and he said to a doctor,"She is fine but don't let her do anything too stressful.". The doctor nodded as Zane flew off and the hero thought,"I just hope I'll be ready for the dance tomorrow.".

Next time,
The dance shows up and Zane's date arrives. She makes a big splash and a new criminal makes his debut in Cypress Park. This and more next time on Zero!  

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