Thursday, March 28, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 32 Through Rain and Shine, the fight rages on

A/N: Yeah. Last episode was pretty long but this is just the straight of the Phantom Lord arc being that before I talk about my opinion on Volume 92 of One Piece plus some random shit aka Big Mom's Kids due to the Whole Cake Arc being completed in the anime, I should talk about the first major change of this arc aka the reason of war. Now, it's no big secret that I give little fucks about Droy and Jet or as Zane called them Fanboy and Chumchum.

I'll fully admit that nickname won't make any sense until the time skip but you can kinda see it right or am I just crazy? I'm probably just crazy. I do believe that those two have their fans being that I do think that Jet's magic could be useful being that I used a variation of it before in Fairy Legion aka with Lila aka the mayor's daughter. I really do think that it could be but Droy's magic. I mean I've never been a holder type magic fan.

If you get rid of their magic tool, they're pretty much useless. It's getting rid of the healer in a raid being that once you lose their healer, the opposing army will fail. I'm not a tactics expert but I do hate useless character who don't do anything. This will be one of many changes since I did like how it went in the original story but here's the thing. I care about Levy but I give no fucks about Droy and Jet so this will be one of many changes.

We'll be seeing them over time but lets talk about Volumes of One Piece and Big Mom's Kids. Lets start with Volumes because I'm really good at ranting about Big Mom related stuff. Now, I've recently discovered an awesome website for One Piece fans called Library of Ohara. I learned about it from Tekking so if you want to check it out, here's the link for it. It's very detailed and even more than I could ever be.

Now, I've always enjoyed the Volumes to One Piece being that I recently decided to start collecting One Piece because I've finished collecting Fairy Tail in manga volume. I'm getting the multi-book volumes because I don't have that kinda of space since I'm going to be collecting My Hero and Edens Zero as those series go on. I've always enjoyed the SBS being that most of the time, I don't really care about the information revealed.

One such example is anything related to Law since is Volume 91 being that I think that Law is a bit overrated but not a bad character. I rather see the other Supernova shine a bit before we got back to the typical trio of Law, Luffy, and Zoro. Another thing that I never really cared about is the future characters being that they are interesting but not my cup of tear. I do like the 40 and 60 year old Zoro in the good future though. Getting some serious Rayleigh vibes from him.

The Library of Ohara does the Vivre Card Datebooks as well being that like the SBS, I like them but somethings don't interest me. I do like how in Vivre Card Datebook #4 how we learned about Dadan's bounty and how she's wanted by the coast card and not the marines like every other characters. We also see Jimbei's current bounty which I'm betting on its growth. In VCD (Vivre Card Datebook) #4, we learned about some thing about Whitebeard's commanders.

I've never been a fan of the Yonko's highest ranked member shown with a certain girl being that we learn about Ace having Armament Haki in the light novel. I still think his death battle against Natsu was incredibly unfair toward him since the previous One Piece vs Fairy Tail fight was slightly better being that I enjoyed Erza getting sliced by Zoro. Anyway, we also learn the name of Jozu's Devil Fruit.

I really do think I let out my anger of very important characters ,in the story, having their powers revealed in supplementary materials through Smoothie so I was okay with this. We learn that Izou was born in Wano so may he show up along with Marco and Vista who was always one of my favorite member of the commanders. I mean he can produce flowers and we don't know if it's the result of the Devil Fruit.   

Jimbei and Vivi were confirmed to be Straw Hat members but not Karoo. I always liked Jimbei due to his history and connection to Luffy. Vivi had that being that for a long time, I didn't consider her to be a member of the crew. I think one of many reasons why I don't like Carrot is because like with Vivi back in the day, I don't know what they would do and I don't think they deserves to be on the crew unlike Jimbei who literally gave BLOOD for Luffy.

I've said this before but if Carrot joins the crew, I'll be annoyed for a while and get over it. This isn't my story but Oda and it's his choice. I won't stop reading the series if she joins or pretty much cyber bully Oda about it. That isn't something I do. If she doesn't get in, I will be happy and vocal about it for a while. Like this series has shown, I'm petty. Also did everyone else see Alabasta as India and not Egypt? I can be very dense at times.

The next VCD talks about Baroque Works and Fishman Island. Did anyone else think that Mr. 4 was younger and Momoo was only fourteen years old when he got his ass kicked by Luffy and Sanji. It's one of those things that you think about. We also see Mr. 1 or Daz Bones's implied post time skip bounty which is rather small in my opinion. I mean he's working with Crocodile who will hopefully return one day.

We also learn the real names of Baroque Works agent except for Mr. 3, Mr. 2, and Mr. 1 so that's cool. I mean we also know about Crocodile's weakness thanks to Iva and most people assume that Crocodile was once a busty lass before a male thanks to Iva. I would be okay with that but I always thought that it was about how he got that nasty hook or maybe the scar. It could have been done by Whitebeard but it's one of One Piece's many mysteries.

The next VCD was about Jaya and New Fishman Pirates. I'll admit that I'm a fan of the New Fishman Pirates because I love how Oda shows racism through his story. I won't say that they're great villains but do a good job at showing a theme or making it obvious the negative effects of judging other just on their looks. We also learn of the gender of Bacura and Salome. I should have expected them to be females because they come from an island of only women.

However, I honestly that Bacura was the only male on the island. I mean it was obvious but like with Alabasta having influences from Egypt not India, I'm not very observant. Little details fly over my head. Blackbeard having the bounty has means that as a yonko, he has the lowest bounty among them except for Luffy for now. We do learn more about the other members of Blackbeard's group being the ones who joined before the Impel Down event. 

My favorite of this group was Laffitte being that he's so creepy. He has an implied devil fruit thanks to his wings but also has the ability to hypnotize others. I would keep an eye on him plus that horse of Doc Q's horse Stronger. He and Doc Q are going to do something amazing. We're on the last one for now being VCD #7 being we learn about some random stuff such as the ages of Saint Charlos and Saint Shalria.

Anyone else thought that Charlos was in his late teens not his early 20s. I could be wrong being that we also learn that Stussy's age is secret. Could she have discover the secret to eternal youth or maybe she's actually much older? I mean we probably won't learn that fact like what the heck Big News Morgans is and how good the Celestial Dragon's heath care is. I mean what is that bird? Is he a new species or a devil fruit user? We need to know.

The heath care question is because Saint Charlos got owned hard and looks fine after two years. He should have a face implant on his face. The next thing is that Sengoku is the first character to have Conqueror's Haki who isn't a pirate. I always liked Sengoku being that he's the type of character who you can respect even though he's your enemy like Whitebeard did. We also learn some stugg about Garp and Tsuru which is cool.

We learn some stuff about Kuzan but the big one for me among the admiral is the fact that Fujitora's devil fruit aka the Zushi Zushi no mi or Thump Thump fruit. Other than Greenbull, it seems that he'll be the only admiral ,other than Sengoku, who doesn't have a Logia devil fruit. We also learn more about Sabo who I liked more than Ace. Sabo always interested me more. I mean he was voiced by Vic who is in some water right now but I don't judge a character based off their voice actor.

That being said. Once One Piece gets to Punk Hazard before the end of the world, I really want to see Frieza's voice actor voice Caesar Clown. I mean it's the way in Japanese and that's a nice detail that I would like to see. I like Caesar despite him experimenting on kids. I think that he's a fun character but he's a monster. Don't forget about his crimes. I think my favorite thing out of this whole is Stussy who is an attractive female yes but the reason why I learn her is simple.

She believes that Luffy is a mastermind who's faking being stupid. I mean Morgans wrote it in his article so it must be stupid. I don't want to tell her the truth but damn, it would be amazing if Oda actually did that. It would blow the One Piece's community collective mind harder than revealing another big secret like what the One Piece is. I'm looking forward to VCD #8 since it's about Punk Hazard and Skypeia meaning that we'll get some Law stuff.

Yeah. Not looking forward to that but learning more about Caesar and Monet is worth it. Oh and Enel is cool too. I got my main focus. Now, lets get to Volume 92. I mean I kinda went off topic but I tend to do often. I'll say that this. I'm okay with Komourasaki's hair color being that's not the most offense thing to me. Remember how I mentioned that art is subjective. This offense things are related to art and lets start with the elephant in the room aka Kaido's dragon form.

I'll be honest on this. I really didn't think that Kaido need the dragon fruit since he was already intimidating to me but this color for him. It's special to say the least. I mean I still think that he could wipe me from existence but wow, his art style makes him silly. I mean most dragons in Anime and Manga are intimidating. Kaido isn't one of those dragon at least to me being that I'm hoping that his color gets changed.

The other thing is Toko being there. I don't like Toko for reasons that will be seen later on. We also get the most ugly art ,in my opinion, being when Zoro's group (Franky, Robin, Usopp, and Zoro) show the faces upon seeing Luffy's defeat and capture. Still not a fan of them being that time has not changed my opinion. Anyway, lets get into the details of said volume. We get a breast question due to Oda being one.

I mean is that obvious with his work? The reason for why the ladies in Wano don't have large breasts is because of their kimono. Hey, I'm okay with that. The next thing is that we see the human forms of Zoro's swords. You think that they would be busty women but nope, it's men with unique appearance to say the least. Yeah, I learned not to understand Oda. The final thing I want to talk about is Nami getting the future treatment.

I'll admit that I like the good future of Nami being that you wonder why someone women in One Piece look like model despite being in their sixties and some don't. Is there a reason for that? Or is just Oda? I would like to think that there is a serious reason but it could be just Oda's unique art style striking his head. Speaking of Oda's art style, lets talk about the Big Mom Family Tree. I honestly love how in depth Oda and the Library of Ohara on this.

I can't do it justice so check it out here. One thing that I wanted to mentioned that out of her 85 children, they are used grouped together by gender. It could be the Katakuri's group or the Amanda's group. Cracker, Mascarpone, Moscato, and the decuplets don't do this but it's something that I noticed other than Big Mom usually had single births. One thing that I really want to know is what some of their kids's parents.

I bring this fact up with characters like Compo and Laurin being that they're twins but look nothing alike. I like this because twins don't have to alike but they should have some similarities. I guess you could say that they are twins because we can't see either of their eyes. That logic doesn't explain Tablet and High-Fat being twins being one is really short and one is really big. I really thought that Basans would be the twin of Melise due to their horns but nope.

He's the twin of Saint-Marc aka the guy in the armor. We learn that the devil wing guy is part of Big Mom's family but the big one for me is Katou aka the pumpkin headed guy. I mean you would think that he's a homie but nope, he's a human and related to Kanten and Montb being that the three of them are all tall and all have unique sense of fashion. I still like Katou because I mean, he sticks out in a crowd with his weird head.

I do like how learned about Snack in the Anime being that I really want to see him again in Wano because I like him as a Sweet Commander more than Smoothie. I mean he fought against Judge and Smoothie was on a boat most of the arc. I wanted to talk about Joconda for a bit being that I didn't noticed that she was so short. I mean she's maybe four feet tall and I'm not counting the horse. The manga ,at least to me, made her look bigger but the anime made her height look different.

The decuplet may seem lazy with their names mainly with the guys but the fourth male has a devil fruit which is the ability to fuse together with the other decuplets to create a super decuplet. I do wonder if he can fuse with other things such as a cannon or maybe his other siblings other than the people who share his appearance. Getting that fan theory started now. Nougat totally looks up to Katakuri being that his scarf is awfully similar to Katakuri.

I don't blame the man since Katakuri is one of my favorite characters as well. We then get to Flampe aka one of the more hated One Piece character. Like I said with Droy and Jet, she has her fans but I have seen none of them so far. So how did she become a minister? I mean don't you have to be old enough or responsible enough? I could be just bias toward her but hey, it's a question. Anglais isn't a kid but actually a teen.

Do you think he got the same treatment as Joconda. We also see the balloon boys plus Normande who is a half tontatta maybe so please Oda. Reveal the dads. I really want to know and if Kaido is one of them, Big Mom could be coming for child support. We're all done here being that I'll mention this now. Things will be changing for Fairy Tail after this arc. Some of them may be good and some will be bad. It's all your opinion on these changes. Lets begin and expect a lot of links.

Narrator P.O.V.
At the reconstructed guild hall and a day after Zane's fight with Gajeel, the Cross-Species was getting a checkup by Fairy Tail's medic Porlyuscia by demand of Levy who was with Droy and Jet at the hospital. Fun fact, Porlyuschia's voice actress once voiced Frieza. Yeah, that's a true fact look it up folks. Anyway, the medic is a slim and tall elderly woman with pink hair. It was tied in a bun on the back of her head by two large pins with crescent moon-shaped edges.

Two bangs of hair left framing her face being that they have a blondish tone to them. I could be wrong about that. She has reddish eyes and a beauty mark located below her mouth being on the left side of her face. She's wearing a dark green blouse with a tie around the collar, paired with a long matching skirt and simple shoes. Over this, she sports a crimson-colored cape with a wide collar decorated by massive Dragon horn-like decorations protruding outwards.

It's edges were adorned by white, arch-like motifs. "So what's your secret? I mean you've aged gracefully unlike Makarov." said Zane. Porlyuscia rolled her eyes at Zane's comment being that she was interested in Zane's biology. According to Zane, he had gotten injured during his fight with the Black Steel Gajeel whom was nicknamed by Lugnut by Zane. However, he showed no sign of injury unlike the other two patients.

Zane was a pretty decent doctor in his opinion being that those two would be fine like Lugnut was but their pride was destroyed. Zane knew that they were weak being that they were like the groupies who argued with Sam back in his youth except more annoying. He often wondered why Levy joined their team being that even with his powers, women are still a mystery. "Don't try pushing yourself. You could still have some injuries." said Porlyuscia. I'll say this now. I'll be getting her name wrong a lot.

Zane smiled as he said,"Okay. Have a nice day doc.". She merely looked at Zane with her head sharply going "Hmph" before exiting the room where she was looking over Zane being the guild's medical room. "Wow. She isn't very friendly. At least you mock people." said Kane. "You'll have to excuse her Zane. She isn't too found of humans nor human nature." said Makarov. "Yeah but I'm an Eazairvian. Now come on, I have some addressing to do." said Zane.

The guild had most of its members packed in the main hall except for the very obvious ones like Laxus, Mystogan, the Thunder Legion, and Shanks's ripoff Gildarts. We may not have Laxus but we have characters like Krov and Mickey. Yeah, you'll have to look them up. Their importance to the story as a whole is less than Droy and Jet which is saying a lot. The main thing to note is that the guild was infuriated with Phantom Lord and their cowardice.

Them attacking Droy and Jet was the straw that broke the camel's back. Levy was sitting next to the writer aka Lucy and youngest member ,except for Romeo who isn't a member yet but spends a lot of time at the Guild Hall, comforting her as best they could. She had tears swelling up in her eyes being that she couldn't look at the sorry states that Droy and Jet were in because of her. Even though Zane told her that they would be fine, it wasn't help her guilty in the slightest.

Zane didn't tell her of the future where she had been injured alongside Droy and Jet being that just the thought of him pissed him off beyond belief. He saw this the other day being that was one of the reasons why he had to find Gajeel. Just the thought alone being Zane's fist bleed in rage. Everyone was clearly uncomfortable with the whole thing being they've been attacked twice by the same guy within a week.

Elfman clenched his fist so hard being that blood was almost not circulating in them. Gray leaned up against a wall being that his arms crossed. He was trying to get his emotions in check by clenching his teeth. Natsu on the other hand had his emotions out in the open. His fist were clenched while his body shaking in rage. Veins bulged out all along Natsu's face and forehead. His breathing was getting more and more ragged with each breath.

Everyone kept their distance from Natsu being that his look screamed that he was going to thrash someone into a bloody paste if they came close to him. He was burning with rage both figuratively and literally. I mean these flames were literally keeping everyone away from him including Erza who sat at the bar quiet. "Why couldn't I do anything?" muttered Levy being that tears were falling. Her voice was rather faint but Stella heard them clearly.

Natsu would have but he's in rage mode making him unable to hear anything. "I'm so weak. I should have stayed with the girls at the dorm but no. This is all my fault." said Levy. "Levy. This isn't your fault. It's Phantom Lord." said Gray, trying to comfort Levy but he wasn't too good with that touchy feeling stuff. "Yeah. Gray's right." said Lucy. "Both Gray and Lucy are right. Phantom has done more than enough damage to us. They crossed a line that they can't go back from." said Erza.

There was a silence in the guild hall being that no one could disagree with the knight. No one could do anything being that they saw their easily strongest members being Master and Zane who had his hands in his pants pocket. Makarov wasn't wearing his jester outfit but something more official of his title of guild master. This is a white tunic with the Fairy Tail symbol on the left collar and black pants being that all was covered by a formal white coat with white fur around the edges.

It has the Ten Wizard Saints' symbol on the back being that the man was holding a wooden staff as Erza said,"Master. Zane.". "Gramps. Zane. I don't care what you're going to say. I'm burning their guild to the fucking ground and then I'll make Gajeel into scrap metal." said Natsu in a shaky voice being that it was obvious that he was mad. "Natsu. I'm not going to stop you because I'm going with you." said Zane, smiling.

He soon clenched his metallic fist as he said,"I didn't care about this shabby bar being that to me, a building is just that to me. The memories are what matter in the end.". Natsu looked at him before Makarov said,"Let him finish.". Natsu looked at the man being that like Natsu, his body was shaking in unbridled fury. "You think that seeing the future would be great but seeing a future which you don't like. I saw Levy getting injured and well, I got mad." said Zane, shocking the guild.

Lucy covered her mouth as she said,"Seriously?". Sly nodded as she said,"Yep. The future isn't fun to watch when you can't do anything about it.". "A man who lets the people that he cares about hurt like that only means one thing." said Zane. His eyes soon glowed bright gold as he shouted with a loud animal like growl,"REVENGE!". The area around him exploded being that a huge amount of power releasing from his body. "Oh shit. Zaney is mad. This is going to be good." said Lucifer.

Lucy was startled by this being that she seen Zane mad but nothing like this. "We're going to war you bitches!" said Zane with a manic smile, earning a cheer from the guild. Makarov nodded being that while Zane may be a bit blunt and rude, he did care about his family. "Get prepared my children. We are taking the fight to Jose and Phantom Lord! We move at once!" said Makaov. "Aye sir!" said the entire guild.

Zane soon figured out something being that during his fight with Gajeel, he had picked up some very interesting info. He wasn't going to share it just yet. He knew that this was a stupid idea but emotions can cloud reasonable judgement. He used to love fighting but lost interesting over time. Him caring about his treasure hasn't being that he was worried about Kaida's safety. He could ask Mira to keep an eye on her being that was a couple of worries left on his chest. 

He knew that he could handle these idiots in Phantom Lord without much effort but could the rest of the Fairies? He knew very well that emotions are often a deterrent in a fight. It may not matter but in a brawl but in a one on one fight, blood would be spilled for sure. He was tempted to just stay back but he wasn't one to run for a chance to teach idiots their place. Makarov noticed Zane thinking to himself as he said,"Zane. I need you to stay here.".

This shocked the guild with Natsu saying,"You can't be serious gramps! I mean Zane is a really good fighter!". "While I don't disagree with you at all Natsu, we need someone to guard our home being that our home will be left defenseless. I'm sure that you know what I mean Zane. Jose will use us charging us and plan another sneak attack I'm sure. Most of our powerful members are going into battle." said Makarov.

Zane crossed his arms with him saying,"Then getting a fucking guard dog. I ain't skipping out on this fight.". "Yeah! He's going to be taking me there! I'm leading the charge!" said Natsu. Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. What Natsu said but since you're so worried. Zenith Duplication.". An exact copy of Zane soon appeared with Zane saying,"Zone here will stay behind to keep an eye on anyone who wants to stay behind. So are you ready to go Natsu?".

Natsu rapidly nodded as Zane said,"Okay but we're going there by teleportation. See you guys there and Kaida. Stay by Levy and Mira's side and protect them okay?!". "Plus Luce's!" said Natsu with Zane moving his hand back for maybe. Zane soon grabbed Natsu being that the two were gone due to a portal. The rest of the guild followed suit being that Mira thought,"Zane. Everyone. Kick their ass for me.".

Mira soon looked at Zone being the clone said,"So what do you want me to do?". "Just stay here and comfort Levy. I'm pretty sure that's what the real Zane would do." said Mira. "Yeah! I'll keep an eye on Mira like I promised Papa!" said Kaida, standing in front of the bar maiden. Zone nodded as he soon walked over to Levy and Lucy. "The Prime may kill me for doing this but I think this is the right thing to do." said Zone.

He soon hugged the two girls with Levy blushing. "Zane!" said Levy. "I'm not Zane technically but I'll say this. Phantom Lord is heartless. I've met people like them before and well, the Prime got mad beyond belief. He cares about you Levy. Lucy is another story. He finds you to be inexperienced but that will change in time. However, that takes you to do it." said Zone. Lucy nodded as she shed a few tears down her face. "They're going to pay right?" said Lucy. "Of course." said Zone.

At Oak Town, Phantom Lord was gloating about Gajeel defeating two Fairy Tail Wizards being that they weren't stupid to mentioned his defeat at the hands of the Cross-Species. They wanted to live after all. "Okay! That's priceless!" said a Phantom Lord member. "Those stuck up Fairies got what they deserved, huh fellas?!" said a Phantom Lord wizard, raising his glass. It was well known that Phantom Lord hated Fairy Tail and also had no women.

I mean other than Juvia and Sue, did you see any in the background of both the Anime and Manga. I could be very wrong about that though. "So who is this person that the master is talking about?" said Fodder A. "No idea man but he told us to stay the hell away from her." said Fodder B. "Heh. We can't let Gajeel have all of the fun." said a wizard who was sauntering the door with two others. We need to go picking off some fairy wings." said one of the trio with an evil and smug smirk.

As the trio reached the door, they soon felt a powerful presence. "What the hell?" said Fodder A. As above him, Gajeel ,covered in some bandages, was watching from the rafters. "So Salamander and that punk decided to show up first. Time to get my revenge." said Gajeel. The doors to the guild was soon blasted off its hinges by a flaming inferno being that the three that were closed to the door were sent flying back by a clouded figure.

The Phantoms looked toward the entryway as the smoke cleared, revealed a very pissed off Natsu who made the entrance to Phantom Lord catch on fire as Zane stood beside him. "So I'll handle the rift raft. You want Gajeel don't you boy?" said Zane, getting a nod. "Then go get him boy before the others ruin our fun." said Zane. "Thanks man! Where are you Gajeel?!" roared Natsu whose body was engulfed in flames, advancing forward. "Bastard!" yelled a Phantom Lord wizard.

He charged toward Natsu being that he was instantly floored by Zane's fist. "Sorry but Salamander can't be bothered right now. Please come after little old me instead." said Zane, taunting them to come forward. Natsu walked forward being four Phantom Lord wizards ran forward and tried to hit Natsu but the flames around him exploded outwards, sending them flying back as charred bodies. Natsu soon stopped with him looking upwards.

He soon shot upwards with his eyes alight with fury being that Gajeel smirked at him. "Oh wow. You found me. I'm impressed." said Gajeel. He jumped down from the rafters being that all wizards in the area backed away. "Your nose is real good isn't it Salamander." said Gajeel. "Because you stick of Droy, Jet, and Zane's blood. You're going to pay for it tenfoldd!" snarled Natsu with him cracking his knuckles. 

Gajeel chugged being that he said,"It seriously can't be just you two. I mean the odds are heavily in our favor!". "You may want to get your eyes checked or did I kick your ass hard too harder?" said Zane, earning a chuckle from Natsu and growl from Gajeel. Out of the flames, the rest of Fairy Tail stood there except for the trio of Levy, Lucy, and Mira plus Zone. "Fairy Tail has come calling!" said Makarov. "And well, we're not here on friendly terms." said Zane.

Natsu yelled,"Zane! He's mine!". "Gotcha." said Zane, throwing him a thumbs up. "Oh. I'm so scared of you." said Gajeel, mocking Natsu. "Even though he's here, Master Jose's plan is working perfectly isn't it?" thought Gajeel. He didn't know about Zane having the ability to read minds. "Everyone! Let Natsu handle Lugnut! Time to rampage!" yelled Zane. He soon transformed into Water Form being that crab armor had changed drastically since it's last time appearance on Fairy Legion Chapter 25.

We did see it in Zero but for a quick reminder, here is what it looks like. He grows to eight feet being that he’s still a dark red ,fish inspired, living armor showing no sign of damage. He still has a hood connected to the armor and his face is the visor that's connected to the hood. On the visor, Zane has four glowing green eyes which works as his eyes and doesn't have a mouth but can still talk. He now has black mask-like markings around his eyes. The chest part of his armor looked like a crab.

It has two matching green eyes ,which do not work, on the chest piece and legs forming into a rib cage. The chest color itself is a pure gray color. On his hands, he has a hole with his forearms having a unlimited supply of water going through him much like blood. He has five claw fingers and represent dactyls aka the moveable finger of a crab claw. Sticking out of his back, he has a long crab like pincers which can be used as a makeshift tail and cannon.

He lose the giant dark blue fin on his back very much like a dolphin and the barnacle bracelets that were around his hands and shoulders. I should say this now but the forms that were given a new appearance thanks to the Zenith Core will be shown such as Bone and Diamond Form. They will not get a new card info though unless they haven't appeared yet. He soon punched several members back with streams of water that really packed a punch and knocked their lights out.

A Phantom Lord wizard shouted,"What is that takeover?! I've never seen it before!". Zane soon jumped toward him as he said,"Here's a close up look. Ocean Emperor Hydro Gauntlets!". His fists were soon covered by giant gauntlets made out of water and had added spikes. Upon Zane soon hitting the grunt, it cause a huge explosion of water. "Purple Net!" said Macao. Several bluish-purple tendrils of fire soon appeared and wrapped up several Phantoms, holding them in the air.

Macao looked behind him as he said,"Now Wakaba!". Wakaba smirked as he said,"Gotcha. Smoke Crush!". Several pink fists soon came out of his pipe and punched the wizards trapped by Macao. Alzack saw a group of them heading toward him being that he made his revolver appear. "Guns Magic: Spark Shot!" said Alzack, firing bullets at the group heading toward him and they soon got a shock. "What do you think about that?" said Alzack. He was soon caught off guard by Boze.

Boze is a dark-skinned bald man. He wears a reddish-violet V-necked shirt under a pale-green jacket, with a furry blue trim around the collar. He also sports a pair of gold-framed glasses that have purple lenses. "Eat this cowboy!" said Boze, holding up what seems to be light magic. He was soon hit by a magic bullet from Bisca who held her rifle. "Thanks for the assist Bisca." said Alzack, throwing his not so secret crush a thumbs up.

Bisca said,"Don't get distracted there Al. You don't want to be shown up do you. Homing Shot!". She soon fired her weapon at a group of them, hitting them from her sniping point. Zane watched this as he said,"Huh. So Alzack fights up close and Bisca at a distance. Good teamwork.". A random guild member using a springboard to leap at the living armor. However, Zane could easily see this coming from a mile away.

He soon donkey kicked the grunt in the face, sending him flying across the room. A couple of them charged at Zane from the sides being that they were blasted away by streams of water being that unlike the last guy, they were only soaked. Zane smiled being that this fight was going to be easy since his other guild members were handing the rift raft. He was soon surrounded by a group of a dozen Phantom wizards.

Zane soon looked around and said in a mocking tone,"Oh no. I'm so scared. Whatever am I supposed to do against these incredible odds!". "Get the freak!" shouted a wizard. "And you're resorting to name calling too. How rude." said Zane. Zane knew that whatever magic that they had in their disposal, they didn't stand a chance. He soon blasted them away with a powerful stream of water and had been sent toward one of Gray's attacks, freezing them. 

Zane whistled as he said,"Honestly, I didn't see that coming. Oh who am I kidding? I saw that coming from a mile away like that ax you have there young man.". One of the wizards soon tried to hit Zane with an ax but was given a haymaker as a response to the weapon. One of the wizards did get to sneak up behind Zane behind that he stabbed his magic sword through Zane's chest. "Huh. I guess your armor is nothing but a show Fairy." said the man sneering.

Athena said with her smirking,"This is going to be good.". "Before you insult me, pay attention to your surroundings genius." said Zane. The man was shocked to see Zane's chest being intangible as  Zane removed the sword. "What the hell are you?" stammered the man. "Simple. I'm not a fairy but a Superhero! Learn it! Ocean Emperor Ocean Palm!" said Zane. He soon released a spiraling torrent of water toward the man, knocking him back.

He soon jumped toward Erza who sliced back some goons with a rather simple looking sword. "So have fun Prude Knight?" said Zane as he roundhouse kicked a goon into a group of them. Zane soon fist pumped with him saying,"Strike!". Erza looked at him like he was joking as she shook her head. "You and I will take the center. Understand?" said Erza. "Gotcha ma'am." said Zane as he made two water swords.

The two soon burst their way through the mob of wizards being that their rage was obvious being that they were blasted away by either a sword slash or burst of water. In the middle of the brawl, Makarov stood in the center of a group of Phantom Lord wizards who stood there nonchalantly with his arms crossed and eyes closed. "Charge them Makarov. They can't beat us if take them at once!" said a man, rallying a large amount of nearby wizards with his call for a full frontal attack.

Makarov opened his eyes with bright golden light shined out of them. The ground soon began to shake with Makarov's body soon increased to an impressive height of sixty feet. "Wow. That's an impressive height. I'm still bigger." said Sivarth, earning a sigh from his wife. Makarov slammed his right palm on the stone floor, trapping a few wizards underneath and leaving the rest of them staring up in fear and awe. Some of their bones were cracking and breaking.

Zane whistled as he said,"Wow. You made him mad.". He soon blocked a grunt's strike with his arm as he punched the grunt's stomach directly. A wizard that was trapped under Makarov's iron grip as he said,"He's a dam monster!". "And you dare laid your hands on this monster's children! The council's law won't protect you from my wrath!" roared Makarov, with golden light illuminating off his body.

The Phantom Lord wizards all paused with them all of them shocked and awe plastered on their faces being that they were shocked by the power of Master Makarov and the wizards of Fairy Tail. "He's so strong!" said a Phantom Lord grunt. "All of them are strong too!" said a Phantom Lord. "They're destroying us!" said a third grunt. The three grunts were soon kicked directly by a giant foot construct of water, hitting them and making them get up in a massive explosion of air.

Zane's right leg was water being that he smiled. "Ocean Emperor Cyclone Dropkick!" said Zane as he charged toward some grunts with his smile only growing bigger. Reedus smiled as he soon began painting something on his stomach. "Pict Magic: Nature Run Wild/Wild Stampede!" said Reedus as several multicolored boars rushed toward the army of goons around them. "Wood Make: Dam of Bashful Love!" said Laki.

Several blocks ,in the form of tools and weapons, erupted from the ground being that a grunt said in shock,"How is that bashful love?!". "Don't question love!" said Zane, kicking that grunt right in the face. Happy and Sly stood there as a grunt chanted,"Lets get the cat and dragon! It'll be a piece of cake!". "Oh yeah?" said Happy with a creepy look on his face. He soon caused the wizards to crash into him before beating them up with fish. "I'm a wizard too you know!" said Happy.

Sly transformed and looked human. She looked sixteen years old. She's 5 foot 6 with fair skin and good but not super sexy curves. She has a black bone ,with silver streak, tail coming out of her back with a gold and red aura covering it. She has her black hair cut short, stopping just short of boy-style but still stylish. She has red glowing eyes. She's wearing a blue ,with white lace singlets, tank top with tight blue jeans with a black belt.

She's wearing long, slim navy blue high heel boots. Her boots went up to her knees. She kicked several grunts in the face before turning ver to see Happy. The grunts had fish and fruits in their mouth with Happy holding a giant watermelon in his paws. "You got a problem with dragons and cat?" said Happy. "No sir!" said a grunt. "Jose! Show yourself!" shouted Makarov. "Requip: Flame Empress Armor!" said Erza.

She was in the Flame Empress Armor before charging into a nearby wave of enemies, flames coating her blade the whole time. This attack sent them charred and beaten. "Tell me! Where can I find the Element 4!" said Erza. The rest of Phantom Lord wizards went toward Zane who only smiled. "Time for you to learn your place!" said Zane. He jumped toward to a section of incoming enemies being the Cross-Species changed them to try and attack him.

Whenever one of the wizards who would try to stab him with their weapons, they shattered upon coming in contact with the armor being. Zane slammed both of his hands on the ground with him saying,"Ocean Emperor Absolute Method: Kraken Rage!". He gathers water in his palms and he releases it in a large highly destructive streams of water. It formed into a giant octopus like monster that Zane began controlling wrecking everything in its path.

The grunts of Phantom Lord were batted away like they were nothing more than nuisance. It didn't hit the Fairies being that Zane transformed the water into two giant spheres of water that surrounded his hands. He leaped toward a group with him saying,"Ocean Emperor Absolute Method: Abyssal Storm!". He slams both of his hands together with it making a giant sphere that goes around his entire body.

He threw his hands to the sides which causes the sphere to explode into a enormous dome of water hitting everything around him. He went toward the next group and repeated himself. His style of fighting could only be seen as relentless being that everyone ,both friend and foe, saw an aura coming off him. He made his way through any enemy that came into his sight. No matter what they do, they couldn't fight, run, or hide from the enemy. "Who is this guy?!" said one of them in a scared tone.

Zane smirked with him saying,"I'm the superhero who you morons made a terrible mistake in crossing! Those who do that usually end up regretting their entire lives!". He released out several giant bursts of water from his body. Those nearby only looked at him with fear being unable to say a word. Even if they were able to plan on telling him to spare themselves the pain of getting taken down, they were too slow for him.

They were instantly blasted away by a giant burst of water as Zane made his way across the enemy guildhall in an attempt to take down anyone who stood in his way. The Phantom lord wizards were a brave but stupid bunch. They opted to stupidly charge their enemies, hoping their numbers would cause them to make a mistake. However those who decided to charge either Erza and Zane, they were dispatched in an instant with their bodies ,burned or soaked, sent flying across the building.

Those two weren't the only ones that were currently doing a massive amount of damage to Phantom Lord being that Gajeel and Natsu were fighting. Any goon that just happen to caught in the dragon slayer's crossfire were sent flying. All across the building, Alzack, Bisca, Elfman, Gray, Loke, Sly, Stella, and all of the others put their best effort in defeating those who stood against them. This was personal for the fairies.

However above them in the rafters, a cloaked figure was walking the display being that its identity was known. They were wearing a dark red cloak fastened in the front with five buttons and a purple Phantom Lord symbol on its side. The cloak obscured its face in shadows, leaving only its glowing eyes and sinister smirk. It was impressed on the power that Fairy Tail was showing being that they were beating their guild mates like they were nothing.

Its interest was mainly on Master Makarov being on the same level as Master Jose, Erza Scarlet aka  Titania, and Zane being the one who defeated Gajeel and also repaired the mess that Gajeel made on the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. "Titania Erza. She seems weaker than I expected. Laxus and Mystogan are unable to play plus Gildarts but Legion Void Knight will make this fight fun. Master Jose is a fool being the plaything for my master." said the cloaked figure.

Back in Magnolia, Lucy was walking back to the guildhall being that she went to get some food for herself, Kaida, Levy, Mira, and Zone being that the latter acted rather cold toward them. It was very much the opposite of Zane being that while he's an asshole, he still acts warmer than Zane. Zone did however listen to Kaida's demand being that he often transformed into different forms. Lucy asked Zone ,who was in Camouflage Form, for some help in get groceries.

Unlike with Zane, Zone agreed being that he decided to keep his distance from her being that Lucy wondered why Zane didn't give his clone more personality. She had all of the items that she needed in a single bag being that it was still the middle of the morning. Lucy was smiling being that Zone was sure that she was in a better mode for shopping. "So do you think the others have reached Oak Town yet?" said Lucy, glancing over in the direction where she thought Zone was.

There was silence as Lucy sighed. "If I knew that I would be stuck with you Zone, I would have gone with the others but Levy and the others need someone to watch over them and that's us right?" said Lucy. Zone was quiet being that the sky was slowly getting darker along with rain. She looked up to see that it wasn't sunny anymore. "It's raining while the sun's still out? This is a sun shower right? I always liked seeing it." said Lucy.   

She looked down to see that the groceries and grocery bag were getting soggy with the bread softening up. "Oh, c'mon! I spend good money on that bread!" said Lucy with Zone sweatdropping at Lucy's reaction to the rain from his location. She soon saw a person heading toward her being that Zone soon noticed that the person was quite attractive and the Prime's type even with the high amount of blue on her.

She's a slender, teenage girl with azure blue hair curled tightly at the base, midnight blue eyes, snow like skin complexion, and a curvaceous figure. Her hair is curled at the base. She's wearing a sapphire blue coat which was more like a bell shaped dress being that it reached her knees. They have fluffy white trim at the wrist and two white buttons going down the middle. This dress made it clear how curvy she is, mainly up top.

She's wearing a cream colored furry trimmed shawl over her shoulder with a pure white teru teru bōzu doll hanging off the front of the coat just above her cleavage attached to it, and a matching Russian Cossack hat which is a cylinder shape. She also has a black belt around her waist, black stockings, and a black boots. She would catch the eye of any man looking at her but Zone was looking at her eyes staring back at him with a blank expression. "Drip. Drip. Drop." said the woman.

Without warning, she began walking toward Lucy with her eyes losing focus. "I'm the woman of the rain. My name is Juvia." said Juvia. Do note that I'm going with Juvia taking in first person. I'm not the biggest fan of characters talking in the third person because it's just not my cup of tea. I get that it's cute but well, beauty is in the eye of beholder. "Okay then?" said Lucy with her eyes narrowed slightly. She began scanned the girl's features, trying to remember where she had seen her before.

Lucy was pretty sure that she knew the girl from somewhere and recently but she couldn't remembered from where. "What type of woman are you exactly?" said Juvia, holding her hand out to catch some of the rain. "Just the normal type!" said Lucy with her being in comical fear being that Juvia passed right by the blonde. Zone watched this from his spot with him thinking,"Okay. She's weirder than I thought but the rain isn't half bad.". "Drip. Drip. Drop." said Juvia. 

The blonde blinked with her saying,"So what's with the all of the drip dropping?". She turned to see that Juvia walking away from her. She unfolded ,from Hammerspace most likely since she wasn't holding it before, a pink umbrella with a heart pattern being that there were a gold heart at the top with dark pink hearts around the light pink fabric of the umbrella. It has white frilly trim at the base circling around the end of the bell, clearly open. 

The umbrella had a brown handle which was in Juvia's hand tight. "It was nice meeting you. I'll be leaving now." said Juvia with her pretending like nothing was out of the normal. "Okay then. Do you mind taking the rain with you then?!" shouted Lucy, watching Juvia walking away. "I don't think that's how the rain works you blonde but it's weird how it started to rain when she showed up. I wonder if she can..." thought Zone.

Before Juvia could get too far from Lucy, she, Lucy, and Zone heard someone chanting,"Non! Non-non-non-non-non!". The three soon turned to see the pavement rising up in a liquid substance and soon turned into a human. Let me introduce you to easily the creepiest antagonist in the series. He's a slim man of average height with a tiny, pointy, mustache and green hair pointing upwards. His right eye is always hidden by a monocle, attached to a slim chain.

His eye ,under the monocle, seemed small and round, in contrast to his other, larger eye. He's wearing a brown suit with a ragged collar bearing six prominent protrusions jutting outwards ,three on each side, over a white shirt paired with a blackish red tie and simple shoes. He also dons what appears to be a short cape attached to both of his elbows, linking them. He was in a very bizarre stance, standing with his head tilted while he oddly swings his body back and forth.

After getting over the weirdness of the man, Zone noticed that his feet was melded to the ground like they were fused. "Bonjour mademoiselle!" said the man in a thick, French accent. "Great! Another weirdo?!" said a baffled Lucy. "Yep. I think the stereotype of the French being weird is proven right with this guy." thought Zone. I'm also not doing any French with this guy because well, Sol is a very special snowflake to say the least. Didn't figure that out until I started with.

The man said,"Juvia. You must not abandoned the job that Master assigned us.". "Right Sol." said Juvia. "Huh. I wonder if he uses Earth Magic." thought Zone in a sarcastic tone. Sol soon tilted to his head to the side with him adjusting his monocle and looking over Lucy. "My monocle tells me that this one is this mademoiselle is the one that the Master told us to find here. Our cibre is right in front of us." said Sol. "How does it tell you that? But yes, this is Lucy Heartfilia." said Juvia.   

Juvia soon tilted her head cutely ,in Zone's opinion,  as she said,"Blonde. Celestial Spirit wizard of Fairy Tail. This is her Sol.". Lucy didn't know what was going on being that she knew that cibre was French for target. So is there a France or France equivalent in this universe or what? Just curious. "So very sorry for not introducing ourselves to you. I'm Monsieur Sol of the Element Four aka Sol of the Earth." said Sol as he bended his body to the side.

Lucy narrowed her eyes as she heard that. "I've heard about them! You two are with Phantom aren't you?!". "Correct. We've been sent here to collect you from Makarov's nose and bring you back to our master." said Sol. "What?!" said Lucy, clenched her teeth. "I'm sure that it's the rain that prevented her from hearing Sol right?" thought Zone. "My partner in this operation is the rain woman of the Element Four. Juvia of the Great Sea is her name." said Sol.

The rain soon began getting more intense with Lucy dropping her bag and grabbing her keys. She soon got in a defensive stance as the milk from the grocery bag streamed out of the carton. What a good waste of milk. "You guys are going to pay for what you did to my friends!" said Lucy with an angry look on her face. Before she could activate her magic, her body was suddenly submerged into a sphere of water.

Her key bag dropped onto the ground as she tried to break out of it. Sol's left eye expanded with his mustache being twirled. "Nope. The renovation of your guild hall plus those two losers from your guild was done by Gajeel before he was defeated by that new wizard of yours. We were with him in spirit though!" said Sol, with Lucy pounding at the water sphere. She pushed her head through the water as she said,"What is this thing?!".

The water soon brought her back in as Juvia said,"My Water Lock cannot be broken. Don't waste your precious time remaining." said Juvia. Lucy's eyes were close as she lost consciousness due to air loss being that the blond was out cold. "Well done Juvia! Victory is ours!" said Sol, "cheering" being that he moved back and forth. "We were given orders to keep you alive by our Master. You're nothing more than the object meant for capture Lucy Heartfilia." said Juvia.

The keys had fallen to the ground with Juvia about to deactivate the water sphere before her and Sol heard a growl. They looked around to see nothing with Sol saying,"Who was that? I thought that all of the wizards had left.". "I don't know. We need to move regardless." said Juvia. However, several rock spikes appeared being that Juvia and Sol soon saw that Juvia's water sphere was broken and Lucy fell onto the ground.

A voice said,"Sorry but as much me and the prime don't like her, we can't let you take her from Magnolia.". Zone soon appeared beside Lucy with him being in Tombstone Form. He's twelve feet tall humanoid crocodile with his body covered in unique clover green scales. These scales are a mixture of normal reptilian scales and stone. He has a muscular yet thin body. He has two dark yellow eyes. His mouth has two sharp canines coming out of his mouth.

 He has five sharp claws and talons on his hands and feet respectively. He has really spiky silver hair. He's wearing a sleeveless dark purple top, dark red pants with silver kneepads, and a royal blue bandanna wrapped around his forehead. He's wearing black and white wristlets. He has a strange silver orb implanted into his palms. He has a large and long moving tail. "Lucy. Get up." said Zone. She was quiet as Zone sighed. "I'll slap her in a minute." said Zone, shaking his head.

Juvia turned her head to the side as she said,"This is a Take Over. I've seen one like it before.". "And a Full Body Take Over as well! It seems that this reptile could break through your water with little problem!" said Sol, moving back in surprise. Despite being insulted, Juvia showed no emotion. "It's due to him being the one to defeat Gajeel-kun." said Juvia in a cute but emotionless tone. Zone's eyes blinked as he said,"Did she just call Lugnut by kun?".

Sol shrugged as he said,"She's a strange lady but what are you going to do against this.". Sol soon sent a giant fist of earth toward Zone who caught it. "Cute but I've faced pebbles stronger than you!" said Zone with him pushing the earth away and jumped toward the duo. He clenched his fist as he said,"Chaos Emperor Bedrock Jackhammer!". He soon extends out his arms with his arms covered in bedrock.

He soon tried to slam both Juvia and Sol with his palms but Juvia turned into water, making the attack worthless and Sol bent his body to avoid the attack. "Hold on there Mr. Knight. I think we should make a deal!" said Sol. He soon went back to evade Zone's tail and he said,"And why should I agree with the weirdo and cutie?". Juvia blushed before saying,"Water Lock!". Zone was soon in the same spell as Lucy was being that Juvia said,"Now Sol.".

Sol nodded as he said,"Roche Concerto!". The earth ,below Zone, cracked and shook open before it burst apart into large pieces. Cobblestone, brick, and stone flew toward Zone being that the clone just rested in the water and took the attacks being that he used his tail to push himself into the air. He soon looked down at the unconscious Lucy with him thinking,"I know why they're after her but I need to make sure. Not sure if Lugnut is a trustworthy source.".

Zone deactivate Tombstone Form before duplicating. "Interesting! He has more than just Take Over Magic in his deck of cards!" said Sol, sending rocks in the twins direction. The two nodded as Zone turned into Pyre Form with Juvia keeping her distance from Zone's hottest form being that the clone of Zone ,who I'll call Zone 2, turned into Raven Form. He grows to seven feet tall and looks to be a humanoid bird. He has a very strong figure.

His face is a gold color with two pairs of eyes with his four red ,with white sclera, eyes being large and circular. His black owlish beak is slightly curved. His head is also shaped like an raven and has a spiked collar of white feathers around its neck, very much looking like a tie. His body is covered in cobalt blue feathers with a handful of red feathers appearing through out his body. He has a large feather crest on the top of his head in the shape of a fedora hat. 

Zane's feathers seemingly form a open coat being that it shows off his muscular bird body. He wears brown pants. He has five talons on his hands and four talons on his feet being that three of his feet talons face forward and one backward. "A flame monster and a bird man? Huh. It's seems that you're indeed the new Take-Over wizard who has been waves in Fiore upon joining Fairy Tail! You are Zane Alvarez, the Legion Void Knight!" said Sol. 

Pyre Form crossed his arms as he said,"And we don't care about you. So before I sick the bird on you, why are you after Triple B in the first place? Despite the Prime not caring about her, she's still a member of our guild.". Sol bending back and upwards much to the confusion of the clones. "I think that is a very good question but that matters not. We have a task to bring Miss Heartfilia back to the ground and then you arrived. Juvia here wanted to defeat you after hurting her friend." said Sol.

Juvia nodded as she said in a very emotionless tone,"Yes. We'll defeat you and bring back Lucy Heartfilia.". "That's cute and all but if Gajeel is your strongest, what are you going to do?" said Zone with Zone 2 crackling his knuckles. Sol chuckled with him getting in a position for fisticuffs but thanks to him being fused with the ground, it's hard to tell. "Okay young man! We shall overcome your strength and then the Heartfilia heir will be ours!" said Sol. 

Zone 2 looked at Zone as he said,"Um dumb question. What is he taking about?". "You do remember that she told the Prime this back when he first met her right?" said Zone. "Maybe but I don't really care." said Zone 2. "Is your friend serious about that?" said Juvia. She was confused by this conversation since no other take over change a wizard's personality this much. "Nope. I tend not to care about things that are pointless." said Zone 2.

Sol soon chuckled as he said,"Oh no! It seems that I've spilled the beans. Oh well, shit happens. You should know that her father asked her to bring him at once.". "It seems that we'll have to get our answers from their minds since she didn't tell us about this before." thought Zone being that he and Zone 2's thoughts were connected. "Okay. Show them what we con do." said Zone. The bird man soon flew into the air with him glaring down on both wizards.

It shook them for a bit being that Sol soon pinched his mustache. "It seems that these take overs are more scare than normal Take Overs." said Sol. "We have to take down two adversaries." said Juvia as she folded up her umbrella. "Then I shall start! Roche Concerto!" said Sol with his arms above his head. Zone jumped up as Zone 2 grabbed onto the fire being that the rocks were soon headed toward the duo. "Time for a Fastball Special." said Zone with Zone 2 nodded.

The bird soon nodded with him flying around in circle before launching the fire man toward the two opponents. "Hellfire Emperor Ignition!" said Zone engulfing his fists in fire. He soon went through the barrage of rocks being that Zone either broke through them or leaped around them before pushing off the final rock and swung his fists down on Sol. "Water Slicer!" said Juvia, sending several sharp blades of water at the fire being.

They were all blocked by Zone 2's feathers being that Zone 2 said,"Failed. Thunder Emperor Knife!". Zone 2 covered his hand in thunder and went toward Juvia being that she barely dodged the attack from her opponent being that Sol wasn't so lucky as he was burned upon getting hit by Zone who landed nearby by a fruit stand. "Interesting. Gajeel mentioned that you're quite the impressive foe to fight against." said Juvia, keeping a close eye on the duo.

Sol ,who was in a sizable crater formed from the impact of Zone's punch, growled being that he soon phased into the ground. "You may have more elements compared to me but I won't be affected by such attacks." said Juvia. "You know what they saw about the cocky ones." said Zone. "They will always lose first plus don't even try it." said Zone 2. He sent some feathers toward Lucy with them making a barrier around them.

They soon created electricity through them with Sol ,who was under ground, hating the bird due to the feathers piercing the ground, trapping Lucy within an electricity better. "Water Slicer!" said Juvia as several water blades went toward the bird and fire man. "Lets show how her attacks don't a dam thing to us." said Zone 2. Zone nodded as the blades got closer to them with Zone jumping behind Zone 2.

The bird man took a deep breath with him releasing a sonic scream. This caused Juvia to cover her ears with this waking Lucy up. Zone jumped toward Juvia with him saying,"Hellfire Emperor Blasting Hammer!". Zone ignites his arms on fire being that he slowly makes a hammer of fire appear in hand. He slams the head of the hammer into Juvia, causing a massive explosion of fire as Zone 2 flew toward Lucy.

Lucy soon woke up to see Zone 2 grabbing her being that Sol had popped out of the ground. "What is going on?!" said Lucy, looking at Zone 2 who ignored her. "It seems that you can sense when I move being that I'm the Earth and the Earth is me. You can not evade me anymore. Sable Dance!" said Sol as the duo of Lucy and Zone 2 in a whirlwind of sand. Zone 2 looked unaffected by the attack being that the sand didn't faze him but Lucy was another story. "Get us out of here!" yelled Lucy.

Juvia looked at Lucy who said,"So why isn't he doing anything about Sol's attack?". "Raven Form doesn't care about things that are pointless to him. This includes Sol's sand and also Triple B's screaming." said Zone. "How about you give us Lucy Heatfilia and we can shut her up." said Juvia as Zone pondered it. "Don't agree with her!" yelled Lucy. Zone 2 threw Lucy into the air with her screaming. "What?!" said Sol, shocked to see Zone 2's lack of concern when it comes to Lucy.

Zone 2 soon crossed his arms with him slamming them into Sol, slicing him with wind being that the man was knocked to the ground. Zone 2 soon flew back into the air and caught Lucy. "Don't do that again!" yelled Lucy. "No promises." said Zone 2. As Juvia was focused on Sol who kept getting hit by Zone 2 after the bird kept throwing Lucy into the air, the man was acting like when you hit a punching bag. Juvia heard,"Don't get distracted! Hellfire Emperor Cosmic Eminence!".  

Zone's forearms were made into an "X" shape with them on fire. He soon flung his arms out with him firing a giant and bright golden arc of fire that went right toward Juvia. "Water Dome." said Juvia as her entire body was encased in water, protecting herself from Zone's attack. "Your attacks are useless against me so don't even try to touch me." said Juvia. Zone kept his cool with him thinking of a way to get closer to him.

He looked up at Zone 2 ,who just finished his tenth time of throwing Lucy into the air and then hitting Sol being that it was like on repeat at this point, as Zone shouted,"Stay her to the guild hall and I'll handle these guys! Try not to throw her into it and if you get bored with her, do really whatever you want.". Zone 2 nodded with him flying away with Lucy, who was knocked out after Zone 2's attack around the fifth time.

Sol said,"Do you think that you'll escape me?!". He fired a barrage of rocks at Zone 2 being that the bird soon released air from his body, slicing the rocks into useless pebbles flying up. "And now with those two being gone, let the fun begin." said Zone, cracking his knuckles. Meanwhile at the main battle field aka at the Phantom Lord Guild Hall, Stella soon began eating the destroyed rubble of the guild around her.

The girl burped ,which is very unladylike but I doubt she cares about class right about now, with her smiling. "Okay. It's time to rock and roll!" said Stella. "No way! She ate the ground below her!" said a Phantom Lord wizard. "I thought Fairy Tail only had one of them!" said another member in fear as Stella took a deep breath. "Go away! Earth Dragon Roar!" said Stella. She soon released a storm of earth residue mixed in with sand and stone.

This send the group flying back with several bruises and red eyes because of the sand not because of pink eye. I ain't a doctor. Gray ,who had lost his shirt a good while ago and revealing his bandages from Galuna Island plus Zane's most recent beating on him, stood in the center of a group of Phantom wizard being that they all charged at him being that he remained calm. "Ice Make: Lance!" said Gray as he put his fist on top of his palm.

The barrage of lances went flying toward the group, freezing them upon contact. Sly .who sprouted her dragon wings in her human form, sliced through several grunts before blasting them with a shocking breath. "Wood Make: The distance between the two is forever!" said Laki, blasting a group of them with wooden feet. "Again. Your magic makes no sense lady!" said a grunt from before who saw Laki's unique attack and recovered from Zane's kick.

Alzack said with him holding two pistols,"Guns Magic: Mud Shot!". Several grunts were soon hit with highly pressured mud. "Requip: Magic Shotgun! Wide Shot!" said Bisca, blasting a group with her shotgun. Gray and Stella were back to back with the former's hands shrouded in icy mist and the latter's hands covered in rock. "You're not doing so bad Gray." said Stella. "You're better than the pyro that's for sure." said Gray.

Across the room, Zane was looking like he was becoming overwhelmed. "So explain to me your plan okay Zane?" said Cole. "Yeah. The first wave of Phantom Lord goons were nothing but I guess that they see us at a true threat compared to Prude Knight and the Coward." said Kane. "So is that the name we're going with?" said Twilight. "If you get a better one, I'm always for it. So are they stupid or not?" said Sivarth.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Perhaps.". A Phantom Lord wizard soon held up a lightning rod being that he fired a bolt of lightning at Zane. The lightning went straight toward Zane's armor chest and he soon went onto his knees. "Oh no. You got me. Whatever am I going to do?" said Zane in a mocking tone. "He's weakened! Take him down!" shouted the wizard who attack Zane. "Yeah! He can take us all at once!" said another wizard, not seeing Zane's smirk.

A squad of over three dozen Phantoms ,not the ghosts, jumped at Zane being that the crab lifted his head up and only watched as the group dog-piled him. Zane soon held up a yikes sign as the crab was soon under several men. As the large clique piled on top of the Cross-Species, twelve other wizards soon surrounded the pile being that they were holding either magic weapons or had their spells ready as a smug sounding wizard,"He ain't so tough. Gajeel must have been an idiot for losing to him,".

If Gajeel wasn't busy, said wizard would have been hit in the back of the head by an iron column for that comment. Erza ,who had swapped into her Black Wing Armor, witnessed Zane get overwhelmed as she yelled,"Zane! Hang on!". She took off toward the large pile with her sword ready. "Pretty sure that Zane doesn't need it if I know him." thought Sly. Before Erza arrived, a purple glow soon flashed through the open spaces of the pile of wizards.

From out of nowhere, a giant blase of water erupted from beneath the pile of wizards and sent them flying in all directions being that people went out of their way to avoid the soaked wizards. In the place of the water eruption, Zane had evolved being that like Water Form, Water Prime had changed as well. He stays the same height of twelve feet. His armor now changes to an ocean blue color with the armor on his chest and upper arms are gray.

He now has four cannons around his wrists but not his legs. Both of his hands are crab-like pincers. His body now loses several barnacles. He still has the massive organic rocket on his back ,aimed upwards, and has two large water cannons that comes out of his back, that looked to always aimed at his enemies. "Water Prime!" said Zane. The Phantom wizards ,who had been blasted, stood there frozen in fear being that Erza's eyes widened as well.

Like with Diamond Prime, there was a lot more power radiating from this new version of Water Form. "What the hell?!" said a goon. "He isn't a normal Take-Over Wizard?!" said a goon. "He is very strong...." said a timid goon. "Who cares?! Get him!" said a fourth goon. The twelve soon charged at Zane being that the armored crab looked emotionless. He soon held out both of his hands and discharging a powerful burst of water at them.

The water was incredibly strong being that they were blasted back with bruises over their bodies. The crab soon punched the air in front of him, releasing a powerful tidal wave from his body being that this sent a group of Phantoms flying away. Across the area of unconscious, soaked Phantom Lord wizards, water was scattered all over being that it would be a death trap for anyone to step in if there was electricity.

Erza soon descended from the air and landed by Zane, looking him. "Quite impressive Zane." said Erza. "Thanks Triple B but is that really armor of yours? I mean armor is supposed to protect you from enemy attacks, not expose your body like a harlot." said Zane, crossing his arms. Erza soon covered herself as she yelled,"This is my Black Wing Armor! It grants me flight and better offensive! I'm not a harlot!". "Whatever floats your boat Prude Knight." said Zane, shrugging.

The two soon focused back on their surrounding as another pack of Phantoms were forming a tight circle around them. The knight duo were back to back with the crab holding water. "So. If you want to prove me wrong, do so. I mean you're supposed to be strong but all, I've seen you do is eat cake which goes straight to your...." said Zane. Erza glared at him as she said,"Can you focus on the battle and not the jokes?". Zane smirked as he said,"Can't I do both?".

The Phantom Lords yelled as they jumped the duo. Erza flew into the air with her delivered a very powerful slash from her blade, sending her attackers flying back, Zane smiled as he said,"Ocean Emperor Absolute Method: Ocean Wrath!". Zane soon discharged a giant wave of water being that it caught several wizards in it. They were soon by several mermaids come out and they attack the target for extra damage

This also sent them flying and crashing back in random spaces through the trashed guild hall. Erza landed by Zane's right side as she said,"Strong enough for you?". "Meh. I'll give you a five out of ten. I could do better." said Zane, dodging a sword strike. The two ran toward the others, with Zane going out of his way to step on the unconscious Phantom Lord members on his way. Some of the Fairies were shocked to see Water Prime. "That's a Prime Form huh?" said Stella.

Zane smiled as he said,"Yep but now, we got to take care of the Phantom Menace!". They did get through a large fraction of Phantom Lord but they were still a lot of them standing. They were now wary of Fairy Tail, being that they surrounded them and ready to brawl. The Fairy Tail guild stood together with them ready to fight. "We got them right where we want them." said Wakaba. "Hell yeah buddy." said Macao.

Erza and Zane both hear their names being called as they looked toward the second floor stairwell as Makarov said while batting away anyone who was stupid enough to stand in his way and was back in his normal state,"I'll leave the rabble to the two of you and the others! Take care of them in the name of Fairy Tail!". "Yes sir!" said Erza with Zane smirking. "So why aren't you saluting the general there Prude Knight?" said Zane with him making a giant set of water arms.

He soon made the arms clap being that anyone caught in were soon slammed by the water colliding into each other. "Jose is probably on the top floor. I'm going up there to tear him a new one because he needs to pay." said Makarov with him walking leisurely and had a very menacing aura coming off him. "Be safe Master." prayed Erza. Zane ,who had punched a Phantom wizard in the face, turned to her as he said,"If you're worried, go with him. I'll keep them safe.".

Erza shook her head as she said,"Jose is strong but Master will be fine.". Zane looked his way toward Makarov's direction being that despite his cowardice, Zane knew that the elderly were good at being badass. He knew this well thanks to his grandparents plus others. However, he knew that emotions could blind him and Makarov was radiating anger. Makarov soon walked to a wall being that upon looking at it, it exploded.

On the rafters above, the cloaked figure watched as Makarov proceeded into the giant hole in the hole in the wall. "Since their boss is out of the way, I think Master will enjoy making him look stupid so how are you doing Gajeel with Igneel's son and his brother?" said the cloaked figure, turning its attention toward Gajeel and Natsu. You may think that I'm spoiling a certain event which I am but from the spinoff instead. Yeah. I'm not subtle at all.   

Next time,
Who is the cloaked figure? Will Zone save Lucy from the cute water girl and creepy earth man or will he give her to them? What will happen between the battle of Fairies and Phantoms? Will I confuse Phantom Lord for the Phantoms from Zero? This and more next time on Fairy Legion!
Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Tombstone Form. This card has a black frame with several reptiles and felines living around a giant tombstone like creation. When Zane places this card inside, Zane can roar to assert his dominance and can be used as a weapon to reach a far distance. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 55 and its Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet.

New Cards/Forms that haven't been seen in Zero yet:
Raven Form. This card has a black frame with a unkindness aka a group of ravens flying throughout the card. When Zane places this card inside, Zane becomes a creepy looking humanoid bird. This Form hasn't been introduce in Zero yet and it doesn't have a Prime Form.  

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