Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Zero Episode 54 Worst Future Ever PT 5 Legion Zero vs Cat and Snake

A/N: Zane's up against some powerful opponents isn't he? The first draft was that Zane and Lucius take the sisters on but this entire arc is to show how strong Zane is as Legion Zero and also we're going to see a lot of Lucius and Zane brother moments coming up. Has Daemon taken over Cypress Park and destroyed? We'll find out eventually Lets find out back in the arena. The girls eyes changed by the way upon turning into their animal forms.

Narrator P.O.V.
The two soon had Zane cornered at all sides with a woman saying,"Look at them! They were blessed by Everlasting Queen to have the powers of the Feline and Snake!". "They're so cool!" said another woman. "I can turn into way cooler rhings than a fuzzball and walking purse." said Zane as he turned off Tyrannus Nether. "You say that boy but you're going to die by my claws." said Carolyn. "Kill him sisters! He deserve to die by your hands and then destroy those statues!" said Lauren.

Zane growled as Naomi said,"Hey sisters. Can I drink his blood while you eat his body? He looks so good.". The lioness nodded as Zane placed the two statues away from the battlefield and into the stands. "You two will be returned back to normal. I'll even force her to do it afterwards." said Zane to the statues and jumping back to the arena. "Hey. You should be worried about us." said Carolyn. "I guess men are all idiots." said Naomi.

The women were cheering the words executions over and over with Zane sighing. "Me thinks that the ladies don't know any other words beside execution. I guess Rachel owes me five bucks but she won't believe me." said Zane. The ladies growled as Paula said,"Save Lorena please.". Zane smiled as he said,"I do whatever I want ladies. I'm a warrior and hero meaning that I move the innocent so I can cut loose on the bad guys or in this girls. So what wants to lose first?".

The sisters looked at each other as Lauren gazed at Zane. The crowd and sisters was stunned before they started a laughing fit. "I thought I said something cool but I guess not." said Zane as he kicked some pebbles. "Did he just say that he can defeat both sisters?!" said a woman. "I think he's a clown because he's making us laugh!" said a woman. "So can we start fighting now?" said Zane. "Sure. You should be informed about our arena first." said Carolyn.

Zane looked at the spiked pit as Carolyn said,"They're really sharp according to our victims so are you ready to join them?". "Sure thing!" said Zane. "You better not get distracted because you're so dead." said Carolyn. "Carolyn! Naomi! Kill this man! He offended me and our customs!" yelled Lauren. Zane began dodging Carolyn's claws as he jumped around. "You may be part cat but I'm faster than cat! I can see you coming from a mile away!" said Zane.

The two traveled through the battlefield as Carol's claws got stuck in the ground. Zane jumped into the air as the feline thought,"You're not so bad brat.". Zane's legs turned into Diamond Form's Legs as Zane formed them into anvils. "Diamond Smash!" said Zane. The cat roared out in pain from the diamond kick as Zane dodged Naomi's tail with his legs turning back to normal. "Don't forget about me boy." said Naomi. "I didn't but I was wrong." said Zane.

He ran toward her as he said,"Lets see how you like this!". His arm turned into that liquid once again as it hardened up. "Big Bang Smash!" said Zane. The punch hit Carol back and it launched Zane as well. "Wow. I didn't expect that kind of knock back from that attack." said Zane. "I told you that he was all talk! He doesn't know about Carolyn's ability to deflect any physical attacks!" said a woman with an ugly bowlcut. "But he's so fast! Are all men that fast?!" said another woman.

Zane evaded her claws but he was soon grabbed by Naomi's tail. "Sister. You're having all the fun with our new toy. Let me have a turn." said Naomi. Her tail squeezed down on Zane as he coughed up his blood. He noticed that it was the strange turquoise liquid and he said,"Okay! That's new but maybe I can.". "You're going to try and break out of my tail by turning into one of your forms I heard you had. You can try that but it will fail." said Naomi.

Zane smiled as he said,"Sorry but you're wrong! Sweet Blast!". The snake woman saw that his mouth was gathering that weird liquid in front of it. He spit it at her causing her to get trapped in the syrup and she dropped Zane. "You can't predict my moves!" said Zane. He evaded Carol who tried to pounce him as Zane said,"Time to bring out the Big Gun!". He turned into Radiation Form as he said with him smiling under his armor,"I do hope you ladies like the radiation look!".

He then fired a radiation beam which blasted Carol back into Naomi which freed her from her sticky prison. "You recall telling me not to fall into the spiked pit? You're not very good at following your own advice are you?" said Zane. He stood there as both sisters punched his armor. "What is that thing made out of?" said Carol. "That's a secret Feline but I can give you a hint. It's called but kicking!" said Zane blasting them with a radiation explosion.

The two sisters glared at Zane with Lauren said,"I guess you're more than just talk Zane. You are just a man though and my two warriors are just getting starting. Your tenacity is admirable but you're also pigheaded just like him!". "Thanks for the compliment I think or was that an insult? Who knows what goes through your head your highness but when in the Garden of Eve, you follow the customs I guess!" said Zane shrugged.

The crowd yelled,"He insult out queen once again! KILL HIM NOW!". The two sisters glared at the iron suit as Carol said,"To be honest, I wanted to keep playing with you some but you know that we have to follow our queen's rules.". "Or you can't." said Zane. Zane's CJ went off as he saw that Naomi had Lorena and Lucius in her tail. "No! Lorena!" said Paula. Zane glared at the snake and he said,"Put her down or I'll blast you with radiation again!".

The snake moved them back and forth in her tail as Zane said,"Stop it! You're going to break them or something!". "That's not a bad idea. You said that he's your brother and she's your friend right? You didn't say in words but in your actions." said Naomi. "Men who come here and those who don't listen to their queen should die!" said Carol "This was a fight between us! I'll...!" said Zane. He was soon held by Carol as she squeezed hard.

Zane's armor was breaking with Carol saying,"You honestly thought that didn't you man? You're going to die by us because you made fun of the Everlasting Queen!". "You shouldn't break my armor or else, things are going to get ugly at least more than normal." said Zane. "You should know that we respect our queen like our mother and your insults will make her feel pain. We shouldn't let that stand for as her children right?" said Naomi.

She bounced them in the air as Coral said,"If we insult mother, we get in trouble.". "But Lorana looked up to you! I could tell from just looking at her. She got way stronger because of you. I'm not the best at reading ques but I can tell when someone cares so much that she would disobey something who's their ruler to protect them!" said Zane. Zane watched the statues bounced up and down as he yelled,"NO SANE PERSON WOULD LIKE THIS!".

Carol squeezed him harder as she said,"We should turn this traitor and man into dust so we can break our dear walking trash can friend.". Zane groaned out in pain as the girls looked away. The statues were in the air as Zane said,"Catch them please!". Carol squeezed harder as the statues were about to touch the ground. "DAM IT! I COMMAND YOU ALL TO SHUT THE HELL UP AND CATCH THEM RIGHT NOW!" roared Zane.

Zane's body soon released a large circular wave of energy ,being purple, with everyone in the arena effected by it causing the sun to stop shining for a single second. The sisters were shocked by this action as the woman ,in the stands, fainted one by one until none were left awake. Lauren's eyes widened as Zane saw that Naomi caught them just before they fell over. Carol let him go as Zane said,"Thanks! I guess you girls aren't so bad after all! I better move them!".

Lauren thought,"It can't be. I thought he was only able to use Celestial Anatomy with him turning his body into the blood of the Eazairvian and Crisis Judgement able to evade their attacks. He used the final piece of the puzzle. That was Empyrean Will!". Zane placed them back as he said,"Okay. Lets play fair okay?". "I've never seen an Eazairvian before and he's one of them!" thought the sisters in unison. Zane stretched as he said,"Round two! Lets begin with me getting serious now!".

He went back to normal Zane with him re-activating Archon Zero except his hair was now very much like flames just like Daemon. "You two are strong for sure but now, I have to get serious. You two are determined to kill me because I invaded your land. Time to speed up!" said Zane. He rushed around the battlefield as Lauren thought,"No. He can't be serious. He's so much faster than Shawn could ever be for sure.".

Some of the women were walking up as they saw Zane moving around the field. "He's producing the lightning?! Can all men do that?" said a woman. The sisters looked around for Zane as Naomi said,"I think even with that attack. He has no control over his power. Lets see if he's faster enough to avoid this!". Zane's eyes widened as he saw the snake woman's hair turning alive. They soon went toward Zane as he evaded them all. "Kill him Serpent!" said a woman.

Zane soon turned to see that her hair was ripping out the boundaries of the arena. "Shit! Things are getting...." said Zane. He evaded the attacks as it was ripping his ground. "He isn't attacking me but dodging. He's too fast!" thought Naomi. Her eyes widen as Zane appeared in front of her. He kneed her in the face and he jumped behind her. His limbs turned into the turquoise candy syrup liquid as Zane said,"I think you're going to enjoy this! Triple Platter!".

The snake was soon hit with Zane's fists and left foot causing her to fall back. She took up half of the arena as Zane said,"Huh. I just noticed that you girls are bigger than normal snakes and cats! I guess you learn something....". Carol tried to slash him but he avoided it the attack. She looked for him as Zane appeared behind her the cat. "Did you forget what happened last time you tried to hit me boy?" said Carol.

Zane's left arm ,which is now a liquid candy syrup, soon stretched back to the bleachers. "I do but this will hurt!!" said Zane. His left arm soon slammed into Carol which sent the cat woman back. She was about to fall into the pit with Zane saying,"Vanish Strike!". He dashed toward her and he was soon gone from Naomi's sight. He soon reappeared behind Carol being that he round housed kicked her into the air.

He was soon gone but soon reappeared above her. He then smashed her with both of his elbows sending her into the ground. Zane landed as he smiled. The crowd ,with most of them walking up, was shocked to Zane defeating the sisters. "Carolyn! Naomi! Are you letting this child play you like a fiddle or what?" said Lauren as she was interested in the figure. "We won't let you down your highness!" said the two.

Zane's CJ went off as he saw Carolyn ignite in flames. "Okay. You're one hot feline." said Zane. The crowd was silent as Zane said,"Oh. I see how you are. I make a good pun Omniverse and not a dam chuckle!!". Zane soon dodged her fiery claws as her hair soon came to life. Zane dodged them as the ground was on fire upon the claws or hair touching the ground. "You have nowhere to run!" said Naomi. The two sister had Zane corned by either them or the flames.

Zane said,"Here's something that I've learned recently ladies. You can always find a way to avoid an attack.You just got to think about it.". They were getting close as Zane's body ,which was now candy syrup, expanded in size. It looked like a giant ball and the attacks went into him as the girls were confused. "Sweet Rupture!" said Zane. The two warriors along with the crowd was blasted by a huge amount of wind pressure and Zane's body shrink back to its normal size.

Upon turning back, Zane did a peace sign as he sensed fire heading toward him. Naomi was on fire as he jumped over her. Her body soon expanded toward the stands as Zane said,"Wow. I didn't see that coming but this place is pretty weird to begin with.". Zane's eyes widened as he deactivated Archon Zero and he went into a new form. He's now eight feet tall, a lean yet muscular figure, and has tan colored skin. He has a cigarette with it being activate right now. His lavender hair is cut short.

Zane's hair looks to be made out of silk/thread and looks to be covering his forehead. He has six pupil-less monochromatic red eyes which are hidden under a pair of curved thin black sunglasses. His mouth was open and was exposing his pointed down fangs. He has six arms and two legs with five fingers and toes respectively.  He's wearing a black double-breasted suit over a white shirt, red tie that has the symbol of a black widow on it, and blue jeans with a white web pattern to it.

For shoes, he's wearing black dress boots with thick gray soles. "String Form!" said Zane with him jumping onto Naomi's exposed back. "Hey there ladies. I need to be alone with Miss Serpent." said Zane. Zane made a curtain ,out of purple and white string, appear as it went over them. "What's he doing?!" said a woman. "Is he going to kill her? I knew men were evil!" said another woman. "Get off me male!" said Naomi. 

Zane rolled his eyes as he whispered,"Wow miss. You're being so very harsh to little old me. I'm pretty sure that you don't want everyone to see your scar. This form allows me to make you a new outfit to cover it up. How about you just me let me do my job okay? It will take a second for me to hide your scar from your adoring crowd.". The sister's eyes widened upon hearing this and Lauren said,"The ceremony is over! I'll shall handle this man myself and if you disobey me...". 

Every member of the crowd was gone as Naomi said,"We tried to kill your friend and your brother moments ago. Why did you protect me?". "I may not know you for a long period of time but you must have kept your scar hidden for a reason. I rather not be the one responsible for revealing since it's your choice not mine. You have your reason for keeping it a secret so don't worry about my reason okay?" said Zane. Naomi nodded as Zane went to work.

Later, Carolyn and Naomi ,now covered in bandages, bowed. "Sorry! We failed your highness! Don't make us into statues!" said the duo. Zane ,back to normal, said,"So can I go now or do I have to fight you?". "No. I need to have a word with you Zane." said Lauren with a glare directly at him. "So I'll talk with you if you turn them back." said Zane as he grabbed Lorena and Lucius. "I'll do whatever you want but please turn them back! They didn't do anything wrong!" said Zane.

Lauren sighed as she said,"I can reverse the stoning/petrification but you want to go somewhere with your brother right?". "Yeah. I need to get back." said Zane thinking of his friends and family. "I can either turn back Lorena and letting you live with your brother who will be still in his stone prison on a ship or turn back Lucius, giving you a ship as well, but Lorena dies. These are your only choices!" said Lauren. "Show me your true nature Zane!" thought Lauren.

Zane smiled as he said,"Okay! I'll make you a different deal! You turn them both back to normal and I don't need a ship! I just want my brother and Lorena back! I'll find a different way back home!". He then bowed as he said,"Thank you Everlasting Queen. I may still be mad at you and and your people for letting this injustice go on but you're good people and strong warriors for sure!". The three women were shocked by Zane's actions as Granny watched from the stands.

Granny thought,"His blood screams Eazairvian being that he's mastered Crisis Judgement, Celestial Anatomy, and Empyrean Will completely despite knowing it. He's unlike any Eazairvian I've seen being that they would destroy a dimension in its entirely if pissed off. Zane is different.". About five minutes later and right outside of the arena, the Maidens ,who were watching the fight, saw Lorena walking out. Paula then hugged her friend as she said,"Lorena! You're okay!".

Lorena smiled as she said,"So why are you guys around here?". "You don't remember being petrified in the end. You protect that man from the Queen! I didn't know if you were going to come back!" said Paula. "I was petrified and Zane did seem happy to see that both me and that other man we captured were okay. The Sisters were bruised with Zane not having any." said Lorena. "So where is here? Is he now stone?" said a woman. "They were taken to the castle." said Lorena. "What?!" said the crowd.

At the castle, Lucius and Zane were sitting with Carolyn and Naomi in the hallway. "So are we going to have a big feast? I'm starving." said Zane. "You did use a lot of energy trying to save your brother and one of the safeguards. I guess you're not so bad like other men Lucius and Zane." said Naomi. "So is a feast possible? I'm very hungry." said Zane. Lucius hit him as he said,"I still can't believe you made her new clothes.".

Carolyn said,"My sister's hair is long for a reason male. You're lucky that our queen is so nice to spare your lives.". "Yeah! She isn't so bad and seems like a pretty good ruler. I could learn a couple of things from her." said Zane. "I don't think you would want to turn people into stone bro." said Lucius as Zane sensed something. Lauren returned with her holding two giant bottles of alcohol as she said with a smile,"Drink this Lucius and Zane.".

Lucius said,"Do you have a glass? I can drink it since I'm legal but Zane.". He started drinking from one of the bottles as the sisters chanted,"Chug! Chug! Chug!". Lauren and Lucius sighed at him. Zane smiled as he said,"That was some good beer. So why did you call us to the castle? Is it about the feast tonight?". "No. Tell me why you hide Naomi's scar." said Lauren. "Everyone has their secrets your highness and I didn't want Naomi to have her expose. Plain and simple." said Zane.

The five heard,"So why haven't you told him about your connection yet Lauren?". Lucius turned to see Granny standing there as he said,"Hey! You're the person who turned me to stone!". "You were turned to stone by an old woman? That's funny and I have some blackmail on you." said Zane. "Her name is Elder Kena and she was the former Everlasting Queen before I obtained the throne." said Lauren as Lucius and Zane nodded

Kena said,"So why haven't you told him that you see his father in him and while Lucius may not share the same blood, I can slightly see Shawn Alvarez.". "Wait a minute. You know who my dad is so what was he like?!" said Zane. "You defeated Spiro Midnight with the help of a battle suit and then you showed him your strength. " said Kena. Zane blushed as he said,"Well, I had help against Spiro being that my friends and enemies helped me against his army. I can't take full credit for that.".

Lucius rolled his eyes as he sipped from his drink. "You're an idiot just like your father is but I guess you get that from your mother as well." said Lauren. "Wait a second. You do look like my mom but older. I wonder why." said Zane. "You seriously can't figure it out?" said Kena. "I got it! You're my mother's alternate dimension counterpart! It all makes sense!" said Zane. The five face palmed as Zane said,"So am I wrong?".

Zane's face was stunned as Lucius said,"You can be so smart in many fields but you couldn't feel that Lauren had the same blood! You were immune to her stone gaze! I thought that would be obvious to say the very least!". "Okay. I was trying to survive bro." said Zane. "Naomi. Do you mind if I tell our guests about your scar?" said Lauren. "Sure my queen." said Naomi. "Both her and Carolyn were at a young age were slaves and sold off to some royalty of the Omniverse." said Lauren.

Lucius saw that Zane clenched his left hand causing him to bleed out that his candy syrup replaced his blood. "You two were slaves! Those bastards will pay!" yelled Zane. "Calm down Zane!" said Lucius. "Sorry. I just hate slavery. They took away your freedom for years and you can never get it back!" said Zane. "It was only for five long years but I'll never forget the scars." said Carolyn. Naomi shivered as Lauren said,"We soon freed them along with your father Zane.".

Zane smiled as he said,"That's my dad! He doesn't like injustice or doing any cleaning much to my mom's anger right?". Lucius nodded as Lauren said,"I told Carolyn and Naomi to not judge all men by the actions of that. Shawn went to town on them. Thank you for protecting Naomi from the other Maidens. They won't understand the travesty that the sisters went though. I soon allowed Shawn to date my daughter due to his actions.".

Zane said,"Wait. You're related to me right but how?". "Natasha is my daughter Zane making you and Lucius...." said Lauren. Zane's eyes widened as he said,"I'm a prince of the Maiden Clan! Sweet! So do I get maiden warriors at my command?!". "He has a short attention span doesn't he?" said Carolyn with Lucius nodding. "We shall have a feat honoring our two new princes and then we'll leave in the morning." said Lauren. "Yes! Food!" yelled Naomi and Zane causing their siblings to sigh.

Later that night, Naomi and Zane were currently devouring several amounts of food with a woman saying,"He can eat so much despite looking so weak! What's his secret?! I thought Naomi would have eaten more than him,". Carolyn and Lucius stood nearby as he was enjoying a more modest meal compared to his brother. They were currently in the dinning hall having a feast. Zane was eating as his skin was being pinched.

Zane said,"So what is this dish called?". "It's known as the Maiden's Customs your highness. It's the best dish here on the Garden of Eve." said the chef. Zane was eating as he said,"Listen. I don't mind being pinched because I'm still getting food in my stomach and don't call me your highness. My name is Zane and don't you forget it okay.". Lauren sat nearby her grandson while looking at his phone. The girls there were interesting by it.

Lauren said,"My granddaughter is quite adorable and my great-grandson is as well. So how is my daughter doing?". "Good. She's a worry wort about me being well a hero. I have questions. Why did you leave her like her father?, Why is everyone pinching me?, and is there any more of this dish? I'm still hungry." said Zane with his stomach growling. "You're leaving tomorrow so most of the girls want to see in action. You don't mind doing it?" said Lauren.

Zane looked to see the line ,being longer than an amusement park ride, and he said,"You're not billing them are you?". "Maybe a little." said Lauren as she looked away. Zane's CJ went up as his head soon stretched to the roof. He evaded being tackled as Carolyn said,"So is this normal?". "Honestly,  you're not wrong." said Lucius. "It's nice to see the queen happy again." said Naomi. "So do you know why she abandoned Natasha?" said Lucius. "Ask Elder Kena." said the two warriors.

Later, Zane was hiding on the roof with him holding three giant pieces of meat. "Thanks for saving me from them. They're nice but they're preventing me from food." said Zane. Lorena smiled as she said,"I'm shocked you still grabbed that much food.". "Yeah. I'm just happy that your sisters still care about you. I think Paula likes you a lot." said Zane while eating on some meat. "So what are your plans for the rest of the evening?" said Lorena. "Who knows?" said Zane.

Elder Kena was sitting in her hut and she heard,"Granny! Can I come in?". "Sure Lorena. You may come in with your guests." said Kena. Lorena walked in with Lucius and a extremely bloated Zane as the later said,"I had too much food!". "You devour half of their food supply Zane!" said Lucius as he sighed. "Yes Lucius. Our prince is even worse than Naomi when she was first developing her snake abilities. I never thought that was possible." said Kena.

Lorena said,"So should I get rid of the fat?". "Yes. Make the weight loss tea. I need to speak with the princes about their grandmother and mother's relationship." said Kena. "Um sure." said Lorena. She went into the kitchen as Kena said,"So have you two heard of a being known as Skull Plague?". "So who's that?" said Zane. "You seriously don't know who that is. He's a Qlakrik aka the rivals of the Eazairvian." said Kena.

Zane tilted his head as Lucius said,"He's still learning about the Omniverse Elder. Skull Plague is a being that's trapped in the Dread Dimension and well, he's a really bad guy.". Lorena placed some tea in Zane's mouth as he lost of the weight. "Thanks for the tea!" said Zane. "Focus Zane. You should know that there is a way to get you two back home without it taking a way back. Your grandmother didn't tell you about her connection yet?" said Kena. Zane looked confused as she and Lucius sighed.

Zane said,"So did you know about the Omniverse's biggest threat?". "Yeah. He destroyed my former home, family, and friends using Fallout's body." said Lucius. "Fallout. His name sounds familiar but where have I heard it?" said Zane. "He's one of the members of the Odium Society. You do know about the Odium Society right?" said Lucius. Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. Lilith is a member along with most of my enemies. They're a crime group or something.".

Zane looked at his right arm ,still covered in bandages, as he said,"Which is why I need to get back home now. Why are you telling us this?". "Your mother was rumored to be the best Maiden in all of our history past or future. Skull Plague also lost to our ancestors and he swore to have revenge killing her. He failed since our queen hid her on the Prime Earth which he can not access. However, the rest of the Omniverse isn't safe from his terror." said Kena.

Zane said with meat in his mouth,"Slow down! I can't take all of this news! My mom doesn't know about both her birth mom and dad! That's messed up!". "You're right and Lauren deals with that pain everyday. I bet seeing you and Lucius again helped you. Their is a way back and you have to go through the Omniverse's worse prison. Blacktomb Detention Center. There is a new prisoner who goes by the name Silver Raptor." said Kena.

The two brothers were silent as Lucius said,"Say that name again.". "The Silver Raptor is one of the higher ranked members of Prime Force who often work with the Alliance as bounty hunters." said Kena. "So why would he be arrested?" said Lorena. "That's our brother Elder! Kurt Ethan Alvarez is my older brother and he's in trouble right?!" said Zane. "What?! He is " yelled Kena. "He's also my younger brother as well but you get the point." said Lucius.

Zane said,"How did he get captured? My brother is way too strong to be captured and why would he be in trouble?!". "I don't know. There is a rumor floating that the warden of the prison is corrupted and sends his men out to captured innocent people under false pretense." said Kena. "Zane. You know what we have to do. We're going to the prison." said Lucius. "Are you insane?" said Kena. "Yes and I never give up on my family." said Zane.

He soon imagined his family and friends standing behind him and he said,"I'm sorry you guys but I'm going to save Kurt. You ready Lucius?". "You two are jumping into a fire pit you know that? You two may die trying to save him." said Kena. "Yeah but an Alvarez is stubborn. We don't listen to logic as you saw with my brother's fight against the sisters. Lets go tell grandma that there's a change in pain bro." said Lucius. He nodded as they jumped off toward the castle along with Kena and Lorena.

They were in front of the main entrance to the hallway. The attendant said,"Princes! Elder! I was just about to call for you.". "What's wrong?" said Zane. "Our queen is meeting with her about the ship for the princes to head back to the prime dimension. Why?" said the attendant. "We have a BIG change in plan and we need to speak to her right now." said Kena. "So who is her?" said Zane. "The Queen of Assassination and your driver to the prison Sharia Greenwood." said Kena. "Neat." said Lucius.

The quartet saw Carolyn, Lauren, and Naomi with a strange woman sitting there. She's looks to be in her early twenties but she's thirty. Her figure is slim and curvaceous. She has blue eyes with shoulder length dark pink hair covering her left eyes and curls at the base of her neck. It was let down but it went in a bun when she was on the job but right now, she wasn't so the hair goes down to say the least.

She's wearing a green low-cut tank top that exposed most of her cleavages, shoulders, and midriff. She's wearing black ,with purple stripes, jeans with a pair of brown high-heeled boots that covers most of her jeans and goes up to her calves. She's also wearing black framed glasses as she said,"I'm guessing these two are your grandchildren Lauren.". "Yep. Lucius and Zane, meet Sharia. She'll be taking you back home." said Lauren.

Zane said,"Actually, there's a change in plan.". Zane told them as Carolyn said,"Are you two freaking insane?! Blacktomb Detention Center is the worst place in the Omniverse.". "Plus the food there is just terrible." said Naomi. "That isn't the point Naomi. Zane, your body is still recovering from your fight with Daemon and my two strongest warriors. I'm impressed by how stubborn you can be." said Lauren. "To be honest, it'll take two days for me to get there." said Sharia.

Lauren said,"Are you willing to send my grandchildren to the slaughter?!". "Listen. I've heard bits of Legion Zero and Lucius. These two are very powerful despite being young. The rumors about the warden being corrupted are true. They want to save their brother from him and I'm willing to be there for them. Are you?" said Sharia. "Grandma. I know that you're worried but you should know what it means to be an Alvarez." said Lucius.

Zane said,"I'm going there no matter what! Listen, I'm not giving up when one of my friends or my family is danger. I'm stubborn, filled with rage and hormones, but I'm not giving up! Please let me and Lucius go save Kurt!". He bowed to the queen as Lucius followed suit. "Fine but Sharia, do you mind helping them on their journey?" said Lauren. "What about us?" said Carolyn. "We wanted to help too!" said Naomi.

Lauren shook her head as she said,"Lorena. You, the rest of the Maidens, and I will train. We're going to help you get back Cypress Park from Daemon boys. I do need to see my husband and daughter once again. Lucius and Zane, I hope you stay safe.". "Don't worry. I'll make sure that they stay safe mainly Zane from what I've heard." said Sharia. "Should we leave now?" said Zane. "Yes. Tell the rest of the clan. They will want to say goodbye." said Lauren.

Later, Zane was waving goodbye to the Maiden Clan as Lucius stood nearby him. They were on Sharia's sheep which was a yacht. "Goodbye Princes! We'll miss you!" said the women. "I'll be back one day!" said Zane. "I just hope that it isn't because of the food. You know that your team can't come here. Danny and Ray wouldn't be liked here. Atem would be fine." said Lucius. "You may wanted to add Arturo to that list belong to the same level as Danny and Ray." said Zane.

Lucius said,"True. I'm not sure if grandma would forgive grandpa for abandoning mother for all of her life.". "Fair but I feel like she's very forgiving just like mom." said Zane. The two heard trumpets as Lucius said,"She's royalty alright.". Zane saw his grandma and he jumped down there. He hugged her as he said,"Bye grandma!". "It's good to see you in a better mood honey. So are you ready to go or do you need time to rest?" said Lauren.

Zane said,"Nope! It's going to take us a day or two to get there plus we have enough food so I'll have time to recover and train my body.". Zane jumped back onto the ship as it slowly drove out to the sea and Zane waved back to the girls with Lucius smiling. "Zane. I'm not sure if things will change for you on during this journey but please stay true to yourself." thought Lucius. He walked off as the trio traveled to Blacktomb Detention Center.

In a strange building looking more like a temple or castle, Lucas Hammond sat there ,in a highly decorated office room, with him in deep thought. Valerie opened the door as she said,"Lucas. We have word on Zane's location. He's traveling with his brother and Sharia Greenwood to Blacktomb Detention Center.". "He must be trying to free Kurt. I'm still confused on how he got captured in the first place but that doesn't matter now. " said Lucas.

Valerie said,"Oh. Darin went to the prison earlier to check on Kurt.". "I see. That's fine. So any word on the Prime Cypress Park?" said Lucas. "No. It's been silent. I'm sure that it isn't Daemon whose been rather quiet despite his tendencies." said Valerie. "It must be due to him being connected to Zane in a way. He really wanted his family and laced out at others because they had what he didn't. Typical villain behavior. Get everyone to the prison in about three days." said Lucius. "Yes Sir!" said Valerie.

In a chamber, a man walked up to a cell. He looks to be in his early 70s with him having a white beard covering his face. His right eye has a lion claw shaped scar over it. His eyes are blue very much like sapphires. He's wearing a tropical shirt with his muscular body exposed, black jeans, and brown straw sandals. "Hey. I know that you're awake kid. So show your grandfather some dam respect when he comes to visit you in prison." said the older man.

This older man is Darin Price Alvarez aka Zane's Grandfather from Shawn's side of the family. He saw his grandson Kurt Ethan Alvarez chained up to the wall. His spiky orange hair ,looking it like was hit by an explosion, and brownish blue eyes with dark bags under them which isn't from a lack of sleep. His figure is lean, muscular, and slightly tanned. He looks to be about an inch shorter than Lucius. He had sharp fangs which sticks out if his mouth was open.

He's wearing a torn maroon loose fitting sleeveless t-shirt that exposed his figure perfectly and worn out and torn dark gray jeans. His wrists were covered by fire themed wristbands. He had a interesting black tattoo on his back. It's very much like a black Jolly Roger with it being a dragon skull instead of the human skull with two sabers going through it. To the sides of him, a light blue jacket ,torn, open jacket and dark orange sandals.

His body was covered in blood and wounds. "Hey gramps. Welcome to Hell." said Kurt. Darin sighed as he sat in front of the cell. "You haven't changed in the past couple of years. I should tell you that the brothers are coming." said Darin. Kurt's eyes widened as Darin said,"Our family are stubborn as hell fools but when we're serious, no force in the Omniverse can stop us. Good luck Kurt and live for the brothers who will push through hell to get you back.".

He was being watched as a voice said,"Master. He is coming to save his brother.". "See? I knew for a fact that having Xona captured Kurt Ethan Alvarez aka the Silver Raptor was the best way to get my precious Zaney in my hands. Try not to rough too much Xiadur. I need him alive so I can be the one to end his pathetic life!" said Xona's boss. "Yes Master Skull Plague. I'll shall get him a dose of the reality he so needs." said Xiadur.

Next time,
Lucius and Zane arrived at Blacktomb Detention Center. Will they save their brother or will Xiadur teach them ,mainly the latter, what happens when you goes to prison. This and more next time on Zero!

New Cards/Forms:
String Form. This card has a black frame with a spider like silhouette in the center of the card. It's holding a sewing needle and spindle filled with string.

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