A/N: Yeah. That may be a weird title but trust me, this will all be explained. This episode will also feature a lot of Phantoms, mainly some familiar faces that Zane has seen before. It will be named characters and not characters like Daisy. She's currently in prison and will Ash go back for her? If you recall, he became a Qlakrik to get revenge on Zane who killed him. Skull Plague will be having a presence and it may have something to do with this test.
I also wanted to talk about One Piece and the current Arc ,at the time of writing this being around Chapter 897 onward, and what I think. It may have its problems being that most of the Big Mom Pirates are either very forgettable in the case of the Charlotte Decuplets and don't need that much screen time in the case of Charlotte Brulee and Flampe being that one is important due to her devil fruit and the other one is one of the most hated and useless characters in the series for me.
The final one is that some of them needed some major screen time being in the case of the members of the Charlotte family: Compote, Smoothie, and Snack. The three that I mentioned before have been mentioned to be extremely powerful opponents according to the other characters but have we seen them yet? No. We've focused on members like the living jelly bean and former brocon of one of the best villains in One Piece.
I could see that Compote and Smoothie as very powerful fighters being that the former may not be a sweet commander but she's almost at their level. This statement is according to Vito but we haven't seen her do anything despite her being the eldest daughter of this massive family. It's also the prime example of too many cooks in the kitchen being that some members shine for the right reason such as Katakuri and Cracker and wrong reason Brulee and Flampe.
I also want Big Mom to get her cake being that she's been in a food lust state for over twenty plus chapters being that she's been in this state since July 15. 2017. This may not seem like such a long time ago if you're just catching up to this chapter but those who have read the Whole Cake Island Arc weekly/bi-weekly in the case of breaks, it's prevented the start of Reverie and Wano. I know that I've stated that I'm going to enjoy Wano but Reverie itself, I'm more hyped for that.
I just hope by Chapter 900+ that we're getting the end of the arc and maybe Compote, Smoothie, and Snack do something cool like Cracker and one of the best villains in One Piece aka Katakuri. I'm hoping that we don't get a pointless moment with Bobbin being that he's one of the main members at least in OP 20 which is one of the one of the best in the anime. I better stop before I get too angry and I have one/two more manga to talk about in this Author Note.
Lets talk about Black Clover for a bit. I enjoy the series not because the best written shounen but to me, it's good. I just enjoy it reading every week being that to me, it's just a good read. I would say watch the Anime but the Anime stretches out the chapter in order to make sure that they don't pass the manga. I rather this than Naruto's massive amount of filler so take good with the bad I guess. I'll also say that don't watch the Sub unless you can handle a lot of screaming.
The final manga is My Hero Academia. Like with most Animes, I'm more of a Manga Reader than an Anime Only Watcher. This is due to me thinking that the Anime is over-rated. At least from what I've seen, the series got really popular during its second season. My opinion of the Anime being extremely over-rated is only improved thanks to the Crunchyroll Anime Awards. Those awards aren't the best but to me, I like a more diverse set of options rather than a few.
The main point of this rant is because I wanted to talk about the latest arc. I think this may be one of the best cultural festival in manga. This idea is only proven being that the Sports Festival ,from the early part of the story, is considered one of the best tournament arc in Manga or it may be from the anime but I enjoy that arc. The only thing that I'm not feeling 100% on is the main villain of the arc Gentle/Gentle Criminal.
I don't think he's a bad villain being that he's just okay and his henchwoman is really different. They remind me a bit of the Joker and Harley but I can tell that Gentle really cares about La Brava more than most ,if not all, versions of the Joker. I would count Suicide Squad Joker but that's the part of the movie that I think wasn't needed being that we don't need the Batman and Joker in everything. I dislike the DCeU movies being that they're trying to catch up with Marvel but in my opinion, worse.
Back to Gentle, I think it was before Chapter 173, I found a video saying that Kohei Horikoshi designed him to be like Logan Paul. That got me curious being that I don't see it. I've never been a fan of Logan Paul being that I don't see how people like his videos but I'm wasn't a fan of Vine ,to begin with, and the fact that people like him are famous is a question that I don't like to think about. I'm going to get an answer too.
I would take about the event that started up 2018 but I would only be beating the dead horse. I only say that this. He shouldn't have done it to begin with because it's one of two big examples that I can think of to prove the stereotypes of Americans being stupid idiots. The other examples is Rick and Morty's fan with a Mcdonalds sauce that made me hate a show because of its fan and I usually don't let others make my choices. Back to Gentle once again, I hope the guy succeeds.
Regardless if his plan works or fails, it will changed society as a whole being that it'll be a big change for sure maybe. I also have one more thing to say before we start this arc. Atem is currently in 5th Grade, Uriel will be in Kindergarten, and Zoey will be in 2nd Grade despite being two years old chronologically and eight years old biologically. I know that I said the former before but the other two, I need to say now. Lets begin in Spiro's Castle deep in Terrarune.
Like with the king Arturo, most of the Phantoms ,if not all of them, haven't changed since their last appearance. This will be a long episode and the next two episode will be interesting for sure. I should also mention that this story is teen. It should have been obvious but I just wanted to make sure being that I tend to focus on something, introduce something and forget all about, and tend to focus on one character more than others.
Narrator P.O.V.
In Terrarune, Spiro Midnight had called a group of Phantoms into the castle. This group consisted of Bane, Celeste, Dyno, Isis, Seth, and Wraith. The group ,except for Bane, were currently waiting in the throne room being that despite it being almost two years since the time Spiro was controlled by a Trastry being that the Omniversal worm was defeated by the next possible king Zane Alvarez, it was still destroyed. The prison warden glared at them being that he said,"What's taking him so long?".
Wraith said,"Do you miss torturing those prisoners of yours?". "You're just lucky that you evade my patrols this long scum." said Wraith. Isis soon whispered to Celeste,"I guess those two must be having a dick measuring contest.". "Maybe Iris but I highly doubt that. So Seth, how is your relationship with Zane's sister going?" said Celeste. "It's going good but why haven't you or Jen visited our pal? He's been missing you both according to Courtney." said Seth.
Celeste blushed as she said,"I didn't want to bother him at all and I don't like him like I did with JV. I have my music career to think about.". "That sounds like a good excuse to me. He's on the football team now and he's throwing around the old pigskin." said Seth. "Good. He's making the hunt more satisfying to me." said Wraith. "I don't care at all. So where is our real king? I have work to do." said Dyno. "Wow. You two are so annoying you know that?" said a voice.
The five looked to see Bane standing there with some of the most powerful Phantoms in the entire realm. This group consisted of one of their kings Spiro, Hourglass Universe who is one of the most infamous Phantoms in all of Terrarune, Yahi who is the head of the royal guards of Terrarune plus she's a yeti, and Daemon/Malik ,going by Malik Zapata, aka Zane's evil counterpart. Malik still looks to be in his early twenties with a athletic yet muscular build to him. He looks to be the same height as Zane.
He still has white ,flame like, hair with him shaving off his flame like goatee, leaving behind a clean face. His skin is a grayish blue. His eyes were glowing red with tints of dark green and purple in them. His eyes had dark lines ,under both of them, being that the Phantom didn't get a lot of sleep at all. Both of his eyes also now didn't scream anger, trouble, pain, and misery being that they now screamed calmness and tranquility. His teeth still had fangs which stick out.
He's wearing a black version of his battle helmet. It now had seven spikes at the top but it still framed his face. It also looked like a crown mainly due to his white hair, and it now had a visor so he could hide his face. He's wearing a black jacket with a purple lining, a weird ghost like skull ,that's covered in dark purple flames, on the back of his jacket, and his jacket is opened revealing his black muscle shirt. The center of his shirt is a white color making a circle where his heart would be.
It had two lines ,on the bottom and top of the circle, that connected to his gray belt and his collar. The two lines ,on the left and right, went around his body connecting in the center of his back. He had spiked dark silver metal chest straps that forms an "X" shape on his back. The Phantom is wearing two black shoulder plates with small purple and white flame that looked just like his hair. He ditches the cape.
He's wearing black camo cargo pants with silver short steel-toed boots. His boots had sharp spikes on the side and trident like boots. He's wearing silver clawed gauntlets with the right arm having this longer than normal blade that extends from his forearm. It looks to be the size of a katana blade which goes off into five curved points that looked like claws. Yahi is a dainty and feminine version of a normal yeti.
Her entire body is covered in snow white fur with her having light blue fur around both of her legs looking like snow boots. She's wearing a light blue cape/tunic over the center of her body ,that also covered both of her broad yet dainty shoulders, with a gold clip. and she's wearing a matching colored skirt wrapped around her waist and gold belt. She had two horns ,made out for ice, sticking out of her with the right horn being cut off.
She's wearing an ice themed mask over her face but it still showed her sharp fangs, glowing blue eyes, and animal nature. Both arms are made of ice and very sharp. Her tail was big and had five ice spikes at the end. "What are you doing here? I thought you were thrown in the big jail of the Alliance after you lost and surrender to Zane." said Dyno. Most Phantoms hate Malik for what he did to them under the control of Ash and he hurt their friend Zane.
Zane may not be a full Phantom like they are but most of Terrarune liked the Cross Species. "To answer you, our favorite Phantom of Time freed me and to be honest, Zane defeated me using his power of emotions rather than his strength. I was being controlled by the Trastry." said Malik. Spiro coughed loudly with Hourglass said,"We can have a talk about Malik being free after we have our discussion about of the future King's social life.".
Bane said,"I still can't believe we're making Zane the king. He'll also be the fourth king in the entire history of Terrarune and the first human king.". "You're not serious are you? You're okay with this." said Wraith. "He is serious about this Wraith and you won't be hunting him. I doubt you could even find your phone when it's right in front of you." said Malik. Wraith growled at Malik who shrugged at the Phantom growling at him.
He still has white ,flame like, hair with him shaving off his flame like goatee, leaving behind a clean face. His skin is a grayish blue. His eyes were glowing red with tints of dark green and purple in them. His eyes had dark lines ,under both of them, being that the Phantom didn't get a lot of sleep at all. Both of his eyes also now didn't scream anger, trouble, pain, and misery being that they now screamed calmness and tranquility. His teeth still had fangs which stick out.
He's wearing a black version of his battle helmet. It now had seven spikes at the top but it still framed his face. It also looked like a crown mainly due to his white hair, and it now had a visor so he could hide his face. He's wearing a black jacket with a purple lining, a weird ghost like skull ,that's covered in dark purple flames, on the back of his jacket, and his jacket is opened revealing his black muscle shirt. The center of his shirt is a white color making a circle where his heart would be.
It had two lines ,on the bottom and top of the circle, that connected to his gray belt and his collar. The two lines ,on the left and right, went around his body connecting in the center of his back. He had spiked dark silver metal chest straps that forms an "X" shape on his back. The Phantom is wearing two black shoulder plates with small purple and white flame that looked just like his hair. He ditches the cape.
He's wearing black camo cargo pants with silver short steel-toed boots. His boots had sharp spikes on the side and trident like boots. He's wearing silver clawed gauntlets with the right arm having this longer than normal blade that extends from his forearm. It looks to be the size of a katana blade which goes off into five curved points that looked like claws. Yahi is a dainty and feminine version of a normal yeti.
Her entire body is covered in snow white fur with her having light blue fur around both of her legs looking like snow boots. She's wearing a light blue cape/tunic over the center of her body ,that also covered both of her broad yet dainty shoulders, with a gold clip. and she's wearing a matching colored skirt wrapped around her waist and gold belt. She had two horns ,made out for ice, sticking out of her with the right horn being cut off.
She's wearing an ice themed mask over her face but it still showed her sharp fangs, glowing blue eyes, and animal nature. Both arms are made of ice and very sharp. Her tail was big and had five ice spikes at the end. "What are you doing here? I thought you were thrown in the big jail of the Alliance after you lost and surrender to Zane." said Dyno. Most Phantoms hate Malik for what he did to them under the control of Ash and he hurt their friend Zane.
Zane may not be a full Phantom like they are but most of Terrarune liked the Cross Species. "To answer you, our favorite Phantom of Time freed me and to be honest, Zane defeated me using his power of emotions rather than his strength. I was being controlled by the Trastry." said Malik. Spiro coughed loudly with Hourglass said,"We can have a talk about Malik being free after we have our discussion about of the future King's social life.".
Bane said,"I still can't believe we're making Zane the king. He'll also be the fourth king in the entire history of Terrarune and the first human king.". "You're not serious are you? You're okay with this." said Wraith. "He is serious about this Wraith and you won't be hunting him. I doubt you could even find your phone when it's right in front of you." said Malik. Wraith growled at Malik who shrugged at the Phantom growling at him.
Iris giggled at his comment with Spiro said,"We've thought about this ever since Zane defeated me in combat. I may have been under the control of that creature but I respect his power and he has grown stronger. You said that you wish to train him Yahi?". "Yeah. He may defeated you my king but I can still see that Zane has a lot to learn about his powers and honor. This may been through Hourglass's mirrors but I can just tell." said Yahi.
During this, Celeste was glaring at Malik. She didn't understand why Zane didn't kill him and she was pretty sure that Zane could have killed him. She heard,"Hey there pop princess. I think Zane wouldn't like if one of his girls looked at a different guy in such a hateful manner.". She turned around to see a copy of Malik with her swipe her guitar through him. "Celeste is right in her own way. Can you tell me why he's here your highness? He may have been controlled but still. " said Seth.
Malik said,"You have a point. I may have taken away Zane's right arm and Essence but in the end, he forgave me. He may be a big idiot but I'm sure he would say,"Everyone may call me an idiot for forgiving you but my dad told me to always give people a second chance.". He did this with Bedrock and Cinder with one of them being good and the other one having a more complicated reason. So snow lady, can Zaney have a harem if he's a king right?".
Yahi said,"He can but he'll need to first past the trial which is the reason why the six of you were called to the castle.". "The trial?" said Celeste. "You're still new to the world of Phantoms young Celeste so I'll tell you. For every king, they were given a trial that tested their characters and to make sure that they're worthy of that title. You along with Bane, Iris, and Seth are close to the human side and Dyno and Wraith are close to his heroic side." said Hourglass.
Dyno said,"I haven't fought him since I got my revenge on him when he was a public menace for a short period of time and Wraith here hasn't been able to lay a hand on him since he's scared of losing to him again.". "Shut up! I'm planning for the right time to capture him and hang him on my wall." said Wraith. He turned around to see an angry Celeste as the hunter was slightly scared of her anger. "Whipped." said Malik making a whip sound.
Wraith glared at Malik with Celeste said,"So how does this trial go down?". "You'll need to create a scene for Zane as the hero to solve. You also can't expose his secret identity whatsoever being that you can't let people figure out that Zane is Legion Zero." said Spiro. "Or in other's words your highness, we have to make a super villain for Zane to defeat." said Seth. "And you said that they wouldn't understand the mission." said Malik.
Bane said,"I don't think Zane could think that I'm a villain and also I'm not the best at causing civil unrest.". "Except for your face." said Dyno. The two rivals glared at each other as Isis said,"I just remember. Didn't Marie need your help with something Celeste? Perhaps in return of this favor, you could have her help with the trial.". "I guess. I wish that...." said Celeste. She was soon gone as Isis said,"She said wish. It's in my DNA.".
Malik said,"Well, it may be a good thing that she left. I'm so jealous of that guy. He'll have a harem and I got nothing.". "Didn't you have one back in your dimension?" said Yahi. "Nope. They were scared of him or annoyed by him." said Hourglass. "Yeah. The last woman in my life is and will always been a hot mess. Kirk used her to try and weaken me but that plan of his blew up in his face along with the rest of him thanks to Zane's Karmic Limbo." said Malik.
Spiro said,"Yes. He is still holding that over him being that he may have killed those guards when he went through Blacktomb two years ago but he knew Kirk in a way. He asked me what it was like to take a life with my powers.". "Well, I remember killing my father/bastard and that felt good to me. You told him that he was a goody two shoes and that he shouldn't dwell on it. We make mistakes but we grow past them." said Malik.
Hourglass said,"Being defeated by Zane has changed you Malik. You used to be a true threat but now, you're more of a monk. As Zane would say,"Ever think of going the Buddhist route?".". "I can't believe you quote Zane." said Malik. "Anyway, tell all Phantoms to ignore Zane until Celeste is down with the trial. We'll throw a bash soon after when Zane competes the trial of becoming the king of Terrarune!" said Spiro.
Narrator P.O.V.
Back on Earth, Ana was currently sitting in the living room working on her homework and she heard loud footsteps. She turned to see Uriel and Zoey heading down the stairs with Ana rolling her eyes at the duo. She liked the two of them being that they were making her older brother alongside his family and friends. She looked right at Zoey and she was trying to remember if Lilith was making clones of her brother during her time with the Custodians. She heard,"Auntie?".
She looked to see the young clone with Ana saying,"Yes Zoey?". "Could you please tell Uriel that she doesn't have to worry. Both me and big brother will be there for her." said Zoey. Ana looked at the youngest niece who was currently wear a new outfit that Zane brought for her to wear. It's a navy blue long-sleeved hooded sweater ,that reminded Ana of Zoey's hoodie, with a violet t-shirt under it and like her jacket and outfit before, it had a dog themed pattern to it.
She's wearing a white two-layered fluttery skirt, long black open-toed stockings with an yellow cross-hatch pattern that resembles a clock tower, and a pair of fuchsia flat sandals. "Are you worried about going to school Uriel?" said Ana. Uriel nodded rapidly as Wolfram ,who joined the girls, was trying to keep up with her before getting confused. "You shouldn't worry. You're living with the Alvarez family meaning that you're part of the coolest family around." said Ana.
Uriel said,"Isn't that something dad.. I mean Zane would say?". "Yeah. He isn't wrong about that due to him having a big social presence at our school. So where is your older brother and father?" said Ana finishing up her homework. "Big brother is currently getting ready and I think daddy is finishing up his training. Didn't grandma tell him to stop?" said Zoey. "She did and trust me, it was far worse than what it was before. So do you want to wake him up?" said Ana. "Sure!" said Uriel.
She ran up the stairs as Zoey said,"I really hope she does good at school auntie.". "You're acting like a worried older sister when you should be acting like a child. You should enjoy your youth while you have it before you have to act like an adult." said Ana. She tussled her niece's hair as Zoey said,"So could we have pancakes for breakfast?". Wolfram nodded in agreement as Ana said,"Lets see what your father says but I'm fine with it.". The two soon cheered.
Upstairs, Zane was currently finishing up his training by phasing into his room's shadows thanks to him being in Stealth Form. He was currently using this form alongside Vampire Form for fighting crime while he gets some sleep. He also lets Kane have fun with beating down punks. He stretched as he looked around him. Despite him being in the upper most part of his house, it was surprisingly very easy to move everything in his room upstairs ,the exact same, and this includes the plumbing.
He was lucky that he had Brain Form and clones. He looked toward the stairwell and he heard footsteps approaching. He made a shadow hand appear from the wall's shadow in order to open the door to the main part of the house. Uriel ran into the room as she said,"Hi Zane!". "Morning cotton candy." said Zane. Uriel tilted her head as she said,"What's cotton candy? Is something that you can eat Zane?". "Yeah and it's really sweet like you." said Zane.
Uriel smiled as she said,"So are you ready for breakfast and can we have something called pancakes Zane? Big sister Zoey says that you make them good.". "Normally, I would say no. Today is yours and Zoey's first day at school so I'll make an exception. Is Atem awake?" said Zane. "Yep! He said good morning to me before groaning a bit. Is he okay?" said Uriel. "Yep. He's just recovering from his sparring match with Courtney. You'll meet her later. She's really nice." said Zane.
Uriel nodded as she ran downstairs. "I still can't believe she called you dad. I mean you just met her less than five days ago but she already sees you as a father." said Cole. "Vulcorians can build bonds faster but younger ones were better at it than older ones. I speak from personal experience on the matter. I also doubt she knows what a father is and why both your kids call you that. She has a major case of amnesia and it's only about things that isn't fighting." said Kane.
Zane said,"True. I mean she was able to use Mojo on Anthony who doesn't have records of being a former hero and only Sierra remembers having him as her father whatsoever. I have a strong feeling that the Odium Society did something about this.". "Yes. We really shouldn't keep those kids and dog of yours away from the pancakes." said Sivarth. Zane nodded as he turned back into his human form and in his training gear, he soon went into the shower to get clean.
He soon got dressed in a second being that he was wearing his signature letterman jacket with his watch, talisman, his wood eagle necklace, earrings, ring, and his new headphones that are around his neck. He's wearing a pair of dark indigo framed glasses with clear frames and rimless over the top to show off his eyes. He's wearing a black shirt with an indigo spider web and the snake wrapped around it, a pair of black jeans with a gray belt and gold belt buckle, and his signature shoes.
He soon headed downstairs to make breakfast. A bit later, Zane was currently looking at the trio plus dog at the kitchen table. They were enjoying their meal as Ana said,"Great. We have two more fans of pancakes.". She stood nearby them with Zane saying,"They're enjoying breakfast. Atem needs something good right now.". "I still can't believe how strong Courtney is." said Ana. "That isn't a surprise given that her entire family is filled with badasses." said Zane.
He soon headed downstairs to make breakfast. A bit later, Zane was currently looking at the trio plus dog at the kitchen table. They were enjoying their meal as Ana said,"Great. We have two more fans of pancakes.". She stood nearby them with Zane saying,"They're enjoying breakfast. Atem needs something good right now.". "I still can't believe how strong Courtney is." said Ana. "That isn't a surprise given that her entire family is filled with badasses." said Zane.
Atem nodded as Zane said,"Time for school you guys. Are you ready to go?". They nodded with their faces covered in syrup and Zane said,"Clean up you guys.". They were gone as Zane looked right at Wolfram. The dog was covered in the stuff with Zane sighing. He soon turned into Water Form and he said,"Time for your bath little guy.". The dog soon tried to escape but he was soon held by the hydrokinetic form. "You're not escaping me." said Zane. He went to the backyard with the dog.
Later, Zane ,in his human disguise, was in front of the elementary school with him turning back to his kids. He parked his car nearby and the trio walked to the school. "Good luck at school you guys. Just call me on my next Galaxy Phones and I'll come running in a second." said Zane. He pointed to the headphones ,that were around his neck, and Atem said,"Don't worry dad. I'll protect the two of them for sure.". "Thanks a lot big brother but me and Uriel can take care of ourselves." said Zoey.
Zane sighed as he said,"I've told this before to Atem but you can't use your powers in public. We're trying to keep it a secret that we have them. However, Uncle Kurt and Lucius can use their powers for work but they use them in a highly discreet manner. Here's the thing. I don't care that you use your powers but be discreet.". "Okay!" said Uriel and Zoey. Zane heard a bell and he said,"You guys better get going. I think class is starting soon.". The three hugged him as they ran toward the building.
Zane smiled as Athena said,"Shouldn't you get going Zane? You don't want to be late for class today Zane. According to Stan's message, you'll be stuck showing three girls around the school today and you know them.". "Yeah. I know all three of them and I'm hoping that today won't be super bad but I could be wrong." said Zane. "Hey there little brother. Dropping off the terrific trio aren't you?" said a voice. Zane turned to see his "older sister" Courtney standing there.
Zane was now taller than her ,due to her being a rather tall woman to begin with at 5 foot 10, being that she was still the same as she was two years ago but older. She's wearing her gray jacket with a dark magenta tank top with a dead unicorn skull on it, her black jeans with her gray belt, her three inch cowgirl boots with a three inch heel, and her signature accessories (Victorian Lace choker, skull stud earrings, and fingerless gloves).
Zane said,"Yeah. Their grandma was too busy with one of her experiments that could change the lives of normal people from metahuman threats that effect their daily lives.". "That does sound like her. So my sister tells me that you're going with the head cheerleader to the dance." said Courtney. "Yeah. It was because I made the team but I have a strong feeling that she would have asked me regardless if I made the team or not." said Zane.
Courtney placed her hand on his chest as she said,"I'm guessing your inner sadist likes making the jocks look stupider than normal. I can really feel the muscles on my little brother and Seth is getting jealous of how strong his little brother is getting.". "I know that you guys are dating, been really cool about Seth being well dead, and my secret but please tell me that you're not going to marry him sis. I rather not have a guy that I knew in my past life as my brother." said Zane.
Courtney said,"You like him don't you Zane?". "I do sister and if you really want to marry the guy, I'll be okay with it because it's your choice. I'll be giving him the exact same talk that I gave Ray upon hearing about him and my cousin dating." said Zane. "I'm always thinking about marriage Zane but right now, I'm just happy with dating for now. So once you become the king of Terrarune, you can allow Phantoms to marry whoever they want right?" said Courtney.
Zane said,"Even as their king, most of them won't be listening to me due to me being a Cross-Species and not a true Phantom according to some. You may become a Cross-Species of human and Phantom if you guys stay in Terrarune.". "No thanks. No offense to you and Seth but I like being alive and not phasing through stuff. So I have to ask, are you and the head cheerleader dating?" said Courtney. "It's complicated." said Zane.
Courtney said,"Is it because your big heart?". "Yeah. I'm in love with several girls and I'm pretty sure that none of my futures don't have me married or in love with less than five girls." said Zane. "Yeah but I'm sure you'll figure it out Zane. You're a smart kid Zane. Don't worry so much okay?" said the older woman. "Thanks. I better get going. The student council president really shouldn't be later for school." said Zane. "Yeah. I have to head to work." said Courtney.
Zane said,"You mean sitting around until I show up right?". "Pretty much little bro." said Courtney as she put her right arm behind her back. Zane rolled his eyes as he walked off to his car. Courtney soon turned to the nearby wall as she said,"So did you get what you needed?". seth ,who was invisible the entire time, reappeared as he said,"Yeah. Celeste is going through with her plan perfectly so do you want to marry me?". Courtney was quiet as she punched Seth into a tree.
Later, Zane ,as Legion Zero, was currently being chased by Agent Phoenix Vicky Mills. He didn't even do anything but she decided to chase him down. He was currently having a hard time dodging her attacks due to them possibly hitting innocent people, forcing him to either take the blows or make shields to block them. "Can't you leave me alone?! I haven't done anything!" said Zane as he blocked one of her energy beam.
Vicky said,"No! You're a Phantom and you shouldn't exist!". She made five spheres ,floating around her, and they fired their beams at him. Zane dodged most of them being that he saw that they were heading toward the ground. Zane soon made five clones block the shots being that one clone protected a car, a street light, someone's house, a innocent person, and fire hydrant. Zane took a deep breath and Sivarth said,"You need to stop her before she hurts someone.".
Zane nodded as the molten gold part of his eyes glowed. He vanished from Vicky's system as her hover board stopped. "Where the hell did he go?" said Vicky. She got her answer being that she was soon slashed by a sword being that she turned around to see Zane holding Forsaken Dirge being that he smirked upon seeing her hurt. He may like her as a friend but right now, she was hurting others just to get him.
She growled at him as she said,"You're dead punk!". "To be honest, I was defending myself from you and also the innocent people you were going to kill.". "I'm the real hero!" said Vicky. Zane rolled his eyes as she fired several ,red, energy beams ,with two beams from the array of them being from her arm mounted weapons, toward him. He block some of them with the left blade and the right blade sliced through the rest of them.
Vicky growled as she saw the left blade absorbing most of her shots. Zane fired an energy beam from the left blade being that she was trapped in a star themed chain. She was about to break out when she heard police sirens and several police cars stopping just below them. The officers got out of their cars and had their weapons aimed at her. Tony had a megaphone and said,"This is the police. We have you surround Agent Phoenix! Surrender now!".
Vicky yelled,"What?! He's the criminal! I'm the hero!". Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Well, I'm the hero and you're the crazy lady whose trying to kill innocent. You could try and kill me Vicky but you wouldn't want daddy mad at you do you?". She growled and she flew off. "She's a coward." said Kane. The teen rolled his eyes as he floated down to the officers. They put back their guns as Tony said with a head nod,"Thank you for stopping her rampage.".
Zane put his swords back in his pocket dimension as he said,"Yeah. She may hate my guts for a pretty stupid reason but I won't let her hurt the innocent in her twisted sense of judgement.". "Isn't she your friend when she's not trying to kill you?" said Cole. "He's being honest Cole. He may like her but he can't ignore her sociopath nature when it comes to Phantoms." said Athena. "I better get going you guys. Keep doing an awesome job!" said Zane as he flew off.
He was later walking through the halls with Danny and Gwen with Gwen saying,"So explain why you didn't have her arrested?". "It isn't worth it to be honest. I mean she isn't a public menace like some of my Phantom enemies so I let her go." said Zane. "Yeah but Eternal and Oculus Star are so cool. They're brother and sister right?" said Danny. "They're just part of the swords that my grandpa gave me for my birthday. It may have been because he forgot my birthday in the past." said Zane.
Zane stopped by his locker as Danny said,"So are you and Kristen going to the dance?". "Yeah. She asked me after I made the team but I'm most likely going to be dancing with several girls or I should say my clone will. I got a bad feeling that a super villain will try and attack Cypress Park during the dance. It's my gut feeling telling me that." said Zane. Upon hearing this conversation, a certain A-List aka the Hawaiian queen bee Sam decided to put her two cents in.
Sam said in a sweet tone,"He's just lucky that Kristen feels a large amount of pit on him. I'm going to try and ask Legion Zero to be my date.". Zane rolled hie eyes as Sam glared at him. "What's wrong with you loser?! He has a shot with me and you don't....." said Sam. "Kristen likes me and I like her so the feeling is mutual plus I'm sure that Zero sees you just like all of us. Someone to save since it's his job." said Zane in a very dry tone.
Sam didn't like this as she said,"Of course he knows I exist. He saved me from those Phantom police officers, that dork Kevin when he was being controlled by that mummy, the time that the entire town was controlled into loving others, and so many more events! He knows that I exist and unlike some people who can't admit their feelings to their loser of a crush, I have no problem telling mine!". Gwen knew that she was in-directing insulting Karen as Zane smirked.
Zane said,"I can just telling that he sees you and the rest of his fan girls as just part of the crowd. If you confessed your feelings, I'm sure he would reject you. To be honest, I don't get what people sees in a slowly withered plant.". He thought about his kisses with Rain ,around the time of Vicky's suit upgrade, being that they were just amazing as Sam said in a defensive tone,"Oh! You think that you're so special since someone saw you kissing a girl a few weeks ago doesn't mean anything!".
Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"I can think of several people who would agree with me and and some of them are in your precious A-list. To be honest, I'm pretty sure that any guy would drop you very much like a bad habit.". "Wow. He's really going into her." whispered Danny. Brad walked up to them as he said,"I hate to admit it Sam but 51 has a point. The girl that people saw Zane was smoking hot plus Zero isn't interesting in a relationship. They could get hurt.".
Gwen thought,"I guess you're not wrong Bradley.". "Hey 51! So what was that girl like? She must have enjoyed that kiss being that she went in for a second round according to the rumors." said Austin as he wrapped his arm around Zane. "Who are they talking about? I know Zane told me that he was good friends with Rain Brooks. I'm pretty sure that they're dating. I think." thought Danny with him shrugging. "You have a 0% chance of getting with the hero Sammy." said Zane.
He lightly pushed Austin's arm off him. "Oh I will show you zit! I will get Legion Zero and make him mine!" said Sam. Zane smiled as Danny and Gwen thought,"Uh oh. He's planning something.". "Are you sure about this? Me and the Captain have a bet going on and I'm sure that you don't want to see him in a cheerleader uniform by himself." said Zane. "It's on zit! When I make Zero mine, you have to be the A-list slave for a entire month! You also can't say anything snarky as well." said Sam.
He lightly pushed Austin's arm off him. "Oh I will show you zit! I will get Legion Zero and make him mine!" said Sam. Zane smiled as Danny and Gwen thought,"Uh oh. He's planning something.". "Are you sure about this? Me and the Captain have a bet going on and I'm sure that you don't want to see him in a cheerleader uniform by himself." said Zane. "It's on zit! When I make Zero mine, you have to be the A-list slave for a entire month! You also can't say anything snarky as well." said Sam.
Zane said,"Me without my snark? I wouldn't be your best friend without it but I'm in. I really don't want you to act like a dying chicken. If you fail to get Zero's attention, you have to be my servant for the month. I have a clear idea on what you have in mind for me but trust me sister, my ideas are far worse.". He held out his hand as Sam said,"You're going down loser! We'll see who has the last laugh tomorrow when you're my bitch!".
She and her two jocks were gone as Danny said,"Dude. When you do it, please be gentle.". "In his defense Danny, she should know by now that betting with Zane usually bring trouble. It's common knowledge by now and I rather not know what your plans are for her Zane." said Gwen. "True. So how are you going to do it?" said Danny. "It's a secret just like the girl I was kissing." said Zane as he smiled.
The bell rang as Zane said,"I'll see you lovebirds later. I got Health with Ms. Philips.". "Yeah. Good luck with that man." said Danny. The two fist-bumped as Gwen said,"I'll never get men.". "And we'll never get women." said Danny and Zane in unison with Zane adding,"Jinx!". The three separated as Zane entered his class. Most of the class was staring at him as Nancy Philips was currently looking over something. She hadn't changed in the past two years.
She only changed her white jacket, blue collared shirt, and white dress pants to black, green, and gray respectively. "I'm impressed Mr. Alvarez. You're on time for once." said Nancy. "What can I say? I'm up for trying to change every day." said Zane. He went toward his seat as Bryan ,who hated Zane the most out of the team, was going to try and trip him. Zane rolled his eyes as he went a different way causing the jock to look stupid. He sat in his seat in the back next to Kevin and Rachel.
Kevin whispered,"So did you use Crisis Judgement to see Bryan trying to trip you?". "Nope. Jungle legs was just obvious. I could see his hair from a mile away." said Zane. Bryan growled as Rachel sighed. "I wonder about you sometimes Zane. So I heard about your bet with Sam, how are you going to do it Zane?" whispered Rachel. "It's a secret Rachel but I'll give a hint. It will be over dramatic and cause an uproar for sure." said Zane. "Sounds fun." said Kevin.
Later during lunch break, a teacher was looking at something with great interest. He has short blond hair and green eyes. He wears a green sweater vest, blue undershirt with a black tie, and brown dress pants and shoes. This is Rodney Hodges, Cypress High's premier math teacher and he's well liked by most of the female for his looks and personality. He's been called the light of Cypress while Zane's been called the darkness.
Rodney said,"This is quite interesting. I've never seen saw something like this in my entire life and I hope I don't see it from the inside!". A giant Phantom bug was standing there as Zane ,currently in costume, floated behind the bug. He soon phased into the ground and went right under the bug. He soon slammed into the bug and they soon went through the building. "Lets go for a ride buggy!" said Zane. The two were soon above the school and Zane's left arm started to grow bigger.
He soon grabbed the ghost bug and he threw it toward the ground in front of the school. The bug glared at the teen who said as his arm was returning back to normal,"Listen buddy. I got things to do and dealing with a pest like you isn't one. You may survived my Giant Toss but you're just lucky got that?". Zane flew toward the bug as it recovered. It glared at Zane with Zane saying,"So which hive do you belong to? The Deviants or Remane?".
Crisis Judgement went off as the bug fired several Blue Nether beams from its eyes at Zane. He soon dodged most of them as Cole said,"I think the latter!". Zane rolled his eyes and he soon turned into Werewolf Form. He soon blasted the charging bug with a sonic howl and it went into a grove of nearby trees. As a twist of fate, Sam just happened to be walking by. She gasps upon seeing him and she said,"Zero!". "Sam!" said Zane.
Sam said with a smile,"I told that loser that you know my name! So my school is having a....". "We can talk about this later Sam but right now, you need to run." said Zane. She soon grabbed his right arm as Sivarth said,"And here I thought you can't read the scene.". "We're having a dance and it's girls choice so do you...." said Sam. Zane phased through her as he pointed to the giant bug and she turned around to see it coming close. He blasted the giant bug with a sonic howl.
Sam said,"Come and find here Hero Boy!". She ran off as Zane said,"When someone like Nova or Roxy says it, it's hot but when she does it, not so much.". The bug soon came back being that Zane soon started to run away from the overgrown wasp. He reached a telephone wire and used it to jump over the bug. "Time to make this into an quick pest control! Eclipse Rising!" said Zane. He soon fired an forward and extended jab with his left and right fist and then firing a powerful sonic howl.
The bug soon went into the wire and the impact caused an wake up call for the bug. "And here I thought having these would be a safety hazard." said Zane. It soon exploded into several hundred tiny versions of itself with them flying toward the school. "Son of a bitch. I got three problems to deal with now." said Zane. He soon rushed to the school in order to hunt down the bugs, deal with the Sam problem, and also show three girls around school. What else could go wrong today?
In the hallway, Kevin was currently at his locker with Austin flirting with a cheerleader nearby him and Zane ,back to his human self, walked up to him. Kevin soon looked at his friend as he said with some concern,"Dude. What happened to you? It looks you just ran through hell and back.". "I did. It's called chasing after a garden's worst nightmare. That overgrown bug multiplied and I barely found most of them without going completely insane." said Zane.
Kevin said,"So that means that the girls won't be swarming over you?". "If one of the bugs blasted me with some mating pollen, yes. So do you smell a really sweaty cookie around here?" said Zane. "I think it's coming from the nurse's office. Someone coming from gym puked up his lunch and there was a lot of cookies. It must suck having a super sniffer." said Kevin. "Yeah but my special trait is super hearing and by the way, it's just the worst having super senses." said Zane.
Some of the ghosts bugs, that Zane missed, flew over Zane as Crisis Judgement went off. He looked around as Kevin shrugged. He heard,"Sam.". He saw several of the guys staring at the A-list with the girls glaring at her. "Yep. That's typical Sam." said Kevin. "She's masking her emotions with that smile of hers Zane. You can feel it right?" said Sivarth. "Yeah. Her emotions are screaming the eternal sadness." said Kane.
Zane said,"I should feel bad but I honestly don't.". "So many guys in this stupid town but the only one who is worth my time is you Zero. So why did you reject me?" said Sam under her breath. She soon opened her locker to show a shrine of the young hero. "I may have enhanced hearing but what did you do?" whispered Kevin. "I rejected her gently being that she was keeping me from finding those dam insects but I'm sure that I missed 20% plus percent of them." said Zane.
Kevin said,"So not an overkill reaction?". "Nope." said Zane. "Dam. I owe Rachel ten bucks." said Kevin. "You betting on me is usually a very bad idea Kevin." said Zane. "I know that but I was pretty sure that you were going to do that." said Kevin. Zane soon shrugged as he decided to be his normal self. He walked over to Sam with him saying,"I'm guessing that your idol rejected you? You can mask your feelings to the rest of the flock but to me, not so much.".
Sam said,"What makes you think that?". Zane could tell that she was trying to keep it together as he said,"I'm good at reading people Sammy. You may be able to mask the pain but your aura is making a goth's aura look happy. If you did get Zero for the dance, you would have come and find me with you gloating your ass off at me. I guess I win the bet. Lets see, I think you can't say anything to anyone mean and I'll have to give you the Zane Alvarez makeover every day.".
Kevin and Sam shivered upon hearing that. Zane Alvarez was known for many things but you don't want one of his makeovers and he's really good with makeup despite him being a guy. "Oh god. This can't be happening to me. How could things go so wrong? Everything was looking up for me so far and when I saw Zero, I know that he should have been mine and Zane gets his just desserts. So why did he reject me?" thought Sam.
Sam said in a pleading tone,"Come on Zane. Don't you have a heart in you? Do you know what that will do to me? It will destroy my popularity and that's all I have.". "I don't have one because it was burned right in front of me Sammy. You shouldn't have done a wager with the devil Sammy. It'll just bring you trouble but the Hero was right. He's too busy and he sees you as someone who he'll saved from danger but doesn't feel the same as you." said Zane.
Kevin thought,"Wow. He isn't at all being subtle.". Brad and the rest of the A-List ,mainly the jocks and the girls that Zane didn't know or care about, soon joined the trio as Bryan said,"You heard her Zit! You let her out of your bet right now. No one gives you a fuck if you won.". "Sorry Jungle Legs but I'm way too stubborn to change my answer. All of you know what I'm capable of and this was me being gentle. Next time, she should learn not to wager with the devil." said Zane.
Bryan said,"Okay Zit! Have it your way, I'll just kick your ass every day until you free Sam from the bet!". "Seriously mate? You couldn't even touch him during practice. What makes you think that you can bully him?" said Allen. "23 and 51 are right Bryan. Sam did this herself and she should face her punishment like a man." said David. Brad nodded as Kevin said,"Wow. You got them to agree with you. Are we on some sort of counter Earth?".
Zane shrugged as he said,"Okay then Jungle Legs. Bring it.". "You're dead meat Alvarez! This is going to be good!" said Bryan. He cocked his fast back being throwing a punch that he planned on knocking out Zane. "So how are you going to do this Zane? I'm expecting something that doesn't reveal the truth about you." said Athena. Zane ,using his natural reflexes, dodged the powerful yet sloppy punch by ducking and he kneed Bryan's gut.
Not giving him a second to recover, Zane delivered a powerful uppercut which launched Bryan into some lockers. Everyone ,nearby them both the A-list and student body, was shocked by this action straight from a fighting movie. "I'm pretty sure that you weren't even trying were you man? The girls are going to kill you once they hear about this." whispered Kevin. Zane nodded as he said,"And you know that Gwen likes hearing both sides of the story but making a judgement.".
Zane soon heard,"What's going on here?". Stan stood there with him saying,"Why does Mr. Jones look like he just got punched by an express train?". "I'm sorry Principal Underwood." said Sam as both Kevin and Zane raised an eyebrow. "I made a bet with Zit with the prize being the loser's slave for a month and I lost. I pleased for him to let me go but he said no. Bryan tried to defend my honor but well, Zane attacked him." said Sam with no subtlety.
Brad thought,"Wow. She is a suckup.". "Zane. Is what Sam saying the truth? Did you knock out your teammate out when he was trying to help his friend?" said Stan. "If by help, you mean attacking me just because Sammy here lost. He did that but you should know that he threw the first punch and also what I wanted for her was pretty light compared to what I could do to her." said Zane. "And what was the outcome?" said Stan.
Kevin said,"She can't say mean to anything and Zane gives her the Zane Alvarez makeover for an entire month. Anything I missed?". "I was thinking of her saying sorry to everyone that she's ever been mean to but that would take more than a month." said Zane. "Bryan did this to himself sir and we have his backup just in case Bryan does something stupid to Zane. My dad had this in mind after Zane here made Jungle Legs look stupid." said David.
Stan said,"I see. You're good to go Zane.". "Excuse me sir? I think he should be punished by being suspended for a week or more for acting one one of the A-list." said a voice. Zane turned to see one of his most hated enemies Della Dixon standing there. She was the former student council secretary until Heidi beat her in a recent election but the brunette still had a prominent role in how the school spends its money thanks to her daddy.
She still looked to be short ,at least to Zane, with her hair length and color plus eye color still being the same. She's wearing her usual outfit being a white hairband, silver rimmed glasses, light pink lipstick, light green long sleeved dress shirt under a red and white vest, bright red skirt with a brown belt, black leggings, and black and pink sneakers. "Yeah but if he does that, you folks in the A-list don't learn your lessons. He's just doing his job after all." said Zane.
Stan said,"Stop you two. This is over. Mr. Lawrence, do you mind taking Bryan to the nurse's office and I hope nothing else happens today." He went back to his office as the crowd dispersed. During this one, one of the bugs landed on Sam's left hand and went through her. "Dam you bug. My flawless skin is blemished!" said Sam. Kevin and Zane were heading toward math as he said,"You do know that you could have crossed a line there right?".
Zane said,"I already ended someone's life Kevin remember?". "Yeah but still, you did hold back on him right?" said Kevin as the two watched Austin drag Bryan into the nurse's office. "Yeah. I used the same amount of strength that I used during tryouts and practice. You're not going to give me the "Just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should actually do something." speech are you man? Because that ship has sailed years ago." said Zane.
Kevin said,"Nope. I've known you for a long time and you're good friends with Stan aka the head sheriff around these parts. So what is fun?". "A bit. I'm going to enjoy making Sam look like how she looks on the inside and one less A-list bitch is good for all. Bryan had it coming since Brad stopped his bullying upon me joining the team. He's really growing as a person plus Bryan has been trying to get back at me since he and Susan broke up according to Allen." said Zane.
Kevin said,"Yeah. I was shocked by the fact that some of the team was agreeing with you. Austin and David have always been the nice ones plus Allen but Brad? You're making things different around here and the A-list don't like that. So do you smell gym socks and snicker doodles or is that just me man?". "The nurse office has a different smell depending on who you ask. I'm sure that Bryan will be back to normal soon enough despite him not having a healing factor." said Zane.
Kevin said,"So if you went all out on him, you could go to prison.". "I would do pretty good there in my opinion if my last two experience in prisons are an example." said Zane. "You got lucky with both of them Zane. The girls would hate you being in prison." said Kevin. "Yeah. I may be disrespectful to most people but I have my weird morals." said Zane. "You can say that for sure." said Kevin. As the two were talking, they were being watched an trio of Phantoms.
One of them was Celeste, one was Jennifer, and the third one looked to be a highly evolved female shadow like creature. Her body looked wispy, glowing amethyst eyes with tints of red to them, sharp teeth with her fangs poking out of her upper lips, and claws. She's wearing her blue eyeshadow and matching colored lipstick. Her obsidian black ,with purple streaks, hair is long and flowing with it being flame like. She has freckles under her eyes and on her nose.
Jennifer was wearing a new outfit being that her hair was slightly longer and lost its curly nature with her eyes sticking out. She's wearing her makeup. She's still wearing her green pendant, green/gold ring, and lavender colored scarf. She's wearing a white cropped blouse with a blue jacket wrapped around her waist, a red, black, and green plaid skirt that went down to her knees, slightly ripped black fishnets with long green stockings, and black ankle high combat boots.
Jennifer said,"So why are we here Celeste and how isn't his radar not detecting us? Zane was also so cool earlier. He's just like JV but still different enough.". "I still can't believe that you two are friends with the downgraded Johnny." said the shadow creature. "You're just mad that your body was destroyed Marie. We're doing this because you lost your body. We're hidden from Crisis Judgement thanks to Spiro. So did you get that bug from Remane?" said Celeste.
Marie said,"I had Rikki borrow it from that overgrown freak. So how will you two tell him about this? You know how protective of people he can be.". "We'll figure it out because we want to make him the next king." said Celeste. "Yeah. His mother wants her son to be happy and I'm hoping that Agent Phoenix doesn't try to kill us." said Jennifer. "Lets begin girls." said Marie as the two nodded and disappeared.
Ten minutes later in Mr. Rodney Hodges's class, Zane was talking with Gwen and Kevin. "So I have to ask you something Zane." said Gwen. The class hadn't exactly started being that Rodney was currently grading a previous test. "Shoot." said Zane. "So are Phantoms alive or not? I mean from what I've been told, Phantoms are everything that's supernatural such as the Yetis and Yokais. I was always curious but Master Eon won't tell me." said Gwen.
Zane said,"Well, they're both alive and dead. They can survive for several years longer than a normal human but if their Essence aka heart is completely destroy, they die for real. That's what happened to the evil Kirk because well, he pissed me off. It ruined my hero name for some people since heroes don't kill which is such a lame requirement. I'm just happy that you guys accept me and not forced to change just because I'm acting like a thug with no regards to the rules.".
Gwen said,"Well, Danny tells me that you're still the same Zane despite your more snarky nature and to be honest, I didn't think it could be possible for you to be even more snarky.". "Yeah. Zane is just filled with surprises." said Kevin. Rodney finished grading the tests as he was now passing them back. "Let me guess you two both got A+s didn't you?" said Gwen, personally happy with her solid B. "Yeah Gwen. Despite my busy life, I can keep my grades." said Zane.
Kevin said,"You do know that we can help you out right?". "Yeah. I just don't want to bother you guys plus I don't just focus on the super villains. I go after anyone who hurts the innocent. I'm getting better at duplicated myself and I can have Kane do the...." said Zane. "Hey 51." said Brad. The trio looked to see the jock standing there with him saying,"I'm going to hate saying this but could you help me with math? I'm not doing so hot and I can't get kicked off the team.".
Zane said,"Sure Captain but it'll cost you something.". "You're seriously forcing me to pay you?" said Brad. "For you captain, my payment isn't cold, hard cash but our bet." said Zane. "Oh that. Okay. I"m fine that but I pick what games." said Brad. "Sure thing captain. Just don't look like Jungle Legs and I think we're be good." said Zane. The two shook hands as Kevin said,"Brad and Zane are working something. We're in an alternative dimension.".
Rodney soon got the class to focus as he said,"Okay class. Today is Wednesday. You know what that means right?". "You're going to drop our lowest graded test and give everyone A+'s?" said one of the male students, causing Rodney to chuckle. "Not at all young man. You'll get some extra points for that joke of yours. Does anyone else have any other questions?" said Rodney. "Actually I do Mister Hodges. Is there a reason for why Sam looks pale?" said Vicky.
Zane looked at her being that she was looking rather pale and releasing Nether like he or any other Phantoms does naturally. She had a glowing green aura around her as Sivarth said,"A Phantom only has that aura when they've absorbed too much Nether from either Terrarune or the air around them.". "I feel just the worst. Stupid bug bite." said a sickly Sam. Crisis Judgement went off as a tiny bug flew past Zane. "Son of a." said Zane.
He saw the bug fly toward Della's neck as she said,"Ow!". She slapped her neck, causing Bryan and Hannah to laugh at her. However, they were bitten by a bug hitting the back of their head and waist respectively. The room was soon filled with a swarm of bugs being that the students ,who weren't bit by the first wave soon ran out of the classroom, hoping to get away from them. However, it was far worse outside of the room.
Kevin looked at Gwen and Zane to see that any bug that went toward either of them was smacked to the ground by an invisible object. "My body produces a naturally pest free aura." said Zane. "And due to me having Animus, I'm immune. Danny and Rachel should be okay from them. What about you Kevin?" said Gwen. She watched the bug just ignore him as he said,"Bugs of any kind hate my guts so it's time to go bug collecting?". "Yeah. Cover me guys." said Zane.
The two covered Zane as he turned into Legion Zero. He soon become Gluttony Form as Kevin said with a confused look,"So you became the walking blacking hole?". He watched Zane's tongue eat the bugs as Zane said,"To this form and Ninja form, this stuff is good.". He soon began eating all of the bugs with the crowd was too scared to even noticed him. "Why aren't they biting the adults?" said Gwen as Kevin shrugged.
Nearby, Vicky watched Legion Zero ,in a form that was really cute, eat all of them as she thought,"I guess I'll let this one slide for now. Next time, you and your bugs won't be so lucky.". In the same way as both Gwen and Zane, a bug flew toward her before being shocked to the ground. She soon walked away as Zane finished them off. He walked over to Gwen and Kevin as he soon burped upon arriving. "Seriously hero?" said Kevin.
Zane shrugged as he said,"I can't help it man. It's called Gluttony Form for a reason. That's all of them.". He soon looked down the hallway to see Kristen get bitten with him saying,"Scratch that last statement from the record.". He soon saw Bryan being chased by a group of them and he said,"God dam it!". The jock soon phased through the boy's bathroom door as Zane took a deep breath. He opened the door as he said,"Listen Bryan. Are you okay?".
Zane shrugged as he said,"I can't help it man. It's called Gluttony Form for a reason. That's all of them.". He soon looked down the hallway to see Kristen get bitten with him saying,"Scratch that last statement from the record.". He soon saw Bryan being chased by a group of them and he said,"God dam it!". The jock soon phased through the boy's bathroom door as Zane took a deep breath. He opened the door as he said,"Listen Bryan. Are you okay?".
He soon turned into Vampire Form with him looking for Bryan. He soon found the jock in one of the stalls as he said,"I'm not feeling so good.". "Well, you did eat the mystery surprise for lunch so this is to be expected." said Zane who shrugged. Crisis Judgement soon went off as he turned into a bat in order to dodge two Green Nether beams. "Man. That mystery surprise sure is one." said the bat. The door soon exploded being that Bryan stood there.
He changed being that he looked like Kevin did when he got Phantom powers two years except for his eyes being red and skin being green. His teeth and ears were very sharp and pointy. "GO AWAY ZIT!" said Bryan. Zane soon dodged the teen's attempt to grab him being that Cole said,"So is he projecting his hatred of you on Zero or what?". "Perhaps." said Athena. Zane soon punched Bryan into the wall as he said,"I'm going to enjoy this.".
He was about to punch Bryan but he went back to human. He soon rested on Zane's shoulder with the vampire said,"Dang it. He had a healing factor.". "You're a monster alright Zane." said Kane. The vampire soon carried out the teen being that he said,"So where should I put him?". About an hour later, Stan was dealing with the parents whose kids were affected. The sick were currently in the gym as Stan was talking with the army of parents.
Natasha said,"Why can't you let use see our children Stan? My baby boy is sick and needs me.". "You are incorrect Ms. Alvarez. Actually, Zane wasn't attacked by the bugs. According to the cameras, the bugs seem to aim after Juniors and Seniors. I've been told that some doctors from Swarm are going to be here to answer all of your questions. You can handle it from here can't you Doctor?" said Stan as a person soon walked out from the gym.
Back in the cafeteria, the unaffected Juniors and Seniors were there being that there was only twenty at most in there. Zane saw that beside Allen, Brad, Danny, Gwen, Kevin, Rachel, and Vicky, most of his friends were either infected by those Phantom bugs or out sick today. "Zane. Check this out." said Danny. He turned around and he saw Rachel holding one. "Rachel grabbed one of them that you didn't capture." said Danny.
Zane said,"You really should get rid of that thing. It may bite one of them.". "No. It won't leave me at all. I'm guessing that those bugs attacked most of our class for a reason. Maybe Remane is planning something." said Rachel. "Maybe Rae but Remane isn't exactly the best at being subtle. He's more "I will destroy you Legion Zero!" than "I'll sneak my bugs into his school and then destroy him!"." said Zane. "Aren't you worried at all?" said Gwen.
Zane was about to answer but the door to the cafeteria. A doctor and two nurse went into the room as Brad and Kevin said,"Hello Nurses!". Gwen and Rachel face-palmed as Danny said,"Thank god. I so didn't join in.". "Yeah. Gwen would have killed you." said Zane. The doctor was female being that her skin was slightly pale. She's wearing a white doctor's coat with dark red scrubs, green eyes, and a dark red cap that covers the top of her head with a strand of black hair sicking out.
Both of the nurse had normal Caucasian skin making the pale doctor stuck out. The right nurse had strawberry blond hair that was pulled back into a low ponytail, violet lipstick with any eyeliner and eyeshadow to her, and blue eyes. Her bangs were framing her face. She's wearing a small midnight blue nurse's cap with matching scrubs over a white long sleeve low cut form-fitting dress, black stockings, and midnight blue high heels boots to her. The nurse on the right is a brunette.
She has brown hair with it going down to the middle of her back and green highlights, red lipstick without any eyeliner and eyeshadow to her, and brown eyes. She's wearing a small emerald green nurse's cap with matching colored scrubs over a white long sleeve low cut form-fitting dress, black fishnet stockings, and emerald green bowed high heels. "Hello children. My name is Dr. Ikkir and these two are Nurse Ecarg and Ynnej. We're all foreign." said Ikkir.
Brad said,"Foreign. Sweet.". "So are you from Swarm's disease control center?" said Vicky who gave the trio a hard look. "We sure are sweetheart. Like what we said to your parents, your friends will be a okay and will be transferred to the creepy and abandoned hospital at the edge of town." said Ecarg with Zane hearing thunder outside for a split second. "Wow. That was weird. Bryan was like when Kevin was a Phantom and Sam was glowing Nether." thought Zane.
Athena said,"These bugs are giving anyone who they go into Phantom powers. I'm sure that these people for Swarm know what they're doing.". Zane turned to see that Nurse YnneJ walked up to Zane's group as she said,"So are you the one that the red-haired mother was worried sick?". "That is me yes. What's up nurse?" said Zane. "According to Mr. Underwood, the insects seem to have been destroyed upon coming into contact with you." said Dr. Ikkir.
Zane said,'What can I say? My deodorants keeps me smelling good and free of infection.". "I think you should come with us to the hospital so we can see why that it is." said Ecrag. "You may have the cure to the problem in your body." said YnneJ. Both her and her blond friend grabbed Zane as Brad said,"Why does 51 get all of the babes?". "Beats me but Vicky shares your feelings." said Allen as Brad turned to see Vicky steaming mad.
Rachel said,"Are you girls really from the government?". "Yeah. We can audit your taxes." said Ikkir with a smile. "I better go with them. You guys know what to do." said Zane. The four were gone as Danny said,"Time for Operation Sneak into the Hospital.". "Yep. We better get prepared." said Gwen as Kevin and Rachel agreed with her. However, Vicky had the same idea but mainly because she didn't trust those trio.
Later that day, the group of Danny, Gwen, Kevin, and Rachel were outside of Silver Citrus Hospital and despite the sweet sounding name, this place isn't that sweet. The building looked run down, with boarded-up broken windows and cracks in the walls. On the face of the building, there stood a big Caduceus but the top had two dragon/cat heads instead of the normal snake head. It's surrounded by a fence of barbed wire surrounding the building.
There was also a sign on the barbed fence that reads,"Silver Citrus Hospital." but most of the letters fell off. The group ,except for Rachel, were currently in their costume with Rachel wearing an outfit very much like what Sophie wore during the invasion of Cypress Park. She's wearing a dark red jumpsuit with a flax vest type chest armor, black gloves, black belt, slim combat boots, and to the left and right, there were two Plasma Swiss Army Knives.
Like Danny and Zane, Gwen change her costume being that she wanted to look more human. Her entire body lost its darkness and the clock tattoo that littered her body, revealing her skin. Her white hair now goes to her shoulders and her bright red ,with the clock in them, eyes stuck out. She's wearing a black hooded robe with a gold clock pattern. Underneath the robe, she wears a dark blue leotard with sleeves going up to her wrists.
It wasn't at all skin-tight being that Gwen made sure of that. She's wearing black biker shorts that go to the top of her knees. She wears black fingerless gloves. She wears dark blue calf-high boots with a clock like pattern. She wears a dark red/purple waist length cape over her shoulder. She has Time Rune currently active and in its sheath which is brown with gold accents hanging off her right side. Danny liked his girlfriend's new outfit being that he was a major fan.
Kevin ditched the armored soldier look for something more casual in the same vain as his friends being that none of them like tights whatsoever. His eyes and hair changed color. His hair turned green ,with a thick gray outline around them, and his hair turns golden blond. He was asked why he did that with Kevin saying that he wanted to look like a surfer and they dropped it there due to it just being weird and nothing worth going into talking about that.
Like Danny and Zane, Gwen change her costume being that she wanted to look more human. Her entire body lost its darkness and the clock tattoo that littered her body, revealing her skin. Her white hair now goes to her shoulders and her bright red ,with the clock in them, eyes stuck out. She's wearing a black hooded robe with a gold clock pattern. Underneath the robe, she wears a dark blue leotard with sleeves going up to her wrists.
It wasn't at all skin-tight being that Gwen made sure of that. She's wearing black biker shorts that go to the top of her knees. She wears black fingerless gloves. She wears dark blue calf-high boots with a clock like pattern. She wears a dark red/purple waist length cape over her shoulder. She has Time Rune currently active and in its sheath which is brown with gold accents hanging off her right side. Danny liked his girlfriend's new outfit being that he was a major fan.
Kevin ditched the armored soldier look for something more casual in the same vain as his friends being that none of them like tights whatsoever. His eyes and hair changed color. His hair turned green ,with a thick gray outline around them, and his hair turns golden blond. He was asked why he did that with Kevin saying that he wanted to look like a surfer and they dropped it there due to it just being weird and nothing worth going into talking about that.
He's wearing a gray armored mask over his face being that it looked like a Happuri being that it covered his cheeks and forehead. He currently had his visor over his eyes being that it looked like gold rimmed aviators sunglasses with translucent silver lenses. He's wearing a dark gray high-tech long sleeved hooded shirt ,with two bluish green stripes on the shoulders, blue jeans with two large pockets to the jeans, and brown belt with a silver belt buckle.
He's wearing gray gauntlets/gloves being that they go up to his elbows. They have a green line ,that have a circuit board design, with it centering around a sphere that rest in the center of the gauntlet. They have five ,small but powerful, cannons hidden over his fingers and thumb. He wears silver mechanical boots that go up to his knees. They don't have a green line but they have a flat sphere on the sole. Both of his boots have two powerful jet rockets in the back of them.
He's wearing gray gauntlets/gloves being that they go up to his elbows. They have a green line ,that have a circuit board design, with it centering around a sphere that rest in the center of the gauntlet. They have five ,small but powerful, cannons hidden over his fingers and thumb. He wears silver mechanical boots that go up to his knees. They don't have a green line but they have a flat sphere on the sole. Both of his boots have two powerful jet rockets in the back of them.
Gwen said,"I shouldn't have to ask this Neurozap. Are they in in there?". Kevin nodded as his visor went up and he said,"Yep. All of our classmates plus Zane are currently in there and being guarded by an energy field that keeps Phantoms makes this place really suspicious.". "So how did they even get the students in there? They're Phantoms right?" said Rachel. "They turned it on after they got everyone inside. So what's the plan Neurozap? You're the smartest one here so think." said Danny.
Kevin said,"We'll split into two teams. One teams goes in and the other distracts the guards. We'll meet up with Zane. If anything happens, the other team will come inside. I'm pretty sure that you and I will be okay out here Rachel?". The girl held one of the PSAK (Plasma Swiss Army Knives) as she said,"Yep. It works to get rid anyone who makes fun of me.". Kevin soon fired an energy blast and that distracted the two guards out front. "Go!" said Kevin.
Danny and Gwen soon ran inside as Danny said,"Whoa. Total horror show in here.". They walked around the main floor to see several multi-colored skin like Bryan did, a few of them had fangs very much like Marie and Sovereign, others were pale, some were releasing an Nether aura around them like Sam earlier in the day, or having the inability to stay visible and tangible. "Wow. This place must be normal to Phantoms that were born in Terrarune." said Gwen.
The two soon hide as Doctor Ikkir was chasing after a young band player who was phasing in and out of walls. "Now now son. You need to control your powers. Think of it like breathing." said Ikkir. She was soon gone as Danny said,"Wow. She can run in those heels.". "Don't doubt the power of women in heels Morph." said Gwen. Danny and Gwen soon pasted by Austin ,who was sitting down, who said,"Morph and Slicer? I can't believe you guys....".
He sneezed as a clone of himself appeared, shocking the couple. He soon sneezed nine more teams as there were eleven Austins sitting there. They looked at each other before running off. "I can't believe that he can multiple himself and he hasn't even had his powers for a day!" said Gwen. "That isn't the point here." said Danny. "Hello nurse. I'm feeling rather light headed." said a voice. The two turned to see Della who was nothing more than a head in the jar with Green Nether floating around her.
Danny thought,"Zane would really like this for her.". The two soon heard in their ears thanks to their costume having Galaxy Phones installed,"Danny. Gwen. Can you guys read me?". Gwen soon turned the jar around as Danny said,"We can hear you Neurozap. What's up?". "According to my scanners, it seems that Zane is currently in the third floor. One of you should head up there and check in with him while the other heads to the second floor." said Kevin.
Gwen said with her tilting her head,"And what's there?". "Who cares? Dibs on the third floor!" said Danny. He ran off as Rachel's voice said,"He's so your prince charming. The second floor currently has an problem waiting to happen. I'm heading there to meet you now so go sister.". Gwen nodded as she made a magic portal. However, she didn't see that Vicky ,currently Agent Phoenix, had sneaked in as she thought,"Time to kill these Phantoms.".
As she walked around, she thought,"Why did Zane go with those hussies? He isn't like that is he? He isn't like Mack or Brad on one of his good days. I still can't figure out why those five didn't become a partial-Phantom like everyone else did.". "Wow. I can't believe that you would be here solving the mystery of why everyone in your school has super powers except for like a tenth of it. I wonder why myself so lets team up." said a voice.
She turned around to see Apazar standing there with him looking different from the last time we saw him in Episode 82. Instead of looking like a teen, he looks to be in his mid 20s, His body had a bit of muscles to it. His spiky brown hair grew longer, the tips of his hair is now orange, and his eyes are a periwinkle color. He's wearing his navy blue/black Gakuran with the sleeves cut off. He's wearing black gloves that go up to the middle of his bicep.
His collar is spiked and now covers his chin. He wears a dark red t-shirt with a skinny white tie and black boots. "And who the hell are you?" said Vicky, aiming a laser cannon at him. "Call me AP for now. I'm here to make sure that none of these kids get infected by the Phantom curse. Lets make this sad singles cruise an cheerful couples party." said Apazar. She deactivated her weapon as she said,"Fine. Lets go.". The two walked off.
Gwen soon found herself on the second floor with her seeing Rachel. "So what's this problem?" said Gwen. Rachel pointed to a room and Gwen looked at the nametag. It said,"Samantha Bridges, Karen Castro, Kristen Ortiz, and Hannah Grant.". "Wow. That sounds bad." said Gwen. "Yeah. According to Kevin, Hannah didn't want to be in the same room as Karen so Nurse Ecarg had to use sedatives ,that could knock out an elephant, to get her to work with the group." said Rachel.
Inside of the room, it was awkward and you could cut the tension in here with a butter knife. Hannah currently had a mask over her mouth being that her voice could now be used a weapon, Karen looked normal except for the fact that she's currently held down to the ground thanks to a really strong and long rope that Jenny tied to her, Kristen's body was literally air itself, and Sam looked a bit more like her normal self except she kept burping out wisps of Pink Nether from her mouth.
Sam said,"I can't believe that us girls in the A-list are stuck with the geekette. I wish I was in a room along with my Zero.". She kept releasing the wisps of Nether from her mouth as she said,"I really hate this! What is it?!". "It's called Nether. Zane says that this is the natural energy that Phantoms use to make attacks and sustain life. I'm not sure why it's coming out of you..." said Karen. "Get to the point geekette." said Hannah.
Karen said,"The bug bits must have give us the ability of the Phantoms being that I'm stuck floating in the air, Hannah's voice could seriously break glass, Kristen is literally air, and Sam can't stop releasing Nether.". "I wish I got a better power. I could use to get Zero to fall in love with me and it won't because I can't protect myself." said Sam. The three girls rolled their eyes as Kristen said,"I'm sure that he just saw you as someone to protect and not love.".
Sam said,"You and geekette are just jealous that you can't get Zit's attention. The rumors have to be true about him kissing that girl. I mean it's sad to see him acting just like Mack.". Someone on the third floor, Zane sneezed. "He isn't like that guy Sam." said Kristen. "But he could have any other girl in the school according to Della. So I guess he didn't want our head cheerleader at...." said Hannah as both her and Sam feel asleep. "Thank god." said Karen and Kristen in unison.
Outside, Rachel looked at Gwen who said,"Nice job with the sleeping spell.". "Thanks. I was getting annoyed with Sam. Zane may have trouble staying with one girl but the girls that he does like, he's very much loyal." said Gwen. "So, what can you see Ground Control?" said Rachel. "Very funny. It seems that Karen was right about these bugs being that each one grants you a different ability of the Phantom race." said Kevin's voice.
Gwen said,"So it's a Phantom power lottery?". "Yep. I'm sure that the good doctors must have told them that but from what I gathered, they didn't." said Rachel. "I was looking up the three supermodel doctors but I can't find a single one in any database." said Kevin. "And your database is big correct Ground Control?" said Gwen. "Yes but here's the thing. The basement level has an anti-Phantom shield in it." said Kevin.
Rachel said,"So why the basement and outside?". "So no one can get in from the air or ground. I'm sure that this is the work of an evil Phantom." said Kevin. "Yeah. Which one?" said Rachel. "Maybe Wraith or perhaps Marie." said Gwen. "That's the one who dressed up like a hunter and the other one dress up like a vampire right?" said Rachel. "Yeah. I'm also sure that Danny and Zane may be in danger since Danny hasn't contracted me upon arriving on the third floor." said Kevin.
Unfortunately for the girls, Dr. Ikkir soon came onto the floor and was holding a container of sleeping gas. "It's time for your girls nap." said Ikkir with her wearing a gas mask. The floor was soon covered with sleeping gas as Gwen yawned. "I thought these things prevented sleeping gas." said Rachel as she soon passed out from the gas. "They normally do but this is a much stronger variation created by Lady Marie." said Dr. Ikkir.
She soon turned into a female Phantom. Her body looked rather sleek with her wearing a dark blue robe with an ant skull at the chest. She has glowing red eyes. She's also wearing a gas mask. "You must have figured it out that this isn't a hospital that will cure these poor students of the powers of the Phantoms." said the woman. "Why are you doing this? These people did nothing and why did you take Zane? And who are you?" said Gwen, fighting the sleeping gas the best she can.
The Phantom said,"As you know by now, he has a very unique body being able to handle several different energy in one human body. I'm just the help and Lady Marie needs Zane for something important to her. This is also because....". She soon saw that Gwen was asleep and the Phantom sighed. "I better go check on the Phantom shield just in case one of them has the bright idea to stop Lady Marie's plan." said the Phantom disappearing with the girls in hand.
Back with Danny, he soon reached the third floor as his Galaxy Phones were buzzing. "I guess this must be an anti-tech zone." said Danny to himself. He soon looked for Zane being that he shortly found his best friend strapped down to a hospital bed with his restraints glowing. "Those must be preventing his powers! I'm coming!" thought Danny. He turned his right hand into the Phantoms Smashers as he soon broke his way in.
He soon saw that Zane was asleep and upon the door hitting the wall, he woke up. He turned to see Danny with him saying,"Hey man. What's going on?". "Seriously? You're strapped down to a bed in Phantom preventing restraints!" said Danny. The lights in the room turned on as Marie ,in her whispy form, floating there. "Hello there Morph. So good to see you again." said Marie. "Do I know you lady?" said Danny. "That's Marie." said Zane. "Seriously?" said Danny.
He soon saw that Zane was asleep and upon the door hitting the wall, he woke up. He turned to see Danny with him saying,"Hey man. What's going on?". "Seriously? You're strapped down to a bed in Phantom preventing restraints!" said Danny. The lights in the room turned on as Marie ,in her whispy form, floating there. "Hello there Morph. So good to see you again." said Marie. "Do I know you lady?" said Danny. "That's Marie." said Zane. "Seriously?" said Danny.
Outside, Kevin was sitting in the bushes. "Okay. My friends are currently captured and held inside of that hospital. So how should I break in?" said Kevin. He aimed his cannons toward the front door and he fired them. Ten powerful energy beams went flying toward the two guards and they were blasted back with him destroying the front door. Thanks to his boots, Kevin flew into the building but soon stopped upon seeing Evan phased into the ground right in front of him.
He then heard,"Neurozap? What are you doing here?". He looked up to see Karen floating above him as he said,"Wow. I didn't see that coming. How's the weather up there?". "Those jokes really don't work with me stuck to the roof and not in the mood to hear them." said Karen. "Have you seen any of my friends while crawling around like a spider?" said Kevin. "Nope. I did fall asleep earlier and when I woke up, the front door was just open for every room except the third floor." said Karen.
Kevin nodded as he said,"Karen. Could you open the air vent to your left?". She nodded as she opened up a vent near her. "Wow. I also got super strength. Neat." said Karen. Kevin soon tied ropes around her being that she floated there like a balloon. "We can't have you flying off into the sun. Stay there and float for a while." said Kevin. He soon jumped into the air vent with Karen just floating there and she got bored fast.
Meanwhile, Danny said,"Marie! I thought we were friends! Why are you attacking my friends and classmates with these bugs.". "To get what every woman wants boys." said Marie. "A man who will treat her right?" said Zane with both Danny and Marie looking at him. "No. To be truly free and beautiful. When Malik was being controlled by that worm, one of them drained my first body of power so I decide to make myself a new one." said Marie floating over to a locker.
She soon opened the door and a costume floated there. It looked to be in its 20s and the figure looked extremely developed ,feminine yet curvaceous, figure. It has long and slender legs with no signs of body hair, hourglass waist, and several things that a male would like in a woman. It has a beautiful and appealing face with long flowing obsidian black hair with red streaks, the eye holes were empty, and has human like lips with fangs sticking out of the upper lips.
The skin is bright blue with a vampire bat gem in the center of its forehead, red eyeshadow, and cute freckles under the eye holes and on her nose. The suit is wearing a sleeveless blood red top with a high neck and shows a good amount of her midriff, black skirt with two extremely high thigh slits and looks to barely cover her up, black leggings under her skirt, red thigh-high boots, and black gloves that goes nearly up to her shoulders without them covering her fingers.
Marie said,"This suit was created by mixing the best of teen genetics.". "So those bugs were your way of accruing DNA without anyone figuring it out." said Danny. "Yep. Rikki borrowed one of Remane's pets for this so my plan could work. I need the children away from the adults and in one place." said Marie. She pressed a button, revealing a massive brain scanner with the lights slowly glowing. "I'll have it all." said Marie.
Marie said,"The smartest brain, the strongest muscles, and the ability to look good no matter what I wear. I got that part from Sam.". "Yeah man. Her skin is nearly flawless." said Zane. "I was pretty sure about that. So why is Zane strapped down and those bugs?" said Danny. "The bugs will give humans Phantom based powers until midnight. At that time, the bugs will leave their bodies and make them plain humans." said Marie.
Danny said,"So it's just temporary?". "Of course it is. I may be stealing their DNA without their permission but I'm not that big a monster." said Marie. "Yeah man. She's working with Celeste and Jennifer because of something important. I figured out that Jennifer was involved since her name was Jenny but backward. I don't know why Celeste called herself Grace but backward." said Zane as he tilted his head. "That was her name when she was alive." said Marie. "Oh." said Zane.
Inside of the air vent, Kevin was heading toward the third floor. "Despite this place being very much worn down, this place has a pretty nice air ventilation system." thought Kevin. Back with Danny and Zane, Danny said,"What about Zane?". "Zane's DNA is what I need to fuse myself with my brand new suit. I'm not like Lilith who wants to make a photo copy of Zane. So I'm betting that you liked Celeste and Jennifer in their nurse uniforms?" said Marie pinching his cheeks.
Danny was very much confused as Zane's face went red, remembering them. "Wow. You're so dam obvious." said Marie. "Shut up! So why is your body twenty? I mean everyone here is maybe 16-18 years old." said Zane. "Yeah. I was going to ask that too." said Danny. "Boys. Do you really think they'll let a teen drink outside of Terrarune?" said Marie. "Oh." said Zane. Marie slowly pushed Zane into the machine as she said,"So why aren't you trying to stop me?".
Danny shrugged as he said,"You may have told us your exact scheme and for Zane, twice. This plan seems not so bad. You're already pretty so why do you need that suit?". Both Marie and Zane soon looked at each other as Marie said,"Doesn't he have a girlfriend?". "He does and he should know that calling another woman pretty is just wrong." said Zane. "Ignoring that. Do you want to know why I'm not doing anything?" said Danny.
Zane said,"Isn't it because she's really nice? Despite the fact that she steals energy from people to survive and stay beautiful, she hasn't killed anyone to do it according to Spiro plus you're beautiful on the outside Marie.". She blushed slightly as Danny said,"And what makes it okay for you to say that Zane?". "Because I'm not in one Danny." said Zane. "Despite you being well not Johnny, I find you better than him mainly when it comes to complements." said Marie.
Her face was still blushing as Danny thought,"Can a Shadow blush?". "He may have been too nice according to Wraith. I don't want to fade from this world before I can have what I truly want in this world. True beauty and a lover that will treat me right." said Marie. "That sounds like what happened to Iris except without being a harem girl." said Zane. "I was raised by really strict parents." said Marie. "Oh. That explains so much about your mood swings." said Danny.
The teen was soon hit by a gloved hand as Zane heard,"After hearing about the whole one day powers thing Zane, I knew that I had to help her. Sorry about all of this.". Zane turned his head to see Celeste and Jennifer with both of them in their normal outfits. The robed Phantom was with them as Danny said,"So she must be Rikki right?". The robed one nodded as Jennifer said,"So did you like us in our nurses uniform?". Zane blushed red as Celeste giggled.
Marie said,"It was hard to get JV to blush and since you blush if you find anything attractive, it makes you have a bad poker face.". "Note to you Zane. We're working on that." said Kane. "It's biological! I can't prevent that!" said Zane. He looked at the girls with him saying,"After this, you'll release the cure Marie because I'll give you my DNA without any hesitation. However, we'll soon be having a long talk about this little plan of yours Celeste and Jennifer.".
Danny knew that Zane was serious being that he was pretty sure that Zane would put both of them in the doghouse for a period of time but not a long one. He was too nice. However, this awkwardness was stopped by Marie pushing Zane into the machine. The door closed as Marie said,"While Zane has his examination, we all need to talk. Danny, do you think Zane will hate Celeste, Jennifer, Rikki, and myself after this is all over?".
Danny noticed three of them looking at him with one kinda looking. "Not really. I'm sure Zane would have done all of this even if you asked him politely. Zane's too kind to truly hate someone being that he forgave Malik." said Danny. "I see. That's good." said Marie with Danny looking confused. The locker soon dinged as Marie said,"And it's done!". She flew over and opened the door to the locker as Rikki freed Zane. "Wow. That was a light show." said Zane.
Danny looked at Marie who opened the locker door and fused with the costume. The eyeholes were soon filled with pale yellow eyes with no pupils. She wished that she put a mirror here being that she said to the group,"So how do I look?". "Good but why doesn't your voice have an bold text? That's the sign that you're a Phantom." said Cole as Danny worked on freeing Zane. "Don't Cole. It's due to her having Zane's DNA giving her the ability of being human and Phantom." said Athena.
Zane said as Danny freed him,"You know that if we weren't in this rundown hospital, I would say that you're very beautiful and totally a model.". "You look nice Lady Marie." said Rikki. "What she said girlfriend." said Celeste. "Would you like us more if we wore something like that?" said Jennifer as Zane blushed. Marie soon held the vile of Zane's DNA being that it was a test tub with turquoise candy syrup instead of red blood. "Dude. Is that your blood?" said Danny.
Zane said,"You do know that I bleed candy syrup right? It's both delicious and disgusting at the exact same time. So that stuff will the bugs go bye bye?". "Yep. We just have to head down to the basement and put it in the ventilation system. All of your friends will go back to normal in no times. See you soon Hero Boy." said Marie. She flew off with Celeste and Jennifer disappearing. Rikki floated there as she said,"Gwen and Rachel are on this floor.". She was gone after that.
Before the two could question her, the air vent fell onto the floor. Kevin soon stood in the room as he said,"I finally found you guys. What happened?". Danny and Zane explained what was going on as Kevin said as Zane turned into Legion Zero,"So Marie wanted a new body and she's a supermodel now?". "Pretty much." said Zane. "And we're not going to attack her because the bugs will be leaving in a matter of minutes." said Kevin. "Yep." said Danny.
Kevin said,"So your DNA will eradicate the bugs from your friends and peers thanks to the vents and well, they'll be back to normal. That's good. So what about Gwen and Rachel you guys?". They were looking around the floor as Danny said,"According to Rikki, they're on this floor.". "I found them you guys!" said Zane. The two joined him as the two were sleeping. "Not it!" said Zane. Danny and Kevin groaned as they woke the two up.
In the basement, Bryan was sitting there with him listening to a woman singing. "Wow. She just so amazing. I can't believe I missed out on her my entire life." said Bryan. Nearby him, both Vicky and Apazar were watching. "So what are we waiting for? I can't handle her singing." said Vicky. "The main culprits will appear soon enough." said Apazar. The quartet of Phantom ladies appeared as Bryan ran away. "Why was he here?" said Celeste. "He's a good guard dog." said Rikki.
Jennifer shrugged as she said,"So where is the Ventilation system and the P.A.?". "Around here somewhere." said Marie. Rikki was soon blasted by a red energy beam being that she slammed into the TV. The trio looked at Vicky with her saying,"Finally! I can shut that bitch up!". "How did you get in here hunter?" said Marie. Rikki's robe was destroyed revealing that underneath it, she was a very interesting Phantom.
Her skin is crimson red with no mouth or nose. She has black hair ,with the sides shaven off, and her hair goes to the center of her back. She's wearing black lipstick and a silver nose ring despite not having either lips or a nose. She's wearing a black strapless corset with her cleavage exposed, white tight jeans, purple sash working as her belt, and red boots with very painful looking heels. She soon kicked Vicky up several floors up as Rikki went after her.
Marie said,"Celeste. Jennifer. Go find Zane and company. We'll need their help to stop the hunter from destroying us and hurting the humans.". "Right!" said the duo. On the main floor, Sam was walking around with her head hurting from her powers. She barely evade Vicky as she went down to find some chapstick. "Don't touch that!" said a voice. She looked up to see Vicky with her throwing Rikki into the ground.
She landed on the ground as Sam said,"And what is it beside chapstick?". Vicky grabbed it being that it soon fired a laser at Rikki who was sent flying down the hall. "A powerful weapon mean to hurt or kill Phantoms like her and Zero." said Vicky. "But Zero isn't..." said Sam. The armored girl was soon hit by a boot causing her to look up. Karen was above them as she said,"Sorry about that! I have no control right now!".
Up on the second floor, Gwen and Rachel were confused. "So you just let her take your DNA? I'm sure that Lilith tried to do that with you earlier." said Gwen. "Yeah. Kinda of a double standard there Zero." said Rachel. The five were running downstairs upon Zane hearing energy fire. "Yeah but in his defense, Marie was trying to get eternal life and not make an evil clone of him. We really don't need another Daemon." said Danny.
The five were shocked to see Rikki fighting against Vicky with the former having a sword for an arm with the latter having an energy sword from her gauntlets. "She may be your enemy Zero but her suit is so cool!" said Kevin. Rachel slapped him as Celeste and Jennifer appeared beside them. "So she isn't with you right?" said Celeste. "Nope. She tries to kill me like she's trying to do with Rikki so where is the ring leader?" said Zane.
Jennifer said,"Trying to release the antidote but your friend kinda caused a problem.". "So we'll take her down." said Danny. "Yeah. Okay, here's the plan. Celeste, Gwen, Jennifer, and Rachel. You girls will make sure that once the cure goes off, no one gets serious hurt. Danny and Kevin, we'll help Rikki with Vicky. Hey, that last part rhymed a bit." said Zane. The group sighed as they followed the plan. Vicky was soon launched back by crimson lightning.
Vicky soon recovered to see Danny, Kevin, and Zane standing there. Zane stood there in Frankenstein Form with his arms covered with his signature crimson lightning. "Rikki. Go help Celeste's group okay. They're going to make sure that no one gets serious hurt while the antidote goes through the air since losing Phantom powers will cause a lot of damage and as a hero, I can't have that whatsoever." said Zane. "Okay." said Rikki as she flew off.
The armored teen watched this happen as she sighed. "All of you guys are going to fight against little old me? I guess that's really bad for you.". Her suit began to glow as she looked ready to fight the three guys. "Zero! I'm here to help you out!" said a voice. The four turned to see Marie standing/floating there. "You were totally right about her man! She's a supermodel!" said Kevin. Danny punched his friend in the arm as he said,"There's a time and place for everything and now isn't that time."
Marie smiled as she said,"Thank you for that compliment. The antidote will be going through this building within half an hour so lets handle her together as a team. We can't have her destroying this place before everyone is cured.". She soon made a Red Nether beam go toward Vicky and it formed into an hand. This slammed Vicky into the wall being that her suit soon fired a beam, causing Vicky's construct to disappeared.
Vicky soon recovered to see Danny, Kevin, and Zane standing there. Zane stood there in Frankenstein Form with his arms covered with his signature crimson lightning. "Rikki. Go help Celeste's group okay. They're going to make sure that no one gets serious hurt while the antidote goes through the air since losing Phantom powers will cause a lot of damage and as a hero, I can't have that whatsoever." said Zane. "Okay." said Rikki as she flew off.
The armored teen watched this happen as she sighed. "All of you guys are going to fight against little old me? I guess that's really bad for you.". Her suit began to glow as she looked ready to fight the three guys. "Zero! I'm here to help you out!" said a voice. The four turned to see Marie standing/floating there. "You were totally right about her man! She's a supermodel!" said Kevin. Danny punched his friend in the arm as he said,"There's a time and place for everything and now isn't that time."
Marie smiled as she said,"Thank you for that compliment. The antidote will be going through this building within half an hour so lets handle her together as a team. We can't have her destroying this place before everyone is cured.". She soon made a Red Nether beam go toward Vicky and it formed into an hand. This slammed Vicky into the wall being that her suit soon fired a beam, causing Vicky's construct to disappeared.
Danny soon made the Phantom Smashers with him punching Vicky. The punch didn't do anything as he said,"Time to try out the special feature of Spook Howitzer!". Vicky was soon held in place by a small frog mechanical tongue like whip that appeared from the small box on the bazooka. It was soon wrapped around Vicky and she tried to break out. "That isn't going to happen Vicky. Time for you to fly!" said Kevin. He soon tackled her using his rocket boots.
The girl was soon flying ,with the whip still tied around her, as she was sent flying toward the team of Austin. She landed nearby Della's head as her head slammed into her chest. "I can't feel anything here lady!" said Della. "That's a long whip Danny." said Zane. "Thanks man." said Danny. "Lets see how you catch!" said Vicky. She threw the jar toward them and it was soon caught by Austin. "Go long team me!" said the head Austin.
They soon ran down the hall with Marie phasing through them until reaching the main clone who threw the jar. "I got her!" said Zane. He focused his lightning to catch her and Della said,"So can you put me down now? I can feel your electricity and it tickles.". Marie flew toward Vicky before she was shocked by Vicky and held down by her boot. She aimed her weapon at Marie as she said,"Any last words you dam Phantom?". "Yeah. Duck." said Marie.
Vicky was soon punched back by a giant fist being that Danny, Kevin, and Marie saw that Zane's Frankenstein Form got bigger. It was now Frankenstein Prime with him being sixteen feet tall. His body was now more lean but it still had muscles with large feet and hands. His skin is now a solid turquoise blue color. His hair got a serious looking hair cut being that it's now an ivy league cut with streaks of white on the sides. His ears, nose, and teeth are the same with a more prominent chin that before.
He has a large cannon ,that was covered with wires that were connected to his body, protruding from his back and it was aimed right at Vicky. "Frankenstein Prime! This is going to hurt you more than it with with me girlie!" said Zane, cracking his knuckles. From his body, he unleashed a massive wave of electricity right at her and this made her suit unable to move. "Are you going to be okay Marie?" said Zane with helping her up.
Marie nodded as she said,"Yeah. It seems that her suit is taking the Nether from around her and this includes me, draining my power.". "K. I understand what I need to do so lets go." said Zane as several metal objects slammed into Vicky. She was unable to escape her prison as Zane's cannon began charging up with electricity and Zane smiled. "Bye Bye Agent Phoenix. See you never and have a nice flight!" said Zane.
His chin is covered by a beard though. His eye colors are still the same being that his right eye is now closed thanks to a large stitched scar over it. This is just one of his new set of scats that replaced the old ones. He has a large, jagged stitch like scar going around his ankles and wrists. He has a large "X" shaped scar over his chest. The fathead screws and conductor coils/transformers that once poked out of his body were gone. His clothing had changed as well.
He's now wearing a black ballistic helmet with a crimson red stripe and he has two lightning bolt tattoos on his neck. He's wearing a black shirt and dark gray jeans with crimson red lines over it plus a dark green overcoat with a fur trim. He's still wearing his metallic boots and gauntlets matching his new altered size. He's holding a massive broadsword. It was a long black and white blade ,with a single streak of crimson red, and has a lightning bolt guard.
Marie nodded as she said,"Yeah. It seems that her suit is taking the Nether from around her and this includes me, draining my power.". "K. I understand what I need to do so lets go." said Zane as several metal objects slammed into Vicky. She was unable to escape her prison as Zane's cannon began charging up with electricity and Zane smiled. "Bye Bye Agent Phoenix. See you never and have a nice flight!" said Zane.
Within a second, the cannon fired a powerful rain gun attack and this sent her flying off into the distance. As Vicky vanished, the group saw a turquoise colored gas around them. The students were losing their powers, turning back to normal. "This is Nurse Ecrag here. We've figured out the cure for the Phantom Virus and sprayed it through the building. You'll be able to leave in three hours. Thank you for picking our services and hope you have a wonderful life." said Ecrag.
Marie was gone as Zane soon remember Karen and held in a bridal style. "Thanks for catching me Zero." said Karen as he put her down. "I don't want you to break your leg from the fall. I guess I'm going to be eating a lot of bugs. Fantastic. Stay back." said Zane. He turned into Gluttony Form and he soon walked off. "What is he?" said Della. "You don't want to know." said Kevin. The day soon ended with Zane eating more than one hundred bugs once again.
One hour later, Zane ,as Legion Zero, was outside of Celeste's house. After making sure that all of the students were okay, he soon headed toward Terraune to have a talk with both Celeste and Jennifer. He also knew that his school tour with Dawn, Rain, and Taylor was cancelled because of the bugs. He knew that this was Celeste's home/realm due to it being very unique. It looked like a penthouse with the Hollywood sign behind it.
However, it didn't say Hollywood but Astral Eternal. "Wow. This is her house." said Zane. "So are you mad with the two? You know that this was a test right?" said Sivarth. Soon after returning back home, Spiro was in his house and playing tea with his daughter and Uriel. That was just plain weird but well, it was oddly not the weirdest thing he's seen. Spiro soon told him that he passed the test being that Zane soon learned the reason behind Marie's makeover.
He sighed as he said,"I guess Sivarth but still, I'm king of this place. I'm totally asking for a giant castle here.". "Don't you have to train with Yahi before you can build anything?" said Kane. "I guess but I'll be fine. I wonder if she's related to that yeti that my dad defeated. His name was Tulro right? Anyway, lets do this." said Zane. He knocked on the door being that it slowly opened up. He soon turned into Mummy Form with him entering the room.
He looked around the room to see that she had an nice looking place with a recording studio and he saw a storage which was to placed mementos that were special to him, which include when she was alive. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane's body soon produced an shiny obsidian black staff with an energy spear head looking like a trident and matching colored bracelet being that it replaced the left bracer. The staff is Kek and Anubis being that the latter is the bracelet.
He heard a sultry voice,"Wow Zane. And here I was going to thank you for freeing myself from my former life and you're my king now so yeah.". "You do know that a thank you could work for me Marie plus I'm here to talk with Celeste and Jennifer. Did you hurt them?" said Zane. "Not at all my liege. They're currently changing into the clothing for tonight Zane." said Marie. "What are you talking about?" said Zane.
He turned around to see her as the mummy was stunned. She was currently in her new body but with a more dance clothing outfit. She's wearing a skin tight red leather tank top that was barely contained her breasts, a skin tight black leather skirt, her gloves, and black knee high heeled boots. "Thank you me for being in Mummy Form! It's hiding my blush!" thought Zane. "Sigh." said Kane and Sivarth in unison.
Marie moved closer to him as she pushed herself on him. "It really sucks that you aren't your human self right now. I was hoping to see you blush again because it's really cute." said Marie. Zane soon turned into bandages with Marie floating there. Zane soon stood nearby her as he said,"So why are you dressed like that?". "Lets just tell him okay?" said a voice. Zane soon turned to see Iris with both Celeste and Jennifer with the genie and rocker Phantom wearing a casual outfit
Celeste's aquamarine hair ,very much like fire, was pulled into a long ponytail and her bangs are still there. She's wearing her violet lipstick and black mascara. She's wearing black bracelets on both of her wrists with a cure music themed pendant. She wears black bracelets on both wrists with them having a cute music themed pendant. She's wearing an aquamarine tank top that now covered her left shoulder ,rather than the right, and her thin waist.
She's wearing a black jacket with her outfit. She's soon wearing tight blue jean shorts with a silver belt, thigh high black and purple striped socks, and her skull themed high heeled platform boots. The genie had her black hair pushed behind her ears, her large chest was held by a strapless black leather tank top and azure blue pants. She was wearing her three bracelets on both arms and a necklace with a red jewel resting on the top of her chest.
Zane said,"Someone tell me what's going on!". "Didn't Spiro tell you about us taking you out to say sorry?" said Jennifer. Zane slapped his head as Iris said,"You didn't listen did you?". "Mostly like not. So can I drink?" said Zane. "You're the king so I don't see why?" said Celeste. The four soon grabbed Zane with him thinking,"Athena and Cole.". "We understand." said Cole. "Have fun Zane." said Athena as the four girls disappeared from the realm.
Back on Earth, Derrick was working at his desk being that Apazar entered the room. "Can't you use the door like a normal person Apazar?" said Derrick. "Meh. So I bet you're happy that I got Zane's blood for Countess Chimera's plan." said Apazar. "Yes. She needed this thing to spread and she's already has her targets in mind." said Derrick. His phone soon rang as Apazar said,"And who would they be?". "You'll so find out. I love a good surprise so lets see if Zero does as well." said Derrick.
Next time,
Who are the targets that Countess Chimera are going to affect? Will Zane figure out this plan before it's too late? What will Zane do as King first? Will Marie's plan affect Zane later on in his life? This and more next time on Zero!
Rikki=Dr. Ikkir.
Grace/Celeste= Nurse Ecarg.
Jenny/Jennifer= Nurse YnneJ
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