Monday, December 10, 2018

Fairy Legion Chapter 25 Victory and Loss

Disclaimer: This Post had originally been posted on December 3, 2018 at 11:05 PM. I'm reposting this Chapter along with Fairy Legion Chapters 1-26 because of a massive plot change. If you've read this story before, not much will have changed except Zane's reason for going to the Fairy Tail Dimension. The Author Note and whatever I talk about in them may or will be extremely outdated today or I'm somehow seeing the future so just ignore if you want.

A/N: Yeah. This arc has a way different ending than I was planning being that Kraig who is a reference to Power was not planned out but well, will Eljack and Glenda fight them or will something else happen?. You may be thinking that I forgot about Haru and Stella but nope. The two of them will be fighting all of Team Natsu plus Barry and Trezol. The grunts of the Dark Outriders aren't a factor being that they're getting owned easily.

You may think that this plot is a mess which is it but it shows how you may think one way of how a job may good but there will also be twists and turn. Now the main topic of this Author Note isn't going to be Fairy Tail Sequel, the third and final season of the Anime, or Edens Zero but the typical My Hero Academia and One Piece. I'm just waiting for the sixth episode to be dubbed because I can say that I'm kinda disappointed.

That's all you get of the anime for now, Fairy Tail sequel will be really soon, and Edens Zero is just because I want Chapter 22 or 23 to come out on Jaimi's box. I do have a way to read the new chapters but I really like the bigger screen and there are ways to project my phone to my laptop but why waste time on that when I could be writing about My Hero and One Piece. This Author Note will be both of them since I have to get started on the three Hiro's work while my opinions are still fresh.

Lets begin with One Piece being that the cover page shows Law and Chopper going to get their doctorate with a turtle and crane. So in the One Piece world, do regular doctors ,not a pirate, have to go through med school? And can animals go with them? These are the questions that I ask being that the chapter is the typical Wano stuff. It's good but honest, it isn't my cup of tea right now. I just really want to know what happened at Reverie.

I know that I'm saying the wrong name being that it's Levely but to me, I'll always call it Reverie. So back in Wano, the Straw Hats (Brook, Nami, and Sanji) are making their appearance known in Wano and unlike Luffy, they are not trying to piss off the big cheese aka Kaido. We learn that Brook is currently haunting a cemetery which makes sentence. We also see the appearance of either Denjiro and Kawamatsu in the present day.

I'm not sure if its either Denjiro and Kawamatsu being the guy with the weird looking hair aka the one that kinda looks like an L or hook. He's the murderer that Zane was blamed for back at the start of Wano which was was so long ago. We also see the rebellion against the Shogun and Wano starting by spreading the paper around using Bebo, Penquin, Shachi, and Usopp. We do see some cool looking samurais and will we meet all of them? I hope so.

We also learned since that it has been TWENTY years being that most people are either too old or don't have any kind of weapons since the Shogun was smart. I mean why would you let your people have weapons being that they could start a revolution with weapons. It only makes sense but well, the rebellion is planning around this thanks to Usopp ,whose name I've misspelled before and will be doing in the future, selling weapons plus Nami watching a s shipment order being that she's a ninja.

She and Shinbou ets caught being that they do escape thanks to a giant kite but they almost tricked the guards by pretending a cat. We also see what Sanji is doing being that he's feeding people some Soba Noddles with Nami shocked that he isn't getting samurais at all. However, a silhouette of a person isn't a fan of Sanji being that it could be about the food or something else. We also see Wano's prison and how it works.

Okay. Is it bad that Kaido ,a pirate, runs a better prison than the World Government. I mean the people inside of them will either starve or die through exhaustion thanks to carry five big rock blocks being that they kinda remind me of the Ponoglyphs except without the writing of the Void Ceremony on them. So if you bring five rock blocks, you get one piece of dango. That's just a terrible exchange rate being that it rivals to dollars to yen.

For quick reference, a dollar is about 113.57 yen. So lets say that I'm buying Smash Ultimate which is about 60-65 dollars ,given tax, so you'll be pay about 6,814.29 to 7282.15 yen. This calculation is done through Google so take it with a grain of salt. We also learn about a character named Grandpa Hyou plus some exchange coupons. The main part of the chapter is the interactions between Kid and Luffy.

This is honestly my favorite part of Part 2 so far. Their interactions remind me of Goku and Vegeta or really any rivalry in fiction. I also like to learn that we get to see more of Kid being that he's one of my favorite Supernovas under Luffy and Zoro. I like him more than Law because of two things. His devil fruit is interesting plus he has one arm which makes him way better than Law's two arms. Yes that is a petty reason but I've disliked this arc because of art so really, that isn't a stretch.

We also see that the duo of Kid and Luffy carried 500 pieces of those stone blocks each with seastone cuffs being that Kid did it with one hand since his second arm is being messed with by Queen which could be an Okama. I also like the guards guarding them being that one of them acts like their mother which made me chuck. We also meet another Smile User and out of the eight named Smile users, I like three of them and don't like five of them.

Dobon is one of the ones that I don't like being that he has the Hippo Smile. When I first read this chapter, I wondered why there are no Smile Users like Momo but then I remember that Momo ate the Artificial Devil Fruit which is totally different. I also kinda feel bad for this guy being that upon eating the fruti, he literally grew a hippo from his body and like with Holdem, it's alive being that we see the hippo eating Dobon.

I mean it's kinda sad but it shows the effect of the Smiles being that they're still in a limbo between man and beast. We also see Luffy looking large plus Kid which makes me chuckle a bit. We also see a certain Logia user aka Caibou being that if you don't remember, he's in Wano because he pissed off X Drake who works for Kaido. I kinda want to see X Drake show up soon along with Killer because he's still M.I.A. Is he in the prison with Kid or did he join up with Kaido?

We also see Dobon get wrecked by Kid and Luffy being that I'm not sure if they use Haki or not since Seastone. I would count this as the most savage chapter I've read this week but My Hero stole that title hard core. To end this off, I've heard two things about this arc being that it's either a training arc or another Impel Down Arc. I'm okay with both but it'll be compared to Impel Down if done with the latter. Lets begin the My Hero Stuff.

The best summary I have for Chapter 208 is Bakugo is a beast and wrecked the fourth team of Class B. I mean it was just savage and also, I'm really liking Bakugo more and more. He still isn't my favorite student of Class 1-A but Bakugo is a close third. I mean even with Sato, he still won four to one. We also see more of the Welding Quirk in action being that it's rather cool. We also learn why Bakugo's team is working perfectly. It's because of the band.

So the Cultural Festival arc did have some importance to the character rather than the story as a whole. Even though Setsuna has a stronger version of Buggy's Devil Fruit, it's still Buggy's Devil Fruit but stronger and well, I ask. How the hell did she get through recommendations? I mean her quirk is useful  but it's kinda weak compared to the other three first year recommendation students. I mean this is my personal opinion and how does body separation work with lizards?

Over all, this chapter was just great. Lets end this with some final Fairy Legion stuff. This arc should be ending soon being this episode or next one. The main fight will be outside in front of the tower being that the rubble will be used in the fight plus lets just say that Team Natsu is going to throw a wrench in Zane's operations and will Dark Outriders use that to their advantages since Zane wrecked nine of their elite members being the six members of Fatal Four and three aces. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane looked around with him seeing Team Natsu along with Barry and Trezol plus Landon and his group. "Okay. We have the disadvantage in terms of numbers plus fighting space. We need to get out of here. So lets do this." thought Zane. Zane soon took a deep breath as he said,"Fall to the ground right now!". He soon released the purple wave of energy from his body being that the grunts were soon knocked out with the other wizards ,except for Zane's group, feeling paralyzed.

Zane shouted,"Stella! Can you cover our tracks!". Stella nodded as she soon gather magic in her hands and clapped. "Earth Make: Sandstorm!" said Stella. The entire storeroom was covered in sand being that everyone in the room's vision were blinded from the attack being that the group of Haru, Kraig, Lavern, Stella, and Zane were looking gone. When it finally died down, both groups looked at the cave and saw that Zane's group was long gone.

Barry and Landon shouted,"Dam it. He/They escaped!". Landon and his two dark wizards ran out of the room with Gray saying,"So why is Zane with those criminals?". "No idea." said Happy. Natsu placed a hand on Barry's shoulder as he said with a smile,"Don't worry Barry. We'll track them because I get Zane's scent. Lets go!". The group soon went through the secret base, using Natsu's fire as light.

Lucy said,"So are we going to have fight Zane and Dark Outriders?". "Yes. If he's working with those monsters, we'll have to take care of them." said Trezol. Lucy may not like Zane but he was still a member of the guild and didn't want to fight her friend. Erza on the other hand thinks different being that she and Zane get along like Gray and Natsu except more violent and with teasing. As they reached the exit of the cave, they eventually came to a wall that wasn't there before.

However, this rock wasn't created by Stella or Zane being that it was part of the tower before a certain wind wizard went to town on it. "Seriously?! Do they really think this rock can stop us from helping a friend?! Luce! You got this!" shouted Natsu. Lucy nodded being that she pulled out one of her keys as Lucy said,"Open! Gate of the Golden Bull Taurus!". Taurus soon appeared as Lucy said,"Take that wall down!". "Will do!" said the cow.

He soon swung his axe down, breaking the block into pieces. The ground soon walked out of the hole that was created being that they saw Zane standing there with Kraig and Lavern. The three of them were protecting Haru and Stella. "Zane! Why are you doing this?!" said Gray. "Because you five have been mislead. If you don't mind Kraig, show them your special talent. Every dwarf has one that makes them different from each other." said Zane.

Kraig soon nodded as he said,"So the mega titted blonde over there uses those same keys as you Lavern? Now I may not be an expert on magic but if you have one of those keys, you can summon it even if if you're not contracted to that spirit correct?". Zane snickered as Lucy blushed at the dwarf's name for her and Natsu got mad. "Hey you two! Stop it!" yelled Natsu. "Yes. It takes a really strong wizard to do so. Why do you ask?" said Lavern with Kraig soon holding a gold key.

Do note that ability isn't in the wiki so lets just say that it can but only by an extremely powerful celestial wizard aka not Lucy. I mean if Lucy didn't have TEN of the TWELVE Gold keys, we could have see Capricorn more than like a handful of times but nope, the goat doesn't sell merchandise like the maid or lion do. I really hope we do see Capricorn in the Fairy Tail Sequel but I'm not putting too much hope into that. Anyway, rant over for not. 

Lucy's eyes widened as she saw that he was holding Aquarius's key. "Hey! Give that back!" yelled Lucy. "I'm a expert at thieving and well, I thought that I could sell it for a higher price but I think you summoning her would be helpful right now." said Kraig. "Taurus! Get that key back!" yelled Lucy. Taurus soon mooed being that he charged at Zane's group, being that Taurus didn't like Zane. The feeling was very much mutual or mootual. Get it? I'll stop for now.

Zane soon turned into Water Form being that he soon fired a powerful stream of water toward Taurus with him saying,"Stay back!". The bull was sent flying into some rubble as Lavern grabbed the key from Kraig. "I may not like doing this but from what you two told me, you're in the right here." said Lavern. Zane soon made some water for Lavern as the blackette slammed the key into the water. "It's time for you to open! Open! Gate of the Water Bearer Aquarius!" said Lavern.

The mermaid appeared being that she looked annoyed and cranky. "Seriously?! Can't this wait until another day?! I was on a date with my....." said Aquarius. She looked to see that instead of being the side of Lucy, she was the side of Lavern and Zane. "Zane. And who is this and why am I fighting Lucy?" said Aquarius. "To make a long story short, you get to beat up Lucy and the king won't mind if you do it since technically, you weren't summoned by Lucy." said Zane.

Lucy looked at Aquarius being that she had an emotionless face. "Zane." said Aquarius being that she pointed at the blond girl. Lucy was soon in panic as Aquarius said with a smile,"You just made my day. Mind if we work together like the good old days?". "Sure thing." said Zane. The two soon fired a combined stream of water ,being gigantic, toward Natsu's group with Gray standing in front of the group as he said,"I'll stop this! Ice Make: Freeze!".

The water was frozen solid being that Kraig said,"So that's you plan Zane?". "Nope. It's just getting started." said Zane, cracking his knuckles. Erza soon pointed a sword at Zane with her shouting,"You need to explain yourself right now!". "Sure thing Prude Knight. You fucking morons have been tricked by the boy and his pet Etherious." said Zane. "Yeah! I mean we didn't summon a freaking demon from Zeref's personal collection or bring Dark Outriders here to our home!" shouted Haru.

He soon got in a fighting stance with Stella said,"We're fighting too Zane and you can't stop us.". "I wasn't going too." said Zane. "Okay then Zane! I guess we're fighting! I'm really fired up!" said Natsu with fists flamed on. "Okay. You're smart Zane but right now, you're acting stupid." said Gray with him sighing. "This is good. I've been waiting to punishing you for lying to the guild about who you are and siding with the enemy. It's seven on seven." said Erza, holding a second sword.

Cole said,"Hey! We count too!". "I don't think she's counting us." said Kane with Sivarth growling at the red haired knight. "So a couple of things. I'm not acting stupid here Gray. You and the rest of your team mainly Pride Knight are. I also think you got your math wrong. I mean I only count four fighters." said Zane. "Hey you bastard! I can fight too!" yelled Lucy, waving her fists in the air in anger. "Did you hear something? I think I'm hearing things." said Zane, mocking her.

Lavern whispered to Kraig,"So I'm guessing that the blonde and Zane don't get along.". Kraig nodded as he said,"Yeah. That's obvious". Aquarius soon disappeared being that Lavern threw her key back toward Lucy as Barry said,"Why did you do that?". "Because we don't need her support when we have someone even stronger than her. Zane and company, mind covering me." said Lavern. "Okay then. Time to show you the power of the stars!" said Haru, pulling out two silver keys.

Kraig and Zane looked at Haru as Lucy said,"Gate Keys? Why would any spirit make a contract with a criminal?". "It's because he stole those from my dad's corpse!" shouted Barry. "No! Both of you are dead wrong! These belonged to my mother who died and gave them to me!" yelled Haru. These two keys are both not canon so unlike Lucy's ,plus Angel and Yukino's keys so two others, keys, I'll be showing off their appearance.

The first key came to a sharp point, it's bow was a circle and it's crest was a yellow heart with a line through it but instead of a point, it came to a circle. The other key had nine long teeth on its blade. It's bow was shaped like a snakes head. In its crest area was a symbol in black. A circle that feed down into an almost strait S. Crossing over at the curves where two more of the same S like lines. "Now lets go! Open! Gate of the Hornet Horton!" said Haru, waving the key and planting into the ground.

A ball of light shot from the ground and into the air. As it landed in front of him, the light began to take a humanoid form. When it finally faded, the group saw the Celestial Spirit. It was man wearing a black and yellow fighter pilots jacket, black leather pants, and brown combat boots. He has six clear wings protruding from his back. His hair is yellow with black highlights and he had two antennas sticking out of his head.

His eyes are covered by a pair of bug-eyed goggles and his mouth by a respirator which seemed to move in respond to his mouth. In his hands was a striped shotgun with what appeared to be a stinger sticking out. "So who do you want me to sting master? Please tell me that it's Taurus." said Horton, with the bull getting back up. "Soon. We need one more people to help out. Open! Gate of the Leviathan Harry!" yelled Haru as he shot his second key into the ground.

Erza shouted,"He can summon two at once?!". Zane began laughing with him saying,"So Haru, you don't mind replacing the Celestial Spirit Wizard we got in Fairy Tail?". "Hey! Luce is important to our family!" yelled Natsu. "No. She isn't." said Zane with a deadpanned expression. The ground soon began to shake with a crack in the ground appearing. Steam soon erupted from the hole being that the steam soon formed into a single pillar of it.

Suddenly, a large claw emerged from the crack and it was pulling a hulking frame from out of the crevice. Nine heads ,each with glowing red eyes, soon came out being that a deep growl came from the closest head. Everyone in the hunter group (Team Natsu plus Barry and Trezol) was shaking in fear except for Erza and Natsu. The smoke soon faced being that their exceptions were extremely misplaced.

Instead of the gigantic beast that they were expecting, they got was something else. It was another man ,but this one was wearing blue jeans, a white shirt, and shoes. He's wearing a large metal backpack with four holes on the top and two slots on each side strapped to his back. For a picture of it, think of a piggy bank coin slots. His hair is purple with green, red, and white streaks with his face covered by a mask that looked a green snake head. "Wow. You're really lame cow." said Kraig.

The spirit ignored the insult with him saying,"So we're fighting now?". "Yeah. Okay, Horton, you get the blonde and cat." said Haru. "Okay." said Horton with a smile. He soon flew toward the two being that Lucy screamed. Zane was tempted to blast her with water being that Happy soon picked up Lucy and flew off. "Don't worry! My stingers will chase you until the ends of Earthland!" said Horton with him firing stingers out of the gun at them.

Kraig sweatdropped as he said,"Wow. I forgot that this Dimension was called Earthland. Such a dumb name. So what do you need me to do Haru? I'm up for anything.". "Okay. You and Hydra will take care of Prude Knight and the overgrown bovine." said Haru. The other dimension being soon nodded as Hydra said,"Will do.". The three soon rushed at them being that they swung their weapons. The three soon dodged it with ease.

Hydra soon kicked Taurus in the face and gut respectively as Kraig punched Erza in her breastplate hard. "That was a lucky shot." said Erza, changing into her Heaven's Wheel Armor and charged at the older man who got ready to fight. "Hey Haru. Can you fight the twerp and Gray? I have my opponent." said Zane. "Yeah man. I'm more than just a summoner." said Haru with him running at the two.    

Gray took off his jacket as he said,"Sorry but I won't be going easy on you.". "If you do that, I'll just be mad." said Haru with a smile. "So do you want the demon or pinky? I'm good with whoever you want." said Zane. "I'll take the dragon slayer and you know why." said Stella. "Get ready. I'm all fired up now!" said Natsu, bringing his fist to his palm. "Your reign of terror ends today!" said the Etherious with him growing wings and taking to the air.

Zane soon decided to launch himself into the air being that Natsu launched forward Stella with his fist cocked back and ready to strike. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" said Natsu. His fist was aflame being that he swung at Stella who ducked and landed a powerful uppercut to the jaw. "Take this! Evil Explosion Stream!" shouted Trezol. You may have noticed that Curses are Italic and Underlined. This is to make it different than wizards using their spells.

Zane soon saw Trezol's hands gathering dark energy before bring his hands out and firing a black beam of darkness toward Zane, dodging it in the middle of air. "Wow. Such a creative attack. What do you have for me next? Evil Blast?" mocked Zane and this pissed off the demon. "Fire Dragon Roar!" said Natsu. He soon expelled fire from his mouth and aimed it at Stella being that she raised her arms to try and block the attack.

Trezol soon made an huge orb of darkness being that he shouted,"Hellfire Blast!". The orb went toward Stella being that the girl jumped backwards and watched Zane standing there with him taking back attacks. This resulted in a huge explosion. Natsu soon got roundhouse kicked by Stella, sending him back. Trezol was soon blasted by Karma Enlarged Limbo. This was from Zane ,who deactivated Water Form, being that Natsu said with flames coming off his body,"You're really pissing me off!".

Lucy screamed,"Happy, fly faster!". Happy was trying to evade all of Horton's stingers as he said with a smile,"Aye! I could go faster if you weren't so heavy!". You really think that I wouldn't do any Lucy Bashing in this fight. That's funny because the Lucy bashing will never die. Erza ,who was in her iron dress aka Heaven's Wheel, soon flew above Hydra as Taurus currently had Kraig busy. She soon flew behind Hydra with her saying,"Blumnblatt!".

She soon launched forward with a fair amount of swords behind her. Before the swords could strike him down, several robotic tendrils ,with the end being robotic snakes, coming out of the back being that they soon caught all of the swords. "Sorry but that ain't going to work." said Hydra. The heads of the tendrils flung Erza by the two swords that she was holding being that she was soon thrown right into Taurus, who caught her.

Before he could saw something perverted, Taurus was soon kicked in the face by Kraig and it looked painful. "Die." said Hydra. Six more tendrils emerged from her back being that Erza soon switched into her Black Wing Armor, sword ready to strike. "Ice Make: Hammer!" said Gray being that a hammer of ice appeared above Haru. On his left, Barry shouted,"Shimmering Frenzy!". He soon fired out a thousand of shards of translucent green crystal being that they were moving really fast.

Upon the two attack hitting their target, it soon kicked up dust and obscuring their vision. When it faded, the boy was soon gone. "Where did he go?" said Gray. "How about you look up?" said a voice as the two looked up to see a very different person flying in the air. His head is covered in a plume of black and gold wings with his nose hooked downwards over his mouth and looking like an eagle's beck.

He has two large wings ,that would be blocking the sun if it was daytime, flapping from his back. His body is covered in silver armor that was growing out of his body naturally. His hands and feet are now talons being that he has four talons in the front of his feet and a smaller one in the back or more specifically, the heel. The lower part of his body is covered in orange trunks with a belt that had a red gem in the center, working as a belt buckle.

He has feathers covering his legs like pants being that his legs were curved outwards like a birds. To finish this creature's appearance off, he had metal bands around his ankles and wrists. "What the hell kinda magic is that?" said Gray. "Seriously? You had three famous wizards who specificity is Take Over Magic. Anyway, this is his other magic. Mythic Soul." said Barry. "Yep. This is my Garuda Form so try your best to hit me now." said Haru. 

Gray smirked as he said,"Ice Make: Lance!". A barrage of frozen lances shot out toward Haru with him easily dodging all of them before diving at Barry. "This is for what you did to Stella you dam bastard! Talon Strike!" yelled Haru. He soon made his talon glow bright red before spinning like a drill. "Ice Make: Shield! Ice Make: Prison!" said Gray. The first spell protected Barry from being a human shish kabob and then the ice cage trapped Haru inside.

Haru smiled as he said,"I guess you finally found people who can actually fight for once. No one except Stella has caught me before so lets mix things up shall we?". He soon began charging his magic. "Fire Dragon Sword Horn!" said Natsu. He charged at Stella with his body ablaze and just before he could strike her, Stella performed a drop-toe hold, causing Natsu to trip and crash into a tree. "Ha. That was funny." said Zane.

At this time, Trezol slammed his hands into the ground and shouted,"Demonic Wave!". A dark wave soon flew over the ground, causing the ground to crack and rise. Zane dodged this by jumping and Trezol soon flew toward him and dark energy gathering in his hands. "Demon Claw!" yelled Trezol as his claws grew longer and were now black. He soon swung his claws like a madman, hoping to hit his agile target being that Zane was too fast for him.

Happy said,"Uh-Oh.". He slowly started to fall out of the sky with Lucy screaming,"What are you doing Happy?!". The duo crashed into the ground with the blonde seeing the reason why Happy had a crash landing. He had a black stinger sticking out of his back. "Calm your funbags. The cat isn't dead at all." said a voice. She turned to see Horton flying there with a new stinger appearing in his gun. "It just stop you wizards from using magic for a while." said Horton.

He took aim at Lucy, who had backed up against a rock in a panic being that she could use her whip but in the heat of the moment, she didn't. "Moon Flash!" yelled Erza, swung her sword in a cross pattern as Taurus swung his axe down. Both attacks hit their mark, cutting off the side heads of the pack. The two smirked but their smile soon faded as four new heads emerged. "Wow. These two are real stupid right?" said Hydra

Kraig said,"Yep. You are quite the foe for anyone to take down unless you know its weakness but I doubt these two know it.". Hydra just smiled at the old man as the new hydraulics warmed up. "That almost hurt me. Lets see bow you like!" said Hydra. His tendrils shot forward, mouths opened. "Lets get going." said Kraig as the other dimension being rushed toward them. The girl jumped out of their way only to get punched into the ground by Kraig.

Taurus tried to block the tentacles with his axe but it was stolen by Kraig being that Hydra said,"You two working with master! Stay back!". The four heads soon released a stream of flame being that they were aimed at Erza. She soon reqipped into her Flame Empress Armor aka the one armor that I haven't shown off and shows off her bond toward the pink-haired dragon slayer. The latter of the two is because of my story not a confirmed fact.

I mean it could be canon but I'm pretty sure that Erza likes Jellal despite all of the shit that he put her through. Love is blinding after all. This armor is predominantly dark red in color ,but also has orange and black parts, with the orange parts being shaped like flames and the other parts being reminiscent of Dragon's limbs. It consists of the following parts: the breastplate, the gauntlets and the greaves. The breastplate lacks pauldrons and reveals Erza's shoulders.

The plate also extends down to cover her groin, revealing her legs and in a way, being reminiscent of a one piece swimming suit. There is an orange part covering her breasts and another one circling her waist like a belt. The black parts are mostly decorative, with the exception of the one covering her groin. The breastplate also possesses a pair of Dragon-like wings attached to it. The gauntlets sport prominent orange decorations, along with small claw-like protrusions on the hands.

The greaves are shaped like Dragon's claws which possess orange-colored knee guards and black parts which extend up from the knees to the upper part of the thighs. In addition to all of this while donning this outfit, Erza's hair is tied into a pair of high, long pigtails by clips, resembling Dragon's horns in some way. She held the armor's special sword also known as the Flame Sword. Yeah, that is a great name.

It's a large sword which is mostly dark red in color ,with the exception of a small sliver of black in the middle, and bears orange decorations on its hand guard. This reduced the damage caused by the flames. As she landed, Hydra smiled. "You have that kinda of armor don't you? This is good because I don't want to hold back anymore!" yelled Hydra. He soon made the tendrils return to him with flames spewing out of their mouths.

Back with his master, Haru shouted,"Time to switch things up!". He soon glowed, causing his two opponents to cover their eyes in order being blinded. The cage around Haru soon broke apart being that as the light faded, the bird man was gone. His new outfit also had gold being that his chest is covered in golden scaled tunic. He has a golden necklace with a half ruby/half sapphire pendant hanging from it. Both arms had a gold band on them.

His skin turned a light brown color from his shoulders downwards. His forearms grown in width before ending in two pincers and his legs were replaced by a scorpions body, brown on top and has a gray underbelly. His new tail ended in a round stinger with a black top. "Scorpion-Man!" said Haru with him moving his eight legs forward, heading straight for his opponents. Gray thought quick as he soon brought his hands together. "Ice Make: Battle Axe!" yelled Gray.

As the frozen weapon was about to connect, Haru swiped his right pincer and caused it to shatter. "I think you should try something else." said Haru with him bring his tail back. The stinger began to glow dark red before it was engulfed by a fire. "Stinger Storm!" yelled Haru. The tail launched forward rapidly, sending outlines of his tail flying at his enemies. Natsu popped up out of the ground with him launching toward Stella. "Fire Dragon Talon!" said Natsu.

His foot was wrapped in fire being that he aimed his food toward Stella. However, Stella had just dodged Trezol being that he was sent toward his direction by Zane and the Etherious was kicked by Natsu. However, Stella soon leg sweeped Natsu, knocking him off his feet. She soon grabbed Natsu by his vest and threw him toward Trezol. Before Zane could do anything, someone shouted,"Glacier Network!".

The entire battlefield were soon sectioned in hard, black ice walls that went fifty feet into the air as the fight had changed in Team Natsu's favor and not Team Blossom's favor. Kraig, Lavern, and Zane were in a section together. Natsu, Stella, and Trezol were in a section together. Happy, Horton, and Lucy were in a section together. Barry, Gray, and Haru were in a section together. Erza, Hydra, and Taurus were in a section together. Who could have done this?

Stella soon looked for Zane as Trezol said,"Natsu. We can't beat her like this. We need to work together and since the most annoying one is gone, we can do this.". The Etherious rose to his feet as Natsu nodded. The two launched toward Stella being that she was worried about her friend. "Get away!" said Lucy. She took out her whip ,finally, and swung it at Horton. The insect like man stopped in his tracks as he watched the blond swung her whip rapidly like a madwoman.

He sweatdropped as he said,"I don't know if I should be worried for her or not. This is just sad.". He soon aimed his gun at her as he said,"Whatever. Lets end this. I'm worried about master.". He was about to fire it but the barrel of his weapon was soon grabbed by the whip and then the spirit holding the weapon. "Hey! Get me out of this! I ain't into the kinky shit!" said Horton, trying to get out of the whip.

During the struggle, he didn't see Lucy running toward him. "Lucy Kick!" said Lucy. She soon kicked him in to the face. The force of the kick broke his goggles and knocked off his respirator. "This is the worst day of my life. I got owned by the mega titted blonde. Fan freaking tastic." said Horton as he went back to the Spirit World. He was hoping that the other spirits wouldn't make fun of him too much but well, that isn't going to happen.

Lucy outwards celebrated her victory being that thanks to the ice wall, no one knew what was going on but Zane. He soon made a vow to hit her with one of his forms with a stinger or his stingers to avenge Horton and also to shut her up. Lucy soon ran over to Happy in order to watch the stinger in his back fade and the cat smiled. "So you won Lucy? Good job." said Happy, getting back on his feet. The two soon had a new problem aka the ice walls.

Hydra's robotic heads expelled flames toward knight and bull, fully intent on making them ash. When the flames struck the targets, the combined heat and pressure created an explosion being that it only slightly melted the ice prison around them. Hydra smiled at his work being that he soon noticed that a shadow moved through the smoke. Taurus launched forward, his axe ready to swing. Hydra was only focused on him being that he didn't notice Erza.

She was moving in an intricate fashion being that his flames danced around the blade. You could just say that she should just move in a straight pattern but she wanted to be fancy and it had a purpose I think. "This ends now!" said Erza. She raised her sword and the flames flew off it. Upon hitting the axe, they wrapped around the blade. The now flaming blade hit Hydra, breaking both tendrils and pack. As Hydra fell to the ground, he said,"At least I lost to Titania.".

He soon vanished to the spirit world as Taurus was panting.  His wounds wasn't from fighting but from the orc duo, he soon began to return to the spirit world. "You did good. Thank you." said Erza as Taurus vanished with a smile on his face upon hearing that. Erza soon knew had a problem aka the ice wall and how they are doing against their opponents. She soon looked around as the leftover flames from her fight would be quite helpful to her.

Back with Kraig, Lavern, and Zane, the four looked around. "What happened? I thought you were fighting the Etherious, spirit, and Prude Knight," said Lavern. "We were but I'm guessing that Landon is an opportunist. I think he had Glenda separate us. Dam it." said Zane. Kraig was about to punch the ice in order to get back but Zane's Crisis Judgement went off and he stopped him. "What's wrong with you kid?" said Kraig, looking at Zane. "Don't hit it. I have a bad feeling." said Zane.

Cole said,"Hey Athena. What was Glenda's magic again?". "It's Eclipse Ice. According to what we researched, her ice is the combination of both darkness and ice. It's also combines the more unstable aspect of ice magic, performing greater feats due its unique properties. Upon coming into physical contact with the ice, the ice takes over you like a virus and freezes you." said Athena. "So don't touch it Zane." said Twilight. "Everyone. Don't touch the ice." said Zane.

Kraig nodded as he turned toward Lavern. "So do you have enough magic energy to open up that box of yours?" said Kraig. She nodded as she pressed her thumbs against the eyes of the skull, which the top opened and inside was a key. Like with Haru's keys, this key is not canon and will be given an appearance. The key is black like obsidian in color, has its crest in a similar shape of an octopus that has its face replaced with the crest of Neptune in blue.

It has small tentacles which connects to the lower side of the crest, giving each a puffy wing shaped decoration. On the top of the octopus head, it has a white crown in the shape of three spikes. On the blade, it had a trident shaped blade. "So what does this key do? I mean as you already know, I don't like summoners." said Zane, crossing his arms upon seeing this card. "This key is special being one of a very few. It's known as a God Key." said Lavern.

Zane raised an eye as Lavern said,"A single God Key is much stronger than all of the celestial spirits that belong to the zodiac keys. Each one could bring down a city.". "Okay then. Bring out the spirit already." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane soon saw that they were soon surrounded by Dark Outriders grunts plus the trio of Eljack, Glenda, and Landon. Eljack was about to strike Lavern as he said,"You won't be doing that any time soon!".

Lavern only smiled as she said,"Oh. I think you're quite wrong there.". She held her key into the air being that Zane said,"We should probably give her room everyone. I think this is going to be a lot of fun.". "Open! Gate of the Ocean Empress! Neptune!" said Lavern. A blue light soon covered the entire area and soon turned itself into water. Zane soon turning into a new form known as Naga Form.   

Zane was now an extremely large dark purple Naga snake with him looking like a younger version of Eros, the elder of the Snake Clan and an Astral Elder. He grows to ten feet if standing up straight but his body was wrapped around in a single spot. He has two large and round green eyes with dark pupils. His mouth is metallic with no signs of mouth. He has a row of conductors ,much smaller than Frankenstein Form and can be used for platforms, and they look like electric rods. 

He has a giant and glowing blue orb on the top of his head. "Get on you two!" said Zane with the other dimension beings listening to the giant snake. They soon flew into the air as the ground below the Dark Harvester wizards began to shake. "What the hell is going on?!" yelled Landon with water coming out of the area in front of Lavern's keys. In time, tentacles soon appeared being that they weren't very kind to dark wizards. "What the hell is going on?!" yelled a masked Dark Outriders.

A grunt shouted,"Did she just summon an octopus?!". He was soon smacked by one of the tentacles being that it was rather painful to watch. A large octopus-like being ,being about six-seven meters tall, soon appeared and it was female. Fun fact thanks to Glenda's spell, none of Team Natsu plus Barry and Trezol ,or more specifically the two other Celestial Spirit Wizards, could see this massive beast pretty much wrecking the dark guild.

The torso of this octopus is humanoid ,being female and muscular, was covered in cobalt blue scales and had a matching colored lower area. She has eight colossal cobalt blue tentacles as legs ,that are white on the underside and has white suction cups on them, red eyes and long, wavy, blue hair. Her chin is pointed and has a similar structure on his upper face very much like a shark and the end of it worked as its nose. 

It also had sharp fangs, claws and spikes on her arms and hands. For clothing, she has on a light blue sarong and tied by a black rope. Kraig, who was riding on Zane's back, were looking at the spirit in awe. "Wow. She's quite powerful and wrecking their collective shit. She also looks really good to both fight and eat." said Kraig. "I don't think eating her would be a good idea. She's very much like her daughter." said Zane. 

The tentacled monster gave a massive roar ,which was heard all around the area including the fights going on the other side of the ice walls, as the beast looked with her red eyes onto Lavern being that she was on the ground with twirling eyes. "Dam it Lavern! You always seem to summon me at the worst possible times!" said the giant beast who was female. "In her defense, you did come here in the wrong form Hali." said Zane with him "crossing his arms" and looked at her.

The octopus soon glared at Zane being that Kraig said,"So how do you know her?". "She and I are drinking buddies." said Zane. "Yeah and you're still a pain in the ass but that's one of your more memorable feature for better or worse. So why are you the snake? Eros may like it but I sure as hell don't." said Hali. "Same reason why you're the octopus. How about you change forms and then I will as well." said Zane. "You'll drop me off first right?" said Kraig.

Hali sighed as she said,"I'm pretty sure that you can handle a little fall old timer. I need to talk with you about my daughter Zane.". The octopus soon glowed as in its place, a woman stood there. Like most women in this dimension, she has a ample and curvaceous figure. Just wanted to get that out right now before we go in depth. She has long shoulder-length light blue hair and her eyes turned blue eyes with red pupils. 

She has a normal looking chin being that she still had sharp and fang like teeth. She doesn't have spikes on her arms and hands with human looking hands. She has cobalt blue tribal tattoos on her arms in the shape of water and a tattoo of the symbol of Neptune on her collarbone. She's wearing a cobalt blue bikini top/toga that's connected to her right shoulder and has a golden emblem which is in a shape of a trident.

She has golden armbands on her arms and a golden, spiked crown. She has a cobalt-blue fish-tail being that it looked like eight tentacles ,along with the suction cups, fused into a tail. Huh, I wonder who she could be the mother of. Kraig jumped off Zane with Kraig saying,"Wow. You're a real beauty miss. I mean most mermaid are beautiful. So did you really have a child?". "I did and Nerida is such a handful sometimes. I wonder who she gets it from." said Hali.  

She looked at her summoner and she said,"It's good to see you again Lavern.". Before Lavern could say anything, a large group of grunts ,who weren't frozen, came and surrounded the four being that they aimed their weapons and magic ready to strike. "You dumb octopussy! You and your pals are going to pay for wrecking our guild hall!" said one of them as they charged. "Oh. Whatever shall I do against such a force?" said Hali in a mocking tone.

Lavern knew that Hali was planning on making them pay for all that they have done to her in the past seven years being that the grunts were soon swept off their feets ,by a stream of water, and right into the ice wall, freezing. Zane stood there being that he was in Naga's human form. He goes down to six feet. He has a slim, yet toned and muscular body with a noticeable tan. He has long dark purple hair which goes down to the middle of his back.

The top of his head is spiky and he has two strands of his hands go up to his chin. He has slanted dark green eyes. He wears a dark purple, simple crown with a massive blue gem. He wears an outfit made out of scales being it goes from his waist to his next, baring his toned stomach and shoulders pads with each shoulder have a conductors sticking out of them. He wears black obsidian pants being that he wears plain, brown sandals. He was holding a gold trident.

Zane said,"Wow. You still look good Hali. Nerida really does take after you in both appearance and personality.". "Shoot those bastard and bitch down!" said a green haired dark wizards being that a group of them soon raided a cannon and fired it at the duo of Hali and Zane. However, the cannon ball didn't hit its intended target. It was stopped by a torrent of water. "Go away! We're trying to have a conversation here!" said Hali, blasting the cannon ball back.

This broke the cannon and the wizard's bones. The wizards soon rushed toward them being that they were going to strike either Hali and Zane down but neither one would let them. Zane swiped them with his trident, treating them like insects. Fire balls were sent toward Zane being that they were soon blocked by a whip of water belonging to Hali, whipping them back. "Now that's how you use a whip!" said Zane.

Hali smiled as she said,"You're so sweet Zane. Care for a combo attack?". "Sure. Ocean Emperor Barrage!" said Zane. He soon took a deep breath of air with his mouth growing in size. This released a huge wave of water ,upon Zane opening his mouth, blasting the dark guild and causing the entire area to be soaked. Hali followed suit as she released a massive torrent of water from her mouth being that the torrent of water had spirals of water, sending the grunts flying.

Kraig said with wisdom,"These two really do work together quite well. You can tell when two people have strong history together. I do wonder who this Nerida girl is.". Zane soon saw Landon sneaking away with something in hand and there was a hole in the ice wall, leading to another section. "Hey Hali. Mind taking care of the trash for me? I got a score to settle." said Zane. "Sure. Give him hell." said Hali.

Zane ,after deactivating Naga Form, ran after Landon being that Kraig soon saw a big ball of fire heading toward Hali. He blocked it by smacking the ball into the air. "I didn't need you to protect me from them." said Hali. The duo of Riscai and Vuser stood there as Vuser said,"I was really hoping to get revenge on that bastard who put us in prison but taking care of you will make it worth it in the end!".

He soon threw another ball of fire toward the four being that Riscai followed up with a giant lance of lightning. The four dodge the combo attacks being that Lavern said,"Me and Hali will take care of the fire one.". "Are you sure? You were injured." said Hali. "She'll be fine fish. I mean she's a strong one isn't she?" said Kraig. Hali nodded as the duo of spirit and master went toward the fire user and the other dimension beings went toward the lightning woman. 

The two dark wizards shouted,"Take this assholes!". The two fired blasts of fire and lightning at them being that they easily dodged them and arrived in front of them. Riscai was soon punched in the face and then sliced by Kraig being that after Vuser was punched by Lavern, Hali blasted him with a huge explosion of water. The two dark wizards were knocked out once against and they fell against the ground. The four soon ran after Zane.

At the same time, Zane was facing off with Landon being that Zane was pissed off being that Landon had a hostage aka Kaida. Instead of staying with her "father", she wanted to go after the wizard who spoke to her and gave her courage but she was captured by Landon during Hali's rampage upon being summoned. "You dam bastard. You'll pay for what you've done to me and the rest of my guild along with your friends." said Landon in a cold and deep voice.

He soon turned into his Werecheetah form being that Zane saying,"You need to shut the hell up right now. You're going to pay for what you and your pals did to Lavern and the rest of this town! Now let her go!". Kaida was scared being that she soon released a powerful burst of magic energy in the form of a loud scream right into Landon's face, causing him to cover his ears. Zane soon rushed right at the catman ,not Adam West or the super villain, and kicked him in the face hard.

Zane shouted to Kaida,"Get back!". She nodded as she ran away and Landon recovered. He tried to slash Zane open being that he easily dodged it. Zane punched him in the stomach, causing Landon to grit his teeth in both pain and rage. He soon tried to kick Zane in the stomach but the Cross-Species dodged his attack with ease. Landon soon land a hit on Zane right in the face much to the shock of Kaida who was watching nearby.

Landon said while holding Zane's throat and raised the Cross-Species in the air,"You and your friends will fail. They will all be our prisoner and soon, we'll get what we want! You will die a failure". "You shouldn't get cocky when fighting against me." said Zane with a smirk. "Excuse me?!" yelled Landon as Zane started to laugh. "If I get take down by the likes of you, I would make so many people mad and well, I hate to make people mad at little old me." said Zane.

Landon soon slammed Zane into the ground being that the man was about to punch him but it turns out that Zane was a clone. "Sweet Gong!" said Zane's voice. Landon was soon headbutted by the real Zane being that the cat was sent flying back. "Hey Aurora. Want to help me out with this idiot?" said Zane as a spirit appeared to the left of Zane. She's a very beautiful woman with her being tall, slim, and curvy but still shorter than Zane. 

She has fair yet pale skin with long, lavender hair that goes down to her thighs and changes to a cerulean blue color near the tips of her hair. She has two long strands that falls front of her shoulders and she parts her bangs behind her ears. She has large golden eyes with very prominent eyelashes. Her feet and hands have sharp black claws. She wears a white sleeveless kimono like dress with it going past her knees and form fitting. Her kimono has a gold sun pattern to it. 

Her dress has an opening, covering part of her chest. She wears black spandex over her legs. She wears white sandals. She wears black fingerless gloves with her gloves going up to her elbows. "Sure thing Zane. Lets go." said Aurora. Zane nodded with him unsheathed his sword and rapidly slashing the air in front of him, releasing air slashes at Landon. The cat managed to dodge a couple of them with his enhanced speed but Zane was too fast for him. 

The cat tried to kick Zane in the face but was stopped by Zane holding the cat's foot with his mind. Zane slammed Landon into the ground with Zane kicking Landon in the gut and it hurt a lot. "This is for everyone that you've hurt!" shouted Zane. As the beatdown continued on, Landon tried to swipe Zane with his tail but that failed. Landon tried to impale Zane with his claws but Zane dodged him once again and kicked Landon in the face. 

Landon began to rapidly punched Zane with Zane blocking it with his blade. "I would say that you shouldn't use my blade to block that beast's claws but you take great care of me." said Aurora. "Of course I do." said Zane. Kaida watched in awe. It was like two beasts fighting each other. She saw the group of Hali, Kraig, Lavern. "Wow. Zane is really going to town on him. I mean he's the last one left right?" said Kraig. "I think so. I mean who else is left?" said Hali.

Hali looked at the little girl with her thinking,"She reminds me of Uriel and Zoey at her age. They always did admire their dad when he's being really cool. Nerida did the same thing at that age.". "I do hope that Zane spares Landon a bit. I need to teach him a lesson." said Lavern, cracking her knuckles and Kraig knew that he shouldn't mess with a woman when she's angry. "So who are you kid?" said Kraig. "My name is Kaida and Zane is so cool." said Kaida. "He really is." said Hali. 

Landon and Zane land blow after blow against each other being that most of them were just Zane being nice rather than actually skill. Zane was soon punched in the face by Landon, sending him into a broken piece of the tower and Aurora flew after him being that she was connected to the sword that Zane used aka Lazarus Soul. Landon dashed toward Zane being that Zane easily dodged the attack and then kicked the pussy cat back and into a pathway of broken walls. 

An enraged Landon rushed at Zane being that Zane easily blocked the kicking aka Landon rapidly kicking Zane. This went on for a while before Zane slashed Landon into a broken tower piece. The man soon dashed toward Zane ,with claws ready to tear Zane apart, but Zane soon blasted him with a burst of Impulse, sending Landon flying and making a crater upon impact with the ground. Zane soon watched Landon get back up as Aurora said,"Quite stubborn isn't he?".

Sivarth commented,"Just like Zane.". Zane rolled his eyes as he looked at his sword and he said,"I think this game of cat and handsome hero is over.". He soon sheath his sword being that he held it to his side and just stood there. Aurora disappeared upon Zane doing that. Landon got back up with a bruised and cut body being that he ignored the pain because of the anger that he felt toward Zane. He saw Zane just standing there being that it looked like he was ignoring all other sounds around him,

Landon smiled as he said,"Good. You finally submitting to me. I'm so happy because you'll be dead and I'll take Lavern back with me plus kill everyone in that dam village!". He dashed toward Zane with his claws looking rather sharp. Zane soon found the sound he was looking forward being that upon hearing it, he moved. He unsheathed his sword and launched a faster than normal attack being that everyone watching couldn't see it happen.    

Landon stood there being that Zane stood behind him. Landon soon turned around as Zane whistles and re-sheathed his sword. "Beast Howl." said Zane as Landon was slashed in the chest, leaving a massive cat in his chest plus the ground below him. The cat man coughed up a ton of blood as blood came from his chest, falling down to the ground with his stomach face down. Zane stood there as things were silent. 

Zane looked at him with pity as he walked away. "Wait!" said Landon. Zane turned to see Landon slowly getting back up and Zane said,"Dude. Just stop. I mean you're looking more pathetic than the guy who doesn't get the hint when the girl doesn't like you.". "You think that you've won you piece of fucking shit. I won't lose because Lord Zeref is watching me and I...." said Landon. He was soon hit by a massive tentacle came and whacked him into the ground, turning Landon back to man.

Zane blinked as he turned to see Kaida running toward him with Kraig and Lavern. Kaida ran into Zane's arm being that Zane could tell that she wanted to hug him. "Thank you." said Kaida. "You are very welcome." said Zane. "So is he still alive?" said Hali. "Hopefully and we aren't done yet. I think we have four members left." said Lavern. "And who is that?" said Kraig as Lavern was grabbed and wrapped in Hali's tentacle.

Landon coughed up blood as he saw Lavern walked toward her with her eyes shadow. The man soon sweated in a panic being that he tried to break out of the Empress's grip but his fights with Zane made him lose most of his magic plus Zane didn't show any mercy on him with his final attack. "Lavern!  I am so happy that you're okay!" said Landon with a nervous smile. He was soon slapped in the face by Lavern as she said,"Zane. Mind covering her eyes? This is going to be quite brutal.". 

Zane nodded as he covered Kaida's eyes, much to the girl's dismay. The blackette soon crossed her arms as she said,"Flower Slap Storm!". Several flower petals soon appeared around Landon as the petals formed into copies of her arms. The arms soon began to slap Landon with each slap being hard and faster than the last. Lavern suffered pain, torture and suffering, cut and the r word which has four letters, and so many other things. "Wow. That's something." said Kraig with a sweatdrop.    

Zane nodded as he said,"Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned is a wise statement.". Landon soon begged her for him to stop being that she didn't because when she asked him to stop, he didn't. The slapping stopped as Lavern said,"Hali. Smash into the ground!". The octopus smiled as she did that being that his face was bloodied and his eyes completely white. "Wow. She's really savage. It's like watching your grandma hurting your grandpa." said Cole.

Zane nodded being that he heard,"Please stop Lavern.". Landon's tears of pleading mixed with his blood on the ground being that it wasn't heard by Lavern. These tears here and now were nothing compared to the days and nights, months, and years of tears. Before she could do anything more, she was soon stopped by Kraig. "Stop Lavern! He's had enough!" said Kraig. Lavern took a deep breath and she glared at the man who was still conscious. "You're right but..." said Lavern.

She soon watched Kaida kicking Landon in the face, knocking him out. Kaida and Zane fist bumped as Lavern smiled,"And now, we're done.". She soon fell onto the ground being that she was held by Kraig. Hali turned back to her humanoid form as she said,"So Zane, thanks.". "It's no problem. So are you up for helping me take care of the ice walls?" said Zane. "I wish that I could but you know how it works. I hope your pals are okay." said Hali. "Yeah. Both of them are really strong." said Zane.

Lavern was shaking and cry, with her crying. Zane soon hugged her gently being that Kaida joined in on the hug as Lavern rested her head on Zane's warm, hard yet comfortable chest. "Lavern." said Hali as she was cut off by Lavern. "It's fine and I need to ask you a favor which you know what it is." said Lavern. Hali nodded being that she smiled. "Yeah. See you later." said Hali with her returning to the Celestial Spirit World.     

Lavern had her face on Zane's chest as her tears landed on it. "Don't worry Lavern. I'm here and your pain is over." said Zane in a comforting tone. "Right." said Kaida. "Thank you Zane." said Lavern with a small smile and tears in her eyes. The fight between Team Blossom and Dark Outriders was over but Dark Outriders weren't finished with our heroes just yet. Lets go back to a little bit before Hali was summon and with Barry, Gray, and Haru. 

They didn't see or care about the ice prison since their opponent didn't leave them plus they were focused. Haru had recently cast Stinger Storm ,which are outlines of his tail, at his enemies being that Barry shouted,"Get behind me, Gray!". The Ice Make wizard soon listened to his junior being that Barry said,"Shimmering Reflection!". A circular translucent green crystal soon appeared being that it absorbed the attack. It glowed and fired the attack back at Haru. 

He blocked it as Barry shouted,"Now!". Gray soon nodded as he slammed his hands to the ground. "Ice Make: Ice Geyser!" yelled Gray. Under Haru, a tower of ice soon froze Haru inside of it being that Barry soon jumped into the air and toward the ice. "Shimmering Shredding!" shouted Barry. He soon fired five crystal scythes shot out and sliced out the part where Barry was held in place. The crystal soon went right through the ice and Haru fell to theground.

Before Haru could change his form, Gray used Ice Make: Hammer directly above her. Upon the hammer hitting the ground, Haru was under it. Upon the weapon shattering, they saw him on the ground, defeated and he was back to normal. Stella ,through a crack in the ice wall thanks to one of Natsu's attacks missing its target, saw her injured friend as she shouted,"Haru!". This caused her to lose focus on her opponents.

Both Natsu and Trezol soon decided to use this to their advantage being that they prepared two more attacks. "Fire Dragon Wing Attack!" shouted Natsu. His fists were soon wrapped in fire before he swung them at the distracted girl. The whips hit their mask, causing Stella to fly through the air. In the air, Trezol was gather lightning in his hands being that it was a white color. "This fight is over! Thundercrackle Annihilation!" said Trezol.

He soon brought his hands forward, firing a beam of lightning in his hands with it surrounded by a swirling black ray of energy. The energy hit Stella square in the chest, launching her down to the ground. She hit the ground with such force that she was personally carving a trench within in the green being that she would have gone flying even farther if her section didn't have a tree which she crashed into.

The enemies were defeated being that Team Natsu plus the duo of boy and Etherious stood over Stella's body. You may ask how Barry, Erza, Gray, and Lucy got out of their sections of ice but thanks to Erza's Flame Empress Armor and Barry's Shimmering Shredding, they made it out and that's my reason. "Well, that was fun." said Natsu with a smile. Erza soon turned to Barry and Trezol as she said,"I don't see why you needed our help.". "What do you mean Titania?" said Barry. 

Erza said with her pointing a sword at Stella,"These two weren't very powerful mainly this one. So where did Zane go?". "And why do you care so much? You don't like him because he sided with those monsters." said Trezol. "He may be a pain to deal with most of the time but he's still a member of our guild." said Erza. Before anyone could say anything, they heard rubble moving. Turning to face the noise, they saw Stella rising from her trench.

Her head was down and a chunk of rock in her left hand. "Okay. You've upsetting me and well, it's time to show you my real power!" said Stella. She soon threw the rock into the air being that their eyes were glued to the stone. It soon came right back down being that it looked like it would hit the thrower in the head. Just before it did just that, Stella shot her head upwards and she soon ate it. The group stared wide-eyed at the sight before them.

Stella was eating the earth being that Natsu was taking it the worse. He knew what it meant when someone was eating a element. "You're a dragon slayer?" said Natsu in disbelief. "N-no way." said Lucy in disbelief, with her stunned. Erza wasn't happy being that she turned to the duo of Barry and  in anger. "And when were you two going to tell us about this?!" said Erza with her really angry. "I didn't know about this. I thought she used several types of earth magic and that's it." said Barry.

They turned to see Stella drop another chunk of stone into her mouth being that she soon swallowed it and smiled. "I hope all of you are ready for a surprise and Salamander, I'm of a later generation and this means one thing. I'm much stronger! Earth Dragon Roar!" said Stella. From her mouth, a storm of earth residue mixed in with sand went toward the group. The force behind it spread them apart in the open field that was her section. It was different than the previous roar seen in Chapter 24.

They covered themselves to avoid major damage, but they were still some damage to them. "You're stronger than Zane said except for the blonde there but time to get serious with you all. Earth Dragon Scales!" said Stella with her soon covered in an sapphire blue aura and then the aura soon formed into rock like scales that covered her body. Gray had enough of this and brought his hands together with cold air escaping them. "Ice Make: Battle Axe!" shouted Gray.

The frozen weapon went toward Stella at an incredible speed being instead of being scared, she ran right at it. When she was a few feet from it, she soon dug her left foot into the ground and then she pulled it out. It was covered in stone as Stella said,"Earth Dragon Talon!". She performed a 540 degree kick, launching herself toward the blade. The foot stuck Gray in the side of her head and this forced him into the ground. Erza saw this and well, she wasn't happy about it.    

She requipped into her Heaven's Wheel Armor being that she soon summoned dozens of swords which quickly surrounded Stella. "Strike her down!" shouted Erza. With those words, the swords flew there being that Stella just looked at her nails. The blades struck Stella being that they just bounced off her scales very much like Wonder Woman's bracelets to bullets. "That's cute but my scales are hardened by millions of pounds of tectonic force. Nothing can break them." said Stella.

The blades finally stopped, revealing that most of them were chipped and broken. Erza charged forward, channeling her magic power into her swords. "Trinity Sword!" shouted Erza. She soon swung her swords in a delta formation, creating an arrow of energy. The arrow flew toward Stella being that due to the angle of her attack, she didn't see a magic seal appearing below Stella. Before the attack could hit her, Stella disappeared into the ground.

The energy hit the tree behind her instead. "Where did she go?" said Erza while looking around her for the dragon slayer. "Earth Dragon Dive! Earth Dragon Uppercut!" echoed Stella's voice being that just below Erza, Stella soon popped up out of the ground and deliver an uppercut ,from out of nowhere, toward Erza's jaw being that her fist was soon covered in stone. Her surprise attack soon launched Erza into the air and Stella jumped after her.

Stella said,"Get a load of this! Earth Dragon Subterranean Smash!". She soon brought her fists together with her hands glowing blue. They were soon encased in stone being that she slammed them down onto her chest, sending her crashing into the ground. She laid on the ground with her armor cracked and her sword broken. When Stella landed, she saw Lucy messing with her keys and also she could hear Natsu groaning. 

Stella thought,"So if Titania is her mate, I'm going to guess that the blonde is another mate. Lets see what happens when I do this.". Lucy was trying to get one of her spirits out being that she soon found the one that she was looking at and pulled it off her ring. "Open! Gate of the...." said Lucy being that she was stopped by Stella. "Earth Dragon Obelisk!" shouted Stella, creating a tower of stone from in front of her. 

It went forward and hit Lucy in the stomach, forcing her into a ice wall. Upon contact with the ice wall, her body soon began to freeze over as Natsu yelled,"Luce!". He soon turned toward Stella being that he roared at her and then ran toward Lucy. Behind Natsu, both Barry and Trezol soon rose to their feet. "Take this you bitch!" said Trezol. He prepared his Thundercrackle Annihilation but Stella saw this and she countered. "Earth Dragon Chain!" said Stella, swinging her arms.

This turned into a stone chain with it going around the Etherious and destroying the spell. With a sharp pull, Stella sent the Etherious crashing into his partner, knocking them both out. "Wow. Your friends here are really pathetic." said Stella with her turning to Natsu being that he was currently trying to get rid of the frost around the blonde using his flames. Natsu was really mad at Stella being that he said,"So you're a dragon slayer too then? So why would you do this?!".

He placed Lucy down being that the frost was gone from her body. "No shit ash for brains." said Stella with her body covered in her magic aura aka sapphire blue. "Did your dragon disappear on July 7th seven years ago?" said Natsu. Stella was quiet as she said,"You really don't deserve to know what happened to mine because you sided with them!". Stones soon began to rise from the ground thanks to the power that she was displaying. "Oh really?" said Natsu.

He soon got into a fighting stance as he said,"If I beat you, you'll tell me what I want to know.". The girl soon laughed at the bravado that she was seeing. "If you beat me because you're only a first generation." said Stella being that she soon matched Natsu in stance and the rocks around her fell to the ground. "Natsu. Please be careful." said Erza with her rolling onto her stomach to watch. "Fire Dragon Roar!/Earth Dragon Roar!" shouted Natsu and Stella respectively. 

The roars collided with each other, resulting in a massive explosion of flame and rock. This was also when Hali roared but neither dragon slayer listened to it being they rushed toward each other with their fists pulled back. "Fire Dragon Iron First!/Earth Dragon Obsidian Fist!" shouted Natsu and Stella with the boy's fist covered in flames and aimed at Stella's head and the girl's fist was encased in the stone armor and aimed at Natsu's head.

Both fists struck their target head on. Get it. When Natsu tried to hit her once again, his eyes caught something. As Stella swung her right arm, Natsu backflipped to put some distance between the two and when he landed, he soon what tried to hit him. Stella's hand was gone being that in its place, a chunk of stone ,square shaped, and the back of it came a small spike. "Wow. That's one nasty looking tool you got there." said Natsu with a smirk

Stella soon growled at the idea of her magic being called a toy. "This isn't a toy pinkie. It's the Earth Dragon War Hammer. If you got stuck by this bad boy, you'll be shattered into pieces. I've always wondered what it does when I strike with it. Care to be my test subject." said Stella. "No thanks. I happen to like being in one piece." said Natsu, cracking his knuckles being that this was going to be a close range fight.

Stella launched forward and raising her hammer to swing him. Natsu jumped out of the way and the hammer struck the ground. The force from the swing created a small crater in the ground. Stella soon pulled it out of the ground with her swung again and again being each time, Natsu dodged each it but barely over time. Natsu finally found an opening and he took it. "Fire Dragon Talon!" said Natsu with him striking with a flaming roundhouse kick to the head.

This sent Stella back a bit being that she wasn't too happy about that. "Happy!" shouted Natsu being that Happy flew over and picked up Natsu into the air. Stella shook her head being that she soon saw Natsu in the air. "Fire Dragon Roar!" shouted Natsu. Happy soon flew around Stella in a circle as Natsu was breathing fire. This created a column of fire engulfing Stella within the flame. "Did we get her?" said Happy, unable to see. 

The smoke cleared and revealed that Stella was gone. "Shit. I just hope we're safe in the air." said Natsu. "Nope!" screamed Stella with her using her Earth Dragon Obelisk spell to reach the same height as Natsu. She soon jumped from the towers at them and raising her left arm. "Take this! Earth Dragon Mace!" shouted Stella. Her left arm soon turned into stone chain links. She swung it around her head for a few seconds before she aimed it at Natsu. 

As it shot forward, the end link became circular boulder with spikes. Natsu had Happy dodge it and Stella had more towers shot out of his feet into the ground. Happy flew Natsu closer to the girl with him using Fire Dragon Iron Fist and Talon. To avoid the attack, Stella changed the height of the tower. This pattern was repeated several times. Stella was swinging and Natsu was dodging. Natsu was throwing punches and Nicholas was dodging.

Natsu had had enough of this and cocked his head back. "Fire Dragon Roar!" shouted Natsu. Flames shot straight towards Stella. She stood on her towers and swung her mace directly into the blazing torrent. The weapon went straight through the flames and this showed the girl that the wizard and cat had moved. "He used the fire to cover his tracks." thought Stella as she looked around for her cat and human opponents. She felt her weight shift and looked down with her eyes widen.

Natsu was melting her stone with his bare-hands. His hands went straight through the towers and this caused them to fall down. Stella lost her balance and fell off. Happy flew up past her and dropped Natsu. "Fire Dragon Sword Horn!" said Natsu with his body ablazed and crashed right into Stella in the middle of her skydiving. Natsu pulled a bonafide dick move by using Stella as a cushion. The others were stirred by the noise of the impact. 

They looked over at Natsu with him standing on top of Stella and her weapons were destroyed upon impact. They tried to stand up but their injuries were too painful. Natsu walked off Stella's back and he began headed over to help his friends up. As he reached the craters edge, he heard the one sound he didn't want to hear aka a crunching noise. He turned around to see Stella stuffing her face being that her food was everywhere. 

She rose to her feet with her having more stone in her hands even though she was still chewing. Not very lady like but sometimes, you got to eat. "Hey! You can't be eating right now!" screamed Natsu with him sounding childish. "And since when has that been a rule between dragons?" said Stella as she placed more stone in her mouth. She swallowed her "meal" and smiled at her opponent. "It's time to rock and roll!" said Stella. "Don't go changing my catchphrase!" shouted Natsu.

Stella thought as she was running toward Natsu,"I don't think I should respond to that.". She soon punched Natsu in the gut and then raising her foot for a roundhouse kick. "This is for using me as a cushion dick! Earth Dragon Talon!" shouted Stella. Her foot was wrapped in stone as she struck Natsu's right temple. He was disoriented being that Natsu tried to counter but Stella easily dodged the attack. "Wow. And here I thought Salamander was going to be worth a fight!" said Stella.

She soon grabbed Natsu's face and slammed it into the ground. "Come on pinkie. Show me why you are so famous!" said Stella, using her towers to drag Natsu through the ground. The others gritted their teeth as they watched the earth wizard becoming a make-shift plow. "You know that Zane told me that he thought that you and your cheerleaders were going to come after him." said Sella as she retracted her arm. "He did?" groaned Erza.

Stella nodded as she said,"Yeah. He actually didn't want you to come because in his words,"They are more annoying than my fangirls." and also according to him, his fangirls have always been quite annoying. You and your friends are nothing but pathetic excuses for wizards. We're done here. I have to help my friend with my home's problem.". She turned on her heels and began to walk out of the crater. "Wait." said a voice.

Stella stopped herself as she looked over her shoulder to see Natsu struggling to stand. "We're not done here yet." said Stella. "Seriously? You can barely stand. Face it, Pinkie. It's over before it even began. You've lost." said Stella, walking away. "Barry was right. You are a coward." said Natsu with her stopping. She turned around and had a death glare in her eyes. "What was that?! All of the death in this town has been his fault you fucking moron!" yelled Stella. 

She's getting pissed and as we learned earlier in the chapter, you don't want to make a lady mad or else, they'll hurt you. You think Zane would take this as a reason to stop teasing Erza but nope. Gray regained consciousness and he pushed himself up on his knees. He soon rolled over to Erza being that she had been observing the situation. "Erza. Natsu has used too much of his magic power. Any ideas on how we can get him some fire? He's at a serious disadvantage." said Gray.

Erza said while panting,"My Flame Empress Armor but I'm low on magic power myself. If you all can distract her long enough, I can use the last of my magic to requip into it.". Gray soon nodded and he willed himself to his feet and looked around. Barry and Trezol were helping each other up as Lucy was using a tree to support herself. She's determined being that she was frozen a bit earlier. He looked back down at Erza, who was focusing her magic power. "We will do that." said Gray.

Stella said,"I'm not a coward. You've been tricked by one and his pet. I was feeling some sort of pity since we share the same magic but at very different level but well, you trigger me.". She soon began focusing her magic power and she said,"Dragon Force.". Her magic power soon increased being that her body and face were covered in a obsidian black scale-like design. Her canines became even sharper and also elongated. 

Her eyes were bright red and glowing. She soon created a dragon tail with spiked ends and sides being that her forearms had protruding blades from them. Do note that this is not the official Fifth Generation Dragon Force design. At the time of writing this, we still don't know all too much about Fifth Generation Dragon Slayers. If this changed to something interesting or I change my mind, I will be updating this in the story but back to the story. 

She soon launched forward with her going to piece Natsu with her blades. "Ice Make: Blades!" said Gray, creating the flower-shaped shield and this protected Natsu at the last second. The force of the blade shattered the shield into little ice shield. "Come on flame brain. Do you really think that I'll let you take out a dragon slayer by yourself?" said Gray, walking over to Natsu. Natsu smirked being that they faced the opposing dragon slayer who looked like a dragon.

Natsu said,"Lets go then Elsa. Lets take her down then!". They soon charged at Stella with Gray saying,"Ice Make: Sword!". Gray crafted a sword and swung it at Stella, who blocked it with her blade. "Sad but good craftsmanship I guess." said Stella. The two clashed weapons with both of them trying to get some footing over the other. "I mean my creations are better but you can only make one when I have two!" said Stella. 

Gray soon looked out the corner of his eye and saw Stella raised her left arm. "Earth Dragon Chains!" said Stella. Her chain arm shot out and wrapped around Natsu. She flicked her wrist and she launched Natsu over Gray into a tree. This distracted Gray, letting Stella stab him in the gut and this sent him flying. Her attack didn't make him bleed but it hurt like a bitch. Gray soon clutched his gut as Barry and Trezol walked up next to him. 

Gray said,"We need to hold her off for a little bit. Erza has a plan to take this girl down for good. So mind helping us out?". Both of them nodded as all three prepared spells. "Ice Make: Arrows!" said Gray, crafting a bow of ice. He soon launched thousands of frozen arrows at Stella. "Shimmering Wave!" said Barry, firing solid wave of his crystal. "Evil Explosion Stream!" shouted Trezol, firing the beam of darkness forward.

The three attacks soon merged as a massive amount of power was all aimed at Stella. She just shock her head in disappointment as the attack grew closer. "Wow. Zane was right. That is a really stupid name for an attack and when are you people gonna learn your place? No matter how strong your attack is, I will always dodge it." said Stella as she sank right into the ground and missing the attack.

Stella said,"Oh by the way stripper, you do remember that I'm a Dragon Slayer right? I heard your ingenious plan plus so did he and he's on his way. He's done with Landon aka the dark guild's master.". Gray's eyes widened as he shouted,"Crap! Erza!". "I'm on it you guys!" said a female voice. Gray looked over to see Lucy with her leaning against a tree and gold key in her hand. "Open! Gate of The Maiden, Virgo!" said Lucy as the maid spirit appeared before them. 

Lucy said with her panting,"Listen, there's a very bad girl digging underground. I need you to force her right out.". "Understood, Princess." said Virgo as she disappeared into the ground. "Where is the kinky maid?" thought Stella as she tunneled through the earth. Her comment is because of Virgo's unique thing for being punishment. Stella knows about this since Haru is a Celestial Spirit Wizard and he told her somethings about the Zodiac spirits.

She kinda raised an eyebrow at the rumors of Taurus being a massive perv being that on the train, she asked Zane about this with Zane saying,"He's a disgrace to all bulls and probably my least favorite one of the bunch being that the pussy cat or "the king of the Zodiac" is just worst.". I wonder why he said that. "If I can sense her magic power, their plan goes kaput." thought Stella. She was broken out her thoughts as she was struck in the face by someone's feet. 

She looked to see a pink haired girl in a maids outfit. "I'm sorry. My master has ordered me to punish you, so I will." said Virgo. "Um two things. One. I'm not into that kind of stuff. Two, you just made a very big mistake. While you were focused on me, remember who else is here in the area and can hear quite well." said Stella. Virgo's eyes widened as she knew full well on who was here and she soon began an underground cat fight which we won't be showing yet.

Above ground, Erza had focused the last of her magic as she said,"Requip!". She swapped into her Flame Empress Armor and summoned fire into its blade. Natsu pushed himself up against a tree and when he saw Erza in the armor, he knew what the plan was. "Okay. I guess she's quite stronger but in this form, I can't lose. I won't let either Zane or Terraytha down at all." thought Stella. As the two continued the battle and whenever Virgo struck her, her scales cracked a little. 

Stella's eyes widened as she thought,"Okay. I may not have that much magic left but I can't lose this fight. Dragon Force takes a lot out of me. I need to avoid her attacks.". The two girls used their chains to try and immobilize the others with their chains getting tangled together like Christmas lights. Virgo seized this opportunity and activated her Diver spell. She began dragging Stella right behind her and when she reached the surface, she whipped her chains forward.

She untangled them and simultaneously throwing Stella into the air. "Trezol! A little air support if you don't mind!" shouted Barry. Quickly, the Etherious flew his teammate into the air and quickly caught up with the airborne girl. Once they were at the same height, Barry smiled and he said into Stella's ears,"You and Haru are going to die. I mean will they believe you after what I told them. I hope you crash with Shimmer Bludgeon!". 

Natsu only heard the spell being casted being that Stella heard everything. From Barry's left hand, he held a thick crystal stick with spiky end and ready to swing. "Shimmering Blade!" said Barry as in his right hand, a crystal kukri ,aka the weapon that Helmeppo uses, materialized there. He swung the sword at Stella's neck and then crashing his mace on top of her head, sending her falling to the ground and she groaned. As this happened, Erza shouted,"Natsu!". 

She launched the fire from her blade toward him and he quickly ingesting the fiery substance. He soon wiped his mouth and before ruining at the fallen girl, she heard,"Can't let you do that the pinkie.". Natsu stopped in place being that he soon turned toward the voice being that it was Zane being that he was in Teleport Form. He's now an eight foot tail demon like creature with dark purple skin. He has two crimson red diamond shaped eyes and has a smile, hiding razor sharp teeth.

He has two medium sized dark gold horns sticking out from the sides of his head. He has two arms and legs with four hands and toes respectively. He has two long, prehensile tails with the end of their tail being in the shape of a broadsword. Both of his tails move with a mind of their own. He's covered in a gray armored suit that covers most of his body except for his arms. It has a dark red stripe going down the middle of his back and chest. 

The armor had three gem like orbs being blue, green, and red on each shoulder pad. His hands are covered in black fingerless gauntlets. He wears a dark red belt around his waist. It has a strange spiral symbol in the center of his belt. Attached to his belt, he has a 44 revolver and saber type weapon. The gun was aimed at Lucy's head and the sword was held against Erza's neck with it made out of solid energy. "Erza! Luce! Let them go now or else!" yelled Natsu.

He ignited his fists as Zane said,"Now do you really think that's a good idea? I mean you only have so much magic left and well, Stella has much more. I also could easily shoot Triple B and slice Prude Knight's Neck with ease.". "Why are you doing this man?" said Gray.  Zane sighed as he said,"Like I said earlier, you guys are on the very wrong side. It's because that Barry and Trezol are....".

Crisis Judgement went off as the group there heard two spells being cast on the same target,"Glacier Dice! Tornado Launch!". Zane was frozen in black ice and was sent flying into the woods nearby them. "Zane! No!" shouted Stella. "Do it now!" yelled the group. Natsu nodded as he ran toward the recovering girl being that he cocked his fist back. "Fire Dragon Slayer Secret Art! Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist!" said Natsu.

In a second, his fists were wrapped in balls of fire and unleashed a barrage of punches at Stella. You may think that he should go easy on her since she's a girl but this girl is a dragon slayer and in she's in Dragon Force so it's okay slightly. Don't punch girls is the moral of the story. Each punch of Natsu's destroyed Stella's scales and with a powerful haymaker. This sent the girl crashing right into the ground, breaking it apart and nearby her, Haru rested there.   

As Stella lost conscious and Dragon Force deactivated, she thought,"I'm sorry Mom. I failed you and broke our promise. I even found my mate like you said that I thought. He's really nice and I know that you two would have been friends. Sorry.". She soon out cold as the fight was over. The wizards soon panted before celebrating their victory. Erza gave a small smile, Natsu and Gray high-fived each other, and Virgo was asking Lucy for punishment much to Happy and Lucy's confusion.

Don't change Virgo. "It isn't over yet. We have to make sure that they don't hurt anyone ever again. If you don't mind." said Barry as the Fairies were confused but listened. The seven were gone with the two unconscious member of Team Blossom. The dawn soon rose as Zane crashed right into the ground and the ice soon broke. Zane soon looked in front of him and shouted to the heavens,"FUCK YOU TEAM NATSU!!!!!!". The fight was over but the war wasn't.

Next time, 
With Zane losing both Haru and Stella to Team Natsu ,who according to Haru, Stella, and Zane, are being manipulated by Barry and Trezol, what will happen in Blossom Village? Why does Barry hate Haru and Stella and vise versa? Does Jean and the others know? This and more next time on Fairy Legion!

Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Teleport Form. This card has a black frame with a creature standing there in the center of it being that there was several portals around it. When Zane places this card inside, he becomes a master of warping from place to place. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 80 and it doesn't have a prime form. Like the name suggest, this form is an expert at moving from place and well, he's really good at his job. 

New Cards/Forms that haven't been seen in Zero yet:
Naga Form. This card has a black frame with a large snake silhouette leading an army of snakes toward a thunderstorm. When Zane places this card inside, he becomes a powerful snake and would be a member of the Snake Clan.  This Form hasn't been introduced in Zero yet and it doesn't have a Prime Form. This form looks like an younger version of Eros, the elder of the Snake Clan and an Astral Elder. This form can either turn from snake to human plus manipulate electricity and water. The human form often carries around a trident which he uses for combat. This form is very peaceful but he hates when he gets mad, you get hurt by the powerful creature.

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