Saturday, December 8, 2018

Fairy Legion Chapter 6 The Showdown in Oshibana

Disclaimer: This Post had originally been posted on June 14, 2018 at 3:15 PM. I'm reposting this Chapter along with Fairy Legion Chapters 1-26 because of a massive plot change. If you've read this story before, not much will have changed except Zane's reason for going to the Fairy Tail Dimension. The Author Note and whatever I talk about in them may or will be extremely outdated today or I'm somehow seeing the future so just ignore if you want.

A/N: Yeah. That part was really long being that this part is going to be longer because of the fact that I'm going to talking about E3 2018 in this Author Note, some Anime Stuff, and some stuff about Fairy Legion. It's going to start with E3 2018, Anime Stuff, and Fairy Legion. You may think that I should do Fairy Legion first but I like to end off with that because I can. Lets begin. I'm using a single websites for data so I could be missing some stuff and be talking about stuff that interest me.

This is also going to be scattered meaning that I'm going to jump topics a lot. The new Spider Man Game interested me because the initial trailers interest me upon first sight and well, the showcase demo just made me want the game even more. I like Yuri Lowenthal being that he voiced one of my childhood characters and as my favorite Superhero of all time, he does a great job from what I've seen. I may not be a fan of the white parts on his gloves but I like his new costume over all.

It gives me some Ben Reilly vibe being that it isn't a bad thing. I didn't figure that at first but over time, you figured out. I don't mind it being that I hope we get a reference to the original costume or maybe a movie cameo not from Avengers Infinity War. I really need to see that movie but I need to see Thor. I will see it but right now, I''l just ignore the spoilers. I can easily do that. Well, lets go back to the game.

We see Electro breaking into the raft which is an obvious note to comic fans since Electro broke and freed several super villains from the Raft in the comics. We also saw the appearance of several of Spiderman's bad guys aka Rhino ,with his Russian accent being that not too many comics get that often, and we see some of the gameplay. It looks like the Arkham games but that isn't a bad thing at all since those games are good.

People will call this game Spiderman Arkham but I'm okay with that. We also see Scorpion which is cool I guess. Not a big fan of him but it's cool to see him. We also see Vulture in a pretty nice suit and I love the MCU's version, being that this Vulture is giving me that vibe. We end things off with Mr. Negative which I hope is a main villain since it will be nice to not see the typical duo of Green Goblin or Doctor Octopus, leading the Sinister Six.

If there in the game, I'm okay with that but I would like something different. We end the trailer on a cliffhanger, making me want the game more. I'm sure that there will be more announced but I'm sure that I'll be buying because Spiderman is just my favorite hero and I will be in love with this game. The next thing is the new Mario Party being that it looks to be going back to its roots but from what I've seen in the trailer, it looks like Mario Party Star Rush.

It isn't a bad thing being that I wish we got more info on but we need to show off one game that took up at least half of Nintendo's direct. I'm excited for the game mind you but still, I would like to see something that I may buy later down the road rather than something I will be buying. You'll see what I mean once I get to that game. There is a new Fire Emblem game and it looks good. I'm happy that I bought a Switch because I waited a year for it.

I wasn't impressed with Breath of the Wild because I hate games where you work really hard on something for it only to break at the end. It's a petty reason but like I've said before, I really do let the petty things get to me more than the major problems. I like Odyssey because the music is just the best and well, my favorite 3D Mario. I played all of them but this one, I loved to play more. There is also the new Pokemon Switch Game.

It looks like something for Pokemon GO fans which isn't a bad thing since we're going to get a main line game next year for sure. I may get the Eevee one because I find that Pokemon cuter than the mascot. I will be getting the new My Hero Academia game along with Jump Force. Lets talk about the former then the latter. After these two, we have two more games to talk about and then some Anime stuff.

The My Hero Game is going to be good since I like the series. It reminds me a lot of One Piece being that they both have super powers ,which I like, but to me, it feels more grounded. I'll be getting this game for sure and maybe talk about it on here. The next game is Jump Force which is the next J-Stars Victory game. I'm going to get it and mainly pick Luffy. He's my favorite protagonist for a reason plus beating up Goku is oddly satisfying.

Those two seemed rather short and sweet because the big games are Kingdom Hearts III/3 and the new Smash. I'm going to be talking about Kingdom Hearts first because the trailers aren't as long and also I saw that one first. Kingdom Hearts ,as a series, isn't something I play for the story. Story is important but not this one. It's a mess plain and simple. I play Kingdom Hearts for the gameplay and what worlds they pick. Kingdom Hearts III/3 delivers on the both fronts.

I do like that we get another Pirates of the Caribbean World because I only didn't expect them to do it again but hey, I like to be wrong. I like how they fit into this world better and the graphics are doing a good job for me. I wonder if they're going to get the movie actors for this one. I can't tell. The pirate ship stuff seemed neat but gave me an Assassin Creed feeling so expect glitches. Pirate battles do look fun for sure.

We also see the return of Luxord being that I was like,"Wow. He's back.". He also returned alongside Larxene in the Frozen World. I'll be talking about that soon. At first, I was mad about this being that Larxene and Marluxia were going to take over the Organization in my memory recalls. See what I did there. We also see that Hades returns with all of the Titans finally appearing in the series. The Toy Story and Monster Inc World are tugging at my childhood, making me want the game more.

I didn't hate Frozen or Tangled being that I'm okay with their inclusion since those movies made bank especially the former. From the Frozen trailer, it seems that Sora has fallen for Elsa. I think Olaf is played by the same actor but I'm more sure about him being there than Captain Jack Sparrow. The ice fighting scene looks awesome. We also see Remy from Rataouille and Ralph from Wreck it Ralph  as summons being that I love both of those movies.

I like Kairi's new look ,mainly the hair, but what's with all of the belts. For Final Fantasy fans, that's normal but that's a lot of belts. I like Axel being there. So what's up with that Riku scene? I hope we get an answer to that one upon the game being released. The story may be a mess but I like seeing the trio from Twilight Town again being that I like their new design. Black and red are just an very nice color combo to me as you can no doubt tell.

We also see the return of Aqua being that she's now evil or something. We'll be getting an answer for that I hope but I want an answer with the Riku scene more. I first played Birth by Sleep for my first Kingdom Hearts and I like playing with Aqua. Sora's voice isn't that weird to me but it's noticeable compared to KH 2 and KH 1, I then remember it has been 10+ years. The voice actor aged so it isn't that weird.

So I have a question, all of the Organization members ,except for Demyx, have appeared but I'm expected the final one to be revealed in due. You may be thinking that I'm forgetting about Roxas and Xion but they're a part of Sora or something along those lines. The story in this series is a mess being that I get confused really easy. Even with the internet explaining things to me, it's still a mess. I do like the new theme being that it grew on me.

The final game I want to talk about is Super Smash Bros Ultimate. I expected it because of the teaser with the Inklings. I'm excited for it being the biggest thing for me is that EVERY character is going to be in this one. I may not care about Pichu or Young Link but Ice Climbers, Pokemon Trainer, and Snake are back is something amazing. I do however don't care about Link's new design. As a person who dislike Breath of the Wild for a petty reason, Link's new design is just meh to me,

I do like that we can have one more similar to his roots. I do like the new Zelda because blond Zelda is best Zelda. I like her more than brunette Zelda. I don't like the Inkling Girl but I'm happy that we have the guy in there as someone who doesn't like Splatoon. I'm happy they are in the game but the games never interested me. I don't care for Ganondorf's design going back to the most overrated Zelda game ever.

It took me a week to find the Kokiri Sword as a kid being that it took me years before I decided to replay and beat it. I prefer Majora's Mask more than that game though. I do like the Echo Fighters idea in concept being that I have one problem with it. So is the roster going to give them a separate slot for them or will they share one like with what they did in Melee/Brawl for Zelda/Sheik? It showed that in the trailer but I'm not sure.

I do wish that we didn't spend so much time on it. I mean the new Smash bros is awesome and I'm going to enjoy but I would like to learn more about Mario Party. It's nice for those people who like that kind of details but for a casual fan, I don't really care. There are little difference but that's really it. For those who care about that stuff, good for you. I legit don't care because that isn't why I play Smash.

I mean I love how fast Final Smashes are but I'm sure that Fox, Falco, and Wolf are the exact same Final Smash. I could be wrong but that's a strong bet given their previous history. I won't be playing as Pichu because why would you play as a character that hurts itself? I'm also sure that every ,if not a good chunk of them, single stage is in this game so I'm pretty sure about that. I like how they changed Palutena into a viable fighter online.

I'm happy for Daisy being in the game as an Echo Fighter. I don't like Daisy because she's meh to me and also I may be rather petty but I personally blame Mario Party for my hatred. If you watch the Runaway Guys and if you like Chugga, you get sick of him picking Daisy because he's been on a losing streak. I'm just wanting him to win one game and then lose the rest. I'll be good. I don't like the Inkling Girl being that I'm happy that the game is there so I can play as them.

That's petty but well, I take little shit personally. I really should do that but I do. I really liked seeing Waluigi getting killed by Marth with me hoping that the reason behind that is because he isn't going to be in the game. I don't like Waluigi because he's a meme and like most memes, it can be rather annoying. He made it into the Washington Post so either put him in the game or just say that he is never going to be in the game. This is just silly at this point.

I don't care if he's in or not because like with Goku or any character in a fighting game I don't care about, I just won't play as them or make them fall off the edge/defeat them several times. I was mad at the gamecube controller at first being that I was like,"Let it die!" but then I learned that you can use your old adapter so that saves so much time and money. I do wish there was more new characters but I get why so I'm okay with the two ,so far, we got..

I was happy that Ridley made it into Smash but not Walughi. In his trailer, he straight up kills both Mario and Mega Man. That was an amazing trailer. I do like how he's about the same size as Bowser and others. It works. His Final Smash looks awesome. I was also shocked to see that it came out this year and not 2019. I guess Kingdom Hearts does that to a person. I'm sure that my wallet is going to be empty during the fall and Winter.

So some Anime Stuff. It's going to be mainly about Fairy Tail with a mention of One Piece and Seven Deadly Sins. I like Seven Deadly Sins being that it's a good read and a great anime. I think Ban is my favorite character because I love his personality. He doesn't care about things which is something that helped inspired Zane's not caring attitude in Fairy Legion. He and Brook are two of my favorite characters in One Piece. That's all I'm talking about those two.

You may have noticed that Zane was laughing at Lullaby being that it's a serious situation. Out of all of the Etherious in the series, he's the least threatening. I find Lamy more threatening than Lullaby being that from what we've seen, he can turn into his demon form but his main form is a flute. I mean what sounds scary to you. A demon with an annoying as hell laugh in Japanese or a magic flute that can kill thousands upon playing its sound?

I just find Eisenwald''s plan really silly and from what we've seen, the other Etherious are more threatening in the series. I'm a fan of show not tell. I rather see a character training for a couple of panels rather than saying that they did. You may be thinking that Zane should take this serious because of his weakness toward sound but Zane can always figure out a way to stop Lullaby. Zane is unbeatable in this series mainly because I want to.

We're almost done. I just wanted to say that I will be aging up Wendy to sixteen years old mainly for my own person reason. I'll explain more why in detail once we get past Phantom Lord. I will be doing the Galuna Island Arc because I don't want to skip any arc except for Daybreak. Also I also based off Zane's way of sealing a deal is based a certain pyramid demon from a current Disney cartoon. Lets begin already. I'll be following the Anime and Manga. Also Sly is mainly in her dragon form.

Narrator P.O.V.
Here in the town of Clover, you'll soon find the building where the guild master conferences are held twice a month. Just like at Fairy Tail, the building was filled with liveliness. They were all gathered around various tables shooting the breeze about life and the state of things among their guild. They were also drinking being that for some, it wasn't their first. "I'm so jealous of you Makky. Your wizards all filled with life and such cutie-pies." said an effeminate balding man.

This is Bob, master of the Blue Pegasus Guild aka the pretty boys and girls guild. (He's also the best guild master in my opinion due to him being a very memorable character for me). He's a man despite his more feminine actions. He's a cross-dresser being proud of it. He's wearing a purple spaghetti-strap shirt accessorized by a gold and fuchsia hoop necklace, and a vertical-striped pink and purple shorts.

He also completes his look with red lipstick and blush on each cheek. He has small, white wings that are surprisingly capable of flight, albeit to a limited extent. He stood next to Makarov who was both drinking and eating. "I heard you've recently recruited two new members being that one of them is a girl who have some big shot quite the spanking and a boy whose making a name for himself being that he defeat Valiant Wraiths by himself and saving those models at Sorcerer Weekly." said Bob.

Makarov nodded with him saying,"Yep. That's Lucy and Zane. They're our latest recruits being that the girl has a body who just won't quit! Mainly her chest!". He was obviously drunk being that he was slurring his words. "And Zane. He has a serious attitude problem but he gets the job done. I've heard that he's going to be famous really soon according to Blair." said Makarov. "Oh Makky. You haven't changed at all. I would love to meet this Zane character soon." said Bob who giggled.

Nearby them, a man said,"I wouldn't be joking around like that Makarov.". This man is the guild master of Quarto Cerberus. (Aka the Butt-Monkey Guild. I wish I was kidding but read the Grand Magic Games. They only win first place in one event and not win a single match during the whole dam thing!). Goldmine is a slim man of average height, who appears to be in his late fifties or early sixties.

His mildly squared face is covered in several wrinkles, mainly around the sides of his mouth, below his eyes and on his forehead. His light brown hair ,despite his age being well old, is kept in a youthful style, with it almost reaching down to his shoulders in a straight cut. He's wearing a pair of sunglasses ,indoors, being that they covering the man's eyes and hiding them away from sight at all times even in the bath according to rumors.

Goldmine's slender figure is covered by a simple set of dark clothes, namely a plain T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans pants. He dons a distinctive headgear, being a dark hat reminiscent in shape of those worn by fictional warlocks and witches, possessing a wide brim and a torn top pointing backwards. Circling the hat is a lighter band sporting massive, rounded spikes, and is virtually identical accessory that comes in the form of a collar around Goldmine's neck. That's an element of Quatro Cerberus.

Goldmine said,"They may be spirited but you have to admit. Your wizards tend to go overboard most of the times. I'm sure that the council members thinks that they will destroy an entire town one day. I do think that new guy is pretty cool. He seems wild but in control.". "You like Zaney too Goldy? I guess we'll have to fight over who gets to see him first." said Bob, putting up his fists. "I'll let you see him first Bob." said Goldmine.

Makarov said,"Ah! Screw those old worrywarts Goldmine! They're just jealous that all of my wizards are attractive and they're not!". He had a noticeable blush forming on his cheeks with Bob saying,"I don't think you should be hitting on your wizards like that. You're such a scoundrel.". "Aren't you dying to meet Zane Bob?" said Goldmine, crossing his arms. "Well, yeah but I'm not thinking about it in a perverted way like Makky." said Bob. "Fair point." said Goldmine.

A small blue carrier bird ,wearing a typical witch's hat, flew around as it chirped,"Master Makarov. I have a letter from Miss Mirajane sir.". "Thanks." said Makarov. "No problem." said the bird with it flying off. The elderly wizard soon traced his finger around the seal of the letter ,being that this is how you activate the magic, and soon, a holographic image of Mira soon appeared here. "Hi there Master. I'm happy to see you've arrived safe and sound." said Mira, smiling brightly.

Makarov soon gathered everyone's attention with him saying,"This is our poster girl Mirajane! Isn't she hot?!". "Wow. She's pretty." said Bob. "That's Mira? She's matured in more ways than just her looks." said Goldmine. "Oh master, you're not going to believes what's happened!" said Mira with the old man raising an eyebrow. "Hey Mira! Do you mind if I talk to the old geezer too?" said a voice in the background. "Sure thing Zane!" said Mira.

Zane's holograph image appeared as Makarov said,"Boo! I really want Mira back!". "I love you too old geezer. I bet he's totally saying that he wants you instead of me Mira. He's hurting my precious feelings." said Zane, with Mira giggling a bit in the background. "Huh. He's real handsome. He can give Hibiki a run for his money." said Bob. "Not what you expected?" said Goldmine. "Well, I'm confused on how he knew what Makky was going to say." said Bob. "Huh. weird." said Goldmine.

Mira soon joined them as she said,"It's going to be the biggest thing in all of Fairy Tail!". "I wouldn't say the biggest but you've been a member longer than me so tell the old geezer." said Zane. "Erza returned with her going on a mission with Gray and Natsu. Of course, she took Happy, Lucy, Sly, and Zane with her! Isn't that the best?!" said Mira. Makarov looked worried as Zane said,"I think you're scaring him Mira.".

Mira tilted her head in confusion as Zane said in a serious tone,"I'll explain. I'm going with them not just because I get to say what ever I want when I want. I'm also going to make sure that they keep the destruction at a minimum. I'm not part of the stereotype of Fairy Tail where we destroy things. After my fights, I fix them not leave them for someone else to clean up. That's just how I roll. Once this job is over, I'll take full responsibility for all damages.".

Goldmine smiled as he said,"Interesting.". "Well, I guess that's all. See you in a couple of days." said Mira as the image vanished. Makarov sat there with Bob saying,"Makky? Are you alright?". "I'm fine Bob. Lucy is a blooming wizard with her hopefully not causing too much trouble. I'm really thankful that Zane is going with them. He's strong but how strong is a mystery." said Makarov. "The council still has their worries Makarov." said Goldmine. "But with Zaney, they'll be happy." said Bob.

Meanwhile, Erza soon came to a stop just outside of Kunugi station. Zane ,who was on the roof, soon heard that the people below weren't happy about some guy with a scythe and his lackeys taking over the train, someone knowing that they're the local dark guild, and someone trading their wife in for some tools. Lucy leaned out the car window with her shocked. "They took over the train? I kinda get boats and cars but a train?" said Lucy.

She soon sat back in the four wheeler with her having Natsu's head in his lap. She ran her fingers through his hair, mainly to calm him. "Well, there aren't planes or automobiles so this is the only one of the three they could get." said Zane, resting on the roof. "Okay. It doesn't seem like a smart idea since trains can only run on its rails." said Happy, rubbing his chin. "Should I tell them about the time I saw a train move off the rails? Nah." thought Zane, getting a tan.

Gray said,"A train does have one thing on its side. It's fast. We're the only ones who can stop those Eisenwald guys are planning on doing.". He was stripping being that Lucy pinched the bridge of her nose. "Gray for the love of god, keep your clothes on." said Lucy. "Huh. Guess I am." said Gray with him shrugging. "I think it's a mental thing at this point." said Sly. "Aye!" said Happy. We should get going." said Erza, starting up the car.

Back on the train, Erigor sat in a booth with him saying,"Flies?". "Yeah. Don't worry about. They needed to be swatted but they buzzed off." said Kage. Erigor glared at him with him saying,"Did they see Lullaby?". "Not really. I mean they're too late. They can just....." said Kage. Erigor's left eye soon twitched being that two blades of razor sharp winds shot forward and slashed the end of Kage's ears clean off. Kage howled in pain, clutching his bleeding ears.

Erigor leaned forward and had his scythe up to his neck. "You're a dam fool! You let not one but two of those flies see the Lullaby Flute and leave with their lives!" yelled Erigor. "Yeah but those two don't know shit about our plans. We're unstoppable." said Kage, through the piercing pain. "We can't take any chances. We have a backup plan just in case so get ready man, all of you are going to be on pest control." said Erigor. "Yes sir!" said the guild.

On the outskirts of Oshibana Town, the magic mobile was going through the area like a wild animal being that Erza was losing too much magic. "I can't believe that I'm saying this but you're wasting too much of your magic and overload the SE plug!" yelled Zane. Erza smirked at him as she said,"If I lose my magic, I still have my hand to hand combat.". Zane rolled his eyes as he thought,"You're a idiot Ginger Knight.". "You can stop it you know." said Athena. "Oh I plan to." said Zane.

He soon stood on top of the car with him saying,"Sweet Wall!". The group ,except for Natsu, saw Zane create an enormous torrent of his syrup from his body and it slowly forms into a wall being very durable. The car crashed into it, stopping it in its track. "Are we there yet Luce?" said Natsu. "No. We stopped?" said Lucy. Erza turned to Zane ,who crossed his arms, as she yelled,"What the hell do you think you're doing idiot?!".

Zane pointed to the SE plug being that it looked ready to pop with him saying,"I know that if this Erigor guy plays this "deadly" recorder, a lot of people will die. I understand completely but we can't lose a fighter just because she's wasting her finite magic power.". "He's right Erza." said Gray. "No he isn't Gray. Like I said before, I'll fight even if I have to use a broken stick. That's why I have you guys with me. Lucy can fight as well and....." said Erza. Zane soon slapped her as Natsu yelled,"Erza!".

His voice came from inside of the carriage being that Erza turned to see her dragon slayer resting in Lucy's lap. She was helping to calm Natsu's motion sickness and they did stop but his face was still green. "You're worried about Erigor and Eisenwald are planning but take it easy. Zane is right. I don't want to see you collapsing from exhaustion before we get there. Oh and Zane, you're going to pay for slapping Erza." said Natsu.

Zane shrugged as he said,"I had to get her to see reason aka you.". "Yeah. She's a major sucker for you flame brain." said Gray being that he soon felt a chill run down his spine. "Do you want me to show you what I do to people who call me a sucker?" said Erza in a menacing voice. "Nope! I'm so good!" said Gray. "Whipped." said Zane. "Zane. Do you mind driving then?" said Erza as she went to sit inside.

Zane soon jumped down to the steering wheel with his glasses soon being replaced by his costume's goggles thanks to Twilight changing them. They are black with the outline being both crimson red and molten gold. The lenses are clear and see-through being that it still shows off his eyes. "I thought you would never ask." said Zane. He rolled up his left sleeve as Cole said,"Are you sure about this Zane? Won't Nether do something?". "I'm sure it won't hopefully." said Athena.

He soon slipped the plug over his hand with him concentrating. The car didn't start for a while before it soon went forward. It sounded differently compared to when Erza used being that the car went at a much better rate despite going the same speed. Erza was curious about Zane and his magic plus his secrets. She was a person who hates secrets between her Nakama so Zane's secrecy along with his mouth weren't helping her curiosity and dislike being almost equal. 

Zane said,"Hey gang! We're almost there so make sure that Natsu is in fighting condition.". Back inside, the others were fairing better being that before they were regularly being thrown in the air and colliding with each other on a frequent basis. It was now slightly better. "Sure thing Zane. Don't worry Natsu. We're almost there." said Lucy, running her fingers through his hair. "Thank you a lot Luce." said Natsu, with his voice muffled by her thighs.

He groaned and buried his head into Lucy's thighs being that this would have normally caused Lucy to blush madly but she was starting to get used to it. "I really don't feel bad for him. Thanks for not making flame brain barf everywhere!" said Gray. "Yeah. Thanks Luce." said Sly, giving her a thumbs up. "I feel like there is something I had to tell you Lucy but I can't remember what it is." said Happy in confusion. "What is it Happy?" said Erza.

Happy furrowed his brown with him saying,"I can't remember.". "Well, you're making me curious so try and remember cat." said Gray. "Oh man! I really don't feel good!" said Natsu being he soon went toward the window. "Not feeling good." said Happy, with his brain working. "Natsu! You might fall out!" said Lucy as she and Erza grabbed onto the back of Natsu's vest. "Please let me go. I want to be out of this death machine!" said Natsu. "Hey! My driving isn't that bad!" said Zane.

Happy said,"Death machine. Fish. Lucy is weird.". "I'm not weird you stupid cat!" said Lucy, glaring at Happy. Gray laughed as he said,"Don't change Happy.". Zane looked up ahead to see a plume of smoke as he said,"Hang on everyone! We're about to go faster!". The car went faster being that Natsu hanged onto Erza and Lucy for safety. Five minutes later, Oshibana Station had a crowd of people in front of it. Zane soon parked the car outside of the station.

He could heard,"The station is currently closed due to a train derailment.". "A derailment? I've heard that the station has been taken over by a group of thugs!" said a couple of people "Okay. I think we have found them." said Sivarth. "We ask that you please stand back!" said an employee. "Okay. It's time to find out what's going on." said Erza. The group except for Zane followed her as Athena said with worry,"Not a fan of crowds are you Zane?".

Zane stood there as the group ,except for Happy and Sly, push their way through a crowd being that Erza yelled,"Move now!". "Everyone! Please listen to Erza!" said Gray, fearing his own life. "But you guys, the station is close!" said Lucy, with Natsu leaning on her for support until he recovered from motion sickness. "Screw what they said Triple B." said Zane. He soon grabbed Lucy and Natsu using his telekinesis and he soon began walking on air.

Lucy was shocked as Zane said,"This is Gravity Drive. It allows me to walk along the currents that surround us all.". "At least you're not stepping on their heads." said Lucy. "We can't waste a single second so onward to victory." said Zane. The group soon saw Erza talking with a police officer as she said,"Excuse me, what's going on here?". "Why would I tell you lady?" said the officer, raising an eyebrow.

Instead of saying anything, Erza growled and headbutted the officer. The man groaned and fell over unconscious. She soon did to the next employee who was knocked. She went through several of them being that they were prominently knocked out. Zane soon dropped Lucy and Natsu back down on the ground ,nearby Gray, as Lucy said,"Her way of questioning is really counterproductive.". "Isn't that obvious?" said Sly, resting on Zane's shoulder.

Gray nodded as he said,"So you guys got the picture on why we fear Erza?". "Not really. I got the picture loud and clear. Also, Gray. Your clothes." said Zane as Gray was shocked. There were several unconscious guards as Erza said with her putting her hands on her hips,"The Eisenwald guild's inside so lets go.". "Will do commander." said Zane in a mocking tone. The group soon went inside as Natsu soon recovered.

The group went running through the station with nothing stopping them. "A small army platoon went in earlier but they haven't return." said Erza. "They either got caught in battle or they were defeated by said terrorists." said Zane. The group saw the Royal Army being that some of them were unable to move, badly damaged, and some of them without their heads. Lucy was terrified at the sight being that she would have puked.

However, Natsu held her hand. "You don't need to see this Luce, but you need to strengthen your heart. This is nothing compared to what other dark wizards do." said Natsu. Lucy calmed down but she was still trouble. She unintentionally gripped Natsu's hand tighter. "They've been completely wiped out." said Happy. "It's kinda to be expected." said Zane. He soon walked up the stairs with him stepping on the soldier's body or in their blood. "Seriously?! No respect much?" said Gray. 

Zane said,"I've seen worse. This small group couldn't stand a chance against them. This is nothing but a small showing of what true evil really is. Lets move. I can hear voices.". The group soon reached a set of doors at the end of the hall. Everyone sprinted down the hall and burst through the doors at the end of it. On the other side of the door, the wizards ,except for Zane, weren't expecting the entire guild and Erigor sitting atop the parked train.

Byard, Kage, Karacka, and Rayule were the main ones as Erigor said,"Welcome to your final resting grounds flies!". Lucy was frightened with her saying,"Wow. That's a lot of people.". "We've been waiting for you. I'm hurt that you weren't here faster." said Erigor, in a mocking tone. "You fiend. I take you're Erigor." said Erza, glaring at the reaper being that her fists unconsciously clench. "Looks like we got the genius of the group." said Erigor, with his guild mates laughing.

Kage noticed Natsu with him saying,"Hey! It's you! You're the reason why I lost the bottom half of my ears! Where the hell is your bat friend?! I need to kick his ass for making me look a dam fool in front of Erigor.". Rayule placed a hand on his friend's shoulder as he said,"Calm down.". "We're not threatened by any one of you scum. Tell me what you're planning to do with Lullaby. If you don't answer me now, I'll punish you all or hand your off to the authorities." said Erza.

Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"You seriously haven't figure out yet Erza? I mean it's pretty simple if you really think about. I mean this army is so darn small plus Frog Face and Whiskers aren't exactly threatening.". "Oh. You haven't heard yet. How dumb fairy. We haven't gotten jobs recently and we need to express ourselves." said Erigor. He soon lift himself into the air from his perch as he said with a smile,"What is something that all trains stations have?".

Lucy said with shock,"Is he flying?". "Nope. That's wind magic." said Happy. "People!" said Zane with Erigor facepalming. He sat on a broadcasting device .which looked like a crystal ball with four speakers, with him saying,"All places have people you idiot!". Zane's group looked at Zane being that Sly said,"This is normal for him.". "Tickets?" said Zane. "No." said Erigor. "Train tracks?" said Zane as Erigor got annoyed. "No!" said Erigor. "Over-priced food?" said Zane. "No!" yelled Erigor.

Erigor was soon knocked off his perch by a small beam of Green Nether as Zane said,"And you fell for my childish taunting reaper. How does that make you feel?". Erigor got back up as he yelled,"I'll be killing you first! I'm sitting on a broadcaster got it!". "You're so mean Reaper to me. I thought we were best friends. So are you going to play that deadly music through it? So why are you doing this? And are you sure that it isn't going to kill you in the process." said Zane.

The group was in shock of Erigor's plan and how stupid Zane can be but mainly the former as Erigor said,"We have a crowd of nosey onlookers flocked to the station to get a glimpse at the commotion. If we raise the volume up, the whole town will be put into a endless sleep!". "What reason do you have to commit indiscriminate mass-murder?!" yelled Erza, taking a step forward. "Because they're evil Ginger Knight and don't give a fuck. Plain and simple." said Zane, crossing his arms.

Erigor said,"You're quite different from the other fairies. I've heard about the grapevine about a fairy who has taken down two dark guilds in the past week. Are you that fairy?". "Yeah." said Zane. "We are only purging who failed to appreciate what they have before they lose. We lost our guild because of those old farts. They are blinding by the light and it's my job as the Death God to purge those fools who would dare follow the council like bitches.".

He brought his scythe up to his mouth and ran his tongue along the blade. "I think death is their only choice!" cackled Erigor. "Wow. I haven't heard a cackle in a long time." said Sly. "You aren't going to get your guild back by killing them! You're evil! You guys deserve to be kicked....." said Lucy with her mouth covered by candy syrup. "They don't give a fuck Triple B so shut the hell up. Nothing you do is going to change their minds." said Zane with his arms turned into the stuff.

Lucy's mouth was soon uncovered with Natsu glaring at Zane for what he did to Lucy. "He's right you know blondie. At this point, our rights are nothing to us! We'll have power and take control of our future!" said Erigor. "You two are serious messed up!" said Lucy, pointing right at Erigor and Zane. "Ah Triple B. You're making me blush." said Zane. Kage placed his hand on the ground with him saying,"To bad for you annoying flies. The end of darkness begins now without you in!".

The shadow ,below Kage, soon sprouted off into five hands being that they were already toward Lucy. "Damn it!" said Erza. She spun around with her sword down being that Natsu roared into action. "Don't lay a hand on Lucy!" roared Natsu with his fire covering his fists. He glared at Kage with Kage saying,"Good. I get to kill you for what you did to me.". "Thank you. I hate to think what would happen if Natsu wasn't here." thought Erza, placing a hand over her racing heart.

Lucy said,"Thanks Natsu.". "He's always here to protect me." thought Lucy. "We can fight for real this time shadow bastard!" said Natsu. "Yeah. We got ourselves a party Natsu. Ready to kick some but you guys?" said Zane. "This isn't a party you know pervert! They're bad guys!" said Lucy. "Like he said Lucy, a party." said Gray and Natsu cracking their knuckles. "And every single one of them are pinatas I'm going to smash wide open!" said Zane.

Erigor thought,"Those flies fell right into my trap. This is going all to plan. I just have to make sure they hear the Lullaby's method of death. We're soon get our revenge on the ones who I have to kill before!". "This is Fairy Tail's strongest team! Prepare yourselves!" said Lucy, pointing at the dark wizards. "Since when have you and Happy been considered strong?" said Zane. "Dude. Her Lucy Kick is so strong." said Natsu. "I'll take your word for it man. Not into feet." said Zane.

Erigor floated off as he said,"I leave them to you! Don't let them stop you! All of you are the terror of Eisenwald!". He was about to fly out of the station's window but he felt the force of a huge surge of energy. Everyone in the room felt this pressure being that every dark wizard and Fairy Tail wizard soon turned to look at Zane, who had a large construct of Sivarth around him. It’s a ten meter tall, dragon like creature with it having ten long and sweeping tails.

They were moving back and forth. Its body is covered in crimson red scales aka Nether with some of them missing. Its lower body, stomach, and inner portions of its long tails and legs are light red. It has several scars over its body with the largest scar being "Z" shaped and on its stomach. It has two large dragon wings sprouting out from the top of its shoulders. Its dragon like head is triangular shaped. It has two large and round red eyes with his pupils bigger than a tall human.

It has very sharp canine teeth coming out of its mouth. It has three claws with Tyrannosaurus Rex like legs for its arms and legs. It has black spikes going down its back to the ends of each one of the construct's tails. It has small armored guards ,that look to resemble a Triceratops's Frill, on its ankles, knees, and shoulder plates. The rest of its arms and legs are covered in long kite shields like frills with a long blade growing out of the shield.

It extends right in front of him. On its shoulders, it has two Tyrannosaurus heads. They have razor sharp teeth and black eyes with them being sentient beings. "What is this?" thought Erza, with a bead of sweat running down the sides of her cheek. Zane smiled as Erigor watched him stretching. "Your magic. Who are you Fairy?" said Erigor. "You have to buy me dinner first before I say a word." said Zane. "Oh. You think you're funny? Too bad your....." said Erigor.

He was soon kicked in the jaw by Zane who moved at light speed. The construct was gone as Zane said,"Man. You talk way too slow reaper.". Erigor was sent flying into a nearby pillar, cracking a bit upon colliding with it. Zane soon landed on the ground right in front of his group being that he said,"I think you guys are going to be so much fun to crush.". "I didn't even see him move!" thought Erza as the dark wizards were shocked.

Erigor soon got out of the hole with him glaring at Zane. "He's fast but next time, he won't be so lucky." thought Erigor. "Next time reaper, I'll go even faster than you and kick you harder! Oh and thanks for giving me the details of your plan." said Zane. "How did you? It doesn't matter. I have a bigger part to play. I leave my men to play with you." said Erigor, vanishing into thin air. with Zane smirking. "He's gone!" said Happy and Lucy. "No shit." said Sly.

Erza said,"That coward. Why didn't you stop him Zane?". He shrugged with Erza getting mad. "Easy Erza. He must have gone into the next building." said Gray. "Right. Gray and Natsu. Both of you go after Erigor." said Erza. The two looked at each other with Erza saying,"I'm not at full power right so I'll handle the underlings with the help of Lucy and Zane here. We'll handle them and take care of them. You can't let Lullaby be played or Erigor win right?".

Natsu said,"But Erza. I want to stay here and kick these guy's assess! I owe that one a real fight!". He pointed to Kage who growled. "The three of us will take care of it." said Erza, smiling. "Take care of all these people, just us two girls, a cat, a lizard, and a shapeshifting pervert." said Lucy. "I prefer the term superhero thank you very much. Don't worry Natsu. I got an idea to protect them so don't worry and beat the reaper." said Zane. "Okay! Keep them safe! Lets go!" said Natsu.

He grabbed Gray with the two running off. "They're running away! They're after Erigor!" said one of them. "I'll capture them and bring them back to be slaughter!" said Rayule. He soon went after Gray and Natsu with Kage saying,"Pinkie is mine Rayule!". He went into the the shadows as Zane smiled to himself. The two girls, Happy, and Sly were soon behind a cobalt blue diamond wall as Erza said with anger,"So what are you doing Zane?!".

The dark guild saw that Zane's arms were different being that they were bulky cobalt blue diamond arms with his shoulders having a bunch of different colored crystals exploding from them. He has dark pink gemstones worn like a bracelet. "Let us out right now Zane! We are a team you selfish pig!" yelled Erza. "I really don't get what Natsu sees in you Ginger Knight. All you've done is nag and to be honest, it's kinda a major turn off." said Zane with him looked rather bored.

Zane said,"Sorry but I promise Natsu to keep you ladies safe and well, it would be against the code of the Alvarez to have you fighting when you're weakened Erza and both of you are liability to me so stay in the box.". "I can't believe both Kage and Rayule wouldn't want to play with these two girls but this prick is blocking them." said Byard, trying to leer at the girls through the cracks of the diamond wall.

Karacka said,"They're looking at the bigger picture Byard unlike you.". Byard glared at him as he said,"So why can't you let the girls come to play? Do you seriously think they're nothing more than damsels in distress. Those chicks are sexy though.". "It'll be a shame to kill them though." said one of the men, licking his lips. "Mom never told me to never hit girls but I can make an exception once we're through taking down your knight." said a man.

Byrad crackled his knuckles as he said,"Once we're done with you, you girls aren't going to be look so sexy.". "But without my stunning beauty, I'll be totally helpless." said Lucy, with a vain tone as Zane rolled his eyes. He soon slapped her ,using one of Twilight's tendrils, with him saying,"Shut the hell up! I'm trying to focus!". "He's serious ladies." said Sly. "I'm going to enjoy beating the crap out of single, virgin losers." said Zane.

He soon put out two knives from his pocket dimensions being that he put them over his fists. The design of them is very much like a Karambit knife. They look like claws being that it’s very much like an animal’s claws. Its blade has a silver edge. "It came out of thin air!" said Lucy. Zane rolled his eyes with him putting on his headphones that were resting. "Sly. If she points out the obvious again during the fight, hit her for me okay? Time to slice and dice with my Curved Atlatls." said Zane.

He looked toward the dark guild as he said,"I really don't give a crap about Fairy Tail right now. All of you have pissed me meaning not shall live to speak another word.". Several members soon rushed toward him being that they were holding magic swords. "Your magic ain't special brat! You may have gotten lucky with Erigor but he wasn't looking at you! You can't defeat us!" said a member. "If you can catch me." said Zane.

He was soon gone being that he warped behind the group with him slashing their clothes, breaking their swords, and causing them to bleed. The girls, cat, and remaining dark wizard didn't even see them get slashed being that Zane taunted them. "I bet you can't dodge this brat! Fire men!" yelled a grunt. Several members soon fired beams of light magic toward him as Zane said,"Too easy. Void Absorption!". He soon returned his knives being that he holds out his left palm in front of him.

Erza was trying to slice her way through the diamond but it wasn't working. "Run you idiot!" said Erza. She and the others watched in shock as the light went into Zane's palm. "Thanks. Time for my Karmic Enlarged Limbo!" said Zane. He soon fired a giant beam of black Mojo, causing an massive explosion sending the ranged wizard flying back. Zane soon tilted his neck being that his arms soon started to growing in size. "Avalanche Punch!" yelled Zane, sending them flying.

Lucy yelled,"He just wiped them out with one attack! And his arms are so huge!". Sly soon slapped her. "Just doing what he asked." said Sly. Erza saw Zane running toward them being that he soon sent his fists toward a group of them, sending them flying back. "What the hell is his magic? He can use Diamond Magic, Take Over Magic, Requip Magic, Absorption Magic, Energy Magic, and now Body Alternation Magic?!" said Byard. "Who the hell is this guy?" said Karacka.

Lucy looked at Zane with Sly saying,"Zane is the prime example of a walking bag of tricks being that if one power doesn't work, he's sure to have another one just waiting in the things.". As Zane's arms turned back to normal, a dark guild member went behind him. "Cow...." said Erza. Zane soon turned his entire body into turquoise candy syrup. The guild member looked for Zane with him soon being hit into the ground by a giant hammer aka Oathbreaker.

His hammer is large being that it’s about half Zane's size. The brown handle is long and its guard is semicircular with five golden spikes on it. Its body is a metallic dark gray. The head of the hammer is double-sided with the right side being a typical sledgehammer and the left sides being an axe with its blade shaped like a crescent moon like a monk’s spade. On the front of the hammerhead, his logo rests there with a white circular background to it.

It also has a gold trim to it being that it glows when in use. "So did you guys enjoyed that game of whack a grunt?" said Zane. Before they could answer, they were soon hit by the hammer and sent flying away. "Zane's ability to change his body into candy syrup is called Sweet Reaction and Oathbreaker is a really powerful plus quite painful hammer." said Sly. "So is Sweet Reaction a different type of Requip like mine?" said Erza.

Lucy was confused as Erza said,"I'll explain later.". "Not exactly but close." said Sly. Happy watched Zane swinging his way through the crowd. "He's so cool!" said Happy. Sly smiled as she said with pure joy in her voice,"Happy. Zane is just getting started.". Zane soon jumped back with him soon shrinking down the hammer to a more reasonable size. "Oblivion Scream!" yelled Zane. He soon causes a huge explosion of sound.

This explosion send several members flying back, the diamond wall lightly break, and the rest of them to cover their ears except for Sly. "Zane is one to adapt to any battle. Don't let him figure out your weakness or else, you'll be creamed." said Sly with a smile. The group soon watched Zane's body changed. He looked to be a humanoid nuclear or radiation energy being a yellow color with a glowing green outline around his body.

He's wearing a black tunic and jeans with him having steel like cuffs around his ankles and knees being the same color as his suit. He also's seven feet. His mouth looked like a jack-o-lantern with several sharp edges and glowing green eyes. His head is roughly triangular shape. The radiation being smiled. He was soon inside of a dark purple heavy oven like suit went over him making him about 9 feet tall. He had bolts on his shoulders and knees.

Over where his face would be, he had five grills so he's able to see. He had on the black robe and Oathbreaker on his back. "That's Radiation Form! A powerhouse of heat being able to survive nuclear warfare. This is one of two hundred and ten forms ,with half being Prime Forms, that Zane has at his command." said Sly. Erza was enamored by this Takeover being that she didn't want to show it due to her hating Zane from nlocking her away from the battle. "Wow." said Lucy in awe.

Erza crossed her arms as she said with a faint smile."He's impressive yes but still an idiot.". "Time for you fools to face the power of Hellfire Emperor Hellfire Wave!" said Zane in a thick Russian Accent. Zane's body soon made a giant wave of flames travel toward his target. It soon burned them away being that the area around Zane was covered in flames. "That was just wow." said Lucy. "You bastard! I'll kill you for making us look stupid!" said Byard.

He jumped toward Zane with his fists glowing with light as Karacka said,"No! You fool! He's too strong for you!". Zane soon grabbed Byard as he said,"It's time to fly away ant. Time for a Hellfire Emperor Flame Aura and Oathbreaker Combo!". He threw him into the air with him igniting the hammer and smacking him into the ground, sending him toward the diamond wall. It was broken as Zane smiled under his armor. "And that's how we do it!" said Zane.

He took a look at the final wizard being that he said,"Now come at me final grunt.". He was soon gone as Erza said,"He's going after Erigor! Lucy and Zane, go after him!". Zane flipped her off as Erza glared. "Why can't you ever listen to orders Zane?" said Sly. She rested on his armored head as Zane said,"I really don't follow orders to begin with and I don't listen to those I respect aka you Ginger Knight. Later.".

He was gone as Sly sighed. Erza was pissed off as Happy said,"Zane's so going to die for disobeying Erza.". "And if she does, she'll die by him. Zane is a free spirit being that he hates being told what to do." said Sly. "Happy and Lucy! Go after him!" yelled Erza. The two were gone mainly in fear as Erza went on her knees. "Are you alright?" said Sly. "I really hate to admit this but Zane was right about me wasting too much magic earlier." said Erza.

Sly soon held her up as Sly said,"Yeah. Zane may be an asshole most of the time but he cares in his own special way. We're not out of the woods yet. Can you still move?". "Yes but why?" said Erza. "I have a bad feeling. I need to find my idiot partner. You need to warn the public to leave now! Zane is sure that Erigor wouldn't leave without killing. Don't do anything reckless okay?" said Sly as she flew off without hearing her answer. "Those two are something else." said Erza with her heading off.

Back with Gray and Natsu, the two were arguing being that they didn't just show it through their words but their actions ,aka glares, as well "I can't believe she's making us work together! What was she thinking?" said Gray. "Beats me. I like Erza but who knows what's going through her head! Ice and fire don't mix!" said Natsu. "Why is she always bossy? She should be asking us nicely to do things instead of ordering us like we're her servants." said Gray.

The two crashed into something as they said in unison,"Hey! What's the big idea?". They soon saw Zane ,with him still being in Radiation Form, with Zane saying,"I came to check up on you and you two are fighting I think. So have you two found Erigor?" said Zane. The three were soon running down the hall as Natsu said,"Not yet Zane but I don't need you or the pervert snowcone to beat him up!".

They soon reached a fork at the end of the hall. "So which way are you going?" said Natsu. "We'll have to split up." said Gray. Gray stood on the right path with Natsu on the left. Zane stood in the middle as he said,"So which one are you picking?". "Natsu. We're up against an real bonehead who's planning on killing so deliver a pounding." said Gray, clenching his fist. "Don't need to tell me twice.  He made Fairy Tail look stupid so I'm burned him black as charcoal!" said Natsu.

The two grinned at each other being that they turned around being that they figured out that they were being nice to each other. "So are you guys going to kiss or not? This tension you two have is just killing me." said Zane. "Sometimes. Don't die on me either of you." said Gray under his breath with Zane picking up on it. "Did you say something Gray?" said Natsu, raising an eyebrow. "Nothing! Just hurry and go!" said Gray.

He ran down on the hallway with Natsu shrugging. Zane sighed as Natsu said,"So are you going to follow him or what?". "Nope. Try again Natsu. If you find Kage, give him a thrashing for me too. He's after you." said Zane, tussling his hair. "Will do!" said Natsu. He soon ran off as Zane walked forward. He soon placed his hand on the wall with him melting it. "Thank the gods those crystals will pay for repairs." said Zane as he walked through the melted wall.

Gray ran down his hallway for a few second before rounding the corner and seeing a sign that said that the broadcasting room is up ahead. He stopped dead in his tracks as he said,"Wow. Their plan is rather simple. If they're going to broadcast Lullaby, Erigor must be there! I'm a genius!". He soon found the room being that he found the room. He smashed down the door seeing that the room was filled with equipment such as a Lacima connected to a microphone.

Gray said,"No one's here? This is the only place in the building to play Lullaby from.". Above him, a figure slowly descending from the ceiling. It was Raylue being that he had a wicked grin on his face as he prepared to attack Gray. The ice wizard soon dodged the attack being that he saw Rayule with his wrappings ready to strike him. "Sorry Fairy but your plan isn't obvious at all. Erigor makes you all look like fools." said Raylue, landing on the ground.

Gray said as the air chilled around him,"So you guys aren't doing that? How about you tell me what it before I make you unable to work!". Rayule soon smiled. Back outside, Erza was on the roof of the building with a microphone that she "borrowed" as the crowd noticed her. "Someone's up there!" said a man. "Why is the wind so strong?" said a girl. Her skirt flew up, much to the joy of the guys around her.

A police officer spotted her being that he said,"Hey! You're the woman who knocked out most of our forces!". She ignored him as she yelled into the microphone,"If you value your life, leave this place right now! This station has been taken over by bad wizards! They are going to broadcast a death spell that will kill everyone here! I bet you, run away!". There was a short period of silence before the crowd soon ran away in terror. The officer said,"Why would you do such a thing?!".

Erza said without looking at him,"It's better than seeing more people dead. I'm not lying. Me and my friends are doing everything in our power to prevent but in some unlucky chance, we may be unable to do anything to protect you. You may want to leave.". The officers were gone as Erza thought,"Now that everyone is gone, what will you do now Erigor?". Erza stopped thinking as a huge gust of wind blew past her.

Erza had to cover her face from the wind being that a massive and swirling tornado was around the train station. "This is a wind barrier isn't it?" said Erza. Erigor soon floated behind her and laugh to himself. Erigor floated behind her as he said,"Huh. I didn't expect Titania to be outside. I expected that punk from earlier.". "You did this?!" said Erza, facing the Shinigami. "No shit I did this. God, I forgot how dumb your fairies are. I don't have time to waste on any of you." said Erigor.

Erigor was soon pushed back by Sly with Erza saying,"Sly!". "I couldn't find my idiot partner before it happened." said Sly. "Ah. You're the partner of the one who defeated Cyrus aren't you dragon? Tell me, are you strong like him or a hindrance like that cat?" said Erigor. He was soon burned by fire as Erza saw it coming from Sly. Erigor's clothes were burned as he soon sent her back into the wall of wind and firmly into the wall of Oshibana. "Sly! What is the meaning of this?!" said Erza.

She soon joined Sly with the knight pushing her hand through the wind but Erza soon howled out in pain. The wind was too strong being that she went back. "Erza!" said Sly. She saw that even with her armor, it was still cut in multiple places. "See. You can't escape my bird cage because it will tearing you apart upon contact! Good bye!" said Erigor, flying away. "Are you alright Erza?" said Sly with the knight holding her arm. "What are they planning?" said Erza.

Back with Gray, Rayule said,"I won't let anyone stop our mission or Erigor will have my head.". "So do you really want to fight me here? I mean this is the only spot that they could play Lullaby so if you are attacking me here, why would you even take over the station?" said Gray. He soon jumped back to avoid the whips with him seeing that he was destroying the equipment. "What is he doing? If they're planning to play Lullaby, it isn't working." thought Gray.

Rayule said,"There's no escape from my Urumi!". "Ice Make: Shield!" said Gray as a large shield appeared in front of him that shields everything behind him. The shield is made of multiple pointed segments that connect to form the shield. "He can use Ice Magic?" said Rayule. "Have a taste of my Ice Make: Knuckle!" said Gray as several fists, made out of ice, hit Rayule from below. He was sent flying through a wall, breaking it.

Gray said,"This is your last warning. Tell me what you guys are up to or else, I lay the smackdown on you so hard. You're not playing Lullaby here do what are you?". Rayule chuckled as he said,'Erigor's sealing barrier should be complete by now.". "What do you mean by that?" said Gray. "I'm talking about the tornado outside. There is no escape once you enter unless you have the ability to regenerate from several rapid fire attacks in a row! Erigor can now focus on the real prize!" said Rayule.

His head was soon grabbed by Gray who said,"If it isn't the crowd, then who is it? I'm not in a joking mood anymore so talk!". "We knew that you pest would cause us some problems so we came up with a backup one. We lured all of you and trapped you like bees to honey. The reason who took over this station is that no other trains can reach the end of the line at Clover Station." said Rayule. "Yeah why is that?" said Gray.

Rayule laughed as he said,"God. You fairies are so dumb. That town is at the other end of a huge ravine, and the only train in the station are the only way to get there unless you can fly like Erigor so what do you think now?". "So you're planning on playing Lullaby in Clover?". "What is there in Clover there but not normally?" said Rayule. Gray's eyes widened being that he was soon whipped back and pushed back by the mummy.

Gray thought as his blood covered his coat,"That's where the conference is being held!". "So did you finally figure it out! I guess you can teach a dog a new trick! You're too late! Our plan is perfect and without flaws. By the time you make it out of here, it'll be too late! They'll all be dead!" said Rayule with him laughing. "So you're planning on attacking a building filled with much stronger wizards. I think you guys are dumber than you look.".

Rayule said,"Talk while you can snowman. All of them have ears being that once Erigor plays the death song, Erigor will being infamous!". He soon wrapped Gray in the wrappings as he said,"You'll never escape me or the wind wall. Just give up before I have to kill you myself! Our revenge was soon come to be!". Gray soon released a powerful wave of ice being that the wrappings were frozen alongside the man's limbs. 

Gray broke them as he glared at them. "Not happening. You mess with the Guild Masters, then you're messing with us! They may be older than dirt but they're like our parents!". Gray soon grabbed hold of Rayule's hand, gripping down on it. As this was happening, Natsu was running down his hallway being that he said,"Where are you Erigor?! Come out and fight!". He didn't notice that a shadow was following him with Kage saying,"To skin you fairy.".

Erza clenched her arm with Sly saying,"We will get him.". Back with Lucy and Happy, Lucy said,"So where did that fatass go?". "You better find him or Erza will kill you!" said Happy. Gray walked away from Rayule's frozen prison as he said,"I'm going to show those assholes what happens when you mess with Fairy Tail. Time to go find Natsu or Zane.". Zane soon stood on the train tracks that were cut off thanks to the wind.

Zane smiled as he said,"Dumb Reaper. He doesn't know that I'm tracking him with C.O.N.E. This wall is nothing.". He held a coin sized object being that it's the shape of a triskelion shuriken. It's a black color with a dark violet circuit board pattern to it. "So we're going to leave that fatass for Happy and Lucy to handle? I mean we tied him done with our webbing so he won't be breaking out. We left that message for the army." said Twilight. Zane nodded as he was soon in a new form.

Zane was now a reptile like creature. He's 6 feet tall with a humanoid body. His body is covered in emerald green scales. The shape of his two eyes are in the shape of black motorcycle goggle lenses and has noticeable green eyes which stuck out. He has two gold thin horns which works as his eyebrows and they're in the shape of thunderbolts. His neck has a set of gills on them. His legs are bent at the knee and straightened at the thigh.

He's missing a finger and toe, making him have four fingers and toes. His feet and hands are webbed. He has a lizard like tail sticking out of his body with the tip of his tail being in the shape of a spade. It's a gold color. He has two emerald green wings that are under his arms. The flaps of his wings stretch down to his tail and has large sharp gold blades attached to the end of them. The front side of his wings have a black zigzag like pattern being that the patagrim of his wings are a burgundy color.

He's wearing a black jumpsuit with a single dark red stripe ,in the shape of a thunderbolt, down the center of the jumpsuit. It has an opening for his tail and wings. He wears a black and white cape that covers the back of his wings along with the top part of his chest. He's wearing black elbow length fingerless gloves with a red arm opening, and black toeless boots with white edges. He also wore the black robe as the rest of his forms did. This is Turbo Form aka Zane's fastest flyer easily.

Zane stretched with him saying,"Better get ready. Can't get the murdering windbag any more distance but to me, he can't escape. Primordial Bolt!". From his horns, he soon fired out two small blasts ,of Primordial Energy, at the wind wall with the magic around it being erased. "Time to fly away! Turbo!" said Zane. He soon flew out of the hole just before it went back to normal and Zane chased after Erigor.

Next time,
Will Erigor play the death song on the Guild Master? How much damage do you think Fairy Tail is going to cause in the prevention of Eisenwald? What happened to Karacka? And how many times do I misspell a name? This and more next time on Fairy Legion!
Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Radiation Form. This card has a black frame with a nuclear power plant in the center of the card. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 30 and its Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet. This form is a master of radiation being that he can generate heat so hot that it makes lava seem cold. This form has to wear a protective suit of armor being that Zane can leave it at any time.  This form later gets a change/upgrade thanks to the Zenith Core. It's very similar to Brain and Frost Form being that instead of going through a metamorphosis, both Radiation Form and its Prime Form progress into the future or matures according to Parker. It's seen in person around the time of Zero Episode 120 and it's Prime Form was seen in Zero Episode 131.

Turbo Form. This card has a black frame with something flying around the center of the card with air, space, and water around it. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 39 and its Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet. This form is able to fly in any terrain, be it land, air, or sea. The only downside to this form is that whenever Zane starts to fly or accelerate, Zane says,"Turbo!". This is a minor compliant however.

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