Thursday, March 23, 2017

Zero Episode 19 Shocking Changes to Cypress High

A/N: Welcome to Episode 19 and in the next episode, we finally get to see inside Terrarune. I know that we saw glimpses of Terrarune in the first four episode but this is where we really get to see it plus a lot of Phantoms with both good and bad guys. We are also going to learn more about Vicky and the meaning of the title the last episode. I should have done it there but eh, I didn't feel like it. It makes no sense but who cares? Lets begin with Zane.

Narrator P.O.V.
In the warehouse close to the docks of Cypress Park during the night, there was someone currently hiding in the warehouse. The someone in question was a Phantom who wasn't exactly looking the best. He looked to be human but his neon green skin made himself stick out like a sore thumb. His dark purple hair is in a mullet with the sides shaved off. He wears a pair of small black sunglasses with the left lenses missing. His teeth looked straight.

It showed his eye which looked to be living Red Nether. He wears a silver robe that covers his shoulders, a black trench coat with it slightly ripped revealing his body that was covered in bruises and a white undershirt, black jeans that are ripped, and black boots with the usually inch heel broken off. He however has a strong figure with him looking like a track star/body builder. "So am I here on Earth? According to the web of technology, Zero is here." said the Phantom.

Someone broke down the door and he said,"No! I was followed but I made sure to hide my tracks very well.". The smoke cleared as two Phantoms appeared. The one on the left had a single gold eye aka his head with a large build not with muscles but with fat and tons of it. He has massive arms and his fingers being forks but sharper than normal. He is standing there with short and stocky legs that hold all of that weight.

In the center of his torso, he had a large mouth with smooth and pointy teeth. The person to the right is thin compared to his partner. He has an armadillo like cover on his back with him wearing a shawl over his head making it hard to see his face  His arms look like two long drills. He doesn't have legs but a giant drill with them being slightly bigger than the drill. "Hey Riveter. I found the prisoner in my sight." said the one on the left's mouth stomach.

Riveter aka the one on the right said,"You can't see anything at all Crunch. We need to make sure he gets back to the Ultimatum Pit before he alarms Zero.". "Zero is here. I need to get away from these two idiots." thought the Phantom. He placed his hand on the ground and it began to glow red. "I need you two idiots to leave now!" said the Phantom. Riveter saw that the boxes around them and it flew toward him.

Riveter moved his left drill and it began to move. "Crunch! It's feeding time!" said Riveter. Crunch stood in front of his partner and a giant green nether beam came out. It caused a small explosion and the two looked for the prisoner. "Where is he?!" said Crunch. "You're the idiot who caused him to escape." said Riveter. He got out of the warehouse with him bouncing on his drill. He aimed his drills at the ground causing the ground to break. The two were gone as the prisoner went looking for Zero.

The next day, Lilith was currently sitting at a coffee shop in Cypress Park. She was on her laptop and she was looking over the data that was gathered by Vicky. After getting her costume, she attacked Zane constantly interrupting his good deeds. She smiled as she noticed that the substance known as Sibylline which is able to copy the powers of a Phantom down to the genetic code. "This is going too well. You're doing well my dear. Perfectly in fact." said Lilith.

Zane was currently walking by that very same coffee shop and he looked up to see Agent Phoenix aka Vicky flying over ahead with the crowd cheering. Since she arrived, she had been causing him trouble. She tried to blast him and if she hits him, it hurts like the dickens but only to Zane and she only goes after him. According to Danny, Agent Phoenix was popular because of her looks. He then sighed and he heard an alarm going off.

Zane went into the nearby alleyway and he turned into Zero. "Okay Athena. Is Vicky going after this one?" said Zane. "No Zane. She seems to be only after Phantoms and I have masked your presence. I think my creator Parker and you have something in common." said Athena. "What?" said Zane. "You hated getting blasted and I have the data that I collected from examining Agent Phoenix's suit from your recent fights." said Athena. "I'll look at it later." said Zane.

He saw that Crash was robbing a bank and he said,"Okay! No one better come after me or else, I'll send you to hell!". Zane rolled his eyes and he turned his right hand into a finger gun. He fired an steel gray Nether Beam at Crash's helmet pushing him to the ground. Zane landed on the ground and Crash said,"Zero! I thought that Agent Phoenix would be after you!". "Yeah but I think I need to make you chill out." said Zane.

He made the Frost Form card appeared and he turned into the frost bug. Zane took a deep breath with Crash making several missiles appear from his body with him firing them at Zane. "Time for you to die!" yelled Crash. "You need to cool down." said Zane. He fired out his icy breath which froze all of the missiles which crashed to the ground. "No! Eat my Flamethrower Bug!" said Crash. Zane turned intangible and as the fire went through his body, it froze.

Crash yelled,"Cheater! Cheater! Fire can't be frozen!". "News flash Einstein. Without oxygen, fire is useless but my ice can live without it." said Zane. He floated toward Crash with him saying,"Eat this Freak!". He threw a giant boxing glove at Zane with it going through Zane and Zane grabbed the kid. "Put me down!" yelled Crash. "Two words. Chill out!" said Zane. He froze Crash in a giant ice cub and he punched him. Crash was out cold and Zane said,"Nice.".

After making sure that Crash went with the cops, Zane flew off. He landed in a nearby alleyway and he turned back into his regular form. "So what did you find out about Vicky?" said Zane. "Her suit is based of a strange substance that seems to be able to mimic a Phantom's natural abilities such as the ability to go through walls and invisible. Her suit weapons seem to be able to hurt you and Phantoms plus track you. I think we should be cautious around her while she's Agent Phoenix." said Athena.

Zane nodded as he said,"So what's on the agenda for today?". "You do remember that you have to be at the pier? Kristen asked you too because of all of the tutoring you were doing." said Athena. "Do you mind if I fly there?" said Zane. "You have power for that but make sure that you eat a lot while you're there." said Athena. "Will do Athena." said Zane. He turned back into Zero and he flew to the Cypress Park Pier.

Zane landed in the forest in front of the pier and he heard,"Wow. I didn't expect Cypress Park's hero to be here.". Zane turned to see Marcia standing there and he said,"Marcia Hunter? So what are you doing here at the pier?". "And here I thought the rumors about you were crazy. You're not a pier or social person according to the rumors." said Marcia with her left hand on her hip. "I was asked by my friend to come here. You're wearing something different from the last time that I saw you." said Zane.

Instead of her dress, she was wearing a black t-shirt that was almost hidden under a purple and white hooded jacket with the hood down. The jacket had white fur collar and cuffs, a dark blue skirt, black leggings, and white tennis shoes. "The dress may be nice but I think this outfit works better. What do you think Hero Boy?" said Marcia. "Is that my nickname or what?" said Zane. "Yep. See you around hero boy." said Marcia. She walked to the pier as Zane turned back to normal and went to the pier.

Brad swung the hammer down and it reached the bell at the top. "Yeah! The Brad is King of Cypress High and the World!" said Brad. "Easy there hotshot. I don't think you need more of an ego." thought David. Zane walked up to the A List and Hannah said,"What's Zit doing here?". "Let me see. It is a free country, I can do whatever I want, and I was invited here so I win." said Zane. Kristen grabbed Zane's arm and she said,"Sorry guys but I need to pay him back for all of the tutoring.".

Brad said,"Whatever. Don't go messing with my girl or else.". He walked away with the rest of the group following him. "Sorry about them Zane. You ready to have fun?" said Kristen. "Sure but I get to pick first ride." said Zane. The two walked off as Karen ,who was nearby, sighed. Rachel stood there as she said,"You know that Zane isn't going to be single forever. I mean Kristen likes him just as much you like him.". "I know but....." said Karen.

Marcia said,"Let me guess here. You and Z have a good friendship and you don't want to make things awkward between you two by asking him out.". "Wow. You're good." said Rachel. Karen sighed and Marcia said,"You know if Kristen doesn't dump that jock for Zane, I may just ask him out. He may be my best friend but I think he's my type.". Karen looked at her as Marcia said,"So ask him to go on the roller coaster or tunnel of love. It doesn't hurt to try.".

Karen ran off as Rachel said,"So do you like Zane because if you're hurting my friends.". "Easy. I like Zane more than my parents. He may have been a bit of a jerk when we were kids but he's a nice guy Rachel. Trust me, I want to help Karen. So where's the rest of the gang? Off solving mysteries or are you making Brad look stupid?" said Marcia. "They're off exploring the pier. Up for a little girlfriend time?" said Rachel. "Sure." said Marcia.

Kristen and Zane were in the haunted house with Kristen getting scared. "Easy there Kristen. This is all fake but I got you." said Zane. He wrapped his arm around her and he thought,"Sorry Brad but I want to be there for her unlike you.". Kristen smiled at this as they enjoyed the rest of the ride. The two were later shooting water guns into a clown's mouth with Zane winning. He held a stuffed sailor dolphin with him getting splashed with water by Kristen.

Kristen smiled and she said,"Sorry but I felt like you need to cool down.". "Oh. I'll show you cooling down." said Zane. He fired his gun at her and water came out with Kristen trying to block it. The two stopped as Zane said,"Here. Used this to dry off.". He handed her his jacket and he was wearing the outfit from episode 4. "Thanks Hero Boy." said Kristen. "Why does everyone keep calling me that? I don't mind but it's weird." thought Zane.

Zane heard,"Hey Zit!". Zane turned around to see Brad with the rest of the A list and Sam said,"What are you doing with this freak Kristen? You may get the loser.". "I'm not a disease Sam. So is the king of Cypress High jealous of little old me? A commoner? How sad for the king." said Zane. "More like the town fool." said a jock. Brad then threw a fist at Zane with Zane dodging it. "This is too easy. I'm getting really good at this." thought Zane. However, they were stopped by a Phantom.

The Phantom then grabbed Susan and she said,"Get off me!". "Help me! I need Zero." said the Phantom. "Why me?" thought Zane. Crunch appeared and he said,"Time for you to go back to the Ultimatum Pit Ether or else, you'll be eaten!". Zane felt the bad aura and he said,"Hey ugly! Get a taste of this!". He grabbed the nearest object aka Hannah's purse and he threw at Crunch's eye. The Phantom was knocked back as Hannah was about to scream.

Zane said,"Listen Hannah! I just save our buts and if you're going to yell at me, do it later! We got a big problem and I don't think this is good.". The Jocks ran away as Kristen grabbed Zane. "Go! I'll be right behind you! I promise" said Zane. She ran off as Ether said,"Human. Why did you save me from Terrarune's king of the buffet?". Zane held him up and he said,"We need to hide and talk. I got just the place.". The two were gone from the area and Crunch recovered from the bag.

He was about to go after him but he heard,"Crunch. You and Riveter will be causing some trouble so we can bring out Zero. The boss wants Zero in the pit soon enough.". "Fine Slug but I want to eat that brat! He threw a purse at me and that shit was filled with makeup. I'll never get why girls need that stuff." said Crunch. "Don't ask me. I tried to understand women when I was alive so just eat." said Slug's voice. He started eating everything around him.

Under the pier, Zane was looked at Ether and he said,"So you recover by doing what exactly?". Ether had his body hooked up to a machine with him saying,"Yes Boy of Great Aim. I heal by touching electricity of any kind. My name is Ether and I'm the Phantom of Technology. Who are you and why did you save me? I could have handled a Level 5.". "Yeah but right now, you look more worse than when that Phantom Hunter shows up." said Zane.

Ether said,"Phantom Hunter? Who is that? Do you know who that is?". "She's with either a lot of money or she could be stealing her daddy's tech but I'm not sure myself." said Zane, hiding who she is just in case he goes after her. "ow do you know about Phantoms? Is it because you are attacked by them often or are you one disguised as one? Could you explain me to why?" said Ether. Zane heard screaming and he turned into Zero by crossing his hands together.

Zane said,"You get why now?". "Yes. So do you wish for some help?" said Ether. "Yes but thanks to my A.I, you're only at 40% so I think you need to get a recharge now." said Zane. A card appeared in his chest plate and it was new. It had a black frame with a creature covered in a blanket and getting a shock from a giant bolt of lightning coming from the heavens. Zane went onto his knees and he noted that this was quite painful compared to the others.

Zane went onto his knees being that all of his transformations so far, it was quite the painful experience. Zane roared out in pain just as a crimson red lightning bolt ,from out of nowhere, struck him hard. He grew to twelve feet tall, feeling all of his bones break and crack during the growth spurt. He looked to be muscular just like Liger Form. His feet and hands look to be bigger than his arms and legs. He has dark gray skin.

Zane’s hair was noticeable being that it was a pure black color. It was long and more shaggy than normal being that it went up his shoulders and covered his neck. There were several streaks of white in it. He has heterochromatic eyes with his left eye being blue and right eye being pink. He has normal human sized ears and nose. He has sharp teeth. Parts of his arms is covered in stitched up scars from what seems like a serious case of surgery.

He has his arms and legs divided in half being that they’re a large, jagged stitch-like line scars going around his ankles and elbows. He has black ,with three crimson red lines, metallic fathead screws that poked out of his body being that each one was painful. There were two of each side of his neck. He has two black metallic tower generator conductor coils/transformers protruding from his back with silver coils and bright crimson red bulbs that are producing sparks of crimson red lighting.

During this transformation, his clothing had changed. He's shirtless exposing his chest. He’s now wearing black pants with a silver belt and five crimson red lines on them. He’s wearing large and metallic silver boots and gauntlets over his feet and hands respectively. "Frankenstein Form! Son of a Gorgon! That hurts more than it had a right to. I do hope that doesn't happen every time but knowing me, I'm going to regret turning into this form." said Zane in a heavy German accent.

Ether looked at Zane with him saying,"So what can this form do?". "Give you an instant recharge so you can help deliver some juicy payback." said Zane. He aimed both of his hands at Ether, firing out a huge wave of crimson red lightning at him. Ether didn't feel any pain from this but he did feel a lot better than he did before. On the left side of the pier, Danny and Gwen ,while in costume, was dodging Riveter's attack.

Riveter looked at them and he said,"If you two tell me where the boy and prisoner went, I let you live.". "Not going to happen. I think you need to get a taste of reality also known as my Phantom Smashers!" said Danny. Riveter got punched by the giant fists and Gwen said,"You know that if you announce your attacks like that, the enemy will learn how to counter them before you have a chance to create them Morph.".

Danny said,"Yeah but doesn't it strike fear into you?". "Not really human but it does annoy me! So die!" said Riveter. He aimed his drill arms down and it shook the pier. It broke in half as Gwen notice that some of the crowd was about to fall. "Spiritual Hold!" said Gwen. The light blue magic circle appeared around her hand and it caught them. "A Sorcerer on Earth? Color me impressed. Time have changed for the worst." said Riveter.

He was about to attack Gwen who was focused on helping people and Danny was about to stop her but a giant pink Nether computer who went right toward Riveter. The attack knocked him back and Ether floated there. "Don't think I am an enemy you two but I'm a good friend of Zero. He knew that you two could handle any Phantom but Riveter is much stronger than one may think. Lets us kick the but already." said Ether.

Danny thought,"And here I thought Eon and Gwen talked strange.". "Okay. Follow my lead." said Danny. He rushed toward Riveter and he said,"Eat my Spook Howitzer!". His right arm turned into a giant gray bazooka ,with a small box on top of it, with Ether said,"So what can that machine do child?". "I need some ammo and it can be anything such as your nether blasts." said Danny. Ether fired several beams into the back of the bazooka with a shot charging up.

A giant bullet came out of the cannon and it hit Riveter. "Really? Is that the...." said Riveter. He noticed that a portal was opening up in his chest. "My gun can either hit really hard on a opponent or send a Phantom back to Terrarune faster than you can say bye bye." said Danny. "I'll get my revenge on you prisoner! You'll see!" yelled Riveter. He was gone as Ether said,"Let us help the Sorcerer now friend.". "Sure thing." said Danny. The two helped Gwen get the people to safety.

Crunch was eating the force field that surrounded him and Ray said with a groan,"I can't believe that he's eating your force field.". Tara stood there and she said,"He has eaten everything Ray. I think that him eating my force field isn't that strange.". "I guess but how do we defeat him?" said Ray. "We use his stomach to our advantage." said Tara. The two were about to attack Crunch in unison and he said to the teens,"Get a load of this!".

He fired a huge Red Nether Beam from his mouth and it caused the two to fly off. They were going to crash into the ocean but they were caught right before hitting the water. "What was you?" said Ray. "I didn't do that but I know who did." said Tara. Crunch saw Zane ,in his Frankenstein Form, with his left hand aimed at Crunch. "Get a lot of my thunder!" yelled Zane. The red lightning went toward Crunch only to be stopped by an energy net.

Agent Phoenix landed in the center of the two and she said,"Okay! You two are going back to hell and I'm going to enjoy killing Zero the most!". A weapon appeared on her shoulders as she fired out two giant missiles. "I don't have time for you!" said Zane. He punched the ground causing a huge bolt of lightning to rush through the wood. It broke the missile on his end as Crunch ate his. "I think I.....". said Crunch.

He began to scream loudly and he said,"You bitch! What did you do to me?!". "My missiles and all of my weapons make you Phantoms cry for your mommies who I'll be sending back to hell where you belong!" said Vicky. An energy beam came from her arm toward Crunch who avoid the attack  but like a boomerang, it went back and hit him straight in the chest. He coughed out a greenish blue liquid and he said,"You injured my Essence. Why?".

Vicky aimed a pistol at him and she said,"Earth belongs to HUMANS not you freaks! I think you all should just.....". She was punched into several stands by Zane who said,"You're not God Vicky so go away or else.". He was charging up an attack as Crunch said,"Why did you save me? I tried to eat you and the prisoner.". "You know that I'm not a fan of you hurting innocent people but I can't stand by and watch you die so be lucky that I hate Vicky more." said Zane.

Vicky got back up and Zane said,"Go back to Terrarune and next time we meet, I ain't going to be so friendly.". The Phantom was gone as Vicky glared at Zane. "You! Why did you let him get away?! I was going to get my second and third kill but you had to get in my way so die!" said Vicky. She threw a grenade at Zane with him making an lightning force field to block the attack but he was punched back a couple of feet.

Thanks to Vicky's jetpack, she flew up into the air. Zane looked up and he said,"I need to get rid of you for now! Eat this!". He fired a steel gray Nether Beam at her with her blocking it with a grenade as it made an explosion. This knocked her off balance as Zane was tempted to blast her out of the sky. It was going to hurt but Zane was worried about the others. He ran off as Vicky looked for the hero. "I get my revenge on you soon Zero! I promise." thought Vicky.

Later, Zane ran toward the A listers and he saw Brad talking to Kristen. "What's going on here? Is Kristen hurt?" said Zane. "What's going on here?! Are you just that stupid Zane?! They're breaking up!" yelled Hannah. "Okay. Break ups happen between couples every other day but is she hurt?" said Zane. Zane was slapped by Hannah and she yelled,"You're a asshole Zane! You think you're so cool and you get whatever you want don't you?!".

Zane said,"I'm in a bad mood Hannah and I'll strange you so explain me right now or else.". "Kristen Ortiz and Brad Stevens aka the number one couple at Cypress High are breaking up! The Loser ,that no one in their right mind would like, broke them up because he hate Brad so much! I hate you Zane Alvarez burn in hell!" yelled Hannah. She walked over to Kristen who was crying her eyes with the A-List Girls right behind her.

Zane stood there and David said,"Dude. You know that I don't blame you right?". "Yeah but I need to go take a breather. I didn't mean to do this." said Zane. He walked away as Danny said,"God dam it. I want to hurt her.". "Don't Danny. You'll make things worse." said Gwen. "She's right. I would love to hurt Ms. Girl with a tude but right now, things are bad." said Ray. Karen said,"I hope Zane doesn't do anything stupid.". "With Zane, who knows?" said Marcia and Rachel.

Zane stood in the forest with him saying,"Ether. I could sense you thirty miles away. I may be out of juice from using my powers to help fix the pier but my Crisis Judgement still works.". Ether floated there as he said,"What are you going to do?". "Why did you come after me?" said Zane. "You are the Zero and also the reincarnation of Johnny Vincent. I'm also asking you for help. We have a problem in Terrarune and I request your help." said Ether.

Zane was silent as Ether said,"Your grandfather said that you're need here on Earth but after my analysis a few moments ago, you have friends who can help. If we ask for their help, you will be able to return back here....". "Lets go. Me only. I need to be away for a while and trust me, you just provided the perfect chance for me to leave." said Zane. Ether opened a portal as Zane thought,"I will be right back guys. I promise.". The two walked as they were gone.

Inside of Terraune, a large prison was seen. It seemed to be a mixture of ADX Florence in Fremont Country, Colorado and Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary in San Francisco Bay. The fence that was on the top of the prison looked to be sharp. Phantoms, wearing Prison Guard Uniforms, were guarding the prison and moaning of pain could be heard. In a room inside of the prison, Crunch was been looked at by the prison doctor.

Thanks to Vicky's attack, his Essence aka his heart was badly damaged. He was strapped down to an examination table with him getting healed. Riveter was nearby and he said,"I want the person who did this to pay boss. We were sent after the prisoner but Zero got in the way again. I think we should go back to that place and make sure they all pay for what they did. They all deserve to die.". He turned around to see the warden of the prison standing there with his arms crossed.

He looked to be a human in shape. He has a skull looking head with his face being white as snow and glowing green eyes. He has a frown on his face with him having a sharp chin and nose. He has a very muscular figure with highly broad shoulders. He wears a black fedora with a white band. He wears a white suit with a black handkerchief in the right breast pocket and a matching bolo tie. Much like the suit that both Lilith and Reggie wears, he has two rows of silver buttons aka four all over.

Under his suit, he wears a black undershirt, a black belt with a silver belt buckle, white pinstripe pants, and red boots and gloves. "We will soon get our revenge on Zero Riveter." said the boss. He looked at Crunch as Riveter said,"Dyno. Are we ready for action?". "Yes. If he tries and stops us, I will kill him myself." said Dyno. His hands glowed and he said,"No one mess with the reign of the real king of Terrarune and I will end anyone who gets in my way.".

Next time,
Zane goes to Terrarune to save the realm from Dyno. Who is the real king of Terrarune? This and more next time on Zero.         

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