Monday, December 10, 2018

Fairy Legion Chapter 22 The Fatal Four

Disclaimer: This Post had originally been posted on November 25, 2018 at 9:24 PM. I'm reposting this Chapter along with Fairy Legion Chapters 1-26 because of a massive plot change. If you've read this story before, not much will have changed except Zane's reason for going to the Fairy Tail Dimension. The Author Note and whatever I talk about in them may or will be extremely outdated today or I'm somehow seeing the future so just ignore if you want.

A/N: Yeah. I personally think that I ended the last episode decently being that I'm sure that this arc will go back to Chapter 24 hopefully. I tend to overestimate how much work I have planned for an arc being that my longest arc aka Episode 50-80 was going to be half that length but things changed for the better since we got to see Zane at his best and worst. This arc won't be like that because Zane is at his best and won't be falling any time soon.

This Author Note will be the final One Piece (Chapter 922-924) chapter recap before One Piece Chapter 925 comes out. I know that I mention in Chapter 20's Author Note that I don't like Kaido whatsoever. You'll learn why because I'm going to do a full reason why at the end of it and plus I'm going to pepper the Author Note with some of the reasons why. Lets begin with the Cover Page, showing off Koala teaching the Kung Fu Dugongs.

I wonder if this scene is before the Revolution's plan to invade Reverie plus does this mean that the Revolution has Kung Fu Dugongs in its rank. I mean it won't be that strange but it's just interesting to think about and I wonder if there is a theory about this. The chapter begins with Kaido showing up in his dragon form being that everyone is shocked by this. During all of this, Momonosuke turns into his dragon form much to the shock of both Kiku and Shinbou.

Luffy soon figures out that Kaido is attacking Okobore Town being that Sanji does blame Law for letting Luffy and Zoro plus himself get exposed during the events of the previous chapters being that Law starts a fight with Sanji before he brings up the example of getting exposed to the bad guy being that there are so many examples of the Straw Hats exposing themselves to the enemies. Law also brings up the fact that Kaido wants his and Luffy's head.

If you forgot why, Law explains why being that the Yonko is making weapons within Wano plus formed a partnership with Doffy and Caesar to produce Artifical Devil Fruits known as Smiles plus not made a single interesting member of that group yet. The duo of Heart and Straw Hats pirates also destroyed the production factories on Punk Hazard and Dressrosa plus they sent Doffy to jail so it makes sense why he's doing this.

However, Luffy doesn't care about that being that he rushes after Kaido with Law going after him being that the plan is still good since Law and Luffy were the only one discovered. Kaido is even seen in Bakura Town by Hawkins who'll do something amazing in the next couple of chapter just you wait plus Holdem thinks that Kaido is here for him so could he die by Kaido? I mean it would be a big shock to kill off a Headliner for just messing up one time.

It will show Kaido's lack of patience with failure being that he's like Big Mom when it comes to failure or people disobeying her. We also learn about Shutenmaru's relation to Kaido being that they fought before with two others. I wonder who they could be, perhaps the samurais that Kinemon need for their alliance. This is also the point in the chapter that I started to disrespect Kaido being that he's only here because he's drunk.

I don't remember my exact words when I first saw this for the first time but re-reading it now, I just find it an attempt at humor. I know that Big Mom had her moments but to me, she always had this menacing aura around here every since her first introduction plus in the anime, the Disney song that was sung is both catch and menacing. We also learn that Tsuru didn't marry even after her husband was died for twenty years. She's quite loyal and I respect that.

The next thing that I want to say is that Hawkins totally pulls a Perospero being that like in Chapter 873, he lies to the Yonko about where the Straw Hats are. However, he thinks that he is wrong but he isn't. Because of this, Kaido turns his sights to Oden Castle and well, he does what most dragons in fiction can do aka a fire breath being that it's called heat breath which has such a creative name. This seemingly kills the Straw Hats and everyone there, shocking Luffy.

This shows how powerful Kaido is and when he's drunk, he's a monster. This causes Luffy to get royally pissed because there is a law in most Shounens, don't hurt the main character's friend or else they get pissed. One Piece has showed this many time being Enies Lobby has a lot to do that with Robin or Arlong with Nami being that it's weird to hear Hercule Satan from Dragon Ball as the main bad guy.

I say this because I'm watching the Enies Lobby arc while writing this being that it may be taking a long time to get there but I'm really liking it. I'm also the dub because I really like the Dub. In this case, Luffy punches Kaido in the head using Elephant Gun being that unlike his previous times he has hit something with this attack, it did nothing to the dragon. You may think that I find this bullshit but I really like this. You'll see what I mean with Chapter 923.

I really like this chapter's cover being that it shows a bonding moment between Ace, Luffy, and Sabo before you know what happened. Despite Luffy's attack not doing any real damage to Kaido, it still sends the dragon toward the ground, causing everyone in the area to run away. As a result of Kaido's brilliantly named "Heat Breath", Shutenmaru decides to send his men toward the mountain because he has a bad feeling.           

We see Speed in this chapter being that she's injured and well, this is because of her and Tama being attacked by a dragon aka Kaido in a drunken rampage. He attacks her and it shows that Tama is dead being that the blood and broken apple. She isn't because of Speed still calling her master but at least for me, I didn't noticed this my first time around. Luffy blames himself for this because he believes that he should have gone with her.

However instead of listening to Law, Luffy does something stupid and changes Kaido. Don't get me wrong, I love Luffy but this was a stupid move. I mean it's perfectly in character for him but at the same time, this is a Yonko. Kaido responds to this by blasting Luffy and some of his men with his Heat Breath being that I'm pretty sure that he killed some of them. Luffy dodges this and jumps toward Kaido with him launching Elephant Gatling aka the attack that wrecked Arlong 2.0.

I like the Fishman Island Arc but I'll admit that Hody is just Arlong 2.0. but slightly stronger and way more racist toward humans. I'll get more into detail if I ever decided to do my ten things that I hate about One Piece because well, I got two of them and they both came from watching the Water 7 Saga. You'll see what I mean by that once I get ten of them. I have four for sure. When Kaido turns back into his human form, you think that this is the end but nope, its just getting started.

Luffy unleashes Gear Fourth Boundman and Kong Organ on Kaido being that to Kaido, it's like a bug is stinging him. I like this a lot because the Yonko should be powerhouses and that has been shown with three of them up to this point in the story. Big Mom showed this off in her arc and Shanks has been doing this since Chapter freaking One. Blackbeard is the only one at this point who hasn't done this for me yet.

I mean we've seen him do some impressive pre-timeskip but I really want to see what he can do post-timeskip. Luffy is a Yonko being that in terms of fear, he fits the bill but power. He isn't there yet. We have seen him do impressive stuff in the story so far being that he's the main character but Kaido shows him his place aka one-shooting Luffy. I'm not sure if Kaido used Haki but it doesn't matter if he did or didn't.

I love this scene being that it shows that even at his strongest, Luffy isn't close to Kaido's level. Big Mom did call him a monster after all plus he may be the father of my favorite villain Katakuri and Oven plus the genie guy. I mean I kinda want to see some of the fathers that Big Mom has well slept with because I'm really curious how much their kids got from her and their father. It's just one of those things that I want to really see one day.

The cover page for Chapter 924 is interesting because it shows Sentomaru. I mean I don't really mind Sentomaru but I didn't expected him. To begin this chapter off with a negative, I do wish that Kaido did something even less to show his power. I mean swinging his club at him is giving no fucks but it would be interesting to see Kaido literally flicking him with his finger and winning. That would be so cool and bad ass but a club swung works perfectly fine as well.

He also compliments Luffy for surviving his attack. We also learn about Seastone being that it was made in Wano plus the craftsmen of Wano are the only ones able to do this. This shows that Kaido has an advantage in terms of the world being that every major force be it the Navy or other pirates use Devil Fruits so having Seastone is like having a gun in a knife fight. However, it takes someone smart to use this to his advantage.

We also see that even in defeat, Luffy is still glaring at Kaido. However, this leads into a massive problem I have with Kaido. So he decides to throw Luffy in a jail cell in order to break his spirit and hopefully break his spirit in order for him to become a soldier like with Hawkins and the guy with the keyboard keys for teeth. I'm still not sure if Killer is working with Kaido being that we haven't used see that yet. It's a question that I hope gets answered.

We also learn that Kaido wants to make sure that the people of Wano don't know that Luffy is a pirate and as Kaido's men try to pick up, he uses Conqueror Haki. We also learn in this chapter that both Kid and Oden. As of Chapter 924, there have been 12 users of this Haki. Three of them are dead but Kaido says it best,"We don't need that many conquerors". I'm expecting more characters to use this power but Kid having it is interesting.

However, you may think that Luffy's assault did nothing to Kaido but it did make him sober so that means he's a true force to be reckon with. I'm totally joking about this but it's just something stupid to think about. We also get the full confirmation that Shutenmaru is Ashura Douji but it was super obvious so that isn't a big shock. We also see that the Straw Hats (Brook, Chopper, Nami, and Sanji), the Heart Pirates, and the dog thing survived thanks to Shino's Devil Fruit.

Her power is know as the Mature Mature fruit which allows the user to mature and decay inanimate objects. I've heard theories about her being used against Kaido in the climax but I'm not too sure about that. I can be wrong but I'm not too sure. We also see that Tama gets saved by Inurashi and him getting anger at Kaido for his action. Will there be a fight between him and Kaido? We'll just have to wait and see.

This chapter's next parts shows Franky, Robin, and Usopp reacting to the fight between their Captain and Kaido. With Franky, we see him reacting in typical Oda Fashion plus you can see the triple chin going on here. We also see this with Robin and Usopp being that the latter made me go okay and the former made me sick to my stomach. I mean it does ruin Robin's beauty for me and well to sound kinda silly, I was kinda disturbed by the image.

Zoro also does this but we don't see this. This isn't the first time Robin has done this such as in Dressrosa but that kept her beauty. This one didn't do that and well, I'm really petty when it comes to art in One Piece. We also see Kaido's prison/factory being that to me, it's kinda like Impel Down except with less death. I would say Tower of Heaven but I don't see any blue haired pricks in sight so this is already much better.

We also learn of a certain prison being that the guards have to give him/her a poison fruit WITHOUT any bones. We'll see why that's the case. We also see Luffy being that he was bandaged up. So why did they do that exactly? I mean I get why being that they're planning to make him work until he submits to Kaido but why not keeping his injured. So does Seastone also block Haki? I mean I could look this up but I'm sure that it's because Luffy's injured.

At least they took his sword. We may not have another Impel Down which would be interesting but I'm not sure that there will be another character like Iva. We soon found out about the mystery prison being that he kills the guard with the fish's bones. We also see the return of Kid being that they soon figured who the other is and then the first arc of Wano is over. So as of now, I'm not a really big fan of this arc.

I'm pretty sure that all of my compliments are either really petty and will go away in time. My main compliment is the art and the lack of excitement in the arc. I could still also be really salty about Oda ending the Reverie/Levely arc early mainly on all of this cliff hangers. I get that the arc was made to be rather short compared to Wano or Whole Cake but so far, it's introduced some more interesting things.

I'm sure that in time, all of my compliments ,perhaps the art, will be changed over time. Lets see what Oda has in store being that I really want to know what happened to Killer and Jimbei. I mean he, the Sun Pirates, and Sanji's family were facing off against Big Mom plus her family. In all honesty, I want to see something that no one is expecting but it'll somehow make sense in terms of the story. Lets begin starting with the fight between Zane and the Fatal Four.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane looked at his four opponent as Riscai was the first one to attack. She grinned ,with her scythe soon infused with lightning, as she slashed the air in front it. A wave of lightning went right toward Zane being that he just took the attack head on. Zane wiped the sparks off him as he said,"Sorry but your weak electricity won't do anything to me. Now, it's my turn.". He began to gather up Impulse with an steel gray cosmic energy sphere appearing in front of him.

Zane grabbed the sphere and he said,"Impulse Burst!". He soon threw the sphere like a baseball being that Riscai dodged it but the tip of her weapon touched it. This caused a wave of Impulse to hit her and send her to the ground. She soon got back up being that she said,"You're just so much fun! I'm going to destroy you!". She folded her scythe's blade and aimed it upwards. She soon stabbed the air with her scythe being that she seen a giant rocket of lightning toward Zane.

Riscai said,"Lightning Nuke!". Zane saw the lightning coming closer to him being that like the previous lightning attack, Zane didn't try to dodge it. He soon held his right palm out in front of him as he said,"Void Absorption!". The seven wizards watched the lightning get absorbed into the right palm as Zane smiled. He aimed his right hand toward them being that he soon put it in a gun-like pose as he concentrated Primordial energy into his hand.

Zane's hand was soon covered in turquoise colored energy as Zane said,"Get ready to dodge. Astral Marksman!". He soon fired several blasts ,being about the size of a couch, toward her being that she began dodging them but was blasted by an explosion. Her scythe went through the air as Riscai soon grabbed it. The blade of the scythe soon began spinning like a buzzsaw and slashed at Zane. Zane soon held his right arm in front of him to block the attack.

Riscai smiled as the blade began cutting through Zane's skin. "How does it feel to have your arm cut by my blade?" said Riscai. Instead of saying anything, Zane only smiled. Riscai was soon punched hard in the face as Landon saw Zane's body produced a copy of his arm and it punched his guild wizard. "Interesting. I wonder if he'll want this power for his experiment." thought Landon. As Riscai landed, she soon split the scythe in half.

From the second pole, another scythe blade appeared being that they were both charged in lighting being that between the weapons, there were a massive whirlpool of electricity. "Die by my Lighting Whirlpool!" said Riscai. The whirlpool went toward Zane being that he said,"Man. You just don't get the hint that your attack won't work on me.". He jumped over the electricity being that Riscai grinned upon doing this. She put the poles back together, returning the scythe back to normal.

She ran toward Zane being that the blade was spinning like a buzzsaw. She began slashed everything around her like a maniac being that she was laughing like an insane person or a clown. Pick which ever one works for you. Zane easily dodged her attacks being that he soon jumped into the air with both of his arms and fists growing bigger, becoming gigantic. "Giant Slam!" said Zane. He soon slammed the fists right into the scythe wielder.

This sent her flying backwards as parts of the ground where she was standing was sent flying away from their normal spot. Riscai had a sadistic grin being that she saw that her early attempt at slicing Zane was long gone. "So you can heal from my blade? Fine. I'll enjoy slicing you into little pieces and making you cry my name out in agony." said Riscai. "Creepy!" said Cole. "Meh. I've seen much creepy." said Kane. "Preach it." said Sivarth.

Riscai soon had lightning magic gathered in her weapon being that she soon raised it into the air. The electricity was gathered throughout the blade being that the biggest amount of electricity was focused toward the tip of the blade. She soon slashed it down, unleashing a stream of lightning toward Zane as Riscai shouted,"Lightning Downpour!". The stream of lightning came right toward Zane being that Zane soon stood there and turned into a new form.

It was Gluttony Form being that the seven dark wizards were confused by this Take Over. Zane had shrunk down to about three feet. His body is dark green with the top of his head, his back, and the palms of his hands is a black color. He has a short tail alongside short and stubby arms and legs. His body is covered by several black spots on his body. His gold eyes look sharper and without pupils. He wears a metallic U.S. military helmet over his head.

He's holding a weapon that looks like a fusion of a spear, spork, sword, and trident in one. His helmet was exposing his teeth with them having visibly sharp canine teeth that look to help with eating. He had four sets of gill like markings on his stomach. He's wearing the same outfit that he would wear as Zero aka Zane's Zeta Costume. The lightning was about to hit being that Zane opened his mouth with seven longer than normal ,sticky, and strong tongues coming out of them.

They soon wrapped around the lightning being that the lightning soon went into Zane's mouth. Zane's stomach soon grew in size being that he turned into a ball shape with his short arms, legs, and tail sticking out. Riscai was shocked by this as she shouted,"Impossible!". Zane soon smiled as he burped. He released a giant green energy beam toward Riscai being that it soon sent her flying out of the house, knocking her out. She dropped her scythe being that it was implanted into the ground.

Zane said as his stomach went back to its normal size,"And that's why this form is one of my best!". Crisis Judgement went off as Zane soon jumped backward to evade several streams of fire being that the flames came from the dagger wielding man Vuser. "Okay. For a brat, you're actually kinda threatening." said Vuser. "And you're not." said Zane. Vuser frowned being that he soon sent a barrage of fire bullets or cannon balls toward Zane.

Zane launched himself into the air thanks to his weapon and in the air, Zane opened his mouth. The seven tongues soon grabbed the barrage being that they soon went into his stomach. "Oh wow. You are really cute and in this form, I'll make you suffer." said Vuser. Zane soon fired a group of several green energy balls toward Vuser being that the man was sent flying out of the house and the daggers went into the ground in the same vein as Riscai's scythe.

Upon landing, Zane saw that the daggers and scythe being picked up by living metal as he traced it back toward Tinguberd. "So I'm going to take that you use a Molding Magic." said Zane. "Yes being that I'm a user of Earth Make, Fire Make, Metal Make, Water Make, and Wood Make. I'm the Five Element master Tinguberd and unlike my other two members that you've defeated, you won't take me out easy." said Tingberd.

He soon held both daggers and placed the scythe on his back. Zane changed out of Gluttony Form into Bull Form. This is Bull Form aka a better version of Fairy Tail's Taurus. Yeah. I said it. My bias will be the most apparent thing in this story if you haven't noticed by now. Zane grew to twelve feet tall with him having a brawny figure. He looks like a humanoid Spanish Fighting Bull with black fur. He has messy dark green hair and small dark red eyes with a thin nose.

His head is bovine shaped with medium short ears. Above his ears, he has two gray long horns that points upward. In his nose, he has a gold ,steel, nose ring. His outfit looks to be extremely unique in its design and looking to be a mixture of a business suit, cowboy, hiker, martial artist, and samurai. He's wearing a black V-neck buttoned-up vest with a standing dark long-sleeved forest green dress shirt with black jeans and ,gold lined, brown cowboy boots.

He's wearing a black tie with a forest like theme to it. He's wearing white bandages around his forearms up to his fingers. He's wearing dark forest green armored gauntlets on both of his arms, large rectangular plates known as Sode on both of his shoulders as well, and a dark forest green Kabuto and Shikoro with a black menpo over his face. The menpo looks like a gas mask. He's wearing two large and simple brown belts that cross his chest diagonally and pass over his shoulders.

The belts are connected due to a simple gold belt buckle, in the center of his back, that has a weapon aka a an and spear hybrid resting there. The spear part is quite large with the sides being a mixture of a double hit Axe and Hatchet Axe. They can be separated to make two weapons. His tail is sticking out of his pants moving back and forth.The two soon clashed blades as Landon decided to help out. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane ,while fighting Tinguberd, dodged the chains. 

Landon chuckled as he said,"It seems that your reflexes are impressive. My Chain magic is hard for most wizards to avoid since you Fairies are so easy to defeat.". "I would argue that they're not but they are really weak. To give you a compliment, your chains are fast but not as fast as mine!" said Zane. He punched Tinguberd back. Landon fired a barrage of fire bullets right toward Zane being that Zane saw this coming from a mile away. 

The hero made a wall from the earth being that they all slammed right into it without a single scratch of damage to the wall. Zane looked at Tinguberd with him saying,"I need you to leave for a bit. Chaos Emperor Hammer!".  Before he could have a chance to dodge it, Tinguberd was slammed by the giant and deadly hammer being that he left the room for a while. Zane  rushed toward Landon being that the guild master made a giant fireball and threw it toward Zane. 

Kane sighed as he said,"I'm sure that I don't need to tell you that he's planning on trying to distract you with that.". Zane nodded as he soon sliced the ball in half with his weapon. However, the fire soon blew up and it blocked Zane's vision with a cloud of smoke. Landon sent chains toward Zane being that he was going to throw that overgrown cow into the wall and make the house fall on top of him.

His chains were soon sliced in two by Zane being that Landon focused a huge amount of fire into a giant missile being that it was thrown right at Zane. The rocket hit the overgrown bull but it didn't do any damage. "Quit with your attempts of fighting. I know that you're holding back so quit that or I'll end your pathetic life." said Zane. "Oh wow. I didn't expect a fairy like yourself to be so harsh toward me. I'm fighting you for real but now, it's someone else turn." said Landon.

Zane soon jumped into the air being that he evade a whip slash of solid water being that instead of hitting Zane, it cut something in two. Zane saw Jakzan looking at him with his katana being that he was taunting him. "Chaos Emperor Bedrock Jackhammer!" said Zane being that his arms were covered in bedrock. He soon disappears being that Jakzan began looking for him. However, he soon found Zane being that Zane slammed both palms into Jakzan.

His arms were also moving rather fast being that it was like a drill. Jakzan turned toward Zane with him wiping away some blood. "I guess that you're better than the cow celestial spirit. You know the one right?" said Jakzan. "Yes. That bull is a disgrace to all bovine." said Zane. In the Celestial Spirit World, Taurus sneezed. Jakzan soon coated his sword in water being that a giant wave of water came rushing toward Zane.

Zane turned into Ninja Form being that he began running on the wave of water with him forming a water katana. The two clashed blades being that Jakzan laughed in amusement and he was actually enjoying the fight. "So I have to ask. You have that new girl in your guild? How hot would you say she is?" said Jakzan as the frog landed on the ground. "I honestly don't care how she looks due to her being quite annoying. I hate Celestial Spirits Wizard. Why do you care?" said Zane.

He threw several water shruikens toward Jakzan being that all of them were sliced in half. Jakzan soon smiled as he said,"Oh. I was just wondering. They are the biggest pain in the ass and quite fun to kill being that they believe that they are stronger.". During the conversation, Jakzan was making a rope of water head toward Zane. As the water touched Zane, the frog disappeared being that Jakzan wondered what happened to Zane.

Before he could do anything, Jakzan was soon kicked in the back by Zane being before he hit the ground, Jakzan's hands were soon cuffed in cuffs with magic sealing stones or sealstone inside of them being that Jakzan couldn't use his magic. Zane soon stood next to him as he said,"So are you going to give up or do I have to make this even worse for you?". "He defeated three of them!" said Glenda in shock. "Maybe four." said Eljack, with a shrug.

Before Zane could do anything, Crisis Judgement went off. "You may have defeated them but you can't defeat me!" shouted Landon. Zane soon turned into a puff of smoke being that he evaded a chain from Landon. Zane soon reappeared being that he soon dodged a wooden spear. Zane slowly turned to see Tinguberd being that he also had the defeated Riscai and Vuser. "Sorry about leaving you here with him boss. It took me a while to find these two." said Tinguberd.

The man soon threw on the ground nearby Jakzan. "So what are you going to do with those two anyway?" said Zane as he dodged a earth spear from Tinguberd. "What we do to those who fail us child. We're going to leave them here to die along with you." said Landon. Tinguberd soon freed Jakzan from his cuffs as the swordsman said,"Thanks. So are we done here boss?". "Yes. Can you keep him busy Tinguberd?" said Landon.

Tinguberd nodded as he sent a barrage of earth, fire, metal, water, and water spears toward Zane being that Zane dodged all of them. "I guess the mayor and her family were spared tonight. I was planning on having them die in their house and covered in their blood. I'm sure that you'll try to stop us Void Knight but to be honest, you're going to die here tonight!" said Landon. The man soon threw a massive fireball into the air and then dispersed.

Fire blasts scattered across the room being that the mansion was soon engulfed in flames. During all of that, Zane noticed that Eljack and Glenda were placing seal stone cuffs on the defeated Riscai and Vuser. "They're going to kill those who failed them. They're quite messed up aren't they guys?" said Kane. "Yeah but we've seen much worse." said Cole. Zane nodded being that he soon saw Landon and his four wizard smiling wickedly.

Landon said,"Even if you save the mayor and her family, I'll still kill them and that's a promise. So you failed in the end.". He and his wizards left through the holes that they made earlier. "I'm not going to stop you from leaving these two behind but you need to hear this. I'm going to save this town and take care of you for good." said Zane. Landon smirked as he said,"You shouldn't have your hopes up child. I mean you and those failures are going to be barbecued!".

The four were soon gone as Zane heard,"Goodbye Void Knight!". The holes out of here were soon blocked by piles of flaming wood being that the fire was soon everywhere. Zane looked at the two dark wizards as he said,"I can't leave them to die. I may be a heartless bastard but I'm still a hero after all.". He soon picked them up and had them over his shoulders. He soon looked around at the fire as he wondered if he should put this out or not.

Athena said,"So what's your plan of escape?". "A simple one Athena. We're going to stay here and do nothing until the right time." said Zane. He soon deactivated Ninja Form as he sat down with the two dark wizards being held in the air using telekinesis. Zane soon closed his eyes as Twilight said with a smile,"Zane. Are you just doing this to look cool or what?". "Yeah. It's pretty obvious isn't it Twilight?" said Zane.

Outside of the mansion, the village was soon there being that they came here to check on Zane's well being.  Even during all of this mess with Dark Outriders, they still care about the wizard who was going to save their town. According to their mayor, Zane was going to defeat Dark Outriders with the help of Stella being that he promised to revive their town from a desolate desperation to a lively town and he did this with a smile.

Stella stood there as she said,"Where are you Zane?". She was very worried about Zane being that she left him alone against those dark wizards. Even though she only knew him for under a day and knew that he was extremely powerful, she was still worried about him. I wonder why that could be. Before she went to go find Zane, she soon felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Kiku with her eldest daughter standing next to her. "He's fine Stella. Zane is really strong." said Kiku.

The trio of Anton, Darby, and Yuko were back at Vernon's inn. We're going to meet them soon but not know. "So where is he then?!" said Stella. The house soon collapsed but not because of the building but something else. The smoke covered the figure as the crowd heard a demonic voice,"Wow. That was a close one huh?! I mean I could have died back there but my luck is something else am I right you guys?".

The smoke was soon gone as Zane stood there ,with both Riscai and Vuser on Zane's shoulders, in a new form. This Form is known as Hulking Form. He's 8 feet tall being that he has features of a giant, oni, and troll. He has dark purple skin with emerald green eyes. His build is very stocky with his body covered in scales and has a serpentine tail. He has wild and unkempt brown hair which goes to his shoulders and has dark red red tips.

He has sharp and pointed teeth that wouldn’t be too far out of place from an animal. He has two horns growing out of his head which seem to curl around his face. He has black marks on the corners of his mouth and his eyes. He goes barefoot. He has claws on his fingers and toes. He wears a dark green martial artist belt around his waist. He wears a pair of gray spiked jutting out bracelets. He wears a long and tattered brown cape. He wears brown leather pants and a bone skull-like helmet. 

Zane wears strange silver armor over his chest and shoulder armor with a “0” on front. He has a shield on his right arm with him wielding a double sided axe/hammer weapon fusion. His arms and legs has five vents on them. The crowd was looking at him in awe. "So what's up with the crowd? I mean I know that I destroyed your house Kiku but I swear that I'll be building you a new house. It will be after I finish up with Dark Outriders." said Zane.

Stella soon walked up to Zane as she said,"Zane. That's you right? And who are these two?". "It's me Stella. This is Hulking Form. These two are half of the group known as the Fatal Four. They are members of Dark Outriders. The other two members escaped with their master plus two other wizards. Those dark wizards also took their weapons with them so I'm not sure if we're in the clearing just yet. And how I got out of there. It's simple really." said Zane, shocking all there.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
Zane was sitting there in the burning building being that neither dark wizards was walking up. Zane soon looked up being that he said,"Okay. It's go time.". He stood there being that he soon turned into Hulking Form. After placing the two dark wizards on his back, he soon held his arms in front of him in front of him in an x-formation. He soon ran toward the wall being that he soon made a big hole in the wall being that the house was destroyed. Shortest flashback yet.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane placed the dark wizards on the ground being that the villagers were looking at them. They were very much shocked by one wizard being able to defeat two members of Dark Outriders being that they had trouble with the grunts. They soon looked over to see Zane ,back to normal, being treated by a doctor and nurse being that he saying that he's fine and refusing their medical aid much to the worry of Stella. Everyone in Blossom Village wondered if everyone in Fairy Tail was a monster like him.

Later, Zane was walking with the trio of Kiku, Lila, and Stella back to Vernon's inn. The mayor and her family were going to stay there until their house was repaired. "So are you really okay? Or where you just trying to be cool?" said Stella, looking over him. "I'm fine Stella so don't worry okay? Those bastards couldn't stop me especially when I'm powered up. So what are you guys going to do about Riscai and Vuser? They may not be able to use their magic but still." said Zane.

Stella was slightly shocked to see Zane more worried about the people who tried to kill him rather than himself. "Don't worry Zane. They'll be placed in one of our prisons. So do you think you'll be going to their base in retaliation? I mean I read that Fairy Tail Wizards often strike back against those who hurt others." said Lila. "Nope. It's too risky since they know the area way better than I do. It'll be heading toward my death." said Zane.    

Kiku smiled as she said,"I have to thank you again. I'm sure that you and Stella will be able to take down Dark Outriders by tomorrow right?". "Yeah. You don't need to worry okay? So why are we going to the town square?" said Zane. "You'll see." said Lila. Zane knew the answers already thanks to his telepathy but he liked to hear the answer from the person. They soon arrived at the town square being that unlike the rest of the town, the flowers were smashed.

Kiku said,"This is where the town gathers for Dark Outriders's tribute. It happens at midnight every other night being their next one is tomorrow night.". "So does Dark Outriders make an appearance or what?" said Stella. "Not often but they sometimes do. I think it's those Fatal Four you mentioned being that we could tell that they were stronger than normal wizards. You defeating two of them is quite impressive." said Lila. 

Zane said,"But the one controlling those shadows must be nearby unless they have a impressive range of effect toward their magic. Very interesting.". Zane was coming up with a plan being that he just need to make sure that Stella knew about it. Zane soon opened the door for the three as Kiku said with a smile,"I'm back.". As she finished saying that, Zane could hear light footsteps heading toward them as he saw a young girl coming toward them.

She has blond hair ,being a mixture of Kiku and Lila, and blue eyes. She looks five years old and her name is Yuko. She's wearing a green shirt with a picture of a little red heart, dotted with sparkling sequins. a pink skirt that went past her knees, and red and white flip-flops that was showing her ten perfectly painted toenails. She came right toward the group with her giving her mother and older sister a big hug. "Welcome back big sis and mommy!" said Yuko.

Zane could hear the pure joy coming from her voice as he smiled. This little girl reminded Zane of his own daughters, son, and puppy back in the day. His kids and Wolfram were always the first one to hug him if he ever left the house for whatever reason and returned. He could understand why they did this being that both Uriel and Wolfram were very loving being that Uriel is a Vulcorian aka one of the most emotional species and Wolfram is very loving.

Speaking of Wolfram, Zane soon saw a little brown spotted dog ,which reminded Kane and Sivarth too much of Zane's dogs over the years, came bursting out of the inn's main room. It had a tag that said,"DARBY.". It came up to the young girl and sat obediently in front of her. The little girl soon crouched down and hugged the little puppy. Zane smiled being that this scene reminded him of the good old days back when he was under a hundred year old.

Another set of footsteps came from the stairwell to the second floor being that it was Kiku's middle child Anton and he's nine years old. He has brown hair and green eyes with him looking quite different from his sisters and mother being that he took after his father. He's wearing a dark blue t-shirt with black jeans and blue and white tennis shoes. "Hey mom and sister. You guys are back. Is everything okay?" said Anton.

He turned to see Zane standing there with Stella by his side. "So this is the wizard that's going to help us defeat Dark Outriders along with Stella?" said Anton. "Yes. This is Zane Alvarez and so far, he's defeated two of the Fatal Four." said Lila. The two kids soon looked at Zane in confusion being that Zane smiled. "Really sis? I mean he looks pretty weak to me and what guild is he even from?" said Anton with a cautious look.

Zane smiled as he said,"I'm from Fairy Tail, the strongest guild in Fiore from what I've heard.". The two children's eyes sparkled as they said,"Really?!". Zane nodded as Stella said,"He's also called the Void Knight.". "You're so cool! So how did you defeated those two jerks?" said Anton. "And do you know Salamander and Titania? They're both super cool!" said Yuko. "I used my Take Over magic to beat them up and I do know Salamander and Titania. They're real lame." said Zane.

The two kids were stunned by him being that they never seen such a powerful wizard like him before in their life. "Huh. I totally thought that we would have a cold reception but I guess this town is the only one in the area who likes wizards." said Sivarth. "Oh mom. Vernon said that he'll make dinner for us since we're his guests." said Anton, admiring Zane's right arm. "That's sweet of him. Is he in the dining room?" said Kiku. The two kids nodded as the group soon went there.

They were soon in the dining room with the trio of Anton, Darby, and Yuko admiring Zane being that he was used to little kids admiring him. "Are you sure that you don't mind them Zane? I mean I don't mind when kids admire me but they can be kinda annoying." said Stella. "They're fine Stella. I'm just happy that you guys aren't spoiled brats. Lets just say that I've met a lot of different people in my life and I really don't like the spoiled kind." said Zane.

Before anything else could be said, Zane heard,"Sorry for the wait everyone. I haven't had this many guests in a long time.". Vernon was standing there in the doorway to the kitchen holding several plates of a nice and steaming bowl of fruit and vegetable soup being that according to Vernon, it was a Blossom Village's delicacy.  "This stuff is really good big bro! Vernon makes it the best too!" said Yuko. "Sure. Lets try it." said Zane. He took a sip as he smiled.

It wasn't that bad being that Vernon said as he placed a plate of soup to everyone at the top including Darby,"I didn't expect much from you at first Zane being that I first thought that you were one of Dark Outriders's summoned creatures and attacking those kids but you're just a highly advanced Take Over wizard. You must have worked really hard in mastering all of your transformations. To be honest, I've never seen a wizard like you before.".

Zane smirked as he said,"Yep. I'm one of a kind. So do you mind if we continue that conversation that we were having back at your home before we got interrupted.". "I see. Kids, do you mind if you go play with Bonnie and Kaida? The adults need to talk." said Kiku. The two kids and dog looked sad as Zane said,"Don't worry you three. I'll play with you later.". The three smiled as they ran off. "You're quite good with kids aren't you?" said Lila.

Zane nodded as Stella said,"So what do you know about the takeover Vernon?". "I see. Have you two told these two about the zombies?" said Vernon. "Wait. I thought it was a rumor to scare off people who would hurt the villagers. Are you telling me that they're real?" said Zane. The mayor nodded and before Zane could ask another question, Zane heard a little girl's voice,"Daddy! Daddy! I want to meet the wizard! They were talking about him!".

Zane soon turned to see two little girls heading toward being that one of them was running and the other one was walking. The running girl looked to be four years old and the walking girl is about seven years old. The seven year old ,Caucasian, has blond hair and bright green eyes. She's dressed in a pretty white dress. The four year old girl had pale skin. She has straight forest green hair being that it extended past her shoulders. Part of her hair is tied in a ponytail.

They were tied up in a violet colored ribbon being that they matched her violet eyes. She has a violet diamond on her forehead. She wears a black and blue coat with silver straps and long navy blue sleeves that covers her arms. She wears a cute red t-shirt with a snake symbol on it, blue jeans, and gray calf-length sandals. She also has a cute pink backpack. Upon seeing her, Zane could feel a lot of magic power inside of the girl.

Sivarth said,"You feel it right Zane? I'm sure that she has the second highest amount of magic power of anyone in this village.". "Wait. If this little girl has the second highest, who has the highest magic power?" said Cole. "Isn't it obvious Cole? It's Stella. I'm wonder if Dark Outriders is going to claim her soon because unlike everyone else, she has magic power worth it." said Athena. "We'll be keeping a close eye on her. She reminds me of Uriel." said Kane.

The blond girl soon hopped toward Vernon who chuckled as he caught her. The other girl stood there with her looking right at Zane being that he was something that she didn't recognize at all being that she knew everyone in the town."Bonnie. We have a guest here. Manners, please." said Vernon. "I really don't care that these two are here but do you want them to hear about what we're going to be talking about?" said Zane.

Vernon nodded as he said,"You're right Zane. This is my daughter Bonnie.". The blond girl waved to Zane as she said,"You're really strong right mister?! I mean Yuko said that you defeated two of Dark Outriders's strongest wizards! Is that true?". Zane nodded as Bonnie smiled brightly. "And how are you doing Kaida?" said Lila. The green haired girl nodded as Kiku said,"She's staying with Vernon due to her parents being killed and not by Dark Outriders right Vernon?".

Vernon nodded as he said,"Yeah. Bonnie's mother passed away some time ago. It's just been the three of us living together for a while now.". Zane soon looked at Kaida being that he waved to Kaida being that she soon looked away. "Wow. She's rather shy." said Twilight. "So can you explain to me the whole zombie thing? I mean I kinda get the shadows but zombies? That sounds kinda strange to me." said Zane. 

Vernon sighed as he said,"To be honest with you two, I have no idea about it myself. As you already know, this town has had dark guild problems for the past three months.". "So why not inform the magic council about this?" said Stella. "We tried that but they have several members focused on keeping us in being that we're not allowed to leave the village unless we get permission from Landon or be lucky enough to escape without them retaliating on us." said Lila.

Kiku said,"She's right. I was very lucky to get a chance to talk with Clifton. As the president of Sorcerer Weekly, he's quite knowledge about wizards and I was sure that he would pick the right one.". "So do you happen to know if any other guild wizards have been here? I mean beside that one wizard from Phantom Lord." said Stella. "Yeah was it a male or female? Or perhaps did the wizard identify as an attack helicopter." said Zane with him getting a look from everyone there.

Vernon nodded as he said,"Beside for that wizard, no other wizard has been here. I heard about the S-Class wizards of Phantom Lord. One of them is quite strong being second only to their master Jose. I was lucky to have left the guild before that whole stupid rival with Fairy Tail began. It's quite stupid but Jose always hated being second best to anyone mainly Makarov. Their ace has dragon slayer magic. It's on the same level as Salamanders but not even close to you Stella." said Vernon.   

Lila said,"To get back on topic about the zombies, I'm sure that you two have noticed that these dark wizards are quite capable being that unlike most dark guild wizards. According to some of the other wizards here in town, they have very little magic remaining in their bodies. They also claim that these undead monsters are the ones responsible for this.". "That makes some sense but I'm still trying to figure out their master plan." said Zane.

Vernon shrugged as he said,"I think it's superstition at its best Zane. Their minds are mostly likely playing tricks on them being that these dark wizards have done a lot to this town. Along with being the inn keeper, I'm a carpenter plus magic teacher. I used to go out in the woods with my students and using my magic, I was able to teach those kids how to use magic and also show that you can build incredible things without destroying the environment.". "So what's the point?" said Cole.

Athena hit Cole as Vernon said,"Everywhere I go, I can feel the fear of death at every corner and it's because of their dark magic.". "Dark magic huh." said Zane. Vernon nodded as he was holding onto his daughter who was tired. "As you mostly likely know by now, magic is neither good or bad. It really does depend on the wizard." said Vernon. Before they could keep talking, there was a knock on the door.

Vernon got up while still holding his baby girl. "Would all of you mind excusing me for a moment? I have to take care of something." said Vernon. He walked toward the main lobby as Zane said,"Since Vernon is gone, I have a question for you two. Neither of you have to answer this but I need you to tell me what happened to your husband Ms. Mayor.". The mayor and daughter were quiet as Stella said,"Yeah. I mean I haven't seen him since I've arrived.".

Kiku sighed as she said,"My kids's father and my husband is....". Zane knew where this conversation was going being that he knew this feeling all too well. Kiku looked toward the ceiling and Lila was quiet. "Things haven't been easy for us being that Dark Outriders have been primarily targeting us being that their attacks on us have only gotten worse over time. Our agreement with them have made our pain even more unbearable." said Kiku.

Zane looked at Kaida being that he said,"Hey Kaida. Do you like to draw?". The girl looked at him as he said,"I would like you to show me some of them if you want to.". The girl's eyes sparkled and her cheeks blushes. She soon ran out of the room in order to grab some of her pictures. "Why did you do that Zane?" said Stella. "She's still a little girl and doesn't need to hear about this. Is there anything else you need to tell me?" said Zane.

Kiku nodded as she said,"Yes. Every other midnight, a victim would be picked. I've secretly send some of my guards into the woods to follow them but none of them have returned.". The woman took a deep breath as she said,"One night, my husband was a victim of the shadow attacks and was in a nightmare just like most of the villagers. When he woke up, all of us were so happy being that we pushed aside the pain. However, something happened.".

Lila said as her mother was breathing heavily,"It was only two weeks ago being that everyone in town soon gathered for the collection and the army of shadows arrived alongside Landon. It was a shock to see him there being by this one, we've stopped volunteering. They were now hand picking each one to take with them.". She had some tears forming in her eyes. "That was the night being that out of the blue, a shadow pointed out and everyone turned toward to see who they picked." said Kiku.

She was shedding tears at this point as Stella said,"Oh my god. Not him.". "I was so useless. My dear husband. My kid's father. Oh god, I miss him so dam much!" said Kiku. Zane soon walked over toward the mayor and her daughter being that both of them had broken down and began crying at this point. Zane didn't need them to say anything. He was going to bring back this town's joy no matter what being that out of the corner of his eyes, he saw her kids looking at their mother and sister.

Kaida was with them being that she was holding several pieces of papers. She knew that she shouldn't interrupt them being that it was extremely serious. After some time, Zane got the two back to their feet as both of them took a deep breath. "Zane. We have to help them." said Kane. Zane nodded as Kiku said,"I think we'll be heading to bed Zane. Goodnight.". The mayor and her family were gone as Zane sat down with him looking serious.

Stella looked at her friend being that she was wondering what was going through his head. She was upset and angry about what's been happening in her home while she's been going on but from what he could tell, Zane had been taking this the hardest. "Hey Zane. Are you going to be okay?" said Stella as she walked toward Zane. Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. So do you want me to see your pictures Kaida?". The girl nodded as she showed the two wizards her pictures.

Back with Vernon, the man opened the door to his inn. He was greeted by a Caucasian woman being around the same age as him. She had quite fair skin being that she has ocean blue eyes and grayish blonde hair. She has her body ,except for her face and neck, covered by a robe. Vernon smiled as he said,"Oh hello there. It's nice to see you Eunice. Now what do I owe your visit?". Bonnie didn't notice her.

Eunice said while handing her a jar and in a dull tone,"Ah. Sorry to bother you Vernon. I know that you must be busy with the return of your prized student, the hero who defeat those two monsters from Dark Outriders, and the mayor and her family but I brought over some blackberry jam. I made some extra for you and your guests.". From what Zane could hear in the dining hall, her voice sounded quite robotic.

Zane soon had his attention turned toward Kaida being that she was holding a picture of a bird being that Zane thought that this was really good for someone of her age. "It's really good Kaida. That's really well done." said Zane with Kaida smiling even bigger. "You spoil me and my daughters quite rotten Eunice but I thank you for the jam." said Vernon, taking the jar. "It's no problem Vernon. You are just such a kind man." said Eunice.

Vernon soon noticed that she was looking right at him as he said,"Is there something else you need? I don't mind you visiting but I need to finish talking with my guest and student before they head off to bed.". "Oh no. I'm sorry. Excuse me for interrupting." said Eunice. She soon went back home being that Zane thought,"Okay. This town has some serious problems and I'm not even counting the dark wizards.".

Once Bonnie and a reluctant Kaida were tucked in for bed, the group of Stella, Vernon, and Zane were talking in the lounge area of the inn. "So what else is going on in this town other than the zombies and dark guild? I know that there is the Flower Ceremony. Those kids were playing with fireworks earlier." said Zane. "That would be the Flower Ceremony and hopefully, I'll have time to explain it. We have quite a lot to talk about before hand." said Vernon.

The man soon explained to the two teens ,or more specifically a teen and immortal being, about a monster that had appeared during the whole mess. Those who were unlucky to get a glimpse of that creature were attacked. Everyone in the village thought that it was just one of Dark Outriders's pets gone wild. Two weeks ago, several members of Dark Outriders were attacked by the beast and a girl from the village was been found dead after she had been missing for a few days prior.

Since then, Kiku was enforcing a curfew for all females in the village and the duo already knew about Dark Outriders blocking all travel to anywhere outside of the village. "All of this is messed up. I mean I'm still confused on how Clifton learned all of this and how Kiku was able to leave the village mainly because the village's embargo on traveling." said Stella. "Well, you have me to thank for that or more specifically that wizard." said Vernon with a crafty smile.

The two looked at him as Vernon said,"While he was here, we had Kiku leave town being that a strong wizard could keep Landon and his wizards busy. So have you noticed the Ethernano in this town being lowered than other towns?". "Yeah. I didn't want to say anything being that those dark guild wizards have more magic in their body than some of my guild mates mainly the one who can run fast and the plant guy." said Zane.

Vernon slowly nodded as he said,"Yes. As you already know by now, this entire area doesn't have the strongest liking toward wizards because of that earthquake a few years back.". He soon explained to Zane about a powerful earthquake five years ago. It struck central Fiore being that most of the homes and buildings in the area were destroyed. It was believed to be nothing more than a natural disaster but the Magic Council proved them wrong.

They found a magic seal on one side of a nearby mountain being that the earthquake was caused by a wizard. Most of the villages in the area refuse to ask for help from wizards unless they were from the Magic Council. Zane sighed being that he was wondered why this area had been so unlucky when it comes to magic. He shook his head of those thoughts being that he had plenty of times to think about that kind of stuff later.

Zane said,"Hold on. If this entire area hates wizards, why am I getting such a warm welcome?". "You may be a member of the most powerful/destructive guild in Fiore but you came into town with Stella and our town's wizards are respected and treated as people rather than monsters." said Vernon. "So is there anything else going on?" said Kane. "And hopefully, something positive." said Cole. "How about we talk about the Flower Ceremony now?" said Vernon.

Stella said,"The Flower Ceremony is when the spirits of the dead are sent up to heaven through fireworks.". "Jean and her friends were planning for it despite everything going on in this town. She loves this time of year doesn't she?" said Vernon. "Yeah. I mean she may not be very feminine but you can tell that she really does care about her home." said Zane. Vernon blinked as he said,"Stella my dear. Did you tell Zane about Jean being a girl?".

Zane shook his head as he said,"She didn't sir. I mean it's pretty obvious given her small frame but I'm pretty sure that puberty will hit her like a truck in due time.". There was soon another knock on the door as Vernon got up. "Well, I guess I'm quite the popular fellow aren't I?" said Vernon. He soon opened the door as Jean paled upon seeing Zane sitting there with Stella. "Hiya Jean!" said Zane with a smirk and wave. "You! What are you doing here?!" yelled Jean.

Before she could attack him, she was soon held back by a man who looked to be around Stella and Zane's age or younger. This is Haru ,aka not the one from Rave Master, Sims aka Jean's older sister being that he came here with his younger sister. The two both heard about what happened with Zane and the dark guild earlier. Haru has short purple hair ,with him being an average height and having a rather lean build, and sharp amber eyes. He look to be seventeen years old.

He's wearing a dark purple shirt with a high color and long sleeves. These sleeves have navy blue leather that worked as protection for the upper part of his arms and his wrists. He wears light brown pants that are cut below the knees and wears a simple black belt. He wears purple and blue sneakers with white soles. Zane could see a gold necklace with a lacrima pendant. On the lacrima itself, it has a silver cross.

Haru sighed as he said,"Sis. Don't you have something to say to Vernon, Stella, and our guest? Oh, it is nice to see you again Stella.". Stella nodded as Cole said,"So I bet ten Jewels that she insult you and your gender.". "That's a dumb bet Cole." said Twilight. Jean soon calmed down as she said,"I still can't believe that you defeated two members of Dark Outriders.". "Well, I did." said Zane. Jean soon pointed at Zane with her saying,"Especially since you're really weak for boys!".

Stella expected Zane to go on a rampage but she knew about Zane not being a boy exactly and she knew that he really didn't care. "Okay. I may be weak looking but don't judge people based off their looks. Not every guy wants to look like walking muscle." said Zane. Haru nodded as Vernon said with a smile,"Oh Jean. I know that your sister's death effected you the most but you were once such a sweet and gentle girl. What would your late sister think if she saw you like this?".

Haru could tell that Jean was seething at this moment and was about to exploded. Stella was shocked by this news. "Shut up! Not a single one of you understand what's going on with me! My sister didn't die of natural causes but those bastard and their zombie!" said Jean. "Okay. Mind informing me about what just happened. Or did I miss that?" said Cole. Jean soon bolted out there being that not even her brother could stop her. Haru looked at Vernon as he said,"What is wrong with you?".

Vernon shrugged as he said,"Sorry Haru but it just came out.". "So why is she upset? And the whole zombie thing." said Zane. "Haru and Jean's sister Mable aka the middle child died. Do you remember the girl who was found and then the curfew came into effect? She is that girl." said Vernon. Zane soon stood up as he said,"I'll go make sure that she's safe.". "Are you sure? I mean I may not know you like Stella does but Jean isn't your biggest fan." said Haru.

Zane sighed as he said,"I can tell but I'm good at talking to people and making them spill the beans about their problems.". "Okay Zane. I truly hope you can get her to move on past Mable's death. All of us are connected in a way that she hates." said Vernon. Zane soon ran after the girl being that Haru and Stella decided to follow him. Jean was running as fast as she could being that she didn't noticed that Zane was behind her and he got there by walking.

Zane knew that he could easily catch up with Jean but he didn't feel like putting that much effort into it. "Get back here Jean!" said Zane. She turned around to see Zane being that she shouted,"Why the hell are you following me?!". "Because we need to talk." said Zane. "You do know that you're just stalking me you fucking weakling!" yelled Jean. Zane sighed as he said,"Kids. They can be so rude and stubborn sometimes." said Zane.

She soon collided into a figure who is wearing a robe ,being that it hopped in front of her, causing her to stumble. She soon began to fall down the hillside and heading toward the river. Zane stopped being that Athena said,"Zane. We need to catch her before she hits the water. At the rate she's going, she'll hit her head and she'll die.". "Gotcha." said Zane. He soon turned into one of his classics aka Vine Form. Zane looks to be a humanoid, muscular plant with him being 6 feet tall.

His body is primarily made out of vines ,being different shades of green, wrapped together. His arms, body, head, and legs are a jungle green color while his feet and hands are a dark green color. He has five fingers and toes. His head ,which has a singular violet eye in the center of his head and mouth, is covered in a dark green venus-flytrap like hood that’s connected to his neck and upper torso. Inside of his mouth, he has a pink tongue.

He has six exposed violet star shaped bulb like seeds coming out of his back which can be removed to be used as a explosion or gas bomb. It can also turn into a vine like appendage with it covered in thorns. "Hang on!" said Zane in a very aged and gravelly voice. His body sprouted vines from his body being that they soon grabbed her. Jean blinked as she watched Zane walk down the hill and he placed her on the ground.

Zane smiled as he said,"Are you okay Jean? You almost suffered a nasty fall.". "Thanks. So why are you a walking salad bar? And why did you take this creature over?" said Jean, looking at Zane with confusion. "Well, it's because....." said Zane. He  heard,"Get away from my sister you Death bastard!". "No Haru! That's Zane!" shouted another voice. The two saw Haru and Stella heading toward them as the boy was panting.

Stella looked at the two as she said,"So why are you in Vine Form Zane?". "He's a walking salad bar Stella because he wanted to save me because of what that asshole did! Yeah I'm talking to you!" said Jean. The two teens and plant creature turned to see the hooded figure standing above them. "He's really tiny. I didn't see that earlier. He looks to be the same size as Happy or slightly bigger." said Cole. "I'm going to say slightly bigger by like an inch." said Kane.

Twilight said,"Are we seriously having a discussion about this?". "Twilight. We've had dumber conversations." said Sivarth. "Yeah but still." said Twilight. "I'm trying to make sure that you don't do something stupid Jean because the walking salad bar over here fought against Dark Outriders and could possibly pissed them off." said the figure. Zane crossed his arms with him thinking,"Wow. This guy really doesn't like me. I mean I haven't even said anything.".

Athena said,"Yeah. This area hates wizard, witches, sorcerer, sorceress, or anyone that used magic as a profession.". "Okay buddy. You may think that I'm going to bring trouble to your village but you're dead wrong. I'm a superhero. So how about you take off the robe? I mean you don't look cool with it at all. Right Stella?" said Zane. "I guess so." said Stella. She went over to Haru and whispered,"That's Vance right?". "Yeah." said Haru.

The figure soon appeared being that Zane was slightly shocked at the creature underneath. He was a small cat very much like Happy but slightly bigger than Happy and more raccoon like. His fur is dark gray with a rounder face compared to Happy and oddly smaller red eyes. His ears and nose are pointed being that the former has red insides. He has two small whispers appeared on each side of its face. 

His chest/underbelly is white being that his chest, face, and paws are covered in scars being that it was made clear that he has been in a couple of fights. Despite having the exact same body type of Happy, he looks to be a fighter rather than a commentator aka Happy. His body is rectangular with his feet and hands having crimson red claws and pink paw pads. He also had two sharp fangs on his upper jaws. He's also wearing clothing unlike Happy.

He has a long, white-tipped tail with most parts of his tail is dark gray. He's wearing dark green fingerless gloves and black toeless shoes. He's wears a black and white sash around its body. He's wearing black pants with a brown belt with a gray sleeveless muscular shirt. He wears a full gold arm guard sleeves on his arms. "My name is Vance Aerofel and I'm friends with Jean and Haru. So why is he laughing at me?" said Vance, pointing to Zane.

Zane was snickering as he said,"You're a freaking Happy and trying to be a badass! This made my day! You're like him but lamer!". Stella sighed as she said,"Ignore him. So do you mind telling us what's going on Jean? I mean you can trust this idiot.". "Okay. Could you make him stop though? It's kinda annoying." said Jean with Zane finishing his laughter. A bit later and after Zane deactivated Vine Form, the group sat down on the hillside.

Jean soon explained that they found Vance just before the big earthquake five years old being that he claimed that he had been hatched from an egg in the forest and was wondering around as a little and injured kitten. Mable found him ,hurt and hungry, being that she took her home with her being that in due time, he become a member of their family and village being its protector. Zane was also sure that Vance is part of the reason why Jean has an attitude to her. 

Zane said,"That's a really sweet story. So you're like the town's mascot aren't you?". "You're quite annoying. I'm not a mascot but a warrior." said Vance. "You kinda are. I mean Kiku wanted to show you off to the other villagers a year ago." said Haru. "She was drunk." said Vance. "And why does that matter?" said Zane. Vance grumbled as Stella said,"So are you guys still family?". "Not lately because he keeps coming and going." said Jean, glaring at the feline.

Jean said,"I know that we keep telling you that you can stay with us but he keeps saying that he won't or will not until the mission is complete. I mean you could be attacked by those dark guild bastards and staying with that guy is a bad idea!". "And who is this guy? Is he your partner?" said Zane. "He's a wizard of this town. I'm sure that we can defeated Dark Outriders to avenge Mable and let her rest peacefully." said Vance. "Which include me right?" said Jean.

Vance sighed as Jean said,"I don't want to see you hurt Vance.". "So do you mind telling me about what happened to Mable? I mean she was my friend too." said Stella. "I'll tell you and Zane the story about what happened. It happened about three months being that my sister was one of the people that were put into a coma because she was protecting Jean and Vance from those shadows. Until about two weeks, she wasn't taken for the collection." said Haru.

Jean clenched her fists as she said,"Instead, she went missing! It was around the same time that the mayor lost her husband to those bastards. We couldn't form a searching party because we were too sad about losing someone close to us. One of the villagers soon found her a week after the mayor's husband's death. She was front in the cemetery. Her body looked like it was mauled by a beast and also she was....". She was unable to say the last bit being that she couldn't.

Vance said with a solemn look,"They made her into a dam plaything for procreation! She was a person dam it, not a plaything!".  Zane clenched his teeth as he thought,"I'm going to find whoever did that to her and make him/her pay!". "We later gave her a proper burial and funeral arrangements were made but something happened at the funeral. We were about to leave when we saw her and she was watching the whole thing." said Jean. "Who?" said Stella. "Her name was Melissa." said Vance.

Haru said,"According to some research I did in the town library, I found out that she lived in the village a long time ago before she died. She was good friends with Vernon being that I think they were dating back when she was alive. When we saw her at the cemetery, she looked like she didn't aged a single day according to the town's most recent picture of her.". Jean stood up as she said,"Those bastards are utter monsters! They brought her back from the dead to kill my sister!".

She looked at Zane being that she said,"I know that we got off on the foot but you're not like that piercing freak from Vernon's old guild. You're here to help avenge Mable's death by defeating Dark Outriders right?!". Stella looked at Zane who looked serious. He crossed his arms as he said,"You need to hear this Jean so do you mind sitting down and giving me your full undivided attention? You as well Vance.". The two listened as Zane took a deep breath.

Zane sighed as he said,"Look, I know that the two of you are grieving and the whole zombie thing isn't that far fetched. Trust me. I'm here to stop the pain that your town has been going through the past three months. Revenge is blinding both of you. Bringing back the death isn't possible with magic because if you bring them back, they won't be the same person when they were alive. I don't want to see either of you two hurt because of you two being blinded by revenge or your emotions.".

Zane soon clenched his right arm as he said,"Trust me on this, I learned that the hard way a long time ago.". "He's right you two. He may be an outsider but I'm sure that both of you can admit that he's a strong wizard. He defeated two of the dark guild's strongest wizards with no problem. You're my only family left Jean and Vance. Please don't do anything stupid." said Haru. "And from what we know about these jerks, they either go after those effected by the sleep and pretty girls." said Stella.

Zane soon quipped out,"Are you sure about that Stella? I mean the tomboy look is looking good for her now but if she keeps dressing the way she does, I doubt big brother will have any trouble keeping the boys away.". Haru glared at him as he said,"Watch what you say about my sister.". "He kinda has a point Haru. Not a very good one. I do wish that you dressed a little more feminine. Your sister was a beautiful girl." said Vance.

Stella didn't say anything because like before, Jean was about to explode. "You three only just saying that because you're nothing but chickens especially you two! Zane and Vance! Posing as a Fairy Tail wizard and brave warrior but in reality, you're just a cowardly hunk and an little ball of fur!". Vance snapped at her as he said,"No one calls me little and gets away with it!". "So I'm a hunk huh?" said Zane with a smirk with Jean blushing.

Haru soon sighed as he knew where this was going. "I can't now allow you to say that to me you foul mouthed little girl!" said Vance. "Oh, is that so? I'm so scared of a little ball of fur." said Jean in a mocking turn. "So should we stop this or what?" whispered Zane. "We can't Zane. This is usually just the start of a fight between these two." said Stella. "Shut up and took a look at yourself!" said Vance as he flailed his little cat arms around.

Vance said,"If you're a girl like they all say, why do you look, dress, and act like a boy?!". Jean soon glared at him and said,"Screw you cat! I'm going home! See you later bro and not you cat!". She soon kicked dirt and ran off, leaving the group behind. "To look at the positives here, she's going home at the very least." said Cole. Vance was seething at the seams as he shot out,"I've had it up to here with you humans!" said Vance. He grabbed his robe and ran off.

Haru sighed as he said,"Those two have always been like this. So, do you mind if I help you guys out tomorrow? I may not be really good at magic like you are but I can help.". "Sure man. I'm okay with it Haru. Are you Stella?" said Zane. She nodded as Haru said thanks and ran after his sister just to make sure she went home. The two wizards walked back to the inn. After getting a key from Vernon, the two soon went up to the second floor.

After some time, they found the room with the same number as the key. "Room number 21." said Stella as she looked at Zane. "Yeah. I guess so." said Zane as Stella unlocked the room. The room was quite large being that two king sized beds were available alongside both a closet and drawer. The room also has a bathroom, located on the opposite side next to a coat stand. Zane took off his shoes and jumped to the bed, farthest to the door.

Zane smiled as he said,"This is a really nice bed Stella. Vernon pulled out all the stops for this place and the pillows are extra fluffy.". "I guess so." said Stella. The two soon sat on the beds being that Zane asked Stella a question. "So do you know this Barry guy? I heard the officer mention him and I haven't met him yet. Was he killed or will I meet him?" said Zane. "It's complicated Zane. I'll tell you later okay?" said Stella.

Zane smiled as he said,"Okay.". "No thanks Zane. So do you need help getting up in the morning? I mean I know that boys have a hard time getting up in the morning. Well one part of them at the very least." said Stella with a smirk. Zane shook his head as he said,"I'll be fine mom. You can have the shower first. I need to think about some stuff before we get some shut eye.". She nodded as she went toward the bathroom and closed the door.

As Stella enjoyed the shower, Zane was thinking to himself about the whole situation. He was sure that every family was going through the same pain as both the mayor's family and Jean's. He was an expert at feeling emotions ,thanks to Kane's DNA, being that their hearts were broken, the feeling of loneliness, and the empty void of life that plagues this town. It was growing every day being that he was sure that this was only going to get worse if he ignores the problem.

Sivarth said,"I hate to stop your inner thinking but you noticed that Stella didn't mentioned Barry at all. She talked about Haru but not Barry?". "I don't know Sivarth. We'll ask her later or tomorrow." said Zane. After about twenty minutes, Zane exchanged places with her. Stella ,using Requip magic, changed into a pair of pajamas ,which was a white t-shirt and black pants, being that she was thinking about everything that was going on in her home.

She wanted to make those bastards pay for what they did but she knew that revenge would blind her like it did for Zane back in the day and what it's doing to Jean and Vance today. Zane finished his shower as he said,"So Barry. Is he an ex?". "Nope. He's like my little brother. I mean he wanted to compete with me every since he wanted to learn magic." said Stella, crawling into her bed. "That sounds like Natsu but I'm sure that Barry is much cuter than Natsu." said Zane.

Stella nodded as she said,"Yeah. Night Zane.". She went to sleep as Zane stared at the rooftop for a good while. In the black of night, Zane knew that this was going to be a long job but he was going to save this town no matter what. Zane shut his eyes being that he knew that not asking Team Natsu to come along with a good idea but as he was about to enter dreamland, he had a bad feeling that this job was only going to get complicated.

Meanwhile, Erza was driving a carriage being that the only way to Blossom Village ,other than the train that doesn't run to the town until the next day, was by carriage being that Natsu was motion sick in the back. The other four members of her group were asleep as Erza was left alone to her thoughts about the whole thing. She knew very well about Blossom Village as just one of the town effected by the earthquake and the hatred of wizards was born that day.

She wondered why they would want something from Fairy Tail to help them. She was soon taken out of her thoughts when she heard a rustling sounds coming from the bushes to the right. She stopped the carriage being that a figure walked into her line of sight. He looked to be thirteen years old with him severely inured aka covered in bruises and dried blood plus covered in a ripped robe. She soon grabbed him and placed him in the carriage. Unknownst to her, the boy only smiled.

Next time,
How will Haru, Stella, and Zane defeat Dark Outriders? Who is Melissa? Who is Barry? Who is that strange boy that Erza and her group found? Will things only get worse from here? This and more next time on Fairy Legion!

Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Gluttony Form. This card has a black frame with several tongues on it when them eating a planet like object with ease. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 40 and it doesn't have a Prime Form. This form starts out completely empty but soon, Zane gets the ability to fill the void in his stomach.

Bull Form. This card has a black frame with a bovine like creature resting and eating some grass. It also had a ax/spear hybrid weapon on its back. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 35 and its Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet. This Form is a much manly version of Taurus being that he isn't wearing his underwear on the outside and only that, isn't a pervert, and actually strong.  He's able to generate and control acid, earth, and plants.

Vine Form. This Card has a black frame with a plant in the center of the card and a weird creature standing in the center of the planet. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 21 and its Prime Form was introduced in Zero Episode 46. This form is an expert of self-defense. When he's compared to Swamp Form and Undergrowth Form, he may seem weaker but he's actually quite good at sneaking around compared to the two other plant or nature manipulation forms.

New Cards/Forms that haven't been seen in Zero yet:
Hulking Form. This card has a black frame with a large creature standing in the center of the card. When Zane places this card inside, he becomes a hulking beast. This Form hasn't been introduced in Zero yet and it doesn't have a Prime Form. This form has features of a giant, oni, and troll. He's able to create and manipulate crystals being able to capture his foes in them and move them around with his minds. He's able to manipulate earth, fire, water, and wind. He can combine them and able to place them over his body. He"s able to use magma effectively. He's able to manipulate magnetism being able to move metal and control electronics. He has superhuman abilities being extremely strong and fast. He's able to fly. He's able to either use his weapon in combat, block attacks with his shields, and use his fists in combat that hurts more than anything else. He’s able to grow and shrink in size, being that his max height is 36 feet tall and his lower height is 2 feet tall.

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