Sunday, December 9, 2018

Fairy Legion Chapter 12 Deliora and a Cold Rivalry

Disclaimer: This Post had originally been posted on June 28, 2018 at 12:54 PM. I'm reposting this Chapter along with Fairy Legion Chapters 1-26 because of a massive plot change. If you've read this story before, not much will have changed except Zane's reason for going to the Fairy Tail Dimension. The Author Note and whatever I talk about in them may or will be extremely outdated today or I'm somehow seeing the future so just ignore if you want.

A/N: I said this in the last part but, I'm going to be talking about Edens Zero and well, here I am. Before I start "reviewing" Edens Zero, I want to say some things. I wasn't expecting a masterpiece but a good read every week. It's the same thing with Black Clover being that it may not be changing up on how we see Shonen as a while but to me, I enjoy reading it every Friday before My Hero and One Piece because those series are so good and I need a good appetizer before the main course.

Edens Zero is finally out online because while the official version isn't out until 6/27, the internet has the first chapter translated and out. It sucks but well, that's the break. From the teaser image, we saw that Hiro repeating the same art style which isn't a bad thing at first. If you look back at early Fairy Tail so maybe the first couple of arcs, he used the Rave Master style before it evolved into Fairy Tail as we know it.

I've always liked Hiro's art style because well, I may love One Piece but sometimes. The characters are not drawn the best. I mean there are beauty king and queens and well, the ones that aren't not very good to look at. I always pick either Jora and Trebol as characters that may appeal to some people but to me, I just find ugly. I mean the Celestial Dragons aren't winners in terms of looks along with their actions speak loudly and clearly.

Okay, let me start the review off with saying that I read the Mangastream version. I may not be an expert on translation sites but I used Mangastream out of personal preferences. It's just the one I used and while it may be wrong at times, it isn't super wrong. So let me just say this. I thought the color pages at the start were really cute being that we meet the main character Shiki, the Demon King, and that pumpkin guy with the latter being a robot and the Demon King may be a robot.

I'm not sure on that but well, it has a sense of mystery until it's revealed. It was revealed in the chapter but sometimes, I can miss that on first read through. The hope is still there for right now but like always, I could be wrong. I'm going to be comparing this chapter to the first chapter of Fairy Tail being that writing Fairy Legion has made you noticed the small details that you may have not noticed at first read. So spoiler alert.

We only met four characters out of the main chapter cover being that the blond guy didn't show up so I hope he is a cool character. Okay first criticism. Did we need Happy AGAIN? I mean I'm expecting Jellal or not Jellall to make his appearance but seriously, this Cat is NAMED HAPPY! I mean couldn't you come up without another name? From what we seen, it's the same fucking character. I mean you could have made another cute marketable character.

I mean I would take a freaking Weasel than a Happy Clone due to my immense meh toward the character. I don't hate him, I just find him useless to the plot being that he never develops. I rather have a character than not grow. We also meet Rebecca and well, I'm liking her more than Lucy. I mean I just hope her, her mother, and ancestor don't look the same. Points to anyone who gets that reference.

So they mentioned a Video Streaming Channel aka Youtube called Bluecat Channel. I could be wrong but that may be a Mangastream thing right? I'll wait a while before judging it but it's different I give Hiro that. So the duo of Rebecca and Happy ,like what the actually fuck Hiro, arrive on Granbell Kingdom which has this abandoned theme park vibe including living robots. I do like Granbell Kingdom being that I wish that we spent more than one chapter there. You'll see what I mean by that.

I know that this is the "future" but why is Rebecca's dream to be a youtube star. I mean I don't know if it is the translation but seriously? I rather have Celestial Spirits again and well, she likes Cats so as a not big fan of cats, I'm excited. We soon meet Shiki ,all grown up, destroying a giant robot cat dino thing which I approve. I liked Shiki's initial haircut being that it reminds me of Gajeel and then we have a boob carrying scene.

I expected this from Hiro and well, I read Seven Deadly Sins. I mean that series doesn't hide its ecchi title. I should mention this now but I'm counting how many times in the chapter that they say the word friend/friends or anything along those lines. I do like the robot angle because well, I like a good sci-fi story being that they need to make their source of energy like magic because well, I ain't good at science or English.   

I think Rebecca is a glutton so that's neat I guess. Don't get too many female gluttons from what I've seen but male gluttons, they're a dime of a dozen. We also see Rebecca in a Princess Dress which gives me Lucy vibes. Please don't be that. We also learn that Shiki is a mechanic of some kind so that makes sense fitting this world.I do have one problem. Why did Rebecca and the robots have to say Triggering and Douchey.

I'm sure that it's Mangastream but still, it takes me out of it. I'm interested in the video sharing aspect and I hope that develops. See what I did there. We also learn that the cat is named Happy. I don't like that they have Happy. You could have called himself something else so if I was giving this chapter a score, it would be a 9/10 because well, I think that keeping the name Happy is lazy and my fear of that Erza Clone being named Erza is pretty strong and makes me worried.         

So they mention something about a Virus. Is that the evil of this story or what? We also get another mention of the word Friend. So far, I've count 11. I could be off. I also like that the king tells Shiki that he isn't a mechanic but just a role for him to play. It's a nice touch that I like. I really do like the Robot King's design being that it gives me Wahl flashback and I liked him before he died and was shafted hard just like the rest of the Spriggians. 

We also learn of something called a Combat Bot which means that we may see some robots fighting humans so we may see some death. If you've read Fairy Tail, you should know that any kind of death of a named character is rarer than catching/finding a Shiny Pokemon. We also learn that Happy has a special power which is his claws I hope or his annoyance broke the robot. I'm on the latter for that one myself.

We also learn of something called an Aether Gear which is this story version of Magic I'm calling it now. I mean it takes the Aether/Ethernano into your body and turns your machine. This sounds familiar to Dragon Slayer but I like it since it's been called the power of the dark ages. I mean there will be others but for right now, lets be hope that Hiro doesn't give every character this I hope. I mean maybe they use something that isn't that. I'm hoping for laser pistols and swords myself.

Shiki is a user of Demon Machine Style which I think is Fire Dragon Slayer but like I've said before a hundred times, I could be wrong. We also learn that Shiki can use Gravity Aether/Ether Gear which reminds me of Shiki from One Piece who used a Gravity like Devil Fruit and has the same name. He can alter gravity which increase his speed so that's pretty interesting. I like that because it's different and well, I like gravity manipulation powers because it's rare to see it.

You see your fire user and sword user but gravity is pretty rare. We also learn that Edens Zero takes place in Outer Space which shocked me at first reading. I was not expecting that at all but this is interesting. It beats being one planet so we may get some aliens maybe. We also learn that Dragons are in this series so will we actually see a real dragon slayed in this series? If this happens, I'll be a little miffed that the series with the DRAGON SLAYERS in it didn't slay a single dragon.

This is not counting the humans turned dragons since they were born human not dragon. We also learn that the robots were tricking Shiki and honestly, that made me sad. They really did care for Shiki despite being robots which are usually incapable of feeling emotions but they did. I mean there are examples of emotional robots like Bender. The robots all died being that the pumpkin guy may never return. This is Hiro's writing however so he may return.

Death usually means nothing in these stories just like Dragon Ball. I may not like Dragon Ball for petty reasons but it's like Fairy Tail in that regard. To me, the concept of collecting all seven dragon balls prevents death. It may not be like that in Edens Zero but with the huge amount of fake outs in Fairy Tail, I'm expecting some characters to die and then come back a couple chapters later. That's just how I see things as a fan.

I expect the word Friends/Friend a lot being that I could almost thirty times being 27 or 28. I could be wrong about this. I mean it's a key point in the story so if it isn't there a lot, I'll be shocked but who knows what this series can hold? Will it be good like Rave Master was or will be it okay like Fairy Tail was after the seven year time skip? I just hope we get some characters that weren't on the title cover.

So overall, I think it was good. I mean I'll keep reading before I said,"No more! I can't handle this same crap again!". If I don't like by three chapters, I'll stop. I'm a fan of Hiro's work and I'm a blind follower at times but I'll still call it on its bullshit. I'm not blindly following it like it's the work of God being that I'll do that for One Piece. I also want to say something. I know that you may not care about this but haters of Fairy Tail and this story. Just don't waste your time on it.

If you don't want to read because it's awful, then don't! Humans have the ability of choice and if you think something is trash, don't spend time on it! I seriously hate reading hate reviews or watching hate videos because it shows to me that you're just waiting time on something that you hate. It has always confused me. I mean I don't like Boruto for reasons that are petty but I can still see the good in it.

I'm going to keep reading Edens Zero every Monday and well, I can't wait to laugh at the people who would spend time on something that they hate. This and Seven Deadly Sins will be my Monday reads being that I love that about Fairy Tail when I was reading it. That series really did started off my love for Anime and Manga plus my week with something to talk about it being both good and bad. I will say that Hiro need to convince me on Happy the second and Rebecca.

The two of them are fine but the second chapter will need to flesh them out for me to give my full opinion on them. Shiki, I like because Gravity powers are cool and despite the hair being your typical hair cut for leads in this genre, I like him so far. Here's hoping for the best. So before I start this Chapter of Fairy Legion, I want to talk about My Hero. I'm not trashing on the Anime because I just don't care. I wanted to talk about the fanbase.

Now a fanbase can run something for you being that it has done it for me because well, I can be really petty about little shit. I read a cute comic about a gender bent Todoroki and well, it got me thinking. If I could change one thing about My Hero, I would change one of the character's genders being that if you read the wiki, some character's genders were changed before the final release. It's also interesting to learn little shit that.

Back to my point. People genderswapping characters is nothing new being that well if I could change a character, I would pick Mineta. You may be thinking why him? It's because of his personality and well, I want to see a female pervert. Men may be the more perverted sex but there are female perverts in fiction. They are just rare. I would say that Mineta being female would be interesting. I would love to see a what-if scenario about it.

I wouldn't want it to affect the story in anyway because we don't need delays in the story like a certain manga or more specifically an anime about ninja. That anime has its moments but it has a lot of filler added on it. It isn't a good thing whatsoever but sometimes filler can be good. However most filler is lukewarm at best. Anyway, lets begin with Lucy and the team learning more about Zane in a way that they didn't expect at all.

Narrator P.O.V.     
Lucy couldn't sleep being that for some very strange reason, the villagers put a young female with two males. They don't explain this in canon but I'm going to say that they don't have enough spaces for the two genders to sleep apart but it makes for some shipping material I guess. Lucy had a very strong feeling that the ice wizard was sleeping in the nude given his stripping habit.  So during the night, Lucy snuggled up next to Natsu upon sleep.

He was a living heater being that she liked him so it was a bonus. Upon getting close to her, Natsu had his arm wrapped around her tiny waist. He had pulled him closer being that her face was very much florescent red being that he bury his nose into her hair and inhale deeply. Natsu's head was soon in the crook of Lucy's neck being that he was fast asleep. She wanted to confess her feelings but she had to wait for him to make the move. Overall, it wasn't so bad for her.

At 7:30 A.M., the group of Gray, Happy, Lucy, Natsu, Sly, and Zane were soon gathered in front of the village gate. The night before, the group ,except for Natsu and Zane, decided to get a head start on lifting the curse without destroying the moon. "Okay! Lets stop the curse without destroying the moon!" said an energetic Lucy, with her determination being quite noticeable to everyone around including the half-awake trio of Gray, Happy, and Natsu.

Lucy, Sly, and Zane were the opposite of the boys being that they were ready and awake for the day ahead of them. Lucy couldn't sleep due to the combination snoring of Gray and Natsu ,being that they were having a snoring fight much to Lucy's dismay, with the latter helping her sleep thanks to his body heat. Sly had gotten used to waking up early in the morning thanks to being partners with Zane for so long.

Zane was used to getting up early due to him basically being up and active fighting crime in Cypress Park, handing a mission for the Alliance, or school and his powers requiring one hour of sleep to work at their best. The other three members of their group were very tired. This was made clearly due to them walking like zombies and the heavy look in their eyes. "Why are you so loud Luce? I really do hate being up this early." said Natsu, trudging behind Lucy.

Gray said,"I hate to agree with flame for brains but I'm never up at this time.". "Well, I didn't sleep good thanks to you two having your snore off and you don't hear me complaining! Lets get going now and that includes you cat!" ordered Lucy, upon seeing Happy fast asleep on the top of a nearby box. "Aye sir!" said Happy, sleepily flying over to Sly and Zane. "Sly. Beat her up. She's being too loud." said Happy. "No thanks. I rather not deal with a pain this early." said Sly.

Zane was holding a bowl of fruit as he said,'If you guys want to be S-Class, you got to get used to being up at 7 in the morning. That's the breaks of being a pro or an S-Class. Oh and Triple B, you may be complaining about it but I know that you enjoyed using Natsu as a heater.". The group was soon in front of the village's gate with the gate guard looking down to see them. "Oh wow. You're up early. Were you unable to sleep because the fear of demons." said the guard.

Lucy said with a smile, waving dismissively,"Nope. All of slept okay. Don't worry okay. We actually wanted to investigate the island a little bit before we destroy the moon. So could you please open the gate.". "But I thought we were going do destroy the moon you....." said Zane. Sly covered his mouth with the gate guard shrugging. He soon pulled a level for the wizards being that the guard said,"It's your funeral.". The group was gone as Zane was the only one to hear that warning. 

The group was soon away from the village with Sly removing her paw from Zane's mouth being that Zane gave off a very annoyed look. "Okay. I really don't like lying to people being that we're going to destroy the moon." said Zane. "Yeah Luce." said Natsu. "Don't you two get that it's impossible. We're just saying that in front of the townspeople to make sure they think we're going along with their plan despite how impossible it is." said Lucy. "So how are you so awake Master?" said Gray.

Zane said,"I'm used to have several days without sleep. I only need one hour to be at my full strength so I got that after my recon using Turbo Form, I finished my training, and also made an amazing fruit salad. Island fruit is the best.". "Despite Zane being an idiot for wanting to destroy the moon, he has the right idea I think. Open! Gate of the Clock Constellation, Horologium!" said Lucy. In a puff of smoke, Zane soon saw Horlogium standing there with him saying,"The time is 7:48.".

Zane raised an eyebrow as he said,"It may be nice to see you clock guy but what are you doing here when I have several ways to tell time?". "Don't you remember what Lucy did with him last time you saw him right Zane?" said Sly. Zane soon watched Lucy entering Horologium's glass case and climb inside of it. "Let's go, the lady says in a forcefully manner mainly directly toward you Zane." said Horologium being that he had repeats whatever Lucy said.

Zane pinched the bridge of his nose as he said,"Really? You can't walk on your own dam feet.". "It's too humid outside and my hair will be ruined, she states defensively." said Horologium. "What the fuck ever. I'm really going to say that so far, none of you have the willpower for S-Class." said Zane as he walked ahead of the group. "Okay. If we can't destroy the moon, do you really think we can find another way to life the curse?" said Natsu.

Zane said,"According to Triple B, we have no other choice because destroy the moon would be a bad thing. I can easily get up to the moon or destroy it from down here. I really don't want to destroy this planet's climate into chaos. I try not to cause Armageddon when I travel.". Upon Athena doing some more research about this dimension, he learned the name of this planet is called Earthland which is a really stupid name. Don't deny it.

Gray stopped as he said,"Hold on. You can go up to the moon.". "Yeah. I can even get up there with no problem. I've been in space before and well, it's truly a beautiful thing." said Zane. The wizards and cat simply looked at Zane with shock being that they knew that Zane was powerful but going into space is something else. Zane knew that with a lack of technology here, it would take SEVERAL years/decades for this dimension to advance into space travel.

Natsu said,"That's cool! Do you take passengers?!". "No. I don't like to carry guys. It's a personal thing you must understand." said Zane. "We really can't blow the moon you two. I mean they may want it gone but the rest of Earthland doesn't." said Gray. "You're right for once! If we didn't have the moon, the tides would get all crazy, the sky would be pitch black, and we wouldn't get to have any more Fairy Tail Moon Viewing Steaks. Mira makes them just right." said Natsu, drooling a bit.

Happy said,"Aye! Without the moon, we wouldn't get my Moon Viewing Salty!". "Would you guys keep it down! We don't know what's lurking out here. so we really shouldn't be drawing attention to ourselves, the lady demands impatiently." said Horologium. The boys turned back at Lucy, who was sitting inside of the spirit with Sly saying,"She has a point you guys. I think we should try to avoid fighting if possible. It would be wise to save our energy.". 

Natsu soon crouched in front of Horologium with him saying,"So why isn't she walking on her own two feet?". "So do you just summon your spirits because you're lazy or what?" said Gray. "Yeah. I'm tempted to get rid of the magic keeping clock man here and make you walk like the rest of us." said Zane, getting his erasing powers active and ready. "Listen you guys. This curse is freaking me out and I'm scared okay, she says nervously." said Horologium.

Natsu said,"Don't worry Luce! If anything attacks us, I'll kick its ass and keep you safe!". He soon had a toothy grin with him patting Horologium. Lucy's face was slightly red but she managed to nod her head. "So should I?" said Zane. "Wait a minute." said Sly. "So Zane, lets speak real for a second here. How many punches would it take for you to destroy the moon." said Natsu. "Are you really asking him that?" said Gray, putting his hands into his pockets.

Zane said,"One. I can find the moon's Achilles Heel being that one strike means Kaboom!". "So cool man! S-Class quests rocks! I'm fired up now!" said Natsu. "Yeah. I'll just freeze the curse." said Gray in a cocky tone. "Focus numbskulls. We should be on guard. I didn't see animals during my recon last night plus we can't freeze something that doesn't exist." said Zane. "Don't be such a worrywort. I mean what could possibly go wrong?" said Natsu. "Gods dam it! You don't say that!" said Zane.

The group went searching for over an hour, being unable to find a single clue in stopping the curse much to Zane's annoyance since he wanted to destroy the moon already. He soon figured out how to stop the curse being that he just need to destroy the moon to end this job. He spent this morning back at Hargeon, destroying all of the boats without being seen. This destruction was mainly to delay Erza and well, he found it really fun to piss her off.

As the group stopped in a clearing for a quick break according to Lucy despite her doing nothing beside sitting inside of her spirit, Natsu's nose picked up a scent. "What is that smell? It really stinks." said Natsu. "What is it boy? Do you smell something bad or what?" said Zane. "So why are you treating him like a dog exactly?" said Gray. "You don't smell it? It reeks badly." said Natsu, taking another whiff. He soon spun around to follow the scent. Upon turning around, his eyes bulged.

Natsu screamed,"What the fuck is that?!". "What are you... Holy Shit?!" said Gray. Zane soon turned to see a giant turquoise rat standing over them. Its appearance was tall being at least thirty feet but it had a high-pitched laugh and menacing hiss. "I guess you really shouldn't have opened your mouth huh Natsu?" said Zane. "It's huge!" said Gray. "What are you guys worried about? I bet it just wanted a fight." said Natsu, with flaming fists.

Horologium said with Happy and Lucy pressed against the grandfather's clock,"Guys, just take it down before more of it show up! she yells frighteningly. Aye! he says.". It began reaching toward them with Zane noticing the glint in its eyes and gave off the intent of devouring them. "Sorry but we're not on the menu!" said Zane. He soon turned into a new form and send the creature flying back, with a powerful right hook. This is Brawn Form aka one of Zane's best physical powerhouses.

The wizards and cat saw a colossal and hulking warrior like figure being that he’s twelve feet tall. His skin is crimson red being that his black hair is in a buzz-cut and he has two greenish yellow eyes that stick out. His body is very developed. His forehead has two rhino like horns sticking out of it. At the top of his shoulders to his middle fingers, he had a black stripe tattoo. He wears a short sleeved white t-shirt and black pants with a gold belt that looks to be a wrestling championship belt.

He wears the shirt and pants combo with brown combat boots and black fingerless gloves. His arms are very much covered in scars that were gained from several battles. His hands look to be human and five fingers. Each finger having a giant gray nail. Fitting his warrior like appearance, he's wearing some armor. He's wearing a metal helmet that doesn't mess with his horns, with the left and right side of the helmet having horns with the left one being broken. He wore the black robe.

He had gold shoulder pads and finger-less gauntlets that works as shields with shiny steel studs. The group soon took a good look at the creature that tried to attack them being that it was recovering from Zane's punch. "It's a giant rat!, she exclaims worriedly." said Horologium with him sounding rather concerned. "Actually Triple B, The proper term is rodent. Hey you guys, I think it's female." said Zane. She's a giant rat whom dressed interestingly.

It's a black corset-style top with pink frilly edges which is tied up the front with black strings. She wears a white lace headband and a red ribbon tied across her chest. "Hey Zane. I know that we have seen a lot in our partnership but this rat is up there in the strangeness category." said Kane. The rat got up and rubbed her paw against her now-sore jaw. She soon took a deep breath being that she was glaring at Zane.

To protect himself and his friends from the rat's attack, Gray soon ran in front of the ground and he soon put his right fist on top of his left hand, palm up. His body was covered in a cold mist with him saying,"Ice Make: Shield!". He soon had a giant fan-shaped shield of ice erupted from the ground in front of the group just as the giant rat soon took a deep breath of air, giving off the impression that she was going to attack.

The giant rodent soon released her breath a moment later, coating the entirety of the nearby area with it being a green noxious gas. This soon caused Gray and Natsu to hack and cough uncontrollably due to its vile nature. This attack didn't effect Sly since she didn't have a nose and Zane ,while in Brawn Form, didn't have a sense of smell. "What the fuck!" said Natsu, covering his nose being that he was holding it so hard that it looked painful.

He was trying to suppress the urge to vomit, but the smell soon reached his impressive sniffer being that he was soon on the ground in pain. "What's going on?! She says...." said Horologium. The spirit soon inhaled the disgusting gas being that he soon collapsed to the ground unconscious. The spirit was soon gone, with both Happy and Lucy smelling it. "Stinky!" said the two. The rat was soon laughing her ass off with Zane joining her.

The Fairy Tail group looked at Zane who said,"Hey ratty. Do you mind if I borrow your foul breath for a stink bomb?". Natsu was nearly unconscious from the stench being that Gray soon got ready to fight and looked down to see Natsu, laying on the ground and dazed. "Come on Natsu! You are letting this smell beat you! You suck!" said Gray.  "The smell knocked him out…." said Happy who was trailing off.

Natsu soon flipped Gray off being that Zane said,"You do remember that he has a better sense of smell than all of us right? If that rat fired a sonic attack, I could be unable to fight. Lets take down rat girl then.".  "Yeah." said Gray. "No idiots! We should really run!" said Lucy. The rat soon moved her head back being that she was ready to fire her attack once again. "You guys should run while we fight him." said Sly, floating next to Zane.

The dragon slayer was soon the first one up being that he was fleeing in the opposite direction, with him holding his hands over his nose the whole time. The rest of the group ,except for the duo of Sly and Zane, followed him being that the rodent maid spew more of its toxic breath. This second one was even more nasty. "Ugh! This one's even worse." groaned Lucy. Gray groaned and held onto his stomach. "I think I'm gonna be sick." said Gray. "Do something Zane!" said Happy.

Before the rat could fire another toxic breath, all of them soon heard a clapping sound being that the gas was cleared away by a powerful gust of wind. The Fairy Tail Wizard were very much relieved at this sudden burst of wind being that Zane had just created it by clapping. "Despite me enjoying their misery by your breath stinky maid, I need to kick your butt." said Zane. "Thank you so much for that." said Gray and Natsu.

The warrior soon ran toward the rat being that she thought that he was crazy being that he was still very tiny to her. She gave a look,"I'm bigger than you, what are you going to do?". She was soon shocked upon seeing the warrior growing in size with him soon being double her size, much to the shock of the Fairy Tail Wizards except for Sly who was used to it. "Now who is the tiny one between us you very stinky maid!" said Zane.

The rat was about to fire her toxic breath right at him being that Zane soon punched her in the jaw as it made a noticeable crunching sound. "Shut up!" said Zane. He soon had steel gray cosmic energy around his other arm being that he said,"Galactic Punch!". He soon sent his right fist into her gut, being that the overgrown vermin was sent flying across the forest. The woods in her path were torn down due to her massive size. She was soon out cold.

Zane soon went back to his normal size in Brawn Form as he said,"And that the end of this stinky maid.". "Nice job!" said Natsu with a happy grin. "I am mad that you didn't leave it so we can kick her butt." said Gray, crossing his arms. "Is fighting seriously the only you two think about?" said Lucy. "These two are idiots." said Zane. "Hey guys! I see a building over there!" said Lucy as she pointed over to some ruins nearby them. "We should probably go there before that..." said Lucy.

She soon turned to see Gray and Natsu with them heading toward the direction of the rat. "Could you do something about them Zane?" said Sly. "Yeah. I'm on it." said Zane. He soon grabbed both of them in his hands being that Lucy ran toward the temple. Happy and Sly ran after her as Zane got ready to jump. "Please don't jump!" said the two. "Nah. Where's the fun in that? Lets go!" said Zane as the warrior jumped.

The trio of Happy, Lucy, and Sly soon reached the temple being that it was a large stone one. It had a insignia of a half-moon placed atop the entrance. It was covered in cracks and vines, meaning one of two things. It was either very old or the help didn't do a really good job. All of the doorways and pillars were decorated by a crescent moon. The entrance was large being that Sly knew that Brawn Form couldn't fit inside.

The ground soon shook as Zane landed with Gray and Natsu, both of them looking green. Zane soon threw the two into the temple before deactivating the form. "So why the hell did you that?! And where did you take us?" said Natsu. "I really don't feel like playing Find Natsu today plus you'll get another chance to fight it. We can't let those people die." said Zane. "You're right. So where are we man?" said Natsu.

Gray looked around as he said,"It looks like a temple and in terrible condition. Wow. Look at all of the moons. I bet it has something to do with the purple moon.". "Yeah. It's like this place has a real big moon fetish or something. I mean it's kinda noticeable." said Zane. "Right. So that giant rat, will you do something like that to the moon?" said Natsu. Zane nodded as Gray said,"I still can't believe that you still believe in some so childish.". 

Natsu said,"Hey! Screw you! Zane could totally do it and you just have to believe in him right?!". As an response to ZNatsu, Zane slammed their heads together with him saying,"Please. Keep your cat-scratching down to a dull meow. We're in an old and ruined temple so we don't want it to collapsed from you two fighting. I'm not a fan of destroying ancient shit.". The other three joined them as they were in a large room. "This place is rather big for a dimension like this." said Sivarth.

The inside of the temple was in complete tatters, the stones and columns being all but completely destroyed. It was rather large in scale being that it may be falling apart despite it being built to last for generations. "Yeah, but it's falling apart." said Natsu, looking over the toppled over pillars. "I bet this place is really old." said Gray. He soon heard a clicking sound as he saw Zane holding his phone with him taking a picture of a moon symbol. 

Gray walked over to Zane with the ice wizard saying,"What are you doing Zane?". Zane soon looked back and said,"It's my Phone Gray. According to my Phone's database of Earthland, Galuna's other name is Moon Island. The island is also shaped like a crescent moon. Like I said before, this place has a real moon fetish. According to the database, the moon's energy was collected at one point so this temple may have a way to collect it.". "So is anyone still alive from that era?" said Happy.

Zane looked at him as he said,"What do you think? I'm really getting sick of the moon. So can I blow it up?". "No and quit asking!" said Lucy. "You're a hater of everything fun you know that?" said Zane with him pouting. "Anyway you two, we should ask about this temple. Lets keep looking around and see what we can find." said Sly. Natsu ,who soon began wandering off, soon began stomping on the stone floor. "Man, this place is wrecked. I bet the floor isn't even safe to walk on." said Natsu.

The dragon slayer soon began tapping on the stone floor of the temple with Zane saying,"Natsu. We should do this together.". Zane soon joined him as Lucy said,"Hey idiots! Stop that! You two know that this place isn't a dance studio right?!". The ground soon broke being that all of the members of Fairy Tail soon began free falling with them heading to a hard, rocky and pointy surface. "Natsu, you idiot!" shouted Gray. In response to this scene, Zane turned into Slime Form.

Zane's body was now living silver and white slime ,in the shape of a human, with him having spiked shoulders for some reason. He has the black robe as well. He's can be whatever height Zane wants so he grew to be about six feet in this moment. He went past the others toward the ground being that his body splattered upon contact. By doing this, the slime bounced the wizards, dragon, and cat to the ground safely. "So are you guys alright? Mainly Luce." said Natsu.

Lucy said,"I'm fine. Did you really have to knock out the floor with that pervert?". "Here's an idea. If something is about to break, don't break it further!" said Gray. "I guess everyone is okay then and with no injuries thanks to his quick thinking." said Sly. "No. Zane is missing." said Natsu. The three (Gray, Happy, and Lucy) paused for a second to look around the area, being that the snarky teen was missing.   

They did noticed that there was lumps of slime splattered across the cavern. Gray stuck his left hand in one of the globs which was nearby him. "What's with the goo? I hope we didn't kill a giant bug or something." said Gray. "Ahh! It's on me you guys!" shrieked Lucy. There was a large splotch of the substance on her ample chest. "You better get off her or else!" said Natsu. "Calm down. Her chest is like meh anyways and you're welcome." said a high pitch static-sounding voice.

The team soon froze upon hearing the voice with Sly saying,"Come out Zane. This used to be fun but it gets annoying.". The globs of slime around the room soon began moving with Lucy still freaking out about the glob on her chest moving away for her. The globs fused together to recreate Slime For aka Zane as he said,"Man. You used to be fun Sly plus I could make them confused about the whole thing. No fun at all.". Lucy soon squealed,"Is that you Zane?!".

Zane said,"Who else would it be Triple B? I mean we did fight a giant rat against so a living slime wouldn't be that strange.". He soon putting his hands right behind his back. "Okay. Your body is made of slime right? So what can it do?" said Natsu. "It's probably be gross or something like that." said Gray. "Actually, I can melt objects with my slime. So since I was on Lucy's chest, I could melt her clothes or skin depending on my mood." said Zane.

Natsu blushed as Lucy cringed at the idea. "You're disgusting Zane! Why were you on me?!" said Lucy. "In a fantasy world, the slime always goes toward the females. It's law. Be lucky that I'm a good slime and not some pervert slime." said Zane. "Yeah and this form could be useful. I bet it could beat Natsu in like a minute." said Gray. Zane deactivated the form with him saying,"I turned into Slime Form because you guys would have gotten hurt a little bit.".

He could tell from the start that people in this Dimension were more durable than most people back in his dimension. He knew some pretty durable people though and since all species started to live on Earth plus advancing science, it's hard to tell who is really human these days. Zane knew that if he was trying in his fight with Natsu, he would have been dead but none of these wizards seem like the typical Sorcerer being magically strong but not physically.

It seemed to be that wizards here had the chance to be both magically and physically strong. He did know that these wizards and cat would have been fine without him but he's a hero after all. "Thanks for the save man. So what can't you do?" said Gray. Zane shrugged as he said,"Well, I have a form for pretty much everything.". "Happy, Sly, or Zane. Could one of you fly us out of here?" said Lucy, who recovered from being slimed. "Nope. Too many trips." said Happy in a sad tone.

Sly said,"Zane could probably do but he won't.". "And why not?" said Lucy. "Because we're in a secret cave which is just awesome right Natsu?" said Zane. "Yeah! Lets go!" said Natsu. He soon took off sprinting down a random cave in the underground cavern. "Can you seriously stop being an idiot for one minute?" said Gray. "Be nice to him Gray. I mean exploring caves are cool right you guys?" said Zane. "Not really. I mean I got dust in my hair and...." said Lucy.

Zane soon said,"You're no fun.". The group soon went after the dragon slayer being that he soon stopped. The group caught up to him as they saw him standing still at the end of the cave. "Hey you idiot! If you're going to go exploring, lets make a tether so we don't lose you." said Gray. "That's not a bad idea Gray. Lets keep that in mind." said Zane. "Idiots. Are you okay?" said Lucy. "Yeah. It looks like you've seen a ....." said Gray, trailing off. "What is that?!" said Happy.

Everyone soon walked out into the large section of the cave being that Zane said,"Meh. I've seen bigger.". It was a massive chunk of ice, easily fifty feet tall and fairy circular. It was a light blue color which had an unearthly, yet calming light. The ice wasn't a big deal since there was something inside of it. It was a demon- creature, barely smaller than the ice that held it. It's is a massive, dark blue, humanoid Demon. It has a large torso and two large arms that end in scaly hands.

On the left and right part of its torso as well as around his neck, Deliora is covered with a series of spikes. In addition, it has two large legs, whereas the feet resemble the ones of a bird, with additional spikes on the back. Its hair is mane-like in shape and it flows down to the nape of its neck. It has a pair of horns that point upwards, jutting from a plate on its forehead. It also has large pointed teeth as well as two hollow eyes.

It didn't looked to be conscious or even alive, but it did look like it would kill all of them and destroy them within seconds. "I'm not an expert on Magic at all but that is raw Ethernano right? I mean it's holding a demon inside of it. It's like a scorpion inside of a lollipop." said Cole. "You can feel it right Zane? It's just like the energy from the book we got from Cyrus. This is just plain evil. I know it." said Sivarth. "Right Sivarth." said Twilight.

Zane said,"So why is it here? I mean it doesn't belong here.". "That's impossible." said Gray in a very scared voice. Most of the group was shocked at the encased creature being that the usually cool ice wizard was the most disturbed more so than anything else. His pupils were shaking, trace amounts of sweat dripped from his brow, and his skin paled. Zane soon turned to Gray being that he has seen and been scarier objects with Nightmare Form being the scariest thing in the Omniverse.

He has also watched an unhealthy amount of monster movies plus he has never really been scared of demons and the like. "It's Deliora! But how? How could this be! Why is it here? What the hell is it doing on Galuna Island" said Gray with him walking toward the ice. His voice screamed scary as Zane said,"You know this creature don't you Gray?". "It can't. There's no way." said Gray with his arms trembling and his fists clenched.

Sly said,"Gray. Calm down. We're here for you.". She placed a claw on his shoulder being that she knew that he wasn't thinking rationally. "Please calm down. Not all of us are mind readers." said Lucy as Gray took several deep breaths of air to calm himself. His eyes looked scared as Zane thought,"It looks like he's been affected by this creature more than I thought. Those eyes have seen some very scary shit.". "Indeed." said Athena.

Zane said with his arms crossed,"So what is that thing? I know it but they don't Gray.". "It's name is Deliora, the demon of destruction." said Gray. "Demon of construction?" said Natsu. "It's destruction and don't talk right now." said Zane, soon slapping him in the back of the head.  "So why is it here? It makes no sense." said Gray. Zane could hear footsteps as he said,"We'll figure that out later. Time to hide kids!". It was coming from a nearby passageway.

The group soon hid behind a nearby rock formation, being that they didn't know who or how many were coming with Zane could tell that it was two people. Two men soon came out of the cavern a moment later, being rather unique. The shorter of the men is Yuka Suzuki and the taller of the men is Toby Horhorta, being that you didn't know that they had last names did you. Yuka is a short, slim young man distinguished by his extremely brushy, squared black eyebrows.

These eyebrows makes Rock Lee's eyebrows look normal in my opinion. His eyes are black with his his hair, arranged in a number of spikes pointing upwards (with a particularly large one topping his forehead) is bright blue. His arms were both resting behind his back. He sported a green coat reaching down to his knees, sporting black sections in correspondence to the sleeves's outer part (each of such sections going up to the high collar) and on the sides' lower parts.

He has a plain dark belt with a rectangular buckle which, together with the two vertically striped, overlapping hems placed on the front (completely superimposed from the waist up, but splitting some inches below it to create a slash), kept the garment closed. Yuka's pants were dark and loose (getting more fitting in correspondence to his ankles), while his plain shoes were light-colored. Toby ,at least compared to Yuka, looked undressed.

Toby is a a lean-built, mildly muscular young man with distinctive animal features. He has a pair of canine ears sitting on his head, a small dark nose and a lower face which is colored differently from the rest of his body, bearing resemblance to a canine muzzle. He has shoulder-length, straight brown hair, large round eyes with black pupils and dark eyebrows. Both biceps are adorned by tattoos: the right one bears the kana/hiragana Sashimi.

The other one was adorned by a single, more elaborated one Toby is bare-chested. He initially wore an extremely loose pair of pants with mildly torn hems, held up by a long belt covered in many rhombs, with the part left out from its plain rectangular buckle hanging down. Such pants bore a large, dark shield-shaped logo emblazoned on the right knee: this depicted a stylized skull, bearing ears similar to Toby’s own ones, with a pair of bones crossed below it, most likely tibias.

The whole symbol was highly reminiscent of a Jolly Roger. Toby had a red collar covered in hollow studs circling his neck, and donned a pair of simple dark shoes, each adorned by a light, stylized footprint, similar to that of a cat, or maybe a small dog. "The voice seemed to come down here. I hate being awake during the day." said Yuka with Toby growling. "This dimension has a weird version of jiangshi and werewolves." said Twilight, referring to Yuka and Toby respectively.

Yuka turned to Toby with him saying,"So, Toby, were you exposed to the Moon Drip? You've got those pointy ears.". He was joking but Toby didn't get it. "I've told you a thousand times that they're a fashion statement, you jerk! Why are you always so mean to me Yuka?!" said Toby. "Calm down. I was just teasing you." said Yuka, chuckled. "So why are your jokes so rude?" said Toby, pouting and grumbled. "Moon Drip. Could that be the name of the curse?" wondered Lucy.

Zane whispered,"It fits the Moon Fetish this place has so it won't be too unreasonable. I mean those ears are stylish and a total statement. Moon Drip could also be a name of a soda.". "Do you seriously think that?" said Lucy. "Yes. I do Triple B." said Zane. Before Lucy could question Zane, they soon saw another person enter the cave but this time, it was a woman aka Sherry Blendy. Like most of the women in this dimension, she has large breasts and a curvaceous body.

She has pink hair and blue eyes with the former tied in pigtails, her choker tied into a ribbon, a purple and pink short spaghetti dress with light pink trimmings, and black thigh-length boots. Her dress appears to have two long and thin wings at the back. She wears purple gloves that cover most of her arms except for her shoulders. She also has red ,I think, nail polish on her hands. "Toby, Yuka. The worst thing in the world has happened." said Sherry in a saddened tone.

Yuka rolled his eyes as he said,"What is now Sherry?". Toby waved to her. "It's Angelica. She's been attacked and I'm sad." said Sherry. "You're moping around just because someone attacked your stupid pet rat?!" yelled Toby. Zane and the others soon remembered that rat who tried to stink bomb them earlier being that she belonged to these three. "Wow. She's pretty cool for having a pet rodent. I mean I've got a pet dragon/salamander but a pet rodent sounds pretty cool too." said Zane.

Lucy said,"What a weird chick.". "Look who's talking." said Happy. "What did you say?" said Lucy in a low threatening tone, glaring heavily at the blue cat. "She isn't a rat Toby. She's a brave hunter that gallops through the darkness and love." said Sherry, with her clasped over her hands in front of her stomach. Her cheeks were tinged pink, with her shuffling from foot to foot. "Do you seriously think having a pet rat is cool Zane?" said Lucy, glaring at him.

Zane said,"Yes I do Triple B. She may loco but she has taste I've give her that but she's...".  He soon got Happy's attention being that he pointed to Lucy and Sherry, with him twirling his finger around the ear, being the Omniversal sign for crazy. Happy agreed much to the anger of the blonde. "They're not from this island. Their scent is totally different." said Natsu, narrowing his eyes. "And they aren't cursed except for the dog guy though." said Happy. "It's a fashion statement." said Zane.

Yuka said,"So we have unwanted company then? Sounds like fun.". "And it's about time to begin collecting moonlight again. This makes me so sad." said Sherry. She gazed at Deliora with her soon turning back to her allies. "Collecting moonlight? That's Moon Drip I'm sure of it. Thank god I read all of those reports with Swift Form. I'm guessing that the curse isn't really a curse. I knew it! Thank the gods! And I get to destroy the moon! Alright!" thought Zane.

Sherry said,"We have to get rid of them before the Cold Emperor finds out. It would displease him very much. Yes, we must find them before the moon's first light.". "Agreed." said Yuka, with him having a rather sickening grin on his face. "They have mostly likely seen Deliora so they must give them the Eternal Sleep. We'll give them Love." said Sherry. "So just for quick clarification, you're talking about Death right?" said Toby.

Sivarth said,"Lets end this Zane. Gray is shocked about something and despite the guys being weaker than a bag of potatoes, we should make them leave.". Zane nodded as he soon grabbed a pebble. He threw it down the tunnel with him getting out of cover. He soon turned intangible being that the trio soon noticed it and went to investigate the sound. Lucy let out a breath that Zane didn't even know that she was holding it to begin with.

Lucy said,"Good work Zane. That makes me sick to my stomach.". "Yeah. I wanted to beat some answers out of them but right now, we have no reasons to make ourselves well known." said Zane. "I wish you did that." said Natsu, pouting. "I wanted to Natsu but right now, we don't know what their Magic is. They can use Magic. On a S-Class Quest, information is key." said Zane. "Okay. This job keeps raising more questions." said Natsu, crossing his arms.

Happy said,"Yeah. Who is this Cold Emperor guy?". "I doubt that he's a hugging person given his name. We also have one man not exactly here with us." said Zane, pointing to Gray. "Deliora. Why would they want this thing? How did they even find it?" mumbled Gray. "Gray. If you know this thing, you need to tell us. I don't like to pry for information if you don't want to talk, I'll read your mind and tell the class." said Zane.

Gray said,"It was sealed away inside of a glacier on the Northern Continent a decade ago. A decade ago, this immortal demon destroyed Isvan. Countless people lost their lives. The woman who taught me how to use my magic aka my master Ur sacrificed everything to seal it away.". He clenched his fist with Lucy gasping and Natsu slightly shaking. Frost began to form around Gray's hand as he had a harsh glare at the demon.

Gray said,"I'm not sure if Deliora has to do with the curse but it doesn't belong here. So whoever this Cold Emperor bastard is going to pay for whatever he's trying to do. If they tarnish Ur's legacy, I will kill the bastard where he stands!". Zane sighed as he said,"Okay. This demon is something that can't be released right? You need to calm the fuck down okay? Revenge can blind you from the truth and problems come when you let your emotions take complete control.".

Zane knew that revenge can often blind you at the most critical times being that he had been blinded by trying to kill Skull Plague, finding Fallout and Isabel, save Kurt from Blacktomb, and defeating Daemon. These events are what changed Zane for the better being all of them gave Zane something that he could never forget. "So are you sure that this is the demon your master sealed away?" said Natsu. "Yeah. I could never forget that ugly bastard." said Gray.

Happy said,"I'm still wondered how they got it here from the Northern continent.". "You don't think this demon could be the case of the curse." said Lucy. "I wouldn't be shocked because that bastard is still alive, taunting me." said Gray with Lucy and Natsu looking confused. "It may be enclosed in ice right now but it's still alive." said Gray with his hair covering his eyes. "Okay then! Time to take this demon faster than you can say "My fire can do it!"." said Natsu, winding up his arms.

Lucy sighed as she said,"You do know that brute force isn't the only way to solve a problem right Natsu?". "Yeah but it's the fun way." said Natsu. He was soon punched in the jaw by Zane, sending the dragon slayer crashing to the ground. Lucy gasped and quickly ran over to help Natsu up. Happy was shocked by this with Gray shaking. "Zane punched Natsu!" said Happy. "Did you really have to do that?" said Sly. "Yeah. Worth it." said Zane, cracking his knuckle..

Natsu soon got back up as he said,"Hey! What the hell is....". Zane pointed to Gray with him saying under his breath,"Natsu, he's a mind reader. A fire wizard shouldn't get close to the ice. If that ice melts, Deliora could be free so stay the fuck back Natsu!". He had a serious look. "Gray. I could melt and beat that demon within seconds of it being revived. I punched Natsu for being an idiot as well. I also...." said Zane. He soon slapped Gray with Natsu saying,"Wow. He's just like...".

Zane glared at him as Natsu said,"Never mind.". "A huge chunk of ice would take me less time than Natsu since my flames are stronger than Natsu's." said Zane. "Hey!" said Natsu. Gray looked away as he said with a sigh,"No but...". "I get it loud and clear Gray. You're worried about this thing hurting people but right now, I need a person I can count on." said Zane, putting his hand on his shoulder. "So why did you hit me?!" said Natsu. "Meh. Felt like it. So what happen to Ur?" said Zane.

Gray nodded as he said,"Several years ago, my master Ur cast a Iced Shell on this demon. It is now enclosing in a form of ice that can't be melted.  It's so strong that even the most powerful flame spells have no effect on it. If these idiots knew clearly that the ice couldn't be melted, why did they bring it here?". "Maybe they didn't know are or trying here to melt it." said Lucy. Gray glared at her as he yelled,"Why the fuck would they do something so stupid?!".

Lucy shivered under his gaze as she said with her hands held defensively,"I don't know.". "Dam. This thing making me stupider than normal. Why did they bring Deliora here?" said Gray, looking at the ice sculpture. He was getting more frantic and upset as he continued to explain. Something traumatic must have happened to him in the past. Zane put a calming hand on Gray's shoulder. Gray turned to see a warm smile as Zane said,"Calm down, you'll get through this.".

Natsu said,"We need answers you guys. Lets go find those guys.". "Yeah. We need to find out what those people are planning." said Lucy, placing her hands on his hips. "No!" said Gray, grabbing the two's attention. "We're staying here and waiting." said Gray. "Wait for what?" said Happy. "For the moon to come out." said Gray. "So we're doing a good old fashioned stakeout. I'm liking this more than destroying the moon which I like a lot." said Zane, smirking.

Natsu said,"The moon?! It's the middle of the afternoon! Forget that! I'll die of boredom!". Natsu's mouth was soon covered by Lucy who said,"What's going on you two?". "I got a strong sense that the curse of Galuna Island, Moon Drip, and Deliora are connected." said Gray. "That gang from earlier. I read their minds as they passed by. They are collecting moonlight for something involving the ugly son of a bitch ruining the scenic cave." said Zane. "I guess we have our plan now." said Sly.

Lucy said,'You two seem so sure about this. Okay. We're staying here. What are they planning?". "I can't wait Luce! See you guys later!" said Natsu, spewing a small stream of fire. Before he could take off, Natsu was soon held in place by Zane grabbing his arm. Zane soon forced Natsu to sit down as he said,"Triple B. You're up.". "Natsu. We're staying here." said Lucy, glaring at Natsu. She soon pointed to Gray, being that he was sitting on a rock in deep thought.

Lucy said,"Whatever's going on here is seriously bugging Gray. You can't go around and destroying things as usual.". "She's right. Listen me now. Deliora messed him bad so we're letting him take lead on this mission and if you disobey me, I'll kill you where you stand." said Zane. "Fine but I'm doing it for Luce not you Zane. I don't care about Gray at all." said Natsu, crossing his arms. "So how getting scold by Lucy Natsu? Is she just Erza when she lectures you and the others?" said Zane.

Natsu looked at him with Zane saying,"I'm a telepath. We read minds a lot.". Natsu was quiet as Lucy smiled at these two interacting, being like brothers. "How about you just get some sleep." said Lucy as she sat on a rock. "Ur." thought Gray. He soon began remembering the memories of Ur being that he was remembering his Ice Magic from her. Zane could sense his mood being that he was upset and sad being that Ur must have meant a lot to him.

Zane knew what it was like to lose someone close to him being that he had been dealing with death for most of his life. "Gray. Ur seemed like a great person according to your memories. I don't want to pry into his past right now. Wow. I've noticed that most members in Fairy Tail." thought Zane as he was soon leaning up against the wall, looking at Gray.  "I know I agreed to wait, but this is so boring." said Lucy with her getting the typical bored moan. "Aye." said Happy.

Sly ,who was nearby Zane, listening to his music, looked at the two of them with an incredulously look on her face. They couldn't be serious. "You two do know that you guys broke the rules and going on an S-Class quest. That isn't fun enough?" said Sly. "Oh I know!" said Lucy, ignoring Sly's honest comment. She soon pulled a sliver key from her key pouch and aimed it forward. "Open! Gate of the Harp Constellation, Lyra!" said Lucy.

In a puff of pink smoke, a young girl soon appeared. She has waist length strawberry blonde/orange waist- length hair that curls at the end. She wears a long blue dress with yellow hearts printed to her waist, brown leather shoes, and wears a pink bonnet on top of her head. Her cheeks have round blush marks, and she wears a long dress with heart prints by her waist. She has small white wings and a large harp on her back. "Oh, hey Lucy, I haven't seen you in forever." said Lyra.

Zane rolled his eyes as Sly thought,"That's right. You don't like her because her music is trash. Both Celeste and Rachel gave you their love and harsh judgement of music didn't they?". "Hey Lyra." said Lucy with a smile. "Say, how come you never call me anymore? It isn't fair. I would love to help you out but you're just being a big meanie." said Lyra, with a smile on her face. "Meanie huh? You're the one who told me that you were only available three days a mouth." said Lucy.

Lyra gasped and looked at Lucy in slightly shock. "Are you sure about that?" said Lyra. "Great. We have another weirdo." said Happy. "Yeah and her music is fucking trash. Hey Triple B, why the fuck did you call this trash spirit here when you should be saving your magic?" said Zane. Lucy glared at him as Lyra said,"Zaney!". Lucy was once against confused on how Zane and her spirits knew each other being a big mystery that Zane refuses to answer.

Lyra said,"I've always loved your hair! I love the color! It's so edgy and cool just like you! Aquarius says hi by the way and likes what you say to Lucy! She may like Lucy but acts like a total Tsun for some reason. What's your secret?". Sly knew that she was being nice to Zane like always but Zane wasn't in a good mood. "It's a family secret and just go back. We don't need you here." said Zane, as malice lacing his tone. "I forgot how much of a grump you can be." said Lyra.

Lucy said,"Sometimes?". "Yeah! Zane...." said Lyra. She soon felt Zane's glare with him saying,"Not another word or I'm breaking your harp. Go now.". "Sorry Lucy but he really scares me when he's mad! I can't tell you anymore! So are there any requests?" said Lyra, with a smile still etched on her face. "Go the fuck away." said Zane. "Ignore him Lyra. It's totally your call." said Lucy, who was glaring at Zane who flipped her off. "Could you play a song about fish?" said Happy.

Sly said,"Way to be original Happy.". "Or how about no crappy song so we can sit in silence." said Zane. "Okay! I got the perfect song for you and your friends!" said Lyra, giving a thumbs-up to no one in particular. "Lyra has the most beautiful singing voice." said Lucy. "Well, Mira is a singer too you know and she would sing songs about fishes for me." said Happy. "Zane can sing as well and he's pretty good, sold out several amphitheaters where we're from." said Sly.

The trio of Happy, Lucy, and Lyra looked at Zane who said,"I can but I won't right now. Just play the stupid song already Lyra. So how good would you say Mira is Happy?". "She's really good Zane! Her fish songs are the best!" said Happy. "That's good." said Zane. The harp of the spirit soon began to play as Zane was forced to be quiet. It was a calm, lovely sound being that Zane hated this type of music. He was a fan of anything with a guitar so this song would bore him.

He wanted to erase her so he could have his piece and quiet. He soon turned up his music being that he negated the sounds. The melody of the song was relaxing being that the rest of the group enjoyed the music much to Zane's dismay. "Words are born into air and quickly fade out in the wind. But they find their way inside you. Where they live forevermore. When the skies are dark and full of rain. Look inside your heart." sung Lyra.

Zane could fell memories and images coming out being that he was reminding the time with his friends, his family, and well, it was pissing him off. There was someone else who didn't like the song but for different reasons. It was both happy and sad memories. "The light, so warm and all aglow. Shining just like the sun. You can see just how much you've grown. How strong you are. A path will open up to you. And it starts from the day that you first heard those words." sang Lyra.

The other person who hated the song is Gray being that he was clenching his teeth, his body shaking much to the confusion and worry of Zane. He was remembering how Ur was teaching him how to perform "Ice Make: Shield!". It was failure and success. Gray soon began to cry being that Zane soon made the spirit stop. "Gray? What's wrong?" said Lucy. "It's nothing. I'm fine." said Gray as he was wiping away his tears and you could tell that he was sad.

Happy said,"You were crying?". "Well one of Lyra's talents is to bring out what people are truly feeling." said Lucy. "Is that why you were crying Gray?" said Happy. "I wasn't crying so stop asking okay?!" said Gray, refusing to turn around. They were about to continue the conversation, but they stopped when Zane stepped up and began to walk towards the saddened wizard. The superhero took a seat directly next to him a moment later.

His eyes not looking towards his friend but rather being directed towards the caged demon before them. "Gray. This pain you're feeling right now. I know it too well. I lost so many people. People that I have considered to be my family over time but I know that they wouldn't want me to be sad. Your master is proud of you. You're a loyal Fairy Tail Wizard who looks out for his guild members aka his family." said Zane.

Sly knew that Zane is trying to get over their deaths being that he's getting better but he still miss them a lot. "Look. You're stronger than Natsu being that this Cold Emperor bastard is nothing. You're going to win and hopefully not kill him. Once you kill, it's hard to stop. My first, real kill was when I was sixteen and trust me, I've killed a lot of people. You got this." said Zane. "Thanks Zane. I know you're right and not about the killing thing. It's hard to forget." said Gray. 

Zane said,"You can never truly forget them no matter what. Her death isn't something you can change no matter how hard you try to change the past. Everything happens for a reason and you can't change the past.". He soon got up being that he decided to head back to his spot before hand. He turned on his music with him knowing that all of them are looking at him. They didn't know much about Zane but all of them could tell that he's been through a lot of pain.

Lucy soon turned to Lyra with her saying,"Lyra. Could you sing something more cheerful to lighten up the mood?". "Eh?! You should have that from the start." said Lyra. She was getting ready to play another song before her harp was blasted away by Zane. "Music time is over. I can't believe I let this singalong go on. We need to be quiet so shut her up or I will." said Zane. The spirit soon sulked as the group went back to being quiet.

Several hours later, all of the Fairy Tail wizards were okay except for Zane being that he didn't need any sleep. The cavern soon began to shake with all of them soon walking up. "Okay. It's time to wake up." said Zane. "What's that weird noise?" said Lucy, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Sweet! It's night time already!" said Natsu, looking excited. Gray soon looked upwards being that he saw that the top of cavern was opening up.

A magical seal soon appeared in the opening and directly on top of the demon's ice prison. Little bits of purple energy surrounded by an eerie purple light began to descend, making contact with the ice in a continuous beam. "It's a beam of light!" shouted Lucy with her eyes wide open. "It's shining down from the ceiling." said Natsu. "We all can't be captain Obvious you guys. It's going to be one of you so make your mine." said Zane, rolling his eyes. "It's shining on Deliora. It must be from the cursed moon." said Gray.

Zane said,"I betting that this is Moon Drip.". "What's going on? I'm getting scared you guys." said Happy. "This can't be a coincidence right?" said Natsu. "Lets go find out the origin of the light and hopefully, it isn't that light." said Zane. Everyone soon ran up a nearby staircase with the group soon in another large room. There was a large hole and magic circle being that it feed more moonlight onto Deliora. "Why would something do this?" said Gray. "Ask later. Keep moving!" said Zane.

The team soon headed up another flight of stairs which eventally reaching the top of the temple. They soon saw a circle of individuals wearing purple robes began to mutter,"Zeram, Sen, Dioluna, Koo-nah, Koo-rah-kah...". They were a dark cut, plain and simple and they were right beneath a large half-moon stone sculpture that surrounded the hole above Deliora's resting place. They looked like a dark cult, plain and simple.

The robbed group didn't noticed the team being they were too focused on their chanting being that they were bringing down the light of the purple moon into the temple and right onto Deliora. "So what are they doing?" said Natsu, with the group soon hiding behind a nearby pile of stones in the shape of a wall. "I'm a betting man Natsu and I'm going to say that they're casting a spell to steal the moonlight." said Zane.

Lucy looked at Zane with her saying,"So why are they shining it on Deliora?". "It's actually the Belianese spell known as Moon Drip." said Lyra. Zane turned to see her as he said,"So why did you leave her here? I thought she left hours ago.". "I see what they're doing here." said Lyra. "Inform the class already Lyra. I'm getting bored." said Zane. "They're using Moon Drip to resurrect that demon by melting the ice surround it.". "What?!" said Natsu. "They can't!" said Gray.

He soon looked at her with him saying,"It's impossible. Iced Shell can't be melted!". "Nothing is impossible like me destroying the moon or those idiots melting the ice. I'll admit that Iced Shell is a rather strong ice spell, I could easily melt it but Moon Drip can break any spell." said Zane. "How did you?" said Happy. Zane pointed to his head as Sly said,"You've gotten really good with that and it's the most common magic of yours.".

Gray looked toward the cult, baring his teeth and clenched his fists. "Those idiots! They don't like how terrifying Deliora can be!!" said Gray with fear evident in his voice. "I think what the islanders believe to be a curse is a side effect of this spell friends of Lucy and Zane. The highly concentrated moon energy can contaminate a human's body rather easy. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time." said Lyra.

Zane crackled his knuckles with him saying,"Those jerks are going to pay for what they did to those poor people and also made me listen to your crappy music.". "Yeah!" said Natsu, being that he was focused on the first part. The two were about to jump them with Lucy stopping the two of them. She soon elbowed Natsu in the face, causing him to fall backwards being that a single glance from Zane made her stop. "Wow. Love is weird here." said Cole.

Lucy said,"Wait morons. Someone's coming.". As Natsu landed, he made a small thud sound. The group soon saw a man standing there with Sherry, Toby, and Yuka by his side. This is the Cold Emperor and his real name will be revealed very soon. He looks to be the same age as Erza and Zane with the later looking the age of 19. He's a slim man of average height with a muscular and toned body. He's wearing an imposing outfit.

He sported a large white cape, with a wide collar, golden edges and fur trimmings over the shoulders, held closed by belt, adorned by a stylized snake with rectangular coils, and its corresponding buckle, with more belts and buckles, placed a few centimetres away from one another and below the first, being left untied. Below this cape, Lyon wore a blue, high-collared tunic with golden edges, reaching down below his knees.

The part coming down from below the simple belt tied around his waist having an opening in the front. The tunic sported a large, dark cross-like design on the back, and is worn over a dark shirt. He also has baggy dark pants tucked inside armored greaves, composed of different plates and sporting knee caps, and an ornamental helmet obscuring most of his face. Bearing resemblance to a skull, this helmet sported a front part, revealing his mouth and nose, with a line of sharp teeth beneath it.

His eyes not being visible from the eye slits of the mask, which was adorned by a spiraling motif. The helmet also came equipped with striped horns pointing frontwards and with a large and long dark purple crest/ponytail made of spiky fur, falling on his back. "Wow. This guy looks pretty cool and he must be the leader." said Zane. "Aye." said Happy. "Today was such a waste. I lost my beauty sleep for nothing. We searched for those intruders and couldn't find anything." said Yuka, yawning.

Toby soon glared at Yuka with him saying,"Maybe there wasn't any!". "I have some bad news Cold Emperor. We thought that there were intruders but they got out somehow. I can't speak of love at a time like this." said Sherry. "Wow. I got it right." said Zane. "Does that really matter?" said Lucy as Zane nodded. "It does for him." said Sly. "Intruders?" said Cold Emperor. He sounded irritated but at the same time, calm. The simple sound of his voice shocked Gray.

Zane was the only one who noticed this being that the others were focused on the esteemed culprit behind the Moon Drip. "So that guy is the Cold Emperor then." said Natsu. "He's trying to be all high and mighty wearing that tacky mask." said Lucy. "I have to agree with Zane. He looks really cool and that mask is really sweet." said Happy. "He may be cool looking Happy but under all of that, he's a grade A douche for trying to bring back a demon." said Zane.

Sivarth said,"We're stealing that mask after this aren't we?". "It does look cool." said Kane. "So is Deliora awake yet?" said the Cold Emperor. "It should be either tonight or tomorrow." said Sherry as Toby butted it. "Which one is it it girl?" said Toby. "We probably should get moving now since we're almost out of time." said Zane. The duo of Sherry and Toby soon rolled their eyes as Cold Emperor said,"The day has almost arrived. If you see those intruders, kill them.".

He stretched as he said,"I don't want a single person getting in my way.". "They must have been some villagers. No one else lives here beside for them." said Sherry. "The village shall be destroyed!" said CE. "Yes sir/Understood/Growl." said Sherry, Yuka, and Toby with the trio bowing. "Wow. This guy is so savage." said Cole. "Indeed." said Athena. Zane soon looked at masked man being that he knew that this guy was determined to bring back that demon, despite it being deadly.

He was going to stop them no matter what. "What?!" said Natsu. "But those villages had nothing to do with this." said Lucy, looking scared. "Yeah. We're going to stop them." said Natsu. "It's truly a shame to have his homecoming covered in blood." said CE. "That voice. It can't be." said Gray with him once again in shock. "We still have the element of surprise so lets......." said Sly. "Don't. He's doing something stupid." said Zane.

Natsu soon stepped onto the stone wall that they were hiding behind. "Fuck this! I'm tired of hiding so lets fight!" yelled Natsu. He soon exhaled a large stream of fire into the sky. "It's not the villagers you're looking for! We're the intruders you're after!" yelled Natsu. Everyone soon turned around to look at Natsu. Zane soon stood next to Natsu with him saying,"Sorry for crashing your party but you didn't invite us so we tried to crash it. We're the intruders you're looking for.".

Lucy sighed as she said,"Why did we have to fight them head on? I rather do it from a distance like not here!". She grabbed two keys off her ring as Lyra said,"I want help out too! Want me to sing them to their dooms?". She was soon blasted in the chest by Black Mojo. She was soon gone in a puff of smoke as Lucy looked at Zane. He had a vein mark throbbing in his forehead with him saying,"If I hear her awful music, I'll end your life.".

Sherry soon noticed Natsu's guild mark with her saying,"They're from Fairy Tail and the black hair guy is Void Knight. He's new but famous.". "It seems that the villagers must have hired some legal wizards for help." said Yuka. "Actually, I'm more of a Superhero than a wizard." said Zane. "What are you three still doing here? Go eradicate the village. So you actually think you're a superhero?" said CE. Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Don't you call yourself Cold Emperor?".

Lucy said,"What?". "But why?" said Natsu. "They're in my way. Anyone who gets in our way either on purpose or not is my enemy." said CE. "Say WHAT?!" yelled Natsu with flames gathered around his fists. Zane growled as he said,"Time for you to pay! I won't allow you to hurt innocent people just because of some bullshit reason like you have!". He turned into Nitro Form. He's eight feet tall with his body being thin and muscular.

This form is a living breathing containment suit with it being a black color except for his chest and legs which are a navy blue and dark gray color respectively. His head is in the shape of a bomb with it being a black color and floats above his body. His face is a silver skull shaped mask and two glowing green eyes. This form doesn't have a mouth of any kind. His shoulders are in the shape of a bomb. His left and right arm each have five reddish brown muzzle shaped fingers that can turn into a different weapon. 

His left arm's fingers can fold back into his arm to resemble a cannon and his right arm's fingers can turn itself into a gatling gun. He wears silver elbow and knee pads. He wears two ammo belts with it forming an X over his chest. They have several grenades instead of pouches on them. The end of his legs form a boot like shape. He is wearing the black robe. "Time to rip this guy a new one!" said Zane as he and Natsu ran toward them. 

Gray had gotten a head start on them. He placed his hands in his magic typical pose with him saying while glaring at the Cold Emperor,"You dam fool! I'm ending this stupid party now!".  Gray slammed both of his hands into the ground with several pillars of ice sprouting out from the ground. The pillars created a shockwave of ice which send the lackeys backwards and the Emperor just smiled as he stood there. He soon had a icy-blue magical circle in his right hand and slammed his palm into the ground. 

There was another wave of ice being that the two waves collided, making an explosion of ice. "He's an ice wizard too?!" said Happy. "His name is the COLD Emperor. Of course he would use ice you damn idiot." said Sly. "I wish it wasn't it but it is! Lyon! What the hell are you doing?" said Gray, with him glaring daggers at the masked man. Lucy and Natsu were shocked at the two knowing each other. "So are you two old lovers or what? You're on first name basis after all." said Zane, crossing his arms. 

Gray ignored Zane's comment as he said,"Why are you trying to revive Deliora?". "Oh her Gray. It's being a while hasn't it? To think that it would be you who were one of the wizards called to the island to help the villagers. Did you know that I would be here or what? Or is this just fate?" said Lyon. "An acquaintance of yours, Cold Emperor?" said Yuka. "And are you two lovers like that takeover said you are?!" said Toby, causing Yuka to facepalm. 

Lyon looked at Gray with him saying,"Do as you were told. These intruders are mine to handle.". "Yes sir!" said the three, with them going off into different directions. Natsu soon began charging at the three wizards with him saying,"Hey! Wait! Get back here you cowards!". "Natsu! Stay away from him!" said Gray. However, it was too late. Lyon didn't even look at Natsu as he merely held out his hand. In a single second, a sphere of spiked ice engulfed Natsu's thighs, torso, and thighs. 

As the ice covered him, the dragon slayer soon howled out in pain. He did leave behind his head, half of his arms and feet. "Natsu!" shouted Lucy in fear. "Happy and Sly! Get Triple B out of here! Go right now! That's how the spell work!" said Zane as he held two grenades. He threw them down in front of the trio, making an explosion covering them from Lyon's sight. "Aye sir!" said Happy. He sprouted his wings and grabbed Lucy by the back of her shirt, flying them into the air much to Lucy's protest.

Lucy shouted,"Wait!". Lyon smiled and he said,"Did you think escaping would work on me? I'm not so stupid to have one move to end my enemies.". Gray fired a wave of ice at Lyon who simply blocked it with a domed shield. "Wait?! I can't move!" said Natsu. Back in the sky. "Are you two seriously going to abandon Gray, Natsu, and Zane?!" said Lucy. "Natsu was hit with a type of ice magic that freezes a person upon contact with the air so if we stayed there, we would become popsicles!" said Happy. 

The girl looked at the cat with her saying,"Who cares. Natsu is....". She was about to cry as Sly said to Lucy,"Zane is with them so both of them are going to be fine. We need to save the villagers. Even though I had to leave behind Zane, I know he'll be okay.". Happy was worried about Natsu as well but he knew what to do. "I'm sorry Happy. You must have been holding yourself back for helping Natsu but you choose to save the villagers instead." said Lucy.

Lucy smiled as she said,"Don't worry Happy! Ice is no match for the Salamander!". "Aye!" said Happy as the three went down to the village. "So you're the fucking moron who is trying to bring back Deliora aren't you?" said Zane. "And you're some kind of strange looking takeover. You want to let the girl, cat, and dragon leave so you two kept me busy. Chivalrous but pointless in the end. Those two couldn't stop anything. My minions will make short work of them." said Lyon.

Zane said,"What about the dragon? And calling them minions. Very super-villainous of you Mr. Cold.". "All of you will be seeing each other soon so it doesn't matter." said Lyon. He soon froze Zane just like Natsu being that Zane smiled. "Oh no. I'm trapped. Whatever will I do?" said Zane in a mocking tone. The two ice wizards were shocked to see that the ice was cracking as Zane broke out. "I'm much stronger than people think." said Zane.

Lyon shook off his shock as he aimed his right hand at Zane.  "Ice Make:...." said Lyon. Before Lyon could do anything, Zane was soon right in front of him. He soon held a wax sword being that he slashed it in front of Lyon, hitting armor. It only destroyed an ice duplicate with Zane throwing a grenade behind him. "Eagle!" said Lyon. A flurry of ice-created eagle soon flew toward the grenade with all of them exploding upon contact thanks to the bomb.

Zane was soon gone as he soon reappeared behind Lyon. "Fly away snowflake." said Zane, kicking him directly in the back. Lyon was very much surprised by this with him flying right toward the side of a boulder, released a painful grunt upon contact with it. "That speed! It isn't possible!" thought Lyon, soon dislodging his body from the boulder and looking right at Zane. "It is possible. I'm too fast for you to catch. Not even close to my level!" said Zane.

Natsu said,"That was so cool Zane! Don't underestimate the power of Fairy Tail scumbag! So could you...". Zane smiled as Zane kicked the dragon slayer. He soon lost his balance being that he began rolling down the hill. "The fuck Zane?!" yelled Natsu as his voice trailed off. "Gray. You got this guy right? I could easily send this guy flying with an attack." said Zane, watching Natsu roll down the hill.  

Gray nodded as he had a look in his eyes. "We know that look all too well." said Kane. "Please. Let me handle this guy." said Gray, in a low but serious voice. He looked right at Lyon with eyes that they needed to do this, a man to man battle. Zane did that look more times that he could count. "Okay. I know that you could handle this guy. I know your past but don't live in it." said Zane. Zane knew that this battle was between old rivals and he had no good reason to but in.

He already knew the outcome but Gray made up his mind. "Yeah. Leave Lyon to me. We have a score we need to settle. Go help Happy and Sly." said Gray. "Ignoring Lucy since I hate her. Good luck my faithful servant. I rather not let innocent people get hurt so good luck." said Zane with him making a wax slide down the mountain. "You're quite the reckless child Gray. Why didn't you stop the friend with the Take Over push your precious Nakama down the hill like that?" said Lyon.

He had an arrogant smirk on his face as Gray said,"You and I both know that with one spell, you could blow up the ice and him with it. Master Zane was doing him a favor plus it was funny and you know it.". "And you call him Master? I find it funny. I'm guessing that your master figured out the range of my magic using that wax thing." said Lyon. "Quit acting like my superior senior Lyon! We're not Ur's students anymore!" said Gray.

Lyon said,"Do you serious think I forgot about that Gray? Huh? I'm not a fool." He soon took off his helmet as he said,"Ur isn't with us anymore.". His mask revealed a young man. He has bluish silver hair, most of which are spiky strands that jut upwards on top of his head, except for some which are kept pointing down and partially cover the upper left part of his face. Lyon’s eyes are slanted, with dark round pupils and surrounded by similarly dark lines.

He has small, linear, dark eyebrows. During his first appearance, he donned a small, light-colored earring on his left earlobe, which takes the shape of a stylized snowflake. "She gave up her life to seal away Deliora! Why do you want to destroy something that's the only thing we have left of her in this world?!" said Gray in a furious tone. "Don't kid yourself. You're the one who killed Ur." said Lyon in a cold voice. Gray's eyed widened as Lyon said,"And yet, you don't fell guilt. How cruel.".

Zane soon found Natsu with his head stuck in the ground. Zane snickered for a bit as he said,"Could you do me the honors?". Twilight soon pulled out his phone from his body being that none of his forms had pockets to speak off. Zane took a picture of it as Natsu roared,"Who's there!". He soon launched himself out with a plume of fire and he chuckled. "Zane! I'll get you for this!" said Natsu as he didn't see Zane standing there.

Natsu's head was on fire being that the ice wouldn't melt around him. "What the hell is up with this ice? I can't melt it! I need to get back to the village fast!" said Natsu. He soon stumbled for a bit but he soon began wobbling. "I hate this! Screw you Zane!" said Natsu.  Zane coughed as Natsu turned to see him. "You! What are you....?!" said Natsu. "Freeing you numbskull. Stay still." said Zane as he threw two grenades at the ice sphere.

The ice soon broke with him saying,"I'm free!". "Natsu. Do you remember your way to the village or not?" said Zane. Zane could hear the two rivals talking with Natsu saying,"Yeah why?". "Go help the others. I'll be back with Gray." said Zane. The wax monster was gone as Natsu was about to say something. Natsu stopped that thought being that he knew that Zane would help Gray as he ran to the village.

Off the coast of Galuna Island, another danger for some of the group was floating toward the island disaster. It was a massive ship ,being the flag of pirates, was heading there being that the pirates were not the dangerous ones. Most of them were unconscious mainly because they were all severely tired due to them having to repair the ship that Zane destroyed thanks to the unwanted guest. All of them didn't like her because well, she's really mean and scary.

The captain of the ship was the only one still alike. He wears a pirate hat with an orange smiley which has a fork and spoon crossing below it. He has gray hair and a large beard. He wears an eyepatch over his left eye. The coat he wears is purple. His left hand is a hook. He has a pirate sword on his left side. He wears a large belt as well and his height is fairly short. He took a glance at a person out of the corner of his good eye.

He said in a nervous tone,"Why do you want to go to Galuna Island? It's really scary.". "Just shut up and steer." said the person in a commanding, yet annoyed voice. The pirates were slowly waking up as the captain said,"Pardon me but Galuna Island is cursed. Anyone who goes there gets turned into a demon!". "I'll take those odds." said the person. "But why do you want to go there?! Are you crazy lady?!" said the captain, clear panic in his voice.

Erza Scarlet soon stood there with her being very much annoyed. She had spent all day waiting for a ship to be repaired after a creature attacked all of them in the dawn. She basically forced a pirate crew to fix their ship, mainly because she was going and trying to prevent the deaths of Gray, Happy, Lucy, Natsu, and Sly. She was going to kill Zane being that she didn't accept him as S-Class and just found him a pain in her ass.

Erza said,"When rules are broken, the guild must be punished. I'm also going after an idiot who will feel the blade of my sword before the day is done.". The pirate crew was in love with her being that her unique personality warmed their cold hearts plus she was hot. It was a bonus. "Natsu. If you get hurt, I'll never forget you. If you wanted to go on an S-Class job, you just had to ask. If I see him hurt Zane, you're dead meat." thought Erza, glaring at the island.

Back on the temple, the group of chanters had watched the face off between Gray and Lyon, being that the later was calm and collected with the former trembled in anger. "Enough with the charade Gray. You're the one who murdered Ur, admit it. I'm surprised that you have the confidence to speak her name!" said Lyon. His eyes finally showed emotions being that he held out his hand. Gray was soon smacked by a spiked object made of ice, sending him flying back.

This spell is known as Ice Make: Puffer Fish. He soon crashed into a low wall as Gray said while struggling to his feet,"Lyon.". "What's wrong? Does the guilt prevent you for throwing a punch at your old friend? I'm warning you now. Don't interfere. I'm bring back Deliora and no one is going to stop me." said Lyon. "I won't let you!" said Gray, with a glare. Lyon soon took a glance at Gray with him tossing his demonic helmet to the ground. "Lets relieve old memories." said Lyon.

He soon gathered ice in his hand as he said,"But this time, I'm much stronger which hasn't changed at all. Ice Make: Eagle!". The icy eagles return being that they headed right toward Gray faster than they were before. The pure black hair teen soon put his fist on top of his palm and slammed his joined hands into the ground. "Ice Make: Shield!" said Gray. However, the flock soon flew around it and they slammed right into Gray, painfully.

Lyon said,"You were always better at creating inanimate object aka static Ice Make. Mine has been creating living creatures aka dynamic Ice Make. Did you forget about my ability to make my ice come to life?". Gray ignored him as Gray rolled out of the way, dodging another burst of ice eagles and jumping into the air. "Ice Make: Hammer!" shouted Gray. A giant ice sledgehammer went right above Lyon. "Sigh. Ice Make: Ape!" said Lyon.

A giant ape soon blocked the hammer, with both ice structures shattering on impact. "What a waste of such potential. You're still using both hands for Ice Make spells how very sad." said Lyon. "It's Ur's teaching. Single-handed molding are incomplete and unbalanced." said Gray. "You'll so find out that I am an exception to that. I've long since surpassed Ur's power." said Gray. "Don't give me that." said Gray, clenching his fist.

Lyon smiled as he said,"Touched a nerve haven't I Gray? You have never been able to hit me even when I was a small child. Not a single hit.". Gray brought his hands together with him saying,"I'm not the same guy I was back then Lyon!". He slammed both hands against the ground with him saying with a glare at Lyon,"Ice Make: Geyser!". Lyon stood there being that several spiked columns of ice erupted from the ground, engulfing Lyon.

The ice soon shattered into pieces with Lyon's voice,"Nothing has changed between us. I was the elder disciple and always stronger than you. I mastered single-handed Ice Make magic while you can not. We may have chosen different paths but the time has frown in time. Our rankings have never changed." said Lyon. He raised his hand as he said,"Ice Make: Snow Dragon!". Gray was soon sent flying into air thanks to a giant ice dragon, and sent crashing down rather painfully.

Lyon said,"That is why I will be melting the ice, freeing Deliora from its slumber. I need to prove that I'm more than Ur's star pupil. My dream as a child was to surpass Ur'a abilities as a wizard. You just had to ruin it for me didn't you Gray? It's impossible now. She's dead now and my dream was crushed that day. However, there was one way. If I can defeat Deliora, the demon that Ur failed against, I will have my dream once again!". During that whole speech, he looked crazy.

Gray slowly stood back up as he said,"Are you fucking crazy? That thing destroyed everything we ever cared about and you want to bring back just to prove how strong you are? Don't be an idiot Lyon!". The emperor looked stunned as Gray said,"Please, don't do this. It's impossible.". This snapped Lyon being that he sent dozens of smaller Ice Dragons at Gray from all sides, injuring him even more.

Lyon said through clenched teeth,"Please, don't do this. It's impossible. We told you these exact words and you're lecturing me!". Gray was soon slammed to the ground by several ice eagle as Gray slowly stood back up. Lyon glared at Gray with him saying,"It's because you challenged Deliora that Ur died! You have no right to mention her name! Be gone from my sight forever!". Gray was soon launched into the air by an ice fist before being smacked into the ground by a final ice dragon.

The batter Fairy let out a cry of anguish before his vision faded. Lyon looked at his rival being that he decided to end his most hated rival's life like he did with their master's life ten years ago. "Sorry about this you highness but that is not happening! Gray is too important to die here by someone who can move beyond the past and live in the present. Wax Wall!" said a voice. Lyon soon turned to see a giant wall of wax in front of Gray.

He soon turned around, seeing Zane standing there."You. I thought you went to the village with the pinkie." said Lyon. "Well you're wrong. Leave now or else. You can fell how much stronger I am than you. I'm not even using Animus so leave right now." said Zane. Lyon was soon gone as Zane turned to Gray. He was out cold with Zane saying,"You really do remind me of me don't you Gray? It's kinda weird.".

Next time,
With Gray defeated, who will defeat Lyon? Is it obvious? Will Lyon's henchmen and woman kill the villages? Or will the trio of Happy, Lucy, and Sly stop them? Why does Gray remind Zane of himself back in the day? And will Erza kill Zane? This and more next time on Fairy Legion.

Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Brawn Form. This card has a black frame with a silhouette of a muscular, warrior like figure in the center of the card. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 29 and its Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet. It is a physical powerhouse, expert fighter, and has the ability to grow. This Form is used often for very strong opponents and he works well against some of Zane's physically stronger enemies. This Form oddly doesn't have a sense of smell. This form later gets a change being that it's very similar to Brain and Frost Form being that instead of going through a metamorphosis, both Brawn Form and its Prime Form progress into the future or matures according to Parker. It was also done by Parker himself. It's seen in person around the time of Zero Episode 111 and it's Prime Form has been seen in person around the time of Zero Episode 134.

Slime Form. This card has a black frame with a pile of slime with vials of some chemicals of the card. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 29 and its Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet. It has the ability to stretch to incredible lengths and can use its own body as a weapon. His slime is also acidic and adhesive being that Zane decides what it can be. His body can regenerate and rebuild himself. This form later gets a change/upgrade thanks to the Zenith Core. It's very similar to Brain and Frost Form being that instead of going through a metamorphosis, both Slime Form and Slime Prime progress into the future or matures according to Parker. It's seen in person around the time of Zero Episode 110.

Nitro Form. This card has a black frame with a massive explosion and something reforming from the explosion. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 46 and it doesn't have a Prime Form. This form is able to generate highly volatile explosions from his body and also able to manipulate wax to hold his enemies.  

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