Saturday, April 15, 2017

Zero Episode 21 Adventure to Terrarune

A/N: Yep. You could say that last episode is pointless but sometimes, you don't need to advance the plot and I wanted to introduce Karen's Superhero Identity. So will Kristen and Rachel became super heroes? You'll have to wait and see. Anyway, I would begin the episode but dam it Fairy Tail, you're a bad relationship for me. I want to leave you but you keep bring me back for more because Jellal does something and nothing at the same time.

I just want it to end and hopefully have a good end not a great one. I don't want my time to feel wasted. Lets begin about when Zane arrived to Terrarune with Ether by his side. To go off on the last Author Note, Here's a Link if you like DCAU at the end of the Episode. You think that I would put this in the last one but past me isn't very smart. I tend to think of the moment when it comes to my writing and I could put it there but meh. Too much wrong.

We'll be in Season 2 of the series after Episode 25. I should have said something but remember, I don't think that far ahead in terms of story. This series may be longer or shorter than Power and Soul for sure. I want it to be at least Fifty/Sixty Episodes or more. I don't mind doing an hundred parts because Power Guild and Soul are over hundred parts but I still love them. I just feel like this series is going to be long.

I plan to start a new series with this Zane after Season 2 ends with that being later on. This post was originally posted in March but I had to repost this episode along with EP 21, 23, and 24 to make things look better.

Zane P.O.V.
Upon entering the portal, I found myself without thinking about it activate my costume. I landed on a floating rock and the first thing that I saw was that this place was a super fan of green. It was kinda of unhealthy on how much green this place is. "Welcome to Terrarune Zane. Normally, you would need a space suit to even survive in here without becoming a Phantom or something else entirely but it's mainly the later." said Ether.

He floated next to me and I said,"So why am I in my costume then? I'm a quarter Phantom thanks to my grandpa and some Phantom named Johnny Vincent.". "You are correct but you have had your powers for long now? A month or two? It will take some time for your body to adjust to this place but if you came here earlier in your life, you wouldn't be having this problem at all. You will be wearing the suit until then." said Ether.

My Crisis Judgement went off as I grabbed Ether. We hide behind a boulder as I poked my head up to see nothing. "That's weird. My Crisis Judgement is never wrong." I said. "Yes. The Crisis Judgment is a special power of Zero. It has the power to predict 100% of the time but right now, you are in a unknown place. Come on, we have to meet with the others." said Ether. He floated off and I was going to fly after him but I fell flat on my face.

Ether said,"Your body needs time to adjust to Terrarune's special gravity. You'll get it due time but use one of your flight based transformations for right now.". I activated Frost Form with me turning into the ice bug. I flew after Ether and I asked,"So why did you come searching for me? I mean you seemed to be rather strong just like Astrino.". "I am a high level Phantom like the Phantom Astrino but right now, he is currently held in Dyno's prison." said Ether.

I stopped and I said,"Wait. Astrino is in jail? Who is Dyno?". "Our enemy. We need to get to our base which is the Museum of Supernatural Antiquity through out the centuries." said Ether. "A museum. Great." I said. I hate museum because Marcia and my mom took me to several if not over a hundred of them in one summer so I have a strong hatred for them but it beats the mall. So I guess I will look at the bright side of things for now.

We landed in front of a museum which reminded me of both the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, the Natural Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C, and strange enough the White House. It was weird as Ether said,"We can stare at the building where there is a file on all phantoms and their history later Zane. We have to save our home from Dyno.". I went back to normal as I followed Ether inside.

It was quiet and I noticed that it was just a normal museum. The first thing that I saw was the bones of a Tyrannosaurus Rex with some added features such as bigger arms. "Wow. I may hate museums for my personal reasons but that is so cool. You got a Saber-tooth Tiger, Triceratops, Pterodactyl, and a Mastodon around here?" I said. "You can explore this place later Zane but right now, we have to go meet up with our allies." said Ether. I learned soon that Ether is no fun.

We stopped in front of a room and Ether said,"Let me introduce you whats left of the rebels or the fighters for Arturo.". He opened the door and I saw three Phantoms seem to be looking right at me with them staring right into my soul. The one that was closed to the left looked to be slightly taller than say Karen, Kristen, and Rachel but I was still one to two inches taller than her. She has short pink hair with faded blue skin and emerald green eyes.

She looked to be a runner and her body showed that. Her build is slim but some muscles and a rack that was a good size. She wears a green t-shirt, blue cargo pants, and white sneakers. The person to her right is very human like. She looks to be Caucasian and my age. She has rosy red hair with it cut in a pixie cut with her long bangs framing the sides of her face, aquamarine eyes, and a slender build much like the girl next to her.

She is wearing a skin-tight light blue tank top reveals her midriff with a midnight blue hemming around her neckline which is lower showing off her chest. She wears a pair of light yellow shorts and around her hands, she wears light blue short fingerless formal gloves and blue tennis shoes. She has midnight blue bands around her forearms and a matching choker around her neck. The final Phantom is a male and I was hoping that those two weren't both dating the same guy.

He looked to be maybe in his late teens about nineteen and twenty years old. His skin is gray with a dark shade of gray mass of smoke replacing his hair. He is wearing a black shirt under a dark gray jacket, faded black jeans, and silver biker like boots. His eyes are orange just like fire. "Ether. Who the hell is this kid? I thought you were getting Zero not some weak Phantom. He looks weak to me." said the guy.

I said,"If you want, I'll show you how strong I can be.". I was about to turn into my Diamond Form because right now, I wanted to hit something hard because I was pissed off for many reasons that you can figure out. "Stop it Smog. This kid is Zero and also Johnny." said Ether. The girls walked over to me as I saw Smog getting peeved and shocked. "You're the reincarnate Johnny Vincent? You do have his aura?" said the pixie cut.

The other girl said,"Yeah Kendra. He does. I can feel it. So can you help us?". "I'll try my best but I don't know much if anything about Johnny Vincent. I do know that every single Phantom ,that I have met so far, knows and respects him." I said. "That's because...." said Smog. Ether covered his mouth and he said,"Our captain will be here soon so go explore. We'll come find you.". I left the room and I went to go explore.

Narrator P.O.V.
Smog said,"I still can't believe it. That kid is Johnny. He looks so....". "I think the word that you are looking for is young. Johnny did have the appearance of a human in their twenties but this one is sixteen maybe seventeen." said Sheryl aka the pink haired girl. "You may be right but I feel like Zane is light years away stronger than Johnny ever was." said Ether. Smog said,"Where's Bane anyway?". "Getting back from a mission." said Kendra.

Zane was walking or floating around and he thought,"Wow. This place is amazing even more that my dad's exhibit and that's saying a lot.". Zane stopped in front of a directory that can give you directions to anywhere in the museum. "I wonder if they have anything on Johnny." said Zane. He touched and he heard an automotive voice say,"Welcome to the Museum of Supernatural Antiquity. What are you looking for today?".

Zane said,"Okay. That's weird. Do you have anything on Johnny Vincent?" said Zane. "We don't have an exhibition on Johnny Vincent but I can tell you all known info about him." said the voice. "Go ahead." said Zane. The voice said,"Johnny Vincent arrived to Terrarune in July of 1995 after he died trying to save two women from a burning building. In five years, he become one of the most powerful Phantoms in all of Terrarune.".

She took a break as she said,"It was no shock that he was in line for the next king of Terrarune if the king doesn't have a heir to the throne. He died on July 11th, 2000 after he stopped a group of Phantoms who wish to bring back Spiro Midnight, the first King. Rumors floating around that Johnny Vincent has been reincarnated into the current Zero and future king of Terrarune Zane Vincent Alvarez. Anything else you would like to know?". 

Zane was quiet for a long time and he said,"No thanks but could I have all known knowledge about Terrarune on paper?". The machine made a book the size of a dictionary appear and Zane grabbed it. He found somewhere to sit and he started reading. Later Kendra, Sheryl, and Smog were looking for Zane as Smog said,"So why in the nine realms are we looking for the kid? And why did you drag me to with you?".

Kendra said,"Ether is trying to help the boss get here without alerting Dyno about our hideout but you need to be nice to Zero.". "He is the next king of Terrarune and he may not be like his grandfather. I also sense a powerful force inside of him. It is deadly." said Sheryl. "I guess I will try." said Smog. The trio saw Zane just staring at the ceiling and Kendra said,"Zero.". The teen looked at her and he said,"I remember you all.".

Smog smiled and decided to test his luck. "So you remember that you owe me five bucks?" said Smog. The girls looked at him as Zane laughed. "Very funny Smoggy. So is your boss here?" said Zane. "No. He will be here soon though. So how much do you remember?" said Sheryl. "I talked to my past self once and I had five percent but now, it's a solid seventy percent." said Zane. "So do you know about Celeste and Jennifer?" said Smog.

Zane said,"Who?". Smog was about to say something but Sheryl covered his mouth. Zane looked at her as Kendra said,"Just head back to the room where you met us. We have to beat some sense into Smog here.". "K." said Zane. He flew off as Smog said,"We should tell him about them because he is going to meet them eventually.". "It isn't our place to do that." said Kendra. Smog rolled his eyes and the trio floated after Zane.

A shadow jumped down from the roof and it stepped out into the light. It was a Phantom with him having the body of a werewolf and its arms were bat wings. It grumbled,"Master. I found the rebels and they're in the museum with Zero. What should I do?". "Nothing Cloud. I'll send my prison guards to help you capturing the prisoners and bring Zero to me." said a voice. "May I have my way with him first?" said Cloud. 'Sure." said the master. Cloud smiled.

Zane sat in the room with him looking at the boss of the rebels. He looked to be about 6 foot 6 and looked to be slightly human like. His body looked like the mixture of a metallic biker and a Robot from a Japanese Anime. His face is a sliver skull with glowing red eyes and green spikes forming a mohawk for hair. He wears a black tank top, matching biker jacket, black leather pants, and high tech combat boots.

His shoulders had two cannons mounted on them, a pistol built onto the shin of his legs, and a wrist mounted mini-gun. He noticed that the armor had missile ports along the arms and legs. His left arm had a Gatling Gun attached to it. On the chest plate rested the words PHANTOM. Zane whispered to Smog,"He's your leader?". "You don't remember Bane? You two were best friends." said Smog as he smiled. "Not really. I have several best friends now with all of them being awesome." said Zane.

Bane got their attention and he said,"I have a plan.". "Is it one that will actually work this time? I mean we lost several of our friends with your last couple of plans." said Smog. "It will because it is simple." said Bane. "It's not like we're just going to break into prison right?" said Kendra. The leader was silent as Sheryl said,"You can't be serious can you boss?". "I feel fine for a couple of fights due to Zero here." said Ether.

Bane said,"So do you remember me?". Zane shook his head no as Bane sighed. "It's fine. We'll go in teams of two. Ether and Kendra, Sheryl and Smog, and myself plus Zero. We'll meet in front of the prison in an hour." said Bane. Zane's Crisis Judgement went off as he said,"Duck now!". The six ducked as a Blue Nether Blast flew above them. "Shoot. I missed." said a voice. Zane turned around to see Riveter with Cloud and a couple of prison guard Phantoms.

Ether said,"Where's Crunch? You two are usually together.". Riveter pointed his drill at Zane who said,"I don't know!". "Your friend. The one in the suit blasted his Essence. He is dying and I want to get revenge on her!" said Riveter. "She isn't my friend. She tries to kill me on a daily basis and it isn't fun." said Zane. "Get them and bring them to the Ultimatum Pit. Zero needs to be brought alive but we can rough him up." said Cloud.

Bane said as his suit activate,"Not going to happen!". Several missiles came flying out of the robot Phantom causing a small explosion of red nether. "Split up and try to find your partner!" yelled Bane. Zane ran off as he ran away. However, his Crisis Judgement went off as he jumped into the air and he heard,"Dam it! Stay still!". It was Riveter as Zane said,"Time to show you what happens when you mess with me.".

A card appeared in his chest plate and it was new. It had a black frame with a plant like creature in the center of the card and it's in the center of a forest background. Zane looks to be a humanoid, muscular plant with him being 6 feet tall. His body is primarily made out of vines ,being different shades of green, wrapped together. His arms, body, head, and legs are a jungle green color while his feet and hands are a dark green color. He has five fingers and toes.

His head ,which has a singular violet eye in the center of his head and mouth, is covered in a dark green venus-flytrap like hood that’s connected to his neck and upper torso. Inside of his mouth, he has a pink tongue. He has six exposed violet star shaped bulb like seeds coming out of his back which can be removed to be used as a explosion or gas bomb. It can also turn into a vine like appendage with it covered in thorns.   

The Phantoms looked confused as Zane said in a very aged and gravelly voice."Vine Form! It's time for you to get served a helping of Mother Nature Punks!". He soon stretched his arms out toward them as Riveter said,"You're an idiot! My Drill has the ability to drill through anything including your overgrown weeds!". It began to move as Zane said,"That's what I wanted you to do!". The vines got caught inside of the drill.

The arms soon sprouted thorns on them causing Riveter to cry out in pain and deactivating his drill in the process. "You! Eat this you dam Cross Species!" said Riveter. He then aimed his other drill at Zane with his nether blast going through his body. "Like that isn't a good idea you jerk face." said Zane. His body reformed and during this shock, he didn't noticed that Zane's other hand was going toward the ground.

The Phantom was then trapped in a vine prison cage with Zane releasing his other arm. "Why can't I get out of here?!" said Riveter. "My vines may be able to get burn, cut into pieces, and frozen but it takes a lot to truly get rid of them. See you later." said Zane. He walked off as Riveter screamed loudly. He heard a breaking sound as Zane found himself merging with a nearby potted plant and it's a old plant from back in the Stone Age.

Riveter searched for Zane and Zane thought,"Okay. I need to find Bane so lets see if my plant bro and sis know where he is.". Zane decided to get rid of Riveter and he stretched two of his fingers toward him causing him to trip over the vines and into a mob bucket. Zane stood there and he deactivated his form only to turned right into his Frost Form faster than normal. "It's time for you to see the Ice Age arrive!" said Zane.

He froze the Phantom in an ice cube with Zane carrying him into the freezer. "That should take you a while. Time to go find Bane." said Zane. He flew off as he later found Bane in a crowd of phantom guards. Zane turned back into his Vine Form as he said,"Time to help even the odds at a bit.". He grabbed some back seeds and he threw them at the guards. They then landed on the grounds as a pink cloud of smoke covered the room.

The guards were out cold as Zane swing his way over to Bane. "Impressive Zero. Those seeds will be good for riots." said Bane. "Yeah but to be honest, I could have made them trapped in jungle vines with spikes that hurt. So should we get going?" said Zane. "Yeah but either get out of that form and into a flying form." said Bane. The robot then broke down the wall with his missiles and a pair of jet boosters from his legs.

Zane turned back into a human with him turning right into Thermal Form. He lifted himself into the air with his fire as he flew after Bane. The two were flying as Zane whispered to Athena,"Hey. Do you know why I've been able to transform into like three different forms in a row?". "It seems like that you're able to absorb the energy of Terrarune to help control your transforms better than on Earth Zane." said Athena.

Bane said,"So what do you remember about your past life?". "Um not that much to be honest with you. I remember having friends here in Terrarune but that is all I know. Sorry." said Zane as he looked down. "It's fine Zero." said Bane. "It's Zane Bane. Do Phantoms die or would the better question be can Phantoms die?" said Zane. "We can. Like you humans, we have a heart but it's called an Essence." said Bane.

Zane said,"So Vicky or Agent Phoenix blasted Crunch's Essence earlier. Is he going to be okay or what?". "He will but it depends on how big the wounds is. If it is small, he should be up in a couple of hours but bigger ones take a long time. Since Crunch didn't try to attack earlier in the brawl, I'm guessing the later. I just hope the others are okay." said Bane. Zane nodded with the duo heading toward the pit.

At the pit, Wraith was sitting in the yard. After losing to Zane, he was captured by Dyno. He wanted to punch the warden's face in but he couldn't. He looked down to see that around his neck, he was wearing a collar much like the ones that Cinder and others were on Earth. He heard rumors that it had the ability to limit Phantom powers like they would limit metahuman's powers. He sighed and he then looked at the other prisoners.

He saw Astrino sitting there mediating and Volcanis trying to break out his mobile prison cell aka a jar. This sounds sad but to contain a being from a dimension made out of fire, this was the only way they could contain him. "Prisoners! Stand up and address Warden Dyno now or else you get the worse pain of your life!" yelled a loud voice. Wraith turned to see the warden standing there with his three out of four right hand men and one was Riveter.

One was a Phantom wearing a black bandanna with a cuff symbol on the top of his head, an eyepatch around his left eye, camo colored pants, black combat boots, a red cape with spike studded wrist bands, and a wicked goatee. He has green skin and glowing red eyes. His name is Slug. He's a fan of prison fights and a major sadist. He is very strict for the rules being that he tortures most prisoners just for breaking rules big or small.

Riveter stood there with him shaking. "You actually lost to Zero? How sad." said Slug. "Shut up! I will get him and this time, I'll be ready for anything that he turns into!" said Riveter. "Zane can transform? I shouldn't expect anything less from JV though." thought Wraith. "Alright scums of the pit. We have news. We have captured three of the rebels remaining. Bring them out now." said Dyno.

Three guards held the defeated Ether, Kendra, and Sheryl with Volcanis saying,"Where's Bane and Smog?! Those two are way stronger than those three.". "I guess he missed them." said a prisoner with the Phantom being shocked. "No one speaks when I'm in the room. I have Cloud and the rest of the species look through out Terrarune. I'll be in my offense. You three, keep an eye on them and use force is needed." said Dyno.

The warden was gone as the guards went back to work. Astrino floated toward Ether and he said with concern,"Are you okay old friend? You look much worse compared to the girls and I'm shocked to see them here in the yard. They really should make a female section.". "Yes. Even after I got myself a recharge by Zero's Frankenstein Form, it seems like they knew about my weakness too say the least." said Ether.

Wraith floated over to them while holding a Volcanis in a jar and he said,"So are you guys planning a escape?". "Or did Bane mess up again?" said Volcanis. "You have no right to talk to him that way you over grown ember." said Kendra. She stood there with her holding Kendra. "I guess Bane's little girlfriend got more injured than you huh Ether." said Wraith. "Lets just say if they are planning an escape, will you two help?" said Astrino.

Wraith crackled his knuckles as he said,"If I can leave the pit, I would work with Zero if I had too but the ember here.". "If I get to burn this place even a bit, count me in!" said Volcanis. "Do the others feel the same?" said Sheryl. "Does Bane suck at making plans?" said Wraith. The girl was quiet as Astrino said,"Get everyone over here and distract the guards.". "This is going to so much fun!" said Volcanis.

Back outside, Bane said,"Are you okay Zane?!". The living flame stood there with several Clouds flying toward him and he said,"I'm fired up!". He made two fire whips with him smacking the wolf like Phantoms back. "I think you should change your form into something that doesn't attract any attention. We're near the Prison base so I think you can become a not flyer." said Bane. The teen nodded as he landed on a floating rock.

Zane went back to normal and a card appeared. It had a silver frame with an Assault/Battle Rifle on a floating planet. Zane's body glowed orange. He made an assault rifle popped out from his left and right thigh with Zane grabbing them. "Rapid Fire Rifle! Hasta la vista baby." said Zane. He fired out several bullets which went right through the Clouds. The rest of them flew off with Zane getting rid of his weapon. Bane floated next to him and he said,"Well done Zane.".

The two heard,"Yeah. Not so bad kid.". The two saw Smog and he said,"Before you yell at me for leaving behind Sheryl, she told me to find you and tell you that Kendra is going with Plan B. I think you know what that means.". "Yeah I don't." said Zane. "Sheryl may be my girlfriend for over ten years but I'll never get women ever." said Smog. "You two are dating?! I thought you and Ether were a thing." said Zane.

Smog ignored Zane as he said,"Anyway. So what's the plan boss? I'm up for some revenge.". "We are going to do what humans do." said Bane. "Be selfish and lazy?" said Zane. The two looked at him as Zane said,"It has been a long time since you two were humans.". "No. We're going to break out all of the prisoners at once and cause some trouble but first, we need some uniforms." said Bane.

Smog smiled as he said,"I got that covered boss.". He made a smoke portal and he brought out two sleeping prison guards. "Hey. I remember those two. They were easy to beat using my pods." said Zane. Smog looked at Bane with Bane saying,"Only two?". "Hey. I got what I could boss. Didn't you tell Zane about Terrarune and shouldn't he know?" said Smog. "Know what? Remember that I'm still learning right?" said Zane.

Bane said,"You are human right? You are able to go through objects and you can't be detected by normal means. I think you're perfect to release all of the prisoners. Up for it?". "Yeah. As the current Zero, I will save Terrarune because Earth and Terrarune are connected." said Zane. "So you know that but not the fact that you are god here?" said Smog. Zane shrugged as Bane said,"Time to save the day.". "Yeah." said Zane.

Zane was floating through Terrarune and he said,"Wow. Rachel would love this but it's so weird and looks like it goes on forever. At least, I have my map.". "I guess you owe Parker one." said Athena in a second. "I guess but don't you find it weird that Phantoms don't bother humans or each other during December 24 to January 2." said Zane. "A little but in this world, everything strange to one species Zane. We are about ten minutes from the prison." said Athena.

Zane said,"Okay. I'll deactivate my costume.". Zane was wearing his normal clothing and Athena said,"I guess a day here in Terrarune means that your body is used to this.". "A day? It feels shorter than that." said Zane. "I guess with all of this, you would feel like it. Earth and Terrarune share the same twenty four hours equals a day thing." said Athena. He saw the prison. "This place is worse than Camp 22 in North Korea and Carandiru Prison, Brazil." said Zane.

Athena said,"Would that be an insult to those prisons or a compliment to this one?". "Either or. Here goes nothing." said Zane. He stick his hand on the wall and it went through it. "Okay. That's so weird Athena." said Zane. "Are you just out of words to use Zane or what?" said Athena. "I just find this place weird okay." said Zane. He walked through the wall and he saw that no guards were there. "So could I go hero here?" whispered Zane.

Athena said,"Yes but don't use any of your Phantom based abilities. My guess is that they have stuff to sense that. We should head toward the room where they have control over the prison.". "Gotcha." said Zane. He turned back into Zero as a card appeared in his chest. It had a black frame with a giant brain in the center of the card with dark red lightning around it. Zane suddenly got smarter, frog like, and smaller. He looks to be a foot tall to be precise. He has gray skin with amphibian like features.

His eyes had triangular emerald green pupils, vertical eyelids, and yellow sclera. His skin is covered in warts being that they're barely on his body compared to a normal frog or toad. He has gills on the sides of his neck. He wears a black jumpsuit with a emerald green stripe goes down the middle of his chest, that connects to the black rings around his neck ,working like a collar, and his waist that goes to a black belt with a gold buckle.

He wears toeless black boots with green cuffs and he wears a pair of black finger less gloves with a gold pyramid on the back. His neck looks longer than normal frogs. His hands have four fingers. His legs looked normal for his size. He had a muscular frame with a well defined jawline. "Brain Form! Lets hop!" said Zane in a high pitched yet deep voice. He stretched his body a bit before he began moving around. Athena was confused by this action but she didn't say anything.
He jumped up to the air vents ,that were above him, and he said,"So where do I go Athena? I have very little knowledge on air vents of prison ". "To the right for about 15 feet ,this is in your current height, and then you'll take a left Zane. You should see a giant computer if you look down the air vent Zane." said Athena. Zane nodded as he started to walk toward the room and it looked like he was hopping his way there.

He wanted to test this form out but right now, he needed to make sure that the Phantoms can use his powers and cause some chaos so they can escape the prison with ease. He looked down and he saw the computer. However, the room was empty and his Crisis Judgment didn't worn him of any danger. He opened the vent and he jumped down. He jumped onto the computer and he said,"I think this is going to be too easy.".

He began typing on the keyboard and he said,"Okay. I need to allow the Phantoms to use their powers freely.". He pressed a button and the cuffs deactivated. However, it looked to still be active and he said,"I could free the prisoners in the cells but I don't think you let me do that.". He then jumped up to the ceiling as Slug floated/stood there. "You're Zero aren't you? I think you should die now!" said Slug.

He fired a Green Nether beam at Zane who jumped over him. He hopped away as Slug floated after him. "Get back here Prisoner!" yelled Slug. Zane deactivate Brain Form as a new card went into its place and it may look like a transformation but it isn't. It had a black frame with the card itself being slightly frozen with ice covering the bottom of the card. Upon entering the card, his body makes a huge amount of snow appeared around him.

After the snow was gone, his entire body were covered in ice with his feet and hands look like claws belong to an animal of some kind. On his back. several large icicle/spear points appeared and it was attached to his body. He aimed his hands at Slug with him saying,"Sub Zero Armor! Time for to chill out and leaving me alone.". Slug noticed that the hall around them was began to frost over as his legs were frozen to the ground.

Slug said,"Why can't I break free?! I'm strong enough to break Ice Nether because ....". The ice had gathered around his body with him becoming a living ice scripture. "You should know that this armor lets me freeze air itself while Frost Form takes some time to use. Enjoy being used for snow cones." said Zane. He held a remote as Zane said,"You see in my Brain Form, I'm a super genius. I made this before finding me and guess what it does.".

Zane pressed it and he said,"See you later alligator.". He was gone as the prisoners surrounded him and the Phantom Guard was scared. Father down the hallway, Zane turned back to heard a loud scream of pain. "Meh. I don't want to but." said Zane. He deactivated his Sub Zero Armor as he activated his Thermal Form. "I'm a hero so lets toasted these bad guys!" said Zane. He aimed his hands down the hall and he said,"Burn baby burn!".

Outside, there was a riot. Bane has his armor aimed at the roof top guards with him firing out several missiles at the guards. Before they could hit their intended targets, a giant plume of fire erupt from the ground with Volcanis ,in the center of the flame, saying,"Dibs on the cowards robot boy! I need to make these bastards burn!". The flame started to punch and Bane said,"Fine. Hey Smog! I will take care of Dyno! You handle his playthings!".

Smog nodded as his body turned into smog. This shocked the guard who tried to punch. He grabbed the guard and he threw him into the nearby wall. He was about to be attacked by two guards but they were blasted by blue Nether. Smog turned around and he gave a thumbs up to Sheryl who went to go help Astrino and Ether with them being surrounded by guards. However, they were thrown into the air thanks to Astrino's telekinesis and Ether's Pink Nether, it was gone.

Inside of the prison, Zane ,in his Raptor Form. was surround by guards in a fighting stance. "Time for you to get a taste of some kung pow Raptor!" said Zane. A couple of guards rushed toward Zane with him jumping over them. He gave them a roundhouse kick, with him uppercutting a guard with a crimson red energy aura around his left fist, kicking a guard in the torso with a straight and outstretch right leg, and he grabs two guards with him slamming into them.

After seeing the defeated guards, Zane was rushing toward where he heard fighting earlier. In this form, he had enhanced hearing. He saw ten guards blocking the doorway with them holding a gun and shield. They fired a laser from their guns in order from right to left. "Get a load of this!" said Zane. He opened his mouth with a supersonic burst coming out. The guards were knocked back and they were launched through several walls.

Zane then saw several Phantoms fly out into Terrarune with Wraith looking right at him. "Hey there Wraithy. I guess you owe me." said Zane. "Are you going after Dyno?" said Wraith. "Yeah. He put my friends in jail plus JV doesn't like his friends hurt." said Zane. "You remember. I'll see you real soon Zane or should I saw Zero?" said Wraith. He flew off toward his home and Zane went looking for Dyno.

In Dyno's office, he was resting in his chair with him reading the rules book. He heard explosions and he said into his P.A.,"Guards, what's going on down there? Someone answer me now!". The door blasted off its hinges as Bane stood there. "You could see please skull face. After all, saying please is a rule." said Bane. "Bane. Do you remember what happened to you after our last meeting and I do." said Dyno.

Bane aimed his gatling gun arm at him with him saying,"You turned me into a cyborg and I can't feel the touch of the woman that I love so I remember!". He fired out several laser blasts from the gun with them heading toward Dyno. The warden put up an Pink Nether shield which blocked them all as Dyno said,"You're still weak.". He flew toward Bane with him grabbing Bane. He was starting to crush him as Bane felt pain.

Dyno said,"You may have noticed that I'm way stronger than I was before. Being a loyal servant of Spiro Midnight has its benefits, I think ending you will make that clear.". Bane then closed his eyes as he heard,"Stay away from Skull Face!!!". The warden was blasted by a giant burst of water with Bane falling to the floor. Bane looked up to see Zane ,in his Water Form, standing there with his left hand dripping water.

Zane helped up the cyborg and he said,"Your suit isn't in the best shape Bane. I could fix it but I got some punishment to deal to the warden for what he done to my friends and JV.". Zane went after Dyno and his Crisis Judgment activated. He dodged a giant Pink Nether Stick as he heard,"It's as the rumors Yep. You have great senses.". Dyno stood there and he brushed off the dust from his suit.

Zane said,"You're on fire Dyno so I need to cool you off!". He fired a huge amount of water at the Phantom with him blocking it with an energy shield. "Just like Bane. You're strong but you head into action without a plan. It's risky isn't it but I plan to end you and make you into a full 100% Phantom so I'll sentence you for eternity here in the Ultimatum Pit!" said Dyno. He made a huge explosion of Pink Nether causing a giant explosion with Zane getting trapped under rubble.

Dyno lifted up and he saw that Zane ,back to normal, was out cold. "Perfect. It's time for you to end your life and be the next prisoner!" said Dyno. He was about to stab Zane with an Nether Spear but then Zane melted into a puddle. "What the?" said Dyno. "Hey Skull Face! You feel for the old fake Zero act Dyno Fail." said a voice. Dyno saw that he was surrounded by an army of Zane currently in Cartoon Form.

Dyno said,"You hide behind these illusions but trust me, I will find and destroy you.". "Yeah and I'm going to meet Miss Universe." said a clone. "Dude! We totally have her number in the Zero Phone?" said a second clone. "No you morons! It's called the Zero Signal and we're due to stop crime back home!" said a third clone. Dyno's temper rose as he yelled,"Shut up!". He blasted the two with a giant Pink Nether Dog.

A clone said,"And here I thought that he was a patient kind of bad guy. Attack them!". The clones swarmed Dyno and the warden tried to fight back. However when he destroy one, seven more appeared in its place. "Enough!" yelled Dyno. He caused a giant explosion of Pink Nether with all of the clones being destroy. He grew to the size of a planet and he said,"WHERE ARE YOU PRISONER?!". He heard,"I'm right here!".

A little bit earlier, Bane woke up to see the rest of his group plus Astrino. "What happened? Did we win?" said Bane. "Yes. Thanks to Zane's clever thinking, we were able to free everyone inside of the pit." said Ether. "Even the more dangerous ones though. So are you okay B?" said Kendra. "I am fine but I feel bad for leaving Zane behind to fight Dyno. He is the reincarnation of our old friend Johnny but I suspect that he doesn't have the power." said Bane.

Astrino said,"Sorry but you're wrong. When I first fought against him, I could feel Johnny. He may be different but I can still see him in there.". "Yeah. I mean he was able to make Dyno go supernova on his pit." said Smog. The robot saw that the prison was destroyed and Sheryl said,"And if you look to your right, you'll see Zane kicking Dyno's giant but.". Bane saw Dyno ,in his giant form, getting owned by Zane who was flying around Dyno.

Dyno said,"STAY STILL BRAT!". He made several beams of his pink Nether fly toward Zane and he smiled. A new card appeared in his card plate. It had a black frame with a planet with little rocks floating around it. Zane's body soon became rock like. He's now a gray rock like humanoid with him being twelve feet tall. He has two red diamond shaped eyes. He has a muscular and thin build. He has five fingers and toes.

In the center of his chest, there is a circle shaped core which is his heart/essence. It’s a red and orange color. He wears black ,with white lining, sleeveless shirt and pants with a brown belt. The Phantom wasn't concerned about this until Zane said,"Gravity Form! Lets see how you like getting hit with your own attack!". He moved his hands ,with his hands glowing crimson red around as the Nether beams flew back toward Dyno. He was blasted by them pushing him back toward the ground.

Dyno looked up to see Zane with several sections of the prison floating around like he had orbit. "I think it's your turn to be the prisoner Dyno!" said Zane. The pieces then fell toward Dyno as the warden couldn't do anything beside shrunk back to his normal self. He was trapped and Zane made sure by turning into his Thermal Form burning the metal and then freezing it solid with his Sub Zero Armor.

Zane stood there with him saying,"I guess I defeated my first dictator. Cross that off the super hero check list Athena.". "I already done that Zane. You did a good job no you did a great job. In the short time that we've been here , you have use Brain Form, Cartoon Form, Frost Form two time, Gravity Form, Raptor Form, Thermal Form thrice, Vine Form two times, and Water Form in a span of half a day. You need to rest. Sleep." said Athena. He crashed onto the floor with a soft snoring being heard.

Later, Bane stood there and he looked at Smog who was currently fighting with Zane in his Diamond Form. When Dyno was defeated by Zane, the young teen had been in Terrarune for a week now and wasn't suffering the effect of becoming a full Phantom rather than a quarter. "Zane. Do you mind stopping for a second?" said Bane. Zane socked Smog to the ground and he said,"Sure. What's up Bane?".

Zane turned back to normal and Bane said,"So do you feel any different?". "Not recently. I mean this place is made out of something called nether right? I'm able to reproduce that stuff through out my body. So do I look different?" said Zane. "You still look like a giant idiot to me kid. I think the boss man is worried about you not suffering from the after effects of being in Terrarune." said Smog.

Bane nodded and he said,"Ether's report from the lab just came to my attention. It seems that alongside your magic power and nether, you have something called Furor inside of your body. Do you know what that is by chance Zane?". "Furor? My grandpa told me that it shouldn't be here until I'm twenty." said Zane. "I'm going to guess that since you're a fourth of the most powerful species known as Eazairvian, it may have accelerated the process." said Athena.

Smog said,"So she's the brain of the operation huh Zane?". "Ha Ha." said Zane. "It seems like you will need more training." said Zane. "Great. I have so much time on my hands now. I have to learn combat from Mel, magic from Eon, Nether training from grandpa, and patrol." said Zane. His Crisis Judgement went off as he said,"What now?". A portal opened up and Smog said,"Ten bucks says that for you.".

Bane said,"It was an honor working with you.". "Yeah. You weren't so bad kid except for the part that I kicked your but." said Smog. "I think me beating you several times proves your point wrong." said Zane. Zane activate his Thermal Form and he said,"Before you say anything, I may end up somewhere bad.". He jumped through the portal and Smog said,"We should get ready for his return.". "Correct." said Bane. The two were gone.

Back at the prison aka Ultimatum Pit, Slug stood there looking at Dyno's jail cell. "So are you able to break it?" said Slug. He then turned to see Apazar with Titan wearing a space suit version of his costume. "If the big guy here can't break it, I'll go get Fallout but I don't want so show me what it takes to be a member of the Odium Society." said Apazar. The villain nodded as he grew to about twenty feet tall.

Apazar said,"Both him and his sister have super powers. He is super strong and has the ability to grow but not shrink while his sister is able to change matter itself. I would have brought her but she is busy with a test of her own.". "I don't care. Just break Dyno out. We are needed with the real king." said Slug. Titan cocked his fist back and he punched it. It broke with the trio of bad guys seeing the frozen warden.

Slug held the frozen Phantom and he said,"Our work is down. I do hope that you like having the services of the Phantoms that served Spiro Midnight, the REAL king of Terrarune.". He flew off as Titan said,"So did I pass?". "Yes. We gained the support of Phantoms so if we need to keep Zane and friends busy, we can." said Apazar. He opened a magic portal as the two walked in with the remains of the prison breaking.

Next time,
A new enemy emerges and their tech is familiar to Zane with them being a major pain. This and more next time on Zero!

Ether is able to use Pink Nether.
Sheryl Alyx is able to use Blue Nether.
Kendra Marinelle is able to use Water Nether.
Smog is able to use Smoke Nether.
Bane is able to use Red Nether.
Dyno Brath is able to alter his shape and use Pink Nether.
Slug is able to use Green Nether.
Marolon is able to use Purple Nether.

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