Sunday, December 9, 2018

Fairy Legion Chapter 16 Deliora vs Zane

Disclaimer: This Post had originally been posted on September 16, 2018 at 9:25 PM. I'm reposting this Chapter along with Fairy Legion Chapters 1-26 because of a massive plot change. If you've read this story before, not much will have changed except Zane's reason for going to the Fairy Tail Dimension. The Author Note and whatever I talk about in them may or will be extremely outdated today or I'm somehow seeing the future so just ignore if you want.

A/N: Yep. That was a big chapter being that the long Author Note was just part of it. I had planned on ending the chapter with Lyon stabbing Gray but I decided to finish their fight. All we have left is the revival of Deliora and the destroying of the moon. Yeah. Things will be changing this time around because Deliora will be doing something. I also wanted to make sure you all know something. Some character from Power Guild may get a name drop or be seen.

I decided to talk about this before I get into my review of the final One Piece Chapters because I have a lot to talk about either Edens Zero or the Fairy Tail spinoff. Lets get back on track. Lisa was the first one being that she will appear as Lyon's older sister. I didn't give her age but she's about two to three years older than Lyon in X784. You can do the math and trust me, Lisa will be much stronger than she was in Power Guild. That's all I'm going to say about it for now.

Lets begin with the "review" of Chapter 914, 915, 916, and 917 of One Piece. The cover page shows that we're still in the Straw Hat Grand Fleet cover story being that we have a final character in the form of Bellamy. He may not be a member being that he only took a piece of Luffy's vivre card and gave up the pirate life but he will help out Luffy in the climax maybe. Don't quote me on that. We'll learn more about Bellamy's store as we go on.

The chapter begins in Leftovers town or Okobore. Tama is healed from her poison being that it was rather fast much to Zoro's shock. I didn't mention this in the last Chapter but Tsuru is based off a Japanese forklore about a crane who returns a favor to a man and her appearance looks like people featured in Ukiyo-e paintings. Tsuru tells Tama not to drink the water again only for her to run off and drink it anyways because she's hungry.

We also learn more about Kiku being that she's a big woman. We aren't talking like Big Mom or any other species we know so far. She also used a term that was only used by male samurai. For some one who can't tell the difference when someone introduces themselves, this is neat. Tsuru soon offers Tama food being that Tama says that she can't repay it. However, Tsusu tells her that she doesn't like wasting food or taking no for an answer.

We soon see Tama eating a meal for her birthday being that it feels good to see Tama so happy given the nature of her world thanks to Kaido. It makes you feel so good and it's also the calm before the storm. We learn that there are many kids like Tama being that Luffy says,"It's crazy that a little girl like her is able to go hungry! Although once she gets older, she can eat poisoned food.". Ah, I love Luffy logic.

Tsuru notices that both Luffy and Zoro are foreigners being that Tsuru and Kiku are new to this town as well. The only place where the food isn't poisonous is Oden Castle which was twenty years ago due to being that home belonged to the Kouzuki Clan who ruled over Wano a long ago. Oden had a farm which anyone could eat from being it was a paradise compared to Orochi and his minions now use.

They only sell the people the rotting ingredients being that it's livable. Zoro soon blocks an arrow with his sword being that we met another SMILE Devil Fruit User called Batman. Yes, his name is Batman and well, he isn't close to Bruce Wayne's level. I'm not a big fan of the SMILE Devil Fruit users that we met in this arc because well, all of them are ugly and kinda of pathetic. I will be dissing them hard because well, I think they're kinda of pathetic.

We learn that Batman can hear six times better than a human which is impressive and doesn't have any weakness unlike another SMILE Devil Fruit User called Gazelleman. He was my least favorite mainly because of his MAJOR weakness which is revealed in the next chapter so I won't talk about it here but Gazelleman takes Tama again. The group of Kiku, Komainu, Luffy, and Zoro soon head after him being that we learn that Kiku is a samurai.

She's a female samurai which I think was rare back then. We also learn about the three Headliners being that we met one aka Hawkins. The other two are Holdem and Speed being that well, we'll talk about them later. The group soon arrives at Bakura Town being that it's the government officials and the pirates territory so we're getting a fight. At the end of the chapter, we get to see Law once again so if you like Law, you were excited.

I don't hate Law but I like Jewelry Bonny and Kid more because we don't know anything about them but I want to know about them more.  I also wanted to mentioned how Jaiminsbox is talking about some objects of Japanese history. This is a good thing. It's like how Oda reminds of us of some plot events because well, there is a lot of information over the 21 years of publication. Chapter 915 begins with more of Bellamy's journey.

His flag painting teacher is an old man with a flag for hair. If we haven't seen weirder in the series, I would comment this. We learn more about that sumo ,from two chapters ago, that was trying and failing to flirt with Kiku being that he's talking with Mouseman. I don't like Mouseman because well, he's rather ugly to look at it. I mean those ears are so big being that you could see it from several miles away.

I guess that Mickey Mouse's ears are bigger but Mouseman's ears are bigger than him. That's an extremely exaggeration but wow, he's not a good face to look. We soon learn about the class system in Wano being that he eats the owner of the restaurant's raccoon dog. I'm sure that Urashima returns back in the story, he may fight Chopper. We see learn Gazelle Man's weakness being that he has no endurance.

I think that's the worst weakness for a RUNNER where endurance is pretty important. I do wonder if all SMILE Devil Fruit user have weakness like this just to show how much weaker SMILE users are compared to normal Devil Fruit eaters. It's a good theory right? We soon met a Headliner Holdem who is a Lion user and has a Lion coming out of his stomach. When I first saw him, I feel like I was like Tama.     

We soon learn that the lion and Holdem are connected when the lion punches Holdem in the crotch and then he feels the pain as well. Holdem captures Tama being that she has a devil fruit that can tame animals but what could Kaido do with it? I like how we learn more Bakura Town and then we get to see a Sumo match with Urashima being treated as a popstar who has fan girls. So far, he has broken 10 arms, 15 legs, 52 ribs, 4 skulls, and 7 spines. Good for him.

He also sticks out like a sore thumb when compared to the other wrestlers. You couldn't really see it before but it's more noticeable. We also see Kiku try and hide behind Zoro which doesn't work thanks to her being well tall and thin. We also learn that Zoro doesn't like cutting down naked men because well, I don't blame him but if this is his weakness, I'll question it. We soon see Kiku have an awesome moment when she slices off Urashima's topknot.

As for someone who hates topknot for a very petty reason, I was okay with this. So Chapter 916 has another colored page and well, it screams summer. You may think I like the bikini shot but I like how Chopper is enjoying fireworks. It's the little things. So are we going to find out what happened to him, Brook, Sanji, Nami, and the bunny who has been traveling with them and for some strange reason, people want her to join the crew due to her doing really nothing worthy in my eyes.

That's totally my opinion on her for now. I'm hope that this changes along with my opinion on Smoothie since I hate saying that a character is trash being that we haven't seen their full or max potential. I think this applies to Smoothie more than the bunny girl being that Smoothie fought on the water and not land. Anyway, Urashima gets pissed against Kiku for slicing his topknot being that's it's important in their culture.

Before Kiku gets palmed, Luffy blocks it. We soon get Luffy sumo wrestle being that if you think Japan, sumo usually comes up. Urashima may have experience compared to Luffy's victory against Usopp but Luffy has the speed to block it and well, it's going to bite him in the end. We then see Holdem pinching Tama's cheek with pliers. Holdem also calls the Kouzuki family but so far, we've learned that they were good. I wonder if time has changed perspective on them.

Law shows up only for him to take care of Bepo who ate fish from the river and Hawkins soon heads toward them. Urashima soon gets slammed by a giant fist which sends him flying. We soon see Holdem holding Tama in his lion mouth which I bet it's painful. We also learn of a character called Shutenmaru. I wonder who that it is. Instead of being shocked at Tama's pain, we see Luffy comment about Holdem's stomach being a lion.

I'm not mad because well, I think we all would question. The chapter ends with Luffy, Holdem, Hawkins, and Law about to clash but wait, we get a break. When you're read more than one chapter at once, the pain isn't there but when you read week by week, the pain can be unbearble. The final chapter of our review is Chapter 917 being that Bellamy is designing his own flag that can not be torn. 

The chapter begins inside of Paradise Farm which is the total opposite of everywhere else in Wano so far being it looks nice. We also meet another Headliner being Speed. She's a centaur being she ate the Horse Smile. I thought that she looked nice except for the ears. I don't why the ears bother me so much. I may just hate large ears but lets get back on twice. Fun fact, did you know horses can 360 degrees around them and well, Speed cannot.

If you don't remember, there is a character who ate the Horse Devil Fruit being Pierre. I think I didn't like her because well, that smile. It's something else being that I know that she looks like a horse when she smiles but mother of god, it's so ugly. We also learn that Holdem's lion stomach has a name being Kamijiro. Also Kiku sticks out in this chapter. We also learn more about Shutenmaru being that he's been thieving around the farm. 

We also learn that Jack is alive after being sink to the ocean. I still wonder how they did that because well, he's really heavy underwater. To be honest, I kinda forgot about Jack. I honestly thought he died and drown. Law makes an appearance with him wearing a bucket on his head and going to clash with Hawkins. We soon see both Luffy and Zoro may quick work of the lion stomach and grunts, freeing Tama and Kiku from the grunts.

Luffy gets pissed when he finds out what Holdem did being that he gets ready with Red Hawk, and like with the sumo, he blasts Holdem hard and well the lion can breath fire. Who knew that Lion could breath fire. Now this is what I wanted from Wano and well, I like Oda's art when it comes to the punch. You can just see the flabs of skin moving like waves. It doesn't beat the legendary punch against Celestial Dragon but it's up there as one of Luffy's best punches in my book. 

We've caught up to One Piece chapters being that all we have left to catch up on Edens Zero and also talking about the new spinoff which mostly like be its own part because well, I got a lot to talk about it and most of it will be positive I hope. Anyway, I should say that I got a lot of ideas for this arc from Power Guild because well the Zane in that series does something that the main canon doesn't and it's done in this timeline because of a certain someone that Zane's chasing after. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
While Deliora was roaring, Ultear and Zane were still fighting. "So while isn't Zane on the floor with his ears bleeding?" said Cole. "Zane expected this remember. He put in several layers of earplugs so that the pain isn't too bad. It's more like a ringing." said Athena. "He's grown up so much in the past nine centuries." said Kane. Sivarth nodded as he said,"So do you think we can do this without causing too much damage?". "He can't promise that." said Twilight.

Back at the village, the villagers were getting blown back from the windstorm that surrounded the temple. "I can't believe how much of a sublime opponent you are. You have elegance, agility, speed, strength, and everything. Tell me what your plan for Deliora is before I destroy you?" said Ultear, launching several orbs at him. Zane soon released his unique colored electricity with the electricity covering the orbs and sending them into the walls around them. "Hit me and I'll talk!" said Zane. 

Ultear said,"So what do you think about the Cold Emperor?". "He's a blind fool. He doesn't a chance against Deliora. So you're going to use a spell to try and control him aren't you?" said Zane. "You and your mind reading. Do you ever turn it off? I plan to use this demon for my true power and it isn't for that puppet." said Ultear. "Well, I guess you're not a complete idiot but this is over." said Zane. He was soon gone as Ultear looked for Zane.

In a second, Zane soon appeared with him saying,"Fall.". He soon cocked his right arm back with him ready to do some heavy damage on her. "You wouldn't hit a girl wouldn't you?" said Ultear. "I don't care about that shit because in a fight, men and women are equal." said Zane. His fist soon connected with her midsection, launching the time wizard into a nearby series of rock formations being that the ground below him was shaking. She was out cold.

Zane sighed as he said,"Please forgive me for doing that Ur. She needed to be stopped if I wanted my plan to work.". He soon looked at Deliora with the demon roaring like nothing else. Every since he first laid eyes upon the creature, he could feel that Ur had been slowly weakening over ten years and the once threatening demon is weaker than Lucy which is saying a lot. "If that's the case, why are you almost at full strength? I know that Ur wasn't weak." said Zane.

He walked right toward the giant ice Popsicle with him feeling a strong dark magic coming from the demon as Zane growled. "Okay. Someone gave this thing power but who?" said Kane. "I have no clue. None of the minds I've read reported anyone coming near Deliora. She must have thought these idiots could have revived Deliora but it would be dead. Whoever did this, they wanted to use it like Ultear did." said Zane. "So what are we going to do Zane? We need to kill Deliora." said Sivarth.

Athena said,"We have those traps set up just in case it did break out and went out on a rampage but at the rate the light is coming down, we may have to set them off.". "So should just burn away the ice since Ur long since kicked the bucket?" said Cole. "I don't think we should just burn it." said Twilight as Zane nodded. "I can feel a spirit in there, calling out to me. I just need to free it and then, I can begin my master plan." said Zane. As he got closer to the ice, Ultear woke up.

Zane placed his right hand upon a section of the ice that still remained, closing his eyes and focusing on the spirit inside of the ice. He had been hearing it calling to him since he arrived on the island and even with his super hearing, it was still hearing even with Deliora screaming. "Okay. It's to begin the plan. Ready to go?" said Zane. His partners nodded as Zane stood back. Before he could do anything to it, he heard,"Stop!".

He soon turned to his right to see Ultear as Cole said,"Wow. She recovered fast! Time powers are the best.". "What are you doing? You've read my mind so why are you doing this to me?!" said Ultear. "I got my own reason and they just happen to collide with my reason. You want help Ultear but you're too scared to ask for help. Take it from experience. You never want to keep the pain and problems you have just to yourself. It only hurts more." said Zane.

He soon held Lazarus Soul with Ultear soon made several orbs and they surrounded Zane. "You can not do this! I let Lyon go through his plan because that woman acted more like a mother to them than she ever did with me! Even when I came back to her." said Ultear, grinding her teeth. "Your eyes and heart are singing me a different tune. You may saw that you don't want her back but you really want her." said Zane. "Luminous Minute!" yelled Valerie.

The orbs soon began pelting Zane from all sides as he sighed. "Sorry about this but you need to stop so year." said Zane, snapping his fingers. Ultear turned to see a Forest Emperor Drowsy Hypnotic flower with the pollen soon coming out of it. Instead of knocking her out, she was soon frozen in place thanks to paralysis. "What did you do to me?!" said Ultear. "I stopped you Einstein. So if you need me, I have someone to save and kill at the same time." said Zane.

He unsheathed his sword with him aiming the bottom of the blade directly at the section of ice right in front of him. His hands soon began glowing turquoise as Ultear yelled,"Stop!". "Sorry but I need to free her before I kill Deliora. You're almost free from your prison Ur. Arcane Emperor Absolute Method: Gaia Restore!" said Zane with him gently placing the end of his sword against the ice being that he began willing himself into the magic created solid.

Zane thought,"I know that I'm awful against magic but I need to accomplish my goal so lets push past the weakness and make it into a strength!". He soon released more of his power being that the Iced Shell had an ethereal, turquoise glow covering it. Ultear soon noticed that the demon had noticed Zane down there and was about to swipe at him. "No! Look out!" yelled Ultear. Before the demon could hit him, he was soon unable to move thanks to him being covered in an turquoise glow.

Zane said,"You should know big guy that I've fought BIGGER and you're nothing compared to them Deliora!". "Why are you doing this?" said Ultear. She soon began crawling toward Zane with Kane saying,"Wow. She's real determined to stop you and pushing through the paralysis.". "Can you blame her?" said Sivarth. Ultear soon hugged him as she said,"Please stop Zane.". "Sorry but I can reunite a family member, I'll do anything in my power to help them.".

The two stayed there for what seems like forever being that the ice had began vanishing into many tiny particles of light blue energy. "And that's how its done." said Zane, with a smile. He soon began looking around with him noticing that the particles of energy began forming something right under the immobile demon. "And there she is." said Zane. Ultear followed his gaze being that she was soon shocked to see her alive.

Zane could tell that it was a woman mainly due to her chest being that the shape soon began more clear. It was Ur being that she was still missing her leg but on the brighter side, she isn't naked. "So that is Ur? Wow. Your mom was a strong one huh Ul......" said Zane. Ultear was gone as Zane sighed with him re-shealting his sword and placing it on his back. "Well, I get them to talk. So it's time to have a chat with you Ur." said Zane.

He soon walked toward her as Ur said,"Huh? Where am I and how are you?". She soon lost balance and before she fell into the water, she was soon held by a strange creature. It looked to be a yeti made out of snow as she said,"Um hi?". "That's my Permafrost Emperor Snow Yeti. So what's the last thing you remember Ur?" said Zane. "I was protecting my students and I died. So is this the afterlife? To be honest, I thought it would have been brighter plus aren't you a little young to be a reaper?" said Ur.

Zane soon sighed as he said,"Well, I should have expect some memory loss but no knowledge of what happened when you were a giant ice cube. This may be a problem.". "So do you have a name? I mean you are the only person here." said Ur. Zane pointed to Deliora who roared. "Deliora! But I thought I....." said Ur. "You did but someone gave this thing a power boost and well, I'll be fighting it soon." said Zane.

Ur looked confused as Zane said,"My name is Zane Alvarez aka Legion Zero and member of the Alliance.". "Okay. You already know my name so I have some question. What has happened in the past ten years?, What happened to my students?, Where are we?, What is the alliance?, and Why isn't Deliora attacking?" said Ur. Zane knew that she was going to ask questions but this was less than he expected.

Zane said,"Okay. You've been an iced cube thanks to Iced Shell, both Gray and Lyon are fine, we're on an island with a sick moon fetish called Galuna island, the Alliance is a group that helps deal with problems that could hurt a LOT of people, and Deliora isn't attacking because he has a really bad case of frostbite. So what do you remember?". "Okay. So how did we get here?" said Ur. "You better just start from the beginning." said Sivarth.

Zane soon began telling her what has happened so far plus what he knew about Gray and Lyon's time before coming here. During this, Ultear was nearby being that she wanted to go see her mother again because she's the reason behind some many things in her life. "Wow. I can't believe he did that." said Ur. "Emotions can blind you from the truth Ur. Plain and simple. I'm sure Gray has beaten him. He isn't weak." said Zane.

Ur nodded as she said,"So how did you undo Iced Shell? Are you a magical genius?". "To be honest with you, I'm not even close to being a magical genius. Gwen is a magical genius. So do you mind if I do something about that?" said Zane, pointing to the stump of leg. "Sure thing but make it quick handsome." said Ur, playfully smirking. Zane soon shook his head as he thought,"Like mother like daughter aren't they.".

Ur soon looked down to see that Zane's hands were glowing like the rainbow. "This may sting a bit but trust me, I can make a killer prosthetic." said Zane, with Ur looking at his right arm. She soon felt pain as she said,'What are you doing to me?!". "Giving you the ability to move." said Zane. The pain was soon gone as Ur looked to see that her leg was back to normal but one of them was glowing like the rainbow.

Ur soon looked at Zane with him saying,"That is the handiwork of Rainbow Nether. It can allow me to make new limbs. It'll look your other leg in time. So do you want to see Gray and Lyon? I can take you to them before I fight the ugly son of a bitch?". Ur soon shook her head being that from what Zane told her, them reuniting right now would be a bad time. It could be later being that the two of them were like her children but she needed to see her.

Ur said,"Maybe later. I need to see the light of my life. So would you happen to know if she is alive Zane?". Crisis Judgement went off as he said,"We'll talk later. Our annoying friend is about to attack little old me.". Ur looked up to see Deliora glaring at the two of them with his eyes glowing red with anger and revenge. He rose his gigantic fist with him launching it down upon them and going to crush them. Ultear soon watched in worry.

The fist was heading toward her mother and friend being that it was going to hit them in due time but much to Ultear, Ur, and Deliora's shock, it was stopped. Zane had several tendrils coming out of his body with him saying,"Wow. You're really strong aren't you?". The demon roared louder being that he soon began pushing his arm forward, trying to break through the tendrils. The ground below Zane was breaking and Zane smiled.

He soon sprouted an arm from his body and it wrapped around Deliora's waist. Deliora was soon in the air as both women saw Zane holding him. He began spinning around with him throwing Deliora into the wall, causing several pounds of rubble. Deliora soon recovered with Zane making a clone as Zane said,"Okay big guy. Time to desharpen those teeth of yours. Hold him down for me.". Zane rushed Deliora with the clone saying,"Understood prime me. Forest Emperor Lust!".

Ur watched several large ,thorn covered, wooden vines coming out of Zone's body and then rushed toward Deliora. The demon was soon trapped in the vines being unable to break out of it and they pierced through the demon's skin. Zane jumped toward Deliora's face. "Karmic Blitzkrieg!" said Zane with both of his arms covered in a large ,black, dragon-shaped energy shroud around it. His fists slammed into Deliora, causing an explosion.

Zone was soon gone as Zane landed right near Ur. "Wow. I think he hates me and swearing at me in demonish or whatever his language is called." said Zane. "Who are you?" said Ur. "Just a normal superhero. We need to get you out of here. Can you walk?" said Zane. "Yeah." said Ur. "Good. My friend Sly should be around here. Go find her. She's the dragon. She'll help you. I'll give you an estimate of her location and I told her to keep an eye for you." said Zane.

Ur soon held her head as she said,"Wow. You're something else.". She was soon gone as Zane said,"I know you're still here Ultear. How about you come out and dance with me before I have to dance with Deliora and well, he can steps on your feet so many times.". Ultear walked toward him as she said,"I really don't understand you Zane. So will she be safe?". "She will be Ultear. Sly is good at protecting people and I trust her with my life. Could you do me a favor?" said Zane.

Ultear raised an eyebrow as Zane said,"Do you mind if Zalty makes sure that everyone is away from here? Use force if you have too. I mean you could say no but well, I don't want to hurt you more than I already have.". "Fine. I owe you for all of this but in return, you and I will have some alone time. I want to know more about you." said Ultear. "Sure. So what are you going to do? I mean she wants to see you more than those two." said Zane. 

Ultear was quiet with Zane saying,"Okay. I may have gone overboard but like with Gray, you need to move on. I need to get you out of here.". Zane snapped his fingers with Ultear noticing that a dark indigo spiral like portal appeared below her. She was soon gone as Zane said,"Well, she's going to hate me. Why do I constantly make women in this dimension mad at me?". "Because you're you Zane." said Kane. "That's a good reason." said Twilight.

Zane soon looked at Deliora who was still unable to move thanks to the vines and he could feel his anger toward him and pretty much everything. "Okay then. I don't know who gave you a power boost but I don't care. You're going down because well, I think you need to pay for all of the death that you have caused toward people who didn't deserve it at all." said Zane. He soon rushed toward Deliora as it roared.

Above him, the trio of Erza, Happy, and Lucy were searching for Gray, Natsu, Sly, and Zane but the two girls were more focused on the former three rather than the latter. "What was that sound you guys? I mean it sounded like some kind of monster growling." said Lucy. "It's mostly likely your stomach growing. I mean you're really thin." said Happy. "Both you and the perv have something in common. You're both not funny." said Lucy.

Erza soon turned right toward Lucy with her saying,"Is that Deliora Lucy?". "Oh no. It can't be.. It's been revived already?" said Lucy, with her looking scared. Happy wanted to make fun of Lucy but it was too obvious being that if Zane were here, he would say,"No shit Sherlock". Happy soon noticed something being a purple column of light. "So if the demon has been revived, why is the Moon Drip still coming down?" said Happy.   

Just then, another deafening sound shook the temple. "It has to be." said Erza. "Yeah. Lucy's stomach is growling like crazy. It's making two sounds now!" said Happy. "And you need to shut up before I hurt you." said Lucy. "One of those sounds belongs to Deliora however, I don't know what the other sound could be. This light shows that someone is still performing the ceremony above us. We can at least prevent one demon. Lets go!" said Erza.

She soon grabbed Lucy's arm with them going toward the nearest staircase. "We have to keep moving Lucy! Lets go!" said Erza. "But Erza! Deliora is below us!" said Lucy. "I know that but if we want to stop its rebirth, we need to take out the summoner." said Erza. Lucy soon figured out what she said as the two went up the stairs. "So what do you think the other demon is like? I bet he has a really cool face." said Happy. He was ignored.

Back in the cavern, Deliora soon broke out his right arm from his vine prison with him soon focusing energy into it. He soon fired several beams from it as Zane evaded them. "Come on! If you want to hit me, hit me already!" said Zane. The demon soon roared as Zane said,"You have such a potty mouth. You may have power but I got even more.". He soon made a giant Zenith Sphere with him saying,"Colossal Zenith Sphere!". He thrust the sphere right into Deliora, causing an explosion.

Deliora heard,"You don't get it don't you? You've hurt so many people just because you were having a tantrum! I get why Lyon wanted to come here but in the process, he made people think that he was hurting with the village with a "curse". I'll show you how much stronger I really am!". The explosion was gone as Deliora soon saw Zane's arms looking gigantic. "Avalanche Punch!" said Zane. He soon fired a barrage of massive punches, with each one causing a powerful impact.

Above him, Erza soon rushed toward Toby with him being easily dispatched. The dogman lay in a heap on the ground, nursing his wounds. "Awesome job Erza! You've stopped Moon Drip!" said Lucy as she ran up to Erza. "So? You've failed! Deliora will be free!" yelled Toby. Erza, Happy, and Lucy soon saw that the ground nearby by them broke open, with it revealing an alive Deliora and Zane as he just finished his barrage.

Deliora roared in anger as Lucy said,"No way. He's revived?". "Isn't that Zane?" said Erza. "No. It can't be. Can it?" said Happy. He soon saw Zane dodging Deliora's energy beams with him saying,"I think it is him!". "What is he doing?! I thought he was with Natsu! I know you can hear me so tell me what you've done with Natsu!" said Erza. Back in Deliora's chamber, Zane heard her and flipped her the bird, much to her anger. "He's a dead man isn't he?" said Lucy. "Aye." said Happy.

Back in the cavern, Zane smirked and clenched his fists while staring Deliora, "Really?" said Athena as she sighed. "She was asking for it." said Cole. Zane soon heard someone enter the water as he saw Gray standing there. "Is that...." said Gray. He soon scooped up a handful of water with him thinking about Ur. "Hey Gray! Did you happen to see Natsu on your way here?!" said Zane as he hoped over to Gray. "Zane. What are you talking about?" said Gray.

Zane looked around as he said,"Well, he was being an idiot so I webbed him somewhere. He should be fine but well, I don't know. So are you ready to literally fight your demons? I mean I fought my demons when I was your age so this is fine. Trust me.". "Neither one of you are strong enough to beat Deliora." said a low and horse voice. The two turned to see a crawling Lyon with him having an insane smile,"I'll defeat Deliora and surpass Ur.".

Gray soon frowned as he said,"Lyon.". "God Lyon. I've done more damage to him than you ever could. You're more worthless in this fight like Lucy." said Zane. "Do you seriously have to insult her whenever you can? Natsu will kill you." said Gray. "Once Natsu puts the move on her or Erza and stops being a little bitch, I may stop the teasing for a while." said Zane. Lyon ignored them with Deliora trying to rip the vines off him so that he may kill the one who injured him.

Lyon soon focused himself to stand up as he said,"I've waited so long for the moment. Ur couldn't never defeat you and she was the strongest wizard around. She holed herself up on the mountain after losing her daughter several years ago. No wizard could even compare not even my own sister! I was her prized student before you came along Gray! She had me and when I compared myself to her dead daughter, I got slapped!". Zane chucked as Lyon glared at him.

Zane said,"Sorry. Go on Lyon.". "Fine. She saw me as her student not a replacement for her daughter so I will finally....." said Lyon. He was soon chopped in the back of the neck, which knocked him out cold. "Thank the gods you do that because well, he's your problem not mine." said Zane. "I just want him to stop and now, I have to clean up this mess." said Gray. He soon took a deep breath with him saying,"Zane. Thank you for telling me about your friends.".

Zane raised an eyebrow with him saying,"For fucks sake, didn't you learn your lesson earlier?!". He soon got in the posture for Iced Shell with him slowly building up magic energy. "Iced Shell! Don't do this Gray! I have waited for this day for so long and you come and ruin it! Do you ruin everything of mine you touch?! I will melt the ice and then Deliora will died by my hands!" yelled Lyon. "Oh wow. I didn't notice this but people in this dimension can recover fast." said Kane.

Sivarth soon said,"Adrenaline is a powerful thing Kane. Remember how times Zane has pushed himself beyond his limits using it.". "This is the only way Lyon! I have to bring him done here and now!" yelled Gray as frost and ice covered his body. Zane stood in front of him and Deliora as Gray yelled,"Move Zane!". "Gray. Lyon. I'm going to repeat myself this one time so listen up." said Zane after taking a deep breath.

Both boys looked at Zane who had a vein bulging on his forehead,"I'm going to handle this thing and I won't let you either of you be a messiah! I won't let either of you break Ur's heart! I brought her back from the dead when I freed Deliora! He's going to die by my hands!". Both of them were soon shocked as Gray said,"Are you making a joke now?! This isn't funny!". "You two need to remember this. I'm a god and I can do anything I want here got it?" said Zane, turning around to face them.

The two soon saw an image of Sly helping Ur away from the temple as Gray said,"Ur.". "Is she real or not?" said a shocked Lyon. "Well, I didn't exact get to feel her up but I can tell that she's back to the land of the living. Thank the gods that her soul was still there because if it wasn't, I wouldn't have been able to revive her." said Zane. "Huh?" said Gray. "I'll explain later. The point is, I brought her back from the dead and he's the thing. She's still the same age." said Zane.

Lyon said,"No wizards alive could do such a thing!". "Well, I ain't just a wizard. I'm a superhero and trust me, I rather not see another friend die. I've seen too many deaths and trust me, the pain of their death never gets easier." said Zane, clenching his fist. Gray soon calmed down with him saying,"Who are you Zane?". "The one who'll enter yours and the rest of the cultists nightmare. He's also perfect for me to get rid of some stress." said Zane.

Gray said,"Okay man. We'll get out of your way.". He soon picked up Lyon with him saying,"Are you going to let him fight that thing by himself?!". "Yeah. He'll be fine." said Gray. The two were soon gone as Zane watched Deliora break the vine prison. "Finally. You took like forever." said Zane with Deliora throwing his right fist toward him. "That's cute." said Zane. He soon held Lazarus Soul in its sheath and slashed the air in front of him.

A large concentrated blast of wind flew right toward Deliora with it blasting Deliora backwards and right toward the ground. A large amount of smoke covered the area with Zane saying,"Catch me if you can.". Zane soon began move around the demon being that the demon couldn't keep up with Zane who was moving faster than light. The demon soon found Zane with him saying,"Hey Deliora. Have you even flown before?".

Deliora was confused being that Zane soon smiled as a large and muscular ,in terms of a physical appearance, guardian humanoid dark indigo demon appeared right behind Zane and coming from within his shadow. He looked to be 6-7 meters tall. He has two devilish horns sticking out of its head alongside his long black hair with several strands of hair hanging in front of its face and crimson red eyes with an slit pupil.

In the center of his forehead, he has a fluorescent white marking resembles a single spiral. He has natural dragon like wings coming out of its back. He has two elf shaped ears and elongated canine teeth coming out of his jagged and sharp mouth. He has three-finger clawed hands and three toed feet which stand upon very powerful swirling vortexes of black/red/yellow energy which he uses to move around. In the center of his chest, there is a black heart.

The foreground that looks like a spiderweb and broken/cracked glass fusion. It has four lavender tomoe around it with a black jagged line going through all four of them. He has flame tribal tattoos which covers the entire left side of his body and lightning tribal tattoos which covers the right side of his body. All of the tattoos were black. Before Deliora could do anything, he was soon upcutted into the air. They sent him crashing into the ceiling of the cavern, causing a painful crash on his part.

As this was happening, Zane hearing a painful roar being that Deliora soon went fly into the air. Anyone around the island could see the flying demon and after getting rid of the shock of a flying demon, they would see Zane ,who was now inside of the guardian, jumping into the air after the demon. "Okay! Lets see how you do against Lucifer!" yelled Zane. Gray watched the cavern where Zane was and watched the whole thing.

After recovering, Gray said,"Wow. He sent Deliora flying with Lucifer I think that was his name. I wonder if he can...". He soon heard his name being screamed as he turned to see Lucy with Erza and Happy. "Gray! You're okay!" said Happy. "Yeah. So could you help me with Lyon here Happy?" said Gray. "Sure!" said Happy. Lyon looked at the cat with him saying,"Does he think he can help you Gray?". "It'll stop his commentary." said Gray with Lucy nodding

Lyon looked at his former friend confused with him saying,"I still can't believe that Zane brought her back through.". "Yeah. I guess he's just full of surprises." said Gray. "So where is Zane? He was down here along with Deliora. Where is Deliora? Is he....?" said Lucy. "Nope. Zane is fighting him right now and I think they are somewhere in the forest." said Lyon. "Wait. Do you happen to know where Natsu is?" said Erza.

Lucy slowly nodded as Gray said,"Zane says that Natsu was being annoying so he's somewhere in the temple. He's webbed up according to Zane.". This caused Erza to run off and into the temple. "I'll let her do that." said Lucy. "Aren't you worried about Natsu?" said Happy. "I am but Erza drained me of all of my energy." said Lucy. "That's Erza for you. She can work you to death if Natsu's involved in any way." said Gray with him chuckling.

The ground started to shake vigorously and then the four there felt it. A power was growing to an incredible level reaching impossible levels. They felt the incredible pressure go over their body and they couldn't stand. They could see the fight from the cave thanks to the hole Zane had there as Lyon wheezed out,"How much power does he have?!". "Who knows but if Natsu challenges him to a fight when we get back, he is a dead man for sure.' said Gray. "Aye sir!" said Happy.

Deliora was launched right into the forest ,roaring in pain all the way, until he crashed into the forest with an earth shattering crack. This resulted in a giant dust cloud and crushed trees plus unfortunate wildlife in the process. The demon wasn't moving. Deliora pushed himself back up with his elbows as his wounds were healing right in front of them. His roar shook the island. Zane watched from within inside Lucifer as Cole said,"At least you have a fight on your hand.".

Lucifer soon came to a complete stop right in front of the demon, looking down at him with an evil smirk. "Oh. I guess that normal magic won't work on you. I guess I'll have to use even more of my power to take you down." said Zane. His body was soon covered in Zane's signature flames with him saying,"This is going to hurt a lot by the way so enjoy being burned. Infernal Clap!". His arms and hands blaze with an incredible intensity until they glow brighter than normal.

His arms and hands were soon covered in a visible haze being a dark indigo color. He soon claps them together being that he soon makes a giant wave of fire or shockwave of heat. The demon soon roared, with the entire area around him burning. This turned the forest into ash, water into steam, and everything was pretty much on fire. Zane didn't let the demon come back at him with him flying toward the demon's huge chest.

The flames around his feet and hands ,more specifically, looked highly concentrated. He launches himself toward a target ,thanks to the flames around his feet, being that he can catch his enemies off guard by the sudden burst. He kicked Deliora in his stomach, being that he got launched back. Zane soon gathers all of the flames into his arm being that he soon fires off an enlarged fist of fire being that he sends it rather toward his Deliora.

Deliora is engulfed in flames upon contact. The demon soon expelled a huge amount of blood from his mouth and his chest was slightly burned from the attacks. "Colossal Zenith Sphere!" said Zane as several arms sprouting from Lucifer's body and each one of them had a Colossal Zenith Sphere. He soon slammed each one into Deliora, with the ground shaking with each one. Deliora had extremely deadly burns on his body plus a hole ,that was made from Zane's flames, in his chest.

Zane deactivated Lucifer being that he knew that using Lucifer's full power would be too much and well, Deliora may be stronger than the tree but Zane could handle him. "Wow. Zane is wrecking him badly." said Happy. "Yeah. I don't think Erza's threats could scare him if he could do that." said Lucy as Gray and Lyon watched silently. Deliora soon began healing with Happy and Lucy shocked to see that Deliora was back to normal with some burns leftover.

Deliora's eyes shined the night sky with him glaring at Zane. He wanted to kill this human and cause this island to blow up. He punched the air with his fist flying toward Zane. Zane soon dodged the attack and was send flying back from the punch's shockwaves upon hitting the ground. Zane moved his feet toward the tree that he was going to crash into and bounced off them. This broke the tree in half and Zane flew off.

Zane landed on the ground with him looking for the demon who had seemingly disappeared but he was soon found when Deliora was right in front of him. "Huh. I guess I really couldn't judge you like I did with the flute demon." said Zane with Deliora soon punching Zane into the ground. This made a huge crater exploding. "Zane!" yelled the group watching. The demon kept punching Zane with the wizard being pushed deep into the ground making the crater bigger.

Fear was growing in the Fairies along with Lyon as the assault of deathly punches seemed to go on forever. Suddenly, a surge of Zane's signature ice forced Deliora back and he looked at the crater. Zane flew out of it with him uninjured. "Wow. You're really strong aren't you? This is going to hurt you way more than it would hurt me." said Zane cracking his knuckles. He soon ripped off his shirt and showed his toned chest.

Zane sighed as he said,"Great. I now have to go back to that shopkeeper in Hargeon Town and buy a new shirt.". "I could make you one." said Twilight. "Nah. Don't waste your time. I'll have enough cash." said Zane. He moved his arms behind him with several sharp crimson red icicles appearing from his hands. "Permafrost Emperor Crimson Flood!" yelled Zane. He soon threw them toward the demon who couldn't move.

He soon pierced by them being he was soon kicked in the jaw by Zane and wasn't happy. He roared and he soon fired a giant beam at Zane. Zane dodged while in mid-air with him saying,"That's so cute Deliora. Primordial Lotus!". He soon aimed his hands at Deliora, firing a blast right in front of the demon's face, being an turquoise color. Upon hitting Deliora, it turned into a massive lotus flower ,of Primordial energy, causing a very powerful explosion.

It then covered the forest and the rest of the temple to be destroyed with a huge amount of air blasting anyone in the air except for Deliora and Zane. "Okay! This is crazy!" yelled Lucy. She held on a rock and hung on for dear life. Happy held onto Gray's pants except for the fact that he got hit by a giant rock. "Wow. Zane isn't messing around!" said Gray. He soon formed an ice shield around them being that it protected them from the harsh wind.

During all of this, they heard punching sounds meaning that the two were still fighting. Deliora was sent flying back being that he landed on the ground, causing an earthquake. Deliora may be able to regenerate from danger but Zane's attacks made his healing not existent. Zane stood there without a single wound. He soon threw himself toward Deliora with him saying,"Thunder Hellfire Emperor Discharge Strike!".

His right arm was covered by his unique fire and lighting, with him launching the two combined elements and this hit Deliora. This made a massive explosion of fire and lighting, blasting Deliora back yet again. To people watching, this looked equal for the side but the demon was struggling. He roared and Zane said,"You're strong but I'm stronger!". His eyes glowed molten golden with his power growing.

Zane created a second version of his previous attack but it was much bigger. It cause the demon and himself to be covered in a colossal dome of fire and lighting. Back with the fairies and Lyon. "God dam it!" said Gray. He saw the elemental unison. He along with the others move away from the fight due to the explosion of their attacks but they were still able to feel the shaking. "Wow. I'm going to say that Zane has been holding back in his fight with Natsu." said Lucy in awe.

The smoke cleared, showing the two beasts. Zane was in a battle stance ready from any attack from the demon. He wasn't injured. Deliora could be better due to his body covered in atrocious burns with the very obvious wound was the complete loss of his right arm. It was utterly burned away. Zane was going to rush toward the demon but something caught his eye. It was slowly healing but the burns and scored arm weren't.

Zane said,"I guess you're able to heal one wound at a time huh. You were a good challenge for me. Heck, I think the first in the Dimension. I wonder if you were able to force me to use ten percent of my power. I was wrong.". His hands was covered in his flames with him creating a sword and he soon sliced the demon. The slash left behind a huge amount of fire with the demon roared in pain and blood flew from his mouth.

He soon created a giant fire spear and threw it at Deliora, causing the demon to erupt in the powerful flames. Blood was splattering all over the ground with smoke rising from its entire body. He fell onto the ground and he was too weak to stand up. "What's the matter, scared? You're too scared to fight me because of my power!" said Zane. He created a giant wave of fire and he threw it at Deliora who was roared in pain.

He soon did another Blazing Punch without rushing toward him as Zane said,"You were unlucky to be brought here. You will pay for what you've done to the cultists! You pissed me off so after this display, you're going to be leaving this island and world. You also called my friend to be in pain for over ten years. I'll do anything to protect innocent people and I would risk my life to do it. Supernova Conflagration!".

Zane soon focus his flames around him being that his flames roared wildly as the temperature around Zane soared, creating a giant pillar of fire. In the core of the pillar, the core of the fire was extremely hot. He soon releases it being that they is a giant explosion of fire being that anything caught up in it gets turned into ash aka Deliora. Back with the others. "Um. What's going on?" said Lucy while she watch the flames exploded. "Who knows?" said Happy.

Zane looked at the demon with him wondering what he should do. Deliora was healing slowly. He rushed toward the demon with Zane kicking the demon in the face hard with him reappearing behind the demon. "We fought just because I wanted to help the people of this island! Plain and simple.". He then fired a giant beam of Mojo at the demon causing it to roar in pain. He was motionless with Zane reappearing in the front of the demon. The demon soon disappeared, dying.

Zane smiled as he said,"Well, I did good right?". "Yeah but well, you may a great member of Fairy Tail Zane." said Sivarth. The entire area was destroyed as Zane said,"Oh well, I should fix this once I cool down.". When he used Supernova Conflagration, his body was overheating and he was unable to touch anything without it burning away. "I hope you two finally move past this and live on. I wonder if I should be scared of her." said Zane. He soon walked back toward the temple.

Next Time,
With Deliora defeated, Gray, Lyon, and the cultists can move on. Will Ur reunite with her students and her daughter? How will she react to her being alive? What about the villagers?! What happened to Natsu? Will Erza find Natsu and did she see the fight between Deliora and Zane? This and more next time on Fairy Legion. 

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