Monday, December 10, 2018

Fairy Legion Chapter 19 To kill or not to kill, that's the question

Disclaimer: This Post had originally been posted on November 8, 2018 at 1:33 AM. I'm reposting this Chapter along with Fairy Legion Chapters 1-26 because of a massive plot change. If you've read this story before, not much will have changed except Zane's reason for going to the Fairy Tail Dimension. The Author Note and whatever I talk about in them may or will be extremely outdated today or I'm somehow seeing the future so just ignore if you want.

A/N: Yep. I'm finally revealed to Fairy Tail ,the guilds, about who Zane really is and well, it's going to be like a soap opera in terms of the drama. The drama will come close to a telenovela or anything on the CW, mainly the superhero shows. I'm a fan of the Flash ,the character, and I decided to watch the CW show during October. It isn't bad and has a lot of comic reference which I like a lot but well, it's CW.

I would say that's a bad thing but if you're not expecting CW drama in a CW show, you're watching the wrong show. I also watched Riverdale and I may not be a big Archie fan but wow, that show isn't the classic and cheesy 60s show. Like I said in the previous Author Note, we'll be talking One Piece and another manga in chunks being that I got kinda tired of writing,"We see/We Also". I was going to do One Piece first but that changed.

That chapter recap will have to wait until Chapter 924 gets revealed since I kinda wants to know what happened to Luffy. I mean if you've read the chapter, you'll know what I mean. I know that I promise my honest opinion on Kaido but that will have to wait. I'll start this Author Note by talking about the other Fairy Tail Spinoffs because the next one will be about Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest which is a mouthful to me so that's why I call Fairy Tail Sequel Series and then the anime.

To me, I didn't read the spin-offs until after Fairy Tail finished. It had been a part of my life for four years and I needed my Fairy Tail Fix. I'll saw this. I've read all five of them (Fairy Tail Gaiden, Fairy Tail: Ice Trail, Fairy Tail S which is a collection of one-offs that ran alongside Fairy Tail, Fairy Girls, and Fairy Tail: Blue Mistral) beside Fairy Tail: Blue Mistral because well, it just didn't interest me. I like Wendy but to me, it didn't interest me as much as the others did.

Fairy Girls is fanservice and boy, I wish I was kidding about this. I mean Fairy Tail is already really heavy ,just like Lucy is to Happy, on the fanservice since Chapter 1 in fact and I'm a straight male since I'm okay but there is a limit that I have and well, Fairy Girls is a lot of fan service. Heck, the first two chapters are that being that there is some male fanservice. This one is worth a skip but to me, I may do something with it later down the road but don't quote me on that.

The next one I'm going to talk is about Fairy Tail: Ice Trail. I do like how we learned more about Gray's backstory being that he's one of my favorite characters since he uses one of my favorite superpowers in fiction being ice manipulation. We also get a first interaction between Gray and Juvia being that I support this pairing more than Nalu. I mean it's one of the big pairing of the series but here is the thing. I feel like it's there less than Nalu.

It also kinda has an answer to the relationship unlike Nalu being that it was teased and did nothing with at the end of the series. I wonder if the sequel series will answer this question being that if they do, I'll be okay with it. I just want an answer to the pairing. Back to Ice Trail, I would say check it out if you're a fan of Gray and I hope this one day gets animated one day. I believe that it could make interesting filler. It would be different than the Lucy Show again. 

The next one is Fairy Tail Gaiden being that it's three different series being that all three of them focuses on a Dragon Slayer who isn't Natsu or Wendy. I would say that my least favorite of the three is the one focusing on Sabertooth aka Rogue and Sting despite best character Frosch being there. As you can tell, Frosch is my favorite exceed in my series being that I'm hoping that we get to see more of him in the Anime being that he's way better than Happy.

The other two featured Gajeel and Laxus being that those two are some of my favorite characters plus we got some Gajeel and Levy shipping in the Gajeel one and since I'm a proud shipper of those two, I liked that. We also get to see the Thunder Legion being that they are the best team in Fairy Tail other than Team Natsu and way better than Team Shadow Gear since all of their members are famous unlike Troy and Bet. I mean Droy and Jet.

Expect me to mispronounce their names on me because Zane like me will not give a dam about them but mainly Droy. If you're a Droy fan which exist, you'll be offended just like Erza and Lucy fans. I'm sure that these stories are making interesting filler. The anime will hopefully do filler or expanding on the characters aka the villains to make them you know capable. You know what I mean. The final one is Fairy Tail S being that this is a group of several chapters that ran during Fairy Tail as omakes.

These omakes are Happy the Blue Cat, The Fairies's Booby Prizes, Welcome Home Frosch, 413 Days, That Woman Erza, Natsu vs Mavis, Fairy Tail of the Dead Meeeeeeeen, A Merry Fairy Christmas, Special Mission: Beware of guys who show a keen interest, Gangsta Guys and Gangsta Girls, Welcome to Fairy Hills, Rainbow Cherry Blossoms, Fairy Tail X Rave Master, Fairy Woman, Natsu vs Asuka, Lucy and Migi, and Fairy Tail Stone Age.

As of November 5 2018, Lucy and Migi and Fairy Tail Stone Age haven't been animated in any form just yet. I'll say that I like most of them ,with some of them being that I'm being neutral toward, being that the only ones that I didn't like are Happy the Blue Cat and Fairy Tail Stone Age. I really like the message of the former but the story as a whole is rather boring. Stone Age just screams problems to me for two reasons.

I'm not a fan of the stone age aesthetic and well, the fanservice in this series is stronger than normal and it's kinda annoying. I also have questions with how men and women can live separately without the other gender being that this is a personal problem. I mean you may not believe this but men and women needed each other to survive. As long as they give me a reason how children are born, I'm okay with that but my other problem is how the society are treated.

In most works of fiction, societies where only women live are peaceful and without problems plus far more advanced than with both men and women but men's society is disgusting and with problems, seen as animals compared to the women society. The best examples of this are the Fairy Odd Parents episode Love Struck!. According to TV Tropes/Lady Land page,"While the men's society quickly descended into drunken loutishness, the women fashion a society based on the Roman Republic.".

I'll show you an image of the men and women's society and guess which one is with. Fairy Odd Parents. All of this info will be based off the TV Tropes/Lady Land page by the way with my commentary. The Simpsons episode Girls Just Want to Sums being that Spring An episode of The Simpsons where Springfield Elementary is divided into a boys half and a girls half. The boys half is a post-apocalyptic wasteland for some reason but the classes are the same as before.

The girls half is a Sugar Bowl, but the classes are severely dumbed down and the teachers ask questions like "How do numbers make you feeeeel?". I mean that's slightly bad for the girls since they should have the same education as the boys. It was played for comedy in Rick and Morty Raising Gazorpazop.T he females kick the brutal and uncivilized males into the wasteland and live in an "enlightened" society where women say "I'm here if you need to talk" as a greeting.

They'll abandon sections of their city if there's a spider and reserve their harshest punishment for the crime of having bad bangs. Is all of this sexist and pointless? Yes it is. I'll admit that men are more violent than women yes but don't give me that crap about the societies with only women being completely perfect. Nothing is perfect. Sorry that I went a little rant there but Fairy Stone Age may not be happening.   

You may have noticing that I'm not talking about the light novels being that there is 6 of them since none of them have been officially come over here in the west. There are on translating sites yes but to me, I'm not a fan of light novels. They just aren't for me being that I'll read the Manga adaptation. I think it's time to begin and did you know the male version of feminist is called masculinists? That is my dumb info for the day. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
As you all quite well know by now, Magnolia is a city located in Fiore being that one of its most famous landmark is the Fairy Tail guild. It's in the southeastern part of Fiore being that the ocean and the ruined Hargeon town are not too far away. The nation of Basco is to the east being that we're not going there in there. Magnolia has a population of 60,000 and was a merchant city that had been prosperous in magic.

It's reputation as one of the most famous towns in terms of magical prosperity was supported by the fact that the strongest Guild in Fiore Fairy Tail was here. The title of the strongest guild is shared with Phantom Lord being that they have a natural rivalry and well, things are going to happen between the guilds in no time. Magnolia has a large built-up area, extending over a large, rectangular surface to the shores of Lake Sciliora.

The town was split vertically and horizontally by a series of roads. The whole place was western in style being that the buildings were mildly reminiscent of neat Medieval ones. In the middle of the town is the Kardia Cathedral, being that it's one of the most important and distinctive landmarks. The church is overlooking Central Path being that it's a horizontal road where events and parades are often held. 

In the northernmost part of the city and sitting on the shore of Lake Scilliora was Fairy Tail's building being that it stuck out. To the west of the town and on a hill which was overlooking the built-up area is the guild's female dormitory Fairy Hills is here. To the east on the town, the guild's male dormitory Fairy Estates is here. Yes, this doesn't exist in canon but it's never said where most of the characters live in Fairy Tail so Fairy Estates stays until proven other wise.

On the road leading to Magnolia from the ruined town of Hargeon being that it was a long hill that looked over the town, the Astral Tank and Saver parked there as Zane got out of the bike. "So we're finally here. Took long enough." said Zane. The Astral Tank soon opened up as the Fairy Tail wizards were rather looking motion sick and they all toppled out of it. Sly was flying above them. Upon the last member aka Natsu was leaving the tank, Zane placed the two vehicles in his pocket dimension.

Sly floated over toward Zane as she said,"We may have gone too fast Zane.". "Well, I did show them that I love to go fast during that whole Lullaby fiasco a week ago. They should know that I like to go fast and get stronger stomachs." said Zane. Sly shook her head as Natsu groaned,"So are we finally out of that death machine?". "Yes. We are." said Lucy. "Thank Mavis!" shouted Natsu with a wider than normal smile on his face.

Gray slowly began standing up as he said,"Okay flamebrain. While I may agree with you, don't yell okay? My head is still ringing.". "I'm just thankful that we got here before sunset. Zane may be a fast driver but he's better than you Gray." said Erza with the ice wizard blushing. Lucy looked at him with a curious look as both Bisca and Levy snickered. "So why did Erza say that?" said Lucy. "There's no reason got it." said Gray.

Zane smirked as he said,"Well our favorite snow cone here drives slower than a turtle. I've seen a lot of things in my life but you're rather slow. My grandparents drive faster than yours.". "I don't think that's a fair comparison given your grandparents." said Sly. "That's true." said Zane. Upon hearing this, Lucy slapped her hand to her mouth being that she let out a unladylike snort from her. "That's just not attractive at least from her." said Cole. "Agree." said Kane.

Gray crossed his arms as he said,"Sorry that I'm just a cautious person.". "But you being so cautious makes you drive slower than a sloth or a snail." said Levy. "She has a point Gray. Sometimes, you just have to go for it." said Erza. "True but I rather be in Grandpa Gray's car than in Zane's car. I'm pretty sure that Levy and Lucy were having a screaming contest." said Bisca. "Pretty sure Lucy won but it was kinda hard to tell." said Happy. "I"m just thankful that it's all over!" said Lucy.

Levy nodded as Erza said,"Not exactly. We still have the problem of him and for all of you except for Bisca and Levy to accept your problem.". "Or we could handle this tomorrow and we all go to our respective homes and take a long, hot bath." said Zane. "That actually sounds like a good idea Zane. I can't believe that you came up for it." said Lucy. "Shut up Triple B or else, you're going back in the tank and I'll go ever faster." said Zane. Lucy's face paled as she was quiet.

Erza wanted to relax being that she remember that Sly and Zane were both revealed to be from another dimension rather than another country unlike they claimed. She looked at Zane as she said,"So Zane, did you really think that your attempt at escaping your punishment could work on me?". "Kinda but I really just need a pint. In fact...." said Zane. The boy was gone being that Levy said,"Okay. I'm pretty sure that he's faster than Jet.".

Zane soon returned with a massive barrel as Bisca said,"Did you take that from the guild?". "I did and well, I'm helping Cana's alcohol consumption." said Zane, chugging the alcohol with ease. Zane soon finished off the beer as he said,"Well, that was good. I mean I've had a lot of alcohol from several different dimensions but this is one of the best.". "Are you still proclaiming that you're from another dimension?" said Erza.

Bisca said,"To be honest, I'm kinda believing that Sly and Zane is from another dimension.". "Yeah. I think those things were something else. I mean I'm still not completely on you being from another world." said Gray. "That's fair and it's better than you being completely against me aka our favorite Prude Knight." said Zane. "That reminds me Zane. What did you mean by you'll kill Donald?" said Erza. "Did I say that? Sorry, it was in the heat of the moment." said Zane.

Erza crossed her arms being that the rest of the group sensed conflict from the two strongest members of the group. Happy soon flew onto the top of Natsu's head as he said,"Do these two ever agree on anything?". "I'm going to say no little buddy." said Natsu. "You know full well what I mean. Why did you threaten to kill him? And you had intent to kill him." said Erza. Zane looked at the group being that he could sense the groups's cautiousness toward him.

Zane sighed as Sly said,"Zane. Just tell her the truth. She isn't going to stop until she gets an answer from you.". "You're right. From where I'm from, I'm a superhero. One of the best in fact and this isn't my ego talking. Despite me not liking it, sometimes I have killed." said Zane. The group soon gasped as Sivarth said,"Haven't you mentioned that you've killed before?". "I think they have a bad case of short term memory. I blame the high amount of magic power in the air." said Athena.

Erza stepped toward with her fists clenched and she was ready to yell at him. "How can you say that with no regret in your voice?! Death is something that shouldn't be taken lightly! No matter what they have done, death is never the answer." said Erza. "I agree with you on that but sometimes, I have to kill. Millions have died in the Omniverse because of evil beings and the good beings are not or will not killing the evil beings. Killing isn't fun at all Erza." said Zane.

He brushed his hair back as he said,"I honestly kill those who deserve only death. If I throw them into prison, they'll escape and go on a killing spree. Sometimes, you have to cross the line. People killed for revenge, work, or just plain bad. If those killers have a chance to kill and there is no other option, I'll end their pathetic life.". Taking another step toward him, Erza raised her gauntlet clad fist toward Zane as he said,"So are you going to hit me or not?".

Erza ignored his taunt as she said,"How can you live with yourself? You've killed and there is no going back from that!". Zane looked at her calmly as he said,"It was hard being that it's harder than you could ever imagine. However if I can protect the people that I care about, I'll kill anyone who would hurt them. Donald has been dead for a long time being that his brain is inside of the internet and well, I can't get rid of him. Once you put something on the internet, it can never goes away.".

The two were in a fierce battle of will being that no one wanted to do anything because they were about to fight. Gray sighed as he placed his hand on Erza's shoulder. She looked at him as he said with a sigh,"Look Erza. Zane is different from us and Master taught us to respect how others think and act.". "But he has killed people and doesn't regret it at all!" said Erza. "That doesn't matter right now. We'll see what Master thinks." said Gray.

Zane said nothing being that Sly said,"That honestly went better than I thought,". "What did you think was going to happen?" said Bisca. "The two actually fighting using their fists rather than their words." said Sly. "Ah." said Bisca. Both Lucy and Natsu looked worried being that Natsu liked both Erza and Zane being that despite Zane's rude nature, he was a nice guy and really strong. He may like Erza but in this case, he didn't side with her at all.

Sivarth said,"I can see where she's coming from you guys but she's in the wrong here.". "Yeah. If I've learned anything in my career, life is a hypocritical circle. You either live a life of peace and then be killed by the evil of the Omniverse. You can also rise above the evil being that after you kill the killers, true peace finally arrives." said Zane. "True. Death seems like an easy solution to a multiple of problems being that it's usually the answer when innocent lives are involved." said Twilight.

Athena said,"There is nothing with how Erza and the others are thinking being that I doubt that none of them have on purpose killed before. This dimension is much peaceful compared to the battlefields we've been on and through. They've basked in the light rather than the shadows but would happen if a truly evil person came on.". "Yeah. I mean even if there is an really evil person in this dimension. The beings of the light will make friends with the evil person!" said Cole.   

However despite this, it seemed like Erza ,or possibly everyone in the guild, didn't see killing as an option. "This dimension is far too different from our own but that bitch has no right to judge us at all! She hasn't been through what we have! We should sent her to a dimension that requires the people to kill in order to survive. She would be dead within minutes." said Kane. Zane was pulled out of his inner musing by Levy. Levy looked at him as she said,"Are you okay Zane?".
Zane looked around to see that the rest of the group was gone as he said,"Yeah. So why are you still here Levy? I truly appreciate you being here but I thought that you've hated me since well, I'm a killer and that's a really bad thing.". "Well Zane, I do think that killing should ever be done but I don't think I should be judging you as a killer because you've killed before. I rather get to know Zane the person rather than Zane the killer." said Levy. "Thanks Levy. You're a very nice girl." said Zane.

Levy smiled as she said,"So should we go after the others?". "Yeah. I mean it won't be that hard to find them because of Erza's mountain of cases." said Zane. "She is rather obvious but she's nice once you get to know her." said Levy. "Natus has been telling me that since the Lullaby thing but well, I'm just very stubborn and not seeing it." said Zane. The two began walking toward the two being that the two were slowly getting closer. 

The two rejoined the group as Erza ignored Zane who was talking to Bisca and Gray being that she noticed that Natsu was more annoyed than normal. "What's wrong Natsu?" said Erza. "Isn't it obvious Erza? We went through all of that work for no money." said Happy. "It was a lot of money." said Gray as he sighed. "So why didn't you guys get the money?" said Bisca. "Erza declined it because it wasn't an official job despite Zane being there." said Gray.

Zane smiled as he said,"Well, I got the money because Bobo isn't very good at betting and betting against me usually ends badly.". "And why don't you share with us Zane? I mean all we got was a dumb gate key." grumbled Gray. "Hey! It isn't stupid! The gold keys are really rare!" shouted Lucy with her holding the key defensively. "So when you're betting with someone, don't you read their mind to figure out their answer?" said Levy.

Zane shook his head as he said,"Most of the time, you would be right but Bobo is just that bad. I'm just happy that we got to free the villagers from that curse and they reclaim their memories. I also got to kill a demon so that was pretty nice.". Zane soon put his arms behind his head. "Despite you saying that you enjoyed killing the demon, I'll have agree with you on helping those demons." said Erza with a small smile.

Twilight said,"At least, she's being kind nice to to you.". "Yeah guys. Quit your complaining." said a very happy Lucy. "Yeah. You got the reward since Zane doesn't share." said Happy. "I would share if you did anything during the job and according to my memory, you didn't do anything." said Zane as he smiled. "So could we sell it?" said Happy. Lucy's jaw soon dropped in shock being that she said with her reaching a higher than normal pitch,"How could you even saw that?!".

Zane soon covered both of his ears as Lucy said,"You guys just don't get it. Zodiac keys are hard to come by. There may be a lot of silver keys out there but there are only twelve golden Zodiac keys and I'm grateful that you have five.". "Yeah but if you sell the key, you can actually pay your rent for once in your life." said Kane. "Luce, aren't all of your spirits crazy?" said Natsu. "You better watch it punch! Me and my Celestial Spirits are going to be stronger than you and Zane someday." said Lucy.

Zane started to laugh very hard being that he said with him wiping away a tear,"Those twelve on my level? You're funny Triple B. You really are.". "Hey! She could totally win against you just like I will because I'm challenging you to another fight once we get back to Fairy Tail!" said Natsu. "So do you really want another ride with Orb Form?" said Sly. Natsu looked at Zane being that he smiled. Natsu hoped that Zane didn't bring out Orb Form in their next fight.

Bisca said,"So to change topics, what key did you get Lucy?". "It's Sagittarius the Centaur!" said Lucy who was beaming brightly. "It's a horse-man right?" said a curious Levy. "Yep." said Lucy with a smile. "So which one of those spirits was that again?" said Cole. "The one in the horse suit." said Athena. "Oh yeah! I like that one!" said Cole. Erza stopped walked being that her smile turned into a frown. "I sense danger!" said Kane.

Erza said,"All you sound so carefree except for Bisca and Levy. You're supposed to face punishment once you get back to the guild especially you Zane.". After hearing her say that, the group ,mainly Gray, Happy, Lucy, and Natsu, looked at the redheaded woman with horrid expressions. The two that remained calm was Sly and Zane being that both of them looked like they didn't care. However, the other four members of the Galuna island team looked different.

Natsu's skin went pale, Lucy almost jumped out of her skin, and Gray looked like he swallowed his throat despite it being impossible. "Hold on Erza. Is our punishment going to be less or the same as Zane?" said Natsu. "It depends on what the master thinks." said Erza. "Aka she's going to make it worse for him." whispered Bisca to Levy. "But everything worked out in the end but can't we just forget about the whole punishment thing?" said Lucy.

Erza said,"You're right Lucy. Everything did work out, but the only reason the job was completed in the end was because I came here to finish the job that NONE of you were qualified to do.". "I think she's talking about us too." said Twilight. "But Prude Knight, I figured out what happened and dealt with the job that was requested of the guild. Don't worry your iron booties so much okay? Breaking guild rules may be important to you but it really isn't." said Zane.

Erza glared at it as the group thought,"I really hope they don't get into another fight.". "Fine. It isn't my choice to make. If all of you apologize for your actions and promise not to do it again, I see no reason for all of you to be penalized by the guild. However, I have no say in the matter since it's in Master Makarov's capable hands. All of you will be face punishment for that while Zane will get punished for something else." said Erza. Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"I'm so lucky.".

Happy was holding his face in fear being that he said,"Okay. I'm really scared. Do you think he's going to make us do THAT?". Gray's face paled considerably as he soon crouched low to the ground being that he was holding his head frantically. "Zane. Could you kill me please? I don't know if I can live through that again?!" said Gray. Zane's left hand soon began to vibrate so fast being that it was distorting it. "As you wish Gray." said Zane.

Bisca looked at him as she said,"You know that he's kidding right?". "Of course I do Bisca and if I was going to kill him, I wouldn't do in a crowded place. I rather not be chased down by the police again." said Zane as his hand went back to normal. "You guys are freaking me out!" squealed Lucy with Zane tempted to slap her. Natsu on the other hand was smiling confidently. "Don't let these two scare you Luce." said Natsu.

He patted her shoulder as he said,"I'll talk the old man out of punishing us. That guy loves me.". "I really don't you should be the one to do the talking Natsu." said Levy. "Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that Natsu. You may have gotten out of tough spots before like that in the past Natsu but this is something that you'll have a hard time getting your way out of." said Erza chuckling evilly. "And she calls you the monster. I mean its true but still." said Sivarth.

She may like Natsu but he broke the rules and deserved to be punished for it. It wasn't going to end up well for Natsu, and the dragon slayer knew that at this point being that this was shown with sweat pouring down his face. "We're so screwed." said Natsu with Gray silently agreeing with him being that he didn't want to admit it. "Why?!" yelled Lucy. The three were soon chopped on the head by Zane who said,"Calm down. You're giving me a headache.".

Natsu yelled,"How can we relax man?!". He was pretty sure that Erza was going to kill him in the near figure. "Everything worked out for the best being that even if Prude Knight didn't show up, we could have solved the problem easy. No one of us died while on this S-Class quest right? We'll be fine plus the old man wouldn't punish his grandson when he's acting like a spoiled but powerful brat so what makes you think that he'll punish any of us?" said Zane.

He was pretty sure that the news about him and Sly was going to make everyone forgot about the punishment being that even if he wasn't he, he could tell that Makarov was a very lenient person and that slightly pissed him off. Everyone present looked at the superhero with wide eyes and mouths slightly agape, save for Erza who scowled at him with her arms crossed under her breasts. She knew that Zane could get out of this with his silver tongue.

In all reality, she didn't want any of them to be punished and this also includes Zane. However, Natsu needed to learn a lesson because he could have gotten himself, Gray, and Lucy killed if neither her or the duo of Sly and Zane were with them. She didn't want this to a repeated event. "See. I don't need to do any of the talking Luce since we got Zane with us!" said Natsu. Zane smiled as Levy said to Bisca,"So is he going to hit him or tell him what's going to happen?". "Both." said Bisca.

Zane lightly tussled Natsu's hair as he said,"Sorry buddy but that ain't happening. I'll save mine and Sly's skin but you've dug this hole yourself. We shouldn't get kicked out because of it and proving yourself is important but stealing the job request isn't the right way. You have to earn the title of S-Class being that it isn't just power that earns you the title. You need to be able to access a situation and adapt accordingly. You also need to know when it's a good time to run away from a fight.".

Zane sighed as he said,"It sucks yes but the safety of your comrades is far more important. Your enemy isn't going to hold back like Lyon and his pals did. Most people are evil and will use your kindness against you. You also can't let your emotions get the better of you. I'll say this. Your combat experience is rather high for someone your age and if you were in the Alliance, you would be a field agent in no time but work on your flaws first and make them into strong points.".

Erza was slightly shocked at this side of Zane being that she soon smiled at Natsu being that he was still scared. "Ha. Zane won't even save you and he's right." said Erza. "Erza is saying that Zane is right. Is it the apocalypse?" said Happy with Sly giggling. Bisca sighed as Natsu said,"I thought we were buddies Zane!". "He kinda is your buddy fire-breathing knucklehead. He finished the job for us plus gave you a pretty good reason to use for Master." said Gray.

Natsu looked at Zane with him saying,"So do you mind repeating it?". "Seriously? That was less than five minutes ago." said Sly. "I think he's been hit on the head a lot." said Zane. "Aye." said Happy. "I think you should have been paying attention." said Lucy. "Okay then Triple B and Gray. What did I just say?" said Zane with a smirk. The two were silent being that it didn't take a psychic to figure out that they didn't quite remember being that they knew about it but not the full story.   

Gray said,"Well, I....". "Don't. I'm get more disappointed in humanity every day." said Zane with him sighing. "I remember what you said Zane. You seem to know what you're talking about." said Levy as Zane smiled. "Thanks Levy. You're a very good girl unlike the forget Gray, Natsu, and Triple B." said Zane, tussling her head. She blushed as she tried to make him stop being that Zane was doing this to tease her and it was working. "You actually raised some good points there Zane." said Erza.

She sounded superior to the others as Zane said,"Okay then. Don't give Natsu any hints okay? It's his fault for forgetting.". "I'll agree to that." said Erza. "They agreed again!" said Happy. Sly sighed as Bisca said,"So Zane. Do you mind explaining that tear in the sky?".  "Wow, you're believing me? I am shocked." said Zane. "I don't believe your story about you being from a different dimension but you seem to know what's going on so tell us." said Bisca.   

Zane smiled as he said,"Thanks. That was a Dimension Rip. In basic terms, it's when a being from a different dimension enters a dimension through an illegal passage. The sky changing colors is usually for a split second but for larger objects like the Osmdroid, it stayed for a while. Earthquakes usually happen as a result.". Zane soon looked at Erza being that she looked annoyed. "So what's wrong with her? I didn't say something offensive to you right?" said Zane.

Erza said,"You didn't but those earthquakes only reminded me of the loss of that slice of cake.". She soon reared her head up to the heavens and cried out,"It was a strawberry cheesecake with a white chocolate frosting! They said that it was divine but I never got a chance to save a single bite of that heavenly sensation to my taste buds!". Zane blinked as he turned toward Bisca and Levy. "So she really likes her desserts doesn't she?" said Zane.

Levy nodded as she said,"It's like Cana with her booze except more violent.". "Ah. I'll be right back gang." said Zane with him rushing off. "So does he do that often?" said Bisca. "Yeah but he usually doesn't tell people when he leaves." said Sly as Zane returned. He was holding a piece of cake as Erza looked at it. "That's the cake. Where did you get it?" said Erza. "Well, I went to a nearby cake shop and I made it myself. Don't tell the chef about my crime." said Zane, winking.

He handed it to her as he said,"We may not be friends but I'm not a fan when my food is taken away from me so just take it okay?". Erza swiped it as she soon began enjoying it. "Well, that's all good but Zane. How many forms do you have? I mean you've shown like forty right?" said Natsu. "Natsu. You do remember that Zane has one hundred and forty forms plus seventy prime forms plus something called the armor. Did I get that right?" said Levy.

Natsu's eyes widened as Zane said,"Correct. I have infinite since Parker adds them by the hour but I stick with the first two hundred and ten out of personal preference.". "I think you have more forms than I do armor." said Erza. "Over 100?!" shouted Natsu which caused Zane to chop him in the shoulder. "Don't yell. Sensitive hearing." said Zane. "I can't believe that your dinky watch can do all of that." said Gray. "Yeah. I'm full of surprises and don't call it dinky if you want to live." said Zane.

The group soon began walking through town being that Zane wondered why the townsfolk weren't curious about the mountain of luggage that Erza was lugging around but he just presumed that they were used to it at this point. The Fairy Tail members took noticed of the staring being that it had to be about Zane and not the obvious mountain of luggage. Seriously, doesn't any one not question that beside Lucy at the start of the series. I honestly can't remember.

Erza stopped Zane with him saying,"So why are we stopping now? I gave you cake. What else could you possibly want?". "If you're going to stay as a member of the guild, you should look to be one of us." said Erza. "But if you recall, Zane can't be marked. Iris's wishes are pretty good and can't be gotten rid of it." said Sly. "Iris?" said Levy. "A friend of mine. Sweet woman and well, she's a great dancer." said Zane, remembering when he went to the club with her and his Phantom friends.

Erza looked at him as she said,"I know that you have the ability to sew the emblem into your clothing but I have a better idea.". "Is it just accepting that I'll never wear the mark and go on with my life? I mean my forms wear it under my logo. That counts right?" said Zane. "It kinda does but you know Erza likes to make sure that we all look presentable." said Gray. "Ah. So how does that work when you keep stripping?" said Zane. 

Gray blinked as he looked down and his eyes went wide. He wasn't wearing clothing as he said,"So when did this happen?". "Seriously? So Sly or Zane, do you have clothes for Gray that he'll never take off." said Lucy. "Maybe?" said Sly. "We'll meet you guys at the guild." said Levy. "Have fun shopping Zane!" said Bisca. As the sharpshooter and bookworm went to the guild hall, the Galuna Island team went to the shopping center.

After they found a store that sold some pretty good and durable clothing, they went inside. "Well, I'm going to get a pretzel. See you guys later." said Zane. He soon began walking away being that his left arm was soon being stretched as Erza and Lucy held it tight. "So does he seriously think he'll escape those two?" said Gray. "He'll try his best but he'll eventually give up once he gets his snack which will be soon. He hates clothes shopping." said Sly, shrugging.

Eventually, the two girls dragged Zane inside being that he was eating a handful of pretzels. The group of Natsu, a now fully dressed Gray with him wearing a black turtleneck, pants, and boots with a white coat, Happy who was eating a fish, and Sly waited outside. "So why didn't you go with them Sly? I mean you're a girl right?" said Happy. "I am but well Zane is rather picky on his clothing and I rather be away from that." said Sly. "Ah." said the boys.

Inside of the store, the girls were helping Zane pick out some clothes but Zane just stood there. "So do you think that you should tell them about how I can make clothes for you?" said Twilight. "Nah but could you grab me some clothes? I kinda want to get this over with." said Zane. Twilight nodded as Zane's back soon sprouted some tendrils being that they are the typical color. He soon held them using his mind as he went to go buy them.

The trio walked out as Lucy said,"At least I didn't have to pay with my rent money.". "You actually have money for rent? I thought you spent it on clothing or food for your man." said Zane. "So are you okay with this Zane?" said Erza as they reunited with the boys. "Yep. One of the best part of having super speed is that you can change clothes with a snap." said Zane. "However that may be, you're not doing that Zane. I got the perfect place." said Erza.

About half an hour, the group was soon in Lucy's apartment much to her shock. Inside, Natsu was half asleep on Lucy's bed with Happy and Lucy being at her deck. Erza, Gray, and Sly were waiting patiently at the table as Zane was finishing up with his wardrobe. "So did you girls pick Zane's clothing or did he?" said Sly. "He did. Why?" said Lucy. "According to Sly, he's a rather picky shopper." said Gray. "Really?" said Erza.

Sly nodded as she said,"Zane once said,"I don't like anything that would make me look like a prick and well, I have a unique sense of fashion.". I don't get it myself but I'm kinda happy that he's going to wear something different. The last clothing store we went to had a rather handsy shopkeeper in my opinion.". "But Sly, that man could sew some comfy clothing. I was happy to find some clothing that wasn't his dresses but some guys wear them. To each their own." said Zane.

Zane soon stepped out of the bathroom and walked into the living room, looking at his new ensemble being that it looked like his old one but it was different at the same time. Sly noticed that it’s like his Zeta Costume but fits the dimension better. He didn't wear the navy blue mask over his face being that his mole was noticeable along with the reddish-purple scar that started at the right side of the jaw being that it was more apparent.

He's still wearing his unzipped black jacket with a closed pocket flat on each side being that it now has a crimson red stripe with both of his arms exposed. The jacket also had pockets on the side and a hood. He has his cellphone currently resting in the right pocket of the two side pockets. His shirt is now a black compression or muscle shirt, doing a great job at exposing his toned build perfectly. His shirt now has a pattern similar to his last shirt.

In the center of his shirt, there is a molten gold stylized "LZ" insignia that rests perfectly. It looks to be metallic but it's actually silk. The collar and cuffs of the shirt are a steel gray. Both the jacket and shirt's sleeves only covered his shoulders, being that they soon revealed the chainmail like sleeves underneath the shirt. He's wearing grayish black jeans with a molten gold trim. He wears black and white ,pentagon-shaped, protective pads on his pants legs, mainly over his knees.

He's wearing a strange belt being this belt is the Z.E.R.O. Armor belt. It’s an ash gray ,with a crimson red web like pattern, utility belt with a gold belt buckle but it’s a simple belt with his gadgets, potions, and snacks inside of it. It has seven pouches or capsule-like cylindrical cartridges that are attached to the outside of the belt. He's wearing his black, purple, and white sneakers with a steel sole to them. He wears brown fingerless gloves over both hands and the gloves end at his wrist.

The gloves expose the base of his knuckles and the back of the gloves have a hand guard with a "#" marking. He's wearing his black and white signet ring on his right index finger, brown bag on his back, Enigma Talisman on his left wrist being that it was next to his watch, his black ,with dark indigo details, wireless over-the ear headphones around his neck, silver kunai earrings, and a wooden eagle necklace. Arcane Lexicon ,in a pouch, is strapped to the left side of his waist.

He had Lazarus Soul ,in its scabbard, attached to his belt being that it was hanging to the right of him and was able to be grabbed. He has his black leather headband tied around his left bicep with a molten gold "LZ" stitched to the front of it. His guild mark was stitched to the back of it being that it's primarily dark purple with the left side of the mark having a white outline and the right side of the mark ,despite the robe being black, has a black outline.

He looked at the group as he said,"Happy now?". "Yeah. You actually look cool. So where did you learn how to stitch?" said Lucy. "I guess he does." grumbled Natsu. "Can the jealously Natsu. Zane learned how to stitch or sewing in order to fix the holes in his clothing by his mom and also when he made those hoodies for his kids." said Sly. "Wait. You're a father? But you look so young." said Gray as Zane nodded. "Yeah. My genetics are the reason for my youthful appearance." said Zane.

Happy said,"So Zane, I have to ask a very important question. Did Lucy's bathroom stink more than it normally does?". Zane was about to answer the cat but Lucy cried out,"Don't you even answer!". "I was going to say that it smells like strawberries but fine!" said Zane with a hurt tone. He crossed his arms as Erza noticed that his guild mark was stitched into his headband. "So why did you sew your guild mark there?" said Erza.

Zane said,"You wanted me to show that I'm a member. So whose up for some food?". The others nodded as Natsu shot up from the bed and fully awake. "Lets go already!" said Natsu. "Yeah. I could go for a couple of burgers but man, I'm craving Fantasia Fries. It's really good." said Zane. The others blink at this as Gray said,"Fantasia Fries?". "Yeah. It's Fantasia's unique brand of french fries. It's one of my favorite meals after a successful job." said Zane.

Erza said,"That's quite interesting. Is Fantasia a restaurant back where you're from?". "Yeah. It's a Prime Dimension exclusive being that I'm known for going there often and daily. This dimension is lacking in fast food but that's to be expected." said Zane. "Zane. I know that I don't ask you for much but this dimension does has slushies right?" said Sly. Zane walked over to his partner with the others looking confused. The dragon saw Zane's sympathic look as he said,"No partner.". 

Outside, the citizens of Magnolia were going calmly about their day. However, the unlucky few who were walking by Lucy's apartment building were peacefully walking, enjoying the day but inside of the apartment, the usually calm dragon screamed out,"NOOOOOOOOOO! Why is this dimension is the worst?!". The people inside and outside were shocked by this as Zane shook his head. "She really does love her slushies." said Athena.

Later, the group was making their way to the guild as Sly was moping. "Why doesn't this dimension not have any slushies? I'll even take a smoothie at this point. Zane, did we die and go to the Dread Dimension?" said Sly. "So how long is she going to keep wining? She didn't go hungry." said Natsu with him glaring at the dragon. "For a little bit longer Natsu. She's a fan of slushies and I could get one but I rather not have Prude Knight think I'm running away." said Zane.

Erza said,"I won't think that of you Zane being that it'll mostly bring Sly back to her normal self so just go.". "No Zane. I should be able to handle it but I really miss the taste of Strawberry Watermelon slushie or perhaps one of the weirder flavors like Slime Form flavor." said Sly. "Slime Form? Isn't that weird form you turned into?" said Happy. "Yeah but it isn't made of Slime Form. I think it was Blueberry. They made slushies for my forms as a promotional item." said Zane.

Happy said,"Wait. I have a question. Did they make one for Liger Form?!". "They did and like the form itself, it's in your favorite with an explosive kick." said Zane. "So could you go get me one Zane? I mean it sounds really cool! There is a fish one right?" said Happy. Zane nodded as he said,"I do it a little bit later Happy but we're here.". "Fun fact. This guild hall has been around since I think the guild's first master." said Cole. "Good to know I guess." said Zane.   

The team of "renegade" wizards plus superhero and dragon soon entered the building. Erza was currently leading the group of Gray, Lucy, and Natsu like they were prisoners being that Sly and Zane stood in the doorway. Those two looked calm and collected being that Sly was more disheartening on the fact there is no slushies rather than her being punished and Zane didn't really care. He soon took a good look around the inside being that before now, he never got a good look.   

The inside was similar to a large lunch hall, and mainly consisted of wood, possessing a parquet floor and a mezzanine held up by wood beams overlooking it. Several long benches and the related tables stretched across its length with a bar at the end. There were several waitresses who were assisting the other members with meals and drinks, as they all conversed with one another. And right beside the bar, was a large request board apparently posted on it wanted posters and jobs.

Zane took greater notice of the second floor which is strictly off limits to everyone who isn't S-Class being most of the members. It contained another request board which is dedicated strictly to S-Class Jobs, off-limits to everyone except S-Class Mages. The floor appeared to have a few, small round tables and chairs seated around the tables for sitting. In addition, there were also barrels, crates, and bags scattered in corners around the room.

The S-Class Request Board was also located on that floor. It was a brown, decorative board that was set off into its own area of the hall. It was adorned by velvet curtains, which were tied with golden tassel. Zane took noticed of Natsu's attitude being that he was rather fearful and Lucy was a very close second. Erza soon lined each of the guild members in front of the main bar being that they were greeted by the woman who was considered the mother figure despite her past as the Demon.

Mira smiled as she said,"It looks all of you came back from your island getaway without any injuries so that's good.". "Hey Mira. Man, that was a fun trip." said Zane, walking up to the barmaid and this pissed off Erza. This was made obvious thanks to the tick mark evident on her forehead being that Mira didn't noticed it but Zane did. She took her authority very serious and the very fact that someone who was awaiting punishment to fall out of line.

It also didn't have to do with the fact that Zane was talking with another woman while ignoring her and I'm hundred percent serious. "I wouldn't call an S-Class job a fun trip through. You should have stopped them." said Mira, crossing her arms underneath her chest and lightly glared at Zane. "Well, I thought they could do it but they're not ready yet. I went there to save the people and I got the reward because of the bet I made with Bobo." said Zane with Mira smiling.

Erza said,"I was the one who forbid them getting the reward but he went behind my back.". "And that sounds like something you would do. So did you help those poor islanders?" said Mira, ignoring the scarlet-beauty. "Why are you ignoring me?" said Erza. "I sure did because the curse was nothing. Did you know that the villagers were actually demons? It was actually interesting and plus I got to do the demon wiggle-waggle. You want to learn it?" said Zane. Erza was getting more confused and angry.

Mira said,"And I bet that you're the one who handle everything like you did with Eisenwald? And sure Zane.". She was smiling brightly at him being that Zane said,"Well, you're speaking the truth but I did have some help from Gray and Natsu. Lucy and Happy didn't help but they did make me laugh so I guess that it was fine having them there.". "Okay. He's totally doing this on purpose." thought Gray and Natsu as they looked at Erza.

She was growling angrily being that her hands were balled into fists being that both of them knew that this was the sign of an angry Erza. "I guess that you're never going to change are you?" said Mira. "Nah. That would be just boring plus it's so much fun." said Zane, with Mira having a girlish giggle. "Quit ignoring me!" yelled Erza. This is what made Erza snapped being that the two turned toward her being her face was bright red and was panting in anger.

Zane said with a smirk,"Calm down Octopus Chan. I haven't talk with Mira in like forever and we'll get back to you in a minute.". Erza was about to kill him as Mira said,"Sorry Erza. So what's up with you?". "Is the master here? These four need to receive judgment for stealing the S-Class quest plus Zane will be telling us all about him. We should get this done soon as possible." said Erza with the anger currently disappearing for now. 

Mira said,"Well, he's upstairs in his office. Apparently, the magic council need to talk about whatever happened in Hargeon. He should be down in a moment.". "Yeah. From what Bisca and Levy told us about it, you really went to town on that robot." said Macao. "I sure did." said Zane. Before Erza could do anything, Beaver-Teeth aka Krov said,"Hey, Gray and Natsu! You guys survived...". The man was soon kicked in the face and sent flying into a table by the duo of Gray and Natsu.

This shocked Erza and Lucy being that Lucy expected Zane to disobey Erza but Gray and Natsu were different. "You were the one to rat us out to Erza, weren't you?!" yelled Natsu. "Should I tell him that it was me?" whispered Mira. "You can but I wouldn't." whispered Zane. Krov soon shot back up as he said with a swollen cheek,"Get your fact straight numbskulls! It was Mira!". "Yeah right Krov. You would blame it on someone else." said Gray, with him and Natsu pouncing on Krov.

This soon caused an all-out brawl being that most of the guild was beating the snot out of it. "Is it weird that I'm oddly used to this by now?" said Sly. "Yeah. Theron's fight was slightly more random than these fights." said Zane. "I would ask about what you mean but you'll explain it. So where did Erza go?" said Lucy. "If you two want to disobey me, be prepared to face me!" said Erza as she soon equipped a battle hammer and jumped into the fight cloud. "Found her." said Cole.

The group of Happy, Lucy, Sly, and Zane made their way over to the bar, avoiding the best that they could. "Yep. There is a crazy fight every day here." said Happy. "And this is a prime example of why I don't date any of the guys here." said a voice. It is Cana being that she was currently drinking an entire barrel in front of the group. "So have you met someone whose a heavy drinker?" said Lucy as Zane thought about it.

Zane said,"Well, there was one time that I had to drink my way through a brewery.". Before the girls and cat could ask for clarification, Gray shouted,"Natsu! Fight me!". He was standing there in black boxers. "When you can keep your clothes on for more than a minute." said Natsu but this wasn't the case because they started to fight. Zane soon rolled his eyes as he said,"Well, I had to drink my way through a brewery because....".

Elfman soon interrupted him as he said,"You two are fighting like a bunch of kids!". He pumped his fists into the air as Elfman roared,"I'm a real man! So let me prove it to you dam kids!". "Why is he encouraging it?!" said Lucy. "That's a good question. Let me think of an answer." said Sly. The duo of Gray and Natsu tag teamed once again and punched Elfman across the room. "So gang, do you think he went farther than Krov or not?" said Zane.       

Happy said while gnawing a fish,"Use one of your forms to find out Zane.". "You mean Take Overs right?" said Mira. "Nope. Apparently, Zane's transformations are because of his watch and not his magic." said Lucy. "Really?" said Cana. "Yep. It's a more advanced version of Take Over being that I can fuse my forms together. I just choose not to because they have the two forms's strength and weakness which is kinda a bad thing in my book." said Zane.

Loke ,who had sitting with two beautiful women on his left and right, was hit by a brick being that he turned his attention to fight. "Sorry girls but I have to join the fight so I can protect you two." said Loke as he jumped into the fray. "It's funny." said Happy. "What?" said Sly. "Loke is our resident playboy but he won't flirt with Lucy because he's scared of Natsu and also she's a celestial wizard! I guess you're not good enough to be hit on." said Happy.

Zane smirked as he said,"Oh yeah. That was funny. I remember it clearly despite being asleep.". "It wasn't funny to me. So why am I unlucky with guys?" said Lucy with her falling at the bar table with a whimper. "Don't worry Lucy. I mean you have Natsu." said Mira. "And he's still a guy especially down there if you know what I mean." said Cana, causing the blond to blush bright red. Zane looked at Mira's angelic face as he thought,"Huh. I just figured out something.".   

Twilight said,"What Zane?". "All of the women here are all very attractive in terms of physical appearance. I guess the high amount of magic here is a side effect of that." said Zane. "So Zane, the new Sorcerer Magazine came in." said Cana. handing him a magazine. Zane looked through it with him going faster than normal, shocking the girls and cat. "Zane is a fast reader." said Sly. Zane soon closed the book with him taking a deep breath.

Cana waited for something to happen as Zane said,"If you were expecting to have a nose bleed, try harder Cana. I've built up a strong tolerance toward skimpiest and sexy bikinis but I won't deny how pretty you look in them Mira. I would like to see you in one of them but maybe a rather tame one. I rather not see a red ocean again time soon.". Mira soon blushed as Sly said,"And I think Zane'll be taking the title of Fairy Tail's playboy. He was taught by the best after all.". 

Kane said,"So we're getting a subscription right?". "Why? I mean we can just look to our left and we'll see a model like woman." said Sivarth. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane move Happy in front of Mira in order to block a sandal to the face. "Happy Barrier! You alright Mira?" said Zane with concern "Yeah but I don't think Happy is." said Mira. "You jerk." said Happy. Zane placed him down on the bar as he said with a frown,"Time to end this before the whole building comes down.".   

He soon turned into a new form being that Sly knew it as Extinct Form. He grows to about eight feet tall. His fat, muscles, and skin is missing now since he's all bone now with the bones being steel gray rather than white. He looks to be extremely thin with no sign of muscles. Despite having nothing else at all that resembling his human self, he has slicked back blue hair. He has empty eye sockets and nostrils holes. He doesn’t have any kind of vertebrae segmentation.

He has no kind of distinction between his upper and lower jaw being that he has a thin yet wide mouth with a number of small seams that looks like a Glasgow Smile. He strangely has joints. He has a strong angular facial feature. He wears a gray long sleeved camo shirt that covers half of his arms exposing his arms, music-note patterned black and white pants, and brown dress shoes that look small. He's wearing the black robe that signified all of Zane's transformations.

All of the wizards stood parallel to each other being that they were charging up their magic for one final attack on each other being that Cana stopped drink being that she was stunned by Zane's newest form. "So you're now a skeleton? That's cool I guess." said Cana. "This is the end!" shouted Elfman with his right arm encased in stone, becoming more powerful. "You can believe that." said Loke as his rings glowed. "Let's do this already!" roared Natsu with fists aflame.

A gentleman sounding voice soon said,"Now how about we all just calm down and just talk out our problems?". The skeleton soon jumped from the bar and into the center of the guild. Before anyone could ask about who is the skeleton and how is the skeleton talking, Zane soon began spinning around in place very fast and this soon created powerful winds being that it effected all of the fighters. They were all soon screamed being that they were blasted away by the skeleton.

Once they were pinned to the wall by the wind, Zane stopped as he said with a bow,"And I hope you learned your lesson!". The wind was soon gone as everyone fell to the ground in a heap along with the benches and rubble that went with the wind from before. Everyone was dizzy being that the ones who didn't fight were shocked to see that a skeleton defeated several people without breaking a sweat and he wouldn't have because he has no sweat glands. Skull Joke I think!

The first one who got up was Natsu who roared,"So cool! That bag of bones is really strong!". "I'm so lost." said Lucy. "You're not the only one." said Cana. "What's going on here?!" echoed a booming voice. Zane looked to see a dark giant being that he could see the clown hat, figuring out that it was Makarov. "Hey there old man. It's me Zane and like before, I stopped the fight." said Zane with him stretching.

The giant soon disappeared into a puff of smoke as Makarov stood there in his regular form. "Thank you once again Zane and welcome back." said Makarov. "Yeah. I guess it's good to be back but well, I should tell you that my full name is Zane Vincent Alvarez." said Zane with acting and sounding like a gentleman. "Okay. Is it weird that Zane is sounding nice to someone?" said Natsu. He was decked by Eflman who said,"Zane is a real man!".

The two soon began fighting as Zane sweatdropped despite not having sweat glands. Yes, Extinct Form will have stuff like this so get used to it. "I may know the answer to this but I have to ask this here and now. Have they done this since they were kids?" said Zane. "Yep. So are you going to go back to normal any time soon?" said Makarov with Zane deactivating the form. "Pardon me master." said Erza being that Makarov turned to her. "Yes Erza?" said Makarov.

Erza said,"Zane has something to tell everyone because if he doesn't tell the truth, you should kick him out of the guild.". This caused everyone to look surprised being that it was extremely rare for Makarov to kick anyone out of the guild. Makarov raised an eyebrow as he said,"May I ask why you're requesting this?". It was well known that Zane and Erza didn't get along at all but to kick him out of the guild, that's something else.

Zane said,"Yeah and what about the others being punished?". The group of Gray, Happy, Lucy, and Natsu soon became slightly scared. Erza was silent being that she looked right at the stares of the other members. "That can wait. This is more important. I would like you to be the judge of him Master and see if he can be trusted. Despite his more strange habits, he is someone that would make a good member of the guild but he has openly admitted to him killing his enemies." said Erza.

This statement shocked the guild being that they were looking at Zane who looked bored. "I won't trust him ever unless you've given your approval. Sly is fine however." said Erza with her arms crossed. Makarov was silent being that he looked right at Erza to figure out what she was thinking about. The other guild members were whispering to themselves being that it's well known that the duo of Erza and Zane don't mix but she's been more strict on him than anyone else.

Zane sighed as he said,"Lets just do this already old man. I just want to get this day over with.". "It seems like we're in agreement. Follow me to my office. Erza, I'm thankful that you brought all of them back safely but they're still in trouble and THAT punishment is coming." said Makarov. The duo of Gray and Natsu soon held onto each other, shaking in fear and Lucy was ready to scream. "Lets go already. You're not getting any younger." said Zane.

The guild thought,"Does he ever think about what he's going to say?". "Nope." said Zane being that he had read all of their minds. "I understand Zane. Keep those four here Erza." said Makarov. The scarlet haired woman nodded as the duo of Makarov and Zane walked off. Sly watched them leave as she knew that Zane could handle herself. She went to sleep as the guild went back to normal. Two of the three oldest members of the guild walked to a room behind the bar.

Makarov walked inside with Zane following him inside. It was a small room about the size of living room and kitchen combined. The room looked like an office with a desk at the back that had some papers on it. The walls had some pictures hanging  there being Zane saw that they were of the guild from the outside, a picture of the guild members looking much younger and one of an elder looking man who was carrying a staff.

He had long grey hair, a long beard and strangely enough an eye patch on where his right eye would be. There was also a couch and some chairs but other than that, it wasn't very impressing. "To be honest sir, I was expecting more but this simpleness is kinda nice." said Zane. "I don't really care for having a high maintenance office being that I usually do paperwork in here and it's so tedious. I also enjoy being in the bar with my children." said Makarov.

Zane smiled as he said,"I guess you would see them like that.". "Yes. Everyone in Fairy Tail is my precious child and that includes you son." said Makarov. "I would say that would be just strange but well, I've met and pissed off a woman who has 85 children ,39 daughters and 46 sons, all by blood by the way. However, blood isn't a factor when you considered someone to be a member of your family because my family isn't connected by blood at all." said Zane.

He was talking about his family plus all of the people that he has bonded with over of the years of being alive. "It really does seems you've been a lot. I only have Laxus whose connected to me by blood and how did the woman give birth to so many children? Most women would have died by the third childbirth at the latest." said Makarov. He remember how his wife ,who is no longer around and that's my answer to that, crushed his hand for comfort during delivery of his son.

She was swearing like a sailor being that she threatening to kill him gave him a clear picture on what she would do if she got pregnant again. He soon grinned with him saying,"If there were my children by blood, I wouldn't be able to look at Mira's swimsuit pictures!". Zane shook his head back and forth as Athena said,"It's weird to believe that this guy is the Master.". "Would you believe me that isn't strange considered the rest of the dimension?" said Zane, thinking about it.

Makarov looked confused as he said,"We're getting off track so lets begin the interview.". He soon sat in the chair by the table with Zane sitting in the seat in front of the desk with him looking relaxed. He soon picked up on a humming noise being that he turned to see that strange purple writing was soon covering the entire office. "So let me guess. This is to make sure that we don't have eavesdroppers right?" said Zane. "Correct. I drew these magical runes a while ago." said Makarov.  

Zane said,"So thanks to these runes, this room will automatically negate sound. Very interesting to say the very least.". "You seem to know what's going on Zane. Is this your telepathy at work?" said Makarov. "No. This isn't my first interview in a magical dimension." said Zane. "What's your name young man?" said Makarov. "Seriously? It's Zane Vincent Alvarez." said Zane. "I never said this before but it's a rather weird name in these parts. So where are you from really?" said Makarov. 

Zane said,"It's because I'm from another dimension where my name is still rather unusual but my family is infamous.". "So are you able to use magic? I can tell that you have magic inside of you but there are several different types of energies that you have." said Makarov. "Okay. I've had all of them ever since I was born and I'm a superhero. I currently use my power to help people who can't defend themselves against evil and well, I've been doing this for a long time." said Zane.

Makarov soon raised an eyebrow in surprise in hearing that. "You're not lying are you son? I heard the story that you gave the Council thanks to a friend of mine." said Makarov. "Nope. I'm telling you the truth." said Zane. "Interesting. Is there anything that you can't do? I've seen and heard about what you can do." said Makarov. "Honestly old man, there is a lot that I can do being that it's hard to think of something that I can do." said Zane.

Kane said with a smile,"It's a good thing that you've gotten better at lying.  Your right eye would be twitching if you were.". "But he isn't lying." said Sivarth. Makarov looked confused as Zane said,"My main abilities is to alter my body into several different forms or a candy syrup form plus energy manipulation.". "Interesting. So why does Erza want me to kick you out?" said Makarov as this was the most obvious question.

Zane sighed as he said,"Well, I'm a killer and liar according to Erza but to me, I'm just a very careful person. However, part of my past appeared which means that I need to be honest with people who considered me to be family. I'm not expected them to fully be on board with my choices or how I'm handling a problem but I don't care. This is the only way that I can see things going and well, I'm going to do it no matter what.".

Makarov nodded being that he thought about what he heard. It seemed like Zane was finally starting to open up being that from a first glance, he could tell that Zane had been looking for something that he had been missing for a long time. He sounded like he had been through a lot in his life being that unlike most of the killers he's met, he seemed stable. Some of the members have and are like Zane being that Erza was the same when she first joined.

She was always by herself and never spoke to the other members except for Natsu. She would hurt those who would try to fight her being that Gray was often the poor sap that who got hurt being that he either challenged her or Natsu. "I see. So tell me Zane, how do you normally complete missions or jobs and how would you do it?" said Makarov. "Doesn't that depend on what I'm doing? I mean I don't think fighting would work at a construction site." said Zane.       

Makarov smiled as he said,"Okay. Here's a hypothetical situation. You're on a job to stop a group of dark wizards who have taken over a village. How would you free it?". Zane ,using his super speed or super thinking, through about it. "Okay. I would first figured out how many wizards they are being that I have many different ways of gathering information. After that, I would make sure that the poor villagers are safe before I teach the dark wizards a lesson." said Zane. 

Makarov nodded as he said,"And what if they had hostages, how would you overcome that and save the hostage while completing your mission?". "Simple. I would trick them into lowering their guard either by fake surrendering or annoying them to death. I would then take down the guy who was holding the hostage and the dark wizard hurt the hostage, I would heal them and make sure that they are okay. They're more important than cash in my eyes." said Zane.

Makarov smiled as he found this to be interesting. Despite looking so young, he seemed rather experienced for his age in terms of combat and hostage situations. He reminded him of both Erza and Natsu except more mature in the case of Natsu. "So have you worked with anyone beside Sly?" said Makarov. "Yep. I've been on a team since I was eighteen. We've been working together for a long time and to be honest, I would be useless without them." said Zane.

Makarov said,"Okay, I've seen this before but how are your social skills?". "I know that I may come off as abrasive or a dick but here's the thing. I'm just honest. I don't like mincing my words but here is the thing. When I care about someone deeply, I'll fight until my last breath in order to help them but I won't die in the process. Dying is the cowards way out and I don't want to see the people who I care about hurt because of my death. I'm also not a fan of those destructive free for all fights." said Zane.

Makarov soon began shaking his hand as Makarov said,"You're staying as a member of the guild Zane!". "Thanks sir." said Zane. Outside of the office, the guild was taking with each other and having a great time. Erza and the rest of Team Natsu were waiting for Master Makarov to come out with Zane being that Erza wanted to know what was going on despite making sure that none of them escape.

Natsu tried to eavesdrop and listen it being that he couldn't hear anything much to his frustrations as Mira knew that Master didn't want anyone to hear the conversation. Natsu soon had the urge to break down the door but Erza stopped him and forced him to stop. The others had been talking among each other wondering if the new guy was going to be accepted or not. The door suddenly flew open as the master walked out with Zane behind him with his hands in his jacket pocket.

Everyone looked to them as they waited in bated breath for the verdict of Zane's membership. "So how did it go master?" said Erza, having enough of the silence. "Well, the interview was quite interesting and amusing in some parts." said Makarov. "And?" said the guild. "Zane is staying as a member of this guild and he's our first pseudo S-Class wizard. This means that he'll be counted as a S-Class wizard until the trial." said Makarov.

The guild was confused as Zane said,"I wanted to do the trial like everyone else. I just hate when people give me special treatment even through I didn't earn anything to deserve it. It comes more often than you would think. It's quite annoying.". The guild soon cheered as Zane covered his ears within second. "Noise control please for all of the gods in the Omniverse!" said Zane with him in a good amount of pain.

His plea fell on deaf ears with Makarov smiling brightly as he hopped onto one of the tables. "Well, I hope you don't just stand there gawking at each other! Bring out the kegs and food already! I'm not getting any younger!" shouted Makarov. "Yeah!" cheered the guild with everyone running around setting the place up and grabbing a drink. Cana winked at Zane with her saying,"A toast!". As they all cheered and celebrated Zane staying, Zane smiled.

Twilight said,"It's nice to see you happy Zane. I missed this side of you.". "Me too." said Zane as he watched the crazy members of his guild do what they do best. After the party, Zane was sitting at a table with Sly nearby him. Zane was sipping a beer with him hearing,"You feeling homesick?". The Cross-Species turned around to see both Happy and Natsu looked at him. "Not really. I've been an adult since I graduated high school earlier and well, I've got a lot of degrees." said Zane.   

Both Happy and Natsu went wide-eye as they said,"You've got a degree?!". Zane smiled as he said,"I sure do. Just call me Doctor Professor/Professor Doctor Alvarez.". "Or Zane. That's what most of his students call him." said Sly. "Hold on. You're lying again Zane. I mean you're like my age right? I'm eighteen. So how did you get a degree?" said Natsu. Since Natsu doesn't have an official age in canon despite being 400 years plus, this just my own thought.

I mean you could say that he's seventeen like Lucy. I personally think that Natsu is in between 16 to 19. Gajeel is also the same being that I can see him the same age as Laxus or maybe younger. You may be asking why I'm bringing this up now. The other three dragon slayers who pretty much jumped through time (Rogue, Sting, and Wendy) have official age but not Gajeel and Natsu. It's just weird and makes no sense.

Zane said,"Well, I got it Natsu because I'm so smart plus I may have save the planet a handful of times.". He soon looked around as he said,"Hold on. My annoyance have gone down. So where is your Juliet?". Natsu looked confused as Sly said,"He means Lucy and I'm sure that this dimension has Romeo and Juliet. It's a classic.". "It does." said Zane. "Well, she went to go talk with Mira and for some reason, I couldn't join her. I mean she left me here alone." said Natsu with a sigh.

Happy said,"Well Zane, so when are you going to tell us about you completely?". Zane sighed as he said,"Tomorrow Happy. I mean I've kept Erza at bay for now plus I may need to make it simple for Natsu and Elfman. I'm really sure that anyone in this Dimension will be able to understand how the Omniverse works but it isn't your fault. Few people understand truly how the Omniverse works being that it's filled with many layers.".

Cole said,"Like an onion Zane! Huh?! Get it you guys?". He was slapped by all members of Legion Zero (Athena, Kane, Sivarth, and Twilight) in unison. I don't hate Shrek but man, the memes to it can be real annoying. Zane didn't really care but he could understand why his team did this. Cole is the heart of their team being that he's always the most emotional one. "Sometimes Cole. Don't change at all.".

Natsu looked confused as Happy smirked and he said,"Don't worry Natsu. He'll explain it tomorrow. So what is one thing that you find different here than your dimension?". Zane looked around the guild hall being that he soon came up with an answer. It came in the form of Cana, Erza, Lucy, and Mira plus some of the other under-developed/but still curvy girls left with in the guild hall. "Well, it's pretty obvious. It's the curvaceous girls." said Zane.

The two blinked at this as Sly said,"I'll agree with you on that.". "Yeah. Most girls in my dimension are not this attractive. It's like the girls in this dimension were all built for fanservice. I mean I have seen more girls in skimpy clothing than I ever thought I would. I mean you guys also get this but to a much less degree. I'm sure that dimension will be well known for that and you guys screaming friend plus friendship every other minute." said Zane.

This is what Fairy Tail is well known for fanservice and friendship. I'm not going to lie about that because it's in your face. "True. Models in our dimension would kill for such curvy figures aka large breasts and lovely faces." said Sly. "Don't tell Erza this because I'm already in trouble with her but she's like second to Mira." said Zane. "Hey! Erza is really pretty!" said Natsu. "I'm not saying that she isn't pretty but her personality doesn't do it for me." said Zane.

Natsu was confused at what Zane said with Happy smiling. "So you can't handle the level of sexiness in this world, can you?" said a teasing Happy. "Whatever Happy. I don't care about that. I care about what on the inside rather than the outside." said Zane. Natsu soon smiled being that Kane said,"Uh oh. I don't like the look in his eyes.". "Okay Zane! You and me! Lets fight!" said Natsu. This got everyone in the guild's attention as Kane said,"I told you!".

The others deadpanned with them either face palming or groaning at Natsu's simple but lovable ,to a couple of people, nature. "Okay. I know that I speak for everyone in the room when I say this. Why do you want to fight me after what happened last time? I mean Orb Form made you his bitch." said Zane with him pushing up his glasses. "Come on man. Isn't it obvious?" said Natsu. "Really? I would love to hear it from your mouth." said Zane, crossing his arms.

Natsu clenched his fist as he said,"Back in Hargeon, I was giving it my all against that robot but you wrecked it with that giant form. And on Galuna Island, you destroyed Deliora and the moon without breaking a sweat.". As he was talking, Zane could feel the intensity around Natsu building up. "Is he getting excited just thinking about the fighting?" said Twilight. "We just have to see who is stronger of course! And I want you to give you all in this fight! No holding back." said Natsu.

Nearby the two, Macao and Wakaba were by them. "I'm impressed that Natsu would even want to challenge Zane again after what happened last time." said Macao. "You really shouldn't embarrasses yourself in front of Erza and Lucy." said Wakaba. "Shut up! I wasn't expect Orb Form but this time, I am ready!" said Natsu. He hopped to a clearing in the room as he ignited his fists. "Are you a man or a chicken?" said Natsu.

Elfman roared,"Come on Zane! If you're a real man, then accept the challenge!". The guild soon started to shout,"Fight!". At this point, Makarov started to get annoyed. "Natsu, that's enough of that young man!" said Makarov. Natsu didn't detect Makarov's order being that he was looking right at Zane who seem apathetic to the whole thing. He looked around the guild and saw that they either wanted him to fight or just accept it.

Zane turned to Makarov as he said,"He isn't going to stop isn't he?". "You don't need to be a telepath to know that Zane." said Makarov. Before Zane could do anything, Cana came up to him. "You'll do it right Zaney?" said Cana, pushing her breasts against her back with this action upsetting a couple of girls. Cana was expected a blush from Zane as he didn't have fun. "Okay Natsu. I'll fight you but after this fight and some drinking, I need to stop by my apartment and I have some conditions." said Zane.

Natsu's eyes soon shinned like when a child sees something that he wants before it disappeared. "So why do you need to go there?" said Natsu. "Because I need to pay Ruth for something and that's all you're getting. It's important that I do this because while I may live in a dump, it's way better than a hotel. They charge you for so much mainly in terms of the snacks and if you're like me, you get sick of the brown noising." said Zane. 

Makarov said,"Before you two do this, I need to say something.". "Come on gramps! Don't forbid me from fighting!" said a protesting Natsu. "And I'm actually fine with it so this should be a good things since I'm bonding with the others." said Zane. "I'm guessing that one of your conditions is that you don't want to fight where there aren't any people or you could property damage." said Makarov with Zane nodding.

Makarov said,"Then I have the perfect place. Now. What are your conditions?". "It's simple. It's the same as the last fight but with a different wager. If you win, it'll stays the same. Me and Sly will join your team alongside Prude Knight, Triple B, Gray, and Happy. However if I win, lets just say that it won't be pretty. I'll tell you what it is once I get there and trust me, it'll make Master's punishment look gentle in comparison for your ENTIRE team." said Zane with an evil grin.   

The guild shivered in fear being that Natsu got his grin back. "You know that you don't have to do this right?" said Makarov. "I don't mind old timer plus what I have in store for Natsu is too good to past up." said Zane. "Come on! Lets go! I'm fired up!" said Natsu. The guild soon got excited for the fight ahead of them being these two were both in the top ten of the guild. "Can't we ever go one day without a fight." said Lucy. That would be a no Lucy.

On the outskirts of Magnolia and in the middle of the East Forest, the Fairy Tail guild was at a wide and flat plain. Its members began to take seats around the vicinity of the area being that Makarov had Levy using her Letter magic to creates lines as borders for their makeshift arena and also to protect them just in case. Cana was gathering bets from the other members of the guild being that it was very much the same as the last fight aka Chapter 8.

Despite all Zane has done, everyone bet on Natsu being that he was the favorite. The biggest shock was Gray and Erza being that they both bet 20,000 Jewels on Zane much. Erza was the bigger shock due to their natural dislike for each other. She was planning on talking to Zane after all of this because she needed to speak with him. Makarov soon noticed this being that there was very apparent animosity between Titania and Zane for a while now.

Makarov decided to come up with an answer as Cana was collecting the last couple of bets. "Erza. I have to ask. Why don't you like Zane? He told me why he doesn't like you." said Makarov. During the interview, Zane told Makarov everything about him and Sly plus while they were here. While he didn't agree to killing his enemies, he could understand why after everything that has happened to him in his life.

He was confused about the whole thing and when tomorrow comes around, he was sure that the rest of his children would be feeling the same except for maybe Levy. "Because he has killed before and will do again. That goes everything that we stand for. No death, no matter what." said Erza. "True. I think you and him should have a talk in private. Be fair to Zane and look at his side before you tell him what to do. We know how much he hates being told what to do." said Makarov.
Erza gritted his teeth as she said,"Fine Master. I will but after the fight.". She soon turned toward the fight to see Natsu and Zane entering the ring, standing on opposite ends. "Okay Zane! I'm going to show what I'm really made of." said Natsu, cracking his knuckles eagerly. Zane soon began rolling his shoulders as he said,"Okay then Natsu. I'll let you back out before I deliver a smackdown on you  and I promise that the guild won't make fun of you too much.".

Athena said,"So why are you rolling your shoulders? I thought you only did this to confused them in general or glance backwards over in a dramatic fashion.". "Why not?" said Zane. "There is no way that I'm going to run away from this!" said Natsu, getting a stance. Zane knew that was pointless in the grand scheme of things but he decided to just say screw it. He got into a stance being that the guild master go in the center of the two.

He soon looked at the two as he said,"Okay then, are you two ready?". The two fighters nodded as Makarov said,"Then, on a count of three. Three, Two, One, Let the match begin!". He rose his arm up but then got away quickly. The two fighters stared each other down with one of them having a grin on his face. The two rushed toward each other being that they got closer to each other being that it only took a few moments.

Natsu soon rocked his left fist back and lit his fist on fire, not surprising Zane. Natsu soon slammed his fist toward Zane being that Zane dodged the fist being that he grabbed Natsu's arm and threw him onto the ground. Before Natsu could get back, Zane soon had steel gray cosmic energy aka Impulse in his hand. He soon fired it at Natsu, causing an small explosion and dust cloud. Natsu soon got out of the dust cloud with him saying,"Okay! You're really......".

He was soon stopped by a roundhouse kick, directly in the gut. Natsu was pushed back a few feet with him gasping for air. Zane put his fists in his jacket pocket as Natsu soon dashed toward him with both fists flaming red. "You can't possibly dodge this! Fire Dragon Wing Attack!" said Natsu with him lunging forward. Zane soon stood there being that he took the two streams head on. The smoke from the attack cleared as Zane stood there without a single burn.

Natsu was shocked by this as he said with a vein of annoyance appearing on his head,"How the hell did you do that?!". Zane soon turned intangible with him saying,"My genetics have a lot of benefits and being able to completely go through your attacks is pretty good.". "Okay then! If you're so dam confident, dodge this!" yelled Natsu. He soon took a deep breath with Zane just standing there. "So are you going to do what I'm thinking about or what." said Kane.

Zane answered his partner with a sneaky smile. Lucy noticed this as she shouted to Natsu,"Natsu! I think he wants you to.....". Natsu didn't hear this being that he was too focused on the fight. The fire teen soon opened his mouth, releasing a large stream of flames. "Fire Dragon Roar!" shouted Natsu as Zane smiled. "Hook, line, and sinker." said Zane as his hands were soon covered in his signature emerald green ,with an obsidian black tint, flames.

He soon held out his hands in front of him as he said,"Absorb.". The Fairy Tail Guild plus Natsu soon watched the stream of Natsu's flames transmuted itself right in front of them. All of Natsu's flames soon matched Zane's unique fire being that Zane's entire body was covered in fire being that the fire around his feet and hands ,specifically, looked highly concentrated. "Oh wow. Your fire is really nice." said Zane. Natsu's eyes popped out as he said,"What the hell did you do?!".

Zane said with a smile,"I can bring in all fire around me and well, I can make it mine. Lets begin our fight by using your own power against you. As they say, fight fire with fire.". "Huh? Why would he do that? He knows that Natsu is strong against fire." said Gray. "Just watch." said Sly. Zane soon rushed at Natsu ,thanks to the flames around his feet, being that Natsu was caught off guard by Zane's sudden burst of speed.

He soon kicked Natsu directly in the left side of his stomach being that the Dragon Slayer was sent flying back from the impact. All of the flames soon gathered around his right arm being that he cocked his arm back. He soon aimed it right toward Natsu being that he punched the air in front of him with his left fist. "Blazing Punch!" said Zane. He soon fired off an enlarged fist of fire at Natsu being upon Natsu coming in contact with it, the dragon slayer was engulfed in the flames. 

Zane smirked as Lucy said,"So why isn't Natsu eating the fire?". "Zane's flames are like the ruler of all of them being that Natsu can't eat them." said Sly as Natsu got out of the flames after Zane got rid of them. He was slightly burned as Zane said,"Okay. Are you done now because I'm just get warmed up?". "No way! Your fires may have been hot but I'll show you that mine are hotter!" said Natsu with him challenging Zane.

Zane smiled as he said,"Okay. I was pretty sure that giving you like a fourth-degree burn would have been enough but I was wrong.". Everyone looked confused as Zane said,"Okay. Lets see how you do one of my favorites.". He turned into a new form being that it was Cryptid Form. Zane was now a large quadruped mammal with him being 8 feet tall if he was standing up straight or on all fours with him being in the latter at the moment.

His body has been called a mixture of a ape mainly shown in the upper part of his body, dragon, and jaguar. His body is covered in brownish red fur/scales. His face, feet, and hands are covered in red skin. He has a v-shaped maroon red fur that goes from his neck to his chest and back to his neck.  His head is in the shape of a Tyrannosaurs Red. His face looks feline with a short snout and four almond shaped green eyes.

His mouth is currently closed but two fangs ,that come out from the top of his mouth, peaking out of it. Out of his back, he has two large bat-like wings usually in standby mode until Zane needs to fly. His hind legs were similar to a dog while his front legs look like arms. He can use his front or hind legs for hands if needed. He has four fingers/toes on each hand/feet. His back is covered in metal organic plating that resembles a alligator/crocodile back.

He has a husky like tail with two white stripes at the end of it. His tail is spiked like a stegosaurus. He wears a shirt with the top of the shirt being a black color and the bottom half being a molten gold color. It’s divided in half by a single white strap. He wears black pants with the cuffs being a steel gray color. He wears a black and white horn helm currently on his head. He doesn’t wearing gloves and shoes but he does wear black spiked leather bands on his ankles/wrists.

He wears a black spiked leather collar. Gray looked at the form with him saying what everyone think was thinking,"Okay. So what is that thing? Please tell me if you know because I honestly won't.". Natsu stared at Zane for a bit being that he said,"Let me show you what a Fire Dragon Slayer can do okay?!". He dug his foot into the ground with him getting a better footing before he pushed himself off, racing toward the beast. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" said Natsu.

Much to everyone's shock again, Zane just stood there. Natsu didn't hesitant his action being that he soon jumped into the air to deliver a powerful punch. Just before the punch connected, Zane dodged the attack being the ground where Zane once stood was destroyed by a powerful explosion. Both of them were covered in dust and smoke. "I really don't get it. A real man would have dodged." said Elfman.

Erza wasn't so sure about that as she thought,"I doubt that form is more than a weird looking animal Elfman.". The dust and smoke cleared as the wizards of Fairy Tail were shocked to see that Natsu was face forward in the ground. During the confusion, Zane used his tail to trip Natsu being that this is how he got like this. Zane soon jumped above Natsu and grabbed his coat with his mouth. He soon lifted Natsu off the ground and rocking his head up, he threw Natsu backwards and into the air.

Natsu blinked as he said,"Huh?!". He was soon blasted in the face by a sonic scream from Zane and by the way, Cryptid Form can do that. Before hitting the ground, Natsu recovered. He landed on a patch of grass being that he smirked at Zane. Despite not saying a word, Zane soon taunted him by growling. Natsu soon charged at Zane being he clenched his right fist being that he was going to make an impact.

However, Zane expected this being that he soon lifted Natsu over his shoulder and onto his back with his back spikes grazed Natsu for a bit. The cloth of Natsu's coat ripped and his skin was bleeding as Zane soon brought down Natsu with a great amount of force, enough to crack the ground. Natsu was soon trapped in webbing being that Zane was the owner of this webbing being that it was a normal color.

Zane smiled as Natsu gulped. "Zane buddy. I think we're friends so please don't....." said Natsu as Zane ignored his plea. He grabbed part of the webbing and began spinning the dragon slayer rapidly in the air at dizzying speeds. "Wow. I didn't expect Natsu to get motion sick in both of their fights but it's still funny." said Cana. "And here I thought that Natsu wasn't playing around." said Gray, shaking his head back and forth.

Zane threw Natsu into the air and was going to watch him fall to the ground once again. Natsu soon recovered being that the adrenaline was overpowered the need to vomit and righted himself in the middle of the air. His sandals made friction with the ground which made him skid backwards before he came to a stop. "Nice try Zane but that won't on me again!" said Natsu. Before Zane could say anything, Athena's voice stopped him.

Everyone soon heard Athena say,"Ethernano has been fully analyzed. Beginning process to combine Animus with Ethernano has finished. Please use this carefully.". Zane soon smiled being that he soon deactivated the form. Zane looked at his watch being that he said,"Perfect.". "Okay. What's up?" said Natsu. "I think your defeat is going to good down faster than I thought but first. Athena, show me the data on Ethernano." said Zane, talking to his watch.

Everyone looked at Zane with them thinking,"Is he talking to his watch?". "Understood Zane. You'll find this magic very interesting." said Athena's voice with everyone hearing it. The watch's faceplate soon glowed as several light purple hologram computer screens soon came out from the watch. Each one of them contained a bunch of text on it. Natsu looked at Zane in confusion being that he said,"So are we fighting or what?".

Zane looked at Natsu with him saying,"Silence child. I'm learning.". He soon examined the report being that he made a mental note to make sure that he doesn't kill Natsu. The hologram was gone as Zane said,"Get ready Natsu because my Animus is now much stronger than your magic.". "Oh yeah Zane? Bring it on!" said Natsu. The crowd except for Sly soon reacted to this with shock being that they shouted out,"Seriously?! How overpowered are you!?". "Extremely." said Zane.      

Zane soon turned into a new form being that it was Magus Form. Zane looked to be eight feet tall with him having a noticeable broad chest and shoulders. His posture was similar to a warrior. His skin is grayish purple with it being scales rather than skin. He has four purplish yellow eyes with black sclera. His hair is a dark purple color. He has pointy ears which are covered by his hair. He has five-fingered hands with sharp claws at the end and humanlike five-toed feet with sharp claws in place of toenails. 

He had a red diamond cut gem with a black outline on his forehead which looks totally natural. To the left and right of the diamond, he had small bumps. He wears a silver couter and rerebrace on his right elbow and arm respectively, and silver metal spiked vambraces on his arms. He wears silver chest armor as well. His body is covered in red body markings very much like war paint around his eyes and any expose part of his body. 

Zane is wears a dark blue cloak ,with a high collar and hood that he's currently wearing over his head at this very moment. It's fastened to him with a gold latch. Under his chest armor, he had on a short sleeved black muscle shirt with a red magic circle in the middle. He wears matching colored gloves ,to his shirt, that covered his entire forearm plus his hands with the only part not covered being his middle finger, pinky, and thumbs. 

He's wearing dark green combat boots and dark blue boots that look very durable. Natsu looked at this form with wonder being that Natsu said,"Okay. So what does this one do man?". "Come at me and find out." said Zane. Natsu rushed toward Zane being that his fire was brighter being that Zane smiled. "You may be a good fighter Natsu but I'm better!" said Zane. Zane dodged Natsu's attack and the demon like creature touched several pressure points on Natsu within a second.

Natsu grunted in pain being that he went down on his knees but soon began to spin around to kick Zane with his leg a flamed. "Fire Dragon Claw!" said Natsu. Natsu's kick landed being that much to his shock, the kick went right through him and the flames were gone. Zane was also gone. Before Natsu could do a thing about it, he picked himself back up and punched himself in the face. "So what is he doing you guys?" said Loke. "It's simple Loke." said a voice.

The guild saw Zane with him moving his fingers like a puppeteer as he said,"He fell for my Heavenly Emperor Replication being that he just attack a clone of mine and now, I'm controlling his shadow.". Zane soon made Natsu jump into the air and do a bellyflop with the ground, causing everyone to wince in pain. "And that's why people fear my Magus Form. It's a master of magic and the shadows!" said Zane.

Natsu soon began to stand up but he was grabbed by Zane using his telekinesis. "Please don't spin me around." said Natsu. "Okay. I won't." said Zane. He soon sent Natsu flying being that Natsu soon slammed face first into an wall of crimson red ice. Upon Natsu hitting it, it didn't show any signs of breaking. "Permafrost Emperor Crimson Wall. It's like Gray's ice but more durable and well Natsu proved it for me. I also didn't lie." said Zane.

Natsu slowly got back up being that Zane was mostly going to make him slam into something or fall on his face. As Natsu was trying to come up with a plan to counter either option, Zane looked right at Makarov. "Hey old man!" said Zane. "Isn't he much older than me?!" thought Makarov, with him clearly remembering their talk. "Mind allowing Happy to help his pitiful partner." said Zane. The guild was shocked being that Sly said,"He wants more of a challenge.".

Happy soon looked at Natsu being that he knew that his partner needed his help being that he soon flew over to him. "So what are you planning? Something good I hope." said Cole. Zane smiled as Happy landed on Natsu's head. "Hey little buddy. Ready to take down Zane together?" said Natsu as he smiled at the cat. "Aye Sir! If we work together, Zane has no chance of accidentally your motion sickness like at all!" said Happy.

He soon flew behind Natsu's back and lifted him up. "So Happy, is Natsu heavier than Lucy? The viewers at home have to know!" said Zane in a reporter voice. Happy smiled as he said,"He's my partner so he's really light unlike Lucy!". "Hey!" shouted Lucy, causing Zane to chuckle. Happy flew toward being that Natsu came charging at him. Just before the attack could hit, Zane stomped on the ground. The two were stopped by a giant stone wall that came from the ground.

Before Happy and Natsu could do anything, they heard,"I really should warn you two to run away from Chaos Emperor Terminal Bastion.". Happy flew away as the wall went after them being that the guild was shocked to see how powerful this form of Zane was. The cat soon lost the way being that Happy soon dived down and threw Natsu at Zane. The fire wizard was soon engulfed in flames as Natsu said,"Fire Dragon Sword Horn!".

As Natsu was getting closer to Zane,  a pair of purple demonic wings ,which has a wingspan of ten feet, soon popped out of his back. His body was soon enveloped in water being that he soon rushed right toward Natsu. "Ocean Emperor Impact Submersion!" said Zane. The two soon crashed into each other, creating a thick layer of steam upon contact. The two soon went toward the ground as before Natsu hit the ground, Happy caught him. 

The two were floating there with Natsu smiling. "That form is so strong!" said Natsu. "Yeah and this is going to rock your world." said Zane. Before Natsu could ask what he mean, Zane soon rushed at him with his arms extended being that his index and middle finger were pointed at the duo of Happy and Natsu. His arms were covered in bedrock, being extremely deadly. Zane disappeared from the duo's viewpoints.

However, this didn't lasted being that Natsu was soon punched by the two fists. "Chaos Emperor Bedrock Shattering Punch!" said Zane with the impact of the punch causing Happy to be knocked back. "Oh I get it! He used an Earth spell so that's why he said rock your world." said Gray. "Was that attack for a pun or what?" said Bisca. "With Zane, he loves puns or just making really bad jokes on purpose during a fight." said Sly. 

Happy soon recovered being that Zane said,"Oh wow. I'm impressed.". "Aye! Me and Natsu have been through a lot so we can handle whatever you bring at us!" said Happy. Zane smiled as he soon turned into a new form being Undergrowth Form. He looks to be twelve feet tall and looks to be a mixture of plant, wood, and green plant matter aka swamp moss. His body is a creamy brown color with parts of his body covered in green swamp like moss. It looks like a jumpsuit.

He has two glowing red eyes. He completely lacks a nose but has a short green plant like goatee. He has five fingers and toes. Erza took a closer look at this form being that she could tell that it looked to be a stronger version of Swamp Form being that unlike Swamp Form, this form smell nice. Zane placed his hands toward the ground with him saying,"Forest Emperor Bramble Outburst and Forest Emperor Bulldoze.".

Within seconds, several large bramble vines came out of the ground being that they soon wrapped themselves around Happy and Natsu, crushing and piercing their skin. Before they could scream about the pain, a giant tree appear to the side of them. The tree came to life and grabbed the duo with them soon slammed into the ground hard. The two tried to break out of the bramble being that Zane smiled.

Zane said,"Come on Natsu. Are you really going to be beaten by the green? I know that you've never faced against strong plants before since the only experience you've had with the green is thanks to Troy over there even though it's really the green.". Droy sulked as Natsu's ears began to smoke in a comedic fashion. Happy gasped at Natsu's rage being that Happy pleaded,"Please don't burn me too!".

Natsu raged out,"I swear that I'll turn you and these vines into ash!". Zane chuckled being that Natsu's body was soon consumed in fire. Happy shrieked hopelessly as the flames only grew stronger, being that the vines were eventually burned away. Natsy landed on the ground as Happy's body was very much twitching being that Happy's hair was in a funny looking afro. Zane started to laughed even louder as he said in a hippie like voice,"Wow Happy. Your hair is totally dynamite!".

Natsu charged toward Zane being that he coated his leg in fire and leaped toward the tree man before spinning. "Fire Dragon Claw!" said Natsu. He soon landed a powerful roundhouse Kick in Zane's direction being that Zane stood there with a smile. "Fire Dragon Crushing Fang and Fire Dragon Wing Attack!" yelled Natsu. He soon rocked his right arm back and swiped at Zane like a claw with him soon swinging his arms forward.

As the smoke cleared, the crowd saw the upper half of Zane's body was burned away. Several people cried out in fear, being that they believed that Natsu went overboard and killed Zane. Natsu soon began to freak out as the lower half of his body just stood there. "Crap! Zane! I'm so sorry!" said a panicking Natsu. Before he could keep going, a small root grabbed his ankle. Natsu looked down at the root being that it soon flung him back being that Natsu was soon held in a prison of vines.

The crowd soon watched Zane's body grow back being that he yawned. "How did you?!" said Natsu as he tried to get out of the vines. "Silly Natsu. Undergrowth Form is a lot like Swamp Form in many ways but more in touch with the green!" said Zane. He swiped his hand toward Natsu being that the dragon slayer was soon punched by a giant vine fist that appeared out of the ground but it broke him out of the vine prison.

Natsu clearly recovered being that he soon rubbed his cheeks. "As we already know, giving you fire is a bad idea but I think this will work instead." said Zane. Several boulders appeared from the ground around Zane being that they were soon launched toward Natsu. Natsu ejected fire from the bottom of his feet as he evaded them. He soon rushed right toward Zane being that he shouted,"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!".

Zane turned his right arm into a giant piece of wood with him saying,"Sorry but that won't work against my Forest Emperor Safeguard.". The shield soon blocked Natsu's hand being that the dragon slayer was sent flying back. Natsu landed on the ground a few feet away from his opponent and he smiled at Zane with a big toothy grin as he looked at Zane. "This fight is really fun but you're going down!" said Natsu.

Zane smiled being that he soon jumped right toward Natsu, shocking everyone at the tree's speed. His right arm grew bigger as he slammed right into Natsu with the dragon slayer groaning. "This fight is way better than their first one." said Mira. Cana merely took a sip at her drink as she watched Zane land on the ground. She blushed a little as she said,"I'm sure that you liked when he was human due to him being really hot.".

Mira blushed as she said,"Really? You honestly think that.". "Yeah. His personality could use a little work but hey, it's kinda nice to see someone so honest." said Cana. "Okay. He's stubborn and very much determined to win. What's the best way to cool a hot-head like him off?" said Twilight. "Time for you to COOL off Natsu." said Zane. Before Natsu could do anything, Zane soon vanished being that Happy and Natsu looked for Zane.

However, a new creature appeared on the battle field being that this is a new form by the name of Salamander Form. In terms of his physical appearance, he looks to be a physical stronger version of Camouflage Form and looked like a Komodo Dragon. His height reaches 8 feet tall. His body is mostly covered in gray colored scales with the underside of his body or chest area is tan scales. He has long armor like arms and legs with his legs being stocky. 

He has a normal shaped head with him having four oval-shaped white eyes. He has a black stripe that cover both of his eyes in a domino mask style. His mouth is usually closed. However when he opens them, he has several sharp rows of white teeth. He has sharp spikes around his chin which he pretends is a beard. He has two black ice, curved horns like devil horns.  He had four fingers and toes being that he’s ambidextrous and has black ice claws. 

The form wears black pants with light blue cuffs and a white open-front shirt with light blue cuffs. His shoulders have white gills in them being that they’re naturally producing frost from them, coming out of his clothing. This gives him a natural ice aura around his body. He has a long ,being 2 feet long, lizard like tail that can be used to grab things. The end of it is spiked. He has five dark blue shark like/dorsal fins reaching down his back with one on his head, arms, and tail. 

His back is covered by a white shell with his fins sticking out of them. "Okay. What the heck is this one? I mean all of them is weird but I'm so lost." said Gray. Natsu wasn't frightened by this creature being that he rushed at it being that his arms were covered in flames. Zane didn't make an attempt to move as he just opened his mouth. "I think it's time to see which one looks better folks. A fiery salamander or a iced salamander." said Zane with Natsu's eyes widened. 

The fire dragon slayer figured what Zane was doing as the reptile unleashed out a blizzard from his mouth in seconds. Due to how fast the blizzard appeared, Natsu wasn't able to escape the blizzard with the entire area and him were frozen solid. "Okay. That was just cool. I mean we saw him freeze a giant tidal wave back on Galuna Island but unleashing an entire blizzard within seconds." said Gray. Lucy nodded with her remembering that. "I don't Natsu thinks the same as you." said Erza. 

Natsu stood there in a comically pose inside his icy prison being that before Natsu could break out of the ice, Zane soon took a picture of it. He did this by having Twilight sprout a tendril out of Zane's back and with his phone, it took a picture just as Natsu's body began melting the ice. The Dragon Slayer's eyebrows were chalk white, his pink hair was half white and swept backwards, frozen in place. His teeth were chattered uncontrollably. 

This appearance of Natsu was a shock to most of Fairy Tail since he and Gray fight almost every day with Natsu ending up frozen at some point. Natsu looked at Zane with an annoyed look as he said with a shiver,"Did you really think that ice could do me in?". Zane blinked for it as Sly face palmed being that she knew why he did this. "I didn't whatsoever but it made you SHIVER with annoyance right Natsu?" said Zane with a proud smirk. 

The crowd groaned at Zane's lame pun being that Zane said,"Screw you guys! That was a good pun for once! And I rarely make those.". "I mean he isn't wrong. He's good at ice related puns but the rest of the time, it's pathetic." said Sly. While Natsu was recovered from Zane's attack, Zane rushed toward Natsu being that he reared back his arm. Natsu barely managed to dodge the lizard's attack being that that he was going to kick Zane in the back. 

He did this but well, the shell really hurt upon contact. Zane had his tail wrapped around Natsu's leg and Natsu was sent flying into the air. Before Natsu could recover, Zane jumped toward Natsu. He punched Natsu in the chest with his right fist as Zane said,"Thunder Emperor Crashing Punch!". His right fist was soon covered in thunder being that he slammed the fist onto Natsu, causing a giant explosion of thunder. Natsu recovered quicker than expected.

Natsu hit Zane with a powerful left hook as Natsu said,"Eat this!". He delivered a right hook and was going to try and throw Zane but that didn't work at all with Zane being quite heavy. The lizard only smiled as he said,"Okay then. I think it's time for a beam struggle.". Zane jumped backwards as Natsu's stomach soon began to swell in size. "Fire Dragon Roar!" said Natsu. The fire raced through the air being that Zane deactivating Salamander Form as he said,"And this is going to be good.".

He soon had Twilight take away the upper part of Zane's clothing except for his gear, revealing his toned figure along with his scars and prosthetic. Some of the girls blushed at the sight of a shirtless Zane being that they were curious about how Zane got those scars plus that prosthetic. Zane soon took a deep breath with him rearing his head back. "You may want to close your ears. If this is what I'm thinking, this is going to be really loud." said Sly. "What is he going to do?" said Erza.

Gray said while stripping off his own shirt."Who knows but after what I've seen from Zane, I'm taking her advice without question.". Cana and the rest of the others agreed with him as they covered their ears. As the fire got closer to him, Zane shouted with a smile,"Vibration Roar!". A large stream of dark red sound waves ,with a noticeable bass sound, rushed from his mouth and clashed with the flames. All of the wizards were forced to cover their ears due to the volume of Zane's attack.

Natsu stopped being that his hearing was affected by Zane's attack but his scream of pain quickly overpowered as the sonic attack continued onwards. It slammed into the son of Igneel and sent him rolling on the ground. "Okay. I'm kinda thankful that I have grown a tolerance toward my sound attacks outside of my costume." said Zane, stretching. "Okay. So are we sure that Zane isn't a demon who can look human?" said Macao. "Who knows but he may be strongest than Erza." said Wakaba.

This caused Erza to glare at the man with the pompadour, scaring him a bit. She'll admit that Zane is quite the force but she hadn't challenge him being that she wanted to fight him using that sword or one of his weapons rather than fists like Natsu. Back on the field, Natsu shook his head as he lay on his hands and knees. He soon turned away and vomited for a second thanks to a bad case of nausea as he shook his head to get rid of the bass in his ears.

Natsu moaned out,"Okay Zane. You got me good.". He slowly regained his sense of balance as Zane said,"Don't need to be a psychic to predict a but going on.". "But I'm a way better fighter!" said Natsu as he rushed toward Zane. He roared as he swung his fist toward Zane being that Zane easily dodged the attack and countered with his own kick aimed for Natsu's head. However, Natsu expected this being that he soon fell forward thanks to the momentum of his punch.

He leaned his head downwards being that he avoid the kick. He soon twisted his body as he got lower to the ground, looking like he was lying down on his back on the ground. He utilized his right leg and lower abdominal muscles to get back onto his feet. He punched away Zane's outstretched leg, leaving him unguarded. Natsu then engulfed his entire leg in fire and manipulated it so that it gave his kick an added thrust.

Zane grunted in pain being that Natsu had delivered a powerful flying knee to Zane's face and sent his head back.  However, more pain was introduced to Zane as Natsu grabbed him by the back of his head as he fell. As Natsu hit the ground, the momentum of his fall had brought Zane's head down at the same time and the Cross-Species had Natsu's knee slamming into his mouth for a second time before being delivered a straight kick that sent him skidding backwards.

The combo didn't end there as Natsu leaped towards Zane and delivered a two punch combo to the stomach before lashing out with a low kick to the knees. Zane began to fall to his knees due to the loss of balance, but Natsu bent his knees and channeled fire so that it burst out from his elbow. With the increase in thrust, Natsu lashed out speedily a flaming uppercut crashed against Zane's chin and caused the cross-species's lower jaw to meet his upper one with a resounding 'clack' sound.

The force of the attack sent the cross-species a few feet off the ground before Natsu leaped after him and wrapped his legs around his opponent's head. "This fight is over!" Natsu yelled. He provided a little more altitude for his attack by releasing flames from his fists and then performed a backflip while keeping his legs wrapped around Zane's head. Once he reached the apex of his flip, his legs were swung over at a rapid pace and he let go of the cross-species.

Zane zoomed towards the ground at a breakneck speed and he soon made impact, which destroyed the earth below him. Natsu fell onto Zane and slammed down on his back. Another grunt of pain erupted from Zane and he was now in his own personal crater. Natsu grinned as he toothily as the other members of Fairy Tail clapped their hands for Natsu. No one really expected Natsu to win being that Zane was very strong.

The fire Dragon Slayer bent down to Zane's ears as he got off him. "That was a great fight Zane so as per our bet, welcome to Team...." said Natsu. His eyes widened as Zane smiled. "You shouldn't let your guard down around me or anyone!" yelled Zane. He soon flipped himself over being that his head and neck soon stretched backwards. "Sweet Gong!" yelled Zane as he sent his head and neck forward, landing a powerful headbutt in Natsu's gut.

Natsu was sent backwards as he heard,"Okay Natsu. I'll admit that this fight is way better than our last but I'm giving you one final chance to end this before I completely destroy you.". Natsu simply grinned at Zane's threat being that he was expecting one of his forms being that he had seen Zane turn into so many different yet powerful forms being that he expected this one to be the ace. "No way! If anything, I welcome it with open arms! Bring it on!" roared Natsu with him firing a stream of fire.

Zane smiled widely being that Sly could tell that Zane was going to bring out one of his biggest gun being that she was pretty sure that Natsu was somewhat smart. Natsu leapt toward Zane being that he unleashed another Fire Dragon Roar being Zane just stood there as the attack unleashed an explosion in the area. Natsu landed in front of the smoke plume as the crowd and him watched the smoke soon cleared up.

All of them soon hear Zane,"Activate Code 07-130-P. Password: Slayer Netstorm Experion.". The smoke soon cleared being that a new form soon stood there and pretty much everyone there except for Makarov and Sly had no idea about what they were looking at. This form is Astral Form. It looked like a muscular male adult with him being 6 feet tall. His body is black with several white star like dots that was scattered all over his body. His body looks to be an active galaxy.

His body is emanating a turquoise color. The top of his head has flame like hair with the color of it matching his body. He's wearing a reddish silver helmet ,with a y-shaped design, helmet with his hair sticking out of it. His eyes are white and pupil-less. He's wearing reddish silver gladiator armor type appeared on his body. He wears brown pants. He's wearing fingerless forearm gauntlets/gloves, a chest plate that covers his chest, and knee length boots protected by greaves.

Natsu blinked at this with him saying,"Um. What the hell are you?". "An Eazairvian. All of reality is my plaything." said Zane with him having a deep mature male voice. Everyone was confused on how this thing could alter reality. Zane looked at the crowd being that he soon vanished. He soon grabbed Natsu being that the Dragon Slayer didn't see him move. Zane soon performed a German Suplex Natsu into the ground being that before Natsu could do anything, he was frozen in place.

Natsu tried to move as Zane said,"You cannot move. Give up.". "How is he doing that?" said Erza with her looking at Sly. "That form can alter reality like Zane said and Natsu is part of reality. Zane is just prevent him from moving. Be lucky that Zane didn't throw a planet at him or create a warp hole with him throwing Natsu into it. It won't kill him but well, Natsu will be falling from really high in the air.

Zane smiled as he said,"You hear that Natsu? You cannot beat me when I'm like this. I try not use this power because well, I like a challenge somewhat.". "Give up?! No way! I can break out of this!" yelled Natsu with his body soon producing a lot of fire. Gray and Lucy wondered if Natsu could do anything being that Erza knew that this fight was over. "Your determination is admirable but as a S-Class wizard, you should know when to give up. Let me teach you that." said Zane.

He soon began building up power being that Natsu soon regained movement. "Sweet! Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" yelled Natsu. He soon jumped into the air and aimed his fist right toward Zane's head but just as he was about to hit it, Zane's head disappeared as Natsu fell onto the ground. Natsu turned around to see Zane's head return. "Like I said before, you should give up. Astral Form is pretty much a god and you can only slay dragons." said Zane.

Natsu ignored him being that Happy soon regained consciousness being that he no longer had the afro. He soon saw Natsu fighting against Astral Form as he shouted,"What the heck is that?!". "It's Zane." said Makarov. "Really?!" shouted Happy. The crowd nodded as Natsu soon got ready to strike at Zane again. However, he was unable to ignite. "Huh? Why can I feel my fire?" said Natsu. "It's very simple. I got rid of it." said Zane.

The crowd was shocked by this being that Zane said with a smug tone,"Don't worry everyone. I return it after Natsu admits defeat. If he doesn't, I'll throw a planet down from the heavens and don't think I can not do it.". Erza soon looked right at Natsu as she said,"I hate saying this but Zane has won this. He didn't even have to use his weakness against him.". "Yeah. Zane is a god and that form proves it." said Gray.

Natsu ran forward as he said,"I don't need magic to win this!". He ran forward and attempted to punch him without fire or magic. "I did warn you and I'm sure that your species's increased durability can handle this." said Zane. He soon crossed his arms being that he didn't move as Natsu got closer to him. Just as Natsu got close, he soon stopped. "Fly." said Zane. Natsu soon went flying upwards being that the guild had lost track of Natsu as he turned into a twinkle.

Erza shouted,"What did you just do Zane?!". "I sent him flying up really high being about to this dimension's troposphere and well, he should be coming down in about a few seconds. Oh, I'm done charging." said Zane as he pointed both of his hands upwards. He soon disappeared being that Sly said,"And this fight is over.". Back in the air, Natsu was falling toward the ground. He was soon screaming his lungs out being that Zane soon appeared above him.

Zane soon cupped his hands together being that he soon slammed them down on Natsu being that he was sent faster toward the ground. The guild soon saw a fiery asteroid aka Natsu come crashing down being that there was a large crater around him being that Natsu was in the Yamcha death pose and to add insult to injury, Zane wasn't done. He soon focus Primordial energy into his hands being that he fired a turquoise energy beam downwards. "Zenith Sphere Wave!" said Zane.

Natsu was soon hit by a giant turquoise energy beam being that the entire battlefield was now a crater and well, the fight was over. Zane soon appeared over Natsu being that the fire Dragon Slayer was still alive as he said,"This form is living energy and right now, you lose. Accept your lose with pride because if you don't, I'll make what I just did even worse.". Everyone watching the fight was shocked at what Zane said.

Happy said,"Wow! Natsu can't do anything because he doesn't have his magic and that weird form is super powerful!". Erza wondered if this form had any limits being that she could guess that his other forms did have their weakness but they aren't noticeable. She hoped that Natsu would give up but she knew Natsu pretty well. Natsu got back up as he said,"Sorry Zane but I ain't giving up!". He soon ran at Zane being that he said,"I'm going to win!".

Much to everyone's shock including Natsu, Natsu's fist ignited being that he soon jumped through Zane being that the being smiled. "You gave me back my magic. Why?" said Natsu. "I feel like breaking you even more." said Zane. "Fire Dragon Roar!" yelled Natsu being that Zane was caught in the stream of fire's explosion being that it was rather large. "Ha! I guess you made a mistake in giving back my magic!" said Natsu being that he was breathing heavily.

During this fight, he had used up a lot of his magic being that he soon took a victory pose as the smoke and fire went down. "Did I Natsu?" said a voice being the smoke was soon gone as Zane stood there with his arms crossed. His arms were glowing turquoise. He didn't look injured at all being that Natsu said,"How did you do that?!". "I'm a god in this form plus Primordial can erase all in its path." said Zane.

He soon held a giant ball of turquoise energy being that he soon sent it down on Natsu being that the Dragon Slayer couldn't avoid it in time being that he was blasted with a large explosion and sent into a crater inside of the crater. The attack was so strong that everyone watching shielded their eyes as they couldn't watch the slaughter happening. "His attacks are so strong in this form! What is this form's weakness?!" thought Erza.   

Zane soon saw Natsu lying in the crater with swirls in his eyes and wasn't going to be getting up any time soon. Zane flew over to Natsu being that he said,"And now, you know to listen me when I'm like this right?". He deactivated the form being that Makarov was watching the battle closely. He saw that Zane had a lot of powerful forms and from what he was told, Astral Form was his best and only used against worthy opponents.

From what he gathered, Zane must have deemed Natsu worthy during the fight but he was going to ask Zane that tomorrow because Erza was going to have words with him and from what he could guess, it wasn't going to pretty. He soon walked right over to Zane being that the Cross-Species was helping Natsu to his feet. "And this is why people don't want to challenge me. You did a decent attempt but you blew it in the end." said Zane.

Natsu looked pale with him holding his mouth closed as he said,"I don't feel so good.". "If you puke on me, I'll throw you back into the air and then I'll did to you before but much much worse. Got it Natsu." said Zane. Happy was flying over to the two as he said,"Wow. That weird form of yours is so strong Zane! Natsu didn't even stand a chance once you brought that guy out!". "So what can't that form do?" said Natsu with him wheezing it out. 

Zane was interrupted by Makarov who said,"This match is over! The winner is Zane!". Most of the crowd was stunned silent being that they knew that Zane was strong but to pretty much wreck Natsu and the entire area, they were slightly scared of him. Wakaba blinked at this being that his smoking pipe dropped to the ground after seeing Natsu fly in the air. "Holy crap. This kid is a living breathing demon!" yelled Wakaba.

Macao said,"Yeah. I wonder how he would do against Erza, Laxus, or even Gildarts if he's ever in town but who knows?". The crowd cheered with a wondrous applause as Elfman began pumping his fists like an ape. "Zane's a real man!" said Elfman. Mira was slightly stunned by Zane being that she saw Zane in action but like this. "He's amazing." said Mira. Cana looked at her friend being that she could tell that Mira was very interested in Zane and so is someone else.

As Erza, Gray, and Lucy came over to Happy, Natsu, and Zane, Cana soon came up with an awful idea to prove her theory true. Sly looked at the brunette as she thought,"I know what she's doing but I won't stop her. Zane needs some happiness in his life.". Gray smirked as he said,"It's always a joy to see you kicking Natsu's butt. Can we make this a daily thing?". "And the reward is pretty nice but you did a good job Natsu." said Erza. "Thanks. I think." said Natsu.

Natsu turned toward Zane being that he said,"Okay Zane. You got lucky this time but next, I'll defeat you!". Zane shook his head as he said,"I guess you're going to keep on trying Natsu but you'll fail. So do you want to know what I want you to do?". Natsu soon remembered what Zane was going to do being that he shivered. "What is it?" said Natsu. "You'll find out soon. For now, back to the guild hall we go." said Zane.   

The guild was soon back at the guildhall being that Zane ,wearing the top part of his clothing once again, was sitting at the bar with him holding a mug of beer. Sly was sleeping nearby him and he was going to let her sleep. "So why did you use Astral Form? I mean I'm happy that you're using it more but that was overkill and we just upgraded our Animus too!" said Athena. "I think Zane's answer is going to be why not?" said Cole. Zane nodded being that Levy sat to the seat next to him.

Zane looked at her as he said,"What's up?". "So are you really from another dimension? I mean you weren't lying right?" said Levy. "Nope. I was not but you don't believe me." said Zane with him fake crying. Levy punched him as she said,"Whatever Zane. So what does your dimension look like?". "To be honest Levy, it's paradise. I can show you a picture of it but you have to see it in person. Maybe we could......" said Zane.

Cana soon took a seat down next to Zane being that she winked at him. "So Zaney, do you want to pay a little old game with me?" said Cana. "Is it a drinking game or a game of poker? I'm a big fan of strip poker. I mean you've already soon most of my good stuff and I think it's my turn to see your good stuff because either game, I'm going to win." said Zane. Levy blushed red being that she was wondering if Zane was like Loke in terms of being a player.

Cana looked at Zane with her saying,"Despite me being interested in both those options, I have a different game in mind.". "Does it involved drinking in any shape or form? I mean I've only seeing you drinking." said Zane. "Wow. Harsh but fair. I mainly use Card Magic being that one of its main feature is revealing someone's personality. It's like fortune telling but way more accurate than those cheap hacks." said Cana.

Before Zane could say anything, Mira soon popped up as she said,"Zane! You should totally do it! It sounds like fun and we get to know more about our newest S-Class!". "Sure. Why the hell not? I'm sure Ruth won't minding waiting a little bit longer." said Zane. The two soon walked over to a table with the brunette beginning to shuffle a series of cards in a very experienced manner, doing several difficult tricks as she gracefully prepared the deck.

Everyone else sat in place watching the events, being that everyone was zoned in on the game with their ears as they wanted to learn more about Zane. Cana's fortune telling skills are quite accurate when reading people. It's well known that most people don't use them since it would end badly for them but Cana was different. She was determined to learn more about Zane being that he was known for his silver tongue and his way of twisting the truth into fiction.

Cana smirked as she set the deck down on the surface of the wooden table. "So are you ready Mr. Alvarez?" said Cana. "Yes but it's Doctor Professor. I didn't spend half a day in med school and college to be just called Mr." said Zane. A series of four columns each holding three cards was placed directly in front of him a moment later after which the remainder of the cards were placed directly to the brunette's right.

It was obviously that those cards would hold no longer holding any use for the purposes of her "little trick". "Okay Zane. This game is rather easy. Just point to a card in one of these columns and I'll flip it. The cards themselves are blank so no matter which one you pick, the result will be the same." said Cana. 'So why did you pick so many?" said Zane. "To show off for you." said Cana, with a devilish smirk. "Of course. That's such a great reason." said Zane, smiling.

A moment later, he gestured his finger toward a card in the first row. Everyone was soon paying very close attention to what was about to happen. Whether it was out of curiosity or boredom, a fair amount of people had now made their way over. Lucy, Erza, Natsu, Happy, and Gray had come up behind Zane to get a better vantage point and Mirajane had opted to "serve" in this area in order to see what was going to happen. "And our first card is." said Cana, flipping the playing card.

When the card turned over, it revealed a knight in shining armor. He wasn't with a horse and didn't have a lance. The knight simply stood in the background with him holding a sword like object in his hand along with a watch nearby it. There was something in the background. Behind the knight, seven silhouette women stood there. Two had blond hair, one had blue hair, one had brown hair, one had green hair, one had red hair,  and one had white hair.

Zane sighed as he thought,"I guess they are still in my heart after all this time huh.". "Well, what do we have here? Looks like you're a knight in shining armor being that you're protecting several damsels in distress. I guess you're the protecting type being that you're the type who would risk his life to save those precious to him. You're quite the playboy aren't you? Seven women at once. Not even Loke can do that." said Cana with a teasing smirk.

Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"You're not wrong at all. I was a playboy and still kinda am. Back on track here. As a hero, I never used my powers for personal gain because it would honestly be very boring. I got stronger and honed my powers in order to protect my treasure for people who would lay a hand on it. I'll always protect anyone who can't protect themselves because that's a real man would do but I won't die in the process. That would hurt my treasure the most.".

Makarov thought with a smile being that he could hear Zane from a nearby table,"It seems that even after all of this time, Zane's reason hasn't changed. So what'll come next?". "So tell me. How were you able to date so many women at once?" said Cana. "I'll tell you once hell freezes over because my love life is kept somewhat private for a good reason." said Zane. "Darn. Pick your next card." said Cana. Shortly thereafter another card was picked and flipped over.

This card was far more symbolic of actions rather than one's personality. It showed an image of a man with him protecting the world from an evil looking skull. "So you're willing to protect the world from whatever may come to hurt it. Interesting." said Cana. "Yeah. I'll never give up the fight being that if I do that, the bad guys win and I can't have that." said Zane. "I'm seeing a trend here. You're someone who'll protect people who can't protect themselves. Very charming and noble." said Cana.

Zane said with a look of apathy,"Yeah but here's the thing. If I don't give a dam about you, I won't. If I don't care about something, I'll do nothing to stop you. I'm not a fan of fighting people's battle for them because you don't grow if I fight your battles.". Erza and Natsu smiled being that the former was more reserved than the latter.  The entire definition of their existence was to look out for their guild mates, despite whatever idiotic actions they decided to take.

Every single one of them was their family, and family wasn't something you ever turned your back on. However, these thoughts were not the consensus among those who had heard it. "Yeah but I can tell that Zane has been sad for a very long time. A hero's job is never easy." thought Mira. It was quite sad being that as a hero, you can never let people get to close because the hero's enemies would target the ones close to the hero in order to get revenge.

Mira couldn't figure out why this made her sad being that it was either Zane's lack of joy for most thing or maybe that she wished for her powers back. She often wondered what would happened if she had been more focused on her own abilities and growth as a wizard. Maybe if she did that, she would still have one of the most important people in her life still with her. "This one." said Zane, breaking everyone out of their thoughts.

The brunette nodded being that she flipped over a card. This card showed an image of a destroyed building that was covered in flames with the black silhouette of a demon standing over the remains of the destroyed building. "Okay. I'm guessing that you have a talent for destroying things and fighting in general being that the latter we saw earlier." said Cana. "I sure can but unlike a certain Dragon Slayer, I'm able to fix my mess." said Zane, getting a grumble from Natsu.

Zane soon picked the card in the final row being that Cana flipped the magic card being that this card was different. It showed the image of a man directly out of the card being that was normal but that wasn't the most glaring part of the picture. Behind the man, there were two pitch black shadows that neither of them belonged to the man. The shadow on the right had bright gold irises being that they stuck out.

The pupils were white and silt shaped like snakes with the sclera being black. The cheekbones were high. It had a broad red line coming from the lower part of his eyes and green lines below them as they made a skull shape. The teeth looked rather jagged and sharp and the nails were long being that they could be called claws. It has two short silver horns protruding from the sides of its head. The shadow on the left looked much different than the other shadow.

Its head is triangular shaped with large and round red eyes, being that its pupil is bigger than a tall human. It has very sharp canine teeth coming out of its mouth. It has three claws. On its shoulders, it has two heads. They both have razor sharp teeth and black eyes with them being sentient beings. "So what the heck are those things?!" thought many guild members, being that none of them have seen this card before.

Cana said,"Oh wow. I mean we know that you have a pretty nasty temper but having two inner demons. That's unique.". She didn't know the card's real meaning being that her magic couldn't read the actual meaning. She looked at Zane being that instead of looking pained, Zane smiled being that she was the only one to see this smile. "I sure do but I like these two a lot. They're part of my team and I couldn't see myself being alive to this day without them." said Zane.

Those who stood around them were either lost in thought, confused, or had no idea what was going on. Despite the difference in inward feelings and thoughts, there was an awkward silence that ensued upon the card being revealed. "Well, that was interesting and we're done for now. How about I get you a drink for being a good person?" said Cana. "I would love to but I'm trying to keep my figure in tact." said Zane.

Cana looked at him as he said,"Well, I got something to do and I kinda need to get it done before the end of the day. It's really important.". "Even more important than drinking?" said Cana being that she sounded genuinely scared. "I wonder if she's connected to Dionysus in some way. Remembered how much he could drink and how you out drank him. Good times." said Kane. "Yes. It's quite important." said Zane.

Cana looked at him serious as she said,"The hell it isn't! Mira, make him stay here being that he needs to drink!". "I wouldn't mind seeing him shirtless again!" yelled a female. Zane rolled his eyes as Cole said,"That doesn't get old huh?".  Most people missed the slight scowl on the barmaid and oddly the bookworm's face upon hearing this comment being randomly yelled out by one of the guild's unnamed female wizards.

Cana held a fresh mug up to Zane's face as she said,"Come on Zaney. One drink for little old me? I mean you owe me at least that.". Zane looked at her and the cup being that Zane sighed being that he could tell that most people in this dimension were stubborn just like him. "Sure. Why not but after this, I need to get going." said Zane. "Of course." said Cana. "Don't try anything Cana. I can read your intent." said Zane. The crowd around them dispersed.

Cana pouted after hearing that as she said,"Oh darn. So what do you have to do that's so important Zane?". "It's about my living arrangements. I'm planning on moving out but I need to pay Ruth for allowing me to live there for a short but enjoyable period. " said Zane. "You're moving out of that dump? Thank you. I was worried for you and Sly." said Mira with a smile. "It wasn't a dump at all Mira. I've lived in dumps before and Ruth's place isn't that." said Zane.

Cana winked as she said with a saucy look,"So I bet that you'll need a place to stay in the mean time until you find a new place. You could stay at my place but we could share the same bed if you like Zaney.". "As much as I would like that, I'm sure that Prude Knight wouldn't approve. I got a place in mind being that I just need a lot of space." said Zane being that Cana stayed at Fairy Hills aka the girls dormitory and it didn't allow boys to stay there. 

Erza lived there as well being that Zane was pretty sure that he was on her bad side and didn't want to get in more trouble with her because that's troublesome. "Oh darn. I'll have you know that I have a lot of room at my place." said Cana. Mira playfully bonked his head as she said,"Ignore her Zane. So do you mind if I come with you and Sly? I did help you find your first place.". "Sure. I don't mind at all Mira." said Zane.

Later on, the trio of Mira, Sly, and Zane were walking through town being that they were heading to the site that Zane was talking about. Sly sighed with her saying,"I'm going to really miss Ruth. She was really sweet.". "Yeah me too but I'm just happy that more people will be able to meet such a kind woman." said Zane. "Yeah. I mean you did pay for her entire apartment building to be refurnished. So is that while you took the Galuna Island job?" said Mira.

Zane smiled as he said,"Kinda but those poor demons tugged at my heroic soul. So do you want to get some dinner after we go check out the lot?". Before Mira could answer her, the trio heard,"Zane. I need to talk with you.". Mira, Sly, and Zane turned around to see Erza standing there with her arms crossed being that Twilight said,"So did you know that this was going to happen?". Zane shrugged as he said,"I think we should get this dispute of ours solved for now.".   

Mira said with a pout,"And why can't this wait until tomorrow? I mean me and Zane haven't spend any alone time together.". Erza's eyes glinted with anger as she said,"PLEASE.". Mira had never seen Erza so angry in her life being that Sly said,"Leave them be. This is important to Erza and you know how stubborn Erza can be.". "True." said Mira. The two left Erza and Zane being that Erza walked past him as she whispered,"Follow me Zane.".

Zane shrugged being that Zane raised his hands behind his head, being that he soon followed Erza to a nearby alleyway. "So do you wanted to hang upside down and kiss you? I mean I saw this exact scene in a movie once." said Zane. "I'll be blunt about this. Master Makarov may have approved you being in the guild being that I still don't." said Erza. "Wow. She's even more blunt than you." said Kane. "No. She isn't. I mean Zane's bluntness is famous in the Omniverse." said Sivarth.

Zane said,"And why don't you want me in your guild? I mean your precious master approved of little old me so why don't you.". "Because we are a guild of the light. We pride ourselves in upholding the law and we treat everyone fairly. This is important but I need you to listen closely at this part. We have a strict "no death" policy. We don't kill our enemies no matter what. Will you be able to this Zane?" said Erza with narrowed eyes and deep glare. 

Zane looked at her with him sighing. "So I'm going to guess that your past wasn't the best was it Erza?" said Zane. Erza flinched for a moment as she said,"That doesn't matter right now. Don't avoid the question.". "And now, it all makes sense. You and I will probably never be family. We're very much opposites and like my friend once said,"Have you ever heard of the old saying "opposites attract" Zane? That saying is complete and total bullshit."." said Zane.

Kane smiled as he said,"He remembered.". "We've both been through our fair share of troubles haven't we?" said Zane. Erza frowned being that her pearly whites were revealed. "So? You probably read my mind without permission like you seem to do always." said Erza. "Nope. I've always had a talent for reading people being that I'm quite the empath. I know what it's like to feel pain, see abuse toward others who don't deserve, and loneliness. You went through didn't you?" said Zane.

Warning. This section will be containing spoilers for Erza's past and you all have been warned. Erza's childhood soon flashed through her mind as Zane spoke. The pain of losing her eye and friends to her tormentors, the loneliness of solitary confinement for trying to break out of the tower, the hunger that inflicted her for days on end given the little amount of food that she was given, and the abuse that was inflicted to her by those whips that the guards used to make them work faster.

Erza took a deep breath as she said,"Like you've said before, that is in the past and I shouldn't be living in it. I've grown to ignore it being that I replace the bad memories with good memories of my friends at Fairy Tail.". "That isn't healthy Erza. You can't ignore the pain. Gray and Lyon showed that they couldn't ignore being that in their pained state, they were going to do something that they were going to regret for the rest of their lives." said Zane.

Erza looked at Zane as he said,I have to ask. Have you killed people before joining Fairy Tail or have you after?". Erza's eyes twitched for a moment being that Zane said,"You have, haven't you? I mean we do what we must to survive in this Omniverse.". Erza snarled and glared at Zane. "I'm not like you Zane. They died because of the other prisoners. I just opened a path." said Erza. "So you were a jailbird in the past were you? Or to be more specifically, a slave." said Zane.

Erza snapped her mouth shut being that she glared right at the boy. Zane was quite perceptive when he wasn't being a jerk to the others around him. "Okay. I wasn't always the killer than you apparently think I am. I had a unique life being that I won't change it for anything. I had friends and family that were something that I treasured being that they were the reason why I pushed myself to my limits and I had to kill in order to protect them. You have friends back then right?" said Zane.

Erza said,"You already know this but I do and they're safe now.". After hearing the brief glimpse into Zane's past, Erza soon found herself accepting that Zane was able to empathize with her despite him making fun of her every chance he got. Erza regained her composure. "Okay. Would you die for these friends of the past?. I'm sure that you've killed people in order to protect them right? You seem like the type." said Zane.

Erza bared her teeth as she snarled at Zane. "I didn't kill anyone unlike you." said Erza. "Okay. I get it Prude Knight. So why do you hate people like me? I mean I kill but as you can see, I don't kill just because I can. I only do if there is no other option on the matter. I'll even take the 0.0001 percent option because killing is always the final resort." said Zane. Erza crossed her arms as she snorted being that all of Team Legion Zero rolled their eyes at said snort.

Erza said,"Killers are nothing more than scum.". "Okay. So were the guards scum like me or were they worse?" said Zane. Erza growled at the memory being that she said,"The guards were even worse than you being that they don't deserve the title of human.". "So by your flawless logic, I'm just like those guards being that I kill. Well, I hate to tell you this but all humans kill. We kill animals for food and monsters because they need to die." said Zane.

Erza looked at the new angle that was given to her being that she had killed animals for food while in the woods or a monster for a job. She had unconsciously grouped any killers together being that was not right. "Well, you're not. It isn't right. Everyone is trying to survive in their own way." said Erza with Zane looking at her. "You're right. Life is the greatest gift any living being is granted being that well, I despise people who take away someone else's life just because they can." said Zane.

Zane said with him closing his eyes,"I've closed my essence a long time ago being that I'll only kill if there is no other way of getting out of a conflict. Their desperation to me is nothing more than an sad attempt to stab me in the back and don't feel as you end their pathetic life. They don't give a dam about you so you shouldn't as well. Tell me, would you die for Gray, Natsu, or anyone else in Fairy Tail.".

Scoffing once again, Erza turned an eye toward the Cross-Species. "Who do you think I am?! Of course I would. I would die for any of them in an instant." said Erza. "I see. So if you saw them about to kill your family, would you kill them?" said Zane. "I wouldn't kill them." said Erza. "But what if it was Natsu who was about to die." said Zane. Erza shaked her head being that she wouldn't let Zane get to her.

Erza shouted,"I won't have you try and convince me that killing is the right thing to do! It is wrong no matter what the reason.". Zane shook his head as he smiled gently. "So pure and naive. You aren't a monster for wanted to protect them from the evil in this dimension. Neither am I. As a hero and agent of the Alliance, death is part of the job. Killing is never fun Erza, being that it should be done only if there is no other choice. If there is a choice for life, I'll always take it." said Zane.

Erza was silent being that Zane could tell that she was processing the information. She opened her mouth to try and say something but couldn't find the words. Zane stretched as he said,"You and I will continue this chat later after you think about what I've said. Killing is never the right choice but sometimes, it's the only choice that you've got. In this Omniverse, the ones who break the rules or kill another just because they can could be seen as the scum." said Zane.

Erza looked at him as she could tell that there was more to this. "But to me, killing if there is no other option available or breaking the rules for your friends/family makes you better than those who do kill for pleasure or those follow the rule without question are the real scum of the Omniverse. There is always a reason behind a being's actions so before you judge someone, find out the reason and try to understand it. See you later." said Zane, leaving Erza to think about what Zane had said.

Zane soon found Mira and Sly being that Sly said with a small smile,"So are you and Erza not going to kill each other?". "Hopefully, we'll be able to be in the same room without killing each other or having an argument." said Zane. "I see. So can you two keep a secret?" said Mira. "Zane and I are really good at keeping secrets." said Sly. "So what is it? It's about Erza." said Zane. "Yeah. Master told me this when I was younger and told me to tell this to someone I trust." said Mira.

Mira said,"Erza had a hard life before joining Fairy Tail. When she and Natsu came to the guild back in the day, she was quiet and to herself being that she only showed emotion when it came to her pink haired friend. No one but Natsu knew anything about her being that Gray spoke with her and with Natsu's help, she slowly start to open up. She grew a great deal more after that but Master could tell that she was keeping some secrets to herself.".

Zane said with a serious frown,"And I'm going to guess that Makarov lacked a certain finesse to the topic. No child should go through the things that she went through. Every being in the Omniverse have the parts of it that are awful. Them's the break of this Omniverse but we have to accept it. She's currently bottling up her emotions and well, it's unhealthy. Trust me.". Mira looked at Sly and Zane as she said,"So have you two killed anyone while you've been a member of the guild?".

Sly said,"I haven't but Zane on the other hand.". "I haven't yet but I will if I need to. My reflexes have been built up in order to protect myself or the people I'm protecting. It's a result of being in battles that could be my last too many times. As we speak, I have hidden weapons on my person and I'm always ready for combat." said Zane. Mira could tell that Zane had been through a lot and well, she wanted to know more about her guild's mysterious member.

Mystogan was also someone that she wanted to know about but according to Laxus and Master, he is REALLY shy being that only a handful of people have actually seen him. "I haven't killed anyone and neither has most of the members in the guild. The "No killing" rule isn't a real rule being that people have made it one over time. I can understand your perspective being that only you could have spoken to her like that. So thanks Zane." said Mira.

Zane smiled being that he said,"Well, experience comes with age. Sometimes you need to hear what you should hear rather than what you want to here.". "So how about food? I mean I'm starving and I could use a bite." said Sly. "That sounds like a plan." said Zane. "Do you mind me being the third wheel?" said Mira. "We don't mind." said Zane. The three were soon heading toward the restaurant that they went to before but they were stopped again, much to Mira's dismay.

Erza's strong voice was heard as she said,"I'm sorry that I keep doing this Mira but I need to speak with Zane alone but only for a moment. I hate to interrupt your time with Zane.". Sly looked at Erza and Zane with her saying in her best Happy voice,"She liiiikes you!". Zane looked at her being that he shook his head. Mira giggled as she said,"That's pretty good Sly but you know that isn't the case at all.". "Yeah. Go on ahead. I'll catch up." said Zane.

The two girls were gone as Erza and Zane stood there being that if Erza didn't like Natsu, this would be the perfect time for a confession of one's feelings. The two didn't look at each other with Erza still trying to find the words and Zane waited patiently. It only took a moment being that Erza broke the silence. "Thank you." said Erza. "Erza is being nice to me? This is a shock." said Zane. "So where did you come with your view on life Zane? Did you work it out by yourself?" said Erza.

Zane shook his head as he said,"Nope. I've built my view on life by talking with others and seeing how they view the Omniverse. I once wandered the Omniverse being that I saw a lot of beautiful and wonderful thing but I've also seen truly ugly things. I've been in wars being that before I entered my first real war, I've killed a handful of people but that number skyrocketed. Anyone who kills being that they have no other choice should know that they are not monsters.".   

Erza's eyes widened at this as she said,"You've been in a war? I don't think we've ever had a real war here being that we've been in plenty of battle but nothing major like that.". "Oh wow. Your dimension is quite peaceful. I truly hope that you never experience the harsh reality that war brings. I've seen a lot of them in my time and trust me, none of them are pleasant. I do hope that you never have to kill but your hands have been stained with the blood of another haven't they?" said Zane.

This was more of a statement rather a question being that Erza dropped her head being that her bangs covered her eyes. She sighed being that she said,"Yes.". Zane didn't say anything for once being that he wanted Erza to trust him being that he was going to tell everyone in the guild about his reason for traveling to this dimension and having support is better than nothing. "The first time that I used my magic was when I broke out of that accursed tower and killed." said Erza.

Erza took a deep breath as he said,"I had an old friend who was a lot like a father to me. He... he was killed at the beginning of the riot. I telekinetically lifted a sword and thrust it through the chest of the guard before I even knew what happened. A little bit before, I saw one of my friends have his entire jaw blown off by a wizard. I don't know what happened, but the wizard later died. After that, it gets blurry. All I can remember is blood, pain, suffering and death."

Erza took a moment and collected herself. "When I escaped, I couldn't understand why I turned into someone similar to the guards and killed other people. I soon reached the mainland but I soon found out that no one could understand what I went through and no one would help me through the pain I was going through. I guessed my anger toward you is a result of me bottling up my emotions and I do wish for your forgiveness." said Erza with a smile on her face.

Erza said,"Thank you for speaking to me in your blunt but honest way. I'll stand by my "No Killing" rule but at least, I can kinda understand why you did or do what you do.". Zane smiled as he soon pulled Erza for a small hug. "You're hugging her?! The worst have happened!" yelled Cole. He was soon hit by Athena. "That's the first step to moving on. You should admit that you have a problem before trying to fix yourself." said Zane.

Erza slowly nodded as she pulled herself away. "I truly wish that we never had a reason to kill but it happens no matter how much we don't want it to." said Erza. Zane nodded being that he said,"Don't let anyone change that mindset of yours Erza but learn to accept others is the first step to becoming a truly powerful person. If you need to talk about it, my ear is always open. Care to join us for dinner? This place is really good.". "Sure. That sounds real nice." said Erza.

Later, the group of Erza, Mira, Sly, and Zane stood in front of Zane's new home being that the girls were shocked and could understand why Zane needed a lot of space. It was a nice and well built three story house being that it wasn't the size of a mansion but it could be sold as one. It has a charming feel to it being that you could raise a family here. According to Zane, it had a amazing and romantic view thanks to the terrace.

The house was currently resting on a rocky shoreline cliff that overlooked the large body of water that is Lake Sciliora, the sunset according to Zane, and Magnolia. It's made out of white stone bricks and has dark green roofing and shutters. The roof is very much shaped like a triangle being that it's made out of purplish white tiles. Those house has a few windows with an amazing balcony nearby by the roof.

The door is of a European design from the kind that you would see on a mansion being that the door being made out of a very strong and durable wood. It had a steel gray metal border being that the door had carvings of his superhero logo. His home is a far distance away from town being that the house is covered by a large metal fence for security. This gave him plenty of room for a backyard and front yard. "So when did you have time to build this?" said Mira.

Zane soon smile being that he said,"A very long time ago. I just need to make sure that this place was devoid of life before I moved my house here from it's own place.". "Lets get going. I'm sure that Sly and Zane want to relax." said Erza. "Yeah." said Sly. "Oh Erza and Mira. If you tell anyone about my house until I'm ready, I'll be really mad." said Zane. The two girls nodded being the girls were gone as the duo of Sly and Zane went to go relax.

Next time,
Sly and Zane are going on their first mission that was given to them by the Council. What does Zane have in his house being that it isn't his Legion Tower. The guild will also learns the truth about them through a flashback at the beginning of the chapter. You would think that I would do it in the present but this Chapter is already rather long and the next Chapter will be rather long. Their reactions will be seen however.   

Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Cryptid Form. This card has a black frame with a cryptid like creature of some kind in the center of the card with it roaring. This card gets in touch with his inner animal more than any other form. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 45 and its Prime Form was introduced in Zero Episode 105.

Magus Form. This card has a black frame with a wizard standing in the center of the card with a sun exploding in the background. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 34 and it doesn't have a Prime Form. This form is an expert of magic. He also likes to be called Azrael Soulfire but will respond to Magus Form or Zane. 

Undergrowth Form. This card has a black frame with a giant tree creature standing there in the middle of the card and he's seems to be protecting both the forest and swamps. This card gets in touch with mother nature more than other form that can manipulate plant life aka Swamp and Vine Form. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 63 and its Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet. This form is able to manipulate all forms of nature mainly comes in the form of plants and wood along with the earth around him.

Astral Form. This transformation doesn't have a card due to Zane being an Cross Species consisting of several different species. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 40 and it doesn't have a Prime Form. This form can access all of Zane's Eazairvian powers being able to alter reality itself. He can activate it at will or by saying,"Activate Code 07-140-P. Password: Slayer Netstorm Experion.".

New Cards/Forms that haven't been seen in Zero yet:
Extinct Form. This card has a black frame with a skull in the center of it with music notes around it. When Zane places this card inside, he dies but he comes back as a skeleton with the power of music by itself. This Form hasn't been introduced in Zero yet and it does have a Prime Form. This form is able to use the power of music to his advantage being that he can play the guitar and sing despite not having vocal cords or muscles respectively. He's able to reattach parts of his body together or control them with his mind. He can move so fast that he spins like a tornado. He's able to use fire, ice, electricity, gravity, and his soul to fight.

Salamander Form. This card has a black frame with a giant lizard in the center on it. When Zane places this card inside, Zane becomes more salamander like. This Form hasn't been introduced in Zero yet and it does have a Prime Form. He's seemingly a much stronger version of Camouflage Form being able to a lot with his breath. He can manipulate fire, ice, light, and lightning.

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