Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Zero Episode 42 A Perfect World

A/N: Welcome to the next episode and I feel like I need to explain something. What was up with Zane in the last half of the episode. Vampire Form ,as said, can be used during the night and Zane wasn't in full control. I think of it as when a person turns into a werewolf during a full moon, they don't have memory of becoming the creature of the night. It's like that in a sense. The next part of this little speech is Zane crying.

Zane already lost his father to the Dimension Void with him still being alive but escape is pretty much impossible. He doesn't want to lose his other related family member. He does have Ana and Atem. He does care about them but they aren't fully related. Arturo is the same case slightly. He has about 50% compared to nothing but Natasha is fully related to him. Lets begin in the hospital.

Narrator P.O.V.
A security guard was walking around the front entrance as Zane soon appeared in front of him and out of nowhere. Zane walked past him as the security guard was confused. Zane went up to the front desk as he said,"I need to see my mom please. Natasha Alvarez.". "Room 309." said a voice. Zane turned around to see Reggie standing there as Zane said,"Reggie. What are you doing here?". "I got a call from your step grandfather and flew here." said Reggie.

Reggie grabbed the boy and took him away from the front desk as he said,"Where were you Zane? I could tell that your friends and family were worried sick about you.". "I was handing the Battalion at the time. I was such a prick. I should have..." said Zane. "That isn't the point Zane. You're a good man just like your father is and your mother is proud of you. Don't fret at the past Zane. You can't change it without causing problems. I'll be in town so call." said Reggie. He was gone as Zane sighed.   

Zane went up to her room as the doctor said,"Yes. Your mother is recovery and she's doing amazing Zane.". "See Zane? There's nothing for you to worry about. I'm going to be fine." said Natasha. "But I thought I lost you. You had a heart attack. This isn't a joking matter." said Zane. "It was a baby heart attack Zane." said Natasha. "That's a good thing but Zane is right about not treating it as a joke. I hope you two know that." said the doctor. "Thanks doc." said Zane.

He left the room as Zane sat down. "I'm feeling much better. Atem and Wolfram were so worried about me giving me kisses to try and make me feel better. It worked and knowing that you're safe is perfect." said Natasha placing her hands on Zane's. "I'm sorry mom. I should have been here by your side instead of fighting George and his goons." said Zane. "You came here running and didn't take a shower so that's a good thing. You need to get going. Today's a school day." said Natasha.

Zane stood up as he said,"You have a point. I'll get something to eat on my way there. Just relax and I'll come visit after class.". He kissed her forehead as Natasha said,"You're a great person Zane. Don't forget that.". "I won't." said Zane. He closed the door behind him as a nurse got his attention. "I need you to sign a couple of forms for your mom. You're next of kin?" said the nurse. "Well, we do have a little bro and sis but I'm the next in line." said Zane.

The nurse walked away as she said,"I would normally tell you that your bill is on page five but the man that you met in the main lobby already paid for it. He says that I would do anything for you or Natasha.". Zane turned to page five as his eyes widened. He smiled as he said,"Thanks Reggie. You're a good pal.". "I'm thinking that he's way better than the vampire freak." said Cole. "Sovereign may be our enemy but she likes Natasha." said Athena. "I'll talk with you guys later." said Zane.

Zane later arrived on his bike as he sulked. He found himself sitting on the edge of the fountain with his hands covering his eyes. and helmet in lap "Why am I letting a tiny heart attack effect me? Is it because my mom is the only one left? No. I have Ana, Atem, and Arturo. My dad isn't even dead but he's just trapped and will never escape. Why is my life so awful?" thought Zane. He heard footsteps heading toward him as he thought,"Why does it sound like horses are heading toward me?".

He heard,"Zane!". He didn't look up but he knew that it was Karen. "How are you? We haven't seen you since the you know." said Karen. "Your mom's okay right?" said Marcia's voice. "Zaney. I was so worried about you." said Kristen's voice. "I'm fine honey bear. It's really nice to know that you all do care about me. It honestly does. I just need to be alone." said Zane. Danny then placed his arm on his friend's shoulder as he said,"She's like our mom too Zane. So what can we do to help?".

Zane pushed him away as he looked to see everyone there. It was most of his friends and two of the nice members of A-List (Andre, Austin, Cameron, Danny, David, Evan, Gwen, Heidi, Jasmine, Karen, Kristen, Marcia, Rachel, Ray, Rebecca, Roxy, Selena, Susan, Tara, and Travis). "I just need to be alone." said Zane. "Dude. You've been a pal for us. So let us help you." said Andre. Zane grabbed his helmet as he said,"I'll see you all later.". He was gone as Kristen said,"Zaney.".

He was driving through the city as he thought,"Why am I pushing everyone away? Is it because I'm worried about losing mom.". "You are." said Cole. "Thanks captain obvious." said Zane. "Zane. You need to hear this so don't ignore me in the slightest. An Eazairvian's emotions are his greatest weakness. You need to let go of..." said Athena. Zane ignored the two of them as he drove right to the hospital.

Karen was sitting alone as Kristen said,"Can I sit here Karen?". Karen looked at the Spanish girl as she said,"Sure.". Kristen sat down as she said,"You don't like me much do you Karen?". "I know you didn't but your "friends" bulled me for freshman year. I was lucky but other girls not so much." said Karen. "Yeah. I was happy to find a new and better clique. Zane's a really nice guy and I do feel bad for taking him from you." said Kristen as she chomped down on an apple.

Karen blushed as Kristen said,"How long?". "I like him, he likes me." said Karen. "Not like that. It was obvious that you like like Zane and well, I didn't want to take that from you. Zane's a good guy and well, he has his problems but who doesn't." said Kristen. "You haven't known him like I have. We have been friends since the 6th grade." said Karen. "I get that. You didn't want to ruin your friendship but you should have stepped up. He's a guy after all." said Kristen.

At the hospital, Zane sneezed as he said,"Yep. Someone's talking about me.". He went to the main desk as his phone rang. "Kristen. It's nice to see she's been supportive but right now, I just need to be alone." said Zane. He ignored her call as he heard,"I never thought I would see you like this. You're tough guy Zane not Emo Zane.". Zane saw Brad standing there with his arms crossed. "Bradley? So why are you here?" said Zane.

Brad said,"You may be a pain in my ass but your mom isn't. She's a good lady. Everyone is feeling a little bad for you even Hannah, Sam, and Vicky feel for you. Zane, we're there for you despite our differences and don't forget that.". He walked away as Zane said,"Brad!". Brad turned around as Zane said,"Thanks. Tell them, I'll be back tomorrow and this will be our little secret.". "No problem Zit. I'll see you tomorrow." said Brad with a smile.

Zane was driving toward the church as he parked his bike in the parking lot. He sat on a bench as he said,"Parker told me about you have a scent but I thought he was kidding.". A portal opened up next to him as Savant stood there. "Hello dear boy. I thought that you being a hearer rather than a smeller Eazairvian." said Savant. "Yeah. I guess I'm full of surprises. So why are you here? If you're here to bother me, buzz off." said Zane.

Savant said,"I see. So why are you here at the church instead of being by your mother's side or at school with your pals.". "I just needed to be alone." said Zane. "Well, you're never truly alone." said Savant. "He's right Zane. We're always going to be there and supporting you." said Athena. "Yeah and I'm going to be a pain." said Cole. "It's good to hear your voices again Athena and Cole." said Savant looking at the watch.

Cole said,"Are we dead in the future?! I'm still too young and handsome.". "Shut up Cole." said Athena. The two soon began bickered as Zane said,"So are they still like an old married couple in my future?". "Yep. So aren't you curious why I'm here?" said Savant. "Not really. Parker told me that when you arrive, you're either here to deliver bad news or try and stop us from messing with the time stream. I hope I'm not messing it up." said Zane. "Nope. I need a favor." said Savant.

Athena said,"What is it Savant?". She said this while she was strangling Cole. You may wonder how that works since an AI isn't alive but she can hit him so it just happens for no apparent. "Have you learned about the two rings and the prime that made this Omniverse?" said Savant. Zane looked confused as Savant said,"Oh right. This isn't the alternative dimension where you know about the Omniverse. You know the basic notions correct?". "Huh?" said Zane.

Savant said,"To make things very simple for you as you are right now, there are two rings that make our Omniverse. This dimension is in the center of it and all of the dimensions are connected by the Universe Path.". He soon made a giant chalkboard appeared next to him. "So what does this have to do with the problem exactly? I mean the history lesson is nice but I rather know what I can do to help out." said Zane.

Savant said,"Anyway, one of the dimension in the outer ring also called the boonies is in danger and I need your assistance to handle it. Lets just say that me going to other dimension is very much a big no no most of the time.". "Okay. So I guess you need Legion Zero to handle it." said Zane. "Yep. Do you accept your mission?" said Savant. "Sure. Just tell me when it's time to go." said Zane. Zane was soon dragged into a portal as Savant said,"Good luck Zane!". The portal and Savant was gone.

Zane was looking around to see that he was falling down fast. He tried to turn into one of his flight based forms or Zero but he couldn't. "Note to self. Punch Savant when I see him again. He probably knows this but I'm going to hurt him. I hope I'm not going to crash into a trash pile." said Zane with him holding back his puke. He saw a lake below as Zane said,"Oh good a lake. Time to puke.". He made a big splash as he was out cold, puked upon hitting the water, and was in his costume.

He heard a voice which sounded nasally voice,"Are you sure about this John? I mean he doesn't look like an alien.". "But that watch is totally like that one from Space Dungeon Station 9 except it's more like a normal watch." said a high pitch voice. Zane opened his eyes to see that he was held in place by two metal bands around his arms and legs with a pillar of transparent glass. "So how did I get here and in this?" said Zane. "He's speaking English too?! This is fascinating." said a third voice.

Zane saw three pre-teens/teen boys standing there on the other side of the glass. The one on the right had peach colored skin with his face covered in freckles. He has green eyes and black hair. He's over weight with him wearing an blue, green, and red striped shirt, brown pants, and a pair of gray loafers with a pair of glasses. The boy on the left had tan skin with dark spiky brown hair and brown eyes with him strangely not having eyebrows.

He's wearing a light blue t-shirt with a dungeon space station hybrid in the center of it, black jeans, and a pair of black, blue, and white hi-top sneakers. The one in the middle was the shortest in terms of height but he sure had a massive forehead, blue eyes, and messy dirty blond hair. He's wearing a green t-shirt with a strange symbol of a rocket ship in the center, blue jeans, and plaid converse sneakers. He was wearing a white lab coat with a welding mask around his neck.

Zane said,"Um. I come here in peace?". "He doesn't seem like he's lying John." said the boy on the right to the short boy. "Yeah. He may have something over his eyes but he's totally trustworthy." said the boy on the left. "Alan and Dallas. This thing isn't even human according to Citron's scanner and I trust him more than you." said John aka the blond. "But he looks human." said Alan aka the freckles boy. "Yeah and aliens don't like him." said Dallas aka the tan skinned boy.

Zane said,"Yeah John. Listen to Alan and Dallas. I'm not here to take over wherever I am. So am I on Earth or some variation of it?". "Earth. We're in Liberty Shores, Maine. It's pretty nice here during the fall, spring, and summer but winters here are just awful. My name is Alan Griffith." said Alan who went up to the glass. "My name is Dallas Wagner! So where are you from and what's your species name?!" said Dallas pushing Alan out of the way to look at Zane.

John pushed Dallas away as he said,"Alan and Dallas may trust you but I don't trust this alien.". "The name is Legion Zero and not alien. I may be a quarter of an alien species but I'm still human. So why am I in these cuffs? Why can't you trust little old me?" said Zane. "You arrived from a portal and landed in the lake with your clothing not having any sign of dampness." said John. "Oh. My costume is like a heater in it. It makes me able to not get sick when entering cold water or sweat in a volcano." said Zane.

Zane looked at his cuffs as he said,"So how about you let me go and I'll be on my merry way?". "Not happening Legion Zero is it? You're going to be staying here." said John. "Yeah because it's time for lunch." said Alan. "And you're not getting any!" said Dallas. Zane saw that the three left the room by  door ,with it being something of a Science Fiction, as Zane said,"Okay. The trio is gone so how do I get out of here?".

He looked around to see a security camera as he thought,"Okay. I need to get rid of the camera before I can began.". He wiggled his right hand as he thought,"Okay. John must be the brains behind the trio but I'm sure that his ego is huge just like his forehead. Lets see if I can fire a beam.". He then soon gathered steel gray nether in his right ring finger and firing it out of him. It turned into a beam as it hit the camera with it having a small explosion.

Zane thought about Brain Form and he turned into the pipsqueak. He opened his mouth with him then slapping the glass onto the ground but not breaking it. He hopped out as he said,"Well, that was so elementary. I wish I had someone to talk too.". He looked around to see that he was in a laboratory with him thinking about his mom. "Not now. I need to get out of here and just to make sure that the three prepubescents don't come after me." thought Zane.

He grabbed some scraps as he build a copy of himself and he placed inside of the containment. He then pushed the glass door up and he said,"Okay. Now, I better black out the cameras so I can escape with ease and also to keep forehead busy.". He looked around with him soon finding the main computer. He jumped there as he typed something into the computer. He smiled as he said,"I am the smartest.". He hopped out of the lab.

He soon found a way out of here aka the sewers. "I'm pretty sure that I can swim but I'm not going in that water. I wonder if Water Form's second form could do it. Athena did tell me about it during our training session before the Battalion." said Zane. He turned into Water Form with him saying,"So how do I that?". His CJ went off as he dodged his attack. It was a mechanical animal of some kind with Zane saying,"Thank gods. Not a cat.".

It looked to be a dog and hamster hybrid with its body being silver. It barked as Zane said,"I can't have you alerted your master so time for a bath.". He threw a huge stream of water at his enemy with the dog slamming right into the water. Zane focused ,with his armor being removed, and soon, a new form stood there. He looked to be a humanoid fish with him standing at seven feet. He has dark gray scales over his body with his eyes being black sclera and eerie white pupils.

His head is fish like with him having dark blue fins on his forearms and head. His face soon matched a crocodile with him having webbed feet and hands. His cheeks have gills on them. He wearing black clothing around his forearms and calfs. He's wearing a black swim shirt with his logo at the center and matching boardshorts. His underbelly/stomach is white. He opened his mouth to breath as his mouth was filled with several rows of sharp triangle shaped teeth.

His back had a gray dorsal fin matching the armor's back fin perfectly. He closed his mouth with seven of his pointed teeth being revealed. Four on the top and three on the bottom. "So cool. I can breathe air and water. Time for a swim." said Zane. He jumped into the sewer water with him soon swimming off. "Zane. Are you there?" said a voice. Zane looked around and he said,"Savant? Is that you?". He was projecting his voice within his head and on the same signal as Athena and Cole.

Zane said,"Savant. How did you get this signal? And where are Athena and Cole?". "They can't help you on this mission. I got this signal from the future." said Savant. Zane stopped swimming as he said,"So what am I doing here? I mean I already got captured.". "Ah. I was going to tell you about your mission but you disappeared before I could say anything." said Savant. "I would like to know before I get captured by the boy genius and his pals." said Zane.

Savant said,"Ah. You're currently after a beast that resides normally in the Universe Path aka the way to connected all dimensions. They also live in the prime dimension in very secure and unknown parts only to me and you in the future.". "Okay. What's their name?" said Zane. He found a sewer gate and ladder leading up to the surface. He slowly climb up the ladder with Savant saying,"The species is known Chronological Monsters or in the words of Klun Lams, Xenoxaigian.".

Zane turned back to his normal human self as he said,"Just in case, what do they look like?". "You'll know what they look like Zane. I'll call you later. Tada!" said Savant. He hanged up as Zane sighed loudly. "No wonder why Parker finds Savant annoying." said Zane. He phased his head through the sewer gate with him seeing people walking around as he said,"Okay. I need to find something to eat and maybe get a new outfit.".

Meanwhile, John was currently staring at his P.D.A. with Alan saying,"So what are you looking at John?". The boy was eating a sandwich as Dallas said,"He's looking at Legion Zero. I wonder what his powers are. He must be strong just like Captain Lance Thunder from Space Dungeon Station 7 the Attack of the Ehams.". "No. He's planning something. I mean why would he come right now at the tricentennial of the town forming?" said John.

The trio were sitting at the kitchen table with them hearing,"I bet someone is excited about seeing their special lady friend at the party later today.". John turned to see his father and mother standing there. His father was a tall man with him wearing a pair of glasses. He has short brown hair and blue eyes. He's wearing a red sweater vest with green tie over a white dress shirt, navy blue pants, and his outfit finished with tan sneakers with gold stripes.

His mom was tall, skinny, and very beautiful. She has blond hair down in a short bob and bangs combo from the 90s and green eyes with blue eye shadow. She has silver earrings with a white pearl necklace. She wears a purple sleeveless dress with small white dots, matching high-heel shoes, and rose colored lipstick. She has a mole on the right side of her face and her nails were polished with pink nail polish.

John said,"She isn't my girlfriend mom.". "Yeah. I mean she hates him like crazy." said Dallas. "Are you sure about that? She could be just playing hard to get." said the mother. "Mrs. Gardner. She told him that she hates his guts." said Alan. "We better go check on him." said John. He left the kitchen and went back to the lab. Alan and Dallas followed him with the mother crossing her arms. "Are you alright Monica?" said the father.

Monica looked at her husband as she said,"I'm worried about John Floyd. He's been in the lab only seeing Alan and Dallas for the past month. He's gone to school but that wasn't him Floyd but his clones.". "In defense, they're really convincing. Lets talk with him after the festival today sugar. He'll be there." said Floyd. The two were gone as they didn't noticed that they were being watched by a strange creature. The trio of teens went into the lab as Alan said,"So do you want to talk about it?".

John said,"Talk about what?". "How Becky made you look a complete idiot?" said Dallas. John then glared at his friend as he said,"Sorry.". "It's fine. Lets check on our friend." said John. The three saw the soaked dog as John said,"Citron!". He walked over to the dog as Alan said,"So do you think he jumped into the water?". "Nah. Citron is way too smart for that plus only an idiot would jumped into water if they're made of metal." said Dallas.

Alan said with a sweatdrop,"Didn't you do that last week?". "Yeah. Good times." said Dallas. John looked at his dog as he said,"According to his systems, he was about to stop this weird frog creature from escape but then it turned into a giant crab like creature before being blasted with a strong hydro pressure. It could be our friend Legion Zero.". "No way! I mean his power must be cooler than turning into fish creatures which isn't a bad power per say but...." said Dallas going off into a rant.

Alan and John went to the main part of the lab as they looked at Legion Zero with Alan saying,"See he's right here.". "I don't know." said John. He remove the glass cover with him touching Legion Zero. He exploded as John said,"He escaped!". "How? I thought your lab was guarded and the only other way out is through the..." said Alan. John went up to the computer as he typed something in. He saw Brain Form standing there on the monitor.

The frog said,"Hello John. I see that you're currently wondering how I escape. Let's just that I can escape pretty much thing with my powers. I promise you that I'm here to find something and then I'll be on my merry way. See you later alligator!". John turned to Alan and Dallas with him saying,"We're going to the festival! We have a fish to catch!". "Hooray! We get to going fishing again!" said the two. John sighed.

Zane was currently walking around the plaza where the town was celebrating their three hundred year anniversary. He was now wearing brown cargo pants, black t-shirt with several white stripes forming an broadsword on the front, and his signature sneakers. "Okay. If I was a Chronological Monster or a Xenoxaigian, how would I find or track him?" thought Zane. He looked at his watch and tapping at it with it soon forming a holographic computer and keyboard.

He was about to type something in as he heard,"Cool watch kid. Did Johnny boy make that for you or what?". He turned around to see two girls standing there. The one on the left looks to be African American with her having black hair in a dread like style, brown eyes, and dark pink eyelids. She's wearing a striped purple shirt with it slighted faded, white jeans, and purple tennis shoes. The other girl had red hair being slightly darker than his mom's hair and brown eyes.

Her bangs are swept to the sides with her hair kept in a ponytail. Her eyelids were dark gray with tints of purple. She's wearing a emerald green tank top. black jeans, and dark pink tennis shoes. "Nope. I got it from my grandfather. Lets just say that John and I are on the wrong foot right now." said Zane with a smile. "So are you new in town?" said the girl on the right. "Yep. My name is Zane. So what's going on here?" said Zane.

The red head said,"My name is Becky Marsh and this is my bestie Tamara Campbell. Today is the 300th anniversary of Liberty Shores forming.". "Wow. That's pretty cool. So have you girls seen anything strange lately?" said Zane. "Nope. We haven't seen one of John's inventions go haywire and destroy the town yet. I'm so happy that you dumped that guy Becky." said Tamara. "He's still a nice guy but way too focused on the lab." said Becky.

Zane thought,"I wonder.". "So do you think you can help me find someone?" said Zane. "Are you looking for your girlfriend?" said Tamara. "Not exactly. It's my dog." said Zane hoping that it was part canine. "Oh. What does he or she look like?" said Becky. Zane then typed something onto his keyboard as he said,"I think we'll find him easy.". "Why?" said the two. The ground began to shake as Zane said,"That's how. Time for the hunt.".

Earlier, Crash stood onto a building with him holding a green crystalline box. "I can't believe that I Crash found a Xenoxaigian containment egg." said Crash. He heard in his head,"Not exactly Crashy boy. You couldn't have broken out of prison during the Emperor's plan and given the location by yours truly.". "Sorry sir. I guess you want me to destroy this dimension for what reason in return right." said Crash.

The voice said,"No real reason Crashy except for pissing off Savant and slimey. It's just a great day when I destroy a dimension without leaving mine.". Crash looked at the box as he said,"So how do I activate it and will it betray me?". "Well Crashy, it would be bad if it was a humanoid Xenoxaigian since they can't be control. You picked up an beast egg so meaning that she is your bitch." said the voice. "Activating?" said Crash. "Oh right. All you need heart aka electricity." said the voice.

Crash was about to activate it as the voice said,"You may want to do that on the ground mainly due to the fact that the Xenoxaigian is a big one.". "Okay. Thanks Skull." said Crash. He stopped hearing the voice as he descended to the ground. He charged the box up as it turned into a strange creature with its eyes closed, showing its skin-colored eyelids. Its abdomens, head, and tail was covered in strange purple circuit board like design.

The front two paws had three sharp claws with two sharp claws on the back two. It's shoulder braces were tan with its spines slightly exposed. It has several sharp green crystals on its back. It was about the size of a small horse. "You got to be kidding me? This is a Xenoxaigian? They're known to destroy anyone who disobeys their parent right?" said Crash. "Yeah but the Xenoxaigian needs energy of any kind to make it a reality." said Skull. "Oh. I can deliver." said Crash.

John was running toward the festival as Alan said,"Wait John! I can't run so good!'. Dallas ran next to him as he said,"Maybe you shouldn't have had twelve sandwiches.". "But there's so good!" said Alan as the ground shook. The trio saw Crash standing there next to the Xenoxaigian with it now being the size of a elephant. "Hey kids! Give some energy to my dog here." said Crash. "That's a dog? I would say that it's an goat." said Alan. "No. It's an rhino." said Dallas.

John said,"Who cares what it is? We can't have it destroying the festival!". He pulled his P.D.A as he pressed a button. It fired a missile from it as it hit the beast. "Bullseye!" said Alan and Dallas. The smoke cleared as the beast grew an inch or four. "Man. That's impressive. A P.D.A. that can fire a missile? What else can that bad boy do?" said Crash. He flew toward them as Dallas got in a kung fu position. "I'll show you!" said John.

He pressed another button releasing a flamethrower from it. It hit Crash head on with Alan said,"That must have hurt.". "Yeah. It's like sun hot." said Dallas The fire was gone as Crash stood there with his costume covered in burns. "You know that would be a bad thing if you didn't know a guy who is a living sun!" said Crash. "How are you still alive?" said John. "Stubborn. Sick them!" said Crash as he flew back. The Xenoxaigian rushed toward them as they ran away.

Zane saw the Xenoxaigian heading toward the festival with it being slightly bigger and its gender far more obvious. She had the body and head of a dog with the height of a T-Rex with a heavy looking chest, two long and thin tail, and five clawed feet for the back and front paws. Her back legs looked smaller and thinner than the ones in the front with them covered in emerald crystals. She had three pointy horns sticking out of her head with her having reptile like eyes.

Her mouth was open revealing her jagged tooth which looked very sharp and her tongue was sticking out of her mouth. Her back was covered in natural plated black armor with four large emerald crystals sticking out of her back with a giant cannon like appendage sticking out of the back. Her purple circuit like body coloring was still there. She roared as it broke all of the glass around her. Becky and Tamara were stunned as Zane said,"Wow. He was right. I really notice it.".

Becky said with a shocked lock,"That's your dog?!". "Not exactly. It's a bad dog and according to my watch, she can do a lot of stuff. She can travel through dimensions which mean she can travel through all of space and time, fire lasers out of her body and her strongest beam attack is from her cannon out of her back, she is very fast and strong fitting her size, her body naturally absorbs energy attacks except for electricity, she has a really good healing factor, and able to survive in space." said Zane.

Tamara said,"Okay. I think we get it. She's super strong so how do we beat her?". "Well, she isn't a fan of electricity being that she hates it, magnetic and gravity fields aren't very kind to it, sound based attack can effect her crystal weakening her defenses, and also she also really hates...." said Zane. He covered the two girls with a laser beam heading right for him. "Zane!" yelled the two. He suddenly glowed as Zane turned into a different yet similar version of Brick Morph.

The girls saw that Zane was gone replacing him was a living building block. He's about eight feet tall with him having large arms and legs. His arms are covered in red and blue bricks, his head is very much a circle with it floating over his body, and his fingers and toes are very much rectangle with his palms and soles being squares. His shoulders is triangular with his arms and legs being squares including his palms and soles. His chest and head are a black octagon and circle respectively.

The block human looked at himself with him saying,"Okay. I guess Brick Morph got an upgrade so lets test it out.". He turned his left arm into a cannon with him saying,"You ladies may run away from that thing. I'll explain everything after that.". He fired several multi-colored building blocks at the beast with them just bouncing off his body. "So what's supposed to do?" said Tamara. Zane grew in size as he said,"Hey ugly!".

She roared as she rushed toward Zane. She began stepping on the blocks with her feet getting several blisters on them. She then tripped as Zane turn his arms into a bulldozer blade. He caught her and he lifted her into the air. "God. She weight a ton!" said Zane. He turned into Gravity Form with the rock golem moving his arms toward the beast. She was stopped in mid air as he said,"It's a good thing that I made the gravity around the beast really big!".

Becky walked up to Zane as she said,"So you're an alien?". "Not exact. I'm...." said Zane. He was then punched toward the ground by a mechanical fist. The Xenoxaigian landed in the lake causing the entire area to be soaked. Zane recovered as he saw Crash. "Crash? So how did you get here? I hope that he didn't bring you here." said Zane. "Shut up Legion Zero! I won't let Skull down! He gave me the power to defeat you and anyone who makes fun of me!" said Crash.

Zane said,"So I'm not your only enemy? I'm hurt and who is Skull?". "Kill him!" said Crash. The Xenoxaigian jumped toward them as Zane said,"Are you kidding me?! I just got rid of you!". The beast roared as Zane said,"Two words. Breath mint.". The beast rushed toward Zane as he turned into Swamp Form. He slammed his hands onto the ground with several vines coming out of the ground and they were covered in flames. "Kaboom" said Zane. The beast was soon in an explosion.

John was building an invention as Alan said,"So what are you building?". He and Dallas were looking for the beast as he said,"A way to stop that beast, defeat that annoying brat, and finding Legion Zero because he's the cause of this.". "I'm not so sure." said Dallas. 'What makes you so sure about that? I have to agree with John Dallas. That beast and punk didn't show up until Zane showed up." said Alan. "I see a walking bull fighting the beast." said Dallas.

Alan saw Zane ,in Bull Form, fighting the beast with him slamming his weapon in the creature's eye as Alan said,"That had to hurt.". The two soon heard,"Alan! Dallas!". The two boys saw Becky and Tamara running toward them as Dallas said,"Girls! What are you doing here?". "We were enjoying the festival until the Xenoxaigian and her master Crash attacked Zane." said Tamara. Becky looked at John ,who was ignoring her, as she said,"So how long has he been like this?".

Alan said,"A while. So who is Zane?". "Well, we don't really know him. He protected us from a laser beam attack by turning into a living block, then a rocky form who could manipulate gravity, and then a giant plant." said Tamara. "That's Legion Zero! He's an alien!" said Dallas. "He isn't. He said that he was human." said Becky. "Maybe he's just lying to you." said John. Becky glared at him as Tamara said,"Incoming!".

Zane came crashing into the ground with him turning back to his normal superhero self. "Okay. That's getting really annoying." said Zane. He got back up as he turned to see the girls and the trio of boys as he said,"Listen. You guys may hate me now but I didn't bring the Xenoxaigian here. Pinkie promise I swear.". John looked at him as he said,"So do you know how to defeat that beast? I may not trust you right now but you protected Becky and Tamara so you can be just trusted a bit.".

Zane smiled as he said,"Okay. Here's the plan. I need your help.". "We're used to cleaning up John's mess." said Tamara. "Okay. We need some sound based weapons to weak her defenses so I can beat up using one of my electricity, magnetism, or punching forms." said Zane. 'What about her owner Zane?" said Becky as she crossed her arms. "I'll leave that to you guys. Ready?" said Zane. "Hold on Legion Zero. I need to called my dog here." said John.

Zane remember John's dog and he was pretty sure that the dog remember Zane and what Zane did to him earlier. "You do that. Good luck guys." said Zane. He flew away just as Citron arrived to his owner's side. "Citron. Get me three megaphons, two jet packs, and two rifles." said John. The dog's body then opened up to reveal two backpacks, three mega phones, and two air soft rifles. Alan then grabbed an mega phone as he said,"I'll help Legion Zero with the sonic weapon.".

Tamara wrapped her arms around Alan and Dallas as she said,"Count us in too Alan.". "Tamara! You can be serious!" said Becky. "Oh come on girl. You and John need to just forgive each other already. This is the best way to do it." said Tamara. "Yeah. I mean you'll forgive someone if you're going to die by a giant beast." said Dallas. "Lets go Becky." said John. He grabbed a backpack and rifle with him flying toward the beast.

Becky followed suit as Alan said,"Was that the best idea Tamara?". "Those two needed to forgive each other already. They obviously like each other. Now lets go help Zane." said Tamara holding a mega phone as the two boys agreed with her. . Zane looked at the Xenoxaigian with him saying,"You may have defeated me once before but I'm very stubborn.". He turned into Frankenstein Form with him rushing toward the beast. She roared as she fired several beams at Zane.

He dodged them with him jumping into the air. His fist was charged with him saying,"THUNDER STRIKE!". His fist connected with the beast's face knocking her back and he said,"Now!". The three teens spoke into their megaphones releasing a large sonic attack. The glass around her broke as the crystals on her body broke. "If I may suggest something Zane." said Savant. He said something as Zane smiled.

He turned into Robot Form as Alan and Dallas said,"So cool!". Tamara sighed as Zane said,"I think it's time for you to return you back to your previous life.". He fired a reddish white beam with the beast covered in it. The teens saw that there were seven clocks around the beast with them going counter clockwise. The beast was soon shrinking until she was back to being a box. Dallas went toward it as Tamara stopped him. "Not happening Dallas." said Tamara. "Lame!" said Dallas.

Zane held the box as he said,"Now, I shall send you to a dimension where you can't bother anyone with your antics.". He opened up a reddish white portal as he threw the box in it sealing it up. "So when did you send her exactly Zane? I rather not deal with something like that again." said Tamara. "To a dimension where she can never be revived. The Xenoxaigian survives by absorbing energy." said Zane. Dallas looked confused as Zane said,"In other worlds, she can't be revived.".

Alan soon saw Crash flying toward them. He was defeated as Becky and John flew toward them. "So you can turn into a robot?" said John. "I can Johnathan. So what happened to my smallest and most obnoxious opponent?" said Zane. "Well, we were about to blast him but then when you turned the Xenoxaigian back to a box. He just fainted and we flew toward you guys. He said one thing before then about seeing you real soon Zaney." said Becky. "Weird." said Zane.

Later, Zane ,in his normal clothing, stood there as Alan said,"Do you really have to go?". "I got my pals in my dimension plus I'm pretty sure that Cypress Park needs their hero. It was nice meeting all of you and what of." said Zane. "Can you show me another form before you go?!" said Dallas. He begged as Zane said,"Fine.". He was covered in a bright light as the five covered their eyes. The light was gone with a three foot tall ,light pink skin, fairy stood in Zane's place.

He has long, straight, and wavy blond hair ,with purple tips, that goes down to his shoulders. His eyes were big and glowing blue. He has highly feminine eyelashes and has purple star shaped markings on his cheeks. He's wearing a red dress like tunic outfit over his body with blue and green horizontal stripes. He wears a black, long sleeved jacket over his tunic. He's wearing a matching set of gloves that match his tunic. It does have a single white stripe going over his middle and index fingers.

He's wearing black pants with black and white sneakers. His sneakers have two belt like straps to them. He has two purple fairy-like wings sticking out of his back. "Fairy Form!" said Zane in a high-pitched and feminine voice. Dallas couldn't stop laughing with him soon falling on the ground and he said,"Seriously?!". Becky hugged him as she said,"You're so cute Zane to be honest.". Zane smiled as he said,"This form was an item like Brick Form Becky.".

He turned toward Dallas as he said,"I guess Parker gave it an major upgrade. Oh and watch this you guys. I don't like to be insult.". His eyes glowed red, firing lasers from them on Dallas, sending him flying with Alan saying,"So do you have a pony form?". "I don't think so but who knows." said Zane, shrugging. John looked at Zane with him saying,"So how are you going to take him back? I don't think our prison can handle him for more than a minute.".

Zane looked at Crash who was tied up and with a mask over his head, covering his ears and eyes. He was screaming as Zane said,"Just watch and learn John.". He flew over to Crash and he released a pink dust from his body. Crash fell asleep as Zane heard,"A powerful form to say the least.". He turned to see Savant standing there with Tamara saying,"So is he a friend of yours Zane?". "You told them your secret identity. Interesting. Anyway, it's time to go back home." said Savant.

Zane turned back to normal as Zane said,"I can always go back home using Astral or Robot Form you know.". "Yes but I promise your mother if I took you on any inter-dimensional journeys, I would take you back." said Savant. A portal appeared as Zane said,"Call me if you need any help and also John, take that stick out of your ass. Becky likes you so man the hell up okay?". The two were gone as Dallas said,"Wow. He's so cool.".

Becky looked at John who was quiet. "So John, are you going back to your lab? I mean the day is saved." said Becky. "Nope. Do you want to go with the festival with me?" said John. "Sure John. I'm happy you asked." said Becky. The two walked off as Tamara said,"Told you so. It takes someone traveling to our dimension for Becky and John to stop hating each other and start loving each other so lets try not to interrupt them.". "Okay!" said Alan and Dallas.

Meanwhile, Spiro Midnight was sleeping on his throne and he didn't noticed that Xona was there in front of him. She was holding an egg with Zs over it. "So will this work Master Skull or Master Skull Plague?" said Xona. "I got the Trastry being that they can remote control someone. We already did this before using Princess Mind who had no idea about her control. Lets do it." said Skull from in her head. She placed the egg nearby the throne as it hatched.

There was a plain looking worm that phased through the Phantom's body. He then shook in place as Xona said,"You will try and take over Cypress Park causing Zane to test you. Destroy Terrarune in the process.". The king stopped shaking as Skull's voice said,"Nice add on Xona my dear. Lets begin watching and see if Zaney can do it. He's currently in the Universe Path aka a mobius strip so you're up.". She was gone as she didn't notice or care about Auratina watching her. 

Next Time,
What is Skull planning using Spiro? How does he know Zane? Will Zane met Skull Plague? Who is Skull? When and Where is this taking place? And Why is there so many questions in the Next Time. This and more next time on Zero!

New Cards/Forms:      
Brick Form. This transformation's card is very similar to Brick Morph's card from Zero Episode 18 being that it now has a black frame to it with several bricks creating a castle, skyscraper, and also a sports cars. He loses the gold bricks around his chest with him losing glowing green/white lines. He still has the same abilities.

Fairy Form. This transformation's card is very different to Sleeping Powder's card from Zero Episode 23 being that it now has a black frame with a person sleeping on a pillow with the card covered in some kind of dust from a pink aura covered fairy and a hourglass in a background. This form is extremely cute to females, hilarious to males, and 100% percent deadly to anyone who piss him off. 

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