Thursday, December 6, 2018

Fairy Legion Update.

So this post may not make any sense to any of the future viewers but I want all of you to hear this before it happens. I'm planning on retooling the Fairy Legion from Chapter 1 to Chapter 27 being that all twenty seven parts will be re-posted one at one. This means that December will have a lot of posts in the month. Now if you've been reading from since Chapter 1, there will be very little changes from them being that I'm changing the reason why Zane is going to Xona.

It was initially about Xona planning on making another Apocageddon and Zane was asked to stop her by the group of Eros, Hourglass Universe, Leif, Parker, and Savant. I like this idea being that I got to show off a character who would make an interesting villain at first. However while I was writing this story, I kinda forgot about Xona being that she was just a background character. I really do love this story because well, it's really fun to write it.

I have a lot of fun writing Fairy Legion and Zero being that the other reason why I'm doing a rewrite of the series is that I don't feel like I'm doing justice to Xona. It's just my opinion but I feel like I should be showing off what she can do in the main series rather than a series that isn't cannon to Zero due to it taking place several years after the end of Zero. You could also saw this for Engineer and Sly but those two have importance to the main story.

Engineer is going to be seen as one of the main members for the Odium Society and trust me, we're going to be see him more in the series. Sly would be in the same boat as Xona but like with Engineer, Sly is going to have a big role to play as a member of Zane's team alongside Danny and Gwen. So once this post goes live, I'm going to be rewriting all of the story slowly but it will be noticeable once the original post is gone and the new post appears in December rather it's initial date.

I will be writing at the top of each post the initial date that this was published so if you're curious about that. It's like how I had to rewrite some Zero Episodes back in 2017. That was almost two years. Wow. I never thought that I would have a story running for this long without me getting bored of it. The story is going to be the exact same but without Xona being the reason why Zane is heading to Fiore. That's all I'm going to say for now because the rest, you'll have to ready for yourself..

This may take a while since at the time of writing, Smash Ultimate is under a hour away. I do plan on playing that game as it comes out being that I've avoided the leaks. I would have mentioned it in the Fairy Legion's Author Note but well, I was trying to catch up on some other stuff. I don't like how the game was leaked the week before it came out. It kinda shits on all of the hard work that went into it but that's just a result of the world we live in.

I mean secrets are no longer a thing since well, the Internet is such a massive part of all life. It's one of the reasons why I try to read One Piece as early as I possibly can. It's because I don't want to be spoiled. You could say that if I don't want to spoil, just don't go online. That's a fair point but the internet is a very critical part of my life and well, I can ignore spoilers. I did it for Infinity War and if you recall, I had a heart attack.

Anyway, enjoy the new version of Fairy Legion being that they'll be very much updated to the best of my abilities but at the same time, they'll be kept the same so enjoy them. Also any post mentioning Fairy Legion should be ignored. I could rewrite all of them but just ignore them. It's like seeing an old post or video before an event and you slap yourself silly that you even said that. It's like me when I made Lighting work as Lightning.   

I will be adding if any Prime Form have been seen as Zero Episode 107 plus links to their first appearance in Zero. Any new forms that I have revealed in Fairy Legion will not have a link since I think most of them haven't appeared in Zero yet. Lets see what I mean in times.

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