Saturday, December 8, 2018

Fairy Legion Chapter 4 The Battle for the Mining Town Crystal Peak

Disclaimer: This Post had originally been posted on June 11, 2018 at 9:59 AM. I'm reposting this Chapter along with Fairy Legion Chapters 1-26 because of a massive plot change. If you've read this story before, not much will have changed except Zane's reason for going to the Fairy Tail Dimension. The Author Note and whatever I talk about in them may or will be extremely outdated today or I'm somehow seeing the future so just ignore if you want.

A/N: Yep. I'm back with Fairy Legion being that it's been a month since the last one. This is due to several reasons. I wanted to focus on Zero and get to a point where I can take a hiatus from that which is after Episode 102. I should mentioned that all things from Episode 96 and 102 are going to be in the story so if you haven't read or skimmed through them, be prepared for some spoilers of the main timeline.

I did mention this in the last part that I'm not doing the Daybreak Arc because that I can't see Zane fitting into that arc at all, it's one of the arc that I give no fucks about, and Lucy. I'm not going to repeat myself but I'll say this. She'll be doing something in this story. It won't be like her fighting the big bad of the arc but something like using her whip. I mean did that thing get used often? I know that she got a new one from the Celestial Spirits World.

Just like the whip's owner, she doesn't use it to its full potential like Capricorn being the least used spirit of Lucy being that Libra and Pisces belong to Yukino. I'm going to spoil a bit but the events of episode 3 and 4/chapters 4-9 will be mentioned in passing. Since I'm not doing that arc, I'm going to say this but I actually like Duke Everlue. I know that he's an awful person but being a fan of One Piece and seeing the shit that the Celestial Dragons do, he's small fry to them.

I really like how massive this man's ego is being that he has his face on his toilet. It may be Anime exclusive but to me, that's something I can never forget and for a reason that you may think is rather strange. I've seen a lot of characters like Everlue before where they have statues, painting, and other objects that have their face on it but I've never seen a toilet. It may be a joke about Everlue being a piece of shit which would be very clever on Hiro's part.

I also like his warped sense of beauty being that he turned models for less attractive women. The saying of Beauty in the eye of the beholder applies to Everlue and I respect him for that. I mean that's saying a lot coming from a world with models ,male and females, but he picks the ugly ducklings. He may be a villain but in hindsight, I think he isn't the worst. I'll say this now but I may be skipping the Galuna Island arc and possibly Loke. At least the latter is a strong maybe.

So in between writing Chapter 3 and 4, One Piece has started Reverie and as of Chapter 907, it's an amazing arc. I may be on the fence with Whole Cake Island ,which some new events have been revealed and I'll be talking about, but I really like this arc. My Hero Academia is doing great and Black Clover is well good. I just enjoy reading it before reading My Hero and One Piece and from what I can tell, the fanbase has died down on the hatred of it but Hiro's newest work.

We'll be talking about it but I decided to start with My Hero Academia. The cultural festival arc was amazing since Eri is going to show up more which I like but I think one of my favorite characters of the whole series is Hawks. He may be My Hero Academia's example of Angel from Marvel but he seems to be an interesting character going forward. He's also didn't come from UA. I also like Endeavor's new costume being that he's a cool character to me. I may be in the minority on that.

I've said this before but I'm not a fan of the Anime because it's overrated and I read the manga which spoils me. I like reading the manga because it takes less time for me. It's a good Anime but to me, I've noticed that the fanbase only grew after the second season. I could be horribly wrong about this but I think the season season really boosted the fanbase. It's like the next Naruto being that as of writing this part, Episode 61 of the Anime came out.

I honestly like how Boruto was revealed to be a cheater better in this one more than the movie. It did take a long time to get here but for a casual fan of the series, I like it. Shinki is a really cool character to me and not because he defeated Chocho in the anime. The Jutsu that Boruto uses ,in the anime not the movie and maybe the manga, makes sense due to the character being able to use lightning style in the series.

I can't remember the movie too well but I clearly remember hating Boruto from the start due to his cocky attitude. Him being revealed as a cheater is a good thing. I do get why we're supposed to feel bad for him after being revealed as a cheater and disgraced by his father because we know why he cheated but no one else does. It's the same thing with Issei in High School DXD being that we know why he doesn't get with any of the girls at first due to his first girlfriend well killing him.

The others don't know that but we still like Issei. However, it isn't the same with Boruto. I still dislike the character because he's like Sasuke for me. A cocky asshole who somehow gets everything but something happens them to make them change.  I like how Boruto's friends are disappointed in him because he's going to have try and make amends with them. I also like how Boruto can single out his best friend in an arena with people booing at him.

The anime may have its problems being the lack of seriousness or danger to it but it does have one thing over the original Naruto. It doesn't have the Uchida praising and how they're the strongest clan in the world. I mean you can tell that they're the strongest clan and for some one who doesn't like the clan to begin with, it's something else. So if the Chunin exams weren't canceled, would the winner being Shinki? I'm okay with that. We need an answer to that.

So lets get back to One Piece because I have to talk about this and some stuff about Hiro's next work which will be the shortest. We'll be starting with Chapter 903 to 904 plus some little stuff. I think the biggest event for me in Chapter 903 is Luffy being called the fifth emperor of the sea and also he has the highest bounty in the series as of chapter 907. Yeah, this is just the first chapter of an amazing Arc so get ready boys and girls.

For me, the return of Vivi, Vivi number 2, and the bikini gladiator is small potatoes compared to Big News Morgans ,aka best bird human, had to bring the news about Whole Cake Island and Big Mom's "Defeat". Big Mom didn't die by Bege's assassination attempt but she did lose. The Straw Hats and the Fire Tank Pirates escaped her territory being that Germa 66 and the Fish Pirates kept them busy in order to do that.

We however don't know what happened but it's a strong bet that someone died and I hope that it isn't Jimbei. I want him to join the dam crew already because I want to see his interactions with the crew who before having Jimbei joining hasn't changed since Brook joined back in Thriller Back. I don't care if Carrot joins the crew being that she just needs to have a role on the crew. I may not like Vivi but if she joined the crew, what would be her role and is she ready for the New World?

Back on point, I like that my favorite crew from the Straw Hats Grand Alliance is going to Reverie aka the Tontatta. I like them because their interactions are really funny being that Leo and Princess Mansherry is going to be a couple by the end of the series I hope. I like them better than the Long limb species and third eye. They haven't done anything that interesting yet but I got faith in Oda to deliver something amazing. We also see Coby or Koby again.

We did see him in the Anime thanks to the Episode of Luffy and Film Z but I think that this is the first time he's appeared ,post timeskip, in the manga. Going back to Luffy's bounty, I think it's due to his threat level to the World as a whole because Luffy isn't Shanks's level in terms of strength or any of the Yonkos but he's Yonko Commander. I do think that Morgans is over-hyping him a bit too much because I wanted Luffy's bounty to go up by 100,000,000 again.

It happened twice  before so I'm guessing that why Oda didn't do it again but by 1 billion, it's a little overboard. I will say that Oda is hyping up Reverie and Wano for sure. I do have one more question before I go into the stuff I need to address for Chapter 4. Is Big News Morgans a new species or a Devil Fruit user? I mean he can't fly despite being a bird but this may have been because he was taking pictures instead of focusing on you know surviving.

We have the Fishmen, Merfolks, and Minks so a group of bird people wouldn't be out of the question and too strange but it's something else to see a giant talking bird. Some last points for Chapter 903 is that Zeus is part of the Straw Hats ,as a weapon, and also a possible Raid Suit for Sanji so we may see the entire Power Ranges family soon. I do like how Sanji has a higher bounty than Zoro but this will changed after Wano so Sanji can have his moment for now.

Chapter 904 made this arc even better because one of my favorite characters return aka Emporio Ivankov and his Okama brothers/sisters. I like the Okamas because they're proud of who they are but I do have a problem with them. We've seen two different types of Okamas being that there was a group in Impel Down that looked human and then we have the one in Kamabaka Kingdom who looked to be stereotypical transvestite taken to an extreme.

I mean is this a result of Iva's devil fruit? I would like an answer and the two different types of Okamas next to each other. It is a minor problem but for some reason, the minor shit gets to me more than the bigger problems. I do like Sabo more than Ace for reasons being that Ace can use two types of Haki but shouldn't he have been able to use all three? I mean he's the second in command of a Yonko's crew but just like the rest of them in my opinion, they're overwhelming. 

So Peachbeard/Pinkbeard is a strange character before for some reason, Blackbeard wanted him as a subordinate. We also get to meet to meet the four Commanders of the Revolutionary Army being that I like all of them. From best to worst for me, it's Karasu, Morley, Lindbergh, and Bell Betty. Karasu just looks cool to me because his Devil Fruit could be a mixture of Paramecia and Zoan with him being a special devil fruit like Katakuri aka one of my favorite characters.

I'm looking forward to see him in action. Morley's Devil Fruit is interesting because it's a mixture of Pica's Devil Fruit, Senor Pink's Devil Fruit, Inazuma's Devil Fruit, and Diamante's Devil Fruit. At first, I didn't know that he was a Giant because he looked rather small compared to other giants. It could be just how the Manga is drawn and looking forward to his reveal in the Anime.  I didn't even figure out that he was an Okama at first because well, I was more focused on Karasu.

Lindbergh is a character that will be shown later on and to be honest, I didn't even know he was a Mink at first. I just thought that he was a Devil Fruit user later but his impressive invention making ability is something to look forward too. We're on the final one being my least favorite. She may be pretty and a good person for the Revolutionary Army but to me, she has the Girl problem just like Smoothie.

However, I can see that she isn't a fighter but a person to boost up her allies and her enemies can be used against their bosses or allies. Smoothie will be talked about but after Chapter 907. Chapter 905 is good because we get to see Sengoku teasing Sakazuki which is nice to see. I didn't know this at first but thanks to some reviewers, I just noticed the Mcdonalds's Arch behind New Marineford. I do like some of the new kings that were revealed in this chapter as well.

I think my favorite one from the Russia based kingdom being that I like how the Princess is a living Matryoshka doll. I do think Tacos is an obvious stereotype but I don't see him as a major pain unlike a certain king aka Stelly. We also get to see the Ryugu Kingdom , for the first time, on land being that they're my favorite royals in the series. I've been watched the English Dub of Fishman Island and I do get why people dislike that arc.

I like this arc though because the obvious signs of racism and how hatred can blind you is done good without being pretentious in my mind. I think seeing Garp being their escort is perfect because he had some funny moments such as him telling the Mermaid Princess the different between a forest and tree plus his interaction with Stelly. We also have a good moment with Big News Morgans being that he falls in love with the Mermaid Princess. Not even Morgans can resist the mermaid princess.

I also like the tidbits about Stelly being that this happens in the next chapter because it reminds casual readers about characters who haven't been around for a long time. It's a good way to remind people without spending six episodes in a flashback arc. We also saw the third Admiral Green Bull being that he could be male or female but more likely the former maybe. We also get to hear that Fujitora talking with Vegapunk to get rid of the Seven Warlords.

We also get to see the start of the Revolutionary Army's plan with Sabo sticking out. Chapter 906 is a great chapter with us inside of the Holy Island going to have some importance but to me, the best part of the chapter was seeing old faces and also the Holy Land's ,not so secret, darkness aka slaves. We also get to see the "best" character in the series aka Charloss aka the guy who got his face punched by Luffy before the timeskip. 

I really did like the panel of Manaboshi dancing. We also get to see some of the kings and queen of the world. I think that my liking of the Ryugu royal family is shown in this chapter because they have some funny moments. We also get to see Vivi talking with Leo aka my favorite member of the Straw Hats Grand Feet. I may not like Rebecca because she keeps calling Luffy Lucy despite her knowing that Lucy isn't his real name. I get why but it gets a little annoying at times.

We also get to see a tidbit about the Alabasta Kingdom along with seeing Mr. 2 aka my favorite member of Crocodile's "Pirate" crew. I really do like how the Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi going up to them and joining in. I do know that several kingdoms being pals with Luffy will bring conflict. I was shocked to see Sai there because I didn't expect him to be there at all which is a good shock to me.

We also get to see Wapol again and just like with Alabasta, we get some tidbits. I love how Oda brings back old characters in a way that feels not at force or a cameo like with Chapter 544 of Fairy Tail at the end where we saw all a lot of old characters and they did nothing except showing the power of friendship and that kinda crap. I liked see Dalton and Dr. Kureha again but Dr. Kureha's shirt. I like how Oda adds little details like that.

We also gets some tidbits which is a good thing. The moment with Dalton being that he's a male fanboy of Luffy ,at least to me, being that it's nice to see that. We also get to see Doffy again and he's on Level 6 of Impel Down. I wonder where the other members of the crew is and I hope we get that in an SBS or maybe in a chapter. The big Straw Hat is important but to me, it's small potatoes. It will be amazing later on but for right now, meh.

The next chapter starts off with an huge bang again with Big Mom and Kaido being part of the same crew at one point. I think the part with the Marines was best shown when Sakazuki told Kizaru not to go into Wano because Wano is still an unknown force in One Piece. I do think that the Admirals could stand a chance against Kaido but the Shichibukai is another story. We don't know the other two members of the group ,if there are seven at this point, so their true power is unknown.

As a joke, I do think Buggy could defeat Kaido but my inner realist says no to that. We also see that two characters from One Piece Film Gold ,a good Anime movie in my opinion, in canon. We also learn more about a character named Rocks who was a big threat back in the day. Like with the Straw Hat from last chapter, this is cool but not important to me at least for right now. The big thing of this chapter is the Empty Throne aka an obvious reference to Game of Thrones.

I may not watch Game of Thrones because it just doesn't interest me despite my love of Fantasy based stories but I do like the chair. I'm sure that Stelly is going to try and sit there causing some shit there. We also get to see the human version of living garbage Charlos try and take Shirahoshi. We also learn that no one was going to do anything at all because if they do something, the destruction of an country could easily happen.

Leo and Sai try and do something but they're stopped by CP0 with Kaku being an official member of the group along with Rob Lucci and Stussy. I like Kaku being that he's a cool character and would just love to see a rematch between him and Zoro more than Rob Lucci and Luffy. In two years, he must have gotten better with his Devil Fruit so it will be an interesting fight. I do hate one thing about the Celestial Dragons and it isn't that they're spoiled as hell brats.

I just wish that Oda gave them some humanity. Not a lot but some. I do like see Mansherry going to Leo being that she likes him as Happy would say. I really hoped to see King Neptune about to punch Charlos but we got something better. We got to see Charlos smacked again in the face being that this time, it's sure to leave a mark unless the Celestial Dragons have great doctors. I mean you saw how much Luffy wrecked him two years and he has no marks. 

I do like seeing the Celestial Dragon ,from Fishman Island Arc, return with him helping the Fishmen thanks to the actions of Queen Otohime and he's related to Doflamingo in some way. I'm interested to see what happens with him. The chapter ends with Shanks talking with the Five Elders of the World about a certain pirate. It may be Luffy or Blackbeard. I'm hoping for the latter and next week, we don't have a break I hope.

Some final thoughts. I do like the Orlumbus cover story being that he may not be my favorite ,being that Leo is my favorite, but he's interesting. I mean did he take his former country's entire navy with him. That's a dick move bro. The final thing for One Piece is that in the past week, the latest SBS came out in Japan and people have translated it. It started out good because we got to learn more about the Charlotte family and some Flampe stuff.

I do think that her survey is rigged because why is Smoothie higher than the eldest daughter of the family? I despite Smoothie because her DEVIL FRUIT was revealed in an SBS and not in the dam story! This news legit pissed me off because it showed how underwhelming Smoothie was compared to the other Sweet Commanders. In the past, three Devil Fruit has been revealed. They are the Ero Ero no Mi, the Gero Geno no Mi, and the Samu Samu no Mi.

I highly doubt that any one of these fruits will be seen in the series but I could be wrong. Oda is like that. Smoothie is one of the strongest in Big Mom's crew but to me, she's a fucking joke. I shouldn't let a fictional character get to me but like I said earlier in this part, little things piss me off. This is little shit and well, it's just another reason why I'm not a fan of the Yonko's main subordinates. For me, most of them have been overwhelming.

The only ones that I like are Katakuri and Marco with the others being meh. I do think I'm going to be rather harsh on Smoothie from here on out because I find her one of my least favorite character due to her doing NOTHING beside standing there. I mean she does a Getsuga Tenshou but that's really it. For me, the part that pissed me off was Oda saying that she was strong. Instead of saying it Oda, SHOW IT! I'm sorry but Smoothie just gets me pissed off.

Anyway, we're almost down because we're going to do be talking about Edens Zero aka Fairy Tail 2 and I'm not talking about the spinoff series of Fairy Tail. To be honest, I'm looking forward to the Boruto of Fairy Tail because I'm curious about what's happen after the defeat of Acnologia and Zeref plus a reason to some parts of the ending aka the start of the 100 year quest and Mermaid Hell being models. That is the part that pissed me off because it makes no sense. 

There was no signs of it because Mermaid Heel are like the Amazons and I really doubt that a group of warrior women would go into modeling. I could be wrong but it just make no sense. Back to Edens Zero, I'm going to read it but I'm going to be critical. I'm going to look at it as a new series despite the characters of it looking like Fairy Tail but slightly altered. I do agree with some of the points that people have said but well, I have my opinions.

Like with the first post, I'll leave a link to the picture at the end of the post so scroll down ,a lot, to see a side by side comparison. Lets gets one thing off the bat. I don't mind that he used the same design due to the fact that I love his art style because it's always clean looking to me. Lets start with the black haired Natsu or Gray and Natsu's love child as I call him. I don't mind that he looks like a mixture because you can't judge a character off their appearance.

However if he acts like either of them or a fusion, I'm going to be annoyed. I don't mind Plue being that since in Fairy Tail, he was nothing more than a pet for Lucy. If Edens Zero came after Rave Master, I would be slightly annoyed. Happy being there pissing me off. I mean I know that it isn't Happy but when you dislike that character because he did nothing just like Lucy and add pointless comments, you're going to be harsh.

If he's a main character again, I'm going to roll my eyes and give the series for shit. The next one is the blond aka Lucy. I don't think she's Lucy but more like Elie from Rave Master. I say this due to the fact that her chest ,at least from the image, looks average sized. Like with the Black haired Natsu, I just hope she's different from her busty counterpart. The next two are Juvia/Wendy and Erza. I'm not going to be gentle about this but why Hiro?!

I mean you've already drawn a busty Wendy before so that's nothing new but another ERZA. I've said this before but I liked Erza at first. Over time and reading through Fairy Tail again to get ready for the Crossover, I noticed my liking changed to disliking over the chapter. She was seen as a perfect superwoman and that pissed me off. I promise that I will be humanizing Erza with Zane due to him not liking her at all. Will that change? Who knows?

The other characters are fine. I mean the black haired guy ,whose hair covers his face, and the ape like guy to the right of the third Erza are fine. The blond with the glasses is also okay. The characters that I really liked at the guy in the upper left, the woman in the background, the elderly man, the pink faced guy, the silvered hair characters, and the male blond. I think that the first two will be interesting to see.

They're different enough from Hiro's style and I personally don't see any sign of old Fairy Tail in either of them. The elderly man and the pink face guy are interesting since the former has been called a mixture of Makarov ,which means he'll never die I really hope that he does, and Rayleigh which is reaching. It may be that but it's better than seeing a character who looks exactly like Makarov again. I mean he doesn't have glasses and actually looks to be your typical old teacher in fiction.

Rayleigh was that in One Piece but if we didn't know about his past, I could see him as just a really cool guy. The silver hair guy or blond guy are going to be the rivals. I do wish that these two were the main character and perhaps they are. I think my favorite one out of this bunch is the blond guy which isn't too surprising since I like Laxus but not at all Yuri since he did nothing out of the entire founding members of Fairy Tail.

Mavis went on to lead Fairy Tail to victory against Zeref, Hades formed one of the strongest dark guilds in the entire world or least in Fiore, and Warrod became a Wizard Saint. I mean Yuri did help bring Makarov into this world but that's really it for him. He got shafted hard being that he could have been the one to help against the big bad but nope, it was Lucy. Oh sorry, I meant Anna. My mistake since they look so alike.

Okay, I've rambled on long enough. This was going to be short but well, I got my fires burning and I need to say something. I'm not sure how long the next Author Notes is going to be since for sure, the next chapter is going to have the appearance of Erza and boy, I may have a lot to talk about. Oh and I should mention that this series is going to be dark. I'm not talking like killing characters just because I can but more darker tones such as death and swearing plus sexual undertones.

There will be deaths from grunts and background characters. If a named character dies, I'll explain why at the end of the Chapter or in the Author's note. It will mostly be the former rather than the latter because I'll usually have something to write or the Next Time. I can write an essay for the Author's Note but not the Next Time at all. I also want to say that Lazarus Soul is now always on Zane's back.

Narrator P.O.V.
Back in Fiore, the duo of Sly and Zane were currently in their apartment with the latter of the two in the middle of training. The two lived in an two floored apartment complex with there being four rooms on the second floor with only two rooms on the first floor. This is due to the main living room and kitchen being on the first floor. Zane's room was at the end of the second floor being that Zane got the best view in the apartment. The reason why this apartment is cheap is for many reasons.

It's rumored to be haunted by the ghosts of former renters, need of major renovations, and the landlady is rumored to be a demon woman. Zane liked it due to him not needing a fancy mansion but somewhere to sleep and also there was an amazing view. Sly turned to her partner as he was in the middle of chin ups. "Hey Zane. So are we heading to the guild today?" said Sly. "We are. I need to do something while waiting for that trio." said Zane.

Sly said,"We could have meet up with them you do know that right?". "We could but I rather not deal with Triple B. She just get my blood boiling. Plus Mira need a gentleman to accompany her." said Zane, finishing up. He heard a knock on the door with him hearing,"Zane. Are you busy?". "Not at all. Come on in." said Zane. The front door soon opened as the landlady stood there. Her name is Ruth Scosha being a former wizard of the Lamia Scale guild.

She's rather old with her walking around with a cane aka a magic staff. She's wearing a plain black dress that covered her body and a light brown shawl. She has long gray hair with brown eyes. Upon meeting her for the first time, Zane liked the elderly women. She reminded him of his grandparents except older looking. The Alvarez family has the unique ability of looking rather young for their age such as with Darin and Trixie plus even the adopted family members.

The women looked around as she said,"It seems you haven't truly moved in yet.". Zane was putting on a shirt ,since he was training without one, as Sly said,"Yeah. We just got back from a job late last night. Sorry if we woke you.". "You didn't Sly. So are you heading out to the guild hall? If you are, I won't keep you." said Ruth. "Nope. We're always good for a quick chat." said Zane. "Okay then. I'll meet you two in the kitchen then. Take your time you two." said Ruth.

She was gone as Sly said,"I really like her Zane.". "Yeah. She's really sweet just like grandma." said Zane. He soon looked at his right arm with him saying,"You can come out now Twilight. No one is going to be scared of you here. Have you seen some of the magic here? It isn't your typical Fantasy RPG type of magic. You've also recovered.". Zane soon had something coming out of his arm being that it was the Vordlarin princess Twilight Equinox.

These two met and bonded with Zane around Thanksgiving in order to stop Darth Krakirm which they've done many times. She's Zane's older sister on the team. She's a slime like object being that she's a semi-solid substance. It looked to be 8 inches by inches when stationary and not moving whatsoever. Her body is primarily black with a crimson red web like pattern all over her body. She has glowing dark magenta eyes and white mouth with black teeth that looked sharp but still dull.

She has a smooth white outline around her eyes very much like a domino mask. "I know Zane but still." said Twilight. "So have Kane or Sivarth told you about our reason for being here?" said Sly as Twilight nodded. "Yes Sly. So do you like Mira Zane?" said Twilight. "She's very nice Twilight but I can tell that she's hiding something. I think I know what it is but I need to do some research." said Zane. "Zane, do you want me to make your clothes appear?" said Twilight.

Zane shrugged as he said,"If you want.". Twilight soon sprouted black ,with a crimson red web like pattern, from her body and covered Zane in them. They were soon gone as Zane stood there in his normal Fiore outfit. "You really make getting dressed so easy Twilight." said Cole. "Cole. Zane can make his clothing change by a thought." said Athena. "Whatever guys. Lets go. I don't want to keep Ruth waiting." said Zane. Sly soon flew toward Zane with the two leaving their apartment.

After a nice breakfast with Ruth, Sly and Zane soon made their way to the guild hall. Sly ,who was resting on Zane's head said,"She may be in her later years but she's a good cook.". "Yeah. So are you up for a easy or hard mission?" said Zane. "Hard. We've gotten too strong and even with your weakness toward magic, nothing is a challenge to us." said Kane. "He's right." said Sivarth. "Any objections?" said Twilight. "Nope." said Sly.

The two soon entered the guild hall with him noticing that it was peaceful. In the past two days, this quiet is something that he likes a lot but he knew that the peace wouldn't last. He soon made his way to the bar with Mira waving to him. He sat down as Sly sat on the table. "Morning you two. So did you sleep good?" said Mira. "We did Mira." said Zane. Cana ,who sat nearby, said,"So how was your first job you two? I've heard it was very interesting.".

Zane looked at Mira with her saying,"I didn't tell her. It was Master.". "Yeah. I figured that it was the old geezer. Where is he?" said Zane, noticing that he wasn't here. "He's currently in his office, dealing with Natsu's latest act of destruction." said Mira. "Oh. What did he do?" said Zane. "Well from what I've heard, he destroyed the home of a politician." said Cana. "Wow. We dodged a bullet not going with them." said Sly as Zane nodded. "So are you going on a job soon?" said Mira.

Zane nodded as he said,"I need something to do while waiting for pinkie, furball, and Triple B. I did promise to listen about his mission after all. Got any quick but difficult jobs?". "Let me go check the board for you Zane." said Mira. She walked off as Cana said,"So what happened between you two Zaney? You two seem rather close.". "You'll have to wait a few days before you get your answer so where is the stripper?" said Zane, holding a cup of an alcohol that Cana was curious about it.

Cana said,"He went out on a job before she arrives.". "She?" said Sly. "You two will met her soon so about that drink of yours?" said Cana. "Here." said Zane. Just as Cana was about to sip it, Zane heard,"I found a job for you Zane!". "Keep drinking. Sly, help her into the resting room once she passes out." said Zane. 'Will do there partner." said Sly. Zane walked over toward Mira with him seeing Makarov drinking. "I'm getting used to seeing people drinking before noon." said Sivarth.

Kane said,"Didn't the Alliance have something like this?". "Yeah except the Alliance had more fighting." said Athena. "Sup old geezer. I thought you were writing an letter of apology about Natsu's latest act of destruction." said Zane. "I just finished that. So I heard that you were looking for a job Zane. Your last one didn't pay enough?" said Makarov with a knowing smirk "I bet he knew about your job." said Cole. "I think you're right." said Twilight.

Zane said,"No. It payed handsomely and the company was delightful. I just need something to kill time.". "I see." said Makarov. "I can't believe that this old geezer is one of the strongest wizards on the continent. He is your typical old geezer. He likes to run his mouth and scold others." said Athena. "So like Zane?" said Cole. Zane rolled his eyes with him saying,"I think we shouldn't judge this book by its cover due to him being a powerhouse of magic. It demands respect and he ain't earning mine.".

Mira said,"So Zane, do you want to hear about the job?". "Sure Mira." said Zane. He smiled as Mira blushed slightly. "Wow. His smile is really nice." thought Mira. "Mira. I know that you're admiring me but I would like to hear about the job. I never expect a beauty like you to be so forward but you shouldn't judge a book by its cover." said Zane. Mira looked away with her face red. "What?! I wasn't doing that!" said Mira. "Right Mira. Just ask and I give you the whole show for free." said Zane.

Mira's face was soon redder than a tomato with Zane chuckled. "Okay. It's time to get serious. What's the job?" said Zane. "Here Zane." said Mira. Zane looked over the pile of jobs as he scanned through them fast. "Wow. None of these are a challenge." said Zane. "Is there a problem with the jobs that Mira picked for you?" said Makarov. "Yeah. I mean these jobs I could do with my hands tied behind my back. I need something to kill my time." said Zane.

Makarov said,"You sound confident in your skills.". He soon looked at Zane with him feeling a lack of magic from his body. "So is he suppressing his magic for some reason?" thought Makarov. "Even though we have Animus, we are hiding it." said Sivarth. "I do old geezer. Lately, I've been desiring a challenge and none of these would bring me on. I live a dirt cheap apartment so I really don't care about money in the slightest because I need a thrill." said Zane.      

Makarov chucked as he said,"Interesting Zane. You're cocky and I think you need a lesson in reality child. The jobs that are posted are from the general public with them being usually C-Rank jobs with the max amount usually being 200,000 Jewels. There are also B-Rank being that the max amount is 500,000 Jewels, A-Rank being that the max is 1,000,000 Jewels, and the last one you'll have to wait for are S-Rank and SS-Rank are 100,000,000 Jewels max. You have to get promoted first.".

He took a sip as Zane said,"To what?". "An S-Class wizard my boy. This can only happen if you pass the S-Class wizard test which is yearly but you have to perform against your family, I have to decide if you're worthy enough and this one is the most deadly option being you have to fight one of our S-Class until either one of you submits defeat, and the final one is that you pull off a feat so great that I'll promote you on the spot." said Makarov.

He soon chuckled with him saying,"The latter two hasn't happen in my entire time as guild master so good look with that." Zane shrugged with him saying,"Fine. I'll talking your highest paying A-Rank job then. It may make me sweat. My last job surely didn't so maybe this one will.". "This boy can't be serious. I guess I should give him a lesson in humility." thought Makarov. "He does know that you can read minds right?" said Kane. "Meh." said Zane.

Makarov said,"Okay Zane. I'll sign you off an A-rank job, Hell, I'll pick the best one and if you come crying back, I'll only be laughing at you for a couple of minutes.". "Sure thing Master. You're so caring and not all sinister." said Zane, ready to make the man look foolish. Makarov snapped his fingers with a giant book appearing on his lap. He soon opened it and he held his hand over it as the pages started flicking left to right.

A page soon came out with it floating onto the table. The book was soon gone as Zane grabbed the page. "Thanks old timer. I'll be back you guys." said Zane. His dragon like partner joined up as she said,"Cana is resting. She really couldn't handle it. It's a strong alcohol after all.". "Cana passed out from alcohol?" said a guild member. "She did. Dragon's Ale is a powerful substance and only a rare few can handle it." said Zane.

The two went toward the door and he opened it. Sly took a list of the job's information being that she was impressed. The paper said,"The mining town of Crystal Peak ,or more specifically the Obsidian Depths Mining Company, has been taken over by the Dark Guild Valiant Wraiths. They've prevented any mining attempts and injured several miners who were just doing their jobs. See Oliver Brasard aka the mayor for more details upon arriving. This is an A-Rank job. The Pay is 750,000 Jewels.".

Sly said,"Wow. We haven't been to a mining town in years.". "I think I went there whenever I have to make an engagement ring. The Silvers Mining Company is still on business right?" said Zane. "It is Zane. So how do you want to get there?" said Cole. "I'm thinking by bike or foot. I should be able to reach the town by either if I go at my top speed or use my super speed forms." said Zane. "It's your choice partner." said Sivarth.

Zane nodded with him placing the paper in his bag. He soon made a motorcycle appear in front of him. This bike is Saver aka Zane's motorcycle that was built by him and his good friend Raymond Graves or Ray. He didn't know how to drive it at first but he soon learned how over time. It's a Black Chrome Kawasaki Ninja 300/ZX-14 hybrid. It had a leather seat and the tire in the back is bigger than the wheel in front.

He soon go onto the bike with him roaring it to life. Twilight soon covered his body in proper gear and helmet mainly because it was good to be safe on the road. It was kinda pointless since Zane is well able to break through most things. His helmet is a black motorcycle helmet with gray edges, navy blue comfort liner, and a transparent glass visor. He soon drove off with Athena giving him directions.

Back inside the guild hall, Mira was whistling a song and if the building had windows, several animals ,mainly small creatures and birds, would be come in here. Makarov was sitting cross legged in his usual spot on top of the counter. Cana ,who was recovering, sat at a nearby table with Elfman with a mug of ale nearby her. Despite passing out, Cana and the devil's nectar are never truly apart. "I didn't have a chance to ask this earlier but how the shoot yesterday?" said Makarov.

Cana said,"And what are you whistling? It doesn't sound like your normal songs Mira.". "The photo shoot went well. Zane was there too making it better." said Mira with her smiling. "Zane was there? I guess that was his first job. So Zaney is a model. I didn't expect another member of our guild to be a model like for Loke and you Mira." said Cana, smirking. (This is confusing to me since that females and males in Fairy Tail are very beautiful and handsome respectively. Standards are weird.).

Elfman laughed with him saying,"I guess that Zane isn't a real man!". While driving, Zane heard this comment and he made a promise to punch Elfman once he gets back. "Well, he was there as an extra security guard alongside Dante. Those two become close friends but I was shocked to see Sly and Zane there. Zane doesn't seem like a pervert but I'm glad that he was." said Mira. "Why? Did you like him watching you model Mira?" said Cana smirking.

Mira's face exploded into a violent blush and she frantically waved her arms in front of her and violently shook her head. "It isn't like that!". "You say that your face is betraying you." said Cana as several others laughed. Makarov closed his eyes and cleared his throat. Once everyone had calmed down, Makarov said,"So what else happened?". "Well, the other security guards were actually part of a dark guild Ruined Emerald. They tried to kidnap us and they had two leaders." said Mira.

Makarov said,"By who?". He had a knowing grin on his face, keeping his eyes closed. "By the head of security and Emma's head butler. Dante and Zane took them down." said Mira, remembering how strong Zane was and when he knocked a group of them just by releasing a wave of energy. "So, what happened? I mean those two must have been stronger if you're back with no damages right?" said Elfman, in a worried tone.

Mira giggled with her saying,"Those two are really strong because I don't think Zane was trying at all.". Cana choked on her drink with Elfman thinking that his older sister had seen something strange being that Makarov smile hadn't changed but Cana's smirk had. "Really? What type of magic did he use?" said Cana. "He mainly used his natural strength being that he told me that he trained himself past his limits in order to protect someone." said Mira with a dreamy look on her face.   

Mira said,"Zane was dancing with them being that he treated them like ants. I wonder how strong he is if he uses his magic.". "You can't be serious. I mean how many were there?" said Cana. "I think it was 300 guys and he wiped out half of them using an energy wave." said Mira. "Wow. Zane is going to be one of the strongest after this. I'm going to ask him for a few things when he gets back from his job." said Cana, smirking.

Mira frowned as she said,'You're not going to pick on him are you Cana? I really don't think he likes teasing because of what he did to Lucy before he left.". "And what was that Mira? I know that Zane and her joined the guild around the same time so I thought they would be pals." said Makarov. "Sly says that she was giving him shit about the job so Zane used his Mummy Take Over to teleport her into a dimension of her worst fear for five minutes." said Mira.

Cana said,"Ah. I won't tease him too much. I want to ask him about that drink he gave me.". "You mean the one you passed out on?" said Macao. "Yes. I'm sure that I can drink it but it's really strong and just like that I'm interested." said Cana, finishing off another full mug of ale. Elfman ,who didn't hear everything, said,"Did you say something Cana?". "Nothing. So that song Mira." said Cana. "Oh right. Zane showed it to me. He calls it Jump Up Super Star. It's really catchy." said Mira.

Zane soon parked his bike at the bottom of a cliff with him saying,"I better start walking. Don't want to scare the people.". He made his bike disappeared with him walking. He soon saw a little dust town as Sly said,"So are you really going to hit Elfman?". "Yeah Sly. He said something mean about me behind my back and I can't have that." said Zane. "That's really petty Zane but you've done this before in the past." said Athena. "Good times." said Zane.

He soon was on the outskirts of the town being that most of the buildings were made out wood but had a metal frame. They were all centered around a single building ,being three stories tall, with Zane guessing that it was the main building. "It beats asking around." said Zane. He entered the building with him looking to see the receptionist looking at him. She looks to be a girl ,maybe 15 or 16, with long green hair and brown eyes. She's wearing a blue tank top with red jeans. He didn't see her shoes.

Zane said,"So we're from Fairy Tail and we're here to take down those bastards who have stopped your income. Do you know where Oliver Brasard is?". She nodded with her pointing to a door on the right as she said,"We've been expecting you. Your guild master called ahead.". The duo of aliens ,but looks like a normal lizard and human, walked away as Zane heard,"Thank you.". Zane smiled as he stopped in front of the door.

He knocked on it with him waiting for a response. "Come in." said a voice. Zane opened a door and he walked in. It was a small office space with a desk, bookshelf, and filling cabinet. He soon saw an elderly man behind the desk. He looks to be in his late sixties with white hair and a small beard. He's wearing a white shirt, blue knee length shorts, and brown sandals. He looked and he smiled. "Thank you for coming young man. My name is Oliver Brasard." said Oliver.

Zane said,"I'm Zane Alvarez and this is my partner Sly. We're here to help you with a little dark guild problem.". "Yes. We've fallen on hard times, my boy. In the past two years, we've recently hit a large deposit of Lacrima. We've flourished as a town being that we grew wealthy and the town grown from a small town with one mine to several in a few short months. Everything was going well until three months ago when they came." said Oliver.

He sighed as he said,"They took over our town within a day. They're using as a base of operations and we're too far away from any Rune Knight base for them to do anything to help us. I'm not sure why they're in there but it may have something to do with Zeref.". "I see. Well, they'll be out of your hair in no time. I think you should call the Rune Knights here beforehand. This may take me thirty to an hour depending if they're idiots." said Zane.

Oliver said,"You're so confident young man. Is that a good to thing to have an ego right now? You're up against an entire guild filled with wizards who'll kill anyone who stops them.". "It's cute that you are worried about Zane but here's the thing, he's way stronger than any dark guild." said Sly.  "Alright then. I'll call them. Do you need a map of the mine? It's rather big." said Oliver. "Nope. I can sense their magic from here. Thanks anyway." said Zane. He was soon gone.

The duo of Sly and Zane found a wide open area of land before a higher cliff face, with mounds of rock and gravel that had been excavated into three-metal tall piles outside with tracks running down each of the three mine shafts. "Yep. It's a typical mine. I shouldn't be disappointed but I am." said Zane. He walked toward the cave as Crisis Judgement went off. Someone soon emerged from the right tunnel with it not being a miner at all.

It's a man cloaked in a brown hood and cape, with him holding a staff that had magic flowing off it. "I thought I heard something. Probably just my...." said the man. He was soon knocked out thanks to his very only shadow chopping his neck. "Nice job Zane. You knock out the guy." said Sly's voice. "Excuse me for trying to be sneaky and Stealth Form is perfect." said Zane's voice. Out of the grunt's shadow, Sly and Zane stood there with Zane being in a new form.

He looks to be six feet tall with a seeminly lanky figure but he does have muscle. He has grayish blue skin with his arms and legs are a midnight black color. He has short yet spiky black hair with two red eyes. He has a scar running along his neck with this scars looking like something attached his head to his neck. This form doesn't have a mouth but he does have natural sharp teeth sticking out of the void where his mouth would be. He has five claws on each hand. 

Zane is wearing a classy looking black suit with a white undershirt and raven themed tie. His jacket is unbuttoned, revealing the gold inverted star marking on his chest. He's wearing a dark blue fedora over his head. He's wearing black shoes. He's wearing the black robe, showing that he's a member of Fairy Tail. "So what should we do about him?" said Sly with her looking at the knocked out grunt. "Isn't it obvious my dear friend Sly? We need to tie him in the darkness of his sin." said Zane.

As he was saying that, his hand was placed over his face. "Don't be edgy Zane. For the love of the gods don't." said Sly. "Fine partner. You're no fun you know that." said Zane with a pout. "I know that but someone has to be the serious one between the two of us." said Sly. The shadow being tied the grunt to the roof of the cave using the cavern's darkness. Zane blended into the cave's shadow with him heading toward the end and Sly flew behind him.

The two began traveling through the mines for about five minutes, Zane saw a noticeable makeshift door with him seeing that it was wooden. It's a black color with a white guild mark on it. The mark had a wraith on it. "Oh wow. I could be wrong but I think we found their secret base. I mean they're more subtle than Fairy Tail but that's not a huge achievement." said Sly. "I think that is a very sound assumption there Sly." said Zane.

Athena said,"Zane. I've done some research and this guild used to be a subordinate of the dark guild Tartaros being that they left after stealing from their mother guild in order to get something so powerful that no wizard will be able to stand up to them.". "Let's see what they've taken." said Zane. He slipped under the crack of the door ,with Sly in hand, as they saw a widen open area cavern with multiple tunnels leading deeper into the mine.

He soon noticed several crystals with Cole saying,"And that's Lacrima Zane. They are used by people to power things such as movie projector, vehicles, and other magics. They naturally absorb any kind of magic so be careful if you use your Animus. We don't know what that will do. I think it'll make an big explosion which would be a bad thing.". Zane nodded with him counting over 100 people, chatting with each other and not sensing his presence.

All of them had a small amount of magic power but three of them were different. They had a strong amount of magic power around them, being that they would normally be a somewhat of a challenge to a normal wizard but to Zane, they're bigger ants. The three of them stood there, with two of them to the left and right of the one in the middle. The one on the left looked to be the shortest out of the trio with him being an average height for a male.

He has the third highest amount of magic power compared to his buddies. He had his long dark brown hair tied in a ponytail, gray eyes, and a noticeable tan. He's wearing a dark yellow sleeveless shirt with it exposed his lean yet muscular frame. He wears dark brown pants which were tucked into a pair of dark green ,with a black line, boots. The one on the right looks to be the tallest out of the trio with him being an above average height. He has the second highest amount of magic power.

His face is angular with his dark blue hair slicked back. There are a few stands in front of his brown eyes. He's wearing a dark purple sleeveless gi ,which is rather loose on him, and this exposes his rather muscular body compared to his guild mate. His sleeveless gi looked to be several sizes too big on him except around his legs. He wears simple brown boots. To keep his gi from falling off, he wears a bright yellow obi around his waist.

The middle one is in the middle height of the two right next to him. He's also the highest amount of magic power. He had a sick grin in his face with fangs sticking out of his mouth. He has fair skin with spiky, waist-length orange hair with shoulder-length bangs that frame the sides of his face and sharp red eyes. He's wearing a fitted dark orange sleeveless v-neck tank top. He's wearing metal plated armor over his chest. He wears a dark blue, high-collared cloak.

He finishes off his outfit with blue pants and black knee-high combat boots. "So Kane, do you want to play guess the leader?" said Sivarth. "That's a fools bet Sivarth. I wonder how much shots Cana can do before she passes out." said Kane. "I need you to focus you two right now. He's saying something." said Zane. "Attention you idiots!" said the orange hair man. The guild turned to him as he said,"I know that all of you want to get your revenge on the magic council for disbanding us.".

Athena said,"Zane. The Magic Council disbanded them for their very rowdy behavior, their tendency to bully their former clients, and the straw that broke the camel's back is their tendency to challenge other guilds despite it being banned by the magic council.". "Wow. These guys are idiots. I mean it's like Fairy Tail right?" said Cole. "Yeah but from what I gathered, Fairy Tail has a tendency to cause damage toward not living things and this guild is the opposite." said Zane.

Twilight said,"You guys. Lets try and not destroy the mines. I rather not be part of the stereotype of Fairy Tail Wizards.". "Agreed." said Athena, Cole, Kane, Sivarth, and Zane. "Guys." said Sly. "Yes Master Cyrus. We've spend three months here in this hick town to collect a large group of Lacrima and thanks to our effort, we'll have enough power to destroy the "strongest" light guild in Fiore." said the brunette. "Jewell. Tell the others where we're going." said Cyrus.

Jewell said,"It's a town named Magnolia which is in the southeastern part of Fiore. You know which guild is there.". "So we're going to be clipping some fairy wings. That sounds like a real blast!" said Cyrus, with him cracking up into laughter at the end. This started the rest of the guild to joining being that Zane may not be a big fan of the guild but he was sure that they were going to hurt innocent people and his hero complex wouldn't allow that.

The third one said with him placing his hand under his chin,"Finally, a challenge. They have strong wizards right? We've been waiting in the shadow for a long time after we stole that book from those demon in Tartaros so we will be using that?". "Book?" said Zane. "Yeah and right now is the perfect time. Their ace Gildarts Glive is out on a mission right now along with Titania Erza and Laxus so the only one who can really give us a challenge is their guild master, the rests are ants." said Jewell.

Kane said,"What is a wizard saint?". "It's a title given to a wizard by the Magic Council being that they're strong. However, they may be very weak. It's like the Seven Best Sorcerers but that old geezer is nothing compared to someone like Morgan or my dad." said Zane. "True. So what's the plan?" said Kane. "I will facing up against a Wizard Saint myself. Lets get ready to attack Fairy Tail!" said Cyrus. The guild cheered with the blue hair man said,"That's a good idea idea master".  

Cyrus smiled as he said,"I know that it gets your blood boiling to fight someone strong Discord. I'll be handling the guild master though.". Zane could tell that he was arrogant and confident being that he thought that he could defeat Makarov so easily. "Fine." said Discord, being slightly depressed that he wasn't going to face off against Makarov. He was very loyal to Cyrus. "Jewell. Is your information accurate?" said Discord.

Jewell nodded with him saying,"Well, I do think that we may have some trouble but Gildarts and Laxus won't be there. You get to fight against Titania Erza.". "That's better than nothing I guess. I do wish the Demon was still a thing." said Discord. "So what's the plan Zane?" said Sivarth. "Kick their buts of course." said Zane. He turned back to normal with talking a deep breath. "This is going to be so much fun. Oblivion Scream!" thought Zane.

He soon covered both of his ears with him screaming. A huge explosion of sound came out with it soon breaking the ground that was below Zane and all of the glass in the area was destroy except for the Lacrima. The dark guild turned to him with the three ringleaders standing there without raising a hand against him unlike the others who were ready to fight. "Sorry that I screamed but you guys were just ignoring me. I know that you're a dark guild but you can have manners." said Zane.

He smiled as he said,"As a member of an legal council, I have manners. If you guys just give up and let the Magic Council take you all away without fighting me, I won't beat you all up too badly.". A fireball soon went right toward Zane but before it could hit, Zane held out his left hand. The fireball was soon absorbed into Zane with him smirking. "Wow. I'm hurt." said Zane. The grunts charged at Zane being that a good amount of them dog piled them and trying to hold him down.

They were soon sent flying, with Discord noticing that the obnoxious teen was gone and in his place, a new form appeared. He's 8 feet tall, has a muscular looking figure, and his body is a mixture of the main states of matter. His head is in the shape of a round clear plasma globe. His skull-like face is a blue color with two pupil-less red eyes. His two eyes are connected by a black line. His mouth is filled with spiked teeth. The rest of his head aka the empty space inside of the globe is a purple gas.

His chest and neck look to be made out of a silver steel like substance. His arms is a red gas which looks to form a normal arm with four fingers. His legs are a constantly flowing blue water like substance. He's wearing a black and white jumpsuit with a gray collar and cuffs. The sides of the suit are white. His arms are covered by metal spiked plating that floats above his gas like arms. Like with the other forms, he's wearing the black robe. 

Zane rolled his neck with him saying,"Matter Form! You guys tried and failed so bring it on.". The grunts fired a barrage of elemental magic toward him with it causing a massive explosion which in turn made a massive smoke cloud. The grunts thought that he was dead but they heard,"Wow. You guys are serious about killing me. If I was younger, I would have been caught by that attack as a way to lower your guard but I not any more.".

The smoke cloud soon formed into Zane with him saying,"Playtime is over.". He soon send his right fist toward the grunts, being that it slowly turn into a giant hammer. Ten of the grunts were sent flying and crashing into the higher part of the jab. The others soon got ready to fire on him but they were soon grabbed by the smoke. Zane looked at them with him making two giant hands appear from his back. His left hand was gas and his right hand was steel.

He soon made the two hands collide with the grunts caught in the middle. The last grunt soon hit the wall with the man out cold. Zane looked at the trio with him saying,"So will you guys be a challenge for little old me or....". The three dark wizards and weird creature soon heard something coming to him as Zane said,"So is that a human being and is he with you or what?". A huge wizard stood there with him being ten feet tall. He had massive muscles and fists but rather short legs.

In his right hand, he's holding a massive war hammer being that it could easily destroy a skyscraper with a single swing. The head look to be the size of a bus. "You come into our home, walk all over my guildmates, and then challenge the bosses. You've got nerve pipsqueak." said the giant. "Oh wow man. You REALLY skipped leg day. So what's your name?" said Zane. "My name is Chrovire, the Hammer. We may be villains now but we were once...." said Chrovire.

Zane soon yawned causing the giant to growl. "Thank god you stopped him Zane. He was going into a boring as hell story, I know for a fact that he was going to do that!" said Cole. "You and the rest of your guild had this coming. You tried to assert your dominance over other guilds by fighting with them which is illegal for a stupid yet logical reason. This is all your fault you know." said Zane. "Screw you!" yelled Chrovire. He soon swung his hammer down on Zane.

Instead of smashing Zane, it hit nothing but purple gas that matched Zane's left arm. The giant soon looked for Zane with him hearing,"Wow. Quick to anger aren't you?". The gas soon reformed and Chrovire soon swung horizontal at Zane. The hammer went toward Zane being that the being was gone. Chrovire looked for Zane being that he soon found Zane being that he was sitting on his side of his hammer. "So are you going to try something different or what?" said Zane.

The giant tried to shake Zane off but Zane turned his legs into a liquid form and he wrapped himself around the hammer. "Get off!" said Chrovire. "Nah. Not really feeling that idea." said Zane. "This is just sad. Chrovire is one of our top members." said Jewell. "It is but we shouldn't doubt the power of this child. Jewell, get the book from our safe." said Cyrus. "Will do sir." said Jewell. The man went off to a different part of the mine as Cyrus said,"After Chrovire falls, you can fight him Discord.".

Discord smiled as he said,"Thank you Master.". Zane soon made several arms go above him as he sent them down toward Chrovire. They soon turned giant hammers with Zane saying,"It's Hammer Time by a real man!". They slammed into Chrovire, as the giant was knocked toward the ground and his hammer plus Zane was sent flying. Upon Chrovire hitting the ground, it broke. Chrovire was about to get back up. However, Zane grabbed Chrovire's hammer and threw it back at the giant.

Zane and the two dark wizards watched that Chrovire's hammer knocked him out and send him back to the ground. The hammer soon landed next to its user with Athena saying,"Wow. That was just sad but beating him up with his own weapon is oddly funny.". Zane soon floated back to the ground and he deactivating Matter Form upon hitting the ground. "So where did your leader go? I know that he was here but now, he isn't." said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane soon felt the air around them getting stronger. "Oh. You'll never found out kid because I'm sending you to hell!" said Discord. The wind soon picked up being that Zane soon noticed that the defeated and unconscious grunts ,including Chrovire, being pushed back and he stood there. "Wow. You're a real blowhard aren't you?" said Zane with a smirk. He soon saw a massive tornado ,containing several grunts, heading toward him.

They were soon flying all over the area with some of them hitting the Lacrima, killing them being that Chrovire wasn't one of them. Zane was confused why the tornado would do this but he was used to seeing people killing their allies so this wasn't a real shocker. "They're weak being that they can't defeat a single fairy. So sad." said Discord. He looked disappointed and saw that Zane looked at him with an apathetic look.

Discord said,"You don't care about me killing the weaklings? I'm impressed. I've heard rumors about your fairies getting so mad when we kill your friends or innocent people.". "Normally, I would be tearing you apart but you guys are evil and had this coming." said Zane. "I see. Bring it on. You're up against my Tornado Magic." said Discord. He aimed his middle and index fingers toward Zane with a magic circle appearing in front of them.

Several blades of pressured air went flying toward him with Zane dodging them with ease. Discord soon flew toward Zane with him cocking his left fist back and it was covered in wind. "You may be gliding along the air for increased speed but to me, you're too slow." said Zane. He soon jumped over the man and kicked him into the wall being that the fist caused the wall to have a hole in it, making a hole in it.

Discord turned to Zane with him saying,"So you're a nimble one aren't you? I know how to stop a nimble fairy like yourself with ease". Zane soon had a sick smile on his face with Zane turning into a new form. He was now a crimson red furred feline ,with him missing the tail, and pointed elf-like ears. He looked six feet tall. The left side of his wavy hair was white, the right side of his hair was black, and streaks of purple.

He has black tattoo like markings around his cheeks and forehead. His body is covered in fur except for the middle of his chest, face, and stomach being a snow white color. He has black stripes on his arms, legs, and shoulders. His pupils are cat like and has large pointed upper canines. His clothing is archer like and built for speed. He's wearing a pair of dark purple sunglasses with silver frames over his eyes. He's wearing a navy blue armored shirt with no sleeves, hood, and a scale theme.

He's wearing that over a dark green vest that also has a scale theme. He's wearing black pants and brown boots with silver laces. On his back, he has a quiver filled to the brim with arrows. It looked fused to his back. He has on a pair of long black fingerless gloves that allowed full dexterity. He's wearing black knee and shoulder pads. "Archer Form! Take this!" said Zane. He soon made an energy bow with him firing a barrage of arrows.

They were soon sent around him as Discord's eyes widened comically. "So you're an archer and a cat hybrid?" said Discord. "Yeah. I may be a cat but here's the thing. Don't judge a book by its cover big guy." said Zane. Discord soon heard ticking being that the arrows soon had dynamite strapped to them. He was covered in an explosion with Zane hearing,"Yeah. You're stronger than those other cats which are weak.".

The explosion was blown away as Zane said,"And that's something we can agree on.". He soon fired an arrow barrage at Discord, with them being blown away. "Do you really that will work on me because it won't work." said Discord. He was soon hit by a boxing glove with Zane saying,"Boxing Glove arrows. It's the classic trick arrow.". Zane soon jumped toward Discord with him slamming his energy bow into him. Discord couldn't catch him being that he was faster than him.

Zane soon jumped back with him firing several arrows with the end being rather sharp. Most of them were blown apart but a couple of them hit Discord. They pierced the wind wizard's body with blood gushing out of his body thanks to the arrows. He pulled them all out as he said,"I've been itching for a real fight for a long time and you're giving it to me so die!". Several wind blades were toward Zane with these blades being thicker and faster.

Zane deactivated Archer Form with him just standing there. They exploded upon contact with the teen standing there. The wind wizard smirked sadistically at Zane getting injured with him slightly annoyed that he was wasting this much magic on a child. The smoke died down with him seeing Zane's body covered in holes and covered in smoke. Discord's smile grew wider with him thinking if he should end him now but he was going to die from his wounds.

He needed some time to rest from his spell being that he wanted to make sure that no one was going to stop her. He began to walk away before he heard laughing coming from Zane. He soon turned to see Zane's body going back to normal as Discord said,"You're still alive?!". "Yeah. You really can't kill me with weak wind aka yours." said Zane. "Dam you! My name is Discord, master of the wind and I'm not a weakling!" yelled Discord.

His magic power focused in his palms being that two tornadoes came out of them being that they formed into a massive tornado. "Time to end this fight!" yelled Discord. It soon went toward Zane with him smiling. "Time to finish you off Discord! I figure out your Fatal Flaw! Hellfire Emperor Absolute Method: Purgatory Holocaust!" said Zane. "Fire can't stop my wind that will tear you apart my most annoying opponent!" yelled Discord. "Don't doubt me and my flames!" said Zane.

Zane soon held his hand above himself with a large fireball slowly appearing above Zane. He press his other hand on the ball with the flames exploding off the ball. The flame slowly changes into the shape of the sun. ”The world was born from the flames of the gods so it should die by flames!” said Zane. He throws the fireball at the wind being that it melted the wind, much to the shock. "How did you....." said Discord.

The fireball soon hit him, causing him to fly away from the impact. Upon hitting the wall, he coughed up a huge amount of blood. He was covered in burns being that Zane looked around. There was a lot of destruction with him also noticing that Cyrus was gone. "Great. I have to go find their leader and 3rd in command. I hope Sly and Twilight find that book. It's something important and I can't let those people lose their livelihoods. I'll fix my mess after I find them." said Zane. He was soon gone.

Inside of the mine, Sly ,in her dragon form, and Twilight were looking for the book. Before Zane got the dark guild's attention, he had Sly and Twilight looking for the book after he finding out the book's location. "So are we getting close? You and Zane share memories right?" said Sly. "We do and we're almost there." said Twilight. They soon found an door with Sly saying,"If you wouldn't mind opening the door.". Twilight turned part of her body into a key and she opened it.

The two soon floated in with it being just like the office room back at Crystal Peak. "So where is the book Sly?" said Twilight. The two soon looked around as Twilight soon made several tendrils ,that were black with a crimson red web like pattern, pick up several books to try and find it. "Oh. We have two other intruders. Colored me shock!" said a voice. They turned to see Jewell standing there with Sly said,"I thought you were fighting Zane.".

Jewell soon smiled as he said,"Zane. He's fighting that blowhard battlemaniac in the main room. My master asked me to grab his book.". The two saw that he was holding a demonic looking book with Twilight said,"That's the book.". "Yes. According to my master, this book will grant revenge to those who made us look stupid aka the Magic Council and the Balam Alliance. I'll see you two later." said Jewell. He soon ran away as Sly said,"Lets go!".

Jewell soon turned to see the two chasing him with him saying,"I didn't see that coming!". He soon focused his magic around him being that rock creatures ,with Lacrimas sticking out, came out of the walls. They had four sharp claws, a snake like tail, and muscular top half. "You won't be able to stop me and my creatures! My Beast Creation Magic can make an army out of any substance!" said Jewell as the rock creatures were about to attack them.

Twilight soon made several tendrils pierce through them, destroying them. "So do you think Zane is tracking us?" said Sly. "Mostly likely. We should get going." said Twilight. Sly increased the speed as Jewell said,"You'll never catch me especially with my Four Guardians!" The wall had four monsters appear from them but unlike before, these ones were colored different and made out of Lacrimas. One was Red, Blue, Green, and Brown. They also had horns.

Jewell said,"These four can control the fore core elemental type magics. You can't destroy them so easily!". "We'll just see about that. Abolish and Siesta." said a voice. The wizard was soon out cold with his creatures falling apart. The two turned to see Zane appearing from the ground with him standing there in a rocky form. He looked to be eight feet tall with him being a humanoid rock. He looked to be similar to Boulder Form.

His body is an obsidian black color with his arms and legs being a gray color. Both his arms and legs are long and tubular. He has five fingers with claws and three toes with claws. The top of his head is carved in a crown like shape with five sharp protrusions coming out of it. His face look human like. He has very angular and strong features with a square chin, straight nose, and sharp cheekbones. His hexagonal gem eyes are a glowing sky blue color. 

Zane's eyes commanded power and authority. His mouth is lined with sharp teeth. He wears a black jumpsuit that stops before his chest and before his knees. He's wearing white prison shackles ,that looked to be made out of quartz, around his ankles and knees. Sly poked Jewell's face with Twilight saying,"Wow. He went down fast. You didn't even have to try with him or use his own soldiers against him.". 

The rock monster nodded as he said,"Well Twilight, Chaos Form could have easily defeated his four creatures despite their ability to control the elements. They're still made out of rock aka something that Chaos Form makes into his servants. He reminds me of Lucy in terms of their abilities. From what I can tell, he has strong magic power but weak attack and defense.". "Yeah. That sounds like Lucy to me. So what took you so long Zane?" said Sly.

Twilight fused back with Zane as Sly said,"I really don't think that anyone of these guys gave you a challenge.". "Discord was pretty annoying with his wind being that I could have easily destroyed him with my electricity if I was serious. The reason why I'm late is because I sense Lucy and Natsu nearby we are with that perverted snowcone. I kinda pushed Lucy into the mud/swamp due to her not going through it." said Zane.

Sly sighed as she said,"Normally, I would say don't be a dick Zane but that girl needs a major reality check. So did she see you?". "Nope. The best thing about Chaos Form is that I can knock Lucy into the mud/swamp from a distance away and Natsu's sniffer couldn't track me. So where is that book?" said Zane. Sly held it with her saying,"Now where is their boss?". "Follow me and I'll show you." said Zane. Jewell was grabbed by Zane with the trio leaving the mines.

Back in Crystal Peak, Oliver stood on the outskirt of town with a group of civilians. The mayor was worried about Sly and Zane being that he convinced a group of civilians to help the young man and lizard fight against the dark guild. Before they could head to the mine, they soon turned to see Cyrus standing there. The guild master of the dark guild had a calm attitude but he was angered due to his top two subordinates being defeated by the same teen.

He wanted to get revenge on Zane for what he's done and upon seeing the magic less civilians, he found a way. He smiled darkly being that he loved to crush hope and killing them would do just that within seconds. "Hello folks. Going to help out that Fairy?" said Cyrus with a cheerful tone. "Who are you?" said a man in a rude tone. Even none of them were wizards, they could tell that Cyrus was a very bad man.

Cyrus chuckled sending chills down their spines. "I'm the leader of the dark guild that destroyed your precious mine!" said Cyrus. Their eyes widened in shock as Oliver said,"What?! You dare to show your face after all you've done!". The angry mob ,except for Oliver, charged at them being that Cyrus didn't have to try and defeat them. They were on the ground panting for the air and some were out cold.

Cyrus stood over Oliver with an evil smile on his face. "All of you are weak. I've taken over your precious mine and you have to hire outside help in order to stop me! How weak! If you have any last words, say them now." said Cyrus. "Screw you! We may have called outside help but the outside help made you look like a complete fool. That's the reason you're here right?" said Oliver. Cyrus growled as he jumped back. "Explode!" said Cyrus.

Oliver closed his eyes with the area ,around the elder, looked ready to explode. He wished to live but he knew that he couldn't stand a chance against the wizard. However, Cyrus soon saw the elderly mayor being saved from his spell. It engulfed the area in a massive explosion being that the rubble was everywhere. Cyrus looked for the person who saved the mayor with him seeing Zane ,still in Chaos Form, standing there, holding the man in his arms.

Zane looked serious being that he could tell that Cyrus had a similar magic power to Natsu. "So this guy is like Pinkie. He's also using explosions so this will be a fun fight." said Sivarth. Cyrus soon looked at the rock monster with him placing Oliver down. He could tell that this kid was going to be a opponent, worthy of his time. "So what's your name kid? I let the old coward live if you tell me your name." said Cyrus.

Zane soon smiled and he said,"My name is Zane Alvarez but I'm going by a different name Void Knight. So are you ready to get your but kicked?". "Funny kid, I was going to say the same about you Zane or Void Knight." said Cyrus. "Oliver. Get out of here. I'll handle him sir. I promise to fix the town and mines too. You did a good job at pissing him off." said Zane. "Thank you Zane." said Oliver. The elderly man was gone as Zane deactivated Chaos Form.

The Dark Wizard Cyrus and Super Hero Zane stood facing each other being that they were glaring at each other with sharp eyes. The area had an high amount of tension being that if normal people and wizards ,unless they were S-Class or powerful, could stay conscious. Cyrus looked at Zane with an excited glint in them. He knew that Makarov would be the only opponent is worth his time being that the book that he stole from those demons will grant him true power.

Zane was very much someone who impressed him being that he defeated all of the weaklings in his guild, Chrovire, Discord, and Jewell. He was going to enjoy this fight before he goes to Fairy Tail and kills them. Zane only hoped that this guy would be worthy of his time. The two soon disappeared before punching each other's fists in the middle of the street. The impact soon caused a large shock wave being that it reached the nearby houses. They caused cracks in the walls of the buildings.

They stopped and smirked at each other. They soon fired a barrage of punches at each other with each punch making contact or being blocked, they soon added kicks to it. Every time a physical hit made contact, they released a shockwave that destroyed the ground below them. Zane jumped into the air with him saying,"Alligator Rudder!". He soon kicked Cyrus ,in the head, back being that it send him back. He soon rushed toward Cyrus by jumping in the air.

He started to spin around ,very much like a drill, and he was going to slam both of his feet into the wizard. However, Cyrus blocked it and responded with a kick toward Zane's legs. Zane soon dodged the kick ,being that it caused an explosion, and it send him back a few feet away. However, Cyrus soon saw an chance to lay a smackdown on Zane. He soon appeared behind Zane in a second being that he punched him in the back of his head.

This attack sent Zane flying and crashing into the wall of a nearby house. The dark wizard soon had a magic circle appear in front of him as he said,"Devastating Outburst!". Zane was soon caught in a huge explosion being that a huge plume of smoke coming from it. Cyrus didn't let his guard down as he knew that his explosion wasn't going to kill him. He was proven right when a gust of wind made the smoke leave the area being that Zane stood there without any damage.

Zane smirked as he said,"Wow. That's a nasty explosion you got there! You must be a Dragon Slayer aren't you? I've meet one.". "You're right kid. I'm an Explosion Dragon Slayer!" said Cyrus with an highly arrogant smirk. "Okay. So is your dragon a living explosion? I mean that sounds cool but you aren't like the dragon slayer I know. You got a Lacrima inside of you. That's how I found you because of your magic power." said Zane. 

Cyrus scoffed as he said,"So? That didn't matter. I don't believe that crap about Dragon Slayers being raised by actually dragons! Dragons have been long gone!". "Oh. I think you'll be joining them once I finish you off!" said Zane. He was soon covered in his signature emerald green ,with an obsidian black tint, fire being that the area around Zane started to melt and boil. Cyrus was surprised to see how hot Zane's flames really were being that his clothes and armor melting in front of him.

Cyrus soon got ready to fight being that Zane decided to do something that wouldn't cause too much property damage. "Hellfire Emperor Bonanza!" said Zane. He focus fire into his right palm being that he soon fired a barrage of large fireballs toward Cyrus. Cyrus was shocked to see how fast they were going with him running around the area to evade them. Each ball burned a hole into the ground being that the dark wizard hissed a little in pain upon one piercing his shoulder.

He looked toward the hero with him soon firing the fireballs from both palms being that he couldn't escape from the attack, made it impossible to dodge. He soon screamed upon a massive one hitting his chest, that pierced his flesh and burned it. However, this was only a distraction with Zane being in front of him. "Hellfire Emperor Violent Outburst!" said Zane. Zane's arms were soon covered in fire as he soon violently slammed both palms into Cyrus.

His eyes were wide in sheer horror being unable to do anything to protect himself from the burst of flames that happen. After the flames finally died down, the Explosion slayer went down on knee. He was taking big gulps of air, feeling that he came back from hell and just barely escaped. He lightly chuckled before laughing loudly making Zane raised his eyebrow. "You maybe have gone a little overboard." said Cole.

Athena said,"He could also be a masochist from the start to be fair.". "She kinda has a point to say the least." said Kane. "Someone is finally worthy of my time! This pain that you have delivered to me! This feeling of pain is making alive!" cackled Cyrus insanely. Ever since he got this Lacrima, he hadn't had a real challenge in a long time. He hadn't been injured or pushed to his limits. He stood back up and stared at Zane, being that his red eyes glared at Zane.

Cyrus yelled,"You're finally worthy of my time!". He started to laugh with him sounding insane. "Thanks. That was just me getting started. I'm sure once I'm serious, you won't be around to cause any more damage." said Zane. The two started at each other with Cyrus flaring his magic, a explosion aura surrounded his body. The ground shook and debris was flying everywhere. The area was surround by a vortex of wind that was generated by the monster.

Everything soon stopped being that the ground and flow of magic just stopped. Cyrus and Zane soon rushed at each other being that their fists caused an huge explosion to occur. Upon it clearing, there was no clear sign of the fighters being that they were clashing fists back and forth at incredible speeds. Every time that they clash,they cause an explosion. Their shockwaves made short work of the Crystal Peak street.

The only thing that could been seen was an explosion blur in the shape of Cyrus. Zane soon appeared with him covering his leg in his dark indigo electricity ,with a black and white outline, with him getting on his hands. "Time for my Thunder Emperor Tornado Kick!". He soon spun himself very much like a dreidel. The thunder soon turned into a tornado with Cyrus blocked it with his own explosion kick.

The clash soon create a huge explosion. They reappeared again, but the two soon head-butted each other causing a crater below them. The two glared at each other with red and purple eye before the two punched each other in the face, causing a bigger than normal explosion. Zane soon placed his hands on the ground and he said,"Chaos Emperor Rhino Beetle Kick!". He covered his legs in steel being he sent them toward Cyrus's chin.

The blow connected and pushed him back a couple of feet. The blow connected and pushed him a few feet back and making a crater around him. Cyrus soon groaned in pain being that Zane didn't give him a chance to recover and charged at him, with his arm and fist into a giant version. "Time for my Avalanche Punch!". yelled Zane. He soon fire his arm toward Cyrus being that he was punched into a building, destroying it in the process.   

After emerging from the debris, Cyrus said,"You're strong kid! I love it!". Zane's punches and kicks hits really hard being that he didn't have the Dragon Slayer Lacrima, he surely would have died a few hits ago. Cyrus soon aimed his hands right in front of him being that a giant explosion went toward Zane being that he soon cupped his hands together. He screamed into them being that there was a highly condensed ball of sound.

He soon threw it toward the explosion being that it make the explosion effect the area instead of him getting hit. "Thank you Oblivion Napalm." said Zane. Soon after the explosion settled down, Zane looked up to see nothing but smoke from his explosion. Zane soon closed his eyes with him saying,"I know that you used your explosion to try and sneak attack me but it won't work.". Cyrus was above Zane being that he launched himself up there using explosions.

He joined his hands together with him shouting,"Die! Explosion Dragon's Impact!". Several rods of condensed explosion went down on Zane being that Zane just smiled. He dodged them with the area where the attack hit was completely destroyed. Cyrus soon pushed more magic into them with Zane stopping. "Time to stop these fireworks! Primordial Ordnance!" said Zane. Zane soon charged up a giant bomb of turquoise colored energy aka Primordial Energy.

He soon punched it toward the explosion being that they soon made a massive bomb covering the sky in turquoise coloring. After the explosion died down, the two were back in the air. Zane was floating in the air thanks to Gravity Drive and Cyrus kept himself into the air using his explosion. The dark wizard soon took a deep breath with his magic flaring. "Explosion Dragon Roar!". A giant and extremely powerful explosion from his mouth went toward Zane.

Zane turned intangible with the explosion going right through him. "Sweet Frenzy!" said Zane. The teen soon made several appendages appearing from his body being that he looked just like a human octopus. He soon rushed right toward Cyrus being that his arms soon inflate a bit. He soon launches a volley of punches upon them being that Cyrus was soon pounded down by them with the two of them heading toward the ground.

Cyrus's clothes were slightly tattered being that Zane's clothes were just fine. Zane send his fist toward the explosion wizard, hitting him in the face. Cyrus was send flying back as he spat out some blood from the attack. He soon responded with his own explosion kick with Zane turning himself intangible. The attack went right through Zane's abdomen as Zane said,"Time to fight man to man without magic or tricks!".

The two assaulted each other with punches and kicks. Their movements were so fast that anyone with untrained eyes couldn't see anything. The two exchanged blows for quite some time exhausting Cyrus for a bit and causing his defense to get sloppy, taking a lot of damage from Zane's attacks with Zane not seeming he's tired. The Dragon slayer let out a regular roar with him punching Zane in the face with an explosion infused fist. They were both engulfed an explosion.

When it cleared, Cyrus still had his fist in Zane's face. His face had a grin, with him enjoying his fight. Cyrus made the next move by grabbed Zane's left wrist and was spinning him around. Cyrus soon threw Zane into the ground with the earth shattering upon contact. Zane soon pushed himself up with Kane saying with a bored tone,"So are we going to do something? He's getting really annoying.".

Zane nodded with him rolling out of the way of the attack heading in his directions. When he came to a stop, he stood up and looked to see Cyrus wielding two hammers made out of explosions. "He may be trying to kill you Zane but those hammers look amazing." said Cole. "Arctic Shift! Sweet Arctic Claw!" said Zane with his skin turning light blue. It looked like he’s frostbitten or very cold and covered in ice that's actually his sweat frozen solid.

Zane send his arms toward his target being that his hands soon turned into a three claw limb. He soon grabbed Cyrus, being that the hit is so hard and Cyrus spun them around. He was soon blasted by a massive stream of ice from his arms. Cyrus saw the fist coming toward him being that he slammed the hammer into the arm. Another explosion shook the earth and Cyrus held his ground to prevent being blown away by the force of it.

When the smoke cleared, the Explosion Dragon slayer was unable to find the multi-haired and very much smoking teen. "Are you hiding from me again?!" yelled Cyrus. He soon found Zane but it was too late. "Zenith Sphere!" yelled Zane. Cyrus soon saw him a sphere of energy . His eyes widen in terror as he saw the attack heading toward him as he could only block by crossing his arms and taking the full brunt of it.

Cyrus soon let out a scream of pure agony with the intense energy hurting him. The heat was gone as Zane stood there, deactivating the technique. Cyrus was panting and sweating being that his clothes were gone except for his pants. His body was covered in frost bite. His face was soon contorted in a look of complete agony as he tried to steady his breath. "Y-you. You. YOU DAM FUCKING PIECE OF TRASH DIE!!" roared Cyrus as his magic spiked to insane levels.

His skin began to turn into exploding scales. His body bulged with muscles and his hands turned into claws along with his fangs growing even more. Zane smiled as he could tell that this guy hadn't been challenged since he got his power. He took a stance and waited for his enemy's next move. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane soon evaded the punch aimed toward his stomach. "Thank you absolute reflexes!" thought Zane.

Cyrus soon appeared above Zane with him joining his hands together and smashing them down at the teen, with the teen dodging the attack. The ground soon broke upon Cyrus's hands hitting the ground with Zane hearing,"Explosion Dragon Armageddon!". He sent a massive concentrated, destructive  explosion at the teen consuming him in a massive explosion that destroyed everything in the area and smoke was everywhere.

In a crater, the explosion wizard relaxed being that there was no way that he could have survived that explosion. Before Cyrus could celebrate, a shockwave emitted from the crater blowing away the smoke. Zane stood there with him missing his jacket, mask, and shirt being that he knew that if he was weak, he would have died. This explosion was nothing compared to the pain that he has suffered in the future.

Cyrus was furious with him roaring,"How are you still alive?!". He was getting annoyed with this kid being that he was surviving all of his attacks. "Honestly, I've been in much worse pain. If I died from a weak attack like that, it would bring shame to all of my enemies who tried to kill me. You're not the first person who tried to kill me." said Zane, with a smirk. "Shut up!" roared the dark wizard. He was soon surrounded his whole body in explosions.

He soon descended on Zane, his eyes filled with anger. The wizard cocked his fist back with him soon bringing it down on Zane causing an explosion blocking his view. When it died down, he could only look in shock as Zane stopped his attack with one hand. "You only stood no change against me Cyrus. I've faced with Fragokinetics before you." said Zane. Zane's eyes glowed molten gold much to the shock of Cyrus, stunning him. "You're going down." said Zane.

He soon punched Cyrus back with Cyrus feeling his head almost coming off his body. It soon sent the wizard straight through the ground, creating large drag marks in the earth. He soon stopped and stood back up, being that he was soon hit by an knee toward his stomach with making him screaming out in pain. Zane was far from finished as he spun in the air and slammed his foot into the wizard's head sending him hurling towards the earth.

Zane soon followed him being that he soon sent a barrage of punches and kicks that made the wizard spit blood. Zane soon jumped into the air with him saying,"Time to heat things up! Hellfire Emperor Absolute Method: Eclipse Strike!". Zane soon makes a giant and powerful fireball appear in his hand with him throws it toward the wizard and upon contact, it erupted in a tidal wave of flames with the wizard at the epicenter. The wizard screamed out in pain.

Zane soon landed on the ground with him waiting for Cyrus to come and beg for forgiveness. "So when do you want me to remake your jacket, mask, and shirt?" said Twilight. Just like with Kane and Sivarth, she could talk with Zane in a telepathic link. The smoke cleared to show Cyrus on his knees with his body covered in blood, wounds and burns. Zane was impressed being that not many of his enemies ,beside a couple, would have survive a rampage like that.

However, the explosion wizard was alive barely. Zane wondered just how much durability a Dragon Slayer Lacrima could given a person. Zane was snapped from his thoughts when Cyrus slowly got up from the ground with him looking at Zane. He had a very familiar glare to the hero. This glare was when one of his enemies would use any last resort to destroy his enemy even if it means to destroy himself. When he finally managed to stabilize, his magic spiked once again at insane levels.

Gusts of wind exploded out of him making Zane stumble back slightly and cover his eyes as the light from the explosion blinded him and the magic continued to grow even more. It eventually took the form of a gigantic explosion. Zane could tell that his magic power was growing but his body couldn't take it with Cyrus's body bulging out in many place. "Zane. I think you know what's he doing right?" said Athena.

Zane said,"Yeah. This idiot is going to make himself into a human bomb just to me. Brings back old times.". "Yeah." said Sivarth. "Cyrus! Stop! If you keep going, you can't get your revenge on the magic council if you kill yourself!" yelled Zane being that this explosion could possibly destroyed Crystal Peak. "He isn't listening to reason. We need to get rid of him." said Kane. "Right. Time to use that." said Zane. "Oh yeah! It's time for my powers to shine!" yelled Kane.

Zane soon focused and released his power through his body. "Time for both Scourge Armor and Mask!" yelled Zane. The teen soon changed. His sclera turn an empty white color with his irises and pupils being violet. His body is covered in crimson red, web like patterns that cover his entire body. He has pronounced fangs. His hair slowly turns grayish white being that it’s a middle ground between Kane’s White Hair and Zane’s Black Hair.

He wears a white hockey mask/skull with two slitted eye holes and seven pipe like extensions that goes completely around his head. The mask has two thick dark purple stripes making an “X” Shape but it doesn’t covers his eye holes.His skin is covered in a black layer that covers his entire body except for his face and right arm. It’s been compared to a bodysuit but attached to his skin. His body is soon covered in silver armor.

He wears pauldrons on both shoulders, breastplate which looks like a rib cage, knee pads, and elbow pads. He soon rushed toward the explosion, being that the earth was destroyed upon him starting his run. "Karmic Blitzkrieg!" said Zane. His hands were covered in black energy being that they soon formed into a large dragon-shaped shroud around it. He soon began punching the explosion with it slowly shrinking in size but it was still growing.

Zane soon stretched back his right arm with him saying,"This is over! Zenith Smash!". He soon sent it back being that it was covered in flames ,mainly thanks to friction, being that the ball was hit by a powerful punch. A explosion of flames appeared behind the explosion being that Zane sent the ball high into the air and making a large explosion upon reaching the sky. The entire city shook from the bast with Zane taking a breath of air.

He soon deactivated Scourge Armor and Mask being that he looked at where Cyrus would be standing but did not. Zane was soon greeted by the sight of the scorched form of the Dragon Slayer. Zane doubted that his opponent had survived his own attack. Normally Zane was against killing being that he'll do it if there is no other choice being that there is usually another choice. However, he knew that there would always be some people who truly don't deserve a second chance on life.

He was about to kill him when he heard the large sound of footsteps coming from behind him with him sighing. He soon a large group of Rune Knights standing with Oliver and Sly. Before finding Oliver, Zane hide the book in his pocket dimension. He was curious about this world's magic and wasn't going to let the Magic Council take it. He wasn't a fan of following rules that would normally be followed. 

The soldiers in question were clad in a garish uniform, highly reminiscent of those worn by real priests. They donned a long, high-collared, sleeveless dark robe over a light shirt with wide sleeves ending below the elbows, where they were circled by thin bands. The robe is covered on the front by a light cloth, bearing the dark, ankh-like symbol of the Council, held still by a light belt circling the waist.

Around the soldiers' neck was a long, light cape bearing the Council's insignia on the back, held closed below the throat by a rhomboidal clasp adorned by a gem, and on their head sited light headgear, with a decorated lower part, reminiscent of a mitre, but with three tops: A central one and two more at its sides. They also wore simple boots with the front parts of them were very much covered in vertical stripes.

Each Rune Knight was equipped with a long metal staff, ending in a sphere, seemingly a globe made of crystal, topped by a small cross. One soldier stepped forward ,with his magic power slightly higher than the others making Zane think he was probably the leader. "So the mayor has told us what has been going on here." said the council official. Zane sighed as he said,"I fought this guy and we have gone a little overboard but I'll fix it I promised.".

The leader looked at the boy with him saying,"You're part of Fairy Tail aren't you? No offense kid but your guild is filled with destructive idiots. No offense.". He knew that Fairy Tail Wizards take great offense to when their family or guild was made fun. He soon looked around and his eyes widened in shock at the state of the forest, he heard gasps of shock. He concluded that he wasn't the only one who hadn't noticed it up until now.

Zane said,"You're right about me being a member. However, get one thing straight. I'm going to try my best to make sure that I don't cause any damage during my fights. I hate being stereotyped and being called a destruction idiot is just the worst.". "I see. Sorry about us being late. The nearby base is a solid two hours away. So where are the other wizards?" said the leader. "In the mines. There was a couple of causality from Discord." said Zane.

The leader and the soldiers were gone with Oliver hugging Zane. "Thank you so much Zane! What can I do to thank you?" said Oliver. "Let Zane fix the town and mines. Zane was serious about not causing too much property damage. He isn't like the rest." said Sly. "Okay." said Oliver. He soon went back to the village with Zane sensing something. He soon found Cyrus's downed body with him thinking,"Nah. I'm not in the mood to kill him anymore.".

Kane said,"I'm just happy that you used my power.". Zane rolled his eyes as he turned to a crystal sphere being that in the middle of it, there was an explosion. "This must be Cyrus's Dragon Slayer Lacrima." said Zane. He soon took it as Sly said,"So how are you going to repair the town?". "A combo of my best repair guys." said Zane. He soon turned into Swift Form, with him running off to repair the town and mines.

About an hour before sunset, Zane stood there on the outskirts of Crystal Peak. Despite Zane telling the town that neither he and Sly wanted a party, they threw a party anyway. Zane had Saver ready to go as he said,"Thanks for the party Oliver. I really did look Crystal Peak's infamous Lacrima grilled steak. It was amazing.". "And you didn't want a party." said Twilight. "It's no problem on our part. It's the start of a new era for Crystal Peak." said Oliver.

Zane said,"Yeah and saving your town is just my second job as a wizard of Fairy Tail. This job was a decent warm-up for me.". "And here's your reward." said Oliver. Zane soon held a briefcase with Sly saying,"Zane. We're making a lot of money in a short period of time.". "Yeah. I think I could pay for Lucy's rent several times over." said Zane. "Will you?" said Sly. "Nah. I rather not help a spoiled brat like her." said Zane, placing the briefcase in his bag.

Zane smiled as he said,"Oh. Do you mind telling Master Makarov about my job's success? I would just love to see the old geezer shocked upon hearing my success.". "Will do Zane. May I ask why you wouldn't do that?" said Oliver. "He told me that I couldn't do this job but I showed him and them soon." said Zane. The old man was confused as Sly said,"It's a long story but let me just say Zane can be very petty and tends to be rather cocky.".

Oliver nodded with him saying,"I see. So are you heading back?". Zane put on his helmet with him saying,"Yeah. I'm planning on meeting with someone.". Sly ,in her salamander form, soon found herself on Zane's shoulders with her saying,"We're heading off. See you guys later.". Zane nodded with the teen driving off. The town waved to the superhero and his Akostar partner being that soon after Zane's visit, the town soon prospered for several decades.

After reaching the outskirts of Magnolia, the sun was setting and it looked nice. The two were soon heading toward their favorite reason being that Zane didn't want to scare the townspeople with his bike and head back to the guild. "So Zane, are we going to tell them about the book along with that very interesting Lacrima we found? I mean the latter of them will interest Pinkie." said Sly. "I'm not really feeling Sly. You know why right?" said Zane.

Sly said,"Can't they be trusted? I mean if we tell them, we'll get help. Oh and why did you let Blair write that interview?". "They could Sly but well, we've killed before. Even on vacation, I will kill someone if I really needed. From what I gathered, those Fairies aren't a fan of killing people aka what I'm doing to her. Cyrus got lucky because I was going to kill him but the magic council very much saved his life. And who actually believes tabloids?" said Zane.

Sly sighed as she said,"I wish that you were kidding about that but you're right.". "Yeah Sly. I mean before I came along, people actually used to believe that the Earth is flat. There are some dimensions where that is the case but most dimension aren't." said Zane. "You forget people's names if you don't give a fuck about them." said Sly. "True but how often does that happen?" said Zane. "More often than you've noticed." said Sly. "True." said Zane with a smile thinking back.

Cole said,"Old man!". He was soon smacked by Twilight as the space princess said,"Wow. That never stops being fun.". "Yeah. So why did this book and Lacrima interest you Z?" said Kane. "Dark magic is all over both of them. So lets get something to eat before I spend all of tomorrow and a little bit of the next day doing research." said Zane. "Sounds like a plan to me Zane." said Sly. The two walked off to get something.

Next time,
With Cyrus's Dragon Slayer Lacrima and the strange book that the dark guild Valiant Wraiths, Zane do some research in dark magic which is a really dumb name. After spending an unhealthy amount of time spending looking for anything, Zane gets to learn more about dark magic through his guildmates at Fairy Tail. What does that mean? Will we finally meet Erza and how will Zane react to her? This and more next time on Fairy Legion!

Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Stealth Form. This card has a black frame with a creature ,made out of shadows, being chased from the police under the bright moonlight through the city. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 49 and it doesn't have a Prime Form. 

Archer Form. This card has a black frame with a bow and quiver held by a cat like creature in a forest like background. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 45 and it doesn't have a Prime Form. He an expert short being that he can hit a target with his eyes closed by a blindfold.

Chaos Form. This card has a black frame with Earth in the background and a person standing in front of it. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 84 and its Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet. When Zane places this card inside, he's one with the Earth.

New Cards/Forms that haven't been seen in Zero yet:
Matter Form. This card has a black frame with an object going through the three main states of matter aka gas, liquid, and solid. This Form hasn't been in Zero yet and it doesn't have a Prime Form. He's an master of chemistry and become any state of matter Zane wants solid, liquid, gas, or plasma.

Edens Zero Picture:

Valiant Wraiths: Main Three.
Cyrus: Orange Hair and Explosion Dragon Slayer.
Discord: Blue Hair and Tornado Wizard.
Jewell: Brown Hair and Beast Creation Wizard.

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