Monday, December 10, 2018

Fairy Legion Chapter 21 Arrival in the Village of Flowers

Disclaimer: This Post had originally been posted on November 20, 2018 at 4:36 PM. I'm reposting this Chapter along with Fairy Legion Chapters 1-26 because of a massive plot change. If you've read this story before, not much will have changed except Zane's reason for going to the Fairy Tail Dimension. The Author Note and whatever I talk about in them may or will be extremely outdated today or I'm somehow seeing the future so just ignore if you want.

A/N: Yep. That was a long episode and I may be really wrong about finishing the filler by Chapter 23 or 24. I have a strong feeling that this arc involving the Dark Outriders and Blossom Village will last for a while. I can also promise that this Author Note won't be as long being that I'm not doing another two episodes's Author Note plus a secret one at the end. Lets begin with some random but important stuff.

So Smash Bros Ultimate is about three weeks as writing this being on 11-16-2018, I'll be enjoying the eventual revival of the five DLC characters not because I'm interested in who Nintendo is going to pick and how it isn't going to be a highly fan requested character like Waluigi or Shadow being that I'm enjoying the salt. Don't get me wrong. I think that it'll be interesting to see both characters that I mentioned before but in the mean time, I'm going to enjoy playing Piranha Plant.

I also think that Waluigi doesn't deserve to be in Smash because well, I don't like the character. It may be due to very petty reasons ,that involves Mario Party and Youtube, but to me, I don't think he's iconic to be in there. If he ever gets an appearance in a mainline Mario Game or Wario Game, then maybe. Shadow could work well as an Echo Fighter. The big thing that I'm looking forward to is the new adventure mode being that the vocal track that played alongside is amazing.

It's just like Jump Up Super Star for me being that those songs really sold the games for me. The next thing that I want to talk about is One Piece and no, it isn't the chapter recaps for 922-924. That will come soon I promise. The thing that I want to talk about is the Water 7 Saga being that I'm currently re watching it with all of my knowledge of the series. I'll say one thing. One Piece ,in terms of its animation, has only gotten better over time.

I mean I can tell that it's the characters but well, it doesn't look their best. I get why they use their best for those really important scenes mainly in the Enies Lobby Arc which I'm hyped for. I'll also thought of something while I was watching Water 7. I wonder what the character of Paulie would do in the world of Fairy Tail. I mean Paulie is a character that is a major prude to how the female characters like Nami, Kalifa, and Mozu and Kiwi show off so imagine him in Fairy Tail.

I mean he would be outraged constantly. You may ask why I brought that up. I often think questions like this when I'm watching TV or at work. It keeps me busy and my mind is occupied. So I'm pretty sure that the next Author Note or the one after that will have the final chapter recaps for One Piece plus I plan to do something from Edens Zero and the Sequel Series. I have a lot to talk about with both of them so lets begin at the Magnolia Train System. See, I can make short Author Notes.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane soon arrived at the train station being that he didn't get a chance to compare it to the other train station back in his dimension because the duo of Gray and Natsu froze and burned the water fountain being that Kane said,"So how are we going to get rid of your entourage? I mean they've been following us for awhile now.". Zane looked behind him to see Team Natsu stalking him and in his honest opinion, they were doing a crappy job.

Their "attempts" at being sneaky caused the townspeople to look at the five with Zane saying,"I'll figure it out. I just hope I can get rid of them before I arrive at Blossom Village.". He walked inside of the building being that he soon went to the reception to buy tickets and some rations to make sure that he doesn't starve on his way to Blossom Village since it was going to take some time. "Is that all you need sir?" said the receptionist. Zane looked at her as he smiled.

Zane said,"Actually, I need one more thing from you. If any wizards from Fairy Tail come asking about me, you'll lead them in the wrong way right?". The receptionist nodded rapidly as Zane walked toward the train heading toward Blossom Village. "Thank you Conner for teaching me a master of the ladies." thought Zane. The train soon arrived being that the conductor exiting the train to meet with him being that from what he heard, he was very familiar with Fairy Tail.

The conductor ,who looked to be in his later years, said,"So where are you heading to Mister Void Knight?". He tipped his hat toward Zane as he said,"I'm heading to Blossom Village and I need to make sure that no one from my guild is following me. I'm sure you know why.". The conductor soon nodded as he said,"Yeah and you seem to be less rambunctious than your guild mates.". The two shook hands with the conductor said,"So are they following you now?"

Zane slowly nodded as he said,"Yes and you'll be able to see them if the sun blew out. I asked the receptionist to lead them in the wrong direction.". The conductor nodded as he said,"You're quite lucky since this train here is going nearby Blossom Village. You'll have to take a carriage the rest of the way there though.". "I'll be fine. Thank you sir." said Zane. He headed into the train with the conductor blowing the horn.

Zane soon sat down in a random aisle being that he remember seeing the specially marked room labeled,"Titania's Storage Room.". Zane rolled his eyes at that being that he wondered why she need all of that stuff to begin with. The train doors slowly closed with the conductor alerting all boarders that the train was now going to leave the station. As the train began to move, Zane gazed outside of the window to see Team Natsu going to the wrong way with Zane smirking. 

Meanwhile, Gray looked bored as he watched Erza and Natsu look for Zane. "So explain to me why we're following Zane despite Sly telling us not to." said Gray. He was talking to Happy and Lucy with the cat saying,"Because that job sounds like fun!". "And Erza thinks that Zane was lying." said Lucy. Erza looked at the duo of Gray and Lucy with her saying,"He was since for him, he loves to lie to us. I highly doubt that Clifton would look so concerned if it was a simple job like Wyverns.".

Lucy sweatdropped as she said,"Wyverns are simple to you?". "Yeah. Erza is really strong and Wyverns are really stupid." said Happy. Natsu walked toward them as he said,"Well, I can't track Zane's scent anymore. I think he went on a train.". "Way to go Ash for Brains. So can we go back to the guild and find a real job?" said Gray. "No. We shall find a different way to Blossom Village. He may not want our help but he should accept it. Let us go check the map." said Erza.

Erza walked toward the map with Happy and Lucy following her. The two human males stood there as Gray said,"Natsu. Can't you get her to stop? I'm practically begging you.". "Nope and I want to help Zane too! He's super strong and well, I really think he can help me get stronger to protect my family." said Natsu. "I guess man. So do you think that you can convince him to train you?" said Gray. "I know that I can because me and him are best buddies." said Natsu.

Gray rolled his eyes as the two went to join Erza's group to evade her anger. The five of them were soon at a map display of Fiore being that Lucy said,"So where was he going again?". "Blossom Village." said Erza. The five soon found that it was in the center of Fiore being that there was a train station nearby the station but the town itself was a good carriage ride. "Well, we better get going. If that was the last train, we shall take a Magic Vehicle." said Erza.

Natsu's face turned green with horror as he whined out,"Can't we just walk there?!". "Or maybe leave Zane alone. Even if he does accept our help, he isn't going to pay us." said Gray. Erza looked at the two with a scary look. "Lets go! To Blossom Village!" said Gray and Natsu. "And they're back to be whipping by Erza." whispered Happy. Erza glared at him, causing him to hide behind Lucy. "Lucy said it! Not me!" said Happy. Lucy sighed as this was going to be a long time.

After five minutes on the train, Zane was comfortable in his seat and was enjoying the outside view of the travelling land. "Hey there. Mind if I sit with you?" said a sweet, innocent voice. Zane heard that voice and turned away to see the girl standing there. She's a pretty young woman ,being that she looks to be nineteen years old, with her being an average height for a girl being 5 foot 7. She's still shorter than Zane but even back home, he's tall for a male.

If he really thinks about it, he's only known a handful of girls who were over 5 foot 4 being that they were either meta humans or just genetically taller than normal. This even applied to this dimension being that only Erza, Ultear, and Ur are taller than 5 foot 4. It's kinda a shock to see that Mira is almost a foot shorter than Zane being that not even her standing on her tiptoes will reach Zane's height mainly when he's stretching his bodies.

Anyway, this girl's skin is light peach colored. She has short silver hair ,with it having a natural glow to it, and her hair goes down to the back of her neck and her bangs ends just above her sapphire blue color with noticeable eyelashes. She has a button nose with a light layer of freckles. Her physical appearance is like most women in this dimension being very curvy aka a ample bust and hourglass figure but unlike most women, she has a athletic and toned figure.

This is shown thanks to her toned stomach with a small six pack noticeable. She wears a revealing outfit, being that Zane can tell that she’s proud of her body and tends to show it off when she can which is something Zane can admired as someone who truly like freedom and the female form being that he oddly liked the former than the latter since arriving here, he hadn't personally seen a model like woman except for mothers and elderly but even they were quite beautiful in their own ways.

She wears a sleeveless black mini-tunic with a scarlet red stripe, two red pockets, and a black lacy collar. This goes past her waist. She has unzipped, revealing off her ample bust and her red and purple bikini halter top. Even with her toned stomach covered, Zane could tell that she's more strong than Lucy and even Erza. She wears a dark blue mini-skirt with silver stripes on the sides. Her skirt reveals a good amount of her long, toned legs.

She wears black lycra mini-leggings underneath her skirt. She wears her skirt with a red and white belt which has a gold belt buckle. She wears maroon knee ,high heeled, boots with black laces and soles. She wears a pair of black socks underneath. Her footwear looked more built for combat rather than showing off her feet. For accessories, she wears a silver headband and a gold necklace ,around her neck, with a bell shaped amulet.

These have been with her since she was a child and how do I know this. Just wait and see. She wears a black ,silk, finger-less glove over her left hand. She wears two silver metallic bracelets around her wrists which can activate an gauntlet that covers her entire arm which works as a shield. You may be asking why I'm putting this here. Lets just say that I'm sure that I'll forgot about this in the future or something else. She has a tattoo on her left shoulder.

The tattoo is an elaborate, dragon style tribal-like tattoo which is done in black ink. She wears cherry red lipstick. She has a purple messenger bag on her. She has a scar on her body being that it starts from her right nostril and ends just after her lower lip and above her chin. Zane could tell that it couldn't be healed or she didn't want it healed because most scars have a story behind them just like his. Zane shrugged as he said,"Sure. It's a free country.".

The girl smiled as she sat across from him being that she crossed her leg over another as she rested her hands on her lap. Zane noticed that she was looking right at him as he said,"So are you going to tell me your name or are you going to interrogate me for mine first?".  "And we don't need to be interrogated anymore than we already have." said Kane. The girl blushed a bit as she said,"Sorry about that. I'm still shocked that you would allow me to sit next to you.".

Zane's right eye rose as he said,"I told you that it's fine but whatever.". "My name is Stella Lockhart and currently, I'm a traveling wizard. I'm just shocked why the Void Knight is heading to Blossom Village." said Stella with her looking him over. "For work." said Zane with a shrug. "Wow. That's a very blunt answer. I expected you to go in great detail about the job you're on but you're not the Prude Knight either." said Stella.

Zane raised an eyebrow as Stella said,"What? I mean I know she's your guildmate but she's a total prude! I actually met her once and she told me to cover up my body! She isn't my mom and if I want to show off my body, I should! I was even at the pool! What does she expect me to do?! Wear a dam suit of armor!". "Stella. Calm down." said Zane. Stella looked around and saw that everyone was looking at them.

Stella soon sunk in her seat ,mainly to avoid staring being that they stopped thanks to Zane glaring at them but Stella didn't know that, as she said,"Sorry about that Void Knight. I just don't like her and when I'm really emotional like that, I go overboard. So why didn't you sock me?". Zane sighed as he said,"Unlike my guildmates, I don't give a fuck if you insult them. So do you want to know about me? If I do, you have to tell me about you in the process. Sound fair? Also call me Zane.".

Stella rose up as Zane said,"Titles are meaningless to me because well, it gets really annoying after a while.". Stella nodded with her holding a Sorcerer Weekly which she pulled out of her chest because where else would it be on her person. She has no pockets. This caused her chest to bounce which soon caused nosebleeds all around them. "Wow. She's really busty! I know that it isn't saying a lot but she may be more busty than either Mira and Ultear!" said Cole.

Kane said,"I would say that this would be a paradise for Kevin if he wasn't an ass man. Zane must be happy since he's a tit man but that's mainly because he likes says that he's a breast man. I think it's a pun.". "So should I hit them or let them keep talking?" said Athena. "Flip a coin. I honestly don't care Athena." said Sivarth. The duo of Cole and Kane were hit as Zane said,"So what's your first question?".

Stella said,"Well, it's about the Infinite Void.". Zane's smile soon disappeared being that Stella was pretty sure that she stepped on a landmine. "Wow. She's smooth just like you." said Twilight. Stella soon said in an flustered tone,"Sorry! I didn't know that this was a personal subject for you so please don't be.....". "It's fine. It's just that the Infinite Void isn't a place that I'm not a big fan of. I've been there for short bursts of time but someone really close to me did for ten plus years." said Zane.

The girl sighed in relief as Zane readjusted in posture. "The Infinite Void is an alternate dimension that serves as a prison for the worst of the worst." said Zane. "Hold on. Is Blacktomb Detention Center there as well? I mean the article says that you went there and broke into it in order to save your brother. When I was reading that story, it was driving me to tears. You were amazing being that not even acid could stop you." said Stella, punching the air in front of her.

Zane shook his head as he said,"Yeah. That was a good time in my life Stella. However, thinking that Blacktomb Detention Center is a common misconception so you're not wrong. Blacktomb is in its own separate dimension and has been ran by the Alliance for a long time. The IV or Infinite Void is pretty much where a person goes to die and most of the time, innocent people died there by killing others or going insane.".

Stella nodded as she wanted him to keep going. "Most of the time, the IV is pretty much impossible to get into." said Zane. Stella looked interested as Zane said,"Only higher beings and those who can travel between the Omniverse without the need of outside help. I escaped thanks to outside help. So do you know want to know what the Infinite Void looks like? I can give you an example of what it is if you want.". Stella nodding as Zane smiled..

Zane said,"Well, it's an rather messed up place being that makes hell look friendly. Over time, all beings inside of it will have their minds completely warped, becoming paranoid and not trusting anyone or anything for a good period of time. This turns normal and kind people into hostile and rapid monsters being called insane.". "Wow. That place doesn't sound very friendly. I know that it's a no shit comment but someone had to say it." said Stella.

Zane sighed as he said,"Truer words have never been spoken. Despite that, some species have learned to grow and adapt to live inside in that hellhole. I mean I wouldn't at all recommend you going there because it's hell. I mean it's eat or be eaten there because well, that is the only way to get food there meaning killing will happen.". Stella placed a hand over her mouth as Zane could tell that she was shocked. She soon came to a realization being that she remembered what Zane said before. 

Stella said,"So if it wasn't your brother who went to the Infinite Void, who went there and did you ever go there? I mean from what you told me, that place sounds like the worse.". Zane soon began to chuckle being that he said with a grin,"It was my father who was there for a decade and then I went there for about a couple of hours. I know that you're going to ask and well, I did but I'll admit that I was very hungry until I was rescued.".

Stella looked at him with some confusion being that she was wondering why Zane was talking about this place with such a lax attitude. "When I went there, I was still rather young in my opinion. I need energy to recover. Me and my dad were in there for differing periods of time but both of us will admit that it was like living in the wild. I was lucky that I was already considered to be paranoid before I went in there." said Zane with him putting his arms behind his head.

Stella smiled as she said,"You're even stranger than what the rumors saw about you. I like that about you Zane.". "Thanks. Most people find my rather lax nature about serious topic rather strange but it is nice to hear someone talking about them in a good way. So since you got to ask me a question, can I ask you one?" said Zane. "Sure go ahead Zane. I'm pretty sure that my answer will seem rather basic compared to your answers." said Stella.

Zane said,"You're a Dragon Slayer aren't you Stella?". "Indeed I am Zane. So how did you know that now exactly?" said Stella. Zane soon pointed to his teeth as he said,"The sharper teeth were a dead giveaway. I have to ask. Why aren't you puking your guts out?". "Unlike the Dragon Slayer from your guild, I'm of a later generation." said Stella. "Interesting. I've heard that they're much stronger than this generation." said Zane with Stella nodding.

Cole said,"Don't they eat dragons? Ask her what it taste like!". "If you say that, you'll get slapped hard." said Twilight. "That's actually cool Stella. From what I know about Dragon Slayers, the fifth generation seems to be the best one. I mean you are way better than Natsu. You'll hopefully not be challenging me to a fight and then be promptly defeated without breaking a sweat." said Zane. "You seem like someone who I rather not piss off." said Stella, holding up her hands.

Sivarth said,"Finally! Someone in this dimension who doesn't want to piss us off. I thought that it would never happen.". The two began talking being that it was mainly about Fairy Tail and how destructive they can be being that they were slowly becoming friends over their short train ride there being that Stella reminded Zane too much of Rachel being that it wasn't a bad thing but Zane was wondering if he should ever introduce her to Rachel because they would get along too well.

He also learned about her other magics that she had being that Zane was slightly impressed being that most wizards in this dimension seem to specially in just one magic. This wasn't a bad thing but to someone who likes to make sure that he has no exploitable weakness, it was kinda annoying to see being that Lucy was the biggest reasons. He was wondering if he could convince that Stella to join Fairy Tail and join his team of himself and Sly so far. It may change.

About two hours later, the two arrived at their location being that the conductor alerted its boarders of its arrival to the station. "Shoot and here, I thought that the train ride would never end." said Zane as the two left the train. "At least, you're not with Prude Knight." said Stella. "Oh thank the gods I'm not! I mean have you seen the mountain of luggage she lugs around?" said Zane. Stella nodded with the two leaving the train station.

Zane looked at Stella as he said,"So are you sure about doing this? I mean I'm not stopping you for doing this but....". "Yeah. I mean those dark guild bastards are going to pay for what they're doing plus it's my home." said Stella. "So do you think we have to take a carriage there or what? I mean we both know the best way there right?" said Zane. "Just fly low and not too fast Zane. The people that are around here aren't real big fans of wizards." said Stella.

Zane nodded as Stella said,"Well, aren't you going to transform into one of those forms you have? I mean you have over a million of them and I'm pretty sure that they.....". Zane soon transformed as the girl saw that Zane looked different. Zane was now in Archangel Form being that he looked angelic to the girl. He looked to be eight feet tall, having chin length white hair, and heterochromia eyes. His left eye is a blue color and right eye was a red color. His figure is skinny yet muscular with pale skin. 

He looked to be female and Zane wasn't going to deny that. He's wearing a white sleeveless shirt with black sides. He wears black shorts with these shorts covering most of his legs. He's wearing a brown belt with a gold cross shaped belt buckle on his waist. He wears brown sandals with crossing black bands and fuzzy white trims. He wears gold arm bands. On his back, he had a pair of decently sized white angel wings. He wears a gold halo over his head. 

Zane held out his right hand with him saying,"So are you ready to fly?". Stella nodded with Zane smiling. "Okay then. Hang on tight Stella and for the love of the gods, don't let go of me." said Zane. Stella grabbed onto his hand being that he soon grabbed her and carried her bridal style. "Hey Zane! What are you doing?!" said Stella with a blush on her face. "It's easy to fly to the villages of flowers so just hold me tight." said Zane.

The angel was soon in the air being that he soon flew toward the town. Instead of feeling scared, the Dragon Slayer felt at ease in the angel's arms despite them not looking very strong. The two soon arrived on the outskirts of the village being that he let Stella down. "So how was flying with Air Zane?" said Zane. "Fine. So are we almost there?" said Stella, with her blush slowly going away but it was still there. "Yeah. I can see the flowers from here. Its quite a sight." said Zane.

Stella soon turned to see her home in the distance as she said,"So why are at least a couple of miles away?". "Didn't you tell me to fly low and not too fast? I mean you don't want to scare the poor people when they've been through a lot right?" said Zane. "Yeah but I really didn't expect you to listen to them. I heard that most wizards from Fairy Tail are well known for not listening to orders and just going with their own plan with it somehow working in the end." said Stella.

Zane soon deactivated Archangel Form as he said,"Yeah but I'm not like them and if you think of me like that, I'll be in a really bad mood.". "Ah. I'll try my best and not make you mad. You did tell me stories about you being mad." said Stella. Zane slowly nodded as Sivarth said,"She's a smart girl. I like her a lot.". The two soon began walking toward town being that there were soon stopped by a woman's voice shouting,"Stop! Thief! My purse! He stole my purse!".

With their enhanced senses, the two both saw a punk ,with a very spiky looking mohawk, running away from an older woman being that he had pushed her to the ground and had her purse in his hands like a football. "So do you want to handle this one? I mean there could be spies." said Zane, putting his hands behind his head. "Sure. Be amazed at my skills." said Stella with Zane going toward a wooden fence and leaning upon it.

Stella stood there being that the thief didn't see either of them. "Ha. This was an easy job. Those guys are going to be real happy with me soon." said the thief. He soon stopped in his track when he saw Stella standing there with a defiant look on her face as Zane smirked. "How about you give up that purse because my friend here is going to destroy you if you don't and that purse with you is a major fashion disaster." said Zane.

The thief just chuckled as he said,"Aren't you funny? You honestly think that your girlfriend can stop me. You'll both be sleeping with the fishes soon enough.". He soon pulled out a gun being that it was powered by a red lacrima in the hilt. He aimed it right at Stella with her saying,"Okay. We warned you. Earth Make: Prison!". She soon slammed her hands onto the ground as the thief said,"You're a wizard?! I thought there were only like twelve of them in this area.".

All around him, the earth rise being that it soon made a prison cell around the thief, dropping the gun and purse in the process. The thief soon grabbed onto the bars being that Zane said,"And here's a prime example of what happens when you steal. So did you learn your lesson or what?". The man was soon in defeated being that Stella said,"I guess he did.". "Yeah. Nice job with that Maker magic by the way." said Zane, picking up the purse. 

The two soon heard,"Nice job there.". The two soon saw an officer standing there being that he was confused about what just happened being that he said,"You've really grown up haven't you Stella? I mean this magic is quite impressive.". "You know this guy?" said Zane. "Yeah. Blossom Village and the surrounding villages have very few people who can actually use magic like the wizards from the big city." said the officer.

Kane said,"Yeah. This guy has Ethernano inside of him like most people in this dimension but I doubt he can access it.". "So who is your friend here? I hope he can handle Vernon when it comes to his daughter and boys. You know how he was with Barry" said the officer, collecting the purse from Zane. Stella blushed as Zane said,"We are just friends officer. I'm actually from the big city and I came here to see my friend's hometown and like her, I'm a wizard.".

Before they left the train, Zane removed the Fairy Tail Mark just in case Dark Outriders had any spies in the area or at the station. That may change however. "Ah. I still can't believe kids so young can be such capable wizards. So what type of magic do you use son?" said the officer. "He uses Take Over Magic. I think he's one of the best because most of the time, he pulls off impressive full-body transformations." said Stella. "It's also like Requip Magic." said Zane.

The officer looked confused as Cole said,"Wow. He looks like Danny when Gwen explains something about magic to him.". "Take-Over magic allows you to the wizard to change their form to matched a captured animal or beast in your arsenal and Requip is switching weapons out or in Zane's case, he can manipulate different magics." said Stella. Zane was slightly impressed with Stella's deduction skills being that she didn't sound high and mighty like Erza did or does constantly.

The officer said with him nodding his head,"Okay. Thanks for explaining it to me Stella. So in the big city, is this guy better than the Demon of Fairy Tail?". "Yeah. I mean the demon was really good but Zane's transformations are all unique and different." said Stella. "To think that there is another wizard of such power in these parts. Heck, the strongest wizard in these parts is the Forest Wizard Vernon." said the officer.

Zane looked at Stella with him saying,"So is this Vernon guy strong or what?". "Kinda. He was once with a guild called Phantom Lord about ten years ago. He left for some unknown reason but he soon returned back to his hometown in order to make it one with nature." said Stella. "She's right. I guess you two should be going. Can't have the dead attacking you now can I?' said the officer. The two went toward Blossom Village as the officer went to try and free the thief.

The two were soon on the outskirts of Blossom Village as Zane said,"So do the dead actually attack you around here?". "Nope. It's just a rumor to scare off people who would hurt villagers. I mean do you actually believe that kind of stuff?" said Stella. "Well, I've seen a lot of stuff in my life and the zombies coming back to life isn't that far fetched to me." said Zane. "Yeah. I'm pretty sure that we only have to deal with Dark Outriders not the undead." said Stella.

Zane nodded as he said,"So does Vernon talk of his days in Phantom Lord?". "Not very often but he says that it was an interesting period of his life. Why do you ask? I mean I heard that Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail have a rivalry." said Stella. "Yeah and from what I researched, it's pretty bad. I mean it makes the Cypress High's Oxs rivalry with our rivals school look pretty small in comparison. They apparently fight whenever they come in contact with each other." said Zane.

Zane turned to his watch as he said,"Hey Athena. Mind playing the information about Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail's rivalry we found.". Stella was confused before she remembered that Zane's watch has two A.I.s inside of it. "Sure thing. The rivalry between Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord began in the year X768. It was during an annual meeting of the guild masters. The masters had gotten drink and Makarov began bragging about his guild and all of the wizards a part of it." said Athena.

Zane sighed as he said,"That's the old man for you. I mean we're strong but most of our wizards cause more property damage than even dark guilds.". "Anyway, Jose Porla aka the guild Master of Phantom Lord try to compete his guild against Makarov. This eventually led to bad-mouth Fairy Tail, angering Makarov. This ended up with a fight." said Athena. "Typical guys. They usually resort to fighting to settle any problems instead of something more constructive. No offense Zane." said Stella.

Zane shrugged as he said,"If it wasn't true, I would be mad plus I'm an Eazairvian so technically, I'm neither gender.". "It's still kinda weird to learn that you're actually an alien and you're from another dimension. Sorry about interrupting your story by the way Athena." said Stella. "It's fine. I'm used to it at this point. Makarov won and Jose was beaten quite badly according to the records of the other guild masters." said Athena.

Cole said,"And as a result of this beatdown, Jose never attended a regular guild master meeting and in turn, it started the rivalry between the Phantoms and the Fairies.". "Wow. This Jose guy sounds like a really sore fucking loser to me. Good thing Vernon left before the rivalry. I rather not having him hating me just because I'm in Fairy Tail." said Zane. Stella nodded as the two finally reached the outskirts of Blossom Village being around night time when they arrived.

It was very well fitting for the name. The town ,from an aerial view, looks smaller than Magnolia but it was more of a city rather than a town. It has several beautiful building with plants and flowers lying about everywhere. Most of the building in town were seemingly one floor with a few of them being more than one floor. Zane could see a church out in the distance. The pathway that led into the village was surrounded by a lake filled of lily pads and water flowers.

The pathway itself was lit up by what appeared to be vine stalks with illuminating glowers. It was something out of a fairy tale story but to Zane, this was nothing compared to some very beautiful sights in the Omniverse. He looked around being that it was rather peaceful. "Wow. This place is really nice." said Zane. "Yeah. It really is. I love coming back here. So who do you have to meet for your job?" said Stella. "The mayor in her home. Is there is an inn around here?" said Zane.

Stella nodded as she said,"Yeah. It's ran by Vernon so you'll be meeting him soon.". "Ah." said Zane with him nodding his head. As they were heading toward the inn, there were very few people were out on the streets. "That's weird." said Stella. "How is this weird? I mean I've never seen this many people out at night." said Zane. "Well, this town is known for it's partying but right now, it looks we're preparing for a funeral." said Stella.

Zane noticed that everyone did look gloomy and melancholy being that no one looked motivated to do really anything. Most of them looked terrible being that they looked to be ready to die and if they did something out of line, they would be killed. They were trying to hang up banners that all of them said,"Flower Ceremony" being that according to his research, it's their biggest party that involved flowers and honoring the dead.

It was like Day of the Dead being that Zane loved their holiday more than Halloween and way more than Christmas. As he got older, he lost a lot of comrades and people being that he often went to go party with Phantoms in the dimension of the dead aka Terrarune on the day being that it was always a good time. "So are we going to stay here once we rid this town of its darkness? I mean they have something called Rosemary Lotus." said Kane.

Zane nodded being that it had a good amount of alcohol in it and well, Zane always liked to improve his pallet being that he was pretty sure that Cana couldn't survive Dragon's Ale. The two did pass by some random townsfolk  being that they waved to the two of them. "Huh. I totally thought they would be against strangers." said Sivarth. Stella and Zane soon stopped to see a mother walking with her son and daughter.

The girl looked older maybe one to two years older than her brother. The mother looked terrible being that she soon pulled her children closer to her. "Goodbye." whispered the mother. Zane looked right at her being that she soon turned right into dust being that Zane's left fist clenched up. Both of the children looked confused as they walked away. "Okay. What the hell was that?" whispered Stella as Zane could hear the anger in her voice. "Don't know but we'll stop it." said Zane.

They were about to reach the inn being that a swooshing sound was heard from the air being that two tendrils moved Zane's headphones to above his eyes just as a large ka-boom went off. Stella jumped from it being that the skies were soon lit up with the explosion of fireworks. They weren't very loud or large to begin with but they were enough to light up the area the two wizards were in. "Wow. I'm guessing that Dark Outriders is allowing the Flower Ceremony." said Twilight.

At that moment, a bunch of kids were soon running toward them being that it mainly consisted of boys ,about ten to twelve years old, and a girl. "That was too close for comfort. Hope nobody in the village or those bastards saw them." said a male. Their leader soon got a good look at Stella and Zane being that the former was rather stiff, from fear and embarrassment because she had grabbed onto Zane earlier and the latter was rather relaxed plus looked rather bored to say the very least.

The leader looked to be thirteen years old with a slim, feminine build being that the leader was a female. She's wears a dark red long sleeved blouse with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows and a dark orange vest over it. She's wearing worn out blue jeans and gray sneakers. Her skin has a small tan to it, green eyes, and black hair. "Hey Jean. Big Sis Stella's back and she's with some guy." said one of the bigger looking boys.

Jean looked at Zane with her frowning. "Hey. So what is he doing here? I mean he's obviously an outsider. I mean we're testing fireworks out here and you could have gotten....." said Jean. She then stopped as Zane looked at her with a bored look. "Okay then. That wasn't the welcome that I was expecting but things happen for a reason. So why are you guys setting up fireworks a couple of days before the big party?" said Zane.

Jean crossed her arms as she said,"Because we want to make sure that they're going to be for the festivals this weekend so get out. You're obviously not invited.". "Wow. She's rather rude. It's like Sam or Hannah reincarnated." said Sivarth. "Yeah but she's much flatter which is weird given this world." said Kane. "This is my friend Zane Jean. He's from the big city and he's my guest." said Stella. "So that means that I can come to the party right?" said Zane with a smirk.

One of the boy said,"So can you use magic?". "And are you from a guild?" said another boy. "I sure can but like Stella here, I haven't joined a guild yet." said Zane. "Lying to children. What would your grandmother say if she saw you doing this?" said Cole. Cole was soon slapped by Athena for that as Jean said with anger,"Then how about you get the hell out of here right now!". "Okay. I'm pretty sure that your town welcomes visitors. I didn't see no visitor's sign." said Zane.

Jean said with a frown,"Because we don't want to make those bastards mad.". "You mean Dark Outriders right Jean?" said Stella. Jean nodded as she said,"Yeah. I mean our town may look really nice and peaceful but it isn't! I'm still mad about that cocky jerk from the other time! I mean he told us to solve their own dam problems rather than make him do it.". "Let me guess. Laxus Dreyar from Fairy Tail. That's sound like him." said Zane.

A larger boy said,"Nope. The wizard wasn't from Fairy Tail but Phantom Lord. I mean the wizard broke out our fences just to spite us and then flipped us off. So are you thinking of joining Phantom Lord Mister?". "Not after hearing that. I actually came here to fight Dark Outriders with some help aka Stella." said Zane. Jean looked at her as Stella said,"He isn't kidding at all Jean. I mean I don't think Zane minds being tested if you want to.".

Zane shrugged as he said,"If I can stay in this town to help, I'll do anything you kids want.". Jean soon smirked being that she was pretty strong for a girl and with the others, she was going to win for sure. "Okay then. Lets show him how we treat strangers boys." said Jean. The boys chuckled as they all charged at him. Zane easily dodged their attacks being that if they came from above, he would duck out of the way.

If they swung from the left or right, Zane would dodge by going the opposite direction. And if one of them tried a tackle, Zane soon turned intangible in order for the tackler to get a face full of dirt. "And that's why you don't mess with a Cypress High Oxs." said Zane. During the fight, Zane noticed that the main streets of the town were paved with brick and the others were formed naturally from the dirt as Jean shouted,"Dog Pile!".   

The gang soon did this being that instantly of topping Zane over, Zane stood there. "Okay. Why aren't you going down yet?" said Jean. "Because I'm very hard to push down. Just ask several jocks from my high school days." said Zane. "Show them your magic Zane. I think they'll like it." said Stella as she watched from the sidelines. Zane nodded as the Cross-Species was soon gone with the kids soon fell onto the ground.

They all groaned and slowly got back up being that Jean got the best look at what Zane's magic was being that in Zane's place, there was an interesting looking creature that she had never seen before in his place. This creature is known as Robot Form. He looks like a robot with him being twelve feet tall. His head is made out of a silver metallic and he has two glowing red eyes. His mouth is a black titanium mask with red and silver lines across it. 

His head floats above his body thanks to some kind of magnetism. This invisible magnetism works as a non existent neck. His body is rather muscular with it made out of titanium. It's a solid silver color with black arrow-shaped stripes wrapped around his arms and legs. These arrows on his arms represent the minute hand of a clock and the arrows on his legs represent the hour hand of a clock. His forearms have gold details and are shaped like a cylinder. 

His hands look to be the combined shape of horseshoe magnets and crab-like claws. They are also different colors. His left hand is colored blue and his right hand is colored red. He doesn't have feet or toes. His chest has a translucent ,with it being in the shape of a clock, window that displays the innards of his body. His innards are a reddish white color with several gears floating around. His body is producing a faint ticking sound constantly. This sound isn't at all annoying. 

Nine small silver ,metal, gear shaped magnets are floating around Zane's back aka a ring magnet. Zane looked at the group and smiled. "Okay then mates and one gal. I don't want to hurt anyone but I will." said Zane in a British accent. The young boys were looked at Zane in awe since they all thought that Zane was cool and wouldn't dare to throw a punch at him. Jean wasn't that impressed by Zane since like in One Piece, males like robots and women don't. I'm not saying that all of them are like this.

That would be just plain sexist but what we've seen in One Piece, this may be the case. I'm basing this of love of robots on that both this dimension and One Piece are both based of an anime/manga so I think it works. If it doesn't, I tried to give my reason. "Get that walking tin can you guys!" said Jean. "But he's so cool Jean! We can't harm anything cool like that! Are you crazy?!" said the boys with them havin stars for eyes. Stella shook her head as she said,"Boys will be boys.".

Jean growled. She tried to tackle Zane but the robot jumped into the air and floated there. "He's flying now! So cool!" shouted the boy. "Have to agree with the boys there girls. So are you done fighting me miss?" said Zane, landing on the ground. "Screw you overgrown tin can!" said Jean. "Wow. I'm really hurt." said Zane. "Why are you mean to the robot Jean?!" shouted the boys. Before Jean could say anything, the group heard,"So what is going on here?".

Zane soon turned his head completely around being that he turned to see a middle aged ,Caucasian, man standing there holding a lantern. He has wild brown hair that went down to his chest and dark, worn out green eyes. His face very much showed his age being that it was covered in wrinkles but he didn't have any gray hairs yet. He's wearing a tan button up shirt with an dark blue trench coat, blue jeans, and brown gardening boots. "Wow. This guy looks old and weak." said Kane.

Twilight sighed as she said,"Your assumption about him isn't completely right Kane. There is some muscle to him but I'll admit something. For a being of this dimension, he does look rather weak when it comes to a physical appearance. His magical abilities may just prove you otherwise.". The man was looked around the battlefield being that only a statue was destroyed. This wasn't from Zane but Jean and her groupies.

The man smiled as he said,"I'm happy that you kept the roughhousing to a minimum.". He soon walked to the broken stature being that Zane noticed a bracelet on the man's right arm. It has the symbol for Phantom Lord on it. It soon glowed for a bit as the statue didn't look destroyed in the slightest. Zane deactivated Robot Form much to the dismay of the boys as Stella said,"Zane. This is Vernon. He raised me. Vernon, this is my friend Zane.".

Vernon nodded as he said,"Yes. Are you visiting for the Flower Ceremony Stella? Did you come back home just for that.". "Yep. Zane's also here to see the mayor." said Stella. "Ah. So do you two mind following me to my inn?" said Vernon. "You can't trust this guy Vernon! He may be a spy for those bastards!" said Jean. "Now Jean. I know that you're not used to seeing new people but presuming that he's an enemy is rather rude." said Vernon.

Stella smirked as she said,"Plus, I can tell that you like how he looks.". Jean's face went red as she had a small blush. "Whoa! How did you do that Big Sis?" said a boy. "Heighten senses." said Stella with a smile. "So you have a crush on little old me? I'm touched." said Zane. "We should get going then." said Vernon. "Right. Later you guys!" said Stella. The kids ran off as Jean glared at Zane hard being that they were being watched by a cloaked figure and heading off to somewhere unknown.

As the trio of Stella, Vernon, and Zane walked through Blossom Village, Zane really did noticed that this place was really one with nature since everything was grown alongside the plants and trees. It was very much like that one time that he went to an Elven village while on a job being that it was nice to see nature and technology living in harmony. From what Vernon told him, the villagers and wizards ,being at least twenty last time he counted, were quite respective toward nature.

The houses respected nature, had factories that didn't harm the environments, and farms that mainly focused on organic foods and the study of plants. Zane knew that Marcus would love this place but then he would try to get rid of the meat sicks that lived here. Zane soon saw that the inn being it was a normal looking inn but it was built inside of a tree with leaves and vines. "I may be a fan of  the Omniverse advancing in terms of technology but this is nice as well." said Cole.

Zane opened up the door for Stella and Vernon being that Vernon said,"If you need to set up with a meeting with Kiku, talk to my receptionist.". Zane nodded as he noticed that there were very few people in the lobby. Zane walked up to the desk as the receptionist said,"So why do you need to see our mayor?". "Yeah. I'm the wizard that Clifton hired from Fairy Tail." said Zane. The receptionist's eyes widened as she right looked at Stella and whispered,"So has Stella join Fairy Tail?".

Zane shook his head as he said,"Nope but hopefully once we take down Dark Outriders, I plan on asking her to come back with me. I can tell that she's a powerful wizard and well, she's really nice to little old me.". The receptionist was wondering if Zane was crushing on Stella. "So to get back on topic here, do you mind calling the mayor for me?" said Zane. The receptionist nodded as she had a wired phone powered by a lacrima. "Wow. A wired phone." said Cole.

Athena said,"You do know that this dimension is extremely low tech, giving the fact that a train is the most advanced thing here.". "I know that Athena but I totally thought that they would be using a Communication Lacrima." said Cole. Zane shrugged as she said,"The mayor's daughter/secretary Lila will be here soon.". "Wait. Why is Kuku's daughter the secretary?" said Zane. "She wanted to help her mother with her job." said Stella. "Ah. How sweet." said Zane.

Vernon got the dragon slayer and Cross-Species's attention as he said,"I'll see you two later. You don't mind staying here right?". "We don't mind at all Vernon." said Zane. Stella nodded as Vernon walked off. The door soon opened as a woman ,about in her early 20s, entered the inn. She's a slim and pretty woman with blue eyes. She has strawberry blonde hair being that she lets it fall freely rather than it tied in a bun.

She has small studded earrings being that she's wearing an outfit that a normal secretary would wear being that it's revealing her cleavage and legs. She's wearing a long-sleeved short white dress being worn over a fishnet shirt and stockings. She wears brown high-heeled boots. "Wow. You got here fast Lila." said Stella. "Well, I do use Extreme Speed magic. Do you know a wizard by the name of Jet Mister?" said Lila, turning to Zane.

Zane nodded as he said,"I think so. He's the one with the black hair right?". The two girls looked at him as Twilight said,"No. He's the one with the stupid looking hat.". "Yeah Zane. It looks straight out of Dr. Seuss." said Cole. "To be fair, Zane hasn't tried to learn or care about them since they're both rather pathetic in the grand scheme." said Athena. "And I honestly forgot how savage you can be really be sometimes." said Kane. "Yeah. It's rather scary sometimes." said Sivarth.

Lila said,"Anyway, I heard about you being different and well you are. Extreme Speed Magic allows me to move at extremely high speeds. I can move faster than the human eye can follow and unlike High Speed Magic, I can move so fast that I leave behind afterimages or speed clones to confuse my opponents. If me and Jet were to have a race, I would win hands down.". "I see. So do you mind if we can get going to your home or would it be office?" said Zane. Lila nodded as she said,"Follow me.".

During the walk there, Zane knew that someone was watching him. "Zane. Dark Outriders know you're here. I highly doubt that they'll send their big guns at you being that they must see you as just a Take Over Wizard. Lets use that to our advantage for now." said Sivarth. Zane nodded as the trio were soon in front of a small looking mansion. The mansion looked to be two stories tall and in front of it, there is a cozy looking porch.

It was surrounded by a metal fence plus several guards in black suits, glasses, and ties. The guards soon noticed Zane being that they knew Stella. Lila soon ordered them to open the gate which they did. Upon entering the gate, it was a rather simple looking mansion. Upon entering, the trio heard,"I am so thankful that you're here.". Zane soon saw a middle-aged woman standing there with her having a similar body to Lila but much older.

She has long golden blond hair that was curled at the end and blue eyes. She's wearing a black jacket with a white blouse and it's opened up a bit to reveal her chest but it didn't look very trashy, black dress pants, and black flats. Zane could tell that she hadn't been sleeping well or sleeping in general being very obvious. "I'm so thankful that you've arrived Zane. My name is Mayor Kiku and I'm the mayor of this town." said Kiku. "No shit." said Cole, getting hit for that comment.

Kiku said,"So do you have a preference on where you want to talk?". "I would like to be in your office if you don't mind. I know that you'll suggest the dining room but I have a bad feeling and ever since I entered your home." said Zane. "Okay. Follow us then." said Kiku. The four soon went to Kiku's office being that Zane had opened the door. It looked pretty classy for an office being that in the center of the office, there is a round table with several chairs. 

Zane looked around the room as he sat down in a chair nearby the door. He saw that on the right wall, there is a plethora of books. Next to them, Zane soon saw a picture of a father, mother, son, and two daughters. Zane saw that one of the daughters was Lila and the mother was Kiku. The father had dark brown hair along with a mustache and blue eyes. The other two kids looked to be much younger than their older sister. The other girl looked five years and the boy looked nine years.

Like with most of the town, there was a plant growing right next to the picture being that it looked well maintained. "So you must be wondering why I asked Clifton to get help from Fairy Tail and from what I've heard or read, you're one of their best." said Kiku. "Yeah. My name is Zane Alvarez aka the Void Knight. I was asked here to help you since you and Clifton are good friends plus I'm good friends with Emma. We modeled together. Good times." said Zane.

Stella sighed as she said,"That's interesting but are you doing alright? I mean you don't look so good plus I have another question. Why didn't you go to the Magic Council?". Lila looked away in sadness as Kiku said with a sigh,"It's complicated. You've probably noticed how the village doesn't look like it's been invaded by Dark Outriders.". "I was wondered about that. From what I was told, this job is screaming S-Class to me but this town looks like C-Class." said Zane.

Kiku soon slumped back as through she suffered a defeat of sorts being that the situation inflicting her town being that it may looked peace from an outsider perspective but it's rather grim. "I can understand why you would think that but I needed help. My people are being strong but I can tell that they're in fear. Please help us Stella and Zane!" said Kiku. She bowed despite her being at a table as Lila nodded. "Raise your head ma'am." said Zane.

The woman raised her head being that Zane could tell that she needs some cheering up and fast. "I know that my guild may seem like a destructive group of idiots which they are. I won't doubt that at all. Not even Prude Knight aka Titania is safe that but I promise that I'll get this job and bring the joy back to everyone whose lived in the Village of Flowers! That's a promise and I never break them no matter what!" said Zane, smiling.

The mayor and her daughter could feel confidence coming from Zane being that they were in awe of Zane's confidence. "Okay then. Where should I begin? Oh I know." said Kiku. She soon explained the situation to the duo. "As you already know Stella, Blossom Village was a very simple yet happy and peaceful place being one with nature. However once they arrived, it was that anymore. The Dark Guild Dark Outriders." said Kiku.

She soon explained that about three months ago, they arrived to their village on a normal evening like this one. An army of tangible shadows had emerged from the forest being that they attacked the town without warning. The townsfolk were caught off guard by their attack being that they had to fight back against the shadows. The only flaw in their plan is the fact they have very few wizards in the town which included Lila and Vernon.

The army of shadows were eventually sent back into the forest being that Vernon blocked off the village in a spell known as Bramble Stockade aka a giant fence of sharp vines being that upon the shadow touching them, they were instantly destroyed. However, the shadows did obtain victory in the end. Whenever a person touched or was touched by one of the shadows, they were soon placed in a state of never-ending sleep. It reminded Zane a lot of Sleeping Beauty.

After the attack, Kiku ordered strict sentry around the clock mainly for protecting the villagers who can't defend themselves such as the elderly or the children. This was a good idea being that the army of shadows were back being that Vernon tried using Bramble Stockade but it didn't work this time around. They just passed through their defenses and they got more people, placing them in a never ending sleep.

They later found out the shadow's weakness toward high amount of lights being that the townspeople and wizards ,being that the latter had been effected the worst, made sure to light up the entire town to keep the shadows away. Vernon soon told her that this shadow army was being manipulated by a single wizard being that she was very much shocked by this news. Vernon said that to defeat the army of shadows, they'll need to knock out the caster. However, this soon changed. 

The people were put in that dreadful state of sleep were experiencing dreadful nightmares being that it was like they were in hell itself. They were screaming in their sleep from time to time being that no matter what they did, they would never woke up. According to Vernon, they would never be free from the state until the caster was defeated. They soon decided to go to the magic council being that one night, they thought help had arrived but they were dead wrong.

The "help" was a large group of cloaked wizards being that they arrived to town in the middle of the night. According to Vernon once again, one of them was controlling the army of shadows and all of them were wizards of the darkness. Lila suggested that her and the rest of the wizards try to take them down or more specifically, the caster of the shadows but Vernon told her that was impossible given the fact that there was about six of them and he was rather old.

Zane wondered if Vernon was lying being that he had been hearing and what he sensed earlier, he was a powerful wizard despite his age. The town was forced to surrender due to the dark guild's numbers and their overwhelming magic. All of them were wearing robes and had their faces hooded being that their identities are a mystery and their goal was unknown. The guild ,much to Vernon's shock, decided to help Blossom Village but they were a price being that they didn't know about.

All of the townspeople were placed in a never-ending sleep ,which was about ninety percent, were woken up by one of the wizards. The sleepers rejoiced being that this was just the start of something truly horrible. Every other night since then, the dark guild demanded a tribute from the ones that were asleep. The tangible shadow army would come to town and escort them back to the dark guild's main location which was in the woods.

At first, people volunteered to be sacrifices being that ten villagers went in the first week but the amount of villagers were dropped down to one. The numbers began to dwindle down bit by bit being that the town was about 2,500 people being that about half of them remained. At the rate that they were going, the town was going to be a barren wasteland. Stella looked over at Zane being that like her, he was pissed off. From what she could tell, Zane wore his emotions on his sleeves.

Zane slammed his fist down on the table ,breaking it, and was grinding his teeth plus growling. The girls looked at him being that he said,"Kiku and Lila. I promise that I'll help all of you and I don't need to paid a single cent for it. Where I'm from, I'm a hero being that I helped people not for fame or fortune but to help people. I'll make those dark guild bastards pay.". He was going to walk out of the house being that he was going to break some bones but he was stopped by Stella.

Stella said,"I know that you're mad but you can't let your emotions get the better of you. We'll get them I promise." Zane sat back down and took a deep breath. "Dark Outriders is a very violent and ruthless group of wizards being they have been ruling over the town for the past three months with an iron fist. They've taken our supplies, robbed up poor, forced us to work and give them money, and the worst of all, take prisoner and killing anyone who resisted them." said Lila.

Stella said,"That's awful. So why are they allowing the Flower Ceremony?". "They don't want us to allow the council to find about them so they allowed us to have our festivities. So where are the two of you staying?" said Kiku. "At Vernon's inn. He offered us a room." said Zane. "I see. Well, we shall continued this in the morning." said Kiku. Before Zane could do anything, Crisis Judgement went off as he stood up. "What's up?" said Lila.

Zane soon looked serious as he said,"We have company and I doubt that it's friendly. Don't make any sounds okay?". Before they could ask what he meant by that, they soon heard explosions as the front doors to the mansion had several guard shaped holes as a cloud of smoke soon engulfed the entire mansion. "What is going on?!" said Kiku. Stella could heard a good amount of footsteps entering the mansion being that she could sense that they all had magic inside of them.

Zane soon turned into Brick Form being that he soon formed his body into a giant red and blue brick dome in the office room. "Hey. I thought you said that they were here grunt. I don't want to waste my beauty sleep on you idiots seeing things." said a voice. Inside of the dome, the three woman looked around as Lila said,"Are we inside of Zane? I remember Emma mentioned that Zane did this before I think but I can't believe that they haven't noticed us yet.".

Stella went up toward the bricks with her hearing,"Don't do anything risky Stella. I know that we can take them but do you really think they won't go for the hostage if we fight them?". Stella nodded as Kiku said,"My daughter Yuko and my son Anton plus our dog Darby. They're in danger so what are we going to do Zane?". "Okay. Stella, can you sink into the earth and take other people with you?" said Zane.

Stella nodded as she said,"Okay. I understand Zane. Will you be okay?". "Um. what's going on?" said Lila. "I think I understand your plan Zane. Stella will take the two of us out of our home and then come back to get your siblings plus Darby. Am I right Zane?" said Kiku. "Yeah. Are you ready to go Stella?" said Zane. Stella soon grabbed the shoulders of Kiku and Lila being that she said,"Yeah and kick their buts Zane. Earth Dragon Dive!".

The three submerged into the ground as the brick dome was soon gone, revealing Brick Form. "So I guess that you were here but hiding." said a voice. Zane soon saw three figures entering the room as they stood there. The one in the middle is a large and muscular man with long brown hair being that the top of his hair had cat ears, gold feline-like eyes, and whiskers on his cheeks. He's wearing a dark green muscle shirt with black fingerless gloves, black pants, and black pointed books. 

He's wearing a dark green jacket with brown fur on the collar and on the sleeves. He has the Dark Outriders guild mark on the back of the jacket being that their guild mark is a skull mark with it having a sword and shield going through it. "So where is our favorite mayor? I know that I've told her and her daughter that if they invite guests, they have to go through us." said the brunette. The figure on the left is a man being that he looked to be in his late teens.

He has short, spiky brown hair with his green eyes slightly covered by black sunglasses. His chin had some stubble to. He's wearing a black vest with a blue and white checkered shirt, brown pants with a red belt with a silver buckle resembling a skull with red eyes, and white shoes. He's carrying a spiked mace over his shoulder being that it was covered in green marks. The figure on the right is a woman who look to be in her late 20s but like most women in Fairy Tail, she's very attractive.

Don't worry. I will have a female who isn't very attractive ,at least to Fairy Tail's standard, but that won't happen for a while. She has blonde hair in a ponytail, silver eyes, and red lips. She's wearing a black jacket ,with the dark guild's mark on it being rose pink, with a white tank top, black and white skirt that covers her thighs, and black high heeled boots. She wears white fingerless gloves that it's frozen blood. She's carrying a ice sword being that it looked quite sharp.

Zane said,"Sorry but I'm not telling you where she is until I know you and your friends's name are.". "I'm sorry. I guess that I should introduce myself. My name is Landon Sturm and I'm the guild master of Dark Outriders. The one to my left is Eljack, a user of Explosion Magic and the one to my right is Glenda, a user of Eclipse Ice." said Landon. "I see. So why did you come here? I mean you could have ambushed me earlier." said Zane.

Landon chuckled as he said,"No real reason. I just like seeing people suffer. So you came here to try and defeat us with the help of that girl? That's quite sad honestly. You're from one of the country's biggest guild but you came by yourself. For three months, we've ruled this village without any trouble and the mayor here is nothing more than a coward.". "So? I don't really care if she's a coward or not. I came here to help because of the people." said Zane.

Landon looked at Zane with him saying,"I wonder if you or the girl really know the truth about the whole situation. Since we've been here, I've been draining the mayor of her fortune. I was slightly surprised that some of the guards were even here. Fun fact, we were planning on burning down this mansion tomorrow night but when I heard about a new face coming to town, I decided to say fuck it and burn it down tonight.".

Zane said,"Those guards decided to stay with Kiku being that they're loyal to her regardless if they become poor in the process.". "They were quite brave but they fell for nothing. So a single Fairy is going to try and stop us. I didn't expect Fiore's number one guild to waste time on us. So how about you join...." said Landon. A brick soon went flying toward Landon's face being that he dodged it but he was soon smacked in the face and onto the ground by a brick fist.

He  soon looked to see Zane with his right arm stretched out being that he said,"Sorry but I have to refuse your offer! I may be a member of Fairy Tail but I give no fucks about the name being that you can hate us all you wrong but I'm not going to care.". "Try to be careful Zane. I rather not be part of the stereotype when it comes to destruction and Fairy Tail." said Sivarth. "Who cares?! Time to take care of the trash!" said Kane.

Landon stood back up and instead of being mad, he only smiled. "Wow. I expected you to throw the first punch but to use that form, I'm impressed! Time for us to destroy her home!" said Landon. The man snapped his fingers as four figures came through the walls. The largest of the group ,being that he had a very muscular figure, wore a brown hooded robe and a cloth mask resembling a animal of some kind.

He isn't wearing a shirtless, blood stained gloves, purple striped pants, and brown boots. He had the guild mark on his chest. Another figure was a small man with orange hair, yellow eyes, a black shirt with Dark Outriders's guild mark being a navy blue color, ripped orange jeans, and black shoes and gloves. The man was holding two daggers in his hands being that they both had brown handles with a purple button.

Another member was a woman with slender arms and legs being that she had a less curvy figure than Glenda. She has long silver hair and brown eyes. She wears a dark green t-shirt, blue jeans with a black belt, and dark purple flats. She had a green coat tied around her waist being that her choice of weapon was a larger than normal scythe being about the same size of her. She has purple cloth ,that looked like silk, wrapped around the pole.

The blade of the scythe is in the shape of a saw-blade being that at the top of the pole, there is a animal's skull being that it had sharp teeth and a spike like horn protruding from the skull's head. It looked like a spearhead being that it was wrapped around the blade and pole. The final member of the group was a man with bright green hair, pure white yes, dark pink t-shirt, light blue pants, and brown shoes. Like the previous two members, he's wielding a weapon.   

His weapon is a long-bladed katana being that it has a silver blade with a cross shaped guard and golden handle. "Okay. This will be an interesting fight but we got this." said Cole as Zane deactivated Brick Form. "So are they?" said Zane. "Yeah. The mayor and her family are away being that Stella left them with Vernon and she's rushing back here. So lets say the right thing." said Athena as Zane began to crackle his knuckles. "Any last words brat before we end your life?" said Landon.

Zane looked at him as he said,"Yeah. I hope you're ready to see your empire fall to the ground by a handful of people.". Crisis Judgement went off as he went intangible. Chains went flying through his body being that the six dark wizards were shocked by the teen evading their boss's attack without any kind of effort on his part. Zane looked at the man being that he only smirked. "So other than Take Over Magic, you can phase through objects. Interesting. Lets play!" said Landon.

The four Dark Outriders wizards ,being that Landon plus Eljack and Glenda stood there, soon came through the wall, heading toward Zane. "Okay. You guys are going down. Time to Power Up!" said Zane as the four from before cornered him from all sides. "My name is Riscai Kongel of the Fatal Four. We are the elite of Dark Outriders and killing you is our mission." said Riscai aka the slender woman aka the one with the scythe.

She soon grinned sadistically being that she soon licked the blade of her scythe. "Sorry but you're not the first person or last person to say that to me." said Zane. The dagger wielding man known as Vuser Kezoll aka another member of the Fatal Four soon pressed the button on his daggers, causing them to ignite in fire. "He's a cutie isn't he? I'll try my very best to not leave too many cut marks. I really like seeing pretty people like you because everyone in my guild is ugly." said Vuser with a sinister smile.

Zane sweatdropped as he said,"Okay then. You're a rather strange man aren't you? I'll probably take you down first, no I will.". "You're so confident aren't you? That's fine because I like destroying the confidence of my opponents." said Vuser. "My name is Tinguberd Cheube, also a member of the Fatal Four. You are the Void Knight. I'll enjoy breaking you in two and then send you back to your guild in pieces." said the man in the mask.

Zane sighed as he said,"Like I said to your female friend earlier, you can try that but it will fail just like your ugly mask does.". "Don't understand me." said Tinguberd. "I don't care if you guys want to make this guy bleed or whatever. Just let me slice his mouth off and then you all can have the rest of him." said the katana wielding man also known as Jakzan Muszil. Glenda was about to join them but she was stopped by Landon.

Glenda said with confusion,"Master. I need to fight with the Fatal Four. If I help them, this child will die.". "You're correct but if the Fatal Four can't handle this one child, I don't think they should be a member of our guild and of our highest team correct?". The two dark wizards nodded as they agreed with their master. "I hope they lose because I want to fight him soon boss." said Eljack being a person who loves to fight and doesn't care about his Nakama. The fight soon began.

Next time,
Zane faces off against the Fatal Five plus the master of the guild, Eljack, and Glenda. Will Zane be able to solve this problem before it gets any worse? Will Stella come to help out? And will Team Natsu arrive to make things worse? This and more next time on Fairy Legion!   

Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Archangel Form. This card has a black frame with a holy cross in the center of the card. This card is the card of God's servants/Warriors. This Form was introduced in Zero Shorts Episode 4 and it's Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet. He can manipulate his emotions into weapons.

Robot Form, This card has a black frame with a giant silver gear in the center of the card being that several small clocks were rotating around it. It looked like the gear had orbit and caught in that orbit were the clocks. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 36 and it's Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet. He can manipulate gas being a living chemistry set, magnetism, and time itself being able to make weapons like Gadget Form.

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