Saturday, December 8, 2018

Fairy Legion Chapter 5 The Armored Woman

Disclaimer: This Post had originally been posted on June 13, 2018 at 10:00 PM. I'm reposting this Chapter along with Fairy Legion Chapters 1-26 because of a massive plot change. If you've read this story before, not much will have changed except Zane's reason for going to the Fairy Tail Dimension. The Author Note and whatever I talk about in them may or will be extremely outdated today or I'm somehow seeing the future so just ignore if you want.

A/N: It's pretty obvious on what's going to happen in this Chapter thanks to my super clever title ,aka the title of Episode 5 of the Anime, but not until much later in the part. We got some plot progression and the Author Note. I do plan to diverse what I talking about in this series beside Anime and Manga but expect it more than often. At the time of writing this, E3 is going on so I'm sure that either this or the next post after this will be about that.

I don't know everything about what's been revealed or teased at E3 but I do know a couple of things aka Kingdom Heart III/3 and Spiderman 2018 because one of those games are going out this year as was promise. I don't mind that that the other game isn't coming this year because it's early next year so I won't be waiting too long plus I kinda expected it so my hopes weren't dashed. It's going to be a great game and maybe a good story.

I don't play Kingdom Hearts for the story but the gameplay and what worlds are going to be in the main game. So expect me to talk about this more next Author's Note alongside Spiderman. At the time of last year E3, I think I was just focus on making posts rather than talking about other things that didn't matter to the story that I was working on. I'm will try and expand my topics because I can only rant about how bad Smoothie is for so long.

I mean I could rant forever on her about her and what could have been done to forget her. See, I'm doing it without thinking.  So lets talk about Animation that isn't from the east but the west. Like most kids, I grew up watching cartoons. I think my first taste of Anime is Pokemon and when I finally saw Dragon Ball Z Kai, I still thought the show was meh. I may explain why I don't like Dragon Ball one day.

Let me tease you with some information. It has something to do with it being the Goku show most of the time. I could never get into two shows which I've heard great things about being that it's Steven Universe and Rick and Morty. I've watched both of them being that I watched up to the end of Season 2 of the latter show and episode 3 of the former show. Lets start with the former. I watched Steven Universe around the same time as I finished Gravity Falls.

I love GF but Steven is a show that was just okay. I've heard that you had to wait until Episode 50 for the series to get good and to me, a show should hook you at the start. Gravity Falls didn't get me hook until Episode 3 but the show got me into the mystery. I will be giving Steven Universe a chance latter down the road because I heard that the show deals with the idea of same sex relationship and for a kids's show to do that, I can respect that.

Now, lets talk about Rick and Morty. I heard great things about it since it came out and well, I sat down and binged watched. It was okay being that I put in on the same level as King of the Hill. Good but it has that one annoying character that ruins the whole show. King of the Hill has Peggy and Rick and Morty has the lead duo. I don't like either of them because their voice just annoying to me. The fan base is also not a good thing for me.

You really shouldn't let a fan base turn you off something but this happened to me. I've said this in the last post that the big problems of a story or show won't get to me but the minor problems of a story or show will get me to more. I honestly don't know why that is but it's happened more than just once. So this Author Note is going to be the shortest because honestly, I need to think of topics to talk about for it. You could say that I shouldn't make them so long but meh.

This Chapter's main feature is the reveal of Erza Scarlet and like I said in previous Author Notes, I think she's a prime example of a Mary Sue and I despite her Edolas counterpart because it's her but evil and hates the fairies. I'll be sinking the Jerza ships because I don't like Jellal. I'll be peppering Nali and Nalu with the former being until much later in the series. I will have an answer for you eventually.

The Lullaby Arc will be going ,counting this one, up to Chapter 7, 8, or 9. I'm sure that it'll be one of the three but which one is a mystery to me. I could be horribly wrong but I really want to start on the Phantom Lord in July. I should mention this before but read Zero for some clarification and I own nothing but the characters from Zero and Zero Shorts. Remember the latter. I stopped that series for this one and maybe the My Hero one.

I'm just waiting for the story to progress further because well, it's still in the beginning stages and I'm expected a timeskip. I don't think we'll go through all three years but I could be wrong and really hope I am. Lets begin with Sly and Zane being dragged to the guild hall by Happy and Natsu with the immortal. He's extremely tired from training and spending all day/night doing research on the book and lacrima he and Sly found. He's Tangry (Tired and Angry). Expect swearing and a rotten attitude.

Narrator P.O.V.
The next day after Sly and Zane's second job, the group of Happy, Lucy, and Natsu return being that the two boys found where Zane lived and basically dragged him plus Sly out of his apartment. It also meant that Zane didn't get breakfast and he was exhausted. Upon graduation high school in 2020 which was nine hundred and eighty years old due to him still being eighteen at the time, he changed it in response to this.

His normal training schedule ,when he isn't on jobs or missions, was from 12 AM to 11:59 PM. He spends the early parts of the morning doing a couple of laps ,with him doing ten laps with 100 ton weights around his legs, around town. He spent the next couple of hours until breakfast either training random powers or training with either Kane or Sivarth in the nearby forest. He would normally sleep for one hour. He was thankful that Furor ,one of his many powers, granted him that.

He would then go to the guildhall after breakfast with Ruth being that he enjoyed the older woman's company early in the morning. However. Ruth basically gave him to Happy and Natsu being that the latter had tracked him using his super sniffer. Happy sat on Natsu's shoulder, looking like his usual cheery self and Natsu was wearing his own excited smile. The two soon looked back at Zane, lagging behind them. "Come on Zane! Pick it up! Don't you want to see everyone at the guild?!" said Natsu.

Zane had been wobbling around following Natsu looking like a zombie. On several occasions, the dragon slayer had to turn around and make sure that Zane was okay, being that he sleepily bumped into something or someone plus he feel asleep in random spots. In his very sleep deprived state, Zane said,"Fuck off Pinkie.". He soon fell face first onto the ground right in front of the guild doors as a annoyed groan escaped his lips.

Sly was above him being that she turned into her dragon form and she sighed at her partner. "So are you alright? You seem tired this morning. That isn't like you at all." said Natsu. "Aye sir." said Happy with him nodding his head. "I'm fucking tired you dipshits. Some idiot woke me up when I should be asleep right now!" said Zane, replied through yawning. "Wow. You're angry." said Happy. "Zane likes many things and having his sleep is a big like of his." said Sly.

Zane wouldn't move being that Sly soon held him in the air. "I really need some god dam food and some coffee. This place has that right pinkie?" said Zane, barely staying awake. "Yeah. Levy usually needs it for....." said Natsu, nodding. "Good. I'll be needing that right now." said Zane. He soon stood on his own two feet and he head inside. Natsu soon watched Zane bumping into a couple of tables and people, with him saying,"Get the fuck away from me weaklings.".

He soon found the bar and plopped himself there. Happy, Natsu, and Sly looked at each other with them soon heading inside. "Hey guys!" said Lucy. She waved to the four from the other side of the bar with Sly said,"Morning Lucy.". Zane wasn't moving with Natsu said,"Morning Luce.". He walked up to the main bar with Lucy saying with a teasing tone,"Wow. You actually got it right this time. You look tired Zane. I guess you being a pervert means that you had a late night huh?".

Zane's back soon sprouted a hand with him flipping her off. "Fuck off Triple B." groaned Zane. "If you didn't spend all night research and then training this morning, you wouldn't be like this." said Sly as she sat on the bar and next to Zane. "This is your fault you know." said Lucy. Sly soon looked at Zane with the immortal hero sleeping. "If he wasn't asleep, Zane would have killed her and erased her from everyone's memory. Thank the gods ,I think, for him being sleep-deprived." thought Sly.

Sly looked at her with her saying,"So how did the job go you guys? Ours went pretty well. We got a lot of cash.". The three ,Happy, Lucy, and Natsu, looked down with Sly saying,"That bad huh?". "We couldn't accept the reward." said Lucy. "Why?" said Sly. Lucy began to explain how they were tasked with finding a book called Daybreak from Duke Everlue and burning it, but they encountered much more than they bargained for.

The job came with wizard bodyguards with Natsu defeating them. It turned out that the book was meant for the job client and not for Everlue being that they couldn't really accept the rewards, despite Lucy wanting too. "Wow guys. That sounds interesting. I mean Zane would burned the book there and right in front of that fat ass." said Sly. "Seriously Sly? How did you know he was fat?!" said Happy. "That isn't what you should be focusing on." said Lucy with a deadpanned tone.

Sly said,"I can read minds being that I've spend an unhealthy amount of time with Zane who does that too much for my liking. I do feel bad for you guys being that Zane would laugh loudly at your failure. Thank the gods that he's asleep right now.". "Ah. Well then, we better go on a new job and get some food money." said Natsu. "Aye sir!" said Happy loudly, with Zane groaning out,"Shut up you dam furball before I skin you alive.". Sly sighed with her saying,"So have you seen Mira?".

In another part of the guild hall, a male wizard's voice said,"Hey Mira. Could we get three beers over here, please?". Mira stood there with her saying,"Be right with you.". Nearby the white haired bar maid, a man was smoking with a girl siting at the same table. These two are Wakaba Mine and Laki Olietta. Wakaba is an average height distinguishable by his brown hair. He keeps it in an ostentatious pompadour that protrudes frontwards from the top of his head in a large, curly and fluffy tuft.

His eyes either closed or semi-open; they seem to have light-colored pupils, as shown when Wakaba display his surprise. His physique is peculiar in the fact that, despite Wakaba having quite a large belly, his abdominal and pectorals are well-defined. His guild mark is yellow in color, and is located near his left pectoral. He also seems to have mildly hairy legs He's wearing a loose, light green shirt decorated with many motifs of stylized dark-colored flowers with five petals.

He also has on a pair of pants cut down below Wakaba’s knees (held up by a light belt adorned with many black stars partially hidden by his shirt) and sandals held up by striped bands. Laki is a slim young woman of average height with straight, pale lavender hair set in a bowl cut-like style, with her fringe covering the left part of her forehead, and the right side exposed. She has brown eyes and a large, dark red colored ribbon adorning the top of her head.

She is always shown wearing her signature ,simple, glasses with oval lenses. She's wearing a light-colored coat reaching down below her waist, with dark cuffs retaining the original color on their back edges, a dark cravat tie around the collar, tight-fitting dark pants tucked inside light-colored boots with dark soles, and light colored gloves. She also had a small, dark satchel adorned by a pair of small hearts hanging on her right hip, seemingly attached to her waist.

Wakaba said,"So when we going out on a date Mira?". He puffed off small hearts from his pipe. "Can you leave her alone? You've asked every day and her answer hasn't changed." said Laki. "She's right Wakaba. I think there's one small problem." said Mira. Her appearance soon took on an older woman with puffy blonde/brown hair, puffy cheeks with red blushes, and a huge creepy smile with red lipstick. "You're married." said Mira. "I truly wish I could drink in peace for once." said Cana.

Macao ,who sat close to her, said with a smile,"Well, being here won't help here.". "So are you three still a team despite what happened?" said Sly. "Aye! Why don't you and Zane join our team?!" said Happy. "What?! Me working with the pervert!" said Lucy, being louder than normal. "Shut the hell up! I'm trying to sleep Triple B!" groaned Zane, with him soon snoring peacefully. "I just refuse to work with a guy like that who doesn't have a single ounce of kindness in him." said Lucy, frowning.

Natsu smiled as he put his arms behind his hands and said while ignoring Luce,"You and Zane would be awesome on our team! You're probably a master at causing destruction and mayhem just like me and we could fight whenever we want! Lets fight now!". His fist was on fire with everyone in the guild turning their heads to see what Zane's response would be. Zane snored loudly with everyone in the guild hall saying,"Seriously?! He's sleeping!".

Mira walked over to them as she said,"So why is he?". "A long night. So do you have Black Coffee with sugar, no cream?" said Sly. "Yeah." said Mira. "Come on man! Wake up!" said Natsu. "Don't you remember what happened last time you tried...." said Sly. Natsu touched Zane being that he was soon thrown right into the wall by a black ,with a crimson red web pattern, tendril. "So why doesn't our "favorite" pervert like being woken up? He really hates being touched." said Lucy.

Mira said while placing a cup of coffee in front of Zane,"According to Zane, he has a very good sense of danger due to him almost dying several times in his life and Natsu should have really remember that after Zane punched him in the stomach hard.". "It's also because his dad constantly trying to wake him thanks to attacking him when he was little. He built up a strong reflex in him." said Sly. Zane smelt the coffee with him waking up.

He was still tired with him saying,"So what happened? I heard Natsu slamming into the wall. Did he try to wake me up again?'. "Yeah. He challenged you to a fight being that you responded with a snore rather than a response. He usually does that with Erza. He also asked for you and Sly to join his team with Erza and Lucy." said Mira, with Happy trying to wake up Natsu using a fish. Zane turned to the pinkie with him waking up and itching to fight.

Zane sighed as he said,"Natsu. I'm still very tired but if you try and attack me, I will kill you without a single moment of hesitation and no one will remember you. I'm not planning on making too much destruction and mayhem unlike you pinkie. I'm also sure that I told you that I wouldn't join until I met Erza.". He took a large gulp of the hot coffee with Mira couldn't help but stare at his soft lips upon leaving the cup. She watched stream coming from his mouth from the heat of the coffee.

Zane smiled as he said,"Thanks Mira. I love spicy things and hot things are part of how makes spicy food so good.". Natsu sat down at one of the benches, pouting that he wouldn't get to fight Zane or have him join his team until he met Erza. Lucy was soon standing over at the various missions on the request board. Natsu basically told Lucy to pick the job since he picked the last one. "Lets see, what would be a good mission to go on with Natsu and not the pervert?" said Lucy.

She soon reached out and grabbed several requests, quickly scanning over them. "Searching for a magic bracelet. Boring. Removing a spell from a cursed cane? Lame. Fortune telling using their astrological sign?!" said Lucy. Her face reddened slightly when she read this request. "This mission would be good for me but Natsu would be bored. Hunting down a volcano demon?!" said Lucy. She soon turned over to Natsu with him talking with Cana, Mira, Sly, and Zane who was slightly awake.

He was trying to convince Zane to fight him and join his team with Zane saying no to both and then sending him flying. "Natsu would love this type of mission but I rather not die today. I need to find something since my rent is going to pay itself." said Lucy. Nab stood nearby by her as she said,"I can't believe how diverse jobs there can be in a guild.". "Well, let me know once you find one. The master's away at a conference meeting right now so I'm in charge." said Mira.

Natsu said,"Yeah Luce. Pick a really fun one okay?". He soon walked over to Elfman who was on the other side of the guild. Zane looked at Makarov's empty spot with him saying,"So where is the old geezer anyway? I thought he would be giving me an S-Class title after I crushed that job.". "So why didn't you come back to the guild then when he was here?" said Cana. "We were tired or I was tired Cana. The party they threw for us was exhausting." said Sly.

Lucy said,"What's a conference meeting?". "Don't. Wait for it." said Sivarth, who stopped Zane's comment for now. "It's for guild masters. Once or twice a month, they usually get together to take about the state of their guilds and what's going on in the magic world. It's like the magic council but not. Do you understand what I'm saying Lucy?" said Mira. She turned to the blond who was confused as Zane said,"Triple B is lost. Go slower.".  Lucy glared at him as Mira said,"Be nice Zane.".

Zane shrugged as he said,"Meh.". "Wow Zaney. You got scolded by Mira and she never does that to pretty much anyone." said Cana. "Oh well, I'm going back to sleep. Don't wake me up or else " said Zane, resting his head on the table. "Reddus, could I borrow your Light Pen?" said Mira as she turned to a man who was also sitting at the bar. He's rather tall, sporting curly, light orange hair. He has a distinctly large torso.

He's wearing a large, white shirt fitting his chest size, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and dark pants. He's wearing dark, pointed shoes adorned by light crescent moon-like motifs on the inner sides, and a distinctive dark hat, with a large brim, a curved point hanging down on Reedus’ left and a light orange band around it, highly reminiscent of those worn by fictional sorcerers and very few wizards wear hats like this. "Oui." said Reddus with him handing her a pen.

The Light Pen takes the form of a normal-looking, light-colored pen with an arched clip, with its end adorned with a small sphere. Its most distinctive trait is its glowing tip, which is light, prominent and being somehow rounded in appearance, made of unknown material which allows the pen to use its special ability. "So its only power being it can write in the air. That's pretty lame. No, I mean it's just sad." said Cole.

Mira said,"You just joined Lucy and I'm sure that Sly will tell Zane how the organizational chart of the magic world works or he already knows.". She drew a diagram in the air with Lucy taking a seat at the bar. The boxes of the diagram were in blue and the words and links to the different boxes in them, with the top one reading Government which was connected to Era which in turn was connected to multiple boxes that read out guild.

Mira said,"The Magic Council Era is the most people organization in the world aside from the government of course. They have ten members and they uphold order in the magic world, if a wizard breaks magical law they would be tried by the council.". 'So don't do anything bad Lucy." said Cana with a smirk. "Will do. I'm not like the pervert here who'll probably be making the magic council annoyed at us." said Lucy. "You're not wrong." said Sly, looking at her partner

Mira said,"Ahem. We then have the guild masters who are right under the council. They smooth out communication between guilds in every town around the region and also to notify guild members of the council's rulings. They're basically the glue that holds all of us together.It sounds like a stressful job no?". "I've have heard about more stressful jobs in my time." said Sly as she sipped on some water. "Really? Like what?" said Cana.

Sly said,"Zane says that dealing with the rich is way more stressful but sometimes, you just got to punch them right in their spoiled mouths. He has a strong dislike for the rich back home. I'm guessing that Master is stressed out the most given our guild's destructive tendency.". "Wow. I never imagine that all of the guilds were connected like that." said Lucy, turning her head back to the request board as Zane smiled with him thinking of a prank.

Mira said,"It's important to have communications because if we didn't......". "The darkness will come and kill you all starting with you Lucy!" said a dark and demonic voice that came right behind Lucy. Lucy jumped and screamed in fight as Sly turned to see Zane standing in Cataclysmic Form. He's eight feet tall with him having a more muscular figure but slightly devilish. His entire body is colored red and looks more stronger. He has long black hair that looks wild and unkempt.

His eyes are gold with silver pupils and his sclera are black along with having dark rings around his eyes. He has a a pair of cat like ears adorned on his forehead with them looking adorable. He has fangs which are exposed if his mouth is open. He has bat like wings sticking out of his back with them matching his skinny tail that has a trident like tip and on ,blue, fire because why not. He wears a gray striped sleeved chainmail tunic.

He wears silver gauntlets and greaves with brown jeans and black belt. He wears a long sleeved white shirt with a orange tie. He has a hellfire style sword sheath strapped to his right side. He wears brown boots. "Oh wow. That was too dam funny!" said Zane, laughing. "Are you trying to scare me to death?" said Lucy, who was about to punch him. "I wouldn't recommend that Lucy." said Sly. "Why not?!" said Lucy, who was sick of Sly always defending him.

Sly said,"Because he can turn into fire that will burn you.". Zane nodded as Mira said,"They do exist Lucy. Zane has met two of them being that they're called Dark Guilds. They don't follow the rules of the magic council.". "Yeah but they're so dam weak." said Zane, sitting back down. "So can I taste your fire Zane?" said Natsu. "No." said Zane, with him going to sleeping and plus deactivating the form. "They're really scary." said Natsu, putting his hands behind his head. "Aye." said Happy.

Lucy shrugged as she put a hand on her hip,"And I'm sure they'll come and collect you three soon enough. I'm betting Zane first.". "So have you picked a job yet Luce?" said Natsu. "Yeah! We choose the last so now it's your turn." said Happy. "Oh right. They did do that and that was a job. Time for some payback." thought Lucy. "Sorry but we're breaking up! Find someone else for your team." said Lucy. "Wow. That was short lived just like Kevin's rapper career." said Kane.

Natsu said,"W-What?!". He was clearly shocked and it felt like he had been punched in the gut with his heart pounding erratically in his chest. "You only picked me because you were looking for a blond and Duke Everlue was also looking for a blond maid!" said Lucy in fake anger, with her tugging on her blonde locks. "Don't be stupid Luce. I mean you may be blonde but no other blonde can be you Luce. You're awesome, nice, funny, caring, smart, strong, and really pretty!" said Natsu, smiling.

Lucy failed to hold back a raging blush with her pursing her lips to hide the smile that was spread across her face. Natsu smiled with her sweating a bit to keep her annoyed look. "Wow. Natsu can be a real dense one huh?" said Cana. "Yeah but they're so cute together. Pink and Yellow. That should be the flowers at the weddings." said Mira. "Oh. That sounds awful Mira." said Zane, gagging. Mira looked at Sly who said,"Zane hates pink and yellow together as a color combo.".

Mira nodded with her saying,"Yeah. The two joined the guild at the same time being that Natsu told me that he was Erza's first real friend. I'm impressed how fast Lucy made friends with everyone in the guild except for Zane. So why doesn't he like her and that color combo?". "Reasons that you'll have to ask Zane. I'm not throwing him under the bus. We've been through too much." said Sly. "Hey Lucy. You really don't have to stay with those losers, mainly flame for brains." said a cool voice.

This voice belonged to Gray Fullbuster sitting on a nearby bench as he was smoking. He wasn't wearing any clothes except his boxers and necklace. "Clothes Gray." said Cana, sipping her drink as she sat next to Zane. "Loser? I bet you can't wake up Zane for me." said Natsu. Sly sighed as she said with a worried tone,"Don't Gray.". "Seriously Sly? You think flames for brains can wake him up but not me?!" said Gray. "Okay. I warned you. Go nuts." said Sly.

Gray soon walked over to Zane with him saying,"Hey Zane. Wake up.". Zane didn't respond with Gray tapping on his right shoulder. "No... I won our fight bastard...Don't gloat when you're dying and your dream failed...." mumbled Zane. "Huh? What did you say?" said Gray, shaking Zane's shoulder with Zane's eyes opening and turning red. He soon turned to Gray with the ice wizard sweating in fear. "DON'T TOUCH ME GOT IT?!" yelled Zane, with him throwing Gray across the guild hall.

The teen went through several tables ,shattering them into pieces, and into the wall, with the wall cracking a bit. Gray groaned slightly from the wreckage. Sly sighed as Cana said,"Wow. That was something else.". "Yeah. Zane hates being wake up." said Sly. Everyone was shocked except for Happy and Natsu who were laughing. Zane was soon awake as he said,"Not sorry.". "I guess we learned not to touch Zane when he's asleep or awake." said Cana.

Gray soon made his way over to Zane with him saying,"What the hell?! You just don't throw people across the room just because they're trying to wake you up!". He was about to punch Zane with the Cross-Species saying,"Did Natsu goaded you into walking me up? If he did, he should know that I really hate being waken up or touched in general.". "Oh did he then." said Gray. He soon grabbed Natsu by his scarf, pulling him to eye level. Zane smiled as he went back to sleep.

Elfman said,"The way you wake up and fall back asleep is manly!". "Why the hell did you do that dragon boy?!" said Gray. "Because it was funny." said Natsu, still laughing. "Listen you! You want a fight, you got one!" yelled Gray. "Bring it you stripper!" said Natsu. The two soon began punch and kicking each other across the guild hall. "Will those two ever not fight?" said Sly. "Mostly likely not Sly. So do Zane not sleep good?" said Mira.

Sly sighed as she said,"He spent all of yesterday and the night, doing some research on some ruins we found because Zane loves to learn. He also did some early morning training and when he was about to sleep, Happy and Natsu came in and dragged us to the guild hall.". "So does his back hurt? I mean where does he sleep?" said Mira. "On a bed." said Sly. "Well, if he ever needs a massage. Tell me I'm good whenever. Tell me it's because he saved me the other day." said Mira with her face slightly red.

Lucy thought,"Does Mira like Zane? I mean he's a jerk.". "So why would people want me to join their teams exactly?" said Lucy. "Because you defeated two mercenaries from the Southern Wolves guild and a gorilla maid right? That sound really impressive." said Gray, giving her a thumbs up. He was currently fighting Natsu. Lucy sighed as she said,"That was Natsu.". "So why did you make her do nothing huh pinkie?!" said Gray. "Sorry stripperella but they attacked me!" said Natsu. 

The two were fighting as Loke sauntered over to Lucy, ignoring the fighting teens. "Wow. You're just so beautiful and strong. The perfect package. How about you join the team of love Lucy?" said Loke with him smiling at her. He had his arm around her as Lucy said,"Huh?". "Your beauty stuns me even with my sunglasses on if I take them off, I'll be blinded by your beauty." said Loke. "So why is he wearing them indoors anyway? I mean we're inside. It's so douche bag." said Sly, in an annoyed tone.

Cana said with a sign,"So why are you more focused on the sunglasses part rather than his super cheesy pick up line Sly? So why does Zane wear glasses?".  "Yeah. Zane's glasses are part of his magic. Have you ever heard of the tale of Gorgon? It's a creature who can turn whoever looks into their eyes into stone. Zane's eyes can do that but only if his emotions are out of whack. It's one of Zane's many magics " said Sly. "Ah. Just like her." said Cana.

Before Sly could ask her what she mean by that, Natsu tensed up the second he heard Loke speaking with Lucy. Gray took advantage of this by throwing a punch at him. As Natsu's head whipped back to her, he soon spotted Loke about to put his hand on Lucy's hips. Natsu was soon filled with an intense feeling of possession and rage. The dragon slayer knew this feeling well whenever someone touched or flirt with an old friend of his. He gotten over it slightly but Natsu still saw red.

Natsu roared,"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER YOU BASTARD!". He broke away from his fight with Gray. The people at the bat soon heard the exclamation being that Loke's eyes opened widely as he saw Natsu sprinting full speed at him flames surging off his body. "Seriously!? Not again!" yelled Loke. He turned to run away with it being too late. Natsu caught up with Loke with him grabbing him by the back of his jacket.

The dragon slayer whipped Loke around and hoisted him into the air by the collar. Loke gasped when he saw that Natsu's eyes were filled with white hot fury. Veins bulged on Natsu's head, with Natsu's fist cocked back. "Stop! Natsu!" screamed Lucy. She grabbed Natsu's shoulder with her hissing in pain due to Natsu's scorching hot skit. She endured the pain with her shaking Natsu's shoulder. "Calm down! I'm fine! Put Loke down!" said Lucy.

Natsu didn't listen being that his fist was about to reach his face. He was soon stopped being that he was frozen in a ice cube, dropping Loke to the ground, The ice wasn't a normal color being a unique silver blue color. "Was that you Gray?" said Cana, looking at Gray. "Nope. My ice can't hold him when he's like this." said Gray as he looked at Lucy. She was scared with her eyes clenched shit from the pain she was feeling. "I stopped him because he was annoying." said Zane's voice.

He was awake with him saying,"So will he go back to normal once I break him out?". Mira nodded as the ice soon melted by a emerald green flame with a obsidian black tint. Natsu soon turned to Lucy who was still scared due to her being in pain. Natsu knew that he had to do something before Lucy ended up hating her. "Luce. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm so sorry that I hurt you, I just saw Loke touching you and well something snapped." said Natsu.

Before Lucy could say anything, Natsu was soon out of the guild hall. "Wow. He's really scared of you. A real man repellent." said Zane. The blonde soon ignored him as she turned to Loke. The playboy was currently leaning against the wall, panting slightly. "So will someone explain to me what just happened?" said Lucy, with Mira handing her some ice for her hands. "It's because....." said Loke. He soon saw Lucy's keys that were currently attached to the belt strap on the blonde's left hip.

His skin paled and sweat dropped from his brow with him saying,"You're not a celestial wizard are you?!". He soon backed away from her with his arms covering his face in fear. "Yeah Loke. She got's crabs, cows, and fish!" said Happy, with his mouth filled with fish. Zane soon snickered with Sly said with a sigh,"Grow up Zane.". "Nah Sly. That's no fun at all." said Zane. "Curse you fate! I'm sorry but things must end between us!" said Loke, running away.

Lucy said,"Since when were we together?". "Wow Triple B. Two guys in a minute. You're really good at keeping guys away aren't you?" said Zane. Mira soon pinched Zane who just looked lazily at her as she said,"Be nice Zane.". "Nah. That's no fun at all." said Zane. Cana sighed as Lucy sat back at the bar. "So what just happened?" said Lucy. "I can answer the Loke one. He has a really bad history with Celestial wizards. Rumors says that he dated one and things didn't work at all." said Cana.

Zane said,"I'm pretty sure that it wasn't just that Cana because she works as really great man repellent isn't that right Happy?". "Aye sir." said Happy. "Shut up you two! Why are you even saying that? So what was up with Natsu? He got angry and scared in a minute." said Lucy. "Isn't it obvious?" said Zane as Lucy looked confused. "Well, Natsu is REALLY overprotective over certain people which was you and Erza." said Mira. "So that's him being overprotective?" said Sly.

She was looking at the doors. Mira nodded as she said,"Yep. Erza told me that when she was on a mission with Natsu, a member of the Blue Pegasus guild tried to feel Erza up. Normally, Erza would deal with any perverts that would even touch her but Natsu snapped. He went off on this guy being Erza had never seen him so angry in her entire life. The wizard in question was hospitalized for three weeks being that Master had Natsu formally apologize to the master of Blue Pegasus for his actions.".

Cana said,"Yeah and Erza wouldn't talk to him for a whole week after that. They eventually go back to normal but they seem closer together. I would say that you would some serious competition Triple B.". "Why are you calling me that too Cana?" said Lucy. "I have no idea what it means but it sounds cool and that's good enough for me." said Cana. "I know Natsu was looking out for me but still. He really scared me." said Lucy.

She was looking right at her slightly shaking hands that were resting in her lap. Gray sighed as he said,"According to Erza, she felt the exact same way. She also said that it was excited. You felt it right? That sheer power that flamebrain exerts when he's angry. I hate to admit it but when he's angry, he is much stronger.". "It's alluring isn't it Lucy?" said Mira. Lucy's face blushed bright red at Gray and Mira's words. She hated to admit it but they were right.

When Natsu grabbed Loke earlier, she could feel the right power and energy that was dripping off the Dragon Slayer in spades. It drew her in, and made her feel oddly safe. Lucy was scared but she knew that she was safe when Natsu is near her. "Here's some advice Lucy. You should talk him right now because knowing Natsu, he may do something stupid. This reminds me of Zane back in the day." said Sly.

The blonde was gone as Cana said,"So what do you mean by that?". "Ask him when he wakes up from his sleep." said Sly. "You're a real tease aren't you?" said Cana. "I learned it from Zane who learned it from someone else." said Sly. Lucy walked over to Happy, with the blue cat sitting on a table near the back of the guild with him  quietly eating a plate of fish. "Happy? Can you do me a favor?" said Lucy. "Sure thing Luffy!" said Happy, standing up.

Lucy sighed as she said,"It's Lucy but whatever that can wait. Could you find Natsu and bring him back here to me? There's been a big misunderstanding and I need to talk with him. He ran out of the guild a few minutes ago and if you hurry, you could catch up to him.". She soon pointed to the front door as Happy sprouted his wings and he was soon flying. "No problem Lucy, I'll be back in a flash and whip him good okay?" said Happy.

He was gone being that Lucy took a seat at the table and waited for Happy to return. Lucy turned to see Sly and Zane joining her with her saying,"And why are you two here exactly?". "To see Pinkie get whipped by you Triple B." said the two. "Fine. Just don't make too many side comments." said Lucy. "We can't promise that at all Triple B." said the two in unison, causing Lucy to sigh out loudly at them.

In five minutes, the door soon opened up with Happy flying in with him carrying a sheepish looking Natsu. "Wow. This scene is familiar right Zane?" said Athena. "Yeah. It brings back old memories of you being in trouble with your harem." said Cole. "To be fair, it only happened when Zane almost died." said Twilight. "So all the time." said Kane and Sivarth with Zane rolling his eyes. Happy soon deposited Natsu at the table where Lucy was sitting at, and sat back down to finish his fish.

Natsu quickly averted Lucy's gaze with him looking at the wall across from them with him seemingly ignoring Sly and Zane. "Listen Luce, I'm sorry about almost attacking Loke. I'm sure you don't need me to protect you." said Natsu with a sheepish tone. "She does since she's a weak bitch." said Kane with Sivarth agreeing with him being that from what he knew, she was weak. "I went way too far so if you don't want to be on my team, I completely understand." said Natsu.

He wanted to make Lucy happy so he would distance herself from him. "No, I do want to be on your team with Erza Natsu. I was just messing with you earlier." said Lucy. Natsu's head snapped toward her as Lucy said,"I was still mad at you for tricking me but that was a funny job. I love being on your guys's team.". "Thank God! I thought I scared you and you were going to avoid me!" said Natsu, with him breathing a sigh of relief.

Sly said,"Normal girls wouldn't be okay with what you did Natsu.". "So what does that say about our good pal Triple B?" said Zane. Lucy glared at them with her saying,"Ignore them. I was scared of you earlier Natsu when you attack Loke.". Natsu's eyes soon had sadness in them with Lucy said,"But I feel oddly safe and protected when you're like that. You wouldn't let anything bad happen to me due to you being my guardian dragon.". "Really?" said Natsu, with a faint blush.

Lucy sighed as she stood up from her seat. She sat next to Natsu with her gently placing her hand on Natsu's shoulder. "It was strange Natsu but I really do get that you wanted to protect me. Loke is a guild member aka one of our nakama. You can't be going around and hurting your comrades just because you feel like you have to protect me. I'm a young, attractive girl Natsu. People are going to try and flirt with me or make a move on me." said Lucy.

Sly noticed that Zane wanted to say something with her saying,"Wait until she's done.". "If a guild member flirts with me or tries to touch me, let me deal with them. If it's an enemy or some pervert on the street, feel free to kick the shit out of them." said Lucy. "Okay Luce. I understand." said Natsu with a smile. He soon hugged her in a tight hug with Lucy's face flaring up. She was shocked being that she couldn't move.

Natsu said,"I'll try and stay calm if one of our nakama but if some jerk we don't know, I'm kicking their ass.". "Can I?" said Zane. "Sure." said Sly. "Thank you. I would totally hurt one of my comrades if they flirted with my girl, you're not attractive to me Lucy, and Natsu, you'll totally be punching a lot of people." said Zane. The two looked at him as Gray said,"Wow. That was savage bro and this scene was so sweet that my teeth are totally going to rot out. Nice counter.".

Natsu let Lucy go with him storming over to Gray with Lucy looking at Zane. "Time for sleep." said Zane with him sleeping. Lucy rolled her eyes as she said,"You're a huge coward who can't face reality at all.". She was soon thrown in the air by Zane's telekinesis with Sly saying,"She really had this coming didn't she?". "Damnit ice princess! Why the fuck did you have to but in?!" said Natsu. "So you're ignoring Zane's savageness against Lucy for me? How dumb are you?" said Gray.

He began poking Natsu in the chest with him saying,"Lets finish our fight and you better not go off and fight someone else....". He was soon headbutted by Natsu with him sprawling to the floor. The ice wizard wiped some blood from his nose as he saw Natsu grinning down on him. "Let's dance then you icy...." said Natsu, cracking his knuckles. Lucy soon collided into him with her saying,"I really do hate that guy.". "Such a cheap shot you flaming jackass!" said Gray.

The two soon went back to fighting with the guild hall laughing at their antics with them not minding the two fighting. Lucy slowly smiled at the sight with Loke bursting back into the guild. "Hey. Loke is back." said Cole. "Wrong one." said Athena. "We got bad news!" yelled Loke, who was panting. "So what is it?" said Mira. "It's her!" yelled Loke, making the entire guild gasp. Gray and Natsu stopped mid punch to look at Loke. "Natsu! Gray! Erza is back!" yelled Loke.

This revelation sent a shock wave across the guild with several different reactions being that most of them were shock and then shaking in their seats. Others jumped up and trembled. Loke was running from the approaching sounds of steady metallic footsteps. Gray looked surprised and horrified with his face paling. "Erza's back! I better get out of here! We'll settle this next time!" yelled Gray, making a beeline for the door.

Natsu cheered as he turned to Lucy and said,"Erza's back Luce! You, Sly, and Zane get to finally meet Erza! I'm sure you guys will love her!". "Why aren't you joining them?" said Lucy, pointed to the scared guild hall. "There's a tension in the air." said Macao, with fear. Mira soon joined the group of Happy, Lucy, Natsu, Sly, and sleeping Zane as Sly said,"Wow. Just a single mention of her name shuts them up.". "She's the strongest female wizard after all." said Mira.

Natsu said,'Yeah! It's been almost a week since I last saw her! I have to tell her about our job Lucy and meeting you three!". "She can be a bit intimidating but she's nice." said Mira. "Zane can handle her and I really hope she doesn't try to wake him up. He's been woken up not by choice twice thanks to Gray and Natsu so the third time, it won't be pretty." said Sly with Zane snoring. "I think I'm more scared of him than I am of her." said Lucy, remembering what happened earlier.

Lucy looked around being that the guild was deathly quiet being that everyone was drinking quietly with the arguments and talking stopped dead in their tracks. "Okay. This is slightly scary." said Lucy to herself. The only sound that she could hear is approaching metal footsteps with Loke saying,"I'm going home now.". He started to follow after Gray with the ice wizard just about to reach the guild's front door, they slowly opened.

Gray stopped dead in his tracks, as a figure appeared in the doorway. Lucy soon noticed that the figure was carrying a large, ornately decorated horn over their shoulder being that it was decorated with jewels and gold. She soon made out the person's details with Lucy shocked to see that it was a woman and she's beautiful. This woman is Erza Scarlet, Fairy Tail's strongest female Wizard and S-Class Wizard.

She's a relatively tall woman ,being about 5 foot 6 and 19 years old, with a slender, voluptuous figure to her. She has stunning scarlet hair that went down her back with her brown eyes being warm and inviting yet hard and fierce. She's wearing a custom set of Heart Kruez armor. It consists of a metal breastplate, with a high armored collar and plated shoulder guards with each side being composed of four plates.

On the breastplate's left side is the symbol of the Heart Kreuz fashion company: a cross with the edge pointing downwards, having the shape of a heart. It donned the brand's name over the cross's right edge. In addition, the armor's waist guard is composed of three plates, each held up by a simple belt. She's wearing a blue skirt and tall black boots that covered her lower legs and reached to just below her kneecaps. She also has diamond shaped silver earrings.

Her Fairy Tail stamp is blue and is located on the middle of her left upper arm with it covered by a long sleeved white blouse. Erza looked around as she said,"I'm back.". She placed the massive horn down, causing the ground to shake a bit and Zane to groan a bit before heading right back to sleep as he was very much tired. "Mira. Is Natsu back yet?" said Erza. "Yep. He's here Erza. He just got back a couple of days ago." said Mira, with her pointing right to Natsu.

Natsu waved to her as he said,"I'm right here Erza!". His spot was right next to Lucy plus Sly and the sleeping Zane. Erza soon walked up to the dragon slayer with her pulling him in for a tight hug. His head banged against her armored chest, being that he was used to this. "It's good to see you Natsu. I really missed you know." said Erza. "I missed you too Erza." said Natsu, with Erza releasing him from her hug. "I want you to meet someone!" said Natsu.

He soon moved Lucy in front of him as he said,"This is my good friend Lucy! We've meet a couple of days and she's the newest member of our family!". Erza smiled with her extending her hand. "Oh so you're new. Welcome to Fairy Tail. I'm Erza Scarlet and I welcome you to our family." said Erza. "It's an honor to meet you Erza." said Lucy with her slightly in awe of Erza. She extended a shaky arm and shook Erza's hand.

Lucy said,"I've read about you in Sorcerer Weekly. You're an amazing wizard and the strongest female in Fairy Tail.". "I hope I can live up to your expectations." said Erza, releasing Lucy's hand with her turned to face Mira. "So where is Master Makarov?" said Erza. "Nope. He's at the regular meeting. It's good having you back Erza." said Mira. "I see then. We'll be talking later Mira." said Erza. "Wow. She isn't what I thought at all." thought Sly.

A guild member said,"So um Erza-San, what's that humongous thing you've got there.". This is Max Alors, with him being known for his Sandstorm Magic. Max is a slim young man of average height with beige hair kept in a very noticeable ,like very obvious, bowl-styled undercut, with two large and straight bangs framing and partially covering the sides of his face; he has dark eyes and thin, dark eyebrows.

Max's outfit consists of a simple, open-collared blue shirt with rolled up sleeves, loose dark blue pants with torn hemlines, and light-colored plain shoes. "This old thing?" said Erza as she placed her hand on the large horn. "It's the horn of a monster that I defeated. The locals were so thankful that they decorated it and gave it to me as a gift. Do you have a problem with it? It's pretty right?" said Erza. She soon glared at him with him saying in utter terror,"Not at all! I think it's pretty too!".

Sly said,"So why is everyone scare of her and why does she remind you of Zane?". "Just watch and find out." said Mira. "I've bet she's heard about what happened at Mount Hakobe." whispered Cana to Macao. "Seriously? I'm so dead." said Macao. Erza soon placed her hand on her hips with her glaring at the guild. "By the way, I've heard that you all have been causing trouble again. Even if the master doesn't mind, I do!" said Erza. "Oh. I get the comparison between her and Zane." said Sly.

Erza said,"Cana! You need to put the barrel down and drink like a normal person! Also put on some clothes! This isn't the beach.". She turned to the brunette with her rolling her eyes at her. She closed her eyes as she said,"Vjeeter! Take your dancing outside! Wakaba! Get rid of that fifth habit of yours!". The two in question flinched with Erza turning to the request board. "Nab! I expect to find you dawdling in front of the request board. Pick a job already will you!" said Erza.

She soon turned to Macao with her glaring at the older wizard for several moments. She sighed with Macao saying,"Just say something will you?!". Erza pinched the bridge of her nose with her shaking her head. "I don't even know to begin with you Macao. You're making us look like savages rather than wizards." said Erza. "Wow. She's taking over the guild like a dictator or something along those lines." said Lucy. "That's Erza!" said Happy.

Lucy said,"She may be a bit bossy but she's the sanest person here. Everyone must be crazy for being scared of her.". "I think they're not used to be told no thanks to Makarov's strong leniency toward any kind of punishment." said Sly. "At least, I heard that you all brought down a dark guild while I was away. I only regret not being here for the battle, it must have been glorious. I'm also glad to see that no one is hurt in such an act." said Erza with pride lacing her voice.

The other members sweat drop at her words with the knight catching this and prominently raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" said Ezra with confusion. "Actually Erza, the guild didn't take down the dark guild but a single wizard did...." said Mira with her being interrupted by a huge snore coming from Zane. Zane ,with a smile, soon turned onto his side with this action catching Erza's attention for the first time. "He's doing this on purpose isn't he?" thought Sly.

Ezra soon began walking toward him being that she had no idea who he was and why he was sleeping in the guild hall. As she did this, there were several whispers going around the guild hall. "He's so dead. I mean he should know not to do that." said a man. "Shouldn't someone warn him about his upcoming death?" said a female. "Someone should warn her." said a man. Erza got ever closer to Zane who was snoring which only got louder as she got close to him.

All went silent when Erza stopped. She soon stood over Zane with him rolling over to face the bar with him looking away. "Excuse." said Erza. Zane snore being that Erza tried again. "Excuse..." said Erza with Zane snoring even louder. "Yep. He is." thought Sly, as a tic mark grew on Erza's head. She balled her metal encased fist making everyone flinch. She soon drew it back and then swung as the resulting whack sound.

It soon went throughout the room being that Erza say that her fist was blocked by a giant dark indigo energy hand that came from Zane's body. Zane opened his eyes with him yawning. "Okay. Who the fuck woke me up this god dam time? Was it pinkie or snow cone?!" said Zane, with him sounding angry and sounding half awake. Everyone sweat dropped at the fact that he summoned an hand out of nowhere and blocked Erza's punch, mainly the latter.

Zane looked to see Erza, being that she was shorter than him. Zane cracked his knuckles with each one being a loud pop and he yawned. As he did this, more tic marks were on Erza's head. "Sly, how long was I asleep for this time?" said Zane. "About ten to thirty minutes ish. We really need to get back to our apartment. I rather have a grumpy Zane that wasn't created by something that isn't sleep like pure rage." said Sly as she sighed.

Zane turned back to Erza with her head tilted so her bangs shaded her eyes as a dangerous aura aired around her making Zane blink. Zane smiled as he said,"Hey Mira. Who's the ugly ginger in armor? She's giving me a death glare and I haven't done a darn thing yet.". "You're doing this on purpose aren't you?" said Athena with Zane soon shrugging. That had been the last straw for Erza ,who saw red, and in a second she pulled a sword out of nowhere and slashed at Zane's throat.

This making everyone in the guild gasp as the action, but then gasp again at what followed. The sword was blocked by the giant hand with it being held in its index finger. Zane looked up to the ceiling with Erza's hair still covering her eyes. "So why is she trying to cut my head off? People have tried that but thanks to my magic, I can't be killed by something as a simple shave plus I've been cut before. Didn't like it too much." said Zane with him smirking.

This only served to anger Erza more being that she pulled a second blade from nowhere and went for his other side only to be blocked in the exactly same way but by a second hand. It was after this then when their eyes met with Zane's eyes narrowing and slitting themselves. Erza soon figured out that Zane knew what he was doing being that she noticed his coat being that it had his Fairy Tail Emblem on it.

Zane said,"Don't you ever try and wake me up against Ginger Knight or else, I'll end your life with a single flick.". As he said this, his eyes glowing gold. It was for intimidation purposes being that most of the time, it worked. It didn't work this time given that she was focused on something else at the moment. Upon seeing the mark, Erza soon immediately flinched being that she figured out that she had just attacked a fellow guild member.

It was unprovoked and in the heat of the moment. She soon stepped back lowering her blades. "I'm guessing that you're a new recruit?" said Erza. "I am and is this how you treat newbies around here Ginger Knight? I thought Fairies were accepting but trying to cut me down just because I'm trying to sleep isn't nice at all." said Zane, with both hands disappearing. Erza mentally flinched as she realized she needed to have a reason even if it wasn't a good one.

She responded on the spot with,"You sleeping in the guild hall is unseemly. You should be sleeping at your home if you're so tired.". She was soon back in her commanding mindset. "Fuck off okay? That dam pink haired bastard and his annoying furball dragged me and my partner here just because they wanted me to meet you. I'm fucking tired because I need my hour of sleep and whenever one of you morons wakes me up, the timer resets. So quit doing it!!!!" said Zane, with him still angry.

Erza and the guild flinched at Zane's anger with the S-Class realizing that she was in the wrong even if her reason had been made up, so she did the only thing left she could do, she bowed humbly on her spot, "I'm very sorry for my actions. I acted too quickly because I was not aware of the situation. As a S-Class Wizard of the guild, it's my responsibility to keep the other members in line. This is to make sure that they don't embarrass the guild. It seems that I'm was in the wrong." said Erza.

Her head was bowed as Zane rolled his eyes. He smirked as he said,"Ah. You're Erza Scarlet. I've heard so much about you but a Bossy Bitch isn't what I expected. I hate people who think it's their responsibility to force their opinions down others throat. People can do whatever they want so stop that shit right now.". This got Erza's attention being that she stood up immediately. "What did you say to me?" said Erza. "Oh. I said that you are a...." said Zane.

He was stopped by Mira with her saying,"Sorry about that Erza. Zane just have a mouth on him and he always say the first thing that comes to mind.". "Yeah. Erza is a bossy bitch and I fucking despise that type of person." said Zane. "Anyway, Zane here took down the dark guild being that I'm sure that Master Makarov would have promoted him on the spot being that he would have been the first wizard to be promote outside of the trial." said Mira. Erza looked at her with shock and then back to Zane.

It would certainly explain how he had caught her attacks like they were nothing. He's strong being that she knew that he was much strong than her. Zane looked at the slight worry on Erza's face when she attacked the person who defeated a dark guild. "Your family didn't do a dam thing. Mira. Don't tell people that I would be an S Class wizard. I would have refuse him on the spot. I hate when people give me special treatment. So what do you think about that Ginger Knight?" said Zane.

Sly sighed as she said,"Great. He found a new target for his teasing.". Erza took a deep breath as she said,"I'm going to be the bigger person here and ignoring you insulting your family. It's nice to meet you Zane. You seem strong.". "But you're smaller than me and I am stronger than you times ten." said Zane. "That isn't the point and shut up! You're walking on a thin line!" thought the guild. "Happy, is Gray here?" said Erza, ignoring Zane. Gray forced a smile with him wrapping his arm around Natsu.

Gray said,"Hey Erza. I'm getting along with my best pal Natsu.". "Aye!" said Natsu. "Why is Natsu talking like Happy?!" said Lucy, freaking out. "And do you have to be so loud? It's too dam early for this shit. I need a beer." said Zane. "That's great. I'm happy to see that you two are getting along and even though you two may fight once in a while, I like seeing you getting together." said Erza. "I'm only helping you because I want to beat the shit out of you not Erza." whispered Natsu.

Gray whispered,"Once she's gone, you're going down flame for brains.". "We're not exact best friends but you make total sense Erza." said Gray. "Yep!" said Natsu. "Wow. This woman really has the guild whipped." said Zane, making a whipping sound. Mirajane was drawing a diagram with a not so great picture of Erza, Gray, and Natsu's face. "Gray's scared because she found him walking without any clothes and decided to beat the crap out of him. Hilarious." said Macao, wiping away a tear.

Mira said,"And Natsu and Erza may be close but Natsu is still a little scared of her. He once changed her to a fight and well, he got the crap beaten out of him.". "Seriously? Natsu?" said Lucy, pointing to said dragon slayer. "That sounds about right. He's like most pyrokinetics I've met. Hothead and loud but weak as hell in a fight. Find a way to extinguish their flames and poof, they're gone faster than you can hippocampus." said Zane. "Be nice Zane." said Mira. "I am." said Zane.

Sly said,"He's right Mira. He was raised to speak whatever comes to mind and Zane's mind is very blunt and extremely offensive. Most people like him for his personality but not his mouth at all. I could be wrong about that.". "Natsu is almost at Erza's level but she's stronger than him. However when Natsu gets mad, his strength seems to double or even triple sometimes. His feelings for the guild and its members are what gives him the strength and will to overcome any obstacle." said Mira.

Sivarth said,"That sounds like you in the past.". Zane smiled as Lucy said,"That sounds like Natsu to me.". "And don't forget the time she also beat up Loke for trying to hit on her. I think Loke was also burned that time both in a emotional and physical sense. He had it coming." said Cana, pointing to Natsu who whistled. "Yeah. He had it coming so could she punch Zane for being one too?" said the blonde with a glare at Zane. "She can try but she'll fail hard." thought Zane, rolling his eyes.

Erza said,"I'm so happy to see you getting along with Natsu, Gray.". She pushed a couple of scarlet locks out of her eyes. "I have a favor to ask the both of us." said Natsu. "Sure thing Erza. What do you need us to do?" said Natsu with his toothy grin. The mood of the guild hall became extremely serious being that Erza wasn't known for asking for help except from Natsu. "While traveling, I heard a nasty rumor." said Erza.

Erza put her hands on her hips with her saying,"I would normally talk with Master about this but since he isn't here, I'll have to take this matter into my own hands. The two of you are the strongest wizards here so I could use your help. Will you?". "Did that just happen?" said Laki's voice. "Erza just asked for help other than Natsu?" said Macao's voice. "Stranger things have happened old pal of mine." said Wakaba's voice.

Gray looked at Natsu and then Erza said,"Eh?!". "Okay. This is just plain weird." said Cana. "So what could make Erza ask Gray for help? This mystery is forming." said Happy, looking like a detective. "I think we shall leave the train station tomorrow morning at 7 sharp. I'll give you the details tomorrow so get ready." said Erza, turning to leave. "No but...." said Gray. Erza was walking away with Mira saying,"Wait Erza! I have some extra people if you don't mind!".

Erza smiled as she said,"I could use all the help I can get with this.". "How about our three newest members?! Lucy here defeated a mercenary gorilla using a pinky finger plus Sly and Zane saved my life from a dark guild and Zane took down one." said Mira. Lucy sweat dropped at that with Mira being way off from the truth. Zane wasn't exactly happy about being thrown to the wolf like that so he was thinking of a response. "They also helped to save Macao's sorry behind." said Laki's voice.

Macao tensed up as Erza said,"Very well, we shall all meet at the train station at 7 sharp. You're new Lucy and Zane so don't be late.". She was about to grab her giant, decorated horn with Zane laughing his head off. Everyone looked at him being that instead of scary, he was happy. He calmed himself down as he said,"Okay Ginger Knight. I guess you're a bigger bossy bitch than I thought. Mira, don't throw me out to the wolves like that.". "Are you refusing my demand?" said Erza.

Zane said,"Fuck yeah I am. I refuse to work with a bitch aka you. I hate people who force me to do shit that I don't want. Oh and that horn of yours. It's super tacky and a total fucking eyesore. You really should get rid of it because it doesn't belong in a guild hall.". He soon had a sword up to his chest with Erza saying,"You will come with me Zane or else.". "Or else what? You're going to use force to get your way Ginger Knight which is really sad and won't work on me." said Zane.

She soon sliced down being that everyone expected blood but they were shocked upon hearing a clang sound. Her sword went flying into the roof as Zane's chest was covered in dark purple metallic scales with a spiral pattern to it. "Again with the shaving? So annoying. Time to knock you out for a few. FALL GINGER KNIGHT." said Zane. Mira saw a familiar circular purple energy wave erupt from his body, being that Erza was soon knocked out within in seconds.

The guild was shocked as Gray said,"She was defeated without a single punch thrown. Who the hell is this guy?". "Erza!" said Natsu. He rushed toward her as he glared at Zane, who was calm. "Calm down pinkie. She will be fine. I didn't kill her. She was annoying me being that I didn't want to go with her because I hate people who force me to do shit I don't want to. Oh and I'm not joining your team because I hate her. Sly! I'm going to sleep and then eat." said Zane.

He was gone with the guild hall going silent. Sly sighed as she said,"I expected this to happen but still.". "Wow. Zane really doesn't like Erza." said Cana. "Well, that hatred stems from his youth being that he went to a school where people like Erza. He hates people who force others to do what they want and they thought it was fine since they were popular and rich. I can't recall a single day where Zane didn't punch a jock or slap a girl before and after his magic appeared." said Sly.

Natsu picked Erza ,princess style, as he said with a serious look,"I'm going to find Zane and make him apologize to Erza.". Lucy could tell that he's serious with Sly saying,"You won't find him even with your nose Natsu. If Zane doesn't want you to find him, he'll hide.". Natsu grumbled as Mira stood there with a hand over her mouth. "Erza, Gray, Happy, Lucy, Natsu, Sly, and Zane. This team could be the strongest in all of Fairy Tail!" said Mirajane.

Later that evening, Lucy and Sly were sitting at the bar. Upon walking up, Erza demanded from Sly Zane's location being that the Akostar told her that she wouldn't rat out her partner being that Erza dragged Natsu ,by his scarf, out to search for him being that she used the puppy dog look to get him to melt in her hands like putty. Mira had a feeling that Erza just wanted to spend some private time with her "friend" due to it being a week since they've last been together.

She knew that Erza and Lucy liked Natsu with Natsu liking the both of them with it feeling like a romantic relationship. "So will Zane go and join her if I ask him Sly? I'm sure that Erza wouldn't have ask unless it was serious." said Mira. "Maybe. I'm not sure. Erza didn't exactly meet Zane on his best day. This exact scene could have happened regardless even if Zane had his one hour of sleep but more violent." said Sly.

Lucy said,"So what do you mean by that? What was that magic or spell he used to knock out Erza with? It was a serious shock to see such a strong woman like her being knocked out without Zane laying a hand on her.". "Well, it's complicated. Zane's magic is different being that it grants him great power but no real instruction on how to use. Zane trained himself to his limits in order to master it being that he's an expert. Like everything, it comes with its downfalls." said Sly.

The two looked at the living salamander with Sly saying,"Mira, can you tell me why you suggest us to go with them?". "Well, you're a part of Natsu's team Lucy so if I didn't, he would do it." said Mira. Lucy sighed as she said,"Fair but still. A little warning would be nice.". "True and you're stronger than you think you are. Zane picks on people that he thinks are annoying and deserve it. I have faith in you Lucy. You did defeated that living ball of ugly." said Sly.

Lucy smiled as she said,"Yeah. I did. At least you know that I didn't defeat the gorilla maid.". "So do you mind telling me where Zane is? I want to talk with him. He's strong and I should have asked him before I did something like that." said Mira. "He's at the restaurant which is nearby our place. Here's some advice Mira. Zane is a stubborn guy but he can be convinced." said Sly. Mira nodded as she left the guild hall with Lucy saying,"So why are you so loyal to Zane?".

Sly soon looked at Lucy with her saying,"It's sweet to see you so loyal to him but he's a jerk. I mean he has a major attitude problem.". "You're right about him being a major attitude problem. He speaks bluntly and whatever comes to mind. He still has friends in high and low places being that they know that under his mouth, there is a strong ally and companion. Just trust me on this Lucy." said Sly. Lucy nodded as she said,"I will.".

Meanwhile, there is a building/guild hall inside of a dark forest with dead trees. This guild hall is the base of the dark guild Eisenwald which is located somewhere in or near Oshibana Town. The guild's building is a moderately sized building made of stone being that there was noticeable decay on it. In the center of the building, there is a black clock being engraved in gold, including the numbers. Two members were walking down the main corridor of the Dark guild in conversation.

One of the duo said,"Whoa! What guild is that woman from?!". He was pointing to a picture in the latest issue of Sorcerer Weekly. "No clue." said the other member with the first member ,holding the magazine, turning to another page that showed Erza. "She's a total babe! Dam I should have asked her out!" said the first member. "No offense but you don't stand a chance with her because you're evil and she's good. This isn't a Fairy Tale." said the other member.

These two are Eisenwald members Byard ,a Light and Telekinesis Wizard, and Karacka ,a Phasing Wizard, being that the two along with one other ,Rayule, had just come back from a mission. Byard is a tall man with a very noticeable square-shaped face and black hair, which is arranged on the front in a flat tuft going upwards. He has black eyes with his face having six distinctive whisker, with each cheek bearing three of them.

He dons a simple attire consisting of a zipped up, brownish jacket with a large collar which is over a black shirt, dark pants and simple shoes. Karacka is a short, hunched back, and large man. He doesn't have a visible nose and possesses very large lips. His face on the whole resembling that of a fish or a frog. It's either or. His hair is green and points upwards in many rounded, curved spikes. He has black eyes.

He's wearing a crimson jacket with lighter edges and a high collar. It was held closed right under it but otherwise being left open over a light shirt being quite short, reveals much of Karacka’s stomach much to the dismay of other and loose, black military-spotted pants held up by a simple belt and tucked inside brown boots. He also has a massive necklace around his neck, consisting of several, very large metal discs connected by a rope. "Would you two just shut up?" said a member.

The two dark wizards soon turned to their fellow member Rayule with him being a Urumi wizard aka using black bands. He's a tanned man with a pointed nose and a sharp chin. He has dark lines circling his eyes. He's wearing a distinctive jacket, yellow in the low part and dark in the upper one and on the sleeves, which comes equipped with a tight hood covered in black and light stripes. He wears a light shirt under this signature jacket of him, simple pants and shoes.

Byard said who glared at Rayule,"Screw you Rayule! Tell that frog faced fat ass that I totally had a chance with that armored woman!". "I really don't care about your attempt love life." said a voice which sent chills down rat face's spin. Rayule turned to the shadows of the guild hall with the voice saying,"Rayule. Is Kageyama with you three?'. "Nope. He's still working on the seal of that thing so it should be very soon." said Rayule.

A figure soon stepped out of the shadow with him saying,"We don't have time to spend chasing after an unobtainable dream. Our time to strike is now being that those old farts are at their meeting.". This is the infamous Erigor the Shinigami/Grim Reaper/Death God. He's the dark guild's strongest wizard being that before they became a dark guild, he was an S-Class Wizard. The master is actually weaker than the reaper.

Erigor is an extremely tall, lean-built and yet mildly muscular man with silver hair, which is held pointing upwards in spiky strands on top of his head, but hangs down to the left of his face in a distinctive tuft. It sometimes partially covering it and reaching down to his shoulders. His eyes are dark and he has an elongated face with sharp features and somewhat pointed ears, but seems to lack eyebrows.

His eyes are circled by dark lines and each of them has a simple tattoo right below it, consisting of a pointed line going down vertically, crossed with two more, larger horizontal lines. The upper part of his body is similarly tattooed. However with much larger, intricate, and blue-colored motifs, which took on a spiraling forms, and adorn his shoulders, biceps, pectorals and back. He's dons a torn Japanese-like outfit befitting his role as the Shinigami.

He is shown bare-chested, with all of his tattoos visible, and his lower body is covered in different layers of clothing. He sports a long, worn skirt, reminiscent of a hakama, below a darker, shorter cloth, held up by an even lighter and shorter one tied like a belt. He has a black scarf wrapped around his thin neck, with its edges hanging on his back and traditional geta sandals on his feet. His attire is completed by a pair of distinctive dark gloves each adorned by a light “X” on the back.

He has bandages wrapped around his forearms. He's known for his giant scythe being that it's his very much signature weapon which he carries around in his right hand, often resting it or leaning it, over his right shoulder or back. The weapon has a very large, jagged blade, with a light-colored cutting edge and the rest of it being dark, which is mounted on a gnarled staff, curving lightly before the blade itself. Opposite to the blade, on top of the staff, is a decorative skull, seemingly an animal one.

The next day at Magnolia Station, Gray and Natsu were currently fighting being that it was the group of Happy, Lucy, and Sly waiting for Erza Scarlet and Zane. Lucy is also the only one to have change her outfit being that she's wearing an orange and yellow blouse with a short blue skirt, her whip and keys, and high heeled sandals. Other people were staring at them being that they were making strange comments at them. "I hate this! Erza only need me, Lucy, Sly, and Zane!" said Natsu.

The fire and ice wizard were bumping heads. "That's my line flaming torch! I've been here for an half hour!" said Gray. "I was getting Lucy and Sly since Zane wasn't at his place! You have a problem with that Popsicle head!" yelled Natsu. Gray turned to the blond with her having waving and holding Plue. "Seriously?!" yelled Gray. "She's part of my team with Erza, Happy, Sly, and Zane so she's joining us. She's very capable and a great help on this job!" said Natsu.

Lucy soon blushed as both Gray and Natsu had a blue and red aura ,respectively, with them soon colliding, making people around them walk around them. "Whatever man. So are you stupid or what man? Zane says that he isn't on your team because of Erza." said Gray. "I guess you've frozen your brain. Zane is a way stronger wizard than you so you can just pussy out and not come, I'll gladly let Erza kill you when we get back." said Natsu.

Gray grabbed Natsu's vest with him saying,"Screw you hotheaded jackass!". "Oh, you're so going down you frozen waste of space!" yelled Natsu. Lucy sighed as she said,"So can we pretend like we don't know them?". Happy sat nearby her ,with him chewing on a fish, as he said,"Didn't Mira asked you to keep them from fighting?". "I tried that and well, it didn't work." said Lucy, remembering how those two burned/frozen the fountain out front. "Not worth dying over." said Sly.

Elsewhere, Zane was walking along and passing by people. "I still can't believe you're going on this job with the bossy bitch. How far you've fallen." said Kane. "Mira did ask him Kane plus Zane can't refuse a pretty face." said Sivarth. "She also said that Zane could make snarky jokes and insult for the whole trip so that's why." said Twilight. "That's Zane for you." said Cole. "So where are they?" said Athena.

Zane soon overheard a flaming boy and another boy arguing with Zane saying,"Found them.". He soon saw them with him smirking. "I have an idea but first." said Zane. Sly soon looked up as she said,"Lucy. Watch this.". "Okay?" said Lucy. The group soon heard Erza's voice,"Both of you idiots stop your petty fighting right now!". The two soon wrapped each other's arms around each other. The two were acting like best buddies before figuring out that she wasn't there.

However, Zane was being that he was currently in a new form. This is Voice Form. He looks to be 6 feet tall with crimson stone like skin. He has green hair with it being really spiky and yellow eyes with gray guitar shaped pupils. He wears a pair of sunglasses which either rest on his nose or cover his eyes. He wears a black vest. He wears a white t-shirt that shows part of his muscular chest and a thin black necklace with a gold music note shaped pendant. 

He wears black pants with gray music note shaped patterns. He wears gray boots and fingerless gloves on both hands. He's wearing the black robe. Zane began laughing with the two girls, Plue, and Happy laughing at the dragon slayer and ice wizard. "Wow guys. I really didn't expect you guys to fall for that but hey, anything is possible in this world." said Zane. "Is that why you didn't want me to do anything?" said Lucy, wiping away a couple of tears. 

Sly looked at her as she said,"Pretty sure. So what took you so long?". "I helped unfreeze and fix the water fountain up front. Two idiots from my guild broke it because of their lust toward each other being quite violent." said Zane, pointing to Gray and Natsu. "That was a dirty trick Zane." said Natsu, glaring at Zane. "No. It was a funny trick pinkie. Learn the difference." said Zane, sitting down on the bench. 

Zane slowly turned to Plue with the snowman jumping to play with Zane much to his joy. "Sorry for going overboard Luce." said Natsu. "Luce? That's so cute. You already have a pet name for her." said Gray, smirking. "It does sound like a pet name. What are you going to call him Lucy?" said Sly. "I can give you one if not several." said Zane. "It isn't a pet name! It's a nickname and Lucy likes it! Mind you own damn business you shit flavored Popsicle!" said Natsu. 

Gray glared at Natsu with him saying,"Screw you pink-haired douchebag!". The two went back to fight each other as Zane sighed. "Happy and Lucy. Cover your ears right now." said Zane with the two nodded. Zane walked up to them and he screamed loudly, releasing a powerful sonic wave from his mouth. The two were on the floor, holding their ears. "That should stop them." said Zane. "Yep. Just like Erza." said Happy, with Zane's eye twitching.

Upon walking up, Natsu saw that Happy currently had candy syrup tied around his mouth with Zane listening to his music. He was out of Voice Form with Lucy saying,"So where is Erza? She's late and she's the one to told us to be here.". "She's close. We've been together for so long and does that stuff come off?" said Natsu, pointing to Happy. "In due time." said Sly. "Great. I'm stick with the flame brained idiot, some chick I barely now, and the guy who beat Erza. I feel sick." said Gray.

He put a hand over his stomach with Sly saying,"Would fish help Gray?". "No. Why are you acting like the dam cat?" said Gray. "Sorry that I'm late you guys." said Erza's voice. Gray soon turned to see Erza standing there with her holding a large cart filled with luggage. "That's a lot of stuff!" said Lucy. "And does she really need all of it?" said Sly. "Kinda pointless if you ask me." said Zane. "It's time to go good buddy!" said Gray. "Aye sir!" said Natsu. "We already have one Happy, we don't need two." said Lucy.

Erza smiled as she said,"It's nice to see you again Lucy. Natsu has told me that you'll make a good addition to the mission but this job is rather risky.". "Risky?" said Lucy. "Yes." said Erza. The two girls talked with Zane watching Gray and Natsu were fighting behind Erza's back,. She turned around being that they were acting like friends. She soon turned around as the two went back to fighting for a bit. "Wow. That's just sad." thought Zane, shaking his head.

Natsu soon looked at Zane with him having a look of determination. "Erza before we get going. I have one condition." said Natsu. "Shut up! I don't need any condition to work with you." said Gray in a frantically tone. "Oh, and what is it?" said Erza in a sweet but calm tone. He stomped down and got into a fighting stance, looking at Zane. "Zane! I want you to join my team and fight me! This time, you can't say no to me!" said Natsu with his fists covered in flames. 

Sly could tell that the dragon slayer was serious being that everyone soon turned to Zane being that he was listening to his music. Plue ,who was still on Zane's lap much to the confusion of Lucy, tried to get Zane's attention with Gray saying,"You do know that he defeated Erza without throwing a single punch right?!". Erza glared at him, scaring him. "Yeah but I'm sure that I can defeat him and he'll make an awesome team member right Lucy?" said Natsu. "Sure I guess." said Lucy.

Erza sighed as she smiled. She brushed a few scarlet locks out of her face with her saying,"He would make a good team member Natsu if he didn't have the attitude of a wild animal.". Zane's eye twitched as Sly said,"Zane. I know you can hear us without the headphones on. He isn't going to stop until you say yes and you know it.". "Fine. However, I want you to something for me first Pinkie." said Zane as he took off his headphones. "What is it?!" said Happy.

Zane smiled as he said,"I'll fight you once we get back to the guild being that you and your BFF Gray have to work together through the WHOLE mission. If you can do that, I'll fight you. You also have to give it your all in this fight. Don't half ass this fight Natsu because I'm not one for fighting just out of the blue. This will be a test of skill. If you win, I'll join your team which consist of Furball, Ginger Knight, and Triple B. If I win, you'll see what I want you to do. You want to fight me too Gray?".

Gray said,"You can't be serious! I can't work with this flame brain!". He didn't want to fight Zane at all given that he felt Zane's anger yesterday and seeing him easily defeat Erza. "Deal!" said Natsu with him blowing fire out of his mouth. "Calm it down hothead pinkie. Where I came from, we settle agreements with a handshake." said Zane. He held out his right hand being that his hand was soon covered in a emerald green flame with an obsidian black tint.

Natsu looked at it with Sly saying,"Here's some advice Natsu. Don't do it. Zane is known for being the devil when it comes to wager and bets being that he ALWAYS win. You really don't want to do this....". "Deal!" said Natsu, shaking Zane's hand with the flames covering him. Sly soon sighed as Erza said,"When Natsu wants something a lot, he doesn't listen to reason. I'm impressed with how Zane handled that though.".

Natsu soon sprinted toward their train being that his fire came off his body being that he scared some pedestrians. "He's such a hothead." said Lucy, rubbing her temples. "I think it's one of his admirable traits. Lets go everyone." said Erza. The group soon went toward the train. "To answer your question for earlier Erza, Zane has been challenged a lot being that it's mainly the hotheads. Natsu will soon find out what happens when you mess with the devil." said Sly.

The train ran smoothly along the tracks being that it passed through several landmarks and towns along the way. Natsu soon had motion sickness being that he wasn't doing so good. The group of Erza, Gray, Happy, Lucy, and Natsu were in one booth as Sly and Zane sat in the booth next to them being that Zane liked having leg room. Plue was currently in Lucy's lap. Natsu sat at the end of his booth ,with Happy in the middle of Gray and Natsu, trying not to barf.

His face was looking greener than the grass that passed by. He looked so energetic just before they boarded the train, being he was hyper active. Upon the train starting, he was out of here. "End me now snowcone." said Natsu, with him sweating pouting off his body and his stomach churned. "You are such an freaking eyesore. Go sit with Zane if you're going to be keep annoying. If you don't want to that, you should run alongside the train." said Gray with a huff.

Lucy looked at Zane with him saying,"If he does that, the fight is off.". The teen ,with music playing in his headphones, was reading a book. It looked rather worn out with a gold lock. The cover had an eight leaf clover ,in the center of it, on it and it's a black color. This is Arcane Lexicon aka Zane's signature spell book being that he was doing a quick refreshed course. "I'll be fine Luce. Don't worry and Gray, I'm kicking your ass once I'm done defeating Zane." said Natsu, smiling at the blonde.

Zane said in a very singsong voice,"Natsu. Don't catch your chickens before they hatch.". Lucy soon glared right at Zane with her saying,"Don't you have a single shred of humanity?". Zane shrugged as he said,"Meh. I did but well, I decided to be a blunt person instead. It's more fun that way and since Gray is so bother by his boyfriend's pain, Abolish and Siesta.". Gray was about to comment on Zane's response with him watching the dragon slayer fall asleep

He was still in pain but he was more quiet about it. "Thanks." said Gray. "No problem." said Zane with him sticking his head back into the book. "How did you do that?" said Erza. "It's an ancient Alvarez secret aka a spell." said Zane. Erza glared at Zane who shrugged his shoulders. Sly was currently in her dragon form with Erza saying,"Do you mind moving Lucy? I have a way to help Natsu.".

Lucy sighed as she said,"Why do I have to move exactly?". She turned back to Erza who smirked as she thought to herself,"She did that on purpose. I guess Mira was right about her being more than just a friend.". The knight soon had the dragon slayer's head on her lap with him grumbling out,"Stupid motion sickness.". "Huh. I guess he isn't that asleep." said Kane. "Just rest and relax Natsu. We'll be there in no time." said Erza. She ran her fingers through his pink locks being that he smiled. 

Lucy thought,"Wow. She's like a different person when she's around him. It's sweet to see them act the way they do around each other. I don't want to ignore my own feelings but I wish there was a way for all of us to be happy.". "Really wished that you knocked him by punching him in the gut Ginger Knight." said Zane, with him looking up from his book. "Natsu is my friend just like you Zane. So why would I do that to one of my friends?" said Erza. "Because it would be hilarious." said Zane.

Zane rolled his eyes as he thought,"I guess Mira was right about her. She's going to be a noticeable wall for Triple B to climb over if she wants Natsu. I hope she finds a way for them to be together due to undecided love is a determent on the battlefield.". "I guess that Zane the cupid is back from the dead." said Sivarth. Zane didn't like Erza at first being that she really did reminded him of the A-list from his high school days being that they forced everyone to follow their rules.

He didn't find her at all intimating but he could tolerate her for now at least. The group sat in silence for a while with Natsu sleeping soundly, Gray and Happy starting out the window, Lucy organized the things in her bag, Erza combing her hands through Natsu's hair, Sly was enjoying her partner's warmth on his chest, and Zane was reading his book. "Peace and quiet. I miss this." said Athena with Lucy soon finishing sorting her bag. She decided to break the silence much to Athena's dismay.

Lucy said,"Come to think about it. I've never seen any other types of magic beside the one that Natsu and Zane uses. What do you use Erza-San?". "You have no need for formalities Lucy since all of us are going to be on the same team soon." said Erza. Gray was about to say something before a glare from Erza shut him up. Zane made a whip sound with Cole saying,"You're enjoying this free snark session aren't you?". "What do you think?" said Twilight.

Happy said,"Her magic is really pretty. Her opponent's blood comes out when she's fights.". "That isn't pretty." said Lucy. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder Lucy so don't judge." said Sly. "My magic isn't anything that special being that it's simple Requip magic. I personally think that our friend Gray's magic is quite beautiful myself." said Erza. "It is?" said Gray. "What type of magic do you use Gray?" said Lucy, giving him her full attention.   

Gray sighed as he said,"Fine. Watch and be amazed.". He punched his palm being the air around his hands begin to chill. He soon had a small Fairy Tail symbol made out of ice materialized in Gray's hand. "I use Ice Make magic Lucy but I'm just an Ice wizard." said Gray. "Wow. That's a pretty cool magic. Huh?" said Kane. Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Gray. You and Natsu are really cute. Fire and ice don't mix so that's why you fight. Figures it would be something simple like that.".

Lucy giggled as Gray looked away flustered. "Is that true Gray?" said Erza. "Screw you man. I just hate his guts. How about you tell us about what's going on? You wouldn't normally ask for other's help so what's up Erza?" said Gray. "Before that, we haven't learn about your magic Zane." said Erza who looked at the multi-haired teen. "What about mine you guys?" said Happy. "You can fly. That isn't that special there Happy." said Sly, flying in the air.

Happy grumbled as Zane said,"So we're playing twenty questions? Okay, I'm a user of Zenith Magic being well, it's the pinnacle of several magics in one. Got it memorized?". "So is your Take Over magic part of that Zane? And what was that energy wave?" said Lucy. "Yep. So why did you ask us to come with you and pinkie? I'm curious now." said Zane. "I understand. I have reason to believe that the dark guild Eisenwald is planning something big." said Erza.

Erza sighed as she said,"I'm not exactly sure what but it have something to do with a magic item known as Lullaby.". "Lullaby?" said Sly. "That's the item from before?" said Lucy with Gray and Happy nodded. "You've heard of it?" said Erza. "Yeah. On our way back to Fairy Tail, we ran into a group of wizards. We took the forest route thanks to Happy's nose. The group took Happy and tried to eat him." said Gray. "F.Y.I. I don't taste good Lucy." said Happy.

Lucy sighed as she said,"Sometimes cat. We defeated them and then tied them up. They did mention Lullaby and that was about it before they vanished into the ground.". "That sounds like the work of an umbrakinetic or in layman's term, a Darkness/Shadow Wizard. They were in mass numbers when I fought against Valiant Wraiths." said Zane. "We're not sure if they were part of Eisenwald but they did mention Lullaby." said Gray.

Erza said,"They may have been members who've dropped out of the guild and went into hiding. They mostly likely didn't want any part of what's going to happen.". "So this thing is so bad that even dark wizards are scared off?" said Gray. "I'm only hypothesizing being that this umbrakinetic clearly didn't want anyone to know of their plans getting out to the Magic Council." said Erza. "Yeah and with a stupid name like Lullaby, it's so scary." said Zane with very obvious sarcasm in his voice.

Erza said with a glare toward Zane,"This is no laughing matter Zane!". "I can handle a scary item Erza. There is always a weakness. You just have to use your brain to find it." said Zane, with him crossing his arms. "So what do you think they're going to do?" said Lucy. "Perhaps sing us to sleep or something?" said Zane. "Ignore him. He loves making light of serious situations. It's a bad habit that he isn't going to stop doing." said Sly. "Let me start from the beginning." said Erza.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
Erza's voice said,"I was heading back to the guild hall after completing my last job. I stopped in a bar in the town of Onibas. The bar I went to was famous for wizards.". Inside of a bar, Erza sat at a table nearby the back of the bar with her horn and luggage combo much to the confusion of others. She had ordered a strawberry ,being her favorite thing, flavored drink and she took no notice of anyone in the room being that she had Natsu on the brain.

Erza said ,quietly, to herself while nursing her drink,"That was a really easy mission. It would have been much more fun if Natsu had been here.". "Come on, hurry it up Bartender!" yelled a voice from across the bar. This voice came from Byard being that Erza turned her head and saw a group of four wizard being that one of them was hassling with one of the employees. "Why the hell are you guys so slow?" said Byard, with his feet kicked up on the table.

The three others with him are Karacka, Rayule, and a new face to the group. This is Kageyama aka a Shadow wizard and dispeller being able to unseal magic. Kageyama is a young man of average height and weight with black eyes and black hair which he ties in a short, spiky ponytail. He wears a white shirt with a high collar and an intricate symbol on its back over a plain, dark red undershirt. He also wears a pair of aquamarine pants, black shoes and small black earrings in each ear.

Rayule said,"Calm down Byard. Are you seriously trying to make a scene?". "And why shouldn't I be? We finally managed to find out where 'Lullaby" but it's all sealed up! What the hell even is that thing? We couldn't do a dam thing." said Byard. "Indoor voice." said Karacka. "Don't worry. I'll take care of it. You guys head back to the guild. Just tell Erigor-san that I'll be back with 'Lullaby' in three days." said Kageyama, standing up. "Sweet!" said Byard.

Narrator P.O.V.
Lucy began to ponder this with Zane saying,"Lucy. It's pretty simple what the name reminds you of right? It's a children song that you sing kids to sleep or pinkie haired annoyances.". "Despite Zane's comment, he is correct. It was sealed away meaning that it's probably a powerful magic." said Erza with her looking at the ground. "So are you sure those guys were with Eisenwald? They could be just plastered." said Gray.

Erza said,"That's what I thought at first Gray but I'm a fool for not remembering his name. Erigor is the strongest wizard in Eisenwald. He also goes by the name the Reaper or Death God. He only accepted assignation requests.". The mention of the nickname sent shivers down the spines of the trio of Gray, Happy, and Natsu with Zane shrugging. "He kills for money?" said Lucy. "Don't be a prude Lucy. I've done it being that sometimes, killing is the only option." said Zane.

Erza looked at Zane with Sly saying,"It's a long story. Go on.". "Right. When the council banned jobs of that kind. They chose money over the rules of the council. They were kicked out of the wizard league six years ago and were know a dark guild that remains active to this day." said Erza. Lucy was sweating like crazy as she said,"I really should be heading back now.". Sly looked at Plue ,who had been sitting with her the whole time, with his head covered in sweat.

Sly sighed as Happy said,"Lucy's all slimy!". "It's sweat!" growled Lucy. "How could I be so foolish back then? If I remember his name, I could have gotten our answers then!" said Erza. "People make mistakes Erza. You can't change the past, live in the future." said Zane. "So Eisenwald is planning to do something with this Lullaby thing because of what you've heard. It sounds bad." said Gray. "That's correct. I'm not foolish enough to believe I could take on a dark guild by myself." said Erza.

Zane coughed as Sly said,"We were lucky that their strongest member was an Explosion Wizard who could be easily countered. Erigor sounds like a real wizard.". "Meh." said Zane. 'That's why I asked for your guys help. All of us together are storming the Eisenwald guild." said Erza. "Sweet. Time for a party." said Gray. "Aye!" said Happy. "Why is my second job so crazy?!" said Lucy. "Them's the breaks Lucy." said Zane. "Why are you super slimy now?" said Happy. "It's sweat!" said Lucy.

Zane said,"Back to my point I made earlier Erza. You can't beat yourself up over not attacking them for answers. If this Lullaby is dangerous as you think is, Eisenwald can use this to their advantage since they've killed people who know too much. You were smart in coming back to the guild for support. It's never not a bad thing to ask for help when you need it.". This shocked everyone except for Sly.

Their first impressions of Zane is an aloof loner being that he's rather rude but Sly knew that Zane is decisive and serious when he needs to be. Zane stood up as he said,"I'm going to stretch my legs before we arrive. Someone make sure to wake up sleeping beauty okay?". As soon as he was out of view, a food cart came by their booth. Erza purchased a slice of strawberry cheese cake with Gray and Lucy eating some sandwiches and Happy chose a fish. Sly declined with,"I don't need to eat.".

Erza said,"So Lucy, why did you decide to join the guild? I would have including Sly and Zane but he would have said something to aggravate me.". "That sounds like him." said Sly. "We joined a few days ago, actually." said Lucy. "Oh and then what happened...." said Ezra. A voice soon interrupted her with it saying in a dull tone,"Attention all passengers, we've arrived at Onibas Station. Please exit calmly and efficiently.". "Alright, lets get going." said Erza.

She soon got up and headed toward the doors of the train. The rest of the group followed her as they ran into Zane who was making his way back to the booth and sat back down. "Oh, you made perfect timing. Let's go." said Erza. "Wait. You're forgetting about...." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as he said,"Okay Erza. Let me just grab my bag.". He soon held his bag as he said,"Hey Kane. Mind covering for me? I sensed something and have fun.". "Okay. Just flip the switch." said Kane.

Zane soon moved the skull of Enigma Talisman being that Kane took over his body and Zane soon floated there. Sly sat on Kane's left shoulder with her whispering,"Why are you in control right now Kane?". "Because Zane sensed something and well, Erza forgot pinkie. I really wanted to hit her so I think that's why." said Kane. Sly sighed as they were off the train. "So are you sure about these guys being here Erza?" said Gray.

The group was walking through the station with Happy, Kane, and Sly sitting on Erza's mountain of luggage much to her annoyance of the Vulcorian in control of Zane's body. "Hold on. You said that they were expelled. Didn't they get punished?" said Lucy. "They did. Eisenwald's master was arrested and the guild was forced to disband. However, most dark guild tend to ignore the rules of the council with no fear." said Erza. "Maybe I should head back." said Lucy.

The two girls soon stopped as Gray said,"What?". "Natsu isn't here!" yelled the two. The two soon ran back toward the train station with Gray looking confused. Happy and Kane were laughing as Sly sighed. "If you knew this was going to happen Zane, why didn't you do anything?" said Sly. "Because he thought it would be funny which it is." said Kane. When the group got back to the train station, the train was long gone being that Happy said,"Bye Bye Natsu.".

Kane laughed as he said,"Man. Zane is such a funny guy.". "I can't believe how dumb I am! I was too focused on the explanation of the problem at hand that I forgot to grab Natsu when we left. I'm an idiot! He hates all forms of transportation except for Happy. He's still asleep or probably half dead on that train. This is my fault! Please, someone hit me for my stupidity!" said Erza. "You're going a bit overboard." said Lucy.

Kane shrugged as he walked up to Erza. He flickered her forehead with Gray and Happy shocked. "I can't believe it Gray!" said Happy. "Yeah. No one usually hits Erza when she does that." said Gray. "I am sure that Zane told you this before but don't blame yourself. It's a real ugly trait. We're going to get him back." said Kane. He soon walked toward the train tracks with him saying,"Time to get there fast. Electron Tempo and a D.I.S.C. should do the trick.".

The group soon saw Kane jump onto the tracks with Erza saying,"What is he?". "Just watch." said Sly as she floated there. Kane's body soon erupted in his dark indigo electricity ,with a black and white outline, with his hair naturally going up very much in the same way as it would if he would to touch a Plasma Globe. He soon threw a silver ,steel, coin with a logo "LZ" on both sides into the air with it soon turning into a disc.

Kane jumped onto it being that it floated with him on it. "Thank you Electromagnetism. I'll try and catch up with the train. You guys try and find a way to stop it." said Kane. He was soon gone being that Sly thought,"It's a good thing Kane is able to mimic Zane's powers. I'm sure that Zane sensed the dark aura and predict this to happen. I guess him being the grandson of the Astral Priestess gave him some precognition abilities.". "So does anyone have a way to catch that train?" said Sly.

Erza soon started to scan the train platform with her quickly spotting a conductor and stormed over to him. She grabbed the man by his collar, and frantically began to explain the situation to him with Sly thinking,"Pretty sure he heard none of that Erza.". "So you understand why we need you to stop that train! Please understand, it's for our Nakama!" said Erza. "You're talking crazy! I can't just stop the train just because your pal forgot to get off." said the conductor as he dusted himself off.

Erza soon glared at the conductor, causing the man to flinch under her harsh gaze. She soon looked over being that she spotted an emergency stop switch on the wall behind him. Erza soon grabbed the conductor and headbutted him. The conductor soon fell to the ground in an unconscious heap. Erza stepped over the unconscious man with her pulling the emergency stop switch. Along the tracks and stations, alarms went off and lights flashed throughout the station.

The other people in the station looked around in fear or confusion mainly the former. "Come on, lets go after Natsu and Zane." said Erza. She soon turned to a group of people being that she said,"Excuse me, could you deliver this to Hotel Chili?". "Who are you?" said the man but Erza was gone. "Wow. I can't believe how far downhill this went. Are all Fairy Tail wizards like this?" said Lucy. "Yeah. She may be scary but she's really strange." said Gray.

He was soon without clothes as Lucy soon pinched the bridge of her nose. "Gray. Your clothes." said Lucy in the nice tone possible. Sly sighed as she said,"We should probably go after Erza since she's well gone and we kinda need her.". "Right. Do you know where they went?" said Gray. "Yeah. She sticks out and not just because of her hair and fashion choice." said Sly. The dragon flew off with the trio of Gray, Happy, and Lucy following after him.

A little bit earlier, Natsu was still in the train being that he was in a massive amount of pain. "Why the hell am I still on this thing? Where did everyone go? Erza? Lucy? Happy? Sly? Zane? Hell, I'll even take Gray at this point." said Natsu, moaning. He didn't noticed that Zane was still here being that he was currently hiding in the overhead compartment in Vampire Form. He was currently in his bat form aka a small black bat with two black ,with red interior, wings.

Zane thought,"So where are you?". Twilight soon came out of the bat with her saying,"So why didn't you tell the others about this?". "Because I need bait for the dark wizard Twilight." said Zane in a very noticeable Transylvanian accent. It wasn't that much longer until a person slid in. "Hey kid. Is this seat taken?" said a voice. Natsu slowly raised his head being that Kageyama stood there. Natsu didn't say anything but he did manage to weakly gesture to the seat across form him.

Kageyama soon let out a content sigh with him sinking into his seat. After a few moments, the newcomer leaned forward and began to examine Natsu. The dragon slayer groaned out in pain as sweat poured off his body. Kageyama soon spotted the Fairy Tail Mark on Natsu's arm with him letting an impressive whistle. "Oh wow. You seem to be in a lot of pain buddy. Are you okay? My name is Kageyama but call me Kage." said Kage.

He soon smiled with it being sickly sweet. "So you're a member of Fairy Tail, a guild of the light? I really envy you. I've heard a lot about Mirajane being that she's very famous. She's in my friend's magazines once in a while. He says that she's beautiful but I think she's lovely." said Kage. Natsu soon lift his head and glared at Kage. "I do wonder why she isn't active anymore. Such a shame to see such potential wasted behind a camera." said Kage.

Natsu unconsciously clenched his fists with his breathing become ragged. "I don't know her name but there are two new members, a boy and girl right? The new girl's really hot and busty according to my pervert friend. I'm more interested in the boy being that I'm just dying to know about him and how strong he is. Do you know him?" said Kage. "So is he attracted to you?" said Twilight. Zane shrugged as Natsu growled as fire went throughout his body.

Kage leaned back as he said,"I do wonder why all the pretty ones are go towards the light. I envy that about the light being that my guild is a sausage fest. How about you share in the goods or we'll just take it!". Before Natsu could take him down, he was soon kicked in the face. "To tell you the truth you little shit, us in the darkness are the ones who are treated like garbage." said Kage. "Huh? What are you?" said Natsu, moving Kage's foot from his face.

Kage laughed as he said,"Oh. You can talk? I thought you were a mute.". "I want your smell ass foot out of my face." said Natsu in a weak tone, glaring at Kage. "Not really work when you look that buddy." said Zane. "You need to speak up. I can't hear a word you're saying. You light walkers act so high and mighty. All of you fairies just love to bring attention to yourself and it's rather annoying so you're like flies." said Kage. "He isn't wrong but I'm going to enjoy this." said Zane.

Twilight nodded as she went back into Zane's body. The bat soon flew down with neither Kage or Natsu seeing him. "All of you guilds in the light are nothing more than dogs following their masters aka the council without question. The ones in the darkness are free to do whatever we want. It's so much fun pinkie. How about you join us?" said Kage. Kage was smacked Natsu upside the head with Natsu snapping.

He soon stood up with him baring his teeth. He was fired up to give this guy a beat down, if he could move. He soon got his flaming fists at the ready being that Kage went back. "Wow. We got a cocky one." said Kage. However, Natsu soon lost the flames being that he couldn't really do anything thanks to that awful motion sickness. "Wow. That's just sad! Let me show you how magic really works for a true wizard!" said Kage.

His shadow soon extended from his body and turned into three shadow tendrils being that Natsu was soon hit with three powerful uppercuts. He was sent to the ground with him landing on his side. "I'm guessing that my Knuckle Shadow was too much for you fly. It's all in the follow-through." said Kage, with the dark wizard laughing. "That magic." said Natsu. However, Kage was about to attack again but he was stopped by a solid punch to the gut.

He was sent flying toward the other side of the cabin, being that Kage said,"Who the hell?". He soon saw Zane soon standing there in his vampire form with his arms crossed. "You really flew didn't you buddy? I mean wow." said Zane. He has pale white skin with white ,shark like, teeth. Two of them sticking out of his mouth for fangs. He has bat like ears. His eyes are bright red. He's wearing a black and red jumpsuit. He has a chest plate like Frost Form. He looks 7 feet.

He's wearing black gloves. His suit is covered with red marking looking like veins and wearing a white mask that covers his face and head except for the mask. He's wearing the black robe as Kage said,"Who the hell are you?!". Zane ignored him as he looked at Natsu. Motion sickness had really taken its toll on Natsu being that he sighed. "If you can't handle a train Natsu, what in the gods name makes you think that you can beat me?" said Zane.

Before Kage could attack once again, he was stopped being that the train had come to a complete stop. "Okay. That was weird." said Zane. Zane soon noticed that Kage's bag was open being that everyone was scattered. Kage looked shocked as Natsu said,"Thank you. It stopped.". "You two saw it didn't you?" said Kage. "A weird looking recorder?" said Zane with Twilight soon producing a black ,with a crimson red web pattern, tendril from Zane's right wrist and grabbing something.

Zane soon held the object with him saying,"You seem like a strange but kind man Kage. Get out of the darkness before it completely consumes you.". As Natsu got onto his feet, Zane looked at the object. It's a flute being about tweleve centimetres in length. It has a skull with three eyes on one end, and an oval-like cutout in the skull's brow. On the other end, there are root-like cutouts. "What is that Zane and do you know why the train stopped?" said Natsu.

Zane said,"I'll tell you later. Shouldn't you go beat him up?". "Right. He was dissing on Fairy Tail for some reason! Time to make him pay!" said Natsu. He soon cocked his fist back with him coating it with powerful flames. "Time for your dessert asshole! Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" said Natsu. The dark wizard was soon hit with a powerful flame charge right hook. Kage was sent flying across the train car and into the next one, scaring some people.

Kage spit out some blood with him struggling to get back up. He soon saw Natsu smirking. "That's for making fun of my nakama bastard." said Natsu, cracking his knuckles. "You dam pinkie." said Kage with his nose bleeding. "Time for another one!" said Natsu. He soon rushed toward Kage as he was about to cast another spell. However, Kage blocked it. "Guard Shadow!" said Kage with several shadow tendrils rise from his own, creating a barrier to protect him from Natsu.

The trio soon heard a woman's voice,"Attention all passengers, our emergency stop was stopped by a false report. We'll be departing shortly. Thank you for your patience.". Natsu's face paled as he either could take down Kage or leave the train. He picked the latter. "Fuck this. I'm out of here!" said Natsu as he ran and grabbed his bag from above his seat. "Hold it right there Fairies. You won't be leaving that easily! You're at the mercy of....." said Kage.

Zane soon rushed toward him as he punched him hard in the guts, knocking him off. "Shut up Kage." said Zane with him dropping the flute on purpose. "So why did you mess with him Zane? I was going to take him out for what he said! I mean I never forget an ugly mug like his! He made fun of our guild and threatening our family! Me and him are so fighting next time we meet. That's a damn promise!" said Natsu, who covered his mouth as the train started to move again.

Zane sighed as he heard,"Hey Zane. Wow. Natsu made a real mess huh?". The two soon turned to see Kane flying in the air ,on a disc, and his skin was covered in electricity. "There are two of you now Zane?" said Natsu. "Yeah. That doesn't matter. Hang on." said Zane. He soon grabbed Natsu with him flying toward the disc. Kane soon flew off with him saying,"So how's it hanging you two?". Zane was upside down with Natsu about to barf on him. "Fantastic. Now getting going." said Zane.

Back outside, the group of Erza, Gray, Happy, Lucy, and Sly were currently driving toward the train in a Magic Mobile. It's like a normal car being that instead of energy or gas, it's powered by Magic that goes through a SE plug. Erza was driving being that Gray, Happy, and Lucy were riding inside as an unlucky Sly was currently clinging onto the top. If in Sly's situation, people would freak out but she has been with Zane for so long that she loves going faster. 

Sly screamed,"Faster!". The car was accelerating at an alarming rate. It was reaching speeds close to 80 or maybe even 90 mph. Erza didn't even bother to slow down being that she knew that she was draining her magic power by doing this, but she had to get back Natsu. Sly was enjoying the ride with her noticing the SE plug in Erza's right wrist looking like it was draining blood. Erza told Lucy and Sly upon obtaining this vehicle, that it was harmless.

Seeing it in action, it reminded Sly of whenever Zane donated blood. She may be used to seeing some gross and messed up stuff over her life but this was still weird. She soon saw a somewhat beaten up cart with her thinking,"That's mostly likely Natsu since Zane knows how to contain his demolition in a moving train car.". She soon saw Kane and Zane ,with the former being on the top of the disc and the latter being on the bottom of the disc, with the latter holding Natsu.

The two similar sounding name beings heard,"Zane! Over here!". Kane and Zane looked over to see them as the magic mobile moved closer to them. "Why is there two Zanes? The bat is Zane right you guys?" said Gray, sticking his head out the window. "I think so!" said Lucy. "Gray! Catch!" said Zane, with him throwing Natsu right toward Gray. The two soon had a powerful headbutt being that the two were sent flying back.

Erza slammed on the back which sent Sly flying into Kane's arms. "You're welcome partner." said Kane, tipping an invisible hat. Gray and Natsu recovered as Kane, Sly, and Zane stood there on the side of the road and next to the magic mobile with the girls and Happy. "That hurt! Why the heck did you throw him at me man?!" said Gray. "I'm fine Erza. So do you know who this guy who smells like dog shit is? I've seem to have lost some memories." said Natsu, rubbing the lump on his forehead.

Gray said,"Why you?!". He grabbed Natsu by his scarf being that Zane coughed. The two then saw Kane ,as Zane, and Zane ,in Vampire Form, pointing to Erza. "GRAY! Keep your hands off Natsu or else!" said Erza, with her stomping toward them. "Yes ma'am!" said Gray. Kane made a whip sound as Happy said,"I'm sorry for leaving you behind!". He landed on Natsu's head with Sly said,"So do you think he's sorry or what?". "Who knows or cares." said Zane, shrugging his shoulders.

Natsu said with anime tears pouring from his eyes,"Happy! Lucy! Erza! How could you guys forget about me? You left me behind and I thought we were best buddies! Thank god Zane was there to be my new best buddy.". He soon looked at the duo of Kane and Zane with him saying,"So why are there two of you?". "I'm so sorry Natsu. Please forgive me!" said Erza, hanging her head. "Sorry Natsu. I'll make it up to you later I promise." said Lucy.

Gray sweat dropped as he said,"So do they ignore his question just to forgive him?". "Who knows Gray?" said Kane. Erza soon pulled Natsu in for a hug as he heard,"I'm glad you're safe.". The fire dragon slayer was surprised when he felt a few tears drop onto the back of his vest. "I was so worried that you would get hurt. I don't know what I would do if something had happened to you." said Erza as Zane rolled his eyes. "Bringing back old memories Zaney?" whispered Kane.

Zane nodded with Natsu saying,"Hey Erza, I'm fine because Zane had my back with his super cool bat transformation.". Erza smiled and nodded with her wiping the tears out from her left eye. "Why does she get to hug Natsu? I want to hug him too!." thought Lucy, giving Erza a jealous look. Natsu soon hugged Lucy with her seeing Natsu's grin. Lucy smiled back and wrapped her arms around him as well. "Looks like you need a hug too Lucy." said Natsu, lightly chuckling.

Lucy sighed with her saying,"I'm just glad you're safe Natsu.". "Why does flame brain get all of the girls?" said Gray. "Maybe if you weren't a stripper. You get my point right?" said Kane. Lucy soon turned as she screamed loudly,"Why are there two Zanes?!". The duo soon covered their ears as Sly said,"You guys aren't exactly that observant huh. This is one of Zane's techniques that allows him to clone himself. The bat is known as Vampire Form, whose quite the brutal martial artist.".

Kane soon went back into Zane with Zane deactivating Vampire Form. "Anyway, that's so cool how me and you beat up that guy from..... Where was he from again Zane?" said Natsu. Zane shook his head as Erza's eyes widened. "Was it from someone from Eisenwald?" said Erza. "Yeah. He had this weird flute and..." said Natsu. Erza soon placed her hands on his shoulders with her saying,"We're after Eisenwald Natsu.".

Natsu tilted his head as he said,"Huh? Who are you talking about Erza? This is the first time I've heard about that?". "You can't be serious!" said Erza. "You forget dear Ginger Knight that I clearly made him take a nap and well, you can't hear anything when you're asleep so my b." said Zane as Erza glared at him. "Why didn't you stop him then?!" said Erza. "Meh. I didn't feel like it. I mean he look more harmless than dangerous." said Zane as he dodged Erza's punch.

The group soon watched Zane dodge Erza for a good while. The redhead gave up as she went over to the magical four wheeler's SE-plug onto her arm. "So why does he stuff like that?" said Lucy. "He finds it fun." said Sly. "Natsu. Do you remember what he was like?" said Gray, as Erza started up the car. "Not much. He kinda had a forgettable face being that he looked a normal guy to me." said Natsu with him crossing his arms.

Zane said,"You forget about the demonic looking recorder he had? Or was it a flute? I honestly get the two confused. It looked creepy being a three eyed skull.". "That sounds creepy." said Gray. The three boys plus talking animals went toward the car as Lucy stood there. "A flute with three-eyed skull." said Lucy, shaking in fear. "So what's up?" said Sly. "I've heard about that flute before. It's Lullaby, the cursed song. It's Death Magic!" said Lucy.

She soon clenched her fists being that Erza said with her eyes widening,"What?!". "So is it like an incantation or what?" said Gray. Zane snickered as Lucy said,"What's so funny?! I've only ever read about them in books before but there is forbidden magic.". "She's right. It'll curse the target and cast death upon it." said Erza. "Lullaby is far worse than that." said Lucy. Everyone gasped except for Sly and Zane. The former sighed at the latter laughing his ass much to the confusion of the group.

At Kunugi Station, we get a close up of a woman screaming. Erigor stood there with the rest of Eisenwald being that the conductor was stabbed in the chest by Erigor's scythe. Eisenwald soon took over the station with him saying,"This train belongs to Eisenwald now. Get everything including the luggage off the train! Kill any stragglers!" said Erigor. "You always know how to make an entrance don't you boss?" said a voice.

Kage soon stood there with Erigor turning to him. "We heard that you were coming abroad this train and it took you long enough. So what's with the wreckage?" said Erigor, with him holding Lullaby. "I finally got the seal undone boss. We can finally begin our plan." said Kage. "Way to go Kage!" yelled the guild as they cheered. "The Lullaby was once used for casting simple death curses but the great wizard Zeref soon upgraded it to a full-fledged magic flute." said Erigor.

Byard looked confused as Erigor said,"Its song will now kill hundreds, even thousands! They'll be soon in an endless sleep! It now belong to me!". Back with Zane's group, Erza soon drove off a cliff as she soon drove off after the train. The group of Gray, Happy, Lucy, Natsu, and Sly were inside as Zane said from the roof and still laughing,"Hey Erza! Go faster!". "No way Zane! She needs to slow down! She's wasting too much of her magic!" said Gray.

Zane soon looked at the scenery with him saying,"Wow. It sure looks nice.". "Don't ignore me like that man!" said Gray. Inside, Gray was ticked off, Happy and Lucy were scared, Natsu looked sick to his stomach, and Sly was neutral. "We're running out of time Gray. If Erigor gets his hands on that death magic, lives will be lost! This is madness!" said Erza. "Not really! This is so much fun!" said Zane with him laughing maniacally much to the confusion of everyone but Erza who was angry.

Next time,
With Erigor having Lullaby, what will he do with this death curse? Why is Zane laughing at this? Is he trying to make light of a situation that could kill innocent lives?! Will the group noticed the subtle clues that Kane, Sly, and Zane have left behind that they're not from this world? This and more next time on Fairy Legion!

Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Vampire Form. This card has a black frame with a coffin and crimson red moon background as a vampire like creature standing there. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 41 and it's Prime Form was introduced in Zero Episode 97. Zane's body turn into a humanoid form, bat form, or pure vampire form. He can control people using something he spits out called Hypno Bats. The Prime Form also has a bat form or pure vampire form being that in Zero Episode 97, we saw the pure vampire form. The bat form grows an extra set of wings, making four. This form later gets a change/upgrade thanks to the Zenith Core. It's very similar to Brain and Frost Form being that instead of going through a metamorphosis, both Vampire Form and its Prime Form progress into the future or matures according to Parker. It was also done by Parker himself.  It's seen in person around the time of Fairy Legion Chapter 39.

New Cards/Forms that haven't been seen in Zero yet:
Cataclysmic Form. This card has a black frame with a city being burned by a hellfire. This Form hasn't been introduced in Zero yet and its Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet either. This form is a powerful fire user being that his fire is hell itself.

Voice Form. This card has a black frame with a boombox in the center of the card. This Form hasn't been introduced in Zero yet and it doesn't have a Prime Form. This form is an expert on sound better than Sound Form being that he can mimic any voice that he's ever heard and he's rather blunt.  

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