Saturday, December 8, 2018

Fairy Legion Chapter 3 Zane's First Job

Disclaimer: This Post had originally been posted on April 30, 2018 at 10:37 PM. I'm reposting this Chapter along with Fairy Legion Chapters 1-26 because of a massive plot change. If you've read this story before, not much will have changed except Zane's reason for going to the Fairy Tail Dimension. The Author Note and whatever I talk about in them may or will be extremely outdated today or I'm somehow seeing the future so just ignore if you want.

A/N: As you can tell from the time difference between Chapter 1 and 2, you can see that I'm very more focused on both stories currently running. I also introduced most of Zane's power and abilities in a post a week before I posted Chapter 2. I also want to say that I'm really enjoying writing this series. It's like a breath of fresh air in my writing because I like doing something different but the same. It's time for the first original arc of Fairy Legion being that I don't like the Daybreak Arc.

Let me say that it isn't a bad second arc of the series but well, I don't see where Zane is going to fit into that arc. If I don't see Zane being able to fit in the arc, I'm not putting him in there. This may apply to the Loke Arc and possibly Galuna Island. I may love Fairy Tail but some arcs, I just don't give a fuck about. It's the same thing as One Piece but with the characters. I love some of them but most of them, I don't give a fuck about or I dislike.

Before I go on another One Piece rant which I've been doing lately, let's move onto the main topic aka my reason why I don't like Daybreak Arc is Lucy. I know that I've mentioned this before but I don't like Lucy and my reason for my dislike could be seen as petty. It's mainly because I don't like how much she just stands there and the Summoner Class in RPGs. I mean I did my research and she used her whip a few times but most of the time, she stands there and makes commentary.

I'm not expecting her to fight alongside Gray and Natsu but I rather have her do something than just standing there. I may just not like her character design as well because like with Jellal, Hiro used the same art for Erza and Lucy. It's with both girls's mother and also also ancestor in Lucy's case. I mean you could replace Anna with Layla and I wouldn't mind at all since they w. Sure, it would make Jude's asshole nature to Lucy seem pointless in the grand scheme of things.

Hiro doesn't care about killing characters and bring characters back. I mean Gajeel, Jellal which he should have died, Juvia, and Makarov over two times, were thought to die but Hiro can't kill them off so why not bring back Layla? I mean she did die before the series started and Hiro never did that so that may be the reason. I also don't like how she pretty much read the book when she was told not to. It's very petty I know but for me, it's enough for me not to do that arc.

I'll explain why I may not be doing Galuna and not doing Loke Arc when we get to that point. This chapter will be putting up some love interests of Zane being that we're going to meet most of them in this part. This chapter will have some Nalu in it because that may be a thing. I haven't decided yet because I'm either thinking of putting Natsu with Lisanna or Lucy. I'm not exactly sure yet. I'll will be making Natsu slightly smarter but still the same ,somewhat likable, idiot from the main series.

To make this Author Note longer than no good reason, lets me explain why I didn't do the One Piece or My Hero Crossover with Zero. The reason why I couldn't do the One Piece and My Hero story to an extent is because Zane doesn't have a noticeable weakness in those types of series.  Fairy Tail is all about Magic which is a weakness of Zane due to him having both Nether in his body. All magic effects Nether and even with Animus, it still hurts Zane.

It's like be a level 100 Pokemon and getting hurt by a super effective move from a much low leveled opponent, you'll be damage but not defeated. It's a half-assed reason you could say but to me, it just works better. The other reasons are that My Hero is still in its beginning stages and One Piece is well very long. Even if I'm doing them alongside Zero, I would make all of you wait and I really don't want to.

For My Hero Academia, Quirks are connected to the user being that it's something that you can naturally grow over time like an extra skill. It's very much like breathing or being faster. They also have their limits just like when you're run too much or lift too much. I do like that about the series but with Zane, he has no limits by this point in his career since ALL crossover stories are after Zero ended.  That's my main reason but it may change.

Now with One Piece, it was a bit more difficult. Zane would mostly be given a weakness upon him entering the world. This also present a problem being that Zane can manipulate water ,with or without a Form, and in One Piece, this can't be done. There may a Devil Fruit with this power in the series but as of Chapter 902. I'm not sure if Oda de-confirmed this so let the theories commence about the Water Water fruit!

We do have some Devil Fruits that can manipulate liquids in some way so they could be a Devil Fruit that allows you to manipulate water except you're weak to sea water. The user would still be weak to Seastone and Haki but the water Devil Fruit is too op. Zane would be still weak to Seastone, Haki, and also sea water/salt water but to me, the latter of the three isn't happen. One Piece and Zero may happen after Fairy Legion ends or when I get to the Time Skip but I'm not saying for sure.

Don't quote me on that because I could be dead wrong. This chapter will be Episode 3 and 4 plus Chapter 4 to 9 of Fairy Tail. Erza will appear in Chapter 4 or 5. This chapter's Author Note is shorter than note because I don't have any thing to really want about. Just expect these to be long when I need to rant about something I like. It will happen a lot I can promise you that. Lets begin with the day beginning for our two leads.

I'm going to be very descriptive about certain things in this series but here's the thing. I'm not doing the keys of the Celestial Spirits. To me, they're not very different. I'll do the spirits no problem but the keys to me are a different story. You may have noticed that I didn't do that with the little dog's key before in Chapter 1 and I sure as hell didn't do that with Aquarius, Horologium or Taurus. Lets begin now.

Narrator P.O.V.
Sly woke up to see that Zane was currently missing from the guild hall being that she knew that Zane was currently training. He did this training despite him being much stronger than he was when he was a teenager but Sly couldn't understand her partner. She soon saw Zane phasing through the wall with him wearing his normal training outfit. He's wearing a dark blue sleeveless training gi with blue jeans and his signature tennis shoes. He was also wearing all of his accessories.

His Z piercing, prosthetic arm being that the arm is in its true form, and his final scar and tattoo are clearly shown while wearing this outfit is very much noticeable and he made them both appear since he can mask them using his powers "So how was training Zane? I mean I don't get why you need to do it since well, you can literally punch a god to death. You're doing this just to make sure that you are not lazy or become lazy." said Sly.

Zane said, "Really good Sly. I did get more hours of sleep than normal like but I really did go around the town at least 100 times to compensate for that. I did all in an hour with my 100 ton weights tied around my legs. I also spend two and a half hours training random parts of my powers being that I pretty much destroyed a part of the nearby forest. It was really good and I'm doing this so I don't make a mistake.".

Sly sighed as she said,"Whatever Zane. So can we get some breakfast? You must be starving.". "I did get some food earlier from the shopping district so sure." said Zane. Sly soon saw a very cute yet annoying form appearing in Zane's place. He looked to be 3 feet with light blue skin and an black and white head. His face is pure white with him having two small whiskers on his cheeks and his eyes are little black dots that can be rather expressive. His neck is black along with his shoulders.

Instead of having hair, Zane had seven green fin-like appendages on his head with them looking like hair. His hands are large with five sharp looking extremities and his five toes are very cat like. He has gem shaped orbs on his arms with five buttons on his waist looking like a belt. For clothing, he is wearing a black jumpsuit with white patches under his arms, green sleeves, and black ankles. He's wearing the short black cloak.

Sly said,"Are you serious Zane? Cartoon Form really? Why can't you use any of your multiplication spells?". "Sly. It's always good to use all of my forms!" said Zane in a cartoon like pitch. Sly soon sighed as she said with a roll of her eyes,"Whatever Zane. Just make breakfast.". "Okay then Sly! It is time for the Legion Corps to make me some breakfast!" said Zane. Several copies appeared and they went into the kitchen, mainly to scrounged for some tasty ingredients.

Sly saw the main door to the guild hall opening up with her seeing Mira entering. "Good morning Sly." said Mira with her bearing a bright smile. "Morning Mira. So why are you here this early?" said Sly. "I'm usually the first one here beside Master Makarov of course. So where's your partner in crime? Is he not a early bird?" said Mira. "Nope. He's currently making breakfast and before you say anything, we owe you for all of this stuff you did for us yesterday." said Sly.

Mira said,"Oh. He's really a sweet guy isn't he?". "He is." said Sly. The two soon saw a Cartoon Form clone walk toward them as he said,"It will be a few minutes more before we can eat Sly. Oh, hi Mirajane.....". The clone was soon hugged by Mira with her saying,"You're so cute!". She hugged him close to her chest with the clone having a noticeable red blush on his face. "Wow. You're very developed Mirajane if you know what I mean! Eh!" said the clone as Sly sighed.

Sly said,"That's one of Zane's Take Overs. It's name is Cartoon Form and right now, you're hugging one of his clones Mira. He's really cute.". Mira soon let him go as he was gone with a puff of smoke being left behind. "So does Zane have more forms like him?" said Mira. "A couple." said Sly. Mira soon saw an army of Cartoon Forms heading toward them. Upon seeing them, Mira had to hold herself back from hugging them with all of them fusing into one and back into Zane.

He was holding several plates using several arms that sprouted from his body or floating in the air thanks to his telekinesis. "Sorry about that Mirajane. My clones sometimes escape me. They just love to wander around." said Zane as he placed the plates down on the bar. Mira soon noticed all of Zane's injuries with her saying,"What happened to you Zane?".  "A lot Mirajane but honestly, these scars are a reminder of my mistakes." said Zane, before he started chowing down.

Before Mira could ask him what he meant by that, Sly said,"He'll tell when he's ready Mira. We both like you but Zane has trust issues.". "Okay. So did you two sleep okay?" said Mira. "It was okay. At least we didn't stay at Natsu's place. Zane did read his mind earlier seeing that his place is very much run down, small, cold, a mess, and the roof was only good for keeping the rain out." said Sly. "You two dodged a bullet didn't you?" said Mira, putting her hand over her mouth to stop her giggles.

Zane shrugged with him finishing up his meal. "Thanks for letting me borrow the kitchen. This place has a shower right? If not, I'll use Mother Nature as my shower." said Zane. "It's in the back. I'm sure that you know this after you read my mind didn't you Zane?" said Mira, teasing him. "I'll need my lawyer to answer your question." said Zane. "So yes?" said the two girls. Zane mocked out laughter as he soon went to the shower.

Makarov soon stepped inside the guild hall to see the centerfold and one of the newest member. "Ah morning Mira and Sly! So where's Zane?" said Makorov. He soon joined the girls with Mira said with a smile,"Morning Master. Zane's currently in the shower right now Master. He has some scars on his body but he'll tell us when he's good and ready according to Sly.". "I see then. He's a real big mystery then." said Makarov.

The guild hall soon filled up over time with Cana saying,"So what's he doing?". She was currently drinking her morning drink at the bar as she watched Zane who was currently in a Burmese Posture with his chest moving up and down and his eyes closed. He had changed into his normal outfit being that he had a sword resting there on his back. It was a katana being that it was currently resting in a burnt orange scabbard. Sly says this is Zane's signature sword Lazarus Soul.

Sly said,"He's currently talking with his inner demons. You shouldn't bother him if you want to live another day.". "Do you really think they'll listen?" said Cana. "Probably not but I can hope Cana. It's the strongest power after all." said Sly. The doors soon opened to the guild hall with Natsu standing there and Happy was by his side. 'What's up everyone?!" said Natsu. "Morning Natsu." said several members. The duo soon walked toward the bar with Mira greeting them.

Mira greeted with a smile,"Morning you two.". "So did you guys sleep alright? I mean Zane is still sleeping." said Happy, waving his paws in front of Zane. "You really shouldn't mess with him right now you two." said Cana. "So did he sleep? I mean we have room at our place because Natsu bought a brand-new hammock for Zane to sleep in." said Happy. "Happy!" said Natsu. "He would have liked that maybe but we'll be in our place later today." said Sly.

Natsu simply stirred Zane with him saying,"Wake up Zane.". "He doesn't listen often does he?" said Sly. "Nope." said Cana and Mira. Zane made no sign of acknowledging Natsu being that Natsu scratched his head. He thought that his voice was definitely loud enough to hear. "You should poke him Natsu." said Happy. "Alright. Hey Zane....." said Natsu. He soon poked the shoulder of the Cross Species but Zane's eyes soon sprouted open.

Instead of his storm gray eyes, they were red. He looked right at Natsu with him saying in a different voice,"Leave us alone now!". Sivarth was currently in control of Zane's body being that Sivarth said in a second,"Galactic Punch!". His left fist was soon covered in a strange steel gray cosmic energy being that he soon punched Natsu's stomach with such force that he was sent flying across the guild hall, hitting the opposite wall with a loud bang.

Happy and the others just looked at the display with an expression mirroring absolute fear, while Natsu soon slid down the wall. He quietly groaned out with Sivarth rolling his eyes. He soon went back as Zane's eyes went back to normal. He looked at Natsu with him saying,"So let me guess. He didn't take your warning?". He looked right at the blue-furred cat who almost instantly adopted an expression of fear. "Don't hit me please!" begged Happy in a fearful manner.

Zane said,"Then don't bother me when I'm like that. It's very simple. I don't feel bad because I warned him.". He sat back down with Natsu mumbled out,"Oww....". He soon walked right over to Zane who ordered a water, clenching his stomach being that he wasn't expected that. He was never hit this early in the morning given that certain wizards ,Erza and Gray, weren't here. He had no intention of making this a habit with the newest memer. "What was that for?!" said Natsu.

Zane said,"Well, two things. I have a very good sense of danger due to me almost dying several times in my life and also you should really learn to listen to my or Sly's warnings. It may because of my dad trying to wake me up by attacking me when I was little. It built a strong reflex in me and I can easily break you in half so don't do it again.". "Yeah, I'll get it." said Natsu. "Aye." said Happy. "If I would have known that, I would have made that bastard Gray wake you up." said Natsu.

Zane said,"I would say sorry but I'm not.". "Well, I've been hit a lot harder than that before and not by you. So are you two ready for the crash course of taking jobs in Fairy Tail!" said Natsu with a smile on his face. "I rather learn it from Mirajane if she isn't busy." said Zane. "Of course Zane, follow me you two." said Mira as Natsu sulked a bit. The four soon went toward the request board, which sat there with no wizards around it due it still being nearly in the morning. 

Natsu looked around the various pieces of papers attached to the board, accompanied by Happy. "So this here is the request board, and it's pretty obvious on its function. Many different organizations put in requests to our guild and we put down the basics on these piece of paper. Any member of the guild can feel free to take any job they would like, provided they think they can handle it, of course." said Mira with a smile. "So, me and Sly can take any job I want?" said Zane.

In truth, he knew what this was like being that the Alliance had something like this but usually, it requires a certain amount of paperwork or rank. He remember his grandpa's assistant complain to him about how much paperwork she had to do because Darin may be extremely powerful but's he really lazy when it comes to anything that isn't family or fighting. He does his paperwork in a few seconds thanks to Swift Form and his more smarter forms so paperwork was not a problem.

Mira said,"Pretty much. On the flyers, you can find out the reward, who the employer is, what the job is, and the locations or locations you'll need to go in order to complete the request. You'll need to tell myself or Master Makarov when you go on and complete a job thought, mainly because we like to keep records on who does what. We also need to inform the employers that you're talking the job to begin with.". "Thanks Mirajane. You're smart and beautiful." said Zane with his smile.

Mira slightly blushed at Zane's compliment with her nodding. "I'm always happy to help out a guild member." said Mira before walking off. "So pretty much, we should take some time to figure out what should be our first job and next time someone does that, I'm taking the...." said Kane. He was interrupted when Natsu spoke up. "Got it!" said Natsu, tearing off one of the many pieces of paper that lined the request board.

Zane said with an deadpanned look,"Wow. You really do things fast don't you?". "To be honest, I had this job on my mind since yesterday." said Natsu, shrugging slightly. "So what's the job?" said Sly as she rested on Zane's head in her salamander form. "Something that I need Lucy for which is why I'm about to go see her." said Natsu. "Natsu! We should take Sly and Zane with us so Lucy won't bully me and flirting with Zane." said Happy, tugging at Natsu's shorts.

The words at the cat made Natsu and Sly chuckle with Zane rolling his eyes. Happy always amused Natsu, Sly didn't mind the cat's antics, and Zane just didn't care. "So what do you say Zane? Feel like coming with us." said Natsu. "Sure. I don't see any problem with that. Let me just pick a job first and we can get going." said Zane. "Just pick one with a decent reward and you'll be fine. I can give you the directions and everything." said Natsu with confidence.

Zane said,"I'm not one to let the higher priced jobs dictate my decisions being that I got money to spare right now. It's also the first job so I want to pick the right one.". "And also we can give Zane directions so Zane don't need you!" said Cole. "It's your choice. I'm just trying to be a pal." said Natsu said with a shrug. "I know that but I'm a very cautious guy." said Zane. He turned back to the request board with something alerting Crisis Judgement.

He turned around to see Happy and Natsu hovering over him with curious eyes and anxious looks on their face. "You do know that if you keep staring me, I'm going to go slower right? I may be used to people staring at me but still, this is a little much." said Zane. "Nah man! If we do this, you'll just go faster." said Natsu in a second. "Aye sir!" said Happy. "Gods dam it." said Zane. "Just pick the one that's to your upper left and smack Natsu into the wall again." said Athena.

Cole said,"She's in full Sadist mode Zane! You better listen!". Cole was soon slapped as Zane soon grabbed a job flier with him saying,"Happy?". "Follow me!" yelled Natsu. He soon turned and head toward the guild's door with him moving at faster. "I could follow you if I was blind because you're so loud. I really miss Hannah's sonic screams." said Zane under his breath. He soon followed Natsu and Happy with Sly resting on his head. Makarov and Mira heard this.   

Soon after the four were gone, Makarov walked over to the request board with a curious expression etched onto his face and a lone finger tapping his chin in thought. "What job did you take Zane?" said Makarov. He knew very well what Zane had taken being that he had gone through the request board the previous day and seemed intent on taking that job but that whole mess with Macao happened and well, you can figure out the rest.

The elderly wizard soon looked back over the request board being that he soon realized which job Zane had taken. "So he took that job. It's only been up for half an hour. It's rather last minute but he'll enjoy it for sure." said Makarov who was giggling perversely at the recollection of the request. The elderly man was soon broken out of his less than decent thoughts by Mira. She soon walked up to the master and she got his attention.

She said,"Goodbye master, I'm off to the Sorcerer's Weekly's annual Summer Slam photo shoot.". She soon walked toward the front door and waved goodbye to her brother. Makarov waved to the barmaid with him currently have a childish grin etched onto his face. He couldn't help himself being that he was the only one to know what was going to happen. He didn't know if he should be proud of the young man ,due to him not knowing Zane's real age, or jealous.

It didn't matter being that upon seeing Mira leaving the guild, he said,"Goodbye Mira. I hope you say hello to Zane for me.". He burst into a fit of extremely sinister laughter, with most of the guild looking at him in confusion. Outside in Magnolia, Lucy was currently walking up in her new apartment with a bright smile on her face. She was very much lucky to have gotten this place being that she loved how the place looked and where it was in town.

Her two-story apartment was located on Strawberry Street, nearby Magnolia's shopping center, and the rent is only 70,000 Jewels a month. The apartment house had red walls and a dark-brown sloping roof with two chimneys and two dormer windows. It was also overlooking one of Magnolia's canals and a stone/wooden bridge nearby. She was soon seen in the bathroom with her saying,"I'm just loving this place!".

She soon stepped out of her bathtub with her drying her hair and wrapped a towel around herself. "It's very spacious being that it has plenty of storage space, the slightly retro and adorable fireplace and stove? You want to know the best part about it." said Lucy. She was currently sitting at the desk being that she was currently wearing a towel around her body. They may seem odd to most people but she was in her own home and no one could judged her there.

She had a desire to write to her mother being that she was currently working on that. The walls of the apartment are covered in pink wallpaper with streaks of white looking really cute. The main room is rather large being that it has a bed, desk, bookcase, commode, dresser, a table with three chairs, a coffee table and an armchair. She had a large normal of books in her place. The entrances to the bathroom and the kitchen are on the other end of the room with two turquoise curtains.

The bathroom is blue with trade card titles. "Dear Mom, I made it to Magnolia just like I hoped I would. Oh, and I'm a member of Fairy Tail now! Everyone seems so nice at the guild, and I've met so many interesting people!" wrote Lucy. She looked over it and she thought about what she was going to write next, being that they wasn't much due to the fact that she had only been in town for a day so it made her choices rather limited.

Lucy wrote,"There's these two guys mainly: Natsu, he's a dragon slayer and rather weird but he has a big heart and really sweet. He's usually with an annoying little blue cat. I also met this other guy named Zane whose interesting being that he's hiding something but I'm sure he'll tell us what he's really about one day. He has his moments of being a jerk but he and Natsu are really strong. I can't want to meet the rest of the guild being that I'm sure I'll be friends with everyone.".

Lucy squealed girlishly being that no one could hear her except for Zane being that his hearing covers the entire city,"I love you my little apartment.". She took a deep breath and she stretched her limbs before getting up from her desk. She placed her practically finished letter within the drawer before she began walking off. Her face was currently marked with a large smile as she walked through the halls of her home, being unable to frown. The best part of the apartment was the bedroom.

However upon walking into it, she stopped dead in her tracks mainly due to the mess that was done by two people in question. There were pillows thrown everywhere being that the comforter was balled up at the foot of the bed and everything was a mess. "What......." said Lucy, clearly shocked at what happened. "Oh hey Lucy! Good morning!" said Natsu, with a wave and grin. He sat there with him eating several snacks at once, with Happy enjoying a fish.

Instead of replying back, Lucy's body soon shook with rage being that she said,"Why the hell are you two here?!". She kicked the dragon slayer right in the face being that this kick sent Natsu and Happy flying across the room. Natsu landed on his side being that earlier today, he got the air knocked right out of him thanks to Zane's ,technically it was Sivarth, punch. Happy was injured but he expected this from the blond by now.

Natsu said while rubbing his cheek slightly,"Wow. You got a really nasty kick. You should try using it on bad guys later. I wanted to come check our your new pad. Mira showed us the way when we saw her earlier.". "Yeah right! You and I have different definitions of checking out! You can't break into my apartment when you want plus this is breaking and entering!" said Lucy, glaring at the two with several tick marks popping out of her temple with each second.

She also had a fierce blush on her face with her thinking,"I can't believe that Natsu broke it just to hang out with me. That's sweet kinda of. I better keep playing the angry bitch.". "We're friends aren't we Lucy?" said Natsu in a soothing voice and pout. "This is a serious invasion of my privacy." said Lucy with her arms crossed over her chest. Before Lucy could continue, a knock on the door seemed to have calmed her down. 'Who is that?" said Lucy.

Natsu said,"Probably Sly and Zane.". 'Why those two?" said Lucy, turning to the dragon slayer and quirking a curious brow. "We can talk about that later! Now quickly Lucy, open it so he and Sly can protect me!" exclaimed Happy. The blonde sighed as she walked toward the door and opening it, as she had a cheerful smile. "Oh, hey Sly and Zane. Come on in." said Lucy. "Why does he get that kind of greeting and we get pummeled?!" exclaimed Natsu.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Happy. I'm not protecting you by the way. To answer your question from earlier Natsu, We didn't break into her home and we brought a housewarming present.". Lucy was soon confused being that Sly said,"We did?". "Of course we did. It's in my bag. Remember?" said Zane as he winked. The duo of Lucy and Natsu looked at each other as Sly soon held a gift basket in hand. "Thank you Zane! You didn't have to go to this trouble for me." said Lucy.

Zane smiled as he said,"I'm just a nice guy plus I got that from a happy customer and I had no idea on what to do with it. It comes with the essentials so enjoy or and Happy.........". During this, Happy was going to claw at the walls but he was soon held in the air by telekinesis. "Don't sharpen you claws on the walls. That's why we have scratching posts." said Zane. "Thank you again Zane. I hate to sound rude but why are you four here?" said Lucy. "Natsu." said Sly and Zane, pointing to him.

Lucy soon turned to Natsu who waved. "I should have known but you could have knocked. That's all I'm asking." said Lucy. "I got it Luce. I'm pretty good at learning my lesson." said Natsu with a smile plastered on his face. "Bullshit!" coughed Kane. Zane rolled his eyes as he soon walked over to his desk across the room. "Oh. What's this?" said Zane. He soon held a stack of papers with Luvy's face soon turning white. "Looks like a......" said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went off as he heard,"Noooooo!". He soon turned intangible as Lucy ,who dived across the living room, went right through him. Her body soon screamed embarrassed with her saying,"Can you give me that back Zane?". "I will but if you tell me what it is." said Zane. "And we can knock out those two like Zane did yesterday." said Sly. "What are you....?" said Happy and Natsu who were soon out cold thanks to Abolish and Siesta.

Zane looked at Lucy with him handing the papers back to her. She held them tightly against her breasts as he said,"I'm going to guess that you're writing a novel.". She squeaked and her body was soon red. "No-no, of course not!" stuttered Lucy, as she held the papers in her hands even tighter to her chest. "Okay Zane. You would make a great detective but it's pretty cool that you're writing one Lucy." said Sly.

Zane nodded with him saying,"Yeah. I mean have the dedication is something. Selena used to write short stories from her mom's paper all the time but she could never focus on long stories like a good adventure novel or saucy romance novel. You can do this and I'm pretty sure pinkie would say the same.". "You really think so?" said Lucy. "I'm sure your book will be a good read if nothing else. I have to wake up the cat and pyro so I ask two things of you before I wake the beasts." said Zane. 

Lucy said,"What is it Zane?". "Let me and Sly be one of the first ones to read your book when you're all done. We love to read don't we Sly?" said Zane. "Yeah and do you have a marker?" said Sly. "I do but why? It'll take me a while to finish it so....." said Lucy as she trailed off. "I'm going to draw on their faces and I won't be telling the guild until you're ready. Just tell me when Lucy. It's up to you by the way" said Zane. "Thanks. You are a pretty nice guy." said Lucy.

Sly said,"So Lucy, I have a question for you.". Zane was currently drawing on their faces with Lucy saying,"What?". "Why are you only wearing a towel? I mean boys are present. Zane may not care about your body but Natsu is still a boy despite him being a battle maniac." said Sly. Lucy was soon very away being that she was wearing only a towel. She squeaked as she said after punching Natsu's face for some reason,"It's my home pervs!! Why are you two here?!".

Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"You're the one prancing around in a towel. Natsu dragged me here to ask you for a job. He'll probably forget because you punched and kicked him.". Lucy was soon ran to the bathroom with her saying,"Just....give me a second. Oh and if any of you come, I'll kill you.". She was soon gone as Zane said,"So does she have her clothes in there?". "Who knows? Are you done with those two?" said Sly, as both Happy and Natsu had markings on his face. 'Yep." said Zane.

After Lucy changed into a fresh pair of clothes, she was shocked to see that Happy and Natsu weren't going through her stuff while she was changing mainly thanks to them being trapped in Zane's candy syrup. They were also covered with Zane's markings, causing Lucy to giggle a bit much to Natsu's embarrassment. The group soon sat at the main table of the living room, drinking some tea or in Zane's case alcohol saying that it was 5 o clock somewhere.

Lucy said,"Look. I just move in so I don't have much furniture. So how about you three just finish off your drinks, say thanks, and get out.". "Wow. She's pretty mean huh Happy?" said Natsu, leaned back in his chair. "Aye!" said Happy after sipping. "Watch it cat." said Lucy. "Zane and I have met worse and you guys did invade her home so she's a little peeved." said Sly. "But do you have something better to do than hear us right now?" said Natsu.

Lucy said with a smirk,"Well, I do actually. I was about to make my contract with another Celestial Spirit.". "Really?!" said Natsu in an clearly excited tone. This only fed the ego of the celestial wizard as Zane sighed. "Of course. I picked it up in Hargeon." said Lucy. Sly and Zane remember the key with Zane saying,"Oh yeah. I had to save you from being ripped off for this dinky thing. So how do you bring those spirits here to our dimension? I've always been interested in dimension alterations.".

Lucy looked at Sly who said,"Zane's a magic weirdo. He likes doing his research on all forms of magic regardless of their usage in combat. So how does it work?". "Well. I summon the spirits and work out the details of their service. It's how all celestial wizards determine when and where they can summon their spirits." said Lucy. "She likes to talk about her magic just like how Zane writes those long as hell reports about his powers!" said Cole as Athena slapped Cole.

Happy said,"So how many of those spirits do you have contracts with?". "Actually. They're called little keys guys Happy." said Zane. "No. They aren't. They're called Celestial Spirits." said Lucy. "So beside for that weird perverted bull/cow, a clock that like Robot Form except it's pretty much a free ride, and the sexy but a total bitch mermaid, what does she have?" said Sivarth. "I'm happy that Zane is usually the only one who can hear you guys when you say stuff like that." said Athena.

Lucy said,"Six so far and not to brag or anything but I have a couple of different types.". She soon placed her key ring on the table with six keys appearing. Three of them were gold and three of them were silver. "The silver keys are the ones that you can find in a magic shop. I have Horologium the Clock, Crux the Southern Cross, and Lyra the Harp." said Lucy. She put those keys back on her keys as she pointed out the gold ones.

Lucy said,"The gold keys are the super rare ones. There are only twelve in all being that they open the gates of the zodiac. I've got Taurus the Golden Bull, Aquarius the Water Bear, and the last one is Cancer, the Giant Crab.". She soon put those three back on the her key ring with Sly and Zane soon noticing that Happy and Natsu were focused on something else. "Giant Crab?!" said Natsu as his and Happy's mouth watered. "Giant crab legs!" said Happy.

Lucy pinched her nose as she said,"So explain to me why you two are focused on the fact that he's food?". "They're idiots but the lovable kind like Zane was in his younger years." said Sly. "So do you have spirits based off the Eastern Zodiac? I've been more fond of them than the Western Zodiac due to me being a Snake." said Zane. "No. You guys wouldn't mind see how a celestial wizard makes a contract?" said Lucy with a bright smile and ignoring the other half of Zane's question.

Happy flew up to Natsu with him whispering,"I hope it's not some kind of blood pact.". "It sounds a pain in the butt to me." said Natsu. "You two do know I can hear you right?" said Lucy with a glare at them. "Great job Zane. We have to watch it now. Thanks." said Natsu. "Didn't you two wanted to come and see her in action plus you dragged me and Zane here." said Sly. Natsu grumbled as Zane said,"I can hear you too Natsu.".

Instead of the candy prison which Zane promised to clean up once he left, the two were soon floating in the air. Lucy stood up and she held a silver key that she was going to use in order to form the contract. She held the key out directly in front of her with her saying,"I call upon thee in the world of the Celestial Spirits. I beckon you to my side at once, pass through the gate....". The area in front of her soon warped with Happy and Natsu trying to cover their eyes from the bright light.

Lucy's voice soon echoed out,"Open Gate of Canis Minor, Nicola!". The light soon dimmed as the group saw the spirit appear. It was a short, stout white creature with bland eyes and a golden horn-like nose very much like a carrot. He looked like a snowman being that his body was shaking for some reason. "Nice try Lucy." said Happy and Natsu being that Zane put them down. "Shut up! This wasn't a mistake!" said Lucy as she screamed at the two.

Zane said,"Yeah guys. This spirit is a ferocious beast, creator of the Plue Copter, and the principal of a high school.". "Huh?!" said Happy, Lucy, and Natsu. "Zane's a very strange guy. He's always been strange and blunt." said Sly. Lucy soon hugged the small spirit with her saying,"You're such a cutie patootie!". She sounded like someone who was speaking to a dog or cherished pet. She rocked the rather adorable creature back and forth within her arms, her eyes shut and a blissful expression.

Natsu said,"You can't be serious can she?". Zane watched this with him thinking,"So does she know of the fact that this one has traveled two dimensions? Nah, I'll keep that a secret.". "It doesn't take that much power to bring these guys through the gate, so a lot of wizards just keep them as pets." said Lucy as she set the snowman back onto the ground. "Okay then." said Sly. "This whole pet doesn't sit well with me Natsu." whispered Happy. "Not with a weird master like Loony here." said Natsu.

Lucy said,"Again I can here the both of you and my name is Lucy.". "They know that Lucy. They're just doing that to annoy you." said Zane. The three soon watched Lucy work on the contract with her pulling a pad of paper and a pencil. This contract consisted of Lucy asking what days the small white creature was free and said small white creature either nodding and shaking his head. "This is really boring isn't it guys?" said Natsu. "Uh huh." said Happy.

Kane said,"If I'm agreeing with those two, the world is going mad.". The blonde finished up her contract with the snowman in due time with Lucy saying,"Okay. I just need to come up with a name and we're good to go.". "Pu! Puun!" said the spirit, as he soon began exploring the room. "So that was easy I think?" said Natsu. "Not exactly. This is really important. A celestial wizard's contract relies on promise which is why I make it a point to never break my promises." said Lucy.

Natsu said,"Oh really?". Zane soon held the snowman in his lap with Happy saying,"Wow. He really likes you and isn't his name Nikora?". "That's actually the species Happy. Your name is Happy but we don't call you Cat." said Zane. The snowman nodded with Lucy saying,"Zane's right. Nikora is just the species-wait, I know what to call him!". Her tone picked up upon figuring out the name as she said,"How about Plue?!".

The snowman nodded with him going deeper in Zane's lap. "So explain to me why he's going to you again Zane?" said Lucy. "Plue, huh?" said Happy and Natsu. "I'm really good with animals but his name is pretty cool right?" said Zane. "Are you sure that he's okay with that?" said Natsu. "If he's the Canis Minor or Little Doggy, why doesn't he go woof, woof? It's just weird." said Happy. "You're not going meow, meow." said Lucy as Plue jumped onto the ground in front of Zane.

He soon began dancing around with him making various hand gestures. Everyone stared at the spirit with confused look. "So what is he doing?" said Lucy. "You're right Plue. Natsu should get back to the reason why you came here." said Zane. "You can understand him?!" said Lucy. "Isn't it because our watch can auto translate all languages?" said Cole. "Yeah but Plue's language is rather easy to understand for Zane at this point or when he was a kid." said Athena.

Natsu said,"Thanks for the reminder you two. I got the job right here.". He soon handed the piece of paper off to his blonde friend. "You were actually serious?" said Lucy as she took the piece of paper with her ignoring the mischievous glint in his eyes. "She really draws in danger at every turn doesn't she?" said Sivarth. "I think like with Zane when he was young, the Omniverse loves to mess with her in very weird and hilarious ways." said Kane.

Zane knew that someone was mostly likely going to go wrong for her but it was harmless fun in the long run. "It's in Shirotsume Town...Oh wow! We get 200,000 Jewels and all we have to is get some book back from some guy named Duke Everlue?!" said Lucy. "So are you in? You may be pretty weird and your spirits are pretty useful except for Taurus. I mean did he even help me and Zane fight that monkey the other day?" said Natsu.

Lucy said,"So where do I sign up? And you should have more respect for celestial spirits. Taurus is still healing from those attacks the other day Zane!". "I regret nothing. I hate that pervert cow because he makes Bull Form look bad." said Zane. "Okay then! It's settled! You guys are now on our team with Erza!" said Natsu. "Go team!" said Happy. "Your team?" said Lucy. "And I'm not joining your team without meeting this Erza character." said Zane with Plue and Sly agreeing,

Happy said,"Aye! Even though everyone in Fairy Tail is part of the same group. Some members just get along better with others and they form teams within in the guild. It's mainly for jobs that may be too hard for one person to take care of as a team. Natsu and Erza have been on the same team since Natsu joined Fairy Tail. They've gone on countless mission together.". "Awesome! It'll be fun to go on with missions with you." said Lucy.

Natsu soon blew out a stream of fire with him saying,"All right! We're a team!". "Our contract is sealed then!" said Lucy as she clapped her hands together. "Aye sir!" said Happy with Plue joining it on the cheer. "Okay team, lets get to work." said Natsu. "Hold on a second. Didn't you hear that Sly and Zane aren't part of our team until Zane meet Erza?" said Lucy. "Meh. He said that he wanted to take on a job on his own because he hates me." said Natsu, with him pouting.

Zane rolled his eyes with him saying,"I don't hate you Natsu. You just work too fast for an old man like me. I picked a different job from the board before we left. I'll tell you what it is because a certain pinkie made me rush out of the guild hall to come and see you. I don't mind now since I got to see my old pal Plue again.". The two fist bumped with Sly saying,"Yeah Lucy. It was nice for us to see him again so thanks.". "Okay then." said Lucy as Plue danced around.

Happy said,"So what job did you take Zane? I bet it's lame compared to our job.". "Be nice cat!" said Lucy. "I do have the paper but I haven't really taken a glance at it. All I know is that the reward is like 500,000 Jewels which means I can pay several hundred months of my rent." said Zane. "We live in a dump but it has a nice view and swanky restaurant nearby." said Sly. "Seriously?! What kind of job is it?!" said Lucy. "Lets look." said Zane.

Zane soon reached into his pocket with him pulling out the request after which he handed it over to the curious celestial wizard. Happy and Natsu soon looked at her being that she carefully unfolded the paper shortly thereafter and soon started to read it. She finished reading it being that her mouth hung open with her screaming disbelief. This ,in turn, confused everyone there except for Zane who was playing with Plue.

Lucy soon looked at Zane with a stern glare being that she was insulted. "After giving me crap for wearing a towel in my own home, you have the nerve to take a job like this?" said Lucy very much in an annoyed tone. "Huh?" said Natsu. "I don't know what's worse, the fact that Zane here is a massive perv or the fact that he's being paid to be one." said Lucy. "Huh?!" said Happy and Natsu, looking right at Zane who had Plue in his hands.

Happy soon grabbed the request with him handing it over to Natsu. The two soon read the paper together being that Zane was the last one to read it despite him being on the job. "You'll like this job but I don't get why this blond girl is so mad. She was wearing a towel in her house. I mean it's kinda of weird to be honest." said Athena. Instead of taking it, Zane soon let the pink-haired teen finish reading it before he soon mimic Lucy's expression being that Happy was the same.

Sly soon handed Zane the job request with him reading it for himself. Zane soon looked over it and he said,"Okay then. I'm a security guard. Sly was the one who commented on your towel dress Lucy not me. This is actually a pretty nice job.". "You're welcome Zane. I know you need something to relax after having a year of your eternal life taken thanks to that job. Sly will like this job as well so I was thinking about you two. Sorry if you get called a perv." said Athena.

Zane said,"That doesn't matter Athena. You're a kind woman unlike Cole.". "Hey! I'm a nice guy! I've give you advice before!" said Cole. "Most of the time, you make a comment that makes one of us slaps you. We really think that you should think before you speak." said Sivarth. "I do think about things! I'm a genius after all but not in book smarts. I'm more of a street smart A.I." said Cole. "Just stop Cole." said Kane, sighing.

Lucy said in a scolding tone,"Seriously? You don't feel bad for this?!". "First off Lucy, you're not my fucking mom or my significant other so stop scolding me or I'm going to throw you out of your house like I did with Natsu and the guild hall yesterday twice. This job is actually nice despite it's perverted nature." said Zane. Despite him threatening and insulting her constantly, Lucy believed that this was the case. However, she soon tapped her chin with her considering his words.

Lucy said, "Fair but this doesn't change the fact that you're a security guard with a front and center seat to watching bikini-clad models in a photo shoot! Perv!". "Look where it's at Natsu." said Happy with him floating over Zane. "Starlight Studios? I've heard of that place before." said Natsu. "You would know where that is. That's the location where the Sorcerer Weekly is doing their huge photo shoot today!" said Lucy putting her hands on her hips.   

Zane soon growled with Sly saying,"You should stop now Lucy. I don't think Zane can handle your not needed criticism.". "No. He should be scolded Sly. I'm shocked that you're okay with talking a job like this Zane. I thought that you were respectful for women but it turns out that you're just another run of the mill perv." said Lucy. "I agree girlfriend." said Happy, mimicking Lucy's pose. "So you're agreeing with me now?" said Lucy. Zane soon glowed with a form appearing in his place.

He's eight feet tall. His body is made out of grayish-black bandages with the gaps between his bandages, glowing an eerie and mysterious purple color. His head is in the shape of a pharaoh head-dress with the ends of its going down to his shoulders. His head-dress is black with a golden rim around his face. His two eyes ,which are in the center of his head, are a glowing and very eerie purple color with golden edges. His upper chest and shoulders are covered by a long collar/wrap like garment.

It's a black color with several gold stripes. He wears black pads on each shoulder, with each pad having an gold Ankh. He has a red detailed cape on. He wears black ,with gold lining, bracers around his arms and black and gold boots over his feet. He has five fingers and toes. He wears a black shendyt around his waist and wears a red scarf like belt on his shendyt. Zane's back had an shiny obsidian black staff ,with an energy spear head looking like a trident, resting there.

Zane's fingers soon grabbed the three with him saying in a deep, Egyptian male voice,"You will stop now or I'll send you to a dimension of your worst fears because of Mummy Form.". The trio was hanging in the air. "Oh. He isn't kidding by the way." said Sly. Natsu shivered with him saying,"I didn't question your choice in job making! Please don't send me to a dimension where I'll be stuck on moving demons!".

Happy said while pointing to Lucy,"Aye! It was the non-believer Lucy! Don't send me to a fishless dimension! I can't live there without dying Zane". "Seriously?! He's a total perv like all guys!" said Lucy, happy she wasn't wearing a skirt right now. "I don't want to be send to a fishless/moving demon dimension Lucy!" said Happy and Natsu respectively. "Fine. You're not a pervert but an amazing guy." said Lucy. "Bullshit." said Zane.

A portal soon appeared with Zane dropping Lucy into it. Lucy screamed as the portal was gone. Happy and Natsu looked at Zane with Sly saying,"She'll be back in five minutes. Don't worry or you'll be like her.". "Aye." said the two. Zane dropped the two boys down with him saying,"She's the one with the pervert bull who has a huge crush on her and she calls me a pervert. I'm actually happy to be watching over a bunch of models.".

Natsu said,"It'll be a walk in the park Zane. Don't give up on this case.". "I'm not because guarding over models is actually pretty fun. Me and Sly had to guard a model tour and well, those girls were just the best. I miss them." said Zane. "Yeah. Have fun telling Lucy about the reason why you really picked the job." said Sly. "She won't mind too much Sly! So do you need directions Zane? I know the way." said Natsu. "I will be good. I got a map." said Zane.

About ninety minutes later, Sly and Zane ,who turned back to normal, found themselves standing in front of a white cobblestone building. It was decorated beautifully on the outside to match the grassy foliage and flowers behind it. It was massive in size being that Zane was pretty sure that he could find this place ,mainly due to the flashing neon sign that said,"Starlight Studios" in bright colors with a stage light over it.

Zane said,"Despite me telling him that I didn't need directions, Natsu was right. I thought I would be somewhere else but nope.". "So don't you feel bad for sending Lucy to that dimension? Or did you send her to a dimension of insects?" said Sivarth. "He send her to the insect one along with the DMV Dimension. It's the worst one for sure. Zane isn't a pervert. He's a connoisseur of the female form." said Kane.

Zane sighed as Sly said,"So is Kane making you sound like more a perv?". "Yeah. You can hear them too right?" said Zane. "Yeah but at least, you got to listen to some of your music on the train right here. You even got some money for playing." said Sly. "They probably thought I was homeless. Lets get this mission done with gusto!" said Zane to Sly and his partners. Zane soon began walking up the concrete sidewalk.

He soon took in his surroundings with him saying,"This place is pretty nice. I have to say that if I was a model, I would love to work here. Selena would love this place.". He sighed as he soon reached the entrance. He was soon greeted by a man who seemed to have been standing outside for quite some time now. There was something that was distinguished about his looks being that Zane thought that he was a human lamb.

He has brown hair ,that was curled like a lamb's fleece and two lamb horns sticking out of it, and green eyes, He has a light mustache and goatee with him wearing a butler suit being that he's wearing a fleece around his collar.  "I'm sorry sir but we're not having a tour. Our shoot is starting today due to it being Lady Emma Steele's first shoot with Sorcerers Weekly." said the butler in a soft and gentle voice. "He seems nice." said Kane.

Zane said,"I'm sorry but I'm here on assignment. It was given to Fairy Tail and I accepted it. My name is Zane Alvarez.". He soon presented the butler with the paper that he had taken from the request board. The butler looked over it with him ensuring that it wasn't a fake. Zane soon pointed to his jacket's right sleeve ,being that he had stitched his guild mark into it using String Form, and Sly soon showed him her guild mark.

The butler chuckled with him saying,"I believed you before Zane. It's nice to see a respectable wizard from Fairy Tail. I've heard rumors of the guild being filled with hooligans but you seem like a nice young man. I'm Lady Emma's butler Irvin.". "Nice to meet you Irvin. I really hope that we can work together to protect the girls." said Zane. "Well said young man." said Irvin. "Irvin. What is this young man doing here? We have to protect Lady Emma." said a voice that belonged to a dick.

Zane turned around to see two men standing there with one matching Irvin ,being that he's also a butler, and the other one being a gruff looking man. The butler ,who had a slim figure, had slick black hair, with a few strands sticking out in front of his brown eyes. He's wearing a pair of rounded black framed glasses being that he was constantly pushing them up. He was also smoking a bit being that his suit has two golden marking that looks like red crescent moons.

He wears striped shoes with his black tie loosen and his collar undone. The other man looked to be a gruff-looking man being that he looks to be a muscle-head. He's a tall and bulky man with spiky blond hair and sharp green eyes. He's wearing a blue police cap with him wearing a dark blue button up jacket with a hint of a dark red tank top underneath, black pants, and black boots. He had a name tag that said,"Rory Simmons.".

Irvin said,"Leroy and Rory. This is the young wizard that was hired to protect Lady Emma while she's here on the shoot.". "Sup." said Zane. Rory bumped past him with him growling. "Okay. This guy is screaming villain." said Sivarth. "Be nice. He could be a former criminal." said Cole. "Oh. I don't care. You're on time being that you're better than the rest of your dump of a guild. Irvin, show him the way to the director. He's been waiting to see you." said Leroy.

Irvin soon let Sly and Zane into the building with Rory walking over to Leroy. "So do you think that kid will stop us?" said Rory. Leroy slapped the man with him saying,"You idiot! These past years would have been for nothing.". He soon looked at the shining sun and he chuckled. "Get you and your men ready Rory. The time has finally come to bring a massive haul." said Leroy. Zane ,thanks to his hearing, heard them as he said under his breath,"Can't I get an easy job?".   

Irvin, Sly, and Zane soon walked through the maze-like halls that consist of Starlight Studios and upon Zane looking at his watch for its actually intended use, he said that they've been here for almost thirty minutes and they haven't reached the director's office. At this point, he hoped he was still there waiting for him. Every so often, Zane would see another security guards patrolling the hallways. In the same vein as Rory Simmons, they were all grumpy and short tempered young men.

They all gave Zane the same glare along with them crossing their arm's across their chest. If Zane wasn't here for work, he would have been in prison for assaulting these guards. "Wow. This place is really big." said Sly. "And why are all of the security guard former prisoners and given me the death glare?" said Zane. "Lady Emma's father is a fan of giving people second chance and Starlight Studios is a business owned by her father so most of the guards are former cons." said Irvin.

Another one passed by Zane with a hard glare and a hand on his utility belt. Zane turned his head and watched the guard walk away and disappear into one of the rooms lining the passageway. "Shoot him Zane!" said Kane. Zane soon focus energy into his finger ,being that it's Black and Mojo, and he soon fired a pressured beam toward the direction of the security guard. It went flying toward the security guard and hit it.

Zane smiled upon hearing the guard groaning out in pain. "I'm getting used to seeing you using your power irresponsible Zane." said Athena. "Yeah but that's just Zane for you." said Cole. He soon reached the office as Zane knocked on the door. He made sure to limit his strength mainly to make sure that anyone inside who would hear him. "Who is it? I'm currently meditating right now." said a booming voice.

Irvin said,"Mr. Espinoza. The wizard from Fairy Tail is here to help Lady Emma.". "What the lamb guy said," said Zane. "He has a name you know." said Sly. "Why didn't you say so? Come on in you three." said a cheerful voice. Zane soon opened the door being that he stepped into the presence of the assumed director but a second later. Upon entering the room, he took clear note of the elaborate decorations.

The room was decorated beautifully with a sky blue ,with pink sakura petals, wallpaper and many pictures of different models framed and posing in extravagantly. He also noticed two palm trees sitting in the corners. He also noticed a single chair in front of the main desk, Zane was lucky that he had seen beautiful models before because he would be blushing up a storm and also his powers could hide his blush much to the dismay of his friends who wanted to tease Zane.

This is due to his face ignites in a blush ,when he blushes, unlike normal people. This comes from his father. He soon brought his eyes toward the desk being that he took a good look at who his employer would be. His face screamed cheerful with him having a thin goatee covering his chin. He's a fairly and slim man with slicked back purple hair except for a single and noticeable strand hanging in front of his thin face and light green eyes.

He's wearing a cozy all-navy blue suit with a small black wrist band tied around his left wrist. Under his suit, he's wearing a crimson red long sleeved polo with a black necktie under his suit. He wears thick black boots to him. He seemed to be in his mid-thirties being that he both gave off the vibe of an artist ,which was obvious given the room they were currently in, and oddly enough, a mafia boss being that Zane liked this guy for this style.

The man said,"This is really good. I do trust Irvin's judgement but may I see the paper wizard? In today's age, you can't be too careless.". "I completely understand." said Zane. He soon handled the man being that he took a quick glance, handed it back, and smiled. "My name is Blair Espinoza, and I'm the director extraordinaire." said the man with him extending his hand to gesture Zane to do the same. "Zane Alvarez and this is Sly." said Zane.

He soon shook the man's hand with Blair saying,"I have to thank you two for answering my pointless request so fast. It was last minute and we are in a dire situation as we speak.". "But, we saw a good amount of security walking around with most of them giving Zane the death glare." said Sly. "Yeah. I may be used to death glares thanks to high school but can't all of these former cons handle any kinda of threat? I mean Fairy Tail is known for causing a lot of destruction." said Zane.

Blair said,"As you may know by now, today is our Summer Slam event. It's one of our magazine's biggest events of the year due to our best models all being here today. I just can't let a single one of my models get hurt due to carelessness. I do hope you understand and will help us out in protecting our girls!". Blair soon bowed with Irvin saying,"He's very dedicated to his craft Mistress Sly and Master Zane. He actually begged Lady Emma's father if Emma could model today.".

Zane sighed as he said,"Pick your head up Blair. I'm not judging you for being a cautious man. It doesn't hurt to be cautious at all. You have some of the most beautiful women here so I'll help you out with protecting your treasure. So can you tell me why all of these guards are giving me a glare and shaking their heads in a disappointment manner?". Blair soon smiled as Irvin said,"Most of them were all trained by Rory so they're mimics of him.".

Blair said,"He isn't very trusting of young men like yourself Zane. I can promise you that all of them will warm up to you in time so don't worry yourself about what others think of you. Just do your job and they'll like you.". "Zane doesn't care of their opinions at all but it gets a little annoying." said Sly as she nodded her head. "So what's my job? Please tell me that it isn't waterboy." said Zane. "Lets go see the girls young man!" said Blair.

He soon pointed to the door with him being over dramatic. "I think we've meet the Ivan of another dimension Zane." said Cole. Zane smiled as the group of Irvin, Sly, and Zane followed after Blair with Blair telling Zane about the history of the magazine and a little bit about the models. Zane was surprised to hear that all of them were powerful wizards from their respective guilds and that there was someone else like him here. 

Zane soon walked through a large set of double doors with him watching the director standing proudly at the center of the room, choosing to place himself directly next to a device that mimic a camera in many ways. It was obvious that it would be taking pictures. Zane noticed that there was an actually beach here and it was in front of the camera. It has golden sand and a very gorgeous blue ocean. "Wow. They're dedicated to their craft being that is a real beach." said Athena.

Irvin said,"Are you admiring the studious young master?". "You're looking at the designer of the studio." said Blair, with a proud smirk. "It shows that you're dedicated and to be honest, I've always been a fan of the beach setting. I grew up nearby a beach so I could go swimming even during the harshest of winter." said Zane, sounding rather honest. Sly looked to see that Blair was very much in a good mode upon hearing Zane compliment him.

Blair said,"This is also where the magic happens. I change it for the season being that during the winter, it's a winter wonder land here.". "I see. You're very dedicated to the craft." said Zane with him sounding completely honest. Sly rested on his shoulder as she whispered,"So are you sure about that praise Zane? I mean you're fueling this man's ego too much.". "You know that I like people who give it their all rather than making a half-assed job." said Zane.

Blair ,ignoring the two talking, said,"Anyway, I can't handle that much of your praise Zane being that we'll be working together again I know it, Girls! Come out here here and meet our new and friendly young man who's going to help keep an eye on things alongside Dante Evermore. He's a wizard from Lamia Scale, the guild that Iron Rock Jura belongs to.". He soon gestured a hand towards a door off to the side of the studio which was ironically named changing room.

Kane said,"Zane. I don't ask for much in our partnership but I'm begging you to let me switch places with you.". "That sounds like a bad idea Zane. Kane will ruin your image and well, we don't want those two mad at him." said Sivarth. "Yeah." said Zane. "Oh, is he already?" said a feminine voice called out from within the room. "Yes my dear, feel free to mingle until the session begins." said Blair graciously.

A softer voice who soon entered the room,"Do you really have to speak so loudly?". Out of the door stepped a girl who appeared to be no older than eighteen. She has peach-colored skin, long, straight blond hair that reached the middle of her back, light brown wide eyes with black and orange eye shadow coating her perfectly shaped eye lashes, and was currently wearing a yellow bikini. When she caught sight of the black-haired teen, she smiled in a friendly manner and introduced herself.

The blond said,"My name is Emma Steele, it's a honor to have a wizard from Fairy Tail protecting me and the other girls from any danger that we may face.". "So she's your master Irvin? She seems really nice." said Zane. "She's studying to become a doctor." said Irvin. "So could you treat my wounds? I have a bad experience with most doctors." said Zane. "Sure thing Zane. I'll do it whenever I have a chance." said Emma. "Emma, I told you to wait for us!" said a childish voice.

In a moment later, two more girls came out of the room being about the same age as Emma but they were running a bit slowly. Both of them were both beautiful and that's about what they have in common with each other. The first girl has shoulder length silky smooth ,with it being permed and styled, black hair and her blue eyes sparkled in the light of the studios. Her skin looks very soft, a tan to her, and looks recently moisturized.

She has a petite mole on both the left and right side of her cheek with her face looking angelic and has a playful smile. She's also wearing noticeable cat ears on her head and a tail attached to her back side being a blue color. She's wearing a black bikini and golden bands attached to both her arms and legs. She has a guild mark etched onto her right breast. She smiled, battered her eyes at Zane, and she said in a feminine and sultry voice,"Hi there handsome. My name is Corina Roman.".

Zane said,"Hi. Digging the cat girl outfit. Very unique. I'm guessing you're from a guild just like the other models.". "Yep. I'm from Mermaid Heel, an all girls guild." said Corina. "I'm shocked that they aren't called the Harpies." said Cole. "Why would anyone call themselves that? Anyway. Do try and remember the stories of mermaid dragging sailors to their dooms." said Athena. "Stay away from her Zane so you don't get taken to your doom!" yelled Cole.

Athena slapped him as Corina said,"You really like it don't you? This outfit is adorable and it's very much in tune with my Magic.". "I see." said Zane. "Don't let her pretty face fool you. She can be a real sly little fox." said a feminine voice. "That's not true Yuki! I'm totally innocent!" said Corina as she pouted and put her hands on her hips. Zane soon looked at the other girl with him noticing her hair at first. It's luscious and goes up to her shoulders. She has big light-blue eyes.

She has a slim build being that she had a bit more muscle tone than both Corina and Emma with her having a guild mark etched on her lower right hip being it was a lamia. She's wearing a black bikini with her wearing a ice blue belt around her waist with diamond bracelets. She also had a black whip very much like Lucy except with a snowflake end. "I'm Yukiko Kirishima from Lamia Scale but you can me Yuki. It's nice to know that Dante will be having a friend." said Yuki.

Zane said,"Nice to meet you both. I'm.....". He was cut off by Blair who soon put his hand on Zane's shoulder with Sly hoping that Zane doesn't throw the poor man into the set. "Not just yet my boy, we are short a model and security guard. You're quite familiar with her and you'll be friends with Dante I'm sure." said Blair. "Just a sec...." said a sweet, feminine voice. "It's no rush my lovely, Take your time." said Blair with a reassuring tone.

Hearing the voice of the last model, Zane's eyes widened. It was so obvious being that he heard from Lucy that she was a cover girl for the magazine. She soon exited the changing room, with a bright smile plastered onto her face. She has white hair, captivating blue eyes, a brilliant smile, and was wearing a black and red bikini that matched Zane's hair color perfectly. I wonder if this is on purpose of what. She knew who the first security wizard but the second one is a mystery.

Mira said,"Hello.. I'm.... Sly and Zane?!". Upon seeing the duo, she stopped and gasp upon seeing the latest guild members standing there. "Howdy Mirajane. Nice to see you again and at your other work too. I'm shocked to see you here." said Zane. "You aren't serious are you partner? You did read her mind." said Sly. "Eh. Not really sure." said Zane, who shrugged. The directors, the three models, and butlers looked back and forth between the two with confused expressions.

Everyone in Fiore knew Mirajane Strauss in same way being that this guy and salamander was currently talking to her with such familiarity. Blair stood there with a knowing smile on his face. "So how do you two know him Mira?" said Emma. Mira giggled with her saying,"Both Sly and Zane recently joined Fairy Tail.". "We only joined yesterday to be frank." said Zane. "Your name is Zane or is it Sly?" said Corina, with her putting her finger to her chin in a thinking posture.

Zane said,"I'm Zane Alvarez and this is my partner Sly Alvarez. We've been together for a long time now. However, I'm honored to be in the graces of the beauties of Fiore.". He formally bowed to the girls with Sly saying,"Sometimes Zane.". "So this is what you picked for your first job?" said Mira in a friendly manner. "Honestly, I was hoping to fight something but protecting models from some crazy fanboys and girls, it'll be interesting to say the least." said Zane.

He soon put his hands behind his head with Corina smirked. She swept across the floor and grabbed onto Zane's left arm and rubbed herself up against the side of her body. "You're really cute and well build! I thought you were pretty weak but it's like marble.". "Well thanks. I do work hard to make sure I'm not walking muscle and being complimented by such a beauty is a honor." said Zane. "So I guess that you're happy to be in the presence of pretty ladies like us." said Yuki.

She crossed her hands underneath her breasts in a teasing manner. "You should know that Zane is used to being teased. He's always been around beautiful women for most of his life but not in terms of physical appearance." said Sly. "Really? So who do you think is the cutest?" said Corina. She had a hint of mischief in her eyes with Zane saying,"I'll need my lawyer present to answer that question but I think all of you have something special in your life that makes you stand out.".

Corina giggled at his response with Sly saying,"Do you seriously think anyone is going to represent you after all of the stuff you've done in your life?". "Yeah Zaney, tell us the truth." said Yuki, giggling at Sly's response. "I could hire one." said Zane, crossing his arms. "I guess you don't like us? You're really mean aren't you Zaney?" said Emma, pouting a bit. "Lady Emma is trying to insult Zane but well, she needs some work." whispered Irvin as Sly rolled her eyes.

Zane sighed as he said,"Fine. I think all of you are equally beautiful and not by your looks. I can see the true you and man, it's beautiful. I could go into detail about why all of you are beautiful but I don't have all of the time in the world.". The girls were quiet as Sly said,"Did you really have to pull out the casanova Zane?". "I can't help it! Blame Conner!" said Zane. "Oh, you're really lucky to have him in your guild Mira, he's unique." said Yuki, blushing a bit from his comment.

Emma said,"I love how he knows what to say and how to react.". Zane ,due to his age, knew how to read women to an extent. He still found them a mystery that can never be solved. He remembered his first time that he was guarding models, he was somewhat of a mess. He was happy that he learned how to control his blushing being that his mother and powers helped him in that. "We're really lucky to be guarded by such handsome men aren't we ladies?" said Corina.

Zane smiled with the girls slightly disappointed that his face didn't have a single sign of blushing and well if he didn't have his power, he would be blushing up a storm but it looked like he was immune to feminine charms. Before the "teasing" could continue, Blair got their attention. "That's enough girls. I have a question for you young man." said Blair. "I thought that you were on Zane's side man." said Sivarth. "Is it something involving one of the girls here?" said Zane.

Blair said,"Do you like Mira?". Mira's face went red with Corina saying,"Director. Why do you think that?". "I've been in this business before all of you were born. I can tell when someone is shocked to see someone that they're interested in and Mira was showing that when she saw Sly and Zane with Corina, Emma, and Yuki." said Blair. "What about Irvin?" said Sly. "It's fine. I'm just used to be a background character." said Irvin. "That's pretty sad." said Athena and Cole. 

Blair looked at Zane with him saying,"Zane. I don't think any one of us will judge you if you just tell us the truth.". "Fine. I do like Mirajane more than most of the girls that I've meet in Fairy Tail. I mean I've only met three girls so yeah. Can we just start the shoot already?" said Zane. Mira's cheeks soon flushed red a bit as Blair said,"I think Mr. Alvarez is correct.". "Shoot. I really wanted to make Zaney blush." said Corina with her crossing her arms.

She was lightly jabbed by Yuki to her right of her. "Oh course director. We'll get ready to start." said Yuki. "Be sure not to let anything bad happen to Lady Emma Zane. I've told Dante this but if I see an inch of her hair hurt...." said Irvin. "I'll protect her Irvin. So where is this Dante guy and aren't you staying here with me?" said Zane. "Nope. I plan to swap places with Dante so that he can watch over his beloved plus he was promised the same thing as you." said Irvin.

Zane nodded with him hearing,"Zane....". He turned around to see Mira soon standing behind him and excluding Sly, the two were there alone. "What? I'm sure that I have to go with Irvin to pick up Dante." said Zane. "I just have to make sure about something. You're not stalking me are you?" said Mira, hoping that Zane knew she was jokingly. "Nope. I don't stalk others, they stalk me. I picked this job at random due to the troublesome duo rushing me and Sly to pick a job." said Zane.

He didn't want to been seen as a pervert being that he liked having a image of a proud and noble figure mainly seen with his children and little sister despite being the youngest sibling with his older brothers. He heard a sigh as Mira said,"I guess I was right about you. You're very much like him but more snarky.". "Hmm?" said Zane. Mira blushed as she said,"Nothing Zane!". "Whatever. Lets get the show on the road." said Zane, shrugging his shoulder.

Mira thought,"He's kinda like a mixture of Natsu and him but more mature than both of them. I'm sure he's hiding something but he'll tell us eventually.". "Well, I wish you both good luck on your first job. Do you best, okay?" said Mira, smiling brightly than normal. Zane bowed with him saying,"I will do my best.". He smiled with the white-haired teen currently looking at him with an innocent look to her.

She placed a single finger pressed lightly against her lips being that Zane could figure out that she was thinking about something involving teasing. "I'm sure you won't let anything happen to little old me will you Zaney?" said Mira, with an innocent tone. "Don't worry a hair on your pretty little head Mirajane. I'll make sure all of you ladies will be protect even at the cost of my life." said Zane. Sly hit him with her tail as she said,"Do you always have to be such a chivalrous bastard?"     

Zane shrugged as Mira just smiled. She walked off, joining the other models here. Blair soon slapped Zane's shoulder with him saying,"Thank you for coming Zane! They usually don't get along with most of the men that we hire.". "Yeah. I'm just a challenge for them being that it's hard to make me blush up a storm." said Zane. "So how long have you know Ms. Strauss? She may be one of the newer models but one of the best, so I'm curious." said Blair as he was fiddling with the camera.

Irvin said,"I'm sure that Dante won't be able to handle being around Rory Mr. Espinoza. We should go relieve him of duty.". "He's got a point. I couldn't stand that meathead but I got a low than normal tolerance for people." said Zane. "Oh. Please come back. The girls will get antsy and that will ruin the shoot." said Blair. The trio of Irvin, Sly, and Zane heard toward the exit with Blair having a smirk with Zane thinking,"I never get a break do I?". "Nope." said Athena, Cole, Kane, and Sivarth.

The trio was soon outside the main entrance with Zane seeing a teen arguing with the meathead from earlier. "I told you that Blair wants me in there with Yuki instead of being with you guys!" said the teen. "I don't give a dam. You're going to be out here with us." said Rory. "Rory. I'll shall be taking Master Dante's place." said Irvin. The two turned to us and Zane got a closer look at Dante. He looked to be 18 years old and he looked like a model like Loke.

He has spiky and unkempt dirty/light blond hair and piercing blue eyes. His left ear is pierced being that he has a metal nut in the lower and upper part of his eyes. He has a black armband around his right bicep with it having the same guild mark as Yuki, being the Lamia being emerald green. His right arm is also covered in bandages. He has a ice blue strawberry tattoo on the back of his neck being that his hair exposed it just like Zane's neck tattoo.

He has his guild mark on the right side of his neck being that it's an orange color. He's wearing a fur-hemmed brown ,with a pink floral pattern, jacket. He's wearing a crimson red short-sleeved gold shirt with a black cover, black gloves, brown pants with white pockets, a black belt with a large gray buckle around his waist, and white boots with furry black lines. He wears a orange sash around his shoulder being that it's held together by a round, strawberry like clip.

The sash also held his sword sheath. The sword looked to be a katana. It's sheath is dark blue with a black and silver stripe at the top and bottom of it. "Oh. It's the punk with his talking gecko." said Rory. "Hey. Sly is a salamander and you're being mean." said Zane. "I can't believe that he wants both of you two weaklings to protect the models. Irvin, aren't you worried about those two hurting your precious Lady Emma?" said Rory. "This guy is a Grade A dick." said Sivarth.

Zane nodded with Dante saying,"So are you sure about this Irvin? I know that you're used to be around him and his douche crew but I rather have you close to Lady Emma.". "It's fine. I have no doubt in my mind that both you and Zane can protect Lady Emma in my place." said Irvin. "You must be Zane." said Dante. "Yep. I'm the guy." said Zane, putting his arms behind his back. "I've been working here for 15 years and I never need to arrest a single pervert." said Rory.

Dante said,"So do you want a medal?". "I could get you a cookie or maybe sunflower sticker if you don't want a medal." said Zane. Rory glared at the two with him saying,"Anyway, nothing happens here. We may have Lady Emma so we don't need you two punks here messing things up.". "Well, I'm hurt." said Dante. "Yeah and even if nothing has happened so far, you should still be careful. Fate is a very cruel and strange mistress." said Zane. The five heard,"He's correct Rory.".

Zane soon turned to see Leroy standing there with him saying,"This is Lady Emma's first shoot and I don't want her to have a bad time. She's also quite fond of both of these boys. I'm sure that they'll do a good job from the inside while we keep a guard from the outside.". "Fine. You two plus your lizard head inside. We'll keep an inside and we'll tell you once something happens." said Rory. "Sure thing Rory." said Dante and Zane.

The two plus Sly walked inside the studio with Irvin saying,"I'll go meet up with the guards. Any one who dares to ruin Lady Emma's happiness shall feel my anger.". The man was soon gone as Rory whispered,"So are we going through with the plan? That strawberry punk looks pretty strong and that punk with the lizard looks pretty weak. He has a faint magic presence.". "They are ready and nothing will stop us." said Leroy.  

Dante, Sly, and Zane were walking back to the main stage with Dante saying,"So are you two from Fairy Tail like Mira?". "Yeah but we just joined." said Sly. "And trying not to be like the rest of the guild." said Zane. "Yeah. You don't see like the type who likes to cause trouble for the Magic Council like the rest of your guild. I've heard stories about them destroying innocent buildings from when I go to the main headquarters with Master Jura." said Dante.

Zane said,"Yeah. I've heard rumors about Fairy Tail's tendency to go overboard. I used to be like that but I was able to repair my mess within seconds of making it. I'm just hoping that this job is worth not going with Lucy and Natsu plus the furball.". "It will be man. So how good are you with that sword of yours?" said Dante. "Pretty decent. Care for a sparing match?" said Zane. "Yeah and I hope you're not a sore loser Zane." said Dante. "Same." said Zane.

Back with the models, the girls were talking about Zane as Blair was trying to adjust the camera. "So Mira, do you like Zane?" said Emma, with her voice screaming innocent. Mira's face had a blush with her saying,"Nope. He just reminds me of two people close to me combined.". "He's such a hunk and I have to ask him about his piercing of his. He should totally join my guild if you don't want him." said Corina. "Aren't you a member of a girls's only guild?" said Emma with Corina shrugging.

Corina said,"Yeah but Zaney is such a hunk and just maybe I can convince that sword wielding nun to allow him to join. Master won't mind too much if he isn't that big of a perv.". Mira's blush was slightly getting bigger but still not very noticeable. She could tell that Zane was very much used to people admiring for his appearance being that he was used to it and teasing from females. She wasn't at all in the slightest.

He could also got teasing for being a really good father or in other words, a DILF. It's like MILF but for dads instead. "I do wonder when Dante is getting back. I wanted to talk with him about taking a job with him when we get back to the guild. I'm a little mad that the director wanted to start the shoot before we could have a chat." said Yuki, with her arms crossed looking more cute than furious. It's like seeing a puppy frowning.

Corina had a very mischievous smirk on her face when she saw Dante, Sly, and Zane walking back into the studios. Yuki was shocked to see that Dante and Zane were already close friends. Zane soon noticed Corina smirk with him thinking that this job was going to get very interesting fast and way better than whatever job that Nalu (Natsu and Lucy) and Happy was taking. He sat in his seat ,which Blair showed him upon returning, as Blair said,"Let's begin the magic ladies!".

The first girl ,Corina, stepped up front and center a moment later, simply awaiting the signal from the director to start. Blair operated the camera ,maybe, with both Dante and Zane sitting in the chairs to the left and right behind the man respectively. Blair gave a thumbs up with the shooting soon getting started. Corina soon took on poses that would be describe as nothing less than sexy, a very small and faint groan and moan, each and every time she took a different pose.

Blair was very much happy being that he took a picture with a clear smile etched on his face. "You're doing amazing Corina! Show me your magic!" said Blair. Zane could easily tell that the girls was up to something but he honestly didn't care. "So I'm not the best at reading women but I think she's only making those sounds when her eyes lock with our casanova." said Cole. "Is he right?" said Kane. "I think so. Women are still confused even to others" said Athena.

Blair thought,"These pictures are just the best! Corina may be the most energetic model around but right now, she's on a completely different level. I wonder why she's like that.". His grin turned into a smirk being that Corina had found her target being that Blair knew that Zane was like most young men despite his exterior not showing otherwise. "Zane. Could you stand behind me? I had no idea why I had you on my right." said Blair.

Dante whispered,"I feel sorry for you man. You've been selected.". "Lucky me." said Zane as Sly soon sat in his chair. Zane stood there with his arms crossed with Corina's eyes looking right at him and she made the sounds. "You're doing great, amazing Corina!" said Blair. "Zane. You're one lucky guy don't forget that." said Sivarth. "I can't get rid of my luck so I better just enjoy for I can. It's just my cross to bear." said Zane.

The reminder of the photo shoot were somewhat like the first because Emma's attempts at being sexy were more cute being that Zane was reminded of Karen trying to being sexy to him with Zane only seeing it as cute. Yuki was doing it for Dante who couldn't handle it being that he almost fainted for a second. Blair was happy that his models were only getting better being that he wanted them to go for round 2 but time was a cruel mistress.

Zane did find Mira's teasing pretty interesting being that unlike the other girls, she wasn't doing it out of a quick laugh or anything else like that. Upon the majority of the photos were complete, steam was practically flying out of Dante being that he was happy that it was over. "I'll be right back. I need a water and maybe some ice for Dante." said Zane. Blair nodded with Zane soon getting out of there in a flash. "Wow. He's fast." said the room in unison with Sly shrugging.

As Zane walked toward the employee's lounge, something was off. This morning was filled to the brim with security but right now, it was a ghost town. He doubt that all of the security would just leave the inside to him and Dante but he could be wrong. He soon found the room ,being obvious thanks to the gold wording of Lounge, with him soon opening the door behind him. The door closed behind him with Zane rolling his eyes.

He would have reached the door knob being that he guess that it was locked. "So I'm guessing that the butler and that muscle bound idiot are starting their plans. What's the game plan?" said Kane, cracking his knuckles. Zane soon opened the fridge with him holding a bottle of cold water and he soon placed his left hand on the wall. In a split second, he soon had dark indigo ,with a black and white outline, lightning with the wall soon covered in it.

He could pick up on the security guard's radio signal with him hearing,"So is one of those punks in the lounge?". "Yes sir. He's in there and I doubt that he can get out without breaking the door down using his magic." said a security guard. "This world does have Phasing Magic being that the master of the Blue Pegasus guild has this magic. I'm guessing that a member of Fairy Tail wouldn't have this type of delicate magic." said Athena.

The wall was soon gone of its electricity being that Zane took a deep breath. He soon walked toward the door with him turning intangible and phasing through the door. He soon looked to see that there was no one was there. "I'm guessing that we should head back to the girls. It's time to get out some pent up aggression." said Zane. He soon rushed off, being that he had a promise to keep and he wasn't going to let them down.

Zane reappeared into the room that the models were in with everyone giving him a look. The models were either lying down on the sand posing, or standing around and chatting. Blair was looking at him as Dante had recovered. "Good. They haven't come here yet." said Zane. "Huh? What are you talking about man?" said Dante, getting up for his chair. He walked over to Zane with the blackette saying to him,"Get ready to protect the girls and chairman.".

Dante's eyes widened with Mira saying,"What's up guys?". Dante looked at Zane who mouthed out in a minute,"Keep this a secret until go time.". "Zane's just mad that they didn't have enough water for him." said Dante. "I'm guessing that you really like water Zane." said Blair. "So did you happened to see either Irvin and Leroy during your way here Zane?" said Emma. "Well......" said Zane. Crisis Judgement soon went off with him saying,"Time for the group photo!".

The wall at the far back of the room soon exploded open, sending a large boom through the room. In a second, a large group of men charged into the studio, each just bearing the aura of a bandit and dark guild wizard. "Hey. Where are the girls, lizard, punks, and director?" said a grunt. The army also had the security guards being that they were holding knives and swords. They didn't noticed that the giant red and blue brick circular barrier in the room.

Inside of the barrier, the group looked around and Sly said,"Next tine this shit happens Zane, warn me first before your bro.". "Wait. This is Zaney?" said Corina. She soon poked one of the bricks with her hearing,"Please don't that Corina. These idiots haven't figured me out yet.". "Really? So where did you find this Take Over?" said Dante. "A long story. Stay behind me girls. Brick Form will protect you" said Zane's voice as the brick barrier was gone.

Emma soon grabbed onto Yuki upon doing this. The men soon saw the models, salamander, and director standing there with them being slightly scared of the armed mans. However, they were confused. Dante ,who stood in front of the group, soon saw that a weird building block creature standing there. He's about eight feet tall with him having large arms and legs. His arms are covered in red and blue bricks, his head is very much a circle with it floating over his body.

His fingers and toes are very much rectangles with his palms and soles being squares. His shoulders is triangular with his arms and legs being squares including his palms and soles. His chest and head are a black octagon and circle respectively. He also had on the black robe, making it obvious on who it is. "How about the ringleaders come out and play instead of the grunts?!" said Zane. Dante was confused as he heard,"I guess you were smarter than most of the brats we've dealt with.".

Emma recognized this voice being that the army soon parted to reveal Leroy and Rory standing there with the latter was carrying a bruised up Irvin. Rory wasn't wearing the jacket being that he was now wearing several gold rings being that they looked like brass knuckles. "Irvin! He was injured by those brutes! Leroy and Rory! What are you two doing with them?!" said Emma. "They're behind this aren't this?" said Dante.

Zane said,"Yeah. I'm guessing you've been planning this for a long time now.". "You're smarter than I thought. It's been six years but it'll be worth it." said Leroy. Rory smiled as he soon threw Irvin toward the group. "I'm sorry Lady Emma for failing you. They caught me off guard and I've failed you after 15 years of service. I'm sorry." said Irvin, who was crying. "You did nothing wrong at all Irvin. Why are you two doing this?" said Blair as Zane turned back to his normal self.

Leroy said,"Me and my partner Rory here are members of Ruined Emerald. You may have heard of us before.". "Nope." said Zane. The grunts soon fell over with Sly saying,"So are you guys from Fiore or what?". "Nope. We're a dark guild from Bosco and recently, our ally Bora was defeated by some fairies a few days ago. As a result, I had to take drastic measure. I'm taking these models due to them being able to fetch a high price on the black market." said Leroy, pushing up his glasses.

Zane said with a noticeable glare being that he hate slavery more than most things due to him being a proud supporter of freedom,"Sorry to ruin your parade there you scumbag butler but I'm not letting you a single hand on these angels sent from the heaven.". The group soon began laughing with Rory saying,"Seriously?! You're just a new member of the "best" guild in Fiore. I bet this is your first job ever isn't it boy?".

A grunt said with a sinister dark smile,"Shall I dispose of him sir?". "Yes and kill those other men in that group. I can't have any witnesses." said Leroy, crossing his arms.  "And we better not hear a peep for your girls because we'll make sure to make their deaths more painful for you to watch." said Rory with him stretching. As he finished, one of the cops charged at Zane with his sword being that he soon brought it down in a swiping motion. "Too dam slow." said Zane.

He soon sidestepped the slash being that he said,"Fly.". He soon punched the man right in his right side and he was soon sent flying right into the wall. "Take this!" yelled a grunt, coming from behind Zane and attempting to stab him. However, the stab went right through Zane. The grunt looked for him with him hearing,"So are evildoers always cheap?". He soon reappeared from the ground being very much like a ghost to the crowd.

He soon kneed the grunt right in the grunt before round-house kicking him away, sending him flying and right onto the guy from before. The girls and Blair were worried about Zane with Dante smiling at how strong his new friend is. Zane turned to the main group with him having a glare. "I hope you clowns have something worth my time." said Zane. He soon took off both his bag and jacket with Sly catching them before they fell.

Leroy said,"You have some skills child but how can you last against our army of 300. You and your blond friend are outnumbered 300 to 2.". "He's right Zane! You shouldn't do this! Just get out of here okay?! I don't want to see my friend hurt for my sake." said Mira. "Sorry Mirajane but I can't do that at all because I made a promise to Irvin and I never go back on my promises!" said Zane, clenching his fists. "Let's see how you do without magic." said Leroy.

Leroy soon held something in his hand being that it was a small transparent pyramid being that there was a gold orb. "Oh no." said Corina. He soon threw the object toward the ground being that the room was covered in a large pyramid being that there were gold markings everywhere. "Welcome to Leroy's magic barrier. No one can use their magic unless he says so. You're like every other wizards being that you're useless with in and nothing more than a punching bag." said Rory.

The small army soon swarmed the two boys with Zane sighing. "Do you honestly think that you can stop me even if you take away my magic?" said Zane. He soon glared right at Leroy and Rory, with the two leaders shaking a bit. "TIME FOR YOU ALL TO FALL." said Zane. Everyone saw him releasing a circular purple energy wave erupt from his body, being that several grunts were soon knocked out within in seconds. Half of the grunts were out being that Zane smiled.

Dante said,"How did you?". "A magician never reveals his secrets." said Zane. The models giggled at Zane's joke with Blair joining as well. This joke didn't go well with either Leroy and Rory being that he didn't like his plan opposed by one teen. "After this, I'll be slicing up all of the men who fell by that attack. I don't know how you did that but right now, you're going to die." said Leroy. "Big talk from a scaredy cat." said Dante.

One of the thugs to Dante's right threw a punch, but the blond easily dodged the attack. The man's out-stretched hand was grabbed by Dante behind that he soon pushed him toward his fellow men as they tumbled to the ground. "Strike." said Dante. "Get up you idiots!" yelled Rory. Several of the army rushed toward the two being that the models knew that both of their protectors were at a clear disadvantage.

One of the grunt said,"You're dead now because pissing off the boss means you're dead.". "You two can handle these fools! I have faith that you two can handle this without breaking a sweat." said Blair as he was tending to Irvin's wound with Emma by his side. Zane soon rushed toward the group and he said,"Sweet Frenzy". The group saw several appendages ,mainly his arms, being that he was soon a human octopus. They were also inflated.

He soon launched a volley of punches from them being that several members were hit at random and the attack was a confusing mess. Several sword wielding grunts went toward Zane being that Dante blocked them with his sword's hilt. "Care for an assist Zane?" said Dante, as he pushed the grunt's sword back. "Yeah. Lets take this outside. I don't want to be destroying a building like how the rest of my guild does things." said Zane.  Dante smiled as he said,"Well said bro.".

Yuki smiled at how close the two were despite knowing each other for under a day. The grunts and two leaders soon looked down to see that the ground had a giant portal, dark purple with a spiral shape appear under them. They were soon gone along with Dante and Zane with the girls worried about the boys. "They'll be fine." said Blair. "Are you sure?! It's two vs... At least 100 members! They need our help!" said Corina.

Yuki soon heard a crashing sound from outside of the studio with her rushing toward it. She soon saw the bandits on the ground with Dante and Zane. "I found them!" said Yuki. Dante turned to see Yuki and the models with Zane saying,"I think you know what you have to do.". Dante nodded with frost gathering in his hand. "It's nice to have my magic back. Glacier!" said Dante. The hole in the wall was soon blocked by a giant block of ice with a peep hole.

The girls soon watched from the hole as Zane said,"I guess you're just like Bora and his group but the prick was more of a challenge than the scumbag butler and muscle head.". "Hold on a second. I just remember this kid's look. He has multi-colored hair. It's him." said a grunt. "You're part of the group that took out Bora? Give me a break!" said Rory, breaking out into a fit of laughter. The members soon joined it with Zane shrugging.

Leroy's eyes twitched with him saying,"Shut up you dam fools!". He soon disappeared with Crisis Judgement going off. Zane soon watched several grunts being sliced by an faster force with Dante saying,"So are you doing that?". "Nope. It's the scumbag butler." said Zane. "Ah. I wasn't sure but I could be wrong." said Dante. Leroy returned being that he pushed up his glasses. "You guys are lucky that I'm in a good mood today being that I would have slaughter all of you." said Leroy.

Zane said,"Please. People have said this to me for years. You're not the first and I won't be doing by some unknown butler.". Several grunts rushed toward Zane with them about to slice down on Zane or about to punch the teen. However, Zane evade their attacks with him saying,"You guys may want to keep your guard up.". Dante soon noticed that Zane was holding his sword on his back with the teen saying,"Nocturnal Slash.".

His sword ,still in its sheath, was covered in darkness being that Zane soon rushed past the army and to the other grunts, they didn't have a single slash on them. Zane soon snapped his fingers being that the grunts were soon slashed thanks to their shadows around them. "What the?" said Rory. "You're not even worth my time." said Zane, putting his sword back on his back. Several spikes of ice came out of the ground being that several members were sent flying. "Good job Dante." said Zane.

Dante nodded with the models thinking,"Wow. They're good together.". The two were soon fighting the grunts being that they were in sync. "I don't know about Dante but I can tell that Zane isn't at all trying. It's just like he said." thought Mira. Blair ,after patching up Irvin, could tell that this fight was over before it began. He soon had a small camcorder with him recording the fight. The two boys were very much like the stars of an action movie.

Mira said to the man,"Director Blair, what are you doing?". She took her eyes off the fight for a split second being that she missed Zane delivering a powerful punch right in the midsection of the grunts and sent him flying into a tree. "Mira my dear. My muse is speaking to me." said Blair with him very much focused on the camera. "You bastards! You'll kill us!" said a grunt. Zane soon turned to see a guard ,with him not holding a weapon, caught his fist.

He soon threw him into the air with Zane throwing green Nether ,which looked like energy, right at the grunt, causing an explosion. Rory watched this with him getting angry. Leroy was doing the same but he was better at hiding it. "Several years of my life were wasted on getting these models so I can live the better life but I'm stopped by these two brats! This will not stand." thought Leroy. He soon looked toward the models and he smiled.

Zane said,"So are you guys actually trying?". "Yeah. You're making this too easy for us. We haven't broken a sweat yet." said Dante. "Maybe we should...." said a grunt, who was scared. However,  the blond soon swept his legs and sending him to the ground, which Zane kindly grabbed him and threw a knee right to his gut. The man gasped for air with his eyes rolling back. The two looked around to see that the army was defeated being that Leroy and Rory were gone.

Dante said,"Wow. They were pretty easy weren't they?". "Yeah. Their boss ran out on them so I guess dark wizards are nothing but...." said Zane. He soon caught Rory's fist being that Dante noticed that the muscular security guard was bigger and his body was covered in muscle tendons. "You two punks forgot about my partner didn't you?!" said Rory. Dante turned back to the ice, seeing that it was sliced apart. "Dam it! We got cocky!" said Dante.

Zane soon threw Rory back with him saying,"Dante. You handle the scumbag butler and I'll handle his muscle bound boyfriend!". Rory roared with him throwing a punch at Zane. It was soon blocked by Zane's blade scabbard with Zane saying,"Go. I got this!". Dante soon ran to the building with Rory saying,"Do you honestly think you can beat me kid?". "Yeah." said Zane as Rory noticed that Zane's body was producing crimson red lightning.

Back inside, Dante looked for the girls with him hearing,"I think you and your friend should stop this show of yours.". He soon turned to see Leroy having both Mira and Yuki held hostage by two normal looking katana blades. Both girls were scared to death with Blair sweating a lot of bullets. Emma stepped forward with Leroy said,"A single step and I'll slit their throats. I easily got past your friend's ice wall thanks to your Shadows.".

Dante said,"You can use Shadow Magic being that you didn't move fast outside earlier but you were moving from shadow to shadow to mimic speed.". "Smart deduction." said Leroy. He soon pressed the blades closer with him tightening the grip, making her groan in pain. "Dante.. Help us please." said the two girls. "Mira! Yuki! I"ll save you both I promise! They don't deserve this. We're the ones who ruined your plan not them!" said Dante.   

The butler smiled with him saying,"I remember that you care about the red head and also every one of these girls. I hope your last words to either of them are something special. If you want them to be safe, you need to turn around and get on your hands and knees.". Dante was quiet being that Leroy's temper rose. "You don't have any options because my barrier is still alive and you'll have their blood on your hands. Now do it!" said Leroy. "Bastard." said Dante.

He soon followed Leroy's command being that he got on his hands and knees. Leroy smirked with him saying,"Don't move a single step or our deal is off.". He soon walked toward Dante being that he let both Mira and Yuki go and aimed his swords at Dante. Dante closed his eyes with him focusing on a sound. "Time to show you what happens when you mess with the Crimson Killer and I'm going to enjoy stabbing my blades into your back." said Leroy.

The room was quiet mainly due to anticipation being that Dante was calm and waiting for the right moment to strike. "You and your friend has skills but he's up against Rory. That idiot can enhanced his speed and strength over time with his Muscle Amplification magic. Both you and your friend make the mistake of underestimating me and my plan. Now keep you head bowed and accept your punishment like a real man." said Leroy.

Just as the blades were about to drop, the wall soon had another hole being that Leroy was soon hit by Rory, sending the two into the wall. Dante looked toward the hole with him saying,"Took him long enough.". He soon turned to Leroy who pushed Rory's body off him. "You dam fool!" yelled Leroy as he stabbed his swords into his partner. Dante growled with Leroy said,"I don't care about a single one of these fools. They're just means to an.....".

He was soon kicked by Dante being that the butler was sent back. He soon rushed toward the butler with him holding his blade. "Eternal Freeze!" said Dante. Leroy was soon frozen in a massive pillar of ice with the girls noticing that the magic runes were gone. "And you make the mistake of hurting my best friend and the girls just because you wanted some cash." said Dante. The atmosphere was soon changed to calm but it was still small.

Dante soon put back his sword with him turning toward the models and Blair with the group being shocked. "Are you girls okay? I don't know why Zane brought Rory in here but I have to thank him for his help." said Dante. Yuki was the first to respond with her running up to him and threw her arms around his neck ,for a brief second, in a heart warming hug. She soon let go with her saying,"Thank you Dante. I owe you one.". The group soon heard,"And where's my congrats hug?".

Sly sighed with the group looking to see Zane standing there without his shirt. They soon noticed his scars and muscles in full force as Zane said,"I really wished I brought a second shirt and well, it was my fault but I don't think you girls care about that kind of stuff.". In a single second, the duo of Corina and Emma collectively swarmed Zane. Their eyes were sparkling and their smile were beaming being very beautiful.

The director couldn't move being that he was thinking of something devious. "You and Dante were just amazing Zaney!" said Emma with her voice screaming awestruck. Corina soon wrapped around his right arm with her saying,"So how did you get that nasty scar of yours? You two were so fast and I couldn't keep up with them.". "This isn't fair." thought Mira, with a serious pout going on being that she wanted to thank him too. "It was really nothing at all." said Zane.

Dante walked over to Zane with him saying,"So how did you defeat him? I mean he doesn't seem like those lightweights outside.". "I'm stronger and faster than your average wizard." said Zane. "He sure is!" said Corina. "Zane. I know that you're strong but do you mind letting us finish the shoot?" said Mira. "Sure thing Mirajane." said Zane. "You two are really close." said Emma, with Mira having a faint blush. "Just like Dante and Yuki!" said Corina, with the blond and redhead blushing. 

The two models moved out of the way, being that Blair rapidly shook Dante and Zane's hand. "Thank you both Dante and Zane! I'm impressed that you didn't use your magic to defeat those ruffians." said Blair. "Thanks but I'm sorry about breaking your studios. I can fix it in a second." said Zane, pointing to the two holes and the mess. "It's fine. Things happen but the lives of the girls are pretty much irreplaceable!" said Blair.

He soon looked around the room with Zane saying,"So what should we do about these idiots? You could use them for your shoot but I can't see it working.". Sly soon went onto Zane's shoulder with her saying,"Don't you have a spar shirt?". "I do but it's in my bag." said Zane. Emma soon handled him his bag as she said,"Here you go Zane.". "Well, we could hear that explosion from our base so we're here to arrest these fools." said a voice.

Zane soon turned to see the army ,from Chapter 1, being that they soon took away the bandits/dark guild wizards with them having trouble with Rory due to his size. "So are all of you okay?" said the leader. "We're fine, no spectacular! Now get out of here! We have our shoot." said Blair. "Well, you heard that man! Take them away!" said the leader. They were gone with Athena saying,"Wow. They must be used to clearing up thugs. They were fast.".

Blair soon noticed that the beautiful beach set was ruined. "Our set is ruined." said Yuki, with her pouting. "And we were about to take the group photo." said Corina. "Yeah but what can we do about that?" said Emma. "The set isn't important in the grand scheme of things ladies. The background to a photo isn't important to the photo because you girls are the stars of it." said Zane. "Wow. Selena did teach you something." said Sly. "Can it you." said Zane.

Emma said,"Well, you do have a point Zane.". "We can't say no to that. Lets do the group photo!" said Yuki, who jumped up and down a few times. Dante blushed with Mira said,"You're a really good guy Zane. Helping us twice.". She soon got up to him and she whispered,"Thank you.". "Not a problem MJ." said Zane with Sly nodding. "Okay girls! If we want to do this, lets get ready to show these two the true meaning of beauty." said Mira. 

The trio of Dante, Sly, and Zane soon watched the girls lay out on the sand and got ready for the photo. Zane smiled at his work with him soon feeling a hand on his right shoulder. "I must thank you again Zane. You and Dante did a great service." said Blair. "It's no problem Mr. Espinoza. We're happy to help." said Dante. "Yeah. So do you mind if I take a look at Irvin? I'm sure he'll want to be active for the final shoot." said Zane. "I guess." said Blair.

Zane soon walked over to the bandaged up Irvin with his hands covered in a white ,very much like a holy energy, light. He soon placed them on Irvin with Zane saying,"Arcane Emperor Revitalizing Light.". Irvin glowed white being that his injuries were healing. "So you can use Healing magic? It is rare." said Dante. Sly was on his shoulder with her saying,"Yeah but Zane is a rare type of guy due to him having more magics than you can count.".

Irvin woke up with him saying,"Thank you Zane.". He tried to get up but he still feel weak. "Your wounds may be healed but stamina, not so much." said Zane. He soon held up the ram like man with Blair said,"Girls. I have a better idea. How would you girls like it if both Dante and Zane joined you in the group photo?". Dante's face paled with the models smirking. "Come on man. You've modeled before haven't you?" said Zane as he helped Blair to a chair.

Dante said,"But we're security Zane!". "Come on man." said Zane. "I'll gladly double you and Zane's pay if you do." said Blair. "1 million Jewels is better good." said Sly. "I'm good on cash so I'll pass on this." said Dante. "Come on Dante! It'll be fun...." cooed Emma. "Please, please!" said Corina as she made the best begging face Zane had ever seen. "I.. umm...." said Dante. "Mira and Yuki, talk to your cute friends." said Corina, with a devious smile.

The white-haired barmaid looked at Zane with her saying,"I'm guessing that you're going to do it for the money aren't you Zane?". She knew that Zane lived in a pretty awful apartment despite Sly saying that there was a restaurant nearby. "It will be a good way to say thanks for saving us, and a real man wouldn't say no to our thank you, would you?" said Yuki. Dante knew that he was pretty much going to be in the photo mainly because of the heavily adorable look on the girls's face.

Their eyes sparkled and quivered with Dante feeling the heart wrenching pain in his chest. "Fine. I'll do it." said Dante. "And MJ, I'm not doing this for the money but the honor and joy of being in the same photo as you maidens." said Zane. Sly slapped him with her saying,"Can you kill the gentleman act Zane?!". "Nah. You want me to so I'm not. So what do we have to do?" said Zane. "Do you mind standing in front of them like knights with your swords?" said Blair.

Dante said,"We can do that but we....". "Not a problem my boy." said Blair. He soon walked toward one of the nearby closets in the room and tossed him a pair of dark green swim trunks. "So do you have another one for little old me?" said Zane. "I'm sure that you'll be fine Zane. I bet that you're filled with surprises." said Irvin. The two boys walked toward the changing room with Sly sitting with Irvin.

A few minutes later, Blair said,"Is everyone good and ready?". His voice was very much dripping with excitement as he was ready to take a photo of the ground. The six individuals sat on the beach scene with Dante and Zane currently behind the girls but their swords clashing could still be seen. The picture showed that the girls were protected the Dark and Light Knight of the Beach. Zane was currently wearing what he calls his beach outfit.

He's wearing a gray short sleeved Hawaiian inspired shirt with a black, red, and white flower/sword design to it. He's wearing a pair of black ,with three red stripes, swim trunks that were cut off just below his knees. He's wearing a pair of sunglasses over his eyes and brown sandals. Corina and Emma were with Dante and Mira and Yuki were with Zane. Corina and Emma were sitting on the left and right side, near his midsection as Mira and Yuki were resting on Zane, grabbing his shoulders.

The four beauties smiled at the guys with hearty, sultry smiles. Dante couldn't speak and he was trying his best not to blush up a storm thanks to the girls. Zane smiled with Sivarth saying,"Bring back old memories isn't it Zane?". "Yeah." said Zane. "Yes sir." said the models with Dante staying quiet. "Oh Yuki. Could you please switch places with Emma? It'll look better if the two Lamia Scale wizards are together." said Blair.

The red-haired girl nodded with her switching places with the blond. "Oh Corina. Could you do that thing that I told you to do?" said Blair. "Sure thing." said Corina. The girl soon moved Yuki to hug Dante's leg with their faces lighting up. "He can get rid of that in post right?" said Sly. "He's a genius when it comes to hiding a blush." said Irvin, slowly feeling better. Blair soon snapped several pictures from all angles.

Blair said,"Well done today girls! This will be the best Summer Slam ever!". Everyone got off the set with them stretching their bodies. Dante soon fell onto the ground with him saying,"I hate this so much.". Zane put his hand on his friend's back as he said,"Yeah but this is just part of being a man and I didn't mind that much.". "Oh Zane. I would you to come back with me to my office for your reward and Sly said that you wouldn't mind a personal interview." said Blair.

Zane looked at his partner who whistled with him saying,"I don't mind at all sir.". He soon walked away with the director but he turned back to the girls. "See you ladies next time and have fun my friend." said Zane. "Thanks for saving us Zaney!" said Emma, overflowing with excitement and waving goodbye. "Don't be a strange if I see you again hunk." said Corina, blowing him a kiss. "Don't get into that much trouble." said Yuki. "I hope you do for leaving me here with them!" said Dante.

He was soon hit by Yuki with Zane smirking. "You'll miss me I know it Dante. We'll have our duel soon I promise." said Zane. The two were gone with each models letting out a collective smile. "So do you want to wait here for Zane?" said Irvin. "Sure." said Sly. "He wasn't what I expected when Director Blair said that we were getting another wizard." said Emma. "Wow. Mira is really lucky to have a girl like Zane in her guild." said Corina, pouting and crossing her arms under her chest 

The girls, Dante, butler, and Sly soon noticed that Mira was currently missing being that she was missing. "So where did she go?" said Emma. "She had to change being that trains back to Magnolia are rather sparingly." said Corina. "It sucks but that's the truth." said Yuki. "So how long do you think the interview will take?" said Sly. "About ten minutes. You guys will probably have to take the train back home tomorrow." said Irvin. "We'll be fine." said Sly.

Back in Director Blair's office. "And here you are. Your extra money has been put into it." said Blair as he threw a medium sized metal case onto the desk. Zane smiled with him saying,"Thanks. I wish that you gave me my paycheck in an envelope but I can make it work. So do you want me to repair your studio sir? Oh and make sure to call Fairy Tail if you need any more help.". He soon placed the case into the bag, being that it was soon gone in seconds. Zane was also back in his normal clothes.

Blair said,"I'll be fine my boy! Money is something that comes in waves here. We can easily repair the studio.". "So can I go now?" said Zane. The two had finished up the interview rather fast being that Zane wanted to go home. "Yes but take this with you." said Blair. Zane soon held a business card being that it was for Starlight Studios. "I do hope that you come and model for us if you have any free time. If you need a favor, just ask." said Blair.

Zane nodded with him placing it in his pocket. "Thanks for the offer, I'll keep that in mind being that I don't mind modeling." said Zane. He soon walked out with Cole saying,"So aren't we worried about people finding out that we're not from this dimension?". "This magazine has elements of a gossip magazine so they'll just think that I'm going overboard." said Zane. "That actually makes a good amount of sense." said Sivarth. Zane nodded.

Zane soon closed the door to Blair's office with him saying just as the office door closed,"Thank the gods that this job is done.". "So did Zaney have trouble?" said a sweet, feminine voice with a hint of teasing. Zane soon turned to see Mira leaning up against the wall just outside of the studio in her usual attire and her eyes were screaming playful. Zane also noticed Sly on her shoulder with him saying,"Oh hey MJ. So didn't you leave earlier?".

Mira pouted cutely with her saying,"Do you not like me Zaney?". "I do like you but I heard that the trains to Magnolia are just the pits. So how are you going to be okay? I mean those scumbag butler almost cut you." said Zane, with his voice having concern. "So is Zaney usually switching moods on the turn of a dime?" said Mira. "Yeah. It's a result of his unique personality." said Sly. "Ha. You two are real comedians. So did you stay behind to talk with little old me huh Mirajane?" said Zane.

The barmaid soon glared a bit and had a frown ,which was more adorable than threatening, at Zane with him saying,"So did I something stupid again?". "Not really. You're the only who calls me by my first name. Everyone in the guild and my friends call me Mira since my name is really long. When you use my full name, it makes me think that you hate me." said Mira. "Sorry but I have trouble with making friends." said Zane. "You become friends with Dante in seconds." said Sly.

Zane said with a sigh,"With women. You know that most women either see me as a trophy man or is a husband. It's an annoying pain. Some females see me differently but that's very rare now a days.". "I understand that's your reason Zane but you and Sly are a member of Fairy Tail now. That means I see you as family and everyone in my family calls me Mira plus you saved my life." said Mira. "Okay. I'll try Mira." said Zane, with her smile ,slightly bigger, returning to her face.

Mira said,"Anyway, I wanted to tell you two that you did a great job on your first job. It was lucky that both you and Dante wee here today. I don't think most members in the guild could have handled this situation so easily like you and Dante hates most members of our guild. He may have his reasons but the idea of him hating my family is the worst. You're pretty amazing in combat.". "Thanks. I did train my body to its limit and push past them." said Zane. Mira smiled at Zane's reasoning.

Sly said,"To be honest Mira, Zane and I would have do it for free because both of us hate slavery with a burning passion and we really don't need this much money.". "Yeah. It's always good to have some just in case but this is too much." said Zane. "I guess you're the opposite of him." thought Mira with a smile. She was hoping that Natsu would hopefully pick up some of Zane's personality traits but hopefully not his blunt nature.

Mira said,"So where did you learn to fight? It was like you could see them coming and that spell you used to knock all half of that guys.". "Honestly, I had a lot of teachers being that they told me to fully embrace my power so I can make my enemies repent their actions. I usually use my feet and fist to strike back on those idiots but I can use my weapons. Those guys would have been no trouble for me when I was little but now, they're nothing more than ants." said Zane. 

Mira said,"So how many types of magic do you have? And hopefully, you tell me everything about you.". She had a bright smile with Zane saying,"A lot Mira and I have a lot of secrets that I keep in me because well, I don't want you to get hurt. There may be some of my enemies out there and you are my friend so seeing you hurt will release my inner demon.". She wanted to ask him questions but she knew that Zane wouldn't tell her the truth just yet.

She actually stayed behind being that she wanted to go with home and maybe with enough begging from her end, she may get him to spill something. She wasn't sure that she wanted to ask him to go back with her. The air around the two was awkward being that Zane wasn't sure what to say being that he could read her mind and knew her plan. Mira wanted to say something being that she was having an inner debate on if she should or shouldn't.

She fidgeted slightly with her saying,"So....". "So...." said Zane, chuckling a bit. "Are you going to catch the train back to Magnolia or do you two have other plans?" said Mira with a sheepish grin. "I think Natsu wanted us to meet up with him in the forests almost one town over." said Sly with Mira having a small frown. "And I told him that I wasn't going to because I wanted to sleep in my own bed for once plus he didn't ask me." said Zane, with Mira smiling.

Mira thought about it with her saying,"So are you sure that you shouldn't meet up with Natsu? He pouts when he doesn't get what he wants. It's really cute.". "I told him that I'll hear all about it at his place. I can't leave a lady to go by herself." said Zane. Mira admired Zane's chivalrous nature because she was sure that he wasn't it for a perverted reason. She found it really sweet but she hoped Natsu wouldn't mind too much if she borrows the newest member for a bit.

Mira said,"I would be honored if you two traveled with me. Can you send a message to Natsu that you and Sly won't be coming?". "We did so do you think that the train are still here?" said Sly. "Not sure but I don't mind waiting here an extra day. This town has some pretty nice sights." said Mira as Zane smiled. "Lets go find out." said Zane. He held out his hand with Mira grabbing it. Mira soon had a smile as she said,"So can you tell me something?".

The trio was walking down the hall with Zane looking at her and he said,"And is it about my powers Mira?". "Nope. It's about how Rory was flying right into Leroy just before he stabbed Dante. I'm sure that it was you so how did you defeat him?" said Sly. "Did you use that magic where you turned into candy syrup or something?" said Mira "That power of mine is called Sweet Reaction. Let me start for the beginning." said Zane.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
Before the defeat of Leroy Butcher and Rory Simmons, Rory had watched Zane's body get covered in crimson red lightning. He also noticed that the teen's body had several strange glowing turquoise lines that covered his entire body looking like cracks. His hair was very much like fire being that it kept it's normal color to it unlike Zane's normal flames outside of his forms. His eyes were molten gold as Zane said,"Ready for your beating down ugly?".

Rory laughed with him saying,"So you changed your appearance brat? That magic doesn't look at all impressive being nothing more than a joke to someone of my strength and power!". Rory soon rushed toward Zane being that he said,"Steel Smash!". Zane was soon gone ,being that the man's fist soon slammed into the ground and destroyed it. Rory looked for the teen with him thinking,"He must have gotten faster with that power but that won't stop me.".

He heard,"This power of mine isn't for show. I very much trained my body to its peak and pushed my limits in order to protect the people closest to me. Sweet Arctic Rainmaker!". Rory looked for Zane but he was soon hit by two fists that came out of nowhere. "I didn't see them coming!" thought Rory as he felt them. He was soon set flying back being that Rory soon planted himself into the ground but he hit some trees.

Rory saw Zane standing there with his arms stretched out. "How did that attack hit me is what you're thinking isn't it? Archon Zero is basically me cutting those limits from my body in order to kick your ass without breaking a sweat." said Zane. Rory soon roared as he rushed toward Zane, mainly to kill the brat. "Sweet Arctic Onslaught!" said Zane. He soon twisted both of his arms and he stretched them behind him.

He soon fired them forward Rory with Rory groaning upon contact. He was sent flying toward the trees once again being that he was stopped only upon hitting a huge bunch of them. He soon looked down to see that he had a noticeable knuckle shaped imprints in his chest. "I'm happy that I've met you Rory because since I arrived here, you're the only who can truly tank my attacks so I can all out on a opponent." said Zane.

Rory said,"Screw you kid! We've spend several years, planning this a job and right now, you and your blonde friend are pretty much a pain in the ass!".  He soon rushed toward Zane, being that he was  going even faster. "My magic increase my speed and strength over time and right now, you won't be laying a single hit on me....." said Rory. "Sweet Arctic Fist!" said Zane with his fist flying forward toward something. The punch soon hit Rory as the man coughed out blood.

He went crashing into the ground with him looking for Zane. He was soon hit to the right by Zane's fist, being that he was once again send flying. He soon crashed into the ground with Zane's voice echoing,"Sweet Arctic Fist and Sweet Arctic Ride!". Rory was soon punched and before he could recover, the muscle wizard was soon kicked by Zane. Zane stood there with Rory slowly getting back up as Zane was gone.

Rory thought,"He's fast! Even more than me when I'm juiced up or Rory when he's in his Shadow Form. I need to....". He barely dodge Zane's punch with Zane saying,"I hope you can take your well deserved punishment. Sweet Arctic Howitzer!". Zane's body soon sprouted four arms with them flying toward Rory with them matching the arms when Zane uses Sweet Forge. The four punches went right into Rory, being that the ground below him was destroyed.

Rory looked up and he said,"Dam you!". He soon looked for Zane, being that he soon found Zane standing there. "Time to finish this fight. You may be stronger than the prick, those grunts, and the perverted monkey but nothing compared to me." said Zane. He slowly unsheathed his sword with Rory saying,"That blade of yours is weak compared to my strength.". He soon grew bigger with him saying,"Titanic Roar!". He soon roared with Zane disappearing.

The ground in front of him was pretty much destroyed with Rory saying,"Is that all you got? You're nothing more than a coward child!". "My name isn't child, kid, or brat, it's Zane. Let me show you why I'm unbeatable!" said Zane. Rory was about to turn around but he was soon slashed being that he was sent flying back toward the guild hall. Zane soon there with him holding Lazarus Soul and he was missing his shirt. Lazarus Soul's blade is curved, double-edges, and slender.

Its edge is half molten gold and violet ,somewhat living like his Archon Zero, being that the blade itself is dark purple, looking like metallic scales with a spiral pattern. It looks like Vulcan Force for comparison. The hilt is black ,with it having a purple criss cross pattern and looking like a circuit board, wrapping to it. It has a long red string hanging from the end of the pommel. The handguard is in the shape of a eight pointed maple leaf flower/snowflake.

Zane took a deep breath with him saying,"Wow. That was a minor workout. I really hope that I can find an enemy that will get me to use a 10% of my power.". He soon re-sheathed his sword with him saying,"I wonder if I sent Rory flying toward the studio and hopefully not hitting the girls or Dante but well, I'm too strong. The air pressure really send him flying.". Zane soon ran back to the studio, with the arena of battle being completely destroyed.

Next Time,
While waiting for Natsu's group, Zane takes a job involving him taking down a dark guild with him meeting a new ally. This and more next time on Fairy Legion!

Ruined Emerald. This Dark Guild is well known for capturing girls and taken them to Bosco which is known for having a Slave Trade. They were allies with Bora and his group before they were taken out by Natsu and Zane with the assistance of Happy, Lucy, and Sly. They are well known for both their success rate and numbers being that they can easily take down a legal guild with little effort.
Known Members:
Leroy Butcher and Rory Simmons.

Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Cartoon Form. This card has a black frame with a cartoon like superhero pulling off a superhero leap in the center of the card. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 17 and it doesn't have a Prime Form. He's able to multiply himself and he's a living cartoon character being very annoying and hard to cute. He's also considered one of Zane's cutest forms. This form is also the main reason for why Zane can break the fourth wall since Cartoon Form kinda warped his mind over repeated and longer than normal uses. This form later gets a change/upgrade thanks to the Zenith Core. It's very similar to Brain and Frost Form being that instead of going through a metamorphosis, Cartoon Form progress into the future or matures according to Parker. It's seen in person around the time of Fairy Legion Chapter 31.

Mummy Form. This card has a black frame with a sarcophagus in the center of the card. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 27 and its Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet. He's able to stretch his body to incredible lengths being that he's a mummy. He's one member of the monster four which consisted of Frankenstein, Mummy, Vampire, and Werewolf Form. This form gained a weapon combo from his son Atem being that's a shiny obsidian black staff and bracelet being that the staff is Kek and the bracelet is Anubis.

Brick Form. This card has a black frame with several bricks being that they create a giant castle, skyscraper, and sports cars. This form was once the card Brick Morph that was introduced in Zero Episode 18. It was a gold frame card with a less impressive version being that it was several bricks forming into a giant castle but with arms. Zane's body turned into bricks and grew to eight feet tall. His arms and legs were covered in red and blue bricks respectively. His chest and head are now gold bricks. All over his body, he had glowing green/white lines. This form was reintroduced in Zero Episode 42 and it doesn't have a Prime Form. He loses the gold bricks around his chest with him losing glowing green/white lines. This form later gets a change/upgrade thanks to the Zenith Core. It's very similar to Brain and Frost Form being that instead of going through a metamorphosis, Brick Form progress into the future or matures according to Parker. It's seen in person around the time of Zero Episode 121

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