Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Zero Episode 49 Unstable Relationship

A/N: Welcome to a pretty family heavy episode. You may be asking yourself what does that mean whatsoever. I mean that we'll be seeing a lot of family moments with the Ortiz and Alvarez family being that Lucius is back in Zane's life. Who is Lucius? You may be asking. We'll learn more about him in this and the season two finale. I have no idea about how long the season two finale will be but it will be over two episodes for sure. Things will change in Zane's life good and bad.

The crossover series won't be starting after the season two finale, sixty five transformations will be revealed, and also five prime forms. I will be doing some main series episodes. I will explain more in detail when the time comes but for right now, lets enjoy tugging the heart strings of the characters in the series. I don't got anything else besides Soul will return. I'm not giving up on that series but I need to focus on one series at a time. This episode will features five New Forms and a Prime Form.

Narrator P.O.V.
In the Alvarez's family backyard, Lucius was standing there. He was currently training his younger brother who was really happy to see him once again. "Zane. We don't have all the time in the world. I don't think your enemies will be so patient. According to mom, you tend to piss off your enemies for reason unknown." said Lucius. Zane ,in Vampire Form, flew toward him and he said,"What can I say dear brother? I tend to annoy my enemies with my lovable banter!".

Lucius blocked Zane's kick as he said,"So this is the form that defeated the Battalion and you were asleep when it happened?". "Yeah. This form is the only one ,to my knowledge, that can do this so I think he's best for long nights. I can sleep and fight crime." said Zane. The vampire flew back as Lucius said,"So how are things going with your social life? I know that our father had trouble doing both.". He turned to see Zane turning into Beast Form and rushing toward his brother.

Lucius blocked his brother's right fist as Zane said,"It's going fine. I would be making dad proud for sure. So what was dad like? I mean I know that he adopted you and Kurt when I was like four or three. I mean he was supposed to show up at the same time as you.". "Don't you dare think he died like you thought with dad bro. Kurt's an Alvarez and what's an Alvarez? " said Lucius as he threw Zane back.

Zane shook his head as he said,"An Alvarez is weird but to other Alvarez, we're awesome. We don't let people push us around, we never give up, and when our family is hurt, we don't hold back.". "You're right. I mean you're making dad proud with Atem. He reminds me of you when you used to follow me and Kurt around like a puppy." said Lucius. "You two were so cool and well, you could move metal. That was so cool to child me." said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane turned into Boulder Form. Several pieces of metal covered the rock manipulator as Lucius said,"Still think it's cool bro?". The metal flew off Zane as he said,"I still do. Did you now that Robot Form can do that? He's one of my favorites.". "Okay. We have been practicing for a while now and I've only seen old forms. You have over 100 forms now right and you gain full knowledge on them upon turning into them correct?" said Lucius.

Zane nodded as Lucius said,"And you also have Prime Forms. For what I gathered, you have only use two. Is there a reason why?". "Well, I think they're too strong. I mean if I'm up against someone high leveled, I'll use them for sure. What about against a street punk? My forms are all strong in so many ways but they can hurt them and people caught in the crossfire. I don't want to be the one responsible for killing a parent, child, or son." said Zane.

Lucius placed an arm on Zane's shoulder as he said,"Listen. I came back not because I want to see my crybaby little brother again but to help you control your powers so you don't became a killer. Family sticks together not matter what. You may lose your friends and love interests but you'll always have family.". "Yeah. Thanks bro. So I'm guessing that you heard about my love life." said Zane. "I'm so embarrassing for you on that front. Show me a new form." said Lucius.   

Zane nodded as the rock monster was gone. He looks to be an avian humanoid hybrid very much like Raptor Form with a slim and narrow build compared to Raptor Form. This bird is six feet tall. His upper body looked really strong. His body was covered in feathers and if Zane decides to fly, his body sprouts wings. His plumage is crimson red with his long arms and legs are gray. He has a black and white domino mask around his red triangular eyes. 

His metallic looking beak is silver and curved slightly. It was giving it an expression that's he's sneering at others. His chest is a gold color. His feet and hands turned into four gold talons that are in the shape of axes. His feet looked like a Anisodactyl feet being three fingers/toes in the front and one in the back. He has a large feathered tail with these feathers being a gold color. He wears a black ,with a white trim, pauldron over his right shoulder and connected by a black ,with a gold trim, strap over his chest. 

He wears black ,with a gold and white fiery feather pattern, pants. "Phoenix Form! Time to fly!" said Zane with him having a distinct Spanish accent. A pair of crimson red wings sprouted from his back and he flew into the air. Lucius saw that Zane's body was naturally producing fire at an alarming rate and Lucius gathered metal around him. Zane threw several feathers ,on fire, and they went flying toward the metal. 

It caused an explosion upon contact as the metal was gone. "It seems like this form is a combination of Pyre and Turbo Form with him not looking very strong." said Lucius. He barely dodge Zane's talons and Lucius said,"I do like to be proven wrong.". "Thanks Bro. So are we done with training?" said Zane. Lucius nodded as Zane said,"Sweet. Lets get something to eat.". He flew into his house as Lucius followed suit.

Inside, Atem was working on some homework as Lucius walked over to his nephew. "Hey squirt. So how is your homework going?" said Lucius. Atem looked at his uncle as he said,"Good. I mean this is pretty easy for me to understand. So where's Dad?". "He's currently eating. You know that Zane is always fighting or eating." said Lucius. "So what was my dad like when he was a kid? You called him a crybaby." said Atem.

Lucius said,"I don't know if Zane became the guy he is because his dad went missing and he had to be the man of the house or me and Kurt leaving him.". "So when is Uncle Kurt coming to visit us and will he bring gifts?" said Atem. "Who knows with him? He promised to be here and he wouldn't miss this in the world. So how about I train you too after you finish your homework? You want to protect your dad right?" said Lucius.

Zane walked into the room as Atem said,"Yes! I mean daddy would probably get himself killed if he's left alone according to grandma.". "Hey. I take offense to that." said Zane. "It's the truth." said the two in unison. Zane sulked as Atem said,"Oh right! I have to give you something dad! I always keep on forgetting this but I better do it now!". He opened his chest and Lucius said,"To be honest, that's so weird.". "Meh. I'm used to it because well, I can do it as well." said Zane.

Atem was soon holding an shiny obsidian black staff with the energy spear head looking very much like a trident and bracelet. "This is the weapon combo known as Kek aka the spear and Anubis aka the bracelet. The spear can cut through anything and the bracelet can protect you. You should use in Mummy Form." said Atem. Zane tussled his son's hair and he said,"Thanks squirt. I owe you one for sure aka pancakes.".

Atem's smile widened as Lucius said,"Doesn't mom not like when he and Wolfram eat them?". "Only in moderation. I won't be feeding them Zane portions." said Zane. "Whatever. You got any plans for tonight?" said Lucius. "Patrol. It's not the funnest but it beats dealing with family drama." said Zane as he put the weapons with Mummy Form for him to use. "You mean Auntie Kristen? She's really nice and awesome!" said Atem.

Lucius said,"I have to agree with the squirt here bro. So what's up with her brother? He seems rather distant.". Zane shrugged as he said,"He was Cinder before he reformed because of Kristen. I highly doubt he would go back to crime.". "You'll be keeping an eye on him won't you?" said Lucius. "I may trust Kristen but my paranoid side won't stop me." said Zane. He turned into Legion Zero and he had a new addition to his costume. He had Forsaken Dirge currently resting on his back.

Lucius said,"You're using the sword?". "Well, I can control its power without slicing everything in the area." said Zane. "That's good." said Atem. "Well, I hope you have fun." said Lucius. Zane nodded as he phased through the ceiling and out into the city. "So can we begin training? I really finished my homework." said Atem. "Sure but lets make sure that grandma doesn't spend too much time in the lab." said Lucius. "Okay!" said Atem.

Outside of a giant building, several armed guards were in front of the main door just in case some super powered criminal came by which ,in Cypress Park, isn't that strange. They soon heard static electricity as a teen was floating down. He was wearing a black cloth suit ,which looks to be made out of cloth but seemingly made out of a carbon nano-fiber, and he's wearing a silver helmet with its visor being green. The visor is four oval shapes with a line going ,vertically, across the helmet.

He's wearing a silver belt and gauntlets with strange green ,circuit board design, on them. His body was covered in a static electricity like aura. He has a strange sphere like shape in his chest. "So whose the freak in the PJs?" said a guard. "You must be new to Cypress Park." said another guard. A third guard said,"Put your hands in the air or else we will shoot!". The teen looked at them and he walked toward the gate. The guards fired their guns as the bullets bounced right off.

He aimed his left hand at the door and energy gathered in his palm. He fire a beam from it launching the guards guarding the door back. "If bullets don't work, tackle him!" said a guard. Several guards rushed toward him but they were soon blasted back. The guards moved back as the teen placed his hands on the door. The door soon melted as the teen walked in. He didn't noticed that he was being shocked by several hundred volts.

He found a lab and he walked toward it. He sent off a silent alarm as he was soon slammed by a door but like before, it melted. He saw a giant pool of extremely hot water ,500 degrees Celsius, and for some reason, it was colored like fire, and he was about to place his hand in there. He was stopped by a Nether Rope with him hearing,"Sorry but didn't your mom teach you not to stick your hand in a extremely hot pool of mac and cheese?".

Zane flew toward him and he was about to kick him but he was soon blasted back. "My suit can turn any kinetic energy into a weapon." said the teen in a highly synthesized voice. Zane turned into Robot Form as he said,"Lets see how you like a bit of iron in your diet.". Several pieces of metal flew at the teen with the suit just repelling it. Zane was soon blasted by an energy beam and into the wall. "I do hope you don't mind if I borrow this." said the teen.

He stuck his hand in there and he soon grabbed a vial of a strange green liquid. "Zane! You can't let him take that! That's Gascine aka the stuff that helps Carlos control his power. It has to be kept in a extremely hot environment and if it isn't, kaboom." said Athena. "Or in layman's term. The town goes nuclear!" said Cole. "Understood. You better return that isotope or I'll use force." said Zane as his hands turned into missiles.

The teen sighed as he said,"You just don't learn do you Legion Zero? This will help me take over the world and everyone who ever made fun of me.". Zane fired the missiles which the teen effortlessly blocked but that wasn't Zane's target. The isotope went flying as the teen barley caught it. "I guess you're not just muscles. Lets see how you work under the collar." said the teen. He threw some of the fire at Zane who jumped back.

He soon flew up as he broke through the roof. Zane turned into Sonic Form and he flew after him. He soon fired two of his discs at the teen with Zane saying,"Surround Sound!". The teen cried out in pain as Zane said,"So don't like the classic? How about some new age music?!". He repeated the sound as the teen went flying toward the park. Zane landed on a nearby roof as he said,"So this suit of his, what's it made off?".

Athena said,"Our initial scans show that his suit repels all matter, survive in any environment known to man, able to fly, and project energy. I think anything that it touches gets melted. I noticed that the door to the building and the lab melted upon contact.". "So is there a way to actually hit him? He says that all kinetic energy aka my only way of attacking is only giving him power. So what is Gascine?" said Zane.

Cole said,"It's a man made isotope created by one Doctor Mason Fritz. He went missing some time ago but his former roommate help make it a reality for his old college roommate. It's the first one made and highly unstable. You do hit him Zane. Sound Form's attack could pierce through that armor and I'm sure that if you can keep him busy, we can find a weakness.". "Okay. Lets defeated Negate Man." said Zane. He floated down to the park.

The armored teen recovered and he looked at the isotope. "It's still functioning. Legion Zero was to be expected but my plans will not be stopped." said the teen. He slowly walked away as he stopped due to him being surround by sound discs. "You need to return the isotope Negate Man. You do know that it's extremely deadly." said Zane's voice. NM turned around to see Zane as he said,"Do you seriously think that's my name? My name is Buffer!".

He fired an energy beam which Zane blocked using a sound disc. "I wonder how you would like my Sonic Burst!" said Zane. Buffer was soon pushed back as he said,"How about you leave me alone? I thought you would care about Cinder!". "What are you talking about?" said Zane. "I've seen him at school and those devices that the great Max Brock made but they're not holding his powers back. He's a nuclear bomb just waiting to go off and I'm going to be ready." said Buffer.

Zane was soon hit into the trees by an energy beam with Zane said,"You already have a suit that repels all matter except for sound. I can tell that you're not perfect! Nothing in this world is perfect whatsoever!". He fired the discs at Buffer who blocked them. "Your attacks Legion are doing nothing but annoying me!" said Buffer. "We got it Zane! Knock him into the lake and his suit should short circuit! Hurry! Gascine is going to blow in a hour!" said Athena.

Zane nodded as a new form appeared. He looked to be 6 feet tall. He looks to be a humanoid frog with a slightly muscular and toned figure to him. His body is navy blue ,with his chest being a white color, with his eyes looked to be very wide with black pupils, gold irises, and white sclera. His eyes are covered by a dark purple stripe looking like a mask. His mouth looked to very wide and he has a long tongue inside of his mouth.

His ears looked to be hidden by his natural looking mask due to their small size. He's wearing silver armor over a black ninja like jumpsuit that covers his body. The armor consists of arm braces, boots, chest piece, elbow braces, glove like gauntlets, knee braces, hip braces, and shoulder braces. Both his feet and hands are webbed. His arms and legs had white katana tattoos on them. He's wearing a white scarf around his neck. "Ninja Form! How about we stop you?" said Zane.

He threw several water kunais at Buffer who was being pushed back. "Why is the suit unable to repel this? It could repel all matter including water!" thought Buffer. Zane saw the lake and he made a giant water katana. He slashed Buffer and the impact caused the armored teen to head into the lake. Zane's CJ went off as the lake electrocuted anything inside of there and Zane said,"Sorry my fish brothers and sisters. I shall avenge you all by taking Buffer away from his suit.".

Buffer was soon floated on the now electricity covered water and Zane turned into Vampire Form due to Ninja Form not being the biggest fan of electricity. He grabbed the isotope and he said,"Call the cops and tell them to bring electricity proof material.". "Gotcha." said Cole. Zane flew off and went back to the building thanks to the hole that Buffer made. Back at the lake, Buffer was soon gone as it turned into an orb and flew off.

Doctor Maxwell Brock was looking at the tub and he said,"I hope that your legacy isn't ruined old friend.". "It won't professor." said a voice. He turned to see Zane with the isotope and the doctor said,'Thank you Legion Zero!". "It's no problem. So could I ask you a couple of questions about one of your inventions?" said Zane. He placed the isotope back in the mac and cheese tub and Max said,"About what?".

Zane looked at Max with him saying,"You know the former super villain Cinder right? I just fought someone and he said that the machines that were made by Cinder are currently not working.". "That's impossible. It's made out of titanium. It can be destroyed but we infused parts of Gascine in it. It can handle extremely heats. I'll go check on Carlos after I get some sleep. You should as well." said Max. "Okay." said Zane. He flew off as Max sighed.

The next day, Zane was currently holding a rose and he was currently sitting on the fountain. "So why did you need to grab a single rose to apologize? I mean wouldn't a bouquet work?" said Cole. "This idiot still has feelings for Kristen and right now, he's thinking about asking her out once again. I do hope you learned from the last time." said Athena. "I did learn from my mistakes but I remember that she loves a single rose." said Zane.

Athena said,"It may have something to do with the fact that you're going to be fighting against Cinder aka her brother.". "Yeah but lets keep that our dirty secret." said Zane. "Zane?" said a voice. The teen turned to see Karen standing there as she said with a smile,"So are you waiting for Kristen to finish up cheer practice?". "Yeah. What about you?" said Zane. "Nothing much. I was doing some studying and I saw you sitting here. Do you mind if I join you?" said Karen. "Sure." said Zane.

Karen sat next to her crush as she said,"So are you going to ask her about Cinder?". "I'm already in hot water with her Karen. Lets just say that not telling her about my weekend wasn't my best move whatsoever." said Zane. "Yeah but maybe we should have told her. It isn't entirely your fault but I'm happy seeing you trying to make amends." said Karen. "Thanks Karen. So do you got any plans this weekend?" said Zane.

Before she was about to answer, the bell rang as Karen said,"I'll text you later. See you later Zane and good luck with Kris.". She walked off as Zane looked for Kristen. He spotted her walking and she was wearing a new outfit. It was a short sleeved pink tunic with a long sleeved white shirt under it, a brown sash like belt around her waist, blue jeans, and strapped black high heels. She was wearing a purple scarf that reminded him of his eyes. She looked at him and she walked past him.

Zane went after her as he said,"Wait Kris!". She stopped and she turned around as he stood in front of her. "Listen. I know that I've been a total dick lately. Trust me, I learned that from watching Bradley and his posse but I really do care about you." said Zane. He held the rose and she said,"I do too Zane and I wish you told me about your weekend beforehand.". "Yeah. I guess I thought that the gang was going to tell you but what can you do?" said Zane.

Kristen held out her hand as she said,"I just wish that something in my life made sense.". Zane held her hand as he said,"I'm not a mind reader but I can help you.". "My brother. He's in trouble and I so don't want to lose him again." said Kristen. The two were walking as Zane said,"I haven't seen him the past couple of days. The last time I saw him was when I came by your place and he slammed the door in my face.".

Kristen said,"Before he became Cinder, he was a gambler. He always love to bet whatever he could get his hands on and well, he didn't have the best luck. I heard him talking to one of his old pals from the days and well, I think you were right. He's using his powers to rig the races over by the tracks and well, I'm worried.". "I understand what you're going through. My brother told me that you should stay by family no matter what." said Zane.

Kristen said,"Anyway, the last couple of races haven't been going the best and the last time something like this happened, he turned into Cinder just to pay back his debts.". The two stopped walked as they were by the streets. "Kris. If there's anything I can do to help, I will. Just tell me the world and I'll do it for sure." said Zane. She kissed his cheek as she said,"You're already helping. See you tomorrow for our study date.". She called a cab as it soon drove off.

Zane heard,"So you're going after Carlos Ortiz?". Zane's CJ went off as he turned to see Max ,with a smile on his face, and Zane said,"Yeah. He's my friend's brother and also he isn't a bad guy.". "You know about his gambling correct?" said Max. "I just learned about it today. So?" said Zane. "When you're addicted to something either being gambling or having a conquest with multiple women, it's easy to slip back." said Max.

Zane said,"How do you know so much?". "I was reckless in my youth. I always tried to seduce all of the girls but I usually got rejected or got wrecked by their boyfriends. It wasn't the best time but I was cocky. It took losing my limbs to make me calm down and focus on helping others. The limbs that I have is because of my science and hard work. I didn't ask for help until it was too late and I can tell that Carlos is going down the same path." said Max.

Zane said,"Yeah but he's a living and mobile forest fire.". "If you're going to help him, he first needs to ask for help. Good luck kid." said Max. He was about to walk away but Zane stopped him. "I have to ask. Why are you here?" said Zane. "I came to try and convince Carlos to try and see about getting a new power inhibitor." said Max. "If I see him sir, I'll convince him." said Zane. Max nodded as he called a cab. "Zane can't help him but Legion Zero he can." thought Zane.

In a local dive bar, a man was sitting there. He has short black hair, dark green eyes, and a noticeable beard. He's wearing a brown suit jacket with a green sweater neck top, brown jeans, and brown dress shoes. He was sipping on his beer as one of the patrons dropped off some money. The door opened as an body guard kicked out the door. "Hey Boss. Carl is here." said the body guard. Carlos was looking away as he said,"Hey Frankie. How are things?".

Frankie looked at Carlos as he said,"So why haven't I been getting my money? You've been my good little enforcer and well, I've been hearing that you've been going soft.". "I'll get your money but the cops have increased security there. I can't get in. I promise because it is a lock." said Carlos. "I hope you're not lying Carl or else your hermana will be less pretty." said Frankie. The two soon heard some laughing as something was heading there.

Apazar stood there with the bodyguard ,that was guarding the bar, was sulking in a fetal position and he said,"Welcome scum of the Earth! This is the start of the new age of the Odium Society! My name is Apazar and I'm the messenger.". He walked over to the bar as he said,"However, I can't have any one betraying me.". He soon blocked a punch and he said,"Oh. You want to try and fight me? The human race was so cute.".

He threw the man into a pool table as some of the guys tried to hit the Sorcerer with pool sticks. They were soon blown away by a personal windstorm as Apazar threw several beads on the ground as it soon knocked out several people. Carlos was currently hiding and trying to ignite. Apazar walked over to Frankie who sat in his chair and he said,"So why aren't you fighting me? Are you so scared that you can't even move?".

Frankie said,"I know when to give up against a winner aka you boss.". "Good answer Beard! You'll get a Smiley Face sticker once we get some from the craft store. So could you help with a little problem?" said Apazar. The sorcerer whispered into Frankie's ear as Frankie smiled. "Oh. I think he is just perfect! Magma Boy!" said Frankie. Carlos stood there as he said,"Yeah?". "Follow me or else you'll lose the only person who cares about you." said Frankie.

The two were soon standing in front of a condemned building as Carlos said,"Are you loco? We can't go in here!". "Trust me Carl. This place has been abandoned. I think Apazar knows his places." said Frankie. He pushed Carlos in and soon into a room. It had a single light with a table in the center of it. "I think you should stay here. Take off your jacket Magma Boy. You'll get hot." said Frankie. The door closed as Carlos took off his jacket and the light turned on.

In the next room, Fallout stood there with Doctor Bot. The door opened as Fallout said,"It took longer than I thought for him to pick someone.". Frankie stood there as he said,"Yeah but you know that the Sorcerer's mind isn't fully there anymore.". Fallout looked at Doctor Bot who said,"According to the data, Cinder was given his powers by Volcanis. He's currently wearing that idiot's power inhibitors but they seem to be broken slightly.".

Frankie said,"Meaning what doc? You're rambling and I don't think we don't want to waste the boss's time with your rambling.". "I can get rid of the inhibitors and our dear pyro can be set loose. I may be a robotics expert but I decided to help the Odium Society in order of getting rid of our mutual enemy Legion Zero." said Donald. Carlos sat on the table and he pulled out his wallet. It had a picture of him with Kristen. "I'm going to make it out of this sis. I promise." said Carlos.

The door opened as Carlos saw Frankie and the good doctor. "Take your shirt off." said Frankie. The young adult took off his shirt as he said,"So when was the last time that you cleaned this place doc? I mean I saw a rat earlier.". "It's a temporary lab. I just need you to work okay?" said DB. Carlos saw that he was holding a strange glowing vial and Frankie said,"And if you want out of the bee nest, you will do what the good doctor wants right? It's a lock.". "Yeah." said Carlos.

DB then placed the vial on Carlos's right arm as Carlos saw the liquid going into his body. "So what's going to happen?" said Carlos. "Wait for a minute." said DB. Carlos's skin turn into gold, his blond hair turned into fire and it was moving back and forth, and his eyes were now glowing red. He still has his silver bracelets around his wrists, hazmat pants, and boots."I have my powers back but the bracelets are still on me." said Carlos.

DB said,"They're turned off but you have full control over your power. You can control how much fire power you produce and well, you're going to be hard to stop. To turn off the armor, you just need to stay calm and a single thought.". Carlos took a deep breath as the gold skin disappeared. Carlos saw that he was wearing his blue jeans. "Good. You're strong and now, you can control when you go Cinder plus you can use your powers whenever. Your durability is increased as well." said DB.

Frankie said,"Well done Doc. Your first experiment was a success.". Carlos was putting on his shirt as he said,"So we're good now right?". "Yep. We're better than good now kid. If you keep messing up the tracks, we'll be aces." said Frankie. Carlos was leaving the building as he said,"Okay. That was close. I mean I'm cleared of debt, have way better control over my powers, and Kristen is safe. My life is going perfectly.". He walked to the tracks with a smile.

Frankie was looking at the doctor who was messing on his tablet as the man said,"So doc, what did you do to magma boy?". "He does have better control over his fire power but under great emotional stress, his powers flare up. He also has to fully calm down but when he's in that state, people will be attacking him. He can also control magma and lava. I wonder how Legion Zero will like fighting one of the people that he's swore to protect." said DB.

Later, Carlos was walking around the tracks as he said,"Okay. They did increase security but trust me for sure, I'm ready for anything that the cops have on me.". His hands had a small flame as he walked away. On the nearby building, Zane ,in Vision Form, was looking for Carlos. "He's around here for sure. I don't know if I can stop him from gambling exactly. I may be able to prevent him from hurting others like Kris." said Zane.

He heard the starting bell as Cole said,"Scanners are picking up a small heat signature that matches our number one pyro.". "He's our only pyro Cole. Are you sure that Vision Form is perfect for this Zane?" said Athena. "Yeah. Why he is doing this? I know that Carlos wants to have a life with Kristen but he wants to also gamble his life away. To keep Kristen or gambling, he only has one choice and the other one is sacrifice to the sharks." said Zane. 

Carlos sat the horses racing as Zane watched from the opposite building. Carlos saw that Frankie's horse was losing and he said,"No! That can't happen!". His body ignited in a second and the crowd was scared. "What? I didn't activate my powers. I just need to calm down and well, everything will go back to normal." said Carlos. He was surrounded by security as Carlos grabbed one. "Is it gone yet?!" yelled Carlos.

The man ignited in flames as he screamed. The other guard hit the teen with his weapon but it soon broke upon contact with Carlos. He threw the burned guard with the others as he jumped down to the track. Zane saw this as he said,"How is he active? His cuffs are still on him. That doesn't matter right now. It's Hero Time.". He rush across the field as Carlos erupted. Several fireballs covered the tracks scaring the horses.

The riders were soon thrown to the ground and were about to be burned. They were saved by several eye beams from Zane. Zane stopped Cinder and he said,"Oh wow. I'm finally given a trophy for all of my victories against you Pyro. I was kinda expecting a smaller one because I don't think I can fit you in my trophy case.". "Shut up! Burn!" yelled Cinder. He threw a massive fire ball at the hero who fired an eye beam at it.

It exploded as the battlefield was covered in fire. "Wow. You really like things hot don't you big boy?" said Zane. Carlos roared as the fires around them grew larger. He moved his hands toward the young hero as they turned into fire lions. "Why is it always cats? For once, I would just like to be up against dogs or hamsters." said Zane. Zane soon dodged the fiery felines and Cinder threw a fire ball at Zane who got hit.

He was knocked back as Cinder said,"You can't stop me Legion Zero! I now have power and I think I should take it out on the one who hurt my sis!". He walked away as the ground below him ignited in flames. "Not happening pyro." said Zane. He turned into Pyre Form and he threw several fireballs at the pyro. Carlos turned around and he said,"Are you stupid?!". He threw a giant wave of fire at Zane who jumped on it.

He ran across it and he punched Cinder in the face hard. "I prefer the term ingenious thank you very much." said Zane. He jumped back as Cinder threw several fireballs at Zane. Zane made a giant fire wall as he said,"This is a backfire. Our fire is cancelling each other. You should give up when you're ahead Cinder.". "My name is Carlos!" yelled Cinder. Zane looked down and he saw that the ground erupted in magma.

Zane jumped back as Carlos was covered in magma. He threw several magma balls at the crowd of running people. Zane turned into a new form. He looked to be six feet tall with him being a human skeleton covered in pure light. His skeleton is a purple color and looks to be made out of stone. His skeleton has several dark lines covering it. His face consist of one large blue eye and he can still talk despite not having a mouth on him.

His light covers his body in a similar manner to skin with parts of his light working as spiky blond hair and gives him a thin yet muscular appearance. He wears a white long-sleeved shirt, black jeans, and brown dress shoes. The area where his mouth and neck would be if he had them is covered by an dark green scarf. "Detective Form! Time to see how you like being blasted by the light which normally doesn't hurt except now!" said Zane.

He fired out light from his body and it created a giant light construct of a mirror. The fireballs soon reflected off the mirror and it hit Cinder causing a smoke cloud to cover him. Zane looked at the crowd as he said,"Get out of here! Call the Cops and Firefighters! We have a big fire to take out!". Crisis Judgement went off as Cinder stood in front of Zane. "Go away!" said Carlos. He put his hand down on Zane and the teen was sent flying into the bleachers.

Cinder flew off after launching himself into the air with fire. Zane recovered as he said,"Okay. He's much hotter than before. I'm just happy that it didn't stain my costume.". The fire trucks soon arrived as Zane turned Brick Form. He turned into a cannon as he said,"Fire the water into me! We can get this fire out faster if we do it this way!". The fighters nodded as they placed the house in the brick man and the track was soon back to normal except with several burn marks.

Zane ,as Legion Zero, was talking with Scott. "So Zero, you're saying that Cinder was still wearing his bracelets?" said Scott. "Would I lie to you?" said Zane. "No but still, I thought Doctor Brock's invention would stop him and Bedrock." said Scott. "I'm sure that Bedrock won't be doing anything like magma boy. I have to go find him before we have more fires. Do you know anything about any gambling rings here in town? I think I know where he may be." said Zane.

Meanwhile, Kristen was sitting in her living room and she was worried about her brother and her not so secret crush. She played the message that Zane left for her while she was in the shower. "Hey. It's me Kris. Listen, I know how I can help your brother but I just need some time. Please stay safe. You are very special to me and I don't want to see you hurt." said Zane's message. "You idiot. I don't want to see you hurt too." said Kristen.

She heard the doorbell as she answered it. Rachel stood there as Kristen said,"What are you doing here?". "Where's Carlos? I haven't seen in a long time and I'm getting worried." said Rachel. "Are you serious right now Rachel? I know that you're trying to help Zaney pick Karen. I'm not the dumb cheerleader that you think I am and why do you care about my brother? He hasn't mentioned you and you've never mentioned him." said Kristen.

Rachel sighed as she said,"We've been dating for a while now. It's been a secret. I've kept it from my friends, my family, and people I care about. I don't know why I didn't want people to know and I told Carlos to keep a secret from the only family member who trust him. I so don't want people thinking that I'm crazy for dating a pyro maniac. I'm worried about him because he's start talking with Frankie again.". "Frankie? How do you know that name?" said Kristen.

Rachel said,"He told me about him during one of our date. His usual hangout spot was the Inferno Place but that place was the first building that Carlos burned to the ground.". "Yeah. So where do you think he is now?" said Kristen. "What are you saying Kris?" said Rachel. "We're going to find Carlos and try to stop him from doing something stupid." said Kristen. "Okay. I think I may have an idea where he may is." said Rachel.

Inside of the Tavern, Carlos was talking with Frankie. "What did you do to me? I can't turn it off and it's pissing me off!" said Carlos. "You wanted out of your debts and you got out. I can't see into the future like you can Carl. You must not have the mental focus to control yourself." said Frankie. "I'll show you focus." said Carlos as he was creating a magma ball. Frankie heard,"We should probably tell our pal about his new powers!".

Carlos soon saw Apazar sipping on a green cosmopolitan drink and he said,"Your powers are now connected to that fiery temper of yours. You did this to yourself buddy and well, I think you should just calm down or else, Frankie losing his bar to you again.". Carlos soon return back to normal as he said,"Thank you. I'm just happy to be...". He soon ignited in flames as he said,"No! I want to be human!".

Apazar said,"If you want your life back, you truly belong to the Odium Society. You need to take down Legion Zero and I mean for real. I know that you two have your encounters in the past but here is the thing. I don't want him knowing about us just yet so I'll leave you to him.". "I hate him but he saved my sister's life." said Carlos. "But if you want to keep your sister with a smile, you will kill Legion Zero." said Apazar. Carlos rushed toward Apazar who dodged the attack.

Apazar said,"You're going to be perfect and accept your role as Legion Zero's killer. Don't tell him about me or else.". He was gone by a magic portal as Zane ,in costume, soon flipped into the room and landed on a table. "How did you find me kid?" said Frankie. "I asked the good captain and he told me about you being the manager of this and your previous building which Cinder burned to the ground." said Zane.

Carlos said,"Look Frankie. He fell for it hook liner and sinker.". "What are you taking about? You're in serious trouble. I can help you. We just need to go see Doctor Brock and..." said Zane. Cinder then threw a pool table at Zane who turned into Diamond Form. The diamond man soon cut the table in half ,thanks to a diamond sword, with Carlos saying,"I don't need any more doctors! You're dead Legion Zero!". He then threw another pool table as Zane sliced through it.

Frankie said,"Come on you two. We just got this place cleaned up from the last mess.". He dodge a pool table as Zane said,"I suggest that you stay quiet or I'm taking you in.". Carlos was soon in a crystal prison as he said,"Shut up rocky!". He ignited the crystal prison ,breaking it, and he jumped at Zane. Carlos punched the crystal teen destroying the ground. Outside of the bar, Kristen and Rachel stood there as they heard Carlos. "That's Carlos alright. Why is there smoke?" said Kristen.

Rachel said,"Lets find out.". The two opened the door as they saw Zane talking with Carlos. "You need to calm down Carlos. You don't want to the ones you care about right? You and Rachel are cute together. Kristen is the only person who cares about you and heck, you're a good guy for sure. You have a chance to redeem yourself and I'm willing to help. Just give me a chance okay? Family needs to stick with each other no matter what." said Zane.

Carlos said,"Shut up! I'm a changed man. I'm now the hottest thing alive and I'll keep burning all of the things that you care about! You're dead!". "Carlos?" said Kristen. "You knew about us and didn't say anything." thought Rachel. The two rushed toward them as Zane was pushed back by Cinder and he said,"Yep. I guess my mom was right about playing with fire.". The two girls hid behind the bar and the teen turned into a new form as the fire spread thanks to Cinder igniting everything.

He looks to be six feet tall with a seemingly lanky figure but he does have muscle. He has grayish blue skin with his arms and legs are a midnight black color. He has short yet spiky black hair with two red eyes. He has a scar running along his neck with this scars looking like something attached his head to his neck. This form doesn't have a mouth but he does have natural sharp teeth sticking out of the void where his mouth would be. 

Zane has five claws on each hand. He's wearing a classy looking black suit with a white undershirt and raven themed tie. His jacket is unbuttoned, revealing the gold inverted star marking on his chest. He's wearing a dark blue fedora over his head. He's wearing black shoes. "Stealth Form!" said Zane as he began dodged several fire covered pool sticks with ease. Cinder grabbed onto Zane's leg and this burned Zane. 

The Cross Species groaned as the fire wasn't a pleasant feeling. As response to this, Zane blasted Cinder back with several shadow themed spheres. Before Cinder could do anything about this, Zane slammed Cinder onto the ground using his own shadows. "Yep. I may be weak in the sunlight but during fire like yours, I can still fight." said Zane. Cinder threw a giant fireball at Zane who tried to block it with a shadow shield. 

Despite putting up a shield, Zane was blasted toward the bar and he said,"Yep. What a night to be up against a pyromaniac.". He heard coughing as his eyes widened. He saw Kristen and Rachel as Rachel said,"Hey there Z.". "Oh for the gods sake. Could this day get any worse for me?" said Zane. He was grabbed by Cinder and he threw him into a post. "Listen. We need to stop fighting. There are innocent people behind the bar." said Zane. "You seriously think I'm that stupid?" said Cinder. 

Zane cupped his chin as he said,"I'm not saying anything without my lawyer present.". The fire head walked toward Zane and the girls looked at the two. They were about to be crushed by rubble as Zane said,"Frankie! Next bar, you need a sprinkler like right now!". He made a shadow web like creation as the girls moved out of the way of the rubble. Cinder stood there as the girls looked at them. "I need to get them out of here before they get hurt." thought Zane.

Crisis Judgement went off as he jumped up to avoid Cinder's highly telegraphed punch who destroyed another pool table. Zane jumped over to the girls and he said,"Okay ladies. You ever grab onto a guy that you like so much and you want to give them a big hug? Do that! Oh and don't let go!". The hero carried them out of there as Frankie said,"Did you forget about me did you hero boy?". Zane saw that the exit was covered by the rubble as Carlos said,"Let me help Zero!". 

The pyro grabbed the rubble which increased the fire alone in the room. "Don't Carlous! You only making things worse!" yelled Zane. He went to look for another exit as rubble was starting to fall. He made a shadow line and it went to grab Frankie as the building collapsed. Carlos picked up and threw several pieces of rubble as he said with worry,"Sis! Rachel! Please respond!". He dug through the rubble as he saw a shadow ball that covered the girls, Zane, and Frankie. 

Carlos melted it as Carlos held out his hand. Rachel was about to grab it as Zane said,"Don't touch him Rachel! He's nuclear hot! Don't lay a finger on either of them. Got that barbecue boy? I so sick of fire.". He jumped out of here as Frankie said,"Way to forget your old pal.". With an eye roll, Zane grabbed him as the four were outside. "Okay ladies! Get out of here now!" said Zane. He turned into a new form as he looked to be more feline.

He grew to eight feet tall with him having burnt orange fur with dark gray stripes across his body and emerald green eyes. His build is strong and muscular with him having great arms and legs for punching and kicking. He has a long and heavily armored tail which has parts of it not covering by the metal tail, exposing his fur. He has a set of long silver sabertooth tiger fangs with it being noticeable. He has opposable thumbs. 

Zane has short fox-like ears which is hidden by a bright orange mane of fur which as hair. He's wearing silver metal armor that covers his chest/torso and back. It has a strange red claw mark on the right chest plate. His right shoulder is covered by obsidian colored pauldrons with the claw mark resting there. His right arm is covered in silver mesh armor with a black strap around his bicep. His left arm is covered in zigzag like scars.

He's wearing natural metallic gold gauntlets over his hands with it having three metal claws sticking out of them. He has two silver gems on each gauntlet. He's wearing a silver belt with the claw marking for a belt buckle. He's wearing armor knee guards being that they matched his pauldrons. He's wearing black leather boots and the front is steel. Zane slashed the air in front of him and roared proudly. "Shredding Form!" said Zane. "Wait! We know him!" said Kristen and Rachel. 

Zane looked at them with him saying,"You do don't you? Just my luck am I right?". Carlos appeared in front of them as he said,"No! You can't know who I am! Stay away from the girls Zero!". He threw several magma balls at Zane who dodged them and said,"This is an unfair fight that's for sure but I can still win. Just need to make my move which is easy against you.". Carlos was charging up a magma ball as Kristen said,"Carlos! Stop! We can help you!". "You don't have to do this!" said Rachel.

Carlos smiled as he said,"Sorry but I really enjoy doing this.". He then threw the magma ball at Zane and Zane soon jumped over it. "I don't want to hurt you!" said Zane. "But I do!" said Cinder. Zane was soon grabbed by Cinder and he roared out in pain. "Burn kitty! Burn now and forever!" yelled Cinder. "Carlos! Let him go!" said Rachel. "Listen to her Carlos!" said Kristen. Zane tried to slice Cinder but it failed. "Leave now Kris and Rae or else you'll get burned!" said Carlos.

Carlos soon dropped Zane thanks to a punch in his gut. Zane's fur was soon burned slightly as Rachel said,"It may look bad now Zero but you just need to fire up.". "Sorry but I'm more of a fan of water you know." said Zane as he turned into Water Form. "Look girls, I have my powers and Zero's death is a total lock." said Cinder. "Do you have to be such a dick Carlos?! I thought you cared about me and Rachel! Heck you told me that you would like having Zaney as a brother in law!" yelled Kristen.

Rachel thought,"Wow. She's serious isn't she?". "Sorry but that was the old me." said Carlos. "You left me no choice then Carly." said Zane. He soon blasted him with water as he roared. He threw a giant fireball at the water user causing a huge puff of smoke. Zane stood there and he said,"I guess you're pretty half-baked huh. You're scared of little old me and I bet you can't hit me with your eyes closed!". "SCREW YOU ZERO! I AIN'T A SUCKER!" yelled Carlos.

He then threw a massive ball as Zane smiled. His body soon glowed bright purple as he said,"Water Prime!". His body began to change. He grew to ten feet tall, his armor was now ocean blue with the armor on his chest and upper arms are gray, his claws looked sharper, three cannons were around his wrists and legs, and his body was covered by several barnacles. He has a massive organic rocket on his back and it was aimed upwards.

He soon fired a giant stream of water causing the ball to turn into smoke and it soon covered the pyro in water. He was soon out cold from the water as his armor turned off. "Is he?" said Zane. "Yeah. He's going to be fine now I hope." said Kristen. Zane nodded as he flew off using water. In a nearby alleyway, he was now Zane and he sighed loudly. "Gods dam it!" yelled Zane as he punched a nearby wall.

He heard police sirens as he said,"Poor Kristen. I need to do something and make sure she knows that I'm serious about her.". He ran toward the bar and he sneaked past Frankie who wasn't happy about another bar being burned. "I would feel bad for him but he kinda had it coming. He fueled Carlos's addiction to gambling." said Athena. "True." said Zane. Zane soon looked around the area and he soon found the girls and Carlos who was covered in a fire-proof suit.

Carlos looked at his sister and Rachel and he turned away from the both of them. Zane ran right over to Carlos and he punched him in the stomach harder than his normal punch. "Zane?! Why did you do that?!" yelled Kristen and Rachel. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" yelled Zane. The girls were shocked to see Zane so mad as Carlos said,"You're the one with the problem Alvarez! You're going to break her heart by being a dam player! I've seen you flirt around with other girls than my sister!".

The officers were going to stop this from getting worse but Scott stopped them. He wanted to see what Zane would do being that he very much knew that Karen liked Zane. He wasn't a fan of having her little girl dating being that he didn't want her getting involved with a scumbag but Zane was different from other boys. He would treat Karen right and he respected Zane as Zero being that he's a good hero due to him saving everyone he can rather than saving the highest buyer.

Zane yelled,"I know that but you and Kristen are family! She's the only one who cares about you even after all of this shit you pulled! You wanted it all and you would throw away the people that care about you to get it! I will never be like you Carlos! Family means everything to me so I hate people like you Carlos! If I ever see you make Kristen cry again, I will kill you! Got it?! Family should stick by each other not matter what!". Rachel saw that his crimson red nether was forming around him slightly.

Carlos was being taken by the police as Zane calmed down. He hugged Kristen as Zane said,"Just cry Kristen. I'm sorry for yelling like that but Carlos just pissed me off. I meant every word and I promise to always be there for you.". She soon started to cry as Rachel said,"So how long have you know about us Zane?". "About you and Carlos? I've known about it for a while now but I didn't tell anyone until you're ready." said Zane with his signature smile. Rachel stood there as the day ended.

Nearby, Apazar watched with Fallout. "Wow. Zane got so mad at our inferno creating pal. Didn't he boss?" said Apazar. "Yes. Both Shawn and Zane have great loyalty to ones family and they get mad at people who don't." said Fallout. "I see. So what happened with Buffer?" said Apazar. 'Who knows? He failed but I doubt this is the last time we shall see Zane rage out against an enemy who's close to him." said Fallout as the two disappeared.

Next Time,
The Future. What does it hold? Is it good for you? Bad for you? What's your future holding for you? This and more next time on Zero!

New Cards/Forms:
Phoenix Form. This card has a black frame with a bird bursting out of a flame in the center of the card. He's often seen as the flying version of Raptor Form.

Ninja Form. This card has a black frame with a frog like creature and the background is covered by several puffs of smoke oddly in the shapes of kunais.

Detective Form. This card has a black frame with a human silhouette standing in the center and it's fist glowing bright making a police badge in the background. 

Stealth Form. This card has a black frame with a creature ,made out of shadows, being chased from the police under the bright moonlight through the city.

Shredding Form. This card has a black frame with an armored cat-like creature standing there in the center with his five claws ready to slice. This form always slashes the air in front of him and roars upon turning into this form.

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