Saturday, December 8, 2018

Fairy Legion Chapter 7 Lullaby strikes

Disclaimer: This Post had originally been posted on June 15, 2018 at 1:14 AM. I'm reposting this Chapter along with Fairy Legion Chapters 1-26 because of a massive plot change. If you've read this story before, not much will have changed except Zane's reason for going to the Fairy Tail Dimension. The Author Note and whatever I talk about in them may or will be extremely outdated today or I'm somehow seeing the future so just ignore if you want.

A/N: Yeah. Last chapter came out rather fast after the first one. Fairy Legion may be faster at getting out parts. This will be the last/second to last chapter of the arc being that last one was pretty short at least in my eyes. This is mainly due to the Author Notes being so long. I like writing the Author's Note because I can just talk about what's going on why I'm writing this. I'm sure that this or the next one will have the new One Piece Chapter Review/Talking about.

Mostly like the latter because this Author Note is going to be short. I know that sounds weird but I have very little to talk about. You may have noticed that I showed Gray's fight against Rayule but not Erza, Happy, and Lucy's fight against Eisenwald. I decided to show off how strong Zane is because I have a bias toward him and well, I find that fight better in the Anime. I mean in the Manga, Erza did all of the work with Lucy doing nothing but provide comments.

She does get them out of the Wind Barrier mind you but at least Cancer showed up. Virgo is a fine character mind you but she and a certain lion steal the spotlight of other Celestial Spirits. Aquarius is the third most spirit but if you can count how many chapters/episodes that either Virgo or the lion spirit is seen. It's a very noticeable difference and that's something always bother me in Fairy Tail and if Hiro adds something like them in Edens Zero, I hope he gives all of the spirits a fair chance of time.

I mean just read through it and you'll see what I mean. She does that in the Anime but at least, she has Cancer helping. I'll take something rather than nothing. It's one of the reason why I think Lucy did nothing beside provide comments. I like a character who does something other than run their mouths the whole time. Lets begin. Yeah. This was short because this part is going to be long so expect a long read. I could make it shorter but nah.

Narrator P.O.V.
Back inside the train station, Erza and Sly walked toward the fallen Eisenwald wizards being that Sly said,"Are you okay Erza? Your arm doesn't look good.". "It'll be fine Sly. My pride is the only thing that has been damaged." said Erza. The two soon entered the room being that Erza was shocked to see that the remaining members were tied in harden candy syrup and there was a black ,with a crimson red tint, web.

Erza looked at Sly with the dragon saying,"Mostly likely when you left. Zane did this. He hates when criminals escapes so..". She ignored her as she went over to the only one still conscious aka Byard. In anger, she growled. She soon held the ratman by his collar. "Erigor's wind wall, how do I get rid of it?!" yelled Erza. "Why do you think Erigor would tell us that? None of us are strong enough to break it. You and your pals are stuck like rats!" said Byard.

He was soon punched in the face with him groaned out in pain. "Smooth." said Sly. "Erza! Sly!" said a voice. The two looked up to see Gray with Erza soon get really worried. He was supposed to be with Natsu. "Gray?! Where's Natsu? I thought you two were together!" said Erza. She clutched a hand over her heart as she thought,"Please be okay.". "There was a fork in the station, and we split up. Zane was with us and I'm sure he went with Natsu." said Gray, seeing the look of worry.

Gray said,"That doesn't matter right now! Eisenwald's true target is Clover!". "Wait. That's where the...." said Sly. "Yeah. All of the geezers are having their annual meeting! Erigor is going to use Lullaby there!" said Gray. Erza turned to Byard with her saying,"Why didn't you tell me?!". She had a fierce pink aura around her with Byard screaming like a girl and he was knocked out. "We can't get out. Erigor trapped us in a wind barrier." said Erza.

She clutched her left arm with her right as Sly said,"If we try and break through, you'll only get hurt yourself.". "Yeah. I figured that out when I threw a rock at it. It tore that rock to rubble." said Gray as he jumped down to their level. He noticed Erza's wound as he said,"Are you okay?". "I'm fine. We have to get out of here. Erigor is getting close to the masters." said Erza. "Erza. You said that there is a wizard who broke the seal on Lullaby right?" said Sly.

Erza nodded as she said,"Yes. I think his name is Kage. He was the one to broke the seal on Lullaby by himself! So we can do just that.". "That's a good idea. He can disable the wind barrier so we can escape from it and save the masters." said Gray. "Lets go find him before Natsu gets him and knocks him out. He went after him because of his ears." said Sly. The three were soon gone, leaving behind the unconscious dark wizards.

On the other side of the station, the ,as Zane would call them useless, duo of Happy and Lucy were slowly walking through the abandoned train station in search of Karacka. They haven't fallen a single sign of the wizard. Lucy sighed as they turned another corner. "He's totally gone now. We should just go back and regroup with Erza or Gray." said Lucy. "Aye." said Happy before looking at her in shock as Lucy said,"What?".

Happy jumped up and screamed in horror. "What's up with that crazy reaction cat?" said Lucy. "Erza gave you a direct order to go after the fat guy so you just have to do what she says. You're truly brave just like Zane being that the last people who ignored her got her so mad. If I have to see her punish you, I'll be scared for life!" said Happy. "What is she going to do?!" said Lucy, in panic. "You really don't want to know." said Happy.

Lucy soon did a 180 being that she said,"Hey! I was just kidding! Lets go find him!". "Wow. You're more whipped than Gray is." said Happy. "Shut up you dumb cat!" yelled Lucy. The two seen went looking as above them, an unconscious Karacka was there and held there by the same webbing as the ones on the crystal. To explain what happened, the wizard slammed into Zane's Radiation Form with him being knocked out. Zane soon had Twilight web him to the roof and he walked off.

Instead of moving quietly and trying to find places where Erigor could be, Natsu decided to destroy every door and wall in sight. "Erigor! Where are you hiding, you bastard!" yelled Natsu. Above him, the shadow/Kage watched. "Wow so do he even know how to use doors? He's more destructive than the rumors says about Fairy Tail!" thought Kage. Natsu soon looked around him being that Kage said to himself,"Erigor is out so time to get my revenge.".

Natsu sensed him but it was too late being that four shadow tendrils ,that looked like fists, send him flying into some wooden crates. "Wow! Punching you feels really good! This is what you get for messing with me insect." said Kage. Natsu struggled to get out with him eventually doing that but his face was currently in a wrecked portrait, making him look like a child with an overgrown face. "You again?!" said Natsu. He glared at the shadow user, with eyes filled with rage.

Kage smirked as he said,"Wow. You really are an idiot.". "Shut up Pineapple Head!" said Natsu. "My head doesn't look like a pineapple! My name is Kage. I have you all figured out. You can add fire to your punches or kicks to increase their strange. Very strange magic but compared to your pal from earlier, I guess you're still learning magic." said Kage. He soon burned away the portrait with his anger and his face was on fire.

He yelled as his body ignited,"I'm going to make you pay for almost hurting Lucy but I don't have time to deal with you! Where is Erigor?!". "If you can defeat me, I'll tell you. Knuckle Shadow!" said Kage as his shadow soon fired out several shadow fists and they sent him thanks to all of them being uppercuts. Natsu soon landed as he said,"Oh. You'll talk after I kick your ass! Today must be my birthday!". The building started to shake from their battle.

Natsu dodged all of Kage's attack being that it was the opposite of what happened on the train except for there being no bat. "Okay jumping Fairy. Time to see if you can handle this!" thought Kage as he slammed his hands onto the ground. "Shadow Orochi!" yelled Kage. He soon shaped his shadows into a den of snakes with them ready to bite Natsu. Natsu didn't even flinch as a multitude of them came down on him. "They'll chased you to the ends of the world!" said Kage.

Natsu said,"Fine. I won't run them! Fire Dragon Wing Attack!". The snakes were soon destroy by a whiplash of flames, shocked the Shadow Wizard. "That's impossible! You destroyed all of them in a single attack! So much power! I thought Erigor was the only one like you!" said Erigor. Natsu's hand was engulfed in flames with him saying,"Are you going to talk or what? I still owe you for almost hurting Lucy! She's special to me! And I won't let anyone hurt her! Fire Dragon Iron Fist!".

After that punch, the building soon shook. This attract everyone's attention with the room covered in smoke as Kage soon laid in a barely conscious heap against a wall. He soon saw Natsu's shadow as he said,"Look what you made me to do. I was trying not to make a mess. I feel better so tell me where Erigor is Shikamaru!". "It's Kage! How do you mess that up? Fine, he's long gone by now. He isn't even at the station anymore." said Kage. Natsu looked at him as Kage coughed up some blood.

Natsu took another step as he heard,"Natsu, do not harm him! We need him!". Natsu turned to see the trio of Erza, Gray, and Sly. "You did a good job flame for brains." said Gray. "Huh? So why do you need this guy?" said Natsu. "We don't have time to explain but we're looking for him." said Gray as he rushed up to him. "Ah." said Natsu. "Thank god you're alright Natsu. Well done." said Erza. "He was nothing." said Natsu.

Sly looked around as Erza soon raised a magic sword high into the air and swung it directly at Natsu with him freaking out. "I'm sorry for whatever I did Erza! Please don't hurt me!" said Natsu with him sweating bullets, his face paled with fear, and had a high pitch scream. Erza had her sword right up to Kage's neck. "I want you to dispel the wind barrier and if I heard a single complaint, I will cut you in a second." said Erza.

The blade just barely broke the skin, causing him to hiss in pain. Kage flinched as he saw the look in Erza's eyes. "He's all worn out Erza. That's a little much don't you think?" said Natsu. "Aren't you the reason he's like this Natsu?" said Sly. "Fine! I'll dispel it! Just don't hurt me anymore than your friend has!" said Kage. "Good. Now lets go already!" said Erza. Happy and Lucy arrived as Lucy said,"So we shouldn't tell them about him not finding fatass.". As she said that, Karacka fell to the ground. 

Happy soon counted as he said,"Hold on a second, where's Zane?". The team then stopped and soon looked at Happy. According to Gray, he was with Natsu. "You're right." said Lucy. "That idiot went on ahead." said Kage. The group looked at him as he said,"To be honest with you fairies, he's the only who has a chance at stopping Erigor. He's way stronger than all you put together. He sense me when I was in my Shadow Form!". "Zane. Be safe." said Sly.

Clover Canyon is a canyon so deep, many believe that it's treacherous walls actually rise up from the pits of hell itself. The only way across is a single train line which is a very dangerous way to go. The dark wizard Erigor was heading there being that he could see Clover in the distance. "I'm so close to Clover. I can feel the magic power of the guild masters from here. I've regained my magic back from making that barrier. Time to make them pay for taking away our rights!" said Erigor.

Wind soon gathered around his legs, with him shooting into the air. He soon felt the presence of something being that he couldn't figure out where it was coming from. He looked in all directions around him, but he couldn't find out where. He was soon hit toward the rails by an energy beam and he tried to get up. He soon heard something land in front of him, blocking his path. He looked up to Zane ,in Turbo Form, standing there. Erigor got up in shock as he said,"Who are you?!".

Zane soon deactivated Turbo Form with Erigor saying,"How did you escape my Wind Barrier?! It's impenetrable!". "Nothing is truly impenetrable Reaper. I escaped being that I'm going to stop you, get those idiot fairies out of there, and make sure they don't cause too much more damage to the station. I really hope they aren't causing too much damage." said Zane, with him cracking his knuckles. Erigor soon brought from his scythe with him glaring at Zane.

Erigor said,"Fine. You're stubborn. I like that but since you're in my way, I'll cut you down!". "You really should learn to stop while you're ahead reaper." said Zane. Erigor flew into the air with Zane following suit by walking. "How are you?" said Erigor. "Too slow! Push!" said Zane. He soon had Animus in his hands, being that he fired a massive burst of energy out of his hands being that Erigor was pushed back despite blocking it with his scythe.

Erigor was soon kicked in the back by Zane with him saying,"Dam it. You're more nimble than most wizards.". "I take that as a compliment Windbag Reaper. Hey, I finally made a name for you. Took me long enough." said Zane as he landed on the bridge. "Storm Bringer!" said Erigor. Zane was soon caught in a huge tornado as wind pounded at him from all sides. Zane could feel the pressure slowly but surely engulfing him. "Ocean Emperor Sea Body!" said Zane.

His body soon turned into water being that he soon walked out of the wind. "Huh?!" said Erigor. "I can't be gotten rid of that easily! I'm like an annoying smell, disease, or your case, a fly! Heavenly Emperor Crescent Fang!" said Zane. His body turned back to normal as Zane extended his arms outwards. He sent two very strong gusts of wind toward Erigor, knocking him back. He was about to counter Zane but he was soon hit a large crescent-shaped thin blade of wind.

Erigor's chest has scarred as he still remained air born. "I see how you've beaten Cyrus. I won't fall like he did! Storm Mail!" said Erigor. He put his arms in an "X" pattern in front of themselves, being that the wind was spinning around them until he was soon covered in an armor of wind. "Okay. That looks cool." said Cole. "I think that it blows." said Kane, earning a chuckle from Cole. "You two can be so childish." said Sivarth. "I don't care about your armor! Decomposing Sphere!" said Zane.

Two turquoise snakes soon covers both of Zane's arms with them having a orange vein like pattern to them. Zane sends them flying toward Erigor. They missed thanks to the wind being that they soon held him. "How did they?" said Erigor. Zane ignored him as he fired off a black skull shaped sphere at Erigor, causing a massive explosion. Erigor soon went the ground, crashing hard into it and he was annoyed.

He looked at Zane with the wind wizard glaring at them. "Is this what being a dark wizard in this dimension is all about Erigor? This is just sad. I'm sure my "friends" will be mad at me for ditching them but I don't really care. They are very kind but right now, I don't need friends. They proclaim to be my friends but they aren't mine. I lost most of my friends a long time ago." said Zane as he got ready for Round 2 with Erigor.

Back at Onibus Station, the Fairy Tail Group was outside as Lucy said,"So Erigor wants to use Lullaby on the guild masters!". The Wind Barrier was going on strong. "We have to stop him!" said Natsu. He was staring at it as Erza said,"That's easier said than done Natsu! Calm down! Erigor cut off our only way of reaching Clover and heading there by air.". "I'm sure we could catch up to him using the Magic Mobile if someone dispelled the barrier." said Gray.

Kage ,who was covered in bandages thanks to Lucy, sat there with him saying,"Sorry. I need some time to recover enough magic to dispel the barrier. Pinkie here took away most of my magic during our fight. Why the hell did you help me? I thought I was your tool!". He groaned a bit as Natsu soon tried to run through the wind wall. However upon first contact, he was sent tumbling backwards and fell onto the ground. "And that's what happens if you touch it genius." said Gray.

Natsu got back up as he said,'This time! I'll use magic! That's how Zane got out right?!". He soon had fire around his right fist being that he punched the wall with his flaming fist. However. the same thing happened again being that it left behind orange sparks. "Hold on. Do that again." said Kage. "Will it disable the barrier?" said Lucy. "No. I just want to see Pinkie do that again." said Kage, smiling. The dragon slayer was about to do it when Lucy yelled,"Don't listen to him!".

She was worried about Natsu with Gray saying,"Idiot. Brute force won't break through it. You have to use your brains. That's how Zane got out right?". "Mostly like. He could have also flown out." said Sly. "Huh?" said the group. "The way to escape or survive is to find its weak point. Everything has a weakness. You just need to find it." said Sly. "Then I'll find it! I just need to charge up my fire power for a second!" said Natsu, with his flames glowing brighter.

Lucy looked worried as she said,"Gray! Can't you freeze it?". "I tried that. If I even freeze it for a moment, it unfreezes just like that." said Gray, snapping his fingers. "Fire Dragon Roar!" said Natsu as he aimed a stream of flames toward the wind. The two elements battled for a moment being that the group was shocked to see the beam cut through the wind wall and create a large hole. "It cut through!" said Kage, shocked.

However, the hole soon closed up as Erza said,"Dam it! It doesn't stay open for too long!". "Sly. Can you back me up me?" said Natsu. Sly nodded as Erza said,"What are you planning to do?". "Make a continuous stream so you guys can get out while Sly keeps the hole open for me. Pretty smart plan right?" said Natsu. "Yeah. Coming from you, that's a real shock of one." said Gray. Natsu ignored the comment as Natsu fired up another roar.

Sly soon breathed out electricity being that it held open the hole. "Come on you two!" said Happy with him cheering. The hole soon broke ,faster than last time, as Natsu sighed. "Okay. Time for Plan P!" said Natsu. "Plan P?" said Kage, Lucy, and Sly. "Punching!" said Natsu. "And he was smart for a moment." said Gray. He soon began punching the wind with him saying,"I've got to break through this! We have to save Makarov and Zane!". The latter sneezed as he dodged Erigor's attack.

He kept bounced off the barrier with him pushing his way through but his face was cut up. "Hey! You need to stop Natsu! You'll get cut to pieces!" yelled Lucy. She soon ran up to him with him ignoring her as he pushed his way through. "Cut trying to playing the hero Natsu! You're going to be torn to shreds idiot!" said Lucy. She soon pulled himself back into the station with him glaring at her but his anger soften when he saw Lucy's worried look.

Lucy said,"I told you to stop idiot! Are you trying to kill yourself?!". "Sorry Lucy. I'm sorry that I worried you." said Natsu. "It's fine Natsu. Just don't do it again okay?" said Lucy. "Natsu. She's right even if you fire a continuous stream of fire. you'll be trapped inside. We can't have you out of magic power. You need to save your strength for Erigor. Zane needs your help." said Erza placing her on his shoulder. 

Gray and Kage soon heard,"Oh my god. This sappy shit is so bad. No wonder my friends told me that me and Kristen were going overboard often. Oh and one thing, I don't need help because Windbag Reaper here is no problem at all.". The group soon saw Zane ,as a holographic image, standing there next to Kage as Erza said,"How are you here and there?". "Hologram oh so smart one. I placed a C.O.N.E. on Kage here so I can talk with you guys." said Zane.

He soon jumped to the side as Erigor's voice said,"Quit dodging!". "If you could actually hit me, I wouldn't you dam Windbag Reaper! Why the hell are you guys still inside?! Natsu! Think! If you can't break out using force and since Happy and Sly can't fly all of you out, there is only one way." said Zane as he soon fired his flames toward something. Natsu's eyes suddenly wide as he stared right at Lucy. "What?! Is it...." said Lucy. "I got it! We can use your Celestial Spirits!" said Natsu.

Zane smiled as he said with him acting like Natsu is a dog,"Good job boy. Once I see you again, I'll give you a treat!". "He isn't a dog you know Zane." said Sly. "I have to agree with him being a dog somewhat." said Kage, remembering how Natsu couldn't open a door earlier. "I was able to travel through the Celestial Spirit world to help you fight Everlue!" said Natsu. "That isn't going to work since normal people wouldn't be able to breath there!" said Lucy, with Natsu frowning.

Zane said with a smirk,"Have you ever tried Lucy? I mean you never know something unless you try it. It's called experimenting.". "And here I thought you were the smart one. We would need another celestial wizard outside of the station to even open the gates being that the gate only opens with the Celestial Spirit wizard is standing!" said Lucy. "So did I get the wrong answer?" said Natsu. "Not at all. Triple B isn't trying because she's scared." said Zane, making chicken noises.

This chicken noise attracted Erigor's attention being that he thought that it was for him not Lucy and as with most of Zane's attacks, he dodged it by turning into candy syrup. Lucy huffed as she said while stomping her foot,"I can't believe this. It's a serious breach of contract when a human even enters the celestial spirit world! We were lucky because it wasn't my key! It was your pervert brother Everlue's key!".

Kage said,"Your magic sounds complicated and really stupid.". Natsu held fire up to him. "What did you say about her magic being stupid Pineapple Head? Her magic is amazing being that she takes her contracts seriously which is amazing!" said Natsu. Lucy soon blushed as Happy screamed,"Everlue's key! Stupid magic!". Happy soon screamed, causing the group ,except for Zane whose body was cut into pieces before reforming, to jump back.

Erigor's voice said,"So whose voice was that before the cat screamed? I can only hear the annoying blonde.". Kage was thankful that his boss didn't figure him out. "Hey!" said Lucy. "It's the dam truth Triple B so what is it Happy? Oh and if you scream like that again, I'll throw you into Clover Canyon without a moments notice!" said Zane. "I just remembered it Lucy." said Happy. "What?" said Lucy who turned toward Happy.

Happy said,"I was trying to tell you earlier on the Magic Mobile! Check it out!". The cat proudly held up a gold key which he pulled directly from his bag on his back. "So are you going to unlock a door or what Happy?" said Gray. "How did you get your paws on Virgo's key?" yelled Lucy. She was soon pinched the cat's mouth and nose ,comically, with her saying to him,"Didn't anyone tell you that stealing is wrong?".

Gray said,"So what's the big deal about this key?". "I didn't steal it. Virgo wanted me to give this to you!" said Happy. She let go as Sly said,"To answer your question, that key summons a Celestial Spirit. We don't have time to waste on this.". "What are you guys talking about?" said Erza. "Virgo is that big gorilla looking maid!" said Natsu. "After his arrest, the contract was Everlue was broken. We were about to leave and pick you up when she showed up to our house." said Happy.

Natsu said with a smile,"That's right. She asked you to sign a contract with her.". "Great. I get a big and ugly spirit. Thanks for telling me but we shouldn't be focusing on that when we have to get a way out of here! I'll deal with her later. We need to find a way later." said Lucy. "But..." said Happy with Lucy pinching his cheeks and stretching them apart. "Shut up! Why can't you just meow and drink milk like normal cats?!" said Lucy in a angry tone. She had a dark aura around her body.

Gray said with him shivering,"Wow. She can be really scary.". "She totally learned it from Erza." said Natsu, nodding his head. Zane sighed as he said,"You're such a blonde Triple B and very close to being Erza 2. Think about it. Aquarius can fire water and hits you with it, Taurus can destroy your enemies and gawk at your chest, Cancer can cut through enemies and hair with ease, and Virgo can dig her way through the ground and compliment you like most maids do.".

The group looked at him as Erza said,"She can?". "Really?!" said Gray. "She can?" said Natsu as he forgotten about Virgo's ability. "You're right!" said Lucy. She soon hugged Happy very tight, with the cat losing oxygen. Natsu growled as Kage said,"Are you jealous of a cat?". "As you may have noticed Kage, he isn't very bright." said Zane. "So how is Erigor doing?" said Sly. "Good Sly. He's an awful shot." said Zane, dodging another attack.

Lucy said in a upbeat tone,"You're such a silly kitty so why didn't you say that before?". "Because someone was pinching my face." said Happy. Lucy bowed humbly before the feline as she said,"My deepest apologies. Just let me have the key Happy.". "I need a ton of fish to be forgiven!" said Happy. The boys watched her as Zane said,"This is just sad. Erigor is getting mad at me treating him like a piece of shit.". "Fight me!" yelled Erigor. "Nah. Just summon the gorilla maid already." said Zane.

The group soon watched Lucy being that she took the traditional stance ,which she liked to use, when summoning a spirit for the first time, being that she zoned out all other distractions and focused on the task of opening the celestial portal. "I call upon thee in the world of the Celestial Spirits and now I beckon you to my side, pass through the gate! Open! Gate of the Maiden Virgo!" said Lucy as a beautiful pink-haired girl burst through the ground much to the shock of Happy, Lucy, and Natsu.

Instead of a gorilla maid, Virgo is a beautiful but petite maid with shackles around her wrists and blue eyes plus the short pink hair. She wears a typical maid outfit, consisting of a black under coat and a white, frilled-trim apron. "You summoned me mistress?" said Virgo with a bow. "Who are you?" said Lucy, being very much stunned silent. "Hey Burger. You look great. Lost some weight. Good for you man." said Natsu, looking Virgo up and down.

Virgo smiled as she said,"It's Virgo Master Natsu. Sorry for the trouble I caused.". "She didn't lose just weight Natsu! She's a completely different person. You look so different!" said Lucy. "I'm quite the loyal Celestial Spirit. I can change my appearance at will being that I usually go for my master's desire appearance." said Virgo. "So since you were a big and tough looking gorilla before, it's also because the Duke was a much stronger wizard than......" said Zane.

Lucy glared at Zane with her saying,"Don't you....". "Lucy who is weak! Ha! Can't touch me Triple B!" said Zane as Lucy swiped at the projection. "I can become that if you want." said Virgo with her turning her into the previous form. She grew four times bigger and she was sporting a pair of pigtails to her. Zane gave a thumbs up as Lucy said,"Don't listen to him ever! I'm your wizard and I like the other form better!". The spirit turned back to the petite beauty as Zane pouted. 

Zane said,"Why do you ruin my fun? We could have made a real like 75m!". He soon imagined him holding Oathkeeper with him making his way up slanted floors. At the top of it, Mira was tied up with Virgo ,in her ape form, throwing barrels at them. "That would be so cool." said Zane. "That is never going to happen." said Lucy, glaring at him. "Buzz kill." said Zane, sticking his tongue out. "So does he switch from mature to childish in a second often?" said Kage. "Yes." said Sly.

Gray said,"She's pretty cute.". "Keep it in your pants." said Erza, causing Gray to shiver. The Requip wizard soon looked at Lucy with her saying,"I guess Natsu was right about you. She's a great wizard unlike someone.". "Hey Ginger Knight! I'm way stronger than Useless over there!" said Zane. "He's kinda right." said Kage. He shut up as Erza held a sword to his neck. Lucy soon turned to Virgo as she said,"We're kind of short on time right now. Can we work out the contract details later?".

Virgo said,"As you wish mistress.". "Can you not call me Mistress? It bring back some bad memories and makes me feel weird." said Lucy, rubbing her arm. Virgo soon took a good look at the whip as she said,"How about Dominatrix?". "Yes please! She's totally that or go with Triple B!" said Zane as Sly sighed. "NO." said Lucy. "Then how about princesses then? We'll call her those names in private Zane." said Virgo, winking to Zane.

Lucy soon had a vain look on her face as she said,"Okay. That'll work.". She had a hand to her face as two of the male team members plus Kage looked annoyed. "And now I see why Zane hates her." said Gray. Natsu glared at him as Zane said,"Yeah. Lets go already. I'm getting tired of dodging Windbag Reaper's attacks.". The maid soon started to dig through the ground with Kage saying,"Wow. She can really move.". "See you all really soon." said Zane with him slowly disappearing.

Erza soon hugged Lucy against her armored chest with the blonde grunted in pain upon contact with the metal. "Well done Lucy. You've save the day unlike Zane." said Erza. "Okay. I guess it's time to get out of here and kick some but!" said Gray. He soon turned to Natsu with him helping Kage onto his shoulders. "What are you doing man?" said Gray. Natsu went to the hole as he said,"I can't let him die here even though he's my enemy.".

Natsu jumped into the hole with Kage as Erza and Lucy couldn't help but smile at the kindness that Natsu shown. Kage was confused by this. Everyone was soon outside being that Natsu and Kage were the first out. He let out a loud laugh as Natsu screamed,"We're finally out!". He soon stood on the street outside of the wind wall being that it was really windy and stuff was blowing around in a hazardous manner. "Let's head toward Clover! Hurry!" said Erza, helping Lucy out of the hole.

Lucy shield her face as she yelled,"Holy shit! This wind is fucking insane!". "Princess! Others may see your underwear!" said Virgo, holding her mistress's skirt down. Lucy sweatdropped seeing that Lucy's skirt was flapping about as well plus Gray's agape mouth, bugged out eyes, and blush. "You should worry about your own!" said Lucy. "Oh wow. So bold!" said Gray. Sly placed a claw on his shoulder as he turned to see her.

Sly said,"Be lucky that he isn't here.". "Yeah. I mean his girl is a real...." said Gray. He thought about it as he said,"Never mind.". "Smart." said Sly. "There is no way that you can catch Erigor, even if the Void Knight caught him. We've won." said Kage. Erza soon looked around as she said,"Where did Natsu go?! Did we lose him again?!". "Happy isn't here either!" said Lucy with their eyes widening as Sly sighed.

Back at Clover Canyon, Zane was easily dodging Erigor's attacks being that Erigor couldn't lay a finger on him but it wasn't the other way around. "Storm Bringer!" said Erigor, unleashed a huge tornado on Zane. "Would you quit doing that? Claw Storm!" said Zane. He soon gathered Animus in both of his hands being that he fires off several beams at his target, with it coming down on him like a rainstorm.

They turn into several claws being that they slowly go around Erigor making a cage around him. The dark wizard laughed as Zane said,"You're tired and I'm not. Give up before I have them kick your pale but.". "What are you?....." said Erigor. Something to his right sparkled in the distance and Erigor looked at this distraction and he soon figured out that something was coming at him. "We got you now Windy! Didn't know about Happy being able to fly at Max Speed did you?" said Natsu.

Happy was soon carrying Natsu and flew so fast being that he crashed right into Erigor with the wind wizard getting a flaming kick right to the face. An explosion soon covered Erigor which also broke his cage being that he was covered in smoke, falling toward the tracks. Happy fell toward the canyon as Zane caught Happy using his telekinesis and Natsu landed in front of Zane. "So is he okay?" said Zane, holding the cat. "I can't fly anymore." said Happy.

Zane soon set him off to the side with Natsu saying,"You did a good job.". "Took your sweet ass time didn't you? I thought I was going to have to defeat him without you." said Zane, smirking. "Thanks for saving me a chance to kick his but!" said Natsu. The two soon looked back at Erigor with him saying,"Great more unwanted company. I'll end the both of you here and now!". Natsu's hands were soon covered in flames with him saying,"You're not leaving here Windbag Bastard!".

On the tracks leading to Clover Town, Erza yelled,"Son of a bitch!". She slammed her fist onto the armrest of the magical four wheeler which she "borrowed" from someone. "I can't believe that we lost Natsu again!" said Erza with the last part in a sad tone. The scarlet haired knight clenched her fists in self-loathing. "This is the second time that I've lost him. Damn it Natsu! Why did you and Zane have to run off on your own! I should be there helping you! That's my job as your big sis!" thought Erza.

Inside the car, Kage and Sly sat opposite to Gray and Lucy being that the ride was bumped mainly due to her low magic power. Everything was getting hazy but she pressed on."I'm sure that this isn't the same magical four wheeler we rent." said Lucy, while leaning out of the four wheeler's open cabin. "Natsu. Don't do anything stupid. Please just hang on, we'll be there to help you in no time plus you have him there." thought Lucy.

Gray glanced at Kage with him saying,"Eisenweld are good at making sure that nothing stops them being that Erigor destroyed our vehicle during the time we were captured.". "Zane is going to be paying a lot of money after this." said Sly. "Wow. You guys stole another vehicle. How irresponsible and villainous." said Kage with a chuckle. Lucy glared at him as she said,"We're just borrowing it! If you guys didn't destroy our old one, we wouldn't have done this!".

Kage rolled his eyes as he said,"Whatever Triple B. Keep thinking that. Why did you bring me along with you?". "We're not like you guys. We won't let you die because you need a doctor and the closest one is in Clover! You should be thanking us." said Lucy, crossing her arms. "Didn't Erza scare them off earlier?" said Sly. "I heard that!" yelled Erza with Gray paling. "Zane is in a doctor so he should be able to heal you." said Sly. Gray raised his eyes as he said,"Really?".

Sly said,"He has a lot of free time.". "I see. I know why you're doing this. You're going to use me as a hostage so you can negotiate with Erigor. It won't work. He cares about the mission rather than us in the guild." said Kage. "Wow. You're really negative." said Lucy with her running her hand down her face. "If you want to die, I can make that happen." said Sly. She flew up to him with her holding her claw up to his neck.

Kage was shocked by her with Lucy saying,"Chill out Sly!". "Shut up Lucy. Me and Zane have killed before and can do it again. You shouldn't focus on the negatives of life. You may think that there is only life and death right? However, there is always another option. Think of the positives but don't ignore the negatives." said Sly. Kage looked at the dragon with the magic mobile jumping into the air as Erza ran over a bump. landing with an audible crash

During this, Lucy flew into Kage's face with a butt. "Erza! Are you okay!?" said Gray. He soon went to check on her being that Erza was hunched forward with sweat dripping off her brow, as she was breathing heavily. "Idiot." whispered Gray, sitting back down. "I'm so sorry!" said Lucy. "You need to go on a diet now because your MASSIVE rear end could kill a man. I don't like that in a woman at all or just you. Pick your poison." said Kage as he groaned.

Lucy was outraged as she said,"Sexual Harassment! Gray kill him now! He said that I had a massive butt!". "Seriously Lucy? That doesn't matter at all right now." said Sly in a deadpanned expression. "Huh?! Why not Sly?" said Lucy. "He isn't a fan of your massive rear. Get over it Triple B." said Sly with putting her paw to her forehead. "I really wish Happy and Natsu took me with them. This is going to be a long ride as hell ride if Lucy keeps complaining." said Gray. "Hey!" said Lucy.

Back with Natsu and Zane, the two Fairy Tail Wizards were getting ready to fight Erigor. "I'm going to burn you and your tacky flute of yours!" said Natsu, with his fists flaming. "So you were able to break through my Wind Barrier. Quite a pain. Leave now kid." said Erigor. Natsu soon charged right at Erigor with a Fire Dragon Iron Fist but he was sent pushed back. He looked up to see that Zane was now in Dragonfly Form.

He looks human but there were some noticeable dragon and insect like features to him. He looked to be eight feet tall with him looking slender yet strong. His body is covered in dark red scales that have several black strips covering across a couple of them. He has two large glowing oval shaped green eyes with interesting black pupils. They were two black lines that make an "X" shape and they cover the eyes completely. His mouth is rather small and has two large white fangs/mandibles nearby it.

He has two slicked back violet antennae which looked to be the replacement for his hair. He has two small and thin black arms under his normal arms and they were rather tiny and barely noticeable. He has five fingers and toes being that each one of them has a claw. He has four white over wings with half of the edge being black and the other half being green. They look frail but they're powerful. He also has a long and strong tail with the tail's tip is diamond shaped. He also had on Zane's black robe.

Zane soon fired out goo/slime ,which was a honey gold color, at Erigor being that he went out of the wall of the attack. However, Natsu soon came in for a punch being that he blocked it with his scythe as he thought,"These two are nothing to me even as a team.". "What are you doing up there?! Come down here and fight us!" said Natsu. Zane was flying using his wings as he said,"You do know that I can fly you up there right?". Natsu smiled.

Much to Erigor's shock, Natsu flew toward him thanks to Zane. "You're growing up. You're carrying someone." said Cole. "I'm impressed that he isn't puking." said Athena. "Don't get away flies!" said Erigor as he fired several blades of wind toward them. Zane soon flew around them being that Happy was shocked at his speed. "Wow. He's really fast!" said Happy. Erigor was shocked to see a smirk went across Natsu's face as several blades went toward him.

He soon said,"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!". Erigor thought he was crazy since fire was usually weak against the wind but the flames cut right through the wind but like with the wind wall, they reformed behind the duo of Natsu and Zane. They struck the train tracks being that Erigor was shocked. "How did you even?" said Erigor. "My flames are stronger than normal since they are for killing dragons so a simple breeze wouldn't stop them!" said Natsu.

He soon knocked Erigor to the ground as Zane dropped Natsu onto the train tracks. "Even though fire burns things, Macao told me that fire can do more than that! He's really strong!" said Natsu. "So even if you fall off the tracks, you can get back up." said Zane. "Yeah!" said Natsu. "Perfect. Care for a fiery team up Natsu?" said Zane. He soon turned into Cataclysmic Form with the two ready to fight the wind reaper. "I'm guessing he's cold up there being half naked. Lets warm him up." said Natsu.

Erigor said,"Your fire is nothing to me!". "Fire Dragon Roar!" yelled Natsu as a plume of fire came out. Before Erigor could block, Zane rushed through the flames and jumped at Erigor. "When you're high in the air, you forget what it feels like to fall! Hellfire Emperor Purgatory Punch!" said Zane as his right fist was covered in fire. Erigor was soon punched being that he was sent to the ground with a fiery explosion.

Zane landed on the ground with Natsu saying,"That transformation is so cool!". Zane nodded with Erigor thinking,"Are all Fairy Tail Wizards like this?". "You two may be strong but I have this victory in the back!" said Erigor. Zane smiled as he said,"Natsu! Get ready to fly!". Natsu nodded as Zane grabbed Natsu. He threw him toward Erigor with Natsu saying,"Fire Dragon Sword Horn!". The fire powered headbutt knocked the wind out of Erigor.

He soon saw both Natsu and Zane both right above him as they said,"Fire Dragon Talon/Hellfire Emperor Purgatory Kick!". Their combined kick ,with the latter causing a fiery explosion, with Erigor soon hitting the ground with an audible crunch. The two fire user highfived with Happy saying,"Those two are so in sync!". Erigor was out of breath and heavily bruised. "You two are pretty good but don't get carried away! Storm Bringer!" yelled Erigor.

Natsu was confused as Zane stood in front of him. The giant funnel of powerful wind rushed toward them. "Natsu. Get ready for a meal." said Zane with Natsu nodding. "Hellfire Emperor Absolute Method: Crimson Fury!" said Zane. He took in a deep breath with him firing a giant ,being at least ten feet tall, torrent of flames being that Natsu soon began eating the embers from Zane's attack with the wind disappearing upon contact with the flames. "You're eating fire?!" said Erigor.

Natsu smiled as he said,"Thanks Zane. Your fire is really good man.". "Thanks but this is nothing compared to my real flames. It makes these taste awful." said Zane with Natsu drooling. He soon rushed toward Erigor with him ready to punch him with his fist. However, he was soon hit by Erigor's massive blade. He winced in pain being that the bottom of the scythe's blade started to cut his arm. "I can't believe these two! They aren't human!" thought Erigor.

Natsu soon blasted him with an up close Fire Dragon Roar being that Erigor barely dodged it as Zane looked at Natsu's right arm. "I'm fine! Lets get that bastard!" said Natsu. "Fine but first, Arcane Emperor Revitalizing Light!" said Zane. Natsu's arm was covered in a white ,somewhat holy, light being that his injury was gone. "It doesn't heal your stamina so lets end this fast!" said Zane. "You two can't stop my Storm Mail!" said Erigor.

The wizard was covered in wind as Natsu said,"It's like being inside of a typhoon.". "I defeated this once so lets do it again!" said Zane. "Your flames can't reach me! Storm Shred!" said Erigor as several blades of winds flew toward them. Natsu dodged them and he jumped toward Erigor being that he was soon sent fell into the tracks by the wind. "Fire can never defeat wind!" said Erigor. "You must be feel stupid. You two never stood a ghost of a chance." said Erigor.

Zane smiled as he thought of a plan."Emera Baram!" said Erigor. "Don't let it touch you guys! It's dangerous!" said Happy. "Goodbye Fairy Tail Flies!" said Erigor. A highly concentrated burst of wind came at the two with them covered in dust. Erigor and Happy watched in shocked to see that neither of them took any damage. "How did you?" said Erigor. "What can I say? Your wind is packing very little punch just like the last one I fought." said Zane.

Erigor said,"I don't care. Soon, it'll be the end for you both and the guild masters because they'll be getting a front row concert to Lullaby!". "Shut the hell up! I'm sick about hearing that flute!" yelled Natsu, taking off his bloodied and torn coat. Zane smiled as Natsu said,"If you want to kill the guild masters, you going to have to get past us first!". "You got this Natsu and Zane!" said Happy. "His determination is something else." said Twilight.

Natsu said,"Time to brawl since you're so scared of a couple of kids! If you're scared of us, the Guild Masters don't deserve your time!". He soon jumped toward Erigor with him being blown back by the pressure as Natsu landed behind Zane. He soon grabbed the rail tracks being that Natsu's body was soon covered in a pillar of flames. "Why can't I land a single hit on him?! This is pissing me the hell off!" yelled Natsu. Zane's eyes widened being that he smirked.

Athena said,"Natsu's magic is tied directly to his emotions like your powers Zane. That's the true power of Fire Dragon Slayer Magic! Use that!". Zane noticed that the wind were changing directions as he deactivating Cataclysmic Form. Erigor's wind was being brought to Natsu's flames being that Happy figured it out. Zane soon said with his very strong and hardened jaw line and a expression that had no bullshit," Just give up Natsu. Leave Windbag Bastard to me.".

Happy said,"Yeah Natsu. You suck. How about you let Gray or Zane handled this?". Several tick marks appeared on his forehead being that he roared. "No! My Storm Mail!" said Erigor. "Natsu's flames are heating the area around him being that it's creating a vertical updraft which creates a low pressure area. Wind always flows from a high pressure area to low pressure area. Science is a truly amazing thing." said Zane, with Happy nodding. "You're going down!" roared Natsu.

Natsu's flame were around him and creating a tower. "Impossible!" said Erigor. He was soon hit in the stomach by Natsu who said,"Fire Dragon Sword Horn!". He soon unleashed a headbutt inferno into his stomach being that Erigor soon flew into the air and crashing into the bridge hard. "How was that Happy and Zane?" said Natsu, smiling. "Well, he's a showboat but that's normal for pyros you guys." said Sivarth with Kane nodding. 

Happy said,"Aye! You showed him that if you mess with the Salamander, you're going to get toasted  and lit up like a firecracker.". "Really buddy? Didn't you say something about not being able to defeat Erigor?" said Natsu. "Cats have a short term memory." said Happy. "You never said I would be able to defeat him so you said that Erza could do it. Who cares? I'm amazing!" said Natsu. Zane sighed as Crisis Judgement went off.

Zane turned to see that Erigor was awake and about to blast both Happy and Natsu. "Coward." said Zane as he was gone. Natsu turned around to see Erigor ,who had a green glow around him, punch himself in the face hard. "Um. What are you doing man?" said Natsu. Erigor fell to the ground as something came out of him aka Specter Form. He's 6 feet tall with him being a greenish gray ghost. His body is semi-transparent and vaporous.

His head/skull is a cylindrical shape with his singular eye being in the center of it. His arms are well developed with five large steel gray bone claws for his fingers. His body is completely covered in black cracks that connect to his eye. His eye is a red color with a black iris. His mouth is usually closed but when he opens his mouth, there is a long black and white stripped tongue. His hair is a white fog like ghostly plume looking like fire.

He has a short red antenna with a disc shaped top in the center of his chest. His legs are a wisp like tail. He wears a old and very ripped black cloak over his body. This also has gold chains on the front side of his body with bracelets/cuffs around his arms, neck, and waist and gold chains connected them together. The strange protrusion in his chest doesn’t interfere with his chain. His elbows had spikes on them. The fire dragon slayer noticed the robe around him as he said,"Zane? Is that you?".

Zane nodded with Happy going behind Natsu and he said,"He's really scary right now!". Erigor was scared since Zane had frozen his nerves being unable to feel anything. He was defenseless and out of magical energy. He was out of options except for one aka running. Zane grabbed him by the throat with him holding him into the air and glared. "Don't try and stop me either of you." said Zane in a deep yet haunting voice.

The grip got tighter with Erigor gasping for air. His vision was fading but he was thrown hard to the ground. Erigor began taking deep gasps of air being that he looked at Zane with fear. "I would have killed you during our fight earlier. I was playing around with you before pinkie and furball arrived to help me out. I wish that they truly took a bit longer to get here because well, I've been itching to kill a little bitch lately." said Zane.

The three wizards gulped at this threat as Zane said,"But I truly value life because it's the greatest treasure you can get but sometimes, I rather see you sins of humanity die by your actions! You threatened to hurt innocent people in your quest for vengeance! I'm going to enjoy this!". He punched Erigor in the face, knocking him out. "You didn't kill him right?" said Natsu. "Nope. He's just in a huge amount of pain so that's slightly better than killing him." said Zane.

Zane looked over at Lullaby being that he deactivated Specter Form. He held it being that the flute was leaking a small trail of black smoke from its mouth and chuckling slightly. "You're still alive aren't you magic stick? Time to....." said Zane. Before he could destroy it, the Fairy Trio heard,"Natsu!". It was Erza and Lucy. The magical four wheeler soon came to a skidding stop. "Hey. You guys just missed me and Zane beating Erigor!" said Natsu, grinning and placing his hands on his hips.

Happy said with him jumping into the air,"Aye Sir! They were so in sync! It was amazing.". "Well done Natsu and Zane." said Erza, with her breathing a sigh of relief. Gray smiled as he said,"Well down Zane. I guess you had no trouble beating this guy. Did flame brain hold you back?". "Screw you man!" said Natsu with Kage shocked at three things. Erigor being defeated, Zane holding Lullaby, and Zane's upper body. Sly noticed this as she sighed.

Zane's clothing could change at will thanks to Twilight so right now, Zane wasn't wearing the upper part of his clothing. His handsome and muscular body stood out being that despite his personality being a major turn off, his appearance screamed truly good looking. Despite them hating him, Erza and Lucy couldn't deny that thanks to their blush. Kage on the other hand, didn't like Natsu so he could only stare in awe at what they did. "They beat Erigor." said Kage.

Erza was using Lucy for support being that she slowly took the SE plug off her wrist being that she had to clutched her throbbing head. The knight was about to fall over being that Lucy rushed over and quickly grabbed her. "Are you alright Erza?!" said Lucy. "Yes. Don't worry about me." said Erza as Lucy started to walk her toward Natsu. "I just need to catch my breath." said Erza. Sly flew over to Zane as she said,"This is going to be good.". "Yeah." said Zane.

Natsu said,"Well, I did get hurt but thanks to Zane, there is like no pain.". He pointed to the large cut on his forearm being that Zane said,"The genius here decided to block it with his arms.". "Sorry about that." said Natsu, chuckling. "Lucy. I'm fine now. You don't need to help me anymore." said Erza as Lucy let him go. The two girls soon made their way to the dragon slayer with Lucy following closely behind.

In fear, Gray and Kage soon stood nearby by Sly and Zane with Zane saying,"So why are you here Kage?". "I need a doctor." said Kage. "Ah. I'll patch you up after this." said Zane. He had a bowl of popcorn as Gray and Kage said,"May I?". "Sure." said Zane. The four watched as Natsu said,"Hey Erza! You totally missed it! I kicked some major but! I mean Zane helped but it was.....". He was harshly slapped being that the four watching began laughing at him.

The dragon slayer looked at Erza and Lucy glaring at him. "What the hell was that for?! And why are they laughing?!" said Natsu. "For you being a reckless idiot!" yelled Lucy, placing her hands on her hips. "You had Erza and I seriously worried! You were lucky to have fire magic that could defeat Erigor and that pervert's help! If you didn't Natsu, you could have been seriously hurt by him!" said Lucy. "You're a pervert?" said Kage. "It's my nickname due to me watching models." said Zane.

Gray said,"Lucky.". "Do you know how devastated I would have been if you had been seriously hurt like that?! You are my first and best real friend! I can't lose you!" said Lucy with her launching her arms around him. Tears were stinging the corners of her eyes. "I'm sorry Luce." said Natsu with her hugging him. "I didn't know I made you worry so much and I'll try to warn you before I ran off to do something stupid again." said Natsu, letting her go and gave a soft smile.

Erza crossed her arms under her chest being that she avoided Natsu's gaze. "Lucy's right. You're my best friend as well, and I was seriously worried about you. Please if you run off and fight some mass murdering asshole, please tell me. Even with Zane here, I should have been here to help you fight him." said Erza. Zane sighed as Sly held the bowl of popcorn. He walked over to them as Natsu said in a soft tone,"Erza. Look at us.".

She soon looked at Natsu and Zane with the former said,"I'm sorry that I worried you being that you're the last person I wanted to worry.". "However, you are no condition to help anyone. You did this to yourself." said Zane. Erza hanged her head being that Natsu gently cupped her chin and raised her head. "Erza. Don't get yourself down. You used a lot of magical energy driving us to Oshibana and fighting those Eisenwald goons." said Natsu.

Zane said,"Actually, that was all me. I could tell that Erza overexerted herself and in that fight, she could have gotten hurt. She may be a S-Class wizard but she's still human. I can tell that you two care about each other deeply and I respect that. Erza, you have trust in Natsu because he isn't a weakling like Triple B. He may be weaker than me but he has his strong points.". "Natsu and Zane." said Erza as she hugged the two (Natsu and Zane) and she said,"You two really did an amazing job.".

Lucy smiled as she said,"Thanks to you, the guild masters are safe now Natsu.". "What about me Triple B? Do you forget about me?" said Zane, pouting. "Yes. Lets go see Gramps." said Natsu as he tightened the hug. Zane groaned as he said,"Human contact! It burns.". Zane slipped out of the hug as they broke it. "So why aren't you two wearing shirts? Freaks." said Gray. He wasn't wearing either his jacket or shirt being that Natsu said,"Unlike you, we have a good reason.".

Erza noticed that Zane didn't have a guild mark on his body with Natsu saying,"So how about you lend me your clothes Lucy?". "In your dreams!" said Lucy with a serious blush on her face. Erza chuckled being that she said,"I think we should report to the guild masters and see what we do about Lullaby. We did a good job.". "So what did you guys do exactly? I mean Erza just drove and Lucy provided comments. I guess Lucy did more than you but...." said Zane.

Before he could finish, Crisis Judgement went off. An engine roared to life being the magic mobile soon drove toward them with Kage behind the wheel. "Kage! What the hell are you doing?!" yelled Erza. "If you wanted to drive, just ask!" said Gray. Kage ignored them with Zane turned all of them intangible. The car soon drove through them as Kage said with a laugh,"Lullaby is mine now! See you in hell flies!". He was soon gone.

Sly said,"So did you let him take it or what?". The group soon looked at Zane with him saying,"Oh no Kage got the death flute. We should go after him. Sly, help them there.". He was soon gone being that Natsu roared,"Son of a bitch!". His body was covered in flames. "We saved his ungrateful ass and this is how he pay us back!" said Lucy, shaking her fist at the car. "After him!" said Erza as the group went after him.

Later that night, the Fiore Royal Army was heading toward Clover. "We've gotten word that the dark guild Eisenwald is plotting to murder the guild masters at the conference in Clover. That won't be happening on my watch! Lets show the wizards the might of the Fiore Army!" said the captain. Back at Clover, the moon was shining down over the meeting hall being that Kage stood on a cliff that was overlooking the meeting hall.

He panted as he said,"Good. The meeting isn't over yet. I'm sure that Lullaby's melody can reach them without any trouble. The time has come.". He soon began to inhale but he soon felt a hand lay on his shoulder with it poking his cheek. He also heard some making a kissing sound. He turned around to see Makarov sitting on top of a small rock and reading an issue of Sorcerer Weekly with Zane leaning against the magic mobile. "You!" whispered Kage.

Zane ,wearing his clothing fully, put his finger up to his mouth as Makarov said,"Wow. There are so hot little numbers in this week's issue! I wish the girls back in my day were sexier and more powerful too! I don't have time for this! I need to stop those fools! Who knows what they could to do even if Zane has the power to stop them! They could erase a whole town off the map!". He looked to see Kage and Zane looking at him being that Kage was dumbfounded as Zane smirked.

Makarov said with him clutching his issue tightly against his chest and his jaw dropped,"Gah! It isn't what it looks like! I was reading this for the articles! Yes the articles on different types of magic! And what you doing here Zane?!". "Easy old geezer. I don't care if you're reading this in the woods. You're old so no one will judge you too much. I was just here admiring the stars with my good buddy Kage here. He just got out of the hospital." said Zane, wrapping his arms around Kage.

Kage looked at Zane and then Makarov with him thinking,"Why the hell do I keep ruining into these fairies?". "And shouldn't you be with Natsu and his group?" said Makarov. "They'll be here soon but I really want to hear my friend's song. The hospital wouldn't let him play his flute in the hospital." said Zane. "Yes. Do you mind Master Makarov?" said Kage in a kindly voice. "Okay. You got a creepy flute." said Makarov, looking at Zane.

He winked as Kage said,"It may look like that but its sound is something else.". "Okay. One sound won't hurt." said Makarov. "Thank you!" said Kage. "We win." thought Kage. "Be sure to listen well Master Makarov." said Kage as he brought the flute to his mouth. He soon had a rush of memories go through his mind of revenge, getting his rights back, his guild members dissing on Fairy Tail, and the kindness that Fairy Tail showed him despite being enemies mainly shown with Zane.

He hesitated to get closer to the flute being that he was going back and forth on the matter. He wanted to do right by his guild members but. The rest of the team and Sly finally caught up to him being a few feet away from then. "There he is!" said Gray. "Hey Gramps!" said Natsu. "Master!" said Erza and Lucy. The four of them were soon stopped by Bob. "Sorry kids but Zaney promised us something good and boy, did he deliver." said Bob.

He soon greeted Gray and Natsu with him saying,"You two boys are really cute but Zaney is another package.". He eyed the boys being that they shuddered. Lucy hid behind Erza with her saying,"Who is that?". "That's the master of the Blue Pegasus guild Bob." said Sly, with Bob hitting them with his hip. "You've grown up so much Erza. I'm impressed." said Bob. "You're telling me that weirdo is the master of Blue Pegasus." said Lucy. "Harsh but it's the truth." said Bob, winking.

Makarov said,"What's going on? Hurry up and play! I'm a very busy man.". "Looking at girls is so important." said Zane, rolling his eyes. Kage's hands started to shake as Erza said,"This is bad! Run master!". She was soon stopped by Goldmine with Bob holding Gray and Natsu. "The peanut gallery should be quiet. We're getting to the good part." said Goldmine. "He's from Quarto Cerberus!" said Lucy. "No really. I thought he was from Mermaid Heel." said Sly in a sarcastic tone.

Goldmine smiled as Makarov said,"Now.". He glared at Kage being that he pressed the back of the flute to his lips. "I can do this! I need to play a single note and everything will change!" thought Kage. "If I may intervene." said Zane. Makarov nodded as Zane said,"Nothing will change that easily is bullshit Kage.". He looked serious as Kage and Makarov looked surprised. "I've found the word weak to be such a loaded word like good job or fuck off." said Zane.

He sighed as he said,"Everyone in the Omniverse has something that makes them weak. It can be something like motion sickness, stripping, or being scared of death. All humans are born weak to begin with. Power comes from within and it can come in many forms. It can be a powerful Magic passed down through you by an elder or an ancestor, a bond between royalty, and a debt return by saving a newborn's life.".

Sly knew that Zane was talking about Leif choosing him as Zero, Johnny Vincent giving him Sivarth before death, Twilight bonding with him when he was eighteen, and Kane saving his life because he had both Animus and Nether in his body, saving his life. "Guilds here exist to create power and bonds that will be with us even our friends are gone. I've lost many friends over the years being that they've died of old age, a bastard killing them, or something else out of my power." said Zane.

He clenched his fist with him saying and holding back his tears,"I've wanted to kill myself upon me losing them but I know that I couldn't do it. The memories I have of them are my treasure and reason for living on! They aren't around anymore but they are in my Essence for the rest of time! Look at the good and bad points of life! We can't let the bad things rule us with an iron grip and can't be blinded by the good so get rid of that flute! Your true power lies in you Kage. Understand me?".

Everyone there was silent being that a gasp soon came out of Kage's mouth. "How did he do that? He spoke from the heart and I can't do it." thought Kage. Tears fell from Kage's eyes being that he soon collapsed to his knees. He soon dropped the flute on the ground with him hanging his head in shame to Zane. "I surrender Zane. You win." said Kage. Zane smiled as he said,"Good job Kage. He did the right thing in the end! Way to go!".

Kage looked up to see Zane holding out his fist. "But I...." said Kage. "Remember his little speech Kage my boy? Don't let the past control your future am I right?" said Makarov. Zane nodded as the two fist bumped. "Oh yeah! They're bonded for life!" said Kane in his best Rico voice much to the dismay of the others. Cole was crying being that he said,"I forgot how deep you can be! Thank you Natasha for introducing me to Zane!". The rest of the team smiled.

The Fairies behind them smiled as Sly said,"Force always isn't the way to win a fight. Zane had to learn that the hard way. Sometimes, the heart is the greatest weapon we have.". The fairies soon ran toward them as Erza said,"Master!". "Good job Zane!" said Natsu. Makarov was shocked to see the whole group. "Zane! You didn't tell me that they were watching!" said Makarov with his eyes bulging out. "Meh. Didn't feel like it." said Zane, putting his hands behind his head.

Kage shook his head as Erza said,"You're amazing Zane! Your words truly inspired me!". Makarov was soon hugging Erza being that his head thudded against her breastplate. "Sorry but I don't do hugs that could give me a concussion." said Zane, smiling at Makarov's pain being that he made his master take the pain. Bob and Goldmine soon stood there with Natsu patting Makarov on the head, Gray was without a shirt, and Lucy went to comfort Kage. "I totally made that speech up on the fly." said Zane.

Sly said,"Yeah right idiot partner.". The two fist bumped as Makarov said,"Natsu. I would advice you to stop doing that.". "Come on Gramps. Just let him have his fun." said Gray. "You did good kid. So you really made that up?" said Goldmine. "Making up cheesy speech like that is something that we superheroes are good at." said Zane. "You're not just a cutie in terms of looks but in brains." said Bob as Zane smiled at him complimenting.

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane looked toward Lullaby. "That feeling. It's like that book but was less evil." thought Zane. "Zane. Is something the matter?" said Erza. "That flute is giving me a bad feeling so I'm going to...." said Zane. The eyes of the flute soon glowed purple being that a thick black smoke came from the eyes of the flute. "You wizards are cowards!" said the flute. The Fairy Tail Wizards were shocked as Sly said,"Dam it Zane! Why do you always have to be right?".

Zane smirked as he said in a singing tone,"Twenty Jewels are mine! If you deal with the devil, you'll get burned!". A giant magic seal soon appeared above Clover being that lightning sparked across the whole area. "Okay. I didn't see that coming. Why do demon summoning always involve lightning? It so lame." said Zane. The royal army were scared as the smoke soon formed into a massive body that towered over the mages present.   

The small, docile flute soon becomes an extremely tall ,being about five meters tall, wooden demon that has three glowing purple eyes, two legs, two arms and one head. There are many cutouts in its body aka a hole in the center of his chest. The air around it was distorted with him saying,"Time for me to feast you on your pitiful souls!". "It's so big!" said Lucy. "That's what she said!" said Zane as Sly sighed. "You never grow up do you?" said Sly. "Nah. That doesn't sound like fun." said Zane.

Kage said,"Erigor never mentioned anything about a monster!". "We're a serious pickle now." said Bob, covering his mouth with his hand. "It's a demon from the book of Zeref." said Goldmine. "So that's a demon? Man, that's just sad you guys." said Zane. The guild masters were running away from the demon as it looked toward something. "Why did that flute turn into that?!" said Lucy. "That's its true form in the flesh. It's forbidden Black Magic." said Goldmine.

Sly said,"Living magic. That is Zeref's main magic correct Master Goldmine?". "Yes little dragon. It was." said Goldmine. "So who's Zeref?" said Gray. "He's the most evil wizard that has even been born being that he was alive 400 years ago being quite the force back in the day. I never thought I would see him come back in such an ugly way." said Bob. Lullaby looked down at the whole group as it said,"Now whose tasty souls shall I devour first?".

Natsu got fired for a fight with him saying,"Tasty? Do Souls taste good Zane?". "Sometimes but you need to add the right seasoning or else it'll taste like cardboard." said Zane. "How come you know that?!" said Gray and Lucy. "Sorry but I've tasted many foods in my day. Everyone, get all of the old geezers to safety! This is going to be ugly!" said Zane. "Who put you in charge?!" said Natsu. "Yeah Zane! Erza is the one to do that!" said Gray. Erza and Zane glared at them with the two shaking.

The two said,"Aye Aye Sir and Ma'am!". The two were gone as Lucy sighed. "And I thought I was done hearing the Happy impressions." said Lucy. To the left of Lullaby, the army ,made of several thousands soldiers, were about to approached the monster being that the captain said,"Okay men! We aren't going to let some tree show up the royal army! Charge!". "Yes sir!" said the army. "Are you doubting my power?!" said Lullaby.

He soon fired an orange beam that was going to hit the mountains behind the army but it was soon absorbed by Zane ,who had warped there and by using Void Absorption, being that the demon was shocked by this human. The army soon ran away being that Lullaby said,"I'm going to eat yours child!". It looked right at Zane with him saying,"Before you eat my soul, you have to buy me dinner first.". "Are you going to stop that thing by yourself?!" yelled Erza.

Zane nodded with him moving the rest of the team back toward the guild masters using his signature Telekinesis. "You should know that I'm not scared of you. I mean you're less scary than my mom is when my dad doesn't do his chores!" said Zane. "Can he seriously fight that thing by himself?" said Lucy. "Aren't you going to help him?" said Happy. "If he refused Gray, Natsu, and Erza's help, what would I do to help?" said Lucy. "Coward!" said Zane. "Screw you Alvarez!" yelled Lucy.

The giant monster soon screamed with Zane putting on his headphones. The scream was hurting everyone's ears being that Natsu was feeling it the worse. "That sound is awful!" said Gray. "It's hurting my ears!" screamed Natsu. Erza and Lucy looked worried at Natsu being that Goldmine said,"It's going to attack soon!". "Oh no!" said Bob. "Our souls are going to be eaten!" said Happy as Zane only smirked at this. "Ready Team Legion Zero!" roared Zane.

The five (Athena, Cole, Kane, Sivarth, and Twilight) said,"Ready to kick some demonic butt Zane so lets show these Fairies how to fight!". Zane charged at the monster being that he started to fly right at the demon. "Zenith Duplication!" yelled Zane as he made two copies of himself appear. The center Zane soon had Twilight sprouted two blades from his arms, shocking the crowd. "Time to slice you up into bitcharoni demon! Discharging Sword Outbreak!" said the center Zane.

He soon swung his sword arms rapidly with the demon soon being cut by several air slashes and that Zane finished with his two blades slicing down on his chest which really hurts. The demon roared in pain with that Zane disappearing as he said,"You're up Right Zane!". "Time for Hellfire Emperor Cosmic Flash and Armageddon Emperor Needle Storm!" said a Zane. He soon covered himself in his signature flames, blinding the demon.

However, he was soon hit with several energy lances with each one causing an explosion, pushing him back. That Zane disappeared with the real one cocking his fist back. "Time for a classic spell of mine! Arcane Emperor Adamantine Punch!" yelled Zane. His fist was soon covered in dark purple metallic scales with him punches the tree demon's face hard. "He's making that demon look like his bitch!" yelled a guild master.

Zane stood on his shoulder as Lullaby said,"You're a real pest!". "Wow. Such a wordsmith. Do you talk to your mother with a mouth like that or just your friends?" said Zane. The demon swiped at Zane as he said,"Sorry buddy but you're too slow! Legion Swarm!". Several clones soon came out of his body being that they were rapid firing several Zenith Spheres ,of different colors, element, and energies, flew toward the demon, blocking him.

Kage said,"He's doing that much damage by himself! How much magic does he have?! He seemed so weak before.". "Zane masks his power mainly to trick his foes. He plays the fool but underneath the fool lies a super genius!" said Sly. The demon soon roared being that the plants and animals were dying around it. "Just one note! And you'll be dead!" said Lullaby. Everyone covered their ears being that it soon played a weak note.

Zane floated in the air with him holding a giant Zenith Sphere being that it was slowly growing in size thanks to the clones. "Wow. That was just sad bro. I mean you can't play your music even with all of the new holes I gave you. A crying shame." said Zane. Lullaby swiped at Zane who jumped over it. "Wow. You couldn't hit the broadside of a barn or water if you fell out of the boat! Dodge this bastard!" said Zane.

He soon threw the massive sphere down on Lullaby, creating a massive explosion of energy which could be seen from outer space. Gray was ready to block the explosion but he heard,"Don't worry so much Gray. Zane knows what he's doing!". Sly stood there as they all heard,"Almighty Shield!!". The group was soon protected by a gold holy barrier. "That shield can't be destroyed and the strongest shield in Zane's arsenal!" said Sly.

Lullaby looked at Zane ,floating, with him cracking his knuckles. "You're a monster!" said Lullaby as he swiped at Zane. However, this turned to be a fake with Zane's voice saying,"Keep talking dirty to me! I love that!". The demon soon looked up to see Zane holding a massive Zenith Sphere ,being several times bigger than Lullaby, in his hands. "This is both stupid and awesome. Go for it." said Kane. Everyone could feel the power coming off the sphere being that Erza frowned slightly.

Zane soon roared,"This Zenith Sphere here is proof of the bond that I share with my family and family back home! Blood ties matter not to me! My mom and dad, my brothers, my sister, my dogs, my grandparents, my best friends, my allies, my lovers, and everyone else who has every been in my corner during my journey as Legion Zero or Void Knight! Bond Zenith Sphere!". Zane soon send the sphere right into Lullaby who roared out in pain

There was a tremendous shock wave that went through the air being that cracks soon covered the wooden demon, tipping it backwards. A beam of light shot upwards toward the sky. Zane soon flew down as he caught the flute. "And that's how we do things in Cypress Park! Lets go Oxs!" said Zane as he slammed the flute like a football. "Well done Zane." said Makarov. "You're just the best Zaney boy!" said Bob, falling for him. "He made that demon his bitch. Good pick Makky." said Goldmine.

Kage was shocked as he said,"How strong is he? Is this the power of Fairy Tail?". Zane crackled his neck with him saying,"Tada. Hold your applause.". He bowed. Everyone soon rushed toward him as he backed up. "That was so cool! You took down Lullaby without even trying! Way to go!" said Natsu. "That was intense." said Gray. "And this just the start of Fairy Tail's strongest team." said Lucy. "Seriously? You are so freaking useless and I'm not a part of the team!" said Zane.

Kage watched as Zane soon evaded being slammed into Erza's breastplate. "Not a fan like I said before Erza. I appreciate it but...." said Zane. "Shut up idiot." said Erza. "Always have to go above and beyond huh Zane?" said Sly. "Yep. That's how I roll but unlike Fairy Tail wizards, I know how not to destroy things." said Zane. "Huh?" said the team. "You'll see." said Zane with a smile. "He is way stronger than me." said Kage.

Bob soon put a hand on his shoulder, with him rubbing his chin against him. "I need to get you a doctor young man!" said Bob. "I can feel your stubble!" said Kage. "I guess the boy has some serious guts and power to back that mouth of his. Don't want to piss him off anytime soon. We owe you a lot and thanks for not destroyed the guild hall." said Goldmine. The smoke soon cleared as the guild hall looked fine with Zane saying,"Almighty Barrier. Works every time.".

He tapped the building being that they was a translucent gold barrier around it. "Seriously? How did you?" said Makarov. "Like I said, I now know how not to destroy things." said Zane. "Please join this team Zane! You'll save me so much money!" said Makarov. "No way!" said Zane. He soon ran away as Fairy Tail tried to convince him to join by running after him. "Leave me along before I kill all of you!" yelled Zane. Zane was gone as Makarov said,"After him!". "Yes sir!" said the group.

They were gone as Goldmine said,"I guess that kids really take after their parents.". "They remind me of us when we were their age." said Bob. "Back in the stone age?" said Kage. "You know. I looked just like you Kage. I was the stud in the aubergine suit." said Bob. A picture appeared with a group of people being that Kage said,"I'm going to be fat and bald?! Kill me now!". His soul came out of him as Zane smiled while running away from his guild.

Next time,
Natsu and Zane fight with the latter doing it out of obligation! The Magic Council puts their head into it! What will happen next?! Will Zane reveal the entire truth?! Will Lucy ever pay her rent due to being a lot of money? She could move but it's really nice according to her! This problem could be solved easily by doing more work! Which is the worst ending song of Fairy Tail?! This and more next time on Fairy Legion! The last question may not happen but who knows.

Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Dragonfly Form. This card has a black frame with a bug like creature flying the card in a rapid fire fashion. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 82 and its Prime Form hasn't be introduced yet. This form can reach impressive speeds in the air, being able to trap enemies in a honey like goo, or hit them with his energy beams. He can grow an extra set of arms.

Specter Form. This card has a black frame with a giant ghost in the center of the card. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 18 and its Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet. This form is Zane having full power of his Phantom blood being that when he posses someone, they have a green glow around them. He can also use Black Nether who can knock people out. He also has a cold touch which can freeze water. 

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