Sunday, December 9, 2018

Fairy Legion Chapter 14 The Fragile Past

Disclaimer: This Post had originally been posted before September 16, 2018 and after September 12 2018. I accidentally deleted the original disclaimer. Anyway, I'm reposting this Chapter along with Fairy Legion Chapters 1-26 because of a massive plot change. If you've read this story before, not much will have changed except Zane's reason for going to the Fairy Tail Dimension. The Author Note and whatever I talk about in them may or will be extremely outdated today or I'm somehow seeing the future so just ignore if you want.

A/N: Okay. We're almost done with the Galuna Island Arc being that this arc will either end with this one or Chapter 16 or Chapter 17. I'm not exact sure on which one just yet but you'll just have to wait and see. I hope you like my not so subtle introduction of Erza's Black Wing Armor at the end of Chapter 13. I do slightly regret not showing her armors before in the previous arc but, I got to show off Zane's overpowering strength. It's a price to pay and my favoritism shows.

We'll eventually see the other two armors revealed at this point in the story up to Galuna Island. I just didn't feel like it would work there at the moment. If you haven't noticed, there has been a long delay between Chapter 13 and 14. This delay of mine is mainly because I want to work on Zero. Thanks to the delay, we got Chapters 2-11 of Edens Zero, Chapters 910-917 of One Piece, some My Hero Academia stuff, and the start of the Fairy Tail spinoff.

Yeah. This author note is going be really long if I do all of this at once which I won't  do. I like these parts to be long not because I like to make you guys read a lot. There will be some delays between parts so making them longer than normal is a good way to ease the wait between parts. I do have my limits but well, I need to catch up. I will talk about some random anime stuff because it really doesn't fit in the Zero story which will be in winter for a while.

So in between chapters, I start reading manga off Jaimini's Box being that Mangastream stopped with Edens Zero but does have the new Fairy Tail and Seven Deadly Sins. It was really easy to move over being that it has my weekly series (Black Clover, My Hero, and One Piece) on there. Lets start with Edens Zero Chapter 2-4 and some random anime stuff. Lets begin with the start of Chapter 2 of Edens Zero.

At the start of the chapter, we meet the blue skinned woman whose name is unknown and well, she's very big. Upon seeing her for the first time, I compared her to the giants from One Piece. She is a giant compared to a normal human. We don't learn her name in this chapter but in the next one, I'll talk about the name there and not here. We also learn more about B-Cube being that it's Hiro's version of Youtube.

It's Youtube plain and simple. There is a gaming channel on there, a somewhat cute animal video, and fanservice. That's Youtube for you. We also see Happy and Rebecca's channel. I do like the relationship between this Happy and Rebecca more than I did with Happy and Natsu mainly because of a scene that happens later in the chapter. To end off the Youtube bit, I should be happy that they have a natural censor mode.

I mean it's a good thing but I want to know if that was in the site at the start or was it a patch? I won't get an answer to this but it's a thought. We also see Rebecca's spacesuit being that it's okay. We also seen Blue Garden and man, it feels like we're in a sci-fi manga. I like it more than Fiore because that series was mainly based in medieval times which is very plain to me. There may be no point for floating water but in the future, that can be there for no reason beside it looking cool.

We also see Shiki being shocked by all of the people being that he wants to make friends with them and Rebecca stopping him. I like Rebecca with glasses being that I hope we see it more than we do with Levy and glasses. Happy gets kidnapped in this scene being that at first, I thought that this Happy was going to be the last one being that he wasn't going to do anything. Boy, I was wrong. I do hate that Happy is from the star Exceed.

Oh I mean Exxid. It's such a subtle difference like how this Happy and Fairy Tail's Happy is different just because of their collar. That's just my opinion. We soon get more background on Rebecca being that she was abandoned by her parents alongside Happy. She isn't some spoiled princess and who looks identical to like her mother. Hopefully, will we get a character like Jude? You'll see what I'm doing with the Phantom Lord arc very soon. I do like this Happy more.

We also see some more background characters being that one was Cyclops from X-Men being that Shiki catches up with the thief and throws him to the ground. We also see one of more Fairy Tail cameos in this chapter being that Max Alors and Warren Rocko made an appearance with the former having a broom on his shirt which I didn't notice at first. I like that detail since I ship Max and the broom for no real reason. We also learn what Happy is called Happy.

I mean it's like in Fairy Tail but somewhat different. We also meet Boos being that he's the most alien looking human we've seen. I mean I'm hoping that we see some Aliens soon. It's like having dragons in a fantasy novel, they just go together. Rebecca soon catches up to them being that I learned a new sound effect. Never thought I would learn that today but you learn something new every day. It just doesn't have to be important. We also see more of Happy and Rebecca being that it's really sweet.

We see Shiki doing some stuff plus the Boss character using a mini gun which was so cool. The big thing was that Happy died. I know that this makes me sound like a monster but when you hated the character like I did, I cheered in joy. We also see Happy turning into a robot and then into pistols which Rebecca used to show that she isn't Lucy but more Elie/Ellie which I'm forward. She makes quick work on the robbers being that well, I like Rebecca more than Lucy.

So far she's doing something, I would take that rather than nothing. She gets better but well, I don't care. First impressions are everything to me. We also see the trio arrive at the adventure guild being that the big thing I wanted to talk about is here. You may think I'm sounding harsh but the Erza clone makes her appearance and guess her name. It isn't different like with Rebecca and Shiki are but Elcy Crimson being not the official translation I think.

God dam Hiro. I know that you have a hard on for Erza mainly shown after the time skip, but just stop with it. I don't give a fuck about this character because unlike Rebecca and Shiki, she looks just like Erza to me. She has a sword just like Erza, red hair just like Erza, and is called Princess. That latter may not happen but still, it's lazy. I know that I shouldn't jump on the hate wagon just yet but I hate characters that look identical to each other. It shows lazy character design.

This reminds me of Jellal and Sieghart being that the two look identical at first and sometimes, I call Jellal Sieghart and the fact that Jellal had this name ,or something along those lines, at first didn't help me. I'm going to say now that I don't like Elcy Crimson or Erza #2 for right now. She may prove me wrong but I can't get past the copy and paste design of Elcy and Erza. She does have an eyepatch but that isn't working for me in terms of differences.   

Lets go to Chapter 3 being that we learn more about the guild being that we get another Fairy Tail cameo being that it's Team Shadow Gear. This chapter has another cameo of Fairy Tail but this one is the first one I saw. We see that Levy and Jet look the same but I can't tell if that Droy is skinny like a bean Droy or fat droy. Blame the angle. We also meet Clarisse aka the blonde from the cover page. I remember hearing that she was like Mirajane.

I can kinda see it mainly with her bangs but she's different than Mira I hope. We also learn that Rebecca doesn't have any kind of identification papers on her being that it may be due to her being an orphan. Another mystery is added onto her character which I like. We also learn the name of the Goddess from last chapter Mother. I'm not going to lie about this but that is the dumbest name for a god like creature I've ever heard. It may be different but Mother? Kinda lame.

I was expected Galaxia or something tacky space name. Mother is just lame. I know that I said Lame a lot but I'm sorry. It's so dumb and not at all creative. It's like naming a bad guy Evila or something like that. We also learn that Adventures worship her like some kind of god being that I hope Mother isn't her real name. Here's something I love about this guild and Fairy Tail. When Shiki says that he's met Mother before, everyone laughs their ass off at him.

In Fairy Tail, he would get laughed at but then everyone would believe him for some reason. Prove me wrong about that but I like the difference between the two guilds. They also make fun of him for asking to be their friend so props to Hiro for making this guild different from Fairy Tail. We also meet the Wendy like Character in this chapter being that Rebecca is scared of her. Her name is Lavilla. I should mention that these names are just the first name. It may change later on.

I did wish Rebecca called Happy Hoppy though. We also learn about the currency of Edens Zero being that it's G. I'm not sure if that it's like Jewels but 100,000G for an autograph and 50,000 G for a picture is a bit pricey in my book. She's also a terrible artist. I do hope that Lavilla is a parody of famous Youtuber being that I'm always up for bashing people like Logan Paul who deserves that punishment he got for showing a dead body and making an ass out of himself in another country.

I also do like Shiki's burn on her when he says that he doesn't know her. I also like that Shiki makes her pay for making Rebecca cry plus playing 10,000G for a handshake. It's a crime. After that little thing by throwing her on the ground, she wants him in her video. I will never get women no matter if they're really or not. We finally see Plue and he's the god dam help. I fell bad for Plue and don't get me start on the fact that we've only seen two alien species being that it's just Plue and Happy!

I also like that when Shiki mentions that the guild should be a family, the pairing of Lucy and Natsu were there. Is this conforming Nalu? I hope that the sequel does that more than just a panel in a chapter. We also learn more than Lavilla's videos are interesting. I just hope we learn more about this version of Youtube and if she deserves her title. I mean over 1,000G for a freaking handshake is just stupid. It's like paying ten grand for a soda. Very bad pricing.

After hearing Rebecca handing to make her videos more interesting, Shiki decides to go see Mother and prove the guild wrong. I just hope that when we do learn more about Mother, her name isn't  Mother. I also like how selfish Rebecca can be being that she wants to go see Mother for views and not out of adventure. It's a nice chance from Lucy who is just awful.  We also learn more about this doctor being that he's the one who fixed Happy.

Ezra I mean Elcy shows up. Hurrah. I don't like her at being that we see that she's just Erza. You can't fool me Hiro. She's here looking for Shiki. She's also called Princess meaning that I don't like her. I hope she can be redeemed being Erza ,by the mid way point of Fairy Tail, left a bad taste in my mouth. We learn that the planet that the trio of Happy, Rebecca, and Shiki is dead so what could this mean? Lets found out in Chapter 4.

Chapter 4 starts with Happy and Rebecca playing video games. I mean it's kinda lame to be honest and I like gaming channels. Maybe because Happy is there. Yes, I have a strong hatred toward Happy being that I will be showing it in Fairy Legion soon along with my dislike of Erza. We see that the ship had more rooms being it's a guest room. I like Shiki's response to this being that it's classy and you know why he's like this.
I like how Shiki crashed their ship being that he also makes fun of how Happy and Rebecca don't get a lot of views. It's subtle but I like that.  I like how Rebecca was mad at Shiki being that he soon mentioned that it would make a great video. We also learn more about Shiki's power being that he can make objects weightless aka less heavy. I don't like how it took till Chapter 4 to learn about Ether aka Magic. You may think I'm being lazy but nope, they call it magic.

We also see another alien race being that it's a weird bunny and chick thing. I'm just happy that it's difference. We also learn that the people there live under ground. We soon see Professor Wise being that the wise man isn't home. For those who forgot, he's the old man from Chapter 2 who fixed Happy into a weapon. We also see X-Ray Goggles being that we get a fan service scene. Is it bad that I can name a scene in Fairy Tail that's maybe worse than this very easily?

It's the entire movie Dragon Cry or Lucy being naked in the final arc to heal Natsu. The latter of the two seems pointless but I could be wrong. I don't mind fanservice when it's done in the right series. If I'm reading a hard core drama, I don't want to see some girl prancing around in a bikini. We also see a young professor Wise Steiner being that I think he's the blond guy from the cover. We get to see the character that I really wanted to see so out of the cover.

So far, we only have the ape looking guy, the silver hair guy, and black hair emo guy. I called them something else but I forgot. The chapter ends with the planet being dead and several years into the future. Two space suit wearing guys find two corpses being a male and female. The chapter ends with these two praying to some god being Mother. Her name is Mother isn't it? God dam it. I'll get used to the name but expect bad mouthing Mother for a while.

This chapter made me want to keep reading Edens Zero because I'm interested now. I wanted to talk about Burn the Witch and My Hero Academia being that the former interest me being that it's a sequel to Bleach. I like Bleach but that ending. It's very question filled. Will this series be a thing given Kubo's rep and Shonen Jump's relationship? Bleach is constantly shafted from what I can tell but I could be wrong.

Will this be a start of a new change or will it end like Bleach did? I really hope that it doesn't. My Hero is the big one being that I wanted to take about Dabi, Endeavor, and Hawks. In the latest arc, we met the new top 10 heroes. We learned about some new heroes such as an old samurai hero, a washing machine hero, and a bunny girl. I like the washing machine hero because you don't know what to expect with him because he's a washing machine.

I don't like the Bunny girl because she reminds me of a certain pirate. I won't say her name but I've done several rants on her before. We also meet Hawks who is just an awesome version of Angel from Marvel. Out of the original five X-Men, Angel has always been my least favorite in terms of powers they have. I may hate Cyclops because he's just a dick to me and nothing can change my mind on that being rather annoying.

Hawks has proven to be one of my favorite character alongside Endeavor. I heard about the death threats about redeeming Endeavor and here's my two cents on it. I don't care being that I'm not going to forget about what he did. I rather have a character that grows through out the story rather than one who doesn't. I think people are taking this too far being that if you don't like it, suck it up. You aren't writing this story so enjoy it or leave.

This mindset of mine goes to those who hate Fairy Tail after or during the run. If you don't like something, ignore it and don't waste time on it. I just really hate people who do something that they hate. You should do something that you like rather than something that you hate. It sound crazy but it makes sense to me. So the whole Dabi being the third son of Endeavor theory. I believe it but I need some more proof about it.

Like how old Dabi is being that out of the three children, two of them are in their twenties while one isn't. If Dabi is in his twenties or late teens, I could see it working. The name doesn't matter to me being that I'll still call him Dabi. It's like how I keep calling Obito Tobi. I know his real name but to me, I'll call him Tobi.  That's all I had to talk about beside the large amount of Fairy Tail news. We got more than 2 spinoffs and here's my thought.

Hiro is having his cake and eating it too. I like Edens Zero so far but I'm more interested on the 100 year quest. This is some rumors about it online but that's all I'm going to say about it. I'll wait until it comes out online on a manga site before giving my two cents on the matter and well, I will have a lot to talk about. If you read Power Episode 22, you know what I'm doing. I don't know if I mentioned this in a Power part but I did find a character height chart online.

I'm not sure that if it's right or not being that I just used it for reference. If there is an online and official ,in some way, version of the character's height, I'll use it. Here is the chart that I'll be using for Fairy Tail characters Height Chart. I'm not an expert on height in the same way as I am about fashion so take it with a grain of salt. Lets begin with the duo of Zalty and Zane with them inside of Deliora's chamber.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zalty ,while floating in the air, soon turned to see Zane standing there with his arms crossed. "And what is one of the intruders doing back here? You were lucky to survive against Cold Emperor the first time." said Zalty. "Don't play dumb with me. I'm pretty sure that our guild's bloodhound would know who you are if he got a trace of your scent before but well, I prevent that due to him and the rest of the fairies's attempt at helping him pissing me off at the time Ultear." said Zane.

The man was quiet as Zane said with a smirk,"I guess you're shocked about me finding about your secret fetish. I'm pretty good at keeping secrets so once I put you down, you'll go back to normal and not this ugly old man. Got it?". The man nodded as Zane placed him down. The man soon glowed as the very buxom Ultear stood there in his place. "So what do you want me to do with them? I rather not have the boy find them." said Ultear. "Aren't her and Lyon the same age?" said Cole.

Zane said,"I'll hide them. Just wait here. I would hate for you to break a nail.". Before Ultear could say anything, she soon saw the unconscious cultists move away from her within seconds or maybe less. "Mr. Alvarez. How fast are you? You said in your article that you can reach speeds more than Jet could ever reach. He's real famous for his speed being that he's only been defeated once and that fight wasn't really fair given his opponent. Who are you Zane?" thought Ultear.

The two were soon at the top of the temple, watching the sunrise. "So why are you doing this? I doubt the blue haired prick would like me doing this given his dislike for me." said Zane. He was currently giving the woman a massage while she was sitting on his lap. "I'm know that this makes me sound awful but I'm happy that none of his girls are alive." said Kane. "I have to agree with you there Kane. They may have been fine with it at first." said Sivarth.

Sivarth sighed as he said,"I got why the girls got jealous to begin with being that Zane's massive amount of power in his best power. He can attract attention from people like bees to honey or something along those lines. It can range from allies, enemies, rivals, and lovers. He's always been in a harem of beautiful and powerful woman.". "Kevin said it best. He's a lucky son of a bitch when it comes to women but they're quite concerned when it comes to health." said Twilight.

Zane was pulled out of his inner conversation by Ultear's blissful smile. "Your fingers are like magic Zane. My shoulders have been sore lately." said Ultear. "Well, I do have the fingers of a musician. My job may require me to punch things but I love music and massages. So why does such a beautiful woman have so much stress built up in her thin waist and nice bust size? I may know the answer to that thanks to my magic. However, your magic of time interest me more."  said Zane.

Ultear sighed as she said,"I should have guessed that you've read my mind and figure out why I'm so stressed. I'm here on this island working with Lyon aka the Cold Emperor or a child really because of my puppet. So as punishment for reading my mind, you have to rest on my lap.". "This is the best punishment I've gotten in a long time." said Zane. The two swapped positions as Zane said,"So he's nothing more than a puppet to your plans. He seems so lively for a puppet.".

Ultear said,"Magic is a truly wonderful and diverse thing. I think you have an idea why he wants me here. He wants something for him to control and he thinks a demon like Deliora would do just that but well, who knows what's going to happen next. To be honest, I don't think I could control a demon like that. He would probably destroy all of Fiore with it taking several powerful wizards to take him down.". "Well, I could do it by myself." said Zane.

Ultear soon smiled with it being highly seductive on her gorgeous face. In the past, Zane's face would have been covered in a blush by now but his inner temperature manipulation helps the teasing from the fairer sex stopped. "Really? You think that you're stronger than the Wizard Saints and those in the Council. Color me very impressed and interested with the Void Knight. So tell me how you're going to do that Zane." said Ultear.

Zane sighed as he said,"I'll tell you how I would do it if you stop staking me. I know that we can't see each often being that I'm trying not to cause destruction like the rest of the fairies and you're one of the heads of the council but your stalking is really sad.". "Wow. I've heard that you had impressive hearing but being able sense my magic even when it's cloaked. How about you and I leave this boring island for some fun?" said Ultear, whispering something into his ear.

Zane soon rolled his eyes as he said,"Wow Ultear. That sounds like fun but I made a promise to those villagers. I want to free them from their "curse" being that to do it, I get to destroy the moon. I can't wait to shock the hell out of those idiots for doubting me and my power.". He soon started to laugh like an evil genius with Ultear thinking,"He's a strange one to say the least. When I got him figured out, he does something completely different. He'll make an interesting player in this game.".

During her inner monologue, she had a perverted smile. "Should you tell her that you're reading her mind right now?" said Cole. "Nah. Let her have her fun Cole." said Zane. He took a deep breath as he said,"I could probably get some training done before I have to check on the bloodhound. He actually tuckered himself out Ultear, thinking of a plan trying to stop your very cold boss's plan to bring back the demon. I should get going.".

She soon hugged him with Zane feeling her breasts on his chest. "I don't know what makes me so attracted to you Zaney but well, I'm not going to deny that you're very attractive in both of a physical and psychological sense. I wonder how you're in a battle." said Ultear. The Cross-Species soon stood up being that Ultear went in front of him, looking right in his eyes "You'll just have to wait and see Ms. Council Woman." said Zane. "You really like to tease me don't you?" said Ultear.

 Zane said,"Yeah. I've learned how to tease over the years.". "Okay. I want to test something with you. I know that you have to get going back to your oh so precious nakama. You can read my mind right? Tell me what I'm thinking Zane. " said Ultear. She soon thought about something as Zane soon read her mind. "So when will that happen?" said Zane as Ultear was making circles with her finger on his chest. She felt his piercing with her saying,"In due time Zane.".

Zane said with a smile,"Okay Ultear. I may be enjoy this but I got some teasing to do. She's here on the island and well, she is really mad at me. It's so much fun teasing those idiots because well, I find it really fun.". "You're talking about Titania arriving on the island in order to help her friends and punish you because she hates your guts." said Ultear. "Yep. You're well informed aren't you." said Zane. "I have my sources." said Ultear.

Zane said,"So I have a question? Do you think the Curse and Moon Drip are connected? I know that they aren't being that I have experiences with curses before. Those villagers were turned into demons due to the Moon Drip spell according to my teammates but well, I disagree.". "I think you know my answer Zaney. You know that the villagers are hidden something so make them reveal it." said Ultear with a smile. "Fair point. I'll see you soon. Oh and next time, show me your real smile." said Zane.

He was soon gone being that Ultear stood there. She was feeling a multitude of emotions being that she was very confused on what Zane meant by him seeing her soon and her showing him her real smile, happy for seeing him again and in such a short time frame, and sad when he left. When she met him for the first time, she found him interested in the Cross Species. She soon turned back into Zalty with her wondering more about Zane and his plan for stopping Lyon.

Meanwhile, Gray soon woke up being that he felt pain all over his body. Lyon really did a number on him as he groaned out,"Dam it.". He could tell that it was morning thanks to the slight chirping of nearby birds and also the sunlight. He soon rose up with him ignoring that he was currently in a tent filled with crates of supplies. He did notice that Lyon's group wasn't here being that he had a feeling that they were defeated by his friends.

Gray thought,"That's right. I owe Natsu a beating for doing that.". He then scowled being that he didn't like being taken down by Natsu of all people. He was thankful that the village was safe or the villagers were being that he was happy that Lyon's henchmen plus woman didn't kill these innocent villagers. He soon made his way out of the tent by raising the flap. He soon saw that several tents were surrounding him. "Where am I?" said Gray.

Before he could go searching, he heard,"Oh, thank goodness. You're awake. I was getting worried for a second but the Void Knight's instructions on how to heal you worked like a charm.". He soon turned around to see a girl ,about his age or younger, standing there with her smile. This is Lulu. She had pale skin, blue hair, and black eyes. She wears an orange bra and a green skirt, in addition to a large purple and white necklace, red bracelets and a yellow strap around her neck.

Her left leg was demonic and insect like being that it was a blue color with her having horns on her knees, pointing upwards in an even darker blue. "Where are we?" said Gray with a little groan at the end. He was trying to be a gentle man and not look at her cursed leg. "It's a storage area not too far from the village. Everything was destroyed in the attack last night so we came here for shelter." said Lulu.

Gray looked at her as he said,"The entire village? That's awful.". "Dam you Lyon. You've become a real demon." thought Gray. He soon groaned for a bit, with him clutching a hand over his heart. "It was a real miracle to have Lucy, Natsu, and Void Knight being here. Thanks to them, everyone in the village survived their attack." said Lulu. "Are they still here?" said Gray. "It's a bit complicated. They asked me to show you to their tent once you've woken up." said Lulu.

Gray looked around as he said,"So which one?". "They're waiting for you in the big tent right over there and be prepared." said Lulu, pointing to the tent. Gray thanked her as he soon made his way over to it. He soon opened it as he said,"Okay you guys, what did she mean by....." said Gray with him soon freezing up in terror upon seeing the inside of the tent. It was a very annoyed Erza ,sitting on a barrel, with the duo of Happy and Lucy sitting off to the side avoiding him.

Sly on the other hand looked tired and slightly annoyed. He soon noticed that Natsu and Zane weren't here as Erza's hands were clasped on her lap. She sat calmly with her legs crossed and her hands were folded over her lap. "You seem to be better Gray thanks to him." said Erza with a noticeable growl at the end. "Erza?! What are you doing here? I thought the Master approved us of being here thanks to Master Zane." said Gray.

He soon gulped loudly, breaking out in sweat as Erza's anger increased. "Best not for you to mention his name Gray. She's really mad at Zane." whispered Sly, floating over to him. "So where is he and flame for brains?" said Gray. "Lucy has informed me of the situation. You were supposed to bring Lucy and Natsu back to the guild hall being that bastard has brought them in a deadly mess just to piss me off for no good reason." said Erza with her sighing and taking a deep breath.

Erza said,"And here I thought you were responsible.". "Speaking of those two, where are those two anyways?" said Gray. "They're in the jungle somewhere according to Sly here but she won't let me go after either of them because she wanted to wait for you." said Erza. Gray knew that she was worried about Natsu and going to kill Zane. "I told you where they are but we have to wait for Gray. He's a part of this team not you Erza." said Sly.

Gray said,"Okay then. Lucy, have you seen either Natsu or Zane?". "Well, I did see Zane with Sly but for some reason, he didn't help me fight that rat lady. I mean he was trying to help me fight her being that he called me weak." said Lucy. Gray could tell that she was worried about Natsu as well. "When we arrived at the village, we couldn't find either Natsu or Zane but we did find this storage area thanks to me and Sly. Erza here wanted to go find Natsu but Sly forced her to stay." said Happy.     

Gray said,"I see. Does Natsu or Zane know where we are?". "Natsu doesn't but Zane does given his natural talent for sensing others and his hearing." said Sly. "Natsu is probably wandering around not knowing where we are and Zane being the bastard he is isn't telling him for a sick laugh. I will never understand why he joined this guild." said Erza. She soon stood up as she said,"It's decided. You've recovered thanks to him so we're going to find him.".

She said with a tone of finality,"Come on you four. We need to get going if we want to be back by the guild.". She went toward the exit of the tent with Gray saying,"You can't be serious Erza. We aren't leaving. If you know what's going on here, we can't leave them to suffer a moment longer.". Erza looked at him with her saying,"And your point is? I came here to bring those two back not to save these villagers.".

Gray looked at her in disbelief. She must have being set over the edge thanks to Zane that she didn't care about anything other than the mission or her heart is cold like the armor she wears. Gray knew that she was a very caring person. He took a deep breath as Sly thought,"This is going to be good. I have a camera for Zane hidden so bring it Gray.". "You're acting like a god dam bitch you know that Erza. What kinda of person ignores people in pain?" said Gray, shocking everyone there.

Erza soon turned to him as she said,"I came here to punish the fools for coming here. Do you know who you're speaking to Gray?". "I don't care right now Erza. You're going to let these villagers die to a resurrected demon just because we broke a couple of rules?" said Gray. "I have." said Erza. "And you're going to turn your back on them." said Gray.  "Their request is posted on the boards of every guild hall. The villagers should have make the smart move in this situation." said Erza.

Sly said,"And that would be?". "People who have TRULY earned the title of S-Class unlike your partner. None of you are. I'm the only one on this island who is. He'll be punished the most due to him being an pain to everyone he meets. Tell me Sly. Did he have any friends back home or were you his only friend?" said Erza. Sly was getting furious being that compared to Zane, she was the cool and collected one. Before Sly could say something in Zane's defense, Gray did.

Gray said,"How the hell can you even speak like that Erza? You're supposed to be a example of what Fairy Tail wizards should be like. You're acting like these people's pain and suffering doesn't matter to you and it's a waste of time. You're acting like Laxus. Master Zane may be an asshole to everyone but he cares about these people. He's out there with Natsu, going to solve this problem while we're just standing here talking. Quit being a bitch Erza and you don't deserve to be a member of Fairy Tail.".

Erza whirled around and looked at him with a furious glare. "I didn't hear you Gray. Say that last part clearly.". "That is no way to speak to the mighty Mistress Erza Gray! Are you really that stupid?" said Happy. "You can be a really suck up." said Lucy. Erza may act very cold but she isn't at all heartless like Gray was saying she was being and she isn't a bitch. The proper and more political correct term for bitch is called stubborn. Don't quote me on that.

She did everything in her power to make sure that innocents were spared from the pain and suffering of the villains. However, the safety of her guild aka her family would take priority over the safety of strangers. She could live with the guilt of not saving these people being that the guilt for not saving the people that she considered family would drive her insane. She was mainly worried about Natsu being killed thanks to Zane. As you can tell, she doesn't like him at all.

However, you can understand why given Zane's tendency to tease her. It didn't take a second for the red-haired woman to summon a magic sword and point it directly at her comrade's throat. Gray had crossed the line being that she is proud to be a Fairy Tail wizard. "Are you going to break the rules just for him Gray. You'll be facing the same punishment as him Gray." said Erza. "Hell yeah. You're so stubborn that I need to make sure to repeat it to you." said Gray with a scowl.

Lucy said with a worried tone,"Don't push her Gray!". "She's correct Gray. I'm willing to overlook your current disregard for the rules and your attitude. We're friends but only if we work together. We are going to get the others and leaving this island. As the senior wizard, my decision is final." said Erza slowly and seriously. "Want to know something Erza? Master Zane decided to bring the three of us on this job with him to test us." said Gray.

He took a deep breath as he said,"When these two plus the pyro were sleeping, me and Master Zane talked. He knows how serious of a break in the guild's rules doing this but you know what. He could have stopped Natsu and me without breaking a sweat before we left the port. We all saw him defeat Lullaby and Natsu without breaking a sweat. He wanted to come here and you want to know what he allowed all of this to happen Erza?".

The redheaded knight soon looked at her friend for a second, not saying anything or withdrawing her blade from Gray's neck. She wondered if Gray could change her decision about Zane being that he had a point and wondered if it could change her opinion about Zane since she was going to help them with the job which she saw as falling apart. She knew that Zane wasn't technically breaking the rules being that he was an S-Class wizard according to Master Makarov.

She didn't want to doubt master's judgement but Zane isn't like other Fairy Tail wizards. He reminded her a lot of Laxus being that he sees people that are his Nakama as nothing more than pebbles to kick away. Lucy had told her about everything that had happen so far on the job mainly Zane's obsession with destroying the moon. She hoped that Zane's reasons for going through with all of this being that she didn't like him at all.

However no matter whatever Gray said good or bad, she would still be angry with the group as a whole. She would punish Natsu not with violence but a date. That doesn't sound bad but well, Erza is somewhat like the stereotypical shopper. However she likes to buy armor which usually weigh a lot more than a couple of dresses. For Zane, she would give a mouthful for all of his actions and also beat the crap out of him. This won't happen but lets let her think that.

Erza said with a calm tone,"Tell me then.". "He went along with it because the person who brought us here told us about what has happened. In his words,"As a human being, you can't turn a blind eye to pure suffering like this. It's impossible. Rules are important mind you but rules are nothing more than a obstacle in saving lives.". He didn't care about the reward being that helping these people are the reward to him." said Gray.

Sly nodded as she said,"Zane doesn't care about money anymore being that he cares more about saving people so why can't you?". Erza soon looked thoughtful thanks to the words of Gray and Sly being that Zane was a wild card in terms of personality and powers. It was always a wonder what was going through his mind being that she had mainly been focused on him and Natsu in anger and fear respectively. Natsu should have known better about accepting this job.

They may have gone on this job for a noble reason being that she thought that the rules of the guild and safety of her Nakama were more important. She could overlook this being that it was obviously that they were doing this for the right reason. Gray soon grabbed the sword ,that was still head at his throat, and held it tightly with his right hand. "Screw you Erza. I may see you as a Nakama but right now, I don't see you as one." said Gray.

His hand was soon bleeding, much to the shock of the two human girls and cat being that Sly was used to actions like this being that Zane had done much worse. "If you want to kill me, go ahead. I'm going to stop Deliora no matter what. This is doing the right thing. I'm not going to let that monster be free again just because Lyon wants to prove himself. This is the right choice and I'm agreeing with Master on this. Rules don't matter for shit when people are in danger." said Gray.

He soon turned his back toward them and made his way toward the exit of the tent. "I respect him for that and I'll see this to the end. He's a comrade not a pain." said Gray. Both Happy and Lucy gasped at this being that Erza's eyes widened up a bit. He made his way toward the exit as he said,"You ready to go Sly? We have a cult to stop. Good bye Erza.".  With that, Gray and Sly were gone. Erza was silent with her sword, having blood drip from it.

She was trembling in both anger and fear being that she respected Gray, Sly, and Zane to a degree being that they were willing to risk their lives for just a couple of people. She however didn't like their blatant disrespect for her being that it was unacceptable. "Um Erza?" said Lucy. She turned back toward them with a glare as she said,"Yes?". "Tell me why you're here now Zane." said Erza, with the two looking confused.

The three soon heard,"Man and here I thought was being all ninja like.". Zane soon appeared being that it was a hologram of him. "So how are things with you?" said Zane, with Erza slicing the image in half. "Feel better Prude Knight?" said Zane. "Why are you here? Where is Natsu?" said Erza, with Zane sighing. "So why didn't you tell Gray about you being helping to us destroy the moon? I mean he did have a pretty awesome speech in my opinion." said Zane.

Happy floated up to Zane as he said,"So where are you Zane? And what about Gray's hand? It's mostly likely in pain right now.". "Outside of the temple. Natsu is still sleeping like a baby. He spend all night thinking of a plan to stop the cult but he tuckered himself out. Sly is probably helping him right now." said Zane. "It's a good thing I came along. These events are intolerable, none of you seem to be listen to reason." said Erza.

Zane sighed as he said,"Who cares about that? I'm more impressed that Gray did what he did. He's a good guy despite his stripping habits which I blame on his master. You can't speak ill of the dead but this case is a bit more complicated than Gray may think.". "Are you making fun of him?" said Erza with her glaring at him. "Perhaps. So I bet you're going to order me to bring Natsu to you guys so you can take charge on this mission. It ain't happening so don't try." said Zane.

Erza slowly looked away as Happy said,"Whoa Zane! Did you read her mind from your location or what?". "Nope. I just know how she thinks. Psychology is a dangerous weapon. I know that all three and Gray to an extent are worried about Natsu. He can handle himself and I'll be there to make sure he doesn't get himself killed. I don't want to become another reckless fool. Proving yourself is a good thing but hurting the people who care about you is even worse." said Zane.  

Erza sighed as she said,"Fine. You two stay close to me. If you run off like those four did, you'll be punished lightly. Zane on the other hand will not.". "Yeah. That won't happening but it's a good way to get going." said Zane, as he disappeared. "So why are you going along with this?" said Lucy. "All of you have your intentions in the right place being that Gray, Sly, and that bastard see me as another person who allow the destruction and death of these people." said Erza.

Erza sighed as she said,"I'll allow it for now but be forewarned, I'm not allowing any of you to collect the money when this is over.". "But Zane's the one who accepted the job and he says that he's going to be payed no matter what you said." said Happy. The girls looked at him as Happy said,"He sent me a psychic message a few seconds ago. Lets go look for Natsu.". He flew out of the tent with the two girls followed to find Natsu.

Near the center of the island, the temple rested there. Zane looked to see that Natsu had woken up and was ready to go just as he finished his conversation with the girls. "Morning sleeping beauty. So did you come up with your master plan yet?" said Zane, throwing him an apple. "I did and I can't believe I feel asleep afterwards." said Natsu, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He bit into the apple as Natsu said,"So is she here?".

Zane slowly nodded as he said,"She is and well, she's worried about you and hates me with a burning passion that rivals your passion for proving yourself. Next time, don't pass out in the forest when you come up with a plan.". "So did you sleep at all?" said Natsu. "I did. I only need an hour and if you didn't wake up when you do, I would have thrown you into a tree." said Zane. "Why would you do something like that?!" said Natsu.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Because I can and you could totally walk it off. So are you ready for your part of the plan?". "I really hate how you just read my mind without permission but yeah. I get to destroy something and stop a demon.." said Natsu with a determined and happy smile. "Lets go. We don't have time to waste." said Zane. The two soon headed into the temple with their plan going to action.     

In the center of the temple, Lyon sat on a large stone throne. In front of him, a very sheepish Toby stood there. He had just finished telling the previous nights events to Lyon being that he looked rather annoyed in hearing about his men and woman had been defeated by the fairies. "How weak all are you are. You're the only one remaining Toby. I'll admit that those Fairies are not to be underestimated in the slightest." said Lyon.

He wasn't wearing his helmet being that for some reason, it went missing by the handiwork of Zane who really liked it. This news pose a threat to his plans being that he knew that he could handle them with ease like he did with Gray. "So can we keep that whole shocking-myself thing a secret?" said Toby with a hopefully tone. "They could threaten the revival of Deliora sir." said Zalty. Toby jumped back as Lyon said,"You're quite the sneaky aren't you Zalty?".

He was surprised but hid it better than Toby did. He was an enigma to Lyon and his allies but he did give some good information to him. "If this going to plan, the demon should be awaken tonight. I don't know when but it will be tonight. If they interrupt the ceremony, Deliora will be trapped in the ice for the rest of time. Salamander and Titania are very powerful but your true threat is the Void Knight." said Zalty.

Lyon said,"Void Knight. Who is he? Is he that Take-Over wizard from before?". "Correct. As Toby and his group witness, that wizard is something else. He destroyed a demon very much like Deliora before plus take down two dark guilds by himself. You could defeat Salamander and Titania if you find their weakness but with the Void Knight, nothing shall stop." said Zalty. "You're well informed as always Zalty but he won't stop me." said Lyon.

He was calm being that Zalty thought,"I may not know Zane for too long but I can tell that when he is serious, Deliora would be nothing more than a pebble to him.". "Your confidence is appealing. Let me join you in this fight." said Zalty. "Since when could you fight? I thought you could only gather information!" said Toby, very much shocked. "Don't judge a book by its cover. Lets just say that I dabble in a form of lost magic." said Zalty.

Toby was confused as Lyon said,"You're a creep you know that. I'll allow it.". The room started to shake intensely with debris and rubble falling from the ceiling and walls. The pillars and states soon began to crumble through the room. "It's an earthquake!" said Toby. Both Lyon and Zalty both knew that it wasn't one. This island has never had an earthquake being that they came in little bursts and not a single one.

It also happened on one side of the temple. "No it isn't." said Lyon. "The building is going to fall apart on us!" said Toby.  Finally with one last rumble, the temple was soon tilted to one side being that the trio soon lost their balance and fell to the ground. The floor in the middle of the room soon fell apart with something jumping in between the pieces of rubble. Zane soon stood there with his arms crossed.   

He looked right at Lyon with a glare being that if he looked at either Toby and Zalty, he would chuckle for different reason. "So is he the one?" said Lyon. "Yes. I think he's the one who used Salamander's raw power to destroy the support beams of the temple and tilt it just enough so that the energy from the Moon Drip wouldn't shine on Deliora. You're quite the tactician." said Zalty. "Thanks pipsqueak. I just used my tools to my advantage." said Zane, pointing to the hole.

The three soon looked down to see Natsu and a strange creature there. This is a clone of Zane being that he was currently in Basilisk Form. He's about 8 feet tall and weighs about 460 pounds. His skin gets covered in scales with his body having purple scales except for his stomach and the underside of his arms are a crimson red hue. He doesn’t wear shoes. He wears no shirt with him having black trousers. They have a faint orange pinstripe pattern and a very large padlock shaped buckle.

He has a large scorpion like tail. His tail's coloration is covered in purple scales with the underside of his tail being covered in crimson red scales. He wears a collar around his neck with a broken chain hanging from the bottom. He wears two cuffs around his ankles and wrists with broken chains. He has bright red eyes with black slit pupils with large and sharp teeth and claws. He has a muscular physique. He has two spiral shaped horns.

He's wearing the short black robe/cloak like all of Zane's forms. "I bet you're impressed with the power of Basilisk Form." said the reptile. Basilisk Form is a clone while the real Zane was above them. "Yeah, yeah whatever. I'm an expert at destroying things on accident." said Natsu. "What the hell are you two doing here?!" yelled an enraged Lyon. "We're doing some remodeling because as of now, a demon breaking it would ruin the resale value." said Zane, putting his hands behind his head.

The Zane clone disappeared with Zane saying,"Here's the thing your highness. I knew the Achilles Heel of your plan upon seeing your ritual for the first time.". Before they began their plan which was knocking out the unnamed grunts with ease, Zane told Natsu on how the magic worked. He said that the magic usually follows a straight path being that the path is thanks to the magic circle with Natsu just nodding his head.

He didn't understand what Zane was talking about being that his plan was to just destroy the temple before the ceremony. Zane used this to his advantage being that wizards of Fairy Tail were the kings and queens of causing destruction. "Why the hell are you idiots doing this?!" roared Lyon. "First rule of being a superhero is to meddle when you don't or should need to plus you're going to hurt innocent people and that is something I can't stand for." said Zane.

Lyon glared at Zane with Toby saying,"Um. This may be a dumb question but what's going on?". "It's simple Dog Man. We're the reason why the temple is tilting like this. We destroyed about half of the pillars supporting the temple, in order to make it tip over on its side." said Zane. "You're quite the smart one aren't you boy? Using an idiot like Salamander like that is quite ingenious." said Zalty with a smile. Natsu heard this,"Hey! I'm not an idiot!".

Zane said,"Ignore this perverted old man. Just get up here already." said Zane. Natsu smiled as fire soon come out of the bottom of his feet, propelling him like a rocket. He was going to take a while to get there. "So why did you allow this total pervert to join up with you? I mean he seems pretty weak but when you have Dog Man, a perv like him seems better in comparison." said Zane. "Sir. Do you mind if I take care of him?" said Zalty.

Lyon looked at him as Zalty said,"I think the idiot will be an easy opponent for you.". "No. I'll deal with these two myself." said Lyon. "And here I thought that you were somewhat smart Lyon. You may have gotten the advantage over Gray but against me or Natsu, you're going to fall." said Zane with him getting ready to fight him. "Just who the hell do you think you are to challenge me in such a manner?" said Lyon.

Zane smiled as he said,"You know Lyon. If I had a nickel for every time an evil bastard has said that to me, I could easily buy seventeen mansions. The name is Zane Alvarez, Void Knight and residential superhero. Ignore the Fairy Tail mark, I may not be a member if things go the way expected. I'm also here to kick your ass for hurting the villagers.". Much to everyone's shock including Natsu who was prepared to use Fire Dragon Sword Horn on him, Zane was the first one to strike.

He punched directly in the stomach, launching the wizard into the walls. All the air left his lungs being that he soon began to shatter like glass and turn into dust. "Did you just kill him man?!" yelled Natsu. "Not at all. That was a fake wasn't it?" said Zane, brushing the dust of Lyon off him. "Ice Make: Eagle!" said Lyon. A flock of ice birds flew directly toward Natsu ,who was still floating in the air, with Toby saying,"Ha! You can't dodge in mid-air can you?!".

Before Natsu could use his fire to blast the ceiling in order to dodge the flow, they were blasted to pieces by arrows. Zane was soon in Archer Form with him saying,"Sorry but it's two on one and the odds are stacking in our favor!". Before Lyon could react to this, he soon ducked from Natsu's attack. This attack was done by Natsu who was focusing his flames into his feet. He soon went into a hand-stand, causing the flames to hit the surrounding area.

Lyon said,"Your magic is nothing more than a joke!". He jumped out of the way of Natsu's flames with him wide open. "Fire Dragon Roar!" said Natsu, releasing a powerful steam of fire right at Lyon. Just before contact, Zalty held out his hands. The ground below Natsu's hands soon began to crumble away being that Zane would have done this as well but he could fly. "Zane! Help me you jerk! I hate that I keep fucking falling!" yelled Natsu as he fell deeper into the temple.

Zane shrugged his shoulders as he said,"Nah. You can do it yourself. So I'm guessing your magic made the ground under Natsu go away.". "And here I thought that Luck was on our side Cold Emperor." said Zalty. Zane looked over at a scorched Toby who said,"So could we keep the whole Toby got charred thing a secret too?". "Are we going to do that?" said Athena. "Nah. That's no fun at all." said Cole.

Lyon then glared at Zalty with him saying,"What does he mean?". "I have no idea what you're talking about sir." said Zalty, pretending to be stupid. "Don't play dumb with me Zalty. Your magic caused that hole in the floor." said Lyon, "And here I thought we're going to explain that to him as well. I guess he's smarter than he looks." said Kane. "You're quite observant. I can't lose you before the ceremony. You're the one who will kill Deliora." said Zalty.

Sivarth said,"Does she seriously think that he could do that?". "Who knows?" said Twilight with the room being covered in a dense, cold fog. "The only who saw through your plan is that feline over there and I highly doubt he'll fall for it if you try that again. Both of you leave this room right now. I shall handle this myself!" said Lyon. The room was soon covered in ice being that the floors and most of the walls were frozen.

Zane smiled as he said,"Oh wow. I'm going to enjoy erasing that smug look off your face.". He knew that arrogance can blind you even more than anger can being that most of his enemies and him have been blinded by their arrogance, usually leading to their downfall. He was going to enjoy this more than he wanted to being that he soon turned to see Natsu, crawling from a nearby hole that wasn't frozen over. "Thanks Zane." said Natsu in a sarcastic tone.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Welcome.". "I'm going to be the one to defeat Deliora. Everyone will know my name throughout the world Cold Emperor Lyon. I've worked myself too hard to allow these fools to tarnish my name!" said Lyon. "Oh wow. Things are really heating up." said Zalty. "Wow. He is really full of himself." said Cole. "Why the hell do you want to fight that thing? He's almost dead to begin with! You went to all of this just to melt the ice so you could fight it?" said Natsu.

Zane nodded as he said,"He's a messed up fool Natsu. You defeating Deliora? I guess you're a bigger fool than I first thought. He isn't a low level demon of Zeref but one of the bosses. Taking care of this demon would prevent her plan for coming into motion but you're nothing more than a child craving attention. I'm going to be the one to kill since I've killed big and badder things before now. Find a different goal. Ur wouldn't want this.".

Natsu looked confused as Lyon said while gathering magic into his hands,"I'm doing this to surpass Ur's legacy. I don't know why Gray told you her name and of our connection but it doesn't matter. My dream shall never die no matter what!". He soon fired another barrage of ice birds toward them with them either missing their targets or being destroyed by arrows and fire. "Why would you go this far to try and surpass her?!" said Zane.

He soon use a net arrow to capture a flock of them which Natsu promptly burned. "You're risking several people's lives in order to comfort your damage pride! Gray did what he thought was right back by then and he still lives with the grief of his actions! I've been in both you and Gray's shoes before our fight and trust me, you can never truly forget the pain of losing someone close. Don't you care about the legacy that Ur left behind?!" said Zane.

The trio of Lyon, Natsu, and Zalty looked at him in confusion. Toby would have if he knew what was going on. "I won't stand here and be lectured by you! I don't know what Gray told you but I don't care about him anymore! I cared for Ur very much and I've shown great restraint in letting her killer live this long." said Lyon, clenching his teeth. "Gray didn't tell me a thing. I read both you and his mind to find out the reason behind your conflict." said Zane.

Natsu said,"Um mind explain to me what the hell are you two talking about? I mean he's going too far right? Fight her directly instead of doing all of this!" said Natsu. Zane facepalmed as he said,"Did you seriously forget that Ur was Gray and Lyon's master who gave her life up to seal the demon away." said Zane. Natsu looked shocked as he said,"So that's what he meant.". "And now you get it don't you Natsu. I'm right aren't I Lyon?".

Lyon sighed as he said,"He's correct Natsu was it? I knew that coward wouldn't say anything about his past to you. Ur gave up her life to case Iced Shell being that she's been long dead for years! She would still be here if it wasn't for Gray!". "If that's the case, your actions here are stupider than Gray hiding this from Natsu and the rest of Fairy Tail. You can't be serious about trying to prove yourself to her!" said Zane.

Zane clenched his fist as he said,"She's been watching over you and Gray since then and she's shocked at your actions. Freeing a demon like Deliora just to prove yourself to a ghost?! She wouldn't want any of this! You're making her sacrifice pointless!". He knew too well how strong the power of a love one can be being that he uses it to motivate himself to keep on going even after all this time. However, he knew well that this can be used for evil as well.

He knew that Malik ,aka his alternative dimension, was blinded by grief of losing everyone he ever cared about to his Kevin. For more info, check out Zero Episode 50-80. I wish I was kidding about that but it's the truth. Zane often used the memories of his family and friends to keep going even with most of them ,about 90 percent, being long gone. Zane knew that Lyon was like Malik being that he was doing this as a way to grieve but to disrespect his master like that, he was a monster. 

Natsu was shocked by Zane being that he knew that Zane kept his secrets from everyone being that they believe that in time, Zane would talk. However, he didn't expect Zane to be carrying so much pain on his shoulder. "Shut up!" yelled Lyon. He soon sent a flurry of ice eagles directly at Zane being that Zane told Natsu not to interfere. He soon aimed his bow at them, firing a single arrow right at the birds.

Toby said,"Ha! You're a real fool!". "Don't be fooled. His arrows haven't missed before. So why would they miss now?" said Zalty, worried/excited to see what Zane would do next. The single arrow soon destroyed all of the birds with Natsu saying,"He's right Lyon! Zane may be a jerk but he knows what he's taking about! Ur wouldn't want this!". "I've had enough of you two." said Lyon. Thanks to Natsu being frustrated by Lyon's conflicting nature, he didn't see an ice eagle.

It was about a few inches away from his face. It would have hit him but it was soon destroyed by the arrow that destroyed the flock. "Captain Oblivious is right. You're angry Lyon. I get that too well in fact. I've been done that path before. I lashed out at others just because of what happened in the PAST. You're hurting innocent people just to make yourself well known? I can't allow you to keep going with that bullshit you're spewing out of your god dam mouth!" said Zane.

He fired an arrow directly at Lyon, with it slicing his cheek. He was soon bleeding as Zane said,"You may not see it like that but bastards like you deserve an ass kicking! You can't keep living in the past Lyon! Ur wouldn't want this! She saved you and Gray back then because she wanted you to become two powerful wizards!" said Zane. He soon deactivated Archer Form only to go into a new form known as Chronos Form.

He turned into an robot with him being about eight feet tall. He has a lean build with thin armor and muscle lining in his body. His body is gold and navy blue. He has two purple eyes. He wears a silver helmet with a gold jaw guard. His brain is plasma with him having a mechanical tongue and copper snout. His right hand is a gatling gun. He wears a silver vest with a gold clockwork pattern. He wears black boots with him always producing steam from his body.

His helmet has a large horn protruding from the top it. He has a strange infinity symbol on his right shoulder blades. On his back, he has a clock like shield to it. He's wearing the short cloak just like his other forms. His body is always ticking and he has a noticeable robotic voice to him. "I don't care about this Take-Over you have! I'll shall stop it with my ice!" said Lyon, firing another wave of ice at Zane. Natsu was prepared to block it only for Zane to say,"Don't mess with time Lyon.".

He held his hand ,glowing blue, out in front of him as he said,"Accelerate!". Everyone soon watched the ice wave turn back into water, much to their shock. "This form of mine makes time go forward and back so lets stop you in your track. Ready to begin your lesson in defeat?" said Zane. "Yeah man! After this, we have to fight!" said Natsu, with his fists flaming. The two soon rushed at Lyon as Zane thought,"Gray. Get your ass over here now before I take him down.".

Outside in the jungle, the group of Erza, Gray, Happy, Lucy, and Sly were on the way back to the temple in order to meet up with Natsu and for two of them, Zane. "So Lyon wants to defeat and kill Deliora?!" said Lucy. "Yeah. It's pretty obvious Lucy and wow, you can be loud sometimes. I bet I could hear you from three islands over and Zane could hear you from twelve plus islands over." said Sly in a second.

Happy said,"Not all of us are mind readers you know and do you even have ears?". "I do." said Sly as Erza looked at them, telling them to be quiet so Gray could talk. "Ever since I've known him, Lyon has been obsessed with surpassing Ur." said Gray, running ahead of the group. "Since she's gone, it seems that Lyon is trying to surpass her by defeating Deliora, something she couldn't do." said Gray as Erza made them stop so he can explain himself better.

Lucy sighed as she said,"Well yeah. I guess that's the only way to surpass the dead.". "Aye." said Happy. "Listen. He doesn't know something. Ur promised me to keep it a secret mainly from him but if it will stop him, I'll break her promise. She's still alive!" said Gray, punching a tree. Happy and Lucy were shocked as Erza and Sly stood by waiting for an explanation. "It been 10 years but I can never forget what happened." said Gray.

Next time,
What happened between Gray and Lyon? How much does Zane really know about their past? And will this next episode title will hopefully make sense! his and more next time on Fairy Legion!

New Cards/Forms that haven't been seen in Zero yet:
Basilisk Form. This card has a black frame with a dinosaur like creature silhouette in the center of the card with a meteor in the background. This Form hasn't been introduced in Zero yet and it doesn't have a Prime Form. This form is a powerful reptile. He can grows a tail and wings.

Chronos Form. This card has a black frame with a clock in the center of it and a robot flying by it an incredible speed. This Form hasn't been introduced in Zero yet and it does have a Prime Form. This form is the master of time. He’s able to make two butterfly/jet wings come out of his back with him able to reach at least mach 20. 

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