Monday, July 1, 2019

Zero Episode 121 Molten Archenemy PT 2 The Outcome

A/N: Yeah. I've finally posted another part to Zero and man, do we have a lot to talk about. The first thing is that I've introduced a lot of forms last episode aka three. I only have a couple left to introduce before I can officially bring out one of Zane's combo known as Zero Smackdown. I may just adjust it if I really want to use the combo on a enemy but who knows? The combos are meant for the highly durable opponents such as Basalt.

Fun fact, I was thinking about using one on Jose but honestly, it would have been overkill. I mean you saw how much Zane wrecked Jose so adding a combo would have been too much even for me since I used Nightmare Form. I love writing overkill because there is no kill like overkill. I also truly believe that wizards in Fairy Tail are more durable than the normal people that Zane fought against when he was a teen.

I honestly think that this and I should have save this for Fairy Legion but nah. So Jose could survive one combo alongside a Prime Form. He isn't someone a no name wizard being that he's a wizard saint which is part of a group which consist of strong characters after all. He could easily survive against a being made out of sound perfectly fine and not be over kill. This rant will make sense once Fairy Legion Episode 40 comes out I promise.

Anyway as you clearly know by now, I tend to just write as I got along. I mean it isn't a good way to do your story aka Fairy Tail but hey, I'm doing this for funny not as my actual job. It's a hobby rather than a job. You may be wondering what I mean by that but check out the Fairy Tail Wiki and look at the Did you know section? I would say that this is a problem with Erza but I say more Hiro's way of writing. I could go either way on that.

Oh and I'm update to date with the anime despite me refusing to watch it because it's the Alvarez Empire Arc. I'll be making it better. I won't say that the original is bad but man it has problems and those problems are noticeable in the Anime, making hard to watch. I try not to roll my eyes and I will bring up these problems. So back to Zero. I should mention this now but like how I added Jordan and Leo's powers and what type of fighter they are at the end of Zero Episode 115, I'll be doing that again.

A new member of Team Maelstrom has appeared with him helping Zane against Basalt thanks to his RV. Hint, it's Efren. After this episode, two members remained for Team Maelstrom. Who will join this group? I'll give you a hint. We haven't met either of them but the two are connected to two characters already seen in the series and they are part of the fairer sex. Get theorizing or not. I mean you do you.

I mean I love a good One Piece theory being that they can either range from something total out there or could be totally possible. Here's my point. All One Piece theories ,good to bad or dumb to totally make sense, are way better than the reveal of Komurasaki. Still hate the revival of that character and when I do my recap of Act 1 and 2, she'll be a point for the negative. I mean it's so obvious and this is coming from a guy who missed a major game chance in Fairy Tail until the second last arc.

Last thing that I should mention is that this fight and Molten Archenemy as a whole may be seen in Fairy Legion. Not sure what I'm going to do in Fairy Legion but lets just say that Edolas will be very different. I had an idea when I was working the other day and lets just say that it changes Edolas in a major way. It's like I mentioned before. Zane changes Fairy Tail in either major or minor ways. Lets begin on the Indefatigable which is an amazing name for a ship and very hard to spell.

Narrator P.O.V.
Most of Basalt's robotic army ,aka the lightning bolt robots from Zero Episode 108 being that their name are the Gammas, were all hard at work inputting various commands into computers that all over the room. It was very similar to the room contained Fallout being in the center of the room, there is a unique containment unit. It appears to be circular with a large cylinder shaped part in the top and lower left and right part of the circle. It looked to be able to hold someone in place.

As the drones were calibrating said device, the door to the room opened. All of the drones stopped working as the trio of Basalt, Booker, and Lidox walked into the room. One of the servants soon left his station and stepped in front of his master. "Captain Basalt. We've finished calibration for the device to extract the Z.E.R.O. watch from Zero without activating the energy pulse." said the Gamma with Basalt smiling.

Lidox smirked as he said,"And you said going to that pompous idiot was a waste of time. So where is my thanks for capturing all of Zero's family and team to use as bait.". "Good job. Did they happen to destroy any Upsilons during the extraction?" said Basalt. "Only twenty out of the thousand units that we bought in bulk sir. They were destroyed by these people in particular." said the Gamma. He soon saw Basalt a holographic screen.

Basalt watched the Upsilons ,aka the soldier like robots, fighting against Team Maelstrom. "These people in particular are members of Zero's team known as Team Maelstrom." said the Gamma as the screen vanished. "Interesting. Did you bring them abroad?" said Basalt. "We did but put them in a different room. They'll be out for a while. Not even an sonic boom could wake them but they will live so they can be sold off to someone. I feel like these ones will get Zero here faster." said the Gamma.

He soon typed commands on the computer that he was at being that upon finishing, the walls on the other side of the room slowly opened up. When the wall completely up into the ceiling, it soon  revealed the group of Atem, Karen, Kristen, Natasha, Nova, Rachel, Rain, Roxy, Shawn who was unconscious, Sierra, Uriel, and Zoey. They were all pined up against the hall hanging by energy robes and cuffs very much likes Fallout who was in another room.

Basalt walked up to them with Natasha saying,"Let us go!". She struggled to move but to no avail with her worried about her husband. He protected her from those robots that managed to split past the defenses of Zane's team earlier. Basalt took a deep breath with him watching the group struggling to break out of their prison. "Quiet and stop struggling!" yelled Basalt, releasing magma from his body and burned away two very unfortunate Gammas that were nearby him.

All of the prisoners stopped movement being that they looked at the Maferno in complete fear. "So what do you want with us?" said Uriel. "Nothing from you. You and the rest of the prisoners are bait an individual and if he thinks of ignoring me again...." said Basalt. He soon pressed his right claw against Uriel's throat with the five year old unable to move a muscle. "You're young but I'm sure that you've seen something melt in front of you." said Basalt, removing his claw.

Lidox rolled his eyes as he said,"So you do know that we have a limit supply of the crew right? I mean it's kinda hard to buy them since we....". Basalt looked at him with the alien sighing. "Never mind. I'll just go on Spacetronics. They should have them I think." said Lidox, leaving the room. "So who are you going to get your hands on?" said Rachel. Basalt stood in front of the devil princess with him just staring at her, causing her to flinch in terror.

Basalt said,"No. If he didn't decided to run away like the coward he is, I would have been kind and just ended his pathetic life. However, he managed to piss me off like the rest of his rogues. I'll end his life and the entire planet.". "So what do you want with this guy?" said Kristen. "He holds the most powerful weapon in the Omniverse but he tends use it as a play toy to help people." said Basalt as he frowned. "And what are you going to use it for?" said Roxy.

Basalt smiled as he said,"To take over the Omniverse. Even as a child, I was promised greatness and I conquered my home planet. I'll use it to make an army of robots that can synch up with the weapon to mimic its immense powers. They'll serve me without question. I'll be invincible and the only thing in front of me is him!". A holographic screen soon appeared from within Booker's face with it showing Zane ,in Kitsune Form, who fighting against Betas aka Last Episode.

The girls (Uriel and Zoey) said,"Daddy!". "Yes. Your father has the Z.E.R.O. watch and soon I'll get that!" said Basalt, chuckling darkly. "No you won't." said a voice. Basalt soon looked at Atem who glared heavily at the conqueror. "Zane is easily going to beat you. He doesn't give up and will keep fighting even if he's injured. He saved Sierra from her father and Rachel from her arranged marriage so he'll...." said Atem.

Basalt interrupted Atem by swiping at the young mummy with his claws. Everyone closed their eyes tightly, expecting the worse to happen to the eleven year old. When everyone opened their eyes, they slightly gasp as they saw Atem's face. Basalt had sliced Atem's face, leaving behind a claw shaped cut. "Big brother!" shouted Uriel and Zoey, crying. "Don't speak again or I'll burn you alive where you stand mummy." said Basalt, glaring heavily at the back talking child.

Atem didn't let it show but he was in an incredible amount of pain but he looked at the floor with him whimpering. Basalt turned to face the rest of his prisoners with him saying,"Anything else you want to add?". They were all quiet as Basalt smiled. "Good." said Basalt. "Captain/Boss. We're detecting the Z.E.R.O. watch coming in close proximity of us." said a drone. "Good. Enjoy your last moments alive Alvarez family." said Basalt. He left the room as the door to their prison closed.

Three hours earlier. "If you don't show up with the Z.E.R.O. watch, I'll let Fallout go and cause a nuclear fallout on your precious Cypress Park and then kill everyone you care about." said Lidox's hologram. The group of Efren, Parker, and Zane along with the trio of Kurt, Lucius, and Scott who had arrived a few minutes earlier had just finished watching the holographic alien's message with them all in a state of complete shock.

Kurt, Lucius, and Scott were all breathing heavily as they stared angrily at the disk with Efren and Parker having an expression of pure anger with a vein coming throbbing out of the human's forehead with the Eazairvian showing no sign. Zane ,who had deactivated out of Radiation Form and was in his casual clothing, stared at the desk with his hair covering his eyes. "I can't believe that our family got captured again by another bad guy. What are we going to do?" said Kurt.

Lucius cupped his chin with him saying,"Don't know brother but seeing Uncle Nate back to how he was before becoming Fallout is something else. I wonder how.". "I have an idea." said Scott. The two turned to the police captain with Efren saying,"Whatcha talking about captain?". Soon after the trio of Kurt, Lucius, and Scott Efren was told Zane's secret identity as Legion Zero but Efren already had an idea about Legion Zero and Zane being the same since to him, they act just like his master.

Scott ignored the bearded man with him saying,"I heard about this secret cache of high-tech weapons hidden inside of Mount Rushmore by Swarm when they were here, blaming Zane of being Legion Zero due to Preston wanting Zane to pay for punching him. We'll get what we needed and take down Basalt for good!". "That's correct human but the cache belongs to the Alliance now." said Parker, correcting Scott. "Does that matter?" said Efren.

Parker shrugged as Kurt said,"That's a good idea but Basalt may just kill them on the spot if we show up there. He wants my little bro and I refuse to let him go off to his death.".  Lucius nodded with him saying,"I agree with Kurt. We already saw our brother lose himself to his anger and I don't want that to happen again.". "Yeah but I don't want to lose Karen! She's the only family I have left and I refuse to let her die by that overgrown lava lamp!" yelled Scott.

Before anyone could do anything, there was a large smash attracting their attention. Zane stood there with him crushing the holo-disk and table in his hand who had expanded in size with his expression showing that he was pissed off. Both Kurt and Lucius remember the one time that Zane got mad in their youth being that the poor animal didn't have a chance to apologize for ruining their family picnic with Aunt Isabel and Uncle Nate.

His eyes were covered by his hair with them being a gold color rather than the normal storm gray color. His power and anger were coming off his body in waves, causing everyone except for Parker to back away from him. He had several cruciform shaped veins above his eyes with his eyes twitching a lot. "I'm going to end that magma bastard's life for targeting my treasure!" roared Zane with him soon breathing out his signature fire.

Kurt said,"Calm down bro. We all feel the same but you need to think rationally here. Remember the last time that you let your anger get the best of you. I'm sure you do.". Zane took several deep breaths with him looking right at the crushed holo-disk and table. His older brother was right. Even though he could regenerate from magma, most of his family couldn't. Him losing a single one of them would make it impossible to control himself.

Zane took one final deep breath with him looking at both Parker and Scott. "So Mount Rushmore then. That's where we need to go right?" said Zane. Scott nodded as he said,"Yes. We need to get going but how are we going to get there?". "That's where I come in gang. So you need to follow me to the Vindicator!" said Efren. The bearded man exited the house with Lucius saying,"So who is this guy?". "Help and that's what matters. Lets go." said Zane.

The five soon left the house with Efren saying,"Hey guys. We may have a problem.". Zane soon looked up to see fifty Upsilons aiming their weapons at them. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane created a massive wall of candy syrup ,using his arms and legs, in front of him and the rest of his group. The wall was soon hit with a barrage of laser blasts with Zane saying,"Sweet Dam! Okay. It's robot smashing time!".

Kurt nodded as he jumped over the wall. He soon smashed into several Upsilons after covering his body in his signature black and white flames. He soon kicked them toward Lucius who smashed them into scrap metal by increasing his muscles. Scott aimed his gun at the Upsilons with his bullets not doing anything. "Damn. Zane. Got a way for me to fight? Don't exactly have super powers." said Scott. "Here. Catch." said Zane with him throwing the police captain Termination.

Scott smiled as he began firing at any Upsilons that came near the wall, piercing them with Impulse bullets. Efren soon made two blade hammers and began smashing them. Parker looked at Zane who was focused on keeping the wall from piercing the house and he said to Zane,"Zane. Go fight. We'll fix the house once this is all over. I'll protect Scott since he's the only normal human.". Zane nodded with him soon transform into Brick Form. It was given an upgrade like several others forms.

He changed from a weird looking building block like creature into a more organic version. He's now twelve feet tall. He has a slender yet muscular figure to him. His skin color is a black color with green stripes. His head is a white circle shape and he has two indigo eyes with black markings over them. His chest is a rectangular shape. He still has large arms and legs with his arms and legs consisting of large steel gray bricks. 

Zane's feet and hands are now a circle shape with five thin brick like fingers and toes to it with holes in the center of his palms and soles. He fired a barrage of blocks at the robots from his arm which turned into a cannon shape. The blocks either exploding upon contact or releasing fire, ice and lightning upon contact. After twenty minutes of fighting, the quartet of Efren, Kurt, Lucius, and Zane ,still in Block Form, faced down against a Goliath who showed up after they defeated the last Upsilon.

Kurt turned toward his little brother as he said,"So what's the plan? I mean I won't say that this thing being here is my fault.". "Saying that nothing could go possibly wrong will always triggered the Omniverse to do something Kurt. You and I both know this." said Lucius. "I said it by accident Lucius and you know it." said Kurt. The two were glaring at each other as Zane sighed. "Focus you two." said Zane. "So what's the plan? I'm up for anything." said Efren.

Zane looked at his older brothers with him saying,"Mind keeping it stationary for me you two and not fighting each other?". "You got it bro." said the duo. Kurt soon made two fire constructs hands and grabbed the Goliath. Lucius held in place with magnetism with him saying,"Just try to keep your fire's temperature low enough little brother. My magnetism will be destroy if you do.". "I'm not an idiot brother like you think I am." said Kurt.

Efren looked at Zane who turned into a catapult and smiled. Efren soon jumped into the catapult and Zane launched the prisoner toward the robot. Efren soon punched his way through the Goliath, causing an explosion. Before the explosion could affect the surrounding area, Zane formed into a giant barrier around it. As the explosion settled, Zane reformed into his normal shape and then he deactivated the form.

Zane soon looked at his older brother and new friend with him saying,"Good job you three. I think this is just a warm up to the main event. I'm pretty sure that Basalt's ship is guarded or will know about us heading toward him so he can be prepared for whatever we could do to him.". Kurt nodded as he said,"Yeah you're right little brother. Lets go. You two ready to go?". Parker and Scott nodded as the six entered the Vindicator.

Efren entered the driver's seat with him inserting the coordinates of Mount Rushmore into the RV's FPS. After doing that, he soon lifted up a compartment which there was a single red button. He pressed down on the button with the headlights of the Vindicator lifted up and shifted to the side of the motor home. Rocket boosters soon appeared with the vehicle taking off at a high speed being that the cop in the vehicle tried not to say anything about the speed limit.

Efren shouted,"Hell to the yeah! Thanks Zane!". He was driving around obstacles on the road with him saying,"We should be there in no time flat. Give or take a couple of hours.". He soon turned around with the group looking at him. "What? Is there something on my nose?" said Efren. "No but since we have time to talk, we're going to talk and well you need a fresh change of clothes." said Zane as Efren nodded. "You got it." said Efren.

The drive to Mount Rushmore could be described with two words. Those words would be silence and tension. For the whole drive and after their talk, no much was said. The silence would occasionally be broken by Efren and Kurt talking about seemingly random things to calm their nerves. Efren had been given a major makeover thanks to String Form after Efren's shower. He wears a dark blue leather sukajan jacket with several holes in it, two pockets, and a hood.

He wears a black long sleeved shirt ,being that it expose his muscles and well-defined torso, with dark red stripes making a magical pentagram on the front of it. He wears a bandolier wrapped around his chest from some strange reason. He wears bluish black jeans and blood red combat boots. He has a blade of grass/twig in the side of his mouth, being that it makes him look cooler. He wears a pair of curved, thin dark purple sunglasses.

Scott looked at his future son in law who was talking with Parker about Basalt and what he's capable about. Their nerves were on high being that Basalt was nearly unstoppable. He doesn't mind killing or wiping out an entire planet just to get what he wants. "Zane. You can't take him even the tiniest bit lightly. You understand right?" said Parker. "Yeah. I'll bring my A Game and trust me, the bastard won't know what hit him." said Zane, clenching his fist tightly.

Lucius looked at the GPS with him seeing that they were almost at their destination. "Hey. We are almost here so be ready for anything." said Lucius, earning a head nod from the entire group. Scott soon felt the ground shaking with him saying,"You guys feel that too right?". They all soon looked outside to see Basalt's ship floating above them, parting right through the clouds. Like earlier, the bottom of the ship opened and Basalt's spiked sphere pod came falling down to the Earth below.

Upon landing, it created a massive crater on the ground and created a giant dust cloud. "Get going to Mount Rushmore now!" yelled Zane. "You're not facing him alone are you?!" said Kurt. "I doubt you forgot what happened last time." said Lucius. "Yeah but right now, I need you guys to get the gear so we can save everyone. I promise that I won't die here so go. Please." said Zane. Efren looked at Zane with him seeing the teen shaking but look determined.

Efren grabbed Zane's shoulders with him saying,"You got my support. Just keep him busy until we get the proper gear.". "Efren! What are you....." said Scott. "He's right. Zane is strong enough to keep Basalt busy. I don't want my godson to fight that monster alone but we need to save the people who were captured." said Parker. Kurt, Lucius, and Scott looked at Zane who was focused on the giant metal sphere, waiting for it to open to reveal Basalt.

Zane turned to his family and future father in law with Zane smiling. This simple gesture reassured them with the trio saying,"Be careful.". Zane nodded as he turned to face the sphere and phasing out of the vehicle as it drove toward the mountain. Once they were long gone, the sphere released a cloud of steam as it opened up. Basalt stood there with him making the ground shake with each step. Zane just looked at Basalt without any fear. "So you showed up." said Basalt.

Zane nodded with him saying,"I did. Let my family and team go now before things get uglier than they already have.". "Sorry but that won't be happening until I get what I want and take out my anger on the brat who stands in my way!" said Basalt, with him narrowing his eyes at the brat. He soon released two massive streams of lava at Zane. The teen dodged them as he activated Archon Zero  and jumped back. "Sweet Arctic Bombardment!" said Zane.

Several fists came out of Zane's body with him all of them aimed at Basalt. He soon fired them off being that Basalt noticed that this attack would hit him from all sides. He was about to dodge but the fists moved faster than expected, leaving behind steam. Each hit felt like he had been pelted by a barrage of meteors. The fists stopped being that Basalt saw that Zane was long gone. The Maferno looked for Zane with him soon hearing,"Giant Slam!".

Basalt looked up to see Zane with his right arm and fist looking much bigger, becoming gigantic and was covered in Vulcan Emperor's scales. He unleashed it onto Basalt with the alien releasing a giant wave of magma. Zane clenched his teeth as he pushed his fist through the magma and slammed it down on Basalt, breaking the ground below him. "Your strength is unmatched Zero!" said Basalt with Crisis Judgement going off.

He turned intangible as a giant stream of magma covered the entire area, burning everything in the area to ash. Zane landed on the burned ground with him seeing Basalt. The man brushed off the dirt as he said,"I guess you're not stupid after all.". "Yeah. I get that a lot. So are you ready to lose?" said Zane. He soon activated his costume with him putting his fists ready to fight just as Basalt did the same. The two charged at each other, ready to fight.

Meanwhile, the Vindicator was rushing toward the mountain side at top speed as Efren said,"I always wanted to see this place but not like this.". Efren made a quick right turn and started to drive on the mountain as Scott clung on parts of the RV for dear life. "Is it weird that I think mom's driving when she's mad is worse than this?" said Kurt. "Yeah. You don't want to piss off that lady whatsoever. It's just like Zane. Those two are scary when they're angry." said Lucius.

Efren said,"So are we heading in the right direction? I mean I've never been to this place so knowing about a secret weapon cache is pretty much impossible.". "Yes you fool. I put in the coordinates so it will not fail." said Parker. Efren shrugged as he drove along the mountain but stopped once he hit a dead end blocked by a "Road Closed" sign. When Efren stopped the motor home, Scott said,"Now what Parker?". "We go underground." said Parker.

The ground below the RV soon began to shake as it soon lower them into the mountain. They were soon lower into an unknown room being that the platform eventually stopped. "We're here. So lets get armed and ready." said Parker. The group soon left the RV with them seeing that they were in a larger than normal room mostly colored crimson with drawers all over the walls. "Wow. So what are we getting from here?" said Lucius. "Anything to get our family back." said Efren.

Kurt and Lucius looked at Efren with them saying,"Since when have they been your family?". The once bearded man looked at them as he said,"Um. I kinda felt like saying it.". The two hit him with Scott sighing. "So explain to me why the strong ones are so idiotic." said Scott to Parker who was on his left shoulder. "That's been a question I've asked myself for a long time. Now come on. Lets get going." said Parker. "Right." said Scott.

Back with Zane, he soon dodged Basalt's magma blast for what seems like ten times now. "Sweet Punch!" said Zane. His punch went right through Basalt who dodged it and smacked Zane into the ground using his foot. Basalt landed with Zane getting back on his feet. "Sweet Domination and then Maiden Clan's Secret Technique: Rotation Kick!" said Zane. He had several arms appear from his body with them looking like he activated Sweet Forge.

His arms were covered in Vulcan Emperor's scales being that he sent all of them at Basalt who stood there. He took most of them with him getting pushing back a bit. "Your punches are not weak Zane but they're nothing! Eruption Punch!" said Basalt. Zane was smacked backwards by Basalt's fist and the lava/magma covered Zane in extremely hot magma. Zane landed on the ground with his body slowly regenerating from the magma and he said,"That's nothing compared to my fire!".

He soon got on his hands and twisted his body ,by turning his body into his liquid form, and released himself toward Basalt. The alien soon watched Zane become a living spinning top with Zane firing off several rapid fire kicks. Basalt jumped back with him seeing that the ground below Zane was either destroyed by the sheer pressure of those kicks or turned into stone. Basalt soon heard,"Sweet Vulcan Bombardment!".

He soon got hit with a Sweet Bombardment being that he dodged most of them with him grimacing in pain. "Dam. These punches could easily smash through steel but I'm not weak." thought Basalt as he reached Zane. He soon punched Zane directly in the stomach, sending him flying into the side of a hill and making a crater. Basalt soon appeared the hero with him kicking him directly through the hill and Zane landed on the other side of said hill.

Zane slowly stood back up with him hearing,"You're more durable than the previous Zeros that's for damn sure. I always wanted to face one of your kind in combat but for some reason, they kept dying to that freak which you defeated.". Basalt soon appeared with Zane saying,"So? I don't want you to compare to me anyone else. This is between me and you.". "Pride will get you killed. Just some friendly advice to a fellow warrior." said Basalt.

Zane activated Vulcan Emperor's full appearance and began rushing off. Basalt stood there as Zane appeared behind him. "Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Magnum!" shouted Zane. His right arm soon expanded to be five times bigger than Zane in Vulcan Emperor with the scales around the arm getting thicker and his steal completely covering his body. He soon sends it toward Basalt being that it was blocked by the alien who was pushed into the ground, making a massive crater.

Basalt was soon hit by the fist being that he was sent into the ground. Zane retracted his fist with the alien standing up. His helmet slowly cracked as his face was bleeding. He wiped the blood off his face as he said,"That's the first time I've bleed in a long time but don't push your luck.". Basalt soon punched Zane in the stomach, sending him flying. Basalt soon appeared to the left of Zane with him about to punch him.

Zane dodged it with him saying,"Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Rainmaker!". Zane soon stretched both of his arms and legs back being that they grow in size. They slam into Basalt at an alarming rate being that he soon made multiple arms and legs come out of his body, being that they’re all giant. They all increased the punishment on Basalt, pushing him deeper into the ground. Basalt soon released an explosion of magma, burning away all of the arms and legs from him.

Zane soon looked down at Basalt with the alien saying,"You honestly think that I won't cheating in our fight but I did. Sorry but you've made me mad". Crisis Judgement went off as Zane barely dodged laser fires from the Betas. "You bastards! Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Python!" yelled Zane. He soon arched his body backwards. He soon takes a deep breath being that he soon fire all of his limbs being that he fires out several arms and legs from his body.

He sent them toward the Beta, being unable to dodge the massive amount of limbs with some of them heading toward Basalt who burned them upon contact. "Eruption Hammer!" yelled Basalt as he soon jumped into the air. He soon clasped his hands together, slamming them into Zane who went flying toward the ground. Upon contact with the ground, Zane's body was soon pinned to the ground by harden lava and Basalt punched Zane in the stomach with his hand glowing red hot.

Zane coughed up a huge amount of blood with him saying,"You won't defeat me!". "Oh but I already have you weakling. Eruption Cocoon!" said Basalt, punching Zane in the stomach again and was soon completely covered in magma. It soon hardened over his body with Zane thinking,"I don't want to lose. I already let my family and friends down once. I can't. I won't. I'll never feel the pain as long as I have the strength to fight!".

Basalt soon saw his makeshift prison broke as Zane broke out. He soon deactivated Vulcan Emperor as Zane made Forsaken Dirge and Lazarus Soul appear in his left and right hand respectively. "Lets go! Million Dragon Ton Smash!" yelled Zane. He soon fired off a million air compressed projectile attacks and they slowly turned into dragons, surrounding Basalt. Basalt turned into magma and the attacks sliced his magma and the ground below him was sliced.

Basalt's body soon recovered from the attack with him hearing," Frost Slash!". He soon got parts of his body frozen solid as he turned to see Zane standing there. "You're going down no matter what so bring it...." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as he dodged something coming from Basalt's ship and he saw that it was another holo-disk. A gigantic Booker appeared as he said,"Sorry to interrupt your little fight but I think you've forgotten what we have at play here.".

He soon showed all of Zane's family and team being held hostage with Zane noticing the scar on Atem. "You bastards! I'll kill you for hurting my son!" yelled Zane. He was about to attack but was blasted by magma. Zane screamed as the magma soon harden around his body completely, preventing him from breathing and knocked him out. "Stay like that and beams us up now!" said Basalt. "Yes! I am on it!" said Booker. The two were soon gone, leaving behind a destroyed area.

Zane eventually woke up to see that he was restrained in a circular device like Fallout but all of his limbs were unable to move. He was also surrounded by various sharp blades. "Don't try to struggle at all boy. Your powers are being negated except for your regeneration so just be patient for your very painful torture." said a voice as Zane looked to see Basalt standing there, missing his helmet. "Look here Baldie! Tell me where my treasure is?!" yelled Zane.

Basalt walked up to him as he said,"Watch your tongue brat. I'll just burn it off and watch you grow it back only for me to melt it away again. As for your treasure....". Basalt soon moved out of Zane's vision with his eyes widening to see his harem, kids, and parents still restrained to the wall. The teenagers soon saw Zane with them saying,"Zane!". "You guys! You're okay!" said Zane. "Zane. I know that you were probably beaten around a lot but does it look like we're okay?!" said Natasha.

She pointed to Atem who said,"Hi dad.". Uriel and Zoey smiled at the sight of their dad with Shawn glaring at Basalt. "Basalt. Let my family go and you can have whatever you want from me!" yelled Zane. "You're in no position to be making demands hero. Oh and who gave you the idea of me just letting them go?" said Basalt, stepping in front of Zane. "You heartless bastard!" yelled Zane with his face screaming rage.

Basalt soon released magma onto Zane's head, burning it. "Zane!" yelled the group watching. Zane was screaming as Basalt chuckled. "I don't make deals but demands." said Basalt. He soon turned to one of his humanoid drones who are known as the Gammas. "Prepare for takeoff and once we're in orbit. you and your miserable planet will be destroy once and for all." said Basalt with Zane ,who was slowly regrowing his face and head, glared at Basalt in completely rage.   

Outside, the Vindicator was currently going downhill toward the direction of Basalt's ship which was preparing to fly up into space. "There it is!" said Scott. "We have to get aboard!" said Parker. "And how do we do that? I mean this RV doesn't have wings does it?" said Kurt. "It sure does thanks to my number one guy!" said Efren. He soon looked down at the radio with it shifting to reveal a control panel in its place.

He soon pressed a button with the Vindicator suddenly changing once again. The front of the RV extended out and the sides of the RV formed into plane wings. Above this set of wings, there are four fins above them. The back of the RV transformed into a rocket engine which was slowly gaining speed and glowing green. It started picking up speed before shooting off the hill like a comet toward the front of the ship. Lucius soon covered his eyes with Kurt saying,"Okay. This is one sweet ride!". 

Efren nodded as he said,"Hell yeah! The future is now baby!". The wheels of the RV went into the RV and floated in the air. On the opposite side of the ship, someone was currently cutting a hole into the stern aka the back of the ship and burst inside of the ship. She looked to be in her late 30s or in her early 40s. She's very beautiful with her having a curvy, hourglass figure with it clearly showing that she's a athletic woman. 

Her face and head were covered by a black Kabuto helmet with silver horns and silver visor covering her face. She has straight and wavy burgundy hair that goes down to her shoulders. This sticks out of her helmet. She's wearing a black ,sleeveless, skin-tight bodysuit with a white mini skirt over it. Her bodysuit has half-shoulder, revealing her to be Caucasian. Her mini skirt has a brown belt with a hourglass belt buckle. 

She wears a silver armored chest plate, silver shoulder pads with a gold "hourglass' logo in the center of the shoulder plates, silver gauntlets, and knee-high gray armored boots. Her boots, gauntlets, and suit have gold lines over it. She carries a long scabbard around her hip, attached to her belt. She looked at her right gauntlet with her saying,"He's here. I didn't spend twelve years searching for you and trying to figure a way to free you from your prison.". 

The woman heard,"Intruder detected at the stern.....". The voice stopped as she soon heard a crash. "I guess someone else is here, trying to reclaim a love one. I'll just let them be for now but knowing my luck, I will be meeting them sooner than later." said the woman. She soon ran through the hallway with her slicing down any robot that came in her path. She did this by using the scabbard and unleashing her sword from its scabbard.

Back with Zane, he looked at Basalt who was looking at the many blades that surrounded him and took one that was seemingly only a hilt. It's handle however reminded Zane of a gun being that from the hilt, a long, magma colored blade of energy appeared. It had many curves and points all along it with him walking toward Zane. The alien was about to approach Zane with the blade with him soon stopping just in front of him. "What? Chickening out?" said Zane, smirking.

Basalt shook his head as he said,"Before I claim my prize, I think I'll make you eternally suffer before I find a way to eliminate that pesky will of yours. You'll make a valid servant of my army being that I will have the power of the watch and its user but the watch will be mine.". "Sorry but my will is very stubborn to say the least. Survive your magma bath and an acid bath from the warden so if you think I'll work with you, you got another thing coming." said Zane.

Basalt chuckled with him saying,"Oh. This will be cute and my first victim is the one with the pink hair.". Zane's eyes widened with him yelling,"Don't you fucking dare! Stay away from her!". Basalt ignored Zane with him walking toward the imprisoned, wielding his blade. Everyone there except for Shawn had never been this terrified in their lives with their bodies shaking violently and crying tears of fear.

Uriel closed her eyes as Zane yelled,"No! Leave her alone! I'll give you the stupid watch! Just don't hurt my little girl!". The man ignored the teenage father's request with him raising his sword up and was about to strike down on the five year old. Time slowed down for Zane with him thinking,"Okay Zane. This is no longer fun and games. I need to save Uriel!". He soon gathered up any energy being that he could do if he just gave it his all.

He eventually made a forcefield of Green Nether appear around himself and his cuffs. "Suck it you magma bastard! Your machine may be able to negate some of my powers but nothing can negate my will!" thought Zane. He soon began moving forward and backward, building momentum to break free of his bonds due to Basalt being distracted. However, everyone's attention was soon brought to a singular object as they soon heard a card horn which sound like La Cucaracha.

Suddenly a second later, a hole was blown open. Through the smoke and debris, the Vindicator came charging in and rammed right into Basalt thanks to the front grill extended outwards as a sort of high tech battering ram. "Okay. It's official. That RV is fucking awesome." thought Zane. Basalt dropped his energy blade and crashed him into a wall. On the other side of the room, the woman from earlier had arrived.

Her eyes ,under her helmet, soon widened as she saw Zane alongside Natasha and Shawn. "No. They can't be here too." thought the woman. She soon looked at Zane who was trying to get out as Booker's voice said,"Warning hull breach! Power surge!". Scott soon stepped out of the RV, looking much different than he did before. He was currently holding a large and high-tech green and black cannon that was strapped to his chest.

Said cannon had several tubes and was connected to a mask, covering his eyes. "This is for hurting my daughter and son in law bastard!" yelled Scott, charging up his weapon. "Dad?!" yelled Karen as Basalt slowly got up. During all of this, the armored woman freed Zane by slashing the cuffs off him as he said,"Thanks strange mystery woman.". "Don't worry Zane. You know me and I know you quite well since I saw you when you were cuter than a button." said the woman.

Zane's eyebrow went up as Basalt glared at the man holding the cannon. "You! You can't stop me! You are just a human!" yelled Basalt. Scott didn't respond as he pulled the trigger on the cannon and fired out a large, green beam of energy at Basalt. This sent him barreling through several walls and doors plus causing a decent sized explosion from the blast. He dropped the cannon and ran straight over to his daughter. "Karen! You're okay! I was so worried!" said Scott.

Karen smiled as she said,"Me too. So why are you here?". Before Scott could answer her, the quartet of Efren, Kurt, Lucius, and Parker exited the Vindicator with Efren shouting,"Hell yeah! That was just awesome!". Lucius nodded as he ran over to a red button that was next to his restrained family and sisters in law. He pushed the button and was relieved to see that it worked. The energy restraints over his family disappeared, leaving them to fall onto the floor.

As Kurt helped Shawn up and Natasha held Atem, Parker looked over at Zane who was standing by the armored woman as he thought,"It can't be. Can it?". Suddenly, steel gray energy started seeping out of the gauntlet that functioned as the Z.E.R.O. watch. "Okay. This isn't good." said Zane with his body begin to twist and contort. "Zane!" shouted the group. They all watched Zane transform into Swift Form and then into Comet Form. "What's happened to me?!" said Zane who was in pain.

Zane soon morphed into Glacier Form with the armored woman saying,"The power surge must have affected the Z.E.R.O. watch by releasing an EMP. Is that right Parker?". "Correct. You're smarter than you look sorcerer but it's good to see you again." said Parker. "Um. So do you mind telling us who you are and by the way, you're sexy." said Efren with him giving her a perverted look and thumbs up. He was soon smacked by Parker just as Zane turned into Brawn Form. 

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane saw several Betas and Upsilons making their way toward the hole that Basalt had been blasted through. "Get back!" said Zane. He soon clapped, releasing a powerful shockwave and destroying a couple of robots. Before Zane could do anything, he soon transformed into Vine Form. "Okay. I can make this work." said Zane, producing spikes over his body and he pierced several robots and then produced a high-pressured stream of water, cutting them.

He soon transformed once again as Kurt said,"Hey bro! Lets go Battle Formation Hyper Nova!". "I really wish we changed those names." said Lucius. The two charged at the robots with Kurt throwing several fireballs at the drones, destroying them. Lucius made several of Basalt's weapons fly toward some of the robots with him saying,"So where did Zane go?". The armored woman tried to find Zane which she did due to him being Nano Form being about five inches at the moment. 

Zane said,"If you can't beat when you're big, do it when they're tiny!". He flew into a nearby Beta with him short-circuiting it with his bioelectrical blue energy. "It's a good thing that I've practiced with the randomizer before." said Zane as he flew out of the Beta. He transformed into Inventor Form with him soon taking control over an Upsilon. It's color scheme matched Inventor Form's with it growing twice its normal size of about five feet and gained two massive saw blades from its arms.

A couple of robots went toward Zane's family and his girlfriend with Efren, Zane, and armored woman heading toward them. "Don't mess with them!" said Zane, slicing through them like butter. The rest were punched by Efren or blasted by a green energy beam similar to Scott's cannon but smaller. It was still quite deadly. Shawn looked to the woman as he said,"Thank you.". "No problem Shawny. I mean I still owe you for all the time you've saved me back in the day." said the armored woman..

Zane sliced his way through several robots before leaving it and in the process, he also downgraded it and it was blasted by Kurt, throwing a fireball at it. Zane soon noticed that due to the chaos from the fighting, the Indefatigable was currently falling toward the ground. "Hey you guys. I think the ship is falling!" said Zane, swapping into Glacier Form and freezing a robot that came near him. "I've got to get this ship under control!" said Scott.

Efren looked at the police captain with him saying,"Since when can you fly a space ship?". He was soon had Zane ,who had changed into Brawn Form, crushing him. "My dad is a mystery even to me." said Karen. Scott went over to a nearby control panel in order to get the falling ship under control with Parker saying,"Don't worry. I'll help you.". "Thanks. So is flying a ship like driving a car?" said Scott as Lucius ripped apart several robots from the inside.

Parker didn't have a chance to answer him due to a pair of menacing, lava/magma like eyes and a very familiar silhouette could be seen through the smoke cloud nearby the monitor. Basalt soon grabbed Scott, throwing him across the room being that he landed mere inches away from the hole Efren's RV made. Scott soon recovered with him soon grabbing ,using his one good arm, the massive foot belong to Basalt.

This didn't last long with the police captain soon getting crushed by the massive foot. "Dad!" said Karen. "Scott!" yelled Zane as he stabbed through an Beta using Swift Form. "Your weapon won't help you this time human. You're fighting against a being whose able to destroy anything in his path so you will die a very glorious death! So says I......" said Basalt. "Hands off him you bald bastard!" yelled Zane.

Both Zane ,in Brawn Form, and Efren charged at Basalt, tacking him out of the hole in the ship and sent hurling toward the ground. "Zane! Efren!" yelled the group who knew Zane personally and the very few who knew Efren. The armored woman looked at Parker who sighed. "Just throw me after those two numbskills okay?" said Parker. "You got it." said the armored woman, tossing the Eazairvian like a baseball and out the open hole and after Zane.

As the trio (Basalt, Efren, and Zane) were falling toward the ground, Zane transformed into Turbo Form and grabbed onto Efren. "Turbo!" shouted Zane, flying away. Efren soon watched Basalt crash down to the ground hard and making a large crater as he said,"Ouch. That looked painful. I know he's the bad guy but it's hurt.". Zane glided toward Mount Rushmore and landed right on the mountain top. "Thanks for the save." said Efren. "You're welcome. I just wish that I could stop...." said Zane.

He was stopped by Parker, splattering all over Zane's face. "Don't say anything about this Zane or I will not be happy." said Parker. Zane nodded with Efren chuckling. "So which one of the presidents are we on?" said Efren. He looked and he saw that he was on George Washington. "Oh yeah. I know this one Zane. Pretty cool dude if I recall." said Efren. Parker and Zane looked at Efren who said,"What? I am immortal so I've meet people long dead.". The two Eazairvians sighed.

Back on the ship, the armored woman and Scott tried to get the ship under control as it was currently careening out of the sky. The rest of the group there watched as Scott shouted,"So you just had to throw out the only thing that would keep us from crashing!". "It wasn't my idea! He told me to and I've learned never to question one of the Eazairvians!" yelled the armored woman. The two bickered as Karen sighed at them. "Focus you two!" shouted Karen.

The two looked away from each other with the armored woman smirking. She pressed on some buttons just as the ship shook violently. "Everyone! On the Vindicator!" commanded Scott. Back on the monument's head, Zane was currently on all fours and was back in costume. "Oh god. I never thought I would be human again. Thank the gods for you being here Parker!" said Zane. "Indeed since the EMP activate the Randomizer function." said Parker.

Efren crossed his arms as he said,"Hold on. Can his watch do that before all that?". "Yes but Zane or his A.Is usually pick them before hand rather than the assortment that were selected. Thank the gods you didn't get Titan Form. He would have destroyed the ship." said Parker. "Yeah. So do you think Basalt is done?" said Zane. Before Parker could answer him, a blur from the forest below them caught Efren's eyes. "Oh come on! Just leave us alone!" said Efren.     

Basalt soon landed behind Zane with the ground shaking underneath him. "You're a slippery one but the game between us is over." said Basalt, ready to grab Zane who had Parker on the gauntlet that had the Z.E.R.O. watch. However, both Parker and Zane soon vanished with a ripple in their place. Basalt turned around to see both of the two Eazairvian standing there with Zane leaning on Efren's shoulder and the teen saying,"I think the game is still on between us. Mind another player?".

Efren nodded as he said,"Hell yeah! Lets do this.". "Be careful you two. I'm going to check on the others." said Parker. He was gone as Zane ,in Swift Form by choice, said,"Okay. We can do this. I mean two vs one plus we can totally give him a run for his money.". Efren chuckled with him saying,"Nice pun man.". Zane soon disappeared in another blur, leaving behind another massive dust cloud that covered Basalt's vision along with a bright purple light.

Basalt shouted,"You can't run for forever children!". "Wasn't planing on it hot head!" said a voice with Basalt's stomach soon being sliced by something really fast. "Fore!" said another voice with the Mafeno being hit by some kind of club. The smoke cleared as Basalt saw Efren standing there with him holding a blood construct club. "Where is he?!" said Basalt. "None of your business. How about you get this instead?" said Efren.

He soon rushed toward Basalt, punching him in the gut and then throwing him into the air. Efren soon jumped into the air and above Basalt, stomping him into the ground. "Now!" said Efren, getting off Basalt just as the alien stood up. "Gotcha!" said a voice with Basalt seeing a massive dust cloud ,with a dark red aura/streak, that was heading right toward him. The dust cloud hid its appearance with it soon colliding with Basalt and creating a massive shockwave and crater around the two.

A dust cloud was thrown up, obscuring the sight of both the Cross-Species and alien. "Yep. He's fine right?" said Efren. As the dust cleared, Basalt had a giant hole in his chest and had slid back a good distance with Efren seeing Zane currently in the upgraded Swift Prime. He stayed eight feet tall with him still having a slim yet muscular body. It now looks more aerodynamic than before. His eyes changes color to royal blue with it keeping its oval shape.

The markings under his eyes disappear and still has sharp teeth inside of his mouth.  His head is still in the shape of a helmet with him having a triangle shaped nose. His helmet is a black color with a single white line going from the top of his helmet and continues onto the chin plate and stops at his neck. He has a molten gold visor ,which is a Z shape, that can flip down while running, making to get bugs in his eyes and mouth. 

It wasn’t a problem but before it’s nice to have. It also has a HUD that loads up a map and it tells him where to go if needed. It also glows constantly when it's in use. His body is still covered in royal blue scales and just like before, this isn’t obvious thanks to him wearing a black full body speed suit. In the middle of his suit and his torso, it now has a crimson red arrow shaped symbol ,mixed with a fire like pattern, with the top of arrow pointing up toward his head.

He has two hexagonal crimson red markings on each side of his torso below the armpits. He wears silver elbow and knee-pads. His shoulders now have sharp ,black, pauldron like extensions with sharp molten gold edges. His right arm is replaced by a large steel gray drill like appendage which looks it like belongs to Drill Form. His left hand's fingers are three royal blue claws with a steel gray fingerless glove. He wears black boots. 

He has five white stripes on his arms and legs. He still has his gray rocket boosters sticking out of his back with flames coming out of it. He has two burnt orange dragon like wings which helps him stop easier. Now when Swift Prime runs, his body leaves behind a dark red aura/streak and the ground below him is covered in lightning. Basalt glared right at Zane with him saying,"You and your pals will die before you have a chance to make another escape attempt!".

The hole in Basalt's chest began healing itself while Basalt's arms muscle mass suddenly expanded in size. He raised his arms over his head and proceeded to slam them down in front of him, with Swift Prime grabbing Efren. The sheer force of the blow created a massive tremor that sent giant cracks all over the president's head and eventually crumbled away down the mountain. Efren looked at Zane with him saying,"I think he really wants to kill us.".

Zane shrugged as he said,"Yeah. Kinda used to that Efren. I mean I'm a super hero whose well known for pissing people off. Him wanting us to kill us is probably due to me hitting a soft spot of his. We may want to move.". Crisis Judgment went off as through the dust cloud, Basalt charged at the two of them. Basalt tried to swipe at them with both of them dodging just in time. "You won't escape my wrath!" said Basalt.

Efren punched Basalt in the face with him saying,"Yeah! Not trying too!". The punch sent the alien back with him saying while wiping the blood off his face,"A human did this to me?!". "Not just a human magma dome but an metahuman. That's kinda a big difference." said Efren. "He's kinda right magma dome and that's just a great name for you. So you're easily stronger than a normal metahuman by the way Efren." said Zane.

Zane jumped toward Basalt with him rearing back his drill arm, aiming it for Basalt's head. Basalt easily dodged that and grabbed Zane, throwing him at Efren. The two created a crater with a dust cloud covering the two of them. Out of the dust cloud, several diamonds came flying out of it and then a massive beam of solar energy. "Here's your daily dose of Vitamin C and D in once!" said a voice as Zane stepped out in Diamond Prime.

Efren joined him with him saying,"Oh wow. You're actually helping your enemy. How generous of you.". Basalt soon had his body pierced by the diamonds, melting them away thanks to his body and soon saw both males jumping toward him. Efren and Zane brawled with Basalt, with both of them landing several powerful blows on the Maferno. The two stopped as Efren's arms were completely destroyed and Zane could see the bone. "Okay. I didn't see that coming." said Efren.

Efren's arms reformed just as he was grabbed by Basalt, slamming him down into the mountain with tremendous force and creating a massive dust cloud. Basalt punched down on them again but felt nothing of them. His eyes widen in annoyance as Efren was protected by Zane who was now in Frost Prime and both of them were currently intangible. "How about you chill out Basalt?" said Zane with him releasing a massive blizzard from his mouth.

The magma alien was frozen solid being that Efren landed one good punch on Basalt which caused the alien's nose to bleed hard. "Bye bye." said Efren as he and Zane phased right through the mountain. Basalt's arms soon turned back to normal with him turning around to see his ship heading toward the ground. He quickly leaped up onto the ship and jumped into the hole that the Vindicator had made earlier.

He looked around to see nothing with him saying,"Damn you Alvarez! I'll get my hands on you and then I will.....!". He soon heard coughing being that the alien soon looked around for the sources with his eyes narrowing and then he smiled. "Well, This makes things much easier." said Basalt, heading toward the source. Meanwhile, Shawn was driving with Natasha in the backseat. He was currently driving the RV along its hallway.

He soon said,"Listen lady. I have several questions for you like how you knew about my best friend being here!". Natasha turned around to see the armored woman, Parker, and Scott in the back with everyone who captured by those robots with one of them being Nate. "You seriously haven't figured it out yet Alvarez?" said Parker. "Yeah. I mean we spent how many years together. I mean I was there for you when you were going to propose to Natasha idiot." said the woman.

Shawn looked at the woman with him saying,"Is that you....". "Have your realization later! Get us out of here and make sure they're safe okay?!" said Natasha. Shawn nodded as Scott activated the jet ram in front of the RV. The vehicle soon crashed through the walls of the ship being that just as the ship was about to crash onto the ground, the Vindicator came shooting out of the stern of the ship, just as the ship in question made a massive trench with the forest behind Mount Rushmore.

Efren and Zane soon phased out of the mountain with Efren saying,"Okay. Phasing like that is very weird.". "I got used to it. Now come on. We need to find my family and friends." said Zane. Zane landed on the ground as Efren ran toward the crash site and Zane flew above. He soon spotted the Vindicator with Efren saying,"My baby! She's okay!". Zane crossed his arms as Efren said,"And hopefully, your treasure and those innocent people are sage is as well.".

He nervously chuckled just as Zane saw Sierra fell out of the RV with her saying,"And that's makes it official. I'm staying as an Earth based hero from now on.". Her cheeks went green as Zane saw the rest of his family except for Ana, Kania, and Nexus plus his team leave the RV along with the armored woman, Parker, and Scott. Zane flew over to everyone with him saying,"Guys! You're okay!".

He soon deactivated Frost Prime, giving them a big hug. "Easy there sport! You're crushing my already damaged ribs." said Shawn. "Oh. You'll be fine you big baby." said the armored woman in a teasing tone. "Um. How does she know?" said Efren. "You probably don't know her strange guy who is helping sugah for some reason which will hopefully be explained soon right Sugah?" said Nova as Zane nodded.

The armored woman pressed the sides of her helmet, revealing her face as Zane's eyes widened. She had green eyes being quite large but still attractive. Her eyebrows were long and arched being that they're naturally thin. "Auntie Isabel!" said Zane, hugging her tightly. "Wow Captain. Your aunt is......." said Efren with Kurt, Lucius, Shawn, and Zane glaring at Efren, shutting him up. Isabel smiled as she said,"Ease down you four. I'll explain how I'm here after this is all over.".

Zane nodded as he soon noticed that three people were gone. "Guys. Where are my kids?" said Zane with a worried look. Everyone looked frantically for the trio being that they all heard,"Oh. I do hope you mean these three Zero?". Everyone froze in place with Zane seeing something in Basalt's grip that pissed him off. In his left hand, he had an unconscious Atem and Zoey being that the right hand held Uriel who he was choking.

Zane quickly stood in front of everyone with his body radiating with anger and power. "LET THEM GO RIGHT NOW!" roared Zane as he made a Tyrannus Nether construct of Sivarth who roared. To added onto this because I can, Zane had transformed into Swamp Prime. Basalt stood there with him  not at all flinching to Zane's threat and held Uriel in front of everyone. He tighten his grip, causing her to scream in pain as trickles of blood ran down her forehead.

Zane's eyes widened in horror as he watched the alien torture his little girl. "What is it Zane? You or them?" said Basalt. Zane's blood was boiling with his face screaming pure unadulterated rage before he went on his knees. He deactivated Swamp Prime alongside his costume. "Please. I surrender. Just don't hurt them please I'm begging you." said Zane, bowing his head into the ground. Basalt dropped the duo of Atem and Zoey onto the ground as he walked toward Zane.

Basalt looked down and he said,"Oh and this is for earlier.". He soon stomped down on Zane's back and he covered the hero in magma, causing Zane to scream out in pain. The people watching this was pissed off. "Sucks being the noble hero doesn't it?" said Basalt, increasing the pressure on Zane. He soon grabbed Zane by his shirt with the hero saying,"Let Uriel go.". "Oh. Do you think I'm a fool like your other enemy?" said Basalt.

Zane glared at Basalt with a death glare as the alien said,"Just in case, you try and defy me. I want a way to make sure you listen to me. If not, I crush her skull like a peanut.". Basalt started walking to his ship as Atem and Zoey slowly woke up. "Dad/Daddy. Uriel. No." said the weaken duo. However something inside of Natasha snapped with her running toward Basalt. "Hands off my baby boy and his daughter!" yelled Natasha. "Honey!" yelled Shawn.

Basalt looked at the human woman heading toward him with him soon back handing her, launching her back about fifty yards. "Mom! You bastard!" yelled Zane. Basalt headbutt Zane, knocking him out as the alien said,"Oh. I'm so sorry. Not!". "How juvenile. I shall inform you that you're making the biggest mistake of your entire career." said Parker. Basalt ignored him as the alien jumped onto his ship and took off into the air.

Basalt looked down at the humans with him saying,"Foolish Eazairvian. What does he know about my.....". A red light soon began flashing with an alarm going off inside of his ship. "Warning. The auto-destruct launch has been activated! High source of Nuclear Energy heading toward the ship and fast!" said Booker's voice. "What?! Who did this!" yelled Basalt, dropping both Uriel and Zane with both of them waking up.

Zane quickly went over to Uriel with him saying,"Uriel. Are you....". She hugged Zane with her head soon buried in his chest and shaking. Zane tried to calm her down with him saying,"Don't worry. You are going to okay.".  "Thank you daddy. I knew you would come to save us." said Uriel. "It's my job so do you know why you and the kids didn't get in the RV with the others?" said Zane. Uriel pulled away from the hug with her frowning. "Come on you can tell me." said Zane.

Uriel nodded as she said,"We tried to but while escaping, the ceiling was collapsing and we got trapped under the rubble.". Zane noticed that her right leg was broken. "Damn it. Did anyone see you guys?" said Zane. "No one saw us daddy. It was chaos." said Uriel. Basalt soon typed something in the nearby computer monitor with him soon getting a spark of electricity. The interface was soon gone as Basalt yelled,"Alvarez!!".

Uriel and Zane soon looked back at Basalt, stomping toward them completely mad. Zane pushed Uriel out of the way as he was grabbed by Basalt, bringing the teen up to his face. "You and your friends have been a thorn in my side for too long! I will enjoy tearing you limb from before this ship has a chance to....." said Basalt. "Hey. How about you stop the tyrannical speech for a moment to answer an oh simple question of mine." said Zane.

Basalt was quiet as Zane said,"Do you like nuclear energy to the face or chest?". Before Basalt could answer, he was soon blasted in the chest by nuclear fire and Zane was dropped onto the ground. The two turned to see Nate standing there with him saying,"Hands off my god kid and his sister I think or something.". "Uncle Nate! You're back!" yelled Zane. Uriel looked confused as Nate smiled. "I think so squirt but I'm not sure. Parker says that I'm fine but.....".

Basalt tried to remove a large, piston like mechanism off him as Booker's voice said,"Self-destruct launch.". "No!" yelled Basalt. Zane nodded with him saying,"Uncle Nate. I need you to get Uriel to safety.". "Daddy. What are you doing?!" said Uriel. "Finishing up something. Now go!" said Zane as he flew toward Basalt. Zane soon kick and punch Basalt right in the face, sending the alien flying into the ship as Zane went after him.

Uriel looked at the man with him saying,"Yeah. He gets that stubbornness from his parents. Now get in my arms. I don't bite.". "But he's in..." said Uriel. "Trust me there kid. We don't need to worry at all. Your family is pretty stubborn and giving up isn't their forte. Lets go." said Nate. Uriel nodded as the two soon flew out of the ship with Booker voice saying,"Warning self-destruct in ten minutes and preparing to enter orbit in 9 minutes.".

Basalt soon found himself in a room with him saying,"Of course. You would sent me here to have our final conflict.". The alien soon stood up being that he was in the battle arena with it being an oval shape. He would take prisoners here to torture them into submission. The walls to the room were covered in spikes. They negate all being's special abilities with him soon Zane standing there in the entryway. The teen looked to see Basalt as he said,"So this is where the feud between us ends huh.".

Zane growled as he said,"You seriously thought that you could kidnap my family and friends, hurt them, and possibly scare them for life. I won't stand for it until you are bleeding! I'll protect all from bastards like you and Skull Plague!". "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. You don't stand a Phantom of a chance against Skull Plague because you over rely on the people who you are protecting. They're holding you back!" said Basalt.

Zane got into a fighting stance with him saying,"I'm going to enjoy shutting that mouth of yours with my fists! You won't beat me this time! I promise you that! Omni Mode!". Zane soon changed into a new outfit with Basalt staring at it. Zane is now in a form-fitting, black and steel gray armored jumpsuit that isn't too tight on him but it does hug his muscular figure quite well. His suit is mostly black being that around the suit’s neck area, shoulder area, and the lower leg area is steel gray.

His chest and stomach area is covered in steel gray armor. It’s segmented into eight sections being two large chest plates and six smaller, more angled plates on his stomach with the smaller plates working as a six pack. In the center of his armored chest, there is is a molten gold stylized “LZ” insignia. It looks to be metallic but it’s actually silk. It’s the exact same symbol that appears in his Zeta Costume but it cannot activate Hyperion Mail upon contact.

He’s wearing his Z.E.R.O. Armor belt, an armored version of his Zeta Costume’s boots aka black combat boots with gold piping, silver titanium mesh straps, and steel soles but now goes up to his shins, and his Legionnaire Gauntlets. His head is covered with a retractable steel gray helmet/mask being that it's very much like the helmet/mask that he wears in Hyperion Mail. It also has a dragon like appearance. Its eyepieces are different though.

He has molten gold eyes ,with a black outline, with diamond-shaped jewels on the places where his eyes would be. The two opponents just stared down at each other with them both knowing that one side would walk away from this alive. If Basalt won this fight, he would get the Z.E.R.O. watch, the Omniverse, and the satisfaction of seeing Zane lose everything important to him by way of magma and revenge.

If Zane won, it would ensure the safety of everyone in the Omniverse by Basalt out of the picture for hopefully forever but he knew that villains have a tendency to be more persistent than a cockroach according to Rico. However most importantly to Zane, his treasure would be safe and that's all that matter. After what seems like eternity, Basalt shouted,"Eruption Hellscape!". He soon fired a barrage of magma bullets at Zane with the teen dodging it by jumping into the air.

Basalt jumped after him and attempted to grab Zane's leg but failed. "Karmic Burst!" yelled Zane's voice as Basalt was crashing into the ground thanks to Black Mojo, creating a crater. Basalt soon looked up to see Zane standing in the air thanks to Gravity Drive with the teen saying,"Meteor Surprise!". Several pieces of rubble soon came flying out of the sky being that they soon pelt the lava being with unable to move or defend himself.

Zane landed on the ground with the two charging at each other. The two collided fists which soon resulted in a massive shockwave, sending all of the nearby debris back. Basalt quickly counted and grabbed Zane's wrist with his other hand. He threw him over his shoulder toward the spiked wall. The teen stopped just before then ,thanks to Gravity Drive, with him saying,"Not happening! Sweet Arctic Punch!".

Basalt soon dodged the rapid-fire punches heading toward him being that the alien saying,"Am I too fast for you Zane?! How about I bring you to me?!". He grabbed onto Zane's arm and tugged Zane right toward his fist. "Eruption Punch!" yelled Basalt. Zane was sent flying toward the ground with Basalt soon kicking him back into the air and Zane was soon grabbed by Basalt. Basalt soon began spinning him around the room and then slamming him into the ground, creating a massive crater.

The room was covered in dust as Basalt laughed. Zane looked up at him with him saying,"You are a dumbass you know that? I trained myself to take heavy amounts of punishment so this is nothing to me!". "Pathetic." said Basalt. He soon increased his arms's muscle mass and charged toward Zane as the teen dodged the attack. Basalt looked for Zane who vanished. "You don't deserve this power! You have no idea on how to access your full potential because you want to help people!" said Basalt.

Basalt released a massive stream of magma, covering the entire floor in it. "Why help, when you can rule it instead." said Basalt. Something landed into the magma being that it was Zane in Emperor Mail. His armor was slightly cracked with his breathing heavy. "Oh. It seems like you're on your last legs. This is the end for you." said Basalt. He reared back his right fist with Zane blocking the punch by making his arm bigger than his.

Basalt was sent backwards, just barely missing the wall. "Sorry but you're wrong. You can make fun of me, torture me, but anyone who lays a hand on the people I care about and the innocent people will learn their place!" said Zane, with him blasting Basalt with two giant Impulse beams coming from his cannons. The Maferno soon charged through them, slamming Zane into the spiked wall. It was soon covered in candy syrup blood and Zane deactivated Emperor Mail and was in his casual clothing.

Booker's voice said,"Warning! Self-destruct in tee-minus three minutes. Entering atmosphere in tee-minus two minutes!". Zane soon looked at Basalt with him glaring at Basalt and smiling. "Even at the end of your life, you're still defying me!" yelled Basalt. He fired magma right at Zane being that the ship started to shake as it raised into the atmosphere. This caused the magma to miss Zane but melted the spikes holding him to the wall.

Zane slowly stood up with Basalt laughing. "You honestly think you can win. You're on death's door and all of this is because you rely on your friends to give you strength! People are used as tools for conquest! All that matters in this Omniverse is to be the strongest!" said Basalt. "Shut up. Friends and people are not tools. That's what you think and normally I would respect that but this time, I don't at all." said Zane. "Yeah. Of course. What does it matter to you huh?!" said Basalt.

Zane jumped toward Basalt with him saying,"Because that's wrong! Zenith Punch!". The teen's right hand was covered in Vulcan Emperor with him punching Basalt in the face, causing the alien's blood to spill all over him. Basalt landed on the ground with Zane holding his right arm. "Damn it. He's right. I am ruining out of energy here." thought Zane, watching Basalt slowly rise back up. "You want to keep fighting? Fine. This is your funeral." said Basalt.

Zane took a deep breath with Basalt saying,"Not even the gods can save you now boy!". His entire body turned into magma with him getting bigger. Zane dodged his attacks with him saying,"If I lose to a horrible bastard like you, how can I call myself a hero and a man that others respect and strive to be?!". Zane soon kicked him right in the gut with him saying,"The bonds I make with my family and friends are the reasons for my strength! People are not tools you got that punk!".

Zane's head was soon punched by Basalt, causing the teen's head to bleed. "You abandon the weak since they're pointless!" said Basalt. Zane was soon punched into the gut, slamming right into the ground. "You can't protect anyone. You'll die a fool!" said Basalt. Zane slowly rose back up with his arms both in Vulcan Emperor. "You're wrong! I got family and friends waiting for me after I kick your ass! They believe me so you're going down!" said Zane. "Shut up!" yelled Basalt.

The two soon clashed with them landing blow for blow, each impact causing a shockwave. "I will protect everyone! I will kill Skull Plague!" yelled Zane. He soon sent Basalt into the ground with Zane landing shortly after. "You're a stubborn piece of work you know that." said Basalt. "Don't be friendly with me. We're enemies and will always be because we clash on our ideals!" yelled Zane as . Basalt slowly rose back up. Zane soon rapidly punched Basalt.

Basalt did the same thing being that their punches created minor shockwaves and Zane ,who was under an extreme anger, roared out,"Zane's Rage!". He rushed toward Basalt with him soon turning into Avenger. He punches Basalt back, kicks him into the air, and he soon stretched both of his arms stretched backwards. "This is for the people you hurt today and ever since you became this bastard! Zenith Smash X2!" yelled Zane.

He soon slammed both of his fists right into Basalt, hitting the alien with two powerful punches and an explosion of flames. This sent Basalt right into the spiked wall and covered in rubble, coughing up blood. He was out cold. Zane deactivated Avenger and Vulcan Emperor over his arms with him saying,"I won you damn freaking magma dome bastard. Next time we met, I'll be stronger and so will my friends. When I grow stronger, they grow stronger. Equivalent exchange is great.".

He soon looked at the exit with him saying,"I promise Uriel that I would come back so good bye. I do hope you don't die. I may hate your guts but having you die would just be the worst.". Zane soon left the room with him soon heading to his prison cell. "Okay. I need to get out of here right now and also I hope before I enter outer space. I may be able to breath in outer space but I rather not be caught in a explosion." said Zane.

He was holding his left arm with him saying as the hallway around him began to shake,"Okay. I want this to just end.". He soon reached his prison cell and saw the hole. He walked up to it and looked down to see the planet below him. "Oh wow. This is a beautiful sight. I really wish that I didn't have to see it like this." said Zane, falling out of the hole. Zane soon transformed into an form with him soon covered in fire from re-entry and glowing bright purple just as the ship exploded.

Down below on Earth, the entire group watched the ship in anticipation being that all of them were worried sick about if Zane was still alive in there. They all watched in horror being that they all soon watched in horror as the giant space ship rocketed into the air and reaching the top of the sky. To them, the ship seemed like a small dot in the sky and their worst fear came to life as the ship soon exploded.   

Everyone watched as all that remained from the ship was a big cloud smoke. Most of them dropped to their knees as they looked at the remains in the sky. All of them were in tears ,being that Efren was the loudest one, with Zane going down with the ship. However, Uriel ,who arrived earlier, looked up at the smoke frozen in shock being that her eyes suddenly widening not in sadness but in shock. A blur came out of the smoke and started falling toward them.

Uriel shouted while pointing at the sky,"Look!". Everyone looked to where Uriel was pointed being that the blue came down closer and closer to them. All of them squinted their eyes trying to figure out what it was. Their eyes quickly widen as they saw it was about to crash into the ground. This soon made a massive dust cloud and crater in the ground with the group watching with anticipation. The group of Efren, Kurt, Isabel, Lucius, Nate, Scott, and Shawn stood in front of everyone.

They hoped that whatever it was, it wasn't that. The dust cloud soon dissipated, revealing Zane in Orb Prime. Zane smiled with him saying while throwing up the sign for victory,"I won so yeah.". He deactivated Orb Prime, revealing Zane to be in pretty bad shape. His clothes were torn all over with cuts with his entire body bruised and he was covered in holes. His candy syrup blood coming out of him in waves. Both of his eyes had a black eye with a giant bruise over his eyes, blinding him.

After taking a few deep breathes, he looked at his family and friends with tears in his eyes and shock in their expression. Zane smiled at them with him missing most of his teeth and his eyes widened. He coughed up blood with his pupils dilating with him falling face down first on the ground in his blood pile with him sinking into it. He soon succumbed to his injuries with him falling unconscious just as the group yelled,"Zane/Daddy!".

Next Time,
Despite Zane winning the fight against Basalt, Zane's injuries are deadly. What will happen to our hero? How did Isabel get to Earth? How did Nate break free of Skull Plague? How did Basalt get Fallout in the first place? Did Basalt survive? What happened to Lidox and Booker? This and more next time on Zero!

People captured by Basalt's Crew:
Allen, Ana, Atem, Danny, Gwen, Heidi, Jordan, Kania, Karen, Kevin, Kristen, Leo, Natasha, Nate, Nexus, Nova, Rachel, Rain, Roxy, Sierra, Sly, Uriel, Wolfram, and Zoey.

Types of Fighter. Bold means more than one type of fighter.
Power: Efren.
Technique. Efren.

Efren's Powers: Anatomical Liberation, Army Annihilation, Avian Swarming, Bat Swarming, Blood Absorption, Blood Attacks, Blood Cloning, Blood Clotting, Blood Consumption, Blood Crystallization, Blood Empowerment, Blood Generation, Blood Flow Vision, Blood Manipulation, Blood Marionette, Blood Mimicry, Blood Propulsion, Blood Transfusion, Bulletproof Durability, Combat Perception, Contaminant Immunity, Counter, Cutting, Dermal Armor, Disease Immunity, Dual-Headed Blade Proficiency, Enhanced Archery, Enhanced Bite, Enhanced Crafting, Enhanced Intelligence, Enhanced Sawmanship, Enhanced Swordsmanship, Flash Step, Haemokinetic Combat, Haemokinetic Constructs, Haemopotent Regeneration, Healing Blood, Hive Mind, Hunger Negation, Immortality, Intuitive Aptitude, Magic, Natural Weaponry, Neurocognitive Deficit, Night Vision, One-Man Army, Prehensile Blood, Reforming, Scattering, Self-Sustenance, Sharp Teeth, Sleeplessness, Stealth Tactics, Supernatural Agility, Supernatural Athleticism, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Flexibility, Supernatural Leap, Supernatural Reflexes, Supernatural Regeneration, Supernatural Senses, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Strength, Supernatural Survivability, Tactical Analysis, Tactical Genius, Temperature Immunity, Vampire Physiology, Ultimate Regeneration, and Weapon Improvisation.

Efren's History, Power Description, and Personality: The past of Efren Valentine is a strange yet interesting tale of both joy and sadness. He doesn’t come from the Prime Dimension like most of the rest of Team Maelstrom being that he comes from an alternate dimension. This alternate dimension is if Father Nature aka Marcus Simmons took over the Earth being that the super villain used the plants to devour most of humanity. The ones that were killed for nutrients for the plants and they took over the entire planet. Before the plant apocalypse/armageddon, Efren was an orphan being that he lost both of his parents when he was four years. He took care of his younger sister for many years until he and his sister was adopted. He was later adopted by a business woman and her husband who was a doctor. He was later targeted by some workers of his stepmother’s business when he was fifteen years old and his sister was eleven years old. Before the cops could arrive to rescue him and his sisters from them, his sister died saving him. As she was dying in his arms from the bullets that show her, she soon told him,”Big brother. Never give up and always keep your promises.”. As he got older and graduated college, he began working at a shipbuilding company. This lasted for one single but amazing year being that when he was twenty three years old when the plant apocalypse begin. He escaped into the underground subways after he was the only one from the shipyard to survive the plants initial wave. He remembered what his sister told him being that he wasn’t going to give up the fight against the plants. He swore to himself that he would keep on living. It did take him about four months for him to finally take action against them though since he was scared. There was a shortage in supplies that forced some of the survivors ,being Efren and four others survivors in their group, to travel through the tunnels. After meeting with a new group of survivors, they soon found a room filled with supplies being that they were soon attacked by a giant creature known as a Gardener aka one of Marcus’s head pets. The other survivors were killed by the Gardener being that Efren was the last one remaining. Efren grabbed a nearby rake being that he was going to fight until his last breath. However, he was saved by an alternated dimension counterpart Zane Alvarez. His name was Zack Alvarez. He was the only known survivor of Cypress Park which Efren learned ,from Zack himself, was the epicenter of the plant apocalypse. As Efren and Zack went back to check on the two groups that Efren met, Efren noticed that the teenager was more hardened and used the powers that would belong to a Phantom. After finding that both groups of survivors were killed by the Gardner that tried to kill Efren, Zack asked Efren for a favor. He wanted to rid the Earth of the plants and Father Nature but he would need his help in finding other like minded survivors. Efren agreed and he swore his life to Zack despite him being clearly unable to fight against Marcus’s plants until he was given a weapon that’s unique. In their time together, Efren saw Zack as his little brother being that he went out of his way to protect him from danger even though Zack was much stronger than him. The two traveled across the entire country, helping any survivors of the plant apocalypse that they could find. Efren himself was known as the Ripper. He was given this name being that he tended to rip apart any plants that he came in contact with due to his hatred of the plants. After ten years of hard work and great loss, the world was soon turned back to a semi normal state. During the celebration, Zack told Efren that he wanted to prevent this from ever happening to Earth with Efren confused on what he meant. Thanks to a combination of some of the scientists that luckily survived the initial stage of the plant apocalypse and Marcus, they created a machine that would make Zack’s wish a reality. It was a time machine. Efren asked his young master why he wasn’t going back instead of him. Zack said to just trust him with Efren doing just that. Efren thought that he was sent back in time but he was instead sent out of this dimension to have a normal life again. The reason why this happened is because Zack was dying from the wound that was given to him just as he landed the killing blow on Marcus. He was distracted being that Efren was almost dead by the plant monster. He wanted his last memory to see Efren being happy after all of the tragedy that he went through. Upon Efren leaving the dimension, it was instantly destroyed by Skull Plague being that this dimension was just part of his Apocageddon. Efren soon arrived on the Universe Path being that he soon saw Skull Plague and his group of Qlakriks destroying his home dimension. He swore revenge on them but didn’t hurt the race of Qlakrik. He soon figured out that he gained metahuman abilities like Zane after he was swallowed whole by a Trastry. He found out that he could never die being that he soon became Orphic by the Omniverse by both the Alliance and the Odium Society. He usually went out of his way to find anyone that was connected to Skull Plague and end their lives, earning the ire of the Odium Society. He also went after criminals being that he remember his master’s former life as a superhero. Around the 2010s, he was captured by the Odium Society and head under the college Dark Haven in the prime dimension. The name known as Orphic soon became nothing more than a rumor. He later broke out of the prison in 2015 and until the year 2020, he wandered around and caused trouble in the Omniverse. He later came in contact with Zack’s Prime Counterpart when the two of them fought together against Basalt. After the end, the two later become sworn brothers and joined Zane’s team against Skull Plague. Despite his past, he can be rather laid-back being that he usually falls asleep or makes a dirty joke right in front of a woman. This is mainly shown when he sees a beautiful woman ,that’s up to his set of standards, being that he makes a very perverted look and thumbs up, causing him to be smacked most of the time usually by Rachel or other women around him. He’s also rather eccentric being that he tends to disregard the rules and doesn’t care about how society views him. He does whatever he wants. Thanks to him being much older than most of Zane’s friends, he knows when things are meant to be taken serious. He can get easily excited over something that he doesn’t understand or when he sees something cool like when he heard about Zane’s mech suit. He often acts silly in order to entertain younger people during serious matters. He loves to mock people being that he pretends to be afraid before revealing his true power. He shows great respect for Zane and his family being that he does whatever they want which they use for his benefits at times. He has Zane’s back and will follow his lead without question, showing great loyalty toward him. He’s following Zane around being that he’ll attack someone for making fun of Zane even if it was a joke. People have made it like how baby chicks imprint on people or puppy. He weeps uncontrollably when Zane compliments him being that he’ll do anything for Zane and gets overly emotional at the most simple of things being that a touching story or moment, causing him to cry uncontrollably. It’s mainly the latter though. He often deny his emotions being that it’s blatantly obvious. He has a good eye for people with good potential. However, he makes friends with street thugs being that he doesn’t care about who you are being that a friend is no matter what they are. He usually goes into battle with confidence being that he makes jokes during it and he says that he learned it from his master. He goes into a rage like state ,being that he knows who his allies really are, when any one of his friends is hurt. He’s also quite stubborn being that it’s because of what his sister told her before she died. Thanks to his younger sister’s last words, he never gives up regardless if it’s a training match, deathmatch, or a simple game of checkers with Atem, Uriel, and Zoey. He sees them as his little siblings being that he’ll do pretty much anything for them just like with Zane. He also goes out of his way to protect them because he’s an adult and he should protect them. He also never goes back on his promises no matter what. He will go out of his way to defend others being that he believes that no one should be judged just because of who they are. He seen as a big brother figure to most people. Upon Uriel giving him a piece of candy being that she wanted to be friends with him, he loves sweets being that he usually takes Uriel to sweet shops and tends to play with her a lot. He had a bad case of PTSD from his past. Some nights, he goes into fits being that he violently shakes and he coughs out blood. He also has a fear of silk moths because he saw a group of them killing his group of friends. Efren has a talent for pretty much anything being that his desire to never give up made him the perfect fighter, actor, and butler being that he wanted to make his master happy. Despite being a lazy guy, he’s a quick learner being that he can pick any career and be a master at it in weeks. He also makes a great tutor. He’s an expert of combat being that he can hold his own against Zane. His fighting style mainly focuses on delivering both blows at close and long range. He says that his Zane taught him this when they were learning how to handle the plant menace. He also works good at countering his opponents. He’s able to study and research his enemies during the battle. He’s able to understand how his opponent fighting being that the only person who he can’t figure out is Zane because of his random fighting style. He’s rather strong being that with a single finger, he can demolish a tree trunk. He can destroy the front of a tank by tapping his hand on the engine. He can pick up and throw people over several buildings and into a pool. He was about to stop an oncoming attack from Griffin who is known for his incredible strength and he was using his signature rack of meat. Thanks to his training and years of experience, he’s at peak physical condition. He shows great agility and flexibility being that he can effortless change his way of fighting and strikes at every angle under the sun. He’s able to easily do flips. He has heighten senses being able to catch several knives with his eyes closed and able to disarm several cops of their weapons. He’s able to sneak around an island of armed guards without alerting the guards at all. He’s able to move at supersonic speeds and strike his target in a rapid fashion, leaving little time for his opponent to dodge or strike back. He tends to dodge and block most attacks without wasting a second. He can keep up with the fastest of opponents being that he likes to give his opponents a shock. He’s highly durable and he can endurance a great amount of pain before falling. He can survive being stabbed right in the chest ,with him bleeding several buckets worth of blood, and able to fight for several hours afterwards. He can survive a point blank explosion. He can survive having all of his limbs ripped off one by one being that he soon regenerates from the damage. He’s an expert in magic being that Zack taught him about it and can build anything that he wants. He tends to use this magic in order to jump around or turn his entire body into bats or crows which he can control each one. Efren’s special power was given to him ,thanks to the machine, with him calling it Trigger. Upon getting this power in the first place, his teeth fell out of his mouth and they were replaced with steel version of his teeth. This power has been called something like a vampire with Efren not at all denying that claim. It also allows him to survive all forms of attacks known to mankind being that his wounds heal instantaneously no matter how severe they are. He can also use his blood as a weapon. As a benefit of his power, he can never age, need to eat or drink but likes to out of presence, can live and survive in any environment, and immune to all forms of poisons. He can use his teeth to bite through anything. He can drink blood without being infected by any diseases. He can see in the dark. His blood can be used to heal others wounds, being that it can also extend someone’s life depending on how much they take. It can also restore a destroyed city. His blood can also work as an extremely potent poison but only to plants and insects. He can cover parts of his body in blood being able to increase his hits and damage. He can stop others from bleeding. He can also absorb blood being that he can use it for food. Upon covering something with his blood or they look into his eyes, he can control someone with their blood. He can also stop someone from fighting by knocking them out. He’s able to make things with his blood being shield or blocks. He can manipulate his blood outside of his body. He has a signature weapon from his time being that he brought from his time alongside some armor. His armor consists of a gauntlet that he wears on his right arm being that it’s made from a very durable exoskeleton laced with steel which can sprout a large steel like blade, block attacks, a stun gun, fire out several arrows that can pierce steel, or use as a grappling hook. His signature weapon is a sword being that it can be folded into a large scythe being that it was also made from an animal. It can be folded for easy storage ,which he has always on purpose, and it has two big saws, making it a double-bladed chainsaw. He has a hard time holding back being that he can easily destroy an entire city without any effort on his part being that only super strong opponents can be the only ones who can take his full power. He has a weakness toward alcohol being he’s a lightweight. His blood powers are useless on someone without any kind of blood and he requires blood to live but can survive without it. He has no sense of direction being that he often gets lost.

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