Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Zero Episode 17 Revenge Dance

A/N: Welcome to another episode. I am sure that Soul will return before the end of the year maybe but Power may be a different story. Fairy Tail has gone down hill and I may not be a big fan of Bleach for reasons but I know that the series went downhill near the end just like Fairy Tail is going. I just hope that the ending is good because I hate when you spend a good amount of time reading or doing something and it turns out to be a disappointment or ways of time. It feels pointless. Let's begin on the day of the dance and Zane is getting his tux at the cleaners. I also have no idea how a Tux works so at the dance, everyone is wearing dance clothing. I can do street clothes but party clothes, I ain't into fashion.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane was in a mood and lately, this was more common than he would like. Ever since the dragon attack, the city/town has been talking about him. He heard some girls wondering if he's single and that they should have ask him out. He wasn't looking for a girlfriend and he really hoped that his old friend wasn't in the market. He sat in the cleaners and he was getting bored. He was begging for a super villain or crime that would take the whole day to stop.

However, fate decided to be nice to him as a group of police car drove by the shop with Zane smiling at that. He looked to see that his order wouldn't be done for another hour so he had plenty of time. He rushed out of the store and he went into an alleyway. He looked around to see if anyone was there and he saw no one. He crossed his arms as his costume formed around him. Using the walls, he jumped his way to the top as he ran after the cars.

Zane stopped to see that someone was causing trouble and it was a man straight from a Steam Punk convention. His brown hair covered his ears with him having beard and mustache combo and dark green eyes. He looked to be muscular and athletic. He wears a gray suit with a gold trim to him and he had a blue orb in the center of his chest. He had a boiler on his back that looked to be very durable to Zane with him finishing off the outfit with brown and gray boots and gold goggles.

The man said,"You all are idiots! I, Gideon Ezekiel Palethrope will free you from this thing that you call technology.". He aimed his right arm at the cops with a missile coming out. It flew toward them as Zane noticed that it looked steam punk compared to a normal one. It hit the car transforming into a steam powered version with Gideon saying,"That was my Steam Missile. It turns anything that I want into a steam powered version plus....".

He was stopped as Zane drop kicked him into the ground. "Hey! The Steam Punk Convention is six towns over that way!" said Zane. Gideon looked at him and he said,"You! Are you trying to stop the wave of change?". "Wave of change? This isn't a wave of change pal but if you want me to show you a wave, I got you." said Zane. A card appeared in his chest plate and he began to transform. Gideon was shocked to see the young man changed into a sea like creature aka Water Form.

Zane said,"Take this!". Zane then fired a huge stream of water at Gideon but the man turned into steam. "You see dear boy. I am the master of Steam and will turn this entire town into a steam powered paradise!" said Gideon. "That isn't going to happen because you're all wet everywhere on your body!" said Zane. He launched himself using his water and he started to spin around. The cops hid behind their cars as the entire area got soaked include Gideon who was glaring at Zane.

Gideon said,"Eat this!". He fired several lasers beams from his suits as Zane dodged them all. One hit him as Zane went back to normal aka his costume. The card was gone as Gideon said,"As I was going to say before you rudely interrupted me earlier due to that painful kick of yours, my suit and all of my weapons has the ability to turn anything technology based into steam powered machines and I control them. However, your Water Form is different but you won't be using it for a while.".

Zane began to dodge Gideon's missiles and Zane thought,"Okay. This guy is really annoying and his ability to downgrade things is bad too. I need a way to stop him.". He stopped and he said,"Hey! You need to get out of the Steam Age and into the Modern Day!". A card appeared in Zane's chest plate and it was a new one. It had a silver frame with a giant sphere of plasma in the center of the card. The steam warrior saw that Zane's body was exploding.

Zane jumped into the air and he then threw four sphere of crimson red at Gideon's arms and legs. As Gideon tried to break out as Zane said,"Plasma Spheres! You shouldn't do that at all G. They love any kind of matter/energy which includes kinetic energy plus I can make them go boom. Let me just make sure that you won't be causing any more trouble.". He fired a stream of plasma from his mouth and Gideon was defeated as the stream covered his body except for his neck.

Zane stood there as the chief said,"Thank you for stopping that freak.". "No problem officer. I didn't want to be in the Steam Age either." said Zane. He flew off as the cops pushed Gideon into a car with a collar around his neck. Zane turned back to normal and he walked his way back to the cleaners. He got his tux and he said,"I really hope that tonight isn't bad.". He walked toward his car and fate had a way of things balanced by dumping water all over his tux. "Gods dam it." said Zane.

Later that night, Zane walked downstairs and Natasha had her camera. "You look so handsome! Just like your father." said Natasha. She took pictures as Zane thought,"Hate this.". Due to his tux being soaked, Zane is wearing a black waistcoat, blood red t-shirt, black jeans,  and black sneakers. He is wearing a black fedora with a blood-red ribbon around it and bat shaped mask. "Looking good there vampire boy so where's your vampire bride?" said Ray.

He stood there in the living room with him wearing a normal tux. Kania was on the couch resting with the other house pet Edgar on her. "No Ray. It should be Mrs. Alvarez instead. So where is she anyway?" said Kania. "She is arriving later than expect so you should go pick up Tara." said Natasha as Zane covered his eyes from the camera's flash. "Ah. Good luck with her dad. He is a nice dude but I think he may be an over protective pappy." said Zane.

Ray went out to the garage as Kania said,"So what about the bet Zane?". "You know for a fact that I don't care about it. I also think that I would rock a cheerleader outfit." said Zane. "I thought that you were going as a mummy this year." said Natasha. "Yeah but I think he could be a pretty scary leader of the cheer especially if he goes all out with the makeup." said Arturo's voice. The man stood there and he said,"You look just like Shawn Zane.".

Zane said,"I did? Did Dad hate dances too?". Natasha went to the window as she said,"He sure did Zane and I see your date now. She looks so beautiful and oh, you two match. Dad, could you give Zane the corsage? I think you having your own car means that you don't need a limo.". Zane was handled a red rose as Arturo said,"You get your ability to plan from her Zane. Don't be a jerk to her okay?". The doorbell rang as Zane answered the door.

Zane's mouth went open fast as he said,"Marcia? Is that you?". A girl stood there and she was very beautiful. She is an Asian American with her having long pink hair that goes up to her shoulders and brown purplish eyes. She has a slender but athletic build to her. On her cheeks, she has two purple markings with a white line that went through the middle of the markings. She's wearing a little black dress with a matching colored purse and three inch heels.

She has a pair of gold bracelets and a ruby red ring on her left index/pointer finger. She has a tan diamond cut earring in her right ear. Even with her heels, she was still shorter than Zane going up to his shoulders. The girl hugged him and she said,"It's good to see you again Zane. You got handsome but I still see that cute idiot from when we were in that RV.". "Bring her in right now Zane! I want pictures." said Natasha.

Zane groaned and Marcia said,"Let me guess. Your mom is still the same.". "Bingo." said Zane who pinched his nose. The two teens walked in as Natasha said,"You two look so cute together.". "Thanks Mrs. Alvarez. So who are you?" said Marcia. Arturo held her hand and she said,"I'm Zane's grandpa from his mother side of the family Arturo. I own the raven and his name is Edgar. The dog is Kania and she belongs to my grandson.".

Kania went up to Marcia and she barked in joy. "She is rather cute just like her owner is. However, I can't recognize her breed." said Marcia as she pet Kania at the base of her "tail". "I found her outside of a lab." said Zane. "Oh. That makes sense." said Marcia. "So are you two ready to go?" said Arturo who was getting annoyed by the flash photograph. "Yep." said Zane. "I'll get my picture Zane!" said Natasha. "You will. Over my dead body." said Zane under his breath.

Marcia looked at Zane as he was driving through the town. "So what's like here in Cypress Park? It seems like a small American town to me." said Marcia. "Well Marcia, you've lived in Cairo, Hong Kong, and Paris so this place is small potatoes compared to those cities." said Zane. "So do you want to arrive to the dance right now?" said Marcia. "What do you have in mind?" said Zane. She got close to him and she whispered something in his ear. "I like the way you think." said Zane.

At the school, Brad stood in the gym with Kristen by his side. "Come on Brad. I want to dance." said Kristen. "I want to see if Zit chicken out." said Brad. "You can't be serious Brad. I mean Zit actually bring a date is funny." said Mack. He was standing with one of his girls and Kristen said,"Guys. Does this really matter?". "Yes because Zane deserves whatever comes to him." said Vicky. She stood there with Austin who agreed with the girl.

Nearby, two guys stood there. The guy on the left looked like an older Brad with him having darker colored eyes than his brother. His name is Andre Stevens and his friend on the right is David Nelson aka Hannah's boyfriend. He has ear length black hair and green eyes and he is African American. "I really don't get your brother sometimes dude." said David. "Join the club. I don't get why you stayed with Hannah and Kristen stays with him." said Andre.

David looked at his girlfriend who was talking with Roxy and Susan with David said,"Beats me. My parents like her and I like them happy.". "That's an answer but has she done anything for you?" said Andre. "Nope. I wonder what happened to Irene." said David. "Beats me. Selena tried to get her out tonight but well, she said that she was busy." said Andre. "Ah." said David. "So did Hannah force you to vote for her for Queen?" said Andre.

David said,"Don't tell her but I vote for the Z man. Dude is a pretty tight guy.". "Yeah. He is a great help in English." said Andre. "The after party is going to be tight." said David. Kevin glared at them and he grumbled about him not having a date and other things that can't be said without a censor bar the size of Kansas. A little bit later into the night, Brad, David, Hannah, Kristen, Mack, and Susan were getting their picture taken.

The six were shocked as Brad said,"I can't believe it. It was Marcia and Zane smiling under his mask with them talking. Danny said,"Wow. She's hot.". Gwen hit him and Karen said,"Wow. She and Zane fit.". Rachel looked at her friend and she said,"Why are you such an big idiot Zane?". "What are you talking about Rachel? Zane is one of the smartest kid in the school." said Danny. "Not like that at all Danny." said Gwen.

Danny looked confused as Gwen and Rachel looked at each other with them saying,"Boys.". "Hey! I take offense to that." said Danny. After Zane introduced Marcia to Ms. Foster, Marcia said,"Wow I can't believe how nice this gym is.". "Yeah. I heard that it cost a fortune but since our student body is filled with a good amount of the ninety percent, it wasn't that much." said Zane. "How the heck did Zit get her?" said Brad. "He's a nice guy unlike you." said Susan. Kristen agreed with her.

Hannah said,"Losers like Alvarez don't get girls like that! She belongs with the A crowd not losers like him. She must have lost a bet.". "The bet! Thanks Hannah!" said Brad. "This is so not good at all." said Susan. Marcia grabbed Zane's right arm and she said,"Lets go met your friends.". "Sure. I got the perfect ones." said Zane. He walked over to the six gawking at the couple the whole time and he said,"Can you guess who they are?".

Marcia said,"Hmm. I think the tall blond is a football player, the short blond is a cheerleader along with the tall brunette, the short brunette is a drama girl, the male brunette is a fan of poetry, and richie rich is a player.". "Good job girl. I guess those flashcards were helpful. Marcia Hunter, meet Brad Stevens, Kristen Ortiz, David Nelson, Hannah Grant, Susan Young, and Mack Osborne. They're part of the A-List while I'm simply a commoner." said Zane.

Marcia said,"Ah. The in crowd.". "Bingo!" said Hannah. "Wow Zit. I'm impress. You actually came and with a girl like Marcia here, I guess you win the bet." said Brad. He laughed and Marcia said,"So what's the bet?". "I didn't accept it in a way but between me and the idiot here, the guy who brought the less hot girl had to dress as a cheerleader for Halloween. By the way, I would have rock that skirt Bradley." said Zane. "Well, I guess Bradley here is going to have trouble with that." said Marcia.

She grabbed his hand and she said,"It's dance time.". "Sure and this isn't a date." said Zane. "Yeah. I hope you didn't forget our time at the dance hall during the summer." said Marcia. The two got a slow song as Ray thought as he was dancing with Tara,"Dam. Fate is good.". Unknown to him, someone was watching him. "Yeah. She's in there gentlemen. Time to begin my ingenious plan for revenge so lets go on my command now." said the someone.

Zane was dancing with Marcia and he said,"You know that we're gathering attention.". "Does my cute friend have a fear of crowds?" said Marcia. She rested her head on his shoulder and she said,"So are they looking now?". "Yeah. I'm getting a death glare from my "friend". It's a long story. So are you for dancing with others?" said Zane. "After this dance hero boy." said Marcia. "Yeah. I think that is pretty nice." said Zane.

Later, Zane was drinking punch as Danny said,"Wow. Marcia is really something.". "Yeah. She used to be really a brat when we were kids. However, she grew on me." said Zane. Zane could tell that this was spiked but due to him being not a full human, alcohol did nothing to him. "Yeah. So do you like her?" said Danny. "Yeah." said Zane. "No Zane. Do you like like her?" said Danny. "What are you talking about?" said Zane.

Danny thought,"Zane may be able to run at super sonic speed, lift buildings ,twenty times bigger than him, over him, and able to phase right through buildings but he's denser than osmium.". "Sometimes Zane, you can be a real idiot." said Danny. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" said Zane. "I'll tell you when you are older buddy. I'm going to dance with Gwen now so see you." said Danny. He then walked toward the dance floor as Zane sipped his drink.

Andre walked over to him with David and David said,"Dude. Marcia is so nice.". "Yeah but trust me David, you don't want to get on her bad side." said Zane. "What happened?" said Andre. "She caused immense pain to the poor truck driver. I think he's still recovering." said Zane. "Sounds deadly man. I think Hannah wouldn't mind one dance." said David. He walked toward Marcia who was dancing and it was with Susan.

Zane said,"So explain to me why is he with Hannah again? I liked Irene. Is she doing fine without David? They were pretty much together whenever I saw them.". "Beats me bro but you never heard the rumor right?" said Andre. "What rumor?" said Zane. "About David and little miss cheerleader. I know that you hate rumors but this one is good. David was forced to break up with Irene because of Hannah's dad almost putting David's dad out of a job." said Andre.

Zane clenched his other fist and he said,"That bitch. She is going to get my anger.". "Calm down Z man. You know that her parents own the hospitals right?" said Andre. "Yeah. David and Irene were cute together. Those was Rachel's words not mine by the way." said Zane. "Sounds like Rachel. How about we hang out sometime?" said Andre. "I'll like that but I think your date wants a dance." said Zane. "Yeah. Later man." said Andre. He ran off as Zane stood there.

Zane was sitting down and he heard,"Hey Zane.". He looked up to see Kristen and he said,"What's up Kristen? Where the future is Cypress High's next Oxette?". "He is trying to seduce your "date" along with Kevin. How do you know her?" said Kristen. "She and I are childhood friends. Spend a whole summer together seeing the country plus a but load of museums. It wasn't exactly fun but Marcia and I are good friends just like me and you." said Zane with a smile.

Marcia was seen dancing with David and Kristen said,"I better get going. Hannah is having a fit as you would put it.". She walked off as Zane shook his head. His Crisis Judgement went off as Zane said under his breath,"I need to find Danny and Ray before...". The wall nearby him exploded and he heard,"Hannah Grant! Your life as the Queen Bee is over by the hands of Umbra! It is time for you to die for what you have done!".

He and the rest of the crowd suddenly saw Bedrock standing there with a living shadow right next to the man. The shadow is female. She had white eyes with no pupils and her black hair was in a bob cut. Her form with a dark red hue with hoop earrings in her ears. "Irene? Is that you? It can't be her can it?" thought David. "You better listen to her or else." said Bedrock. Brad ran up to Bedrock and he said,"Eat this loser!".

A punch was heard and Brad smiled. The punch completely destroyed his jaw and Bedrock said,"I was going to go on easy on you kid but you deserve this.". Brad was launched back from Bedrock's punch which was a giant hammer. Brad landed on the table and Bedrock flew into the air. "Where are you girlie? I want to get paid handsomely." said Bedrock. He found her with Kristen, Roxy, and Sam with Sam saying,"Get back sandy!".

Bedrock said,"You know that I'm not just sand right girlfriend? I'm also rock!". Bedrock's right hand turned into a mace ,with it being rock, and it went toward them. Ray however blocked the attack and he said,"Sorry rocky but that isn't going to happen!". "You're Tara's date aren't you?! What happened to you!?" yelled Hannah. "Two words. Shut up. I'm able to absorb energy like a battery and Rocky here used kinetic energy meaning this is going to hurt rocky." said Ray.

He kneed Bedrock away from the girls and he said,"Umbra! I'll handle any threats that come my way and you get your revenge!". "Thanks bae. I owe you one." said the shadow. She was gone as Zane looked around. He ran under the bleachers and he became Zero. He went invisible and he saw Umbra about to grab Hannah as she was watching Ray fight Bedrock. She was above her but Zane kicked her toward the dance floor.

Umbra then glared at Zane and she said,"You! I thought you hated the popular ones. They treat anyone who isn't in their group like trash!". "I do but I don't like watching people get hurt and also I have a dance to get back to so if we could hurry up, that would be great." said Zane. Umbra's hands turned into blades and they stretched toward Zane. He dodged them with him saying,"So you're able to make yourself into a living weapon just like Sandy over there.".

Umbra said,"Yes but I'm able to do this!". Hannah looked down to see a black portal form under her and she screamed. "Hannah!" yelled David. He jumped in after her as Umbra said,"Good luck! The Shadow Dimension is quite vast and dark so you'll never find them or your way out before the portal closes.". Umbra faded into the shadows as Zane said,"I better hurry.". He jumped in and he said,"I really hope the portal doesn't close on me!".

Zane looked around and he said,"This place is just like the Astral Realm except less colorful and a lot of black and purple.". He gathered Steel Gray Nether in his right hand with it working as a flashlight and he said,"Okay. Where would they be?". "Zane. If I may suggest something." said Athena. "I am open for anything you got Athena." said Zane. "Your ability to access your Phantom Powers may be quite helpful." said Athena. "Gotcha! Phantom Half!" said Zane.

Ray blocked Bedrock's attack with him looking at the portal. It was slowly getting smaller and he was getting worried about the three who went into there. "You won't be able to save them. Umbra is able to do things that only a shadow can." said Bedrock. "Yeah but I can do anything that Ray can like kicking your but!" said Ray. He grabbed Bedrock's right hand which turned into the head of a mace and he threw it back at Bedrock knocking him back.

Ray rushed toward him and Bedrock grabbed a couple of students. "If you come and attack me, I'll hurt them and you don't want that do you hero boy?" said Bedrock. Ray stopped and he said,"Okay. I won't be doing that.". "What are you talking about?" said Bedrock. The earth man was kicked into the air by a giant pair of boots as the students ran away. Ray saw Danny as Morph and his feet were the Spectral Busters. "Thanks for the assist. So where's the girlfriend?" said Ray.

Danny said,"She's trying to keep the portal open so we don't lose Zero. We need to beat up Rocky here so we can find Umbra's location.". "Sounds like a plan." said Ray. Bedrock threw himself at the teens and he made his hands into a sand elephant. It rushed toward them with Danny saying,"It's time for my Phantom Smashers!". The giant gauntlets soon broke the elephant into dust as Bedrock said with a growl,"You're dead now kids!".

Ray noticed that Bedrock's hands were still reforming and he said,"Okay Morph. I have a plan.". "I'm all yours." said Morph. The two talked as Bedrock looked at them. "Die!" yelled Bedrock. The teens dodged Bedrock's attack once again as Ray said,"How about you shut up?!". He jumped toward the man with his left fist slightly bigger than normal. The punch knocked Bedrock into the stage and he was about to get back up.

However, he didn't notice that the speakers were to the left and right of him. Danny played the sound board and it caused Bedrock to cover his ears. "Stop it now!" yelled Bedrock. "Yeah. That isn't going to happen. Now Ray!" said Danny. Bedrock turned to see Ray rushing toward him and he said,"You need some iron in your diet!". Ray punched Bedrock with an iron covered fist and Bedrock was out cold because of that and the sound.

Danny and Ray looked over to see Gwen ,in her Slicer outfit, standing there and she was focused on the portal. "So should we go in there after them?" said Danny. "No. That is the Shadow Dimension Morph. If you go in there, you may never come back out unless Umbra is defeated and she gets you. You and Raymond should go find Umbra. I am still sensing that she is someone where in the area." said Gwen.

Ray pointed to Bedrock and he said,"What about Rocky?". "I shall place a slowing enchantment on him so it would take him at least 12 hours to even get back up. Now go!" said Gwen. The boys ran off as Gwen looked at the portal. Even with her magic, the portal was going to close soon than she would like. "Hurry Zane. Come back." thought Gwen. She noticed a light coming from the portal as she heard,"Lets go!".

Earlier in the Shadow Dimension, Zane's eyes turned yellow and he looked for the two. "Where are you guys?" thought Zane. He heard,"Hannah! Where are you?!". "David? I'm coming!" said Zane with him flying toward his voice. He found David floating there and the older guy looked at him. "I can't believe that you would come and save Hannah." said David. "Even though her voice can and will break glass, I'm sworn to protect all from dangerous creeps like Umbra." said Zane.

David said,"So where are we anyway?". "It's called the Shadow Dimension Zane. You're the only one who can hear my voice right now. I'm telling you what is currently known about this dimension. This dimension was created by Umbra upon gaining her powers over the shadows. It is also connected to her memories. This and the realm of Shadows are completely different. I also think that using a light based form would be most helpful Zane." said Athena through his helmet.

Zane said,"We're in the Shadow Dimension. Umbra created it upon gaining her powers and it is connected to her memories. So do you know why she attack Hannah? I mean her being well a snot, she hasn't done anything wrong to any body unlike Sam.". "I'm not sure. So can you keep a secret?" said David. "I sure can. I got a secret identity after all and I wear a mask or would it be a helmet?" said Zane.

David said,"Umbra was once Irene Smith. I know that sounds crazy but I'm not wrong.". "David. So what makes you sure?" said Zane. "You know that feeling when you know something. I got it and Irene is Umbra. It makes sense why she was after Hannah. She ruined her life." said David. "You got that right David." said a voice. The two boys saw Umbra holding Hannah and she was out cold in her arms. "Hannah! Let her go Irene!" said David.

He went toward Umbra who disappeared with Hannah. Zane grabbed David and he said,"Umbra. I need to talk with you and I'll hold David back.". Umbra reappeared with Hannah and she said,"I want to talk with Zero alone so you popular jerks should go hang out for a while.". She threw Hannah away with her disappearing into the shadows and David disappeared along with her. "Where did they go Umbra?" said Zane.

Umbra smiled and she said,"You know that Bedrock was hard and not loving but you seem like more fun.". A card appeared in his chest plate with Zane transforming. Umbra went back as Zane turned into a living fireball and blizzard hybrid aka Thermal Form. "I'm not in the mood right now so lets talk. The portal to this place could close any moment now so talk or I'll make you very own personal sun and I know how much you hate that so talk to me or else." said Zane.

Umbra sighed and she said,"What do you want to know Hero Boy?". "Why are you attacking Hannah here? This is a big day for her and the rest of her friends." said Zane. "She ruined my life! She made my boyfriend dump me for her! I was part of the A List and now, I'm an outcast who lives in the shadows. That changed once I got powers!" said Umbra. Her hands turned into giant hammers and she said,"I'll kill her and you!".    

Zane dodged her attack and he said,"Time for you to get a hot wakeup!". He threw a fireball at her and she disappeared. "You forgot Hero Boy. I control this place and you won't be able to hurt me in here!" said Umbra. Zane closed his eyes and he said,"Fine. Time to make you see the light!". He created a giant burst of fire which caused Umbra to scream. Zane found her and he said,"Now tell me how to get out of here plus the popular kids!".

Umbra said,"Or what hero....?!". Zane's fire grew stronger as Umbra groaned. "I think you know the answer Irene. Now tell me!" said Zane. Zane found David and Hannah both out cold with a single thought going through Zane's head,"Okay. I guess I need to switch forms so I can carry them plus the shadow here.". He turned back to his base form and a new card went in its place. It had a black frame with a cartoon like superhero performing a superhero landing in the center of the card.

As the card went inside, Zane was turning into a living cartoon. He looked to be 3 feet with light blue skin and an black and white head. His face is pure white with him having two small whiskers on his cheeks and his eyes are little black dots that can be rather expressive. His neck is black along with his shoulders. Instead of hair, Zane had seven green fin-like appendages on his head with them looking like hair.

His hands are large with five sharp looking extremities and his five toes are very cat like. He has gem shaped orbs on his arms with five buttons on his waist looking like a belt. For clothing, he is wearing a black jumpsuit with white patches under his arms, green sleeves, and black ankles. "Introduce the one and incredible cute Cartoon Form!" said Zane in a cartoon like pitch. Umbra looked at him and she said with a deadpanned tone,"Wow. You are just plain adorable.".

Zane said while looking at the wall,"And here I thought that she was loco.". "Who are you talking to Zero? No one is in here beside us and the old cold duo." said Umbra with a confused look. "You don't see them? Okay. You better not try and escape or else." said Zane while pointing a finger at her. Umbra slapped it away and she said,"So what can you do?". "This!" said Zane. Umbra was then shocked by the army of Zane that appeared and the army said,"Lets go!".

The army grabbed David, Hannah, and Umbra ,whom they knocked out, with Zane wearing a general uniform saying,"Men! We need to get out of here so time for Plan Omega Hyper Orange Juice Brazilian Winged Warrior!". "Really? That name is so damn stupid boss." said a clone with him smirking. "Soldier! If you want to question my authority, we can settle in the gym man to man after this!" said the general. "That's what she said!" said a clone.

A bunch of them laughed as the army went through the dimension looking for a way out. They found it and they said,"Lets Go!". They all came out with the crowd looking at the small army holding the trio with the general clone saying,"What's up? Is there someone on our face? I mean we're cute but this is too much. Did I take a wrong turn on my way to Albuquerque or was it Las Vegas? We aren't the smartest bunch are we folks?". They were looking at a wall.

Danny thought,"And here I thought that Liger Form was his weirdest form.". The army went back to one as Zane appeared. "Okay. That was weird. So what happened?" said Zane. "Are you all in there Hero Boy?" said Ray. "One, you ain't a cute girl and two, I am." said Zane. He looked at Bedrock who was moving really slow and he said,"Should I ask?". "You can but we should get this place cleaned up so we can go back to the dancing." said Gwen. "What she said." said Zane.

Later after the police picked up Bedrock and Umbra, Zane was back to normal. Stan stood there with two students with them holding a king and queen crown. "Anyway, I think we should announce the King and Queen of the dance." said Stan. Zane rolled his eyes as Danny said,"Twenty bucks says that they're from the A List.". "I'm in too but I bet eighty more." said Ray. "Fine but I bet that you two will be giving me that." said Zane.

The two looked at Zane as Stan said,"Our king is Zane Alvarez.". Danny and Ray was shocked by this and Zane said,"Thanks for the sweet hundred.". He walked up to the stage and he said to Brad who was shocked,"Hey Bradley. I beat you twice tonight. I guess fate isn't on your side tonight.". He walked up there and Stan said,"I didn't expect this did you?". "Lets just say that fate was on my side unlike Bradley who will be wearing a cheerleader costume for Halloween." said Zane.

The crowd laughed at Brad who clenched his fist in anger and Stan said,"And your queen is....". The trio of Hannah, Roxy, and Sam were waiting for their name as Stan said,"Karen Castro.". Karen was shocked by this as Rachel said,"Go up there girl.". "Yeah. You got this." said Marcia. The two pushed her up there as Tara said,"I guess fate wants Zane and Karen to dance.". Hannah was about to scream out loud but David placed his hand on her shoulder.

David said,"Hey. Marcia didn't win so be happy about that.". "But...." said Hannah. "It's time for the king and queen to dance." said Stan. The two teens stood there as Zane said,"So did you expect this Karen?". "Nope so how did you do it?" said Karen. They were dancing and it was romantic. "What are you talking about? I didn't do a single thing." said Zane. "Yeah and Sam is a fair sport. So how did you do it?" said Karen.

Zane smiled as he said,"Lets just say that I have friends in high places.". Earlier, Zane ,when he was in Cartoon Form, had send one of his clones to change the votes up a bit. "Whatever. I'm just happy that I get to dance with you." said Karen. She rested on his chest and Zane smiled. Outside of the building, Apazar watched this. "Wow. You're just like your dad but a player as well. Well, I guess that Chemical PX worked and it was awesome." said Apazar. He was gone.

Next time,
What is Chemical PX? Will Zane get another enemy?! Will it being human or will it be Phantom?! This and more next time on Zero!     

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