Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 31 The Phantom Lord

A/N: I think we should talk about the massive elephants in the room regarding last episode being that all of these elephants are in the size of Big Mom in terms of height. I mean we could go with mass but compared to her height to a normal sized human's height in One Piece, she's like an elephant to them. I think she's actually bigger than Funkfreed who's technically a sword but ate a devil fruit and turning him into an elephant but that's semantics and I could be wrong maybe.

She's smaller than Zunisha but I'm getting off topic. The main things I want to talk about is how long episodes are going to be not factoring the Author Notes, the multiple plot lines that I've introduced and will probably forget about knowing me, and me changing up Levy in a drastic manner. Plus I'm not going to be taking about any manga stuff this chapter because I got to talk about Fairy Legion in this author note for once. It's all Fairy Legion in this author note so lets start.

These episodes will be long since I love Phantom Lord because we get introduced two of my favorite characters aka Gajeel and Juvia. I'll try to do my best to give them justice being that I kinda had Levy pair up with Gajeel. I may support them in Fairy Tail since they're arguable the best couple which isn't saying that much in the concept of Shounens ,which usually aren't the best to begin with, but in Fairy Tail, I like them since the rest of them are pretty a maybe.

I've ranted of this at least ten times by now but I'm not an expert on fashion and romance so expect me to have a average love of knowledge. I'm not the writer of The Quintessential Quintuples and We can't Study which has something that most harems don't have for me aka all girls are best girls to me but hey, picking out favorite girls/boys is highly subjective. My love of Phantom Lord will show up in this arc alongside my bias which is stronger than normal bias.

The next thing that I want to talk is the multiple plot lines that I've introduced and most of them I won't be doing anything with. I could be wrong but knowing me, I tend to introduce something and do nothing with. I love Zero but man, it would make a story writer cry. I'll be honest. The character of Lynn will return because I made her for two reason. Reason one is to give Laxus a love interest and Reason two is to give Laxus a justified reason for him being an asshole in the early part of Fairy Tail.

I mean it's well known that Laxus and Levy are some of my favorite characters being that Lucy is one of my least favorite character. The moral of this is that I don't always like characters that start with the letter L. Don't expect a detailed and complicated plot from me that wraps everything up in a nice package. I'm not Oda and I don't plan on being like him in the near future. If I forget a plot point, I'm sorry. Saying that ahead of time.

The final thing I'm going to talk about before my rant of this Author Note is me changing Levy into a busty version. Levy is my favorite reason because she's different from every other girl in the series so why did I change her? You may have noticed that I made it obvious on how the females in this series are goddess. It's because of Hiro loving the female form in the same vein as Jojo's author likes the male form because well, it's obvious from the first eight episodes on Netflix speak volume to me.

Anyway, I decided to make her the most attractive because of that bias plus I keep bringing up so you know that I was going to do something with eventually. I was thinking of either turning every girl to have a normal figure and have no one but Zane bring it up or make all girls the same. I picked the latter but I made Levy the best looking one because of my bias. You should know that I let my bias take control of the wheel when I'm writing Fairy Legion.

Now, here's the next question. Will I keep Wendy the same as in canon or will I change her? Who knows? I mean I don't even known and I'm writing it. I don't have the future sight ability being that I live in the present. I plan things out but I tend to go on the fly. The final I have to talk about is a rant about Prude Knight and Triple B. It's obvious that I don't like her or Lucy because well, I'll be honest with all of you. I used to like Erza back in the day. Lucy I was meh toward.

I'm getting my thoughts out in the opinion now before I bash them in my own unique way. Erza will go first being that her name goes first in the alphabet. Obviously a good reason. Anyway, it's a shock to hear if you're a new reader that I liked Erza given that I tend not to pull my punches with her. Back in the day when I first saw Fairy Tail back in 2012 and then I read the manga a year later, Erza was one of my favorite characters. She was very beautiful plus she used swords.

It made the young me like her a lot. I'm a weapon manic and I love fighting scenes with cool weapons or mechs. I'm a boy after all and I'm geared toward that. I'll admit this. Fairy Tail ,with all of its many many problems, has a lot of characters that either get you talking about the series. Erza is just one of the characters that gets talking about being that I could name several characters that are either loved to death or hated.

I did think that she was powerful, sexy, and dangerous being that her interactions with Natsu were the best. They had interesting chemistry being that it's so better than whatever Lucy and Natsu are which is the obvious main ship but I always support the crack ships most of the time. The main ships ,while perfectly fine, are bland as toast while the crack ships are more fun and get to see more creativity from people. Anyway, this changed after when the Tower of Heaven arc attacked.

Catch that My Hero Academia reference or was it Avatar. I mean Shoto and Zuko both have the scar over their eye but for different reasons. Anyway, most people know of my hatred of Jellal. I got a serious hate boner for the guy and I won't deny that. Erza's past is an interesting one but when you read One Piece, you kinda have a high perspective of backstories. I mean most characters in One Piece seem so happy before tragic backstory happens!

Anyway, the arc ends with Natsu dragging her from the clutches of death made it clear that these two cared deeply for each other. However, Erza became like Sakura from Naruto in her obsession of Jellal/Sasuke. I mean I don't get love in the slightest but like a guy who tried to KILL you is kinda a major red flag in my book honey. I could also mention how he tortured her for years by turning her closest friends against her.

They bonded through slavery which is a strong bond I think. She was also used for a sacrifice to "revival" Zeref but that's adding another point in why these two shouldn't be together and not in this state of will they/won't they. I mean I rather have him die ,which may happen, but Hiro seems to have the same thing as Erza does for Jellal. I mean his character design has appeared in Rave Master, Fairy Tail, and Edens Zero.

Heck, I'm going to guess that he appears in Hiro's fourth series in some fucking manner. Oda may be lazy with his female design but at least all of them have some differences to them unlike with the Jellal siblings. Now, some people may bring up that he was controlled by Ultear but I called famous video game lawyer to the stand to say Objection!. It's hammered in that Jellal is a powerful wizard being one of the most powerful.

He's a Wizard Saint when the story starts but I'm sure that Ultear had something to do with that being that I wrote that he's the least strong Wizard Saint in Fairy Legion because of that and the others have that age and experience. It's like how there is one teen captain in Black Clover and how he got last place at the star festival. He may be powerful but he's still a child after all. Jellal is stronger than Erza being that Ultear is only slightly around her level or maybe stronger.

I fully believe that Ultear only planted the seeds for Jellal's actions within the story and the man let them grow on his own without her helping him. As Jellal got older and surpassed her, I doubt that she could keep influencing him and his actions but Jellal was in full control. He pretty much lost himself in the darkness and went crazy. The darkness took pleasure is playing with his delusions being that he had full choice making his choices going through.

Ultear may have opened the door for him because she's nice like that but Jellal strolled right in like he owned the place. That's my firm opinion plus him being so important is like how the Uchida clan in Naruto is super overpowered being that there isn't one bad member. I mean all of them are incredible badass we get it but show something new. It's a good thing that they were wiped out. Do note that I don't support genocides in real life or fiction.

If you don't see that, that's fine. Just respect this mad man's opinion. I mean I dislike characters because of their weird as hell lines on their eyelids. This is one of the main reason why I jumped off the ship of Erza and Jellal. She became fixated him being that it was a decline in her characters. It's like Juvia and Gray but it wasn't played for laughter. I mean they do care for each other but Gray is supposed to cool and not showing his emotions so easily unlike Natsu.

I personally can't forgive someone just because they love their memory. I may be okay with Big Mom helping Luffy even though her amnesia is so written for the plan because I have faith in Oda since he made Time Travel aka my true least favorite trope in fiction work decently well. I can't just forgive all of the crimes that they committed because there is a line you have to draw and Erza didn't being that she looks weak and pathetic in my eyes.

The armor is another thing but I'm thinking hard to about this. I'm the type of person who gets obsessed over the little things. I mean have you seen my rants on Smoothie and so many other things in the past year or two. Yeah. I'm petty and I admit that. All series have Deus ex Machina being that I'm not different but at least I admit it. Erza is a living and walking Deus ex Machina. This is all my opinion by the way.

I was okay with her breaking her leg and defeating Minerva at the time because well, I was more focused on the whole Future Lucy thing and my hatred for time travel outweighs that moment. That arc has more problem but the thing that sealed the deal for me was during the Alvarez arc when she destroyed a meteor. She did this with a single swing of her sword when every bone in her broken so what the flying fuck?! How?!

I'll admit that I would be okay if she hadn't taken any damage previously before that moment but we had her stop Gray and Natsu's attacks when they were both pretty powerful at that point with Natsu tapping into his E.N.D power ,which he gets rid of!, without sustaining any damage?! I mean there is being overpowered and likable like One Punch Man but Erza isn't that to be. At least make her bullshit believable but after that, I couldn't take her seriously anymore.

I'll be keeping her around because she wants to "save" Zane from becoming like Jellal but here's the thing. Zane isn't like him being that she'll be getting in his way a lot, and getting on her nerves for his and my own amusement. I'm a sadist. We're only half way down being that it's Lucy's turn to shine and I'll say this. She isn't Sakura's level of bad being that at least, she isn't seen as this badass on the same level as Naruto and Sasuke.

I mean Sakura didn't do anything beside being a bitch to Naruto who only arguably loved her since she liked Sasuke ,which I've probably misspelled before, but that's an rant for another story. I've never related to Lucy because well, her backstory kinda sucks. I mean I do love One Piece and its amazing job at making most if not all backstories in the series tragic as all heck but man, Lucy's sucks. I mean her mom died which is sad but she hated her father because he ignored her.

Look, I'm a strong defender of Jude because he was probably grieving for the LOVE of his LIFE and how his daughter looks like an EXACT copy of her and her ancestors. I mean that's another problem with her being that Hiro could have easily not added Anna and used Layla instead because Hiro killing off characters and keeping them dead is rarer than a finding a shiny starter in Pokemon which is saying a lot. I mean Hiro cares little for character deaths but that's just a problem with him.

I hate how she's also shoe-horned into everything. I mean the Edolas Arc didn't need her around being that while I love Horologium, he didn't need to be used as a Deus ex Machina moment to keep her around. I also dislike the Nalu pairing because it's so hard to be original with it. All of the stories either are Nalu related and Lucy leaving Fairy Tail because Lisanna returned. I mean did Lisanna do anything at all to desire this level of hate.

She didn't do a dam thing when she came back being that she was used as a prop from that day one so why bring her back? I do plan to do something with her so don't worry. I can see why people like her but I visibly don't and that isn't going to say. She didn't need to be the narrator of the arc being that Natsu could easily be the narrator and he tells her about it since the main point of Edolas was about freaking Dragon Slayers!

They could also have bits of banter with some narration aka shipping gold. I won't say that she's that weak somewhat. I have my bias but I'll admit that she's stronger than I'll give her credit for. She has lost a lot in her life but she keeps going with the power of her friends. That's Fairy Tail in a nut shell so that's a good thing but my problems stems with her as a character. Her appearance is a point being that she's attractive yes but to me, her character is done within in the series.

Her character ruins it for me. It's the same thing for me with Komursaki being that while she may be beautiful, her character ruined it for me. I mean she basically let those men give her money and those men who gave her money are monsters, both sides of this are awful. Lucy is used for fanservice more than most female characters in the series which is saying a lot and that ruined her for me. She wants to be a Fairy Tail Wizard right but she complains a lot.

I mean Fairy Tail is a crazy guild but she complains when something doesn't go her way like the spoiled brat that she is. I'm sure that in every single arc, she complains on how much of a bother that this is to her. If Erza, Gray, or Natsu do something that puts her in harm way, she complains about it and that's annoying. Don't even get me started on her rent being that she should do a FUCKING job by herself if she's having money problems.

Okay rant over. You may hate me for saying but sometimes, you just need to get things off your chest. If you disagree with me, that's great. Don't be mindless sheep, be your own person. I'm not god and I don't force you to agree with me. Make up your own dam mind and form your own opinion you dam sheeple. Anyway, lets begin with the start of Phantom Lord and well, I'm going to be changing it up a bit so enjoy that.

Narrator P.O.V. 
It had been a few days since the Ethereal Madness event plus the events involving Levy changing into a beauty and Mira being rather flirtatious with Zane. It was a strange time at the Fairy Tail guild being that their definition of normal is different from most places. Zane had forgiven Gray and Natsu but tend to tease them by making Kitsune Form's tails appear to scare them. On the other hand, Zane hasn't forgiven Happy since his bias toward annoying things aka Happy is strong.

The Cross-Species was currently driving Saver being that he had returned back from a job in Malba City. This would have taken him a week plus but thanks to him having several ways to get places fast such as either flying, running, or teleporting with the latter being his preference most of the time since most people are shocked by him. It was a simple delivery job, with him getting paid extra thanks to the client being a big fan of him.

She was amazed by him using Naga Form's human appearance to send some bandits toward the side of a nearby mountain. Zane was going to keep the secret of the client kissing him ,on the cheek, from Levy but if he's learned anything, women ,in every dimensions, are extremely good at figuring out secrets so he was going to tell her. "I hate to interrupt your inner thoughts but people are coming up and we really should crash into them." said Athena from the dashboard.

Ahead of him, it was the group of Gray, Erza, Happy, Lucy, and Natsu ,named Team Natsu because of the hatchling which Zane has been calling him to tease him, had arrived back in Magnolia from a very successful mission. "Well, that was an awesome job or what?!" said an energetic Natsu being that he had a cheerful grin plastered on his face and rose cheeks. The job in question was something Lucy wanted to do by herself but everyone else was insisted on coming.

They never say what the job is in question since the Anime does this scene different from the Manga being that Phantom Lord starts right after Galuna. I'm just going to presume that it was a hunting job because why not. "Well, the client sure seemed to think so." said Happy, flying above Natsu. "How about you just accept it. You guys were just lucky to have me." said Gray, calmly. "We're lucky that you practically begged to come with us. How do you figure?" sneered Natsu.

Gray looked at him with him saying,"Because you're about as helpful as one of Erza's suitcases and they're more useless than anything else.". Erza ,who was at the back of their group, didn't hear this because of a roaring motorcycle engine behind him. This caught the attention of the rest of the group as they turned around to see one coming up to them. Before they could do anything about the idiotic motorist since the street, the bike's wheels soon split in half.

The bike was flying above them before landing in front of them with the wheels turning back to its normal self. It's a Black Chrome Kawasaki Ninja 300/ZX-14 hybrid but with three wheels. The front of the bike looked armored, with gull-wing doors being that the rider can get it and out from both sides. The bike itself is navy blue, the hood is black with it very much like the starry night and his superhero logo in the center of it and the two back wheels of the bike.

The gull-wing door soon opened up with them seeing the driver. "Hey there Team Hatchling. How's the Omniverse treating you?" said Zane, smirking. Instead of his normal clothing, he's wearing a black jumpsuit with body armor on it. This includes a black helmet with crimson red edges, dark purple comfort liner, and a ,transparent glass, gold visor. "Dude. What don't you have?" said Gray as Zane got out the bike, making it disappearing.

His motorcycle gear was replaced with his normal outfit and he had a bowl of ramen in hand which he was eating. "Pretty much everything for every situation. I mean I'll admit that most of it is useless like Mount Suitcase over here." said Zane. "My suitcases aren't useless. I pack everything that I need like you do." said a defensive Erza. "Yeah but there's a limit and girl, you're going plus ultra on that limit." said Zane. "It hasn't hindered me before." said Erza.

Zane shook his head as he said,"Yeah because your clunky armor is already doing that for that you honey.". "I'm not turning this into an argument." said Erza. "So I guess I won against you again. The score is three to zero." said Zane. "No. I thought you of all people would be respect toward others and how they do things." said Erza. "Uh huh. Yep. I'm totally listening. Did you say something about me being better than you?" said Zane, causing Erza's forehead to have a tick mark.

Gray and Natsu stood back from the two who were about to have one of their famous arguments aka Erza arguing with Zane who responded with mocking insults and tending to avoid Erza's strikes. The cat would have snickered but he was on bad terms with the Cross-Species being that if there is two things that describe Zane, it's petty and wrathful. However, Lucy decided to point something out to them. "Hey. Sorry to interrupt your total pointless conversation." said Lucy.

Zane and the others looked at her being that the blond was sporting a tight pink shirt with a black skirt with Master Plue in her arms. "When I took this job, I was kinda hoping it would be a solo thing so why did you all except for Zane come along?" said a sheepish Lucy, holding the request with it depicted a five hundred jewel reward. "Wow. You're actually going to do work by yourself. I'm so proud of you Triple B. You're making this old man cry." said Zane, sniffing a bit.

Natsu looked at her with him saying,"Come on. I thought you were supposed to be the smart one Luce.". "Yeah but from where I'm from, blonds aren't the brightest despite their hair saying other wise." said Zane, pointing to his head. "Yes and screw you Zane." said Lucy. "Wow. Your mouth is so vulgar. How scandalous." said Zane in a aristocratic voice. Natsu soon gave her his trademark toothy grin and a "thumbs up". "We're Fairy Tail's strongest team so we have to stay together." said Natsu.

Happy ,from Gray's shoulder, said,"Aye sir!". "And don't forget it." said Gray. "Yep. These four idiots are stuck to you like a leech or would it be parasite." said Zane, tilting his head. Lucy was blank for a moment as Lucifer said,"Lucy has shut down and needs to be restarted. Please stand by.". "Yeah we are!" said Lucy as she hugged Plue tighter much to the worry of Zane. "No job is too tough for us!" said Natsu with complete confidence.

He soon wrapped his arm around Zane with him saying,"Not for me, Happy, Erza, my best buddy Zane, and droopy drawers here.". "Don't call me that and you do know that you're touching the guy who doesn't like to be touched right?" said Gray. Zane soon threw Natsu off him as Erza said while ignoring her love interest being punished by Zane,"We're quite a capable bunch.". "Aye!" said a grinning Happy. "Hey! You forgot about me!" yelled Lucy.

Kane said,"I doubt I could forget you and your lovely voice.". The group was soon continued down the stone street with Natsu laughing. "Oh come on Luce. You need to take a joke." said Natsu. "Yeah or you'll end up like Prude Knight and you really don't want to end up like Prude Knight." said Zane as Erza sighed. "Well, I don't appreciate it and that isn't her name. Do you really think people like your nicknames Zane?" said Lucy, annoyed.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Well, deal with it. People who don't have a backbone and can't handle my honest are just the worst. I mean people who can't accept criticisms should just burn in the pits of Tartarus which are quite nice this time of year.". The five looked at him as Zane said,"Hey, I'm just a crazy old man so don't listen to me. So Hatchling, are you going to let him outshine you like that? I'm sure that his ability to strip within seconds is quite the impressed sight.".

Lucy sweat dropped, easily seeing what Zane was going. "Why do you like doing this?" said Lucy as Zane just smiled. "I'm a sadist. Plain and simple." said Zane. "At least, he admits it now." said Cole as he got a slap from Twilight who didn't want to admit that he was right. "Yeah. Zane's right. I'm way better than you Elsa." said Natsu, snaring at Gray. "No way in hell is that the truth. I mean I'll easily beat you with both hands tied behind my back." said Gray.

Zane smiled as he said,"And yet, you two cause more problems than Prude Knight can handle being that you fight more than bickering babied. I mean some people may find Prude Knight's strict school head mistress attitude sexy but to me, it ain't my kink and totally man repellent. You'll never get a man at this rate. I heard being a nun or shrine maiden is quite rewarding.". "That's right." said Erza with her not knowing what she was getting into. Gray, Erza, and Natsu soon shouted,"Hey!".

Zane chuckled with Lucy giggling. "I hate to admit but he kinda played you guys hook, line, and sinker." said Lucy. "Big time." said Happy. "Okay then. How about you changed into that fox form of yours and I'll teach you who's more impressive between the two of us!" roared Natsu. Everyone ,but Zane, sweatdropped at that with Gray grumbling,"I'm pretty sure that you forget that Zane was drunk and I hate to see that form fight sober.".

Zane smiled as he said,"And while I would love to make sure that you learn your place, I'm not going to make you into a masochist. However, I rather have you stop being an idiot. So instead of me using Kitsune, I'll probably use something else but it'll be just as funny as using Kitsune.". "Well then, bring it out already! You may be able to do a lot but you can't defeat raw determination!" roared Natsu with Zane wondering if Natsu was dropped a lot as a child.

Lucy ,who didn't want to see Natsu hurt again, decided to do the unthinkable and decided to ask Zane about his job/feed his ego. You may think why Zane is such an asshole to everyone and that I should stop doing it but to be honest, I really like doing it. It's one of my favorite parts about writing Fairy Legion. It's like quipping but more rude and honest is the best policy after all. Zane also just feels a need to add jokes whenever he can even if the situation isn't appropriate for them.

Lucy said,"So Zane. How was your job?". "I had to delivery a whole bunch of Lacrimas to Malba City. It was honestly really nice because I have so many ways of avoiding detection plus I got to beat us some bandits using one of my forms. I was initially paid 100,000 but since the client loves little old me, I got paid an extra 200,000." said Zane. "Wow. I really hate your luck sometimes. You get paid and then you get extra. I have nothing." said Lucy.

She then cried out as she said while grabbed Zane,"And I'm having such a hard time with the rent. I need money! Please!". "I keep saying a way for you to earn money is either selling one of your keys and stealing it back without anyone knowing or work at the guild. Mira does it and she says that the work is delightful. I mean it improves working with Hothead McGee and Stripper-Man because it improves your social skills." said Zane.

Lucy was silent as Natsu said,"Ignore him Luce! Don't leave me alone with Stripper-Man!". "Screw you Hothead McGee." said Gray. The two began butting heads with Zane chuckling. "Wow. You really love teasing them don't you?" said Sivarth. "Yeah. He does but I'm just happy that he's back to his normal self kinda." said Twilight. "Hey Zane. You've lived in your new house for a while not but we haven't been invited to it." said Happy, flying over to the side.

Natsu ,who ignored Gray for once, smirked. "Yeah! House party for Zane! We're going to party like nothing else!" said Natsu. "How about no." said Zane in a very blunt tone, stunning Happy and Natsu but then he added,"But I'll admit that a party does sound nice you two.". "Really?!" said Happy and Natsu. "However. I'm pulling every guest 5,000 Jewel per every minute that spent in my home and 10,000 Jewel for anything that you guys break in my home." said Zane.

He said all of this with a straight face as he rubbed his thumb repeatedly over the tip of his index finger and middle finger with a cha ching sound effect playing in the background. The team soon face-vaulted at the scene as Lucy whined,"You're going to pay us for every minute we stay in your house?!". "Why are you making your friends pay you man?!" said a teary eyed Natsu. It was made very clear that all of them who would be broke if they stayed in his home.

Zane sighed as he said,"If I was a bit younger and more foolish, I would have but I'm not. I've seen the "fun" you guys have and I would be quite the idiot if I let any of you go wild in this place without charging admission. I'm using my immense brain power to figure out that with any length of stay, you guys would either take or break something so I'm charging your ass for it. It's called insurance.". "It's a good thing that Lucy isn't that ruthless." said Gray under his breath

Lucy looked at him and shouted,"I heard that!". "Zane. I'm sure that you would be a good member of our team." said Erza. "Seriously? You want your favorite person to be on your team and constantly insulting you. I mean if that's your kink, I won't judge you out loud or maybe I will. Depends on how I take my coffee that day." said Zane. "Come on man. We're great!" said Natsu, with him looking at Zane with starry eyes. If you want to see a visual representation, look at this and you'll get an idea.

Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Sorry but no, I'm really not. I rather work with people that I can trust with my eternal life and you're not there yet. I'm thinking about but lets just say that I rather have my own team. I'm pretty good at giving orders. I do lead several members of the Alliance and my team that I've had since I was eighteen Team Maelstrom is still alive and kicking.". "Wow. You can be both inspiring and insulting at the same time." said Gray. "I really try." said Zane.

Lucy said,"So if Zane theoretically joined the team, would we have to change our name? I mean we are just called Team Natsu.". "Yeah. Not exactly a fan of being part of a team named after hothead over here." said Gray, earning a glare from Zane. The two were about to start fighting again but a look from Erza made them stop. This would only last for a while because of something big going down soon plus they were thinking about Lucy's question.

After a while, the pink-haired wizard snapped his fingers in retaliation. "I've got it! How about Team Maelstrom! I mean we could be this dimension's version of it!" said Natsu. Everyone looked at him being that they were considered the name. However, the leader of the real Team Maelstrom wasn't happy about his team's glorious name being used by destructive idiots. This was made clear with his annoyed look. "Natsu. Think harder." said Zane, cracking his knuckles as a warning. 

Natsu ,ignored this, as he said,"Oh come on! Erza, back me up here. Team Maelstrom sounds really cool doesn't it?". The knight soon adopted an expression of thought. "I think she's considering it so please be gentle Zane." said Azalea. "No promises." said Zane. "That's true." said Erza, with her lightly grasping her chin to show that she was considering the proposal. "I'll be up for it." said Gray with Lucy saying,"I'm game.". "Aye!" chirped Happy.

Zane scowled and glared at them with him saying,"Well, I'm not so come up with something else or I'll get mad.". "Come on man. Don't be like that. We're just honoring your team by a part of it since we're Nakama." said Natsu. A few minutes later, Natsu was currently being dragged by his scarf with him currently unconscious thanks to a giant bruise on his head heading toward the guild hall. Gray was doing this since Zane forced him to do it.

Zane's right fist was enlarged with him saying,"And hopefully, he won't have that idea of using my team's name like that.". "Wow. You're......" said Happy. Zane looked at him, shutting him up. On their way to the guild hall, a lot of the townspeople were staring right at them in the mildly populated streets being that their eyes were currently widened, speaking at them in hushed voices, and there was sure a lot of empathy going on.

Zane overheard them saying,"Are those Fairy Tail wizards?". "I feel bad for them.". "They must not know yet.".". Zane was kinda used to people staring at him being that after he revealed his secret identity, he was and will always be a person of interest. "So why is everyone staring at us? Did you strip again Gray?" said Zane, voicing the question that was on their minds except for Natsu who was still unconscious. "It's not the good kind of staring." said Happy.

Gray looked at the cat as he said,"Is there a good kind of staring?". "It feels like pity. You can feel it right Zane?" said Erza. "Yeah." said Zane. Both her and him stopped dead in her tracks with the rest of the group following her gaze and looked dumbstruck. From a distance, the guild hall looked quite strong being that it had large objects sticking out of it. "Why does the guild look so bizarre?" said Erza as Zane smiled. "Lets find out." said Zane.

The group soon reached their destination being that most of them were shocked with one of them feeling a lack of interest. "No way." said Gray with him struggling to breath. "What's happened?" said Erza. "I don't understand what's happening." said Lucy. The guild had be nearly torn apart being that the roofs were smashes, the walls were barely holding together, and giant iron pillars protruding their way right through the roof and sides of a building.

Natsu woke up and saw the sight of the guildhall which he knew all of them ,Zane would disagree with that, loved. "Our guild! Who the hell did this to our home?!" roared Natsu, with an rage that was overwhelming him. He clenched his fist tightly with his finger nails piercing the skin of his palms being that there was a vein bulging on his forehead with angry tears falling from his eyes. "When I find who did this, they're going to pay." said Natsu.

Gray had a face darkening with anger with Happy and Lucy covering their mouth in shock. The five wizards felt both anger and confusing at this being that Erza said,"Who did this?". "I don't know who did this but they're going to pay." said Natsu with a noticeable snarl, angrily wiping his tears. "Oh my gods! The guild hall looks great! I'm digging the new look with the metal piercings. Gives it that edge that the guild need." said Zane, nodding his head.

The five soon looked right at him being that Zane responded with,"I'm an asshole and it's a fucking building. Get over it.". Before they could do anything about it, they heard,"Phantom Lord did this you guys.". They turned around ,except for Natsu, to see Mira standing there on the verge of tears. "You can't be serious." said Gray. Natsu turned around with him having a noticeable glare on his face as he said,"Phantom did this?!".

Mira slowly nodded as she said,"We couldn't do anything to stop them. They got us good.". "So who is Phantom Lord? I mean I'm technically a Phantom Lord myself but I prefer being called Phantom Emperor myself." said Zane. "I'm not even going to try arguing with you on your lack of sensitivity at this point." said Athena. "Smart. We know him so well." said Cole. The group looked at him as Lucy said,"Can you stop being an asshole for one minute?". "Nah. Sounds like work." said Zane.

He soon pulled Mira in a hug with him saying,"So do you mind telling me a couple of things? Where is my little girl? Are you okay? And where the hell is Phantom Lord?". Mira ,who instantly returned his embrace, looked at Zane with him saying,"I may not give a rat's ass about the guild hall being destroyed but you and Levy probably do for some sentimental reason. People who dare to hurt the people I love will pay with their lives without resistance.".

The barmaiden noticed that despite not sounding mad, he was pissed. "I'm fine Zane. Kaida is fine so don't worry okay?" said Mira. "Okay. You didn't answer my last question because well, I need to hit something right now." said Zane. "Count me in on that one." said Natsu, with him pounding his left hand into the palm of his opposite hand in a futile attempt to lessen his strong desire to destroy something. "It isn't that easy you two." said Erza.

Zane said,"Pardon my french here but what the fuck do you mean? According to my research, they're the second strongest guild in Fiore so in retaliation, we should steal their pig!". The group except for Zane soon sweatdropped as Twilight said,"Zane. This isn't your typical school rivalry.". "Yeah. It's a magical one so we'll take their griffin." said Lucifer. The princess sighed as Azalea said,"And now everyone on Team Legion Zero is making jokes. Times have changed.".

Mira let go of Zane as she said,"Erza's right Zane. I'm sure that you know that and you're joking here but Natsu isn't. We're currently using the basement since the main lobby is currently destroyed as you can clearly see.". "Lead the way Mira." said Zane. She soon led them through the rubble of the destroyed guild hall and into the basement. The basement was used as a facility for the guild's supply of booze and supplies meaning that it was strictly off limits to Cana.

However, she was down here and didn't care about said booze due to her not being in a drinking mood which is a shock to most people. Most of the guild was down here due to it being the only spot that wasn't affected by the destruction upstairs. The guild was sitting at makeshift tables doing one of three things being drinking, eating, or moping. It's either one of the three and nothing different. There was a makeshift bar for Mira to work at.

The once bright and loud morale was now lower than normal being rather depressing to say the very least. "So Phantom Lord is a legal guild. Huh. You know with the name. I totally thought they would be a dark guild." said Zane. He and the rest of the group was ventured down the stars. "So how do they know that it's Phantom Lord exactly you guys? And why are they besmirching the good name of Phantoms?" said Sivarth.

Kane said,"Perhaps the giant metal rods that are deep inside of the guild hall may be a clue you old lizard.". The two soon began fighting with Azalea ,ignoring them, saying,"I'm just grateful that no one was injured. I know this guild and Phantom Lord has a rivalry like bratty children but to do something like this, I feel like this is taking it too far.". "Nah. This is actually pretty small and you know it Azalea." said Zane with the Akostar nodding.

Mira said to Zane,"Zane. I'm sure that you know why you can't take actions against them because we don't have definite proof that the member of their guild did it on Master Jose's orders.". "Huh. That's the dumbest excuse I've even heard in my life." said Zane as he turned his head intangible to evade a rather stern smack to the back of his head. "Zane. For once in your life, shut up." said Erza who tried to hit him. "Nah. That sounds lame. So what did the old man say about this?" said Zane.

Cole said,"Since when have you listened to authority when doing anything? I mean you've punched royalty without thinking about it.". "Only when Zane respects authority. Cole still has a point there Zane." said Athena. "You agree with Cole is still disturbing ever after all this time Athena." said Lucifer, getting a glare from the A.I. "You can ask him yourself Zane." said Mira as the group headed down the stairs. They soon were at the bottom with Wakaba noticing them.

He said after taking a long drag of his cigarette."Hey look guys. Team Natsu and Zane are back.". "So do you guys see what happened to the guild?" said Nab, pointing above. "It's kinda hard to miss. It's less subtle than a clown with his horn out." said Zane. "We've never been on the best terms with those Phantom jerks but come on." said Droy, sitting with the rest of his team. "We should go teach them a lesson." said Jet. "Back off you guys. We're in enough trouble already." said Levy, waving to Zane.

Mira ushered the group through the basement being that Zane soon pointed toward a nearby pile of crates. Makarov was sitting there with him having a clear blush on his face thanks to the mug of beer that was gripped tightly. "Yo. Welcome back!" said Makarov with him slurring his words and gulping down another batch of alcohol. "Wow. You are hammered like really hammered. That's just sad." said Zane in a deadpanned tone. "Sorry that we weren't here sooner." said Erza.

Natsu let out a throaty growl briefly escape his throat with him saying angrily,"So why the fuck is everyone just sitting around here doing nothing?! This isn't fucking happy hour!". "Um. I heavily disagree. Every hour is happy hour since it's five o clock somewhere in the Omniverse." said Zane with him drinking from his flask. "He's tots right. So how did the job go Lucy? So did you do me proud?" said Makarov, ignoring the tantrum of Natsu. "I sure did." said Lucy, sounding confused.

Erza raised her eyebrow as she said,"Master. Do you understand the gravity of the situation?". She had a higher than normal tolerance when it comes to the eccentricities and laid-back attitude due to her respecting a great amount. However getting drunk at a time like this isn't a good way of dealing with your problem. She can't handle Zane because he tends to be a rather annoying pest which she knew that she couldn't defeat without a lot of prep time.

I wouldn't say on Batman's level of prep time but very close. "They destroyed our guild hall! That's super important gramps!" yelled Natsu. "What are you kids get so worked up for? I mean this isn't the end of the world." said Makarov, taking another chug of his beer. "What?!" growling both the duo of Gray and Natsu. "If you ask me, this only shows how cowardly those dunderheads in Phantom Lord really are. They attack when no one was here. They shouldn't be bragging about that." said Makarov.

Zane rolled his eyes with him saying with his voice having a good amount of edge to it,"That makes no fucking difference. They went out of their way and attacked this crummy old building, making it look like a beat up spouse. This is your choice here but you're acting like a fucking pushover who gets beat by their partner and does fucking nothing about it. That's my two cents on the matter. You should make them learn their place in this society.". 

Everyone in the guild picked up on Zane's tone being that his eyes were showing a violent intent. His storm gray eyes were piercing the dazed master being that it was well known in the guild that Zane didn't agree with a lot of master's policies when it comes to punishing his children. One of such policies ,at least in Zane's opinion, was him being a coward when it comes to punishing anyone of his children. Remember folks, this is all of my opinion so take it with a grain or bucket of salt.

Laxus's disrespect toward his children and his fellow guildmates is something that could have been solved a long time ago if Makarov did something about it. Another example of his cowardice is when Team Natsu got back from Galuna Island. Instead of getting punished in the way that the rest of the guild described to be something so bad, their punishment was that they couldn't take a job for an entire week. Zane says that this wasn't a real punishment.

They were wondering if a fight was going on being that Zane was currently giving off an intent to enter a conflict with Phantom Lord being that he was planning on going out after making sure that Kaida and Sly were safe. Makarov drunkenly smiled as he said,"I know that but if they aren't even going to bother facing us head on, forget them and move on. Didn't you say to not live in the past and move forward Zaney?".

Zane soon took a deep breath with him walking over to a empty table. His face was currently shadowed being unable to reveal his current opinion on the matter at hand. He soon took a deep breath with him soon placing his palm into the table. The table was destroyed upon contact with Zane's hand, shocking the entire guild as fragments of wall all over the place. "That is literally the worst fucking excuse I've ever heard in my life! Cowards like you make me sick!" yelled Zane.

He clenched his right fist as he said,"I don't give a damn about this place but they came into my territory and hurt something that my bookworm cares about! That makes it a good enough reason for me to take revenge on them. Eye for an eye. The destruction of this place is because of your stupid rivalry between you and Jose to begin with! I'm going to make them pay with their lives for even attempting this.".

The guild soon looked at Zane like he was crazy because he was back talking Master ,which was oddly normal given Zane's mouth, and also that he was going to challenge Phantom Lord by himself with Natsu wanting to go with Zane. Makarov looked at with a stern, calm, and childish tone being that the latter of the three elevate Zane's anger,"Enough of this. I've made up my mind as Master and we'll take job requests down here until the guild hall is repaired.".         

Zane's eyes began twitching with him saying,"Fuck that coward! I'm going and there is nothing that you can do to stop me!". He glared right at Makarov, with his eyes saying,"If you try to stop me, I'll kill you where you stand and I'm pretty good at erasing evidence.". "That's enough Natsu!" yelled Makarov. "Natsu?" said Sivarth. The Akostar soon got his answer being that Makarov reached out his and slapped Lucy's rear.

Sivarth stared at this scene with him saying,"And the little respect I had for him is gone thanks to the power of alcohol.". "And you spanked me because...." trailed Lucy. "Master! Keep your hands to yourself!" said Mira, shooting him a upset look. Both Natsu and Zane soon grabbed Makarov's arm with both of them shooting Master a fierce glare. "I don't care if you're the master but don't you ever do that to Lucy again." said Natsu with in a low tone, baring his large canines.

Makarov would have pulled back his hand with him noticing the glare in Zane's eyes. "Yeah. That's their thing and we're not done yet." said Zane. Makarov soon pulled back his hand from Lucy and he laughed sheepishly. He soon jumped off the crate he was sitting on and ran across the room. "Where the hell are you going you old bastard?" said Zane. "Calm your tits there Zania. I'm going to take a leak." said Makarov, running off.

Zane growled with him saying with his arms crossed,"He's such a fucking coward. I can't understand why the hell he isn't doing anything. Him being so calm makes me so annoyed.". "Zane." said Mira in a sympathetic tone. She gave the Cross Species's shoulder a tight squeeze. Zane was still mad but her voice was helping him calm down. "This is just as hard on him as it for you. He's mad but warfare between the guilds is strictly prohibited."  

Zane soon punched a nearby wall with him saying,"And tell me Mira why that matters to someone who says screw the rules, I don't care.". "I know but that doesn't matter." said Mira. "If the master's decision is to not retaliate, we must respect it." said Erza, gritting her teeth. The rest of Team Natsu seemed rather upset by her being that Zane shrugged. "Well, I'm off. See you cowards tomorrow. My fist have a date with Phantom Lord and I dare not keeping it waiting." said Zane.

He was about to make a portal with Erza shouting,"Zane! Listen to reason for once in your life! If master ordered us not to act, we must listen to his decision without question!". "Yeah. That sounds really lame so no way in hell. I mean they can't be that good." said Zane. He noticed the worried look on the guild's face as Zane rolled his eyes. "Wow. All of you are making your decision so much easier by the minute." said Zane.

Gray said,"Dude. We all get what you're feeling but we'll get in trouble if those Phantom Lord jerks come back.". "Then I won't get caught. Pretty obvious. I already fought a Phantom Lord wizard and I won." said Zane. "For once Zane, can't you think with your head instead of your ass." said Lucy. The Cross-Species blinked and he said,"Oh. You'll pay for that. So why is everyone so scared of Phantom Lord Mira? I mean I'm a Phantom Lord technically and no one of you are scared of me right?".

Everyone in the guild was quiet and they didn't want to answer him without saying a single word or thinking it. "If no one answers me, I'll just go there after I figure out where to go." said Zane. He soon sat down on a nearby storage box with him holding his watch out in front of him and making several light purple hologram computer screens appear in front of him. "So are you going to attack Phantom Lord? I want to come with you if you do." said Natsu. "You will not Natsu." said Erza, glaring at him.

Despite being more than friends with her, Erza still scared Natsu. "According to my research I did earlier, Phantom Lord has multiple buildings and branches being that one of its representative bases is in Oak Torn but I'm looking for a specific wizard. He may not be there so I'm going to use any known sightings of him to find out which bases he is. If I destroy all of them, the Magic Council will find out about it and I rather not deal with the blue haired prick any time soon." said Zane.

He soon began moved the screens to the left or right using his finger. "And least, he isn't going to do storm them anytime soon." said Gray with Mira nodding. Natsu stormed over to a remote corner of the basement to calm down being that Erza and Lucy went to help him. His reaction was perfectly understandable being that most of the guild wanted to do something about it but unlike Natsu and Zane, they could mask their current emotions.

Kane said, "God. All of them being so downcast is pissing me off. Zane, do or say something offensive.". Zane ignored him being that Athena said,"Kane. We both know that when Zane is doing research on something, he tunes everything out. According to our research, Master Jose is said to be on par with Master Makarov.". "Are you sure that's an fair assessment? I mean most old people aren't on the same level as they were in their prime." said Lucifer. "He's kinda right." said Cole.

Cole was slapped by Athena while Lucifer was hit by Azalea. "That's according to Sorcerers Weekly you two. They were probably paid by Phantom Lord to hype them up and make them look good but who knows? The Phantom Lord guild has a group called the Element 4. All of them are S-Class wizards in the guild." said Twilight. "So does it get any worse? I mean to those who haven't met gods and pissed off several of them within seconds, this sounds bad." said Azalea.

Zane sighed as he said,"Apparently, they have equal offensive power to Fairy Tail. Both Jose and the coward are wizard saints. They also have someone named Black Steel Gajeel. He's like Natsu and Stella except he's the Iron Dragon Slayer.". "So this guy eats iron right?" said Kane. "Yeah. I mean if you've seen his teeth, it would make pretty good sense to me. He could have also done the fusion dance with a blender or shark. Not sure how it works but I could be wrong." said Zane, shrugging.

He suddenly noticed out of the corner of his eye, something of interest. He soon moved the screen move in front of him and made it bigger. Levy noticed this with her walking over to him. "Hey there Zane. What are you looking at?" said Levy. "Oh hey. Take a look." said Zane. "The latest and most powerful member of Fairy Tail is the Legion Void Knight Zane Alvarez maybe stronger than Laxus Dreyar and Gildarts. He defeated the trio of Gray Fullbuster, Salamander, and Titania." said Levy.

She looked at Zane with him smiling. "I sent my friend in Sorcerer Weekly some pictures of the other day and I think I got some pretty good shots plus a killing thanks to the sales." said Zane. "I know that I'm incredibly late for asking you this but why did you call yourself Legion Zero? I kinda get Void Knight since you can literally erase things and use a sword." said Levy. "I actually based my superhero name based off one of my futures. Good times." said Zane.

Levy sweatdropped as she said,"You didn't answer me but that sounds like an interesting story.". "I know that. Since I have the ability to multiple and have more powers than I can count, I'm a walking legion. Zero is a title that goes to a great warrior. Most of the Zeroes were failures due to them dying rather early on. Other than me, three Zeroes could be considered worthy of their title." said Zane with her nodding.

He smiled as he said,"It's not like how Mira was called the Demon. I mean I get why in the past but now, it's madness I say. She's really nice, friendly, and beautiful. I mean the guy who called her that could have been a masochist and well, I don't judge kinks.". Mira blushed at Zane with her giggling at Zane's comment. "Oh Zane, you're such a sweet talker." said Mira. Levy sighed as she said,"You know that you just made the Beast Arm mad right honey?". "Meh." said Zane shrugging.

On que, Elfman ran into his face with him roaring out and extremely pissed off,"YOU AREN'T A REAL MAN THERE ALVAREZ! NO ONE IS WORTHY OF DATING MY SISTER!". "You do know that is her choice right? I mean I get the overprotective brother thing truly but love is always a choice that can't be forced onto something. I can't count how many times I've disrupted arranged marriages or bad relationships in my lifetime." said Zane.

Elfman blinked as Levy shook her head. "It's fine Elfman. I mean I didn't think I would fall for him and looked what happened." said Levy. She soon lopped her arm around Zane's free left arm and with her new assists, she gave his arm a breast sandwich. Zane smiled as he said,"Learned that from Cana didn't you?". "Yeah. She helped me deal with my new equipment. Thanks for doing that by the way Zaney." said Levy.

The two soon kissed much to the disappointment of Droy, Jet, and Mira with the former two because of Levy. Before anything else, they all soon heard a pair of footsteps upstairs. Despite his impressive hearing, Zane was completely focused on his task which he went back. The entire guild soon tensed up and prepared to strike upon the second that they showed on their face. It was pretty much a sound bet that it was Phantom Lord back to kick them while they're down but they could be wrong.

The footsteps were drawing closer and the guild was on the verge of panic. As a safety measure, Erza summoned a sword, Natsu engulfed his left fist in fire, and Gray was ready to freeze someone upon seeing a single member of Phantom Lord show their cowardly face. The doors of the basement soon opened up and heard the footsteps approaching. Little to them except for Zane who looked away for his research to figure out the intruders, it was a familiar trio of faces aka Kaida, Sly, and Stella.

They went to get ice creams with the youngest one riding on the back of Sly being that she was holding a cone for her and her papa to enjoy. Stella didn't look where she was going being that she soon stepped on a banana peel and well, she soon began falling down the stairs. The guild down below soon heard sounds of thumping and yelps ,ranging from "OW, EEE, and DOH", being that their guards were dropped.

They wondered who would be stupid to fall down two flights of stairs. This fall wasn't as bad as say Homer Simpson falling into Springfield Gorge or Peter Griffin falling down a flight of stairs but it was just as funny mainly the former but the latter was still pretty good and uncensored. I got a good laugh from this. You've been warned. Stella was hollering as she tumbled and crashed right into a wall, bouncing off it and falling down the flight of stairs visible to the guild.

All of them looked relived and confused as how someone graceful like Stella could fall down two flights of stairs right now. Stella landed with a face plant on the hard floor with her laying there for a few second before getting back up and groaning at her misfortune. "So Stella, how was the trip? I'll give that fall a five out of ten. Need to work on the landing because I'm quite the biased judge and this included the Russian one." said Zane. 

Not being racist but you know how there is always a competition and there is that dickheaded judge being that while his fellow judges gives a high score, he gives a low score and usually has a Russian accent. Ignoring everything and everyone around him, Stella glared back at the stairs and pointed at them. "Curse you stairs! You've made a powerful enemy and you'll regret!" said Stella being that the inanimate pathway actually sweated.

Once she calmed down after a few seconds, Sly flew in with Kaida riding on her back. "Wow. This is kinda depressing." said Stella with her noticing the frowns on everyone's face except for Zane being that his was more neutral. Sly flew over to Levy and Zane being that Sly said,"Wow. I'm impressed that you're still here. I mean you've seen the interesting new fixtures to the guild.". "I'm trying to find the guy who did this and some other stuff." said Zane, shrugging.

Kaida tilted her head as she said,"You know who did this Papa?". "Yeah. I mean it's kinda obvious isn't it?" said Zane. "Yeah. So Kaida got you some ice cream. Want it now or after you hurt that poor fool and his guild for making you mad?" said Sly. "I'll take it now. I mean I shouldn't go to battle hangry. I'll just go into battle angry instead. It's more fun that way." said Zane, taking the cone from Kaida much to the little girl's happiness.

Levy knew that making Zane was usually a death sentence for whoever was unlucky to piss off the raging beast. His anger made Erza, Lucy when it comes to her rent, and an angry Natsu put together and times a hundred million look small. She remember clearly what he did to Gray. Makarov came out of the bathroom, looking less intoxicated than he did before. "So why didn't you go charging off to your death idiot?" said Makarov.

Zane faked hurt as he said,"I would have but I'm trying to find someone. So Stella, do you think I could handle Phantom Lord by my lonesome?". "Probably." said Stella. "Yeah! Papa is strong so why is he drunk in the middle of the day?" said Kaida. "I'll tell you the answer to that question when you're older. It's like how your dad likes to say things to piss people off." said Sly, earning a head nod from Kaida. "What makes you so confident anyway?" said Makarov.

This got everyone's attention with Zane saying,"I've broken into prisons, weddings hall, and other heavily guarded places just because. I usually made it out with only a missing arm but then, it grew right back. I also defeated dark guilds by myself so I think that I can handle a couple of cowards who really need to learn their places.". "Huh. You're confident aren't you?" said Makarov. "According to the ladies, chicks dig that stuff old timer. I mean you would know that." said Zane.

He removed himself from Levy ,much to her dismay, as he said,"While I may agree with you on not going to war, we still need to do something. War may never be the right option because not fighting back, it'll bring more war in its wake.". Makarov knew that Zane had been through a lot since he's a very unique life if his stories were accurate which they completely were. Despite his more annoying side, Makarov knew that Zane had decades of wisdom in him and makes the right choices.

Most of the time. "However, you need to use force to make idiots learn their place so I'm going to teach them their places." said Zane, causing Makarov and the other wizards to fall over. They thought that Zane had calmed down but he didn't. "Well, have fun. Don't get anyone in this guild hurt or you'll be dealing with two angry guilds." said Sly, nonchalantly. "Have fun Papa! Kick their buts for me too!" said Kaida.

Zane smirked as he said,"Of course Peanut. This place may be a dump but it's precious to Levy and you so I'll go enjoy taking them down.". Natsu soon walked up to him with him looking really angry as he said,"So why the hell do you get to go and not me?! I mean you keep getting really fun things to do!". "Because I can actually handle a vehicle without blowing chunks plus I'm just that lucky so deal with it." said Zane in a nonchalant tone of voice.

Zane could tell that Natsu didn't hate Zane being that he was mad and had to take his frustration on something. "Natsu. I know how you feel truly but you storming Phantom Lord is a bad idea. I get that you feel bad about this dump being destroyed but here's the thing. It really wasn't. Look around you dunderhead. Fairy Tail isn't some building but the people that call this buildings its home is what makes Fairy Tail truly what it is. No one was hurt so I think we're going to be fine." said Zane.

Erza grinned with her feeling that despite Zane calling the building a dump twice, everyone's spirits lighten up slightly. Natsu nodded in understanding. "Well, I have an idea to make you all happy and get off my back about attacking Phantom Lord being that the mess upstairs will be gone." said Zane as he pointed upstairs. "Huh?! You can do that?!" said Natsu. The entire guild hear this being that they thought that Zane was crazy.

Zane pouted as he said,"Okay. I'll just prove you guys right. Once you hear loud chomping noises, do come outside.". He left the basement with Kaida saying,"So what did papa mean by that? I mean he is really powerful but can he fix the mess upstairs?". "Yes Sly. Do tell us how he can do that." said Erza, cocking an eyebrow, folding her arms over her chest, and looking unconvinced. "If there is one word to describe Zane, it's unpredictable. Just wait." said Sly.

The guild sat there in quiet before hearing loud chomping noises. They all soon rushed outside of the ruined building with their eyes widening as they saw several strange looking creature eating the metal like it was nothing more than a snack. "So is that who I think it is?" said Natsu. Gray only smiled as he said,"Yep. That's Zane.". Lucy used her arm to cover the sunlight to see that Zane was currently in Osmosis Form.

After the army finished off the last pole that had rudely made its way into the guild hall, Zane floated down and landed on the ground softly. Zane only smiled with him saying,"Told you Prude Knight but I'm not done yet. Hey Master.". "Yes?" said Makarov. "Once I repair the guild hall using one of my forms, promise me something. If this ever happens again aka the building gets wrecked like badly, I don't have to repair or break it ever again. Do we have a deal?" said Zane.

Sly looked at the master with her thinking,"Lets see if he does the same thing as Natsu.". "Sure thing Zane. I was thinking about remodel but why not?" said Makarov. Sly facepalmed, earning a confused look from Stella. "I'll say this again. Don't make deals with Zane because you'll literally dealing with the Chirotirian or devil. I swear to the gods about this." said Sly. Zane smiled as he switched out from a rather cute form into something rather strange. Zane transformed into Alchemy Form. 

He grew to eight feet tall with him having a muscular humanoid figure. His body is covered in gray scales with him have three gold eyes, forming a triangle shape on his face. His eyes have no pupils but could still blink and narrowed to slits if needed. His head is a red stone which is very similar to a philosopher stone. He has pointy ears very much like an elf. His head floats above his body and covered in a glass dome. His dome looks to be in the shape of a hood. He has four fingered hands and feet.   

Zane is wearing a long black wizard like cloak with dark indigo strips forming alchemy symbols. These symbols are for copper which is the symbol for female/femininity on the right side of his cloak, gold on the back of his cloak, iron which is the symbol for males/masculinity on the left side of his cloak, and the symbol for time on the front of his cloak. It covers his upper half of his body. He wears dark brown pants and red boots that go up to his knees.

The wizards stared in astonishment and confusion being that they were wondering what this form could even do. "Huh. I totally thought you would have picked Chronos or Robot Form to handle this but Alchemy Form. Color me impressed Zane." said Sly. Kaida nodded with her saying,"Yeah! This form is super good at fixing things.". "Seriously? I mean that thing doesn't look like a construction worker at all." said Natsu.

Zane smirked as he said with an eerie high-pitched voice with an echo effect,"Don't let my totally handsome appearance fool you there Natsu. I may just shock you.". "I doubt whatever you are can fix the holes you left behind in your haste to prove yourself right." said Erza with her eyebrow raised. "Wow. You're really mean Prude Knight I mean just wow. You really need to be nice or you won't get a man or woman. Don't judge but just watch okay?" said Zane with a smile.

Zane soon faced the guild hall with him aiming his hands at the building. His hands were instantly covered in black energy with traces of red in it. This energy ,that covered Zane's hands, soon bathed the entire building with Zane saying,"It's time to restore the building with the power of Alchemy!". The damage that had been done to the building was vanished right in front of their eyes being that the wizards were shocked.

The holes on the roofs and wrecked parts of the guild were restored to their former glory. This lasted for a short but long ten seconds before the energy glow was gone from the building. In its wake, there was a fully repaired Fairy Tail Guild Hall. Some wizards gasped in shock while others ,aka Erza, just stared in amazement. "So do you love me or not? I mean everything is back to the exact way it was trashed so it's still a mess." said Zane, turning around to face the dumbstruck guild.

The guild's spirit was back to normal being that they soon surrounded him. They began cheering and thanking him for restoring their guild. Most of them were patting him on the back, saying thank you before getting thrown back by several hands that appeared from the ground due to Zane not liking to be touched. "You're really awesome Zane!" said Lucy, very happy that her cherished guild was back to normal. "It sucks that you won't be able to do this again." said Gray, crossing his arms.

Natsu shouted in excitement,"And now we're back in business!". "Aye sir!" said Happy. "While I love you all appreciate me and making my ego grow even bigger but well, I like my space and well, I'll blast you away." said Zane with them getting away from him due to them all knowing that he doesn't like to be touched. "Sorry but we're just happy to see that our guild to normal thanks to you." said Mira who was slightly sorry for suffocating him due to her wanting to be closer to Zane.

Zane soon waved to her as he said,"It's fine Mira. I used to be able to handle suffocation but over time, I got annoyed by people going overboard in thanking me. I may be a asshole through and through but depression pisses me off.". Erza gazed at the fully repaired building as the rest of the guild flooded in with raised spirits, thanking Zane on their way in. "Good work, Zane. That was very kind of you." said Erza.

She soon grabbed Zane's head and lightly slammed it into the armored chestplate. It was her way of showing gratitude or apologizing being that it's a mystery where she learned that but people can be weird like that. When she let go, Zane looked upwards at the sky. "So did you feel her massive maracas through the armor?" said Kane with a perverted smirk. "Don't answer that Zane. You're with Levy." said Sivarth.

Lucifer said,"I mean our partner may be a super powers geek but I don't think her massive maracas should matter to you. I mean at least 95% of the female population of this dimension has large breasts like Levy.". "It was no problem because I've repaired buildings. This's a job that I did as a hero often before the people gained a way to repair buildings that were destroyed in the crossfire of the battle between good and evil." said Zane, with him smiling brightly.

He deactivated Alchemy Form with Erza saying,"You can't be serious.". "I am not." said Zane in a blunt tone. The two glared at each other with Wakaba saying,"Please you two. Don't fight. I mean our resident god won't be repairing the damage after the beatdown.". Erza looked at the smoker with him whistling in fear of Erza. "Forgive me Zane. I'm sorry for doubting you in this form. I will not doubt the power of the Eazairvian so if you want, you may punish me." said Erza.

Zane was silent as Azalea said,"So how are you going to do?". "Like Kane but with the power of Flick." said Zane. He soon raises his hand over Erza’s head and flicks her on the forehead. This sent her flying back being that Zane infused Impulse into the flick. "While I may be a sadist. I'm not a fan of making masochists like you feel happy. I'm going to get a drink." said Zane. He walked inside as Sly sighed at her partner's mannerism.

Some time had passed being that Zane was sitting at the bar with him drinking from his flask, Levy was sitting on his lap much to the jealous of Droy and Jet who couldn't do anything to stop him, and Kaida was sitting next to him, drawing a picture of Alchemy Form. Zane could tell that Erza was looking at him being that it was rather annoying. "Really hope I didn't make her a masochist but it'll be an interesting relationship between Erza and Natsu for sure." thought Zane, sipping his drink.

Erza was amazing at Zane being that he had the ability to influence everyone's spirits just like Master can being the guild was lifted in a matter of seconds. The guild was back to its old self, with the loud and boisterous noise going about. Gray and Natsu were bickering again being that it was about Zane and which were his best form. Gray was saying that Frost Form and Glacier Form were the best but Natsu was saying that Cataclysmic Form and Pyre Form were the best.

Lucy sighed at her friends's actions with Happy idly munching on some fish and saying that Liger Form is better than both of them much to the blond's dismay. Mira was currently rushing from table to table, getting drinks to every person she could. Macao and Wakaba were telling jokes again being that Romeo was running around. Cana was still drunk and laughing. "So how do you do it?" said Erza as she stood in front of Zane. "Do what?" said Zane, faking confusion

Sly ,who sat nearby her partner, said,"How you can easily scare people and make them feel happy in a minute. You have a unique way of doing things Zane. Am I right Erza?". Erza nodded as Zane only smiled. "Sometimes, you have to just live in the moment. I tend to do that." said Zane. Zane looked at Master Makarov with him saying,"Hey cowardly old man. Got an question for you?". "What do you have for me? And don't call me a coward." said Makarov with a wide smile gracing his lips.

Zane said,"So why were you drinking in the middle of the day? I mean I usually do the same but unlike you, I can handle my liquor.". "Because like it's way more fun to drink during the day!" said Makarov. The elderly wizard soon brought up his hand and extended it forward to literally smack the cross-species's ass while sitting down. Yeah. I did both a male and female getting their ass slapped so I'm gender neutral I think. This drew the guild's attention being that they were mainly worried.

Zane had a tendency to hurt people who touched him except he liked them shown with the duo of Gray and Natsu most often. Instead of being annoyed, Zane's face was more confused than anything else. "Hands to yourself and off of Zane's ass, Master. We owe him for repairing the guild." said Mira in a sweet yet warning tone being that she was glaring firmly on the drunken master's form being that her "demand" was granted. "My bad. I thought it was Lucy's." said Makarov chucking.

Zane rolled his eyes as he said in a slightly anger tone,"So do you really think that would have been a good idea? I mean I hate being compared to Triple B plus you do really think doing that again would be a bad idea.". "You totally forgot about the "incredibly cute part" Zane and him doing that would be a bad idea." said Lucy. "Why was she vain about that of all things?" said Twilight. "Yeah. Women are a confusing but interesting lot." said Kane, dodging Azalea's tail swipe.

Cana soon hugged Zane from behind with her arms around her neck as he felt her large breasts press against his back. "Thankful that you can hiding your blush right?" said Sivarth. "You're quite the impressive guy Zaney. I mean you're handsome and interesting." said Cana. Zane freed himself from Cana's grasp with him looking at her. "Sorry Cana but I'm with Levy and I'm not cheating on her. I wasn't raised to be a cheater." said Zane, kissing Levy's cheek.

This earning an aww from the females of the guild as Levy blushed. "So do you think we could include her in the harem Zane? She's totally my type." said Cole. "How about no Cole? Levy still hasn't approved of Zane having a harem. I'll admit that Cana is quite sexy and beautiful. All women in this dimension could win a beauty pageant without any effort on their part. I do want to see how a contest between all of them would go down." said Athena who slapped Cole for his comment.

Cana pouted as she said with a bright smile,"I'm real happy that Levy found someone like you and hopefully, you don't get bored of her. If you do, call me and I'll give you a good time.". She winked at Zane before walking off. Zane blinked with Macao saying with a sheepish grin,"Wow. You're one lucky guy Zane. It's be so long since I've seen Cana showing interest in a guy.". Macao may find Mira to be the most beautiful girl in the guild hands down.

However, he couldn't deny Cana and Lucy to be beautiful and total girlfriend material. So do you think they have shirts that say girlfriend material in this dimension. "He has a better chance than you would ever have Macao." said a smug Wakaba being that a "male" ,who looks half his age but in all reality is much older, having incredibly luck with the fairer sex than he ever did back when he joined the guild.

He had been here less than a month and already been claimed by Cana but he was with the brand new and sexy looking Levy. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" said an angry Macao. "You know exactly what I mean. Zane here is way better at getting babes than you were were!" said Wakaba with him butting heads with Macao. "I'm better than you and I have a son to prove it!" said Macao with them starting an argument.

Levy soon giggled as she said,"It's like looking at the future for Gray and Natsu right?". Zane didn't respond being that for once, he was silent. "Zane? You alright?" said Levy, sounding worried. "Sorry there Levy. I was thinking about what to make for dinner tonight." said Zane, crossing his arms. "No matter what you make Papa, it'll be really good! You're a great cook!" said Kaida. "You can cook Zane?" said Mira.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yep. I learned when I was about four years old. I really wanted to be like my older brothers who were cool to young me. I mean they could beat up giant monsters and cook really good foods. I got to be really good since I need to eat a lot due to my powers.". "He's really good Mira. He made food for our picnic the other day and it was really good." said Levy with Kaida nodding her head. "Well, I would love to try it out whenever you have a chance." said Mira.

Zane nodded with him saying,"Hey Sly. Mind keeping an eye on Kaida for me?". "Sure. I'm kinda used to taking care of your kids for you so you can play around." said Sly. "Ha ha. You know that I was often busy because I had a job to do." said Zane. "Yeah and you did a good job raising your kids because none of them have tried to take over the Omniverse yet." said Sly. "Don't worry! I won't do that papa!" said Kaida.

Zane smiled at her with him tussling her hair. She giggled as he said,"I know that because taking over the Omniverse or anything is really boring.". "You sound like you know this from experience." said Bisca. Zane whistled as the guild collectively thought,"He totally was a dictator at one point.". Levy soon looked at Mira with the bookworm nodding. "So Zane, do you mind coming with me a for a moment?" said Mira with Zane shrugging.

The two soon walked out of the building with Levy sitting there. The others watched the duo leave in both confusion and surprise. "So why does Mira want to talk with him so suddenly?" said Lucy, with her getting interested. "I don't know but we should find out right?" said Erza. The two girls nodded as Gray looked at Natsu who had gotten over his anger toward Phantom Lord for now. It was more like he was going to do something if they did something happening.

Gray said,"So do you think you should do something about those two?". "Huh? What do you mean? I mean both Erza and Lucy look fine to me." said Natsu, being blissfully dense. Gray soon looked at Erza being that she was talking about Lucy about something while enjoying a bite of her strawberry cake. "Hey Erza. I have an idea." said Natsu, getting the knight's attention. "What?" said Erza. "So how about me, you, Luce, and the rest of the team go on the job tomorrow?" said Natsu.

Erza looked at him as Natsu said,"I'm still pretty mad about the whole thing being that even though Zane fixed the guild up, I need to get my mind off the whole thing.". Erza didn't respond to him being that she went back to her conversation with Lucy. Natsu sighed as Gray said with his voice screaming sarcasm,"Nice plan there genius. It worked so well.". Gray and Natsu soon began a fight with Erza soon stopping them being that Natsu started the fight to get her attention. It worked. 

As the duo of Mira and Zane reached the front of the guild, Zane said,"So what's up? Did I do or say something stupid?". Mira soon looked at him with her saying,"Nope.". "Nope to what?" said Zane as he looked at her with a stare that made her weak to the knees. "Your second question. So I remember that you mentioned that you know who did this to our guild. Mind telling me who he is?" said Mira with her taking a deep breath.

Zane smiled as he said,"It's a bit complicated on who if I reveal their identity when Natsu is nearby because well, the criminal's identity will make Natsu storm ahead. I rather not deal with an angry Pride Knight and crying Triple B. Too annoying in my book.". Mira smiled as she said,"I guess you like them don't you?". Zane looked at her with him saying,"Don't tell them. I'm playing the role of an asshole so I can't show any form of kindness or else, my image is ruined.".

Mira giggle with her saying,"I guess that you really do see Natsu as your brother don't you?". "Not really Mira. I mean he reminds me except with way less father issues but much denser. So did you need me for anything else? I'm up for anything." said Zane. "Well, we're running low on some essentials for the guild. Before you fixed the guild, we used the extra supplies that we had in the basements but it's ran out. I guess I have some shopping to do." said Mira.

Zane slowly nodded as he said,"I see. I guess I'll help you out.". Mira looked at him in shock as she said,"Are you serious? I thought you would hate shopping.". "Wow. Way to presume something about me Mira. I'm hurt. I'll have you know that I've been the packmule to a multitude of women over the centuries. I didn't get these muscles over night." said Zane, flexing his right arm. "You're going to be using her aren't you? How awful of you Zane." said Kane.     

Zane ignored him being that he could tell that despite flashing a bright smile, Zane could feel the pure sadness in her. "Really? That's amazing. Thank you Zane!" grinned Mira with a blush forming on her face. "Lets get going. We can't waste day light because there can be scary monsters out at night." said Zane with Mira smiling. The two soon walked away. "So did you catch anything Natsu?" said a voice which had a slight edge to it.

Natsu's voice said,"Kinda Erza. I mean I think Mira need some essentials and that they are going to shopping together plus scary monsters.". "What kind of essentials could she be talking?" said Erza's voice. "I don't know." said Lucy's voice. The trio of Erza, Lucy, and Natsu watched the scene with the latter being used as a way to hear in on their conversation without being detected by Zane but little did they know, Zane already did.

Gray and Stella walked over to them with Gray saying,"So what are you guys doing?". He had being dragged over her by Stella because the Earth wizard was curious about Mira requiring Zane and Levy not caring about her boyfriend taken by the poster girl of the guild. Gray also noticed that she was acting strange and oddly, it wasn't about the guild hall being destroyed by Phantom Lord but their most interesting member in a long time.

Gray remembered Lynn saying that whenever a Dragon Slayer is acting strange, it usually involves their mate in some regard. Stella wasn't like Natsu because unlike him, she bottles up her emotions which he wasn't sure if that was a bad thing. From what he knew about dragon slayer magic from Lynn and not his rival, dragon slayers are driven by emotions. It's also not a good thing to bottle them up in the first place. "Nothing!" shouted Erza and Lucy, startling the ice wizard.

Gray muttered out,"Okay then?". "I want to know what's going on too!?" whined Happy. "So do you want to go on that job tomorrow Erza and Luce?" said Natsu, ignoring his rival's question and what he was asked to do. "So what should we do Erza?" said Lucy with her ignoring Natsu. "Perhaps we should follow them." said Erza. "Why would you follow them? I'm pretty sure that Zane'll be able to detect you with else." said Gray.

As the two girls were about to yell at him again, Stella spoke up as she said,"We could use my magic to hide from his detection.". "Seriously?" said the two. Stella nodded as Gray muttered,"Why are women so confusing?". That's the mystery of the universe Gray except to women. It's only a mystery to men and maybe women. "So are we going on a stakeout you guys?! I want to do that!" said an excited Happy. "We'll be like Ninjas!" said Natsu.

He soon covered his face with his scarf, with him chanting ninja just like how they do in One Piece being that I've read/watch Naruto. From what I recalled, they never chanting ninja while doing ninja stuff. I mean they could have in the filler but I forgot. "You girls do know that you're going to stalk them right?" said Gray. "It isn't that Gray!" shouted Lucy. "So are we ninjas going on a stakeout Erza?" said the duo of Happy and Natsu, with them acting like ninjas.

Erza nodded with her saying,"Yes. I'm happy that you aren't doing anything too reckless Natsu. It's good to see that you're not bottling up your emotions.". "Yep. Zane told me that doing reckless stunts like the Galuna Island job again will only hurt the people you care about." said Natsu. "He would know about that kind of stuff wouldn't he?" said Erza, chuckling. "Yep. Now lets go!" said Natsu with him running off much to the girls plus Gray and Happy chasing after him.   

A bit later, Gray said,"Okay. I keep looking at it from every single angle but you guys. They're just shopping supplies for the guild.". He along with the rest of his team and Stella were currently hiding behind a stack of boxes being that they were hidden from the detection of others thanks to Stella's Earth Dragon Shawl. This prevented anyone from seeing them as long as they're nearby Stella but it can't hide sound and once they leave a range of about five meters around her, they reappeared.

Happy said,"Aye.". "Yeah. I guess we were worried for nothing." said Lucy. "Worried about what exactly?" said Natsu. "Nothing Natsu." said Erza being that Stella was watching Zane carrying boxes of things that he and Mira bought. The Cross Species was currently using Cartoon Form to carry the boxes. Cartoon Form had changed thanks to the Zenith Core becoming even more cuter in the process in Mira's opinion.

He's now 4 feet tall with his skin being completely black with parts of his body being white covering his chest, his face, the palms of his hands, and soles of his feet. He now has three small whiskers on his cheeks and bright ,puppy dog eyes, indigo eyes. All of his fin-like appendages fuses together to make one singular fin. He wears a leather, broad-brimmed black hat over his head. His hands are large with five sharp looking extremities and his five toes are very cat like.   

He lost the gem shaped orbs on his arms and waists. He wears a black leather cape ,which is his version of the cloak all of Zane's Forms wear, with him still wearing his black jumpsuit. His jumpsuit is different being that it's sleeveless and he wears brown gloves over his hands. He wears brown leather boots. In the chest of his chest, there is a Molten Gold LZ symbol there. His clones also had symbols being that instead of LZ, there are numbers.

It looked like Mira was being followed by living boxes ,being nine living boxes of them, being that Mira was currently holding the Prime clone in her arms, like a pushie or very cute pet. It's either or so pick your answer. Mira smiled as she nuzzled Zane. "Thanks for helping Natsu and using this cutie too!" said Mira with her gushing over Cartoon Form. It was well know that Cartoon Form was her favorite form being that she argued with Kaida about which form was cuter.

It was like with Gray and Natsu except between two girls which makes it much better according to the guys. I mean their arguing involves less property damage than the fire and ice duo. "No problem at all Mira. I'm kinda used to this by now. You kinda get used to be a packing mule when you're popular with the ladies like muah! I also get a free ride unlike these losers who have to do the hard work." said Zane.

The former demon of Fairy Tail smiled as she watched Zane argue with his clones being that all of them wanted to be held by Mira with one of them acting like a real pervert and one mentioning her in a nurse costume and saying,"Hello Nurse!". She did feel bad about doing this but she did ask Levy if she could borrow Zane for this ,being a "date", with Levy oddly being okay with it. She wondered if Zane had something to do with Levy being okay with Zane being around other women.

Mira knew that Zane had been changing everyone in the guild for the better in her opinion being that she had fallen for him and hard. "Hey Mira." said Zane, getting her attention. "Is something wrong Zane? Do you want me to put you down?" said Mira in her angelic voice. "Yeah and please hold me instead Mistress Mira!" said a clone before being hit by two other clones. They soon began fighting in the street with Zane sighing. "Children. All of you!" said Zane.

Mira smiled as she said,"How about we talk a break?". She pointed to a cafe being that Zane and all of his clones's stomach growling loudly. Mira giggled as Zane said,"Sure!". Zane deactivated Cartoon Form with the Cross Species grabbing all of the boxes using his telekinesis. They soon walked into the cafe and out of view from their follows. "A C-C-Cafe!" said a frighten Lucy as she and the others got a closer look at the place that the two entered.

Natsu looked at her as he said,"So is this place evil or what?". "No." said Lucy. "So why should it matter?" said Natsu, looking confused. Ever since he's been living in Magnolia, he's never been to a cafe before because neither Erza or Lisanna took him to one. Mira offered to take him to one but she was stopped by Erza being that they soon fought. This happened when they were kids. "Calm down Lucy. I'm sure that they're just taking a break." said Erza.

Gray looked at her with him saying,"And why does this matter exactly?". "It does Gray!" said Stella with him flinching at her glare. "Wow! Stella is really scary just like Erza!" said Happy with him soon hiding behind Gray. "So what should we do Stella?" said Erza. "Lets take a look." said Stella with the other two girls nodding and heading toward the cafe, looking through the window. The boys shrugged at them.

It was a good thing that they couldn't been seen thanks to Stella's spell because they would look really creepy. They ducked under the window with them raising their heads up to look at the pair. Gray sighed being that he honestly didn't care about what Mira and Zane were doing. He knew that Zane wouldn't be cheating on Levy but it was kinda nice to see Mira happy after what happened to her two years ago.

Mira smiled at Zane with her saying,"So what would you like?". "Huh? I can have anything." said Zane. "Sure Zane. I mean you already did pay for the essentials so I kinda owe you. You've done so much for me lately so I really do owe." said Mira. "Thanks Mira. You're a nice girl. I like that in a partner." said Zane with him looking down at his menu. Mira was doing the same being that she was using her menu to hide her blush from Zane.

Happy looked at this scene with him saying,"Huh. Those two look like they're on a.... Um. I think it was called a.....". As he was trying to remember the word, he soon felt the cold stares of death from the three females that were spying on the duo of Mira and Zane. "They're so scary! Protect me Gray and Natsu!" said Happy, flying toward Gray and Natsu. "So they do know about your hyper hearing right?" said Athena.

Zane shrugged with him pretending to look up and toward the window. He soon saw the ducking heads of the trio of girls to avoid being seen with the boys being dragged by well. "I think they forgot about them being invisible." said Kane, chucking. "Is something wrong Zane?" said Mira as Zane turned to her. "It's nothing Mira. I'm just getting paranoid in my old age." said Zane. "Stupid cat." said Lucy with them going back to watching them.

When the waitress came back, she took their orders and left. This left the two alone and silence with Zane currently looking at the store. He had been in places like this ever since he was a little kid due to cafes being perfect for dates. Mira couldn't keep her eyes off the Cross Species sitting across from her. She found it cute when Zane found something that caught his interest being that it was like he was a little kid but Mira knew that Zane wasn't.    

She remembered to the conversation that they had about Lisanna. She had been hiding the fact ,from everyone including her brother, that she blamed herself for her death. If she didn't take her siblings with her and took care of the monster. After what happened, she didn't stand a chance against the beast. She wasn't that strong and because of her arrogance, she lost her little sister. Elfman also blamed himself but it wasn't his fault either.

He tried to protect her from the beast but lost control and went berserk. If she was strong, Elfman would have been stopped and Lisanna would still be alive. Back in the day, she loved teasing Lisanna and Natsu being that they were just adorable together or alone. It was obvious that both Erza and Lisanna having a crush on Natsu being that it was more than puppy love. She didn't mind Lisanna and Natsu being together since they are family but Erza and Natsu were a different story.

It mainly involved her personality back then being that she didn't like seeing her rival happier than her. Due to her thinking, she didn't noticed that Zane was looking directly at her. She had been staring at him for a while being that Zane knew that he was deep in thought. "So Mira, I'm currently naked right now." said Zane. She didn't respond as Lucifer said,"Try something else.". Zane soon lifted himself off his seat and leaned over the table to place his right hand on her shoulder.

At the touch of his metallic hand ,which was warm, on her shoulder, Mira snapped at her thoughts and looked at Zane. She blushed at how close Zane and due to her emotions currently controlling her actions, her voice was shaking. "What is it Zane?" said Mira. "You alright? You're spacing out and that's kinda concerning to say the least." said Zane. "Yep! I was just thinking about something and don't you read my mind to find out what." said Mira, avoiding eye contact with him.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Whatever.". He removed his hand from her shoulder with Mira frowned at the loss of his warmth on her shoulder and watch him sit back down. "Like I told you before, I may be the Omniverse's most blunt counselor/therapist but I'm still a good person to talk with." said Zane with Mira looking at him. She knew that Zane is a really good lie detector and after what happened a few days ago, he was a good person to talk about this subject. "It's Lisanna related." said Mira.

Zane was silent as he nodded, allowing her to continue. "I know that you and several others have told me from stopped blaming myself for what happened and I don't. I often wonder if things would be different if Natsu came with us." said Mira as Zane sighed. "Mira. I know that this isn't the right thing to say but things happen for a reason. The Omniverse can be a real bitch sometimes being that the past can't be change no matter what." said Zane.

Azalea said,"Yeah and dealing with an angry Hourglass is a bad thing.". Zane nodded with him seeing Mira's frown deepening. Zane hated sad expression on the people who he cares about being that he often went out of his ways to help those people. He also knew that his blunt nature was the result of this. "Lisanna wouldn't want to see you sad Mira. I didn't know her but from what I got from meeting her in the past, she is a nice girl like you are Mira." said Zane.

Mira's eyes widened at Zane's words. "When someone dies, no one should blame themselves for their death. Lisanna's death isn't your fault, Elfman, or Natsu. The grim reaper comes for us all eventually so we should keep on living, honoring their memories. I do that with the countless people I've lost in my life and you with Lisanna. She would want you to be happy so don't be sad Mira." said Zane who smiled.

Mira was about to start crying being that she tried her best to hold them back. She knew that Zane was right being that Lisanna wouldn't want her to feel sad. Lisanna didn't want Mira to blame herself for her death. Zane was right being that she smiled at him. Whenever she looked at Zane, she felt warm and fuzzy. It been happening since he saved her from Ruined Emerald alongside Dante earlier on in the time that Zane has been here. "So Zane, can I ask you a question?" said Mira.

Zane said,"What's up?". This question had been at the back of her mind as she said,"So how do you feel about me?". Zane knew that this question was going to come up eventually being that he need to take his time. He was a very loving and open minded person. According to Kris back in the day, he's not exactly subtle when it comes to showing his affections. "Honestly, I do like you but what should I do about these feelings all comes back to Levy." said Zane.

Mira knew that Zane would't lie her being that he answered her without a single ounce of fear in his voice. "What do you mean?" said Mira. "I've been in harems because well, I have a problem with loving more than one girl at points in time. Trust me, it's really hard for me to talk about. I told Levy about this and honestly, I don't deserve someone like you Mira." said Zane, shocking the white-haired woman.

Zane clenched his fists with him saying,"To be honest, I could have come back home from my job late last night and probably stopped the criminal from destroying the guild.". "What are you talking about? You didn't do anything wrong." said Mira in a concerned tone. "I may put up a facade but right now, I have no other thoughts rather than catching the person who did what they did to our guild. I'm not the type of person to live in the past but making mistakes for me is hard to forget." said Zane.

Mira nodded as she asked him to go on. "Whenever I make a mistake, I never forget. I often blamed myself and well, I was a pretty bad person to be around. I don't try to remember those mistakes but I always try to do my best and not make mistakes like that. Mistakes happen but to be honest, it hurts me when I make a mistake." said Zane. He smiled as he said,"So maybe after our date, I'll be going after the criminal and you can't stop me.".   

Mira sighed as she said,"I really can't stop you can you?". "Unless you strip for me but I rather not deal with the ferocious brother of yours plus I can just look at a magazine to see you in a bikini. I mean a bikini is basically wearing your underwear in public except it's better equipped for water damage." said Zane, earning a giggle from Mira. Before Mira could say anything, the waitress said,"Sorry for the wait! Here you go!". She soon placed the pair's order on their table.

Lucy's eyes widened in shock at one of the items placed on the table being that she said,"What is that you guys?". Erza and Stella were just as shocked as all three girls had a faint blush on them. The boys didn't because they were confused. Mira was shocked as the trio outside being that she thought,"I didn't order this.". She got really nervous being that she looked at Zane being that he wasn't at all confused but smiling. "Huh? I wonder why there are two straws in this milkshake?' said Zane.

He was ignoring the looks of envy and jealously that he had been getting for a while being that he decided to stop them by releasing his aura, scaring them. "No clue." said Mira being that her face was getting warm. She knew that Zane was teasing her being that he was a teasing master just like Takagi San. "I wonder why they would put two straws in her milkshake. It could be a gimmick that the store does but it would make no sense if the customer was here." said Zane.

He soon smirked as he said,"Hey Mira.". "Oh no!" thought Mira. "What is he going to do?" said Erza and Lucy. "What?! I still don't get it!" said Natsu. "You'll get it when you're older." said Happy, with him placing his paw on his shoulder. "So what should we do?" said Lucy. "I don't know Lucy but we should do something." said Erza. "Yeah but there is this voice in my head telling me that we shouldn't Erza." said Stella.

The voice in Stella's head is her conscience being that the conscience belonging to Zane don't talk that much anymore if at all. "It's not like we can barge in there. It isn't ethical." said Erza being that her mind was telling that it was involving Zane and like he does often, he screws ethic. "So why do girls get so worked about this kind of stuff?" said Gray. The three girls looked at him with all of them having a mischievous look. "Huh?" said Gray.

Zane overhead this with Cole saying,"Wow. He just walked to his funeral.". "So Zane, do you want to...." said Mira in a soft tone. "Well, I'll be honored to but I'm not a big fan of milkshakes so I'll just go the direct route rather than the indirect route." said Zane. The two soon kissed as everyone turned their heads to see the two were kissing being that the customers thought that these two were already a couple but to the people outside, they were having a different reaction.

Gray soon stormed into the shop with him saying,"I really believe that you wouldn't cheat on Levy but you're nothing more than a asshole!". "Gray?" said Mira after recovered the effect from Zane's kiss. "Gray? So what are you doing here?" said Zane, smirking. "Don't act coy! I mean we all saw you kissing another girl than your girlfriend!" shouted Gray. "And since when have you been a prude man? I mean this is just something I do in my home country." said Zane.

Gray and Mira looked at him like he was crazy. "Yeah. I come from Garden of Eve being that the people kissed on the lips even if it wasn't their partner." said Zane. "Isn't everyone in the Garden of Eve women?" said Sivarth. "Yeah but they don't know that." said Twilight. "I don't care! You're going down you son of a bitch!" said Gray. He soon tried to tackle Zane to the ground, only to go right through the Cross-Species.

The two soon began a brawl with Zane dodging Gray's attacks and the customers ran out of the cafe to save themselves from the madness of the Ice wizard. "Please stop you two!" said Mira. "Sorry but I doubt Gray is going to listen but maybe you should talk to them." said Zane, dodging a punch to the face as he pointed to outside. Mira soon followed it with her soon seeing a very familiar head of blond, pink or salmon, red, and silver hair plus blue fur.

She narrowed her eyes and walked over to them. "So what are you guys doing here?" said Mira with four of them jumping at her. "Mira! I didn't know that you were here! What a coincidence!" said Lucy as she chuckled nervously. "Wow Triple B. You suck at lying worse than I did back in the day and I was pretty bad." said Zane, stopping Gray with a punch to the gut. "Ouch! Nice job." said Natsu as he went to go high five Zane. Zane smiled as the two high five.

Happy flew toward her and hugged her. "Don't hurt me Mira! It was their fault! Me and Natsu were just playing ninjas and not spying on them like the rest of them!" said Happy. "Traitor!" said Lucy with her shaking her fist at the cat who stuck his tongue out at her. "Yeah Zane! I was a pretty good ninja." said Natsu, striking the pose. "I see. Did you forgot about my hearing?" said Zane, causing Stella to face palm. "How could you forget something like that?!" said Erza.

Mira looked at them with her saying,"I'll ask again. What are you doing here?". Gray ,who was still unconscious, and Natsu shivered at Mira's tone being that it was like the Demon. "We were making sure that Zane wasn't cheating on Levy because cheaters are the worse." said Erza. "So are those who kill for sports, take things from people, and people who break the jaw good to you or what Prude Knight?" said Zane.

She soon stomped toward Zane being that the two began their typical argument which was Zane saying words to get her aggravated. "Sorry about this Mira." said Stella as Mira sighed. "It's fine but I don't think the owner feels the same." said Mira. After walking Gray up, Team Natsu and Stella soon bowed their heads in apology to the owner of the cafe with Mira and Zane off scot-free because they were the victims and also the owner loved romance.

As punishment, the six were forced to carry back the supplies plus Zane gets to tease much to their dismay since Zane knew about their attempting at stalking them. Mira was ahead of others being that she was smiling. She was happy being that she hadn't been this happy in a long time. She knew that this happiness involved a certain Cross-Species being a member of the guilder. She giggled being that she was really happy that she fell for him.

Later, Zane had returned back home and called it a day being that sun had set and nighttime was here in Magnolia. As he planted his body on his living room couch, he had thoughts lingering in his mind. He knew that he had to plan a counterattack against Phantom Lord because they hurt the people that he cares about and smirching Phantoms. He also didn't want to attract the attention of the Magic Council because while he may like Ultear, he didn't want to deal with any pricks unless he had to.

According to his research, there was a war known as the Second Trade War in X692. Before then, the legal guild often fought over commercial rights, land and establishments. Due to the STW (Second Trade War), the magic council passed the interguild dispute interdiction treaty. To put it simply, all guild was forbid war against each other or another guild for whatever reason. Zane thought it was due to the huge amount of death but who really knows.

Zane sighed as he said,"Yep. Things are always complicated where I go huh.". "That's just the cards you've been dealt Zane being that a real man deals with them rather than complaining. So are we going out or stay here? I'm willing to stay here but I can't miss out on the action either." said Kane. "We're go in two teams. One team stays and the other goes out. No complain alright?" said Zane. "Understood partner." said Team Legion Zero. "So here are the teams." said Zane.

About thirty minutes ago, Lucy was currently heading back home after what happened at the cafe and she was on the street that ran across a canal that went through the city. "I still can't believe another guild would do something like that." said Lucy. She was pulling her suitcase behind her, thinking about the sudden events of actions that happened to her today. Her faithful companion Plus was in front of her, walking. "This is a big mess huh Plue?" said Lucy. 

Plue nodded as Lucy said,"I still can't believe on how bad terms Phantom Lord is with Fairy Tail. It's really bad even more than Gray and Natsu's rivalry.". Plue agreed with her while doing a dance that may seem harmless but its true purpose is sinister just like aglets which are the plastic tips at the end of shoelaces. "Honestly, I thought about joining them before I met up with Happy, Natsu, Sly, and Zane. Their reputation is just as crazy as Fairy Tail." said Lucy.

The blond paused with her smiling. "But I love our guild and I don't regret my decision at all. I am worried about Natsu and Zane. Both of them will probably be going off to fight Phantom Lord if Master and Erza didn't stop Natsu with Zane being an unknown." said Lucy. She chuckled as she soon reached the entrance to her home. She soon took note of a certain dragon that was currently floating next to her door being that she was currently reading a book.

Lucy said,"Hey there Sly. What are you reading?". She was wondering why she was here to begin with being that she usually see her with Kaida and Zane being that Sly was probably playing hide and seek with Kaida who is a bundle of joy. Sly looked up from her book as she said,"Oh hey there. It's nothing really that good. I told myself that I would start reading more so I'm reading about Fiore's history. So you know about them being here right?".

Lucy nodded as she said,"Yeah. I'm kinda getting use to seeing Happy and Natsu being that they're here for some reason or another.". "Not exactly. I actually came here to come pick you because you're need." said Sly. Lucy's eyes widened as she soon noticed a small bag under Sly. "Don't worry. I only packed the essentials. Now lets get going." said Sly. She soon grabbed Lucy and Plue with the two flying off toward the woods with the blond screaming.

A bit later, the group of Erza, Gray, Happy, Lucy, Natsu, Sly, and Stella were making their way to Zane's house with the duo of Happy and Natsu zipping back and forth from trees, to bushes, to rocks, or really anything big enough to hid them while they closed in on their target. During this, the two were silently crying out,"Ninja.". "Could you two be any dumber?" said Gray. "You're one to talk guy who got his ass kicked by Zane more times that me!" roared Natsu.

Before him and Gray could start another brawl, Happy interrupted with him saying,"While I may agree with you Ninja Natsu. You must remember the ways of a ninja.". "Oh yeah. Ninja." said Natsu with him getting into his ninja stance. "Ninja." said Happy doing the same. "Well, you guys have fun playing ninja. So why are we going to bother Zane?" said Lucy, who got the story from Sly after she had stopped screaming.

Erza said,"Master wanted us to stick together during this time right now plus Zane's home is the biggest place to hold up in. I suggest to him that the entire guild stays there but...". "I stopped her due to Zane not liking uninvited guests in general so too many of them, he would probably blow up and not in the good way." said Sly. "Is there a good way to blow up Sly? So do he knows about us coming over? I mean he isn't the only one who likes uninvited guests." said Lucy, half glaring at the group.

Stella shrugged as she said,"To be fair, she kinda has a point. No offense Lucy but Zane's house is way better than yours.". "Yeah and plus, most of us except for Erza, Sly, and Stella have been here before. Doesn't that make you curious?" said Gray. Lucy nodded being that she was curious about where he raised Kaida since he didn't seem like the bad kind of parent unlike a certain father that she knew about. Hint Hint. His name is derived from a Beatles song and the reason behind this arc.

Lucy said,"Yeah I am but you do remember how he's going to charge us for staying in his home by the minute and how we'll have to pay extra for breaking anything.". The group ,except for Sly and Stella who knew Zane was a pretty bad penny pincher, soon stopped with them remembering what he said earlier in the day. Natsu responded to this as he said,"Nah Luce. He was probably just joking around. I mean he would never bill his friends".

Sly facepalmed with her saying,"Oh Natsu. Sometimes, there is a limit to how naive a person can really be.". The others agreed with her as they continued to walk. "So what kind of house is it?" said Lucy, asking the three who have been there. "Yeah. I mean all I know is that Zane has been lived there after he kicked Natsu's ass for the second time." said Gray. "Hey! I totally could have won against him!" shouted Natsu, getting Natsu to headbutt him as they were at each other.

Gray said angrily,"Yeah right! He kicked your sorry ass real good and you know it!". "I have beaten like five of his forms and I would like to see you do any better!" shouted Natsu using his head to push Gray's back. "You didn't beat them! He changed out of them because he likes to switch strategies on the fly! I totally think I would do much better than you against him!" said Gray. "Ha! Just try it!" said Natsu. "I wouldn't recommend that if I were you Gray." said Erza.

This stopped their staring/head wrestling contest as they turned toward her. "And why is that?" said Gray. "Because you would lose like Natsu did twice." said a blunt Erza with her bluntness rivaling Zane. The quartet of Gray, Happy, Lucy, and Natsu looked at her with confusion with Gray said,"You don't know that for sure.". He was a little mad at her for dismissing any chance that he would have at beating Zane without even an attempt.

Stella spoke for Erza as she said,"I may have not even seen those fights but I'm pretty sure that Zane would have beaten you like he did to Natsu. Zane seems like the tactical fighter being that he tries to wears his opponent down and then uses their greatest weakness against them.". "She's right. Zane has a way to beat any opponent that comes up again being that research and studying ones opponent in the middle of a fight will get you the victory nine times out of ten." said Sly.

Despite hearing the logic, Gray wasn't deterred. "You girls forget that I use Ice and not fire which was less weakness than Natsu plus I'm smarter. I'm sure that I could do better than him against Zane." said Gray who believed that he had a better chance. Erza looked at him for a moment as she said,"Perhaps you do but I don't think you'll do that much than Natsu. Zane may be a pain in the but but in a fight, I would hate to be his enemy.".

Gray forced his hands in his pockets as he said,"Well, I'll just have to show you that I can defeat him one day.". "So are you going to make a killing from their fight like you did with Natsu's fight?" said Happy. "Probably. We should be reaching our humble abode in a few minutes and try not to act too stupid." said Sly. They soon reached the clearing of the forest with all of them seeing Zane's house and the quartet of Gray, Happy, Lucy, and Natsu were staring in awe.

They were standing from the distance behind the front gate. Stella shrugged as she said,"And I think they're acting stupid.". "This is Zane's house?! And what part of it looks humble?" said Lucy while pointing at the nice looking house. "How the hell did he afford this place? It looks like it cost a fortune to maintain it." said Gray, slightly jealous that Zane's house was nicer than his. "Well, he did build it himself so he didn't have to pay for it Gray." said Erza.

Even though she had been to this house before, she admired it. It wasn't big like a mansion but it could be sold as one. It's charming being that it's the type of place that you could raise a family in with the knight thinking about the family she could have Natsu one day. This was noticeable with the blush currently covering her face. "Instead of looking at it, lets go." said Natsu as he ran up to the front gate with the others following him.

They stopped at the front gate when they saw something. On the other side of the gate wall, there was a panel with buttons. "So what the heck is this?" said Natsu, looking at the device in curiosity. "It's called a keypad. You press the button with the little phone symbol to call into the main house. This is to make sure that you don't activate the alarm system." said Sly. "Who cares about that? We're here to see Zane." said Gray. "Okay. Just warning you." said Sly, seeing how this is going to go down.

Natsu nodded with him soon taking a deep breath. "Natsu. What are you doing?!" said Erza. "I doubt that Natsu is that stupid to blast the gate down with his roar." said Stella. "You sure about that?" said Happy. "Hey Zane! You in there?!" shouted Natsu with Gray, Happy, Lucy, and Stella covering their ears with Erza cringed from the loudness. Sly decked Natsu on the head, now having a larger than normal bump on his head. "Don't shout like that without  a good reason!" shouted Sly.

Natsu said with his face flat on the ground,"Sorry. Won't do it again.". "Well if Zane didn't hear that, I guess he isn't home yet." said Gray, finding it impossible that someone like Zane couldn't heard that loud greeting. "He must still be in town." said Lucy, only worried a bit for him still being out due to her being spooked by the whole Phantom Lord thing. "Then lets go inside!" said Natsu, going up to the gate and forcing it open using his strength.

Lucy said in a nervous tone,"I don't like this. It feels like we're trespassing.". She was a well manned girl ,who did have a small amount of mischief in her, who respected people's privacy and property being one of few members in Fairy Tail who didn't break anything most of the time. Sometimes, she breaks something but it's very rare. "Don't be such a scaredy cat Luce. We'll be able to surprise Zane once we're inside." said Natsu.

Upon him and Happy standing on Zane's front yard, an alarm suddenly echoed across the whole place. Two lighthouse towers appear from the main yard being that the lights flash a violet color and spins around like one and makes an alarm sound. "Intruder alert. Intruder alert. Please leave now or we'll terminate with extreme measures and prejudice." said a computerized female voice. "Huh? He has an alarm in place?!" said a scared Happy. "Yeah. Zane is a paranoid person." said Sly.   

Lucy nodded as she said,"I think we should leave immediately because I'm pretty sure that he doesn't like people trespassing. I mean you heard the voice right?". She had a very bad feeling that they were going to be trouble with Zane when he got back. "Nah. I'm pretty sure that Zane is just joking with us Luce. We'll just turn it off when we get inside." said Natsu, with him moving forward without a care in the world but this was coming him to bite in the but hard.

Erza soon sensed something being that her natural instincts telling her when something went wrong and right now, there was a extremely amount of danger right around the corner. "Natsu! Stop!" said Erza but it was too late as Natsu stepped on the grass. The ground soon began shaking a bit before multiple patches of grass sink into the ground and many of them opened gates for launching missiles opened up.

There was also several rifle like weapons being that they were pointed directly at them. They were more metallic, bigger, and it had ten gun barrels instead of one. "Uh oh." said Happy and Natsu. All head soon broke loose with the barrels to the rifles spinning like gatlings, releasing a rain of lasers heading toward them. Back in the main house, Zane was sitting in his basement training room and currently strumming his guitar Yamata.

His guitar is a hybrid acoustic/electric guitar. His guitar in question looks to be a fusion of a Gibson Firebird ,with the iconic slanted body, and Gibson V-Factor ,with its iconic inward incident, giving his axe, resulting in a slanted "X" body. It has two black pointed tips on the soundboard. The guitar's body is primarily black with a crimson red dragon design throughout the body of the guitar. On the back of the guitar, there is a white skull and cross bones.

He had a dark gray strap over his neck and the guitar was placed over his waist. The guitar pic matches his guitar in color and it was currently plugged it into his amp. "Why the hell didn't I get to go with Zane? This blows so much. I hate it." said Zane. He was sulking as Twilight popped out of his body and said,"Them's the break Kane. Zane will be fine. He's always been strong so don't worry okay?". "I know that but I can't help myself. I still see him as a kid despite being a man." said Kane.

A bit earlier, Zane along with the trio of Azalea, Cole, and Sivarth who were teasing Kane about not being chosen before both getting hit by Azalea to go out using Enigma Talisman. The rest of his group was Athena, Lucifer, and Twilight. Kane currently had some of Zane's current power being that he didn't have the power of the Z.E.R.O. watch but Kane didn't need it and could handle himself with the power that he had aka his Vulcorian powers but Zane had his Vulcorian power as well.

Lucifer said,"Look at the bright side Kane. You get to spend time with Kaida. She may be upstairs drawing but you liked spending time with Uriel back in the day.". Kane sighed as he said,"That's true. She may not be a Vulcorian like me but I do like Kaida's art. She hasn't drawn me in my awesomeness just yet.". "Does that really matter?" said Twilight. "She has drawn the old lizard and demon but not me!" said Kane, sulking.

Twilight sighed as the alarm system went off. "Wow. I never thought any one would be stupid enough to ignore you Athena." said Kane, standing up. "I did warn them but well, they're rather dense. So do you think Kaida noticed this?" said Athena. "Probably but you know how Zane can be whenever he's focused on his powers or a new combo." said Lucifer. "Well, we better go great them and just in case. Set the house on childproof mode. Zane would want that." said Kane.

After getting outside, Kane sweat dropped as he saw the scene in front of him. In his life, he had been on battlefields covered in blood but this was something rather strange. In his front yard, Team Natsu was trapped in the defense system that Zane had been developed and modifying over the years. Natsu was currently stuck in the bottom of a pit, rendered completely unconscious thanks to the giant fists that had come out of the ground and the knockout gas.

Said gas was a combination of the gas that was created by combination the gas that was created from Alchemy Form, Atomic Form, Matter Form, Quantum Form, Robot Form, Salamander Form, and Swamp Form. Yes, that is overkill but there is no kill like overkill according to Zane. Gray was trapped inside of a net which was heated to an intense degree being that upon contact with it, you'll get a pretty nasty burn.

Gray was trapped like a captured animal being that he had to keep his full attention on the ice bubble around him being that it was slowly melted upon contact with the net but with his magic, he could keep him from being burned. However, he was somehow in his boxers. Happy was stuck in a cage as he tried to fly around and begged to be let okay with him saying that he's a cat not a bird but Kane wanted to disagree with this statement.

To the Vulcorian, Happy can be on the same level of annoyance as a bird. Lucy was tied to a tree by ropes ,which were shot out of a cannon that came from the ground, and crying anime tears. She was slightly thankful that Gray and Natsu were busy being that she was hanging upside down and gravity was messing with her skirt, revealing what was underneath. Kane chuckled at this as he said,"Man. I guess this makes staying around here worth it.".

He soon noticed the red hair that was sticking out from behind the wall as he said,"So enjoy the show Prude Knight?". Erza slowly peaked around the wall being that she was afraid and asked in a soft tone,"Is it safe to come out now?". She looked around to see the others with Kane nodding. She came out of her hiding spot with Erza saying,"We did come here to pay you a surprise visit but well, I stopped when I sensed danger in the yard. The others however.".

Kane crossed his arms as he said,"Yeah. He's not going to be a big fan of this but Zane can just use this for blackmail. So where is Sly and Stella? Let me first undo the security system before you answer me.". He soon walked toward his front gate as he pushed a button on the panel. "Athena, this is Xazzaran." said Kane. From out of nowhere, more rifles and missile launches popped out all over the place being that there were several red laser dots targeted the trapped group and Erza.

Kane said,"Plus some GUESTS but that's a large stretch Athena.". The security systems deactivated, setting everyone free. Natsu was thrown out out of the pit ,like Jazz from Fresh Prince in Bel-Air, and he woke up upon hitting the ground. Gray was free from his prison, thanking god being that he wasn't going to make it any longer. Happy's cage opened up before vanishing underground and Lucy was free. Kane sighed as he said,"So you're welcome.".

Kane knew that if Zane was here, he wouldn't be in a pleasant mood. There was a very clear reason why Zane didn't want Team Natsu and Kane knew why because people in Fairy Tail don't seem to know the meaning of the word of privacy. However, Zane raised kids before and could handle them with ease. Natsu raided the fridge only to get shocked upon contact with the fridge being that every time that he did this, the amount of electricity was increased.

This didn't stop Natsu but he wasn't get very far in his attempt for food thanks to Zane not being a fan of people invading his personal spaces. Happy was flying around crying how they wasn't any fish for him being that Kane was pretty sure Athena was tempted to blast the furball into a dimension of very killer fish in a very short amount of time. Gray was going to be lying on the couch ,without any clothes, but was promptly shocked upon contact with said couch.

Erza went to go look around the place with Lucy sitting politely, enjoying Zane's house and being well-mannered. She was fidgeting a bit being that she knew about Zane's wrath and was being comforted by Stella who was telling her about the house. Sly flew nearby Kane as she said," So on a scale from one to ten, how would mad Zane would be if he knew about this Kane.". "I would say Armageddon." said Kane, earning a nod from the Akostar.

Sly said,"Yep. So do you think he's going to be billing the guild for them being here.". "Probably unless he has another way to get the amount of money that he's owed. I mean they'll be here till 8 in the morning right and they entered at 8 at night. That's a solid 3,600,000 Jewels plus the added bonus of 10,000 Jewel if anything gets broken." said Kane, causing Lucy to shiver more. "Don't worry so much Lucy. You're not getting billed but master is." said Stella.

Kane smiled as he said,"Meaning that master will be going bald soon.". Erza soon popped her head into the living room with her wearing a white shirt with frills going down the middle, long sleeves, and a blue ribbon tied just above her breasts. She's wearing this with a blue skirt and her boots. "This is a really nice home that you have here Zane. So why can't I enter any of the rooms?" said Erza. "For very obvious reasons aka your total lack of privacy and I'm not Zane but Kane." said Kane.

Gray walked into the room with him wearing a white button up shirt and black pants. Happy and Natsu joined him as the duo of pink hair and cat were covered in electricity but had a rack of meat and fish. Natsu was holding his food in hand and Happy had his in his mouth. "They finally got their food but was shocked with a good amount of voltage from the fridge in the process. So how much do you have to pay for this place?" said Gray. "Nothing since Zane built it and also." said Kane.

He soon threw a nearby clock at Natsu, landing directly in his face causing Lucy to wince as it landed dead center on his face. "Why are you here? I doubt Zane will like having you here." said Kane as he took the rack of meat from Natsu. "Since Phantom Lord attacked our guild, we can assume that there are members of Phantom Lord here in town." said Erza, sipping tea. Sly had brought tea out earlier with the knight having her tea in a wooden cup.

Gray said,"To be honest, I think they probably found out where everyone in Fairy Tail lives. Sorry for breaking in man.". "At least one of you apologized." said Kane. "Where we live?!" screeched Lucy as she was dope slapped by a mechanical hand that came from the wall. "The house has a noisy policy installed for loud people." said Stella. "Yeah. I don't think the animals outside want to hear your noise." said Kane, nodding.

Lucy soon grumbled as Gray said,"Anyway, Mira says that it would be safer if we held up together until this blows over. Strength in number after all.". "She's right but if you guys got owned by Zane's security system, I doubt these false Phantoms wouldn't stand against it especially if Nemo showed up." said Kane, causing the group to flinch at what they just went through earlier. "So why does Zane even have that monstrous system in the first place? And who is Nemo?" said Lucy.

She wondered if Zane could build her once since she liked her privacy too except a much less violent version. "Aye! We're having a sleepover!" said Happy, raising a paw. "Over time, Zane has made a lot of enemies and that has made him into a paranoid freak. The security system has been updated and evolved for anything that may come into his home. He says that it's Fairy Tail proof and from what I saw, it worked perfect." said Kane.

The Fairies shouted,"Hey!". Kane shrugged as he said,"That's the truth. So why did you decided to come to our place and pay Zane a surprise visit which would failed.". "Do you have a reason for us being here Zane?" said Erza, helping pick up Natsu. "For the last time, I'm not Zane but Kane. I'm the demon who lives inside of him." said Kane. "To be technical, I'm the devil which in turn makes me a higher rank than you." said Lucifer.

Gray sweatdropped as he said,"He has demons literally living inside of him?". "Yep. Zane wanted power to protect his treasure and lucky for him that Zane's demons are really nice." said Sly with Kane nodding. "You didn't answer my question but Gray's?" said Erza, glaring lighting at Kane. "I don't care about you Prude Knight. Zane may somehow have the tolerance to deal with you but if it was me, I would end you." said Kane in a matter of fact tone.

Lucy whispered,"So why does Erza keep thinking that Kane is Zane?". "Because Kane looks like Zane except very minor difference as you already know Stella." said Sly. "Which are? I honestly can't tell." said Gray. "The different tattoo on his shoulder, his fangs are slightly pronounced, he has horns but there are much smaller, and has an "X" shaped piercing instead of his "Z" piercing. He also has his sword not Zane;s." said Stella.

Sly nodded as Erza said,"You do know that it's rude to ignore people when they're talking to you right?". "Yeah but to be fair, I should haven't to be nice since you all invaded Zane's home without asking. To be fair, he would have said no but at least you asked." said Kane. "Fine but it doesn't matter right now." said Erza. "No. It always matter to someone on Zane's level of being petty." said Kane with him knowing Zane's petty nature at him.

Natsu recovered as he said,"Hey! Why did you hit me with that clock and steal that meat!". "You invaded my home and this belongs to me dumbass." said Kane. "You think that you're so smart don't you?" said Natsu. "I try but Zane's the real smart one." said Kane, smirking. "Wait. Aren't you Zane or what?" said Natsu. Kane sighed as Sly said,"I'll get him the picture book.". "Thanks." said Kane as Sly flew off.

A bit later as Kaida joined them, Erza said,"That being said, Lucy, Stella, and myself are attractive girls. I wasn't exactly comfortable with the two of them being alone with Gray and Natsu. I don't count you Zane. You may be a pain in the ass most of the time but you're a good person and not a peeping tom.". "I'm not Zane but Kane. You do remember that you idiots broke into Zane's home right? The security system can be really ruthless when she wants to be." said Kane.     

Natsu shouted,"This isn't the type to be relaxing!". "Yeah, We should be exploring!" said Happy with Natsu nodding. "If you two don't want to be shocked into next year, I would suggest that you two stay here because Athena isn't being generous anymore." said Stella. "So when was it decided that all of you would stay with me?" said Kane. "Mira offered up your home to Gray and Natsu. We're a team and must stick together." said Erza.

Kane sighed as he thought,"I really wish that I got to go with Zane to guard Magnolia.". "So why my place? I'm not a member of your team Prude Knight and why didn't they go to your place Triple B? I get why those two couldn't go to Erza or Stella's place plus Natsu's house is a mess." said Kane. "My house isn't that bad!" shouted Natsu. He was dope slapped as Gray said,"So you admit that it's a mess huh?". "Hey!" shouted Lucy and Natsu.

They were directing their anger to Kane and Gray respectively. Happy was looking around as he said with a sigh,"So Zane, where is your dirty clothes?". Do note that I'm not going to stop Team Natsu confusing Kane for Zane anytime soon. "It's Kane first off and Zane takes care of his laundry. He wasn't raised as a fool." said Kane. Master Plue appeared with him picking a pink lollipop off the ground and started licking it.

Lucifer said,"So where did Master Plue get that?". "Who knows?" said Twilight. This attracted Natsu's attention. "Hey Plue! Did you find something to eat? Oh come on, don't go hogging it!" said Natsu. Plue found a box that was filled with sweets which he and Natsu devoured it with joy. "For each piece of candy eaten, 1,000 jewels are added to your dept." said a note that from the book. "Hey Kane. Is it brown?" said Happy. "Nope." said Kane.

Happy said,"Is it red?". "Not even close. You're more colder than Yahi's village." said Kane. The duo of Happy and Kane were playing a game to kill the current state of boredom. Erza was upset that she couldn't go through Zane's clothing being that Kane wanted to keep Zane's secrets secret or else, he won't be a happy camper. "I got it Lucy's panties!" said Happy. "And how do you know what color my underwear is?" shouted an angry Lucy.

Kane shrugged as he said,"Because I looked at them.". She looked at Kane with a glare being that the Vulcorian soon felt a dark aura emanating from Erza and Stella. Natsu would have been doing that as well but he was currently eating with Plue. "More importantly, why were you looking at them?" said Erza. "Quit with that. I'm not Zane so I don't care about your little kid panties Prude Knight. I'm more into adult undergarment  like Triple B's aka the really kinky kind." said Kane.

He knew this thanks to him being there during the whole time travel fiasco a few days ago being that he soon drew them from memory. He wasn't good as Kaida or Zane when it comes to remember details like that but he could get the job done. Kaida's eyes were covered by Sly with Stella expecting Erza to reprehend the Vulcorian and then get blasted by Kane. However, Erza's face was saying something else. "I can't believe that you would wear something like this Lucy." said Erza.

Her face was bright red being that Erza said,"You're quite courageous in wearing this.". The knight was thinking of wearing this for a certain boy who was currently eating sweets with a snowman and that makes no sense with or without context. "Wow. That underwear is very much attracting mates so you got this." said Stella, throwing Lucy a thumbs up. "Don't you guys fell bad that there is a little kid here?!" said Lucy with a bright red face.

Gray yawned with him about to lay down on his couch. "Whatever Lucy. I mean we swear in front of Kaida so I doubt Zane cares about her knowing what your underwear is and how you're wearing it around a child in the first place. I'll be getting some sleep so don't bother me k?" said Gray. He was about to fall asleep before getting shocked once again. "That isn't a bed Gray and if you're going to sleep on the couch, put some clothes on." said Kane.

The ice wizard panicked about this with him releasing that he was in his boxers. "Yep. I'm oddly used to this. I doubt Zane would be but maybe punching him will make Zane happy." thought Kane. "So how are you used to this?" said Lucy. "Decades of dealing with rugrats. Zane loves to be a dad and well, you get to it." said Kane. "We have a serious problem." said Erza with her blush being under control somewhat.

She had her hands on her hips as she said,"You boys's hygiene. I refuse to sleep in a room that reeks of sweat.". "You do know that we're not sleeping in the living room. I'm giving you rooms plus I bathed earlier in the bath. Just before you got here in fact." said Kane. "I rather not Erza." said Natsu who was crossing his arms and pouting. "I already got into my bed." said Gray. "You do know that's a couch right?" said Stella as Gray yawned as his response.       

Erza soon brought the three of them together with Gray and Natsu on the left and right of Kane who was in the middle. She stood behind them with her hands on Gray and Natsu's outer shoulders. Kane could handle people touching him unlike Zane but not by much. "Come on boys. Do we have to take a bath like we did when we were little?" said Erza. Natsu's face burned red as Kane escaped. "Don't bring me into your kinky shit Prude Knight." said Kane.

Erza smiled with a coy look,"So is the big bad Cross-Species scared of a little skinship? I'll even let you wash my back if you want.". "Hey! That's my thing!" said Natsu. Kane sighed as he said,"It's a bit more complicated than that.". "Why? Are you uncomfortable around a girl's body? You seem to be pretty handsy with me earlier." said Erza. "Not at all. I've been with my fair share of women over the century but I have strict bath rules." said Kane.

The wizards looked at Sly who shrugged. "Yep. Kane here loves the baths and well, he has rules for them." said Sly. "Well, we better going. Don't want to keep on stinking." said Kane. The group was soon gone as Team Natsu was shocked by the large hot spring inside of Zane's house. "How did you do this?!" shouted the group. "Zane's really good at this kind of this stuff but right now, it's bath time so lets go." said Kane.

About an hour or two later, the girls had finished with their bathes even though the boys finished much earlier than they did. "Wow. Your bath is really nice Kane." said Gray, drinking some milk that was from the fridge outside of the hot spring. The boys were back in the living room as Natsu said with a smile,"And you really look so cool!". Kane was back in his Vulcorian Form with Happy saying,"I don't think that! He looks like a demon!".

Kane shrugged as he said,"Not a demon Happy but whatever. I hope Prude Knight doesn't keep calling me Zane.". "We can only hope." said Gray as the duo of Erza and Lucy returned with the pinkie blushing crimson red as he saw Erza in a pink towel that covered her form, light reflected off her wet body. Kane soon spotted this with him thinking,"Wow. She has a good figure but so does the blonde. He gots it lucky.".

He was pinched by Twilight as Lucy noticed Kane. The Vulcorian waved to her as she screamed. "It's a monster!" said Lucy. "Nope. It's me Kane." said Kane with Happy munching on some fish in the background. "Interesting. So this is really what you look Zane?" said Erza with her sounding really relaxed. She would have remember that Kane looked like the demon from the vision that she saw back in Fairy Legion Chapter 9 but the hot springs does things to you.

Erza soon changed into light purple pajamas with red crosses all over. "So is this better for a sleep over?" said Erza. "It sure is." said Lucifer. "Wow. Is that how you change your clothes?" said Lucy in a shocked state. "To be fair Triple B, Zane does the same thing except using Twilight. Instead of magic covering him, it's her tendrils." said Kane. "Wow. That sounds really kinky." said Gray with the others in the room nodding in agreement before getting slapped by an embarrassed Twilight.

A bit latter, Lucy sat next to Natsu with her saying while drying her hair,"So Erza. Do any of you know why Phantom Lord attacked us out of the blue like that?". "I'm afraid not Lucy. We've had our fair share of scuffles in the past but never on this level before." said Erza, crossing her arms. She sat on a chair with Gray and Stella sitting nearby. Kaida was already asleep as Sly sat on the lounge table in the middle of them.

Kane stood nearby them as Natsu said,"If gramps wasn't scared, we could have wiped them out already!". Gray sighed as he placed a book that he found earlier. "Come on man. You know that Master isn't scared of them Natsu. He's one of the Ten Wizard Saints after all." said Gray. "So what were you reading Gray?" said Stella. "Some book in an unknown language. No idea that I'm reading though. Levy might." said Gray as he shrugged.

This book was written in Uwaric aka Latin and was about the complete history of Terrarune. "So what are the Ten Wizard Saints?" said Lucy. "It's an title that was bestowed onto a legitimate wizard of Fiore by the magic council. It's extremely coveted title being that as the name suggest, only the ten most powerful wizards on the continent." said Erza. "So how the hell did that pervy old man get in anyway?" said Kane.

Sly shrugged as she said,"Who knows Kane? So how did that clown get into the royal seven warriors of the sea?" said Sly. "I think that government is thinking that the clown's connections are going to be used as a deterrent to stop the pirates." said Kane. "Wow." said Stella, responding to Erza not Kane and Sly. "Phantom Lord's master Jose is also one of the Ten Saints." said Happy, pointing his paw up. "And so is he." thought Erza, thinking about a certain blue haired prick.

Sly noticed the look in Erza's eyes as before she could comment, Natsu growled as he slammed his hands on the table. "Gramps is just a spineless coward! I mean Phantom Lord may have more members than we do but we can take them!" said Natsu. He was soon dope slapped and shocked as Athena's voice echoed,"Inside voice or else.". "That isn't true and you know it." said Gray with the pinkie rolling his eyes.

Kane sighed as he said,"Gray's right hatchling. From what I remembered from Zane's research the other day, the consequences of you going to war with Phantom Lord would be really bad to say the least. While I may hate your master for being a chicken shit, this war could put very innocent people in danger. It's the reason why Zane wants to go alone since he's good at being able to keep the innocent protect.".

Lucifer said,"And here comes Zane's number one fan among Team Legion Zero.". Lucy gulped audibly as she said,"Are they really that strong?". "They got nothing on us Luce. We could take those clowns with ease." said a confident Natsu. This earned him a smack upside the head from Erza as Kane chuckled. "Don't listen to him. In all reality if our guilds fought, neither guild would survive since our strength is equal to there." said Erza.

Kane chuckled as Erza glared at him. "Do you think that's fun Kane?" said Erza. "Hey. You finally got my name right. Took you long enough Prude Knight. So why do you think something that is clearly wrong?" said Kane, smiling. "The first is that their manpower is equal to ours plus Phantom Lord's Master Jose is also one of the ten wizard saints which means that he's on par with Master Makarov." said Erza.

Kane nodded as Erza said,"They also have a group of elite wizards known as the Element 4 which is equal to our S-Class. However, their most formidable member is the iron dragon Gajeel Redfox or Black Steel Gajeel. He's mostly likely done the interesting display he did to our guild hall before Zane repaired it.". "Wait. He's a Dragon Slayer like Natsu and Stella?!" said Lucy, looking at Natsu and Stella with the boy scoffing.

Stella said,"Yeah. I heard about him being that he's challenge me before I joined up with Fairy Tail and he's pretty strong.". "I could take him easily." scoffed Natsu. "Maybe but it all depends on if you get the advantage earlier on. We'll take about this more in the morning. Time for bed due to us having a busy day tomorrow. I'll lead you to their rooms." said Kane, leading them to their rooms as Kane wished good luck for Zane.

Meanwhile, Zane ,along with his team of Azalea, Cole, and Sivarth, was currently looking over Magnolia being that he had scanned all over town and didn't sense anything being that there was an uneasy presence over the town. The sun had set a long time ago being that after getting dinner from Nagato, he decided to do some patrol like he did. He soon noticed a shadowy figure being that it didn't take a genius to figure out that it was Phantom Lord.

Cole said,"So ready to get revenge?". Zane nodded as he turned intangible and remained quiet with him following the target. Not too far away in the streets of Magnolia, the trio of Droy, Jet, and Levy were walking. Said streets were deserted as both Droy and Jet were concerned for Levy's safety. "You sure about this Levy?" said Droy. "Yeah. I thought you would want to be with the other girls at Fairy Hills? Or with your boyfriend?" said Jet.

He visibly winced at the mention of Zane aka the ultimate rival for Levy. Levy said with a blush,"It's fine. I didn't want to split up our team plus I rather not deal with how close Zane is at time.". "What do you mean by that Levy?!" shouted the two, crying tears of blood. Levy smiled as she said,"It was kinda uncomfortable at first but Zane's bath is really nice you guys. It's liking going to the hot springs in Balsam but here in Magnolia.".

Droy said,"Whatever Levy. The three of us can face anything together!". "No I will!" said Jet. As the two boys argued, a dark figure snickered silently. He looked down to see Team Shadow Gear below him and soon jumped down. He soon charged at the three with them feeling something lung at them from above them. Team Shadow Gear had enough time to whirl around before the figure landed on the ground.

The figure was a tall and muscular young man. Like Natsu. his age is unknown being that he and Natsu are the only Dragon Slayers from the past whose age we don't know so I'm going to presume that Gajeel is about in his early 20s or late teens. He has long, black hair that was spiked up and was slicked back, revealing his forehead. He has red eyes ,that were green at first, with slitted dark pupils, and has no visible eyebrows.

Most of his exposed body was covered in sets of simple, round studs. The most visible studs are on his face with three of them above each eyes acting as "eyebrows", two on each side of his nose, and two on his chin, just below his mouth. His ears are adorned by two sets of five earrings each.  He also sports four studs on each of his forearms, with his right one being covered in scars and the top of his shoulder had his Phantom Lord Marking being black.

He's wearing a shabby, black, sleeveless tunic with studded edges, a studded belt around his waist, loose, beige pants tucked inside studded black boots, and a pair of studded brown gloves paired with similarly studded wristbands. He also sports a distinctive wing-like ornament, seemingly made of feathers, jutting upwards, over his right shoulder, attached to his tunic by a large stud. Over all, this man looked crazy.

His feral grin wasn't helping that opinion because he had sharper than normal teeth and looked at the them like toys easy to break. "Who are you?" demanded Droy, standing in front of Levy alongside Jet to protect Levy. "Heh. You're funny. You're frail and you think that you stop me." said the man. "I don't know who the heck you are, but you better.....!" said Jet being cut off with an iron club right into his abdomen and face.

This sent him soaring backwards being that Droy soon suffered the same fate except instead of the face, he got hit in the family jewels. The initial draft was him getting in the face like Jet but then I remembered that I don't like Droy so I changed it. Remember that this story has bias. The two soon crashed into the pavement and laid there in disastrous fashion. The two ,mainly Droy, suffered a lot of damage from the figure's attacks. "Droy! Jet!" said Levy.

She rushed over to the air being both of them were unconscious with a few ribs broken being that Jet's mouth was slightly broken and Droy's jewels were as well. They were alright being that it could have been much worse. The man chuckled as Levy looked at him in anger. "Oh wow. You fairies are weaker than a freaking candle." said the man, walking up to the trio of fairies. "You! Why are you doing this!" said Levy with her turning to face the assailant.

The assailant bared his feral smile and chuckled. "To be honest, Master only wanted me to destroy your stupid clubhouse to lit the flames but I really need to bash some heads in fill me up plus the girlfriend of the bastard who broke my tools will be really good since I can't take her out for a real stupid reason." said the man. "That means you're...." said Levy as the man smiled. "Yeah. I trashed your clubhouse. The name is Gajeel Redfox, the Iron Dragon Slayer of Phantom Lord!" said Gajeel.

Levy froze in fear being that she stepped back being that she was clearly outmatched but don't still stand a chance at beating him. Even with Zane's training, she didn't stand a chance against him in a physical sense but a mental sense was another story. She wanted to scream for her but she was too scared as what Gajeel may do to her. Gajeel made no waste in making another iron column and sent it toward Levy with the girl visibly flinched and yelped.

She waited for the attack to connect, unable to move being that she didn't want to see the attack coming toward her. In a few seconds, she'll end up like her friends. She soon heard a body holding the column being that there was impact but it wasn't her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked to see her savior. "Zane!" cried Levy. Zane had jumped in the way of Gajeel's attack being that he knew that Gajeel was responded for the guild hall's destruction.     

Zane soon smiled as he said while holding the column and had his arms extended,"So how's it going Levy? Sorry about you using your friends for bait but well, I got me the bastard who pissed me off and well, it isn't going to be pretty.". He soon pushed back the club back with it returning back to being Gajeel's arm. "Heh. I got to handle it to you. Few people can take my Iron Dragon's Club like you do but you're the trash that I really want to smash." said Gajeel.

Zane only looked at him being that this wizard almost hurt Levy being that Zane soon snarled and bared his teeth. This scared Levy being that she knew about her boyfriend's anger which she had seen a good amount of times. She fell onto the ground and her knees. "You're the fool who made me mad because I don't give a flying fuck about that dam guildhall or the guild. But you hurt the woman I love and that makes you the next target for my wrath!" said Zane.

Levy was frightened by Zane's fear tone being that Gajeel could easily sense Zane's anger. The smirk was now a serious frown. While glaring at Gajeel, Zane said,"Levy. I'm real sorry for scaring you Levy but my sin is wrath. Take those two pathetic shits to my house. Give them some aid and if you're worried about me, get me backup. I don't need it but whatever. Lets go Hellfire Emperor Tiger.". Zane's fire soon came out of his body being that it soon formed into a tiger.

Zane looked at the feline with him saying,"Help Levy. Get her and those two to the nearest guild member's house. Keep them safe or at least Levy.". The feline nodded with it picking up the two injured members before Levy decide to help out the feline by placing the two boys on the feline's back for it. "Zane. Please stay safe." said Levy as she was worried for him. "Don't worry Levy. When I'm mad, nothing can stop me. Now go already!" said Zane, cracking his knuckles.   

She didn't like doing this but she turned and ran around the corner with the group leaving. When they vanished from sight, Zane was sure that his spell would take care of Levy being that if anyone hurt her, he'll bring out his true wrath and it won't be pretty. Zane's full attention was on Gajeel being that the Iron Dragon Slayer was confused on why Zane is smirking. "What's so funny?" said Gajeel. "So is getting metal piercing your kink or what?" said Zane.

Gajeel was triggered from this being that Zane got into a fighting stance. "I'm going to regret you mess with me." said Zane. "Don't you care about your guild?" said Gajeel, getting into a stance. "Not at fucking all. Most of them are weak and to be honest, I would have joined Phantom Lord if only they had cute girls but guys like you are so not my type." said Zane. The two were about to begin their fight with it being a good one.

Meanwhile with Levy. She was on the back of the tiger with her holding on tight to an unconscious Droy and Jet being that the feline was moving very fast. "We're almost there you guys." said Levy as she was feeling bad about what just happened a few moments ago. She knew that she wasn't the best at physical challenges being that she wasn't as weak before but she watched her teammates getting attacked.

She stood there with Droy and Jet took a beating being that the image of the two shielding her with little hesitation started her. If it wasn't for Zane, she wouldn't be standing. "Levy." said a voice as it got her attention. It came from the fire feline who said,"Master will be fine. Once we get to the brawny guy and Mira's house, we'll contact the coward and get assistance if master hasn't won already.". "But...." said Levy.

The feline stopped her as it said,"Master is strong. He needs no assistance in handing opponents but these two need medical attention. We're going to that healer that's part of the guild. Mira will love over them while we go rally the troops. We'll go help Master but I'm sure that Zane isn't stalling for back up.". "What makes you so sure?" said Levy. "Master has planned for every single outcome so back up is useless." said the feline.

The feline's complete and loyal confidence in its master made Levy be quiet. "You really believe in him don't you?" said Levy. "I do because Master has never lost when he's serious. Angry Master is always serious so don't worry. Now hang on. We're going fast." said the tiger. Levy nodded as the tiger soon changed from a light stroll to a sprint. Back with Zane, he and Gajeel had been fighting for a good three minutes now.

One of them was constantly trying to bash the other with Gajeel trying to bash Zane's mouth in with his Iron Dragon Club but Zane dodged it. "Thunder Emperor Bolt!" said Zane, firing several balls of thunder toward Gajeel. Due to him being iron, Zane's attacks had incredibly accuracy due to Gajeel being a walking conductor. They exploded upon contact with Gajeel being that the dragon slayer soon winced in pain.

These jolts did nothing more than warm up. "Not bad bastard. You're a touch nut to crack but stay still so I can impale you! Iron Dragon Club!" said Gajeel. He turned his left arm into an iron column as he tried to hit Zane but Zane easily phased right through it. "Okay. You impaled me but your attack failed because I can phase through matter. Thunder Emperor Crashing Punch." said Zane. He soon jumped into the air, slamming his fist into Gajeel, causing a giant explosion of thunder.

The electricity did more damage to Gajeel being that he flinched in pain but still felt fine. He soon retracted the column and it morphed back into his arm. Gajeel jumped into the air with his right arm morphed into a trident. "Iron Dragon Trident!" said Gajeel. His trident arm stretched outwards and almost made contact with Zane. However, Zane easily dodged it being that the weapon soon retracted back to Gajeel. Zane looked at the crater left by the spear and took note of the power.

Zane whistled as he said,"Iron may be strong and hard but slow as molasses. If you want to actually hit me, you got to go fast.". Zane knew that neither side had been going all out being that they both had their reason. Zane didn't want to bother innocent people but Gajeel was testing Zane to see if he was worthy of a challenge. At this point, Gajeel wanted to smash Zane repeatedly ,without mercy, for two reasons.

Reason one is because Zane was putting up a decent fight more than those weaklings would have and reason two is Zane's mouth. For most of Zane's enemies, this is one of the reasons ,if not the main reason, why they dislike Zane. Zane soon went toward Gajeel being that he was ready to strike. "Iron Dragon Club!" shouted Gajeel. He soon slammed the club directly into Zane's mouth being that Zane endured the attack before vanishing. "Cross Pummel!" said Zane.

Gajeel was soon hit with a direct blow toward his gut, making him stumble back toward a flower cart and he was in pain. "Wow. You finally smell good for once but what do I know?" said Zane. Gajeel got up and grumbled/growled at how Zane made him look foolish. "Ah. Is someone mad on how I made them look stupid? Don't worry. I do it to most people that I know." said Zane. Gajeel's arms soon both became clubs that Zane came from a mile away.

He jumped out of their way with him thinking while watching the clubs get their original appearance of arms,"So should I blast him away with electricity or maybe fire? Not sure. I just can't let him get iron and I'll be golden since he isn't using his magic at its full potential. At least in my opinion but I could be wrong.". Gajeel leaped toward Zane and gave him a serious punch which Zane blocked using Vulcan Force's scales that hurt.

The two were evenly matched with Gajeel eventually getting overpowered and stumbled back a step as Zane soon kicked him in the chin, sending him flying. He straightened out and landed unharmed with him wiping the chin of the blood. "And here I thought that you were nothing without those Takeover of yours but you're not half bad. Better those weakling friends of yours!" said Gajeel with Zane clenching his fists.

Zane knew Gajeel's type pretty well since he's been around a long time. He was a hot head ,just like Natsu, and a wild delinquent who enjoyed hurting others just for fun because he had power and they didn't. Zane was sure that Gajeel wouldn't mind throwing him through a couple of homes around them as Zane always tried to make sure that innocent people weren't hurt. "Trying to make me man aren't you metal man? It won't work since I'm only focused on hurting you." said Zane.

Gajeel soon got a punch directly in the face, sending him back down the street several feet away with Zane going after him. He soon dive kicked Gajeel in the face with Gajeel figuring out that those two attacks sent him at least 100 feet down the street. Gajeel recovered with an Iron Dragon Club but it was soon held in place by an invisible force. It was brushed aside with ease being that Zane was mad being that a highly emotional Zane is stronger than a calm Zane. 

Zane said,"Maiden Clan’s Secret Technique: Rotation Kick!". Zane soon got on his hands being that he twists his body ,by turning his body into his liquid form, being that he soon releases himself. He soon turns into a living spinning top being that he fires off several rapid fire kicks upon release. The Iron Dragon Slayer dodged it being that anything ,that was living or not, that touched Zane's boots were turned into stone upon contact.

Some of the objects were broken from the sheer pressure of the kicks. Gajeel blocked Zane's kicking storm by turning his arm into a large, jagged sword and swatting Zane away. Zane recovered in the air with him floating in the air. "Hey lugnut. Can you hit a moving target? Lets find out!" said Zane as he jumped away from Gajeel. "Get back here coward!" said Gajeel, chasing after Zane by turning his legs into iron poles.

He landed with a loud thud on top of a rooftop with him chasing after Zane. Zane didn't need to look behind him being that his plan worked. "Idiot." said Sivarth. Gajeel wasn't a chicken being that Zane wanted to fight in the woods since he could cut loose or at least to a level that wouldn't destroyed or bother innocent people. "Ha! Fairy Tail is filled with weaklings! You're nothing compared to the great and powerful Phantom Lord!" said Gajeel. "Ah. Thanks for the compliment." said Zane.

Gajeel yelled,"That wasn't a compliment!". "I mean neither of you are wrong." said Azalea as Zane reached the forest. He dropped to the ground with him running ahead. Gajeel pressed forward and followed suit. He spotted Zane with him saying,"Payback time bitch! Iron Dragon Club!". A long column of iron went directly toward Zane being that it passed right through him, causing Zane to run into fire.

The fire soon exploded being that Gajeel stopped. The flames soon turned into the words,"Try Again lugnut. You were so close but you fell trap to Hellfire Emperor Substitution!". Gajeel was annoyed as he took a step. The ground caved under him, causing him to fall into a hole. The real Zane leaned on a tree as he said,"And you said that the pitfall wouldn't work.". "I thought he was smarter but all of these students taught by dragons instead of Akostar are idiots." said Sivarth.

Cole said,"But aren't Dragons of this dimension the same as Akostar?". The A.I. was hit by Sivarth as Azalea said,"Sometimes Cole.". He soon heard Gajeel climbing out of the hole with the iron dragon slayer going to hurt Zane for doing that to him. "You're going to pay for this!" yelled Gajeel as he soon jumped out of the hole. He crackled his knuckles and smirked. "Oh no. I'm so scared. What will I do against a wizard whose really falling short of his true potential?" said Zane.

Zane was one to use his signature humor whenever he could being that jokes made the Omniverse go round. Gajeel looked at him with him saying,"Was that supposed to be a joke?". "Yeah. I'll have you know that I got five rotten tomatoes instead of stars." said Zane. "Whatever man. I'll show you what's funny using my fists." said Gajeel. "Oh wow. Okay, I'll give you the chance to run away with your tail between your leg or I'll eradicate you." said Zane. "Bring it on!" said Gajeel.

He jumped toward Zane being that he tried impaling Zane with his Iron Dragon Trident. Zane only smiled as he made Black Mojo appeared over his hands. It slowly formed into a large dragon-shaped shroud around it. "Karmic Blitzkrieg!" said Zane. He dodged Gajeel's arm being that Gajeel soon noticed that he was losing magic before getting punched in the face by Zane, sending him right into a tree. Before he could recover, he was hit by another Karmic Blitzkrieg.

This Karmic Blitzkrieg was thrown at him, causing an explosion and was knocked into the air with him unable to breathe for a moment. Zane soon deliver an axe kick toward Gajeel and the wizard was sent flying toward the ground. He soon got back up being that he didn't fully recover from Zane's devastating combo. Gajeel inhaled a huge amount of air with him clenched his chest. This was a challenge for him being that he hadn't felt this much pain in a long time.

Despite him joking around, Zane was serious. "You may be think that's for Fanboy and Chumchum but honestly, fuck them! They're waste of space! I'm doing this for me and right now, you're going down." said Zane, cracking his knuckles. Gajeel got back up with him glaring at the menacing figure in front of him. It was obvious that Zane wasn't going to stop until Gajeel is going down being that the fight continued on.     

Back at Zane's house, Lucy was enjoying the guest bed that she was given with Erza and Stella also in the guest bed room. The duo of Gray and Natsu plus Happy were staying in the boys guest room as Sly was watching Kane ,who was back to looking like Zane, pacing. "You know that you're going to wear out the flooring right?" said Sly. "Yeah but I'm worried." said Kane. "About Zane?" said Sly. "I would if he was still an idiot kid but no. It's Team Natsu." said Kane.

Sly nodded as she said,"Yeah. I gather that keeping this place is a pain to clean and keeping them out of the lab is a good thing. Not even Athena's electric shocks could keep those two from trying to go into the forbidden area.". "Yeah but a good old fashioned chop to the neck works just great. Good job Twilight." said Athena. Before Kane could say anything, he soon heard a loud banging on the front door to his home.

Kane walked toward the front door with him saying,"Huh. I wonder who it could be.". "Yeah. We would have heard the alarm going off. Not sure if the idiots upstairs would either because they could probably sleep through one of Zane's louder music session." said Lucifer. Kane shrugged as he picked up on someone lunging out of the female guest room. It was Erza being that she was still in her PJs. "So good morning Erza. I mean it's 12:01 but it's still the morning." said Kane.

Erza looked at him as Kane said,"Jokes aside. So are you going to change or what?". She soon got into her normal armor and holding a sword. "I doubt that you really need a sword for her. So since I can deliver messages to Zane, want me to?" said Kane as she opened the door, revealing Levy. The knight put her sword down as Kane said,"So what's up Levy? I mean the others are sleeping soundly and I'm thankful for that. So how did you sleep?".

Erza narrowed her eyes at the Vulcorian being that she said,"And why were you banging in a rather rude manner?". "There isn't time! Droy and Jey were seriously injured!" shouted Levy. This soon caused the two to soon look at her being the others soon came down the stairs with all of them awake mainly the dragon slayers. "What?! What happened?! Tell me!" roared Natsu. He soon began shaking her with Kane drop kicking him. "Let her talk moron." said Kane.

Levy nodded as her face looked grim. "We were attacked by Gajeel being that Droy and Jet tried to protect me. Your spell brought them to Elfman and Mira's place. Elfman is out, warning the others and Zane is fighting Gajeel!" said Levy. "Lead the way! He needs our help!" said Erza. "Nope. We're not going." said Kane, sitting down. "You can't be serious." said Lucy. "I am. My bro Zane hates to have help but go if you want." said Kane, leaning back on the front yard.

The others were gone as Sly looked at him. "You do know that they honestly think that Zane needs help right?" said Sly. "Yeah. How about you go after them? I'll keep an eye on Kaida." said Kane as he got comfy. "Okay. You and Zane share your love of being a father don't you?" said Sly, teasing Kane. "Yeah yeah just get going." said Kane. Sly flew off as Kane closed his eyes, taking a little nap being that he had nothing to worry about.

Zane easily dodged the huge sword that cleaved its way through several branches and tore about a few tree trunks. It was more of a chainsaw than sword. Gajeel tried to hit Zane but Zane was able to dodge each slash with ease. "Wow. You're really good with that thing. Ever think of becoming a lumberjack?" said Zane. Gajeel roared as he tried to slice Zane into pieces. "Everyone's a freaking critic." said Zane.

Above Gajeel, one of Zane's portals opened up. Zane soon focused Mojo with him firing it behind him as Gajeel shouted,"Ha! You missed you....". He was soon hit by the concentrated energy beam from the portal being that he fell to the ground with a thud. "So lugnut, did you learn not to mock your betters?" said Zane, putting his hands in his pockets. Gajeel wasn't going to take this insult without a fight. "Iron Dragon Roar!" shouted Gajeel.

He soon inhales a fairly large amount of air and then proceeds to releases a very powerful tornado from his mouth. Unlike say Natsu and Stella's roar, this one had more blunt force to it being that was a lot of sharp metal pieces heading toward Zane. Zane only smiled as there was a huge explosion of iron with it seemingly like Zane took damage. Gajeel's eyes widened to see that Zane stood there without a single scratch.

Zane smiled as he said,"Interesting. Your metal isn't half bad being that I finally got a good source of iron in me.". He soon jumped up into the air with him slowly gathering up Akostar energy. His body was soon covered in a dragon ,made out of crimson red cosmic energy, like aura. He soon came down toward Gajeel and shouting,"Akostar Lunge!". He soon dive bombed toward Gajeel being that the dragon slayer only yelped upon Zane hitting him.

Zane soon threw him through a couple of trees being that despite Zane winning, he felt a sense of uneasy. "This seems too easy." said Cole. Zane dodged an iron column heading toward him being that the Cross Species began dodging several iron spears that had been sent toward him. "Wow. If I didn't dodge these, I would be Swiss cheese." said Zane, joking around him. A demonic laughter echoed through the forest along with the sounds of twigs and logs snapping.

Gajeel stood there with him saying,"Impressive! You're going to have to try harder to take me down so lets go! Iron Dragon Scales!". Zane noticed that Gajeel's skin turned into iron/steel scales with his entire body looking like a dark gray suit of armor. He looked even more beastly being to a normal opponent but Zane wasn't a normal opponent. "Oh wow. You're way stronger than Salamander but the Avalanche and Tsunami? Who really knows?" said Zane. "Iron Dragon Club!" said Gajeel.

Zane dodged his attack being that Zane noticed the shockwave around said attack being that these scales must have the ability to increase physical damage. Zane soon formed a ball of his blood in his hands as he said,"Sweet Blast!". He threw it toward Gajeel being that the dragon slayer ,whose right arm turn into a sword, sliced through it. However, the wizard was soon trapped in the candy syrup with him trapping inside of it. "The hell?!" said Gajeel.

He was trying to break out as Zane said,"Yeah. My blood is really hard to break out but you'll figure out a way hopefully. Sweet Bombardment.". Zane sprouted several fists from his body being that he sends them toward Gajeel. Due to him being trapped, Gajeel was assault by a rapid fire barrage of punches being that they caused a very deadly beatdown. Gajeel soon smiled. "That may hurt a weak wizard but I sure as hell ain't weak!" said Gajeel, breaking out of her prison.

Zane smiled as he said,"Yep. You're stronger than Salamander. You may think that those scales are invincible but nothing is invincible.". He soon began rushing toward Gajeel with the wizard keeping Zane way using his giant bladed weapon. However, Zane soon jumped into the air with him soon slamming his right leg into the wizard's head. However, Gajeel only smiled. He soon made his sword with him slicing Zane's right leg right off like it was butter.

Zane went back with him limping for a bit. "Guess you're useless without your precious speed!" said Gajeel. "Okay. I guess you're the type of fighter who says screw planning and goes with the flow right?" said Zane who smiled. "So?" said Gajeel, confused by on why Zane could be happy. His eyes widened as he watched several tendrils ,matching the candy syrup that was scattered throughout the battlefield, attach themselves to Zane's right leg.

It soon dragged the limb back to Zane's body with it reattached. Gajeel's mouth was wide upon with Zane saying,"You keeping your guard down means my victory is assured! You thinking that your new appearance will win against me! I'm known for changing my appearance!". Gajeel was confused by that before Zane said with a smile,"Predator State!". His skin turns dark gray with glowing crimson red eyes with both pupils slitted.

His hair goes upwards and flows into the air like it’s living energy, flowing through the wind. His black hair gained a single ash gray/ash blonde. His mouth is filled with sharp pointed teeth. His arms and legs are covered in obsidian black scales with it forming claws on his fingers and toes with his arms and legs looking draconic. He’s constantly emitting misty wisps of obsidian black energy. He’s bare-footed with his shoes going missing.

In the center of his forehead, he has a fluorescent white marking resembles a single spiral. He has two long, steel gray dragon claw like protrusions sprouting from his shoulders. Gajeel could easily feel the power that was coming off Zane being that Zane wasn't touching the ground and floating there with his arms crossed. The transformation caused Gajeel to step back. "What the hell are you?" said Gajeel,

Zane smiled as he said in a demonic voice,"An real monster so it's time to finish this! I figure out your fatal flaw Lugnut!".  Gajeel regained his composure with him saying,"Hah! You honestly think you're going to win! Iron Dragon Roar!". He sent his attack toward Zane being that the Cross-Species went flying toward the metal. Gajeel only laughed at Zane with him saying,"You dam idiot! I guess you want to die!". However, he was shocked.

Instead of inflicting damage to Zane, the metal was getting covered in a white glow and then was absorbed into Zane. His arms legs were glow a crimson red color that’s extremely bright and hard to notice. "What did you do?!" shouted Gajeel. He was shocked and angered to see that his attack wasn't working being that before he could do anything, he was punched in the face by Zane. Gajeel winced in pain as he took the intense attack being that even with his scales, his attack hurt like nothing else.

Before he could do anything, Zane said,"Ocean Emperor Bubble Precipitation!". A large amount of water formed around his dragon claws protrusion. Zane fired the water right at Gajeel in a stream of bubbles. Each bubble sent Gajeel back being that he couldn't see or do anything thanks to the rapid fire bubble barrage. Yes. Gajeel is getting owned with the power of bubbles. He didn't even see Zane flying into the air and out of sight.

Gajeel soon pushed through the bubbles of doom being that he tried to slice down on Zane with his sword. However, he soon got a rude awakening thanks to a giant stomp being that Zane's legs had expanded to a massive size. "Giant Stomp!" said Zane. The stomp broke the ground below Gajeel being that Zane soon got off the Dragon Slayer being that he was sure that Gajeel wasn't done. "Oh wow. You could really take a beating can't you Lugnut." said Zane.

The iron wizard got back up being that he was shocked on how strong Zane is being that Gajeel send an Iron Dragon Club toward Zane. He caught it using his right dragon claw being that Zane threw the owner of said attack back a couple of feet. Zane flew toward Gajeel being that he made his dragon claw protrusion look bigger. Zane jumped toward Gajeel with him swiping down on Gajeel who tried to block it using his arm being that it hurt more than he thought it was going to.

Gajeel flinched and yelped as the scales on his arm was town up being that he soon looked down to see a huge claw marking on him. "Hey there Lugnut nice tat. It's better than your piercings collection but I'm not one to judge how you want to look." said Zane. "Screw you bastard!" cursed Gajeel. Zane shrugged as he said,"Meh. I'm not into dudes with piercings because you're not really my type so have a Wildfire Burner.".

He released a stream of his signature flames from his mouth and palms of his hands. It was a large stream being that Gajeel couldn't dodge it. He was soon scorched by the attack being that this fire was more intense than any flame that he felt before being that the scales were burned away. The iron wizard clenched his fists with him screaming in place. As the attack finished, Gajeel was on his knees with him breathing heavily as the area was engulfed in flames.

Zane crossed his arms ,not the dragon ones, as he said,"So are you done yet? I mean you're looking pretty bad.". "You'll pay for that." growled Gajeel, getting back and infuriated. "Well, your funeral I guess. Ocean Emperor Grand Burst." said Zane as water gathered in both of his dragon claws which worked as his hands. He soon joining them together to make a single and giant sphere of water. He soon threw it toward Gajeel's chest.

He only budged a little bit being that he was soon caught in the epicenter of a huge and disastrous explosion of water. His scales were feeling uncomfortable being that his abdomen was beginning to crack. The rest of his scales were looking like they were going to contract and expanded. This was going to be slowing him down even more. Like I mentioned, Gajeel is a powerful fighter but he's rather slow to begin with. Opinions and bias are great.

Gajeel shouted,"Curse you! Iron Dragon Spear!". He got back up being that he tried and pierced Zane but Zane easily dodged it. Zane soon charged toward the "Phantom" wizard being that he used one of his dragon arms to slice at Gajeel's chest, making him fall back and caused the spear arm that returned back to normal. Gajeel soon jumped back to his feet with him saying that Zane was a safe distance away from him. "He's too fast!" thought Gajeel.

His abdomen was cracked and saw that the scales were starting to chip away. "No!" said Gajeel with him seeing Zane charging at him. "Time for you to learn your place in this society!" said Zane with the Impulse around Zane increasing even more. Gajeel tried to ready himself by preparing an Iron Dragon Roar but his scales were holding him back, making him flinch as a few scales fell off here and there.

Zane smiled with him saying,"The reason why you lost is because iron is weak without refinement and you're too slow for me! Predatory Bombardment!". Zane jumped back with him releasing a giant seven-leaf clover of concentrated Impulse right toward Gajeel. Gajeel howled in agony being that this attack was impossible to miss due to is size. His scales shattered into pieces and the Phantom Lord wizard shot backwards, being bombarded with the raw Impulse.

Meanwhile, the others were at the sight where Zane began his fight with Gajeel. They were clearly here being that it was obvious that a fight went on. There was shattered pavement from before, a few stands smashed, and an innocent flower stand destroyed. "So can either of you track them?" said Erza to Natsu and Stella. "We'll try." said Natsu. With the two dragon slayer's enhanced smell, they were going to pick up on Zane's scent in time.

However before they could start, they heard an tremendous explosion from afar. The ground was shaking and Natsu fell forward with a thud. He got back up with him seeing a huge explosion of Black Impulse and smoke in the distance. "So what the heck is that?!" said Lucy. The impulse soon vanished with the smoke clearing being their guards were up. Sly smiled as she said,"And that's my partner's mastery of Impulse in action.".

Everyone turned and looked at Sly in shock. "I knew that Zane was strong but god damn." said Gray with him shaking a bit. "He causes damage like a real man!" said Elfman who joined their group with Levy being extremely worried for Zane. He was facing off against a Dragon Slayer and an S-Class wizard from Phantom Lord. "Lets go!" said Levy with her running ahead being that everyone soon followed her. Sly flew above them being that she was rather fast.

They were closing in on the battle site being that the dust and smoke cleared, revealing nothing being that the trees were either eradicated from this plane of existence or burned away. This trail ran for a good few hundred meters being that Gajeel was pretty much out of the count. He was several hundred meters away and laying on the ground. He had been smashed through several rows of street. He soon opened his eyes and turned his body upwards, barely able to stand up.

With what strength he could muster up, he made a hasty retreat back to Phantom Lord with him being batted and wounded to a painful degree. He may be physical injured but his pride was currently more injured. He turned back and looked back in the direction where Zane was. He took a good glance back with him unable to see the distance between them and turned back. "This isn't over Legion Void Knight." muttered Gajeel but coughing and gagging, fleeing.

Zane stood there being that he went over to a nearby tree with him deactivating Predator State. "That was a good display of your power Zane." said Sivarth. "Thanks partner but man, I feel good. So up for war?" said Zane. "I am but will the others like that prude Athena?" said Cole. He was soon hit by Kane who stood there. "Hey there partner. How's it going?" said Kane. "Good. Shouldn't you be with my daughter?" said Zane, leaning against the tree.

Kane looked at him as he said,"Partner. She's in your house which is the most secure place in the nine realms hands down. They wrecked Team Natsu.". "They stayed in my house Kane?" said Zane with his right hand piercing the tree behind him. "Don't worry Zane. We got their bill since they were unable to help themselves from destroy your home." said Athena. "That's good. To be honest, that fight wasn't very good but I've fought some intense fights in my time." said Zane.

Kane soon nodded with him saying,"Yeah being that you roughed up that lugnut pretty good. You're a good kid.". "Thanks. Mind going back into me? Not in the mood to explain why there is two of me since you did that enough last time." said Zane. Kane nodded as he went back inside of Zane. Zane soon closed his eyes as he said,"And now, time to keep them away while I'll sleep. Ocean Emperor Vanishing Action.". There was soon a fog around the area as Zane took a nap.

About an hour later, Zane woke up to heard people heading toward him. "Well, that was a good nap and time to deal with bullshit." said Zane. The group (Elfman, Levy, Team Natsu, and Stella) ran up to Zane with them gasping. Zane had very little damage to him being that Levy walked toward Zane and looked at him. "Are you okay?" said Levy, looking over him. "I'm fit as a fiddle. I mean I think Fanboy and Chumchum were more hurt than I was." said Zane.

She hugged him with him saying,"Ow. You hurt me.". "You idiot. Why did you do that?" said Levy as she nuzzled into his chest. "Simple. It's my job as a hero to protect those who can't protect themselves Levy." said Zane, rubbing his head. Lucy coughed, getting the couple's attention as Zane said,"Wow Triple B. You have to be such a buzz killington don't you?". "Dude! You have some serious fire power!" said Natsu, pointing to the trail of destruction.

He and Elfman went up to him being that Zane saying,"Yeah. I was honestly trying to make him learn his place but like all people who refuse to learn, he ran. This won't be the last time because I tend to make people want revenge on me very easily.". "Those Phantom jerks are going to get what's coming to them!" said Natsu, cracking his knuckles. "Enough Natsu. I defeated Gajeel and I'm sure that he'll be telling his master about his beatdown." said Zane. 

Natsu looked at him in shock as he said,"Seriously?! What?! While I was sleeping, you got to trash Gajeel and I didn't?! That isn't fair!". "Well, there is an old expression that I have for. He sleeps his way through life means that you'll only lose to the one who sleeps the least. I need to speak with the coward about something." said Zane. "What?" said Erza. "We're going to war and we're going to be smart about it." said Zane. The group went back to Magnolia.

Later that night at Phantom Lord's guild hall or one of their main buildings. Do note that these next paragraphs are the description of the building. Lets begin being that I'm going with the manga's design. Phantom Lord's base is an large and rather imposing building mildly reminiscent of a bizarre fortress. It was surrounded by stone walls topped with railings which ended on the front in the building's own entrance.

It flanked some meters away by a pair of modest light flags secured to the walls and it had two smaller, detached buildings at its sides, connected to the central one by suspended stone bridges complete with railings. Such secondary buildings possessed an elongated facade facing the main building and shorter sides, their pitched roofs were composed of tiles, and they sported several simple, square windows.

It appeared to be nothing more than holes in the walls along with more elaborated, larger and arched ones. The main building ,which is built of stone and linked to the two minor buildings by suspended bridges, had another, central and arched bridge adorned by battlements. It was connect by a pair of large, square pillar-like structures placed in front of it and seemed to take the form of a massive tower.

The base's most distinctive feature ,however, was the entrance. It worked as the door to the main building and the seemingly only way to get past the walls. It consisted of a cylindrical structure that was topped by a complicated series of small, pitched tiled roofs pointing in several directions, piled up one on the other. Right above the cylindrical part were three of such roofs, one pointing frontally like the structure itself, and the other two jutting out respectively to the left and to the right.

Above those were two more roofs yet again pointing outwards, topped by the last, single and more imposing roof, facing frontwards and seemingly being adorned by a clock, or a rose window. Below such roofs, topping the entrance was a large, arched dark sign reading "Phantom Lord" in light characters, possessing light edges and a pair of strange protrusions jutting upwards at its sides. It's really impressive isn't it? I would hate to see it destroyed.

The double wooden door below it ,with the square pillars holding the sign up at its sides, sported a light, torn banner above it. It was almost split in two to house two very distinct and dark looking Phantom Lord's symbols, one at the other's side. Flanking the entrance, in front of a series of small windows similar to those found on the secondary buildings, were two lines of dark, massive spear-like ornaments.

It was held in place by brick supports in their upper part, just below their heads. Leading to the entrance was a small, modest wooden bridge, seemingly suspended over a river or a gorge. The building's entrance gave access to a large and tall room furnished like a club or pub of sort, with it possessing several tables paired with benches. The floor was composed of wood, bearing a distinctive square pattern in which every square was composed by four planks.

The ceiling sported a complicate system of massive, horizontal and vertical wooden beams hanging from it on top of the hall ,just below the passageway leading to the second floor, which was complete with a small mezzanine. The lower horizontal beams had round lamps hanging from them. The inner side of the double door granting access to the building had thin reinforcements in the shape of "X"s, and bore two light banners with Phantom Lord's emblem in its middle part, one on each leaf.

The second floor housed a smaller, more elegant room: at its sides were a pair of stone balustrades ending in ornately decorated pillars shaped like a pair of goblets; the stone ceiling, sustained by a multitude of square pillars protruding from the walls, bore a pattern consisting of many squares, and from it hanged a massive chandelier. To the entrance's right in the central part of the room, was a carved stone table bearing the guild's symbol on it.

For some reason, there is a jar full of flowers and a set to play chess. To the left of this table was a small, decorated sofa. The room was given access to by an arched, intricately decorated door, and in front of it ,on the other edge of the room, was a throne. On the wall behind such throne stood a dark banner with Phantom Lord's light symbol on it. Building description time is over so lets get back to the story.

Gajeel returned ,battered and roughed up, with the guild shocked by this. They showed this shock by getting up from their seats and looked on in shock at the form of Gajeel limping inside of the building and demanded them to buzz off. Jose Porla ,who's appearance is currently shadowed because I just went through an a description dump. Call me lazy I don't care. He's also voiced by the late and great Ed Blaylock who voiced Sengoku from One Piece who will be missed.

He looked down being that he was shocked to see the biggest threat of Phantom Lord crushed and beaten. He was even more shocked to hear Gajeel's report about it being that it took some puppy dog begging from Gajeel's only friend in the guild. Hint hint. The friend's name starts with J and is one of the main wizards of the guild. They were talking in the throne room. It was that young wizard who had defeated several dark guilds by his lonesome and gained the affections of a council woman.

This one wizard who easily defeated one of his most powerful wizard in combat. Jose heard about him being that he was fairy popular despite being with Makarov for less than a month. "Are you sure about the one who defeated you Gajeel? It wasn't Laxus right?" said Jose. "No sir. He was able to use different elements and also, he never shut up. He was so annoying." said Gajeel. That's the work of Blunt Style.

Jose pondered what his wizard was saying being that Laxus was the only real thorn in his side but from what the man heard, Makarov had ruined his relationship with Laxus because of a certain girl and father of his grandson. Mystogan never showed his face and probably didn't give a hoot about the guild he was part of. I mean I'm not wrong technically. Gildarts wasn't probably on the continent at the moment because you know when he's here.

The guild master smirked and chuckled. "Very interesting. Makarov has a new secret weapon but I'm sure that he won't let this slide. After all, you injured two of his precious children. They'll be coming after us soon so rest for now. In the meantime, have Sol and Juvia fetch her for us." said Jose as the iron wizard nodded and left the room. Jose sat there with him thinking,"Makarov. You think that your new secret weapon will stop me but honestly, you're nothing more than a foolish old man.".

Next time,
Fairy Tail faces off against Phantom Lord because of Droy and Jet. Yeah. I wouldn't fight for them but eh. There is probably a fan of them out there. I believe that every character has a fan for them out there. Who is Jose after? Did I already spoil it? Who is Nemo beside a Disney Character or other fictional characters? This and more next time on Fairy Legion!       

New Cards/Forms that haven't been seen in Zero yet:
Alchemy Form. This card has a black frame with a wizard silhouette pouring something into a cauldron. When Zane places this card inside, Zane becomes a master of alchemy. This Form hasn't been introduced in Zero yet and it doesn't have a Prime Form.

Planned Line for this Episode: It's been translated into an Extreme Verbose Translator. Check it out right here. The reason why I couldn't use it is because I honestly had no good place to put it.
Original Line: Oh no. It seems that the Fairy Tail Guild Hall ,which is normally a dump, looks even more like a dump than normal. It has several metal pipes sticking out of it like hors d'oeuvre served at a delightful dinner party between royal figures. So who did this awful deed? I mean the typical culprits of the Fire Breathing pinkie, the stripping Elsa, and the knight who will never get a boyfriend weren't here in the slightest.
Translated Line: Oh no. It seems that the fairy tail guild hall ,which the third person present of be normally the first letter of the modern Latin alphabet dump, looks even more like the first letter of the modern Latin alphabet dump than normal. It has several metal pipes sticking out of it like hors the fourth letter of the modern Latin alphabet'oeuvre served at the first letter of the modern Latin alphabet delightful dinner party between royal figures. So who did this awful deed? the homosapien that wrote or spoke about this current line of text you read mean the typical culprits of the fire breathing pinkie, the stripping elsa, and the knight who will never get the first letter of the modern Latin alphabet boyfriend weren't here in the slightest. 

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