Sunday, October 1, 2017

Zero Episode 40 Superhero Development

A/N: Welcome to Episode 40 and originally, we would be 4/10 or 2/5 of the way. This is also the typical episode where Zane learns how to be a parent or as the Tv Trope, Egg Sitting. This is seen in Ultimate Spider Man the comic, The episode of South Park called Follow that Egg, Danny Phantom, Batman Beyond, and Detentionaire. The latter one is from one of my favorite cartoons. Lets begin. Also I won't be describing a form twice if I show them off in Zero Shorts. It's easier for me because I had repeating myself. It's also an relationship building

Narrator P.O.V.
On a video screen, Zane was currently chasing after Wraith while in Beast Form. "You're not escape me Wraith and diamond smuggling? Hunting business gone slow after I sent you to jail?" said Zane. He dodged several Black Nether shots as Zane roared. The Phantom went crashing into the ground and he then glared right at Zane. "Shut up! I'm Terrarune's greatest hunter and you won't..." said Wraith. He was then punched back into a lightpost by Zane.

Zane sighed as he said,"And here I thought he would be a threat.". He turned into Slime Form and he threw parts of his body at Wraith. They were destroyed by Wraith who said,"You're going to pay for this Legion Zero!". "Yeah what? You and what army?" said Zane. Wraith rushed toward him with him holding a knife. He sliced down on Zane who just reformed. "Dude. I can reform from a lot of things even Black Nether which isn't making me sleepy." said Zane.

He jumped back as he turned into Pyre Form. He threw a massive fireball at Wraith causing an minor but hot explosion. "Zero!" yelled Wraith. "Well, I guess he isn't done. Now how would I stop the second rate hunter?" said Zane. Wraith went rushing toward Zane and Zane smiled. He turned into Diamond Form and he froze Wraith in a giant diamond prison. Zane soon kicked Wraith back into Terrarune with him saying,"Yep. Second rate.". He waved to his fans as someone stopped the video.

He's a Phantom with him having wearing a gray suit that covers the upper body with a dark purple stripe in the middle and on his arms and wearing black pants. He's wearing black gloves and a gray belt with black boots and red soles. He's wearing animal bones over his body. His face is tiger orange color with a large lower jaw. His eyes are dark blue and sunken. "Isn't he an interesting prey eh girl?" said the Phantom.

As he said that, a large feline Phantom came up to her master with her looking interested. Her body is very a mixture of saber tooth cat and panther with large fangs, a large rhino like horn on the top of her nose, steel claws, a tail with a sharp hook at the end of it, a dire wolf mane, and a helmet around her head that had another two horns on it.  Her stomach is crimson red fur with her back being a black color.

She roared ,with it sounding like a lion and tiger, and the Phantom said,"Yes. We shouldn't go into this half cocked. Hydro Storm and the vampire learned that the hard way. Are you ready for the hunt? Today's the day.". She nodded as the Phantom said while looking at the static image of Zane,"Legion Zero. You're the next target of Terrarune's true hunter. Airon and his pet the Nether Seeker. I wish you the best of luck.".  

Meanwhile, Zane sneezed twice as Cole said,"What's wrong Zane? Did the cold fairy get you? I'll kill for that! She already took my pony from me!". "Okay then? You need to stop drinking sugar Cole. The hyperactivity level is bad I think someone is talking about me. This is seen in China, Japan, South Korea, and Vietnam.  It was two sneezes in a row means that someone bad is going on. So what were we talking about?" said Zane.

He was currently flying toward school ,in costume and above the seeing eye, and Athena said,"We should ignore the stupid Zane. We have a serious problem aka your lack of using your new forms. It is getting bad.". "You have like a hundred? I mean the watch and us makes you a master of a new form upon using it! We're the two brains behind Legion Zero!" said Cole. "He's right you know Zane and that's rare coming from Cole." said Athena as she sighed. "Hey!" shouted Cole.

Zane said,"Okay. I'll start using them more. Athena, I swear that I wouldn't lie to you. So is there a certain form that you want me to try out?". Nearby the trio or from an outside perspective one guy flying, Airon and Nether Seeker was watching him. "I will be going after you soon enough Legion Zero. To capture a prey that has his mind on other things is simple as hunting down an animal who is too stupid to sense me coming." said Airon.

Airon pulled out a sniper with him aiming at the hero. "Pie. Enjoy your freedom while you can because your bounty is worth..." said Airon. Before he was about to fire, Zane was blasted by an energy beam with Zane crashing into a water tower. "Are you serious?! I had the perfect shot so who is the one?" said Airon. The Phantom disappeared as something rushed by him. Zane shook him as he said,"Okay. I take my showers normally so why blast me into a water tower?!".

He looked up to see Vicky ,as Agent Phoenix, standing there. "Son of Ra!" said Zane. "Way to mix up the swearing Z!" said Cole. Athena sighed as Vicky said,"Everyone may think you're a hero Zero but you're not. You're a menace just like the rest of your kind!". She aimed her very big cannon at him as he said,"Okay. I'm taking the bus from now on.". She fired the energy beam at Zane who dodge it. It hit the water tower causing it to shake.

Zane said,"And I keep telling you that not all Phantoms are bad people! Just a very small percent of them are!". The tower was about to fall on her but she evaded it and this caused the water to flood the streets. She glared right at Zane who said,"See you later girlfriend!". Zane soon rushed off as Vicky went right after him. Her board began firing at Zane with Airon saying,"They're both valuable prizes. I should go after her instead. She has been killing our kind for weeks now.".

She was blasted past him as Airon said,"Well, I did take a contract to kill Zane before he finds about his bounty.". Vicky went after Zane who charged up a Nether ball. "Time for you to get rid of that cannon so have a Nether Ball!" said Zane. He threw at her causing the cannon to be lost. "GRR! I'm going to kill you for that! Do you know how much those things cost?!" said Vicky. "Honestly, I don't give a dam. I don't want to hurt you and neither does my kind." said Zane.

Vicky said,"Hero Boy going soft on me? Do you honestly think you can defeat me?". "Well, I've been holding back on you so..." said Zane. She fired a sniper rifle ,which had ten plus barrels, at him with him evading it. "Fine! You forced my hand!" said Zane. He fired two giant Nether fists right at her causing her to fly past the invisible Airon. "Okay. I'll see if they're worthy by making them fight each other. I just have to kill him so time is on my side." said Airon.

Vicky recovered and glared as Zane charged up two Nether beams. The school bell ranged as the two looked down to see that they were above Cypress High. "Wow. That's some convenience." said Cole with a smile. "I'll let you go this time creep but next time, you're dead meat!" said Vicky. She was gone as Zane said,"Man. I'm so happy that I'm good for first period.". Zane flew off slowly with the hunter smiling.

He looked over to see that Vicky had deactivated her suit by the bleachers and she ran inside of the school. "So she's human and so young? I didn't think two of our greatest enemies would be so young. It's a small world after all." said Airon. The feline roared as Airon said,"We will face him soon my pet. I think it's time to learn more about this woman and Zane's relationship.". The cat went after her as Airon stood there watching over the school.

Later that day, Zane was talking with his A.I. as Athena said,"So far, no crimes have gone on all day making today slow.". "Which means pizza after school or class depending on how hungry you are Z man!" said Cole. "Thanks. Class is about to start so time for you to be quiet." said Zane. "Oh! I get it..." said Cole. He turned them off as Nancy Greer stood in front of her desk and she saw that Kevin was here today.

She said,"Today's question is. How many of you expect to be parents someday?". The entire class raised their hands as Zane was currently focused on something. He looked around and Roxy coughed loudly as Zane raising his hand. "Good answer. This week's assignment will show the sophomores what parenthood is like and it's a nurturing experience." said Nancy. She looked at a cart and she then wheeled it over to the desk.

It turned out to be realistic babies with Nancy picking one up. "Are those babies?" said Kevin. "You are correct. Before, we have used eggs and bags of flour. This has changed due to Derrick Price and his work in nanomachines." said Nancy. The baby coos with the class awed. "They're quite cute until you have to change them and take care of them for the whole week. You know the deal. If you don't want to fail Future Life, don't make the babies cry too much." said Nancy.

Nancy said,"Okay. Time for Pair Assignments. This has been randomly selected and one student from each class will be a single parent. They will also be a gay couple depending on if they're more boys than girls making two guys pair up or the other way around. First couple is Austin Lawrence and Kristin Ortiz.". She then handed a baby to the jock with it glowing. "Woah! Is it supposed to do that Ms. Philips?" said Austin.

Nancy said,"Yep. Upon touching either the mother or father, it automatically assign a gender and what your child will look if you're dating. Next couple is Marcia Hunter and Travis Romeo.". She began passing them around with her saying,"Della Dixon and Kevin Wallace.". Kevin held the baby as he said,"Hey honey bear.". "Kill me now." said Della. Zane snickered as Nancy stood in front of him. "I don't get why you're laughing Mr. Alvarez." said Nancy.

Zane said,"Inside joke. So who's my partner?". "Weren't you listening? I guess you weren't. Shame but welcome to being a single parent." said Nancy. Zane held the baby with it glowing. "Wow. Ain't that ironic? Mother like son I guess." thought Zane. Zane looked down to see that the baby had green hair ,that went to the middle of her back, and purple eyes. "Yep. She's my kid already." said Zane. "I love you daddy." said the baby.

She hugged him as the girls went aww. "Are they supposed to do that?" said Bryan. "Nope. This is a rare one. You may have it lucky Mr. Alvarez. You and your daughter will have fun." said Nancy. She went back to her desk as Zane whispered,"Your name is Ella and you're an Alvarez so be a loving girl or a punk rocker. I'll still love you.". The baby nestled deeper into his chest as Nancy said,"All of the babies have a built in computer which register the amount of care or lack of.".

Della said,"Meaning?". "If you're a bad mom and dad, you fail. They give off many emotions just like a baby would." said Nancy. Brad said while rocking the baby,"So what happened if we drop it?". "I'll show you." said Nancy. She grabbed a baby and she dropped it. The baby cracked into pieces as the teacher said,"You fail completely. You need to be gentle with them just like real babies so if they're cranky rock them.". Zane looked at his and he hoped that his wouldn't cry too much.

Later, several students were holding babies including Gwen and Rachel. "I can't believe we got stuck together." said Gwen. "Yeah but at least, we're a good couple unlike those guys." said Rachel. Two of the jocks threw a baby across the hall with Gwen saying,"At least, the baby isn't crying.". The two saw Danny and Zane each holding a baby. "So where's Mrs. Malone?" said Rachel. "She went to go hang out with the other moms. Aren't you going to ask about Mrs. Alvarez?" said Zane.

Danny said,"Dude. Everyone already knows about you and Ella.". "You gave her a name? And where have I heard it before?" said Gwen. "It's from Zane's favorite Soap Opera Love that Transcends Space and Time. She shares the same name as the head actress's character right?" said Rachel. "Yep. Ella Starshine may sound like a weird name but hey, my daughter is an Alvarez making her already weird." said Zane as Ella followed up with,"But being weird is cool according to daddy!".

She hugged him as Gwen said,"So are they supposed to talk?". "And be that close?" said Rachel. "I guess that mine's special but who cares? I've gotten so many hugs from girls because I make a good dad I guess." said Zane. "So where's Karen?" said Danny. The four were in front of Zane's locker as Gwen said,"Aren't we talking about what we're going to do for Kristen's birthday?". "Her birthday's coming up?" said Zane. "You forgot didn't you?" said Gwen.

Zane said,"It isn't my fault that an evil Cerberus Phantom destroyed my mailbox and a computer virus Phantom destroyed my email. I had to work in Brain Form like crazy to fix it.". Ella grabbed onto Zane as Danny said,"We've determined that instead of crying, she grabs onto him.". "Because Daddy makes me feel safe and he can defeat the monsters using his Phantom Punch!" said Ella as she punched the air.

Rachel said,"You know something. We should have a group playdate.". "Wait a second. You're liking this project?" said Zane. "I thought you said that marriage isn't your thing." said Danny. "And that you'll never get a date." said Gwen. "Thanks you guys. So who was Karen's partner?" said Rachel. "I think it was that one vegan." said Gwen. "Seriously? I feel bad for that baby and Karen. They will be missed at the playdate." said Zane. "She's coming to it Zane." said the three. "I knew that." said Zane.

Later at the Alvarez household, Zane was currently looking through a teen magazine with Ella being entertained by Wolfram as Ana saying,"What's wrong with this picture?". "Wolfram wanted to play with Ella and vise versa. I'm looking for a birthday present for Kristen. She'll kill me if I don't get her a gift." said Zane. "And by her killing him, he's talking about her papa. Her birthday is in a few days so right now, Zane's a stressed out daddy." said Cole.

Ana looked at her niece as Ella said,"Hi!". "Okay then. So where is mother, nephew, and grandfather brother? I'm sure that two of them would make Ella feel like a princess." said Ana. "Out shopping for her with Arturo and Atem being her pack mules." said Zane. "Daddy. What's a packmule?" said Ella with a confused look. "I'll tell you when you're older. So what does Kristin like?" said Zane. "Aren't you two friends?" said Athena with some noticeable anger in her voice.

Cole said,"I got it! She would like Dead Snakes! What girl wouldn't like that?!". "No girl in their right mind would like them plus me." said Zane. "Why is Daddy so confused?" said Ella. "Your father has to think like a girl." said Ana. Wolfram barked as Ana said,"You have a point there. Zane would have to become a girl to understand how to buy a gift for one.". Zane stood up as he said,"That's it! You're a genius Ana and Wolfram!". Ella said,"Daddy?".

Zane was gone as something appeared in his place. It looked like a muscular male adult with him being 6 feet tall. His body is black with several white star like dots that was scattered all over his body. His body looks to be an active galaxy. His body is emanating a turquoise color.  The top of his head has flame like hair with the color of it matching his body. He's wearing a reddish silver helmet ,with a y-shaped design, helmet with his hair sticking out of it.

His eyes are white and pupil-less. He's wearing reddish silver gladiator armor type appeared on his body. He wears brown pants. He's wearing fingerless forearm gauntlets/gloves, a chest plate that covers his chest, and knee length boots protected by greaves. "Astral Form! This form is perfect for the job at hand." said Zane with a deep mature male voice. Ella looked around as she said,"Where did Daddy go?".  "He went to the bathroom. I'll take care of you till then." said Ana.

Ella went into her auntie's arms as the two were gone. Wolfram  poked Zane's leg as Zane said,"I'm still here. Right now, I'm all Eazairvian except I'm the human variation.". "He's wondering why you turned into this form. I'm impressed that you picked this form." said Athena. "You made fun of me for not being able to understand how a woman works. This form can do anything so do you understand what I'm going to do." said Zane.

Wolfram shook his head for no with Zane saying,"Just watch.". Zane glowed as the puppy covered his eyes. The blinding light was gone as a new figure stood there. She's about 5 foot 6. It was a girl with a nice sized chest being a D cup. Her face is feminine with her looking like a younger Natasha Alvarez in terms of eye color. She had Zane's black hair though. Her hair goes down to the middle of her back with her bangs going straight across her forehead framing it well.

Her skin is rather fair with her being very beautiful. She's wearing a purple t-shirt with an gold owl in the center of the shirt, a white short jacket with long sleeves, black skinny jeans, and purple and pink tennis shoes. She has star and moon earrings, purple lipstick, and long eyelashes. She also had the Z.E.R.O. watch on her but in a bracelet. The dog was confused as the girl said,"Wolfram. It's me you master except well a girl.".

Her voice is both high pitch yet seductive. The puppy barked as the girl said,"You do know that if she finds out about this, we're dead. So are you up to being a secret agent?". He nodded as he went into a spy like pose. "Good job but you call me Zara in this form. This is the best way to find Kristen the perfect present." said Zara. "You could just learn how to read women." said Athena. "Nah! Zara here is just a idiot." said Cole.

Zara's right eye twitched with Athena saying,"Fine. Wolfram. Could you be a dear and get the door for your mistress or tell Ana about Zane going out shopping? Leaving your daughter with your sister Zara. What a terrible mom you're making.". Zara turned them both off as she said,"Do what they said and tell Ella that I love her more than anything.". Wolfram nodded as Zara said,"Okay. I really hate that I know more than I needed to do about boy bands now. So gross.".

Later, Zara was walking through the mall as she whispered to Wolfram who was intangible. "So you don't mind hiding? I wouldn't mind but the person who brought us together is here maybe so lets not take any chances." said Zara. Wolfram ,who was resting in her arms, nodded as he barked. "You're right. I have to think like a girl but right now, I can't stay focused." said Zara. She looked around as she saw the comic book store. "I wonder if the new issue of Masquerade is out." said Zara.

Wolfram rolled his eyes as Zara said,"I'll find her gift. No need to worry. I'll do it. If I get distracted again, please stop me.". The dog nodded as the two headed over to the store. Unknown to her, she was been watched by Brad and his male friends.  "Do you guys see what I'm seeing?" said Brad. "A girl who likes comics? That's a myth. She's probably getting them for her boyfriend. I can't believe that she made me keep this thing. Stupid project." said Mack as he was holding his child.

Bryan said,"She's also crazy. I mean she's talking to herself.". "So? She's hot. I'm single so I'm going to bring her to my ex's date. She'll think twice before dumping me." said Brad. Austin was currently talking of his and Kristen's kid as he said,"This plan has no flaws whatsoever.". "Thanks bro! Wish me luck." said Brad. He went after her as Bryan said,"I thought he would know sarcasm.". "I'm so serious Bryan." said Austin. "Savage." said Mack.

Zara was walking through the store as she said,"Now where are you new...?". She found a comic with a woman standing there as she said,"Yep. There's only one left.". She grabbed the magazine but she saw a boy's hand on it. He's wearing a black t-shirt over a long sleeved green shirt, brown jeans, and black and white sneakers. He had brown hair and brown eyes. "Sorry. My nail polish totally touched it first." said Zara. "Sorry but I need it for my collection." said the boy with a high pitch.

Zara said,"Okay. We shouldn't fight like children. How about rock, paper, and scissors?". "Sure thing sweet thing." said the boy. "Okay. Don't do that. I have someone." said Zara. "K." said the boy. The two played the game as the boy won. "Darn. Oh well, I'll just get the digital copy." said Zara. The boy took off his hat as Zara saw that it was a girl aka Kristen. Kristen noticed Zara looking at her as she said,"You didn't see anything right?".

She placed her hat on her head with her long hair sticking out. "Kristen Ortiz?" said Zara. "No. I'm not here because I like comics and I have a collection? Why are you in here?" said Kristen. "Um. I like comics and I'm comfortable with myself so..." said Zara. Kristen placed her hand over Zara's mouth as she said,"You can't let anyone know about this okay? My friends and this guy I like will think I'm weird. Let this be our secret please.".

She removed her mouth as Zara said,"Sure. I won't tell. I'm really good at keeping secrets.". "Yeah right!" said Cole, earning a punch from Athena. "It's a deal. So why are you here? I haven't seen around before?" said Kristen. The two were heading out after Kristen payed. "My name is Zara and I'm here in town for the week due to my grandfather's RV needing repairs." said Zara. "Zara? That sounds like Zane. Weird. How about we meet up at the salon? We should hang out!" said Kristen.

She was gone as Zara said to Wolfram,"Wow. I didn't expect her to like comics. I mean she tries to enjoy my movies. I guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover.". She walked out and she saw Brad with his friends. "Um hi?" said Zara. Brad placed a hand on her shoulder as he said,"Sup. The name is Brad Stevens, the Quarterback. I think you and I need to start hanging out.". Zara removed his hand as she said,"Sorry. You're not my type.". She was gone as Brad said,"She'll be mine.".

Zara was currently walking to the salon as Athena said,"I can't believe that there is no crime today Zara dear.". "Yeah. I mean you haven't decided between two of the exact same dresses. You'll pick the one that goes better with your eyes." said Cole. "You need to pick something." said Athena. "If this is a joke, I'm not laughing. So I'm going to be talking with Kristen alone so watch something other than me." said Zara. "Okay." said the two.

The two were in the salon as Zara said,"Wow. This feels rather nice. All of my troubles and worries are melting away or exploding.". "Yeah and if you come here more than once, you get a discount for your next purchase." said Kristen. "And they're showing my favorite soap opera. All of my guy friends laugh when I watch this show." said Zara. "You're a fan of Love that Transcends Space and Time? Me too. I only know one other person who likes this show and she's a he." said Kristen.

Zara said,"He sounds like a real keeper. You two?". "Nope. He's still single and I'm not really looking for a relationship. I had a pretty nasty breakup with the last guy I was with. It turned into this whole big thing. Anyway, I wish I could bring a guy in here. I mean most guys think I like shopping and they're stuck carrying the bags." said Kristen. "Isn't that true? And what self-respected male would come in here and not be on their phones playing Fantasy Ball?" said Zara.

Kristen giggled as she said,"You're so funny Zara. If a straight guy came in here, I wouldn't have a problem liking comics.". She was reading her comic as Zara said,"You're right. Follow me!". The two were out of the store ,with Kristen wearing her normal outfit aka Episode 11, as Kristen said,"So what are we going?!". "To the only place in the mall where girls fear to go mainly because of the smell and they should fix that." said Zara.

At the arcade, several guys were playing video games. Bryan sniffed the air as he turned around to see Kristen and Zara. "Females!" said Bryan. Brad walked up to them as he said,"Sup ladies? Do you want to see this dead snake?". "No way!" said the two. The boys were gone as Zara said,"Cowards. I think we have the whole arcade so whose up for...". "You're so on Zara." said Kristen. The two went to a game as they wait in line.

Kristen said,"Hey Zara.". Zara was putting on her headset as she said,"Sup?". "Well, I wanted to ask you something. Why do you not care about what you're supposed to like? I mean you like playing video games and reading comics plus you look great with or without makeup." said Kristen. "Well, I think it comes from my mom. She was a great woman." said Zara. "I'm sorry." said Kristen. "It's fine Kristen. She's been dead for five plus years now." said Zara.

Zara said,"Anyway, she wasn't your typical woman. She loved reading comics, playing video games even beating my dad a couple of times, and taught me how to put on makeup plus the talk. Men and women may be very different but here's the thing. We're both human so why can't we like the same things?". "Okay. After this, I am taking you shopping." said Kristen. "I'm not carrying any bags." said Zara. Kristen put on her headset as she said,"Bring it out Zara.". "You too Kristen." said Zara.

Later, the two were in front of the mall. "Bye Kristen. It was really nice meeting a girl who could eat a lot of french fries." said Zara. "Yeah. It's from my mother. So guess what I wanted for my birthday Zara?" said Kristen. "A giant robot T-Rex?" said Zara. "No way Zara. You're a friend who I can talk about guy stuff. Sure I have friends that I can talk with but you're someone who I can really trust. If you were a guy, I would totally date you. Are you still in town for the week?" said Kristen.

Zara said,"Till Sunday.". "Good. I'll see you at my party! Bye!" said Kristen. She was gone as Zara turned back on her A.I. "So what's the plan Zara?" said Athena. "First thing, we have to find my dog before he devours the food court. Second, we have some gifts to buy. Third, we have to stop my mom from getting obsessed over Ella." said Zara. "Isn't changing back important?" said Cole. "Yeah. Lets do that do." said Zara as she went back into the mall.

Four days later, Zane ,now back to his normal gender, stood outside of Kristen's house which was packed. "Wow. I didn't expect it to be so crowded." said Zane. "And with so many babies. I guess this is a house warming party right?" said Cole. "So do you have her gifts ready?" said Athena. "And I got Ella so I'm good." said Zane. Ella was currently sitting on his shoulders as she said,"Faster Daddy!". "I'm going to miss you Ella." said Zane. He walked in.

He looked for Kristen as he saw Brad flirting with Sam. "He's so disgusting." said Zane. "And I hope you don't do that." said Athena. "I can't promise you on that but I'll try my best for..." said Zane. "Hey Zane!" said a voice. He turned to see Danny standing there with Zane saying,"Where's your bundle of joy?". "With her mom. She needed to get some credit. How are you doing Ella?" said Danny. "Daddy took me flying using Grandma's jetpack!" said Ella.

Danny said,"What kind of parent lets their kid go on a jetpack?". "The awesome kind and well, I got forced. I would normally say no but if was either that or playing bingo, I choose the smarter choice right?" said Zane. "You sure did. So where's your present? I thought you spend four days looking for it." said Danny. "I did but I want to show Kristen herself. So why is Brad here?" said Zane. "Yeah. I think he sneaked in along with everyone else." said Danny.

Zane said,"Well, you're lucky that I'm in a good mood today. You know how I'm at parties.". "Yeah. A major party pooper." said Danny. "So where is Karen? I haven't seen her all week." said Zane. "Did you forget that you were gone all week bro?" said Danny. "Yeah but I had Ella to keep me company while I was alone." said Zane. "Yep!" said Ella. Danny whispered,"So does she know about that side of you?". "Nope. The babies track my human self leaving Legion Zero free to play." whispered Zane.

Outside of the house, Airon was watching them with his cat. "Patience my pet. We'll get to play with Zane and Victoria soon enough but we need something to bring them out." said Airon. He held ,in his hand, a vial of red, blue, green, and white liquid as the cat roared. "It was risky stealing it from them but to capture/kill my prey, it's worth the cause. We should getting going right now." said Airon as the two of them were gone.  

Zane was sipping some punch as Cole said,"We got company and not the good kind.". Zane looked up from his spot in the backyard as he saw a giant Phantom Serpent far away from the house. Zane could tell that it was looking for him. "He's after me. We need to get him away from here." said Zane. He looked at the house with him saying,"Sorry for missing your 16th birthday Kristen. I hope you like my gifts.". He rushed out of there with him leaving Ella at his house and his gifts behind.

Remane stood on the top of his snake with him looking down at the destroyed city saying,"My pet. It is time to cause some destruction.". The snake fired a giant Blue Nether Beam but it didn't hit the ground whatsoever. Remane's eyes widened as he heard,"I won't let you hurt my town! This town is where my friends, family, and everyone that I care about! I'm already missing my friend's birthday right now so lets brawl!". The smoke cleared as Zane stood there in a new form.   

He shrunk down to about three feet. His body is dark green with the top of his head, his back, and the palms of his hands is a black color. He has a short tail alongside short and stubby arms and legs. His body is covered by several black spots on his body. His gold eyes look sharper and without pupils. He wears a metallic U.S. military helmet over his head. He's holding a weapon that looks like a fusion of a spear, spork, sword, and trident in one.

His helmet was exposing his teeth with them having visibly sharp canine teeth that look to help with eating. He had four sets of gill like markings on his stomach. He's wearing the same outfit that he would wear as Zero aka his costume. The lightning was about to hit being that Zane opened his mouth with seven longer than normal ,sticky, and strong tongues coming out of them. "What is that form? Destroy it!" said Remane.

The snake fired another beam being that Zane's mouth soon opened up. It revealed seven longer than normal ,sticky, and strong tongues. Zane had them wrapped around the beam and go back into his mouth. Zane's stomach grew in size as he turned into a ball with short arms,legs, and tail. It looked rather funny. "Okay. I didn't expect that at all but Gluttony Form is full of surprises." said Zane while rolling back and forth.

He stood up as Remane said,"So you can eat things? Bid deal. I can do that naturally kid so lets play some golf!". The Phantom animal's tail was heading toward Zane but then Zane burped. He released a giant green energy beam from his mouth knocking Remane off the snake and the snake went flying back a couple of feet. After doing this, Zane's body went back to normal with Remane glaring at Zane who closed his mouth.

Zane looked at Remane and said,"Okay. To be honest with you Remane, I didn't expect that big of an impact with it. First time using this form. I made a real impact right Remane?". He soon dodged an Pink Nether blast as Zane said,"Too much? At least snakey is coming back.". Before the snake hit him, Zane soon jumped backwards as he slammed his weapon into the ground and sending rubble everywhere. "I hope this works." said Zane as his mouth opened.

Several pieces of rubble was grabbed by the seven tongues and while they were doing this, Zane was moving himself toward his weapon. "Get him before he does something disgusting!" said Remane as the snake rushed toward Zane. "Hey Snakey! I think you'll like this attack better than my last one. Bang Burst!" said Zane. He devoured the rubble with him chewing down on it. He fired an energy bomb at the weapon, causing a giant explosion.

The snake roared with him coming crashing down. "Not on me!" said Remane. The snake crushed Remane with Zane standing there. He grabbed his weapon as Zane said,"Wow. He got crushed by his own snake. You know what I just noticed. It's a mixture of several snakes.". He made a portal which gathered Remane and his snake sending them back. He was about to leave but several girls ran up to him hugging him. "Great." said Zane.

Later that night, Zane was nursing his cheeks on the couch. "Are you hurt Daddy?" said Atem. "Your father was really cute." said Ana. She handed him an ice bag as Zane said,"I really miss when they thought that I was a menace. Old women hurt.". "So sad." said Kania. Wolfram nodded as Zane said while looking around,"So where's your little sis?". "With grandma." said Atem. "I'm impressive that Ella is still alive even after all of her experiments." said Ana.

Ana shivered as she said,"She's scary when she's in that lab.". "One year for Halloween, she was a mad scientist." said Zane. "That fits her too well Zane." said Kania. Zane heard the doorbell as he said,"I'll get it.". He answered it as he said,"Listen. We don't take girl scout cookies here. It's just that we....". Kristen stood there and she said,"I'm little bit too old to be selling girl scout cookies Zaney. I have to ask how are you dealing with the pinching?".

Zane rubbed them as he said,"Fine. My cheeks are recovering. Shouldn't you be at your party? I mean you only turn sixteen once.". "Didn't you skip your birthday?" said Kristen. "I was training on how to use my powers. So answer my question." said Zane. "It was your gifts." said Kristen. She then held a bouquet of flowers, diamond earrings and necklace, and an envelope. "Oh right my gifts. I did totally forgot about getting them." said Zane.

Kristen said,"Zane. This isn't something that you would buy for a friend. Danny got me a t-shirt and I could tell that it was Hannah helping him.". "You're my student Kris, I had some money to spare for a friend, and I will sick Liger Form on our crowd." said Zane. The group ,that was watching him, was gone as Zane said,"Okay. I was shopping for your present or in my case presents on Monday when I bumped into a girl named Zara. She has the almost exact same name as me.".

Kristen was silent as Zane said,"She told me about you since you described me to her. She told me that she has identity issues.". "I don't have..." said Kristen. Zane looked at her as Kristen said,"I can't be like Zara.". "That isn't the point at all Kris. I got you those gifts because well, I really care about you. This has been since freshman year." said Zane. "You didn't even know me back then Zane." said Kristen. "You're wrong. I known you even before I became the president." said Zane.

Zane said,"You and I had never met before then. Sure, I saw you in the halls back in Elementary and Middle school but High school is where I began to notice to you. I'm dense but I really care about you in the exact same way that I would care about my family. You and Brad were just awful together. To be honest with you, I was trying to break you guys up just like Hannah said. I don't regret it because I got to know the real Kristen Ortiz. She's smart, beautiful, and I heard she's pretty good at gaming.".

Kristen was silent as Zane said,"I know that you may not want to be a relationship with any guy after what happened with Brad. I'm an Eazairvian. We fall in love fast but here's the thing. I love you.". He kissed her as Natasha's voice said,"My little boy's becoming a man!". "Go dad!" said Atem. "Daddy is the best!" said Ella. "Didn't know you had it in you. Good job Zane I mean Master." said Kania as Wolfram cried a bit. Arturo nodded.

Zane backed off as he said,"So care to go see a movie?". "Um sure. Is it too late?" said Kristen with her face still red. "For normal people, yes but we're not normal are we Kristen Ortiz?" said Zane as he grabbed her hand. He held it tight as he said,"Care to go there in style?". She nodded as the two flew off with Kristen saying,"So are we?". "If you want to be, I've been itching for a relationship with you and also love is an open book." said Zane.

It was Monday and in Future Life Class, Nancy was standing in front of the class as all of the babies were back in their tray. "After a week, I bet all of you are feeling the joys of parenthood." said Nancy with a couple of kids groaning. Zane said,"It wasn't that bad you guys.". "Your dam baby didn't cry all night Alvarez so shut up." said Brad. "Well, the report shows that you are did quite well being that you all got Bs." said Nancy.

Kevin said,"But Ms. Philips.". "A B isn't a bad thing normally Kevin but well, you have to be an A+ parent. You can feed, rocking and care, and nap time for a baby. It needed something call stimulation so that the mind can grow. According to this data, two groups ,in this class, were the only ones had their babies well stimulated. The pair of Austin Lawrence and Kristen Ortiz and Single Daddy Zane Alvarez." said Nancy.

Nancy said,"Well done you three. You gave your babies a fun time and I can see you being a great parent one day especially you Mr. Alvarez. Your daughter saw many new faces during your week. I hope Kristen enjoys having such a promising future father as her boyfriend.". Zane sulked in his seat as Danny smirked. "Yep. He's enjoying this and I'm happy for him. Karen is devastated. It's time for the making Karen feel better plan." said Danny to himself.

Next time,
Zane gets a present for his friends and his enemies. Karen slowly gets over Zane due to him being with Kristen. What is Airon planning? This and more next time on Zero.

New Cards/Forms:
Astral Form. This transformation doesn't have a card due to Zane being an Cross Species consisting of several different species. This form can access all of Zane's Eazairvian powers being able to alter reality itself. He can activate it at will or by saying,"Activate Code 07-140-P. Password: Slayer Netstorm Experion.".

Gluttony Form. This card has a black frame with several tongues on it when them eating a planet like object with ease. This form starts out completely empty but soon, Zane gets the ability to fill the void in his stomach.

Known Couples:
Austin Lawrence and Kristin Ortiz. Boy.
Marcia Hunter and Travis Romero. Girl.
Evan Becker and Rebecca Briggs. Girl.
Heidi Wong and Mack Osborne. Girl.
Brad Stevens and Sam Bridges. Boy.
Della Dixon and Kevin Wallace. Girl.
Bryan Jones and Susan Young. Boy.
Cameron Rivera and Roxy Stars. Boy.
Danny Malone and Hannah Grant. Girl.
Christina Gordon and Vicky Mills. Boy.
Gwen Vasquez and Rachel Powell. Girl.
Karen Castro and Marcus Simmons. Boy.
Zane Alvarez. Girl.

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