Thursday, August 24, 2017

Zero Episode 35 Royal Engagement

A/N: Sorry about not updating in over a month. I was doing editing for this series and with my attention span, it took longer than I wanted it to be. I plan to have at least five posts a month but I can't promise that. So Fairy Tail ended and I feel like it was an okay ending. It wasn't what I wanted in most part being that I wanted some characters to die. I will be changing Fairy Tail when it comes to the crossover but that won't be for a long time so wait.

Lets do a chapter review for Fairy Tail's final chapter. I know that I did them during the days that I wrote Power Guild way back in later 2015 and I did do chapter recaps for when I was writing in early to mid 2016 but after it was all erased, I couldn't just do it any more. Lets begin with the first thing we see if we open it on Mangastream or any mobile manga reading app. You know that you're a fan if you have problems even when the chapter doesn't even start.

It's the cover for the magazine showing some of the main characters of the series and Plue but no Lisanna. Is she considered a main character? Anyway, I like how Hiro drew Natsu grabbing both Lucy and Wendy's chest. Really enforcing Nalu there and whatever you're doing with Wendy. So the chapter starts with Lucy actually writing her book and winning her award. I'm shocked to see that plot point go finished so good for her I guess.

Also too much fan art. I'm not against fan art in the slightest but I like it either at the beginning or the end rather than in the chapter itself. So we next see all of Fairy Tail and Plue. I mean the main cast not like Mickey or Krov. So Lucy based her book of her journey in Fairy Tail and I did like how we have a fancy dinner party but then we see Fairy Tail making a mess of everything. We later learn about her story which is okay.

We later see Anna alive again and I hate this. I hate Time Travel in a story and I didn't like how that her and Ichiya's sacrifice against Acnologia was in vain. So does Natsu like Lucy because she smells like Anna or other reasons? As a strong Nalu hater, I'm going to say no. I also like Gajeel and Natsu's banter here. Also Gajeel and Levy are a couple. Yes. This is the pairing that I wanted and well, I want to see a baby. Please do something like Boruto Hiro. I would be so happy to see mini Gajeel.

So Sherria got back her magic so we can count another sacrifice being ignored. Two so far, lets see if we can get to ten. Ichiya became the HOY (Hunk of the Year). I know that doesn't matter in the story but I like Ichiya so I wanted to include. The next part confuses the heck of me. Why the heck did Mermaid Heel become models? I mean was that part of the story that I missed but I don't remember that. Is that just for fan services or what.

So are Gray and Juvia a thing? I'm not an expert on romance unless it's SUPER obvious. It took me twenty plus chapter to figure out that Natsu was END so yeah. I'm happy that Elfman and Evergreen got together I think? Those two are very much my favorite background character couple despite one of them being a main character and defeated a Spriggan off screen. I did like how Laxus was teased with three girls or maybe all three? I hope that one.

So please tell me that Erza and Jellal won't be a thing. I don't care if Natsu gets with Lucy in that Fairy Tail Boruto story thing but if Erza and Jellal, that would be a major kick in the balls to me as a fan. I've said before that I don't like them together because Jellal should have died back in the Tower of Heaven arc and it ruins Erza's character. I guess this is like Sasuke and Sakura but I'm very meh to Narturo so I could be wrong.

Hisui became queen because the former king retired. I don't get that but go Hisui. So after Zeref well die, I was kinda hoping that Alvarez ,the county, was destroyed or kept a monarchy thanks to one of the Spriggan or maybe Yajeel but we don't get to see that. We get to see Crime Sorciere pardoned for their crimes by Hisui in Fiore. The Magic Council may have something different to say about that but let them enjoyed it. So Jerza may be a thing in the Boruto story thing. Hooray.

Also Makarov lose the use of his legs because he was revived by Master Mavis and Fairy Law. I'm in the camp that say that Makarov should die in Alvarez making Laxus the next master. I would love to see that and it may happen in my version but who knows? Lets talk about the biggest problem with this chapter is that Mavis and Zeref are back alive. Can Hiro kill anyone off? For the longest time, I recall only the big bad of a dark guild being killed along with some of the members.

This happened again with the Spriggan and I guess in Zeref's place, Acnologia died? I mean that's just stupid. I mean why would the gods bring them back after they caused a war? I'm not a fan of them as a couple but good for those fans. So do those name mean anything. Also I feel bad for August since his name was mentioned but he was such a let down like ALL of the Spriggan were in the long run.

I also see Max with a broom so Max and Broom pairing confirmed plus Erik and Kinana. Good for them but is one a snake? I mean this is Fantasy so I'm taking it. I may not be a Nalu fan but that ending was really sweet. I think it shows every arc with some Nalu moments except for the Macao Arc, Lullaby Arc, Tower of Heaven Arc, X791 Arc, and Sun Village. With the series having 21 arc including the anime filler at this point of time, I thought it was nice over all. Lets begin already.

Dream Narrator P.O.V
Zane looked around and he said,"I'm in that barren wasteland again. I come here again.". He began to walk around as he said,"I haven't been here since my encounter with that weird voice. Why does it sound so familiar?". Crisis Judgement went off as Zane turned himself into his costume. He looked all around him as he said,"Okay. Crisis Judgement won't trick me but I can feel danger.". He jumped back as a giant bone creature came out of the sand.

It looked like to be a hybrid creature of an elephant, hippo, and rhino. It looked right at Zane and it said,"You! What are you doing here?". "Not clue but I'm going to find out." said Zane. He turned into his Diamond Form and he launched the creature into the air with a diamond fist from the sand. Zane slowly noticed that the world was disappearing around him and he heard,"I'll be seeing you real soon Zaney Kins!". Zane then covered his eyes as he woke up.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane woke up to see that he was in his bed. "Okay. That was a dream." said Zane. He stood up as he saw that he was still in his super form. "Why am I. Oh right. I was up all night chasing Cinder. I still can't believe that he evaded me six times last night. He's a giant walking forest fire!" thought Zane as he went into his sleep wear. He placed on his watch and he headed downstairs. He turned to the living room as he saw Rachel sitting there playing with Wolfram.

Rachel smiled as she said,"Morning sleeping beauty.". "So why are you here? I thought you would be with the girls." said Zane as he pet Wolfram who wanted to play with Zane. "So why can't I come see my best friend in the entire world?" said Rachel. "You usually has a reason Rachel. We're friends but you would hang out with Karen more and I would hang out with Danny." said Zane. "True but I can't talk about my dating life with the others." said Rachel.

Zane then sat down on the arm chair, with Wolfram resting in Zane's lap, as he said,"Yeah. I still can't believe that you haven't told anyone beside me about you.". "Well, you know Karen's dad and his viewpoints." said Rachel. Wolfram looked confused as Zane said,"It's fine Wolfram. He's a good man but he wouldn't like Tara as much he would Roxy.". The puppy was still confused as Rachel said,"He isn't very bright but he's adorable.".

The puppy barked as Zane said,"He liked that compliment.". "I can tell that. So why is that we can understand Kania but not him? I mean you and Kania can but not us." said Rachel. Zane shrugged as he said,"No idea. I guess me being a quarter Phantom may have something to do with it or maybe it's Athena.". "You could be right. So where's the little Zane?" said Rachel. "Hanging out with his great grandpa. Mom's in the basement cooking something up." said Zane.

Rachel said,"Are you talking about food or a new invention?". The two heard an explosion with the puppy rushing toward the sound of it as Zane said,"I think you know which one.". The two followed the dog as Zane said,"So how did your date with the drummer from Celeste's band go anyway? She seemed nice.". They were going down the stairs as Rachel said,"It went fine but...". "I forgot how picky you can be when it comes to finding a date." said Zane. "Shut up." said Rachel.

The two saw Natasha covered in dust as she said,"Ah! You finally woke up Zane.". "I was up until the wee hours of the morning." said Zane. "I still can't believe that you lost Cinder." said Rachel. "In my defense, I was busy trying to stop the fires made by the living forest fire. So are you building me a brother or sister down here?" said Zane. "Not exactly. I think Athena could tell you but she's busy isn't she?" said Natasha.

Zane looked at his watch as Rachel said,"You just noticed that she isn't talking with you yet?". "She usually talks with me when I talk to her not the other way around." said Zane. "You two sure have an interesting partnership so what are you building?" said Rachel. "A battle mech suit?" said Zane with stars in his eyes. "Not yet Zane. When you were asleep, Athena asked me to build her a body so she can help you guys out." said Natasha.

She stood in front of a curtain as Rachel said,"So why did you have this install again?". "Dramatic effect." said Natasha and Zane. "Yep. You two are very much family." said Rachel who shrugged her shoulders. "Anyway, let me introduce you to the brand new Athena!" said Natasha. She removed the curtain as the two teens saw a teenager girl standing there. She has a petite form with a beautiful face with her smiling at the two.

She has shoulder length silver hair that covers half of her neck ,with her bangs swept to the right side of her face, and blue eyes. She's wearing a plain white t-shirt, blue jeans, and white tennis shoes. "Hi you guys." said Athena. "Athena? What happened to you?! Are you ditching me?" said Zane. He was punched into the wall by Athena as she said,"I'm still your partner idiot. I just asked your mom to built me a body.".

Zane said as his forehead was bleeding,"I knew that. I was just testing you and you passed.". "Right. I guess we should go shopping then." said Rachel. "How about no?" said Zane. He stood up and he said,"I have some training to do today.". "You can train later Zane. I think you're plenty strong so how about having some fun?" said Natasha. "Yeah Partner/Zane." said Athena and Rachel. Zane sighed as he said,"Fine.".

Tara was currently walking toward Ray's place of employment aka a garage as her phone rang. She answered it as she said,"Dad. I'm fine. No creepy nano chip woman is attacking me.". "I know that sweetheart but can't a father be worried about his daughter?" said Edward's voice. "Yes but I already have an overprotective family member. I really don't want two." said Tara. "Zane is just worried just like me." said Edward.

Tara said,"Yeah but I can take care of myself.". "It's a man's duty to protect his family. So where are you going?" said Edward. "Visiting Ray. We're heading out to lunch since it's a Saturday and Ray has a short shift today." said Tara. "Huh. I thought you would ignore him after what happened. You two were very much a...." said Edward. Tara sighed as she said,"I don't like him in that way.". "So does Zane know that?" said Edward.

Tara soon reached the garage ,which looked normal for a mechanic garage, and she saw that Ray was under a car with its hood up. "Yep. He'll be fine with that and I'll call you later." said Tara. She then hanged up as she said,"I know that you can hear me Ray.". Ray got out from under the car and he said with a smile,"You're earlier.". He's wearing a long sleeved light red mechanic jacket ,that has several oil stands on it, with a green muscular shirt, blue jeans, and black boots.

Tara said,"Well, I have to get away from my dad and overprotective cousin.". "Yeah. Zane just cares too much." said Ray. "So how did you two meet anyway? I mean I know how Zane met most of his friends except for you." said Tara. She sat down on a stool as Ray said,"Well, I told you about my time in the Infinite Void right?". "Yeah. You didn't happen to see..." said Tara. "The Infinite Void is the biggest dimension in the Omniverse so mostly not." said Ray.

Tara said,"So your meeting with Zane?". "Let me start from the start. I was born in the city by the Bay aka San Francisco. I was born to two loving parents but my old man and mom died at six. I hated my foster more than anything so I ran away at ten." said Ray. "So did they try to contact you at all Ray?" said Tara. "Nope. I don't plan on seeing them. I became friends with Zane when I hide out in Cypress Park for a while. We kept in contact ever since." said Ray.

Tara said,"So how did you get yourself lost in the Infinite Void?". "Well. It was a normal day. I had just finished my time on Ultimate Showdown when I enter a portal to the dimension not by choice. I was lost there and I taught me how to use my powers in order to survive. It wasn't pretty but I somehow escape. Don't know how I escape but I'm happy that I did." said Ray. "Ah." said Tara. The two heard an email notification go off as Ray said,"I'll be back.".

He walked into an office as Tara pulled out her phone. She sighed as Ray came back out. She noticed that he looked shocked. "Ray. What's wrong?" said Tara. "It's nothing. I just got a bad email is all. We should get going. Lunch isn't forever." said Ray grabbing his helmet. Tara shrugged as she walked to the spot where she placed her helmet. Ray thought,"She isn't coming here. It was a lie but I need to make sure that Zane doesn't hate me for this.".

Later, Zane ,after changing into the outfit he wore in Episode 4, was enjoying a slushie at Fantasia as both Athena and Rachel watching him. "So how many of those has he had?" said Athena. "More than ten. I'm impressed that he isn't broke because of all of these." said Rachel. "Well, it isn't my fault that my powers drain me like a battery." said Zane with him finishing off another slushie. Courtney placed another one at their table as she said,"The chef says that it's Blueberry mixed with...".

Athena said,"I don't think he cares.". Courtney looked at her brother as she said,"You're right. So you a friend of Zanes?". "Yep. She's new in town and Zane may friends with her." said Rachel. "I see. You know that you're always welcome here. Normally, Zane would be broke due to his massive love of this place but since he's my little bro." said Courtney. "Does your boss know about this?" said Athena as Zane finished off another slushie.

Zane patted his belly with him saying,"Not at all. He loves me right?". "You drink a lot and eat so he likes you for that reason bro." said Courtney. She walked off as Zane said,"So when are we going to the mall?". "After your lunch right Zaney?" said a voice. He turned around to see Ray and Tara as the girl said,"Hey cos.". "What are you two doing here?" said Athena. "And together." said Rachel as she saw Zane with a frown.

Ray said,"Easy there overprotective. I just came here to treat the lady for lunch and then take her out shopping. So this is Athena right?". "Yep. It's finally nice to meet you two in real life rather than the way we met before." said Athena. "You're so cute Athena." said Tara. The three girls were talking as Ray said,"Come on Zane. Lets get some drinks for the ladies.". Zane shrugged as the two walked off toward the counter.

Zane said,"So about your job, how big is your cot man?". "Yeah. You need to hide me Zane." said Ray. "From Tara? I know that you two were like in love a week or two ago but seriously. She doesn't like being kept in the dark but just like...." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane said,"We've company.". A portal opened up across the street from the restaurant as Zane heard,"Is he here? You better be right about this Kurse.".

Three Phantoms walked out of the portal as they are a unique trio. The one to the left looked the tallest mainly due to his legs belonging to a dinosaur. He has really buff arms with green lights bulbs on the shoulder blades. His mouth looks very large and red. He has on silver brass knuckles with his mouth covered part of his chest and his head is a square shape. On his head, his two small yellowish white eyes sticked out. His skin was a dark gray color.

The one in the middle looked to resemble a human dragon but with some elements of frog and lizard to her. Her figure is curvy with a nice sized chest. She has light blue scales. Over some battle, she's wearing a sleeveless purple battle styled dress with white stockings, black knee high boots that look to have a hard heel, matching purple battle style gloves, silver bracelets around her wrist, a navy blue war helmet that slightly hide her long purple hair, and a pair of goggles worn over her black eyes.

Finishing her outfit, she had on cherry red lipstick. The final one on the left looked to in his eighties or nineties. His forehead was noticeable and his brown eyes had noticeable large bags under them. On his red skin, he has several gray hairs on his head. He had a noticeable mustache with the ends having boxing gloves on the end of them. For clothing, he's wearing a decorated scarf, pinstriped pants, and a white collared shirt. He had a walking staff with it having a strange symbol on it.

It had the symbol of a crown on fire. "Yes Princess Nightmare. He's here." said the old man. "Get his attention by blowing things up would you Shayde?" said the princess. "Yes." said the man as his hand turned into a rocket launcher. Several missiles went flying toward the girls as Zane said,"I got to go....". The rockets hit causing an explosion but the two noticed a force field. Ray noticed that his bike was destroyed with him saying,"This is a pain in my ass!".

Zane looked at him as Crisis Judgement went off. Several lasers beams were heading toward them as Zane pushed him and Ray to the ground. "What's the big idea....." said Ray as he saw the beams. The two saw several skeletons soldiers heading toward them as Zane said,"We're taking later!". The two were saved by Tara ,who was blocking the laser beams as Force, as Zane said,"So what's going on and how did you change?".

Tara said,"I'm really good at changing under pressure Zane. The girls are bringing the car around and Athena doing something.". The three heard honking as Athena drove the Doom Buggy with Rachel hanging on for dear life. "Get it!" said Athena. "Gotcha!" said Zane. The three jumped in as Zane took the wheel. The skeletons stopped as the Princess said,"Don't just stand there! After them now idiots!".

Ray looked behind him as he said,"Okay. They're riding on skeleton horses now.". "While that may be cool, we need to get you out of here." said Zane. The doom buggy turned into Astral Tank as Zane said,"Take the wheel Athena. I got some cleaning to do.". Athena nodded as Zane turned into Frost Form and took a deep breath. He released out a huge blizzard freezing everything in the radius as Athena picked him up. "Never a day off huh Zane." said Rachel as the car drove off.

Outside of an entrance to Springs Gate, Ray was looking over the Astral Tank. "So you get to drive around this beauty. I'm impressed man." said Ray. "The car's nice bro but what's going on? She and her army came out of Terrarune with a reason." said Zane. "And it must have a killer array of battle ready stuff right bro?" said Ray. Zane walked away as he went over to the girls. "Got anything about our royal pain in the but?" said Zane.

Rachel said,"Talking about Ray or...". "I'm going to go with A." said Athena. "No idea. She wasn't after you right?" said Tara. "I don't think I've pissed off any royalty yet." said Zane. "And you say that with such honest in your voice." said Athena. Zane rolled his eyes as Ray said,"Dude. We have to go drive around in this bad boy one day. Me and you on the road. Oh Danny can come too but me and you man.".

He put his arm around Zane as the teen said,"What's going on?". "We have to stay hidden. You may be wanted in Terrarune after kicking his but." said Ray. "Whose?" said Zane. "That isn't important right now man. I think." said Ray. "You think?" said Zane. "Lets get going okay?" said Ray. "Fine. I think Springs Gate has several places to hide." said Zane. "Lets go then. I need to buy some new parts for my bike which got wrecked." said Ray.

Zane stood there in the center of town with the stunned trio of Rachel, Ray, and Tara with Athena saying,"Yep. This was under our town from the very start. Impressive no?". The five were walking around as Zane said,"Beats me. I just know that this place sells pretty sweet cotton candy down here for sure.". Zane overheard,"Hey Tony. Did you happen to hear about the "Princess" coming to visit our Earth.".

It was a hippo talking with a octopus as the octopus said,"Yeah but why is the question? Did that ass of a fiance come out of hiding or what?". "Fiance?" said Zane. "I don't think I'll get used to this place any time soon." said Rachel. "Lets look around I guess." said Athena. "Okay." said Tara. The three walked off as Ray said,"There are a lot of eyes around here Zane. Lets find somewhere to hide.". "I think you know that princess Raymond." said Zane.

The two were looking for a hiding spot as Ray said,"Seriously man? I can't believe you just called me Raymond. I thought we were better than that.". "We are but it's my problem when she destroyed the city just to get to you! I thought you would be pissed off." said Zane. He pointed to a water tank as Zane said,"Go nuts my friend.". Ray jumped in as Tara said,"So what is he doing?". The girls stood there as Zane said,"I think he's working on a plan to find something.".

Ray's voice echoed,"Yep! It's a plan Tara!". Tara sighed as Rachel said,"So are there any clothing shops around here Athena?". "A couple but they could have been ripped out of the ground. Black Fridays down here are stuff of nightmares according to rumors." said Athena. "So do you two know why Zane is trying to hide Ray?" said Tara. The two girls looked at Zane who was pointed Ray into several hiding spots as they said,"No idea.".

The two boys hide behind a corner as Ray said,"Okay. This is good for now.". "Tell me what's going on Ray. We're friends right?" said Zane. "Well....." said Ray. Zane's Crisis Judgement went off as he went hero. An explosion went off as the three from earlier appeared with Tara getting ready. Rachel was holding a plasma weapon as she looked at Athena. "I'll be fine." said Athena. "Hello! My name is Princess Auratina Nightmare and I came here to claim my husband!" said Auratina.

Kurse said,"Raymond Graves. We know you're here so there's no point in hiding. Your friend Bonkers gave you up.". "HUSBAND!" yelled Tara. She glared at Ray with Auratina said,"Ray. I think it's time for you to come back home with us.". "You're married? Congrats. I guess you have another secret don't you Raymond?" said Rachel. "We're engaged okay?" said Ray. He looked at a very pissed off Zane and Rachel as he said,"I was going to tell you two honest.".

Zane said as his eyes turned red,"TALK NOW RAYMOND.". Auratina ran toward him as Ray said,"I will be a little busy for a while.". He ran off with Auratina chasing after him. Ray was stopped by a wall as he touched it. His skin was now steel with Aura saying,"Why did you hide from me? You and I were blessed by my father....". "I wasn't hiding Aura! I was just um...." said Ray. He dodged a punch from her.

Ray said,"I was dying of Cancer. My bike broke down.". He got punched with him later saying,"I lose my jacket!". He got punched again as he said,"I got stuck in a hurricane.". He got hit twice and Rachel said,"Shouldn't we do something?". Ray was thrown in front of the four as Zane said,"You better tell us who she is Ray or else your ass is mine.". He cracked his knuckles with Kurse saying,"I have no current issue with you Zero but this is the Nightmare families problem.".

Aura was trapped in a forcefield with Tara saying,"Well, it's my problem though.". Zane turned into Gravity Form with him saying,"I think I should be giving her highness the view of the town while she's here!". Aura broke out of the force field heading toward Kevin with her saying,"Out of my way now!". She slammed into Zane with him grabbing onto her using gravity as he was now in his sphere form. "Lets fly!" said Zane.

The two were gone as Aura started punching him. "Okay. Your punches are hurting me so time to make you get off!" said Zane. He threw her toward the ground as Aura's tongue stick out and she swung back toward Ray. "Not happening!" said Zane. He manipulate gravity around her and she threw to a different part of town. Zane went after her as Kurse said,"Princess! I will go with the soldiers to retrieve the princess. You bring us Ray and get rid of the concubines.".

The skeletons and old man were gone as Shayde looked at the girls plus the battered Ray. "Just give me the bastard and we'll be gone kids. I honestly don't care about who the princess dates but I care about not pissing off her dad." said Shayde. "We may be pissed off at Ray right now but he is still his friend." said Rachel. She then fired a plasma blast at Shayde with Tara making a forcefield go around the Phantom.

Athena said,"Rachel. Get Ray out of here. We'll handle him.". Rachel picked Ray up by dragging him away, He mumbled something out with Rachel looking at him, "We are friends Ray despite you not telling us about your fiancee. She's pretty cute isn't she?" said Rachel as Ray saw several explosions go off behind her. The Phantom broke out of the forcefield by eating it with Athena saying,"So are you related to a Phantom by the name of Crunch?".

Shayde nodded as he said,"He is my Phantom brother but when we were alive, I didn't know him at all. You got my attention children so bring it on.". He charged up Nether as he fired off an Red Nether blast. Athena's arms turned into shields blocking the attack. "Okay. That's pretty cool." said Tara. The two girls noticed Zane ,in Gravity Form, floating toward them and he said,"Get ready to fly you guys!". The planet was running from Aura, Kurse, and the army.

The two girls jumped on Zane with Rachel and Ray soon joining them as Zane flew off. Aura and the rest of her group was stopped by Shayde who said,"We'll find them but we can't have the humans bringing in their big guard.". "He's right. I'll get you soon Ray." said Aura with her punching a nearby wall into pieces causing the owner to be upset. In the sewers, Zane was floating over the water as Tara said to the recovered Ray,"Really hoping this explanation of yours Raymond!".

Ray said,"You see. Auratina has been after me for about a year now. It was right I got out of the Infinite Void.". "So do you owe her money or what? I mean you did steal to get what you want when we were kids." said Zane. "It isn't that rocky. It's something more complicated." said Ray. "I think it was your bike!" said Rachel. "Not at all Rae. It's actually..." said Ray. "Hold on. Zane, we lost them so turn back to normal after stopping on land." said Athena. "Okay." said Zane.

He stopped causing all of the passengers to get off. He turned back to his normal superhero form as Ray said,"Yep. We're free as a bird now.". He turned around to see the others looking at him with Ray saying,"Man. You guys are just like the jury. Okay. I found myself on Aura's territory in Terrarune. I bet you've noticed that your Phantom buddies didn't show you some parts of it.". "I guess." said Zane shrugging.

Ray said,"Well, the Nightmare clan was the rulers of Terrarune before your grandpa came along and took over. They still have some authority in Terrarune. I was caught by them soon after and I was offer a deal by the king on his good day according to a guard. I either die by Shayde aka the big mouth guy or I marry Auratina. I picked the latter but I don't feel good about it.". The four looked at him as Rachel said,"You should have just fought for your life. Seems easier in the long run.".

Ray said,"No way! I didn't want die after I just got out of that hell! I mean that rat bastard is going to get his ass kicked for ratting me out to Aura. She's so spoiled rotten and she wanted me to have kids with her at sixteen! She's so weird plus I kinda borrow her dad's car to get back here and I broke it as well.". The four looked at him as he said,"Oh no.". "So you did all of this to escape Terrarune before you become a Phantom and you broke the king's car?!" said Zane.

Rachel said,"Is that a bad thing?". "According to the data, Phantoms are known to be quite vengeful when it comes to personal items such as cars. I think if say you broke Celeste's guitar Zane, you will be a full Phantom." said Athena. "I'm not the one in trouble here. I seriously thought that cars made in Terrarune were invincible to damage. I guess you broke it somehow." said Zane. "Don't ask me how I did it Alvarez but I made it back." said Ray.

Tara said,"That poor princess.". "Poor? She has more money that all of Cypress Park's spoiled brats combined!" said Ray. "That's a lot of cash." said Rachel with Athena nodding. "I totally thought that you were going to be the jealous girlfriend cos." said Zane. "We aren't dating and it's his fault. Every girl dreams of getting married some day and you tricking her like that isn't a good thing." said Tara. "I think that she's going to kill you for all of your crimes Raymond." said Athena.

Ray walked away as Tara said,"She's sad Ray. She must have been crying her eyes out because her fiance ditched her before they reached the alter.". The wall next to him exploded with Aura standing there. "I found you beloved!" said Aura. She hugged him as Zane said,"Wow. She found him in the sewers.". "Don't doubt the power of love Zane." said Rachel. "I will not." said Zane. "You two are so sweet together." said Tara.

Athena and Rachel looked at her as Ray said,"Not though my end it isn't!". Zane turned into Swift Form as he said,"Time to go super sonic!". He rushed toward Aura as she looked at the thing going toward her. She let go of Ray ,letting him free, as she punched Zane in the face hard. Zane got back up as he said,"You may be stronger than me but here's the thing I'm....". Aura slammed her fist into the ground causing Zane to go flying into the wall.

Aura said,"But I'm not annoying. Come along Ray.". She grabbed him as Tara said,"Hey! Don't hurt him!". "Allow me to take care of this you guys." said Athena. She turned her right hand into a magnet as she said,"Raymond! Turn your body into metal!". "Not happening Robot!" said Aura as she jumped up. "Technically, she would be an android." said Zane as he got out of the wall. The princess landed in a sewer pipe as Ray said,"Help me Alvarez!".

Zane said,"Coming!". He ran up the wall and after Aura with the girls following them. They reached a construction site as the girls found Ray. "Where's Zane?" said Tara. The four looked up to see Aura holding Zane ,whose still in Swift Form, into the ground. "Ouch. This hurts a lot." said Zane. "We're coming Zane!" said Rachel as she fired a plasma beam at Auratina. "That wasn't even an..." said Aura. She didn't see Athena heading toward her with her hammer arm.

Aura later saw this and by swinging Zane like a ragdoll causing the android and hero to fly off into a building. Rachel, Ray, and Tara saw Aura heading toward them as Rachel said,"Anyone got any ideas to stop her?". "Listen. We should be grownups about all of this." said Tara. "Out of my way!" said Aura. She punched Tara with her blocking said fist. A forcefield was above her as Tara said,"I don't want to fight you princess." said Tara.

Aura smiled as she said,"I wouldn't dare spend a minute of my time fighting a girl whose weak even for a humans standards.". Tara growled as she fired out a huge forcefield around her which knocked Aura back a bit. Aura swung her fist at her with Tara dodging. "Eat this!" said Tara. She fired off a huge force field launching Aura into some pipes. She turned to Ray as she said,"And as for you, Ray.". "Now isn't the time." said Rachel.

Tara turned around and Aura was coming toward her holding a pipe. Ray stood in front of her as he blocked attack launching himself into the ground. "Playtime is over!" said Aura. Tara looked at Ray as she along with Rachel rushed over to him. Aura turned to see Athena and Zane standing there but they were stopped by steel gray nether walls. Several skeletons soon began surrounding the group as Zane said,"So what's going on?". "My father is coming Zero." said Aura.

Zane gulped with a portal opening up. Out of the portal, a large well-built Phantom walked out. He has white skin with a gold outline around his face. He has glowing purple hair which goes down to his back with a matching beard going to his shoulders. His black eyes glared at Ray with his right eye having a large scar going across it and a mechanical left eye. He's wearing dark green full-body armor with gray shoulder guard and brown boots.

His gray gauntlets had red spikes on the cuffs and knuckles. He wears a silver belt with a skull belt buckle. He has his weapon ,an ax, fastened to the black shoulder strap that crosses over his right shoulders. "RAYMOND GRAVES! YOU HAVE ANGERED SPIRO MIDNIGHT, RULER OF TERRARUNE! TURN YOURSELF OVER TO AURA OR EARTH SHALL FALL!" said Spiro with his voice booming.

Shayde grabbed Ray holding him as he said,"Hey Spiro. What's up dad?". "Raymond!" said Spiro as Zane felt his aura getting stronger. "Daddy!" said Aura. The dragon hugged him as Spiro said,"It is a good day to see my still growing daughter once again along with Shadye and Kurse. I can tell that you have your parent's strength!". She let go as Spiro said,"I hope that your mother is out there watching how good you're doing as the princess.". "Daddy. Stop it." said Aura.

Spiro looked at Zane with him saying,"Grandson of Arturo. I wish not to fight over the scum that is Raymond Graves but if we must, I'll bring my full forces to this weak rock just to make sure that my daughter is happy.". "Seriously?! I'm the protector of this town and I won't let you do anything...." said Zane. He was smacked into a nearby wall by Spiro with him saying,"I'm more of a fighter than you are so don't try anything stupid.".

Zane turned back to his normal human self with him saying,"Well, I guess I'm stopping a wedding now.". "Let the union between my daughter and the scum becoming reality!" said Spiro. The group was soon trapped in an hexagonal arena with Aura and her father smiling as they were on a higher platform. Zane and his friends were on a lower platform with Tara saying,"You guys work quick.". "Thank you human." said Shayde.

He along with Ray plus the skeletons guards went over to the king. Ray was soon held in place by chains as a priest walked over to them. "My dear Phantoms and Humans! We are here today to..." said the priest. "We have to stop this." said Zane. "I know that you're right Zane but part of me wants to see this go though." said Tara. "Yeah but if Ray is going to be married, I want to make sure his ass gets kicked before you get a chance!" said Zane.

He turned into Frankenstein Form landing on the platform above them. "Okay! I don't want to fight you guys but I won't let you take Ray away from my ass kicking!" said Zane. "Do you accept this Raymond Graves?" said Spiro. "Go Zane!" said Ray. "Excellent! Let the battle begin!" said Spiro as Zane looked confused. He soon found out as he was punched directly in the face by Aura with him slamming into the ground below them.    

Zane got out of the crater and he saw Aura jumping toward him. He charged up electricity and he fired it at her. She deflected it as Spiro said,"My precious daughter is immune to the elements thanks to her mother's natural scales.". Aura slammed the ground as Zane was knocked back. He was about to rush toward her but she was gone. Zane looked for her but she reappeared behind him and she threw him into the air using his conductors.

Rachel and Tara were shocked at Zane's fight with Spiro floating down to them. "So how long has this one been training for?" said Spiro. "About three to four months sir!" said Zane as he dodged Aura's fist. "I think you see why Zane isn't that much a threat to your rule at all your highness." said Rachel. "Way to be a friend Rachel!" said Zane as he got punched into the ground. "I still don't see he defeated Dyno twice. He seems weak." said Spiro.

Athena said,"The first one was by luck and the second one was due to Nexus.". "Seriously?! I get no support!" said Zane. He back flipped away from Aura with him thinking,"Okay. She seems to be better than me at many things mainly close combat so lets switch things up.". He turned into Slime Form as Spiro said,"Interesting. This one is different from other Zeros. My daughter was able to defeat the last two Zeroes before him.".

Aura growled as she said,"Aren't you a man Zero? Why did you hide behind that gooey form of yours?!". "Because I don't want to die before my seventeenth birthday!" said Zane. He was soon grabbed by Aura who began spinning him around. "Come on man! Earth is on the line!" yelled Ray with Rachel glaring at him. Zane freed himself from Aura as he moved into the air. He threw a part of himself at Aura punching it. She was soon stuck in place as Zane smirked.

Spiro said as Aura was getting herself free,"Interesting. He uses his forms other than for combat. I see that this Zero is quite different.". "Come on man! New Form! That one ain't do anything to her at all! Go really big and squash her like an ant!" yelled Ray. Zane turned into Radiation Form as he said,"I hope you like a little nuclear service miss.". He was then thrown by Aura with Spiro starting to cry a bit. "What's wrong daddy?" said Aura.

Spiro said,"Nothing at all. This is how me and your mother met so many years okay. Arturo's grandson isn't that bad of a fighter but he needs some serious practice.". "Get serious Zane! I don't want to be married!" said Ray. "You really need to get your priorities straight." said Tara. The princess was soon grabbed by Zane in his Beast Form. She freed herself from Zane promoting her to backflip over him.

He turned around only to receive a face punch causing him to fly once again into the wall and rubble fell onto him. Aura smiled as she said,"You may have more powers than me but without any kind of practice hero, you're nothing more than a brute.". "Well, I was entertained by that but we need to get going. I have to watch my shows and having a son in law by my side would make it just perfect." said Spiro.

Ray gulped as he said,"But I'm bad to watch TV with. I talk during the shows to ask stupid question and....". "Hey Ray! Shut the hell up! You may have time to hone your strength than me but here's the thing. I never give up because I'm a man and real men never give up a fight!" yelled Zane's voice as he stood there. A new card appeared as it had a black frame with a bovine like creature resting and eating some grass. It also had a ax/spear hybrid weapon on its back.

Zane grew to twelve feet tall with him having a brawny figure. He looks like a humanoid Spanish Fighting Bull with black fur. He has messy dark green hair and small dark red eyes with a thin nose. His head is bovine shaped with medium short ears. Above his ears, he has two gray long horns that points upward. In his nose, he has a gold ,steel, nose ring. His outfit looks to be extremely unique in its design and looking to be a mixture of a business suit, cowboy, hiker, martial artist, and samurai.

He's wearing a black V-neck buttoned-up vest with a standing dark long-sleeved forest green dress shirt with black jeans and ,gold lined, brown cowboy boots. He's wearing a black tie with a forest like theme to it. He's wearing white bandages around his forearms up to his fingers. He's wearing dark forest green armored gauntlets on both of his arms, large rectangular plates known as Sode on both of his shoulders as well, and a dark forest green Kabuto and Shikoro with a black menpo over his face.

The menpo looks like a gas mask. He's wearing two large and simple brown belts that cross his chest diagonally and pass over his shoulders. The belts are connected due to a simple gold belt buckle, in the center of his back, that has a weapon aka a an and spear hybrid resting there. The spear part is quite large with the sides being a mixture of a double hit Axe and Hatchet Axe. They can be separated to make two weapons. His tail is sticking out of his pants moving back and forth.

Zane said,"Bull Form! Time to get your ass kicked little lady.". The two opponents rushed toward each other and their fists collided. Aura was sent flying back ,from it, and the impact soon destroyed the main platform. "Okay! Now we have a fair fight! This one is so strong." said Ray. "Yes but my daughter is much stronger than normal female Phantoms." said Spiro. Aura got up and she kneed Zane's chin with her punching Zane's gut causing some spit to come out.

Zane jumped back and he pulled out his spear. Aura rushed toward him with Zane blocking any kind of attempt using his spear. "Keeping her at a distance. I guess being pummeled is teaching a new boy some tricks. Is that the Earth expression?" said Spiro. "Actually your highness, it's teaching an old dog new tricks." said Rachel. The bull uppercutted Aura into the air with him spinning his spear rather faster. Aura rushed to him as he said,"This match is over! Billion Worlds!".

He stabbed Aura with the tip causing her to fly into the ground with her out. Zane smiled with the group cheering. "Well done my boy! Welcome to the family!" said Spiro. "Wait a minute. What did you say?" said Athena and Rachel. "No way! I'm too young to marry!" said Zane. "Daddy! I don't want to marry him." said Aura. "Wow. I'm not good enough." said Zane, in a hurt tone. "Not at all Zane. I just know that if I marry you, people would be pissed off." said Aura.

Spiro said,"You can have anything in my kingdom as you will someday being ruling all of your homeland Terrarune. We can help you conquer Earth if you want.". "I think he's good on that so did Ray just get out of being married?" said Rachel. "I did! Now let me go!" said Ray. "Can we hit him first?" said Athena. "Sure. I was hoping to get a hit on my ex-son in law." said Spiro. Ray was then punched by the group and king. 

Zane jumped up to the ragged body of Ray and he said,"So you used me from the very start of all of this!?!?!!!!". "Maybe." said Ray. "Hey Aura! Care to beat this crap up with me?" said Zane as held the teen up. "Sure thing Zane!" said Aura. "I guess I've to find my princess a new husband. Maybe one of the snow tribes will give me one." said Spiro. "Bye Zaney!" said Aura as she waved to him.

The arena and Phantoms were gone as Zane turned back to normal. Ray looked up to see Zane with a smile as he said,"You're not mad at me?". "Oh. I'm boiling with rage right now but I have a way for you to repay me." said Zane. He looked at the girls with him saying,"Take him shopping and make him pay for EVERYTHING.". The girls nodded as Ray was dragged away by Athena. "Okay. I now feel way better." said Zane as he went off to go finish off that slushie from earlier.

Next Time,
What does the future have in store for Zane and Company? Is it good or bad? This and more next time on Zero!

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