Friday, March 1, 2019

Zero Episode 110 The Beauty Pageant

A/N: Don't worry. I really don't plan on making Zero into a a monthly series. It's been happening like that and in the process, I'm ignoring Fairy Legion. I do have a couple more episodes in the works before I can go back to Fairy Legion. These next couple of episodes hopefully won't be too long like the last one but I can't promise that in the slightest. This Author Note will be rather short for once. I had to rewrite this episode at least five times.

All of these rewrites had Zane leaving Cypress Park to stop a group known as Avalon ,which is like Swarm but xenophobic toward ALL supernatural beings unlike Swarm who is xenophobic toward only Phantoms, and it was either in a town called Sunset Shores aka a beach town in California and home for supernatural beings like monsters or Noble Haven in order to protect a certain cast from a reality show that I mention hundred episodes ago. 

If my not subtle hunt wasn't obvious enough, the show's initials are US. I decided to switch things up because I didn't feel it. I was also playing Kingdom Hearts 3 and I'll be discussing my opinion of the game in Fairy Legion. I mean I should do it here since I got a but load of things to talk about mainly with One Piece but eh, I like to make Fairy Legion Author Notes long. I should also mentioned that in different countries in the series of Zero, they speak English.

This is mainly because I already use Google Translate for Spanish and Latin. I'm like 100% sure that it isn't accurate but it's I could also say that Zane's watch is currently translating all other languages into English for him to understand and then the watch translate English for others. I have a decent reason but for my sanity, everyone used English due to it being the main language used in Zero. So lets begin our story.

Narrator P.O.V.
At Swarm's main office in Washington D.C., Vicky was currently there. It's a multi-story gray-white concrete building with a giant "S" on the side of the building. The whole facility is enclosed by silver fences with barbwire. She was walking around the main lobby as she heard,"Agent Phoenix. What are you doing?". She soon turned around to see her commanding officer Marilyn alongside Agent F and Quake standing there.

Vicky shook her head as she said,"It's nothing Agent Gregory. I've just never been to the main office before.". "Yeah. Don't get used to it kid. So what do you want us to do with this thing?" said Agent Quake. Vicky soon looked right at the creature that they found inside of a construction site for a ice cream factory/ice company back in Cypress Park. She wasn't sure what was going to be there but they found something more interesting.

It was Darth being that the Vordlarin ,upon walking up from his cement nap, tried to break out of his brand new prison. It was a glass tube being pushed around thanks to a stair climber. "Take it down to the lab you two. The director wants to have a word with me and Agent Phoenix." said Marilyn. "Yes madam." said Agent F. The two agents were gone with Darth trying to break out. "So why does the director want to see me Agent Gregory? I mean I haven't killed Zero yet." said Vicky.

After checking in with the receptionist, the two were heading to the director's office. "Because unlike those two idiots, you've actually killed a Phantom plus some of the supernatural creatures. I hope that you don't do anything that would get the usually calm director in a bad mood. She can get angry really easy" said Marilyn with Vicky gulping. In the director's office, a woman ,whose actually in her mid 20s much to the shock of current and former employee, sat there.

This woman here is Director Sheila Peterson. She's a rather petite yet toned woman who stands at the average female height of 5 foot 4. She has a noticeable hourglass figure with large breasts, longer and fuller eyelashes, a button nose, and a heart shaped face. She has long silver ,which is all natural, hair that was cut short, stopping just short of a boy-style cut but it looked rather stylish. She has large ocean blue eyes.

She's wearing a suit very similar to Agent F and Quake but way more feminine and sexy. For a quick reminder of the outfit, the normal Swarm agent suit is a gray business/military suit with matching colored dress shoes, white tie, and a pair of black sunglasses hanging from the suit. However, her long, yet toned arms were clearly shown as her button-up blouse under her suit jacket had its sleeves rolled up her elbows. Instead of black dress pants, she's wearing a black skirt instead.

Her blouse was pushing up her chest, making it look bigger than normal and had two of her buttons undone. Her skirt stopped half way up her plump thighs with her wearing three inch black plumps and for jewelry, she's wearing emerald earrings that were hanging from little silver chains. In front of her, there was a mug of recently made hot chocolate being that she hated the taste of coffee. She had joined up with Swarm when she was eighteen years old.

She had been the prime example of a bootlicker being that if you looked in the dictionary, you would find her picture there. In her past, she was also the company whore. You think that I'm kidding about this but it's well known by the agents that Sheila often got in trouble by her superior officers for causing trouble and tended to use her body in order to keep her record clean. If you mention this to her or anyone, you'll be kicked in the family jewels really hard by her or someone else.

When she was 21 years old, she became a commander which is a higher rank than the normal field agent but she wanted to be at the very top. If she wanted to go higher up, she had to put out even more than she always did. One year later, she was the lieutenant and the personal whore to the former director. This went on for about two years until he met his end at the hands of a Phantom. It was actually Nexus.

Before being tortured by Dyno, the Phantom was tortured by the director until he strike back against his oppressor. After Sheila "killed" it, she became the leader of the company. Upon doing this, she was no longer the whore of Swarm being that everyone that was using her was basically in her shoes now. She decided that instead of firing people, she would destroy them. She had a lot of blackmail in her fingertips and she tended to use it quite often.

She was currently reading a report on her favorite plaything before the door to her office opened up to reveal more playthings in the group being that it was Agent Gregory, Agent Phoenix, the masked agent who met with Homer before he went crazy being the Masked Agent, and ending off the group is Agent Tempest, one of the top ranked agents in Swarm. Agent Tempest is a well built Caucasian male with him being in his late 40s but has the body of a 20 year old. He looks to be 6 feet tall.

He has a clear-shaven face with a silver, lightning bolt themed mask covering both of his eyes being that his mask hid that his eyes were slit. He has his black hair in a crew cut. He wears an open jet black overcoat which goes down to his knees with dark red trim at the edges. He wears a white button down shirt underneath his coat with a dark red tie pulled tightly around his neck, giving him an air of seriousness.

He wears black dress pants with matching colored shoes and a belt with a silver belt buckle around his waist. This is because on his back, he has a large spear with a sapphire blue handle and a large spearhead made of a solid crystal substance. It was also producing electrical sparks from the tip. It looked to be about to be the same height as him. Agent Tempest had been recently assigned to keep an eye on Legion Zero without alerting either Agent Gregory and Phoenix of his presence.

She may hate the Phantoms like most agents of Swarm but like the more xenaphobic members, she wanted to know what them tick. Due to this, she related with the Masked Agent in the fact that neither of them wanting to kill the Phantoms. "You wanted to see us madam?" said Agent Tempest with a voice that demanded respect yet it's rather calm. "Yes. I need to tell you that your mission in Cypress Park is over and done with." said Sheila whose voice was smooth and throaty in a good way.

Vicky said,"Wait. He was in Cypress Park?! I didn't see him at all and why didn't you help me kill that pain!". Tempest smirked as he said,"That was the point Agent Phoenix and killing Zero wasn't part of my mission.". "So why did you want him there to begin with?" said Marilyn. "I know that you two may hate to hear but I need to get this off my chest. We've been getting rumors of the medieval army attacking our agents and stealing our weapons." said Sheila.

Vicky said,"You can't be serious Director. I mean they are noting more than rumors.". The Masked Agent knew that this was the truth being that she clashed with them and they had hired some outside help that had their hand in supernatural trafficking. "I'm not kidding Agent Phoenix. The group calls themselves Avalon and they're blaming us for their problems." said Sheila. She was holding up a medicinal glass bottle that was filled with little blue pills.

The bottle fit almost perfectly in the palm of her hands. "Should you be taking that? Those are still in the trial phase." said Tempest. "I'll be fine Tempest. This pill will help me keep active and alive." said Sheila. She soon popped the cork from the top of the bottle and tossed one pill into her mouth. Before Vicky could ask what the director was doing, the building alarms soon went off. This alarm only went off whenever a Phantom or anyone without an agent of Swarm enters the building.

Sheila soon reached under her desk and pulled out an sub-machine gun, shotgun, and pistol. She soon gave the shotgun to Marilyn and the sub-machine gun to the Masked Agent. Vicky activated her suit as Sheila said,"Agent Phoenix. Get ready to see a real agent in action.". She soon lead the group out of her office and into the main hallway. They soon found several Phantoms. All of them are wearing metallic gray helmet that completely covered their faces, heads, and necks thanks to a red visor.

All of them are wearing metallic gray police SWAT jackets. They have gold patches on the elbows like what your typical college professor ,from fiction or real life, would have on their jacket. All of them are wearing gray and blue and gloves. They were currently causing trouble in the main lobby with Vicky noticing that they were being lead by Desdir and the Phantom said,"Remember what our goal is today men!".

One of the guards were about to run past Sheila and head downstairs into the lab. However, the director grabbed it by the back of the collar and slammed it into the ground. She soon fired two bullets in its head, killing it. "Wow. That was amazing." said Vicky. She heard about the director's skills with both killing Phantoms and sleeping around with men with the latter feat being more infamous. Her combat skills were well known but she also got around a lot.

Tempest nodded as he said,"It usually is Agent Phoenix. She may have gotten to the top through less than pure means but her skills at killing Phantoms are unmatched within Swarm.". A Phantom was about to attack him but it was soon stabbed in the chest by the man's spear, producing a powerful burst of electricity and shocking several Phantoms around the stabbed Phantom within seconds. "Less talking old man, more fighting!" said Marilyn, blasting the head of a Phantom clean off.

Desdir soon noticed that these humans were killing off his kind being that he noticed that the female with the mask hadn't been killing any of them but knocking them out. Despite her mercy, they were killed thanks to the duo of Marilyn and Vicky. "I thought that these idiots were all for killing our kind but I guess I was wrong. So did you get what you needed boss?" thought Desdir. "I'll be done soon Desdir. Keep them busy." said a voice. Desdir nodded as he attacked the humans with Blue Nether.

In the basement just before the Phantom Invasion, Agent F and Quake had just delivered Darth to one of the head scientists of Swarm Lyle Stevenson. He's a man in his mid-thirties with him wearing a dirty and tattered green lab coat. He has shoulder length white hair with solid black eyes with yellow sclera rather than the normal human white sclera. This wasn't very obvious thanks to the thick red-tinted goggles over his eyes.

Under his lab coat, he's wearing a full body mechanized suit that was made out of a special chrome and titanium alloy. It had huge forearms, shins/calves, and shoulder plates which in turn gives him a buff and strong look. The color to the armor is a dark gray color with white trims. He's wearing black, fingerless gloves. It wasn't very obvious but he wasn't human due to him having two short goat like horns protruding from his forehead and along with the pair of black feathered wings.

This wings are black as a crow being that he's actually a Fallen Angel but he was currently hiding his supernatural origin from Swarm being that he found the humans interesting. "So what are you going to do with this thing anyway doc?" said Agent Quake. "I'm planning on using this Vordlarin to create organic armors that'll make Agent Phoenix's fancy armor look like nothing more than a cheap toy. So what do you know about the Vordlarin that you brought here?" said Lyle.

F shrugged his shoulders as he said,"Not much. It's some kind of alien right? I don't get why we had to bring it here since we dealt with the eradication of Phantoms.". "You're correct about it being an alien but the Vordlarin have the ability to cover their host in a highly dense skin tight suit and according to my research, this suit is immune to most conventional weapons." said Lyle. He looked at Darth who growled at the fallen Angel.

Quake looked confused as he said,"Okay. So that weird thing can make a really good suit of armor. I don't get what the big deal is.". He was soon hit by the doctor who said,"It can also survive in intense heat, radiations, and high aquatic pressure/outer space thanks to it producing oxygen for its hosts. It can also amplify the natural abilities of the hosts.". "Okay then. So if we give this thing to say the director, she'll become even stronger." said Agent F. "Or make her into a bigger slut." thought Quake.

Lyle nodded as he said,"Correct Agent F. This Vordlarin will be giving their host super-natural strength being that if they had enhanced strength before hand, they are able to easily rip open steel gates.". "Cool. Can I try it out or what?" said Quake. He soon touched the glass tube being that Darth soon roared at him. "You may not want to be so hasty with this one. According to my research, this one hates being a weapon." said Lyle.

F looked at the doctor as he said,"And how do you know all of this?". "I got this from an outside but good source. This one alongside the princess are an exception to the Vordlarin's ability to give strength to their host. He can stack up the abilities and strength from their previous hosts into this one so you obtained this one for me will make Swarm invincible and kill Zero." said Lyle. "If I let that happen crow. I won't be used as a weapon." thought Darth.

Before Lyle could begin his experiment, the alarm went off. "What brand of idiots would invade our base of operations?" said F. He soon got his answer as he was soon punched into the face by a bandaged fist. "You humans think that you're so smart and that we Phantoms are idiots but we have the power and you don't." said a voice. Quake soon saw the Phantom Septichris standing there with the mummy Phantom looking the same as he did two years ago.

However, he was holding the Sapphire Staff. The Sapphire Staff is gold. The end was shaped like an ankh with the other end shaped like prongs that held a sapphire gem with it being the shape of a beetle. "What are you doing here?" said Quake, aiming his gun right at the mummy. "Our leader wants that and I'm not one to let down the person who got me the power." said Chris. He soon slammed the staff down with several sand serpents appearing to the mummy's side.

Lyle soon looked at the two agents who said,"Kill him again!". "Sure." said F. He soon pulled out a sword with him soon slashing the two serpents. "That sword. It's made with that dread Sibylline that has killed my fellow Phantoms." said Chris. He soon blocked F's sword with his staff as Agent F said,"Yeah and you'll be joining them.". The two fought as Quake aimed his gun right at Chris's head but before he could do anything, he was soon felt a killing aura that was right behind him.

Quake soon turned around to see Specter Samurai standing there. He looks to be muscular with his body covered in emerald green samurai armor being that he loses the gold skull emblem in the chest plate. His cape, gloves, helmet, and shoulder pads are a white color. Under his armor, he's wearing black mesh style armor that was covering his exposed arms and legs. Under his chest plate, he's wearing a crimson red sleeveless tunic.

He's wearing gray cargo shorts with brown sandals. He loses the helmet, revealing his long red hair and glowing blue eyes with crimson red rings around them. He has sharp fangs and gray skin. "You are the Specter Samurai. Why are you looking like the Scarlet Demon?" said F. "You remember the Phantom who worked with Daemon don't you? He's a counterpart of mine from a dimension so we're like brothers in a way." said SS.

F soon fired a couple of rounds on the samurai being that the warrior blocked each bullet with a red Nether sword. "It's cute to see you trying to stop us from collecting the Vordlarin. Our master wants him for a purpose." said SS. "And what purpose is that?" said Lyle. "It's none of your business. Samurai. Mind switching dance partners?" said Chris. The samurai nodded as he and the mummy switched partners.

F was smacked in the face by Chris's staff being that the older agent slammed into the glass tube that was holding Darth. It didn't crack as Chris said,"Huh. I thought the human would have made this thing crack already.". "You need to add more force to it mummy." said SS. He soon created a red Nether Skull which he threw at Quake who was sent flying into the glass tube. The glass tube broke out as Darth spring out. "Freedom!" thought Darth.

Before he could latch onto a host aka either Agent F or Quake, the Vordlarin was soon held inside of another glass jar. "Gods damn it!" thought Darth. The glass jar was held by SS who said,"Sorry but our master wants you.". "Hey! The great Septchris is no one's servant." said Chris. "Do you want me to return back your precious staff?" said SS. Chris was quiet as SS said,"I thought so. Do you mind taking this back to the master?".

The mummy caught the jar with him saying,"Sure but what are you going to do?". "Go destroy the place that has helped killed Phantoms along with Desdir." said SS. "Ah. Sounds like fun." said Chris. The mummy was gone with the samurai being that the disguised fallen angel sat there with the two unconscious agents. "I wonder who their master could be. If I remember right from my League contact, the samurai worked with someone called Sovereign." thought Lyle.

He soon noticed the two agents stirring with him thinking,"I better get out of here. I only worked with these xenaphobic agents because I thought they would have something worth of my time but I guess not. I rather work with Avalon but I don't want to be stabbed by that nasty spear.". He soon walked over to a nearby tablet with him saying,"I don't think this attack was just at random. Time to see who is really behind this.". He was soon gone as Agent F and Quake woke up.

An hour later, the group of Agent F, Quake, and Tempest stood with the quartet of Marilyn, Masked Agent, Sheila, and Vicky. They had been fighting off the Phantom menace with the duo of Agent F and Quake suffering the most battle damage. F had his right eye cut rather badly from Specter Samurai using his own sword to stab him and Quake had blood flowing freely from his chest curtsy of a bullet fired from his own gun. Wow. These two just have bad luck am I right?

Sheila had ripped off her jacket's sleeve and wrapped it around Quake's open wound. "You'll be fine after this Agent Quake." said Sheila, putting pressure on the wound to slow the bleeding. "I really can't believe that you're actually a nice person director. I just thought that you were a bitch who really loved the......" said Quake. His mouth was covered by F who said,"Don't say anything stupid. She's the only one keeping you right now.". "Smart." said Tempest.

Vicky ,who removed her mask, said,"So what are we going to do? I mean we killed most of them but their leaders escaped with the subject!". "There's nothing we can do Phoenix. I may hate saying it but those Phantoms beat us." said Marilyn, crossing her arms. "Agent A." said Sheila. The Masked Agent soon looked up as she said,"Yes Director?". "Head to Cypress Park as soon you recover." said Sheila as the medics took Agent Quake away.

Vicky raised her hand as she said,"Um why?". "Because I have a feeling that we can get back the subject there. Those three have clashed with Zero before right?" said Sheila. "Oh I get it. We're going to be able to capture those three Phantom scum and Zero at the exact same time. A very genius idea Director." said Marilyn. "I'm not sure about that Gregory but whatever helps you sleep at night." said Tempest, shrugging. Agent A was gone as Swarm needed to recover from this.

Meanwhile in the middle of the day in Cypress Park around noon, there was a high-speed chase taking place on the highway. Three normal humans and one metahuman escaped from Thunder Cove Detention Center and currently fleeing in a black SUV. The police are in hot pursuit being that they couldn't catch up to the convicts thanks to the metahuman convict blasting away their tires with his laser vision.

The convicts and cops however didn't look upwards being that Zane ,currently in Eagle Form, right above them. There were at least ten police cars chasing after the SUV being that on his way here, he saw a lot of destroyed squad cars and fortunately no traffic jams. In a desperate move, the SUV soon swerved onto an exit ramp which caused the police to drive past it and then in an attempt at turning back around, they forced innocent motorists to scramble to get out of the way.

After seeing this, Zane soon dove straight at the SUV and landed perfectly on the hood. He glared at the horrified quartet with Zane saying,"I think you may want to pull over before I have to get serious with you and you won't like me when I do decided to go serious.". Instead of answering him, the driver ,in a frantic state, swerved the car and tried to shake him off. This failed thanks to Zane digging in his talons and hanging on tight.

One of the prisoner cursed before drawing his automatic machine gun and fired a clip through the windshield. Before the bullets could hit Zane, Zane create a gust of wind and made the bullets fly past him. Zane flew back behind the truck with him holding one of his feathers. He threw it toward one of the rear tires and blasting it clean off. He soon repeated the action, destroy the other rear tie. He soon dived at the vehicle and grabbed hold of the driver-side door.

Zane said,"Since you decided not to listen to me, I guess I'll do this the hard way!". He soon punched his way right through the window and grabbed the wheel. He soon turned it, causing the truck to slam right into a tree. Before crashing, Zane let go of the wheel and flew back to make sure that he doesn't crash. He soon saw the three normal humans stumble out of the truck being that they were bruised from the crash being that all of them puked and one of them fainted.

Zane sweatdropped as he said,"That's just sad.". Crisis Judgement went off as he soon jumped back to evade a laser beam mixed it with some gun fire. Zane turned to see the metahuman ,whose eyes were glowing red, standing there with him saying,"You aren't going to be sending me back to jail! I finally got powers thanks to the drug!". He soon fired several beams and bullets at Zane who easily dodged all of them with him saying,"Stay still brat!".

Zane shrugged as he said,"Nah. Maybe in the next life.". After the metahuman needed to recharge his laser beams and gun, Zane soon made a mini-tornado with him throwing it at the metahuman. The metahuman soon dropped the gun and was sent flying in the air. Zane soon pounced right onto the metahuman in a double-heel kick and this send him crashing into the SUV, knocking him out cold and his uniform was slightly torn up thanks to Zane's taloned feet.

Zane landed on the ground with the two regular grunts rushing toward him. Zane could easily see those two coming from a mile away being that he soon jumped behind them and blasted the two with two energy balls right in the back. The two were sent crumpling to the ground. Zane crossed his arms with him saying,"Yep. This is a good start to my day.". He soon heard the approaching police sirens as he made sure that the officer knew that they were stopped because of him.

He did this by making his superhero logo out of wind with him saying,"So do you think that this is too much or what?". "I think it's just right. We should probably get going. I don't think we should be late for the best day of our lives!" said Cole. Zane sighed at Cole's answer as Kane said,"You know that Zane is already taken right?". "Yeah but lets go already!" said Cole. Zane soon flew off as he headed toward the Grand Palace multi-purpose center.

Zane ,out of Eagle Form and currently intangible with him in his usual casual wear, soon landed in the parking lot of the Grand Palace being that it was currently hosting a national beauty pageant that was a huge cash cow for Cypress Park. From what Zane remember the night before, this place was pretty empty but it was the complete opposite now. Zane soon deactivated his intangible thanks to a rack of clothing, revealing that he was wearing something different. 

He stops wearing his hoodie sweatshirt being that he just felt like growing up. Like with his hoodie, it was made by Cora with the assistance of String Form aka his personal tailor. He wears a black jacket that’s very similar to the one that he wears in Fairy Legion Chapter 19. It’s unzipped most of the time with a closed pocket flat on each side. It has pockets on the side with his cellphone currently resting in his left pocket of his side pocket. It has a hood and missing the crimson red stripe.

The hood, sleeves, and jacket have steel gray urban camouflage pattern lining. His pockets has the same steel gray urban camouflage pattern but being in a checkerboard design. Underneath, he’s wearing a black compression/muscle shirt with a v-neck style collar and steel gray lining. It has a crimson red diamond pattern to it. His jacket also reveals the compression sleeves on both arms and his muscles.

He wears them because he often goes overboard when it comes to his training. He wears grayish black jeans with him wearing the Z.E.R.O. Armor belt. He's wearing his signature black, purple, and white tennis shoes. He's wearing his black and white signet ring on his right index finger. He wears his Enigma Talisman on his left wrist being that it was next to his watch and dark gray wristband that's also on his right wrist.

These bands are used to suppress his aura and power from others. It also has two glass beads with a visible molten gold "Hero” written in kanji in the center of the two beads. He wears his black ,with dark indigo details, wireless over-the ear headphones around his neck. He also wears his silver kunai earrings and a wooden eagle necklace. He wears a silver chain necklace with a molten gold western dragon pendant being that it’s rocking out on a crimson red guitar. He's also wearing his glasses.

Cole said,"Wow Zane. I have to say that it was a genius idea ditching the girls so we could have a guys day.". "Yeah. That wasn't the point Cole. Athena and Twilight are currently back at H.Q with a clone of myself. They wanted to do more research on some gadget or ideas that we're working and that's important." said Zane. "You're right. it's nice to just relax." said Sivarth. Kane wasn't paying attention to them being that he noticed all of the racks of clothing, makeup stations, and treadmills.

Kane said without thinking,"Huh. These girls really don't play around.". "Yeah. These things may be shallow and stupid according to Rae but these girls do take this thing serious. You've got to give the system some credit Rae." said Zane. "You know that she isn't here right now Zane? I mean her and the rest of the gang are in class right now." said Cole. "Yeah but Rae has been ignoring him since the start of the new year." said Sivarth.

Zane said,"Maybe it's because you two used your powers to sense that she wasn't human and you know how that women's intuition works.". "We were just thinking about your safety Zane. You are still young but the devils are crafty bastards. Trust us." said Kane. "I do but...." said Zane. He soon walked straight into someone with the other person hitting the floor. "Sorry about that. I tend to be rather oblivious sometimes." said Zane.    

Zane looked up to see a girl getting up from the ground. She's a young and attractive female with a light tan. She has short, light blond ,white in the right light, hair that was arranged in a long bob cut with hair-clips in the left part of her hair. She has blue eyes. She looks to be 5 foot 4 with her wearing a green strapless dress and a brown belt going around her waist. "It's no problem." said the girl. She looked at Zane with him saying,"Is there a reason why you're staring at me?".

The girl was quiet as she said,"Do I know you from somewhere? You look an older version of an old friend of mine.". "Yeah. I mean you did live in Cypress Park or has becoming a famous model made you forget about your hometown roots? Such a shame." said Zane, shaking his head. Her eyes got wide as she said,"Zane? Are you Zane Alvarez?". "Yeah. It's good to see you again. I haven't seen you since fifth grade but I could never forget how pretty you are." said Zane with a smile.

She soon engulfed Zane in a hug with him returning it. He soon let her go as she said,"You may have changed physically but your mouth is still the same. How long has it been Zane?". "Seven years. So I guess that you're competing the pageant. Color me impressed Megan. This is the big leagues. Have you seen anyone else from the old gang since you've been here? I mean you and Rae used to be thick as thieves before moving away to become a model." said Zane.

Megan smiled as she said,"Nope. I've only met you so far Zane because being a model who has been winning contests back to back for a couple of months now. So do you have a girlfriend?". "So how are you going to answer him Zane?" said Cole. "My relationship status is quite complicated." said Zane. "Nice answer." said Kane and Sivarth. "Really? I thought that Mr. Confident would totally have a girlfriend by now?" said Megan.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Yeah. It's complicated Megan.". She stuck her tongue out at him with the two teens hearing,"Would all pageant girls please report to the stage for dress check?". "And that's my que to leave. It was real nice seeing you Zane. maybe we can catch up after the pageant. I really hope that Rae has gotten over her jealously phase." said Megan as she hugged him and ran off. Zane soon walked away with him looking for some food since he was hungry.

Zane soon spotted Allen sitting there with Austin, Brad who was wearing a cast over his broken leg at the moment, David, and Hannah. "Hey you guys. So what are you doing here? I'm pretty sure that Hannah shouldn't be out of class since she's so stupid." said Zane, sitting down next to Allen. His comment earned a intense glare from Hannah ,who was sitting on David's lap, as Allen said,"Well, my dad asked me to bring some friends with me to the pageant to meet some girls.".

Austin nodded as he said,"So what are you doing here man? I thought that you would be running your own company by now.". "Just curious about the whole thing. I'm still working on the plan for my own company but I'm a part time waiter over at this dive bar." said Zane. "Seriously? I thought they wouldn't hire you since you're clearly underaged Zane." said David. "Well, the manager just likes me and doesn't really care about the rules except for drinking outside of her bar." said Zane.

Brad nodded as he said,"So did you hear about the car chase earlier today? Zero is so cool!'. "God Brad. Can't you stop being a Zero fanboy for one day?" said Hannah. "Be nice Hannah. You know that Captain has a serious hard-on for our protector and has grown as a person while you've shrunk as a person." said Zane. The two were glaring at each other as David sighed. "Will those two ever be friends? I've never seen them not fighting." said Allen.

Austin shrugged as he said,"Not likely because I've seen them fighting since middle school Allen. So which form did Zero use against those criminals?". "I think Eagle Form. I mean it's a really cool form but not my favorite." said Brad with him nodding. "So how many forms has Zero used? I kinda lost count." said David. "At least 80+ and I bet that he has so many more just waiting to fight against the bad guys." said Brad, smiling.

Hannah soon snuggled more into David's chest with David wrapping his arm around her with some hesitation on his part. "Oh yeah. I guess that I have to thank you Zane." said Hannah. "For what in the gods names are you thanking me for?" said Zane, with a shrug. "My Davy Bear just so happen to remind me that you're the reason why we've been together." said Hannah. She kissed his cheek as Zane soon began laughing. "Davy Bear?" said Zane.

Both Brad and Zane began laughing with the former calming down before the latter. "Davy Bear. It's so funny ever time I hear it." said Brad with Zane going back to laughing. David shot the two of them a death glare ,which was rare from the usually calm teen, but Zane ignored it and kept on laughing. "I guess that I should be used to the immature Zane but you Brad." said Hannah. "To be fair, it is a real funny name. It's even worse than Zaney." said Allen.     

Zane kept laughing for a good five minutes before calming down. "Yep. That really made my day so thanks for coming up with such a great name Hannah." said Zane, chuckling. "So do you guys want to go check out the runway?" said Austin. "Why? I mean the girls are where it is at." said Brad. "He has a point." said Allen. "Unlike those two, I will be happy to join you Austin." said Hannah. "Oh thank god. She is going to be gone." said Kane.

Hannah soon kissed David's cheek as she said,"See you Davy Bear.". She and Austin were gone as Zane said,"So do you want to come us with to check out the girls David?". "Sure but do Kris and the others know that you're here?" said David. "Nope but I won't be cheating on them. I rather not deal with Karen's dad any time in the future." said Zane. "Smart. My dad says the captain is a pretty nice guy so don't make him mad." said Brad. The four guys soon walked toward the show area.  

After 10 minutes ,with half of it due to Brad still being in crutches, of walking and talking, the four athletes soon reached the show area. The four soon sat down in the front row with Zane spotting Megan on stage and waved. She waved back to him and smiled. "So do you know that girl? She's a cute one." said Brad. "Yeah captain. I mean you know her too. Remember Megan Nash?" said Zane as Brad shivered. "Seriously? That's Megan?" said Brad.

Zane nodded as he said,"100% captain.". "Megan. She used to live here right?" said David. "So why is the captain scared of her? She looks harmless to me." said Allen. "It's because she's like 51 except much worse." said Brad. "Come on. She can't be that bad." said Allen. "Trust me. She is." said Brad as he shivered. "She's quite pretty." said David. This earned him a smack upside the head from Zane with David looking at Zane. "Ow. Why did you do that?" said David.

Zane said with a smirk,"It's simple. I may not like your girlfriend David but you have one. You can't be drooling over girls and take my advice. You seriously don't want Megan to find out that you're crushing on her.". "Gotcha man. Why are you and Brad so tense around her?" said David. "Well, it's real simple Davy Bear. She and I may be old friends but trust me, she tends to be a real bitch." said Zane, crossing his arms. 

As the three jocks watched the girls getting ready for the pageant tonight by rehearsing and perfecting their talents, how to answer questions, and other stuff like that, Zane looked to be that he was paying attention but was talking with Kane. "So Zane. What do Megan mean by Rachel being jealous? I never took her for the jealous type. She has trouble forgiving people unlike you but jealously isn't something I see her doing." said Kane.

Zane said with an eye roll,"Let me guess. Is it because devils don't know how to be jealous?". "I may be a racist but it's the truth. Jealousy is well known among devils but from what I can tell, she has shown no signs of noticeable jealously." said Kane. "Well, she used to be jealous. It was mainly when I hanged out with other girls our age because according to her, I was too nice back then." said Zane. "So how is that different from now?" said Sivarth. "No clue." said Zane.

As the three were talking, a small crowd had gathered to watch the rehearsal. "Wow. I totally thought this would be boring but it's actually cool." said Brad. "Yeah. According to my mom, these girls put in a lot of effort just like us with football." said Allen. "So what would be a broken leg in the world of pageants?" said David. "Maybe a broken nail." said Zane. Allen and Brad chuckled as David shook his head and he said,"Maybe for Hannah but I doubt these girls care too much.".

Zane smiled as he said,"You made a joke at Hannah's expense?". "Yeah. You do that with Kris and the other girls right?" said David. "Not really. I mean I prefer teasing them." said Zane. "Why are you such a lady killer? I mean you got several girls pining for you but I go no one." said Brad, sulking. "I don't think you need to worry captain. A wise man once said,"There is always a partner for everyone in this world."." said Allen.

Brad ignored Allen's advice as Megan got on stage with some girl and he couldn't take his eyes right off her. Her skin was lightly tanned with green eyes and visbly eyelashes due to makeup. Her face is both defined and round. She has a pointed nose. Her brown hair had a golden glow to it with it straightened and flowing down her shoulders. She's wearing a orange dress with sparkles and orange heels to match. "Wow." said Brad.

Allen snapped his fingers in front of Brad, snapping him out of his trance. "So who is that? She's a local right?" said Brad. David looked at his friend as he said,"Seriously? She goes to our school. I think she's a senior right Zane?". "You are correct. Her name is Leigh Byrd. She's a senior and I think she's one of the top ten students in our class. She usually wearing glasses so maybe that's why you don't know her captain." said Zane as Brad was trying to remember her.

Athena sighed as she said,"I know that most jocks are considered to be stupid but this is just sad. I think she's been in his classes before.". "Yeah but guys can be real dense and forgetful. Even our Zane forgets things when it comes to names." said Cole. "To be fair, I think he just gets them wrong on purpose." said Kane. Suddenly, a kid walked up on stage. He has medium length dirty blond hair with it looking rathey unruly and the tips of it were dyed dark green.

He has blue eyes with them hidden under a pair of glasses. He's wearing a green dress shirt with a dark blue coat over it, grayish-brown khaki pants, and ocean blue shoes. "Wow. That guy looks like a total dork." said Cole. "I actually agree with you." said Sivarth. "Hey there Leigh. Hey Megan." said the boy with the girls scowling at the kid. "For Pete's sake Clyde! I've told you a million times not to talk with us! We're not friends!" said Megan.

Clyde just smiled as Kane said,"Wow. He just got insulted by her but he's still smiling. Color me impressed.". "You flowers don't have to act coy with me. I know that you're in love with me. After all, I'm the Clyde Peterson!" said Clyde. "Peterson. Now where have I heard that last name before? I remember seeing it before." said Zane. "Peterson is the last name of the current director of Swarm and Clyde seems to be her cousin." said Cole.

Leigh smiled as she said,"Sorry Clyde but I'm not interested right now. In fact, I normally don't do this kind of thing.". Megan soon picked up a glass of some kind of health smoothie with her saying with a sweet tone,"How about you be in love with someone on your level?!". She soon pouted it all over Clyde with Zane growling. "Dam it Megan." said Zane. "Wow. I didn't expect that." said Allen with everyone around her ,except for the four Cypress Park jocks, laughed at Clyde.

Leigh pushed Megan as she said,"Megan! Did you really need to do that?! That was too mean!". "You may not be used to it Leigh but this little creep deserved it!" said Megan, laughing. Clyde ran off as David said,"So did she do stuff like this before?".  "Yeah. She was pretty much like Hannah and Sam before Hannah and Sam." said Brad. "Wow. Your friend is a real class act, Zane." said Allen. "Yeah and I thought she grew up but she didn't." said Zane.

He looked back at Clyde with him trying to leave but a group of bullies were blocking the way. Zane soon got pissed off and stood up. "Where are you going?" said Brad. "To get me a soda." said Zane as Allen had a feeling that Zane was going to help out Clyde as his superhero alter-ego. Zane walked up to a bathroom with himself locking himself into a stall. "So what are you going to do Zane? I mean Twilight isn't here so we can't put web in her hair." said Cole.

Zane soon smiled as he said,"I was thinking about that but lets see how she likes having some slime instead of that.". He soon turned into Slime Form with this form getting an upgrade thanks to the Zenith Core. Zane’s body is now a solid eight feet tall but can change his height at will. He still has a humanoid figure but now has a slim yet muscular frame. His body is now consisting of dark indigo slime. He has two bulky forearms and legs. He has four fingers and three toes. 

His face is now in the shape of an Aztec Jaguar Mask being a silver color and he has red eyes. Instead of spiked shoulders, he has parts of his slime floating out of his body being like a lava lamp. He wears a black short sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and black boots. He has gold armor over his body being a bracers, chest plate, knee pads, and shoulder pads. He still wears the black robe. He exited out of the bathroom by turning into a puddle of slime and slithered out of the stall. 

Due to his size, he evaded the eyes of everyone and eventually found himself directly above the duo of Megan and Leigh in the rafters. "I think you should say sorry to Clyde. He may be a bit annoying but he didn't deserve to have one of those god awful health smoothies dumped on him." said Leigh. Megan rolled her eyes as she said,"Some people need to learn their place when it comes to being around people who are better than them. It's a plain and simple lesson that everyone needs to learn Leigh.".

Zane scowled and growled at Megan. He soon began forming a large ball of slime being about the size of a basketball. "Special delivery from fates telling you." whispered Zane with his voice being the same as it was before getting upgraded by Zenith Core. He dropped the ball right over her as it exploded upon contact. She was soon covered in sticky slime with everyone around her ,except for Leigh, bursting out into laughter.

Zane soon dropped down to the floor with him reforming back to his normal shape and right behind to Clyde. Zane tapped his shoulder as Clyde said,"Hey! You're Zero!". Clyde soon shook his hand as Brad noticed this. "Hey. Why is he getting his hand shaken by Zero and why isn't it me?!" said Brad with a groan. "Shouldn't he wondered why Zero is here in the first place?" said David with Allen shrugging. "Me thinks he doesn't care." said Allen.

Zane smiled as he said,"Yep. So are you okay kid?". Clyde smiled widely and nodded. Zane soon turned his head to face the crowd and he said,"So if you're recording this, take it. I'm here to say that I don't approve of people looking down on others just because they're different and anyone who is bullying other in a not friendly manner is not one of my friends!". The crowd cheered for Zane with Leigh clapping politely.

Megan looked beyond pissed being that Brad sulked. "I can't believe it. Zero doesn't see me as his pal since I bulled people." said Brad. "Don't worry. I'm sure our protector is a forgiving guy." said David as he tried to comfort the jock. "A bit too forgiving if you ask Rae." thought Allen. "Don't let her get you down Clyde. She's nothing more than a bully. Here's some advice. When you're dealing with bullies, don't let them get to you and do the right thing. Got it?" said Zane.

Clyde smiled as he said,"Will do Zero!". "Right on. I have to get going since being a hero means that having a day off is just not a thing. I'm sure I'll see you again." said Zane. The two shook hands as Zane left the area but in all reality, he went back to the bathroom. He soon turned back to normal ,being that no one was in the area, and walked out to the bathroom. He soon walked back to his group which now had Austin and Hannah.

Allen got close to Zane and whispered,"Nice job Zane. Way to be a hero.". "Yeah. I guess me not telling her to stop back then creating this monster." whispered Zane. The two fist bumped with the female of the group put her arm around David's waist with David looking rather uncomfortable and reluctantly put his arm around his shoulder. This wasn't due to relationship problem but there was a height gap between the two being about 7 inches give or take.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Well, you can't change the past. So what are we going to do until the pageant starts up?". "Head to the arcade?" said Austin. The six were about to head off with them being stopped by someone calling Zane's name. Zane turned to see Megan and Leigh running up to us. "Hey there. What's up?" said Zane. "Did you see what that stupid hero did to me?! The nerve of some people! I mean I'm a famous model and he's nothing more than a hick hero." said Megan.

Kane said,"So should I break out of you and kill her Zane?". "Nah. Watch." said Sivarth. "To be honest, you kinda deserved it." said Hannah. "Nice one Hannah!" said Zane, going for a high five. "I will never do that with you." said Hannah. Zane sulked as Austin said,"Did you really think that was going to work?". "It was worth a try. I thought we were friends." said Zane. Allen shook his head as Megan looked at David and chuckled.

Megan said with a flirtatious tone,"Hey there handsome. So why are you with this shortie instead of being with a real woman?". Hannah looked sad as David said,"Hey. You don't get to call her that. I may have been raised not to hit a lady but I can hit a bitch.". "Dam. That's savage." said Cole with Zane agreeing with him. "Oh really? Then why did I see you drooling over my friend here?" said Megan. Zane facepalmed as Allen said,"Ouch.".

Leigh blushed as David said with him breaking his cool,"I didn't look at her like that!". "Yeah. It was more like Brad was doing that." said Zane, putting his arm around Brad. "51! Why the hell did you do that?!" said Brad. "Because while I may hate David and Hannah, David isn't a cheater at all." said Zane. "For once Zit, you're right. My man isn't a cheater." said Hannah. "She's right Megan. I mean David is the nicest jock at school being that Brad here was the worst until...." said Leigh.

Brad soon hobbled away with Austin, David, and Hannah going after him. Zane knew that Brad was trying to change being that in his and Cypress Park's eyes, he was no longer a bully and was a friend of his. "Ah. Did I make your little friend upset?" said Megan. Zane glared at her with him ready to lay the smackdown on her being that he didn't like when people made fun of his friends. Allen shook his head and mouthed,"She isn't worth it Zane.".       

Leigh sighed as she said,"And here I thought you could have a shred of kindness in you Megan but I was wrong.". She walked off as Allen said,"Wow. You just got dissed by your only friend.". "You did hear him right Megan. I saw what you did to Brad and also Clyde. You haven't changed at all since the fifth grade. We're no longer friends so don't talk to me ever again." said Zane. The two teens soon walked off, leaving Megan alone. She scoffed and walked away.

Allen and Zane found Brad, crying his eyes out being that he was on a park bench. David looked up as he said,"Oh hey. We found the perfect guy for the job.". "Allen right?" said Zane. "Not Zit. Despite you being an asshole at times, you do know just wait to say." said Hannah. "Thanks Hannah. So do you guys mind leaving us alone?" said Zane. The four teens nodded as they walked off, leaving Brad and Zane alone.  Zane sighed as he said,"Hey Brad.".

Brad looked up at him as he said,"Hey Zane. Do you think I'm a bully?". "For a while, my answer would have been yes." said Zane. Brad sulked as Zane said,"You did hear me say for a while right? I mean you're a nice guy now.". "I know you think so but does Zero? You probably heard him say that he hates bullies aka me!" said Brad. "Well, I'm sure that Zero is a forgiving person. I mean he forgive some of his super villains right?" said Zane. Brad nodded as he said,"Yeah.".

Zane smiled as he said,"I think the only thing he dislike is when people of a noticeable age difference date like a ten year old dating a fifteen year old.". "Oh yeah. I remember that. Zero really went into those two and it was brutal. I mean it isn't that big of a deal when they're older but now, it looked just wrong." said Brad. "So do you want to make things right with Leigh? I mean I doubt that she hates you Brad." said Zane.

Brad looked at him with Zane saying,"I know that you felt something for her that you didn't with Kris two years ago.". "Yeah. It was like we were made for each other." said Brad. "You'll have trouble at first being that you were kinda a jerk for a long time and most people have trouble moving past stuff like that." said Zane. "Thanks Zane. So do you mind helping me out? I mean you're a real ladies man unlike me, Kevin, and Mack." said Brad. "Sure." said Zane. 

Meanwhile with Clyde, he was taking Zane's advice the wrong way. He thought that the best way to deal with a bully is do the right thing by beating them up instead of the other way wrong. There is standing up for yourself which is usually the right way to deal with bullies but Clyde's way of him handling the bullies is beating them being that in the process, he becomes the bully. This is just my opinion like with the fifteen year old dating the ten year old.

It's fine when they're older like twenty six and twenty one but when you're in middle school and your boyfriend is a senior in high school, it's kinda creepy to me. Anyway, lets get back to the story and not my viewpoints. Clyde was planning on making Megan pay for humiliating him in front of everyone in the same fashion as Zero. He had been in love with both Leigh and Megan with him just waiting for the day for them to return his feeling.

However, they didn't but he had a way to change their minds. He had "borrow" a liquid performance enhanced that Swarm uses to enhance their agents when he visited his cousin aka the director a month ago. It would make him big and strong like the jocks that all of the girls love. He was planing on using it to make Megan love him but right now, he was going to use it make her pay. He headed into his hotel room that he got for the pageant.

After he entered it, he closed the door and locked it. He walked over to his closet and pulled out a briefcase with him sitting on the bed. He put his hand inside of his shirt and pulled out a necklace which had a key hanging on it. It also had part of a smoothie on it, making him triggered. "That whore is going to pay." said Clyde. He used the key to unlock the briefcase and opened it. Inside of it, there is a bright green liquid. He picked it up and smiled at it.

Clyde said,"And here it is. The Demi-God Formula. This elixir will finally turn me from a loser geek into someone who is respected. I'll be just like Zero.". He took the top off and downed the whole thing like a guy trying to impress others at drinking. After doing this, he felt a change happening it and he didn't feel good.  "What's going on?" said Clyde. His skin was burning up with his bones slowly expanding and muscles growing.

His skin turned green and grew to around 8 feet tall. His jaw grew with him looking rather deformed with a noticeable hunch on his back. He finished off his transformation with a roar because why not am I right? "Ugh. Clyde don't feel so good." said Clyde. He soon got up and looked in the bathroom mirror with him screaming at what he saw. "Clyde is a monster! But now, Clyde strong. From now on, Clyde is dead and now, Igor is here!" said Igor.

He soon punched the mirror and broke it into pieces. He charged out of the room and breaking down the door in the process. You would think that the hotel staff would call the police about the 8 foot creature running through the hotel and breaking shit but they were under the assumption that the destruction was thanks to some more wasted customers. Before Zane sees Igor, we have a couple more scenes to go down.

Meanwhile with Megan, she wasn't a fan of Zero making her look foolish. After he dumped that slime onto her, she went back to her room and took a shower. After the shower, she soon began lifting weights and exercising. She finished a set with her walking over to a mirror. She flexed being that even through she's a model, she does have some muscles. She wasn't on the level of a bodybuilder but she had been training to be faster, heighten reflexes, and be able to shoot/kill down the supernatural.

She wasn't a member of Swarm but a different group known as Avalon. Avalon isn't well known by the general public being that they are only a rumor even through they are dressing like people that come straight from the renaissance. "If that supernatural scum tries to make a fool of me again, I'll make him pay." said Megan, using a towel wiping off the sweat. She walked over to a TV and turned it on while going through her phone.

She had several pictures of different supernatural creatures that were spotted around Cypress Park being that all of them were related to Zane in one of his many forms. "Earlier today, a group of convicts had escaped from Thunder Cove Detention Center but were later apprehended by Zero and handed back to the authorities. I think I speak for everyone when I say that Zero is a true hero and we're thankful for having you." said the reporter.

This triggered Megan with him grabbing a nearby pen and it soon transformed into a rifle. She fired a energy bullet and blasted the TV into bits. "Ha. Zero is no hero. I have some time before the pageant so it's time to get my revenge on him." said Megan. She walked over to her closet with her saying,"I guess that I'll be getting a upgrade from the higher ups once I kill Zero so this is going to be a good day.". Lets see how this turns out.

Later the day being about ninety minutes before the pageant, Zane ,in costume, arrived at the bank that was being robbed and saw a bunch of police cars surrounding the building. Zane flew over to the officers with an officer said,"Zero! We could really use a hand in there.". "Sure thing officer. Would you and your men stay back? Don't want you to get caught in the crossfire." said Zane. The officer nodded as he ordered the squad to move out of the way of the superhero.

Zane soon stretched his arms as he said,"Time to bring out this form.". He soon transformed into Replication Form which you can check out its appearance by going to Fairy Legion Chapter 10. He soon aimed his right arm at the bank entrance with him saying,"And fire.". He soon fired out some missiles ,with them being black with violet streaks, out of his body and hit the bank, causing a Nether explosion.

Zane soon entered the bank with him seeing about a dozen hostages ,all tied up, and about 8 guys with them aiming their machine guns at him. "So guys, here is how this is going down. You can just give up and go to jail which is option one. Option two is you trying to fight me and been teased in jail for getting your but kicked by me. So what's your plan?" said Zane. Zane didn't need Crisis Judgement to see that they opened fire on him.

All of the bullets just happened to be blocked by an energy shield. "Well, I tried being peaceful but my warrior blood is screaming out in joy!" said Zane. He soon flew over and socked one in the face, making him bleed. Zane soon threw him into a wall and aimed his right arm at him. This soon fired out an energy net, trapping him to the wall. Two more guys fired off rounds on him with Zane switching into Pirate Form.

He evaded the bullets with him creating a giant water fist and slammed it into the two thugs. They both had bumps on their heads. One guy run at him and socked him with the back of the gun. "So did that hurt or what?" said Cole. Zane soon turned into Frost Form with him creating two ice sabers and slashed the guy. He was lightly scratched being that Zane kicked him back toward a wall and right before the man hit the wall, Zane froze him. "Zero's kicking our ass! Let's leave!" shouted a crook.   

Before they could run away, they were soon held in the air being that Zane stood there in Equinox Form. He soon spin them ,using his gravity powers, and one crook threw up on the floor. A crook threw up on him. "Please. Stop." said the crook. "Since you asked me kindly, sure." said Zane. He soon put the duo of them with him trapping them there with darkness and light chains. Zane soon turned around and saw the final three, pointing their guns at the hostages.

The crook said,"Stay back Zero or else, we'll blow these people's brain out!". Zane sighed as he soon turned into Chaos Form. "I know that you thinking that shooting their people will make me stop but here's the thing. It won't. I double dog dare you to shoot them because if you do, I'll make sure that your time in jail isn't at all pleasant because rumors are a bitch." said Zane with the three crooks shivering thanks to Zane's stare. "Okay man." said a crook.

They soon dropped their weapons as Zane said,"And here I thought that I would have to use some force to make you get the point.". He soon encased the three in stone with the hostages all cheering for me. "Okay everyone. I know that you want to thank me but I have to make sure that these guys can be placed in squad cars." said Zane. The hostages soon left the building as Zane soon got the eight in stone-themed cuffs.

He soon made the eight of them leave the building in a line with Zane saying,"Okay. If anyone gets out of line, you'll get in trouble.". The crooks grumbled as Crisis Judgment went off. "Well, I have to get going. You folks have a wonderful rest of the day." said Zane. He soon deactivated Chaos Form with him still in costume and flew off. He was soon grabbed by a grappling hook and slammed into the side of a building.

Zane looked up and saw a female wearing a full-body and skin tight ,clearly telling that it was a female wearing the suit, dark green ,with silver stripes, suit with black boots that have some jet propulsion nozzles attached to them. She's wearing a dark green ,with silver stripes forming a mobius strip, cloak/cape over it with a crimson exterior. Her head was covered by a spiky silver knight like helmet with her face completely hidden. "So who are you?" said Zane.

Zane soon noticed that she was holding a bazooka as she had materialized it. "Why should I tell a supernatural monster like you my name?" said the girl. "Because you're nice?" said Zane. She fired her weapon at Zane who soon jumped over her shot and landed on the rooftop. He soon made Spectral Sun appear with him saying,"Tornado Slash!". He soon slashed the air in front of her with him soon creating a pressurized slash of air.

Upon reaching the female, she was caught up in a tornado and was sent crashing into the side of a building. She soon saw Zane rushing toward him with him slamming the blunt side of his blade into her. "Tell me why you're attacking me! I didn't do anything to you!" said Zane. She soon lift her hand and blasted Zane directly with a laser. "Why am I attacking you? I'm here to end your reign of evil upon this land! So decrees Widow." said Widow.

She flew up above Zane before heading toward him. Zane soon grabbed a nearby lightpost with an arm that came from his back and placed his sword back in its pocket dimension. He soon swing it at her with her being sent flying directly toward to the street. "Look Widow. I'm not going to fight you unless you provoke me. I'm not doing anything evil being that I'm this town's protector not its destroyer." said Zane. She soon ignored Zane with her throwing grenades at Zane.

However, Zane soon turned into Gluttony Form and swallowed them. He soon grabbed her with his tongue as she shouted,"Let me go you freak!". "Sorry but that's not happening!" said Zane. He soon blasted with an energy bullet, sending her flying into a car. Zane deactivated Gluttony Form with him saying,"Rainbow Nether Web!". Widow was soon detained with Zane saying,"It was nice to meet you Widow. I'm sure we'll meet again.". Zane flew off as Widow growled.

Meanwhile in the office room of Derrick Price at Champion Tech, a man had walked into the empty room. He has gray hair with blue eyes. He's wearing a dark blue/gray suit with matching colored pants. He's wearing a white dress shirt with a dark gray tie. He's wearing black dress shoes with a brown belt. This is Herman who is an agent for Swarm. He soon looked around with him taking a deep breath and said,"It's a good thing that we decided to work with the Billionaire.".

The man's eyes soon glowed as Hyde flew out of him. The former Zero soon stretched with him saying,"So how do you like having control of Price Co despite not ruling it Cross-Species?". The chair turned around to reveal Lilith sitting there. "It's really nice but did you and your men get what I wanted from our friends over at Swarm?" said Lilith. Hyde soon held the jar that contained Darth with the Vordlarin trying to glare at Lilith but couldn't due to lack of energy.

Lilith smiled as she said,"Well done Hyde. You and your men did a good job. So do you wonder why I asked you to break into Swarm's HQ for it?". "Kinda." said Hyde. He placed the jar on the table with Lilith saying,"It's simple. The Vordlarins are unable to self-replicate but I've made a way to do that.". She covered the jar in Red Nether, causing for it to float in the area. "We'll be sending out the weapon to test it on a unlucky girl who hates our mutual enemy." said Lilith.

Darth looked at the woman with him wondering what she is going to do with him being that this was the second time in a week that he was going to be used for a weapon. Hyde smiled as he said,"May I select who gets it?". "Sure. Do you have a person in mine?" said Lilith. "Yes. She entered the town and from what I can tell, she seems like an enemy that would make out mutual enemy look quite stupid." said Hyde. "Go nuts." said Lilith with Hyde smiling.

Later that night, the group of Allen, Austin, Brad, David, Hannah, and Zane ,out of costume, were gathered in the show area and waiting for the pageant to start. There were decoration everywhere being that they were giant posters of all of the girls that were competing and refreshments for the audience. Brad and Zane were at the refreshments table ,currently stuffing their faces with pigs in a blanket, as Allen walked over to them.

Allen said,"You do know that those belong to everyone right?". "Yeah but snooze you lose." said Brad with Brad and Zane swallowing the food in their mouth. "True." said Allen. He soon walked away with the duo looking at each other. "Grab some for the road?" said Brad. "Wise words were never spoken captain." said Zane. The two soon ate a few more pigs in a blanket and followed Allen back to their seats.

Hannah had basically forced the guys to wear fancy clothing with it adding to the atmosphere being that Zane didn't have in it to argue with her. He was deep in thought about Widow being that she seemed to hate him even through he didn't know who she was. Allen is wearing a orange button down shirt, a black bow tie, and faded blue jeans. Austin is wearing a blue tuxedo with a green tie, Brad is wearing a full black tuxedo, and David is wearing a black tuxedo with a purple tie.

Hannah on the other hand is wearing a simple purple dress with a black vest over it and her hair was in pigtails. Zane is wearing an open black suit with a crimson red dress shirt underneath with a dark blue tie that's kinda wrapped around his neck. Brad took his seat next to Austin with Zane sitting next to Allen. Allen was sitting next to David who had Hannah to his side and Allen sat next to her. "You look amazing babe." said David as Hannah blushed.

She kissed his cheek as Zane said,"Can't those guys get a room?". "Now you know how all we feel when you flirt with Kristen." said Sivarth. "True." said Zane. "I'll admit that you and Kristen are cuter than these two." said Cole. "So do you think that she who must not be named will win?" said Austin. "She is the most likely person." said Allen. "Yeah but she's a total bitch!" said Hannah with David nodding. "And Leigh is so hot." said Brad. Zane sighed as he sat back and watched the show.

After a few minutes, the pageant had started. A plump woman with blond hair walked on stage as she said,"Hello everyone and welcome to the 10th annual International Female Beauty Pageant. Thank you for coming out and supporting our girls.". The crowd clapped for her as the lady said,"Without further ado, lets begin!". The pageant started with all of the girls coming on stage and waving to the crowd. Zane saw a bunch of pretty girls that he didn't know.

He soon saw Megan with her hair currently in a bun with one strand hanging down in front of her face. She had a fuchsia web like flower in her hair with her wearing the same dress that she was wearing earlier. "Wow. You can barely tell that the flower in front of us has thorns." said Kane with Zane agreeing with that statement. Leigh came on stage, wearing the same dress as earlier and had her hair in a ponytail.

Zane looked at Brad who practically had hearts in her eyes. "Wow. You can tell that he really finds her quite pretty." whispered Allen. "Yeah. I'm happy for captain." said Zane. The pageant ,much to the surprise of the guys, was actually a really heater competition. "This is actually really intense. I didn't expect that." said David. "Yeah. I didn't expect beauty pageant to be so heated and competitive but well, I've been wrong before." said Austin. Allen and Brad nodded their heads at this.

The pageant went on with girls getting eliminated left and right until only Leigh and Megan were left remaining. "And now, we're down to our finalists!" said the woman from before. A guy ran on stage and handed her an envelope. "And for her talent, beauty, and also elegance. Our winner is.... Megan Nash!" said the woman with the crowd cheering except for Zane's group. A crown and sash were soon placed on Megan's head. "Thank you all so much! We.. I mean I don't deserve this." said Megan.

The trio of Cole, Kane, and Sivarth said,"Did she just say we?". Before Zane could wonder what she meant by that as well, he soon heard,"You got that right!". A green skinned creature soon came crash in through the ceiling and landed on stage. "Hello there my dear." said the creature. Megan screamed along with everyone else. The audience was about to run with Allen and Zane looking for a place to go hero but the creature shouted,"Everyone sit down now!".

Everyone except for Zane sat down with the creature noticing Zane. "You! My name is Igor! I'm tired of people picking on me! Mainly this bitch! Now, no one will pick on me!" yelled Igor. "So what are you doing Zane? Just listen to the crazy monster!" whispered Hannah. "Yeah. I really don't tend to listen people that I don't respect and the not so friendly giant isn't earning my respect." said Zane with him putting his hands behind his back.

The crowd laughed at Zane's joke with Igor shouting,"Shut up!". The crowd went quiet as Igor shot me a death glare. "Uh oh. I'm so scared." said Zane. He soon lunged at Zane with Zane getting held in his hand. "You think that you're so funny don't you?" said Igor. "Well, I do think I'm quite funny but humor is totally subjective unlike your face!" said Zane. "Oh snap. You went all middle school on this guy!" said Cole with Zane's comment earning an Igor roar in the face.

Zane said,"Hey buddy. If you want some mouth wash, I think the pageant community can lend you some.". He soon threw Zane high into the air and right through the hole in the ceiling. "And he's out of here!" shouted Igor. "Zane!" shouted the group of Austin, Brad, David, and Hannah with Allen knowing that he's safe. While in the air, Zane soon made a clone of himself. Zane soon turned into Zero with him saying,"So I'll drop you below to make sure that no one thinks that I'm Legion Zero.".

The clone looked at the prime with him saying,"What are you going to do?". "Kick Igor's but." said Zane as he transformed into Specter Form. He soon grabbed the clone with the two floating down and landed in front of Igor. "Hey there buddy. I'm pretty sure that there is a law for throwing teens through ceilings." said Zane with the clone running away. Zane could tell that Brad was excited to see him along with Igor. "Zero! It's you!" said Igor.

Zane raised an eyebrow with him noticing a great deal of hatred coming from Megan being that it was even more than normal amount of hate he gets from Vicky when she's trying to kill him. "So who are you exactly? I think I would remember meeting someone like you." said Zane. "You don't remember? You saved me from being bulled by her!" said Igor, pointing to Megan. "Oh! I think that is the kid who got a smoothie bath earlier!" said Cole.

Sivarth shook his head as he said,"He had a name Cole. I think it was Clement.". "Not even close Sivarth. It's Clyde and are you trying to make a joke?" said Kane. "So are you Clyde?" said Zane as Igor nodded. "Yes! But my superhero name is Igor. Aren't you proud of me Zero? I did what you said." said Igor. "Okay. I know what I said to you back then but what did you think I mean by that? I'm pretty sure that you took the wrong idea." said Zane.

Igor said,"Well, the best way to deal with bullies is to become a hero and doing the right thing. I'm doing the right thing by destroying this butty just like said!". "That isn't what I meant at all. The best way for dealing with bullies to not let them get to you Clyde. You just need to stand up for yourself without resorting to their level. You've turned yourself into a bully." said Zane with his arms crossed.  

Igor looked at Zane with him screaming angry. "No, you're wrong! I need to destroy her! I just have to!" said Igor. He soon turned to Megan being that he was about to grab her. However, he was soon grabbed by red Nether. "She may be a monster like you Clyde but as a hero, I can't let you hurt an innocent person when I'm around." said Zane. "My name is Igor!" roared Igor with him soon slammed down on the ground and Zane floated there, ignoring his taunt.

Igor tried to grab Megan with him being stopped once again by Zane. He was sent flying into the wall by a Red Nether construct of a giant hammer. "Are you okay?" said Zane. She slapped him with her saying,"We were until you and Clyde came and ruined everything, you stupid monster!". Zane's eye twitched as he said,"Is how you thank someone who saved you?". "You ruined my hair earlier and that makes you a monster!" said Megan, walking off angrily.

Zane sighed as he said,"Yep. She hasn't changed.". Igor came back and grabbed Zane. He soon jumped up and slammed Zane down on the tile floor. "Ouch. I'm in so much pain." said Zane with a deadpanned tone. He soon phased out of Igor's grip with the giant getting blasted by Nether. "You can't win against me so just give up." said Zane. Zane soon turned into Swamp Form and blasted Igor with a powerful blast of fire.

He was unaffected by this attack with Zane firing several fire balls at him but the giant slapped on him. They landed on a curtain and the whole building was soon on fire. "Okay. I wasn't thinking about him blocking my attacking and burning this place down isn't exactly helping Swarm's claim about me being a monster." said Zane. Igor charged at Zane being that before Igor could grab him, Zane said,"Hellfire Emperor Bombardment Fist!".

Zane soon charged a burst of flames into his left fist with his left hand covered in flames. He swung his fist toward Igor with the embers coming out at him at an alarming rate. Igor was soon hit by a giant explosion of flames that just happened to be in the shape of a fist. This sent the giant into the ground with Zane saying,"Okay. That should knock you out for a while.". Igor quickly recovered as Zane said,"Or a couple of seconds. Just great.".

Zane soon dodged a thrown chair ,which was on fire, and after Zane dodged the attack, he soon began absorbing some the flames. "Hellfire Emperor Cerulean Mortar!" shouted Zane.  He soon focused his flames to create a giant fireball. He soon placed his right hand in the fireball with him adding some more fire into it. The other hand is being cocked back and he punches the flame. The ball flies toward Igor with it getting bigger by the second.

Just before it reached him, it soon turned into a giant tiger of fire and slammed into Igor. This only stunned Igor with Zane saying,"And now, he's my chance to strike!". Zane soon deactivated Swamp Form and rushed toward him. Zane soon punched Igor in the face with him saying,"Time for my ultra powerful Devastating Roundhouse!". Zane soon lands a powerful roundhouse kick on Igor's face and he punched Igor in the gut hard.

Igor was hurt for a second before grabbed Zane's head and kneed him in the gut. He tossed Zane into a burning wall with the flames not bothering him. "Hey buddy! The flames don't bother me! So lets see how you like this! Hulking Bombardment!" said Zane. Several arms appeared from Zane's body with them slowly expanding in size. They soon surround Zane with his body being hidden by the massive arms and fist that come from within his body.

He soon fired off a massive version of Sweet Bombardment ,aka a barrage of punches, at Igor who felt like each fist was being hit by a huge truck. The giant soon slammed Zane into the ground with him creating a crater. "Face it Zero! Igor is the strongest!" said Igor. "Yeah. You may be the strongest but you're not the smartest." said Zane. He soon phased through the ground with him soon being on the other side of Igor and transformed into Glacier Form which got an upgrade.

He no longer looks like a living ice dinosaur but a more humanoid ice like being with metal parts attached to him. He's eight feet tall and his body is made out of snow white ice. His frame looks more muscular than before but still keeps its slim appearance. His head is a more normal looking shape with two emerald green eyes. His eyes are a unique shape being seven-pointed stars with a black outline. His human like mouth has sharp teeth that stuck out of his mouth.

It looks like he's going to eat someone. His body is naturally producing frost. He's now wearing a black sleeveless tunic with a single white stripe around his waist with him wearing a black headband. He wears tattered black pants which goes down to his ankles. He grows a tail with icicles spikes going over the tail and the tip of his tail is a claw like shape with seven icicles sticking out of it. He still has the black bandages wrapped around his arms and legs.

His feet and hands have ice like claws ,with five fingers, and they’re rather sharp. He wears a silver chest plate with it being his new glider/jetpack. It has two snow white jet fighter like wings with boosters sticking out from the back of the wings. He loses the sharp icicle like spikes on his shoulders and the boots, going barefoot. "Chill out Igor!" said Zane. Igor ran toward Zane with him swinging his fists. 

Zane flew over him with Igor getting blasted directly with a large burst of ice, freezing him in a giant ice cube. Zane grabbed the ice cube and flew into the air with him soon going around in circles, creating several bursts of winds. He piledrived the giant into a couple of chairs and this broke the ice upon contact with the ground. Zane floated in the air with Igor saying,"You may like a hero or protector but you're nothing more than a bully just like everyone else!".

He soon jumped toward Zane with Zane easily dodging the attack and causing Igor to slam right into a pillar. "You say that but look at you. You're even worse than a bully when you try to use your powers to kill. You're a supervillain not a hero." said Zane. Igor got to his knees as he said,"I'm not a hero.". He soon looked up to see Zane having a massive blade of ice. "Permafrost Emperor Chasm Sword!" yelled Zane. He soon slashed Igor, knocking him out cold.

Zane shook his head as he said,"I'm sorry for this happening you Clyde.". Zane soon picked him and flew him out of the building, placing him on the ground and freeze him there. He soon flew back down with him firing several streams of ice to put the fire out. A crowd gathered around him with them cheering for Zane beating the monster. He signed a few autographs and shook a few hands with Zane hearing the police groaned about taking Igor to the police cars.

Zane said,"Listen. I have to go. The police need help with that monster and well, it's all good to help out the police whenever you can.". He flew up and was about to fly away being that Crisis Judgement went off. He soon evaded something with him turning back around to see that the hole was covered by a white colored web. "Okay. What's going on now?" said Kane. Zane soon saw a girl standing there ,which reminded him of Darth but feminine, on the roof.

She looked to be six feet tall. She is covered in a white full body costume with her black mouth ,that was filled with sharp teeth, closed. Her body did have fuchsia colored lines all over its body. She has beady fuchsia colored eyes with a black outline. "Okay guys. So is there another Vordlarin on Earth or what?" said Sivarth. "You're not leaving here alive scum!" said the girl. Zane flew toward her with him saying with a smile,"Listen here princess. I've had enough bad guys for one day.".

The girl growled with Zane saying,"Listen lady. I'll fight you tomorrow so just give up...". He soon dodged a tendril ,matching her body, by turning into ice. Instead of wincing in pain like a normal Vordlarin, she didn't. "You seriously think I'll let you live after what you've done to me in the past day!" said the girl. "This is the first time we've met!" said Zane. He soon dodged several tendrils with him saying,"Okay. So mind tending me your name?".

The girl smiled with her saying,"Our name is Toxic Widow. We've fought before but thanks to the power that was granted to me by the heavens, I'll kill you!". She soon fired several lasers from her body with Zane saying while dodging her laser beams,"Wait. You're Widow!". "Yeah and we're going to kill you!" said Toxic. She kept up her laser barrage with Zane saying,"It's good thing that we aren't fighting inside because no insurance can prevent this kind of damage.".    

Toxic growled as she said,"Quit dodging me!". "But then I'll be hurt and that doesn't sound like fun at all." said Zane, in a teasing tone. "Don't act like a hero! You're nothing but a person who ruins lives! You ruined my rehearsal with your slime, you ruined my pageant with that damn moron, and my life! I have no one but a desire to kill you because you made me a bully!" yelled Toxic. Zane's eyes widened as he said,"Oh shit. Is that you Megan?".

Toxic smiled as she said,"And so you figure it out.". "So since I know that you're Widow. Where did you get that suit? And was it from some knights and wizards?" said Zane. "You won't get me to talk because you're dead!" said Toxic. She soon aimed a blaster at Zane with him firing a burst of ice into her, freezing her and preventing her from attacking. Zane soon flew to her and punched her down to the ground. "Wow. It's a good thing that you're durable or I'll feel bad." said Zane.

She soon broke out of her ice prison with her pressing a button on her arm. Crisis Judgement went off as a hoverboard went flying toward Zane. "And now, you're stealing from both Agent Phoenix and Darth! Have you no class ma'am!" said Zane. He jumped onto the board with Toxic saying,"You fool!". She soon fired webbing at him, trapping him to a tree. "And unlike those two, I'll be killing you." said Toxic.

Toxic soon turned her right arm into a bazooka with Cole saying,"Okay. She may be trying to kill us but that's cool!". He soon earned a slap from Kane and Sivarth with Toxic saying,"Ever since the supernatural killed my parents when I was only twelve, I joined up with Avalon to kill them and you'll be just another one to die!". Zane soon smiled with him saying,"Sorry but not sorry about this. Permafrost Emperor Eruption!".

He soon exploded into ice with Toxic and the area completely frozen solid. Zane broke out of it with him landing nearby. He soon deactivated Glacier Form with him soon turning into Mastodon Form as Kane said,"So why are you the giant pachyderm?". "I need to find out how she got a Vordlarin in the first place so lets read her mind." said Zane. He soon placed his trunk onto the ice with him soon reading her mind.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
About two hours before the pageant, Widow soon flew into a hotel room. She had barely escaped the cops after she was defeated by Zero. "Curse you Zero!!!" yelled Widow. She soon deactivated her suit as Widow turned out to be Megan. She soon grabbed a first aid kit to treat her wounds with her looking at her phone. Whenever she opened up her phone, it was always Zero saving people. She got more angry with her shouting,"I'll kill you Zero!".

She soon threw her phone right into her bathroom mirror, breaking both of them into tiny pieces. She was soon in a fetal position with her crying. "Why is he ruining my life? He made me lose all of my friends by covering in slime! Made me look stupid!" said Megan. She didn't noticed Hyde had been watching all of this. "Wow. She's even more perfect than I thought. I mean she hates Zane and Zero even more than me and most of the boy's enemies which is saying a lot." thought Hyde.

He soon looked at the Vordlarin that had been reverse engineered to be a bio-weapon. Unlike Darth who was a male, this one was female and had the abilities of a spider. He soon released her out of her jar and it went crawling toward her. Hyde flew off as the Vordlarin covered Megan's body. Instead of being scared, Megan was calm. This was because of the Vordlarin saying,"Your hatred toward Zero is delicious and because of that, I'll give you the power to kill Zero.".

Megan soon stood up, with her looking like Toxic and she saw her appearance despite the broken mirrors. "This power is amazing! Thank you Toxic!" said Megan. "Yes. For now, we'll wait until tonight because Zero will be out on patrol and we can strike him while he's down." said Toxic. Megan  nodded as she turned back into her human self. Megan smiled as she soon walked out of the bathroom and got ready for the pageant.

Narrator P.O.V.
As Zane finished looking through her memories, the ice was slowly breaking. Zane jumped back and turned back into Glacier Form. Toxic was clearly pissed off with her firing a web at Zane who easily dodged it. "Get out of her right now Toxic. You're clearly taking advantage of a girl who just had a really bad day." said Zane. The girl smiled with her mask revealing Megan. "She isn't taking advantage of me and I'm not rejecting this sweet gift because I get to kill you!" said Megan.

She soon sprouted claws with Zane soon dodging them as she tried to slash him. Zane easily dodged her with him thinking,"Even through she has the power of Vordlarin, she's still a newbie. Time to put her on ice.". He soon glowed bright purple with him saying,"Glacier Prime!". He grew to twelve feet tall with his snow white scales turn into solid ice and looks to be a reflective surface. His head changed into a rectangle shape with the top of his head is flat. His body looks to be cracked.

The bottom of his feet have icicle like spikes sticking out of them, looking like cleats. His eyes fuse together with him having a singular fourteen-pointed emerald green star like shape. His mouth looks the same. He wears the exact same clothing as before. His diamond shaped appendage now looks like a rocket engine with two black ice jet fire like wings that still resembles a glider that connects to his appendage.

His forehead is covered in a dark blue seven-pointed crest, looking like he's wearing a crown. "This upgrade means nothing to me!" said Megan. Zane dodged her attack with him freezing parts of her body before the ice breaking off. "I know that this power feels good but you have to fight it." said Zane. Her mask went back up with her growling. "You don't get to be a hero with us! You'll suffer by our hands! Me and Toxic are one person! We're toxic to you!" said Toxic.

Zane rolled his eye as he said,"Wow. You've officially lost it.". This comment earned him a roar as Zane soon cupped his hands to the left of him. He soon made an orb of ice in his hands. Upon the orb finishing up, he throws the orb at Toxic. She was soon hit with a massive amount of force with the entire area around her freezing. She did a flip in the middle of the air with her landing on the air. "I don't think your jokes are very good!" said Toxic.

Zane looked offended with him saying,"Wow. You're a total cut-rate Darth being that he hates my jokes too. I'm hurt. Why doesn't anyone like my jokes?". She charged right at him being that before hshe could touch him, Zane flied upward. This caused her to hit a tree. Zane chuckled with him saying,"Catch me if you can Megan!". He soon flew off as Toxic roared. She soon made her legs sprout rockets as she flew after Zane.

Zane saw her coming with him creating a massive wave of ice, firing it at her. She dodged the attack barely with parts of her body freezing over. Before she could free herself from the ice, Zane was right above her with him saying,"Permafrost Emperor Subzero Punch!". Zane soon covers his right fist in a light blue aura and frost coming off it. He punched Toxic and upon contact, Toxic Widow turning into a giant ice cube. This sent her flying into a building's roof with it breaking.

The woman looked around to see the people looking at her being that she was in a gym. Before she could do anything, she was stopped by Zane who froze her arms. "Everyone! Get of here! We got a crazy girl in here!" said Zane as he arrived into the gym. The patrons soon ran out of there as Zane soon dodged a tendril to the face with her coming toward him. She soon slashed Zane with her claws with them freezing upon contact. "Quit doing that!" said Toxic.

Zane soon jumped back with him saying,"Nah. Here's something you got to know about me if you are going to be a villain of me Toxic. I tend not to do things that my villains say.". He soon threw some ice balls at Toxic with them freezing parts of her body. She recovered with her running to punch Zane with spiked and giant fists. "Try again!" said Toxic. Zane soon jumped out of the way of her fist with him soon flying around several energy blasts.

He soon grabbed her with him tacking her out of a window and landed on a bus. Zane soon stuck his head down to one of the window with him saying,"Attention everyone! There is a crazy girl and she isn't friendly so you should leave.". The people were gone with Crisis Judgement going off. A web line soon grabbed Zane and slammed Zane into the side of a building. "You heroes act all noble but in all reality, you're nothing more than monsters!" said Toxic.

She soon fired several spiked tendrils at him with Zane dodging them and then freezing them to the ground, causing Toxic to break them off her. She roared as Zane soon rushed toward her and hit her with a powerful close line, sending her directly toward the ground and he froze her. Zane increased the amount of ice before Crisis Judgement went off. Zane jumped back as several tendrils pierced their way through the ice, revealing Toxic.

She jumped toward Zane with him easily dodging it and her landing in the fountain. "And it's time for you to say freeze!" said Zane. He soon froze the fountain solid and trapped her inside of the ice being that Zane knew that this wouldn't last for long. He soon turned into Thunder Form with Kane saying,"So since ice isn't working, you're going with electricity.". "That's the plan. If you got a better one, I'm all for it." said Zane.

Toxic soon broke out of the ice and like the last couple of ice breakouts, she soon charged toward Zane. Zane soon charged up some electricity with him saying,"Time for Thunder Emperor Palm Slam!". He soon slammed his right palm into Toxic with her getting electrocuted by a giant burst of thunder head on. Thanks to her being constantly frozen, she was wet making the electricity much worse in her opinion.

Zane soon jumped toward the area where Zane send her flying and he said,"So are you okay or what Megan?". Crisis Judgement went off as Zane evaded a bladed tendril. "What do you think?!" said Toxic. "Kinda?" said Zane. He soon dodged several attacks with some of them actually hitting but it turned out to be a bad thing for her since Thunder Form can turned into electricity. "Shocking isn't it Toxic?" said Zane, grabbing her with his tail.

He soon threw her into a local building and jumped in after her. "Wow. I think this is one of those schools for kids who really want to get into a college." said Zane. Zane soon heard a snarl behind him as he ducked just in time. Toxic really wanted to kill him being her claws hit metal and made a loud noise, causing her to shriek. "It seems that you don't like the noise so lets make it even more of a pain for you!" said Zane.

He soon punched her back a bit with her saying,"Your punches aren't doing anything against me Zero!". "Yeah but are you ready to rock?" said Zane as he turned into Voice Form who first appeared in Fairy Legion Chapter 5. Zane soon released a powerful sonic wave from his mouth and said,"Time to sing baby!". The female shrieked loudly with Zane singing more and more. "Wow. I never expected music to save the day." said Sivarth.

Toxic threw some objects toward Zane who dodged them but this forced him to stop the music and she said,"That was unpleasant.". "Sorry?" said Zane. He was soon punched through a wall and down some stairs. "So why did you let her hit you?" said Cole. "Hope for them. Do you really think I would get hit on purpose after training not to do that?" said Zane. "Ah. That makes sense a bit." said Kane and Sivarth in unison.

Zane soon landed in the women's room as he said,"Huh. This place isn't that much different from the males. Shouldn't have expected much.". Zane could hear Toxic coming after him with him saying,"Well, it's time to see if she's good with paying attention.". He soon deactivated Voice Form and turning into Illusion Form who appeared in Fairy Legion Chapter 8. He soon made several copies of himself with him saying,"Let the games begin!". The clones and Zane were gone.

Toxic soon entered the room with her saying,"There's nowhere left for you to ruin!". She soon Zane standing there with her slashing him, revealing that he was a clone. "I mean there is always a plan for running but I won't be doing that. Have fun Meg!" said Zane's voice as several copies of him appeared. Toxic roared as she slashed her way through the copies and ending up the showers as Zane rested on the walls. "Took you look enough. I was getting wrinkles waiting for you.".

She soon charged at him with her claws piercing through him. "Ha! You're dead!" said Toxic as her eyes widened. Zane turned out to be another clone with her hearing,"Sorry but you're done. Time for some surround sound!". The Vordlarin looked up to see several discs floating around her with Zane ,in Sound Form, standing outside of the locker room. He snapped his fingers, creating a very loud sonic cage.

This soon caused her Vordlarin suit to fall right off, revealing Megan and it was going down the drain. "No! Don't leave me!" said Megan. Zane soon walked into the room with him saying,"And this is me being gentle.". He soon punched her in the gut, knocking her out. He picked her up as Cole said,"Did you really have to punch her?". "Nah but it felt good. Time to drop her off with the police and thank the gods that she's clothed." said Zane.

The hero was gone as Toxic came back up from the drain and she formed into a white ,with fuchsia lining, slime like object. She has fuchsia colored beady eyes and black mouth. Her mouth shows that she has razor-shaped teeth and her eyes have a black outline. She was looking for her host being that to her, Megan was ,in her opinion, her perfect host. "Don't worry. I'll reunite you two together in time." said a voice. Toxic turned to see Hyde with him holding a jar.

Toxic looked at him and was going to speak but the Phantom stopped her. "Rest in here for now. We'll be bring back Toxic to work as a duo against Zero with his partner. She's just like Darth but a female. We need her to complete the plan against Zero so come on. We can't have Zero finding us about us." said Hyde with Topic nodding her head. Toxic soon jumped in the jar as the Phantom flew off.

Zane ,out of Sound Form and in costume, flew back to his apartment and landed on his bed. He was soon in his normal clothing with him tired. "Okay. Today was a long fucking day." said Zane. "So what happened?" said Twilight's voice. Zane looked up to see her on the bed with him saying,"Just look at my memories partner. It's a lot to take it and I need sleep.". "Sure partner." said Twilight as she fused back with Zane and he closed his eyes.

The next day, the group of Allen, Danny, Gwen, Kevin, Rachel, and Zane were at the mall with the latter telling the group about his long day. "So let me get this straight. Megan was the super villain Widow that you fought against and is a member of this group called Avalon who pretty hates the supernatural. She later got a Vordlarin like Darth from Hyde." said Danny. "That's pretty much it in a nut shell." said Zane, sipping a soda. "Yep. She got even more crazy." said Rachel.

Gwen said,"Indeed. So did you know her Kevin? I mean you guys were friends before middle school happened right?". "Yeah. She was a bitch being that Zane was the only person who didn't mind her too much. So are you sure that you want us on your team?" said Kevin. "Yeah. I mean I get Danny and Gwen but me? We've only been friends for under a year." said Allen. "I trust you guys. So you guys in?" said Zane. "Yeah. You got my support." said Kevin with Allen nodding.

Rachel smiled as she saw Leigh walking up to them. "Hey you guys." said Leigh. "Hey Leigh. So how does it feel to be the winner?" said Allen. "Pretty good but I feel bad for Megan. I mean she got taken over by an alien just like Bryan did. Do you think she's going to be okay?" said Leigh. "You seriously care about her?" said Danny. "Not really but she can be nice once in a blue moon." said Leigh as she sighed. "So why are you here at the mall?" said Gwen.

Leigh smiled as she said,"Well, I know that you and Brad are friends Zane so I wanted to thank him for helping me escape even though he was injured.". "Brad is probably with the jocks and he'll like you thanking him." said Zane. Leigh smiled as she said,"Thanks Zane.". She walked off with Danny saying,"So is Cupid Zane going to be working on the captain next?". "Yep. You win a gold star." said Zane with him enjoy the peace because things are only going to get more intense from here.

Next Time,
With Team Maelstrom (Allen, Danny, Gwen, Kevin, Rachel, Sly, and Zane) being born, what will be their first opponent? Who is under the mask of the Masked Agent of Swarm? Why did Lilith want to steal Darth from Swarm? What was Swarm going to use Darth for? Will Megan return to get her revenge? And will Bryan return? This and more next time on Zero!

Toxic's Powers: Acid Generation, Acid Immunity, Acid Manipulation, Acidic Blood, Acidic Bodily Fluids, Amorphous Physiology, Asexual Reproduction, Aquatic Adaptation, Biological Symbiosis, Blunt Force Immunity, Bulletproof Durability, Camouflage, Clothing Generation, Collective Memory, Compressability, Deflation, Dermal Armor, Dimensional Storage, Elastic Combat, Elasticity, Emotion Absorption, Emotion Detection, Emotion Empowerment, Emotion Manipulation, Emotion Metabolization, Emotion Vampirism, Enhanced Bite, Enhanced Lung Capacity, Expandability, Experience Sharing, Fire Immunity, Gender Transformation, Goo Generation, Hive Mind, Kinetic Energy Absorption, Limb Expansion, Limb Extension, Liquid Mimicry, Malleable Anatomy, Melting, Mouth Manifestation, Multiple Mouths, Natural Weaponry, Negative Emotion Empowerment, Organic Attacks, Organic Combat, Organic Constructs, Organic Generation, Organic Manipulation, Parasite Physiology, Partial Possession, Positive Emotion Empowerment, Power Augmentation, Power Suit, Psychic Communication, Psychic Shield, Racial Memory, Radiation Immunity, Reforming, Regenerative Healing Factor, Resurrection, Scattering, Sensory Sharing, Sergekinetic Combat, Shapeshifting, Shared Vision, Sharp Teeth, Size Combat, Size Enhancement, Size Manipulation, Size Reduction, Skin Color Manipulation, Slime Manipulation, Slime Mimicry, Super Eating, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Healing Factor, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Stamina, Supernatural Strength, Symbiosis, Symbiotic Absorption, Symbiotic Combat, Symbiotic Costume, Tendril Generation, Tentacle Extension, Thermal Resistance, Tight Space Maneuvering, and Vacuum Adaption. Special Powers to her: Acidic Poison Generation, Binding, Cold Immunity, Infection, Poison Attacks, Poison Generation, Poison Manipulation, Poison Solidification, Toxikinetic Combat,  Toxikinetic Constructs, and Web Generation. 

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