Sunday, March 3, 2019

Zero Episode 111 Time to Rock Out!

A/N: Yeah. The last episode was planned for February but well, I kinda got wrapped up in writing it and also some editing stuff. I'm going to say that these parts are only going to get longer if I'm having fun writing it. I mean the fight scenes may have gone overboard but we got to see fifteen forms in one episode which is the most amount of forms seen within an episode so far. I don't know if this number is going to change but don't quote me on that. Also all of these parts are going to be long.

As you saw from the end of last episode, Team Maelstrom is officially created with it consisting of Allen, Danny, Gwen, Kevin, Rachel, Sly, and Zane. Will this number grow any time in the future or is this their max amount? We also learned more that Lilith wanted Darth for some reason and then the appearance of a third Vordlarin named Toxic. Was she created from Darth or does she come from their home planet Golax Prime MX.

Do note that this has always been their home despite the roman numeral of 1,010 attached to the planet. I just thought that it sounded cool. This episode is going be a bonding episode for Rachel and Zane. I seem to be doing that often despite them not being a couple. Perhaps I'm doing this on purpose but who really knows? I mean knowing me, I make things pretty obvious sometimes. We'll see Toxic once again and perhaps an old enemy of Zane.

All will be explained later. I should mention this but after or before the episode after this one comes out. I'll be releasing a new version of Zane's attacks, spells, powers, and also what the form can do. I won't be revealing the appearance of anything that hasn't appeared yet because I want to at least keep that a secret. You'll see what I mean by that very soon. Anyway, lets begin in the night time of Cypress Park where crime never sleeps because it doesn't have a bed time.

Narrator P.O.V.
3 crooks were running being that they just had robbed a bank being that they didn't want to attract that superhero being that every since the new year started, Zero had been going out of his way to stop any criminals big or small. Their boss aka Gold Commander wasn't too happy about this being that he demanded results from them unless they wanted to be punished by Razor. She wasn't a sadist like that one woman but it isn't pleasant to be tortured by her.

Two of them were soon tripped over something being that the one crook ,who didn't get a face filled with pavement, soon grabbed the two bags holding money. "Sorry but every crook for himself plus I don't want to be punished!" said the crook. He soon ran away from the other two crook who was soon grabbed by an unknown object. It was at the thick of night being that they couldn't see who stopped them. 

The two crooks ,who fell, were soon punched and stabbed with something, causing their skin to turn purple and scream out in pain with their skin drying up looking like prunes. The final crook looked behind him being that he was soon kicked to the ground by the being who attacked him and his friends. He dropped the bags of money with him looking in front of him. He soon saw the nearby trash dumpster fly into the air and detain him. "Help me please!" said the crook.

A police car came by with the doors opened and revealed a male and female officer. The male officer soon looked up to see the figure as he said,"Hey thanks for helping out as all ways Zero. You're a good kid. Screw Swarm.". The figure soon held out a fist with it shooting out a fuchsia colored web at the officer's body. He was soon launched into the air and the female soon pulled out a gun. "You're not Zero! Who are you?!" said the female.

Before she could fire, she was soon shocked by the two corpses that had fallen in front of her. She was soon webbed to her car being unable to do anything as she saw her partner land on the ground and the figure removed the dumpster. The criminal soon saw the person who made them look like fools being that it was that monster who attacked on Thanksgiving but oddly looked feminine at the exact same time.

She looked to be seven feet tall with her having a very monstrous frame. Her mouth was open and it revealed her sharp teeth. Her entire body is a white color with fuchsia colored lines all over its body and beady fuchsia colored eyes with a black outline. The monster walked slowly to the crook who was whimpering in fear. "Please! I promise that I'll do nothing evil ever again!" said the crook. He was soon pierced by a lance ,coming from the monster, as the monster said,"That doesn't matter.".

The crook's skin slowly began turning purple as he screamed. "Because you'll no longer live in this world since Zero wasn't able to save all of you from your deaths!" said the monster. The two cops were soon pierced as well with them screaming as well. The monster looked over her dirty worker and smiled. She grabbed the bags of money and she swung away. She soon landed on a rooftop that looked over the city.

She soon reverted back to her normal size, revealing that it was Toxic Widow. "Oh yeah. That felt real good. So when are we going after Darth?" said Toxic. She was quiet as Toxic said,"I see. We need to wait for the right moment then. I understand completely.". She soon heard,"And in other news, local hero Legion Zero has saved the day once again!". Toxic soon looked down at a TV with her growling and destroying it with two of her tendrils.

Later the next day at CPU labs, Bryan Jones was on his knees and clenching his fists and teeth. "It's happening again!" said Bryan. Around him, there was Andre, Karen, Zane, and Bryan's father Mr. Colin ,not the boy from Episode 13, Jones. Colin Jones worked as a local reporter for Selena's mom Betty Turner. He has nearly trimmed black hair with his face looking cleanly shaven and brown eyes. He has noticeable wrinkles on his face.

He's wearing a white buttoned down shirt with blue jeans and brown shoes. "Stay calm Bryan. Just take deep slow breaths." said Maxwell. "Deep breaths. My boy's clothes are shrinking right off him and you're telling him to take deep breaths?!" said Maxwell. "Yeah but to be fair, he seems to be going through puberty. Took him long enough." said Zane. This earned him a glare from Colin as Andre said,"I know that you two don't get along but seriously?".

Karen rolled her eyes as she said,"Andre. It's Zane.". "True but still." said Andre. Bryan was growing in size with his clothes ripping right off of him being that he began thrashing around the lab. Crisis Judgement went off as Twilight said,"I really hate having to keep a secret identity.". Zane sighed as he soon got backhanded into a table. "Zane!" said Andre and Karen. Colin temporarily stopped him as he said,"I got you son. Don't worry.". "No! Stay away dad!" said Bryan.

He soon started running again being that this time, he smashed right through the wall. "Wow. So how does this place still have funding? I mean it's been destroyed so many times." said Cole. Bryan soon came back with him looking more in control. "It's okay. The attack is over and I taught that wall a thing or two." said Bryan. "Are you joking about this?!" yelled Colin. "Yeah. It's one of the things that the docs taught me. Mask pain with laughter." said Brad.

He looked to be eight feet tall like Igor but more human like. His jock clothing barely fit him with Zane thankful that he was wearing some kind of pants. Max soon came back with him holding a heavy box. "This should help Bryan. Why don't you try it on in my office?" said Max. Bryan soon grabbed the box with him walking to Max's office. He was about to open the door with him soon remembering his superhuman strength. "I got it Bryan." said Karen, opening the door. 

Bryan soon went inside as Colin glared at Max with him shouting,"What's going on with my son! He isn't normal anymore!". "That much is obvious. When he was taken over by that creature that fought Zero two months ago, his DNA was exposed to the viruses that was on his body from who knows where." said Max. "So is he telling the truth or what Twilight?" said Zane. "Yeah but it's more like he's been infected by microscopic spores." said Twilight.

Zane soon nodded as Twilight said,"From what I gathered, these spores seem to hatch a ride on Darth when he was traveling through spaces. After we de-bonded the two, the spores must have latched on Bryan for support turning him into that.". As Twilight was talking to Zane, Max was explaining the exact thing to Colin. "Doctor Brock thinks that they may have come from a high mass and high gravity world like Jupiter." said Karen.

Colin looked at her as he said,"I don't care where they're from but I want them out of my son right now or else....". "We've tried to get rid of them using extreme heat and cold but the spores didn't budge an inch. I got some of them destroyed using electricity and sound but....." said Max. "I get to wear this awesome suit." said Bryan. The jock soon stood there with him wearing a dark green robot suit.

His chest, hands, the underside of his arms, his back, the back of his legs, and hips are black. His head is covered in a dark green football helmet with a solid black line going in front of it. In the center of his chest, there is a red monitor that looked to be measuring his heart rate. His shoulders looked to be padded. "I totally look like a hero right?" said Bryan. "You sure do." said Andre with Zane nodding.

Max soon walked up to him and said,"The spores have altered your body, making you heavier and stronger than the normal man. This suit will help slow you down, regulate your heartbeat, and help you live a normal life here in Cypress Park.". "Plus chicks dig superheroes." said Bryan. "I mean he isn't wrong but I don't like saying that he's cool." said Kane. "It's good to keep your spirits up. I'm not sure if your personality has changed." said Max with Bryan looking worried.

Meanwhile at Cypress Park, Leigh was at her locker. Instead of her dress, she's wearing something more casual. She isn't wearing her signature glasses due to her now wearing contacts. She has brown hair in a ponytail that's held there by a green four-leaf clover hair band. Her bangs are framing the sides of her face. She's wearing a pair of orange spherical earrings. She's wearing a dark green jacket with orange lining on the collar.

She's wearing it open, revealing a black t-shirt with light pink sleeves. She's wearing a blue pleated skirt that goes past her knees and black leggings. She wears high-top orange sneakers with white shoes and white laces. "Hey Leigh!" said a voice. Leigh closed her locker to see Brad hobbling over to her. "So how are you doing?" said Brad. "Fine. Are you doing okay?" said Leigh. "Yep. I only got a few more weeks and Rush is back baby!" said Brad with him flexing his muscles.

Leigh said,"You didn't exactly go anywhere though." "That's true!" said Brad with him laughing nervously. Leigh gave him a blank stare as Brad said,"What? Is there something on my face? I don't have a zit right?". "Nope. It's kinda nice to see you with something all of us teens have including our president." said Leigh. "Which is?" said Brad. "Fear." said Leigh with Brad looking confused and this forced Leigh to sigh.

She smiled as she said,"What I mean is that you're scared. I bet you've never talked this long to a girl without her swooning over the best quarterback in the history of Cypress High and the reason why we won state." said Leigh. "And made the winning pass at the cost of life and limb." said Brad. "I know who you are Bradley. We've been through Elementary to High School together. Even though you've changed, you were still a bully." said Leigh.

Brad looked away as Leigh said,"You ruined a lot of people's lives just because. Don't forget that I've seen you set off the sprinkles in the lab twice during junior year.". She soon walked off as Brad soon sulked. He knew that his past was haunting him being that he soon pulled out of his phone and he said,"Time to ask him for help. I'm sure he'll do it with him only making a couple of jokes but I'm totally wrong.".

Meanwhile in a recording studio, there was a man in his mid-thirties sitting behind his desk. This is Dwayne Strickland, a very famous producer in the music business being that he has worked with the hit band Phantom Wraiths and hit singer Astral Eternal. He recently gained the mega superstar Axel Anarchy, a famous rock star whose motto is,"Music should make you feel alive!". He was very big with the millennials right now.

Dwayne is tall with dark skin. He has no hair, with it shaved off due to his family having members with receding hair but he does have black eyebrows. He has green eyes. He's wearing a white suit jacket over a light green v-neck t-shirt with two gold buttons below the collar. He has on gray dress pants with black and silver sneakers. He's wearing a black woven bracelet with gold clasps on his right wrist along with a leather wristwatch. 

On his left hand. He has a gold ring with a blue sapphire in the middle of the ring. He was currently talking to a no-name hack ,in his opinion, who had come into his office complaining about having his duet being canceled with Axel. His name is Bernard ,but people call him Bernie, Barker. Bernie is an average height for his age of twenty eight. He has long thick brown hair and dark green eyes. He didn't have time to shave this morning.

He's wearing a blue athletic jacket with a silver zipper, blue jeans, and sneakers. Under his jacket, he has a purple v-neck tshirt and black necklace with turquoise beads. Bernie wasn't in a good mood right now with Dwayne trying to calm him down. "What do you mean by you cancelling my duel with Axel Anarchy?!" yelled Bernie. "Listen Barker. Mr. Anarchy's agent told me that Axel is regretful that he had to canceled your planned duet here in Cypress Park." said Dwayne.

Bernie said while slamming his hands down on the table,"But I waited five year for this! Me and Axel go way back so I know he can make the room!". Dwayne sighed as he said,"Look Bernie. I'm sorry but we can't. Axel's agents is one of the best and I hate to make her mad since she and Axel are quite close, almost like a married couple.". Bernie was pretty much destroyed at this being that his look of disappointment shifted into anger.

Bernie growled as he said,"Okay. I bet that you're real sorry and so is Axel! But he and that bitch will be regretting this! They will be!". He stormed out of the office with Dwayne thankful that his most troubled client was gone for now. He went back to work, planning events for his clients. Outside of his office building, Bernie was coming up with a plan to get his revenge on the duo of Axel and his agent for denying him.

Back at Cypress Park University, Karen and Zane were talking on the steps leading to campus. Karen was looking right at Zane with him saying,"So do you have something to tell me or what Karen?". "I guess I do." said Karen. Zane turned to his girlfriend as he said,"What's up?". "So do you know why my dad looked so tired? He came home with him looking so exhausted." said Karen. "I do but I promised your dad that I would keep it on the down low." said Zane.

Karen soon pulled out the puppy dog eyes with her saying,"Please Zaney. I just want to help my dad out.". "Yeah. I and the other detectives forced him to head back home and get some sleep. He's been dealing with the media about a certain case. If you can convince him, I'll tell you." said Zane. Karen smiled as she pulled out her phone and called her dad. "So Zane are you going to tell her about the mummification?" said Sivarth. "Is that what we're calling it?" said Athena.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. I mean they looked like Mummy Form without the wrapping except with purple colored skin. I can't believe how much poison they had in their system. It could easily kill a normal person with maybe a glass fill of the stuff but those poor people had enough poison is fill an Olympic sized pool at least fives times over. It seems to expand when it comes in contact with blood but from what I gathered, the poison can only kill if the creator pierces through the target's body.".

Zane soon began mumbling as Cole said,"And here comes the superpowers geek in full force. You do know that this in incredibly unattractive right?". "You can't really blame him Cole. I mean Zane going on and on about powers in general is just like Leif's love of the Zero System and Parker's love of the Z.E.R.O. watch. I think we should stop you because Karen needs you." said Twilight. Zane stopped as Karen sighed. "So that's a no." said Zane.

Karen nodded as she said,"It seems that this case that he has you on is really serious and doesn't want me on it.". She looked at him as Zane said,"And I'm not going to be sneaking you in.". "Ah. You're so mean." said Karen, sulking. Zane placed his hand on Karen's shoulder as he said,"Don't worry. I'll keep your old man safe and he'll keep me safe. It's a mutual partnership.". "Okay. You better not be lying Zane." said Karen. "I'm not Karen." said Zane.

Karen smiled as she said,"So changing subjects, have you heard from Rachel?". "Nope. Andrea says that Rachel is still sulking. I mean she really did want to see Axel live in person." said Zane. "Why are you such good friends with Rae's grandma?" said Karen. "We have a mutual love toward Love that Transcends Space and Time so we became friends." said Zane. "That's still strange. So do you know if Rachel is ever going to leave her room?" said Karen.

Zane sighed as he said,"Unless we can get tickets to Axel, I doubt we'll be able to get her out of there without using force.". "I see." said Karen. The two soon felt the ground shaking as Zane said,"We'll be taking about this later. Don't want anyone else to hear us.". The two Jones were soon joining them as Colin called for a taxi. "I still can't believe that there are taxis still around." said Cole. "I have to get you to the paper but I should drop by the hospital." said Colin.

Bryan nodded as Zane said,"Hey mind if I come with you guys?". "Why?" said Karen. "Because my job is nearby the paper and I kinda need to show up for work." said Zane. "Sure. I don't see why not but we're splitting the fare." said Colin. Karen hugged her boyfriend goodbye as she headed down to the subway and Zane got into the passenger seat of the taxi with the Jones men sitting in the back of the cab.

Due to Bryan's extra weight, the back of the car dropped to the ground and it made a loud screeching noise as it hit the pavement. Zane looked like the noise wasn't bothering him but in all reality, it was making him scream internally and his head felt like it was going to explode. "Sorry. I guess that's the sound of me kissing a normal life goodbye." said Bryan. Zane looked back with Sivarth saying,"I do feel bad for him but this noise is driving me insane.". "Yeah!" yelled Twilight.

Zane sighed as he said,"Don't think that man. You've been given a chance to do some real good for others.". "What are you talking about Alvarez? He's infected." said Colin. The driver looked really scared as Colin said,"He isn't going to infect you. Eyes on the road.". "Look. I'm just saying that you have the power to become a hero like Morph and Zero are." said Zane. He was soon interrupted by Colin's phone as he said,"Talk.".

Colin listened to the person who called him as he said,"Really? No way! This is really good!". "There is some kind of monster rampaging through Cypress Park and she's going on a murder spree!" said Colin. "What part of any of that is good?!" said Zane. "The boss lady wants everyone on even the interns! Victim stories! Eye witnesses accounts! Beast vs Hero! This is going to be perfect! We're finally going to get a real hero!" said Colin.

He looked at Bryan with him saying,"I call you right back.". He hanged up as Colin said,"You can take down that murderous psychopath son!". "What are you talking about?" said Bryan. "You have the costume so you're already half way there to become a hero. We just need a cheesy yet catchy name to draw people in. I think Commander Weight. No, it's too stupid." said Colin. Zane gave them a blank stare with him thinking,"So do you think he'll come up with a name before we get there?".

Colin said,"What about Goliath?". "Not bad. I like it." said Zane, throwing the man a thumbs up. "But dad, you hate superheroes." said Bryan. "Since when?" said Colin. "According to Selena, I think since you joined up with Cypress Chronicles." said Zane. "I only hate those heroes who wear masks being that they got nothing to hide if they fully trust the people like Warrior. I mean he's a real hero and I guess Zero isn't that bad." said Colin. "Ah. He gave you a compliment." said Athena.  

Colin smiled as he said,"Boy. You're a football player which everyone in the US loves. You love him right?". He soon bothered the driver as Sivarth said,"I really hope that he doesn't cause a traffic jam with his annoying nature.". "You'll be the one to bring this monster to justice." said Colin. "I guess we're going monster hunting gang. I really hope that I can bring this monster down without any more death" thought Zane, looking forward.    

A bit later, Zane ,in costume, was flying through the city and looking for the monster being he was currently patrolling over the park. According to the police, the murder seems to be heading in this direction. "So do you guys think that it's Toxic? I mean she did escape and she screamed murderer to me." said Zane. "Yeah but it could be Darth. I mean his prison had been broken." said Twilight. "But either whoever the murder is, they could be leading us and the police into a trap." said Kane.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah.". He soon looked down to see the stage was being set up for Axel Anarchy's concert in two days on Saturday. "Wow. This place is totally going to be packed without question." said Zane. "Yeah. I don't get why you humans like music so much to go crazy." said Sivarth. "Music is just something that gets us humans moving. I can't really explain it." said Zane as he soon hearing the sounds of screaming fans.

Zane soon looked down to see Axel Anarchy shielded by his bouncers from about fifty wild fan girls wanting to get close to the rock star. Axel Anarchy is his early 30s with him fair peach colored skin. He has a tall, slender figure with a well-defined muscle tone. He has messy looking red hair with most of it put up, reminiscing of flames. His bangs drape over his forehead and right eye with his left eye being revealed and it's a green color. He has a stubble beard.

He's wearing a crimson red waistcoat ,with gold trims, and under it, he's wearing a black long sleeved muscle shirt that showed off his muscles quite well. He's wearing blue jeans which are tucked into gray combat boots. He wears three belts making him stick out. He wore spiked wrist bands with matching spiked shoulder pads. He's wearing dark yellow finger less ,biker style, glove and a gold and red ring on his left hand. He's currently holding his gold guitar.

Zane could tell that the bouncers were getting bulldozed by the fans and could tell that Axel was in trouble. "Mind if I help him out?" said Zane. "Not at all." said Twilight. He soon turned into String Form with Cole saying,"Why this guy?". "Because why not and he works great for crowd control being that the strings of fate was unlucky for these girls." said Zane. "Just don't do anything too perverted." said Athena. Zane jumped down as he got ready for action.

As Axel tried to shield himself from the fan girls, he soon heard,"Looks like you need my help don't you superstar?". Axel soon saw all of the girls being held in the air by purple and white string as Axel turned to see Zane standing there. "You're Zero aren't you?" said Axel in a British accent. "I am and with how crazy these girls are, we need to get out of here!" said Zane, noticing that the girl's string prison was breaking.

Axel soon nodded as Zane deactivated String Form and turned into Phoenix Form. "Grab on and hopefully, your clothes are fire proof!" said Zane. "With how crazy my concerts get kid, that type of clothing is needed." said Axel. The two soon flew away from the mob with Sivarth saying,"Those girls were being controlled by something. I noticed the earpieces.". "Yeah. I'll figure that after I drop off the rockstar." said Zane.

Axel knew that he could trust Zane because he knew the hero quite well. The two were soon at one of the five star hotels in Cypress Park with Zane saying,"So which one are you staying at?". "That one down there." said Axel. He pointed down to a hotel with Zane going in for a landing. Axel laughed a bit as his feet touched the ground of the hotel room's deck. "Man. It's always fun to fly around the birds isn't it. So how is my favorite hero doing? You look good." said Axel.

Zane smiled as he said,"Good Axel. I know that you could have handled them but I rather not have you blowing your cover. The Alliance isn't exactly well known by the general public and well, I rather not you getting attacked by Swarm just because you're not exactly human.". Axel nodded as he said,"I'm kinda thankful that you didn't use your more smelly forms. I like you Zane but man, you've stunk worse than a freaking pigstyle before.".

Zane deactivated Phoenix Form with him currently in his clothing. The two fist bumped as Axel said,"I know that I didn't say this before but thanks for saving me mate. To be honest, I was this close to breaking my cover because those fans were in fact going to maul me. None of them looked to be that strong but looks are totally deceiving.". "It's actually a bit more complicated. Mind if I talk with Verna? She's here right?" said Zane.

Axel nodded as he said,"Yeah! She should be in here.". He opened the door to his hotel room with Crisis Judgement going off. "Um Axel. Maybe we should tell her that we're here." said Zane. "Nah. I think everyone will be good kid." said Axel. "Whatever. I'll wait out here....." said Zane. He soon heard a loud scream and a slap with Zane said,"And I told you so.". After a few minutes, Zane was sitting with a heavily bruised Axel and a woman who looks familiar.

She's the same orange-hair woman who crashed into Zane two years ago and just before Zane went to fight Daemon aka Episode 68. She has fair skin with her still looking to be around Kurt and Lucius's hair. She has long and natural orange hair and magenta/pink eyes. Her hair had a few strands sticking out in front of her face and the rest was in a ponytail that went up to her shoulders. She has full lips with cherry red lipstick, cherry red nail polish, and a beauty mark.

It's located on the left side of her mouth. Her figure is quite curvaceous ,very much like Taylor, and she looked amazing. She wears a thin gold necklace that rested on her chest. Instead of the outfit that she wore before, she wore something else. She's wearing a dark purple jacket with a silver zipper over a white v-neck t-shirt. She's wearing black jeans with rose-pink tennis shoes. Along with her necklace, she's wearing a silver choker with a gold skull pendant.

This is Verna Walton with her being the assistant to Darin Alvarez, the agent to Axel Anarchy, and member of the Alliance. "So it's nice to see you again Zane." said Verna. "Yeah. Sorry about Axel bursting in on you while you're changed. I told him that we should have waited but you know how Axel can be." said Zane, earning a nod from Verna. "Ha you guys. So what did you mean by the whole situation with my fans being more complicated?" said Axel.

Zane soon explained to the two about the girls being controlled the eyepieces along with the killer in Cypress Park. "Wow. It seems that you're having a bit of trouble." said Verna. "A bit is an freaking understatement." said Axel. "Yeah. I'm not telling you to cancel your concert. Just keep an eye out and try to stay safe. I can't have you getting in danger again." said Zane. "I'll try Zane but it's like with your grandfather." said Verna.

Zane nodded as he said,"It's fine Verna. You handle my grandpa and Axel is slightly better than he is but not by much.". "True." said Verna. "Why do you guys like making fun of me?" said Axel with him sulking. "Because it's fun." said the two. Axel soon recovered with him saying,"Anyway, I would like to repay for you saving me. I was going to give you once I got a chance but we've been so busy so I haven't had a good chance until now.".

Zane said with his arms crossed,"Thanks Axel. You should know that I don't do the whole hero thing for a reward.". "It's more like gratitude plus the money that you get from the Alliance is quite nice isn't it Zane?" said Verna. "Kinda." said Zane. "Well, I got something that's even better than cold hard cash." said Axel. "And what's that?" said Zane. "This." said Axel. He soon held up three tickets as he said,"Those are tickets for my concert on Saturday. Here you go man.".

Zane grabbed them with him saying,"Thanks. One of my friends really want to go to your concert in the first place. She'll be grateful for these tickets and owe me big time.". "Is she one of your girls that you mentioned in your report? You should have seen Darin sulking like a baby. I mean he never had that great of luck with ladies at your age." said Verna. "Must have been fun but I have to get going. It was nice seeing you two lovebirds." said Zane.

Axel and Verna blushed with Zane saying,"I know that I brought you two together so please remain together even if Axel is an idiot. He's a good agent but he has a dream of touching people with his music. He's really good at what he does.". "Yeah. He charmed me after all." said Verna. Zane soon turned into Legion Zero and flew off. "Wow. He's a great kid isn't he?" said Axel. "Yeah. Now, lets talk about you going to the stage early even I told you not." said Verna, earning a gulp from Axel.

After leaving the hotel, Zane soon heard a car going crazy. He looked down to see an armored car driving crazy on the street below with it soon flipping over to its left. Zane landed on it and walked over to the passenger's side. He soon looked to see two police officers who was driving the armored car being that the driver was like the other victims of mummification with him looking like a dried out husk of a human being and purple skin. 

Zane said,"So what happened here?". "Zero! It was that another monster whose been killing people left and right! She killed my partner and took the money." said the officer. "Okay. If you can, try not to touch your partner. I'm not sure if the infection can spread." said Zane. Before Zane could rip off the door, a white web soon grabbed Zane's back and got sent to the top of a rooftop. Zane landed as he turned to see Toxic standing there.

Zane soon got thrown into a pigeon coop with Toxic saying,"I know that you missed me and this time, I taste the Vordlarin traditor on you!". Toxic soon sent two tendrils flying toward Zane with Zane saying,"Not happening!". He soon made two giant balls of fire, sending them right toward the Vordlarin, knocking her back a bit. "Whoever you have captured inside of you, you need to fight her right now!" said Zane.

Toxic soon began laughing like creepy with her scaring Zane a bit. "Unlike the Princess and my primogenitor, I have no need for a host!" said Toxic. "Impossible! We can't survive on your planet's atmosphere." said Twilight. Toxic jumped in the air with her hands turning into claws. She tried to smash Zane with Zane easily dodging the attack. Zane soon turned into Pyre Form and jumped right at Toxic. "Hellfire Emperor Pulverizing Claw!" said Zane.

His hand was soon lit on fire and forming a dragon claw of fire. He soon swiped at Toxic, sending her back a good distance away from him. She looked down to see that she had a nasty looking dragon claw like scar on her chest. She screamed out in pain with her saying,"You'll pay for that!". She soon fired webs toward Zane with Zane saying,"Those webs won't work on me!". He soon burned them away upon coming in contact with him.

Zane soon grabbed her with him saying,"You may be a female but I'm an Eazairvian so I don't care about being PC!". He soon threw into the air being that Zane soon threw a fireball toward her and it exploded, sending her crashing into an electric box. It soon fell to the ground with it hitting the oil that had came from the armored car earlier. It soon covered the entire area in flames with the officer ,who hadn't been mummified, safely escaping.

This is because Zane ,while fighting Toxic, sending a clone to cut out an escape for the officer and it exploded. The officer soon covered his face as the truck exploded. It soon cause some of the fire to hit a nearby building which was soon engulfed in flames. Bryan saw the building on fire with him getting worried. "Wow. I better call for the fire department." said Bryan. His heart rate was slowly increasing as he said,"No. I can do this right? I mean I have power.".

He soon jumped from his apartment building toward the fire and he said,"Time for Goliath to save the day!". At the fire, Zane and Toxic were currently fighting onto the rooftop of the flame covered building. "So you have to tell me. Why are you killing innocent people? I mean you just want me right?! Hellfire Emperor Nova Burst." said Zane. He soon made two blasts of flames which travels right toward Toxic. Upon reaching her, the flames soon burned Toxic.

She screamed as she said,"Sometimes things are just too simple!". She soon threw a vent system at Zane who dodged it. "I just want to have fun. What's so wrong with that?" said Toxic. Zane could hear people screaming in terror. "Listen crazy chick. I'll have to handle your but kicking for a later days since there are people to save." said Zane. "Who cares about them?! They're nothing more than subjects to test my blood upon." said Toxic.

Zane looked confused as Toxic smiled. "Why should I tell you anything when there are people to save." said Toxic. Zane soon rushed toward her being that Crisis Judgment went off. Bryan soon landed on the rooftop with him saying,"Hi there Zero. I came here to help you contain this fire. Oh and my name is Goliath.".  He soon ripped out part of the building with him jumping down and Zane said,"Okay man. You're up.".

Zane soon made a clone of Pyre Form as Zane deactivated Pyre Form. "Okay. You try to gather the fire while me and SF go save people." said Zane. The clone nodded as he soon descended to the ground and began absorbing the flames. Zane soon followed after SF who had just rescued an older couple with him bursting out of the building. He let go of the elderly couple as the woman said with a smile,"Thank you.". "Just doing the right thing." said Bryan as he jumped back into the building.

Inside of the building, Zane was standing nearby by an open window as he said with him pointing to a candy syrup slide,"Alright everyone! It's time for everyone to ride the Sweet Slide!". Several people went down the slide with there being an explosion in a different part of the building. A mother and her child were running down the stairs but the stairs soon broke, causing the mother to fall to her death and her child was screaming,"Mommy!".

Just before she hit the floor, she was caught by the clone of Pyre Form. "Are you Zero?" said the woman. "Not exactly but you're not wrong. Let me get your son." said Pyre Clone. He soon create a giant fire hand and it grabbed the child. The clone soon broke the wall in front of him with him making a giant fire slide. "Don't worry. It's safe." said Pyre Clone. They went down the fire slide with Pyre Form going back to absorbing the flames around him.

Above him, Zane ,who was intangible, was checking around to see if anyone else was trapped under the rubble. "Is there anyone in here?!" shouted Zane. "Get lost Right Now!" said an unknown voice as Zane followed it. "Sorry but that can't..." said Zane as he found the source of the voice. He soon saw that the TV was playing a scene of a woman screaming,"Get Lost Right Now!" to a killer as he said,"Okay then. I guess everyone is out of here.".

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane looked up to see part of the building about to hit him. He soon saw the rubble being grabbed by Bryan. "You do know that I could have easily avoided or destroyed it with no problem." said Zane. "It just looked like you need a hand for a real man." said Bryan. "You do know that I'm like your senior in the hero business." said Zane. "Sorry but this is way too much fun." said Bryan. 

A bit later, the duo of Bryan and Zane managed to save every single people that was inside of the burning building and onto the street. The fire was being contained by the fire department and the Pyre Form clone as Zane said,"Okay then. You really did good for your first night of being a hero.". "Hey there Zero! I know who caused the fire! It was that monster!" said the officer. "Yeah. You're right and don't worry. I'll handle it." said Zane, earning a cheer for the crowd.

The Pyre Form clone was gone as Zane heard police sirens. "Well, that would be my que to leave. I got more crime fighting to do." said Zane. He was about to fly away with his right leg being grabbed by Bryan. "You shouldn't do this alone. You have my support got it?" said Bryan. "Yeah but not right now." said Zane. "Why?" said Bryan as Zane phases his right leg out of Bryan's grip. "Because this is my responsibility." said Zane.

Bryan crossed his arms as he said,"And how can I trust you?". "I'm a pretty trustworthy guy and since I'm so nice, you take full credit for saving these people. Way to good Goliath. You did good. Later man." said Zane as he soon flew away. Nearby, Toxic watched as she smiled. "I think I found the next person who to give my blood to. He seems like he won't be dying from my injections." said Toxic as she swung away.

Zane ,out of costume, was heading over to Rachel's house with him thinking about the tickets that he got from Axel, his rematch with Toxic, and how Bryan helped him save all of those people. "Okay. I really hope that nothing goes wrong in the next couple of days." said Zane. "You do know by saying that, you're just begging for fate to mess it up right?" said Cole. "Yeah Cole but Rae is going to be so happy that I got tickets to Axel Anarchy." said Zane.

Zane soon overheard,"Screw that loser Axel Anarchy!". He soon turned to see Bernie Barker sitting at a bust stop bench with him looking wasted. "What did you mean by that man?" said Zane. "Axel Anarchy may seem like a nice guy but all that he does is ruin peoples lives!" said Bernie. "Okay. You are very much drunk beyond belief. Have a nice day sir." said Zane, walking away. "What a werido to say the very least." thought all of Team Legion Zero.

Zane soon arrived at the Powell house with him entering it after greeting Andrea. He need to find Rachel as Zane headed upstairs. He soon walked down the hall hearing music coming from the room where Rachel stays. He noticed that the door was ajar with him seeing Rachel ,in her sleepwear from Episode 108, sitting there watching an Axel Anarchy concert on her tablet. Zane shook his head as he knocked on the bedroom door. "Hey Rae. It's me." said Zane.

Rachel heard her name being called as she looked over to see Zane standing there in the door way and paused her video to great Zane. "Hey Zane. What's up?" said Rachel. Zane walked in and he said,"Wow. Your room hasn't changed at all.". "Unlike you, I don't exactly have powers to design my room whenever I want. So what's up? You do know that I'm still sulking about not getting tickets to see Axel Anarchy right?" said Rachel who sighed.

Zane smiled as he said,"And I'm really sorry for you. I do have something to bring back your smile though". "What?" said Rachel. "Just a gift for my best ,female, friend." said Zane, holding out three tickets. Upon seeing the tickets, Rachel gawked and stared at the tickets. "No way! Zane, are those really?!" said Rachel with her heart beating fast. "Yep. You have a certain friend to thank for getting these tickets for you." said Zane.

Rachel soon threw her arms around Zane as she began kissing his cheek no-stop. "Thank you! This is the best thing you could ever do for me!" said Rachel. Zane laughed at his friend's enthusiasm while trying to get her off. "Rachel. You do remember that I have six girlfriends and while they may not look like it, they aren't a fan of girls being flirtatious with me since I can't exactly control my Akostar hormones." said Zane. Rachel soon let him got with a blush on her.

Rachel said,"Zane. Sorry for that. You know how big of a fan I am of Axel. Thanks you for doing this for me. "Hey. I'll do everything in my power that I can for my friends." said Zane. The two soon hugged as Andrea said,"Ah. You two are so close.". The teens turned to see their elder as Rachel said with a blush,"Grandma! It isn't like that! Me and Zane are just friends! Beside, he already has girls in his life.". "And whose says that he can't have more?" said Andrea.

After Andrea finished her teasing, Rachel said,"So you got three tickets?". "Yep." said Zane as he was helping Andrea reorganized the china cabinet using his telekinesis. "So who are you giving the third one to? And you really don't have to do this Zane. Grandma is just using you." said Rachel. "Yeah. I'll tell you tomorrow plus this is great training for my telekinesis." said Zane. "You can be such a tease you know that?" said Rachel. "Yeah I am." said Zane.

Meanwhile in a basement, Bernie was at a construction table being that he was currently upgrading a guitar with it being a Fender Stratocaster and looking like a scythe. He seems to be upgrading it in a mad scientist manner with him saying,"Perfect. My spectacular Excalibur is complete. I may have failed in killing Axel Anarchy with his fans thanks to Legion Zero butting in like always. Your sound will be bringing me success as a world famous rock star!".

He soon began laughing manically with him stopping. He soon puked his guts out. "Note to self, I shouldn't have drinking so much. Anyway, I need to get to make the world feel my amazing musical talent!" said Bernie. He snickered into the reflection of his guitar as he said,"But before, I need to get ready by changing my appearance!". He was being watched by Toxic as she said,"Yeah. I'll be using the both of them as a distraction for Zero.".

The next day at Cypress High, Zane was walking Roxy to class as Roxy sniffed the air. "So Zaney, I know that you can't get drunk or injured by lung disease but I really don't want you to start drinking and smoking." said Roxy. She looked at Zane with him saying,"What?! I mean I do drink but only in moderation but not on the limit as a addict. I smell like both of them because the building that I was saving last night was on fire and most of the people saved were drunk".

Athena said,"Smooth moves Casanova.". "Well, I'm only human plus I didn't want to lie to her and I thought you got rid of the smoke and alcohol smell Twilight." said Zane. "Well, I did my best but I'm kinda dealing with the fact that there is another Vulcorian wandering around." said Twilight. "I'm not mad Twilight. You have a perfectly good reason." said Zane. He soon kissed Roxy on the cheek bye as he stood by a locker.

Crisis Judgement went off as Brad slammed his hand into the locker. "You do know that isn't helping you on not being an bully anymore front right?" said Zane. "Leigh is totally immune to the Rush's charms! Help!" said Brad, pointing to Leigh who was talking with Karen and Kristen who were okay with Zane taking Roxy to class. "Have you tried treating her as a person?" said Zane. "Of course so you're going to tell me how to make her go out with me!" said Brad.

Kane said,"I know that you two are pals now but a beast like Brad and a beauty like Leigh is straight out of a fairy tale. Good luck Zaney. You'll need it.". "Okay. I'll help you but why me exactly?" said Zane. "Because you have several girls including cool girl Rachel like you and you helped Danny and Gwen together. Please man." said Brad. He looked serious as Zane sighed. "Look man, I'll be honest with you. You're going to struggle a lot." said Zane.

Brad looked at Zane with Zane saying,"The best thing for you to do is do things that she likes and just being a better person than you were for the past six years. It'll take some time but you and her will be together.". Brad looked at Leigh with him saying,"This isn't going to be real hard.". "You could always date a cheerleader but they're easy with Kris being the exception. Leigh is going to be a challenge. Will the captain take the challenge?" said Zane. Brad smiled as he said,"Bring it on!".

At the Jones apartment, Bryan was watching TV. "And it seems that Zero has done it again! Our hero is always on the job and protecting the city. Thank you Zero!" said the reporter. Bryan turned off the TV as he said,"I thought that he was focused on capturing the criminal who set up the fire. Why isn't he focused on that.". Before he could do anything, Toxic soon kicked Bryan into the wall and left a crater in his place. "Touchdown!" said Toxic.

Bryan recovered as he said,"You've made a big mistake messing with me!". "I'm here to test you and see if you're worthy to take my blood. I mean you've been with my kind before." said Toxic as she smiled. Bryan was confused as Toxic soon turned her fingers into tentacles. They soon went around Bryan with him trying to break out. "You're not leaving without being tested." said Toxic as she sprouted two arms from her back and fired webbing at the wall behind Bryan.

She soon pulled the wall down onto Bryan with her turning her fingertips into syringes. She stabbed them into Bryan with him screaming. His skin was turning purple but like the previous victims, his skin wasn't mummifying. Instead his eyes were changing an eerie black color. Toxic went over to the window that she came through and she smiled. "Now have fun you two." said Toxic as she swung off and Bryan removed the rubble onto of him, with his heartbeat beating faster.

At the police precinct, Colin was currently yelling at Scott. "Castro! You have five seconds to tell me why that monster isn't behind bars!" yelled Colin. "It's always nice to meet you Colin." said Scott. "If Zero can't do it, I've heard about this new hero. He goes by the name Goliath." said Colin. "You mean your son Colin." said Scott. "That isn't the point here. He single handily rescued a billion people from a burning building!" said Colin.

Before Scott could say anything, they heard a tap on the window and Zane ,as Legion Zero, floated there. "Hey. It was more like fifty person. Don't be exaggerating the truth. Sorry that I'm late but you would not believe the traffic in this city and I fly everywhere." said Zane. "It's fine kid. I completely understand." said Scott. Colin's jaw dropped as Zane smirked. "Wow. This is actually worth coming down here to his stunned look." said Sivarth as Zane phased through the wall.

Scott said,"You know that most people go through doors right?". "Yeah but it's more fun to phase through objects." said Zane. "I won't argue on that because it isn't worth it." said Scott. "So what are you doing here?! I thought you were after the monster!" said Colin. "Well, I found her. She's like Darth." said Zane. "Darth. You mean that creature who took over Colin's son." said Scott. "Yeah but they are from the same species." said Zane.

Colin looked confused as he said,"Huh? Are you saying that the monster is the same thing that infected my son?". "Yep. She's also been killing innocent people to see if they're worth of her blood. I don't get it myself because she's loco." said Zane. "So what are you going to do to capture her?" said Scott. Before Colin could say anything, his phone soon rang. "Hey Bryan. What's up?" said Scott. On the other end, Bryan was talking with his dad thanks to an ear piece.

Bryan said,"I'm going to find Zero and make him pay.". He soon landed onto a rooftop and jumped off it. "Well, I don't think Zero is the guy you're supposed to be looking for. The cops says that it's a female version of that creature that took over you at Thanksgiving." said Colin. "I know but Toxic says that he needs to die for making her look stupid!" yelled Bryan. His heartbeat was going faster by the minute as Zane overheard them. "Oh shit." thought Zane.

Twilight said,"Toxic must have gotten to him and injected him with her blood. I guess that he's going to be another Vordlarin.". "Great and I thought having two of them wasn't bad enough." said Zane as he sighed. "Listen Bryan. The spores are talking for you." said Colin. "Goliath is going to kill Zero right now!" yelled Bryan, breaking the headset. Colin dropped his phone as Zane said,"I better get going. You heard your son. I can't be late for my date.".

Colin looked at Zane with him saying,"Listen. I know that I may not seem like it but I do care for my son. He was controlling by that monster before and it's happening again. I couldn't do anything either time but you have a way to help him right?". "I do and I'll get your son back. I promise." said Zane as he looked serious. Colin nodded as he said,"Thank you Zero.". Zane nodded as he soon phased out of the station and flew off. 

Zane was flying around Cypress Park, working as a bait for Goliath. "So what's the plan? I mean I know that we promised to cure Bryan but how are we going to do that?" said Cole. "Just watch and you'll be amazed." said Zane. "Zero!" yelled a voice. Zane stopped as he looked to see Bryan running after him, breaking the ground with each step. "Wow! You're such a big boy Goliath! I mean you're breaking the ground with each step!" said Zane, hanging off a pole.

Crisis Judgement went off as Bryan leaped toward Zane to crush them. "Like you could tackle me. I mean you couldn't do it before the powers." said Zane. He soon phased through Bryan with him soon turning into Sound Form. He soon kicked Bryan to the street with Zane saying,"And that looks just painful pal.". Zane soon landed nearby the crater of Bryan as Zane said,"You're being controlled by another Vordlarin. If that's your kink, I won't judge you out load.".    

Bryan glared at him with him saying,"Do you think you're funny?!". "Well, I'm told often that my jokes are so bad that they feel painful to people." said Zane. Bryan roared as he tried to hit Zane but Zane soon floated in the air. "Time to play catch football star." said Zane. Zane soon flew off as Bryan chased after him. This chase went on for about thirty minutes ,with Cole feeling that it was hours, as Bryan finally got Zane.

He soon tackled them through a glassed window and inside of the building, they were in the Cypress Park Planetarium. It was obvious thanks to the planet like statues. Zane looked at Bryan who was angry and his heart was beating faster by the minute. "Zane. His strength seem to increase when his heart rate goes up plus the beeping is so annoying." said Athena. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane soon turned into Werewolf Form and jumped away from Bryan's stomp.

He soon saw the wolf landing on the Earth statue with him saying,"You're being controlled by the spores and Toxic. The two of them are clearly altering your head. It's making you more angry and you're acting stupider than normal.". "Don't antagonize him!" yelled Cole. "Nah. It makes it more fun." said Kane. "I'm not stupid!" yelled Bryan. He soon punched the Earth with Zane soon jumping to another planet.

Zane shook his head as he said,"Wow man. You punched the Earth. Low blow". "So what's your plan Zane?" said Sivarth. "Like Axel, I'm going to rock his mind with sound!" said Zane. Bryan threw the Earth at Zane who blended into the shadows, evading the attack. Bryan looked for Zane as Zane was hiding in the shadow of the teen. "This is too easy. Moon Kick!" said Zane. He soon fired an extended jab with his right fist and front kicking the target with the matching foot.

He soon went toward the ground with him glaring at Zane. He soon landed on the Saturn statue with him ripping the wire from the planet and threw it at Zane who dodged it. Zane landed on the ground with Bryan going after him. Zane dodged the giant's punches as he said in a master like tone,"You may have power big beast but lack the speed to use it effectively.". "Shut up!" yelled Bryan. "Nah but you can try to make me." said Zane.

Zane kicked Bryan into a mirror room as Bryan said,"There is nothing that you can do to stop me Zero! I'll be the true hero of this town! Toxic promised this to me!". "Sorry but that won't be happening at all! Werewolf Prime!" said Zane with him glowing bright purple. He grew to 10 feet tall with his fur color staying the same color and looks to be slightly more muscular. The fur around his eyes changes to white being that it looks like a domino style mask.

His sideburns get slightly less bushy and he grows a second tail being it’s more fluffy. His nose are now more triangular with it turning black. His eyes are now glowing red being that his mouth is filled with sharp teeth. When his mouth closed, eight fangs are exposed. He has four in the upper half and four in the lower half. The claws that cover his feet and hands turn into blades. His arms have three scythe like blades protruding from his arms.

He wears metal bracelets over his wrists and ankles. Like before he isn’t wearing his costume but something else. He's still wearing white bandages over his forearms, black pants with a black martial arts belt, and goes barefoot. He now has on on black and red armored gauntlets and vest with steel shoulder pads. He howled at Bryan with him saying,"You may want to cover your ears!". He released out a powerful howl, causing Bryan to scream in pain and the glass broke around him.

Zane soon watched Bryan shrink back to a normal size as he was out cold. Zane checked his pulse as he said,"Well, the spores are gone and just to make sure that we don't have to fight him.". Zane soon turned into Restore Form with him injecting with a special virus that would prevent him from being controlled by Toxic or any Vordlarin ever again. Zane soon hear the police with him saying,"I hope you get better Bryan.". He was soon gone.

The next day, Zane was talking with Andre on the phone. He and Rachel were currently waiting for their third member of the group. They were waiting at Rachel's house as Zane said,"So how is Bryan doing Andre?". "He got the spores out of him but he's acting crazy. He wants the power that was given to him by the gods. I feel bad for Colin." said Andre. "Yeah. Jungle Legs may have been a pain in the ass but he didn't deserve that." said Zane. "Yeah. Have fun at Axel's concert." said Andre.

Zane hanged up as he looked at Rachel. "So how is the Brad and Leigh go? I kinda tuned that whole thing out since I was busy with Goliath." said Zane. "So why are you such a power and romance nerd Zane?" said Rachel. "No idea Rae but you love this scene of me." said Zane as he shrugged. "I guess so. Lets just say that Brad and Leigh isn't working. She's a smart girl but Brad likes her and he's determined." said Rachel. "Ah. Going to be blocking him." said Zane.

The doorbell rang as Zane said,"And she's here.". The two teens went up to the door and Zane soon opened it. Heidi stood there as she said,"Hi you guys.". "Seriously? You picked Heidi." said Rachel with her arms crossed. Heidi sulked as Zane said,"Rachel. Heidi here is a friend of mine plus she loves Axel.". "Sorry about that Heidi. Zane here didn't tell me that you were coming. He seems to do that often right?" said Rachel.

Heidi nodded as she said,"That's fine. I'm just happy to be invited. I really like Axel and when Zane offered me a ticket, I fainted.". Rachel looked at Zane with him nodding. "Sometimes Zane. So is she part of the team?" said Rachel. "Yep and I won't let you guys down! I mean you guys are my heroes plus I get to work alongside Zero just like Parker told me." said Heidi. "And you said that telling her my secret would be a bad idea." said Zane. The two girls sighed as they said,"Sometimes Zane.".

The three were soon at the park with Heidi saying,"So the murders are the result of a Vordlarin like Twilight?". "Kinda. From what Twilight gathered from our fight, she seems to be a false Vordlarin being an exact copy except not connected to the rest of her race." said Zane. Heidi nodded as Rachel said,"So what's your plan to go after her?'. "Honestly, I'm waiting for her to come at me being that my enemies seem to do that." said Zane. "Smart plan." said Rachel.

They soon arrived at the park, seeing rock and roll fans pouting in. "Wow. I think this is going to be a full show." said Zane. "Yeah. Axel tends to do that. He's also going to be premiering a new song and I bet all of these people want to hear it." said Rachel. "Ah. So are you two excited?" said Zane with the two girls nodding. "So have you hear this new song before?" said Athena as Zane handed his tickets to the guy at the gate. "Nope. Axel is pretty secretive when it comes to his music." said Zane.

The three were soon at the almost front of his stage with Rachel saying,"I'm so ready for this!". "It's a brand new song!" said Heidi with the two screaming plus they were jump up and down. Zane soon smiled as Sivarth said,"So did you expect to see the cool Rachel and shy Heidi act like fangirls in your lifetime?". "Nope but it's a interesting view for the eyes." said Zane. Suddenly, a voice spoke on the intercom and this got everyone's attention.

The voice said,"Ladies and gentlemen! Are you ready to feel the music?! Axel is here to show you the power of music and how it can change your world!". The curtains opened up as Axel Anarchy took the stage, causing the crowd to roar loudly with cheer and applause. Despite Zane's really good hearing, he was doing fine since he had layers of candy syrup in his ears to prevent really loud noises but he could still hear people just fine.

Axel took the mic and said,"Good evening Cypress Park! I'm excited to be playing for all you guys and gals!". He soon began rocking out with Rachel said,"This is my song!". She and Heidi played air guitar as Zane just watched. The music stopped much to the crowd's confusion. "Hey. Who stopped the music?" said Axel. At that moment, laughter could be heard from the speaker. "If you thought that was a performance everyone, you've seen nothing yet!" said the voice.

The crowd was confused as Zane thought,"That voice. You can't be serious. It's that drunk guy from the other night!". He facepalmed as smoke covered the stage and walking onto the scene was Bernie with him dressed rather strange. He's wearing white face paint to make his face look like a skull with turquoise pupils. His hair is slicked back and colored white. He's wearing a dark blue tunic with a guitar symbol in the center and has a waist-length cape.

He's wearing it with black leather pants and leather boots. His eyes were covered by red goggles with him carrying his upgraded looking guitar. The crowd of fans gasped as Bernie turned to Axel. "Hey there Axel. Remember me?" said Bernie. Axel put his hand on his chin with him thinking about it. It took him fifteen minutes before Bernie said,"Is it seriously not obvious?". "Wait a gosh darn minute. I think I know you are now." said Axel.

Bernie smiled as Axel said,"You've Dave from accounting!". The crowd ,except for Zane, and Bernie fell to the ground with Zane shaking his head. "Don't change Axel." thought Zane. "It's Bernie you idiot!" yelled Bernie. "Huh. You look different. Did you do something to your hair?" said Axel. "No you idiot. I'm now the Rock Lord! Thank you everyone for coming to my show!" said Bernie as the crowd got scared. "Why are you doing this?" said Axel. "Like you don't know." said Bernie.

Axel shrugged as he said,"Honestly man, I probably don't.". Bernie sighed as he said,"I've waited my entire life for stardom being that I had to do a lot of sucking up and brown noising to get a chance to work with you but no! Your people cut me out! I'm here to get my revenge by taking your precious fans from you!". "Seriously? That's why you're doing this. That isn't why I'm a musician man. It's to touch people with my music." said Axel.

He crossed his arms as he said,"And the reason why we didn't work together is because you have no love for your music and I can't stand that type of musician.". Bernie's eyes twitched as he said,"Screw you! I'll make you see the truth!". He turned around to see two bouncers were coming at him and he began strumming his guitar so fast as he said,"Control!". The two bouncers soon stopped in place and then grabbing Axel. "What did you do to your ax?" said Axel.

Bernie smiled as he said,"I guess I should tell you that I can now control people by strumming my guitar and also make a very powerful wave of sound! Let me show you what I can really do!". He walked toward Axel with Zane knowing that Axel wouldn't want to show that he wasn't human being that Zane smiled. "Hey you talentless hack! Get off the stage! No one wants you include your mom!" said Zane. "Did you really have to do that Zane?" said Kane.

Zane smiled as he said,"Since I was not supposed to do that, I had to. It's a rule of being a hero.". The crowd began booing as Bernie growled. "Silence now!" said Bernie. He strummed his guitar with the crowd soon backing away. Zane stood his ground with him saying,"Yeah. I'm so scared of sound not!". "Fly!" yelled Bernie as he soon made a sound wave hit Zane dead on. He was sent flying backwards with him landing in a nearby bush. "Zane!" yelled Heidi and Rachel.

Axel was getting mad since he saw Zane as a good friend and was tempted to show off his power to avenge his pal. However, Rachel did that instead. "You'll pay for that bastard!" yelled Rachel. She climbed on stage with Heidi joining her. The two girls tried to attack Bernie who smiled. He soon strummed his guitar at the two being that this sent them flying toward Axel who caught them. The villain looked at the girls and smiled. "Looks like I could use some groupies!" said Bernie.

Rachel clenched her fist as she said,"I'm no one's groupie.". "Oh you will be. Like Axel says, music can change you and you'll be changing into serving me!" said Bernie. Zane was crawling out of the bushes and groaned. "Well, that was annoying." said Zane, shaking his head. He looked up to see Bernie corning Axel, Heidi, and Rachel. Zane growled like a beast as he said,"Time to kick that guy's ass!". He transformed into a form.

Back on stage, Bernie was about to play again. "If you don't come with me willing, I'll teach you how to respect the best musician in the world!" said Bernie. "Which isn't you whatsoever by a long time punk!" said a voice. Zane landed on the stage while being in Brawn Form, with him creating a small shockwave upon landing on the stage, and he got an upgraded form with him looking very different than before.

This form keeps his colossal and hulking warrior like figure but loses the two rhino like horns. He's still twelve feet tall. His skin is crimson red, his black hair is in a wolf tail which is different from both a chonmage, man bun, and top-knot. His eyes are still greenish yellow eyes. He still has human like hands with five fingers and gray colored nails. His arms loses the scars that once covered it alongside the black stripe tattoo.

He does gets a replacement tattoo in the form of a burning flame with it being a black color on each shoulder. His chest is covered by a black short sleeved t-shirt ,with six steel gray segments across his abs, and white sleeves. He wears black pants with a gold belt that looks to be a mixture of a wrestling championship belt and sash. He still wears brown combat boots and black fingerless gauntlet-like gloves.

Zane now wears silver ,steel, pauldrons and silver steel finger-less gauntlets that works as shields with shiny steel studs. This form crackled his knuckles with Bernie said,"Zero?!". "Wow. Brawn Form sure looks different but cool." whispered Heidi. Rachel nodded with her noticing that Zane was angry. He didn't show it but like how Danny can tell when Zane is lying, Rachel can tell what Zane is really feeling.

It was a rare ability. "Wow. I guess you have really great timing kid. Ever decided to go into the music business?" said Axel. "Don't have the time Mr. Anarchy but maybe." said Zane. "Zero! No one is going to stop me!" said Bernie. "Well, I'm here to stop that since you're a public nuisance and a talentless hack. A pretty bad combo if you ask me." said Zane with his eyes rolled. "You don't understand music and I'm not a talentless hack!" said Bernie.

Zane looked at him as he said,"Yes you are.". "I'm better than Axel Anarchy who breaks promises just because he cares about the music instead of the money!" said Bernie. "That's why you'll never be on my same level. I do care about my fans since music is something that all beings good or bad can feel in their souls. Maybe we can work something out." said Axel. "Don't. I don't care about you and I'll make you pay!" said Bernie with a smile. "Sure but first, we need some battle music." said Zane. 

The Cross Species made three clones ,with them being Legion Zero, as they ran to grab instrument and began playing music, getting the crowd pumped up. "Why?" said Bernie. "While I'm kicking your ass Bernie, I want the crowd to feel the music that didn't get today because of you and your inability to let others out shine you." said Zane, cracking his knuckles. "I don't care about that right now but you'll die!" yelled Bernie.

Zane soon dodged sound waves with him saying,"Like I say with most of my villains, I won't be dying any time soon. I got too many people caring about me and if I die, I would break them and I can't have that!". He soon threw a punch at Bernie with Bernie blocking it. He was sent sliding back but firmly planting his feet in the ground. "Huh. I thought he would have went flying away." said Cole.

The fans cheered as the two thought with Zane thinking while dodging sound waves,"Okay. I need to get that guitar away for him!". He soon resisted the sound waves as he tried to grab Bernie but kept on missing. Zane smirked as he said,"Hey buddy. Get a load of my sound!". Zane clapped as he soon made a power shock wave which sent Bernie onto his back Zane soon grabbed his guitar with him smiling. "Since I'm here, I should probably do this!" said Zane.

He soon slammed the guitar into the stage, breaking in half and caused the crowd to erupt in a loud cheer. The bouncers soon returned to normal as they let go of Axel. "No! You broke Excalibur! How could you?!" yelled Bernie. "That ain't Excalibur!" said Zane. He soon grabbed the man as Zane flicked his forehead, knocking him out. The bouncers soon took the villain with Axel saying,"Take away Bernie.".

Bernie left the stage with the fans cheering and applauded for Zane and his clones playing. Zane bowed with his clones waving the crowd. "Thank you all. You've been a great and lovely crowd so thank you!" said Zane. "Hey there mate. Thanks for saving the day like always." said Axel. "Just doing my job." said Zane. "And I like to reward you and everyone here." said Axel. "Sure. I think you know what we want." said Zane.

Axel looked at Zane with him saying,"I got it. You want a pet Dinosaur?". Zane facepaalmed with him saying,"How about an autograph and maybe to meet you back stage?". "Sure thing man. I got you." said Axel The two fist bumped as Axel said,"Mind sticking around? I mean I want to play for my hero.". "Sure but let me get out of this." said Zane. He deactivated Brawn Form as he stood there in his normal costume. "Sweetness! Lets rock!" yelled Axel.

Meanwhile at Cypress Chronicles, Betty was talking with Colin and Selena ,in Betty's office about the whole thing with their lead reporter not there due to her being on a story. Colin was currently bitching. "I don't know how to feel. Zero saved my son but he's now crazy!" said Colin. He soon clenched his fists as he said,"If I ever get my hands on the monster who did this, I'll......". The window soon break with Toxic breaking into the office.    

She landed on the desk with her saying,"You were looking for me right?". Colin swung at her but she easily dodged it. "I got a really good secret to tell you." said Toxic. The three looked at the creature with her saying,"You have your protector Zero and you have Zane. Have you ever seen them together? Even if you have, it's all an illusion. This is because Zane Vincent Alvarez is Legion Zero!". The three reporters were soon in shock by this news as Toxic just laughed. 

Next time,
Is Zane's secret identity gone? Will Zane's family and friends be threatened? Why is Toxic doing all of this? How did she figure out Zane's secret identity? This and more next time on Zero!

Axel Anarchy's Powers:
Both of his arms and his right eye are cybernetic being that the latter is a black color with a red pupil and the former is black with a gold music note style circuit board. He has a scar over that eye. When performing, he has this disguised. His fingers were more like claws than normal hands. He’s extremely fast with him able to dodge attacks than a normal human and he’s extremely tolerant to paint. His arms can turn into retractable energy blades, concealed energy cannons that fire beams of energy, and energy shield that can block bullets and very durable. He has impressive reflexes being able to fight on a moving car. He can release a sonic wave from his mouth or his instrument.

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