Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Zero Episode 29 Super Stimulants

A/N: Yeah. Sorry for the month wait between Episodes. I need to get back to Soul. I hope that Zero will be seen more during June through August. I feel more driven when I only have one major thing taking up my time rather than two or three. It keeps me focused but then I could get distracted by string so yeah. This episode will featured drugs and well, they are not a good thing at all. You'll see what I mean by that in this episode.

I don't know if I mention it before but Zane has a superhero emblem or logo such as Batman's Bat Symbol or Superman's "S". It's the neon green pentagram on it with a gold dragon wrapped around it that 's on Zane's bracer. I would try to draw that but here's the thing, my art skills are terrible. I can write decent but my drawing skills would make a blind person cry. I know that this is a little bit overboard but it's awful. This may also change in the future.

Dream Narrator P.O.V.
Zane saw that he wasn't in his room but in a barren wasteland. "Where am I? What happened?" said Zane. He looked down to see that he was in his sleep wear which was a pair of lounge pants and plain t-shirt. "Welcome to your very near future Zaney Kins." said a voice. Zane looked for the voice and he heard,"You won't be meeting any time soon but well when we met, you'll be getting a rude awakening from destiny.".

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane woke in his bed and he said,"That was a nightmare.". He noticed that the door was ajar and he saw Atem. "Daddy. Are you okay?" said Atem. "I'm fine little dude. So what are you and grandma planning to do today?" said Zane. "Well, she was thinking of signing me up for school. She may like having Wolfram and Kania around here but she may like me to meet some kids my age." said Atem as he sat on the bed after Zane said it was fine.

Zane said,"Yeah. She did the same thing for me and that's how I meet Danny. Remember him?". "He is the one who helped with taking down Kevin. What happened to him anyway?" said Atem. "Beats me little dude. I try to stay out of drama but it keeps drawing me back." said Zane. "Oh. So are you going to be ready for being president?" said Atem. "Yeah and I hope that I'm better than the ninth president of the US. You'll learn who he is soon." said Zane.

He was putting on his clothes as Atem said,"Um. That's the one that got sick and ran for the shortest amount of time in office.". "Yeah. You're a smart kid." said Zane, tussling Atem's hair with the kid smiling. "Thanks Daddy. Lets go get breakfast! Grandma is making Pancakes." said Atem. He rushed out of the room with Zane following after him. "He really does like pancakes. I should be concern but eh, it really doesn't matter." thought Zane

Zane said at the kitchen table,"Didn't you say that we weren't allowed to use a phone while eating at the table so why are you watching the news?". Natasha had her eyes glued to the TV that was in the kitchen as Arturo said,"You should know that your mother isn't one for following her own rules most of the times especially if it has something to do with the new drug.". "Drug? Is it a good one or a bad one?" said Zane.

Natasha then paused the TV as she said,"Yes. I learned about this from Luke.". "He is the other great grandpa right dad?" said Atem. Zane nodded as Arturo said,"So what is it? Is it like their generation caffeine pills?". "Was that ever a problem?" said Zane. "It was during war times." said Arturo. "I will take your word on that grandpa. So what is it mom?" said Zane who yawned. "Zane. How late have you been staying up? It looks like you were up till 3 this morning." said Natasha.

Zane said,"Yeah. I had to stop an sale of illegal weapons and well, I had to chase one guy. They hired some guy who hit like a truck. Before I met up with them, I chased down a Phantom Bull that I didn't want Vicky killing. They were using laser weapons.".  "I think you should have Ray handle the late nights. You're starting your first day as president today right?" said Arturo. "Yeah but I can sleep in my classes. You ready for starting school soon little guy?" said Zane.

Atem said,"But what about learning about this drug?". "Knowing my luck little dude, I'll know more than I'll like to know." said Zane. "I was thinking about going with your elementary school. You don't mind dropping me and Atem off before heading for school Zane?" said Natasha. "Not at all mom. If it will help Atem get a girlfriend which means full on teasing of the prince, I'm for it." said Zane. Atem pouted as Arturo just smiled.

Zane parked his car in the parking lot and he saw Roxy standing there. He got out and he said,"Let me guess. You're hear to try and stop me from heading to my office.". "Wow. You're so wrong that it isn't even funny." said Roxy. "So what are you doing here?" said Zane as he was grabbing his bag. "I want to know if you did the homework for Bio." said Roxy. "You didn't do it so you're asking the self proclaimed teacher's pet for a quick cheat." said Zane.

Roxy said,"I was busy with family stuff.". "And I'm not judging you for that Roxy. I'm just saying that her stuff isn't that hard. I mean I like Kristen but science isn't her best subject but she's good at English and Public Speaking. She could make a good PR." said Zane. "You may need it knowing your luck President." said Roxy. "Yep. So care to walk the president to class?" said Zane. "It would be my honor plus making Sam angry is so much fun." said Roxy. The two walked to school together.

Danny was looking at Zane who was currently asleep at his desk in History with Rafael saying,"It seems that our president is finding the reasons behind the Incan Empire's fall boring.". Zane woke up and he said,"Yeah. I mean history is great and all but stuff from the Incan Empire is boring. Greek is where its at.". "Yes but I have to go through a lesson plan and well, I hate it so who's up for skipping this boring crap?" said Rafael. The class cheered.

Later during Study Hall, Danny was walking with Zane in the halls. "Dude. You are rocking at being president and you haven't even passed a single law anything yet. You still working on the slushie machines?" said Danny. "Yeah. I can't do anything until January maybe so anything interesting going after school?" said Zane. "Well, you're mostly going on patrol and will miss out on the big game tonight." said Danny.

Zane said,"Watching men slam into each other sounds like a real fun time when ninety percent of the team hates your guts because you spoke up against them.". Zane stopped in front of a soda machine and Danny said while leaning against the machine,"Dude, it isn't football. It's actually Hockey for once.". "Really? Did something happen to get people's attention away from me and Brad or the battle between the Dark Horse and Golden Boy?" said Zane as he threw a can to Danny.

Danny said,"Yeah. You heard about CP?". "No but my grandpa or my mom's step father told her that it was a new drug." said Zane. "Okay. It's rumored to give you super human abilities but here's the thing." said Danny. "What? Does it give you Hypertrichosis?" said Zane. "What was that again? Your mom told us about that right?" said Danny. "Yeah. According to Athena, it is in basic terms an super abnormal amount of hair growth over the body makes them look like a werewolf." said Zane.

Danny said,"Unlike you who can turn into a werewolf and without the perks.". "So does it? I totally think that we should get Kevin to do it then." said Zane. "No. It can give only certain humans with a unique DNA structure powers." said Danny. "How rare?" said Zane. "I think you would have a better chance at winning the lottery than being blessed with a DNA structure that only I think 5-10% of the entire Earth can get." said Danny. "Sounds cool." said Zane.

Danny said,"So how is Atem doing?". "Good. He's enjoying the school that we went to back in the day according to my texts." said Zane. "Yeah. So has Wolfram dragged his bandages off him? I love the little guy but you can be injured around him." said Danny. "No because Kania is teaching him not to attack people except if you're a sexist aka Kevin." said Zane. "Ah. So do you think Kevin will ever learn his lesson?" said Danny. "Maybe but not for a while." said Zane.

The two were later on the hockey area with them watching the Cypress Ox play against their rivals Wesley Shepherds. Danny looked at Zane who was drawing something in a notebook and he said,"So what are you doing?". "Working on my weapon." said Zane. "Weapon? I thought you were a hand to hand fighter." said Danny. "I am but after seeing Gwen using her weapon, I was thinking of a weapon and since I'm Student Council President, I can work on it without being stopped." said Zane.

The two heard,"Zane Alvarez at a sports event? Colored me shocked.". The two then saw Kristen with Roxy as Kristen said,"Mind if we join you guys?". "Sure." said Danny. The girls sat behind them as Zane said,"Isn't Brad on the team?". "Yeah but we came here to see Coach Barnett yell at the team and also they cause a lot of fighting." said Roxy. "Isn't that normal for Hockey and also Volleyball for some reason?" said Zane. "Just watch Zane." said Danny.

Zane looked up to see one of the Oxs get slammed hard and Zane thought,"Wow. That looked painful and I get hit by metahumans daily.". One of the Shepherds fired the puck into the goal scoring with the Wesley High students cheering. "That was lame." said Kristen. "You're a hockey fan?" said Zane with a yawn. "Yep. Kristen here loves sports so keep that in mind President." said Roxy. "What is that supposed to mean?" said Zane. Danny sighed at his friend.

The Coach ,who had short buzzcut brown hair and brown eyes, stood there with the team and he said,"What the hell was that Marvin? You just let those losers score!". "Sorry coach." said Marvin who looked to be a brunette. "Sorry doesn't cut it. Beside Andrew and Brad, none of you should be considered to be athletes. I don't care what you have to do but win!" said CC. He slapped Marvin's helmet as the team said,"Yes Coach!".

Marvin ,before re-entering the ring, pulled his sleeve up on his right arm. Zane noticed that it was a pyramid shape band-aid and he thought,"Weird. I guess that slam must have hurt.". He slammed it on as his veins were more noticeable. Under the helmet which was unable to be seen, Marvin's face was now animal like and it looked like a gorilla. He rushed into the ring with Zane thinking,"Okay. That was weird.".

The ref blew his whistle and a buck was thrown into the middle of the field. A Shepherd passed the puck to his teammate with Marvin rushing toward. He slammed into the player causing him  and the player to almost hit the group. Zane protected Kristen as Danny said,"Hey Zane. I think you need to go stop that instead.". Zane looked to see several players fighting with CC saying,"That was a legal check! Good move Marvin!". "Okay. Something's up." thought Zane as he looked at the brawl.

Later, Danny was standing outside of his house with Kristen and Zane nearby. "Man. That was a good game right Zane?" said Danny. "I don't think he was paying attention." said Kristen. Zane was in deep thought and he said,"Sorry man. It's just that Marvin may be a jock but that amount of force pushing a player of equal size is something weird.". "Well, you ponder that man. I got some homework." said Danny as he opened the door.

He closed the door as Kristen said,"So where are you going?". "On patrol. I have a feeling that there's something going on. You need to be home?" said Zane. "Nope. Care for a partner?" said Kristen. The boy smiled as he said,"Sure.". Zane got into the buggy and his phone beeped. Kristen sat in the seat next to him and she said,"What's that?". "It's my crime scanner. I was bored and I decide to build it into my phone to help with crime." said Zane.

Kristen looked at the screen and she said,"Huh. That's weird. According to this, there is a robbery going off at the Cyber-Electronics and the Boutique.". "That's at the mall right?" said Zane. "Yeah. I got my Plasma Weapon and some training from your mom. So lets go." said Kristen. Zane smiled as he drove toward the mall. In the Cyber-Electronics, three robbers were robbing the place as one said to his cohorts,"Don't forget about the VR.".

One of the robbers wearing blue placed it on as he said,"Dude. This is like so real.". The final robber who was wearing green compared to his blue and red cohorts was standing in front of some TVs and it was recording him. "Hey. I'm on the big screen." said Green. Zane ,as Zero, phased through the floor and he leg sweep him to the ground. The two saw Zane and he said,"Man. And here, I thought that Ultimate Showdown was bad.".

Blue said,"Move!". The two were running with Green slowly recovering. He tried to join his pals but Zane said,"Yeah. You're not leaving me yet.". He made a steel gray Nether robe with him saying with a bad western accent,"Time to catch me a rascal!". The rope hit the guys trapping him to the ground and he said,"Marvin! Wait for me!". "Marvin?" said Zane. Red aka Marvin looked at Zane with him running to the left as Blue ran to the right.

Marvin ,with a ski mask on, was at a dead end with him turning around to see Zane. He turned into Cartoon Form with a clone going to find Blue. Marvin took off his jacket as Zane said,"It's over now buddy. If you give up nicely, I'll make sure you get a cell with a view of a wall. It ain't the fancy prison.". Like in the ring, he slapped on band-aid on both of his wrist and the right side of his neck as he was transforming.

Zane was about to touch him as he said,"This game of cat and mouse....". The clone was punched by a gorilla and he pounded his chest. The other clone was slammed into the prime by Blue ,who used an old computer to escape, as he ran to help Green. Marvin grabbed a giant record and he threw it at the duo causing them to be pushed back. The two pounced on him and he grabbed them. "Time for you to be on the air!" said Marvin.

He threw the two into TVs causing them to be trapped in it. "Way to go Mar! You crushed Zero and his weird partner." said Green. The three were one gone as Zane ,who was back to normal, said to his communicator ,"Hey. How are things....". He heard an explosion and an alarm as he said,"Please don't be like Marvin.". He ran out of the store and he saw a lioness standing there with her roaring. "This is so much fun." said Zane as he rushed toward the girl.

Kristen said,"So a lion did this to you?". She was placing some bandages on Zane's body which was covered in claws as he said,"Yeah. It sounds strange but for my life, it's rather normal.". The two were back in Kristen's place as Zane said,"So you're saying that Marvin did the exact same thing back in the ring?". "Yeah. He turned into a gorilla. Do you know anything about something called CP? Danny was telling me about it earlier and I didn't get the full name." said Zane.

Kristen looked at Zane and she said,"It's full name is Cosmic Phenomenon. According to Hannah, it was created by Doctor Charlie Tucker. He's a genetic master with him able to actually heal broken limbs much like Doctor Maxwell Brock.". "Max Brock. He works at the university here in town right?" said Zane. "Yeah. Here's the thing. The Doctor died about three years ago because of a fire. I'm confused how Cosmic Phenomenon was even made." said Kristen.

Zane said,"Kristen. You don't have to tell me this but how do you know so much about it?". "Cinder is my brother and one of the people that he saw during juvie ,before he became Cinder, was Doctor Charlie Tucker." said Kristen. "You don't think that." said Zane. "I do. I know you told me that it was Volcanis who gave Carlos his fire abilities but here's the thing. I think that Charlie gave my bro his pyromaniac tendency which helped Volcanis take him over." said Kristen.

Later, Zane ,who was sitting in a train, was on his laptop which was connected to his PC back home in Cypress Park and Athena said,"I really can't believe that we're heading to Doctor Charlie Tucker's lab which wasn't been remade into a mini mall yet.". "Yeah. It's in Potomac aka the home town of the Wesley Shepherds so going there now at night is better since I'm one of the most well known students of Cypress High." said Zane, sipping his coffee that he got earlier.

The two were pretty much alone in the car as he heard,"Did you hear about Lisa and Lois?". Zane looked up to see two teens nearby them as the one on the left said,"Yeah. I overhead them talking with Marvin about getting some CP and I think they're compatible.". "Seriously? I mean that's impossible." said the one on the right as Athena said,"It's a good thing that we found the lioness's blood because I found something out.". "What?" said Zane.

Zane looked on his computer screen as Athena said,"It can increase aggression which would explain why both Marvin and the lion attack you while their friends grabbed the stuff. I found that there is a place to obtain CP in Potomac. We'll head there.". "Okay." said Zane. His CJ went off as Zane placed his laptop in his bag. "We got company." thought Zane. Two teens walked in and Zane saw that they were like Marvin and a bird lady.

The one on the right was a bull like creature and the one on to his left was a falcon woman. "Hey you norms! Get out of here or else you're getting the horn." said the bull pointing to his horns. "You better to listen to Bull. He gets angry real easy." said the falcon with a big smirk. The two teens talking were gone and Zane sat there. "Hey! Didn't you hear me boy?" said Bull as he got closer to Zane. "I only have two words. Mouth Wash." said Zane.

He pushed the bull man away as Falcon said,"Don't you ever think?". "I do bird brain. I was going to ask the same of you feathers." said Zane. Bull rushed toward Zane with Zane ,using his seat, to hump into the air which caused Bull's horns to be trapped in the seat. Zane landed on the bull and he said,"I guess you guys were the runts of the litter.". Bull freed himself as he punched Zane with him landing on the nearby seat.

Bull was about to attack him as Falcon said,"Remember why we came here.". "Right. You are lucky punk!" said Bull. When the train stopped, they were gone as Zane thought,"Okay. Time to get my answers.". He rushed out of there with the two teens saying,"That was Zane Alvarez? He is so cool and way better than Marvin.". Zane found Bull and Falcon enter what looks to be an old warehouse as Zane said,"So should we?".

Athena said,"Those two are people picked by Cosmic Phenomenon and like the previous two foes, they are animal based. This can't be a coincidence.". "You're thinking something else?" said Zane as he hid in an alleyway. "Yes. We need to head toward the lab ruins." said Athena. "Okay. I'll summon Midnight Bird and we can..." said Zane. "No. We should head there using your Doom Buggy." said Athena. "Okay. I hope this works." said Zane. The car appeared and he drove off.  

Inside of the building, Bull saw Marvin and the lioness. "Hey. What are you two doing here? You two get the cash right?" said Bull. Two bags of money landed as Marvin said,"You're wrong. Boss asked us to be here.". "And unlike you two, we didn't get seen and make a scene." said the lioness. "But we didn't we see Zero Wildcat?" said Marvin. "Zero? You mean that hero from Cypress Park. Did you two lose him?" said Falcon.

Wildcat nodded as she said,"Well did and I sliced him to pieces.". "He was that weird plant thing and when she left him, he was sliced by her claws." said Marvin. The four heard thanks to their enhanced hearing,"My children. We need more of the formula and you should do this if you want to remain at the top of the food chain.". The four bowed to her as they said,"We will Countess Chimera.". They were gone from the building as it was dawn.

Zane yawned as he said,"Yeah mom. I'm currently in Potomac.". He was currently sitting in his car as he was on his phone. "So did you know Doctor Charlie Tucker?" said Zane. "No Zane. I've heard of his genetic research. He was considered to be the next Charles Darwin. I think he owned a tiger before he died." said Natasha. "Wow and here, I thought owned a Phantom who can grow in both height and mass was weird." said Zane.

Natasha said,"So do you think CP is involved son?". "Well Athena thinks so mom and I have learned that she's usually right. I'm not sure because ...." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane said,"I will call you back. I got company.". Zane got out of his car and he saw the four animal teens walking past him. "Zane. I think they all have an animals's enhanced senses meaning that Camouflage Form is a very bad idea in this case." said Athena.

Zane said,"You may be right. So what's the plan?". "We follow them from a safe distance and figure out what the animals are up to." said Athena. Zane nodded as he followed them. After an hour due to Bull stopping every couple of minutes for food, Zane saw that they were in front of an abandoned lab and he thought,"This must be Doctor Tucker's lab but for a building that was burned to the ground, it looks well not that.". The four went in the lab as Zane followed them slowly.

He activated his costume and he whispered,"I think we should use a form that doesn't have a scent if you know what I mean.". "Good plan Zane." said Athena. A new card was placed in his chest plate as it had a black frame. In the center of the card, it had a pile of slime with vials of some chemicals of the card. Zane's body turned into living silver and white slime ,in the shape of a human, with him having spiked shoulders. He's whatever height Zane wants.

Zane said in a high pitch static-sounding voice,"Slime Form! Lets go and be sneaky.". He went into the nearby air vent and went it. He found Bull ,who picked up a desk, and he said,"Where the hell is the dam elevator?". "You and Marvin are idiots. We made it obvious to find." said Falcon. She went up to the fireplace as Zane thought from the air vent,"Why does a lab have a fireplace? That screams a fire hazard!". She picked up a bust of Charles Darwin and he flipped a switch hidden under it.

The fire place moved up to reveal an elevator as Zane thought,"So in the end, there is a lab under the lab. Wow. I guess spy movies were right.". The four went into the elevator as Zane joined them. The feline looked up as Marvin said,"What? You smell something?". "No. It's nothing." said Wildcat The boy/slime creature took a breath of relief as the elevator kept going down. "So what is the formula again guys?" said Bull.

Falcon crossed her arms as she said,"It's the reason why CP gave us powers due to the good doctor being a picky bitch about who gets powers.". "Oh. If I ever see that guy, he's getting a punch to the gut!" said Bull. "You can't because he's dead but it's a good thing that the Countess was able to find a genetic expert on his level." said Wildcat. The four got out as Zane stood there. "It seems that they have kidnapped someone to make this formula so they can get powers." said Athena.

Zane said,"Yeah. So should I switch forms or?". "We may need to fight against them so we can stop the production of the formula and save the scientist." said Athena. Zane turned his body into a snake as he slithered after them. Zane saw Bull and Marvin guarding Wildcat from the ground and Falcon was in the air guarding her as the feline walked toward a door. She knocked on it and a little window on the door opened up.

Zane saw that it was an Octopus like creature with the octopus said,"What you buying?". "Chimera needs some more of the formula." said Wildcat. "Right but it costs a pretty penny so do you have any money?" said the cephalopod. Wildcat whistled as Marvin ,who was carrying two bags, placed them on the ground in the octopus's vision. "Okay. Just wait here." said the octopus. His tentacles grabbed the bags as the four stood there.

Zane yawned as Wildcat picked it up. "We have company guys." said Wildcat. "Hey bovine boy. You stay here with Wildcat. We'll take care of the company. You get the formula to the Chimera." said Falcon as she flew off. Marvin went after her as Bull grunted. Zane looked for the two and Marvin appeared behind him. "Found you!" said Marvin. He smashed Zane as Falcon said,"Did you get him Marvin?".

Marvin showed her his fists as he said,"My name isn't Marvin but Great Ape!". "Oh goody. Marvin is the worst villain name ever." said Zane' voice. The two looked at the slime on Marvin's hands that was reforming with the destroyed Zane back into his normal superhero form. Zane jumped back to evade Falcon's feathers and Marvin said,"Eat this!". Zane grabbed the ape's fists and he said,"Here's some advice for you pal. You shouldn't announce yourself.".

Zane's body was producing electricity at an alarming rate and he said,"You're going to get a shock to your system.". The ape was shocked as Zane threw him toward the bird. She evaded the attack only to be kicked by Zane's elongated foot. She went toward the ground next to the ape who was stitching fro the attack and she saw that Zane was back in his slime form. The slime man smiled as his hands were now cuffs.

They were later attached to the wall of the basement ,which turned out to be a cave, with the slime holding them knocking them out. Zane stood there and he said,"I guess those two escaped with the formula. So is there a way to fix them?". "Normally, I would say yes but here's the thing, you are able to naturally restore DNA." said Athena. "You mean because I'm an Eazairvian." said Zane. "Correct Zane but you're still learning." said Athena.

Zane nodded as he looked at the door. "Wow. I thought that after I defeated both ape and bird, he was come out to play." said Zane. Zane knocked on the door and he saw the octopus looking right at him with his eyes. "Why are you here kid? I thought you would go after the grunts of the Chimera." said Octopus. "No. Are you the creator of the formula?" said Zane. He turned into Liger Form as he said with a smile,"You better answer me or else brother!".

The door was open as the dealer was gone. Zane walked in and he saw a scientist looking at him with fear in his eyes. He had neck length orange hair with freckles, brown eyes, a white lab coat with a green undershirt, brown jeans, and gray loafers. Zane noticed that his left arm and right leg were more mechanical. "Brother! Are you Doctor Charlie Tucker?! If you are, tell me how you are living since I thought you died!" said Zane.

The scientist said,"No! My name is Doctor Maxwell Brock! That multi-armed freakshow grabbed me while I was out. They placed a double of me in my lab so the police wouldn't know of their plans. So are you one of them?". He saw the giant feline turned into a young teen. "No. My name is Zero and I came here looking for the formula. Did you make it sir?" said Zane. "Not by choice. He threatened to feed me to the fishes. I wasn't sure if it was a goon or not." said Max.

Zane said,"So is there a way to turn them back to normal humans?". "The Chimera make sure that it can't be reversed. She was Cliff's assistant." said Max. "I see. So are you okay for leaving? I'm pretty sure that the Chimera will send her goons to check on the other two." said Zane. Max nodded as Zane helped the man out of the basement. They went into the elevator as Zane noticed that the man was out of breath and he said,"Are you really okay?".

Max said,"The only food that I've been feed in the past two months was mashed potatoes. I'm craving some fish.". "Ah." said Zane. The elevator reached the top as Zane's CJ went off. "This may tingle a bit sir." said Zane. The two were invisible as they sneaked their way past two grunts wearing animal themed mask. The duo went down the elevator as Max whispered,"I guess you were right Zero. You must have a lot of experience.". "Nope. I watch a lot of spy movies." said Zane.

Back at the building, Bull punched a wall. "I can't believe that those two were defeated!" said Bull. "I think you should calm down." said Wildcat. "Why aren't you furious?! We should go after the guy who defeat Marvin and Lisa!" yelled Bull. Wildcat rolled her eyes as they heard,"It's fine Benny. We will be fine.". The two turned and they bowed to their Countess. She had claw marks on her cheeks and she looked to be a humanoid panther with shark like teeth and her legs belonged to a python.

Benny aka Bull looked confused as he said,"Um Countess, what do you mean by that?". "You'll have to wait and see but for now, did you obtain the formula?" said Chimera. "We did and it's all ready to go." said Wildcat. "Hey! I want to know what's going on!" said Bull as he slammed the ground. "Mad Bull. We will be heading to the dam and dumb the water into Potomac's water supply aka the dam." said chimera. "Wait. We're making the norms into us!?" said Bull.

Wildcat nodded as she said,"Yeah. It seems to me that those cowards and the new president plan to make Cosmic Phenomenon illegal despite it helping with social anxiety and the such. However after the rumored aggression boost in Marvin's blood, they're planning to drive the revolution into the ground.". "And we'll become rulers of the new animal kingdom." said Chimera. The three were gone as a little camera flew out of the building and to the nearby building.

Zane ,in his Gadget Form, grabbed the little camera and he examined the footage. "Wow. I guess the doctor was right." thought Zane. "I have a feeling that they will be having a lot of men working them plus those three." said Athena. "So what's the plan?" said Zane. "I think we should arrive using the Doom Buggy." said Athena. "You can't be serious." said Zane. "Yes because the Doom Buggy has an evolved form." said Athena. Zane smiled after hearing this.

A truck then arrived at the dam and Bull jumped out of it. He saw several of the hired grunts stir the formula in a giant pot much like cake batter and Wildcat said,"Impressive is it not?". Bully looked at the lioness with him saying,"Yeah. I like your new outfit in this form Lois.". The lioness was now wearing a violet corset, tight black jeans that highlighted her feline legs, and brown flats. "Thanks. I don't think you look bad either." said Wildcat.

Bull was wearing a white wife beater, blue jeans, and dark green boots. The two looked at the pot as Bull said,"This is what I always wanted. Everyone treated me like an idiot and I hate them but now, I will be the king of the pen.". Wildcat nodded as Countess slithered up to them. She is wearing a long white blouse, blue pencil skirt, and a claw necklace. "Are you two ready for the era of the beast? This is a day to remember." said Countess. "Yes Countess." said the two.

The leader then signaled to the grunts to pour it in as it was stopped by a giant block of ice. "Time to freeze your plan cold." said Zane's voice. They all turned to see a black armored personal carrier with the wheels of the car having the Zero logo plus it was in the center of the hood being above the bumper and under the windshield. The color and seats were the same as the Doom Buggy. Zane sat in his seat as he thought,"Okay. This ain't half bad.". "Bull! Destroy that car!" said Countess.

Bull soon rushed right toward the car being that the grunts were soon aiming their ,energy, guns at the car. Zane soon pressed a button on the dashboard as the grunts were firing their weapons at the tank and the animal man was about to slam his fists into it. A force field soon appeared around the car which redirected the energy bullets back and hit the guns. "That shit won't work on me boy!" said Bull.

Zane pressed two buttons on the dashboard as Athena said,"Zane you activated Auto Pilot along with the ejection of the driver seat.". Zane soon flew in the air ,thanks to his seat ejection from the car, as Bull followed the superhero. As Zane was flying, a card soon appeared in his chest plate. It had a black frame with a silhouette of a muscular, warrior like figure in the center of the card. Zane soon went crashing toward the ground, making a crater and dust cloud upon impact with the ground

Bull soon ran right toward the crater but out of the dust cloud, something soon grabbed his horns and he heard,"Brawn Form! Time for you to take a flight Bully!". "What are you?" said Bull. He was soon thrown away by the unknown object. Everyone watched him crash into the ground which was a far distance away. The animal girls soon saw Zane standing there in a new form. He’s a colossal and hulking warrior like figure being that he’s twelve feet tall.

His skin is crimson red being that his black hair is in a buzz-cut and he has two greenish yellow eyes that stick out. His body is very developed. His forehead has two rhino like horns sticking out of it. At the top of his shoulders to his middle fingers, he had a black stripe tattoo. He wears a short sleeved white t-shirt, black pants with a gold belt that looks to be a wrestling championship belt, brown combat boots, and he wears black fingerless gloves.

His arms are very much covered in scars that were gained from several battles. His hands look to be human and five fingers. Each finger having a giant gray nail. Fitting his warrior like appearance, he's wearing some armor. He's wearing a metal helmet that doesn't mess with his horns, with the left and right side of the helmet having horns with the left one being broken. He had gold shoulder pads and finger-less gauntlets that works as shields with shiny steel studs.

He jumped out of the crater as Bull recovered from Zane's throw. The bull soon turned toward Zane with the giant creature taunting him, taunting the bull. He soon stormed toward Zane with Zane soon slamming his right fist right toward the ground, being rather fast. It soon caused a giant shockwave and launching his enemies into the air which didn't include Bull. Zane soon jumped right into the air and toward the grunt. He slammed the grunts back into the ground.

He grabbed Bull and he threw him right toward the ice cube. "No! Stop him right now Wildcat!" said Chimera. The feline soon jumped toward Bull and she smacked him toward the ground just in front of the ice cube. "Thanks I think." said Bull, who recovered from being thrown right toward Zane and then smacked by Wildcat. He soon saw Zane standing there as a barrage of energy bullets were being reflected off his body.

Zane said,"Time for a round of applause!". He soon clapped his hands together, which soon created a huge wave of air pressure. This knocked the grunts down to the ground. "That won't work on me at all." said Bull. "That wasn't my target." said Zane, pointing to the dam. The snake woman saw that the water was coming right toward them. Zane swapped into his Frost Form and flew. He opened his mouth as the water ,which held the hybrids, was frozen trapping them inside.

Later that day, Atem was sitting on the couch as he saw the front door go wide open. Zane walked in and Atem said,"Dad! You're back!". Atem crashed into Zane as he said,"Hey ya squirt. So where's the puppy?". "He is on a walk with Kania and grandma! We saw the news about Zero taking down some bad guys and you were awesome!" said Atem. "Let me guess. You had some sugar." said Zane with Atem nodding.

After Atem calmed down, Zane said,"So are you ready for school? I know that you waited for me to come back.". "Yeah. I mean I haven't been around people my age since..." said Atem. "The bad times but here's the thing. School is bad." said Zane. Atem looked confused as Zane said,"School may be a waste of time since you learn more from the world around you as you did Atem but here's the thing that school offers and can't be made.".

Atem said,"Is it homework?". "No. It's friends. If I didn't know Danny, Karen, Rachel, and the rest of my pals, I would be a way different guy so try to make some friends and maybe a girlfriend so I can tease you about her." said Zane. Atem blushed as he said,"Dad!". "Hey. If my mom knew about my girlfriend, she would tease me about her. It's a family rule to tease." said Zane. Atem sighed and he said,"Could we watch some TV?". "Sure." said Zane.

Zane sat on the couch and he turned on the TV. "Tonight, we have a huge scandal. According to some information from Doctor Maxwell Brock and Cypress Park's very own superhero Zero, we have learned that the Cosmic Phenomenon.that turned humans into animals was actually made by a former student of Doctor Charlie Tucker.". "Did you?" said Atem. "I did little guy. Well, it was actually Max but I helped out." said Zane as he yawned.

Atem went back to the TV and the reporter said,"According to Zero, five users tried to turn the entire town of Potomac into animals like them but they were stopped by Zero himself using ice. However, it seems that Coach Barnett knew about one of his athletes being one of the five and allowed it so he could win games. He's currently on leave pending investigation.". "Wow. I can't believe that he did something like that." said Atem.

Zane said,"Sometimes, people will do anything to win little guy even uses drugs that will give you a better chance to win.". "So are your powers the reason that you don't do sports?" said Atem. "Yeah and I would also make an awful jock. I'm too nice." said Zane. "Ah." said Atem. The door opened as Wolfram tackled the two. "Easy there little guy!" said Zane. Atem nodded as Wolfram stood in front of them. "Can't that boy stay still for one minute?" said Kania.

She was with Natasha as the mother said,"You did good Zane.". "Well thanks. I mean I wouldn't want a drug that can help thousands in a positive way be used for evil. That isn't good to me. Hey. I need to go crash. I'm beat." said Zane. "Okay." said Atem. He and Wolfram looked sad as Zane said with a smile,"Next time you guys. We'll play until it's bedtime okay?". "Okay!" said Atem as the little puppy barked with the two females smiling at the scene.

Next time,
A heat wave affects Cypress Park and in the middle of the fall. Most people in town thinks its just the weather being weird but Zane thinks its something else. This and more next time on Zero!

Lois aka Wildcat: Claw Retraction, Enhanced Agility, and Enhanced Hearing
Benny aka Mad Bull: Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Strength, and Horn Protrusion.
Lisa aka Falcon: Feather Projection, Flight, and Sonic Scream.
Marvin aka Great Ape: Climbing, Enhanced Strength. and Prehensile Feet.
Countess Chimera. Claw Retraction, Constriction, Crushing, Enhanced Bite, Enhanced Flexibility, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Strength, Prehensile Tongue, Scale Manifestation, Seismic Sense, Slithering, and Venomous Fangs.

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