Thursday, November 14, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 42 Anomaly Wizards and a Jezebel Section 3 (Written on December 10 2021)

 This post is a part of Fairy Legion Chapter 42 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Fairy Legion Chapter 42. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

Before she could take a step forward, everyone heard,"Moo!". "Is that a cow?" said a grunt. "Don't you know about the East Forest's Sky Cow (27:30-28:02)? It's a god don't you know?" said Gray. "Oh right! I heard about that! We should salute it right?" said another grunt. Some of the grunts saluted the air with Sly facepalming. "This has Zane written all over it huh?" whispered Levy. Sly nodded as Lucy held a key in the confusion. "Open! Gate of the Maiden! Virgo!" said Lucy.

The maid appeared along with Erza who was holding onto Virgo with a rope that she tied around the maid. The redhaired knight exhaled and she breathed in the air. "Why is there no air in there again Virgo?" said Erza. "No idea. I blame the creator." said Virgo. "What just happened?" said Bimbo as Erigor's eyes narrowed. "Requip!" said Erza. She was in her Heaven's Wheel Armor and without warning, she reared back the sword in her hand and threw it.

It struck Bimbo's arm being that she winced. "Attack now my friends!" commanded Erza. "Could you say please? All I ask is for a little respect." said Vance, getting a hit from Stella. "Oh yeah! I'm fired up now!" said Natsu. Natsu's body was ignited in flames with him saying,"Fire Mummy Dragon Iron Fist!". Natsu's arms shot out like bullets being that Galdox was too slow to react as the flaming bandages fist hit in the face.

The dark wizards cried out in surprise with one of them saying,"Hey! How is he doing that? I thought he was a mummy and made out of bandages!". "Yeah. Bandages burn real fast!" said another grunt to response to his friend. "Hey Natsu! Save some of the beatdown for me!" said Happy. He made two energy fish nunchucks being that he managed to knock out a few dark wizards and not himself some how.

When nunchucks are used, they tend to knock out the user usually in the groin for males. The duo of Happy and Natsu were focused on Galdox and any grunt in their way while Gray and Laki went to fight Krest who was currently thirty feet tall. Gray flew into the air and phased right through Krest. "Where did bug go?" said Krest. "Ice Make: Death Scythe!" said Gray, slicing him in the back with his giant frozen scythe. 

Before Krest could fall onto the ground, Laki caught him. She learned how to grow to his size thanks to Zane's training. Krest smiled before seeing two large wooden arms coming out of her back. "This is for squishing Elfman earlier you overgrown idiot." said Laki. The wooden arms landed two wicked hooks at the same time. This blow sent Krest to the ground, crushing several grunts. "And that's how we get payback in Fairy Tail fool!" said Gray, flying to Laki's shoulder. 

Erza and Lucy took a stance in front of Bimbo who was radiating anger. "You idiots tricked me!" yelled Bimbo. "Which wasn't that hard. Lucy, it's for us to stop this Jezebel from committing her plans!" said Erza. "I still can't believe this. Why did Zane have to pair me against the lady who Sly hates." said Lucy. "Because Stella and Vance are fighting Erigor. Your powers are good against hers remember? He made it clear what Comet Form can do." said Erza. 

Hearing this, Bimbo said,"So Zaney is here right now is he? I don't sense him.". "That's because unlike Prude Knight, he somehow listens to demands! Yeah. I was shocked to by that. Oh wow. It's fun to call you Prude Knight Erza." said Lucy. The knight glared at her with Bimbo saying,"That nickname is from Zane isn't it?". "Yes it is. I still don't get how I'm a Prude Knight." said Erza. Bimbo and Lucy looked at each other and then at Erza with them thinking in unison,"She can't be serious. Can she?".

As the fight waged on, Gloria and Zane ,who had turned himself back to how he is normally in Fairy Legion, were intangible, was taking cover. Zane peeked his head out to survey the area around him. "I can't believe it. They actually doing a decent job out there." said Twilight. "It only took Zane's intense training to do but they are at least C- or D+ compared to Zane." said Sivarth. "So mind getting Athena and Cole back? I mean I like not having Cole's comments but I miss them too." said Kane.

Zane nodded as he looked at Gloria. "Remember the plan girl. Get those three out of here without anyone noticing you. I'll be getting the watch." whispered Zane. Gloria nodded as she went over to Sly's location and Zane went to find the barrel containing two of his partners. "Now if I remember right, the barrel contained them is around here." thought Zane, sneaking around. Happy made his angel-like wings from his back and soared at Galdox.

The earth wizard was taken by surprise when Happy delivered a powerful left hook to the face. He slid back from the punch but managed to stay strong. "Ha! You failed at taking me down you over grown kitty!" said Galdox. Natsu smiled as he backed up and tripped over Natsu's right arm. He landed on the ground with Happy and Natsu punched him in the chest at the same time. Galdox growled at the two of them with him saying,"Earthen Smash!".

A giant rock fist was coming from the ground being that it hit Happy, sending him through a wall. He was going to gloat but he forgot about Natsu who began to wrap himself around Galdox. "Get off me bandage freak!" said a muffled Galdox. "Sorry. I can't hear you. Speak up. You're going through a tunnel!" said Natsu. Galdox eventually ripped Natsu off of him being before Natsu could re-wrap himself around Galdox, he was punched into a wall.

Upon contact, a pile of rubble fell on top of the mummy with Galdox saying,"Now stay there!". A very short second later, Natsu slipped his way out of the debris and reformed back. He punched both of his fists together and summoned fire. "How about I give you something warm instead?! Fire Mummy Dragon Roar!" said Natsu, firing his torrent of flames toward Galdox. You may be wondering what a Fire Mummy Dragon is and I'll tell you.

It's a dragon wrapped like a mummy and on fire. This has been your no shit moment. "Diver!" said Galdox, digging his way through the ground. Natsu turned from side to side with him saying,"So where did he go?". Suddenly, the ground beneath him shook. Galdox had blasted out of the ground and was going to punch Natsu in the back but his attack was caught by the bandages. "Yeah. That would have worked on me earlier but you don't know his sadism like I do." said Natsu.

Galdox looked at Natsu before hearing,"Die!". Galdox was kicked by Happy in the face and then blasted by Vance, aiming his weapon right at Galdox. "Yeah! We survived much worse from Zane earlier in the day because he threw us through walls a lot!" said Happy, proudly. "Why are you proud of that exactly? He caused the old man's soul to leave his body sixty times and that was within ten minutes into the training program." said Vance.

Galdox grabbed Happy by his foot and threw him away. Galdox grabbed Natsu with him delivering a powerful punch toward Natsu's head and sent him flying into Vance. The two were sent back being that Zane ,who was watching this, had an idea. He looked at the nearby river and grabbed a fish from the nearby river using his mind. The fish flew in the air and landed in Galdox's hands. This confused Galdox as he said,"A fish? Where did this...".     

He didn't get to finish as Happy ,seeing said fish, charged at Galdox with his eyes filled with fury and rage. Galdox was too slow as Happy charged right at him and stood on top of him. Happy began pummeling Galdox with punch after punch. "No one mess with the fish! They all belong to me got it?!". He picked Galdox off the ground, spun him around a few time and tossed him into a grunt of hired goons.

Vance turned to Natsu who was smiling. "So does Happy gain supernatural strength and a rage to rival Zane's when fish is involved?" said Vance. "Yeah Vance. You really don't want to mess with Happy and fish." said Natsu. "Well, you see something new day huh." said Azalea. "So Happy got transformed into Archer Form right you guys? That was something Liger Form would totally do wasn't it?" said Lucifer. "Yeah but it was interesting. Now back to the search." said Zane.

Meanwhile, Erza and Lucy were kinda in a jam and I don't think it was raspberry. They were evading Bimbo's passionate beams of lava and hot pink energy balls. Erza was able to maneuver her using Heaven's Wheel armor and Lucy was doing that as well but she added something else. Zane told her that Comet Form was really good at absorbing energy and using this ability to increase its attack to a pretty potent level.

Whenever an energy ball or lava beam was about to hit her or Erza, she absorbed it. She fired out a rainbow colored beam at Bimbo, causing her to slid across the ground a few meters and her chest was covered in a violet crystal. Despite it be contained in crystal, she still had strong juggle physics that would make a girl in Dead or Alive blush. Erza struck next, quickly summon a few dozen swords around her. "Dance my blades! Circle Sword!" said Erza as the blades spun around her rapidly.

The swords ,in a disk formation, launched themselves straight at Bimbo being that before the blades could make contact with her, they melted. Erza was shocked to see her blades melt so easily against the air around Bimbo. "It seems Zane was right about her having the ability to project her intense heat into an invisible aura around her. The only thing that could harm her is a really powerful bolt of Lucy's energy attack if Zane is correct." thought Erza.

She heard Zane's voice say,"Which I always am Prude Knight. Come on you two. Get on with it. I'm not getting any younger here.". "How about instead of criticizing us Zane, you find YOUR watch so you can go through with YOUR master plan?!" thought Erza. "Okay Prude Knight. I was just having some fun. You really need to let loose or no guy will ever want to date you. Guys don't like girls who have a stick up their ass except your stick is a sword." said Zane's voice.

Lucy noticed Erza's eyes glow with anger with her thinking,"Yep. He's saying something to offend her again.". She noticed a large wave of magic power ,from Erza, heading toward her and the blond absorbed it. She faced Bimbo, firing a massive rainbow blast being that Bimbo's eyes widened at the size of it. "Son of a....." said Bimbo. She was sent flying across the room and into some grunts who got a handful of her boobs and but.

Due to this, they were bitch slapped into unconsciousness. Lucy looked over at Erza who had calmed down. "So Zane was the reason for that right?" said Lucy. "Yes. It was Lucy. Why is that he's so rude to only me? He stopped with comments involving you since he took down Jose. Is it because he finds you strong now or maybe he just hates red heads." said Erza. "Um. I think you should ask him that after this." said Lucy. "Good idea." said Erza.

Gray flew from side to side, evading Krest's punches. "Missed me. First I'm here." said Gray with him flying from the floor to the roof. He was currently intangible during his taunting being that Krest couldn't hit him to begin with. However at the very least, he was trying and that's all matter in the end right? "And now I'm here!" said Gray, kicking Krest right in the face and freezing it upon contact with the humanoid insect's foot. Krest growled as he grasped his frozen head.           

The bigheld out his hands as he said,"Ice Make: Battle Axe!". The frozen axe collided against Krest being that while his body may be stronger, it did make him stumble backwards. As the titan wizard staggered, Laki jumped above him and reared her arms back. "This is how we fight in Fairy Tail because we're real wizard! Wood Make: Violent Approach!" said Laki. Several massive spiked balls of wood went flying toward Krest's body and face.

This caused the large wizard to fall onto the ground, creating an small earthquake. "Why didn't I win against you? I'm the strongest." said Krest, groaning in pain and falling unconscious. Gray landed a few meters to Laki's left and smiled. "I could get use to this whole thing but I rather be human." said Gray. "I don't mind being like this either Gray. I'm in tune with Mother Nature." said Laki. "Yeah but it could have been much worse." said Gray, earning a nod from Laki.

Happy growled at Galdox once again being that the Brawn Form enhanced wizard punched both fists into the ground. This created a powerful seismic shockwave and cracked the earth apart. It went right toward Happy and was sent back by the seismic tremor. Natsu was the next to engage, charging at him and covered himself in a large ball of spiked sand. The ball of sand was covered in flames, with him turning it into glass.

Vance looked at it with him saying,"Even after all of this time, humans/wizard are weird.". The glass ball went toward Galdox ,like a wrecking ball, and aimed at a single target aka Galdox. "Fire Mummy Dragon Sword Horn!" yelled Natsu. Galdox stood there, un-intimidated by this strange looking spell. He cocked his left arm and punched forward. His fist slammed right into the glass ball and the force created a shockwave that sent both of them flying back in opposite directions.

A section of the roof collapsed to the floor where they once stood. After breaking out of his glass hamster ball, Natsu steadily got up and his eyes were swirling from the hit. He quickly regained his bearings and honed his eyes on Galdox. He recovered fast and he said,"You may have gotten me the first time but not the second time!". Natsu smirked deviously being that when he and the others were tortured by Zane, Natsu created another attack other than his punch and sword horn.

It was so powerful being that it was up to par with some of his strongest spells such as Fire Dragon Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist, Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame, and Fire Dragon Secret Art: Hellfire Zenith Sphere in fact. This attack destroyed half of the unfinished guild hall much to Makarov and everyone's dismay. Zane and his pet Gloria were the only two who approved of this spell. He began to perform his Fire Mummy Dragon Sword Horn but instead of charging, he began spin in place.

After creating a deep trench in the ground, he shot himself up into the air and blasted right through the roof. Both Galdox and Vance sidestepped the falling debris with the former staring at Natsu in confusion and the latter staring at Natsu in annoyance. When Natsu reached the peak of his jump, he shouted just as his glass ball was covered in hot, intense flames. "Fire Mummy Dragon Meteor Smash!".

Natsu descended toward Galdox at blinding speeds, a trail of fire in his wake like an object. It was like an object withstand twice the heat of reentry in the Earth's atmosphere. The earth wizard was too shocked by this recent development from Natsu being that the flaming glass spiked ball crashed right into him. The water mill shook violent, a few sections of wall tumbled over, and parts of the old roof collapsed.

As the dust cleared, a hundred foot crater was in the middle of the room. Several grunts were also taken out in the attack. Galdox lied in the center of it with his body dented and burned in places as smoke billowed off his body. Parts of rock and the earth were around him being that Galdox tried to defend himself but it didn't work. "Ugh. I hate this and everything involving this assignment of ours." groaned Galdox.

Natsu pumped his fists into the air with him saying,"And that what's happen when you mess with Fairy Tail!". The non-transformed dark wizards panicked as the unstable building shook being that it was from the Fairy Tail Wizards. They were going to run for it being that their legs was frozen in place by Gray who released a blizzard from his mouth. Before they could break, the trio of Happy, Laki, and Vance ran over and knocked them out.

The only one left standing in the building was Bimbo herself. Erigor was fighting Stella outside and Vela had left. She escaped in the panic being that she didn't want to get arrest being that unlike most criminals, she has a brain. Bimbo's eyes widened in astonishment and disbelief being that she and her hired help were losing to these Fairy Tail Wizards. They weren't even on Zane and his friends back in the Prime Dimension. Despite the twin's increased power, they were losing.     

She even hired a former dark wizard ace and he was being handle by a single wizard. She scowled being that she should have taken the Absolute Wishes Charm earlier. She was sure that Zane trained them in using his powers to a noticeable extent. It was a fatal mistake being that it was a mistake that she wasn't going to make again. She yelled in frustration with her holding her arms out and fired two concentrated beams of lava wrapped with energy at Happy and Vance.

This sent them flying back and landing at Erza, Gray, Laki, and Lucy's feet. Smoke were billowing off the cat's body. The quarter looked at Bimbo whose eyes were glowing pink. She punched the ground hard, causing the ground below her to become very hot and molten. A pillar of lava came rushing out of the ground and Bimbo stood in the center. "Dam you all! I won't lost to you second rate hacks! Give me the Absolute Wishes Charm now or else you'll die!" yelled Bimbo.

Natsu climbed out of the crater and walked over to the others. "So this doesn't look good." said Gray. The felines shakily returned to their feet with them staring at the pissed off Bimbo. "Is that all you got you whore? I'm sure I could defeat you with my right arm tied behind my back and I'm sure that Zane was wrong about your breasts. They're real right?" said Vance. The three girls looked at him with Gray said,"He's a perv like the other guys.".

Happy looked at him with him saying,"Including you Gray?". Gray looked at him with Bimbo shouting,"Like all of you are pathetic! You haven't seen anything yet!". "Okay you guys. You really don't want to make Bimbo mad. I mean she isn't a very happy person when she's mad so how about you let me handle this?" said Zane, appearing in front of them. "You!" yelled Bimbo. "Me! So how is it going Bimbo? You look a little testy. Your mistress not satisfying you anymore?" said Zane.

Bimbo growled at him with Zane saying,"Wow. You haven't not changed ever since you were a nerdy loser. Good times.". "So why are you making her mad?" said Laki. "Kinda my gimmick as Legion Zero Laki. You may have want to leave. She isn't very friendly like I mention." said Zane. "We can take her since I can regenerate from fire!" said Natsu. "He's right! The heat coursing off her is too strong. It's too much for us to handle!" said Erza.

Gray looked at Bimbo with him saying,"So what are you suggesting? We can't give the charm to her.". "Oh. That's the point. Lucy. Mind handing to me." said Zane. "You can't be serious. Out of everyone here, you should know what the charm clearly does and how it affected your watch earlier today." said Lucy in disbelief. "Yeah and trust me, this is going to be good. Lucy. Trust me okay? I won't let her hurt me or anything I care about okay. No jokes for once." said Zane.

Lucy looked at Erza who nodded. "Why do you go to her? I mean Zane is the leader of this little group isn't it obvious." said Sivarth. "Me thinks they don't care because in all dimensions, the female is made leader for some pride and equality thing." said Lucifer. Zane was handled the Absolute Wishes Charm and threw it into the air. "Time for it to go bye bye! Karmic Limbo!" said Zane as he fired a black Mojo beam at the trinket. "No!" shouted Bimbo.      

She directed the pillar of lava toward him being that Zane moved the lava stream into the air and he made it form around the trinket, making the charm have an orbit. The beam struck the trinket and it shattered into pieces. As a result of this, an outburst of gold light exploded outward and everyone was forced to shield their eyes from the blinding intensity. Zane was fine since Twilight covered his eyes in his Zeta's Costume goggles just as the light appeared.

The released energy from the destroyed charm vaporized the remaining portions of the water mill's walls and roof until the entire building was gone. The stone floor and everyone inside remained as the golden light finally died away. It revealed the night sky above and the trees surrounding them. Bimbo and the Fairy Tail wizards uncovered their eyes as the light vanished. "And that's the end of that tacky little thing. Good times." said Zane, smiling.

Bimbo glared at him with her saying,"While like I may be furious at you, where is she?". "Who? You mean your mistress? I hate to ruin your already bad day but she's in jail and that's where you'll be this time. We're finally getting guards with no emotions whatsoever so maybe, you'll stay in jail this time around." said Zane. "Where is Musha?!" yelled Bimbo, glaring at her with her pink eyes. "Oh you mean her. That's a darn shame. You were wrong about the AWC." said Zane.

Happy and Natsu blinked as the two said,"AWC?". "Absolute Wishes Charm. I had Gwen aka one of the best minds on magical curiosities and knickknacks check it out when I had my clone torturing my guildmates earlier. She told me that Musha hasn't been in it since I think the era when Disco came back and may I say, that was a time. There was so much drug usage. I was high for most of it but I was able to kill disco once again." said Zane.

Bimbo growled as she said,"You may have made me look stupid.". "Which is real easy." said Zane as Bimbo looked at him. "But don't worry. You forgot that I still have power unlike you." said Bimbo. "I know that your brain is tiny compared to your massive tits which may look real but they're fake. My knowledge on this is unmatched but you forget. I always have a plan or two. I mean check out what I found in the barrel." said Zane.

The group saw Zane holding his Z.E.R.O. watch and Zane said as he put his watch back on his left wrist,"And now, it's time to return everyone back to how they normally looked. Athena and Cole, do your magic or would it be science?". "A little bit of A and B. So we're going with that as well." said Cole. "What do you think Cole? We know Zane like the both of our hands." said Athena. "Yeah. I know dumb question but hey, I love doing this job." said Cole.

Several emerald green beams of energy came out of the watch and they hit the transformed wizards plus the two cats. In a second, all of them were back to normal. Lucy looked over herself with her smiling brightly. "I'm back to normal! Thank you!" said Lucy, hugging herself. "Save that for later okay? We can't ruin the joyous moment of ours." said Zane with a smirk. "And what would this be?" said Gray with his arms crossed. "Patience is a virtual Gray. Learn it." said Zane.

While Lucy may be happy about this despite her being cute, some were not so thrilled about this change such as Happy who sulked in disappointment. "Man." said Happy. Bimbo looked at the twins who were back to normal and they groaned in pain. "No! I can't lose to you again!" shouted Bimbo in anger. Both Galdox and Krest awoke to see that they were back to normal and went to be his boss's muscles. "You just have to ruin everything good in my life don't you?!" yelled Bimbo.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Um. You've known me for how long and you're still asking me that? What a real blonde am I right you guys? You're different Triple B. I should tell you that while I may be in a joking mood, I'm pissed off. You attacked my base of operation, attacked my coworkers, and worse of all, you captured five beings very important to me! You're going to pay with your lives and trust me when I say this, you'll regret this choice.". "Kill him!" yelled Bimbo.

Krest increased his size to over fifty feet tall before charging at Zane and the gang with Galdox firing two massive boulders at Zane and creating a earthquake. This caused the Fairy Tail wizards and the cats to fall over as Zane stood there, unfazed. "Seriously? I remember the good old days of hired help where I didn't have to fight an cut-out Walter and an even dumber Alonzo. Time to Power Up and make you learn your place!" said Zane, transforming into Torrent Form.

He's 8 feet tall and currently floating in the air. He looks very much like a tall, slender humanoid jellyfish. His body is a gray color with him having six long tentacles coming out of his body. His entire body is covered in a dark indigo pattern with it resembling a torrent or current of energy. Four of his tentacles function as his pairs of arms and the other two tentacles function as his legs. Each one of his arm tentacles have a fin on it.

He has three pupil-less white eyes ,with the third being in the middle of his forehead, and has no mouth. Most of his body ,except for his head, is covered in a black skin-tight jumpsuit. It doesn't cover the ends of his tentacles. His suit has a collection of red dots that form various patterns. All of the dots can absorb and store energy within them. Upon reaching the max amount of energy that they can absorbed, they glow.

Zane has three opening over the area of his shoulders, exposing his shoulders. He has dark red armor plating over his chest, elbows, and knees.  It has white cuffs. "I hope you guys are ready for a show that will blow your mind.!" said Zane, flying toward Krest's fist. He easily dodged the fist with it shaking the ground and he aim two arm tentacles at Krest. The tentacles fired out a huge stream of water from them and straight into Krest's jaw.

Due to the strength of the water flow from the tentacles, Krest was sent flying back and landed in the South River, making a loud splash in the process. "Looks like he's washed up!" said Zane. "Watch out Zane!" shouted Natsu. Zane looked to see five pillars of rock come out of the ground and fly right toward him. "It's cute to think that you're worried for me but you really don't know me." said Zane. He turned intangible as the rocks phases right through him and Galdox shouted,"No! Not fair!".

He felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned around to see no one. As he turned back around, he saw Zane in front of him and he said,"Boo!". He placed two tentacles on the earth wizard and delivered a powerful shock. Gray shivered at the sight of it with Laki saying,"Calm down Gray. It isn't the hairy ape or the giant one.". As Zane finished his attack, Galdox went back with his body tattered and covered in sparks.

Galdox let out a weak groan before succumbing to unconsciousness and was defeated. "And that's for doing something to Kaida, Levy, or Sly which I think you did maybe." said Zane. Bimbo took a few steps back in caution with her watching two of her most powerful followers get beaten easily. It was well known to her and most of the criminal underworld of the Omniverse knew how strong Zane was especially when he was mad.

Bimbo shook away her fear as she fired a giant ball of lava at Zane. He flew over it being that Bimbo kept trying to hit him. "Wow Bimbo. I know that you're ditsy but you're an an awful shot." said Zane. Zane looked at the ground with him aiming one of his tentacle at the ground behind Bimbo and then another tentacle was aimed at Bimbo. "Fire!" said Zane. He made the tentacle ,that was aimed at the ground, fire ice and the other one aimed fire.

The fire knocked her back with her sent flying back and began sliding on the ground. She stopped and turned to see Sly, holding her up. "Hey Zane! Hit a homer at once!" said Sly. She tossed Bimbo with Zane smirking. He made Oathmaker appear in his hands with him reared the hammer back and swung it forward. The hammer smacked Bimbo perfectly and sent her flying toward the sky. "Now that was a hit." said Vance. "Aye." said Happy.

Zane flew toward the sky and above her. He slammed the hammer into her and went toward the ground hard. Rocks and dirt were thrown up as the impact created another crater in the already totaled watermill. A moment passed when the dust cleared, Bimbo lay there at the bottom of a hundred foot deep hole. She groaned in defeat before her head rolled to the side. Zane smiled at her with him saying in an umpire like voice,"And you're out of here!". 

An hour later, the Rune Knights arrived on the scene. Krest had been fished out of the river while his brother, Bimbo, and the other hired goons were apprehended by the knights. As most of them were loaded away into the prison wagons, they were binded by magical cuffs. The only one who didn't get the magic cuff treat was Bimbo being that she got a Negation Collar instead. As she was taken away by the knights, she glared right at Zane ,out of Torrent Form, with her swearing revenge again.

The Rune Knights paid the group or more specifically Zane a sum of a hundred-thousand jewels. The captain explained to Zane that Bimbo was wanted by the Magic Council after breaking out Galdox and Krest with whoever captured her gets an hundred-thousand jewel reward. Without any real argument from Zane, they accepted the reward and headed back to Magnolia. The group was walking down a dirt road that lead straight back to Magnolia.

Along the way, Natsu was cheering loudly as he ran around with his arms up high. "Oh yeah, we won you guys! And I'm not tripping anymore!" said Natsu. Kaida ,who along with Stella had been turned back to normal thanks to Zane, looked at him with her saying,"Wait. He was tripping a lot?". "Yeah. I think it was because Mummy Form is kinda hard to maneuver." said Sly. "Not really Sly. Both you and Hatchling need to get good." said Zane, floating beside Levy who was using Gloria as a ride.

Suddenly, Gloria stopped in her tracks with Stella saying,"What's wrong girl?". "You know that it's a girl Stella? And what is this thing?" said Vance. "Yeah. Her gender is so obvious right Natsu?" said Stella with her comment earning a nod from Natsu. The battle feline sighed as Lucy said,"And what about his second question?". "She's a Phantom called a Draco-Cycle. She's dating my other Phantom friend Buzz. Good guy right? Only took you how many years to start dating again?" said Zane.

Gloria growled as Zane said,"You really can't blame Buzz for being dense. You really need to be more proactive with boys. Most of the time, we're dense like diamonds. I think you want to take a break don't you but I can do that for you.".  He made his car Astral Tank appear in front of him and Team Natsu went back. "So what's with them?" said Kaida, earning a shrug from Sly and Vance. "Your father and partner are speed demons!" said Happy, hiding behind Lucy.

Zane shrugged as he said,"If you guys want to WALK back to town, fine. We're going to get back there since I got to return the others back to normal. Me thinks that the Coward can't handle any more destruction any time soon plus this money is going back to repairs and not the Alvarez family trust fund.". "Come on guys! I mean this time, Zane may go slow." said Natsu. As he entered the tank, he didn't noticed Zane smiling brightly. "Idiot. He just sealed his fate." said Athena and Cole.

Gray ,with him holding down on his seat hard, shouted,"So Zane! I have to ask something since this is all over!". Zane ,while driving turn back to him, said,"Yes? And is my little girl safe back there? If I see a scratch on her head, you're dead Fullbuster!". "I'm fine! Go faster!" said Kaida sitting in her car seat. "You heard the lady." said Sly. "No ignore her Zane! Tell him to slow down Stella!" said Happy and Vance, holding onto each other for dear life.

Stella shrugged as she looked at Natsu who was out cold and resting on Lucy's lap since Erza lost the game of rock, paper, and scissors. "What's your question?" said Zane. "So did you actually destroy the Absolute Wishes Charm? I mean you seem too eager about destroying it even though the genie that supposedly killed something called the dinosaurs was going to be in there." said Gray. "He's right Zane. I was curious about that as well." said Erza.

Zane smiled as he said,"Did you honestly think that I destroyed the charm? Silly Frosty and Prude Knight. You expect too little of me. You focused on one thing when you should have focused on something else instead.". He held the Absolute Wishes Charm with Lucy saying,"I thought you destroyed that thing.". "I did. My Hyperion Mail has several different abilities other than destroying and one of them is making copies like a super fast printer." said Zane.

Stella looked at Zane with her saying,"So you destroyed a copy of the charm?". "Yep. Bimbo did sense the charm but I was nearby as well. The charm I destroyed didn't have the genie and she's still in the charm, unable to escape and swearing at me like a sailor. I mean you should be grateful that you don't hear her." said Zane. Erza smiled being that despite Zane's awful attitude, he had a big brain that's focused on having a good time and strategy.

About fifteen minutes later, the team had return back to Magnolia with them heading back to the guild since Makarov expected them back at the guild. When they arrived, the trio of Kaida, Levy, and Sly were confused by the increased amount of destruction. Before one of them could ask the very important question. Erza told them that Zane had personally trained all of them and Sly told her that training with Zane is usually a bad thing.

Levy looked around the area to see that Erza was correct and she had seen Zane training both Gray and Natsu before. She prayed for the others to make a safe recovery after being tortured by Zane under the pretension of training. Zane had restored the rest of the transformed wizards back to normal being that Erza had explained what happened during their mission starting from the beginning and Zane responded with his comments much to her annoyance.

Meanwhile, Juvia was watching over Zane and she smiled. "I'm so happy that all of this is over my handsome prince!" said Juvia. "So are you going to miss having gravity powers Elfman?" said Mira as she looked over at her brother. "Nope! A real man doesn't need gravity powers!" said Elfman as he tripped over nothing. Droy and Jet laughed at this with Zane sitting at the bar and his right hand was in Gravity Form.

Cana looked at him with her saying,"Shouldn't you at least be a bit mature?". "Nah. That's really boring Cana in the words of Zane." said Sly. Kaida ,who was resting on Zane, was asleep and Zane tussled her hair. "Peanut. I know you're sad since you "failed" your job but you didn't. Bimbo wasn't supposed to happen but hell, I've accepted things to go a different way that I expected. You will be a great wizard I promise." said Zane.

Kaida smiled as Zane turned to see Happy begging for something. He was on his hands and knees with him saying,"Zane! I'm begging you! Turn me into another feline form of yours! I want to be big and strong again like Liger Form!". "Didn't I tell you no at least three no twenty times ever since we left the water mill? And honestly, I have one more transformation for the night." said Zane. "Aw. You are so mean to me." said Happy with him slumping over and sulked.

Zane sighed as he said,"Don't worry Happy. I'll make your mood better. Here. I had Reedus make this for you earlier. He was here and while you were training, he painted.". Gloria rolled up to them and she opened up her mouth with Zane reaching his right hand into it. "Do you really think she mind being your suitcase Zane? And can't your bag do the same thing?" said Sly. "She and I are partners like we are plus this isn't the first time I've stuck my hand into a dragon's mouth before." said Zane.

Before Cana or Happy could ask for clarification or some good old context, Zane pulled out a painting from the cycle. It showed Happy ,back in Archer Form, standing on top of the other transformation wizards with two humanoid ,female, cat models by his side. If you need a picture of it, think the New Guy Poster and you got the paining. At first sight of this, Happy's smile returned to him. "This is so cool! You're the best Zane!" said Happy as he hugged Zane's head.

Zane smiled as he said,"And this is a known fact but trust me, this is just the start.". "And what else do you have in store for? It's late." said Cana. "Who cares Cana? I have to thank Reedus tomorrow for this amazing painting. Do you think Natsu will allow it in our house?" said Happy. "Pretty sure he will since it's so cool." said Zane. "Really? You honestly think that." said Cana and Sly. "Yes I do. You two really have to believe me." said Zane.

The two girls rolled their eyes at that with Erza along with Gray, Lucy, and Natsu walking toward them with the knight crossing her arms. "So Prude Knight. I got to ask. What's up with the glowing red eyes and the violent mood? Not very pretty right Gray?" said Zane. "Have you seen Vance in the past handful of minutes? Erza is looking for him in order to punish him for his attitude earlier." said Gray. "He's correct. Don't lie to me Zane in order to protect your friend." said Erza.

Zane chuckled with him saying,"Um Prude Knight. I'm sure you're unaware of this but me and Vance aren't friends. Me and Stella are friends. Vance and I are acquaintances at best. I think he went home for the night because he's scared of you.". "Really? You're not lying." said Erza. "Is that all you think I'm capable of? I'm hurt but first, the set needs to be complete." said Zane with a sinister smile. "And what do you mean by...." said Erza as she was blasted by an emerald green beam of energy.

Meanwhile, Makarov was sitting on a barrel. His eyes were closed as he thought about everything that happened today. "Though it's a relief that the Absolute Wishes Charm was destroyed and our enemies were destroyed. We have a bigger crisis on our hands." thought Makarov. His eyes slowly opened to see the construction site. Erza was chasing after Zane being that the knight had been transformed into Gluttony Form.

She has shrunk down to three feet tall with her body being a dark green color. The top of her head, her back, and the palms of her hands is a black color. She has a short tail alongside short and stubby army and legs. Her body is covered by several black spots on her body. Her brown eyes look sharp and without pupils. She has visibly sharp canine teeth that look to help with eating. She has four sets of gill like markings on her stomach. She’s wearing her same outfit and had her sword in hand.

Zane smiled and he said,"And now you know what I mean by completing the whole set. Might I add that you look like the bell of the ball?". "How about you stay here and take your punishment like a man Zane?!" yelled Erza. "And my response to that is this. I'm neither male or female but an Eazairvian. So have you figure out your special power? I mean I know it but your short and stubby arms and legs." said Zane.

Erza stopped and took a breather. "I've only taken a ten yard run! Why am I tired?!" said Erza as she gasped for air in between each pause. "Perhaps you need to get in shape Prude Knight. I can bring you through the ringer and with montage music to boot." said Zane. Erza growled and began chasing after Zane being that no one was going to stop them. "Should we try to stop them?" said Lucy. She turned to the guild who were laughing their ass off. "Nevermind." said Lucy.

During the chase between Erza and Zane alongside the training earlier, they destroyed nearly three fourths of the stone wall and caused it to collapse. The lumber posts for the infrastructure were brunt to a crisp by Natsu earlier and several craters in the ground across the site since Zane wasn't a very kind teacher. He was more violent than a drill sergeant. "The guild hall is a bigger mess than it was before! And you two! Stop it!" yelled Makarov.

Erza stopped as Zane looked at her. "Come on Prude Knight. You have to get revenge on me for this and before I forget, I was only contracted for today so have fun with the extra work! I'll turn you all back tomorrow later!" said Zane as he teleported away with Gloria, Kaida, Levy, and Sly. "All of you kids will be working double shifts tomorrow until all of this is repaired!" yelled Makarov. "It's official. I really hate you Zane Vincent Alvarez." said Erza, groaned in displeasure.

Next Time,
With the misadventures of Zane transforming wizards into his forms over, will Erza and Zane have their long awaited fight? Plus a wizard will make his grand return to his guild and things will hit the fan. Opinions will be well known and fights will happen. Next time and more on Fairy Legion!   

Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Dinosaur Form. This card has a black frame with a dinosaur like creature standing in the center of the card roaring with a jungle like background. When Zane places this card inside, he becomes a large humanoid dinosaur like creature. This Form was been introduced in Zero Episode 120 and it doesn't have a Prime Form.

Torrent Form. This card has a black frame with a jellyfish creature swim through an ocean and right above it, there is a blizzard, firestorm, and thunderstorm going on. When Zane places this card inside, he becomes a master of several different elements which flows through his body and creates it. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 108 and its Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet.

Random Notes:
The dimension that Zane was in called the Wasteland. Time passes faster in this dimension being that it's a rate of twenty days for every second that passes on either Earth or Earthland. It's 1,728,000 seconds in the Wasteland. The Wasteland is filled with barren lands. It has little vegetation due to the large craters and volcanoes that plague the dimension.

Gloria is a Phantom known as a Draco-Cycle. They are often considered dangerous among Phantoms due to them being omens of aggression and only make themselves known to those who have witnessed death in any regards.

Bold Means Changed by the Zenith Watch:
Villains: Bimbo, Galdox, Krest, and Vela Knott. 2/4.   
Fairy Tail Members: Bisca, Cana, Droy, Elfman, Erza, Gray, Happy, Jet, Kaida, Laki, Levy, Lucy, Makarov, Natsu, Macao, Mira, Stella, Sly, Vance, Wakaba, and Zane. 14/21.

Altered: In order of change. Their voices will not be changed unless I mentioned it and these forms may change.
Elfman into Gravity Form.
Happy into Archer Form
Natsu into Mummy Form.  
Cana into Matter Form.
Droy into Orb Form.
Gray into Frost Form.
Jet into Camouflage Form.
Laki into Undergrowth Form.
Lucy into Comet Form.
Macao into Kitsune Form.
Stella into Tombstone Form.
Vance into Combat Form.
Wakaba into Werewolf Form.
Galdox into Brawn Form.
Krest into Titan Form.
Kaida into Cartoon Form.
Erza into Gluttony Form,

Galdox/the Left Twin introduced. He’s the smarter and more evil twin compared to Krest who only thinks about using brute force to achieve their goals. He decided to work with Bimbo mainly because she promised him a good time rather than the item that she’s searching for to get revenge on Zane for putting away her mistress. He uses Earth Magic, making him a fierce opponent. 

Krest/the Right Twin introduced. He’s the dumber twin compared to his brother Krest. He tends to use brute force rather than his brother who uses his brain. When Galdox decided to work for Bimbo, he didn’t need any incentive to work for her since he was promised by her that he would get to destroy things and that was good enough for him. He uses Giant Magic which he uses often to increase the destruction and would make a perfect member for Fairy Tail.

Even if he doesn’t use his magic, he can easily destroy a large slab of rock with a single punch. Fun fact about him. His voice is very much like Tristan Taylor from the popular Yugioh Abridged. 

Vela Knott. As a child, Vela was always scared of other people because of all of the hate she was unfairly given for being the daughter of two demon supporters and being the only person in her village who could use magic. As a result of being hated, she had trouble accepting humans and her being sold off to slave traders because she was playing with the mayor’s daughters didn’t help her hatred in the slightest. She always wanted to get revenge on being treated the way she wasn’t but couldn’t. 

She came to work for Bimbo because she was promised one of the item’s wishes to change her life. She speaks with a polite manner and has a very strong fear of blood or Haemophobia or is it Hemophobia, passing out at the sight of it. She knows a wide variety of magic being that she can use Requip magic to make her sword appear. She calls it Crusader being that it’s a massive sword being two meters tall and a meter wide. It has a gray blade with it covered in magic runes that glow red.

Despite the sword’s size, she can wield it with relative ease When her sword glows, she can produce white magic that can either burn someone, freeze someone, or electrocute someone. She can also shoot the energy that she can produce from her sword in a beam like fashion. Her main weapon is a gray flute which is covered by magic runes. She’s able to control anyone she wants by playing her flute. To activate this ability, she has to have a good look at them for at least thirty seconds. 

She can only pick a certain group to affect. If she's controlling over five people, her spell last for thirty minutes before its over. 

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