Saturday, November 2, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 40 Celebration Section 1 (Written on December 8 2021)

This post is a part of Fairy Legion Chapter 40 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Fairy Legion Chapter 40. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

A/N: Yeah. That was an beefer of an episode since I had two of the biggest fights in the arc written in the same episode. This may have been the reason why I went on a six month hiatus from Fairy Legion but who really knows the reasons why I did that? I love writing Fairy Legion, I really do but I wanted to work on Zero and look how that turned out. I should mentioned that everything from Episode 118 to Episode 134 will be mentioned in some regards.

You may have noticed that I gave Jose a power boost in his fight. Gajeel got this as well being that he was already strong but Sue's role in it was a shock. After this arc in Fairy Tail, she gets pushed out of the story. Jose is a wizard saint and like the rest of his guild, they pretty much got wrecked by Fairy Tail even though they were stated to be completely equal but they didn't have the power of friendship on their side so they were destined to lose.

Jose did pretty good against Erza before Makarov showed up and wrecked him using Fairy Law being that's how you show off an OP badass. It's like how Shanks from One Piece can show up for a single chapter and usually something amazing happens. Look at Chapter 957 being that when I get to reviewing that chapter, you'll see my full opinion on that. The outcome of the fight between Jose and Zane was that too but way more destructive.

I wanted to show that Jose ,while stronger than say the fourth strongest member of Fairy Tail at that time in the story, was truly worthy of his title of Wizard Saint. Zane could have used Nightmare Form or Astral Form at the very start of the fight, ending the conflict but that's boring to read. Jose and Zane fought being that Jose didn't stand against a god. Even if Mira didn't help, Zane was going to take down Jose with no problem.

I decided to allow Mira to help out in this fight even though she didn't too much to damage Jose. Erza would have helped as well but you know what they said. Two's a party, three's a crowd. I also don't like Erza plus who doesn't want to see the She-Devil kicking some butt. The Fairy Tail Spinoff is doing that and it's great because of that plus some other stuff. Wait till the review of that because well, there is both bad and good things being the former involves Jellal. Of course it does.

You may what I meant by Erza being the fourth strongest S-Class Wizard. Well, have you read this story at all? Zane ,and I mean myself, doesn't like her because she's weak due to the armor she wears and also Laxus and Mystogan are pretty strong. Mystogan showed this by taking down every single branch of Phantom Lord while the rest of the guild took down their main force. Now you could say that Fairy Tail wouldn't won if Jose use ALL of his forces on them but friendship.

I'm not sure if I'll ever like Erza because of reasons that I've stated before. Heck, I like Lucy more than her which doesn't say much but at least the blonde isn't in the ten things I don't like whatsoever about Fairy Tail. Like with One Piece, I'm working on one. One Piece is taking a long time being that I have six things and hasn't changed in the past four months. I started working on the list around December of last year for One Piece being that I plan to work on Fairy Tail's right after that one comes out.

This arc will either end after this Chapter or the next one. Haven't decided and you'll be shocked what I'm doing for the Loke Arc. The break really helped me come up with some ides. Chapter 41's name will be based off Episode 29 of the anime being that the latter just sounds really good. I honestly like it. I do want to talk about the iTunes description of Episode 28 being that it boggles my mind. I mean why is Lucy called a Celestial Smarty rather than a Celestial Cutie?

I mean whenever I see the word Smarty, I think the candy most of the time. I just associate words with items. That will not change. The Loke Arc is arguably the most boring arc in Fairy Tail but hey, that just my opinion. Plan to see a worst to best arcs in Fairy Tail and openings. Endings may not happen because most of the time, I care little for the endings of animes. I can name a few exceptions but most of the time, I skip them or don't focus on them to have an opinion.

Remember that all of my opinions are not the confirmed answers and too much bias will happen in this story. I really should get started. These next couple of chapters won't have a whole lot of fighting but character development and shit. You should read this if you want to see these characters being there will be little punching and kicking. Fun fact about Fairy Legion, the average amount of forms I use every chapter is about 4.

I figured this out after I added up all of the forms used between Chapter 1 and 39. I got 4 forms per episode on average being that I'm pretty sure that I won't be using too many. Zero's amount of forms depends on what I'm writing. Look at Zero Episode 134 but now, it's the time for Zane to return back to the land of Fiore where friendship will win you any fight and being a curvy female is kinda natural except for a few. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
It has been about ten minutes since Zane defeated Jose and Fairy Tail still celebrated their victory over Phantom Lord's main forces since Mystogan took care of the branches of Phantom Lord according to Makarov. The group of Cana, Erza, Mira, and Stella were still out searching for Zane manly due to them not being happy about what happened during the last moments of the war aka Zane "dying" to Jose's Shade Void spell. It's basically a bigger energy beam than normal. 

Zane wasn't in the mood for it since they should know that he wouldn't die to the hands of Second Place because he rather not have some of his villains laugh at him from the grave since Jose was a solid Level 7 in the Pit. He was currently hiding under the cliff side using a combination of his intangibility and stick em powers. Lucy stood there in complete silence with Happy saying in his typical innocent yet annoying tone,"Everyone looks so happy don't they?".

Lucy turned right to him and she said in a sullen tone,"Yeah they do.". Happy looked at her with him saying,"Are you okay Lucy?". She was quiet as Happy wanted to help her but he didn't know what to say to help her. He wasn't Zane whose good at helping people despite being abrasive and really rude about it. "So I know that Erza went to go kill Zane for worrying her and other stuff but did Natsu go to calm her down?" said Gray, looking for his rival.

Sly ,in her dragon form, flew over to him with her saying,"Nope. He had some business to take care of Gray.". Nemo had went back to the Alvarez home to keep an eye out for the girls who may come by the house, looking for Zane. He placed the weakened three S Class Wizards of Phantom Lord inside of the robot and Sly told him not to kill any of them. "What type of business?" said a very confused looking Elfman. "Personal. He'll be back shortly." said Sly. "I see then. So did Zane go with him?" said Gray.

Sly sighed as she said,"Yeah he did. Knowing my partner like I clearly do, I think he's teasing Natsu about something minor.". "He's really nosey isn't he?" said Elfman as Sly nodded. "Yeah. If he finds something to exploit, he'll tease that person to hell and back since he can." said Sly. Meanwhile, the duo of Natsu and Zane were currently in the remains of the Giant. "So are you sure about him being there Zane? And are you going to hide from Erza and the others forever?" said Natsu.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Natsu. I know that you have pretty good hearing like a Labrador Retriever but I can focus my hyper hearing. I picked up on his heartbeat Natsu so lets get going.". "Okay but are you going to answer my second question?' said Natsu. "They'll get over it trust me plus I have the ultimate way to calm a women's rage." said Zane as he nodded. "Is it Kaida?" said Natsu. "Yep. She appeals to their maternal instincts and also, she doesn't want to see me hurt." said Zane.

The two stopped as Zane said,"We're here.". "K. Gajeel! Shout if you can hear me!" said Natsu. "Of course I can hear you damn matchstick!" said Gajeel. The two found Gajeel sitting against a partially destroyed wall with Sue by his side. Thanks to the Mirror Wizard's help, he was safe from Nightmare Form aka how he wrecked Jose. "I can barely move and news flash, that hasn't changed!" said Gajeel with him glaring at the two.

He slowly dragged himself upright, despite his severe burns covering his body. "Oh wow. I guess you're a big sore loser Lugnut. I mean you lost to me, my third A.I./secretary of Zenith Industries, and Natsu here in a couple of days." said Zane. "Shut your damn trap! I'll end you after you put me and Sue through that house from hell." said Gajeel, glaring at Zane directly. "Okay but this time, I won't be holding back. You're get a ride from Cyber Form, Hulking Form, or Robot Form." said Zane.

Sue sighed as she said,"So why did you want to talk with Gajeel pinkie? I could have brought him to a hospital but no. He wanted to talk with you about something. Men and their pride. Plus why do you want to fight him Gajeel? He defeated Master Jose, Aria, and Juvia without trying right?". "Are you saying that I couldn't beat him Sue?" said Gajeel. "Look Gajeel. I don't want to see you hurt okay?" said Sue.

Gajeel looked away as Zane said,"Don't worry Sue was it? Here's the only thing that you'll only need to know about boys. They're stupid. If you give a boy two choices, a smart one and a stupid one. Nine times out of ten, he'll always make the stupid one. I'm not exempt from that statement as well but most of the time, the two options blend together. You should never give them a choice.". "That's just so damn depressing." said Sue. "Yeah. It is." said Zane. Catch that little dialog.

It's from Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated being one of the best shows involving the mystery solving dog and friends who by the way is 384 years old in dog years or 50 human years. This is according to this website since Scooby is a Great Dane. "Anyway. Why are you two here to begin with? I'm pretty sure that pinkie isn't here to rub salt in our wounds." said Sue. "I am by the way but Natsu isn't." said Zane, smiling.

Natsu nodded as he said,"So where did you learn dragon slayer magic Gajeel? Where did you learn it from or is it from a lacrima?". "Lacrima? You got to be fucking kidding me. I'm actually insulted that you would think that I would have that fake ass dragon slayer magic." said Gajeel. "Lugnut actually thought that Avalanche had that shit but nope, she has both a dragon parent and Lacrima making her stronger than the both of you." said Sue, pointing to Gajeel and Natsu.

Without missing a beat, Gajeel and Natsu said in unison,"Hey! No way is she stronger than me!". The two dragon slayers glared at each other with Zane chuckling. "These two are more identical than they may think." said Twilight. "Just like Zane and Er....." said Cole with him getting hitting by Zane. "So who do you learn it from then?" said Natsu. "Metalicana." said Gajeel. "Huh?" said Natsu. "He's the Iron Dragon and was the strongest." said Gajeel.

Natsu nodded as he said,"So you've learned your magic from a real dragon too. I guess there are more than two dragon slayers out there. I mean before I met you, Lynn, and Stella, I met another Dragon Slayer who I haven't seen in seven years now. Out of the four of you, two of their parent dragons in front of them and one dragon went missing like mine. I was personally raised by Igneel, the Fire Dragon King." said Natsu. "No. That's impossible." said Gajeel.

Sue shrugged as she said,"What do you mean? I mean two of you were raised by literally dragons after all.". "It's pretty simple Sue. Hatchling here used fire and lightning dragon slayer magic. I taught him the latter by the way." said Zane. "How?" said Gajeel. "I'm a really good and sadistic teacher plus in the past, Hatchling tried to eat lightning. There were still traces of lightning inside of him so I helped him access it using mine of course." said Zane.

His right hand was covered in his signature electricity as Sue said,"Gajeel. I'm begging you. Please don't fight him.". "Fine. I won't. You're tough Legion Void Knight." said Gajeel. "Thanks and you're whipped aren't you Lugnut?" said Zane, making a whip sound. Gajeel growled with him looking at Natsu. "So the blonde chick. Is she your mate Hatchling?" said Gajeel. "She's one of them. Why are you asking Lugnut?" said Natsu, with his eyes narrowed dangerously at Gajeel. 

Zane sighed as he said,"Simmer down hothead. I'm pretty sure that Gajeel doesn't go out of his way to steal a dragon slayer mate. That's just a dick move.". "Yeah. He's right. So how can you have more than one of them?" said Gajeel. "Um. That's a very good question Lugnut and I'll get you an answer at a later date." said Natsu, looking off into the sky. "Seriously?! You don't know!" said Gajeel. "Yeah. Pretty sure that Igneel didn't teach him that." said Athena.

Sivarth slowly nodded as he said,"That sounds like him.". "Since Natsu was raised by a dragon king Gajeel, mating is a bit different when it comes to dragon kings and their slayers. They're naturally driven to take multiple mates according to a book I read." said Zane. "You know this how?" said Sue with Zane smiling. "I just love to learn." said Zane. "So why do you want to know?" said Natsu with him glaring at Gajeel.  

Gajeel chuckled with him saying,"Curiously bites the cat. It makes sense why you went so berserk on me when we fought. I mean you were blinded by rage that I hurt your mate. You not killing me was a shock.". "Yeah. I mean one of my clones pretty much attacked her because I don't like her." said Zane with Sue blinking. "You two are Nakama right?" said Sue. "Yeah but I won't like Triple B until she changes a good amount." said Zane.

Natsu looked at them with him saying as he clenched his fists,"You two may have hurt Luce in different ways but I couldn't kill either of you. I would never be able to forgive myself if I killed someone in cold blood like that. I wouldn't be able to face my nakama again.". "That's really naive thinking Natsu. I mean I killed someone when I was eight and I'm perfectly fine with facing my friends. Killing is something all beings must do eventually." thought Zane.

Azalea nodded as she said"Yes but that was because you need your power to protect Jordan and Leo.". "However if either of you killed Lucy, I would have killed you without hesitation. I can't lose her or any one of the girls I'm trying to mate with. I'll make this perfectly clear for the both of you. If I see either of you two hurt Lucy again, I'll beat you to an inch of your life." said Natsu, glaring right at Gajeel and Zane.

Gajeel didn't show it on his face but he was scared of Natsu and his threat. "Okay. I won't lay a hand on blonde." said Gajeel. "Wow. You're scared of Natsu of all people. How sad." said Zane. "I think getting his ass beat by the guy helped and that threat should have scared you too." said Sue. "Do you really think this is my first death threat?" said Zane. "I'm guessing not. So did you kill anyone from our guild?" said Sue.

Zane cupped his chin as he said,"Maybe a group of mooks when I used Avenger and Nightmare Form since well, I didn't warn anyone about it but I did warn Jose. Nightmare Form is easily one of my top five forms if I'm not counting my god form or primes.". "So Gajeel, how's Metalicana doing?" said Natsu, trying to change the subject. "I dunno. He disappeared one day without saying a thing. He was always so selfish." said Gajeel, with a sad look on his face.

Natsu looked at Gajeel with him saying,"Tell me where he is Lugnut!". "I don't know pinkie!" yelled Gajeel. The two slayers butted heads with them going back with bumps on their heads. "So this was the stupid option right?" said Sue, earning a nod from Zane. "I feel like I'm losing brain cells talking to you two mainly you Hatchling." said Gajeel. "Watch it buddy." said Natsu. "I have to ask. So is he your friend?" said Zane.

Natsu ignore Zane's comment with him saying,"Hold on. Metalicana didn't happen to disappear on the seventh of July sever years ago, did he?". "Yeah he did. So do you know where that iron skinned bastard went or what?" said Gajeel. "No idea whatsoever but I've been looked for Igneel since he left the same day as your dragon along with that other dragon slayer I met. Plus two other dragon slayers I know say that their dragons died the same day." said Natsu.

Gajeel sighed as he said"So three dragons vanished seven years ago when two dragons died. It was the year seven seven seven on the seventh day of the seventh month.". "Huh. That's a lot of sevens. I mean if this was a casino, we would be doing amazing." said Zane. The three looked at him with Gajeel saying with a confused look,"Are you serious?". "Yeah. Five triple 7s. We'll make a fortune." said Zane with dollar signs for eyes. "He likes money a lot and doesn't share it with us." said Natsu.

Zane crossed his arms as he said,"He's referring to Triple B who constantly complains about not having money despite there being a clear way to earn some cash.". "Anyway, I don't care what's going on with him." said Gajeel, looking cool while suffering in pain. "He totally does. Nice meeting you two and your house Void Knight. It's a hell hole." said Sue with Zane nodding. "Thanks. I made it a paradise and hell at the same time." said Zane.

Sue helped Gajeel as she said while wrapping his arm around her,"Do you honestly think I'm going to let you suffer on your own?". "Nope. I know you too well babe." said Gajeel, kissing her cheek. "So you two are mates aren't you?" said Natsu. "Yeah. It's rather obvious. You've meet my guild. Do you think anyone cares about each other like you fairies do?" said Sue. "Yeah but Natsu isn't the best when it comes to matters of the heart like Lugnet. Didn't expect you to be a romantic." said Zane.

Natsu scoffed as he said,"You should leave already.". "This is our turf punk! If anyone is going to leave this place, it's you two!" said Gajeel. "Wow. You're so rude." said Natsu. "Scram before I hurt you." said Gajeel. "Wow and here I thought we were friends now. You two should leave since the wise and totally perfect Magic Council will be here and let me say that they won't be too happy with Phantom Lor's most recent action." said Zane. "Shit. You're right. Lets go then." said Sue.     

Natsu nodded as he said,"If you hear anything about Igneel or another dragon, tell me okay?". "You can't be serious. Why should I help you?" said Gajeel. "Because we're dragon slayers and we got to stuck together. If I find anything about Metalicana, I'll tell you." said Natsu. "So since I was raised by two Akostars aka dragons and kill a couple not your dragons by the way, does that make me a dragon slayer too?" said Zane.

Gajeel and Natsu ignored Zane with Gajeel saying,"Screw the both of you! Next time we meet, you're going down hard! You'll be begging for mercy!". "Come on Gajeel. I thought you guys were friends since you fought." said Sue. "Yeah. I mean I was thinking about calling a truce with Phantom Lord but you're being mean so the truce isn't happening." said Zane. "Gajeel. Remember what I told you in the mirror dimension if you saw him again." said Sue.

Gajeel sighed as he hung his head. "Look Salamander. Sorry for hurting blondie and wrecking your guild. If I knew she was your mate, I wouldn't have got with her. I don't fuck with a dragon's mate and you better not say anything." said Gajeel with him pointing to Zane. "I guess that I accept your apology Gajeel, but I can't forgive you for what you did." said Natsu. "Yeah. Almost hurting Levy is basically a major crime to me. She's my girlfriend but I'm always for second chances." said Zane.

He cracked his right knuckles with him saying,"But if you decided to mess with her or someone innocent again, you'll get a brutal beating.". This earning a deep sigh from the iron dragon slayer with him saying as he was rubbing the back of his head,"Yeah. I expected that from the both of you. If I ever see you or Legion again, I want a rematch.". "You got it. I mean you're always welcome to join Fairy Tail." said Natsu.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. I mean you'll lose against me but it's worth trying right? Oh and I don't regret your guild hall plus your crappy mecha. We should get going Natsu. I sense that Erza and the group won't kill me. Thank you Kaida.". Natsu nodded as both him and Zane went back to the main land through a portal. Sue looked at Gajeel who smiled. Sue smirked as he said,"So thinking of joining Fairy Tail Gajeel? I mean two of your friends are there.".

Gajeel looked at her with him saying,"What?! Me join the fairies! Not happening. I think Juvia is the only one of us who would join Fairy Tail. Those two aren't my friends either!". "Yeah she is. She fell for Legion hard just I did with Black Steel." said Sue as Gajeel blushed at what she said. "Whatever. Lets go." said Gajeel. "Okay then tough guy. Mirror Magic: Warp!" said Sue as the couple vanished thanks to a mirror from out of nowhere.

It was now sunset. He was looking over the wreckage that was Fairy Tail's Guild Hall and upon seeing it, he sighed. "Wow. It's in ruins. They really did a number on this place." said Makarov. "Honestly, I don't notice a difference." said Zane while dodging a punch from Stella. "Can't you ever think before you speak for once right?" said Stella. "Nah and why are you trying to injure me Stella? I mean I had my limbs cut off plus countless numbers of injuries." said Zane.

Zane turned to Porlyuscia who was asked to come down here by Makarov to help with the guild's many injuries. "You were lucky to have many ways to regenerate Zane. Both of your arms and legs were ripped out of their body. Don't get yourself killed. Makarov knows I don't like humans but you are not human technically." said Porlyuscia. "Yeah but this is normal. I mean sometimes, I cut my arms off when I'm bored and I won't." said Zane.

Porlyuscia nodded as she left. "Wow. You make friends with everyone huh.". said Stella. "What can I say Stella? I'm just so damn lovable." said Zane. "So you two are doing alright. Guess Haru and Jean were worried for nothing." said a voice. The duo turned around to see the cloaked figure ,who comes from Fairy Legion Chapter 37 and Fairy Legion Chapter 39, stood there. He was standing on a crate ,from out of nowhere, and his face was covered up a hood.

He attracted the guild's attention with him saying,"Not a bad job humans but honestly, you were too nice on him Zane. I would smashed him in the face while he's in that state just to make sure that he's down for good.". "Okay then. So how did you know Zane?" said Lucy. "Seriously? I mean it's super obvious right Stella?" said Zane. "Honestly, I have no idea." said Stella. "Wow. You know him and no, it isn't Old Man Jenkins or his Jalopy." said Zane. "I hate you Zane." said the figure.

The masked figure removed the hood being that he sighed. "Vance?!" said Stella. For a quick reminder of what Vance Aerofel, lets do that. He's a small cat very much like Happy but slightly bigger. Happy is about a foot tall being that Vance is two feet tall. He's also more raccoon like. His fur is dark gray with a rounder face compared to Happy and oddly smaller red eyes. His ears and nose are pointed being that the former has red insides. He has two small whispers appeared on each side of its face.

His chest/underbelly is white being that his chest, face, and paws are covered in scars being that it was made clear that he has been in a couple of fights. Despite having the exact same body type of Happy, he looks to be a fighter rather than a commentator aka Happy. His body is rectangular with his feet and hands having crimson red claws and pink paw pads. He also had two sharp fangs on his upper jaws and he has a long, white-tipped tail with most parts of his tail is dark gray. 

Unlike Happy, he's wearing clothing for some reason aka public nudity is wrong. He's wearing dark green fingerless gloves and black toeless shoes. He's wears a black and white sash around its body. He's wearing black pants with a brown belt with a gray sleeveless muscular shirt. He wears a full gold arm guard sleeves on his arms. He had two pistols to his sides with his large rocker launcher/shotgun on his right shoulder.

Vance nodded as he said with his arms crossed,"That's right Stella. It's me. I decided to come here and make sure that this idiot didn't make you cry. Haru asked me to plus Jean wanted me to make sure Zane is still single since it's obvious that she's crushing on him. Have to give her the bad news and why is that one looking at me?". Happy's eyes were currently stars being that he ran up to the taller cat who sweat dropped at Happy's assault.

Happy flew right at him with him crying out and tears coming down his face,"Kaida and Zane were right! There is another cat around! I'm not alone!". Before he could touch Vance, he was sent flying back to the others. He crashed into a pile or rocks and slumped down in a daze much to the shock of everyone. Vance used the massive weapon on his back as a really big bat being that he huffed. "I don't do hugs like Zane does. Got it idiot?" said Happy.

While still being dizzy from the hit. Happy said,"Why didn't you say that before you hit me?". "Didn't feel like it." said Vance. "Okay. I think he's like Happy but isn't." said Wakaba. "He's more like Zane except a cat and obviously less powerful. I mean a god like cat is just stupid." said Macao. "I think we should keep them unaware of the Cat God from that one dimension or Bakeneko Form plus your other cat forms Zane." said Cole.

Zane nodded as Lucifer said."Good idea for once Cole. Don't want to blow their minds too much.". Vance glared at all of them which cause everyone ,except Erza, Kaida, Makarov, Mira, Sly, Stella, and Zane, to jump back. "Listen up you humans! I didn't come here to save your precious guild. I only helped you two because I owed some humans favors!" said Vance. Mira walked over to him as she said in a innocent tone,"So why did you help us? You must have your reasons right?'.

She knelt down to be at his eyelevel on the crate. Vance looked at the girl with him about to say something offensive but was taking a good look at her cleavage which was showing due to her being bent down. Zane noticed this with him dope slapping Vance and forced him to look at her face as she was giving him an angelic smile. "I owe two people to keep an eye on those two." said Vance as he pointed to Stella and Zane. "Seriously? I can take care of myself." said Stella.

Vance nodded with him saying,"I know that Stella but tell me this. Could you refuse Jean? I mean she's worried about her first crush dying which he almost did. So to keep an eye on the two of you. I came up with a genius idea.". "Nanny cam?" said Zane. "No. I will join Fairy Tail by becoming your partner Stella Lockhart!" said Vance. Everyone just blinked at that with most of Fairy Tail shocked by this news.

Zane smirked as he said,"Well welcome to this family. It's messed up but what family isn't? You're happy about this right Peanut?". Kaida nodded as she hugged Vance. "Why does she get to hug you and I don't?!" said Happy. "She's cute and you're not." said Vance and Zane in unison. Happy sulked as Lucy said,"I'm so sorry Master.". She sheepishly rubbed her arm as Makarov said,"Don't worry child. You've been through a lot lately but don't let it get you down.". 

Lucy's face sudden with her hearing,"Yeah Lucy! Lets see a smile!". The blond slowly turned to see a bandaged up Droy, Jet, and Reedus with Levy. "We defeated Phantom so don't be sad but glad. It's a team effort!" said Levy. "Sure. They may have left the guild hall in ruins but..." said Droy. "But we're going to make it bigger and better." said Jet. "I mean it's the least you two numbnuts could do after you two did nothing while we did all of the work. It's like a school project but worse." said Zane.

Levy pouted with her saying,"Didn't I tell you to be nicer to the rest of the guild Zane?". "And didn't I tell you that I don't hold back on my honesty? It's a curse really but Fanboy and Chumchum didn't do a damn thing. At least Reedus fought some goons." said Zane. Lucy didn't say anything being that regret filled her eyes. "Sorry for making you worry Lucy." said Reedus, causing Lucy to tear up. "No. It's all my fault!" said Lucy.

Zane sighed as he said while relaxing on a lawn chair,"No it isn't fucking isn't for gods sake. We all know about your dirty little secret and honestly, this was going to happen eventually. This is half your fault but hey, lets enjoy the peace and quiet. It's good to relax after a fight.". "No one blames you for this except for Zane but I can't change him no matter how hard I try." said Sly, floating right over to him. "She's right you know." said Zane with a shrug.

Lucy was violently shaking her head as Makarov said in a stern voice,"Lucy. Though we may not be able to share our feelings of happiness and sadness entirely. We can share them somewhat. That's what happens when you're part of a guild like Fairy Tail. One person's happiness becomes everyone's happiness. One person's anger becomes everyone's anger. One person's tears become everyone's tears got it? There is no reason to fell guilty so don't okay?".

Lucy was choking up as she listened to Makarov's speech. She hoped Zane wouldn't say anything but Zane always has something to say and this is Fairy Legion. "The old coward is right. You bear the same mark as the rest of them so be proud to be a member of Fairy Tail. We all care about you include me so just cry already. Don't hold back because holding back your feelings will only hurt you in the end and I wish I was kidding but for once, I'm not." said Zane.

Lucy began to cry with her collapsed to her knees and covered her face with her hands. "Luce. Like Gramps and Zane said, we're here for you." said Natsu. He crouched next to Lucy and patting her back. That simply made Lucy cry even harder. Natsu smiled and pulled Lucy into a tight embrace, as the rest of Fairy Tail gathered around the blonde to try and cheer her up. Zane smirked from his chair as Sly said,"So you seem happy. What's up?".

Zane turned to her with him saying,"I'm kinda happy that I came here. Made a couple of friends like the old days, pissed off people like the old days, and have an adorable daughter. This was a good idea so I have to thank everyone but Savant.". "Yeah. I will too." said Sly. "While I'm glad everything worked out. I'm worried about how the council will see this." thought Makarov. He then looked down as he thought,"I hate to think it but I may be looking at prison time.".

He began to cry with Zane chucking and everyone was shocked by this. "Don't worry so much old man. There is only one thing to do at a time like this." said Vance. "Which is?" said Makarov while crying waterfall like tears just like Aria. "Natsu defeated another dragon slayer, we won the war, and our superhero defeated that Second-Place Prick. All of you are okay as well. Tomorrow and the future should be focused on rebuilding and dealing with this." said Vance.

He raised his paw into the air as he said,"We should party!". The rest of the guild agree to that with Happy and Kaida being the closer to him. Makarov slowly nodded as he said,"We'll tear down the guild tomorrow and build a new one . For now, lets party.". They all went into the basement of the Fairy Tail guild hall and partied. In the basement of the guild hall being that it was the only place not covered in rubble.

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