Thursday, November 14, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 42 Anomaly Wizards and a Jezebel Section 1 (Written on December 10 2021)

This post is a part of Fairy Legion Chapter 42 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Fairy Legion Chapter 42. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

A/N: Yeah. The end of the last chapter ended with Lucy and Natsu doing the devil's tango. If you watch the channel Alex Meyers, you get what they were doing. I really didn't need to go into that since I don't like writing those scenes. My stories do have graphic language and lewd situations but writing those kinds of scene aren't my thing for reasons. I tend to write as I go along as you can see by now so having to make sure that the tango is done right isn't my thing.

So like I mentioned in the last Author Note, we're going to be focused on Manga recaps and review so which one am I going to start with? Since I've talked about Fairy Tail's opening in the last one, I think I should talk about My Hero. You think I would talk about One Piece but honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about Wano. I like parts of it but everything else, I feel meh or just want it to get going. I'm sure that Wano will be the longest arc in One Piece for sure but I just wish we would get going.

The last time I reviewed My Hero was with Chapter 217 according to my note. Chapter 218 starts the very good Meta Liberation Army arc and I wanted to review the arc as a whole. I'm not doing all of the chapters in one sitting because that's over ten chapters plus it finished with Chapter 240 according to the Wiki so I'll be doing a skim note version of the big events and my opinion on them. I did go back and find anything interesting I wanted to talk about.

Over all, it was honestly a good read. I think one of my big problems with My Hero for a while is that I wasn't a real big fan of the villains. They were fine but not the best out there. I mean all of them have more personality than more comic villains but compared to some of Manga's best villains, they were lacking in my opinion. This arc changed that. So the first big thing ,at least for me, is that Katsuki and Todoroki got their licenses, making their debut by defeating a group of thieves.

It is a good start to the career as heroes. I like how we learned about we learned about Tomura and how he basically killed his family with his Quirk when it manifested and the hands that he wears belonged to them. That's messed up because I thought that the hands were just a design choice given his Quirk but wow. That's just dark. Tomura's quick can also infected people without touching them and that just amazing.

We learn more about Toga's quick being that she's pretty much able to mimic a person's appearance and their quirk. That seems really overpowered to me since she could take Endeavor's blood and use his fire power if I'm right. Please nerf her. Twice also got a power up in the fact that he's not scared on using his Quirk on himself and as someone who likes him the most out of the villains so far, I'm happy for my Deadpool clone.

Dabi ,whose pretty much related to Todoroki without saying that they're related, can't handle the heat of his fire being that the marks on his skin are burns from him going overboard. I guess he didn't peal off his own skin. We also met a character named Daruma Ujiko who is like Eggman and looks like the doctor who told Izuku that he didn't have a quirk way back at the beginning of the story. At least that is what I see.

He's also clearly based off the classic video game villain Doctor Eggman. We also meet the man known as Gigantomachia who is very loyal to All for One and how he accepted Tomura as his successor after he wrecked the Meta Liberation Army, creating the PLF (Paranormal Liberation Front) in the wake of the League of Villains and Metal Liberation Army disbanding. We also meet Johnny ,a nomu like creature, aka the owner of the black sludge warping Quirk from way back then.

We also learn why Toga likes Izuku because of Chapter 225 being that there is a business man who looks like Deku. I mean he does. Perhaps it's his father?! We also see that Toga's unique personality is due to her Quirk and that's good world building. That's one thing I love about My Hero. It does world building in such a way that makes it different from One Piece. I also wanted to talk about the character Geten who is a male.

I'm sure most people thought he was a she but nope, it's a he. I think he has a really cool ,pun totally intended, design and he's really powerful since he manipulates ice. He can control the temperature of his ice and turn water into ice, giving him more power. He'll be a force to be reckoned with. We also learn that Best Jeanist has gone missing for some times thanks to Hawks and lost a lung after the end of the Hideout Raid.

You can live without a lung but I hoped he was still alive but nope. He died or is that what Chapter 240 is saying. Re-Destro's quirk is pretty much the Hulk and he looks like the Joker. Pretty cool combo for a villain if you ask me. They even make a reference to that in Chapter  233. We learn Spinner's Quirk being called Gecko which gives him the appearance of a Gecko and the ability to stick onto walls like a gecko I think.

Pretty obvious if you look at him but I honestly that it was Salamander or something else. I don't know my lizards by the way.  It's also mentioned in the story that Quirks can evolve depending on the circumstance such as with Toga or Geten being that because Re-Destro got a burn, Geten got a new power. I'm sure we've seen that before but it's a good clear answer. Tomura's past also showed something that we knew already about kids being sneaky.

Along with how dark Izuku could have been if born with a quirk like Tomura's. He may have gotten bullied for not having one but he still had his family unlike Tomura. Tomura destroyed the entire city of Deika by himself so he isn't one to mess with. I'll also miss all of the hands on him but at least one hand remained.  I also like how in Chapter 241, we see the return of Mt. Lady and her derriere but Mineta is scared of her.

I also like Todoroki's interview since he's totally me during an interview and how he mentioned that he would be a lady-killer if he flashed that smile of his. It was hilarious. Deku's interview is also me because well, he's Deku. We also get a Christmas Chapter in this arc but in September being that Chapter 242 came out in early September. I like how we see all of Class 1-A in Christmas outfit and Iida as Santa is perfect. We also see Eri Claus and yes, it's adorable.

Eri is one of my favorite characters because I just adore cute things. I may be a guy but I won't deny myself the pleasure of enjoying a cute thing. She also gets Christmas confused for Easter, Halloween, and the Japanese holiday Setsubun. I didn't know what it was called until I looked it up after reading We Can't Study Chapter 135. My overall point is that this chapter was amazing and a reason to love My Hero. I like how Deku got a gift from Ochaco and she got a gift from him.

It may be the most basic ship but it's adorable plus watch out for Eri since she got a sword that looks like Cloud's Buster Sword. Chapter 243 keeps this cute energy in tact with us seeing Inko Midoriya again and well, she's worried about her baby boy. I said this before but Inko is the best mom in anime especially with this comic. I also want her to adopt Eri so Deku could be Eri's big brother but I'm sure that it won't happen.

So I also like how the next arc involved Endeavor being that he's honestly one of my favorite characters despite the past actions. I'm always for a character who tries to change and redeem himself rather than stagnate plus Bakugo calling him a jerk is priceless. He's also a worried papa and I love weird characters like that. The arc ends with Hawks hoping that Endeavor gets the clue about what's going on without the enemy fighting out.

That is my "short" review of the Meta Liberation Arc. A good arc and a lot of good moments. It's better than Wano Act 2 but you'll have to wait for my review on that for my full opinion plus how I'm going to review Wano as a whole. I should mention that today's chapter will be like Chapter 28 in terms of weirdness. This chapter will be like last one with similar events but remember. It takes time to build a building and doing the same thing over again. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
With a soft yawn, Lucy woke from her peaceful slumber and she smiled when she felt a strong arm wrapped around her waist. She turned her head slightly to see that Natsu was still fast asleep being that he needs all of the sleep he can after what they did last night. I'm not going to say what but let's just say that the two had some strong romantic tension between them. Lucy's face went bright red at just the thought what they did.

It would make Erza's dirty books blush and Lucy didn't want to admit it but she borrowed some techniques from those books. She placed a quick kiss on his cheek as she gently removed his arm and made her way to the bathroom. She flickered on the bathroom light and began to step into the shower with her being a little sore. They did have a long and intense night of lovemaking being that it was their first time and totally consensual.

Natsu was a totally beast in the bedroom being that the soreness in her legs and the bite marks all over her body was an indication of that. She stepped out of the shower with Lucy wrapping a towel around herself and went to brush her teeth. However upon looking in the mirror, Lucy gasped. She quickly rubbed her eyes to see that she wasn't seeing things but nope. Lucy couldn't believe her eyes being that she ran her hand through her hair.

She was thankful that her hair was still pure blonde since it reminded her of her mama but there was a certain something on the crook of her neck. It was a tattoo where Natsu had bite her sometime last night. The mark sported a chibi looking red dragon encased in orange flames. Its fangs were coming from the bit marks Natsu made. "Natsu! Get in here right now!" shouted Lucy. This scream caused him to spring out of bed and sprint to the bathroom, making his way there fast.

As he reached the bathroom, Natsu shouted,"What's wrong, Luce?!". Before Lucy could answer his question, she was staring at his muscular chest. She shook her head of any lusty thoughts and she said,"What is this?!". She was pointed to the mark. "Oh. Zane mentioned something about it. It's the Dragon Mate Mark." said Natsu. "Wait. Zane told you this?" said Lucy. "Yeah. He seems to know a lot about dragon mating rituals somehow." said Natsu.

Lucy remember how Mira and Sly told her about this with her sighing. "Forgot about that. So what does this mean beside the obvious?" said Lucy. "Well, it makes sure that people know what you're my mate. I didn't see her mark but I'm sure she has one." said Natsu, trying to remember if Sue had a mate mark on her body. "And who is this girl Natsu?" said Lucy in a tone that screamed angry and to make sure he got the hint, her pupils were slitting.

Natsu held up his hands in defense as he said,"It's the mirror lady! She's Gajeel's mate! I wouldn't cheat on you Luce!". "Really? Her and Gajeel were together." said Lucy. "Yeah. They are. So do you mind the mark?" said Natsu. "No Natsu. I want to be your mate since I love you but I can't let people know and I think I know who I'm talking about. It's also impossible to hide things from her according to Levy and Mira." said Lucy.

The dragon slayer looked confused as Lucy said,"I'm talking about Erza Natsu. Isn't it obvious?". "Don't worry about it Luce." said Natsu with him wrapping his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. "I have a plan." said Natsu. "You do?" said Lucy. "Yeah! He should be here any minute now!" said Natsu as someone knocked on the door. "And who is that?" said Lucy. "Someone you know very well and he's my best buddie." said Natsu, smiling.

Lucy ,in her normal outfit, looked at Zane who was sipping some tea. "So why are you here so early in the morning?" said Lucy. "To pick up Natsu to go help out at the guild and helping you guys with your plan to hide your relationship from Erza until she's ready to share Hatchling." said Zane. "You would help us." said Lucy. "Of course he would! We're nakama after all!" said Natsu, wrapping his arm around Zane. Lucy sighed exasperated as she said,"Oh Natsu.".

Zane looked at Natsu with him saying,"Yeah. He never learns.". Natsu was sent flying into the nearby wall by a tendril from Zane's body. "So how are you going to hide it from Erza?" said Lucy, referring to her mate mark. "Simple. You're going to do it Lucy. The Dragon Mate Mark has the ability to give the dragon slayer's mate dragon like abilities of their mate." said Zane. "Uh huh." said Lucy. "And it has the ability to hide itself whenever you want. Just think about it." said Zane.

Lucy looked right at Zane's face with his face telling her that he wasn't joking. "You better be right about this since this is going to be difficult to explain to the guild." said Lucy. "We'll tell everyone about us right Luce?" said Natsu, fully recovered. "Yep but not for right now. Your relationship is a bit complicated. I've been in harems before as you both know and well, they aren't well accept where I'm from so we hid it from the general public." said Zane.

Zane smiled as he said,"Those were the days. So you ready Lucy? We don't have all day you know because the guild isn't going to repair itself.". Lucy focused as the mark disappeared from her and Natsu frowned. "Hold on. You said that Luce is about to hide the mark right?" said Natsu. "He did Natsu. Did it not work?" said Lucy. "Oh it did. Check it out." said Zane. He held a pocket mirror as the couple saw that the mark was gone on Lucy's reflection.

Natsu however could still see it as he said,"Huh? I still see it Zane.". "You, other dragon slayers like Stella, and Akostars like me and Sly can see it fine but normal people like Mira or more specifically Prude Knight won't be until they're ready to." said Zane. "Oh. I get it." said Natsu. "You're welcome Natsu. I'm real happy that you finally got it. So are you ready to go?" said Zane. "We will be. We'll meet you outside." said Lucy.

Zane easily noticed the look between Lucy and Natsu with him saying while having a huge smirk on his face,"Oh. I got you crazy kids. Want to have a quick one before meeting up with the others? I understand but don't make me a godfather anytime soon.". The two blushed as Zane left the apartment and Lucy sighed. "Pretty sure out of everyone in the guild, I really wish that he didn't know about us being together." said Lucy. "So when do you want the guild to know Luce?" said Natsu.

Lucy smiled at him with her saying,"How about after Master's trial?". "He's on trial?! We have to go save him Luce!" said Natsu. Lucy stopped him with her placing her hands on his. "It's more of a formality than anything Natsu. He's fine. Now come on. We should probably get going. The others will get suspicious if we don't show up." said Lucy. Natsu nodded as he kissed the top of her head and he said,"Right Luce.".   

At the construction site, Zane walked over to the duo of Gray and Natsu who was fighting with some wooden planks like a lightsaber duel. He turned into Drill Form with him whacking both of them on their heads, knocking them out. "Can't believe I'm saying this but get to work you two." said Zane with the two quiet. "Um. I didn't do it. It was my evil twin." said Zane, pushing the two to the side and carried the wooden planks with ease.

Lucy ,who sat at the finished bar, sighed as she said,"So is it weird to you that Zane is actually helping out?". "Kinda." said Vance. He sat there with Happy. "Aye! You really changed him Lucy! What's your secret?" said Happy. Before Lucy could answer him, Happy was by a wooden plank that was swung at him accidentally. "Sorry Happy! I totally didn't mean to!" said Zane. "He totally did." said Lucy and Vance.

Hiding behind a stone wall, Juvia was watching this and she smiled. "Oh Zane. Even when you're being helpful, you always find time to help out your friends!" said Juvia, squealing. Zane turned in her direction with him smiling. Juvia passed out with Kane saying,"You're doing that on purpose aren't you?". Zane nodded with Kane sighing. "So why are you helping out?" said Lucy. "Because the Wheel of Morality told me too." said Zane.

Vance loudly sighed with him saying,"Should I ask why you're talking about Zane?". "Nah. It's really a waste of time like how you can teach an old dog new tricks but you can't teach Madonna how to act. So since when have you and Happy be so friendly Vance? You guys going steady or what?" said Zane with him smirking. "We're not going steady Zane. I'm only here since Happy won't leave me alone whatsoever." said Vance.     

Happy jumped at him and he said,"I just want to be friends!". He hugged his fellow cat with Vance saying,"Get off me! I don't do hugs by dudes!". "Never!" said Happy. "Get off me before I blow you up into little cat bits!" said Vance. "Never!" said Happy. Lucy and Zane blinked at this awkward scene with them agreeing to leave them alone. "Honestly you two, I've never seen Happy like this before. It's rare to see another like him." said a voice.

Zane turned to see Erza in her construction outfit with lumber on her shoulder. "When you get the chance. Deliver that to Master Makarov would you?" said Erza. "And since when do I listen to you Prude Crafter? I mean I barely listen to you when you decided to crossdress as a knight so why should I listen to you now?" said Zane. "Because I'm second in command Zane." said Erza. "So did you give yourself that title or what?" said Zane.

Before Erza and Zane could start any one of their fights, Lucy stopped them. "So Erza. Zane had to knock out Gray and Natsu because well, they were going to wreck the place by doing what exactly Zane?" said Lucy. "Dueling with blades of wood." said Zane. The boys had big red bumps on their head from Zane's fist. "We should better wake them up. I'm sure you barely want to do this to begin with but I'm happy that you are. Took too long but whatever." said Erza.

Zane walked over to the giant Makarov with him handing the lumber to him. He was putting together the wooden infrastructure of the building being that he was using his own fists as a hammer. Once he laid the beams of timber down, Makarov smiled. "Thanks Zane." said Makarov. "No problem you big coward. So what do you need from me and my muscles? I'm on a strict time limit since I'll only help out for a day. Levy promised me a home cooked meal if I help." said Zane.

Makarov nodded as he said,"Yes Zane. I need you to help me with the framework and dig some holes for some tunnels and water pipes. If you're going to be working for only a day,  I'm going to make you work.". "So evil coward. Okay, it's time to multitask." said Zane. He made another Drill Form before the clone turned into Dinosaur Form, shocking the guild. He's a large ,with him being twelve feet tall, dinosaur like creature with rough looking dark red scales for skin. 

His body looks to be very muscular with noticeable silver metal plating over his parts of his arms, back, chest, parts of his legs, shoulders, and parts of his tail. His arms and legs are very bulky, easily showing off how strong this dino really is. His underside is grayish tan. He has a single protruding horn sticking out of his head. It sticks out of his very thick and wild white hair that goes down to his shoulders. He has two red eyes. 

Zane has five toed sauroid like feet and hands with five triangle-shaped gray claws. His finger joints and knee caps bulge out. He has a massive and thick ,as a tree, lizard like tail with four silver blade like appendages. He wears a modern style caveman like outfit. He wears black ,with a tiger like stripe pattern, pants with gray fingerless gloves. His pants have a skull shaped belt. Over his body, he has black stripes that cover his entire body that glows upon using his powers. 

He now has two dark green cannons ,with silver interiors, which are mounted on his shoulders. "Go for it Prime. I got this." said Zone. Zane nodded with his arms turning into drills. He began burrowing underground and began making a new line of tunnels. Due to his size, the tunnels were made bigger than we were supposed to be but it didn't matter since it would be easy to refill them with dirt and earth once the pipes were installed.

Zone got on one side of the frame with Makarov on the other. Zone grew to be slightly taller than Makarov with the two gently hammering down a girder into a horizontal position over two standing posts. Once they were done, they picked up more lumber and began working on the next section of infrastructure. "Is it really bad that I wish Levy did this earlier? We would have been done by know if she convinced Zane to help us." said Wakaba, smoking from his pipe.

Macao shrugged as he said,"Yeah but do you really think he would have? I mean he was in a teasing mood.". "Which is always." said Wakaba. Natsu shot up from his small concussion moment as he shouted,"That was a cheap shot Zane!". Lucy walked over to him as Gray was getting up. "Not really Natsu. You two were both open." said Lucy, earning a nod from Happy and Vance. "It was a cheap shot." whined Natsu.

He turned to the duo of dino and mole with him saying,"Zane! I want a..........". He was stopped by Zone smacking him with his tail before getting buried into the ground by Zane. "He totally had that coming by the way. So what's the score again?" said Gray. "I think like 10 Zane and 0 Natsu. Not too sure. It happens a lot." said Happy. "I'm going to guess that it's going to take him a long time to learn that he can't beat Zane." said Vance.

Lucy nodded with her saying,"So I wasn't here when you guys started building but it looks to me that it's going to be bigger than before.". "That's because we decided to expand the new building. Let me show you the brand new design me and Kaida came up with!" said Mira. Happy looked at Gray with him saying,"Oh no. I learned my lesson yesterday.". "Smart." said Zane, appearing behind him. Gray jumped as Zane deactivated the form and sighed.

Happy, Lucy, Vance, and Zane looked at the new designs being that it still looked like a little girl drew this with crayons. It had little flowers, bunnies, and a little fish doodle. "So what's the difference between this and yesterday?" said Happy. "It didn't have the doodles Happy obviously." said Natsu with him still covered in dirt. "Wow. I thought it looked bad before but now, it's still looks terrible. I can't believe how stupid it looks." said Vance.

He wasn't there yesterday for when Mira cried. The duo of Gray and Happy pointed to a crying Mira with the cat trying to calm her down. "You and Gray don't like my plans! You two are both big fat stupid meanies!" said Mira. "Ah! I didn't know that it was you Mira!" said Vance. "And Kaida. You made fun of a four year old." said Happy and Lucy, chiming. Vance was held by Zane with the Cross Species having a smile on his face.

Vance gulped as he said,"Sorry.". "Nope. Time for a strike!" said Zane. He tossed the cat toward a pile of ten wooden poles, sending them flying. "Zane!" yelled Erza. "It isn't me Erza. It was Vance who do that since he made Mira cry. Blame him." said Zane. "Not going to deal with you and your antics today." said Erza. "Smart idea Prude Crafter!" shouted Zane. She clenched her teeth as she stomped away. "Why do you keep doing that?" said Natsu.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Honestly, she makes it too easy for me.". Zane walked over to Mira with him gently rubbing her back, trying to calm her down. He got more than he bargained for when Mira hugged his chest and cried into his shirt. "Why is everyone so mean to me and Kaida Zane?!" said Mira with her enjoying Zane's warmth "Because they're idiots. I'm sure they're just artistically blind like Kevin is with music. You'll be fine Mira." said Zane, patting her back.

Juvia was watching this scene with envy and she thought,"Oh Mirajane. I envy you right now since you have my beloved Zane comforting you. Oh how I wish that was me.". "It could be if you just came out and said hi." said a voice. Juvia turned around to see no one before turning to Zane who put his finger on the side of his head. "Telepathy Juvia my dear and may I say that your thoughts about the two of us are so lovely." thought Zane. Juvia passed out once again as Zane sighed.

A half hour later, Makarov left home to take care of some paperwork for the Magic Council and left Zone to assemble the building's framework with no problem. He did spend a good amount of his teens and early adult years working with Andrew Collins and Collins Enterprise after all. After building a few sections of the frame, Zone disappeared. This is due Zane deactivating the clone since he was on his union break right now.             

He was currently sitting with Gray, Happy, and Natsu in a little secluded spot in the construction site with Zane resting on a wooden crate, Gray sat on some stone bricks, and Happy and Natsu stood by them. "I'm starving right now." said Gray. "Yeah. I could really go for some Fantasia Fries right about now." said Zane. The trio of Gray, Happy, and Natsu looked at him with Zane saying,"Something from my dimension. It's a popular item. It's cooked potato slices.".

Happy blinked as he said,'That sounds weird.". "But tasty though." said Natsu, drooling a bit. In a section, someone rushed by them and Gray discovered a pink metal box in his lap. "So what's that exactly? Our mysterious deliver girl decided to pick you now." said Zane, slightly jealous that Zone got to eat Juvia's cooking despite the two sharing everything. Gray opened it up with the quartet shocked at its contents.

There was an assortment of many veggies, fruit, and meat arranged in the shape of hearts and Gray's face strangely. Gray's eyes bulged open with him stuttered incoherently. "Huh. I guess it wasn't Juvia but who?" said Cole. "I'll give you a hint. She wears glasses." said Athena. "Wow. Why is that you and Zane get the really tasty looking stuff?!" said Natsu. "Yeah except there is no fish." said Happy with him sulking.

Gray looked at the duo with him saying,"Seriously?! Zane's bento yesterday may have been weird but this one is weirder! You do see the red stuff oozing from the side right?!". There was a red substance oozing from the side of the pink box. This didn't stop a certain Dragon Slayer and his cat companion from wanting to eat it. "We'll eat it for you." said the two in unison. Behind a stone wall, Laki was about to break into tears. Yep. It was Laki. See it's totally different.

Zane knew it was her being that he smiled. "This is so annoying! I spent all morning making that lunch for him and he doesn't eat it. This is the last time I decided to do something nice for the stripper after he was abused yesterday." thought Laki. "Well if you aren't going to eat it. Thanks for the meal Gray." said Zane. He pulled out a fork with him stabbing into the veggies that formed Gray's face with Gray crying out in horror. The ice wizard watched this with his jaw on the floor.   

Happy looked at Zane with the cat saying,"Well?". "Pretty good. I could honestly eat the whole thing but I'm a human trash compactor so I shouldn't talk." said Zane. "Is it good like these Fantasia Fries and those slushies Sly keeps talking about?" said Natsu. "It's a bit too mild for me but I'm a spice loving guy. Gray. Just try it okay. I'm sure whoever made this be male or female worked real hard on this." said Zane.

Gray sighed as he said,"Fine. I'll start with my face I guess.". He began picked at his face with Laki watching with a smile. She walked away as she didn't noticed Juvia with her imagining Zane and her doing something. The two were living together ,which they already are, and Dream Zane had just returned home from a job. Dream Juvia was in the kitchen wearing nothing but a bikini and an apron for clothing. She teased him if he wanted to have dinner or her.

Dream Zane sweep her off her feet with him nuzzling her neck and answered that he'll always pick her every time. Juvia was in this state for ten minutes and it was actually lunchtime now. Most of the wizards went to get lunch at the many restaurants in Magnolia. Only a couple remained at the site or yard which includes Team Natsu. Zane hold told Natsu to call his team the same name as his team several times and some others remained.

Erza had insisted/demanded that they worked a little longer before they got something to eat except for Gray who finished eating the lunch box and Zane who had a little bit of it. Zane ,who changed back into Drill Form, was digging a hole for a new infrastructure post. Erza was standing by and was surveying his work with Stella holding said post. Zane pulled his left arm out of the hole, making sure that it was deep enough for the post. "You can do it Prude Crafter." said Zane.

The redhead smiled despite being called that nickname. "Thank you Zane. Stella, mind getting the post in the hole for me?" said Erza. Stella nodded with her saying,"Earth Make: Lift!". From the ground around her, a earthly crane truck appeared. It grabbed the post and put in place with ease as Erza slid over a bucket of concrete, pouring into the hole and Zane smiled. "And this is why I think you're smarter than Gray and Natsu Stella." said Zane.

Stella blushed as the two boys in question shouted,"Hey!". "It's the truth. She's much smarter than the two of you." said Happy. "You're actually right for once." said Vance. "Thanks. So do that mean I get a ...." said Happy. Vance looked at him with him saying,"No. I'm not a hug person.". "Unless if it's from a girl right?" said Lucy, smirking. Vance was quiet as Happy snickered. "Hey papa! We're back!" said a cheery female voice.

The group turned to see Droy, Jet, Kaida, Levy, and Sly with Kaida running to hug her father. "Hey there you." said Zane. He deactivated the form with him saying while hugging Kaida,"So how did the mission go Levy? You do remember that I was against you going with those two. Kaida and Sly on the other hand.". "Hey!" said Droy and Jet. "He has a point. You two are still healing." said Mira with a nod from Bisca, Elfman, Laki, Macao, and Wakaba. "So how was it?" said Stella.

Levy smiled brightly as she said,"It went great!". "Yeah. Those giant plant monsters stood no might against us." said Droy in a confident tone. "By giant, you mean those tiny rose plants that could cut people with their thorns and you two got cut by them how many times?" said Sly, smirking in her human form. The two shrunk as Kaida and Zane snickered. "There was at least a thousand of them Levy!" said Jet as Levy sighed. "It was only ten of them." said Levy.

Droy and Zane moaned in defeat with the others laughing in amazing including Erza. "Oh wow. It is killer roses. I'm so scared." said Natsu in a mocking tone. "I don't know Natsu. I've seen some killer plants before." said Zane. "Yeah but those were tulips. Roses are totally less threatening." said Sly with Zane nodding. "So who would put out a job request for that? Just hire a gardener or get some really big scissors." said Vance. 

Before Levy could say anything about the job, Zane's watch began beeped loudly and it sound like the Pokemon Black and White Critical Health Theme. I just like that theme and it doesn't sound like that normally. "Hey Zane. What's up with your watch? It's beeping." said Macao. "And loudly I might add." said Wakaba, covering his ears. "It's a message. Must be pretty important if they're blaring the amazing theme." said Zane. "We have different ideas on what's amazing." said Sly, covering her ears.

Zane rolled his eyes as he touched the faceplate, making the holographic screens appear. Zane read them through at light speed. "Okay then. This is going to be an issue. Athena and Core or to be more honest here, do you think you can handle this update Athena?" said Zane. "Zane. I'm really hurt that you don't think I can do this! After all of these years together and you think I can't handle a simple update! Athena on the other hand can't not." said Cole's voice coming from the voice.

The wizards heard a slapping noise with Athena's voice saying,"Ignore the idiot folks. We can't since we're part of a team and I can't since I live with him. Go handle it Zane. We got this.". Zane nodded as he said,"You heard the lady. I'll be gone but first.". He turned toward Kaida with her looking at the watch. "Kaida. I need you to do a job for me." said Zane. "I can do that papa! It is no problem" said Kaida with a bright smile.

Zane removed his watch from his wrist and this confused Kaida. "Papa has to go help out his friend in one of his signature jams. He really needs to learn not to go into those clubs and maybe, I can meet up with the old troupe since they were mentioned to be in the area. This is according to Zenith aka my company's social media site. Most of the Omniverse uses it. My point is that I'll be right back but I need you to keep my watch safe. Can you do that?" said Zane.

Kaida looked at Zane with her gaining a determined look on her face. "Yep! You got it papa!" said Kaida. She saluted him with the girls ,including Cana who stayed behind to drink and Erza since she isn't heartless, squealed at how cute she was. Zane smiled as he tussled her hair. "Okay then. You got this Peanut. I'll be back in about an hour. Depends on how much he pissed off the Sirens." said Zane as he made a portal and disappeared through it.

She held the watch in her hands and smiled. She sat at the bar with her looking at it in awe. "So anyway before we got interrupted and don't you three do anything to his watch. It'll bring us trouble if we mess with it." said Erza. She looked right at Gray, Happy, and Natsu being that the three were getting close to Kaida. Upon being caught, the three whistled. "Really smooth you guys. I thought out of all people, you would want to stay away from that thing." said Stella.

Cana looked at Stella with her saying,"And you clearly don't know those three. I do and those three would mess with something even if they clearly know what that something is.". "Those little flowers were actually pretty tough." said Levy. "Really?" said Lucy. "Yeah. I almost cracked a nail fighting them but Team Shadow Gear did get a decent reward from it. Looks tacky to me but I've seen better rewards before." said Sly. Levy held out her bag and pulled out a trinket.

It's a one and five tenths tall and six inch long, golden container with a pointed end. Etched into the container, there were silver runes and different colored gems decorating it. It had a cap on top, a slim neck, and a wide, round center. It's attached to a golden chain, clearly meant to go around a person's neck. The wizards and Akostar looked at it with Sly saying,"Yep. It's tacky alright? What do you think Kaida?". The little girl ignored her as she was staring at the watch her father wore since he was sixteen.

Sly sighed as Lucy looked at it with curiosity and she said,"So what is it?". "No idea honestly. I thought it was some kind of trinket and like Sly said, it's tacky but these runes etched into it. They resemble some runes I saw in a book in Zane's library. I was hoping that either Master or Zane could take a look at it but Zane just had to leave for something." said Levy. "Yeah. It's important since well, I'm sure Athena and Cole wouldn't have blared that annoying theme." said Sly, crossing her arms.

Erza spoke up as she said,"Master isn't here right now Levy since he left for his home. Had to fill out some paperwork for the Magic Council.". "Okay. I'll just take it to storage for now until he or Zane gets back." said Levy. "Yeah and how about you let the girl go alone you two? Had to deal with you two hovering over her during the job. Kinda annoying. Zane let his four year old daughter be alone  and you two can't let a seventeen year old girl be by herself." said Sly.

Droy and Jet stood there with Levy making her way to the basement door being that she passed by Kaida. It was very fast and small but a small bolt of magic discharge from the trinket and onto the Z.E.R.O. watch. Suddenly, tiny amount of steel gray energy coursed around the watch. The sounds of fizzing and sparking caught Kaida's attention and she was confused by the watch acting weird. She looked at it with her thinking,"Huh? Is this normal for an update?".

Kaida was interrupted from her pondering when she heard someone's stomach grumble loudly. It seems that someone's stomach was running on empty being that Gray and Zane didn't share the lunch box. Gray had ninety nine percent of it and Zane had one percent. "Hey Erza. Can we got to lunch now? I'm starving." said Natsu with him whining. "I'm good since that lunch was pretty good." said Gray with Laki smiling. Mira noticed this and she internal squealed.

Natsu glared at Gray who shrugged. "But I'll admit that we've done enough work this afternoon and we need food to survive." said Stella. "Unlike you Prude Knight." said Sly, with the Akostar earning a glare from Erza. Bisca looked at Sly who instantly said,"My partnership with Zane requires me to make comments like he would if he's unable to attend any events personally.". "Really?" said Macao. "Yeah. It isn't that bad since his comments makes most boring stuff interesting." said Sly.

The redhaired knight sighed as she said,"Fine. I'll admit that I'm quite peckish myself.". "Aye. I need fish in my belly asap!" said Happy. "Is he always going on about fish?" said Vance. "Yeah. It's the only thing on his mind." said Lucy. The wizards were getting ready to leave when a section of stone wall in front of them exploded, covering the area in dust and smoke. They were forced to shield their faces from the flying bits of debris.

All of them looked into the dust cloud and saw the body outlines of four individuals standing there. As the smoke cleared and standing the hole of the ruined wall were two brutish looking men, a woman who looked quite bored to be here, and a woman in a suit of unique looking armor being that this one woman caused Sly to glare at the woman. The two men looked to be twins, being that both of them were over 6 foot.

Both twins were both 6 foot 5 or 77 inches. Both of them were bulging with huge muscles. The left twin has short brown hair and his eyes are a dark blue color with an wicked look to them. The right twin has shaved dyed blonde ,which was formerly brown, hair. Unlike his brother, his eyes were a bright blue color and has a amused yet stupid hint to them. Their faces are well-rounded with their lips being bigger than a normal person’s lips and had a pointed chin.

The left twin was wearing a black full body suit, exposing his very muscular appearance. He’s wearing brown boots. He has a long collared red cape. He has a black star-shaped hat on his head with an orange trim and unlike the right twin, he has a couple of gold teeth. The right twin wore a brown leather vest, a white collared shirt, black pants with brown sewn on pouches, and a pair of black sandals. The bored looking woman looked young. 

She's easily smaller than the twins beside her and the woman. She looked to be seventeen years old. She has a tall, lean and pale figure but like all women in Fairy Tail, she had some curves. She has long, disorderly blonde/white hair and red eyes. Her eyes are covered by her bangs. She wears black mascara over her eyes, giving her a very noticeable look to her. She’s wearing a black coat/dress covering the top part of her body and her hands.

It has a rabbit themed hood ,with bright blue eyes and a big carnivorous smile, that has she always wear over her head. She wears brown pants ,with a gray belt, and white fluffy calf high boots with a animal themed pattern to it. She wears white gloves. The armored woman is a very attractive woman being easily the most attractive woman in the room/construction site. She looked to be the taller of the two female being 5 foot 4 or 64 inches.

She has silky soft and smooth skin with it looking white like it was dyed or like a clown. Her skin looks like she’s never worked a day in her life. She has bright blonde hair with it being soft, silky, and full of luster. It went to the middle of her back and rests a bit above her ass. The ends of it are inwardly curled being that she has two bangs framing her face. She has part of it done in pigtails, with it hanging from both sides of her head and could be used as handlebars.

Her pigtails are curled into large ringlet curls. The ends of it were hot pink. It has a light flowery scent. Her face is very pleasing to the eyes being that it’s a picturesque feminine visage. She has a cute little chin, rosy red cheeks, and a small button nose. She has a light smattering of freckles along and under her small, button nose. She has large almond shaped bright blue eyes which were flashing pink on occasion. She has arched eyebrows, looking thin.

She has long and luscious eyelashes with bright pink eyeshadow. She has plump lips which were begging to be kissed and had a natural pout to it. It has hot pink lipstick.  She had an hourglass figure with her having a supermodel like figure to her. She has long, dainty and slim arms with thin and dainty wrists. She has long, dainty and slim legs with zero to no muscles in them and thin and dainty ankles. She has hot pink fingernails and toenails with a bright gloss to them.

The woman has large, voluptuous DD cup watermelon-sized breasts with large half dollar sized nipples. She has a plump and round ass, being a sexy heart shape. Her outfit is a very tight hot pink jumpsuit which shows off her legs and makes it clear that she is in fact a woman. She wears protective black armor which consist of chest armor, hip protection, shoulderpads, and spaulders. It has tall hot pink spikes.

She wears a black crown with hot pink horns, covering her forehead. She wears long pink gloves that goes up to her elbows and hot pink thigh-high go-go boots. She’s wearing a black choker with a lovely heart-shaped pink gem in the middle. It's fasten in the back with the word slave engraved on it. She looked like a stripper knight which is a thing since sexy Halloween costumes of everything exist. The Fairy Tail wizard looked at the unknown quartet with confusion and anger.

The anger came from Gray, Erza, Natsu, Sly mainly toward the knight, and Stella with lust coming mainly from Droy, Jet, Macao, Vance, and Wakaba. Boys will be boys after all. Levy just exited the cellar just in time to see the present wizards starring down the unknown four. It didn't take a super genius to figure out that shit hit the fan. Sly was very pissed off being that she didn't mind that they decided to attack a guild like Fairy Tail ,due to its power, but one of them was her.

Sly's fury was only increased when she saw a smug smile on her face. "How dare you show your face here you fucking bimbo!"said Sly. The wizards were shocked to see this side of Sly with Kaida saying,"Sly?". "You know these scoundrels Sly?" said Erza with her holding a sword in her hands. "Of course she does! I like know little Sly since me and my mistress are so close to Zaney." said the slutty knight.

Her voice is high-pitched ,not glass-breaking, yet sultry sounding soprano. Her speech patterns sound like a bimbo valley girl which exist in fiction and possibly real life but mainly the former. She walked right toward them with her walk being extremely sexy and seductive. The sounds of her heels clacked against the ground, her breasts bounced with every step, and her hips swayed far left and right. "My name is Bimbo and your guild has something we desire." said Bimbo.

Yep. Bimbo ,from Zero Episode 132.5, has returned but how is she still alive after all of this time? I think Madam Kilene made her precious little bimbo stick around for a long time. Bimbo will reappear in Zero but I need a villain from Zane's past and she came to mind. "Huh?!" said the girls except Kaida who was still shocked about Sly being angry like her papa. "Your name is actually Bimbo?!" shouted the guys except Happy and Natsu who didn't know what that word meant.

Bimbo ignored them with her smiling at seeing Sly being angry at her. "The two men to the left and right of me are Galdox and Krest. The hooded girl is Vela Knott." said Bimbo. "Why is the girl the only one with a last name?" said Wakaba with his comment going ignored. "I don't care who your pals are Bimbo. I just want you out of here right now!" said Sly, gritting her teeth in anger. She charged at them with her fists and feet engulfed in lightning.

She leaped at them with her saying,"I won't let you hurt Zane like you did before! He just got better and I won't let you let create another Massacre!!!". This confused the wizards except for Levy who glared at the knight with complete and utter rage. Before Sly's hit could connect, Bimbo smiled and Sly was punched in the gut. This punch came from a large fist ,made out of lava, and sent her back into an unfinished wall. "Sly!" shouted Mira.

Bisca blinked s she said,"So what the hell was that?!". "She just fired really hot fire at Sly." said Laki with her shaking in fear. "That is Lava. It's Bimbo's power that she got from her mistress after what happened in the year 2021." said Levy, confusing Kaida. "Who is she?" thought Kaida. Galdox then slammed his foot toward the ground with him saying,"Earthen Rampage!". As he finished casting his spell, several large strands of earth appeared from the ground in front of him.

Droy, Elfman, Jet, Macao, and Wakaba were sent flying back and hitting the ground hard. "That was Earth Magic." said Stella in a surprised tone. "It's my turn now!" said Krest. He grew in size, easily being over thirty feet tall. He grabbed a large piece of stone and hurled it toward the group of Bisca, Cana, and Laki. The three women were quick to jump out of the way with the rock destroying the ground where they stood. "That's Titan Magic." said Gray.

Bimbo sneered at Sly who was picking herself out of the rubble. "Oh wow. It's like that the great and powerful Akostar partner of the Earth's Protector is still weak. You really must make your partner so ashamed when he has to pick your slack in a fight." said Bimbo. Sly loudly growled at her with Natsu fixing a strong, infuriated glare at the woman whose called Bimbo and her three friends with one of them just standing there.

If she and her lackeys think that they can just waltz in, destroy their guild, and hurt his friends, they were due for a serious ass kicking. "Listen you idiots! We've come here to like get back the Absolute Wishes Charm. If you do that, we'll leave you peacefully." said Bimbo. "Seriously?! I thought we were promised to smash stuff!" said Krest. "A what charm?" said Laki. "Is she messed up in the head or what?" said Lucy. "We have no idea about what you're talking about!" said Erza, glaring hard.

Bimbo giggled as she said,"So like don't play dumb with me girlfriend! I know it's here! I can feel her power oozing from her prison! So like hand it over before we tear this dumb heap apart!". "I don't know what the heck you're talking about but you made the biggest mistake of your life. No one messes with my Nakama and gets away with it. Ready Sly?!" said Natsu. Sly nodded as the two were about to charge at her.

However, they were stopped by Kaida glowing steel gray and covered in energy. She collapsed onto her knees, letting out an agonizing yell. The energy coursed over her like she was taking a shower in acid which I think Deadpool could do easily. I mean it wouldn't make sense but that's Deadpool in a nut shell folks. "Kaida!" shouted the entire Fairy Tail guild. Before anyone could aid the young girl, an emerald green beam fired out of Kaida and went directly toward Mira.

She stood there with her petrified in terror because of two things. They were the energy beam and Kaida being hurt. "Mirajane!" shouted Elfman. He jumped in front of the energy beam and got struck by it instead. "Elfman!" shouted Mira. As Elfman hit the ground, his body was going through a more violent puberty. His already large muscles bulged out with them being bigger and bulkier, mainly in the upper part of his body. He was now twelve feet tall.

His once tan skin was turned gray and looked to be made out of rocks. Elfman groaned as he steadily arose from the floor. Mira gasped loudly as everyone saw the new Elfman. He was now a giant rock  like monster with gray rock skin and two blue diamond shaped eyes. His red shirt was ripped, with it exposing his chest. There is a circle shaped core which is a red and orange color. He's wearing his pants though so yeah, no male nudity.

Thank the gods. His only thing that reminded them of Elfman was his white spiky hair. Sly looked at the screaming Kaida with the steel gray light covering her body. "Kaida!" shouted Natsu. "No don't! Stay away from her!" screamed Sly as Natsu ignore her. He ran frantically toward her while Happy flew ahead. Before either of them could get close to her, the two were both struck with the same energy beam. "Natsu!" shouted Erza and Lucy. "Happy!" shouted Vance.

Natsu was transforming into an eight foot tall being made completely of grayish-pink bandages with the gaps between his bandages, glowing an eerie and mysterious red/orange/yellow color. His head is in the shape of a pharaoh head-dress. His head-dress is black with a grayish-pink trim around his face. His two eyes ,which are in the center of his head, are a glowing and very eerie red/orange yellow with gold edges.

His upper chest and shoulders are covered by a long collar/wrap like garment. It's a black color with several grayish-pink stripes. He wears black pads on each shoulder, with each pad having an red Fairy Tail symbol. He wears black ,with grayish pink lining, bracers and greaves that works as his hands and feet. He has five fingers and toes. He wears a black shendyt around his waist and wears a white, scaly scarf like belt.

The cat's body took a drastic change as his height increased to six feet tall. His tail had vanished as his ears became pointed like an elf. He also has wavy hair with the left side of his hair being white, the right side of his hair is black, and streaks of blue. He has light blue tattoo like markings around his cheeks and forehead. His stomach is a snow white color still but the middle of his chest, face, and stomach matched.

He also has the light blue tattoo like markings on his arms, legs, and shoulders. He has large pointed upper canines. Since Happy doesn't wear clothes, he got some. His clothing is built for speed. He's wearing a green armored shirt with no sleeves, hood, and a scale theme. He's wearing black pants and brown brown with green laces. On his back, his backpack rested there but it had a lot of arrows and was fused to his back.

Fairy Tail and Bimbo's group except for Bimbo was shocked by this scene. "Um brother. What is going on?" said Krest, turning to his brother. Before he could respond, the two brothers cried out as they were blasted by the emerald green beam. More energy shot out from Kaida's body as it struck Cana, Droy, Gray, Jet, Laki, Lucy, Macao, Stella, Vance, and Wakaba being that all of them were very much poor, unfortunate souls.

This reference is a reminder that Disney Plus is coming out ,at the time of writing this, very soon and I'm interested. Yes. Thirteen people are going to transform all at once so we're going in alphabetic order of the Fairy Tail Wizards first, then Bimbo's hench twins, and a surprise at the very end. These transformations have all appeared in Fairy Legion so no surprise curveballs and Astral Form is not one of them.

Do note for the ladies, the transformations are not the female version of Zane's forms. It's a fusion between human and Zane's forms. Just have to make that perfectly clear. Lets begin with the lush brunette Cana Alberona. She’s now 7 feet tall with her body looking to be the main states of matter. The left half of her body is a purple gas like substance and the right half of her body is a silver steel like substance.

Her head is made out of gold yellow or brown liquid, which is very similar to alcohol. There are no noticeable facial features except with two pupil-less purple eyes. Inside of the head, there is a round plasma globe. She was wearing her signature outfit aka the bikini top and her shoulder bag. Droy’s thin and lanky body was getting more bulky with him having very broad shoulders and legs. His face was still a rectangular-shape with sharp features and prominent cheekbones but fused with his torso.

Droy has two black eyes. His arms, back, chest, legs, and shoulders were covered in natural black armor plating. His body is the same color of his skin with him wearing green checkered pants and a white t-shirt. He wears a pair of distinctive belts crossing his chest, each passing over one of his shoulders. These belts were reminiscent of bandoliers ,sporting rectangular cases on them, which contain special “secret seeds” used for his magic.

He has a black stripe going down the center of his body along with his arms, It forms a T shape. He has four claws on both hands with shark like teeth. Gray had transformed into a slender, yet muscular humanoid insect like creature. He’s now eight feet tall and has four black ,with dark blue edges, wings wrapped around his body, covering it except for his head and looking like an assassin or ninja so pick. He has a third eye which was placed vertically between both of his normal eyes.

It was closed but it can open if he really wants. His eyes are still dark blue but with noticeable pupils and has rosy red cheeks. His face is skull like with his body creating frost which was primarily focused on his forearms and shins. He has naturally snow white teeth. His body, abdomen, chest, face, and neck are black. This doesn’t count his ankles, armpits, legs, shoulders, and upper arms being a dark blue color.

Gray now has five pointed dark cyan fingers ,missing his thumbs with one of his fingers working as his thumb, and toes. The palms of his hands, soles of his feet, and both sides of his neck all having his Fairy Tail mark on them being the same dark blue color as his human form. His torso has body armor/plates on them. Jet looked to be a humanoid chameleon/gecko being 5 feet tall. He has a fit, slim, and toned body.

His face looking very sharp, a prominent, face and defined nose pointing downwards, and quite distinctive teeth. It’s a very protruding ,sharp, triangular-shaped upper molar complemented by a chipped portion on the low row. He’s covered in crimson red scales with orange camo like spots all over his body with him having a longer than normal tail. He has five ,diamond shaped, eyes with four being horizontal and one being ,in the center of the four horizontal eyes, vertical.

The eyes on the left are blue, the eyes on the right are red, and the eye in the middle is green. His head is divided into two different colors with the top being black and the bottom being white. He has three spiked orange fins on the back of his head with it working to match hair in a way. He has four fingers and toes with him having amphibian like feet. His mouth is wide open with him having sharp teeth. His four horizontal eyes blinks with the middle eye not.

He's wearing his clothes from before including the hat which somehow fits his new appearance better than it did before. Laki is a slim, tall ,being twelve feet tall, woman made out of plant, wood, and green plant matter aka swamp moss. Her body is a creamy brown color with parts of her body covered in green swamp like moss. She’s wearing her normal clothes being that she has two glowing brown eyes and no nose. She has five fingers and toes with her still having her pale lavender hair.

Lucy had shrunk down to five feet exactly. She’s normally about 5 foot 2 according to this height chart. I could be very wrong about that but my point is that she shrunk. Her body is covered in blond fur being that while this fur make look organic, it’s actually a silicon based lifeform. This fur covers her entire body except for her elbows, knees, and shoulders which are covered in pink crystals. Part of her fur is tied up in a small ponytail thanks to a blue ribbon.

Her snout is short and wide, looking rather cute on her heart shaped face. Her ears are triangular ,with them being three inches taller than her normally, and the inside part of her large brown eyes is a pink crystal. She has medium length arms with five fingered paws, large hind legs and feet with wing shaped markings on her legs. She has a long, thin tail ending with an heart shaped orb at the end. She wears black armor over her chest with a gold star in the middle.

She’s wearing the same clothes as before alongside her key ring ,that Natsu gave her and wanted to thank Loke but he hadn’t been at the guild since yesterday, and whip. Macao’s body is covered in thick and slicked dark blue fur. His chest and stomach are a white color along with his paws. He has five fingers and toes with sharp claws attached to them. He has sharp teen but it’s hidden within his mouth. He has long arms and legs.

He has three long bushy tails with a purple flame covered tip. He has black tribal like tattoos on his arms, chest, and face. He has two penetrating black eyes ,with no pupils, which makes him look quite intimidating. His ears are pointed with it aimed upward and like his tails, they both have a purple flame covered tip. He has linear dark blue eyebrows and a prominent nose with a flat, rectangular front. The lower part of his face is covered by a large amount of stubble which includes a thin looking mustache.

Macao is wearing the same clothing as before but it’s fitting his fox like appearance. Stella is now twelve feet tall with her having clover green skin. Her skin is a mixture of normal reptilian scales and stone, with her looking like a humanoid crocodile. Her body is muscular yet thin. She has sapphire blue eyes. Her mouth has two sharp canines sticking out of her mouth. She has five sharp claws and talons on her hands and feet respectively.

Stella's silver hair is now really spiky. She's wearing her normal clothing with a strange orb implanted into her palms. She has a large and long moving tail. Vance grew to 8 feet tall with his body looking to be a mixture of a runner and fighter aka compact and muscular. His body is covered in dark gray fur with a rounder face compared to happy and oddly smaller but sharp red eyes with black pupils. He has black stripes.

He has a set of long canine teeth which sticks out of his mouth even when closed. He has short pointed ears and nose with the former has red inside. He has two small whispers appeared on each side of its face. He has sharp crimson red claws and pink paw pads. His chin, face, paws, and stomach are a white color with them covered in scars. He has a long, white-tipped tail with most parts of his tail is dark gray being that it’s wrapped around his waist like a belt. 

Vance is wearing dark green fingerless gloves and black toeless shoes. He's wears a black and white sash around its body. He's wearing black pants with a brown belt with a gray sleeveless muscular shirt. He wears a full gold arm guard sleeves on his arms. He had two pistols to his sides with his large rocker launcher/shotgun on his right shoulder. Wakaba is covered in brown fur with the fur covering his chest and face being a gray color. It’s light gray around his mouth and nose.

He has very bushy sideburns and tail, long mane with an ostentatious pompadour that protrudes frontwards from the top of his head in a large, curly and fluffy tuft. His face looked more wolf-like with him having a noticeable snout. His eyes are currently closed being if they were open, they would be a bright red color. His ears were more pointed upwards being the inside of his ears are white and the tips are yellow. He has five sharp claws on his feet and hands with sharp teeth.

Wakaba is wearing his signature clothing with his mouth producing the pink smoke he makes with his Smoke Magic. Galdox and Krest both grew to be twelve feet tall. Galdox’s skin turned brown with his short brown hair turning into a buzz-cut and two dark bluish yellow eyes that stick out. Krest’s body is dark silver along with his arms, face, feet, hands, and legs. His eyes stayed the same color being bright blue with an amused yet stupid hint to them.

The twin’s faces were still the same. Galdox’s full body suit was ripped, showing off his muscular arms. He still wore the same outfit. Krest was the same in terms of clothing but his arms had natural black blade protruding from them. You may think that all of the transformations were done but there was more transformations. It was the young Kaida. She has grown to 4 feet tall being that before she was about 3 foot 2.

Her skin was completely black with parts of his body being white covering her chest, her face, the palms of her hands, and soles of her feet. She has three small whiskers on both of her cheeks and bright ,puppy dog eyes, violet eyes. She has straight forest green hair with it extending past her shoulders. She has a singular fin like appendage sticking out of her head being a violet color. She has large hands with five sharp looking extremities and her five toes are very cat like. 

She has a violet diamond on her forehead. She’s wearing the same clothing as before being that in the center of her chest, there is a forest green K symbol there. When she clones herself, her clones have symbols in the center of her chest but they will be numbers. After her transformation, the Z.E.R.O. watch had ceased its rapid fire energy barrage and went onto the ground. It was smoking with Athena's voice coming out and she groaned out,"I really hate magic a lot.". "Preach it sister." groaned Cole.

Kaida fell to her knees and panted heavily. She felt great agony earlier being that it was a great relief for her. She took a look at herself with her saying,"Um. Why am I in Cartoon Form? And how am I in Cartoon Form?". Bisca, Erza, Levy, and Mira stared at the transformed in shock being that their eyes were wide and jaws were dropped. Their friends and two of the enemies had turned into copies of Zane's Forms but how did that happen?

Bimbo blinked with her saying,"Impossible. He left behind his little toy and now, two of my lackeys are transformed into Brawn Form and Titan Form.". She turned toward the cartoon like creature being that she heard rumors about Zane having another child and was quite the powerful Sorceress. She had heard a rumor about the Z.E.R.O. watch having the ability to turn others into its over a million forms but like everything about it, it was a rumor.

Before she could do anything, Galdox yelled,"Brat! What have you done! You've turned us into freaks!". "Actually brother. I kinda like it. Makes me feel powerful." said Krest. Natsu staggered toward the quarter with his gauze like body making it hard to walk. "You don't look that much difference to me." said Natsu. Galdox clenched his fist and without a single bit of hesitation, he held out his hands and clapped. 

This sent a shockwave right toward Natsu being that Natsu tried to dodge it but he tripped over his bandages. "Seriously?! How does Zane move in this thing?" said Natsu. Before the shockwave could hit the mummy wizard, Erza rammed into him and the two evaded the beam. The shockwave struck another unfinished section of wall, instantly shattered and carved a very deep trench in the ground behind it. "Hey! Stop wrecking our Guild Hall!" howled Macao.

Wakaba covered his ears as he said,"Yeah. We haven't finished it yet bastards and I doubt Levy could convince Zane to help us again plus stop with the howling Macao. You may be a wolf but don't act like a stray.". Goldax ignored him being that he brought his new hands up to his face and gave them a hard look. He meant to blast the mummy with an boulder but he made a shockwave that easily destroyed a stone wall.

The man smiled being that whatever happened to him and his brother, they got stronger. It was at this moment, Goldax had a light bulb moment. He turned to his brother with him saying,"Brother. I'm not sure what happened to us but whatever happened, we're much stronger.". "But I'm already the strongest brother." said Krest. "Shut up muscleheads. So are we still after the Absolute Wishes Charm?" said Vela.

Bimbo didn't too long to answer her. "Of course! Like I did promise you one of the wishes after all being that with that charm, we can use one of the other wishes to increase our strength. Nothing will stand in your way such as the Magic Council or perhaps your abusers my sweet Vela." said Bimbo with her grinning evilly. Both brothers sneered as well with the three dark wizards and one whore took fighting stances.

Gray examined his new body with wide eyes and a gaped mouth, frost coming out of it. "Okay. Why am I Frost Form? This is really cool." said Gray in an chilling voice. Lucy looked at herself with her shrieking in joy. This caused Happy, Marco, Stella, Vance, and Wakaba to cover their ears in pain from her high-pitched noise of death. The other transformed wizards were thankful that they didn't get supernatural hearing and felt bad for the five who did.

Lucy may lost her beauty but she was in one of Zane's cuter forms. Fun fact. I was going to pick one of Zane's more physically unappealing forms for her but honestly, I felt bad for her. I did put her in Happy's body in Chapter 28 so I felt pity plus I couldn't pick an ugly form. "I thought that this was going to be that Soul Swap fiasco again but no! It's better!" said Lucy, hugging herself and flying around.

Cana glanced over at Lucy with her saying,"That's great and all Lucy but honestly, I don't know what the hell am I. So how did this happen to us?". "I think it was that thing." said Droy and Jet who pointed to the still smoking watch. "This is all my fault. I failed Papa. He's left me with this big responsibility and I turned everyone into freaks!" said Kaida with her about to start crying up a storm aka her cheeks were red and her big eyes were about to get big and watery. 

Before she could start crying, Galdox shouted,"Listen up Freak Tail! This is your final warning so listen to me. Give us the Absolute Wishes Charm right now!". "Shouldn't our leader give us out our demands and all that jazz?" said Vela. "We have no idea what the Absolute Wishes Charm is and if we did, we'll never give it to you!" yelled Erza, aiming her sword right at Bimbo and eyes were filled with rage. Sly agreed with her being that it was a loud growl.

Bimbo smiled as she said,"So like my dear Zaney, you like to lie. It's like totally your kink being that it was Zaney before he revealed everything to the entire Omniverse. Lets take them down so we can get our wishes granted boys and girl!". The four split up and charged in separate directions. Bimbo went toward Erza, Gray, Laki, and Sly. Galdox went toward the group of Droy, Jet, Macao, and Wakaba. Krest went toward Elfman, Happy, Natsu, and Vance.

Vela went toward Bisca, Cana, and Stella. This left Levy and Mira to help Kaida who was currently crying her ears out due to her failing Zane which she didn't. The two picked her up as Levy said,"So where should we go Mira?". She turned to the older girl who was trying to comfort Kaida by hugging her like a teddy bear. "Really Mira? Right now." said Levy in a deadpanned tone. "She's a double cutie right now Levy! Can you blame me?!" said Mira.

Levy sighed at Mira being that the young woman's love of Cartoon Form can be blinding since Zane tends to listen to her and while the clones cover for Mira, she hugs one of them aka Zane since he's head clone. Natsu groaned in frustration being that for the past couple of minutes, he had been trying to stand up but he kept tripping over his bandages. After a second, he eventually stood back up and saw Krest standing a few meters in front of him, itching for a fight.

Don't know how you can itch for a fight but hey, words don't need to make sense since all of them are made up (This gif repeats F.Y.I). "Hey. This is the form that fired that red energy beam that destroy the Osmdroid along with using the lighthouse to slam it right into the robot's chest which was so cool. So who was hawk nose?" said Natsu. "Focus Natsu." said Vance. "Yeah! It's not like these guys have Zane's form powers or something." said Happy.

Krest smiled with him concentrated which for him, it's really hard. "Thanks for the tip." said Krest as he fired a red energy beam from his eyes and hands. These two beams slammed right into Happy and Natsu's chest, sending both of them flying back until the duo smashed into a infrastructure post at the same time. "You seriously didn't not just tell them what they can do idiots?! We had an clear advantage before you told him about his powers!" said Vance.   

Meanwhile, Erza had reequipped into her Black Wing Armor and engaged Bimbo. She let out a war cry as she reared back her sword and was going to bring down on her opponent. Despite Bimbo not being a fighter, she easily caught the sword with two fingers. To Erza's surprise, her blade didn't do any damage to her. "Like good bye!" said Bimbo. She fired a huge wave of lava at Erza, causing her to cry out in pain and went careening back. "Erza!" said Gray and Laki.

Gray and Laki glared at Bimbo who giggled. "Aw. Did I like make you two mad at wittle old me? I hope you can like be more of a challenge than my Zaney and his annoying pet lizard." said Bimbo as Sly growled at her. "Okay. If I'm right, we have Zane's powers in these forms." said Gray. "So that means?" said Laki. "We show her what it means to be a Fairy Tail Wizard and what it means to mess with Fairy Tail. Ice Make: Lance!" said Gray.

The ice bug fired a barrage of icy lances at Bimbo being that the woman easily punched the launches and shattered upon contact. As this happened, Laki remembered seeing this form used on Natsu and how it can use nature like she could. "You're not like match for me big boy." said a smug Bimbo being that she fired out a lava beam. Gray ,out of instinct, leaped nearly ten feet into the air and avoid the beam. 

Gray looked down to see everyone below him and at his wings. "Okay. This is really cool! No wonder Happy loves to do this." said Gray. He made two large ice swords appear in his hands and flew toward Bimbo. She was about to blast him but she was held in a large amount of bramble. "Go get her bug boy." said Laki, smiling and her hands in the ground. "Thanks a lot Laki. Ice Make: Ice Bringer!" said Gray. He slashed her with an intersecting, cross-shaped slash.     

This attack caused her to stumble forward and fall on her knees. Gray looked at himself and he said with a smile,"Okay. I'm really liking this new appearance.". Bimbo recovered quickly and turned to face Laki due to her looking at Gray. The woman fired an lava ray at her being that Gray saw this and held her. She blushed as the two turned intangible, evading her attack and it accidentally hit the duo of Droy and Jet who had just got hit by Galdox's punch earlier.

I may be nice to Lucy not but Droy and Jet haven't earned my sympathy and probably never will since I don't think they're not good characters. I should be nice to them but nah. I don't feel like to them so hello my favorite duo of punching bags. Across the construction site, Elfman and Vance were fighting a giant ,being thirty feet tall who easily made his Titan Magic stronger, Krest with Elfman glaring at him with both diamond shaped eyes. 

Elfman cracked his knuckles and shouted heatedly,"Look here. I know that you're bigger than me but that doesn't make you manlier than me!". "And also because the idiom idiot. The bigger you are, the harder you fall." said Vance. Elfman cocked back his right fist being that he was very much inexperienced with his newer size and accidentally swung back, hitting Vance. Vance looked at the sheepish rock man with him growling.

Vance said with his eyes glaring,"Elfman. If I wasn't already mad at Zane for leaving us with these morons and his watch turning us into this, I would be blasting you into oblivion.". "But we're friends right?" said Elfman. "We made be in the same guild but we're not friends! Now make this guy trip already! You know what your appearance can do right?" said Vance. Elfman blinked before remembering what he could do now.

Elfman aimed his hands ,which were glowing white, at Krest being that the giant was held in the air as Krest shouted,"Hey! Put me down! I don't like to be a balloon!". "I think we can work good together rocky." said Vance. "Thanks a lot of Vance!" said Elfman. He turned around to face Vance which caused him to drop Krest who landed on both Elfman and Vance, crushing them. "That was fun! Lets do it again!" said Krest.   

Lucy was hiding behind a table which was turned on its side with the trio of a crying Kaida, Levy, and Mira. She was too scared to fight that woman who knew Zane on a very personal level and she also made the usually calm and collected Sly pissed. There was also the twins who ,like most of her friends and herself, had transformed into two of Zane's forms with the twins being into two of his stronger forms according to what she was seeing.

There was also the hooded girl who was making Bisca, Cana, and Stella perform the Hopak or if you're looking for an example, Freedom Freedom Freedom Oi has your number. Did you know that there is a martial arts involving the Hopak. That just sounds cool. "Why is this happening?! Did Zane have to leave when we could use him?! And why is she making them dance?!" said Lucy in panic. "You need to calm down Lucy! You're upsetting Kaida!" said Mira.

Levy sighed as she said,"Ignore her Lucy. I'm sure you're aware of what this form can do right? You and I have seen Zane use them for combat and also punishment. Just think.". "Um. I think I saw him using this to insult me once." said Lucy. "Yeah. He probably did." said Levy, with her not denying that statement in the slightest. Lucy was looking at a pile of stone in the distance being that before she could do anything, she fired a rainbow colored beam out of her.

The beam hit the stones, covering them in a very violet durable crystal. "Lucy. You just fired an energy beam that turned into a crystal. You can use that too....." said Levy. "I could use this to pay my rent forever!" said Lucy with her eyes turning into the Jewels symbol. Levy facepalmed with Mira saying,"She isn't wrong.". "I know but why isn't she focused on the bigger picture here? Both her and Zane are obsessed with money." said Levy, groaning.

Lucy smiled as she aimed herself at the enemies. She fired four giant rainbow colors orbs that hit the ground in front of Krest who held Elfman and Vance up in the air ,about twenty feet, after picking them up from when he fell onto them, Macao, Vela, and Wakaba who had dodged Galdox's spell. It made a powerful rainbow colored explosion. The giant wizard, the anthropomorphic feline, fox, and wolf, and humanoid planet went flying back and landed back a few meters.       

All of them groaned in pain with Macao and Wakaba saying,"Hey Einstein, we're on your side you know!". Vela was lucky than the others since she went back only a few feet but her spell was undone as the trio of Bisca, Cana, and Stella were freed from dancing fever. Levy and Lucy stared at this with Levy smiling. "You did it Lucy! Great job! You just helped out in a huge way!" said Levy, patting her back. "You can't be serious?! I just made myself a target!" said Lucy, waving her arms around.

Natsu ,who had been tripping over himself a lot in the past five minutes, stood up and rubbed his aching head since the mummy had been hitting his head a lot. He somehow made his way over to Kaida, Levy, Lucy, and Mira. "Are you kidding Luce?! That's awesome! At least you turned into a cool one! I can't do anything beside tripping! And who made Kaida cry?" said Natsu. "I'm the worst! I failed my job given to me Papa!" said Kaida.

She went back to crying waterfalls with Mira hugging her and comforting her. "So should I blame them? I mean technically Zane didn't do it but..." said Natsu, pointing to their enemy. "Yeah. Go nuts." said Levy as Natsu smiled. He was about to go fight them only to trip on his bandages. Do note that this isn't a recurring gag ,I know shocker, but well, it's more like he can't do a dam thing about it for once. 

He has no control over his body which is made of bandages. "Sometimes Natsu." said Lucy. "Not my fault Luce. These bandages are to blame!" said a muffled Natsu. As this happened, Bimbo fired two beams of energy ,which is hot pink like the rest of her, at the duo of Droy and Jet plus the duo of Macao and Wakaba. "Hey! Those idiots were mine!" said Galdox. "And this is like me caring about that! We came here for the Charm and I'm like not leaving without it!" said Bimbo.      

Suddenly, the ground below everyone turned into the area into sections that no one could cross over since there was a trench of molten lava. You may think that they could fly over in Gray's case but there was a constant stream of lava coming from them. It made it impossible for the fairies to help each other out. Kaida ,who had been crying for over ten minutes and beating Aria for longest amount of time crying, looked at the fight in concern.

Her friends, enemies, and herself had apparently been changed into versions of her papa's forms that she had drawn. For what they had turned into it, check the end of the post. I made it clear what they turned into but just in case. How could this happened? She had never seen her father do this before being that the watch itself was still on the ground smoking. "So Athena. Mind telling me why no one has come to help us yet. I mean we're in dire help here." said Cole.

Athena glared at her as she said,"Because Cole! They're busy fighting Bimbo and her minions who are probably sleeping with her!". "Really? Even the hooded one?" said Cole. "Maybe but we need to contact Zane. Why isn't he answering?!" said Athena. "Because the communication feature has been locked out so we can't contact us plus he's at one of those clubs. You know that he has to be focused since those places are usually crazy, requiring him to be serious." said Cole.

The female groaned as she said,"Why is it that you have to be right sometimes Cole?". "It's bound to happen some day Athena. I'm shocked too. It could be worst however." said Cole. "How?" said Athena. "We would have to hear Kevin singing again." said Cole. "Oh right. You're right again." said Athena as Cole smiled. The little girl watched her friends get beaten easily by the three wizards and the woman who Sly hated. 

Even though she had been crying for a while now, Kaida had noticed that the twins had advantage when it comes to their new appearance. The forms they had turned into were physical powerhouses but they had their weakness. "Okay. I know Brawn Form and Titan Form's weakness or maybe just Brawn Form's weakness. So how can I get that knowledge to the others?" thought Kaida. Before she could do anything, she felt someone grab her and hold her up.

She tried to break from but the grip was too strong since Cartoon Form isn't the best when it comes to supernatural strength. She turned around to see Krest ,clearly twenty feet tall, holding her and he smiled at her. "Look at what I found brother! It's like that doll you have in your room back home!" said Krest. "You sleep with a doll? At your age?" said Gray and Laki in unison while in the air. "Shut up Krest before I buried you alive!" said Galdox with his skin turning red.

Krest shrugged as he began squeezing Kaida. The wizard ,who isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, saw this as a chance to have some fun being that he began squeezing her body. Despite this looking very painful, it wasn't for poor Kaida. "Really not a fan of this by the way! Time to show you what I can do!" said Kaida. Before Krest could answer her, four things happened. Two of them the duo of Levy and Lucy blasting him.

Lucy used her new energy powers and Levy with her Swiss Army Ethernano Knife/Ethernano Swiss Army Knife in its weapon form. The third thing was Mira ,who had turned into her Satan Soul, had blasted him in the chest with Darkness Stream. The fourth and final thing was Kaida made multiple copies of herself appear and forced her way out of his grip. Bimbo had turned her eye to this as she heard the She-Devil Mira squeal at the army of cuteness. 

If it isn't obvious already, Mira has a favorite form and it's Cartoon Form. Bimbo smiled wickedly being that she knew that she would be demanded all day for the Absolute Wishes Charm. These Fairy Tail morons wouldn't hand it over to her and her minions any time soon plus Zane could show up at any moment. She has been planning this for over a month now being that getting Zane's friend to go to that club wasn't easy but she did. 

She knew that sometimes you need to take a hostage in order to get what she wanted. She learned this from watching a hostage negation when she was Irwin. She may have pushed Irwin deep in the void that is her mind but sometimes, she let him out to breathe. If they took the girl or really anyone else in the guild, they would have no choice but to surrender the relic. "Galdox and Vela. Help Krest get the girl!" said Bimbo. 

Galdox ,who had trapped Elfman, Happy, and Vance in an earth cube with vines covering it, turned to his giant of a brother trying to grab Kaida while being blasted by Levy, Lucy, and Mira. "Um. Which one is her? I honestly cannot tell." said Galdox. "The one with the "K" on her chest!" said Bimbo as she pointed to hers, making it bounce. This caused Droy, Jet, Macao, and Wakaba to have a nose bleed with Sly sighing. "Boys in all dimensions are the same." said Sly.   

Vela nodded as she aimed her flute right at the clones. "Since we can't find the girl like this and have them to deal with, time to dance for me little cute ones. Flute Magic: Dance of the Fairies.". She took a deep breath with her playing a song. Be forewarned. This scene contains dancing and was totally based off Shrek 4 Pied Piper. If you want an visual representation, just watch this. This idea happened thanks to the amazing Shrek 4 review by Schaffrillas Productions.

One of the best animation/film reviewers out there hands down. Erza ,who recovered from taking a wave of lava to the chest, stood in front of her lava trench with her sword. She spotted something as she blinked. "Um. What's going on..." said Erza. Before she could continued, Sly appear and took her into a salsa dip (the dance). "So what are you doing Sly?" said Erza. "It isn't me doing this Erza. It's that damn flute! We need to break it!" said Sly.

The two began to tango with each other with Erza saying,"Why is this happening?! We're being force to dance!". The two jumped over the lava trench and joined the rest of Fairy Tail who were dancing as Vela who was playing her flute. "For all the fish in the world, please stop!" said Vance as Vela increased the dancing. "I don't care that we're dancing Vance since I'm clearly the best one out of all of you here!" said Happy. "We're all dancing the exact same!" shouted Vance.

Sly sighed as she and Erza joined the others. "Release us this instant!" shouted Erza. "I like don't think you have a right to give us orders Titania. You're like really good by the way." said Bimbo with her giggling. Erza glared at her as Sly said,"And this is one of the reasons why I despise others. She's a bimbo in every sense of the word and also she hurt Zane in a way that no other being can. Hitting his Essence.". 

Erza was quiet as Bimbo shouted,"Now listen carefully. I want the Absolute Wishes Charm and I like know it's here! So here's how its going to be!". As this happened, Galdox and Krest were able to grab the real Kaida with Krest dancing despite not being effect by Vela's flute. Bimbo knew how Zane's forms worked to an extent since she and her mistress had been on the receiving end of their wrath many times. However, this time was different. 

They had no idea how to control their powers being that if even they had to fight, they would bring her what she wants. "Vela. Bring to the front and center these five." said Bimbo, whispering into the flutist's ears. Vela nodded as Gray, Happy, Laki, Lucy, Natsu, Stella, and Vance were at the center of the dancing fairies. "You seven will bring me the charm at the old abandoned water mill in the East Forest. I like want it no later than midnight tonight." said Bimbo.

Natsu looked confused as he said,"Why midnight exactly? And how come I'm not tripping over myself anymore? I'm thankful but..". "Since like you have a bed time, I think it'll be 11 o clock instead!" said Bimbo with her smiling. "Natsu!" growled Erza in a fierce tone being that the mummy yelp in fear. "If you seven like bring anyone else with you or be just a second late, your somewhat cute friend, the little dragon, and the nerdy girl will die. Now like doesn't that sound nice?" said Bimbo.

Levy and Sly broke off from the dancing fairies with the former holding the Z.E.R.O. watch as they danced beside Krest who held a dancing Kaida in his hands. "Dam you!" yelled Erza. She looked at the flutist with her knowing how to break her and her friends out of their dance fever. She focusing her magic into her blade and let out a cry, holding her sword over her head. "Moon.....!" said Erza as Bimbo smiled. She snapped her fingers, causing the entire area to be covered in a blinding light.

When the light disappeared, the ground shook as Erza's thrown sword struck nothing but the ground instead. Erza's eyes widened from shock being that did this Bimbo possess teleportation magic? She looked around to see that Bimbo, Galdox, Krest, and Vela were gone alongside Kaida, Levy, Sly, and Zane's watch. Titania glanced back at her friends ,who were transformed to be mimic Zane's forms and still dancing, with a frown. This situation wasn't good. 

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