Saturday, November 9, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 41 Lucy's Resolve

A/N: Okay. I lied. Chapter 41 will not be called My Resolve for one simple and extremely petty reason. It's because I think Lucy's Resolve sounds better since the episode's main focus is Lucy telling her dad to ,pardon my French, fuck off. Yeah. I'll be honest about that. Today's Author Note is going to be short because I wanted to say a couple things. At the end of the post, I'll be ranking from best to worst opening of Fairy Tail.

I wanted to do this for a while now and yes, the next couple of Author Note will have a lot of manga reviews so enjoy this break from that. The reason why I didn't do this earlier was because I wanted to wait until all of the songs came out and possibly when the English Dub finished. It just so happened that I fulfilled before of those requirements. Yeah. I totally planned that to happen. So this should be a given but this list ,like most things, is extremely objective and personal.

Music is that to people being that if you disagree, that's great. Having an opinion is great but being able to accept another is better. At the end of this post, I'll be have the best to worst songs with a rank to them. It's from 1 to 10 being that one is the worst and ten is the best. I should also mentioned that I'll be including the movies as well but not the OVAs. I'll be judging it by how it was first aired even in the Anime or the movie for.

I haven't seen all of them yet and honestly, I'm just like the Dubbed more because of pretty personal reasons. I'll be putting that info at the bottom as well but better safe than sorry I guess. The main thing I wanted to put here is for you to check out two videos if you're a Fairy Tail Fan and looking for someone to talk positive about the series. It's honestly a nice thing to find since finding people saying nice things about Fairy Tail isn't that easy.

It's like finding people who don't like Carrot for One Piece and not wanting her on the crew aka me. I've looked and from what I've researched, my opinion is in the minority since bunny girl is cute. To get back on topic, these two videos are Fairy Tail Nails what Most Shounen Fails and No One Understands Fairy Tail (feels warning) both done by Nux Taku. My reason for recommending these two are because they show something I never thought I would see on Youtube.

Honest positivist toward my favorite Anime/Manga because being a fan of Anime's Punching Bag isn't find especially BestGuyEver's and King of Lightning's videos on the topic. I was young at the time being that I couldn't take any criticism ,despite me always saying to accept other people's criticism even if you don't agree with , toward the series. I can take it now but honestly, I'm not a fan of how the video are done. Kinda just not appealing to me personal.

It's like how I don't really like the chat when it comes to streamers. It's cluttered and honestly, not for me. I'll go into more depth about it at this but my point is this. If you like it, that's great. Before I discovered Nux, the only video I had for positive Fairy Tail content was Why I'll Never Stop Loving Fairy Tail by The Cartoon Cipher. Kinda limited. I also recommended Fairy Tail is 1 step away from Masterpiece (The Natsu and Erza Effect) and The Masters of Fun & Feels - Fairy Tail War Arc.

The latter is one is because it's rare to find something good about the final arc. I'll go into more depth about it at a latter date. I still think it's better than Bleach's War Arc and possibly Naruto. I haven't read either of them in a good two years but I know that Bleach ,like the series, felt rushed and Naruto's war while having a lot of good moments gave us Boruto and I don't like Boruto whatsoever so most of the kids are their parents but stronger. So compelling not. 

To get back on point here, I would say check out Nux's video. At the time of writing this, he's almost at a million subscribers which is a huge milestone. If anyone deserves a million, he does without a doubt. I mean he's better than most youtubers like Jake and Logan Paul aka the prime example of a douchebag. I could go Sadie ,from Zero, on you but honestly, I don't have a big enough soap box for now. I think we should begin. Lets. Most of this chapter will be in a flashback.

Narrator P.O.V.
"It had been a week since our battle with Fairy Tail and everything is back to normal." said Lucy's voice. It had been a few days since Chapter 40 and everyone but a certain superhero was doing their fair share to help out. "Okay! Time for a break you guys!" said a cheerful Mira. "Things suddenly took a thing for the worse when the magic council's elite group of rune knights showed up along with her being that Erza doesn't trust her. I wonder why?" said Lucy's voice.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
Zane smiled as he said,"You know something. I actually kinda impressed that we got all of this work done in the past two days. Go us.". He turned to the people who sat the same table as him being two were giving him the stink eye for his comment aka Erza and Lucy, two were giving him a warm smile due to their feelings toward him aka Bisca and Mira, and one was flexing aka showing off how much of a man he is aka Elfman.

Six of them were currently taking a break after moving around all day.while one sat around, making jokes and being an ass. The rest of the guild was the same being that Gray and Natsu weren't fighting with each other due to them having no motivation. "You didn't anything at all to help beside bother us Zane! Kaida helped more than you did." said Lucy, pointing to the sleeping child. She was taking a nap on one of Zane's techniques known as Cloud.

Zane shrugged as he said,"I would have helped but the Coward made a deal with me and I try to make sure that I fulfill those deals plus I did something.". "Which is what? Beside being a pain to most people." said Erza, crossing her arms. "Make popcorn so I didn't have to bother Mira. Aren't I a nice guy?" said Zane, smiling. He was holding a blaster and it was aimed at a clear cube about the size of a marble.

He fired a beam of light ,from the blaster, at the cube, causing it to transform into a bag of popcorn and Zane grabbed it, scarfing its innards. "Still can't believe you made something like that." said Bisca. "Well, Zenith Industries is known for making both practical and impractical inventions being that the latter is because I was really bored." said Zane. "At least, we got this far. If we work together as a guild, there's nothing we can do!" said Mira. She had the upmost faith in her comrades. 

Lucifer looked at her with him saying,"Wow. She really has faith in the guild or should I say her favorite superhero?". "I think he's her only superhero but I get what you're saying. She really likes you so don't break her heart." said Athena. "That's because we're all real men!" said Elfman. "Does he know that he's calling girls men right?" said Lucy. "I would tell him that but Prude Knight here is leaning toward male than female at this point." said Zane.

Erza glared at Zane with Elfman saying,"What do you mean by that?". He clearly missed the point that the former debutante and current superhero were making. "We'll tell you when you're older okay Elfman?" said Zane. "Not worth your time huh Zane?" said Azalea. "It's more like it would be a waste of time." said Sivarth, earning a nod from Cole and Kane. "You're so nice for trying to humor him Zane." said Mira, directing a smile toward him. "Yeah." said Bisca.

Lucy looked at the girls with her saying,"You do know that most of the time, Zane is mocking people right?". "She's kinda right. I know it's a shock to me that I'm thinking Triple B is right. I'm kinda like eighty percent mocking and twenty percent serious." said Zane. "So why are you still calling her?! I thought you two were friends now?!" said Elfman. "We are but honestly, Triple B rolls of the tongue plus I'm thinking of a new name." said Zane.

Erza looked at him with her saying,"Or perhaps. You could call us not by those dreadful nicknames you like.". "Nah. That's no fun plus you're still a Prude. Well, I should probably go out and get some food to eat." said Zane. "Didn't you eat like ten bags of popcorn maybe more?" said Bisca. "I did but well, my powers require a lot of energy and mocking takes a lot of work." said Zane. "Hey, I have an idea Zane. How about you, Kaida, and Sly have dinner with me and big sis?" said Elfman.

The group at the table looked at him with Elfman saying in a proud tone,"She's one hell of a cook and she's a real man doing it!". Bisca looked at Mira being that even though she and the others girls who took care of Kaida for Zane, she didn't expect her brother do something like this. Like I said in the last chapter, Elfman is a secret evil genius maybe second to Mira but not even close to Zane. Fairy Legion canon by the way and not at all canon. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"That sounds nice but it'll probably just me. Sly will be taking Kaida home because she worked hard today and I don't want to push her too hard. We're going to start magic training soon and I need her well rested for tomorrow. So mind if I came over Ms. Strauss? I promise that I won't bite.". "It's no problem at all Zane! In fact, we are just about to head home so it's perfect timing on our part!" said Mira with her typical cheerful look on her face.

Elfman smiled as he said,"Come on Zane, let's go! You're going to love my big sis's cooking!". A second later, he began to practically drag Zane across the guild hall toward the entrance with Zane holding back from teaching Elfman his place. "Aren't you used to this by now?" said Cole. "I am but it doesn't mean I like." said Zane. Elfman was stopped by Zane ,now in Primate Form, and the larger than normal wizard went flying into a group of barrels, breaking them.

Erza shook her head in an aggravate tone with her saying,"Unbelievable.". "What? That's normal for him to do. You think Elfman would remember that Zane doesn't like to be touched by most people." said Bisca. "Yeah. Even Gray and Natsu sometimes know that." said Lucy, with her remembering her good friend ,Gray, and the man of her dreams ,Natsu, being thrown across the guild hall construction site earlier today by Zane.

Mira smiled as she said,"Well then. I'm guess I'm healing back to my place with Zane.". Each word caused Bisca to get more and more jealous of the barmaid being that Mira could sense this being that despite Levy being the main girlfriend to Zane, she would be the second for sure. "You do know that it isn't a date since Elfman is there. It's more like a friendly dinner from his viewpoint." said Erza in a neutral tone. "Oh I know that but I'm just doing it to annoy two people specifically." said Mira.

She walked toward the doors of the guildhall where an unconscious Elfman floated there and Zane stood there with his arms crossed and out of Primate Form. The cowgirl, female dragon slayer, and water woman with the latter watching from a spot out of sight from the other wizards there watched this scene with the current situation looking less than pleasant. Do note that Juvia is stalking Zane like she does with Gray in Fairy Tail.

Like with Fairy Tail, everyone doesn't notice her except for Sly and Zane since the two are used to stalkers mainly in the latter's case. Sly has her fair share but not even close to Zane's. "I have to find a way to stop her from gaining an advantage with her." thought a determination Bisca. Bisca knew that she wanted to wipe the smirk off Mira's face but how she would do that? "Hey Erza and Luce. You two know where Zane's going?" said Natsu.

He along with his Exceed companion, Gray, and Vance walked toward the trio of girls. "He's going to have dinner at Mira's house because for some reason, she likes him." said Lucy. "That makes no sense at all." said Vance. "What do you mean?" said Gray. "You didn't get tortured by him early today and yesterday." said Vance. "Yeah. I only get tortured by him during our training session." said Gray as he shivered a bit and not from his magic. 

The comments from Gray, Lucy, and Vance were completely ignored by Happy and Natsu due to Lucy mentioning food. "I want to go too! She makes the best food ever." whined Natsu. "Aye! Her fish is amazing!" said Happy in agreement. "Is fish the only thing he eats? That's what I've seen in the past couple of days." said Vance. "No idea but I'm going to say yes." said Lucy with Erza and Gray agreeing with her due to them knowing Happy since he was born.

The word of her two friends caused Bisca to smirk being that she had an opportunity arose more quickly than she expected. "Well, I'm pretty sure that Zane wouldn't mind if you two tagged along with them." said Bisca. "Really? You think so?" said Natsu in a hopeful voice. "I'm pretty sure Natsu. I mean it's Zane after all. He just loves it when we invade his personal space after all." said Bisca with her being clearly sarcastic.

The group of Erza, Gray, Lucy, and Vance looked at Bisca with them all thinking,"This isn't going to work at all.". However, they were proven wrong as the duo of Happy and Natsu ran right toward the entrance of the guild, shouting Zane's name. Bisca smirked as she turned to her friends who were shocked. "What? I think we all know that those two would do anything with a good meal." said Bisca as there was another evil genius in Fairy Legion. 

Happy and Natsu shouted simultaneously,"Zane! Hey Zane!". "Enjoy their company Mira. I'm sure you won't be able to do anything with those two present." thought Bisca. "What do you want you two? I'm kinda busy." said Zane, not turning to the dragon slayer and his feline companion rushing toward him. Zane was busy, drawing on Elfman's face with Twilight still wondering ,after all of this time, how Zane can be so mature and immature at the same time.

Natsu smiled as he said,"You're eating dinner at Mira's house right?". "Yeah. Elfman and her offered me some food and according to Elfman, this food is really good. I'm not that bad of a chef myself so I'll be judging it a bit. All food is good to me." said Zane. "Aye!' chirped Happy, rapidly nodding his head in agreement. "Yeah. Her food is amazing! Can we come with you, can we, can we?" said Natsu who was pleading to Zane by clasped his hands together, shaking his hands in a begging fashion.

Natsu's action confused the barmaid a good amount being that she was kinda used to him coming over for eating food ever since she's known him. She was confused on how he found about Zane coming over to her place being that she figured it out. She turned toward the table where she sat at being that she saw a smug looking Bisca waving to her. "That little...." thought Mira. "No. I want to be alone with Mira and her brother." said Zane in a blunt tone.

Natsu fell to the ground with Happy mimicking his partner. "Can we come too Mira?" said Happy with him going toward the white-haired woman whose kindness is unmatched. Mira looked at Zane who performed his puppy dog eyes and like Stella, she couldn't resist it. To make sure Zane got what he wanted, he said,"Please Mira. I want to be alone with you and Elfman. You don't want to make me cry do you? I mean it's just mean and you're not mean.".

He spoke in a tone that sounded like a child who was very close to crying and his lower lip quiver. He scrunched up his cheeks with him embracing his inner child when he was a huge crybaby. Mira was unable to resist at this point since she was practically assaulted by weaponized cuteness and there were a far few who could resist this level of cuteness. Mira was not one of them since cute things are her weakness.

Mira looked at Happy and Natsu with her saying,"Sorry Happy and Natsu. I did promise Zane that we would just have dinner the three of us." . She was upset that her only puppy dog eyes didn't compare to what Zane unleashed. "Really Mira?! Why did his begging worked on you and ours didn't huh?!" said Happy and Natsu in unison. Zane smiled as he said,"Because my puppy dog eyes wins more augments but you do get this.".

Zane turned right toward Happy and Natsu with him smiling like he just won the lottery. Both of them felt a chill go down their spines upon seeing on him. "You both win extra training and well, Kitsune Orb will have fun with the both of you." said Zane with the duo of Happy and Natsu falling onto the ground, in a fetal position. Bisca looked at the scared duo with her thinking,"I totally forgot to factor in Zane's unpredictability. I'm such an idiot!".

That was her biggest mistake since nothing can beat the puppy dog eyes of the almost Millennium year old being. Mira looked at Bisca with her thinking,"I'm sure those two asking us was her doing but did Zane stop her? Why?". "Isn't it super obvious to her? I mean Zane wants to be alone with her and Elfman plus her." said Cole. "Why aren't you saying their names? You said Elfman's name." said Athena. "It's called suspense!" said Cole.       

Zane was ignoring his A.I.s conversation and the two sulking Fairies on the ground with him turning toward Mira and the floating Elfman, still out cold. "So you ready to go?" said Zane. "Sure!" said Mira with with her linking arms with Zane much to the jealously of Bisca and Stella. Cana turned to Levy with the lush beauty saying,"Wow. I'm impressed you're not jealous of Mira and not killing Zane for this.". "I trust him." said Levy, going back to her book and smiling.

At the Strauss Home or more specifically the dining room. "Okay everyone. Take your seats and I'll go get everything ready." said Mira with her heading into the kitchen to prepare said food. A moment later, the gathered boys plus an unexpected but welcoming guess did what the white-haired beauty told them to do. A total of six seats existed on the table, one at each head of the table, and two on each respective side.

Currently, one wizard sat on each side with one of the heads being cleared in order for Mira to select her seat when she finished cooking. Zane sat to the left of the head closest to the kitchen with Elfman sitting across from him and their special guest. Elfman had a bright smile on his face and Zane was slightly thankful that there wasn't any saliva falling from his lips. "So I'm hoping Mira's cooking is good right Juvia?" said Zane.

Juvia ,who was sitting next to her crush with her face bright red, rapidly nodded. "I'm sitting next to Beloved!" thought Juvia, innerly squealing. "Yeah! You'll like it Juvia. She's the best cook in all of Magnolia and even Fiore!" said Elfman. He knew his sister too well being that she would never make such a claim but he would. Zane chuckled with him saying,"So how long have you been following me Juvia?".

Juvia looked shocked as Elfman said,"Wait. She was following you?". "Yeah. I mean didn't you noticed the blue haired figure following me and Levy around the past couple of days?" said Zane as Elfman looked at Zane before cupping his chin. "Nope." said Elfman. "Yeah. She's pretty good at sneaking or stalking me just like Solid Snake but your ass is much better to look at." said Zane with Juvia's face being bright red and steam coming from her.

I do want you to remember that Zane is omnisexual. Sometimes, he'll make comments about males such as his comment about Ignacio from Zero. These comments will happen but not often. More often than the female and fusion forms. After that, it was just Zane talking with Juvia who mainly nodded her head or blush as a response. Juvia tried to forget how Zane called out to her when he was walking with Mira ,her arm in his, and Elfman.

She liked Zane ever since he brought her the sunshine and yes, she has been following him ever since he defeated Jose using that Take Over but she has nowhere to go. This is due to Phantom Lord being pretty much wiped out after one of Fairy Tail's wizards wiped out all of the branches in the guild and they didn't have time to rebuild. While the two talked, the muscular third wheel watched this scene and he knew his plan was working perfectly.

He had an ulterior motive for inviting the cross-species into their home for dinner being that it had a good deal to do with what he had noticed for a while now. Zane had helped the Strauss family a good deal by helping Mira rediscover her magic, promise to help her train it, and saved Mira from the giant during the war. He didn't want a reward or recognition being that he kept saying,"That's just what I do best. Being a hero. A real hero doesn't do it for a reward.". 

Elfman wanted to drilled Zane until he was sure that he would be worthy of his elder sister's affection being that he did this for Natsu when Lisanna was alive except Natsu didn't get it. It was obvious to everyone in the guild and some outside of it that Mira feel a great deal for the hero being that Elfman was sure Zane felt the same for her. Zane had more than proven himself to be a capable fighter and even if he has his moments, he's a truly compassionate person.

Elfman wasn't sure if Zane was worthy for his older sister since he was dating Levy who was a good friend of his but he wanted his sister to be happy too. He was the only man of the Strauss house so he felt like it was his duty to make sure Zane was worthy of Mira. You may wonder why I say that and it's simple. We never met Mr. and Mrs. Strauss in the series and they're probably dead but I could be wrong. "So Zane, are you...." said Elfman.

He was cut off by Mira with her saying,"Dinner's ready!". She entered the room with a large tray on each hand with Juvia staring at the covered trays with interest. She had heard Elfman described the food as heavenly being that it would be better than the food that she "secret borrowing" some food from the market due to her being homeless. She stayed in the Phantom Lord Guild Hall because like with the parents of Elfman and Mira, it wasn't stated. It's Fairy Legion canon.

Zane was impressed with how fast it arrived as he said,"Wow. You were fast in there.". "Really? I hadn't noticed." said Mira in a nervous tone. She had done her best to make the meal amazing to have an advantage over the others being that she made it faster. Love makes you do crazy things huh? "I'm sure you were highly motivated huh sis." thought Elfman being that he knew if he said that, Mira would have killed him. Smart boy.

Juvia slumped back into her chair as she said,"That was a nice meal Mirajane.". Everyone at the table had done the same thing except for Zane who was still eating in Osmosis Form. The food ,in fact, was so good that no one tried to make any conversation being that if they talked, they couldn't eat any food due to Zane talking it most of it. It was a high price to pay but totally worth it. "So what about you Zane?" said Mira in a hopeful tone.

Zane nodded as he turned to her and smiled. "Yep. I missed really good food since well, I'm not the best when it comes to the kitchen. I mean I can cook to satisfy a group of anchovies or was it zombies? Can't really remember but my point is that you're a good chef. One of the best in the Omniverse I think." said Zane. "Thank you Zane." said Mira, fighting her urge to jump for joy being that she was going to make sure Bisca and Stella heard about this tomorrow.

However, more compliments from Zane about her cooking is a good thing. Juvia heard this and made a plan to get Zane's full attention from Mira and this girl named Levy. "So should we tell them that you're reading their minds or not partner of mine?" said Twilight. "But I'm not for once. They're just super easy to read. Am I finally understand women?" said Zane. "Zane. You're never understand women because sometimes, they're just really oblivious about their feelings." said Kane.

Zane ignored the Vulcorian inside of him as he said,"By the way, you guys got a pretty nice dining room.". "Yes we do. Mira works very heard to decorate our home the best that we can." said Elfman with him proud of his older sister. "Well, tell her that she does a great job." said Zane being that Mira had a bright affectionate smile on her. Her smile could probably shine through the darkness but it couldn't compete with Jose's teeth.

Mira said with a tinge of red making her way onto her cheeks,"Stop Zane. You're making me blush and maybe if you want, we could show you the rest of the house.". "Oh. I'm sure he would like that and he would really like if you took him to a very specific room big sis." said Elfman being that his man of the house mentality activated in the meal of the meal. Juvia and Mira's face lit up brilliantly with the water woman's head producing a solid amount of steam.

When Juvia gets really embarrassed, steam usually appears not too soon after since fire and water make stream obviously. Mira was so embarrassed in fact that she was unable to stop what happened next at least for a while. "Elfman. Are you suggesting that Mira ,your sister, take me to see the laundry room? I mean it's nice but doesn't compared to seeing the she-shed." said Zane with the three looking at him in confusion but that was normal.

Elfman looked at Zane with him saying,"Zane. Can I ask you something?". "Sure but if it's about my three sizes, we're not good enough friends to know that." said Zane. He wasn't uncomfortable about being asked anything since he's been in a lot of interviews. "So how women would you say that you know?" said Elfman, raising an eyebrow. "Let me think." said Zane. He was thinking about how to answer that question despite him now why he asked that question in the first place.

Zane was pretty sure why Elfman asked him that and it involved Mira. "Too many to count off the top of your head?" said Elfman. "Yeah. I mean I've been around for almost a thousand years and I know a lot of people. At least half of them are female. I'll admit that some of them were born male but they considered themselves to be female. Do they count as well?" said Zane. "So how many of these infinite amount of girls have you dated?" said Elfman.

Zane cupped his chin as he said,"A good amount but I haven't been in a serious relationship for a long time. In fact, Levy is my girlfriend who I love. I mean the way that she brushes her hair back when she's reading is just the best in the Omniverse plus she's adorkable. I'm lucky to have her as my girlfriend because Fanboy and Chumchum don't deserve her since they're not the best at really anything.". Somewhere in Magnolia, the duo in question sneezed.

Elfman said,"Okay then. So how many women have you tricked so you could get something from her huh Zane?". "A lot of them. You've seen it. I mean I trick Prude Knight and Triple B all of the time but if you mean sexual, nah. I'm willing to do a lot of things but if they don't want to do it whatsoever, I can wait. I mean I got time to kill. About an infinite amount of years before I died or something." said Zane.    

This conversation continued with the two observers of the situation happened to an increasingly agitated Mira and a very confused Juvia. She wasn't sure if this was normal for Fairy Tail or not since she heard about their eccentric nature but compared to Aria and Sol, they were pretty normal. "So do you know what's going on Mirajane?" said Juvia. However before this could go any further, it was time to stop this and that honor goes to Mira.

She was going to have a long discussion with Elfman about boundaries very soon if this conversation was any indication. "Stop! Zane is our guest and you're being rude Elfman." said Mira with her usual smile replaced with a small scowl directed at Elfman. "Um. Sorry. Didn't mean to be rude Zane." said Elfman. "It's cool. I mean the overprotective brother routine isn't new to me being that I haven't done it myself since I'm the type of guy you don't want to piss if you catch my drift." said Zane.

Mira turned toward Zane with her saying,"It isn't Zane being that I'll make sure he learns not to do that again.". This earned a gulp from the king of men. "Um beloved. Do you mind if we leave? I'm getting uncomfortable." said Juvia, tugging on Zane's sleeve like a child. Mira forgot her anger for a moment to admire how cute Juvia was being before gaining it back. "Sure. It's getting kinda late and I like to read Kaida a bed time story." said Zane.

He deactivated the form with him saying,"Thanks for the meal Mira. It was really amazing. I'll make sure to repay you back for it with my cooking. It's to die for according to Rico and Theron but those two are always trying to doing things to please me. Gets annoyed but they are like my crazy uncles and I like having them around.". He got up with Juvia following suit. "I'm glad that you like it. See you two tomorrow." said Mira with a smile on her face. "Night." said Zane.

Juvia bowed to the two with her saying,"Thank you for having your enemy in your form after me and Beloved fought and I tried to capture Lucy but it turns out that it was because of Beloved's raven take over transformation not me.". "I'll explain it to her on our way home." said Zane. The duo were gone as Mira's smile vanished with her turned around to see the giant manly man try and sneak out of the room but silly Elfman. That isn't going to happen.

Mira grabbed Elfman's collar with her saying,"Elfman. Where in the nine realms do you think you're going?". Her eyes were glowing purple. "Um well. Funny story sis." said Elfman with him scared of his sister's hostile intent being that the She-Devil had returned once again. With Juvia and Zane, Juvia said,"Do you know what was going on in there? And thank you for letting me hold your arm like she did beloved.".

Juvia was holding his right arm in her arm and leaning against him. "It's nothing important. Just some sibling stuff. I'm sure you're aware of my girlfriend right?" said Zane. "I do but I also know that she doesn't mind sharing you with others who like you." said Juvia. "Yeah she did but she also mentioned that she picks who gets to be with me. The first girl gets that honor." said Zane. "I see. Thank you for inviting me." said Juvia.

Zane shrugged as he said,"No problem Juvia. I mean you're better than Hatchling and Fish Breath. I think you make much better company than they do.". "So were you the one to help Mirajane get her powers back?" said Juvia. "And how do you know that? I thought you've been stalking me for about three or four days now." said Zane. "Well, it was obvious that you're involved since you helped me see the sun for the first time." said Juvia.

Zane nodded as he said,"I guess I did huh. Guess our talk at the grave did the trick. It's real hard to move on after losing someone close to you. I'm well aware of that fact.". "So why did you do it? You have been in Fairy Tail for a month now right? The same amount of time as Lucy. You wanted to help her use her magic that she lost after losing her sister Lisanna. Not even her brother could help but you did. That's really amazing Zane." said Juvia.

She smiled as she said,"You always help people even though you haven't know them for more than a minute. That's something I really like about you beloved.". "Thanks but sometimes, you need to hear the honest truth and that's what I do best. The past isn't exactly the best but you shouldn't focus on the bad but the good. I tend to focus on the bad when I should be focused on the good but most of the time, I don't let it control me." said Zane with him smiling.

Juvia knew that she was going to regret saying this but she wanted to know him. "Is it because of what happened to you before joining Fairy Tail? I read those articles about you in Sorcerer Weekly and from what I could tell, your past isn't the most pleasant. Sorry for saving that beloved! I'm so stupid!" said Juvia, hitting herself in the head. "Yeah but don't say sorry. I've accepted my past and comes to terms with. I won't let it control me." said Zane.

Zane took a deep breath with him saying,"Since you're going to be hanging around me a lot, I guess you should know the full story. Be forewarned. It isn't exactly for the faint of heart.". Juvia thought about his words for a while as they walked. Bringing up bad things for Zane wasn't something that she wanted to do but she really wanted to know more about the person who did some much for her in literally a day or two.

Don't know how long the battle between Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord were but I'm going to ballpark here and say that it was at least one to two days. "If you don't mind, I would like to know if you don't mind." said Juvia. "Sure. It's no problem Juvia. It all begins over ten thousand years ago when the Omniverse was made by Tron." said Zane. Back at the Strauss house or to be more accurate their living room, Elfman was in trouble.

Mira looked at her terrified younger sibling as he sat on the couch with his face screaming fear. "So what did we learn today Elf?" said Mira. "Don't ask Zane those types of questions or else I get punished." said Elfman. "And..." said Mira, wanting him to go further. "And to never tease big sis about Zane." said Elfman. "Is that all?" said Mira, with her arms crossed. "Um. Don't tell Zane that you really like him even though he probably knows since he isn't dense like Natsu is." said Elfman.

It was obvious to everyone in the guild that Natsu liked Erza and Lucy being that two years ago, it was Erza and Lisanna. "Good boy." said Mira, smiling as she gave her younger brother a pat on the head like a dog or any other pet. "Wait a second. If you really like him as much as you do, why don't you just..." said Elfman. "Are you going to question me? You do know how thin the ice you're on is right Elfman?' said Mira.

Elfman stopped himself with him walking away. "I mean why do she have to play coy with him? I'm sure he knows about her crush on him. Honesty is the best policy." thought Elfman. Oh Elfman. You are asking the eternal question. I mean in a romance story, why doesn't the girl tell the guy that she likes him rather than coming up with an scheme to get his attention. You know what I'm taking about so why is that?

Despite her nice nature now, she still had her incredibly intimidating nature to her being that you don't want to make her mad. "That's what I thought." said Mira. At Zane's house, the duo of Juvia and Zane walked into the house in silence. Zane had finished telling her his entire life being that he made sure to mentioned the Massacre and Annihilation Day specifically plus some other stuff that may be in Zero in canon.

She honestly didn't know what to say in the wake of such a tragic tale. "Thank you for telling me about you Beloved." said Juvia. "You're welcome." said Zane. "I can understand why you're always trying to protect people other than just being a hero. You don't want to lose anything else because in the end, you're left alone with only their memories." said Juvia. "Yeah. You got me down perfectly or at least part of me. I'm an enigma for a reason." said Zane.

Cole said,"Yeah! I mean we've known him since he was sixteen and I still don't know what goes through his head of his!". "The past sucks." said Juvia. "Yeah but we can't let it control us here in the present. It isn't healthy. Mira suffered from that being that Elfman did as well but I'm sure he'll be back to normal and stronger." said Zane. Juvia blinked as she said,"Wait. Where are we?". "In my house Juvia." said Zane. Juvia blushed as she said,"Um why?!".

Zane shrugged as he said,"Because right now, you're homeless and I can't have that under my watch okay? Come on, I'll show you to your room and you'll meet Kaida and Sly in the morning.". He began walking off as Juvia followed him with her mind going to town on what could happen and if you can name an scene such as opening the door while she's changing, you got it. The next morning at the construction site of the Fairy Tail guildhall.

I should mentioned that they still have work to do on the guildhall since even without the upgrades to it and even having magic, it's going to take at least a couple of weeks. They had the framework of the building done but well, it's going to take some time aka after the Tower of Heaven. Just imagine the guild to be in the state that it's in the anime episodes 29 to 32. The guild was still very satisfied about winning against Phantom Lord. 

Erza walked over toward the main bar where Lucy and Mira were. "Hey Erza." said the two girls in unison, each bearing friendly smiles. "The guild seems lively despite no one working." said Erza. "It is their day off where Master told us to do remember. So what did you two do last night? I actually got some stuff done." said Lucy, slightly happy that neither Happy and Natsu bothered her despite liking the two of them.

Erza smiled as she said,"I decided to return Fairy Hills and relaxed after working to hard to rebuild the guild unlike a certain someone.". "Yeah. Kinda figured you wouldn't mention him being that you two hate each other. What about you Mira?" said Lucy, hoping not to aggravate Erza by saying his name. "The same as Erza except Zane did come over for a meal with me and Elfman if the two of you recall. It was a pretty nice dinner." said Mira.

She was slightly lying to them being that Zane told her not to mention Juvia until he was sure that she wasn't going to get in trouble due to Fairy Tail still having some hostility toward Phantom Lord. "So did Happy and Natsu join you as well? I was sure that they did." said Erza. "Nope. Zane told them not and I think he's planing on torturing them during today's training session. Still impressed that you allowed it Erza." said Mira.

Before Erza could say anything to that, Kaida showed up and she said,"Hi! Good morning!". "Oh good morning. So where is your dad, his partner, and his students?" said Mira, smiling at the little girl. "Um. I think papa was going to bring them here after he picks them up using that ice thunder kitty cat!" said Kaida. Erza and Lucy looked at her with Sly flying up to them. "She's talking about Frost Liger Thunder Form and yes, that is its name." said Sly.

The three girls got their answer as Zane showed up with him being in a fusion form. Yeah as of this chapter, we've only seen three fusions ,Zero Episode 131 with Pyre Slime Form and Zero Episode 134 with Gadget Turbo Form, so I thought we'll make this fusion a combination of three forms. Do note that the names will be like this unless I change it. He’s twelve feet tall with a muscular build. He looks to be a humanoid liger but with elements of an ape like creature. 

He’s able to run on all forms and like normal ligers, he has a tail ,unlike Liger Form, but it’s different from other ligers. His body, feet, hands, legs, lower arms, neck, and shoulders are covered in black shaggy fur. His chest and mouth/muzzle is a white color. His ankles, armpits, elbows, and upper arms are a navy blue color. They look to be covered by cyan blue armor plating. His five fingers and toes are a solid gray color. His mouth has two jagged fangs.

These fangs come out of his wide mouth whenever it's closed. His two eyes are red with noticeable black pupils and white sclera. He has snow white teeth alongside a small orange nose. The inside of his mouth is a red color and his tongue resemble a wire with a spear-like tip. His ears are the small color of his nose but slightly bigger than them. He has two gray metallic horns growing out of the top of his head. 

His horns are in the shape of lightning bolts and covered in a white ,with streaks of bright yellow, electricity/frost. He has white stripes over his forearms and legs, looking to be a lightning bolt pattern. The palms of his hands, soles of his feet, and both sides of his neck have a snow white lightning bolt shaped marking on them. He wears a dark red skintight and sleeveless muscle shirt. He wears a pair of dark red pants with a pair of black fingerless gloves. 

He has a belt formed of energy that looked to be a championship belt. In the center of the belt, he has his superhero logo aka Updated Superhero Logo. His feet and wrists have three large retractable black ice claws. He had a tail and looks to resemble a cat of nine tails. The ends of his tail resemble a three-proged plug and the prong is colored red.  His body has four black ,with snow white edges, wings that were currently wrapping his body, covering it completely except for his head. 

It looks he’s an assassin or ninja. His body was naturally creating a substance which is mixture of both electricity/frost. It’s a white color mixed with streaks of yellow. It’s primarily focused on his forearms and shins. Zane dropped the trio of Gray, Happy, and Natsu on the ground in front of them. The girls looked at them with Gray mumbling,"Not him. Please not him.". Happy was smiling despite covered in electricity and having a rocking afro but not as good as Brook's. 

Natsu was the worst out of the three being covered in frost and static. "Hey there Mira. How is work going today for you brother?" said Zane in a chilling yet intimidating voice. His voice had a booming echo to it alongside a distinctive buzzing sound. "Good Zane! I really like this one. Is he new?" said Mira. "Not really since well, you've seen all three parts of him before. Today, I thought why not. I was feeling some fusion today." said Zane.

He turned intangible as Erza tried to stab him. "Zane Vincent Alvarez! Tell me why you did this to your Nakama right now and take your punishment like a man!" yelled Erza. Lucy was worried for Natsu who groaned out,"Don't Erza. We asked him to.". "No we didn't. I asked for him not to pick Thunder Form yesterday and he said sure. However because you and the furball begged to join him and Mira on their dinner date with Elfman, I had to suffer because of you." said Gray.

The two were going to fight but the two said,"Nah.". Zane turned to Sly with her sighing. "I know that I shouldn't have bet against you but the odds were ninety to ten with it be in my favor." said Sly. "Yeah brother. Betting with me is a bad idea always no matter the odds Sly. You should know this and don't worry. They'll be back to normal in due time brother." said Zane. "You'll never stop being a jerk will you? Oh wait. It's too boring if you stop am I right?" said Lucy with her shaking her head.

Zane shrugged as he said,"You're learning Triple B. You may have a nickname change to Double B or BB. Well, I have to thank you for the food once again Mira.". He smiled, looking creepy rather than friendly but Mira just smiled. "Thank you Zane." said Mira. "And your special guest says thanks to. She's staying at our house until things cool down here." whispered Sly, floating over to her as Mira knew about who she was talking about.

The redheaded model of justice/biggest prude of Fairy Tail resorted to what humans call pouting. I heard about it before. She crossed her arms underneath the area of armor that covered her breasts aka the breastplate and she thought childish,"I can cook too.". She wasn't going to say such a thing since it would demean her and also he was there. "Say that again Prude Knight. I seem to have heard you say something but I can't recall what it was brother." said Zane, smirking while speaking innocently.

Well at least in this form. Erza glared at Zane with her saying,"I loathe you.". She knew perfectly well that Zane did that just to mess with her. "Totally thought it was that you can cook too. However, I remember hearing how it send our poor perverted snowcone and hatchling into the hospital for at least two weeks brother." said Zane. Before Erza could attack him for that comment, Sly grabbed her shoulder. The knight turned to the Akostar as she said,"Don't. I'm warning you. It's a bad idea.".

Erza looked at Zane with his eyes saying,"Come on Prude Knight. Fight me. You know you want to don't you? Reclaim your non-existent pride?". Erza sighed as Mira said,"Zane. If you want to eat with us again, I'd be happy to host.". "Sure but don't say that brother. If you do, I'll be leaving a Gluttony or Osmosis Form clone in your kitchen. It will never leave." said Zane with him chuckling at the thought. "Is that so?" said Mira.   

Zane looked around with him saying,"Anyway, I'm going to scare Fanboy and Chumchum. Sly do you mind brother?". "Using your healing potions to heal them. Sure?" said Sly. Zane nodded as he turned intangible and into the ground, disappearing. Lucy looked at Erza with her saying,"So why didn't you try to fight him?". "Because like always, I'm going to be the bigger person." said Erza. "But isn't he like most of the time taller than you?" said Stella's voice, earning a glare from Erza.

She along with Vance walked up to them as Kaida hugged the kitty. "Morning Kaida. So what's up with those three?" said Vance, pointing to the trio who was getting hit with a white slime shaped ball aka the Zenith Potion from Chapter 38. "Training session with Zane." said Lucy. "Ah. He told me that he was really harsh during his training but to this extent." said Stella, crossing her arms. "Yeah. Zane is the Omniverse's biggest sadist after all." said Sly.

Gray and Happy nodded in agreement with the cat saying,"Yeah! He was so mean to me! Shocking me whenever he wanted!". "You kept mentioning fish when he told you several times not to do that and showed you what will happen if you do." said Gray in a deadpanned tone. Happy crossed his arms as he said,"You may be right but it doesn't mean that I.....". Any conversations that had been occurring were cut short by two things.

Two "manly" screams of terror from Zane's fusion and a horn. Most everyone stared at the entrance to see a large group of people standing there being that it was the Magic Council's elite squadron of Rune Knights known as the Rosewood Squadron. We learned about them in Chapter 29 and we finally see them only twelve chapters later.  Their uniform is dark gold suits with the dark, ankh-like symbol of the council on the chest being rather obvious on who they're working for.

They wear a short gray ,double breasted, pointed cowl which covers both their head and shoulders. This cowl however doesn't cover their nose and lower jaw. They also wears thin black goggles, gray boots, and purplish white gloves. They do wear some mesh-mail under their clothes along with metal armor over their main clothing. For a more detailed appearance of them, check at the end of the chapter for more details.

Most began to panic at the sight of them being that they expected the council to send their goons for an investigation of some kind. However, they didn't expect the Rosewood Squadron. They just hoped it would be over quickly. "Seriously? Those guys?" said Wakaba. "Guess we made a bigger mess than we expected huh." said Macro. "Run you guys! Lets go!" said Natsu. "Aye sir!" said Happy. Before the two could get really anywhere, they were held in the air by a magic circle.

Two people ,a male and female, stood there in front of their platoon being that the Fairy Tail wizards recognized them as Captain Tien ,for the male, and Vice Admiral Melba. Lets go with Tien first since I flipped a coin and he won the coin toss. He’s slightly taller than an average male. He has short black hair ,cut in a buzz cut like fashion, and a large green mohawk in the center. I'm pretty sure that's against most military ,fiction or not,  protocol but who cares? It's a mohawk.

He has dark brown eyes with a very prominent scar on the bottom side of his face being that it's both on the left and right cheek. He does have a pointed beard aka a goatee also known as the Beard of Evil. Que lightning/thunder in the background. He wears a dark gold vest with a gray long-sleeved shirt being that it's also mesh armor. He wears dark black pants with beige boots which goes slightly above his knees.

He doesn't wear the gloves or goggles of his fellow soldiers but does wear metallic bracers around his arms. He also has two daggers in sheathes on each hip. He also had the kind of face that said he wasn't afraid of anyone and would punch the first guy who made fun of him. Captain Tien was known as the beast because of his fighting style and well known for being a beast in the bedroom mainly the latter but don't get into a fight with him or else.

Melba has fair looking skin with her looking in her teens rather than her 20s being that her young age stuck out more than her chest which is saying a lot given what dimension we're in and you know I'm going to bring up. She has dark purple hair which frames her hair and goes to the middle of her waist and vermilion eyes. Her bangs are covering her left eye. I doubt that she was connected to the Vinsmoke family but hey, the Omniverse is filled with many wonderful and strange things. 

This may be because bangs covering ones eye isn't just for the Vinsmoke family in fiction but who really know sometimes. She wears dark red lipstick and has dark red nail polish. Her outfit ,like most women in this dimension except for like a handful of them I wish I was kidding, shows off her curvaceous body quite well. She wears a sleeveless purple top which is basically a tube top being that it exposes her belly button and toned stomach.

Her top also has a deep neckline and a white color with a golden motifs. She wears black ,with white lining and a golden motif, short shorts that exposes her long legs and something else. She wears black leggings. She wears dark pink high heel boots. She wears a beaded necklace around her necklace alongside a pair of purple sunglasses that are currently hanging off her collar. She wears both elbow guards that expose part of her arm from the part that disconnects from her armor.

She has a gun holster on her right leg being that there is also a large "star"-shaped scar on her right leg being that like Stella's scar, the origin of that scar is unknown. She can use her magic power to blend into her surroundings perfectly. "Silly Natsu. There's no escaping the Rune Knights especially if the Rosewood Squadron is involved." said Mira. Makarov was crying at the sight of them with Erza trying to comfort him.

Tien ,who was losing patient, shouted,"Members of the Fairy Tail guild, assemble front and center right now!". "So who are these guys?" said Kaida, not moving. "They're the Rosewood Squadron. To put it simply, they're the more advanced Rune Knights who serve the Magic Council and enforce their will on others." said Erza. "Aka being bullies." said Stella. "That's more polite. I was going to say idiots or in Zane's words of wisdom, fucking morons." said Sly.

At this order, a majority of the guild began doing as they were told, collecting near the entrance with several of the stronger wizard ,Erza, Gray, and Natsu, being located at the front. Two people were missing from the line up and I'll give you a guess on who they are. Shortly after, Tien smiled and he said,"And the criminals have been gathered milady.". "Oh. Would you stop being a suckup to her? I think you know that she isn't into you but him." said Melba, rolling her eyes.

For a brief period of time, the only sound that could be heard was the quiet but loud sound of heels clacking against the ground. When said milady entered the construction site, it turned out to be the youngest female on the Magic Council aka Ultear. Lets just say that one person aka Erza wasn't too happy about seeing her with two others aka Happy and Natsu still floating. "Not her." said Erza. "I totally expected her but whatever." said Sly, shrugging.

The Akostar knew that Ultear ,who had a thing for Zane, would be a part of the investigation being that her and Zane were teased each other constantly being that according to Zane, she helped fix Galuna Island after Zane restored her mom back to life and was stalking him. "I think I like Juvia as his stalker more than her." thought Sly.  Ultear was looking for Zane being that she turned to the duo of Melba and Tien, causing them to go into a salute.

Ultear smiled with her saying,"Captain Tien. Vice Admiral Melba. Out of all of the Fairy Tail wizards, I asked you for one very specific wizard and what do I see?". "Um wizards?" said a grunt before his foot was stomped on by Ultear hard. "No. I don't see the Legion Void Knight. The main reason why we're here." said Ultear in a calm yet very angry tone. Before the knights could say anything, the knights and wizards heard,"Son of a bitch! I never lose an arm wresting competition.".

The entire construction site looked to see Zane ,still in his fusion form, arm wresting a man with Levy as the ref. This man is Ira Yates, a member of the Rosewood Squadron, 2nd Captain of the Custody Enforcement Unit, and the 5th ranked Wizard Saint with the latter title being the most famous one. According to Elfman, he screams manliness. He has a tall figure with a slim, yet muscular build to him. He had sharp, more defined facial features.

He has medium length messy black hair and lime green eyes. His hair has a natural fringe that sticks out like a sore thumb. He always a a five o clock shadow. His hair naturally hides his red/crimson triangle-shaped birthmark which is in the center of his forehead. His right cheek has a claw scar over it. He wears a simple and ripped crimson red A-shirt, black pants with big pockets, and brown hiking boots that go up to his knees.

He wears a gold necklace that has a silver pendant with a strange bronze symbol that’s the sign of his title. He also has a bull tattoo on his right pectoral. "Sorry brother but you lost. It was a good match though. I honestly broke a sweat." said Zane. "So since you two are done now, mind if we line up already?" said Levy. "Nah. That sounds lame." said Ira. "Have to agree with number 5 babe." said Zane. Levy sighed as Ultear saw Zane being that even in his transformation, she knew that it was him.

Within seconds, the well-endowed woman gazed at him like a predator being that a sly smirk was present on her face and began gracefully walked toward him. Erza ,at seeing this, inwardly swore since she didn't want the guild to get in more trouble than it already does. This woman was possibly the last person she wanted to see in charge of the investigation. At this point, Seigrain was a better option than her.

I mean I rather have Ultear personally than the blue-haired brick but that's just me. "So miss me handsome?" said Ultear, her eyes fixed on the currently transformed hero. "This is the guy? Totally didn't see him as your type but he got guts even for this guild." said Ira, sipping on some beer that he was "borrowing" from Fairy Tail aka Cana. "Sup brother. I know you missed me Ultear but you're the one stalking me so maybe I should get a restraining order from you." said Zane.

Levy knew about this thing Ultear and Zane being that according to Zane, it wasn't serious but more fun than anything else. She wasn't too worried. On the other hand, Bisca was confused on why she was talking to Zane of all people. "So who is this Erza?" whispered Stella, glaring daggers at said woman in question. "A truly vile woman." said Erza, glaring heavily at the esteemed councilwoman who was flirting with the giant beast.

She was standing directly in front of Zane, paying attention to him and only him. This confused a great amount of people present and angered a few as well. No one dared to interrupt them. "So despite me happy to see you, why are you here brother?" said Zane. Ultear giggled as she said,"Now I'm sure that isn't the proper way to ask a lady like me a question.". "Yeah. I don't care brother. Answer my question or well, you'll get a taste of my wrath." said Zane.    

Ultear smiled as she said,"Always so violent Zane. I'm head to head up an investigation as per orders of the Magic Council.". "So you were the one they picked for the job brother?" said Zane. "Would you be surprised if I said I volunteered for it?" said Ultear with her smirk growing in size. "I didn't by the way. They forced to come here and I was totally going to get Melba on a date with me." said Ira. "Like hell you were!" shouted Melba.

Makarov looked at Ultear and then Zane with him saying,"Zane. Do you know this woman? She has mentioned you before at meetings but I didn't know that you two had such a CLOSE relationship with each other.". "We met when I got arrested for saving the guild masters remember brother? Ever since then, she keeps coming to visit me. She's also been stalking me." said Zane. "Wow. I thought you would be happy to have such a gorgeous woman stalking you." said Ultear in a playful tone.

She grazed the side of Zane's cheek with her hand. Due to him being a beast, Zane didn't blush being that he was thinking of a response to answer her and this response had to not piss off Levy who was watching the whole thing and Juvia from causing a rainstorm from her hiding spot. "I would but I've got a lovely girlfriend so we need to stop this dance we're doing brother." said Zane, removing her hand in a gentle manner and going over to Levy, holding her in his arms.

She would have told Zane to stop but this fusion had really soft fur like Liger Form. Erza and Stella clenched their fists in order to have some form of control over her anger. They didn't noticed that they were doing the same thing along with Bisca and Mira. "Since introductions are in order, all of you need to come with us to the Rosewood Squadron camp situated just outside of the city where all of you will be questioned. After the investigation was concluded, a hearing will be held." said Ultear.

She turned to Makarov with her saying,"This hearing will be deciding the ultimate fate of Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail being that Org suggested that Fairy Tail pays for all of the damage down in Oak Town thanks to Zane.". Makarov blinked before crying literally waterfalls like Aria does on a semi-regular basis or all of the time. "We were questioned relentless everyday being that it took about us a week for them to finish their investigation. However, one person wasn't so lucky." said Lucy's voice.

It was Zane much to the surprise of no one. After all, he did absorb and fire a beam that dwarfed the infamous Jupiter Cannon, took out two of the Element 4 with no problem, and defeated one of the Ten Wizard Saint on his own much to the interest of Ira who was constantly enjoying a bowl of ramen whenever someone saw him. Speaking of Jose, he had been escorted to a maximum secret prison since he practically broke every law between guilds.

He also lost his tile of Wizard Saint because of it. From what I overheard, he didn't try and struggle since Zane well broke him mentally. Constantly screaming. The Magic Council didn't know much about Zane being that despite them having the magazine article plus what he told them when he visited Ira, he was still an enigma. Makarov advised Zane ,who had turned back to normal, not to keep lying to the knight but Zane told him to politely mind your own business.            

He wanted to keep things a secret about the Omniverse as a whole since he liked the peace of this dimension compared to the eternal war dimension. "So I'm sure you're well aware why you are here right Mr. Alvarez?" said Ultear, turning to face the Cross-Species superhero. At the center of the camp were the tents of the most qualified member of the council's reinforcement present. The entire guild was being questioned in a typical manner but Zane was a special case.

Zane looked at Ira who was sipping a bowl of ramen loudly, Melba looking at her hands bored out of her mind, Tien who was glaring at him and Ira equally, and Ultear who had a smile on her face. "I guess because I'm so handsome?" said Zane. The four were quiet as Zane said,"Oh wow. You guys make Prude Knight look like Party Knight which will may happen. Don't know for sure. So is this special treatment due to me being so involved in the war?".

Tien nodded as he said,"Correct. Unlike the rest of your guildmates, you actively killed some of the Phantom Lord Wizards and destroyed one of their buildings.". "Yeah but that's war for you. It's also eye for an eye in terms of the building thing." said Zane, shrugging. "Unlike the other knights, this questioning will be handle by three people who aren't incompetent and one person who doesn't get the hint." said Melba with her pointing to Ira who shrugged.

Zane nodded as he said,"So what about the coward? I mean he's the Guild Master aka our leader despite being out for most of the conflict due to Crybaby Giant somehow. He's outside right now crying right? I'm kinda jealous but he doesn't have to be interrogated by apathetic cop, good cop, sexy cop, and ugly cop.". "And I'm going to presume that I'm sexy cop right Zane?" said Ultear. "It sure isn't hell mohawk since he has the most ugly haircut ever." said Zane.

Tien growled at Zane with him hearing snickering from Ira and Melba. "So since you love me so much Ultear, can we get this over with? You sure as hell isn't getting younger and I think I see a few wrinkles on your nearly flawless skin." said Zane. "Nearly flawless?" said Melba. "Nobody is perfect so lets get this over with." said Zane.  He was dragged away by Ultear with Ira turning to his fellow knights and he said,"So anyone want to play cards?"   

Inside of the main questioning area, Ultear and Zane sat there without any adult supervision. What could they be doing in there? Zane looked completely bored with the entire thing with him listening to his music and Ultear clasped her hands together, resting them on her chin atop them looking at him like he was a painting or male model. "So is this how you treat Ms. McGarden on your dates?" said Ultear. "Nope. Just you. Aren't you special?" said Zane in an uncaring tone.

Ultear sighed as she said,"Why do you have to be so mean to me? I'm sure we can come up with a way to make this more memorable.". "Because I have a girlfriend who I love with all of my Essence and would you get to the point? I'm already sick of this and rather deal with nails on a chalkboard in a room that amplifies sound." said Zane. "Oh wow Zaney. You're really hate playing games with girls or boys don't you? Straight to the point." said Ultear.

She said this in a scandalously tone being that she went back into her chair in an very over dramatic fashion while placing a hand over her breasts in an innocent manner. "So mind telling me what she's doing Athena? I mean Zane isn't dense like Natsu or Kane is." said Cole. "Yeah. Hey!" said Kane with him trying to hit Cole. "Boys of all species are idiot." said Athena. "So why haven't you called me Zaney?" said Ultear, crossing her arms and averting her gaze with her pretending to be upset.

Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Sorry but I usually don't call my stalkers plus you don't exact a cell for me to call.". "And are you making excuses? Pretty sure that a real man doesn't make excuse and leaving a poor, innocent woman to extend contact information isn't you. Or maybe, you're just mean to certain girls like me and Prude Knight." said Ultear. "You're something else you know that. And here I thought you would be friendly since I brought HER back from the dead." said Zane.

Ultear began fake crying with her saying,"I know that and I wanted to start a relationship with you but no! You had to start dating that hussy! She's after you for your money while I'm after you for your amazing personality and body!". "If I didn't know that you were messing me, I would be playing the straight man." said Zane. "I really wish that you were easy to mess with." said Ultear. "Yeah but you didn't know my friends. We played jokes like this all of the time. Built a strong backbone." said Zane.

The two bursted out in a fit of laughter being that any knight walking by was confused by this and was going to enter the tent but remember what happens if they interrupt the councilwoman. Larry hasn't been the same since. This may be a questioning but neither party was taking it as such. "So will she join the harem you're building Zane?" said Sivarth. "If Levy approves of her." said Azalea with Zane agreeing with the female.

After laughing, Ultear looked at Zane with a genuine sad expression on her face. "Even though you're mean to pretty much everyone, you wouldn't reject me like you did if my advances were sincere. Am I right Zaney?" said Ultear. Zane was pretty good at reading people due to his powers and some pretty specific training being that she was planning on teasing him so more if he did. "You do find me pretty attractive right Zane?" said Ultear.

She spoke in a quiet tone with a small blush on her face and a delicate look to her eyes. "I mean I would be an complete and utter fool if I said no." said Zane. A moment later, Ultear smirked and she winked at him in a teasing tone. "So are you sure that you don't mind dumping Levy for a real woman like me?" said Ultear. "Not happening. So mind get on point here? We don't have all day for this little game we play." said Zane.

Ultear knew he was right being that she moved onto the serious matter at hand. "I'm sure you're aware of this due to your telepathy but the Magic Council is firmly aware about what happened here except for a couple of missing pieces. Your actions during it made you an interesting case, earning you a private meeting at Era with the Magic Council. How does that sound?" said Ultear. "Just super Ultear." said Zane with his voice screaming sarcasm. 

Ultear smiled as she said,"Don't worry. I'll make sure that Gandalf will be targeting you too much but your guild master is another story. Fairy Tail will be less of a target compared to Phantom Lord. They will be disbanded in very due time.". Zane felt a good deal of relief upon hearing those words since he did care about the guild even though his main mindset is to tease them. "So why tell me? You know about my minding reading so why not just leave me alone?" said Zane. 

Ultear shrugged as she said,"It's obvious isn't it? You brought my mother back so I'm going to help you since you honestly think you can make him see the light. I'm not sure but you're stronger than Jose so just maybe. You can defeat the god of the Underworld. You also makes things interesting and I want that to stay.". "Yeah. That's for the confidence but you don't owe me anything. I mean you did restore that village on Galuna and to me, that's doing good so lets just be friends okay?" said Zane.

He looked at her as he said,"So do you got anything for me? I got to come up with some comments for them. You may think I'm the best at it but it takes me some time to come up with good materials aka annoying material.". "Yes. I have a suspicion that someone more dangerous than Phantom Lord looms in your future and very soon." said Ultear in an ominously tone. "Wow. I know the blue haired prick isn't pleasant but more dangerous than Phantom Lord? You're crazy girlfriend." said Zane.

Ultear smirked as she said,"Sorry but you're wrong about it being Siegrain. He's so happy to see you again by the way. It's just a feeling and I'm sure you can handle it. You're not a weak wizard or do you like being called a superhero?". "Either or works. So got any advice or can I leave?" said Zane with him sounding super bored. "Just one more thing Zane. Don't die whatsoever before the next time after the meeting." said Ultear. 

Zane nodded at those words being that he heard,"Don't Die" more times than he could count and he wouldn't since a lot of people cared about her and he wouldn't let them did. "Sure. Later Ultear. I'll see by my trash in a few days." said Zane, leaving the tent with his headphones over his ears. Ultear leaned back in her chair and stretched out her limbs. She knew very well that the Cross-Species would think about her warning for whatever Siegrain had planned.

She didn't know what the exact plan was but she knew the key players in the game being that Zane Alvarez couldn't die. It would have been a waste to lose such a powerful ally and her real master agreed with her. Her master would rather have him dead before he can become another puppet of Makarov but Ultear said that Zane would help them. It would be more like he would stop her master because he was hurting the innocent. "Why are the good ones always so frustrating?" said Ultear.

Zane sighed as he thought,"Okay. I'm thinking about ditching the interrogation and go have a couple brews. You guys in?". He knew that things ,despite the war being over, were just getting started since he could feel it. It was a dark and looming presence being that this dimension was going to change in a way that wasn't normal. They may be off the hook for now but Ultear's warning had been for him in particular. He was sure that someone was going to try and kill him but it won't happen.

Sivarth said,"So do you trust her Zane? I'm sure you can read her mind but I don't know. She seems to be lying to everyone including herself.". Zane agreed with his fellow Akostar being that it was obvious to Zane that Ultear was performing an act. He could easily read like a book being that he wondered if this version was to please Siegrain who Zane didn't like or trust ever since they first met when he was arrest for helping the guild masters or this mysterious master.    

Zane looked at the tent where he left Ultear with him saying,"I want to help her but is she an enemy to me or everyone?". "I know that you're a regular skeptic but maybe you should focus. Remember what you were going to do involving Triple B. While I think this plan sounds sketchy, you're doing the right thing." said Athena. "She's right being that despite Ultear having a nice chest, we promised to help Lucy with this whole daddy issue." said Lucifer.

Kane nodded as he said,"Yeah. We want to make sure this fight between father and dad is truly over. I'm sure you're well aware what a father can do to his child if they have money at their disposal.". "Yeah. I'll never forget the man who literally hired a strike down to force me to date his daughter after I rejected her." said Zane. "So you're not just doing this because Lucy has a nice chest right? She's with someone and you don't steal people who are taken." said Twilight.

Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Me and Triple B?! That's funny Twilight. I mean me and her would make an interesting couple but honestly, I'm a sucker for cute romances which is what Lucy and Natsu have.". "Yeah you are. You've been a fan of Love that Transcends Space and Time ever since you were your friend's age. So do you think Natsu is really eighteen? I mean he looks to be seventeen to me." said Lucifer.

Azalea nodded as she said,"He does look young for his age Lucifer.". Before this conversation could continue, Zane had reached the center of the camp being that he was spotted by Kaida and Levy who had accompanied him to this location until he was force to leave them. "Papa/Zane!" said Kaida and Levy respectively. Zane turned to see his two favorite people ,in this dimension, running toward him with a worried expression on their face.

To him, this made sense since he had been personally taken away by the four strongest government grunts and how he was heavily involved in the Phantom Lord incident by murdering several Phantom Lord wizards and destroyed one of their headquarters. Mystogan would have been in bigger trouble but the council couldn't find the wizard. "Calm down you two." said Zane. Kaida had grabbed onto his leg as she said,"No! I don't want you to go to jail again!".

Zane looked at Levy who shrugged. "She asked me about your time here and that kinda came up. I'm sorry." said Levy. "It's fine. Don't worry Peanut. I'm not going to jail any time soon. I do have to go see the Magic Council for a personal meeting so that'll be fun not." said Zane, trying to convince his daughter to let him go before she becomes too attached to him. "Really?" said Kaida. "For once, I'm sure your father isn't joking." said Levy. "Hey. I'm serious sometimes." said Zane.

Kaida giggled at her papa's response with her saying,"Um. What is Levy doing?". Zane noticed how the blue haired girl was looking over Zane to try and see if someone was off. She wasn't looking at his eyes. "So what are you doing?" said Zane. "I'm just checking if you got violated by that woman earlier. Now turn around." said Levy, forming a glare at the mention of Ultear. "While I may like this jealous side of you a little, I can promise you that she didn't violate me." said Zane.

Sivarth chuckled as he said,"But she wanted to. Still have your gift with the ladies even after all of this don't you Zaney?". At Zane's words, Levy let out a collective sigh of relief. "You looked to be in deep concentration so I just thought that something bad happened to you." said Levy. "Like going to jail!" said Kaida. "Which I'm not. Don't worry. Fairy Tail is going to be aokay but Phantom Lord is pretty done for." said Zane.

He looked at the two girls who were smiling at him. "So since we're done here, we should go to my place for something to eat. I'm sure that Juvia is getting worried." said Zane. "Yeah. Still not happy how I found her in your house this morning." said Levy, crossing her arms and pouting. "Well did you want me to leave her on the streets? Go to this dimension's Bagnio for a place to sleep?" said Zane with Kaida confused on what a Bagnio is. Just look it up.

Levy sighed as she said,"No but maybe ask me before you do that.". "Sure thing. So what do you want me to cook you? Since I didn't tell you about Juvia, you get to pick what Chef Zane makes for you. I'm sure Kaida will eat anything I make along with Juvia. You should have seen her when I made Bacon and Eggs this morning." said Zane. "We should have given her pancakes too!" said Kaida with her smiling. "I got an idea." said Levy.

She whispered something into Zane's ear which involved her getting onto her tip toes which forced Zane to bend down a bit. "Okay. I like that but how do you want to leave? I got a couple of ideas but I'm to suggestion." said Zane. "Make a portal!" said Kaida. Zane looked at Levy with her saying,"If the Rosewood Squadron comes after us for leaving, I'm sure that the security system can handle them like it did with Lugnut.". Zane nodded as he opened a portal, transporting the three away.

As Zane was in his kitchen cooking for the trio of Juvia, Kaida, and Levy, Azalea said,"So how long are you going to keep what Ultear told you a secret?". "Until I decided what to do with it. I rather not have anyone worried after what just happened. Ultear is my double agent remember? And even if I'm not looking like I'm on edge, I'm always on edge. I have to believe that she is telling me the truth but well, I could be wrong." said Zane.

Narrator P.O.V. 
Inside of Lucy's house, Lucy was writing a letter to her mother. Excluding some parts where she wasn't involved, Lucy was writing the flashback and anything in italics was part of the letter. "After they were finished with Zane who tends to make things harder than they need to be, we were free to go. From what I heard, the Council decided on Fairy Tail's punishment at a later date." wrote Lucy. She released a sigh as she sat at her desk in her lounge wear aka the white shirt and pink pants.

Lucy wrote,"You don't need to worry about me Mom. The verdict probably won't be too serious on us since all of the evidence ,which includes eyewitness reports and Zane who was recording the whole thing from his glasses of all things, clearly shows that Phantom Lord who attacked first.". She smiled as she wrote,"Mom. I got some big news to tell you. I've finally confirmed it but I have the man of my dreams and Zane admitted to be my friend quite dramatically I might.".

Lucy remember how he practically shouted it to the heavens when he was fighting Jose. "According to Sly his partner in crime, Zane has trouble making friends since he's been alone for a very long time due to him being immortal. I'm not sure what it would be like to be immortal but from Zane says, it isn't very funny. Zane isn't the man of my dreams by the way. He's just a good friend of mine being that Natsu Dragneel is my boyfriend kinda." wrote Lucy.

Lucy looked around as she wrote,"You would have love him mom. I've had a crush on him since he asked me to join Fairy Tail with him and ever since joining Fairy Tail, those feelings have only grown stronger. He loves me too and we're starting things slow. Since the army was investigating us, me and Natsu didn't have a chance to talk about our feelings. He would sometimes meet me in private being that Zane provided a distraction for him.".

Lucy chuckled as she remembered seeing one of the knights ,Tien, chasing after the duo of Ira and Zane being that the two just shaved him bald. "Our relationship is a bit different than yours and dads but I love him with all of my heart." wrote Lucy. The blond suddenly winced when one of the large bruises on her left side ached. "Wow. This really strings. I hope it doesn't leave a mark." said Lucy with her lifting up her shirt to look at the bruise just above the left side of her waist.

Lucy heard,"It won't but since you didn't have time to rest and recover, it'll stay there and be a stinging pain for at least three days.". She turned to see Zane ,in Restore Form, crossing his arms as Lucy said,"So while I don't mind you here since you knock, why are you here?". "Because I wanted to check on my patient. Lugnut really injured you Triple B. You really shouldn't have tried to push yourself the other day." said Zane.

Lucy sighed as she said,"Sly was right about you. You act all tough but you're nothing more than a mother hen.". "Yeah. So how is your letter going?" said Zane. "Fine. So how was your personal and private meeting with the Magic Council?" said Lucy. "Pretty much me just glaring at them since I hate authority and I didn't try to suppress any growls that came out of me. The blue haired prick is still scared shitless of me and Ultear is still in love with me." said Zane.

Zane sighed as he said,"Triple B. Let me give you some well needed advice. Politics, rules, and authority sucks no matter where in the Omniverse you go.". Zane looked at her being that Lucy was looking at a mother bird feeding her young outside of her window. "Zane. I'm sure you know this due to your telepathy but did my dad really do all of this? He wouldn't go that far would he?" said Lucy. Zane ,while deactivating the form, sat on her bed.       

The Cross-Species wasn't wearing his normal glasses being that he was wearing the pair from Zero Episode 132.5 alongside the plaid flannel shirt from that episode being that everything else about Zane's casual outfit aka Fairy Legion Chapter 19 was still there. "Do you want me to answer you honestly or not because like most of my responses, it isn't pretty?" said Zane. Lucy turned to him and she nodded as Zane sighed. "He did. I read Second Place's mind and he was there." said Zane.

Lucy was silent as Zane said,"Look Lucy. I know why he wants you back out of the blue like this but I know for the past six years, he didn't care if you were there or not.". "He would do it again wouldn't he?" said Lucy. "Money is a corrupting force." said Zane. "He does this all the time. Use money to control me. No I can't let that happening. Zane. I need to ask you for a favor. It's time for me to fight and I could use your help." said Lucy.

Zane looked at the determined blonde with him saying,"Sure. So what's the plan Double B?". "I need to write something." said Lucy. Zane blinked with him saying,"Okay then. I'm sure that your plan of giving him a paper cut is much better than me punching him in the face or dick. Flip a coin and you got my response.". "No Zane. That isn't my plan. I need to make sure my team knows where I'm going and do you mind coming with me?" said Lucy.

Zane crossed his arms as Lucy said,"As moral support. I'm going to be talking with him myself. This is my fight to help Fairy Tail.". "Okay. I'm game but is there anything else for me to do beside being moral support?" said Zane. "You can take some of our family's money and treasures as payment for him causing you trouble. We make at least 1 trillion Jewels a year so I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you take some." said Lucy. She smiled as she said,"So do we have a deal?".

She held out her left hand and Zane smiled. He shook her head as he said,"You got yourself a partner in crime. I'll make sure that this pathetic excuse of a father gets what's coming to him. So while you get the letter ready, I'm going to take a little nap while standing on the roof like a vampire.". Lucy watched Zane go onto her roof and sleep there. She smiled as she sealed the letter to her mom closed and began writing the letter.

Back at the construction site, Natsu said,"Why is this so heavy?!". He was carrying over a dozen large wooden planks on his back being that Happy, Mira, Sly, and Vance watched Zane ,but it was really Zone in Undergrowth Form, jumped onto the planks of wood. This caused Natsu to buckle as he fell onto the ground and under the wooden planks. "Oh Natsu." said Mira. "That's what you get for carrying so much you idiot." said Gray, holding a single large plank of wood.

Stella nodded as she said while holding a plank herself,"And you forgot who is nearby and at the ready to prank you.". "What do you call me?!" said Natsu, sending the planks flying. Zone hit him into the ground with him saying,"An idiot. Try not to break the planks. Laki worked hard to make this okay?". "You got a problem with me?" said Natsu, ignoring Zane to headbutt Gray with the two ready to fight. "Yeah. I do and it's your ugly face!" said Gray.

The two were fighting once again with Vance saying,"It isn't even lunch and those two have started fighting three times now.". "They once had six fights in two hours." said Happy. "And this was before Erza went all Prude Knight on them." said Mira. Nearby them, Juvia was gushing over Zane who is Zone. She didn't know about the switch. "Oh my beloved! I wish you would carry me too!" squealed Juvia.

Zone could hear her do this as he sighed. "Oh yeah. Bet you can't carry as much as me?! I'm way stronger than you!" said Natsu, his eyes daring Gray to accept the dare. "Really. I bet I could carry twice as much as your scrawny ass." said Gray. "And you know that Natsu's ass is scrawny how exactly?" said Stella. Gray and Natsu ignored her as Gray ,within minutes, had twice as many plants on his back as Natsu.

He was so hunched over than his chest was barely off the ground. "See? I'm way stronger than you since he's been training me not stop!" said Gray, pointing to Zane. "Wow. You're so amazing at this beloved! Make your friends stronger!" whispered Juvia and began clapping. Gray heard this being that he turned his head toward the sound, causing Juvia to duck behind the cover. This action did cause all of the planks that Gray was carrying to fall on him. "Ouch." said Vance.

Natsu began laughing with him saying,"Look at how pathetic he was Happy! He totally bit off more than he can chew!". Happy nodded with the group hearing,"Oi, you lot!". They turned to see Erza ,in her construction uniform, standing there with an annoyed look on her face. "If you have time to mess around, get off your asses and start helping! We have to fix up the guild as quick as possible!" said Erza. Zone smirked as he said,"Yeah you guys. You heard the man.".

Mira giggled at Zone's joke as Erza glared at him. "Kinda happy we got injured since working for Erza doesn't look fun especially since Zane isn't helping." said Droy. "So did anyone tell me why she's dressed like that again?" said Jet. "Good question Fanboy and Chumchum. We'll never get the answer to that since Prude Knight is actively trying to repel all men from her by dressing like one. Not a very clever move if you ask me." said Zone.

Mira pointed to Makarov ,also in a construction uniform and in his giant form, and she smiled,"Even Master's helping out!". He was putting several large wooden planks in place. "Yeah. In in a real big way." said Droy and Jet. "Hey boss. Where do you want me to put this lumber?" said Erza. "Over there." said Makarov. "And now, she's calling the master boss?" said Droy and Jet. "Like I've been saying the past week, Prude Knight is now a man of the construction." said Zone.

Macao said,"I really hate to be that guy but....". "It's too big. We would have finished like two days ago if we kept the old design." said Wakaba. "We thought that we should explain the place. Look! I got the plans right here!" said Mira. "Oh really?" said Macao. "I wanna see." said Wakaba. "Am I the only one who liked it how it was?!" said Natsu. "Yeah you were. So what's the next one looking like Mira?" said Gray.

Mira's drawling looked straight from a little kid with Macao saying,"So was this a group thing with you and Kaida Mira?". "It looks great Mira." said Wakaba. "So which way is up?" said Natsu, tilting his head in confusion. "Man. These are the worst plans I've ever seen. What idiots came up with this crap?" said Gray. Kaida and Mira smiled before the two began crying being that Kaida's cheeks were red as her eyes get big and watery.

Gray tried to calm the two down as he said,"Kaida! Mira! I didn't know that it was you two!". "You made them cry. You invoked his wrath you know that?" said Macao, Natsu, and Wakaba. Gray felt a metal hand on his shoulder and he turned around to see Zone in Frankenstein Form. "Gray. My fists need to have a word with you for making them cry." said Zone. Gray was getting the crap beat of him by Zone as Juvia smiled. "And my beloved is so caring toward the ladies!" said Juvia.

A little bit later, the group of Gray ,who was covered in bandages and gained a new phobia from one of Zane's forms, Happy, Natsu, and Zone ,out of Frankenstein Form, sat there. "I'm starving." said Natsu. "Aye!" said Happy. "So when is our lunch break?" said Gray. Before Zone could answer him in any regard, the trio of Gray, Happy, and Natsu was blasted by a burst of water with Zone having a bento in his lap. "I'm soaked." said Natsu. "A bento?" said Happy.

Gray looked at it with him saying,"So who left it for you?". Zone shrugged as he opened it with him smiling. "This looks amazing!" said Zone. The Prime/his face was artistically designed using dried seaweed and fish, with cheese added in the shape of sparkles. Corn and carrots lined the edges, and rice was under all the vegetables as a second later. It has some noticeble octopus tentacles sticking out of it the food. And to top it all off, grilled meat was cut out to spell 'LOVE' beside Zane/Zone's face. 

Zone saw the plethora of delicious looking food in front of him with his mouth watering. Gray on the other hand didn't like the food and he said,"Seriously Zane? You noticed the tentacles right?". "But Zane's face is totally edible Gray!" said Happy. "I'm so jealous of you Zane!" said Natsu. "Well, thanks for the food mysterious force in the Omniverse!" said Zone, with him scarfing down the bento in front of him.

Juvia watched this with a bright red blush on her face. "This is amazing! I spend three whole days in the kitchen making that for him and he's enjoying it! I love him!" thought Juvia. She had spent three days, making it for Zane since she wanted to make her affections known to him through her cooking like Mira did. "Who said you idiots could take break?!" said Erza. "Since when were you the boss of me Prude Crafter?" said Zone, finishing up his meal.

Happy ,while eating fish obviously, said,"Prude Crafter?". "Prude Knight doesn't work for me in that outfit cat." said Zone. "Did you just eat your face made out of veggies?" said Erza, noticing that he had another bento. Juvia knows Zane/Zone's stomach and made a lot. "Yeah. It's great. I would totally marry the cook." said Zone. After hearing that, Juvia had another daydream. It was Zane ,due to her still thinking Zane was Zone, proposing to her.

Dream Zane smiled as he said,"Would you make my every meal my beloved rain woman?". "Yes my hero! And we'll have thirty-eight babies!" said Dream Juvia. She was squirming back and forth but it was stopped by someone. "Hey you guys. Mind doing me a favor?" said a voice. Team Natsu ,except for Lucy, and Zone looked to see Loke standing there. He wasn't looking that good being that Zone knew why but it wasn't his place to spill the beans since the Prime would want Loke to spill the beans.

Natsu's eyes widened at what Loke was holding being that it was Lucy's celestial spirit keys. "When I was in town, I found Lucy's gate keys. Could you give them to her?" said Loke, with him handing them to Natsu. "Sweet! Luce is going to be so happy you found these for her!" said Natsu. "Hey Loke. You look terrible man. Haven't seen you since we separated to take down the giant. Did you spend the past week looking for her keys?" said Gray.

He could tell that Loke was exhausted. "You alright? You're paler than normal." said Happy. "I'm good you guys. Just a little tired. Zane gets the struggle of being a gentleman am I right? So how is she doing?" said Loke with him forcing a smile on his face. "We haven't seen her lately." said Happy as he sulked. "That's because her doctor put her on bed rest after she almost injured herself trying to help rebuild because Prude Crafter here told her to carry a wooden plank." said Zone.

Erza glared at him as she said,"She said she wanted to help Zane.". "And as her doctor, she should be resting which she's doing. She's still sore to help out." said Zone. The two glared at each other. "She has been locked in her apartment every since. She still feels bad about what happened even though we keep telling her that it isn't her fault." said Natsu, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yeah. It's like half her fault. The other half is her father's." said Zone.

Gray sighed as he said,"Do you seriously still think that?". Zone nodded as Natsu said,"She wants to be left alone. The only people she lets in are me and Zane here since he is a doctor.". "I see." said Loke as he adjusted his glasses. "Well, I'm going to go return this. She's been worried since she lost these." said Natsu. "I'm coming with you flamebrain. I want to see her too." said Gray. "Sure but if she gets pissy, I'm blaming you." said Natsu.

Natsu turned to Loke with him saying,"You should come too Loke. I'm sure Luce would love to thank the guy who found her keys in person.". "No thanks Natsu. I got a really bad past with celestial spirit wizard." said Loke, walking away. "Coward!' coughed Zone. Erza glared right at him with her saying in a tone that sounded like she was belittling him like a child,"Stop it Zane. Everyone has different strengths and weakness. Just leave him alone".

Zone rolled his eyes as he said,"Not happening because Triple B isn't a space rock and if you talk like that to me again, your face and my fist are going to have a nice chat.". "Okay then. Gray, do you mind getting Sly and Stella? I'm sure those two were worried about Lucy too." said Natsu. "Sure but since when did I work...?" said Gray. He got a glare from Erza with her saying,"Go now.". Gray nodded as he ran off. "I'll meet you guys there. I got something to handle." said Zone.

Zone walked past Loke who was standing there. He was imagining someone watching him as Zone picked up his thoughts and Loke thought,"Karen. You don't have to rush me. I just need a few more days.". Zone sighed as he thought,"Not dealing with this hopefully but knowing the Prime, we will be dealing with it.". Zone stopped walking as he stood in front of a half completed wall and poked his head around it.

Zone blinked his eyes to see Juvia and he said,"So why haven't you come out and said hi?". Juvia squeaked in surprise at being caught with her slowly turning around to see Zane/Zone looking right at him and her face was bright red. "So I know that you're not the most social girl in the lands but you know that Fairy Tail doesn't bite right?" said Zone. "I don't want to cause any trouble. I mean I was your enemy remember?" said Juvia.

Zone shrugged as he said,"And like Levy told, we're not mad anymore. Maybe at Sol but he's a clown in every sense of the word.". Juvia giggled at Zone's attempt at cheering her up as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "So why not join Fairy Tail already? We always have an open slot and maybe Lugnut I think. Don't know what Sue is doing with him. Maybe something in the bedroom." said Zone with Juvia's face become a darker shade of red.

Juvia slowly shook her head for now as she said,"No! I'm not really to face them yet!". Her blush was even darker as Zone sighed. "Yeah. I can tell. Look when you're ready, come to me, Sly, or Kaida. I'm sure we'll be willing to help you. You just have to take the first step. Triple B can do so you can too Juvia. You're not weak okay?" said Zone, pulling her into a tight hug. Juvia's head had steam coming out of it as Zone said,"Remember what I said okay?!". He warped away, leaving a stunned Juvia. 
About five minutes later from this, Happy flew up to her window and he said,"Lucy!". Natsu ,with him entering through the window, said,"We're here to cheer you up!". Natsu wanted to see his mate but he didn't see her. He did see Gray crawling his way out of the chimney like he was Merry Gear Solid. I'm not making a joke. That's a real thing. "Geez! Don't came from the window Natsu!" said Gray.

Erza ,still in her construction outfit, sat there at the kitchen table with her saying while sipping a cup of tea,"Hasn't anyone taught you boys to use a door?". "Since when were you Miss Manners?" said Gray and Natsu. Happy was looking around as he said,"I thought Sly, Stella, and Zane would be here too.". The four heard a knock at the door with Gray saying,"That's probably them.". "I don't get why they didn't join me when I entered earlier." said Erza.

Gray went to open the door as Sly, Stella, and Zone entered. "Because we respect Lucy's privacy unlike you four." said Stella. "So where is she?" said Sly. "Normally, she would be...." said Gray as Zone ,threw a large stuffed whale at Gray and Natsu, interrupting him. "Get out of here!" said Zone as his voice matched Lucy. "That was a good impression of her. Is that one of your powers?" said Erza as she requipped in her armor with Zone nodding.

Stella turned toward the bathroom with her saying,"She's probably in the bath.". She imagined Gray getting hit by a loofah by Lucy screaming."Gray you pervert!". "Guess I have to do what needs to be done so Gray doesn't get another concussion today." said Stella. "We're at five now." said Happy with him holding a chart. Stella opened the door to the bath with her saying,"Sorry about this in advance Lucy but I need to know if....".

Her face went bright red as Zone ,with his body and head wrapped in a fluffy black and red towel, sat there in the bath and he said,"Occupied! So rude!". "Why are you talking a bath right now?! Get out of there!" said Stella. Erza ,also with a towel wrapped around her body and her hair was held up by one, said,"It seems that she isn't home.". "Way to state the obvious Captain Obvious." said Gray in a deadpanned tone.

A bit later, the group was looking around as Sly said,"Wow. It really isn't the same without her.". "No one can yell like she can." said Happy. "I totally can Happy. My impression of her rocks and if I had more time, I would totally prank you guys using her voice." grumbled Zone. "Maybe next time." said Stella, patting him on the shoulder. "Are you in here Lucy?" said Happy with his eyes widening. "So is she in there?" said Natsu.

His eyes was widened as well with his face bright red. "Yeah. Lucy would totally fit into a drawer Natsu." said Gray. He looked down to see what was in the drawer with his eyes widened. "She totally could if she was flexible." said Sly. The group was all looking in the drawer with Happy saying,"So where do you buy underwear like this?". All of them except Sly and Zone were embarrassed. "Is that underwear though?! It's like two pieces of string and some cloth!" said Stella.

Erza nodded as she said,"I've never seen anything like it. Where you would even wear that?". "When you want to seduce someone like really badly obviously. I think my wife wore something like that and then we had some fun if you catch my drift" said Zone. The group ,except Sly, looked at him with them saying,"We'll take your word on that Zane.". "So would someone shut the drawer already? If we keep it open, we'll hear more of Zane's sex stories and they aren't for the faint of heart." said Sly.

Erza looked at her desk with Zone saying,"Hey! It isn't my fault that me and Rae had a tendency to experiment with our fun times.". "Please come out Lucy! Zane is being weird again!" said Happy as Gray and Stella said,"When is he isn't? And stop looking in weird places.". Erza walked over to her desk with Happy opening a drawer and several sealed letters were on the ground, covering Happy. "I think I need you to heal me Zane." groaned Happy.

Zone shrugged as Erza said,"Look at all of them.". "Yeah and all of them are sealed. Pretty sure once you're done with the letters, you're supposed to send them." said Gray. Stella grabbed one with her saying,"Dear mom. Today was a very special day because I got to join the Fairy Tail guild.". "I don't think you should be reading that." said Sly. "Not really. I mean is it a crime to read someone's mail in this dimension?" said Zone. "No but it's just rude." said Sly.

Stella continued with,"I met the most beautiful wizard named Erza. She's really nice and cool. She's always yelling at Gray, Natsu, and Zane with the latter of which not respected her.". "So are all of these addressed to her mom?" said Gray. "Looks that way." said Happy. "Then why didn't she mail then?" said Natsu. "Postage services cost a good amount here? And Triple B is crazy for writing that Prude Knight is beautiful. She's like a solid 6." said Zone.

Sly looked right at her partner as she said,"You do remember that she ran away right? And you do remember whose in the room right?". "Yeah but it wouldn't stop her from mailing their letter and since when I care about who is the room?" said Zone. "Fair." said Sly. Natsu turned to Erza who held a particular note in her hand. "What's up Erza?" said Natsu. The group looked at the knight with her saying,"I found a note.". "And what does the note say?" said Stella.

Erza turned to them with her saying,"She left it for us and she says that she's going home.". She was visibly shaking as the boys (Gray and Happy) freaking out. "No way!" shouted the two. "Let me see that Erza." said Natsu. He read the letter which said,"I'm going home" several times with his eyebrows furrowing. "She must still feel responsible." said Happy, landing on Natsu's head. "What the hell is she thinking?!" said Stella, clenching her fists.

She looked at her friends with her saying,"We have to go after her! To bring her to her real home!". "I have to agree with Stella. We can't let Lucy leave.". "And this is where all of you are fucking morons once again." said Zone. Natsu walked up to Zone with him grabbing Zone's collar. "What the hell are you saying?! Are you saying that we should abandoned her?! She's our friend!" yelled Natsu, with him dropping the note onto the ground.

Erza nodded as she said,"You're doing the same thing you did when you almost stabbed her again. So tell us why you think it's a bad idea?". Before she got an answer, Natsu was forced to let Zone go not by any one of his powers but a simple glare. "It's simple. Lucy is a big girl and this is what she think she needs to do to set things right. Speaking as a father here, the Prime thinks that Lucy's father will keep doing this unless she returns home." said Zone.

Zone sat in one of Lucy's chair with Sly saying,"Wait a minute. You're Zane's clone aren't you?". The wizards and cat looked at Zone with him saying,"Took you long enough. The Prime and I may be the exact same but we stick out a bit.". "So where is Zane?" said Sly. "Helping Lucy with her problems aka family issues." said Zone. "Really. Even if he doesn't like her, he always get involved in family issues even if he doesn't have a right to. Same old Zane." said Sly.

Zone nodded with him saying,"Her father aka human scum hired Phantom Lord to get her back aka hurt her guild. She wasn't able to fight Phantom Lord given that she isn't exactly the best at when it comes to fight. The only fight she herself can do if face himself instead of relying on all of you for support.". This caused tension between him and Natsu, glaring at each other. "That sounds fair but we should be there for her. She shouldn't have to give up what she wants just to protect us." said Gray.

Zone shook his head as he said,"She isn't giving up being a member of Fairy Tail. I'm just making sure that you're well aware of my opinion. I also don't want a repeat of Hatchling and Prude Knight storming the magic council when the Prime goes arrested. It was a formality. She'll come back and will be stronger than she was before. Maybe come up with a nickname for the Prime. The Prime likes her so let her stand up for herself okay.".

Stella looked at Zone with her saying,"So are you really Zane? I mean it's probably Macao again. I did hear about Natsu using him to trick us when the Magic Council rested Zane.". Gray and Natsu were heading toward the door, only to get punched in the face by Zone who got up and punched them within seconds. The two ,with bright red faces from Zone's fist, looked to see an angry superhero. "I really hope you two would respect my opinion but nope." said Zone.

The two glared at Zone with him saying,"Do you honestly think that Lucy would leave the guild she loves so much? If you honestly think that, you're a real fucking moron. She's going to tell off her dad and come back. Prime is with her right now. So trust me okay? We don't want her to leave since she is our friend.". "I can't believe I'm hearing this from you. So what are you suggesting we do?" said Erza as she leaned against a wall. "You believe him Erza?!" said Gray and Natsu.

Stella nodded as she said,"I do as well. Go ahead Zone.". "You can go after her." said Zone, earned an eyebrow raised from the girls. "You will not drag her back but she'll need support once this is all over and I can guarantee that the Prime wouldn't be doing that. Gather your things. You can go after her in half an hour and meet Sly at the train station. Understand?" said Zone. Erza and Stella nodded as Zone vanished. "That was weird right?" said Happy. 

Meanwhile at the Heartfilia Konzern, Lucy ,wearing the same outfit that she did in Episode 29, was walking toward the main house with her saying,"I was kinda hoping that I would never to come back here. So are you here Zane?". "Yep. I'm on your right shoulder as the devil on your shoulder." said Zane with him being in Nano Form but really small. This is what he looks like when he's his normal height of six feet.

His skin is silver gray and has a red circuit-board like design to his body. It's mainly focused around his chest and stomach, arms, and legs. His body looks to be made out of an carbon/silicon based alloy with two pointy spikes on his black shoulder pads. He has two sets of arms which can be retracted. His feet are pentagon shaped while his hands look human like. He's wearing a black jumpsuit with a molten gold LZ on his chest. He's wearing black and red arm bands.

He has three red diamond-shaped eyes that forms a pyramid shape. "Look daddy. I made a rice ball with your face on it." said past Lucy. Lucy was thinking about her past with her father being that Lucy at a young age ,no idea on what age she is but I'm going with 10 or younger, and she was trying to get her father's attention while he was working. Do note that Jude ,who won't be getting an appearance till he shows up in the present, was working hard.

It is later revealed in Fairy Tail that Heartfilia Konzern had been in financial trouble for a while. For Fairy Legion canon, I'm going to say that this has been happening since Layla's death and Jude has been working on trying to solve that while ignoring his daughter. It's also because Lucy reminds her of Layla heavily because if you look at Layla and Lucy, they're pretty much the same character in terms of design. Anna is the same in terms of appearance and English voice actress.

At least, Erza and Irene have different voice actress in English. If I decided to bring Layla back from the dead and replace Anna with her, don't be shocked since I rather have Layla Anna. They would have the exact same role and if you think I'm preventing another death in the series like I did with Ur, do note that this may or may not won't happen for a very long time since we're still in the last chapter of Phantom Lord Arc. It may not even happen and I could just be talking out of my ass here.

I just wanted to have written proof that I may be doing this way later in the future so at the rate I'm going, we'll be there in hopefully 2022. For this part of the story, I'll be call Lucy ,in the past, the clever name Past Lucy. Once I mentioned Present Lucy again, we'll be back in the present. Think Fairy Legion Chapter 30. "I made it special just for you daddy! It isn't good to work on an empty stomach according to Mama." said Past Lucy.

Jude ,while looking over some papers, said,"I'm busy right now Lucy. Come back later.". "Okay. I'm just going to leave it here just in case you get hungry." said Past Lucy, placing the ball of rice on his deck. Jude sighed as Past Lucy said,"Today's special since it's my.....". "Lucy Heartfilia! Don't you ever listen in your damn life?!" yelled Jude, bitch slapping the rice ball away. "I'm busy! Can't you tell when you're in the way of others Layla?!" yelled Jude.

Past Lucy went back with her shaking and she said,"Sorry daddy.". "Stop being a pest Lucy. I don't want to eat your stupid fool don't you understand that?! If I get hungry, I'll call our chefs to make me something and not you. Now go study your business lessons and go bother someone else. You got that Lucy?! No more interruptions!" yelled Jude. Past Lucy ran out of the office, crying with Jude sighing.

He looked at a framed photo of him, Layla, and Lucy with the little girl holding her doll Gonzales as he sighed. "Layla. I'm so sorry but I can't help myself with her. She looks so much you and your ancestor Anna. I can't help myself and see her in you." said Jude, before going back to work. Past Lucy ran through the hall with her saying,"But daddy. Today is my birthday.". Present Lucy was looking over the manor where she once lived and sighed.

Zane looked at her with him saying,"So are you okay? You just had a flashback moment didn't you Triple B?". "Yeah but I'll be fine. Thanks for coming Zane." said Lucy. "To be fair, I'm also doing this to steal or secret borrowing your family fortune. I'm proud of you for standing up for herself and I respect your privacy. I'll go with you until we enter the manor. Is that okay?" said Zane as he looked at her. Lucy nodded as the girl kept walking.

She walked up the pathway leading to her old home being that Lucy was hoping to get to her father without causing any fuss. However, the buxom blonde didn't make it halfway up the manor before getting spotted. "Ms. Spetto!" said Lucy. "Weren't you trying not to cause any fuss? You would suck at Merry Gear Solid." whispered Zane. He was ignored as Spetto looked at her. Spetto is a short, middle-aged woman with a square-shaped face.

She has long, dark purple hair tied in a ponytail behind her head and black eyes. Being a maid, her attire is that of the profession she practices which consisting of a long, green dress with pink-colored sleeves with golden edges and complete with larger cuffs, an apron tied around her waist, a small mantle covering her shoulders and simple shoes. In addition, she also has a classical maid hat on her head. I will probably get her name wrong a lot.

The woman began crying with tears coming out of her eyes and nose with her shouting,"Ms. Lucy has returned!". This attracted all of the other servants which includes Aed, Bero, Ribbon, and a knight for some reason like a literally knight. I mean just watch the episode or read the manga. There is a knight there. What's his story? Aed is a small man with seemingly shaved head who's mostly seen with his eyes closed, or maybe half-closed.

His most distinctive feature is his large, round nose ,which is visibly darker on the front, as if it were burnt, possibly a reference to Aed's profession as a cook or related to Popeye. He seems to have rather hairy arms. He dons a typical cook outfit, consisting of a white shirt closed by two large buttons, with its sleeves rolled up, an apron tied around his waist, and a cook's hat. In the manga, he also dons striped pants reaching down below his knees and paired with simple shoes.

Bero is a short, elderly man with gray hair and a mustache. He has a long nose and ears with similarly long lobes. His eyes are always seen closed ,or at least half-closed, and on the right side of his face is a dark birthmark composed of several small spots near each other. He appears to often be shaking which is due to his advanced age. His attire mirrors that of a typical fictional mage or a scholar so pick your answer.

This consist of a simple, long blue robe paired with a pink mage hat decorated by a yellow heart on the front. Ribbon is a short man with distinctive blue hair, a mustache and goatee being particular in the fact that they are very flat. His haircut bearing resemblance to an overturned open book and made it sure that you knew what his profession is . His eyes are hidden by a large pair of round glasses with the lenses covered by many concentric circles.

He wears a yellow sweatshirt-like cloth, complete with a hood, and dark pants. Jude watched this reunion from his office as Spetto saying,"I'm so glad you're okay! I was so worried!". "Sorry. I didn't mean to worry you Spetto." said Lucy in an apologetic tone. "I can see why you left. They're way to clinging like my servants." said Zane. "Look Lucy. I think we should get starting hitting the books once again from the Alvarez Empire in the west!" said Ribbon.

Lucy looked at where Zane was and he said,"No relation but I do crack up all the censors. You should also expect the unexpected when it comes to me. My kingdom is the Phantom Empire but I could be wrong. I kinda forgot what the name is but I remember that show.". He began humming a show tune with Lucy sighing at Zane's antics. "Lucy. I hope you weren't neglecting your studies. Your magic of Celestial Spirits involved a large amount of love and trust." said Bero.

Lucy turned toward the elderly wizard with her saying,"Of course! I've kept up my studies! I've been working very hard! I don't want to let mom down. I became a Celestial Spirit wizard because of her after.". "Or maybe it was your destiny Triple B!" said Zane. "Just like Miss Layla!" said Spetto with her crying tears. "And here comes the waterworks." said one of the maids. "So where have you been the past yeah huh Lucy?" said Aed. "Just traveling around. Seeing the world." said Lucy.

Ribbon said,"Meet any new people on your journey? Make any new friends?". "Of course I did." said Lucy. "And this includes her bestie Zane." said Zane, getting a short glare from Lucy since she didn't know where he was if he was even here. "Get yourself in danger?" said Bero. "A couple of times but I wasn't in any real danger." said Lucy. "Liar!" said Zane. "Look at you Lucy, you're all growing up now. Probably got yourself a boyfriend. Maybe two?" said Aed.

Lucy blushed as she said,"Um. I guess you can say that I have a boyfriend.". Most of the crowd didn't hear her speak but Spetto did. "Is Aed right?! Do you have a boyfriend! I'm so happy for you Miss Lucy! Get the Red Rice!" said Spetto. "Calm down Spetto. She's at that age and with how smart and beautiful she is, of course she does." said Aed, winking right at her. "They haven't changed a bit. And where is the snappy comment huh Zane" thought Lucy.

Zane looked at her with him saying,"I'm not going to lie. You would probably have a better chance at having a boyfriend compared to Prude Knight. I mean she is totally man repellent. Don't get why Natsu likes her but the heart is a confusing mess. That's why I got rid of mine when I was seven.". Lucy was going to ask him for clarification with her hearing,"Miss Lucy, your father has requested your presence in the study!".

It was from a maid being that Zane said,"Wow. This guy is the worst. You've been gone for at least a year and he sends a servant to request my presence. What a moron. You haven't been in your room pouting. Going to guess that he hasn't changed right?". Lucy nodded as Spetto said,"Come on! We can't have your father seeing you in these rags!". "Oi, these aren't rage!" said Lucy being that the clothes she was wearing were from Natsu as the first gift given to her as a girlfriend.

Fairy Legion Canon. She allowed herself to be led into the mansion by Spetto with her hearing."And this is where we part ways. Have fun and good luck Lucy. You got this.". Zane flew away as Lucy smiled to herself. "Thanks Zane." thought Lucy. Ten minutes later, Lucy thought,"Wow. I forgot how about frilly these dresses were.". She stood there, looking at herself and she was in an elegant pink dress that she was shoved into.

She was thankful that Zane wasn't here being that his teasing is something she couldn't handle. She had a big smile on her face being that the dress she was wearing was her mom's favorite and had at least three copies of in her dresser. "They're so uncomfortable but I always wanted to wear this dress when I was a little girl. Mom looked so beautiful when she wore this." thought Lucy. "Isn't too tight for you Miss Lucy?" said a maid to Lucy's left.

The maid to the right said,"The sleeves may be a wee bit too short for you now Miss.". "It's fine. I guess that I'm taller than my mother." said Lucy. "Really? I can't tell the difference between her and Miss Layla?" thought the two maids. "Well, I'm going to go see him now." said Lucy, smiling and hoped the maids would leave her. "Sure thing ma'am." said the maids. A bit later, Jude Heartfilia stood in front of his desk with his back facing the door.

Since he's here in the present, lets get his appearance done. Jude is a relatively tall middle-aged man with black eyes and slicked back blond hair and a matching, extremely trim mustache, and a rather firm, square jaw. The man's hair is kept extremely neat and trim, and he has a penchant for wearing rather expensive tailored suits. "Excuse me father. It's Lucy. May I come in?" said Lucy's voice on the other end. "Yes. You may." said Jude, turning around to face her as the door opened.

The first thing Jude noticed how much Lucy looked like Layla being that this is because of Hiro being a lazy artist. I mean just look at HERO's and my point is pretty obvious. "You ran away without saying a word. How could you Lucy my daughter?" said Jude, speaking in a calm tone. He didn't want to make her leave again so he tried to contain his rage. "I'm sorry for leaving the house without saying a word." said Lucy, bowing to her father.

She was looking at the ground with Lucy saying,"I shouldn't have left without speaking to anyone before leaving. It was a poor decision on my part which I deeply regret.". Jude turned his back to her with him huffing. "It was a stupid decision to join that filthy guild. A lady of your stands shouldn't be affiliated with those ruffians mainly the Legion Void Knight. He has a four year old daughter at the young age of nineteen. Probably a sex crazed fiend." said Jude in a harsh and stern voice

Lucy tightly clenched her fists as Jude said,"I was planning on using our family's vast wealth to destroy them and having it eradicated by those Phantoms was something I would have enjoyed doing since their leader was going to try and steal my money. It wouldn't happen since he isn't the first or the most powerful to try and steal my company's money.". "You bastard. I won't let you a finger on any of my Nakama and someone is stealing your precious money from you right now!" thought Lucy.

Jude looked at her with Lucy looking away. "I hope you learn a lesson on your journey. If you hadn't been a selfish brat, I wouldn't have had to lash out at your guild. You're the one who brought trouble upon your friends.". "You're the one being selfish! Using your dirty fucking money to hurt me and my friends! You probably wouldn't care that I almost died because of Gajeel aka a member of Phantom Lord. This is all your fault." thought Lucy, biting her tongue.

Jude sighed as he said,"As a daughter of the Heartfilla family, you live a different life from those violent and destructive mongrels.". This comment caused Lucy to grit her teeth in anger. "The reason why I wanted you back is for business. I've arranged you to marry the son and heir to the Junelle family Sawarr. I heard he has great interest in you." said Jude, turning away from her. He didn't want her marry that disgusting man but to keep their fortune, this is something he had to do.

This is a bad thing to do as a father by the way in my personal opinion. So to show what Sawarr looks like. Let's begin. Duke Sawarr is a man of short stature and well above average weight. He keeps his hair slicked down, with two curls forming on either side of his head and a small crown covering the top. The man also spots a set of oval glasses over his small eyes, which portray his large nose. He possesses a pair of big ears and thin eyelashes; along with thin eyebrows that arch upwards.

The duke wears a dark suit over a white, tucked in shirt and a pair of light pants. In his picture in the manga, he was after Lucy's body but he could be a nice guy. I doubt that but hey, it's a thought. "Yes father. I remember him. I suspected that may be the case." said Lucy. She was revolted at meeting that rich slob again with her thinking,"I rather die than marry that pig.". If she had a choice between marrying Duke Everlue or Sawarr, who would she pick?

Jude sighed as he said while looking out the window,"Think of this as an investment toward the future. By marrying into the Junelle family, the Heartfilia railways will be able to expand farther into the south and bring in billions.". "I see." said Lucy. "And I expected you to give birth to a boy. If you birth a daughter, try again. I want a son to carry on our name. That is all. I need you to return your room Lucy." said Jude.

The reason why Jude may want Lucy to birth a son may be sound greedy and totally awful since you can't really pick what your kids gender is at birth I don't think. However in Fairy Legion canon, he doesn't want another Layla reminder walking around. Lucy stood there with her taking a deep breath as she whispered,"It's showtime.". "I'm sorry father but that isn't going to happen!" said Lucy in a very determined and defiant voice.

Jude turned to her as Lucy said,"I didn't come back just to say sorry and apologize to you. I came to say my final goodbyes, It was my fault for running away without telling you or anyone but my friend told me that to truly end this, I need to fight this battle that only I can do aka dealing with you!". She took a deep breath with her saying,"I'm leaving this house and you for good!". "Lucy?" said Jude with his eyes slowly widening.

Lucy stood there with her saying,"All of the money can't buy you happiness! I figured that out when I was a little girl! Finally since mom died, I'm happy! I won't let you hurt my sunshine! If you lay a finger on any member of Fairy Tail included the man I'm going to marry Natsu Dragneel one day ever, I'll make you pay got it?!". She held the front of her pink dress with her thinking,"I'm so sorry mom.". With a sudden violent motion, Lucy ripped open the dress she was wearing.

Lucy screamed out,"It doesn't matter that we're family! If you threaten us, we'll destroy you like any other enemy who dares hurts us!". Jude was silent as Lucy said,"If you didn't do what you did and actually talk to me like an adult rather than a spoiled brat, I just can't trust you anymore Jude. I almost died by Phantom Lord! My nakama were hurt because of you! I don't care about money or expensive clothes! I wanted a place where I can be loved and respected as Lucy!".

She was walking away with her showing off her guild mark to him while flipping him off. "Fairy Tail is my home because they care about Lucy not "Lucky" Lucy Heartfilia. The people there treat me as their own even Zane. He may be a jerk sometimes but he's a better father to Kaida in the past couple of weeks than you were to me in the seventeen years I've been a daughter. It may be hard to leave this house since I have memories of mom." said Lucy.

Outside of the office, most of the servants heard this and they were crying. "I care so much about Ms. Suspetto, Belo, Aed, and Ribbon so much being that I don't want to leave them behind either. But it's to move on." said Lucy. She stopped as she turned around to face her father. "I truly believe that if mom was alive, she would want me to follow my own path." said Lucy as Jude looked at Lucy to see what he had been seen in Lucy for a long time now.

It was a splitting image of Layla who was a beautiful young woman. She had soft brown eyes along with long blonde hair, which she usually wore in a bun along with a lacy baby pink band with ruffles on its edges which rests on her hair with her flicks and strands of hair framing her face. Like her daughter, Layla had a voluptuous figure. She and her daughter have similar appearances to the point that Lucy is almost the spitting image of her mother because lazy art fight me.

Jude thought as tears formed on his face,"Layla. No.". "Goodbye." said Lucy, walking away with her having a sad look on her face. She closed the door, slamming the door. Jude slumped into the chair beside him and put his head in his hands. "Layla. Lucy. I'm so sorry." said Jude. He felt someone touch his shoulder and he looked up only to get coldcocked by Zane ,out of Nano Form, and he said with a smile,"And that's for making her cry you bastard excuse for a father!".

Twenty minutes later at Layla Heartfilia's grave. Lucy ,back in her street clothes, was there and she smiled. "So how much did you steal Zane?" said Lucy. She turned to see him standing there with him holding a bouquet of flowers. "About a billion and I got to coldcock your father after your amazing speech. Way to go Lucy." said Zane. He looked at the grave in front of it with it being large and elegant, featuring an angel statue to watch over the grave.

He placed the flowers in front of them with Lucy watching him firmly pressing both of his palms together with his fingertips evenly aiming toward the sky. "In the honor of Layla Heartfilia who died at the very young age of twenty nine, I hope you rest in peace. I promise to honor you for the rest of my life and protect your daughter." said Zane. Lucy placed a hand on his shoulder as she said,"You really didn't have to do that Zane.".

Zane smiled at her with him saying,"Yeah but I chose to Lucy. I always do this when I visit a grave of anyone. So got anything to say? I'm sure she's listening.". Lucy nodded as she said,"Hey mom. It's been a while since I visited you in person. I finally spoke with dad and I made up my mind. I'm going to follow my own path and live life to the fullest.". "And that's how you do it Lucy. Well done. So we should probably get going." said Zane. Lucy nodded as she heard five voice shout,"Lucy!".

This caused the busty blond to jump out of her skin with Zane chuckling. Lucy turned around to see the group of Erza, Gray, Happy, Natsu, Sly, and Stella running toward her with Sly smiling. "What are they.... You did this didn't you?!" said Lucy, pointing at Zane. "Maybe I did but hey, I told Sly to tell them what you did." said Zane. "Lucy! Don't leave us please!" said Happy, burring herself into her chest. He was crying as Stella said,"She isn't Happy like Sly told you.".

Happy turned to her as she said,"But she could be lying to defend him!". "I wouldn't and what you did was so amazing Lucy." said Sly, crossing her arms and smiling. Gray nodded as he said,"Yeah. Didn't see that coming from you but well done.". Natsu pulled her into a tight hug as he said,"Even though I'm mad at Zane for not telling us about your guys plan. I'm real happy that you did this but next time, bring me okay. Can't have my princess running off and getting herself in trouble.".

He said the last part of that quietly. "Don't worry. I won't be going anywhere any time soon." said Lucy, returned his embrace. Zane smiled as he said,"Yeah. Pretty sure Lucy loves this guild too much to leave it Happy. Not even I could make her leave unless I go full douche bag like her.". "Wait. Did you just call Lucy by her name?! What have you done with Zane?!" said Happy. "I respect her a bit more now Happy and that's all I needed. Still going to be calling you Triple B by the way." said Zane.

Lucy smiled as she said,"And I wouldn't have it any other way.", "So is this your mother's grave, I'm real sorry for your loss Lucy. So who left these flowers? Was it you? They're real nice." said Erza with her crouching down to read the inscription on the tombstone. "It's fine Erza. She died when I was ten but I really love and miss her. My memories of my mother are the only reason I hesitated leaving this place." said Lucy with a small smile.

Stella pointed to the flowers with Lucy saying,"That's Zane. You really didn't have to bring flowers from your own personal garden.". "Yeah but that's Zane for you Lucy and to be honest, flowers for bouquets are the only real reason other than pranks and the V.B.R.S, is the only way I see that being used." said Sly. "I think having a nice play to read a book or playing Yamata is a total reason for having a garden in my basement." said Zane.

Sly rolled her eyes as she said,"Whatever Zane. So should we get going? I think the guild needs to be rebuild before the end of the year.". "It won't take us that long." said Gray, putting his hands behind his head and currently shirtless. "Your shirt Gray." said Stella. "Yeah. Sorry for worry you guys." said Lucy, slinging her bag over her shoulder. "It isn't your fault Lucy. It's more Zane's fault for not telling us about this and making us worry." said Erza.

Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Whatever Prude Knight. Zone and I are the same person plus I think Happy and Hatchling was crying the whole way here. Got that for blackmail Sly?". Sly nodded as Zane smiled. "How do you know that Zane?!" said Natsu. "Psychic powers bitch." said Lucy, with her mimicking Zane. The group looked at her with them breaking out into laughter. "Nice job. You got me down pat Lucy." said Zane, wiping a couple of tears.

Gray smiled as he said,"Kinda digging your hometown. Very quaint.". "Me too. Such a beautiful place." said Erza. "Um. This isn't our town. It's just part of our gardens." said Lucy, pointing over to the mountain range off in the horizon. "My family owns all of the way up to that mountain range over there." said Lucy. This comment caused Gray and Stella to look at her in shock with Erza doing the same but less obvious. "Is something wrong you two?" said Lucy.

Gray shouted,"Holy fuck you guys, she's really rich!". This shocked Lucy with Stella saying,"And acts like it's nothing whatsoever and complains about rent!". Zane held out his phone with playing the Scotland the Brave World Music as the two wizards saluted Lucy. "Commander Erza! We lost two of our best soldiers. What do you want us to do?" said Happy. "The sky is so beautiful." said Erza with Zane chuckling. "We need a medic. Commander has a few screws loose!" said Happy.

Gray and Stella said,"Aye sir Happy!". Lucy smiled as she thought,"Mom. I know you're looking down on me from Heaven. You always told me to follow my dreams and I'm sure you agree with my decision to leave. My friends are so special to me. I'm really so happy because Fairy Tail is my family now!". As this was going on, Natsu was focused on the grave in front of him rather his friends action for once.

He crouched down with him gently running his hand over the tombstone. "Don't worry Layla. I'll take great care of Lucy. I always keep my promises. I'll do everything I can to keep her smiling. I'll give my life to keep her safe so don't worry. Just keep watching her." said Natsu. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Zane. "Well said Natsu. Me and you have the same idea. You have one thing to do right?" said Zane, pointed to the manor with Natsu nodding.

Two hours later on a train back to Magnolia. Lucy looked around their train cabin as she said,"So have you guys seen Natsu and Zane anywhere?". She was sitting next to the silver haired dragon slayer with her saying,"I haven't seen either of them for a while.". "That is weird. He was laying his head on my lap and then, Zane told him that they had to go do something. I didn't think that it was that strange but they've been gone for almost an half hour." said Erza, rubbing her chin.

Gray shrugged as he said with him crossing his arms over his chest,"If I could understand what goes through ash for brain and Master Zane's head but at least, one of them is acting weird even more than usual.". "You're talking about Natsu right Gray? Since Zane is always weird even for Fairy Tail." said Happy. "Hold on. Both Natsu and Zane are gone. You don't think that they..." said Erza. "They did and they're going after my dad!" said Lucy, cupping her hands over her mouth. 

Stella slammed her fist into the armrest, causing it to break in half. "Damn him! Why is he always doing this?! And not take me with him!" said Stella. "Really? That's your problem with it. We can't do anything about it. We'll meet up with him once we get back to Magnolia." said Sly. "You're right Sly but those two would get a scolding when I see them." said Erza. "Natsu. Please don't do anything too rash. I may hate my dad right now but he's still my dad!" thought Lucy, looking at the window.

At the manor, Jude was nursing his wound from Zane earlier being that his nose was slightly bleeding and had a tissue against his nose. He was trying to focus on the paperwork he was filling. "That child and her hooligan friend. I was just trying to do what was best for the family. If I can't focus on her because of the company, the Junelle family would provided that for her. Out of everything, she found a lover. Natsu Dragneel. Layla. What have I...." thought Jude.

His thoughts were cut off by a sudden knock at the door with him saying,"I wish not to be disturbed by anyone! Leave now or you're fired.". Instead of stopping, the knocking increased but was getting more aggressive. "Didn't you hear me?! Leave!" shouted Jude. Whoever was at the door was now pounding on it. "GO AWAY!" shouted Jude. The man jumped out of his chair as the door was sent flying toward him before removing from its hinges.

The Heartfilia patriarch growled in anger when he saw a pink-haired man storm into his office with the person who coldcocked him and stole a billion Jewels from his safe earlier. "My door! What the hell is your damage?! Who are the hell are you?! And why are you here?!" yelled Jude. "I'm here to make sure he doesn't cross that line since killing her dad is pretty much the ultimate turn off for a girl even if her father is a fucking excuse for one." said Zane, crossing his arms.

He was going to hurt Jude for saying that he wasn't capable of raising Kaida due to him looking in his late teens despite him being biologically almost a thousand year old but Natsu called first dibs. "My name is Natsu Dragneel and we're here to tell you to stay away from Lucy!" said Natsu, slamming his hands on Jude's desk. "I see." said Jude, noticing the Fairy Tail emblem on both boys. "So you two are part of the Fairy Tail mongrels, here to threaten me." said Jude.

He looked at Natsu with him saying,"Listen here "Natsu". You and your "friend" are going to leave my office right now and return MY money. I'll be billing your guild for a new door and if you don't leave, I'll make your guild go through hell.". "Natsu. Tell him what we're going to do to him and no, I won't be returning the money because I'm billing you for all of the shit you put us through because you can't talk with your daughter since she looks like your wife's identical twin." said Zane.

Kane nodded as he said,"Which is totally weird by the way.". "You're going to listen got it?" said Natsu with him gripping hard on the desk. Jude flinched as the wood underneath Natsu's grip cracked and splinted. "We're not here as Fairy Tail Wizards! I'm here as Lucy's mate and Zane's here as her friend! Now I'm only going to say this once JUDE so listen up!" said Natsu. The edge of the desk was engulfed in fire, spooking Jude.

Natsu looked at Jude with him saying,"You're going to stay the FUCK away from Lucy for a while got it! You're going to leave Fairy Tail alone forever! And you're going to say sorry to Zane since he is a great dad to Kaida! Way better than you are to Luce! If you ever think of taking Lucy away from me and Fairy Tail, I'll come back here and burned this manor to the ground with you inside.". He gave a final glare to Jude with him walking out of the office.

Zane threw Natsu a thumbs up with Jude saying,"Mate? What are you? Some kind of animal.". He was trying to put out the flames on his desk. "He may act like an animal but he's an Akostar or a dragon in other words. Don't fuck with his loved one or else. I don't think I'll be able to keep him back next time." said Zane. He grabbed Natsu, teleporting him away and left behind a scared Jude to heard what he just heard.

Later that night in Magnolia. "Ah. We're finally back. Thanks for the lift." said Natsu, stretched his tired limbs. He turned to Zane with the Cross-Species smiling. "No problem. So you're going to her house aren't you Natsu?" said Zane. Natsu looked at Zane with the Cross-Species saying,"You've been making your way without me saying anything and we're outside of her apartment.". Natsu saw that the lights were on and Zane smiled. "Go get her. You earned it." said Zane.

He walked away as Natsu smiled. "Thanks Zane." said Natsu. The dragon slayer climbed up to her window and peeked inside the apartment. He saw that Lucy was asleep at her writing desk being that Natsu slowly opened the window and hopped into Lucy's apartment. He picked up Lucy with her gently picking her up bridal style with the blonde snuggling closer to Natsu. The dragon slayer placed Lucy down on her bed and tucked her underneath the covers.

After placing a kiss on Lucy's head, Natsu turned to leave but he was stopped by something tugging on his vest. He turned to see that Lucy was awake and stared up at him. "Sorry for walking you Luce but you were going to get a cold." said Natsu. "Don't leave. I want you to stay here tonight." said Lucy as a faint blush across her face. "Are you sure Luce? I don't want to be a bother plus Happy is going to be worried about me." said Natsu, rubbing the back of his head.

Lucy smiled as she patted the open spot on the bed next to her. "I'm sure Natsu and Happy will be fine since he's staying with his new friend Vance. Stella offered him to stay with them since we didn't know when you and Zane were going to get back. Plus I don't want you to leave." said Lucy. "And I won't since you asked so nicely." said Natsu. He crawled into the bed next to her being that after he got under the covers, she hugged him close like a teddy bear whose on fire.       

Natsu said with his face red,"You alright Luce? You're acting weird.". "Did you and Zane do anything to my father? I know Zane punched him and stole his money but that's Zane." said Lucy with Natsu's eyes widening. "Well, we didn't much to my shock. All I did was give him a warning and Zane was there to make sure I didn't hurt him." said Natsu, scratching his cheek and didn't try to lie to her since he didn't want to. "A warning?" said Lucy, raising a blonde eyebrow.

Natsu smiled at Lucy with him saying,"I told him not to mess with my girl or my guild ever again. I also told him that Zane is an amazing father to Kaida which he is,". Natsu smiled when he saw Lucy's face turn several shades dark and turned away to hide her massive blush. "Wow. She's so adorable when she's embarrassed. No wonder Zane keeps doing to Levy." thought Natsu, pulling her closer to him and the blush grew stronger.

Natsu said in a cool tone,"Don't worry Luce. I won't let anyone take you away from Fairy Tail since this is where you belong, surrounded by the people who love. I'll always protect you Luce and be your side if you need me.". "Natsu." said Lucy with her locking eyes with him. Her eyes were filled with love as a few stray tears fell down her face and she said,"I love you.". "This is the perfect time Natsu. She is ready and so are you. Claim her." said the voice in Natsu's head.

Do note that there will be some adult situation go on in the background. It's like Zero Episode 132.5 but not on that level. I'll stop once it gets to an M rating because you really don't need to read what's going on since it's obvious what's going on. "I love you too, Luce." said Natsu, leaning forward to capture Lucy's lips in a hot and passionate kiss. This kiss was different from their others being that it was filled with lust and desire. The lights turned off in the apartment as the couple bonded.

Next time,
With the Phantom Lord arc truly over, will things go good for our heroes? Will Lucy and Natsu's relationship be revealed? And what will happen with Ultear's warning? Does Zane have any enemies in the future? This and more next time on Fairy Legion.

Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Nano Form. This card has a black frame with a circuit-board themed nanochip in the center of the card. When Zane places this card inside, Zane's entire body gets covered in nanochips. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 90 and its Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet. His body has an slight echo to it being that it's speech is a mixture of Bold and Italics. He can't grow any bigger from six foot but he can go the reverse.

Rosewood Squadron. They are the Magic Council’s elite squadron of Rune Knights being that to become a member of this group, you have to be an expert in combat, know several types of magic and how to take care of them, and be unable to surrender any information upon being captured by the enemy. Their uniform is dark gold suits with the dark, ankh-like symbol of the council on the chest being rather obvious on who they're working for.

They wear a short gray ,double breasted, pointed cowl which covers both their head and shoulders. This cowl doesn't cover their nose and lower jaw. They also wears thin black goggles, gray boots, and purplish white gloves. They do wear some mesh-mail under their clothes along with metal armor over their main clothing. The higher ranked members dressed different such as Tien the Beast. The ranking of the army is very much like the Marines from One Piece.

They drive in a strange vehicle which is a variation of the magic four wheel vehicle except it wasn't powered by the driver's magic power but Ethernano. Think of the Edolas Magical Vehicles if you need to an idea on how it operates. It's a gold, silver, and white amphibious ATV mixed with elements of a tank being the tank parts of the vehicle aka the tank treads and the large cannon was very obvious to say the least.

It has the ability to cloak using Ethernano being that it can’t be seen or detected by anyone who uses Ethernano meaning that Sly and Zane can see it coming from a mile away. It can fit up to ten people inside of it. It can detect high speed movement or any wizard thanks to their lacrima detection system. The Squadron is stronger than typical Rune Knights. They can use Magic being that it’s very basic elemental spells.

They can use Ethernano Rifles and swords which is like Chinese Knock-Off Light Sabers.  They have some serious rules being that they’ll leave behind the comrades to head back to the Council to inform them of any information in case of everyone dying. They care about the mission and safety of Fiore rather than a single person. They also need to destroy their vehicle’s engine/main power supply in case of their enemy using it and their communication lacrimas.

Ira Yates. He was born in the northern continent of Earth Land known as Oyrus being that he’s the son of two hunters. As a young man, he loves to wander around being that he soon found himself in Fiore much to his confusion. This is due to him not remembering how he got there. He soon got himself in trouble with the magic council, being that he was fighting against any one who came after him and a meal. He was soon asked to join the council as a Rune Knight by Yajima and he joined mainly because the old man promised him a good meal. He soon became the 2nd Captain of the Custody Enforcement Unit and the 5th ranked Wizard Saint being that most people know him for the latter title. In the Rune Knights, he’s the mixture of Lahar and Mest Gryder/Doranbolt. He supports Fairy Tail ,just like Yajima, however he does tend to be rather harsh with them. He hates weaklings, being that he can detect it. He loves to intimidate people being that he uses threatening words, physical force, or just asserting his title as captain of the 2nd Custody Enforcement Unit and 5th ranked Wizard Saint. He’s a wise man being that he has a wide amount of knowledge and experience on magic and most social dynamics. He likes causing conflict. He has a temper, being that he can easily enraged by something as small as someone bumping into him which sends his bowl of ramen to the ground. He isn’t one for subtlety, tending to use his physical strength to solve a problem. He treats everyone the same being that he doesn’t care if you’re royal or not. Despite his lack nature, he takes his job seriously. He believes that anyone who commits a crime deserve to be judged before they get thrown into prison. He hates those who control others. He cares about those he calls allies and he works to make sure they are okay. He likes women being that he’s usually flirting with them instead of working. He has an immense amount of magic power being that he’s the fifth/seventh member of the Ten Wizard Saint. He tends to limit himself and keep his magic power down to a tolerable level. However upon him releasing it, the ground shakes with each step and the ground is destroyed. He can sense and discerning magic power. He can detect those who use Transformation or any type of magic that he finds cowardice and he breaks it. He’s a user of Darkness and Fire Magic being that his expertise with fire is impressive. He can control his flames to create things in the same vein as Maker Magic ,mainly a flaming bull and chains, and his flames can even burn those who uses fire themselves such as when he tells Natsu to just stay there. His darkness naturally absorbs all forms of light ,which includes his Fire, being that it grows stronger. He can use Reinforcement Magic being that he can enhanced his already impressive physical prowess. He can move around the battlefield, in seconds being that he can touch a person from over ten miles away from his first location. He’s very durable being that he can survive being sliced across the chest, with blood going everywhere and survive. He tends to be an expert in breaking Jutsu Shiki since he has been around Lahar for a long time. He has a sixth sense being that he can sense and react to others around him. He can easily throw Natsu ,for example, a far distance away.

Best to worst Fairy Tail Openings. It's ranked 1 to 10 being that one is the worst and ten is the best. I should mentioned this but I'll be including the movies as well but not the OVAs. This is because I haven't seen the OVAs yet. I'll be judging it by how it was first aired even in the Anime or the movie respectively.
1. Break Out. 9/10.
2. The Rock City Boy. 9/10.
3. R.P.G -Rockin' Playing Game. 8/10.
4. Ft. 8/10.
5. Fiesta. 8/10.
6. Believe in Myself. 8/10.
7. Fairy Tail Yakusoku no Hi. 8/10.
8. Snow Fairy. 7/10.
9. Power of the Dream. 7/10.
10. Strike Back. 7/10.
11. Masayume Chasing. 7/10.
12. Down by Law. 7/10.
13. I Wish. 7/10.
14. Break through. 7/10.
15. Sense of Wonder. 7/10.
16. More than Like. 7/10.
17. Mysterious Magic. 6/10.
18. Towa no Kizuna. 6/10.
19. Yumeiro Graffiti. 6/10.
20. No-Limit. 6/10.
21. Ashita Wo Narase. 6/10.
22. Never-End Tale. 6/10.
23. 200 Miles. 6/10.
24. Edge no Mahou. 6/10.
25. The Starting Sky. 5/10.
26. Evidence. 5/10.
27. Tenohira. 5/10.

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