Thursday, November 14, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 42 Anomaly Wizards and a Jezebel Section 2 (Written on December 10 2021)

This post is a part of Fairy Legion Chapter 42 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Fairy Legion Chapter 42. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

In the cleverly named East Forest, the South River cut right through the dense woodlands of the East Forest. Built alongside the river was an old, broken down water mill. It's both large and lonely being that it hadn't been used in a very long time. The wooden paddlewheel ,that once powered the mill, rested in the river. The wood was decayed and falling apart. Bits and pieces of the outside were cracking off with layers of moss and various flora growing on the outside wall.

The inside of the old water mill was just as bad as the outside. Wooden girders across the roof were old and nearly rotten, barely managed to hold the roof off. The room was filled with several old and rust decommissioned machines, empty barrels, chairs, tables, and stacks of old lumber. This old water mill went into bankrupt years old being that the only human who lives there Porlyusica happy since she hates humans especially crowds of them.

Suddenly, white light flashed into the normally empty building. As the light vanished, the group of Bimbo, Galdox, Krest, and Vela appeared there. They weren't alone since they were joined by the still dancing Kaida, Levy, and Sly. Bimbo stepped away from the group being that she had to take a moment to focus her powers. She wasn't from this dimension and had arrived here in order to do two things. The first thing was to get the Absolute Wishes Charm for her mistress.

The second thing was to get revenge on Zane for what he did to her mistress. Her mistress was still in prison after what happened but only a few amount of beings knew where she was due to her prison been moved constantly just in case it was found out. "I love how powerful Ethernano is compared to Animus and Impulse." said Bimbo as her hands glowed bright pink. "So I have to ask this. Was it wise for us to leave Fairy Tail without the charm? What if the guild comes after all from us?" said Galdox.

Krest nodded as he said,"Yeah and why are those three still dancing by the way?". "My spells last for up to thirty minutes being that it was for a group rather than a singular person." said Vela. The giant nodded as Bimbo said,"Isn't it obvious moron? I'm sure like more Fairy Tail wizards, their leader, and Zaney will show up. We have no idea how long our combined strength will be against a god.". "And the magical guild right?" said Galdox.

Bimbo shrugged as she said,"I can easily take down these pathetic wizards plus we have three of their precious Nakama so they wouldn't want them to be hurt. However, we can't be cocky!". Krest began to laugh loudly with him picking up Kaida. "They couldn't hurt us even we try since I'm easily the strongest wizard now!" said Krest. "Don't be so cocky you overgrown bastard. If there is one thing you don't do, it's underestimated Fairy Tail." said Levy.

She was scared and tried to mimic the bravest person she knew aka Zane. "Yeah and your leader here has been on the receiving end of Zane's wrath many times before." said Sly, smirking. "With our new power, you have no chance against us. Those idiots in the light guild who transformed like us have no idea how to use their powers unlike us." said Galdox. "Actually, I think the bug and plant did since the two fought somewhat well." said Vela.

Bimbo nodded as she said,"She's tots right Galdox. This is why I demanded that only seven of the thirteen transformed wizards to bring the charm to us. They're no threat to us!". "You may be very pretty but you're really stupid! Saying that my papa isn't a threat is being really dumb!" said Kaida with her finishing her crying session. She was held in Krest's larger than normal hands being that Bimbo walked toward her. "Shut up now cartoon girl." said Bimbo.

She glared at Kaida with her saying,"You don't know how much I really want you dead. You're a clear reminder of what I despise about Zaney. Even after what me and my mistress did to him, he's still has that smile on his face and his happiness is something I can't stand. Think about it. He should have ended his life after I had my mistress rip away six parts of his Sunshine.". "Which is why I wanted him to end you for by the way!" growled Sly.

Bimbo giggled as she said,"Don't worry. I'll make sure you and the little one gets what's coming to you since you three are the ones Zane all the closest to according to my investigation. Even with my demand, I am sure that he'll be showing up and I'll kill you in front of him. Imagine his anguish and because I have his watch, he can't using his full Eazairvian powers.". She took the watch from Levy and began looking around the room.

During this investigation, Cole said,"Put us down you nice smelling temptress who used to a nerdy loser of a man!". "Is that seriously the best name you can come up with?" said Athena. "To be fair. I'm not on Zane's level when it comes to nick names. I'm still feeling weird for being hit by that magic trinket earlier. You think that's the Absolute Wishes Charm thingy that the Bimbo is looking for." said Cole. "I guess so but did you really have to say thingy? Grow up." said Athena

She spotted something on the ground close by. The armor wearing woman walked over to pick up an empty barrel and pulled off the lift. "Remember this you guys. This is where we'll be putting the tool to keep Zaney from accessing his true power." said Bimbo. She threw the watch into the barrel with Cole saying,"Son of a bitch!". The woman slammed the lid back on the barrel with Cole demanding to be let out with Athena sighing for two reasons.

Cole's voice wouldn't be heard since the barrel would muffed his voice and the fact that most people can't hear the two of them. She would have hit him but she wasn't too tired to deal with it. Bimbo ignored the voice of her two other captives ,that she didn't know she had, and sat on the barrel being that somehow, she did this in a sexy manner. "The twins will guard the area just in case those idiots decided to sneaky." said Bimbo.

The twins nodded as they left the mill and Vela looked at Bimbo. "What about these three?" said Vela as she pointed at the trio of Kaida, Levy, and Sly. "How about letting me cut off your ugly face?" said Sly with her being ignored as Bimbo giggled. "Take those two to a private room and give them a personal show of your music." said Bimbo. Vela nodded as she played her flute making the three dancing Fairy Tail members left Bimbo alone with them performing a congo.

Vela went with them as Bimbo was left there to think. "Soon mistress. I will have the Absolute Wishes Charm. After I give Galdox a good time, Krest some destruction, and Vela one of the infinite reality altering wishes, I'll come for you. You are all that I require and desire." thought Bimbo with her giggling. "So do you think we could convince Zane to use Astral Form on her?" said Cole. "After all of this, he probably will without any doubt." said Athena.

Back at the unfinished Fairy Tail Guild Hall, most of the present wizards ,who were finally done dancing, were having a panic attack since it's pretty obvious why. Two out of the three dark wizards who were working for an unknown woman had been turned into copies of Zane's forms, making very strong. The one unchanged wizard had the power to control them using the power of music. They also kidnapped Kaida, Levy, and Sly plus Zane's Watch.

They were going to kill the girls if they didn't give themselves something called the Absolute Wishes Charm. "Oh no, this is bad!" said a panicked Mira. "Bad? Bad?! This is the worst thing that could possibly happen!" said Natsu. "They took Levy!" shouted Droy and Jet. "We were also turned into Zane's Forms." said Cana. "And they also took Athena, Cole, Kaida, Levy, and Sly. Five beings who are very important to Zane." said Lucy.

Gray turned to her as he said,"Who?". "The two Artificial Intelligence or AIs who live inside of the watch being that they've been with Zane since he was sixteen. They've important to him plus Levy is his first serious girlfriend in a long time and Sly who is his partner. We've all seen Zane mad before so how mad do you think he's going to be once he gets back?" said Lucy as the entire guild shivered.

Hiding behind an incomplete wall, Juvia placed her hands over her mouth in a mixture of sadness and terror. "Oh no! My poor handsome prince has been hurt by this harlot of a woman! I need to get revenge on her ASAP!" said Juvia, crying a river of tears. Don't worry. We'll be done with the crying eventually but well, it's a really emotional day in Fairy Legion. Vance fixed a scowl at his fellow transformed feline who was eating a fish. "This is all you and your partner's fault!" said Vance.

The other cat looked at Vance with him saying,"What are you talking about?! I didn't do anything to get them captured and us turned into this monsters!". "You told them that they could use Zane's Forms's powers alongside their magic! I think the only person who knows how we work is Zane himself and he isn't here! Your partner is also the reason why we have ONE less hour to keep Kaida, Levy, and Sly from dying since we don't know what they're looking for!" said Vance.

Before Happy could say anything, the more battle worn feline attacked Happy. Macao and Wakaba looked at each other with Wakaba saying,"So why are those two fighting? We don't exactly have time to waste on infighting among us.". "Yeah. So why isn't Erza stopping them? That is the bigger question in my opinion." said Macao. "I'm going to make those idiots pay for what they did to us!" shouted Elfman.

He pounded his fists on his rocky chest as he said,"A real man doesn't thrash our Guild Hall or steal our friends! Lets go get them!". He was going to run toward the water mill but was held in place with vines. "Don't Elfman. We can't have them killing Kaida, Levy, and Sly just because they upset your manhood and pride in one burst." said Laki. "So?! We can't do anything since two of them are fighting and one of them keeps tripping over himself!" said Elfman.  

Natsu ,whose face was in the floor, mumbled something out. "Um. So who wants to help him up because I'm not." said Gray, crossing his arms. No one wanted to bring up the fact that he had lost his clothes somehow since they were focused on the fighting felines. Before their fight could get any worse or any more destructive, a timber post slammed into their heads. It was courtesy of Erza being that the blow knocked both of the felines out of their fight.

Erza looked at everyone with her yelling out,"ENOUGH!". Her eyes were blazing with fury and she said,"We don't have time for anyone's antics!". She reequipped into her normal daily suit of armor and got everyone's attention. "Everyone, calm down. Panicking isn't going to solve anyone!" said Erza as the group nodded. Vance growled and approached Erza, pointing a finger at her. "You may have these idiot wizards wrapped around your finger but not me!" said Vance.

He glared at her as he said,"I despise you humans and wizards more than anything. The only reason why I'm working with you in the first place because I owe a favor to Zane from saving my only human friend for a man who couldn't get over his dead love despite her being alive and I like Kaida. Your boyfriend and his cat did all of this! So don't tell me what to do!". Everyone in Fairy Tail backed away from Vance after his declaration.

Stella knew that Vance didn't like humans because Vernon left a very bad impression on him. Erza looked at the humanoid cat in disbelief. No one ,except for Zane and sometimes the others, had dared talking back to her like that being that Vance wasn't one of the people she expected to do that. "What did you say?" said Erza, anger rising. "You heard me loud and clear Prude Knight!" said Vance with his claws getting ready for a fight.

Before the two could start fighting, they heard an elderly voice,"What's going on here? I thought Zane coming to see me covered in blood was going to be the weirdest part of my day.". The entire guild turned to see Master Makarov standing at the unfinished entrance of the building with Zane standing by his side. The man is wearing his normal jester clothing being that Zane ,who like Master Makarov said earlier, was covered in blood and was leaning against a vehicle of some kind.

This creature looks to be an animal of an unknown combination of species and was combined with a motorcycle. It’s body is skeletal with the bones being a obsidian black color. It has a face with reptilian features and its head is in the shape of an eagle. It has two horns which can be used for handlebars. It has red eyes with noticeable black pupils, fangs, and spikes on the tail at the back of it. It has two wide and leather like bat wings.

It’s front legs ,very much like an eagle, and its back legs ,very much like a horse, are connected to a metal wheel. It has a neck collar with a tag bearing the initials "GLORY". Zane also looked different being that he was more muscular much to the joy of Bisca, Juvia, and Mira. For an appearance of the current Zane, check out Zero Episode 128 but he's covered ,from head to toe, in blood. Once you do that, you got Zane.

Makarov glanced around the area to see at the damage done from the fight between Bimbo's group and Fairy Tail. He frowned at the sight of them and he began looking at the larger than needed group of Cana, Droy, Elfman, Gray, Happy, Jet, Laki, Lucy, Natsu, Macao, Stella, Vance, and Wakaba who looked interesting. It reminded him of when Zane bodyswapped everyone with his little pranks but they weren't looking human.

The entire group of the transformed Fairy Tail wizards looked right at the trio with them saying in unison,"Master! Zane!". They ran toward the trio with the three wizards who joined them. The bike growled at them with Zane nuzzling the vehicle's head. "Don't worry girl. I'm sure that no one could hurt me Gloria." said Zane. "I see. You kids aren't looking like yourself again." said Makarov. "Very funny Master." said Stella, rolling her eyes. "Not!" shouted Vance.

Zane smiled as he said,"Calm down Master. I'm sure that you'll be back to normal once my precious Peanut gives me the watch. I wanted to introduce you to her Gloria.". The group of wizards was quiet as Zane said,"Peanut? I thought she would be here giving me a hug despite me covered in blood from head and toe. So where is she along with Levy and Sly? I don't hear or sense them either.". "What happened here my children?" said Makarov in a serious tone.

Erza began explaining what happened to the two plus Gloria. It all happened after Zane left for his important mission being that they were attacked by someone named Bimbo and her minions, how the Z.E.R.O. watch going hayware and turned wizards on both sides into versions of Zane's forms, and finally the trio of Kaida, Levy, and Sly plus the watch getting kidnapped and held for ransom. She also mentioned the object they were after the Absolute Wishes Charm.

If they don't get it by eleven tonight, they would kill Kaida, Levy, and Sly. Makarov was silent being that in his entire eighty eight years of life, he had never heard of the Absolute Wishes Charm but the almost millennium did. "Zane. Perhaps you know....." said Makarov, turning to Zane who during the whole thing was uncharacteristically silent and clear of blood. "Oh I do and right now, I'm extremely pissed for three very good reasons. Let me tell you all of them in great and angry detail." said Zane.

Quick warning. Zane is going to be pissed being that Chapter 9Chapter 34, Zero Episode 132.5, and countless other examples of Zane's temper will have a strong rival for some of the most angry Zane moments in the history of Fairy Legion and Zero. I may just make that a top ten one day. Zane's eyes were twitching a lot being that his pupils slit and his irises constricted with them slowly turning molten gold.

His power and anger were coming off in waves, causing everyone in the Fairy Tail Guild to back away from him including Makarov. "One of my old enemies who ruined my life has come back to mess with me just because I arrested her mistress is the first problem." said Zane. He clenched both of his fists and walked toward an construction wall. "My daughter, girlfriend, and partner was captured by her and her fuckbuddies is the second problem!" said Zane.

After he said that, he was in his Hyperion Mail. His body is covered in a black bodysuit with him losing the crimson red web pattern to it. This is noticeable when Zane doesn’t have his entire body clad in steel gray plated armor being that the armor having a dragon like design to it. The armor has a sharp appearance to it. It has openings in the back of the armor. Out of these openings, they have a pair of large, reddish black metallic ,with a flame like pattern to them, scaled dragon wings.

They have crimson red cosmic energy feathers or patagrim. These wings match Zane’s Akostar wings as well. In the middle of his wings, he has a rocket booster like propulsion. His head is covered by a metallic black helmet/mask with it now more like a dragon like appearance. This is apparent thanks to his newly formed mouthpiece with sharp teeth-like structures on the helmet. He has glowing steel gray eyes ,along with the white outline, with diamond-shaped jewels.

They're on the places where the eyes would be. He's wearing his Legionnaire Gauntlets and under his armor, he looks different being that he has a case of heterochromia and his eyelids are like a reptilian slit. His left eye’s iris and pupil turn molten gold and the eye’s sclera turns into a solid reddish black color with a flame like pattern to it. His right eye’s iris and pupil turn steel gray and the eye’s sclera turns into a solid reddish black color with a lightning bolt like pattern to it.

His steel gray armored boots has spikes on the sides of them just like his vambraces. He has a long armored dragon like tail being that unlike his wings, his dragon like tail is different than the normal tail he can grows if he wants. It starts out wide from the base of the tail. However, it segments outwards with two obsidian black ,spade like, prongs at the end being that a constant stream of Impulse flows between it.

Everyone was confused by this as Zane's right arm began going back. "And the fact that NO ONE here was able to keep them from being capture is the third problem! Zenith Smash!" yelled Zane. Like Chapter 9, his text is going to be bold. Zane's right arm ,covered in flames thanks to friction, and slammed into the wall. The wall exploded in a burst of flames being that the armor fired steel gray energy beams, going through several objects and making an explosion.

Droy blinked with him saying,"Um. I know you're mad but how about you not destroy the guild that we're trying.....". He was stopped by Zane getting right up to him and him saying,"Shut up right now Chumchum.". Droy squealed in fear with him going into an ball shape and Zane kicked him away with this kick causing him to bounce into several objects and destroy more parts of the guild. No one wanted to stop Zane since this armor of Zane is scary.   

Zane turned to them with him making a dragon leg ,on his back, to stop Droy who puked. "You idiots are so stupid! The Absolute Wishes Charm is here and anyone with an inkling of willpower aka Elementary Willpower should have sensed it! Why the hell didn't you find it Prude Knight?! I would have at least expected you to figure it out?! For fuck sakes!" yelled Zane. "Huh?" said the transformed wizards. "You mean that the Absolute Wishes Charm is here?" said Gray.

The Cross Species glared at him with him saying,"Yes! It is snowcone! Let me show you!". He dashed toward the cellar door with Bisca saying,"So is anyone willing to stop him?". "You can but I rather not die by an angry Zane thank you very much." said Jet. Before Bisca could respond, Droy and Jet got hit square in the face by the golden trinket. They were sent toward the ground with Stella holding the trinket in her hands. "Here is it! How did it get here?! Answer me right now?!" yelled Zane.

His arms were crossed and glared at them with Mira saying,"Well Zane. Team Shadow Gear plus Kaida and Sly received it as their reward for their gardening job. I thought that it was just a normal trinket but...". "This isn't a trinket Mira. Stella, give it to me." said Zane, removing his helmet to show off his changed face. "Yep. I'm sure that this is the AWC. These runes engraved on here are written in Liasada, the language of the gods/Magnus." said Zane.

The group blinked as Makarov said,"Liasada. You told me and Levy about it right?". "I did. This charm has "absolute" and "wish" etched into it. It's also the containment for a powerful genie and Isis's younger sister Musha." said Zane. "Isis? You've mentioned her before. She's the genie who cursed you right?" said Cana. "Yeah but she didn't curse me. This item can't be given to her no matter what we do." said Zane as his anger was slowly subsiding aka his text was unbolded.

Natsu was confused as he said,"Huh? What are you talking about? What is this thing and why did those guys want it so much exactly?". His voice was still muffled since Natsu had a permanent fixation with the ground since Natsu had trouble standing in his current state. "This item can grant a wish being that these wishes can be anything you can think of. It can increase your strength or magic power ten fold or you know, you can become a literally god." said Zane.

The wizards's eyes widened massive being that it was clear why Bimbo and her group wanted this charm so much. It was something that low-lives would be looking for given how much power they could have. "I'm confused. They were already so strong even though two of them transformed like we did. Why would they want the Absolute Wishes Charm even though they're so much stronger than us." said Lucy. "They are not!" said Gray and Natsu.          

Erza nodded as she said,"They're like any other dark guild Lucy. They seek power so they can use it for their own personal gain and harm others.". "Prude Knight is right for once. We can't let this fall into their hands." said Zane, moving the trinkets in between his fingers. "What about Kaida, Levy, and Sly? And should you be doing that?" said Elfman. "To answer your second question Elfman, I don't care. We'll get them back." said Zane.

He began jugging the trinket with him saying,"I mean I don't like the genie in there to begin with because she's one of the many reasons why the dinosaurs extinct. I mean I could have a pet dinosaur but no, she hates having fun. Gloria, hold her in your mouth.". The living vehicle nodded as Zane placed the charm in Gloria's mouth. "Should you have done that Zane?" said Azalea. "Eh. She had it coming being that Zane has wanted a pet dinosaur since he was two." said Kane.

Twilight blinked as she said,"But he does now.". "Yeah but you do think that matters to him right at all? It's Zane." said Sivarth. Twilight would have argue with that but she couldn't. "We'll rescue them and take them down." said an determined Erza. "Aka those seven will do the job Prude Knight. They did make their demand pretty clear." said Zane, pointing to Gray, Happy, Laki, Lucy, Natsu, Stella, and Vance. "How? It's hard to do anything since we're stuck like this!" said Happy.

Macao turned to Zane with him saying,"So why can't you turn us back?". "I could but it's just easy and less time consuming if I use my watch. I rather not deal with me accidentally turned you into this permanently which I may do depending on my mood." said Zane. "And why just those? We should all go." said Elfman. "If you want to be the one responsible for killing Levy, my daughter, and one of my closest friends, I'll kill you where you stand and I don't care if I break Mira's heart doing it." said Zane.

He looked at Elfman and smiled being that the rock monster went back in terror at the sight of it. "I have to agree with Zane." said Erza. "Wow. I guess we're becoming the best of pals know. I think we should totally braid each other hair soon girlfriend." said Zane, earn a sigh from the knight. "So why are you making jokes? You should be focused on getting them back." said Erza. "Oh I am Prude Knight but if I don't make jokes, I'll get mad." said Zane.

Cana nodded as she said,"So what's the plan? You have one right?". "Yeah I do. If we're going to save everyone, I need to teach you idiots how to use my abilities. I won't give you the full details since you need to learn how to use a bad situation to your advantage. Time to break some training with me." said Zane, smiling. The twelve transformed wizards looked at each other with the trio of Gray, Lucy, and Natsu's eyes widening. "Oh no." said Lucy.

Gray and Natsu said,"No way! Not training with you!". "Wait. You two are refusing training." said Wakaba. "Yeah. Zane is a real sadistic bastard when it comes to training." said Happy. "Don't worry so much Zane! I got this. I don't need to train with you Fire Dragon Iron...." said Natsu with him clenching his fist Before he could finish his spell, he tripped over himself and caused himself to fall straight back on the ground.

In response, everyone except for Erza and Zane laughed at the mummy. "So are you sure about that Natsu? You really are not the best for fighting right now." said Macao. "And he used to be one of our best. Such a shame." said Cana, shaking her head. "Natsu. You totally need the training from the sadistic bastard unlike the me since I was always Zane's better student." said a smug looking Gray.

He crouched before leaping high in the air, nearly twenty feet. "That's impressive. Using Frost Form to increase his jump. I could have done that but meh, I'm more for phasing through the ground and freezing their legs as they try to escape. I remember this one time when I stopped a group of jewelry thieves by freezing their legs and well, they didn't succeeded." said Zane, chuckling. "Then watch me by your improvement." said Gray.

Zane looked at him with Lucifer said,"Wait until the right moment Zane.". Gray descended with him aiming right at the incomplete wall that Natsu was going to hit earlier. He was going to hit the stone with him putting his left fist on top of his open right palm. "Ice Make: Wrecking Ball!" said Gray as his body was covered in a icy, crystalline spiked ball. The ice wizard used it to slam into the wall with him smashing it into pieces.

During all of this, Makarov began to pale with his jaw hitting the floor hard. "What are you all idiots doing?! You can't train here!" yelled Makarov, waving his arms around. "And why didn't you stop Zane earlier when he was destroying the guild in his temper tantrum?" said Marco. "Or when he used Droy as a wrecking ball." said Wakaba. "Don't worry you coward. We'll rebuild it so lets go nuts." said Zane, smiling. "I feel bad for them a bit." said Azalea.

Three hours later, the entire group of transformed wizards were on the floor with Jet saying,"Gray. I thought you were kidding but he's a sadist!". He was whipped by Zane who stood there with a tendril. "Get up right now Private Fanboy! I didn't tell you to take a break!" yelled Zane in a drill sergeant voice. Erza walked over to him with her saying with her having a neutral expression on her face and has her arms crossed,"Zane. I have to be honest with you about this training. It isn't half bad.".

Lucy looked at her as she said,"Seriously? He's working half to death!". "Only half to death. If we had more time, it would be all the way to death. Frosty and his lover Hatchling know what I'm talking about don't you?" said Zane, smiling at them. The two shivered in fear with them saying,"Make it stop please.". "This training is a good thing. You've gotten really lazy and if we're going to save the trio of Kaida, Levy, and Sly, they need to be ready for anything right?" said Erza.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Have to agree with you on that. I'm guessing that you're going to come with us.". "Yes I am. I'm not going to sit by while my friends are being held captive and in danger because of me unable to break out of that dance." said Erza. "I guess you can come but can you remind me quiet and be sneaky? I mean you're part of what guild again?" said Zane. "You don't need to worry about me Zane. Consider me to be stealth incarnate." said Erza.

The Cross Species rolled his eyes as he said,"Whatever. I honestly do not care. Anyone else have objections to her coming with me say something positive about my training regiment which will be restarting in about two minutes.". No one could say anything since they really didn't like being tortured by Zane. "Erza. You heard what Bimbo said. If Gray, Happy, Laki, Lucy, Natsu, Stella, and Vance bring anyone else with them, they'll kill Kaida, Levy, and Sly." said Bisca.

Zane looked at Bisca and then Erza with him saying,"Well, she has you good. By all accounts, it doesn't make sense.". "Don't worry you two. I have a plan and beside, I have to go with you all. I'm sure you would come to mine or any of our aid if we needed it." said Erza. "I'll be honest with you. I'm sure that if I was in trouble, I would never need your help. Whatever Prude Knight. You can come but don't get my daughter, girlfriend, and partner killed or else." said Zane.

He looked at her with Erza saying,"Me and you may have our many many disagreements Zane but I'll always come to help you out in your time of need even if you don't want me to.". "Didn't I not want you to help me in my fight with Second Place but I had to have you dragged out of there by Frosty and the beautiful rain woman who was our enemy?" said Zane. Erza sighed as Mira said,"So back to training right?". "No!" yelled the transformed wizards as Zane crackled his knuckles.

The day and training had gone by with nighttime arriving. The stars were twinkling as a waning crescent moon  glowed brightly in the dark sky and back at the guild hall, Macao howled at it much to the annoyance of everyone there. Erza was leading the chosen seven transformed wizards along a well-worn trail in the East Forest that lead to the old, abandoned sawmill. They were about ten minutes away from their destination.

Said group ,except for Erza who watched with Bisca, Makarov, and Mira, were tortured by Zane all day in order to learn how to control their new bodies. Their work paid off as they had all learned how to wield their power to a decent extent around late evening. However, the incomplete Guild Hall had suffered a great setback from the group's torture session. Lucy was lagging at the back with her floating rather than walking.

The girl moaned out,"I really hate this now. At first, I liked not being a disgusting form but Zane is a monster!". "And you didn't believe us. So mean Lucy." said Gray, shaking his head. "And once we save Kaida, Levy, and Sly plus take down those assholes, we'll be back to normal." said Stella as she tried to figure it out. "How do you figure?" said Happy. "Isn't it obvious? Zane is the only one who knows how that watch works. I'm sure he can fix it." said Stella.

Laki sighed as she said,"Stella. I know that you're pining for Zane but why didn't Sly do it when Bimbo's group attacked the guild hall.". "To be fair Laki, Zane doesn't seem like the sharing type since he didn't tell you wizards his past until how long in his tenure of the guild? About A month or so." said Vance. "But also, Sly was really mad at that knight lady. So do you know why Sly hated her? Zane didn't mean it either right?" said Natsu.

Gray shrugged as he said,"I don't know Natsu. All I know is that we need to rescue the girls and stop Bimbo from using the charm to do whatever she's planning.". "Um. Shouldn't turning us back to normal be just as important if not more?" said Lucy. "I'm okay with staying like this Lucy since I'm strong now and powerful. Check out these guns!" said Happy, flexing. The transformed seven wizards were hit in the back of their heads as Erza sighed.

Erza heard in her head,"You're welcome by the way Prude Knight. A thank you is in order. I mean you don't know how hard it is to psychically smack seven people from where I am at the moment because I'm forced to watch Bimbo gush to the flutist about her mistress. She hasn't changed the last time I saw her except for her outfit. If you're wonder if she's always been dressing like a stripper, she always has since I've known her.".

Erza sighed as she said,"Fine. Thank you Zane. So are you in position?". "Yep. Just remember to put in those and the flutist will be no problem. From what I gathered from everyone memories of her, her flute is pretty potent unlike Lullaby. It's looks new compared to that hunk of wood. My daughter, my girlfriend, and my partner are in trouble and our main priority is getting them back. Do all of you understand me?" said Zane's voice in their heads.

The six wizards and two felines looked at each other and nodded. As they continued down the path to the water mill, Natsu said,"So I'm sure that Zane has a plan and we have our plan. Did you ever tell us yours Erza?". Before she could answer, the trail let the group toward a rather thick patch of bushes. She gave them a hand signal, telling them to be quiet. She gave them a hand signal, telling them to be quiet.

Erza peeked right through the foliage with her spotting the old water mill five hundred yards ahead through the forest. She turned back and whispered,"The water mill is just up ahead. Lucy. I need you to summon Virgo.". "Seriously? Your plan is the masochist? How dumb do you think Bimbo is now Prude Knight? She'll notice a hole in the ground. Just get over to me and you'll be my assistance. I'm thinking a bunny costume and I mean the unsexy kind." said Zane's voice.

Erza narrowed her eyes as she lightly growled out,"Ignore him Lucy. Do it.". Lucy rapidly nodded as she pulled off one of the golden keys from her key ring and held it out in front of her. "Open! Gate of the Maiden! Virgo!" said Lucy. With a sound of a bell, the pink haired maid appeared out of the ground and looked at Lucy plus the others. She shrugged as she bowed at them. She was unaffected by Lucy's transformation. "You summoned me princess? What can I do for you?" said Virgo.

The group there paused for a moment even Vance being that he had met Virgo being that this wasn't normal for her. "Hold on. You're not at the least concern with how Lucy and the rest of us except for Erza look like this." said Gray. Virgo looked at Gray with her saying,"Two reasons. I don't judge how my master look likes. Very unprogressive of you Gray was it?". "I don't want to look like this Birgo!" said Lucy in an angry tone.

Laki looked at Virgo with her saying,"And what's the other reason?". "Is it obvious? You look like Master Zane's forms and I recall him doing this prank once before. It was quite funny how he make Leo into what was it again?" said Virgo, cupping her chin. "It was Hulking Form." said Zane's voice. "That's right! Good times." said Virgo. "Zane. Please tell me that you weren't planning on doing this like you did with the Soul Swap spell." said Erza.

Zane whistled with him saying in their heads,"I can't not deny or prove that I wouldn't without my team of lawyers present. I'm still missing a vessel for Prude Knight. Would Buzzkill Form work or maybe Crazy Cat Nun Form work?". "Are those real forms?" said Vance. Virgo shrugged as Erza said with her ignoring Zane."Virgo. Natsu told me that he was pulled into the Spirit World when you were summoned somewhere else. That would be correct right?".

Virgo nodded as she said,"Yes. By holding onto me, he too passed through the gate. Remember the day we met Princess. It was a good time for me. I hope it was for you as well. I called you ugly and my master was half mole. Good times.". "So I'm going to guess your plan Erza and while I may disagree with it, it will get me back to normal right?" said Lucy. "Yes. It will Lucy. Lets do this gang." said Erza.             

Inside of the sawmill, Bimbo was pacing side-to-side in vigorously, muttering words too low and in French. Who knew Bimbo another language? In the last few hours, Bimbo had called upon some hired help ,from a local dark guild temp agency called Goons-For-Sale, in case he showed up or Fairy Tail ignored her demand. It was more of the former rather than the latter but she had to be careful for anything that could happen. Doesn't hurt to be prepared.

Nearly five dozen Dark Guild wizards ,all nameless and male by the way, were in the building somehow. Some were sitting on old barrels and stacks of lumber while others were fighting hand to hand for fun. One of the wizards timidly approached his boss and he asked,"Mistress. Pardon me for asking but shouldn't the Fairy Tail wizards have been here by now?". The woman ceased pacing and turned to him.

The man took a step back being that her pink eyes were glowing with rage. "Patience you idiot. I can feel them coming and to be more specific, the Absolute Wishes Charm is getting closer to me. Soon, I will have my mistress back." said Bimbo, giggling. As on que or fate pick your answer, the main doors to the building opened or fell over. This place is really old you know. The duo of Galdox and Krest walked in with the group of Gray, Happy, Laki, Lucy, Natsu, Stella, and Vance between them.

It was obvious to the group that most of the wizards there were clearly hired help. I mean they had that look to them you know. The Fairies were not impressed in the slightest. "They're here Mistress." said Galdox. "This is your guild hall. I have to say that I'm not impressed in the slightest." said Natsu with his arms crossed. "We don't have a permanent place of residence since you got my first guild disbanded by the Council." said a familiar voice.

The trio of wizards and Happy turned around to see a familiar face, sitting on his scythe with Gray saying,"You! I thought you were arrested by the Magic Council!". "Yeah! Who is that again? I honestly forgot." said Happy. "Erigor, the Grim Reaper." said Stella with Lucy shivering. The man smiled as he said,"So the lizard woman knows who I am. Colored me impressed. We may be a nomad group but we're always look for a place to live. Maybe yours.".

Stella growled at him as Bimbo coughed. "Focus Erigor. You and your men work for me under the promise of his head. So like where is the Absolute Wishes Charm? I know you have it on you." said Bimbo. Lucy reached for her skirt pocket and pulled out the trinket. "Here. We kept our end of the bargain. Now let Kaida, Levy, and Sly go." said Lucy. "So why did she get to give them the trinket?" whispered Vance.

Laki turned to him and she whispered,"Because you drew the wrong straw. Suck it up you big baby.". Vance growled and rolled his eyes. "Fine. Bring them here Vela!" said Bimbo. Vela ,who was sitting on a barrel aka the one holding the Z.E.R.O. Watch, nodded as she played the flute. As this was going on, Cole was singing the ultimate Beer Song being that Athena was enjoying it since she likes happy sounding country music mainly when Zane sings it

The transformed Fairies were getting ready to dance but Vela's target wasn't them. Three members of the hired help were dancing the macarena being that Kaida, Levy, and Sly were with them and held in ropes. "You guys! We missed you a lot! Is he here?" said Kaida, looking for Zane. "Not really. It wasn't that bad here. Vela isn't that bad of a poker player. I can at least win a game with her unlike with him. He doesn't even use his powers and he win!" said Sly.

Levy sighed as she said,"Focus Sly.". "Here they are. Now, give me the Absolute Wishes Charm and I give them back to you." said Bimbo. Lucy walked forward, holding the trinket in hand. As she drew closer, Athena and Cole noticed that the watch was beeping. "You don't think it's him right?" said Athena. "Seriously? You're asking that. It's Zane." said Cole. "Oh right. Sorry. It's been so boring in this barrel." said Athena.  Lucy stopped in her tracks and smirked. "Now!" thought Lucy.

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