Friday, November 22, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 43 Erza vs Zane equals trouble in Fairy Tail Section 1 (Written on December 10 2021)

This post is a part of Fairy Legion Chapter 43 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Fairy Legion Chapter 43. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

A/N: This title may not make any sense but that's normal for me and my stories. I should also mention that I'm sorry. I didn't get out the last episode on Saturday but Thursday. I was going to get out by then like I did with the two previous chapters but I had a blast writing that chapter. I should also mention that Zane may be transforming people into his forms in Zero but not for comedy like I did with Erza and Natsu.

Bimbo and Engineer won't be the only villains from Zero who may show up in Fairy Legion but only if I decide if they could live this far into the future. Remember how I mentioned that Zane made the Life Serum ,which comes from Zane's Abilities, which can extend the human life expectancy rate but I didn't mention how long a normal person would live for. So I decided to do some research on this and the Oldest People Article is where I got this number.

I added up the top ten people's years and days and divided the number by ten. A quick clarification on that number's origin. I made every year three hundred and sixty five days. My total number is 118 years and 59 days. You then times my total number by 5, you get 236 years and 118 days. That's a pretty impressive life and that's including not having a fatal disease or dying for an another person such as a gunshot. 

Here's some facts I found out while doing my research. Among the top ten oldest people, the amount of people who live to one hundred and seventeen years old is very common being that seven of them live to a hundred and seven. Also of the top ten oldest people, three people lived in Japan, two people lived in the United States of America, and one person lived in Canada, Ecuador, France, Italy, and Jamaica. I just for that interesting.

The main thing I'm going to talk about in this Fairy Legion Author Note is Heros and how lazy it is compared to the other spinoffs involving Fairy Tail characters. This is not a review since I'm going to review it as a whole once it's finished since I doubt it's going to be that long or will it? Fifty fifty on that but I'll say this. Iron Man may be the glue that connected the MCU even after Endgame but Plue is the one who connects the Hiroverse.

Still coming up with a name but he's in all of them and unlike a certain blue-haired prick, I like Plue and that's why Zane calls him Master Plue. The more you know. I've talked about the spinoffs before in the past being that my favorite one is Fairy Tail Cops edition since it's just funny but all of them do some different with the Fairy Tail IP. Now imagine this, combine the characters of Edens Zero, Fairy Tail, and Rave Master and put them in one story. So what do you get?

Is it a rich and enriching crossover that makes fans of one series check out another? Or is it a cash grab and shows how lazy an artist can be aka Hiro. It's the latter being that this is the FOURTH time he's used Jellal's character time. I may mentioned to it before when I reviewed Edens Zero where he had Robot Happy and the duo of Space Erza and Jellal. This may be nothing new to him since he's been doing this since Fairy Tail way back in the day.

Rave Master and Fairy Tail were identical in terms of art style but Fairy Tail evolved into its own creation over time. Siegrain and Jellal may have been in the same series but they were in the same person so it wasn't so bad in my books. However this doesn't apply to he trio of Anna, Layla, and Lucy who have the exact same appearance and voice actress in the English Dub but they are treated as different fucking characters.

I mentioned that this is lazy since you could have just replaced Anna with Layla easily since they would have fulfilled the same role in the series. I may do that since Anna ,in my opinion, doesn't add too much to the series beside having another busty female in a series filled to the brim. My big takeaway from this is Heros is lazy art and kinda an okay story as of Chapter 5. For my money, read Fairy Tail 100 year quest since it's really good and adds to the world in a good way.

Heck, it does something better than the main series such as showing off side characters and bringing some amazing moments for Laxus who is my favorite character within the series. He'll be showing up in this chapter spoiler alert. Yeah. This is a short author note compared to what's coming up in the future. This one will be a long episode and I should mention that this episode will have a lot of fighting in it. The title says it all so lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V. 
Today was going to be a slow work day being that there was a massive heat wave pouring into Magnolia. According to the meteorologists, it was going to be a solid 98 degrees out but it was increasing to 103 degrees and rising. For normal people, it would be deadly but for one being of the Omniverse. It was pretty normal since he spend an unhealthy amount of time in a volcano during his training.

At the rebuilt bar of the Fairy Tail Guild Hall, Zane was in Archfiend Form. Zane was a 4 foot tall scarlet red demon. He looks to be a demon with elements of a gremlin and imp hybrid plus some other things. His two green eyes with black pupils and has spiked ears. His body is slightly muscular but overall, he’s rather skinny. He wears a black and white helmet over his head with red googles but only wears them when things are serious or when he’s working on an invention.

He wears a black and white short sleeve t-shirt and black pants that have two white lines around the end of his pants. He wears black fingerless gloves with white cuffs. He has a long tail being that the end of it is an a arrow-headed spade. He wears durable yet flexible metal plates over his shoulder and knuckles. He doesn’t wear shoes, revealing his five toes with claws. His five fingers also have claws on them.

Zane also wears a backpack on his back. His bag is a black color with red straps and small pockets on either side of it. He had several items that was nearby him and they were in neatly grouped in piles across the countertop. There were metal mechanical parts, bolts and screws, a glass cylinder-shaped tank, various hoses, cooper wire, and a lacrima crystal that he got from Crystal Peak. In his arm's range, there were tools as well such as a screwdriver, pliers, and a hammer.

He held his chin with him looking at the piled items and began humming a tune while doing so. He examined each part he had collected and memorized them. Once he finished his analysis, he closed his eyes as a blueprint began to form in his mind. After a second, Zane opened his eyes and his smile grew bigger. "Brain Blast! I got it!" said Zane. He had everything that he needed to begin his pet project to get Sly to shut up.

It had been a few ,about three, days after the Transformation Fiasco which was coined by Levy and Zane in a cute couple moment between the two much to Bisca, Juvia, Mira, and Stella's ire. As Zane had expected, the reward for taking it Bimbo and her minions was used for repairs. Lucy was the most bummed about this but could understand since the destruction inflicted on the still incomplete Guild Hall by them during training was a great deal.

Said damage was created by Zane who was using Droy ,in Orb Form, as a ball to spike into the ground while trying to hit the other transformed wizards to increased their dodging abilities. Makarov's soul came out at least thirty times during this training session and well, it was within the first two hours of the almost eight hours training session. Zane was unaffected by this since Zane had some spare parts that he "borrowed" from Phantom Lord's giant in order to require what he need.

The Magic Council had dismantled it and it was done by Ira who used Fire Magic to do that. "This is going to be excellent. I got everything I need to shut her up for now." said Zane. "Zane. I know that you're trying to stop Sly for complaining about it but do you have to sound like an evil genius while doing it? And aren't you forgetting something?" said Twilight. "I'm stealing your line here Kane. It's Zane. What do you think?" said Azalea.

Kane shrugged as he said,"I don't care plus you did the line well Azalea. Oh and she's right by the way Zane.". "Wait. Do you mean Azalea or Twilight?" said Cole. "Both and don't you think I forgot about the music. Remember what my mom taught me. Music makes everything better especially inventing! Lets go! Go! Go!" said Zane, putting his goggles down and turned on a song from his phone. It was Back in Black from from AC/DC or should I say Led Zepplin.

I'm not serious about that. He began going to work on constructing a metal sphere. It was the main body of the device he was working on being that it was made from several metal panels that he gathered earlier in the days leading up to this. Once finished with that, he threw in a very good assortment of mechanical parts, tubes, hoses, wires, and lastly the lacrima. Zane jumped in next with him arranging and interlacing parts together.

An hour had passed with the rest of Fairy Tail gathering at the still incomplete Guild Hall. Some were helping in constructions while others were taking breaks by relaxing at the bar. It was mainly the latter given the heat wave. Vance was on the ground, sweating up a storm. This mainly consisted of the duo of Cana and Kaida with the former drinking from a barrel of beer and the latter drawing a picture of Torrent Form shocking Erza in Gluttony Form.

Cana wasn't effected by the heat too much she wears very little clothing to begin with and she's drinking a lot of booze to keep herself hydrated. Kaida was the same except she was too focused on her drawing to noticed the heat. "Should you really be drawing that? Erza may not like it too much due to that being an embarrassing but hilarious moment for her." said Cana. "So? I mean papa asked me to do this and I can't let him down again!" said Kaida.

The drunk sighed as she said,"I honestly don't think Zane was mad at you for what happened Kaida. He's told you that right?". Kaida nodded her head. Sly ,in her dragon form, flew over with her saying,"He did but Kaida is an Alvarez meaning that we're stubborn beyond belief.". "Ain't that the truth? Even after he was the one who made the guild look like a dump, he refused to help whatsoever. He's kinda a jerk sometimes." said Cana.

Sly shrugged as she said,"Yeah but I'm used to that by now. It's kinda just a thing me and him do since he's building that for me finally!". She squealed at the end of it with Cana and Kaida looking at each other before shrugging. Later, Team Natsu arrived on the site and approached the bar area. The blue feline was like Vance in the fact that his fur was boiling him a lot. Erza was using sheer will to ignore the heat but it was difficult.

Earthland's sun blazing light on her made her into a walking stove. Gray and Lucy ,mainly the former, were trying the best to keep as much clothing on as possible. Natsu was doing the best out of his team since he could handle the heat but was sweating a good bit and quite parched. Natsu burped out a torrent of fire with him saying,"And that was an amazing breakfast!". He had a satisfied smile on his face with Happy not responding with his signature Aye Sir.

This is due to him being covered in fur and his face grimaced with unbridled heat. "This is too hot. I want to go back home Natsu!" whined Happy. Natsu was quiet being that steam was coming out of his mouth. The duo of Happy and Natsu began waving their arms and legs like babies with the duo crying out,"We should be home right now! This isn't fair.". "Suck it you two! You're not the only ones dying from the heat!" said Erza, causing the boys to stop complaining.

Lucy pondered as she said,"I wonder why Zane couldn't join us this morning since Erza was buying as an apology for yesterday.". "Yeah. He told me and Natsu that we were spared training so we could focus on rebuilding or something." said Gray. "I guess you're thankful about that huh Gray?" said Lucy, elbowing him. "Yeah. You only had to do eight hours." said Gray. Erza ,who had been turned back to normal, looked around as she said,"Then where is he? Gray. Your clothes.".

The ice wizard blinked at this before looking at himself. He was wearing only his boxers with him saying,"I honestly don't care.". "What a loser!" said Natsu. Lucy snapped her fingers in annoyance as Happy noticed this and he said,"And why did you do that Lucy?". "Because I bet Stella ten jewels that he could last until lunch time without taking off his clothes." said Lucy. "That was a stupid idea Lucy." said Happy in a deadpanned tone. "Well at least, it wasn't with Zane." said Lucy.

Happy nodded as he said,"Yeah. Who in their right mind would make a bet with him?! I mean he has a way for always winning according to Sly.". Natsu stopped laughing with Gray laughing at him. "I think he's talking about you pyro!" said Gray. Natsu got up in Gray's face with him saying,"Oh screw you idiot!". "You would say that moron! Think before you speak!" yelled Gray. The two began fighting with fire and ice breaking out.

Instead of Erza stopping this fight, it was Lucy. She did this by slamming their heads together hard and caused them to collapsed to the ground next to each other. The red bumps on their foreheads throbbed in pain. This was a shock to Happy. "Whoa! I didn't see that coming!" said Happy. "No fighting you two! I'm pretty sure that you two have caused more damage to the guild hall so no more fighting understand?!" said Lucy.

She cracked her knuckles with the two nodding. "Yes ma'am." said Gray and Natsu. "Wow. You're serious today Lucy. What's the occasion?" said Erza. "Erza! Isn't it obvious? Lucy has been replaced by an alien! I mean think about it! She's stopping Gray and Natsu from fighting like you do! It's like that movie Zane told me and Vance about!" said Happy. "That isn't it Happy. I just want to get back to work." said Lucy. "Like I said Erza, aliens." said Happy.

Lucy sighed at this response with her noticing Levy and Mira walking by them. She was carrying two items being that the first item was a wooden box filled with apples, bananas, grapes, pineapple, and a good amount of fruits. The other item was a large tub of ice and sugar. Much to her shock, Mira was doing alright but she was slightly sweating."Good morning you guys. You guys ready for something awesome?" said Mira in her cheerful tone.

The bookworm looked at her as she said,"That's something Sly said being that she's really excited about it today according to Zane.". "Morning you two." said Lucy. Erza looked at the items they were holding and she said,"So what's with the box of fruits, the ice, and sugar?". "Is this for a prank?" said Happy. "For once no." said Mira. "It's for something that Sly has been begging Zane to do since they came to this dimension. According to Zane, it would help with the heatwave." said Levy.

Levy smiled as she said,"And Zane told me that you're weak for letting the heat defeat you and will be taking money for creating a new beverage for the guild.". Gray and Natsu grunted as they returned to their feet, rubbing their sore heads while doing so. "Zane is here? Should have expected that to be honest." said Gray. "And what you mean by that Levy?" said Natsu with him sweating rivers. This isn't that strange since we've seen people cry waterfalls in this dimension.

The blond ooked at them with her saying,"So do you know what he's doing?". "I can't tell you since Zane told me not to." said Levy. "Really? You're not telling us because Zane told you to. I know that you two are dating but he doesn't control you." said Erza. "Oh I know but trust me. I would tell you but then, I wouldn't get one of his famous massages and it's amazing." said Levy. "He does massages? Is there anything he doesn't do?" said Gray, Happy, Lucy, and Natsu.

Said group thought about it as Erza agreed being that Zane always knew how to do something. "I got it you guys! Zane can't be nice to Erza!" said Natsu. "Nah. That can't be it Natsu. It's obviously trying to increase the fish population." said Happy, drooling a bit. "Maybe if you don't want lose fish, you should stop eating so many." said Lucy. "So where is he?" said Gray. "Behind the bar. You can't miss him so lets go." said Mira.

The white haired maiden and bookworm led the team over to the bar area. Over the bar, there was a black tarp ,with the logo ZI on it and a molten gold, over it. From inside of the trap, there was a hammer bangs, parts being screwed together, technical gibberish that no could understand, and a guitar with the latter being the loudest. Levy and Mira set the box of fruit, ice, and sugar down close to the tarp. "I got this. We're back!" said Levy.

Something pulled up the cover and walked out. It was Zane but in Inventor Form. He's 8 feet tall. His body is coal black with him having a cyber and science fictions theme very much like some of his robotic forms. His body is skinny but has he does have muscles. His face is divided perfectly by a giant white stripe starting from the middle of his forehead and down to his chin. He has two slanted oval shaped light green eyes.

He has a port ,which looks like a USB port, where his nose would normally be. His mouth is a straight line. His arms, chest, and legs are covered with black and glowing yellow circuits. His four fingers, three toes, and two palms are electrical wires. They're strung together to look like a normal fingers, toes, and palms. His palms are circular ports being that he’s wears a long dark blue sleeveless trench coat with it having a rather high collar that covers his chin.

He can make it cover his mouth and nose if he pleases at the time but it wasn't right now. He wears gray pants with cybernetic boots. "Thank you Levy and Mira. You two are good girls." said Zane with his voice having a techno filter to it. "No problem Zane. I have to say that your house has so many rooms. May I ask why?" said Mira. "Trade secret Mira. Prime's policy. Don't call me Zane for pizza's sake. I'm just Zone and hey Team Natsu. How's life treating you?" said Zone.

Lucy looked at him with her saying,"I'm oddly getting used to you being in one of your forms and kinda happy I didn't turn into that. So what are you doing? You missed breakfast with us and after Natsu invited you yesterday.". "Yeah! And you made me and Gray not have a day of training!" said Natsu. "Yeah. That's a real shame," said Gray. "I can hear you Gray and well, I wasn't going to get since I told Natsu no at least five times yesterday." said Zane.

Lucy turned to Natsu who whistled. "You told me he said yes!" said Lucy. "I may have fudge the truth a bit there Luce but don't worry. He'll come next time for sure." said Natsu. "Don't count on it Hatchling and like I told Mira, it's a trade secret. Kinda had to get started on this so I didn't have to deal with a certain Akostar's bitching!" said Zone. "Screw you Zane!" shouted Sly as she flipped him off. "You would!" said Zane's voice inside of the tent.

Erza sighed as she said,"So what are you doing?". She was going to remove the tarp and find out what he was doing. However, she stopped herself. "Smart move Prude Knight. The Prime hates having the trick revealed and right now, he just made a level 10 plasma cannon out of a single screw. He didn't even use any nanomachines. I think he has to finish up the refrigeration system so it remains cold, induct the power source, and add the weapons system." said Zone.

Happy blinked as he said,"Wait. Did you just say weapons system?". Zone nodded as he said,"That I did Happy and that's because......". He looked over to his left to see Natsu helping himself to the fruit Mira had gotten Zane. "Yep. I have no idea what you just said but this is really good fruit." said Natsu. "And why the hell are you eating something that isn't yours? That's stealing palin and simple Hatchling." said Zone.

Natsu shrugged as he said,"I can't help it. The fruit smells so good and I'm still kinda hungry from breakfast.". He then took a big bite out of a watermelon. Lucy looked at him with her saying,"You're still hungry?! You ate ten plates of food this morning at Heaven's Paradise. Thanks for showing us that place Levy.". "You're welcome." said Levy. "Natsu I think I shouldn't have to say this but stop eating the fruit." said Zone in a tone that was clearly saying that he was joking around.

Natsu laughed as he said,"Yeah right. I'm supposed to be scared of you like this. I mean you're like that form with the needles. Not a threat like the other ones.". He kept chowing down on the fruit with Zone shrugging. "Well. I warned him. Time to use that to finish the job. Learn your place." said Zone. He turned into Nano Form, shrinking out of their sight within microseconds. He flew onto the dragon slayer at at the base of his neck or his shoulder.

Zone smiled as he pinched a very specific nerve on him. Suddenly, Natsu's eyes popped open with him backwards in a limp. Everyone look on in shock and surprise. "What just happened to Natsu you guys?! Was the fruit poisoned by Zane in revenge?!" said Happy. He saw a fish within the box. As he was about was like his partner on the floor. "And now Happy has fallen to the box. What will happen next is the question? Ten Jewels says it's Elfman." said Laki. "Isn't it obvious? It's Papa!" said Kaida.

Zone appeared on the countertop with him shocking the guild. "And the prime's cute yet genius daughter gets it right again. She totally gets it from you Levy even though she didn't come from you or the prime in any way. The Prime just hope she doesn't gets his amazing personality." said Zone. Gray looked at the still passed out Happy and Natsu with him saying,"So what did you do to them man? This form of yours come with a drug that can knock out idiots like these two.".

Zone shook his head as he said,"Nope. It's a simple trick the Prime learned when he was four. His paternal grandma taught it to him unintentionally when she knocked out his dad for making him cry and it's the Astral Clamp. According to her, it can subdue all enemies. I apply pressure near the base of the victim's neck and at the shoulder. This renders the target unconscious within seconds and the victim is too slow to complain about it.".

Some of the other Fairy Tail wizards had witnessed the scene in shock. Macao and Wakaba ,who were sitting nearby at a table enjoying their day drinking, stared at this in awe and disbelief being mainly the latter rather than the former. "Wow. Did you see that?" said Wakaba. "I think the guy's main superpower is shocking us." said Macao. Erza looked on with wide eyes. She too along with the other wizards who witness the scene with a bamboozled look.

She was slightly impressed that Zane could defeat someone on Natsu's level with the ability to shrink but it's always the small ones who can pull off the most impressive feats. It's that or it was the quiet ones. On the floor, Natsu gritted his teeth as he tried to move but couldn't. "What did you do to me? I can't move!" yelled Natsu. "Oh right. I grabbed the nerve that caused instant body paralysis. I did grabbed you to shut you up but oh well. You'll be back to normal in ten minutes." said Zone.

Zone deactivated the form before going back into Inventor Form. "And now, you'll learn not to take what doesn't belong to you. You won't but I'm a hopeful yet petty guy." said Zone, smirking. The fire dragon slayer turned his head to the side with him muttering something incoherently. He had an angry expression on his face. "Come on Natsu. You shouldn't say that. I mean you know how good his ears are." said Stella from her barstool.

Gray nodded as he said,"Yeah. I mean he'll only make the training worse for you. I think he wanted to try something called the Human Centrifuge. I wonder.". He reached for Stella's shoulder but instead of pulling off the move, he was giving a very swift boulder to the nuts and this caused him to double over in pain. "Learn your place Gray." said Stella, sipping her drink and mimic Zane. "I can't believe that something so tiny defeat Natsu." said Elfman.

Zone looked at Elfman with him saying,"I should tell you this Elfman. One's size has never been a factor in their strength. Remember Krest? I call him Lennie and his brother George. Krest may have the same magic as the coward and Titan Form at his disposal but I could have defeated him using Gluttony Form which Prude Knight was the other day. In a fight, the best weapon a fighter could have is their mind and how they use their knowledge.".

Erza smiled in agreement and admiration. "Why can't he be like this all of the day rather than some of the time?" thought Erza. "That's so manly!" yelled Elfman. He was going to hit Zone in the back but his hand went right through Zone being that he turned into nanomachines. Elfman joined the duo of Happy and Natsu on the ground with him saying,"Don't touch me or my stuff got it?". "Yes. We won't do it again." said Elfman, Happy, and Natsu.

A minute later, Zone went back to work on his project with Zane behind the trap. Team Natsu ,except for the titular Natsu who still on the floor with Elfman and Happy, sat around and waited for their friend to finish. They were curious as to what Zane was doing being that Zone mentioned that it was going to shut her up about the biggest problem they're up against. The only thing that they could hear behind the tarp was very insane laughter and music.

This caused Lucy to jump back in fear with a few wizards laughing at this. Vance ,who embraced the saying curiosity killed the cat, decided to sneak a peek under the trap and earned himself a boxing glove to the face. Ten minutes passed and during that time, Zone came out and grabbed the two boxes before heading back to under the tarp. The others looked on in confusion to what Zane was doing being that the sound of a motorcycle engine caught them off guard.              

The engine stopped with Zane ,in Archfiend Form, stepped out from behind the tarp. "Zone is gone now but now, my partner will finally shut the fuck about this! Like for the gods sake! It isn't that big of a deal!" said Zane. "It is too Zane!" said Sly. The two glared at each other with Team Natsu, the floor trio (Elfman, Happy, and Natsu), Kaida, Levy, and Mira approached the bar. Cana and Stella turned their attention toward the group as Zane deactivated Archfiend Form.

He shook as he said,"Oh wow. I forgot how much Archfiend Form makes you really violent. Kinda thankful I got stuck with building rather than fighting.". "So what did you build exactly?" said Gray as he crossed his arms. "Well, I think it's time to show you. Ladies and gentleman. Let me present to you...." said Zane, holding onto the tarp. "Come on Zane! Show them already! I need it right now and I'll kill you if you don't give it to me!" said Sly, clutching Zane's shirt.

Lucy blinked as she said,"I kinda like when she's the chill one between the two of them. Anyone else agree with me?". Zane lightly removed Sly from him and placed her on the ground. "Take a deep breath Sly. I know that you're obsessed with them but patience is a virtue." said Zane. "Find but you better have gotten the good stuff!" said Sly. "Of course I did. Zenith Industries always goes for the best my dear pal. Let me introduce the Legion Void Knight Slushie Maker!" said Zane.

The tarp was removed being that on the countertop, there was a black cube-shaped contraption with steel gray highlights. Decorated on the sides was the word "Fantasia" painted in bubbly, dark indigo letters and emblazoned alongside it was the Zenith Industries logo of "ZI" painted crimson red. On top was a clear see-through tank filed with a molten-gold substance that looked to be slushy. Poking out from the front of a tank was a nozzle that look to belong to a drink dispenser. 

The group eyed the peculiar device with confusion, intrigue, and fascination. They had never seen anything like it before but that was normal for Zane. "Legion Void Knight Slushie Market?" said Lucy. "It's a mouthful I know but honestly, my naming abilities like my song writing haven't gotten better over time." said Zane, shrugging. "Hold on. Sly mentioned something about Slushies before and how we don't how them in this dimension." said Gray.

Sly nodded as she said,"I did and I'm finally thankful that my idiot partner did something about this injustice eve since we've been her in this dimension. I was going to revolt if I didn't have a Gluttony Form surprise. I've been craving it . HINT HINT.". "So was she really going to revolt if she doesn't receive this slushie." said Erza, crossing her arms. "Yes and no. She was going to revolt but I don't blame her. It's a delicacy after all but I have more than one favorite type of drink." said Zane.

Vance looked at Sly and then Zane. "So let me get this straight. It was Sly who was going to destroy everything just because of a frozen drink and not Zane." said Vance. "Yeah. I'm shocked to but I got standards." said Zane, shrugging. "That is kinda no super pathetic." said Vance. Sly looked at Vance with her saying,"Oh Vance. You don't understand. Slushies are a way of life and the ones from our favorite restaurant Fantasia are the best drink in the Omniverse.".

The Akostar's response caused the wizards around her groan in annoyance being that it didn't take a detective or even a psychic detective ,being that this song is one of Zane's many ringtones in Fairy Legion, to tell her that they were expecting something greater. "This is what you were working on man? Kinda lame." said Gray with a bag of cement in front of his junk. "Put some clothes on right now Gray!" said Erza who was cooking in her armor.

Here's some advice. Take off the armor. "A frozen drink?! That isn't manly! Not at all!" said Elfman as Sly kicked Elfman in the face, causing him to pass out plus the heat wasn't helping. "Elfman! Why did you do that to him Sly?" said Mira, turning to Sly. "Because Mira. This isn't some drink. It's a way of life! An absolute necessity to bring peace into the Omniverse! I may not have like them at first but I love them now!" said Sly.

There were more groans after what Sly said being that they were really hoping that Zane would do something about the heat. Sly turned to her partner with her having an idea to convince the rowdy wizards. "Okay then. I think I understand. Zane. You should show them the majesty of the Fantasia Slushies asap! I promise that it will beat the heat." said Sly. Zane crossed his arms as he said,"Um sure. I'll need about twenty Jewels and stopping sounding like a car salesman.".

Sly looked at him as she said,"Why? I thought you made this for me.". "Um no. As the owner of the Fantasia brand since I was eighteen years old and a business owner since I owned my first lemonade stand when I was nine years old, I kinda need to make a profit with my terribly name machine." said Zane. "Okay. Someone give him twenty Jewels." said Sly. The wizards looked at the duo with Mira saying,"Here you go Zane.".

She handled him the money and she smiled. "I think I owe you this much and more for everything you've done for me." said Mira as she looked into Zane's eyes. Zane smirked with him saying,"You don't owe me anything for saving you from the giant and Ruined Emerald Mira. We're friends now but maybe someday, we can be more than that if Levy allows it.". Mira smiled as Zane placed the money in his pocket. "Okay. Lets begin." said Zane. "Finally!" said Sly.

He picked a glass on the counter with him saying,"And I'll pick one of Fantasia's most popular drink to start things off. Let me see. Which one should I go with?". "Oh for crying out loud! I'll try it out since it's probably good and you pansies can't handle the good stuff!" said Cana. After she was called a pansy, Erza slammed her hand on the counter and breaking it. She was sweating a storm as she said in an angry tone,"I'll try this slushie as well since it's a challenge!".

Zane blinked with him saying,"Please calm down you two. You're turning into Sly with this and it's kinda concerning. Lets see. I think I'll go with two strawberries and a grape to start things off. They're simple yes but the two flavors are quite popular because of me being Legion Zero aka Earth's Protector and Riptide. I did drink a lot of this stuff back in the day but then I discovered booze or coffee and I haven't been the same since.".

He held it right under the nozzle and pulled down on the lever. A stream of semi-frozen purple substance poured from the dispenser and into the glass. Once it was full, he added the final touch and put in a straw. It was a steel gray color. He placed it to the side with him looking at Sly. "I may love the nectar of the gods but I won't take it from someone." said Sly. "Good. Lets go with the other two okay? I'll use the good old fashion method." said Zane.

He removed the top with him holding a bowl of bananas and strawberries. He made a block of his ice appear and popped the top on. "Zane! What are you doing to those strawberries?!" said Erza being that her favorite fruit in Earthland was in danger. "Calm your armored self down. I'm just giving them a more satisfying flavor." said Zane. He pushed a button on the side being that the machine activated once again.

The blades were tearing apart the bananas, ice, and strawberries like a bloody massacre just like the Church Scene in Kingsman. "What are you doing?!" shouted Erza who was in an absolute panic and horror as she watched the precious strawberries being ripped, torn and shredded into liquid. She didn't care about the bananas though so she would be a fruit racist right? To her, it looked like they were bleeding out and the container was filled with their blood.

She ran forward to try and save the precious fruits but Zane easily predict this. He held her in the air with his telekinesis being that Zane said,"Calm down Prude Knight! This is how you make slushies the original way! Plus I really don't want to rebuild this thing!". "You're murdering those beautiful and defenseless fruits like you did to those Phantom Lord Wizards!" said Erza. She was putting more of her strength into breaking out of Zane's psychic hold.   

Zane turned to the crowd with him saying,"So anyone mind if I knock her out or possible contain her for a bit longer? Natsu?". Natsu nodded being that despite him liking her, he knew when to stay out of her way when she was like this. The machine eventually came to an stop as the mixture finished getting blended. After this ended, Erza calmed down as Zane placed her down. He went over to the machine and pressed a button like he did before.

He put two new cups in front as two streams of semi-frozen reddish yellow substance poured from the machine. It went into the cups and like before, Zane placed a steel gray straw. Zane turned to the group and searched for someone else to try Fiore's first ever Fantasia slushies. He smiled as he said,"Here you go my beloved bookworm.". He offered the purple glass to Levy with Sly's eyes widening. "Her?! Not your favorite partner!" said Sly. "She's right Zane. I don't know." said Levy.

Zane sighed as he said,"Okay. Sly. If I give you one, you'll drink all of it and we're trying to increase our clientele. I also like Danny more than you. He's one of the few guys who I could see myself in a relationship with. Ignacio is another one. My point is also this. I want Levy to drink it since me and you share many interests. Our love of books, a love of romance, and grape themed items. Come on Levy. I know you can't refuse me especially when I bring this out.".

Levy looked at Zane with her saying,"Zane. Please....". He brought out his puppy dog eyes and to make sure he got what he wanted, he added the voice and the lip quiver. "Please. I want you to try my drink first since you're my girlfriend and you love me with all of your heart right? I mean you don't love me, you hate me right? I mean you like someone or you hate someone right?" said Zane. Like both Mira and Stella before her, she couldn't resist these eyes and the voice.

She took the glass from Zane as he smiled. "Thanks Levy. So how about the other two girls get their drink before starting?" said Zane. Cana and Erza looked at the mixtures on the counter being that the two of them were sure that Zane wasn't poisoning them. "So how about you try it Prude Knight? I mean you don't want to lose right?" said Zane as he made a chicken sound. He gave her the drink being that she looked uncomfortable. 

Instead of drinking it, she did something that no member of Fairy Tail every expected to see again in their lives. She became pale as her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she fainted and fell to the ground on her back. "Erza?!" said Lucy after seeing her faint. She knelt down and shook her body trying to wake her up to no avail. "You made Erza faint again!" said the guild being that the mighty Titania fainted because of a drink. That's sad.

Lucy yelled,"Do something to wake her up!". She was worried about her friend/teammate being that no one was going to approach her. "I'll handle this since it was kinda my fault that she fainted in the first place." said Zane. "And what do you need us to do?" said Gray. "Mira. I need a wet towel for the heatstroke right now. Prude Knight is an idiot for wearing this heavy duty armor in this heat." said Zane. Mira nodded as she went to get the item that Zane mentioned. 

Zane turned to Gray and Vance as he said,"From the two of you. I need a glass of water and booze right now Vance! Gray. Keep Sly from taking the slushies!". The two gave him a soldier like saluté as Gray looked at Sly with her shrugging and Vance ran off to get the H20. After a minute, Mira and Vance returned with their items as Zane grabbed them. "So how are you going to wake her up Doctor Professor?" said Cana.

She was wondered how you could wake up someone with a glass of booze, a glass of water, and a wet towel. The lush woman hoped he was going to splash the water on Erza's face. That would be amusing to see. "I'll place the wet towel on her forehead to keep her cool. Lucy, do you mind letting her rest on your lap?" said Zane. Lucy rapidly nodded as she placed Erza's head on her lap and Zane placed the towel on her head.

Zane held the glass of booze and water with Levy saying,"So what's that for?". " I drink this booze since I'm thirsty and I'll throw this water on myself to do embrace my inner Flashdance." said Zane as he did both things. Everyone face faulted and fell to the ground in a comical manner being that they pulled themselves up. "That isn't helping anyone!" said Gray. "I disagree. I was thirsty and felt like doing that stripper. Just give me the slushie that she was too scared to drink." said Zane.

Stella looked at him as she said,"Zane. I don't think you need another flashdance. You really shouldn't just relax while your comrade is out cold!". "I wasn't. Just trust me." said Zane. Stella looked at him as she could tell that he wasn't lying for once. She handed him the drink as Zane used his hand to open Erza's mouth. He slightly tipped the cup so that most of its contents would poured into her mouth, filling a good amount of it.

Zane gently closed her mouth and asked Lucy to tilt her back so she could unintentionally swallowed it all in a single gulp. For a second, nothing really happened being that Erza suddenly shot open being that she lifted herself back up. She held her head like she was in pain. "Oh god!" said Erza being that she was overcome by a chilling feeling that woke her up. After that, the feeling was going and turned to Zane who she blamed for this.

She grabbed him by the collar and began interrogating me. "What the hell did you do to me?!" said Erza as she made a sword appear by his neck. Before she could get too far, her intense migraine came back. This caused her to drop Zane and her sword. "Calm down Prude Knight. I woke you after you passed out. It wasn't from the slushie but the fact that you're wearing a suit of armor in this heat. Are you insane?!" said Zane.

Erza blinked at him for a moment before rubbing her head. She cleared her mind and recalled what happened to her. "I remember collapsing from seeing those beautiful and innocent strawberries being murdered by your machine and when you offered me their blood, I lost it. My mind saw your drink as the dead strawberries. I think there was a wonderful taste entering my mouth before feeling a cold breath of snow inside of my head." said Erza. 

Sly looked at her as she said,"That thing you taste was the amazing and totally sexy slushies that Zane made you graciously drink to wake you up. It's refreshing but cold being that Zane knew that it would wake up after you swallow such a large bunch.". Erza looked at Zane with her saying,"So could I have the slushie now?". She was a bit nervously after her embarrassing reaction when he offered it.

Zane smiled as he gave her the cup that still had the leftover amount he didn't force her to swallow earlier. "I'll liked mine as well if you don't mind." said Cana as Zane handled her the untouched slushies that was meant for her. The three woman took the glasses with the crowd watching the trio partake in the strange concoctions Zane just made for them. "Shouldn't you tell them not to drink it too fast or they'll get a brain freeze?" said Twilight.

Zane whistled with Twilight saying,"And this is why we call you a sadist Zane. You understand that right?". Cana took a good sip of her, Erza savored hers since it had strawberries, and Levy did the same as Cana. It was obvious to everyone in Fairy Tail that Erza reallly liked strawberries being that you could possibly defeat her using strawberries. This hasn't been confirmed since no one has dared tried that before.

When the icy, drink touched their taste buds, the trio stopped drinking. Everyone leaned in, curious to what he reaction would be. Cana looked more relax with her sucking on the straw and let out what sounded like a restrained hum of delight from her closed mouth. She pulled her lips away from the straw and smirked at Zane. "Not bad Zaney. These things pack a tasty punch." said Cana. "That's due to the booze I put in yours." said Zane. "Ah. I did taste some booze in them." said Cana.

Erza on the other hand had a different reaction. She continued to slurp the slushies till she sucked up every drop and separated her mouth from the straw. She took a deep breath with her eyes lighting up like stars and a healthy blush was on her face. Zane covered his ears as Erza released a really girly squeal that no one thought was possible from her. "This is so amazing!" said Erza. "Great. We have another addict." said Zane.

Sly shrugged as she said,"And that's bad because?". "Nothing really. I just wanted to make it known since addicts makes us some serious bank." said Zane. Levy's eyes turned to hearts and she turned to Zane. "It's so good!" said a gleeful Levy with squealing in joy. She hugged Zane with her giving him a kiss. The two were kissing for a few minutes as Cana said,"Oh wow. She's really in love with it or you.". "I think the drink." said Erza. "Maybe but Levy is a strange girl." said Cana.

After releasing Zane from her lips, everyone looked at Sly and Zane who fistbumped while Levy went back to her drink. "Another group of satisfied customers." said Zane. "That's very good but can I have one now?" said Sly. "No. Be patient. We need to make money." said Zane. Gray looked right at Levy with him saying,"Wow. I've known Levy for a very long time but I've never seen her like this before.". "And that would be?" said Lucy.

Gray turned to face Lucy with him saying,"So excited about something that isn't related to history or a book.". Levy was sucked down on the slushie very fast, getting lost in the wonderful taste of the beverage. "Um Levy. While I'm happy about you enjoying my product, you may want to take a breather. If you don't....." said Zane. Levy stopped sucking on the straw with her eyes widening. She fell to her knees, clutching her head in agony.

Cana looked at Erza as she said,"And that's what you did except you didn't faint beforehand.". "What the?! Why does my head feel like it's going to explode!" said Levy. "Sorry but you're suffering from what we in the world of doctor's called a brain freeze." said Zane. "A what freeze?!" shouted the others. "Did that drink freeze her brain Papa?!" said Kaida, slowly backing away from Zane and her face screamed scared.

Zane smiled as he said,"Don't worry Peanut. It's just a little headache caused by drinking a cold drink too fast. It'll go away in a minute or so. Just drink it slowly and you won't get one. Is it weird that this happened to most people I introduce slushies too? I mean Atem was the same way before he learned a very important lesson. It's better to be the tortoise rather than the hare.". "Okay. That's good." said the wizards.

Later, everyone ,with this including Cana, decided to try Zane's creation with the really awful name. All of the wizards who tried it seemed to enjoy it. Though they didn't love it like Sly does, they couldn't deny how good it was. Mira did ask Zane to teach her how to use the machine because they could use to make some extra business. Zane agreed if he gets seventy five percent of the profit gained by this device which she agreed to.

It took a minute for Mira to understand how it worked and to create a surplus of flavors. Everyone who wasn't working on the construction was chilling at the bar and tables but not the schoolyard since that would be silly. I mean there are no children card games to be played. They were instead talking and enjoying their slushies which they payed a Jewel for. They knew why Sly liked them so much since it's amazing.

Erza, Gray, Kaida, Levy, Lucy, Sly, and Zane were at the bar drinking their slushies with both Erza and Levy on their third slushies. They did heed Zane's advice and drank it slowly. Erza took a bit longer to learn this but she did. "So Zane. I was thinking about our job." said Levy. "Really? I was thinking about our job being on the beach with a nice big drink and a woman with nice big bags of ice for my head." said Zane. "Seriously. You're making another quote." said Sly.

Zane shrugged as the trio of Elfman, Happy, and Natsu finally regained motion. Natsu jumped up and threw his arms in the air. "Alright! We can move again!" yelled Natsu, exhaling a torrent of fire. "Aw man. I thought he would stay down there all day and he really needs to cool off." said Gray. "So your clone told us that they would be moving in ten minutes, it's been almost an hour since your clone performed Astral Clamp on them." said Lucy.

Sly looked at her with her saying,"Result may vary depending on the person especially though with I.Q of a child.". "That's insulting Sly. Kaida is way smarter than those three. I mean she was able to figure out how to read Uwaric with a couple of weeks. It still takes Danny two hours to read a simple line of the stuff." said Zane. "Yeah. He may have the brain of a super computer but he isn't on your level when it comes to remember pointless facts and info." said Sly.

Natsu turned himself toward Zane with him pointing an accusing finger at him. "There's no way that I'm letting you get away with that Zane! It's time to fight! I'm calling you out!" yelled Natsu with his fists engulfed in flames and ready to fight. Most of the present wizards groaned and face-palmed. It seems that Natsu was calling out Zane again. Even after Zane defeated him twice. "Seriously? Do you just like losing to me? I mean if that's your kink I wouldn't judge too much." said Zane.

He turned to Levy with him whispering,"Any information is good information mainly when it comes to the art of teasing fu.". "I think you owe me man! Your watch turned me and the others into your forms and I had to save your daughter from those guys! That's two things you owe me!" said Natsu with him smirking. Erza, Gray, Happy, Laki, Lucy, Stella, and Vance sweat dropped in annoyance with Vance saying,"Ash for brains. We helped you take down those idiots remember?".

Lucy nodded as she said,"And we saved Levy, Kaida, and Sly not just Kaida.". "For my first favor, I demand a rematch on two conditions. One, you can't go Astral and Orb Form. They were the ones who defeated me last time. Two, you can't use that Astral Clamp thingy!" said Natsu with him clearly ignoring Lucy and Vance. "Thingy?" said Athena and Cole. "I'm just plain confused why he added thingy in the first place because he got the name right." said Sivarth.

Erza placed her slushie down on the bar counter and stood up, glaring right at her pink haired love interest with her eyes glowing red. "Natsu. What did I say about fighting at the guild?" said Erza. "I need you to calm down Prude Knight. Anger makes you do stupid things and makes your ugliness more apparent. Is that right Kaida?" said Zane. "I guess so but I don't see it." said Kaida. "Okay. It seems that I'm alone in that thought but Natsu is right." said Zane.

Every wizard looked at Zane in shock with them murmuring with each other. "I can't believe it. Did Zane just admit that Natsu is right?" said Droy. "Believe it or not, he did." said Jet. "There's a first for everything." said Vance. "What do you mean he's right?" said Erza in a stern tone. "Calm down. You need a chill pill asap. Natsu did save Kaida, Levy, and Sly from Bimbo and her minions when I was unable to. I owe him that much." said Zane.

Erza looked at him with her saying,"I can't have you two fighting and cause more damage than we've already done.". "And you need not to worry about that either. Unlike the rest of you nimrods, I can contain my destruction to a single person. I promise that this will be quick and there will be not a single ounce of destruction toward the guild's construction. Trust me. Scouts honor!" said Zane as Sly sighed. "You were kicked out remember?" said Sly.

Levy looked at him with her saying,"Um context?". "Fine. I tied one of my admires to a tree on a camping trip when we were kids and well, she told her parents. As of now, I can't be in any scout group. Such a shame really. I would have made an excellent girl scout. They allow boys now. If girls can be in the boys scouts, boys should be allowed in the girl scouts." said Zane. Erza looked hard at Zane with her sighing heavily and gave him her approval with a nod.

If things were going to go out of control, she would step in to handle. She was always interested in seeing the fight between the superhero and her love interest. Zane smirked and he said,"Okay. Lets begin. Natsu. Bring it on.". "All right! I'm fired up!" said Natsu with his flames coursing around him and it was intense. "Are they seriously fighting again?" said a fearful Lucy since she was worried about her secret beau. "This will be fun." said Happy, enjoying his fish slushie.           

He got it from Mira earlier. "Yeah. Watching Natsu get his ass kicked by Zane is always funny. It's like every other day." said Gray, smirking. "So is him losing his clothes normal?" whispered Kaida to Levy. Gray was sitting in his boxers being that Levy nodded. "Yeah. According to him, his stripping habit is from his teacher." said Levy. "Excuses are still excuses Levy. That's something my papa says a lot." said Kaida. "That does sounds like him." said Levy and Sly.

Zane held his watch in front of him being that all wizards ,who were near by, stepped away from the upcoming fight. Erza stood by with her arms folding over her breastplate, looking right at Zane with her hoping that Zane wasn't lying. As Zane looked at Natsu with him saying,"Natsu. I'm sure you've seen me defeat countless opponents using my forms right? This one will do the job plus I'll keep my promise to Prude Knight.".

Natsu charged at Zane with flaming fists and he said,"You're going down Zane!". Zane smirked as he transformed into a fusion of Specter Form and Vampire Form, called Specter Vampire Form. His body was more see through with him looking more ghost like and vaporous. He’s seven feet tall. He has pale gray skin which looks semi-transparent and vaporous. His head is more cylindrical with his singular eye being in the center of it. His arms are well developed.

His body is completely covered in black cracks that connect to his eye. His eye has a bright red slit pupil and black iris. His mouth is closed with white ,shark like teeth, with two of them sticking out of his mouth and works as his fangs. He has a long black and white stripped tongue in his mouth and bat like ears. His hair is a white fog like ghostly plume that replaced his hair and looked like fire. He wears a black old and very ripped jumpsuit with a cowl like hood that he wears over his face.

It covers his entire face ,except for his chin, with his white bangs sticking out of the cowl. He has crimson red markings on his chest/stomach area, legs with it being two stripes, and shoulders. This also has gold chains on the front side of his body with bracelets/cuffs around his arms, neck, and waist and gold chains connected them together. He has a short red antenna with a disc shaped top in the center of his chest with it not interfere with the chain.

He wears steel gray metal like gloves ,that goes down to his ankles, with five crimson red bone claws for fingers. He has metal knee pads despite not having knees. He has black flaps ,under his arms, which can extend outward like bat wings. His elbow had spikes on them. His legs are now a wispy tail. Natsu leaped at Zane with his right fist cocked back. "You're going down Zane and by my Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" yelled Natsu.

Before the fist could contact with Zane, it was stopped by Zane with him holding his right hand and all the momentum Natsu gained was lost as he stopped in midair. Most of the Fairy Tail wizards were intrigued with this new form that they hadn't seen before. The trio of Happy, Lucy, and Natsu had seen Specter Form before today while Team Natsu seen Vampire Form before he changed. Kaida, Levy, and Sly were the exception as they smirked slyly.

All of them having an small inkling to what Zane was going to do. "Hey! What's going on?! Put me down!" yelled Natsu with him being shocked and confused. Zane floated up to him with him saying in a deep, haunting voice,"Oh Natsu. Now why would I do that since we're fighting? I think I'll take you for a ride instead. Hope you're flexible Natsu.". He flew into Natsu, causing him to fall onto the ground and have a green glow around his body.

Happy looked at his partner with him saying,"Natsu. Are you okay? You're silent and Zane is gone which is already pretty weird to begin with.". Natsu looked up at him with an impish grin. "I'm just perfect Happy my dear buddy! I think it's time to dance!" said Natsu. Before anyone could comment about this, Natsu began dancing. He was dancing like a pro being that he was performing impressive moves.

This took everyone by surprise with Gray saying,"Okay. I'm lost. So what's going on?". "Zane has taken over Natsu's body and making him dance. It's pretty simple." said Levy, sipping her slushie. "You're right girlfriend! I think it's time to increase my funky flow!" said Natsu. He began breakdancing with him moving at an insane speed until he was nothing more than a blur of green and pink. "Wow. I think he's making Natsu spin right like a record baby." said Macao.

Wakaba took a puff from his pipe with him saying,"And now, we have another thing that Zane has done to shock us. He's really good at that.". "Wow. I think I've seen those two forms before but what can their fusion do?" said Lucy. "Nice job noticing that is a fusion of Specter Form and Vampire Form called Specter Vampire Form. He's taking control of Natsu's body to make him spin around very fast and not move, causing little damage." said Sly.

Happy smiled as he said,"Wow. He's using Natsu's motion sickness again!". "He really needs to work on that because Zane is going to keep using that for his advantage." said Gray. After a moment, Natsu stopped spinning and stood in place. Zane phased out of Natsu with the dragon slayer's face was sickly green and his eyes were spinning. He was about to hurl at any moment with Zane saying,"I think you've learned your place Natsu but just to make sure.".

During his breakdance, Zane spotted something and made two bricks come toward them. Zane poked Natsu in the chest, causing him to drop onto the ground and was in a dizzy held. The ghost vampire stood over him with him holding the two bricks from earlier. He dropped them onto Natsu's head and the teen had a couple of red bumps sprouted from his head. He was knocked out being that all present had witnessed the one-sided fight bursting out into laughter.

Before Zane joined the guild, it wasn't normal to see Natsu defeated quickly. The only wizards in the guild who were known for defeating Natsu so fast was Erza and Gildarts aka the clear copycat of the most badass normal human ,as of Chapter 962, from One Piece. I mean I'll defend Fairy Tail for being original and not copying One Piece but I won't defend this one. Laxus and Mystogan were also candidates who could defeat Natsu easily.

One did it because of Natsu being annoying and the other one not wanting anyone to meet him due to him being shy. "Way to go Natsu! You may be a sucky fighter but your dance ain't half bad!" said Gray. "Yeah! Guess we know who the real man in this guild is!" said Elfman, holding his sides from laughter. Zane transformed back to normal with him smirking. "Guess you lost this time. Try again and just maybe, I'll give you a fight but probably not." said Zane.

Wakaba looked at Zane with him saying,"Wow. He defeated Natsu in a minute.". "I think it was under a minute but yeah. I think he should have used this thing the last two times." said Macao. Erza took her slushie and sucked down the remaining contents, making sure to drink slowly. Once the glass was emptied of its divine substance, she sat it back down on the counter and approached Zane with an idea which was a wonderful one I might add.

Erza looked at Zane with her saying,"Impressive Zane Using your opponent's weakness to your advantage. Is this something you do often as Legion Zero?". "Yep. It's kinda easy for me to see since I can see weakness coming from pretty much anything. Anything that's invincible has a weakness and I exploit it. Why prolong a fight when I could solve with a simple move. I could have used Frost Form or Gravity Form to handle it but hey, I like to diversify my options." said Zane.

Erza allowed a smile to cross her lips with her thinking,"Modesty is something you don't really see in men most of the time. It's clear to me and Master that Zane is more powerful than he has shown.". "I think you would like a greater challenger than Natsu." said Erza. "What are you taking about? I mean Hatchling isn't that big of a challenge to begin with." said Zane. "Zane. I've been meaning to ask you something for a while now." said Erza.

Zane looked at her as he said,"Is it super important Prude Knight because it can wait right? I'm not going anywhere time soon since we can't go on jobs yet.". "Zane. I need you to be a hundred percent serious for a moment. No jokes or taking light of a situation." said Erza. "I can't promise that but I'll try since you sound serious for once. Shoot but not literally Erza. I mean that's Bisca's thing and I just can't stop with the jokes. It's a curse." said Zane, shrugging.

Erza crossed her arms as Zane sighed. "Okay fine. Go nuts kid." said Zane. "I was going to ask you this earlier before Phantom Lord but we need some time to truly calm down after those events. So I hope you accept me when I ask you this." said Erza. "Oh god. She's proposing isn't she? I told you a thousand time to hold back the male model expression but no. You didn't listen to me and now, we got another red-haired psychopath in love with you!" said Lucifer.

Sivarth nodded as he said,"He does attract red heads most often Lucifer which is one of the most attractive hair color in the Omniverse but he has gotten out of his way to make her hate him with a blinding passion. He also has a stalker in this dimension so he can't have two of them. I mean one stalker is better than two stalkers.". "What if the stalkers are twins?" said Kane. "Is this something that warrants a discussion?" said Twilight. "Yes." said Kane, Lucifer, and Sivarth.

During this conversation between Zane's partners, Erza was looking right at Zane. She wondered how strong Zane truly was since in the time that she's known him, he's been holding back. There was one true way to truly measure Zane's strength. Without warning, Erza summoned a silver magical sword into existence. With quick reflexes, she pointed the tip of her blade right at Zane's throat. Instead of reacting to it in a scared motion, Zane blinked. 

Zane looked at her with him saying as he psychically move the blade away from his neck,"So I'm sure that since the last time you did this, you and I didn't know each other. We do know each other now and we hate each other with a burning passion. I mean I do since you are wearing that tacky armor not in battle. I mean it's clearly not armor season. I think it was tube tops.". Erza had a serious expression on her face as she honed her brown eyes right on him.

Erza spoke without an annoyance of hesitance in her voice,"Zane Vincent Alvarez. I challenge you to a one on fight.". Zane raised an eyebrow with him tilting his head and he said,"Que?". Upon hearing this, all of the Fairy Tail wizards looked at this in shock and began talking to each other. "Wow. This is so damn rare. Erza has never challenge anyone before. It's always been the other way around right man?" said Droy. "It was mainly Natsu." said Jet.  

Vance looked at the two with him saying,"Why are you telling me that?". "I can't believe it! Did Erza really just challenge Zane?!" said Lucy. "Aye! Unlike Natsu and Zane, Erza doesn't joke around when it comes to a fight. So Sly, is there just one fish slushie or different flavors depending on the type of fish." said Happy. "Yes. I would recommend the mackerel slushie myself but Zane prefers the salmon one himself. More tangy according to him." said Sly.

Gray paled a little with him saying in fear,"Two of the most powerful wizards in Fairy Tail slugging it out. God. I really hope we don't have to repair it.". "Okay. I know that you hate me because of all of my pranks on you. I mean sure. Turning you into Gluttony Form, causing you to look stupid, and so much other stuff but fighting? Is that really a good idea? I mean you've seen how strong I am and I defeat you before. You do remember the Ethereal Mania incident right?" said Zane.

Erza smiled as she said,"Zane. For once in your life, do you have to make this about you?". "And you clearly don't know me." said Zane. "This isn't personal Zane. I just want to see how strong you really are and there's only one real way to test that." said Erza. Zane could tell that she was serious about this since he did defeated a wizard saint with relative ease along with two S Class wizard back to back without a break.

Elfman placed a hand on Zane's shoulder with him saying,"Come on Zane! You're a real man so you'll accept the challenge.". After this, Zane flipped Elfman onto the ground. Soon, most wizards had gathered from the construction site and cheered for Zane to accept the challenge. Zane was very much tempted to use Empyrean Will on them to shut them up but the sword which had been nudged back to his throat made it clear what his option was.

Erza smiled with her saying in a teasing tone,"How about it Alvarez? Are you going to accept? Or are you scared?". "Oh. You're teasing me now. Color me impressed. Okay. I guess if you want a beating from me instead of Natsu, I'll give it to you. You may not get the same amount of effort and power I used on Second Place but whatever. You got a fight and I hope you can deliver it." said Zane. Erza pulled her sword away from Zane's throat and smiled at him.

Erza said,"Good. We'll fight tomorrow.". "Why not now? I mean if you're so confident, why not fight me when I'm worn out from dealing with Natsu." said Zane, pointing to him. "Didn't you once say that having presentation is more important in a fight than the actual fighting part?" said Erza. "That I did Prude Knight. Okay. Lets fight tomorrow. Shake on it." said Zane. The two shook hands as everyone there broke out into applause.

Most of them had been hard at work for the past couple weeks repairing the Guild Hall and they had something to break the monotony. Everyone was excited being that first thing tomorrow, they would witness the fight between the Queen of the Fairies and the Earth's Protector. Zane had many different titles. The news about the fight spread faster than Jet could ever be. "So I get that Erza isn't the best at being the most social but why the sword?" said Athena.

A moment later, Natsu had overcame his vertigo and returned to his feet. He grinned hungrily being that he was still nauseous at the time. He had overheard Zane accepting Erza's challenge. He was real excited to see Zane finally get a taste of humble pie since no one has beaten Erza. I can name a good two people who has defeated Erza so far in Fairy Legion and neither of them is Zane. My only hint is that they're stronger than her in my opinion.

Zane looked at Natsu being that it didn't take his telepathy to figure out Natsu's plan. "Hey Natsu. I have a challenge for you." said Zane. Natsu slowly turned to see Zane holding a large mug of cherry grape slushie in his left hand and he motioned to an dark green slushie in his right hand. "If you can't finish this drink before I finish mine, I won't use any of my really powerful forms on Prude Knight tomorrow. Are you in or not?" said Zane.

He placed in a straw as Natsu growled and clenched his fists in anger. He wouldn't never turn a challenge from Zane. He knows that Erza is the strongest woman he knows and don't need any help whatsoever in a fight even against Zane, he would help in any way that he can. "You're on!" said Natsu, taking the green slushie. They both lifted their mugs and chugged the slushies contents down as Happy smiled.

Due to his black hole like stomach, Zane finished his before Natsu. He placed the mug down with him looking victorious on his face. Even without factoring Zane's cryokinetic power, Zane could handle the cold easily and was practically immune to brain freeze. He discovered this out when he, Allen, Danny, Efren, and Kevin had a slushie drinking contest and Zane won being that the other four had a bad case of brain freeze.

Natsu wasn't so lucky being that at the halfway point, his eyes widened as he was struck with an very agonizing pain. He fell to the floor, twitching from the severe brain freeze. Gray smirked as he said,"Nice.". The two fist bumped with Lucy sighed. "Did you two plan this or what?" said Lucy with her arms crossed. "Not really. It was pretty obvious that I was doing something like that. I mean it's me after all Lucy." said Zane. "Yeah and who knew he had a brain to freeze?" said Gray.

Zane said,"When I possessing him, there was something in his head but I don't think it was a brain. I think maybe a hamster on a wheel.". Natsu looked at the drink with him saying,"This tastes awful man! What is in this?". "Oh nothing much. It's some gutted flying fish, cooked grubs, blue milk, and rock cake. I got a lot of insects just for you buddy." said Zane, looking at his hand. Natsu's eyes widened as the entire guild went silent. The dragon slayer stood up as his face turned a sickly green.

He screamed out in shock with his infamous toothy grin sticking out as he ran to the nearby empty barrel and puked like nothing else. Everyone blinked at this with them looking at Zane whose smile was bright. "And I think you'll learn not to invade my personal property and constantly challenge me to a fight." said Zane. "Do you really not stop with the pranks?" said Lucy. "Not really. I was going to give him a Tomato/Smoked Salmon one but meh." said Zane.

Happy looked at Zane with him saying,"Why did you burn the fish?". "I didn't mean to but it just happens sometimes." said Zane. "Okay. Mind telling me how to make that? I kinda want to see that again." said Gray, pointing to Natsu. "Sure." said Zane. "Sly. These slushies are beyond amazing! I can see the true amazing value of these scrumptious drinks. This one Zane gave me is strawberry flavored right?" said an excited Erza.

The Akostar was reminded of Wolfram when looking at the knight right now. "Yep. It's actually Strawberry/Banana. If you want, I can make other strawberry flavors slushies." said Sly with her regretting saying that due to the knight's lust for anything strawberries. Erza's eyes widened and lighten up more with her giddy. "Really Sly?! If so, what other strawberry flavors can you make for me?!" said Erza.

Zane looked at Erza being that she reminded him of whenever Uriel asks to go into a candy store being that she still does that to this day much to her embarrassment. "Let me see. I think there is the Pure Strawberry flavor, Strawberry and Lemon flavor, Strawberry and Orange flavor, Strawberry and Kiwi flavor, Strawberry and Grape, ...." said Sly as she began listing off slushies that had strawberries in them.

There's a Strawberry mixture slushie for Tangerines, Apples, Blueberries, Raspberries, Boysenberries, Coconut, Pineapple, Grapefruit, Mango, Papya, Watermelon, Blackberry, Plum, Kumquat, Cranberry, Lime, Tomato, Cantaloupe, Avocado, Chestnut, Hazelnut, Eggfruit, Guava, Raisin, and several others. "So is she okay?" said Sly. Erza was quiet being that she had a very interesting look on her face.

Erza's eyes were fully lighted up with rotating strawberries, her face was blushing red, her hands were held on her chest in a prayer like posture, and her face had a blissful smile. She looked like she was starting off into space and looking into heaven or her happy place. "Strawberries." said Erza in a hypnotized fashion being that her mind exploded. Thank the gods that her head didn't exploded as well.

She was stunned at the amount of strawberry flavored slushies that could be make for her. She didn't know where to begin as she felt like trying them all but didn't know which new flavor she should began to enjoy first. First world problems? Erza fainted once again being that she fell on her back being that her face showed absolute bliss. "Erza! Ah man not again!" said a distress Mira. "Don't worry Mira. I got this!" said Sly.

She flew off to go make another slushie for Erza being that no one ,including Zane to an extent, could understand why these two are cuckoo for cocoa puffs for slushies. After that, Erza had been woken up after pouring another slushies down her throat and everyone enjoyed their slushies in the air being that it was a good reason to take a break from working hard on construction. It was also because of the heat.

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