Saturday, November 2, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 40 Celebration (Full Post)

A/N: Yeah. That was an beefer of an episode since I had two of the biggest fights in the arc within the same episode. This may have been the reason why I went on a six month hiatus from Fairy Legion but who really knows the reasons why I did that? I love writing Fairy Legion, I really do but I wanted to work on Zero and look how that turned out. I should mentioned that everything from Episode 118 to Episode 134 will be mentioned in some regards.

You may have noticed that I gave Jose a power boost in his fight. Gajeel got this as well being that he was already strong but Sue was kinda a shock since after this arc in Fairy Tail, she kinda gets pushed out of the story. Jose is a wizard saint and like the rest of his guild, they pretty much got wrecked by Fairy Tail even though they were stated to be completely equal but they didn't have the power of friendship on their side so they were destined to lose.

Jose did pretty good against Erza before Makarov showed up and wrecked him using Fairy Law being that's how you show off an OP badass. It's like how Shanks from One Piece can show up for a single chapter and usually something amazing involves him. Look at Chapter 957 being that when I get to reviewing that chapter, you'll see my full opinion on that. The outcome of the fight between Jose and Zane was that too but way more destruction.

I wanted to show that Jose ,while stronger than say the fourth strongest member of Fairy Tail at that time in the story, was worthy of his title of Wizard Saint. Zane could have used Nightmare Form or Astral Form at the very start, ending the conflict but that's boring. Jose and Zane fought being that Jose didn't stand against a god. Even if Mira didn't help, Zane was going to take down Jose with no problem.

I decided to allow Mira to help out in this fight even though she didn't too much. Erza would have helped as well but you know what they said. Two's a party, three's a crowd. I also don't like Erza plus who doesn't want to see the She-Devil kicking some butt. The Fairy Tail Spinoff is doing that and it's great because of that plus some other stuff. Wait till the review of that because well, there is both bad and good things being the former involves Jellal. Of course.

You may what I meant by Erza being the fourth strongest S-Class Wizard. Well, have you read this story at all? Zane ,and I mean myself, doesn't like her because she's weak due to the armor she wears and also Laxus and Mystogan are pretty strong. Mystogan showed this by taking down every single branch of Phantom Lord while the rest of the guild took down their main forces. Now you could say that Fairy Tail wouldn't won if Jose use ALL of his forces on them but friendship.

I'm not sure if I'll ever like Erza because of reasons that I've stated before. Heck, I like Lucy more than her which doesn't say much but at least the blonde isn't in the ten things I don't like whatsoever about Fairy Tail. Like with One Piece, I'm working on one. One Piece is taking a long time being that I have six things and hasn't changed in the past four months. I started working on the list around December of last year for One Piece being that I plan to work on Fairy Tail's.

This arc will either end after this Chapter or the next one. Haven't decided and you'll be shocked what I'm doing for the Loke Arc. The break really helped me come up with some ides. Chapter 41's name will be based off Episode 29 of the anime being that the latter just sounds really good. I honestly like it. I do want to talk about the iTunes description of Episode 28 being that it boggles my mind. I mean why is Lucy called a Celestial Smarty rather than a Celestial Cutie?

I mean whenever I see the word Smarty, I think the candy most of the time. I just associate words with items. That will not change. The Loke Arc is arguably the most boring arc in Fairy Tail but hey, that just my opinion. Plan to see a worst to best arcs in Fairy Tail and openings. Endings may not happen because most of the time, I care little for the endings of animes. I can name a few exceptions but most of the time, I skip them or don't focus on them to have an opinion.

Remember that all of my opinions are not the confirmed answers and too much bias will happen in this story. I should get started. These next couple of chapters won't have fighting but character development and shit. You should read this if you want to see these characters being there will be little punching and kicking. Fun fact about Fairy Legion, the average amount of forms I use every chapter is about 4.

I figured this out after I added up all of the forms used between Chapter 1 and 39. I got 4 forms per episode on average being that I'm pretty sure that I won't be using too many. Zero's amount of forms depends on what I'm writing. Look at Zero Episode 134 but now, it's the time for Zane to return back to the land of Fiore where friendship will win you any fight and being a curvy female is kinda natural except for a few. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
It has been about ten minutes since Zane defeated Jose with Fairy Tail still celebrating their victory over Phantom Lord's main forces since Mystogan took care of the branches of Phantom Lord. The group of Cana, Erza, Mira, and Stella were still out searching for Zane being that they weren't happy about what happened during the last moments of the war aka Zane "dying" to Jose's Shade Void spell which was a bigger energy beam than normal. 

Zane wasn't in the mood for it since they should know that he wouldn't die to the hands of Second Place because he rather not have some of his villains laugh at him from the grave since Jose was a solid Level 7 in the Pit. He was currently hiding under the cliff side using a combination of his intangibility and stick em powers. Lucy stood there in complete silence with Happy saying in his typical innocent tone,"Everyone looks so happy aren't they?".

Lucy turned right to him and she said in a sullen tone,"Yeah they do.". Happy looked at her with him saying,"You okay Lucy?". She was quiet as Happy wanted to help her but he didn't know what to say to help her. He wasn't Zane whose good at helping people despite being abrasive and kinda rude about it. Gray looked around as he said,"So I know that Erza went to go kill Zane for worrying her and other stuff but did Natsu go to calm her down?".

Sly ,in her dragon form, flew over to him with her saying,"Nope. He had some business take care of Gray.". Nemo had went back to the Alvarez home to keep an eye out for the girls who may come by the house with him putting the three S Class Wizards of Phantom Lord in the robot. Sly told him not to kill any of them. What type of business?" said a confusion looking Elfman. "Personal Elfman. He'll be back shortly." said Sly. "I see then. So did Zane go with him?" said Gray.

Sly sighed as she said,"Yeah he did. Knowing my partner like I clearly do, I think he's teasing Natsu about something minor.". "He's really nosey isn't he?" said Elfman as Sly nodded. "Yeah. If he finds something to exploit, he'll tease that person to hell and back since he can." said Sly. Meanwhile, the duo of Natsu and Zane were currently in the remains of the Giant. "So are you sure about him being there Zane? And are you going to hide from Erza and the others forever?" said Natsu.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Natsu. I know that you have pretty good hearing like a Labrador Retriever but I can focus my hearing. I picked up on his heartbeat Natsu so lets get going.". "Okay but are you going to answer my second question?' said Natsu. "They'll get over it trust me plus I have the ultimate way to calm a women's rage." said Zane as he nodded. "Is it Kaida?" said Natsu. "Yep. She appeals to their maternal instincts and also, she doesn't want to see me hurt." said Zane.

The two stopped as Zane said,"We're here.". "K. Gajeel! Shout if you can hear me!". "Of course I can hear you damn matching!" said Gajeel. The two found Gajeel sitting against a partially destroyed wall with Sue by his side. Thanks to the Mirror Wizard's help, he was safe from Nightmare Form and how he wrecked Jose. "I can barely move and news flash, that hasn't changed!" said Gajeel with him glaring at the two.

He slowly dragged himself upright, despite his severe burns covering his body. "Oh wow. I guess you're a big sore loser Lugnut. I mean you lost to me, my third A.I./secretary of Zenith Industries, and you in a couple of days." said Zane. "Shut your damn trap! I'll end you after you put me and Sue through that house from hell." said Gajeel, glaring at Zane directly. "Okay but this time, I won't be holding back. You're get a ride from Cyber Form, Hulking Form, or Robot Form." said Zane.

Sue sighed as she said,"So why did you want to talk with Gajeel pinkie? I could have brought him to a hospital but no. He wanted to talk with you about something. Men and their pride. Plus why do you want to fight him Gajeel? He defeated Master Jose, Aria, and Juvia without trying right?". "Are you saying that I couldn't beat him Sue?" said Gajeel. Sue sighed as she said,"Look. I don't want to see you hurt okay?".

Gajeel looked away as Zane said,"Don't worry Sue was it? Here's the only thing that you'll only need to know about boys. They're stupid. If you give a boy two choices, a smart one and a stupid one. Nine times out of ten, he'll always make the stupid one. I'm not exempt from that as well but most of the time, the two options kinda blend together. You should never give them a choice.". Sue blinked as she said,"That's just depressing.". "Yeah. It is." said Zane. Catch that little dialog.

It's from Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated being one of the best shows involving the mystery solving dog and friends who by the way is 384 years old in dog years or 50 human years. This is according to this website since Scooby is a Great Dane. "Anyway. Why are you two here? I'm pretty sure that pinkie isn't here to rub salt in our wounds." said Sue. "I am by the way but Natsu isn't." said Zane, smiling.

Natsu nodded as he said,"So where did you learn dragon slayer magic Gajeel? Where did you learn it from or is it from a lacrima?". "Lacrima? You got to be fucking kidding me. I'm actually insulted that you would think that I would have that fake ass dragon slayer magic." said Gajeel. "Lugnut actually thought that Avalanche thought Avalanche had that shit but nope, she has both making her stronger than the both of you." said Sue, pointing to Gajeel and Natsu.

Gajeel and Natsu said in unison,"Hey! No way is she stronger than me!". The two dragon slayers glared at each other with Zane chuckling. "These two are more identical than they may think." said Twilight. "Just like Zane and Er....." said Cole with him getting hitting by Zane. "So who do you learn it from then?" said Natsu. "Metalicana." said Gajeel. "Huh?" said Natsu. "He's the Iron Dragon and was the strongest." said Gajeel.

Natsu nodded as he said,"So you've learned your magic from a real dragon too. I guess there are more than two dragon slayers out there. I mean before I met you, Lynn, and Stella, I met another Dragon Slayer who I haven't seen in seven years now. Out of the four of you, two of their parent dragons in front of them and one dragon went missing like mine. I was raised by Igneel, the Fire Dragon King." said Natsu. "No. That's impossible." said Gajeel.

Sue shrugged as she said,"What do you mean? I mean two of you were raised by literally dragons after all.". "It's pretty simple Sue. Hatchling here used fire and lightning dragon slayer magic. I taught him the latter by the way." said Zane. Gajeel looked at Zane with him saying,"How?". "I'm a really good and sadistic teacher plus in the past, Hatchling tried to eat lightning. There were still traces of lightning inside of him so I helped him access it using mine of course." said Zane.

His right hand was covered in his signature electricity as Sue said,"Gajeel. I'm begging you. Please don't fight him.". "Fine. I won't. You're tough Legion Void Knight." said Gajeel. "Thanks and you're whipped around you Lugnut?" said Zane, making a whip sound. Gajeel growled with him looking at Natsu. "So the blonde chick. She your mate Hatchling?" said Gajeel. "She's one of them. Why are you asking Lugnut?" said Natsu, with his eyes narrowed dangerously at Gajeel. 

Zane sighed as he said,"Simmer down hothead. I'm pretty sure that Gajeel doesn't go out of his way to steal dragon slayer mates. That's just a dick move.". "Yeah. He's right. So how can you have more than one of them?" said Gajeel. "Um. That's a very good question and I'll get you an answer at a later date." said Natsu, looking off into the sky. "Seriously?! You don't know!" said Gajeel. "Yeah. Pretty sure that Igneel didn't teach him that." said Athena.

Sivarth slowly nodded as he said,"That sounds like him.". "Since Natsu was raised by a dragon king, mating is a bit different when it comes to dragon kings and their slayers. They're naturally driven to take multiple mates according to a book I read." said Zane. "You know this how?" said Sue with Zane smiling. "I just love to learn." said Zane. "So why do you want to know?" said Natsu with him glaring at Gajeel.  

Gajeel chuckled with him saying,"Curiously bit the cat. It makes sense why you went so berserk on me when we fought. I mean you were blinded by rage that I hurt your mate. You not killing me was a shock.". "Yeah. I mean one of my clones pretty much attacked her because I don't like her." said Zane with Sue blinking. "You two are Nakama right?" said Sue. "Yeah but I won't like Triple B until she changes a good amount." said Zane.

Natsu looked at them with him saying,"You two may have hurt Luce in different ways but I couldn't kill either of you. I would never be able to forgive myself if I killed someone in cold blood like that. I wouldn't be able to face my nakama again.". He clenched his fists with Zane thinking,"That's kinda naive thinking Natsu. I mean I killed someone when I was eight and I'm perfectly fine with facing my friends.".

Azalea nodded as she said"Yes but that was because you need your power to protect Jordan and Leo.". Natsu glared right at Gajeel and Zane with him saying,"However if either of you killed Lucy, I would have killed you without hesitation. I can't lose her or any one of the girls I'm trying to mate with. I'll make this perfectly clear for the both of you. If I see either of you two hurt Lucy again, I'll beat you to an inch of your life.".

Gajeel didn't show it on his face but he was scared of Natsu and his threat. "Okay. I won't lay a hand on blonde." said Gajeel. "Wow. You're scared of Natsu of all people. How sad." said Zane. "I think getting his ass beat by the guy helped and that threat should have scared you too." said Sue. "Do you really think this is my first death threat?" said Zane. "I'm guessing not. So did you kill anyone from our guild?" said Sue.

Zane cupped his chin as he said,"Maybe a group of mooks when I used Avenger and Nightmare Form since well, I didn't warn anyone about it but I did warn Jose. Nightmare Form is easily one of my top five forms if I'm not counting my god form or primes.". "So Gajeel, how's Metalicana doing?" said Natsu, trying to change the subject. "I dunno. He disappeared one day without saying a thing. He was always so selfish." said Gajeel, with a sad look on his face.

Natsu looked at Gajeel with him saying,"Tell me where he is Lugnut!". "I don't know pinkie!" yelled Gajeel. The two slayers butted heads with them going back with bumps on their heads. "So this was the stupid option right?" said Sue, earning a nod from Zane. "I feel like I'm losing brain cells talking to you two mainly you Hatchling." said Gajeel. "Watch it buddy." said Natsu. "I have to ask. So is he your friend?" said Zane.

Natsu ignore Zane with him saying,"Hold on. Metalicana didn't happen to disappear on the seventh of July sever years ago, did he?". "Yeah he did. So do you know where that iron skinned bastard went or what?" said Gajeel. "No idea whatsoever but I've been looked for Igneel since he left the same day as your dragon along with that other dragon slayer I met. Plus two other dragon slayers I know say that their dragons died the same day." said Natsu.

Gajeel sighed as he said"So three dragons vanished seven years ago when two dragons died. It was the year seven seven seven on the seventh day of the seventh month.". "Huh. That's a lot of sevens. I mean if this was a casino, we would be doing amazing." said Zane. The three looked at him with him saying,"Are you serious?". "Yeah. I mean five triple 7s. We'll make a fortune." said Zane with dollar signs for eyes. "He likes money a lot and doesn't share it with us." said Natsu.

Zane crossed his arms as he said,"He's referring to Triple B who constantly complains about not having money despite there being a clear way to earn some cash.". "Anyway, I don't care what's going on with him." said Gajeel, looking cool while suffering in pain. "He totally does. Nice meeting you two and your house Void Knight. It's a hell hole." said Sue with Zane nodding. "Thanks. I made it a paradise and hell at the same time." said Zane.

Sue helped Gajeel as she said while wrapping his arm around her,"Do you honestly think I'm going to let you suffer on your own?". "Nope. I know you too well babe." said Gajeel, kissing her cheek. "So you two are mates aren't you?" said Natsu. "Yeah. It's kinda obvious. You've meet my guild. Do you think anyone cares about each other like you fairies do?" said Sue. "Yeah but Natsu isn't the best when it comes to matters of the heart like Lugnet. Didn't expect you to be a romantic." said Zane.

Natsu scoffed as he said,"You should leave already.". "This is our turf punk! If anyone is going to leave, it's you two!" said Gajeel. "Wow. You're so rude." said Natsu. "Scram before I hurt you." said Gajeel. "Wow and here I thought we were friends now. You two should leave since the wise and totally perfect Magic Council will be here and let me say that they won't be too happy with Phantom Lord." said Zane. "Shit. You're right. Lets go then." said Sue.     

Natsu nodded as he said,"If you hear anything about Igneel or another dragon, tell me okay?". "You can't be serious. Why should I help you?" said Gajeel. "Because we're dragon slayers and we got to stuck together. If I find anything about Metalicana, I'll tell you." said Natsu. "So since I was raised by two Akostars aka dragons and kill a couple not your dragons by the way, does that make me a dragon slayer too?" said Zane.

Gajeel and Natsu ignored Zane with Gajeel saying,"Screw the both of you! Next time we meet, you're going down hard! You'll be begging for mercy!". "Come on Gajeel. I thought you guys were friends since you fought." said Sue. "Yeah. I mean I was thinking about calling a truce with Phantom Lord but you're being mean so the truce isn't happening." said Zane. "Gajeel. Remember what I told you in the mirror dimension if you saw him again." said Sue.

Gajeel sighed as he hung his head. "Look Salamander. Sorry for hurting blondie and wrecking your guild. If I knew she was your mate, I wouldn't have got with her. I don't fuck with a dragon's mate and you better not say anything." said Gajeel with him pointing to Zane. "I guess that I accept your apology Gajeel, but I can't forgive you for what you did." said Natsu. "Yeah. Almost hurting Levy is basically a major crime to me. She's my girlfriend but I'm always for second chances." said Zane.

He cracked his right knuckles with him saying,"But if you decided to mess with her or someone innocent again, you'll get a brutal beating.". This earning a deep sigh from the iron dragon slayer with him saying as he was rubbing the back of his head,"Yeah. I expected that from the both of you. If I ever see you or Legion again, I want a rematch.". "You got it. I mean you're always welcome to join Fairy Tail." said Natsu.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. I mean you'll lose against me but it's worth trying right? Oh and I don't regret your guild hall plus your crappy mecha. We should get going Natsu. I sense that Erza and the group won't kill me. Thank you Kaida.". Natsu nodded as both him and Zane went back to the main land through a portal. Sue looked at Gajeel who smiled. Sue smirked as he said,"So thinking of joining Fairy Tail Gajeel? I mean two of your friends are there.".

Gajeel looked at her with him saying,"What?! Me join the fairies! Not happening. I think Juvia is the only one of us who would join Fairy Tail. Those two aren't my friends either!". "Yeah she is. She fell for Legion hard just I did with Black Steel." said Sue as Gajeel blushed at what she said. "Whatever. Lets go." said Gajeel. "Okay then tough guy. Mirror Magic: Warp!" said Sue as the couple vanished thanks to a mirror from out of nowhere.

It was now sunset. He was looking over the wreckage that was Fairy Tail's Guild Hall and upon seeing it, he sighed. "Wow. It's in ruins. They really did a number on this place." said Makarov. "Honestly, I don't notice a difference." said Zane. He dodged a punch from Stella who said,"Can't you ever think before you speak for once right?". "Nah and why are you trying to injure me Stella? I mean I had my limbs cut off plus countless numbers of injuries." said Zane.

Zane turned to Porlyuscia who was asked to come down here by Makarov to help with the guild's many injuries. "You were lucky to have many ways to regenerate Zane. Both of your arms and legs were ripped out of their body. Don't get yourself killed. Makarov knows I don't like humans but you are not human technically." said Porlyuscia. "Yeah but this is normal. I mean sometimes, I cut my arms off when I'm bored and I won't." said Zane.

Porlyuscia nodded as she left. "Wow. You make friends with everyone huh.". said Stella. "What can I say Stella? I'm lovable." said Zane. "So you two are doing alright. Guess Haru and Jean were worried for nothing." said a voice. The duo turned around to see the cloaked figure ,who comes from Fairy Legion Chapter 37 and Fairy Legion Chapter 39, stood there. He was standing on a crate ,from out of nowhere, and his face was covered up a hood.

He attracted the guild's attention with him saying,"Not a bad job humans but honestly, you were too nice on him Zane. I would smashed him in the face while he's in that state just to make sure that he's down for good.". "Okay then. So how did you know Zane?" said Lucy. "Seriously? I mean it's super obvious right Stella?" said Zane. "Honestly, I have no idea." said Stella. "Wow. You know him and no, it isn't Old Man Jenkins or his Jalopy." said Zane. "I hate you Zane." said the figure.

He removed the hood being that he sighed. "Vance?!" said Stella. For a quick reminder of what Vance Aerofel, lets do that. He's a small cat very much like Happy but slightly bigger. Happy is about a foot tall being that Vance is two feet tall. He's also more raccoon like. His fur is dark gray with a rounder face compared to Happy and oddly smaller red eyes. His ears and nose are pointed being that the former has red insides. He has two small whispers appeared on each side of its face.

His chest/underbelly is white being that his chest, face, and paws are covered in scars being that it was made clear that he has been in a couple of fights. Despite having the exact same body type of Happy, he looks to be a fighter rather than a commentator aka Happy. His body is rectangular with his feet and hands having crimson red claws and pink paw pads. He also had two sharp fangs on his upper jaws. He's also wearing clothing unlike Happy.

He has a long, white-tipped tail with most parts of his tail is dark gray. He's wearing dark green fingerless gloves and black toeless shoes. He's wears a black and white sash around its body. He's wearing black pants with a brown belt with a gray sleeveless muscular shirt. He wears a full gold arm guard sleeves on his arms. He had two pistols to his sides with his large rocker launcher/shotgun on his right shoulder.

Vance nodded as he said with his arms crossed,"That's right Stella. It's me. I decided to come here and make sure that this idiot didn't make you cry. Haru asked me to plus Jean wanted me to make sure Zane is still single since it's obvious that she's crushing on him. Have to give her the bad news and why is that one looking at me?". Happy's eyes were currently stars being that he ran up to the taller cat who sweat dropped at Happy's assault.

Happy flew right at him with him crying out and tears coming down his face,"Kaida and Zane were right! There is another cat around! I'm not alone!". Before he could touch Vance, he was sent flying back to the others. He crashed into a pile or rocks and slumped down in a daze much to the shock of everyone. Vance used the massive weapon on his back as a really big bat being that he huffed. "I don't do hugs like Zane does. Got it idiot?" said Happy.

Happy said while still being dizzy from the hit,"Why didn't you say that before you hit me?". "Didn't feel like it." said Vance. "Okay. I think he's like Happy but isn't." said Wakaba. "He's more like Zane except a cat and obviously less powerful. I mean a god like cat is just stupid." said Macao. "I think we should keep them unaware of the Cat God from that one dimension or Bakeneko Form plus your other cat forms Zane." said Cole.

Lucifer said,"Good idea for once Cole. Don't want to blow their minds too much.". Vance glared at all of them which cause everyone ,except Erza, Kaida, Makarov, Mira, Sly, Stella, and Zane, to jump back. "Listen up you humans! I didn't come here to save your precious guild. I only helped you two because I owed some humans favors!" said Vance. Mira walked over to him as she said in a innocent tone,"So why did you help us? You must have your reasons right?'.

She knelt down to be at his eyelevel on the crate. Vance looked at the girl with him about to say something offensive but was taking a good look at her cleavage which was showing due to her being bent down. Zane noticed this with him dope slapping Vance and forced him to look at her face as she was giving him an angelic smile. "I owe two people to keep an eye on those two." said Vance as he pointed to Stella and Zane. "Seriously? I can take care of myself." said Stella.

Vance nodded with him saying,"I know that Stella but tell me this. Could you refuse Jean? I mean she's worried about her first crush dying which he almost did. So to keep an eye on the two of you. I came up with a genius idea.". "Nanny cam?" said Zane. "No. I will join Fairy Tail by becoming your partner Stella Lockhart!" said Vance. Everyone just blinked at that with most of Fairy Tail shocked by this news.

Zane smirked as he said,"Well welcome to this family. It's messed up but what family isn't? You're happy about this right Peanut?". Kaida nodded as she hugged Vance. "Why does she get to hug you and I don't?!" said Happy. "She's cute and you're not." said Vance and Zane in unison. Happy sulked as Lucy said,"I'm so sorry Master.". She sheepishly rubbed her arm as Makarov said,"Don't worry child. You've been through a lot lately but don't let it get you down.". 

Lucy's face sudden with her hearing,"Yeah Lucy! Lets see a smile!". The blond slowly turned to see a bandaged up Droy, Jet, and Reedus with Levy. "We defeated Phantom so don't be sad but glad. It's a team effort!" said Levy. "Sure. They may have left the guild hall in ruins but..." said Droy. "But we're going to make it bigger and better." said Jet. "I mean it's the least you two numbnuts could do after you two did nothing while we did all of the work. It's like a school project but worse." said Zane.

Levy pouted with her saying,"Didn't I tell you to be nicer Zane?". "And didn't I tell you that I don't hold back on my honesty? It's a curse really but Fanboy and Chumchum didn't do a damn thing. At least Reedus fought some goons." said Zane. Lucy didn't say anything being that regret filled her eyes. "Sorry for making you worry Lucy." said Reedus, causing Lucy to tear up. "No. It's all my fault!" said Lucy.

Zane sighed as he said while relaxing on a lawn chair,"No it isn't fucking isn't for gods sake. We all know about your dirty little secret and honestly, this was going to happen eventually. This is half your fault but hey, lets enjoy the peace and quiet. It's good to relax after a fight.". "No one blames you for this except for Zane but I can't change him no matter how hard I try." said Sly, floating right over to him. Zane shrugged as he said,"She's right you know.".

Lucy was violently shaking her head as Makarov said in a stern voice,"Lucy. Though we may not be able to share our feelings of happiness and sadness entirely. We can share them somewhat. That's what happens when you're part of a guild like Fairy Tail. One person's happiness becomes everyone's happiness. One person's anger becomes everyone's anger. One person's tears become everyone's tears got it? There is no reason to fell guilt so don't okay?".

Lucy was choking up as she listened to Makarov's speech. She hoped Zane wouldn't say anything but Zane always has something to say and this is Fairy Legion. "Old coward is right. You bear the same mark as the rest of them so be proud to be a member of Fairy Tail. We all care about you include me so just cry already. Don't hold back because holding back your feelings will only hurt you in the end and I wish I was kidding but for once, I'm not." said Zane.

Lucy began to cry with her collapsed to her knees and covered her face with her hands. "Come on Luce. Like Gramps and Zane said, we're here for you." said Natsu. He crouched next to Lucy and patting her back. That simply made Lucy cry even harder. Natsu smiled and pulled Lucy into a tight embrace, as the rest of Fairy Tail gathered around the blonde to try and cheer her up. Zane smirked from his chair as Sly said,"So you seem happy. What's up?".

Zane turned to her with him saying,"I'm kinda happy that I came here. Made a couple of friends like the old days, pissed off people like the old days, and have an adorable daughter. This was a good idea so I have to thank everyone but Savant.". "Yeah. I will too." said Sly. "While I'm glad everything worked out. I'm worried about how the council will see this." thought Makarov. He looked down as he thought,"I hate to think it but I may be looking at prison time.".

He began to cry with Zane chucking and everyone was shocked by this. "Don't worry so much old man. There is only one thing to do at a time like this." said Vance. "Which is?" said Makarov while crying waterfall like tears just like Aria. "Natsu defeated another dragon slayer, we won the war, and our superhero defeated that Second-Place Prick. All of you are okay as well. Tomorrow and the future should be focused on rebuilding and dealing with this." said Vance.

He raised his paw into the air as he said,"We should party!". The rest of the guild agree to that with Happy and Kaida being the closer to him. Makarov slowly nodded as he said,"We'll tear down the guild tomorrow and build a new one . For now, lets party.". They all went into the basement of the Fairy Tail guild hall and partied. In the basement of the guild hall being that it was the only place not covered in rubble.

The Fairy Tail wizards each went about their celebrations in a typical fashion. People were drinking, Gray was constantly loosing and regaining his clothes, Natsu was fighting people, and everyone ,in general, was having a good time. As of this point, the celebration had only just commenced. It had been fifteen or so minutes since they had entered the guild and they shook off everything that had happened and became cheerful once more in the wake of their resounding and hard-fought victory.

At a table situated nearby a collection of barrels with them filled with alcohol for now, a group of four Fairy Tail wizards and one superhero sat there. These five were Elfman, Erza, Lucy, Stella, and Zane. A certain brown-haired alcoholic junkie walked up to their table either because of their proximity to a large source of booze or because the table housed a good chunk of her better friends so take your pick on which answer is right.

I'm personally on the former rather than the latter but both make sense if you think about. Cana sat down in between Lucy and Stella with her saying,"Got to be honest here and say this. You guys did a damn fine job. Thanks to you, the guild is back to our version of normal.". "Yeah. I think we have Zane to thank for that." said Erza, smiling slightly as she glanced at the person in question who was sitting next to Elfman and Stella on his right and left respectively.

Zane looked shocked as he said,"So why is Prude Knight being nice to me? Did my VBRS mess up her head or what? I mean you got the vines to knock you out how many times?". "I think I heard Juvia tell us three times when we met up with her and Gray. Speaking of Juvia, where is she?" said Stella. "Beats me. I mean she saw me come back from "death" but she won't harm anyone since I don't like people who hurt the innocent." said Zane.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw blue hair watching him with him smiling. "Ah. She's a cute stalker. Never thought that would happen with you. Allen, Danny, and Kevin got one before you." said Kane with Lucifer chuckling. Zane rolled his eyes as Cana said,"So do you honestly like pissing off one of Fairy Tail's strongest wizard who probably hates your guts?". "I don't hate his guts. I just dislike it a lot." said Erza. "Isn't that the same thing?" said Lucy.

Zane shrugged as he said while sipping from his flask,"Yeah but who cares? I may have taken down Aria, Jose, and Juvia with the middle one having Mira from the assist. Honestly speaking here, all of you did something including you Triple B. Be proud of that since only Fanboy and Chumchum did absolute nothing and feel ashamed for it!". "Yeah! You were beating the snot out of Phantom's master like a real man!" said Elfman, flexing like All Might who makes a good Johnny Bravo.

That's a double reference to a video I saw online and how Elfman's English voice actor plays All Might and Zorro for One Piece. Thought I would make the obvious Dragon Ball reference but my knowledge of Dragon Ball is limited beside the voice actors. "Yes. Elfman is correct. It seemed like you didn't need my assistance after all. You really need to start accepting help from others Zane." said Erza.

Zane was going to say something with Stella saying,"Anyway, we won and that's all that matters right you two?". "Sure." said Erza with Zane throwing her a thumbs up. "Amen sister. I think we should have a drink to celebrate!" said Cana. "But I'm already drinking oh so observant one." said Zane with him sipping his flask and a mocking smile on his face. "And like last time, I had a drink with either of you two I was out cold!" said Stella, glaring at the two of them.

Zane looked at Cana who nodded. She wrapped her arm around Stella with her saying,"Come on Stella. I mean after everything that happened the past couple of days, we need to have a round to celebrate.". Stella's stern look didn't changed as Zane thought with him sending his thoughts to Cana through the powers of Telepathy,"Okay. Time for Plan B aka peer pressure. This is Zane by the way if you couldn't tell.". "Gotcha. So what do you think Erza?" said Erza.

Erza nodded as she said,"If she does not wish to enjoy herself, then let her be.". This earned a sigh from the silverette at first. "However, defeating one of the Ten Wizard Saints is cause for celebration right you two?" said Erza, earning a nod from Cana and Zane. This prompted the dragon slayer to release a defeated sigh. "I'm also come up with a nickname for you Stella being it is like Prude Knight but Dragon Prude." said Zane. "That nick name isn't very good." said Cana.

Lucy looked right at her as she said,"Are any of them good?". "Second Place was decent." said Cana with a smile. "Just like Jose!" said Zane, earning a high five from Cana and Elfman. Lucy sighed at this with Stella knowing that she should relax because one of the most strict and uptight person she had ever met was telling her to relax. "Fine. I'll have A drink, go it?" said Stella. "We'll totally do that right Zane?" said Cana, winking. "Aye ma'am!" said Zane, mimicking Happy perfectly.

Lucy and Stella paled slightly at Zane mimicking Happy perfectly and the teamwork of Cana and Zane respectively. Their tag team combo works on anyone. "Oh yeah is that right?! Bring it on, you Stripper Icicle!" roared Natsu from the other side of the guildhall. "Keep talking and I'll shut your mouth for ya, fire breather!" said Gray. Everyone at the table turned to see the two going at each other with both fists and feet with a hint of insults.

No one else was being dragged into their little scuffle with no one planning on stopping them since Erza was nearby them. "So you're not going to do stop them?" said Lucy, sounding surprised that she hasn't done anything yet. "Nope. They both fought hard today and deserves to have their fun, just this once." said Erza. "Yeah. I mean don't worry so much Triple B. Pride Knight will be her normal self tomorrow so don't you worry." said Zane, smirking.

Lucy sighed as she said,"You're not going to stop calling me that are you?". "Probably not but I think it's a good thing since I don't see you as a rich girl but a friend." said Zane. Lucy sighed as Mira said in a cheerful tone,"Hey guys!". She walked over to the table with a circular tray being held up on her hand sporting a drink for everyone at the table. Cana smiled brightly with her saying,"Thank you Mira. You heard my prayer.".

She looked at the mug of booze being placed in front of her. "Well I overheard that you wanted some drinks, so I figured I'd bring them over." said Mira, finishing serving the drinks. "Wow. You have really good hearing and that's coming from me." said Zane. The white-haired woman made to leave a moment later being that other people likely needed to be catered. It was a given that everyone was pretty much drinking at this point in time.

However, one person in particular was of the opinion that she should do no such thing. "Hey there Mira. Where did you think you're going?" said Zane with his arms crossed. Almost instantly, the barmaid stopped dead in her tracks and turned around with her smiled brightly at the Cross Species who was her first crush just like Jean except Mira has a better shot than she does. This action made Bisca ,who was sitting nearby with Alzack, raise a curious brow.

However, she once again chose to keep her paranoia to herself. "Yes?" said Mira in a sweet-sounding voice. "Where are you going exactly?" said Zane. "To serve drinks to others?" said Mira, not getting the reason between Zane's obvious question. "But why are you? That's the eternal question after all alongside why kids love cinnamon toast crunch? We'll never know!" said Zane, earning a confused look for the rest of the people at the table. "It's my job." said Mira, sounding obvious.

Zane nodded with him saying,"But you helped me take down Phantom Lord's master and regained your magic which you haven't used for years thanks to a certain someone who is really close to you and can play a mean guitar solo.". "And who would that be Zane?" said Cana, catching onto what Zane was doing. It was what they did with Stella earlier. "Yes." said Mira with her sounding somewhat embarrassed given that she now knew where this was headed.

She just felt somewhat foolish for having answered his previous questions in such a blank manner. It was also obvious to her since Zane is known for his jokes. "Then if it isn't obvious enough and will it please the court if I repeated myself? Where are in the nine realms are you going? Relax. Enjoy your victory because you deserve it. In fact, Fanboy and Chumchum should be serving drinks even though they're injured. Come on sit next to me. I don't bit if you don't want me too." said Zane, smiling.

At this, several present smiled due to the obvious fact that one of the guild's most cherished members had been subtly ,and I used the term loosely, forced out of her normal routine by Zane. Mira had done exactly what Zane asked her to do. She clearly didn't belong serving drinks at a time like this rather she belonged in the celebration with everyone else. Mira took her spot next to Zane's right ,being Elfman scooted over to allow Mira to sit next to Zane.

She smiled as she said,"To take a seat and enjoy the night like I should. Levy doesn't mind this right Zane?". "She knows very well that I won't cheat on her. I mean you don't see me getting jealous at Fanboy and Chum Chum who are near her right?" said Zane, pointing to the bookworm who had Droy and Jet by her side. "True but you're kinda a much better catch than those two." said Mira. The two sulked as they heard Mira's comment.

Zane chuckled at that with Erza saying,"So Mira, what does it feel like to have your powers back after all this time?". "It's amazing! Maybe I can go on missions again and do what I used to love doing back in the day. Though, I may be a bit out of practice. During our fight, Zane had to cover for me a few times than I would like to admit." said Mira with a nervous giggle as she finished. "If you like, I would be happy to go on a job with you to help you out." said Erza.

Zane smirked as he said,"Yeah. For once, Prude Knight is right. If you need some training from the best and sadistic teacher in the Omniverse, don't hesitate to ask. I mean Levy has taken my training and look at her. She's much stronger than she looks thanks to me.". "Thanks. I may take you up on that." said Mira. It wasn't obvious on who she was referring to being that it could be her crush and her friend. Take your bets once again folks. "Okay then. Let's have a drinking game!" said Cana.

Stella said,"I only said one drink! I really don't a repeat of last time!". "Come on Stella. It'll be a lot of fun." said Mira. "Yeah and I'm surprised that you're reluctant to have fun in this instance given all that we've just dealt with." said Erza, sounding somewhat disappointed. Stella really, really felt like a stick in the mud at this point, but even so she would never in a million years expect Erza Scarlet to be in favor of a drinking game.

Zane said,"See Stella. If Prude Knight aka the queen of no fun is okay with it. I mean if you don't want to play, you'll make me and everyone here really sad. Oh and you don't like me when I'm sad Stella.". Stella made the mistake of turning to face the superhero in order to reply. When she did so however, any answer other than "yes" became the definition of impossible. She was subjected to looking at perhaps the best begging face she had ever seen in her existence as a human being.

Zane's eyes were like a cute baby polar bear/moose that needs some help. In a manner of speaking, the expression that was directed at her was beyond cute. "Fine." said Stella with her voice sounding somewhat strained for some reason and a huge blush crossing her cheeks."My puppy dog eyes works every time. It'll be fun don't worry. We'll make sure you're not too hammered." said Zane. All of the girls there were impressed being that his eyes rivaled the puppy dog eyes that all of them could do.

It comes with practice. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. So what game are we playing?" said Stella with her turning to the brown-haired woman who made the suggestion in the first place. "We could take a drink every time Gray and Natsu throw a punch." said Cana. "That would be a good idea but I doubt all of your liver will be gone if that was our game." said Zane. That drew a round of laughter from everyone present even Erza who did recognize the mild truth to those words.

However at the mention of their names, the two wizards walked over with curious expression on their faces, Happy flying over in tow with his new bestie Vance. Happy liked Vance but Vance was another story. Stella asked Vance to make friends with everyone so he decided to start with the cat. He made a mistake. "What are you guys doing?" said Natsu. "We're playing a drinking game." said Lucy. "Is Zane playing as well?" said Gray.

Zane smiled as he said,"Yes. I am. We're using the lighter stuff so you guys in for a couple of rounds right?". "Yeah!" said the two in unison. Many present chuckled at that reaction from the two thought Stella just stared at them with slightly widened eyes. Mira was the only one to release a girlish giggle mainly due to her finding it amusing how brotherly the superhero was with Gray and Natsu. When she asked him about it, he gave her an answer.

His answer was that he had two brothers when he was younger and always wanted to be an older brother figure with Gray and Natsu filling the need along with someone named Efren and Leo back in his dimension. The two in question noticed their simultaneous answer with them saying,"Hey! Stop copying me!". They egan glaring angrily at each another. "Calm down you two. There's always room for more when it comes to drinking but we need a bigger table." said Zane.

Stella said,"Before we do that, let's pick a game first. If my liver is going to be destroyed, I want to least have destroyed by a game.". The group there donned an expression of deep thought. No game in particular coming into mind that would be all that fun. Well, Cana and Zane was the one exception given that they found drinking in general very fun. Mira's expression shifted to one that gave of a mischievous intent.

No one ,except for Zane who sees and knows all in Fairy Legion, spotted it out but nevertheless it only went to show the motivation behind her following words. "So are you going to do anything about it?" said Lucifer as Zane shrugged. "Nah. I mean this is going to be fun no matter what and you all wanted me to have fun." said Zane. "He's right. I rather have this Zane rather than the depressing one." said Azalea.

Mira said,"I know. Why don't we play a game of truth or dare? Each person gets a turn to pick who they want to select for their truth or dare. That person gets to choose and if they don't like it, they can dodge by taking a drink.". "That sounds pretty good actually." said Cana.  "I think it would be rather amusing." said Erza. "I'm game." said Lucy. "Me too." said Gray and Natsu in unison, after which they just growled at one another.

With a flex, Elfman said,"A real man never backs down from a challenge.". "No fair! I wanna play too! How come no one asked if I wanted to?!" said Happy childishly. "Yeah. I can handle my liquor decently at least compared to the dwarf. Maybe me and the child should be on a team with another wizard." said Vance. "I think that's fair. Happy, do you want to be on my team?" said Zane. "So what is a cat like when they're drink?" said Athena with her extremely curious about it.

She always wanted to see a cat getting drunk being that despite Zane's natural ability to attract cats, it never happened. These two felines just happened to be capable of speech made her desire to see such a thing even greater. "Aye! We'll make an awesome team!" said Happy. "Hey, why didn't you want to play with me?" said Natsu confused. "Too slow Natsu and Vance! Zane asked me first and he's cooler than the both of you!" said Happy.

To show this, crossing his arms and turning his back to his shunned best friend and cat pal. "What the hell man?!" said Natsu, obviously not understanding the blue-furred feline's reaction. "Natsu. I think we should show them up. What do you think about that?" said Vance. Natsu nodded as he said,"I got you! Lets show them!". "Aw. Vance is making friends." said Stella, gushing. The cat blushed as Zane said with tears in his eyes,"And I was so worried about him!".

A bit later, the order for the seating arrangements was as follows. At the head of the table and the first to actually get a turn was Cana. To her left were Natsu and Vance, Elfman, Erza, Mira, Zane and Happy ,on his shoulder, being that their team name is Catastrophic, Gray, and finally Lucy. Stella decided to just watch but she had to drink every time a female took a drink. You think that she won this but Cana and Zane were hoping that Stella would regret that choice.

Cana said,"Okay then. I guess I'll start us off and then we can just go to my left, agreed?". Everyone at the table seemed to nod in agreement at this, which meant that the game could begin without any further delay. The brown-haired women began to scan around the table and when her eyes landed on her target, she smirked. "Lucy. Truth or dare?" said Cana with a sadistic smirk. "Why me?!" said a confused Lucy.

Cana said,"I don't have to answer a damn thing without my lawyer. I'm also not the one who has to answer until I get pick. Now, truth or dare?". "Come on Triple B. I mean you aren't a chicken are you? I mean you dealt with Lugnut so our dear friend Cana shouldn't be that scary. Me on the other is a force to be feared." said Zane. This causing the blonde to lightly glare at Cana and Zane. "Um. I'll go with truth." said Lucy. "What color are your panties?" said Cana, almost immediately.

Lucy blushed red as she said,"What kind of question is that?!". She along with several others at the table ,except for Happy, Vance, and Zane, were blushing rather evidently at this but then again the goal was to win the game after all. There really wasn't a better way to knock out someone than to ask them embarrassing questions. Lucy was an incredibly easy target since she got embarrassed rather easily like real easy.

Cana smirked with her saying,"You chose truth so you got to answer. You could drink if you're not womanly enough to answer.". "The answer's easy. They're pink and white." said Natsu. drawing many odd stares to himself. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" said Lucy, sounding very angry. "And how do you know that?" said a curious Cana being that the duo's kiss was still fresh in her mind. If she hadn't asked it, the question would have been prompted by Erza, Mira, or Stella.

All three were not exactly thrilled to see the dragon slayer doing such things as openly looking at female undergarments. "We saw them during his fight with Gajeel and it was many times. How many times did we see them Happy?" said Vance. Everyone turned to look at the blue-furred cat that sat atop Zane's shoulder, seeing him attempt to raise five fingers as to illustrate the exact number being that Zane laughed out loud.

Lucy ,from her position at the table, tried to hide behind her hands out of sheer embarrassment. "So yeah, Happy says five." said Natsu. "I want to die." said Lucy, with her groaned out in a depressed manner. "Come on Lucy. Cheer up. For future reference though, you'll have to be the one giving the answer. Got it?" said Cana, eliciting only a groan of defeat from the still embarrassed blonde-haired girl. "Next up is us right?" said Natsu, almost eagerly and received a nod of confirmation.

It didn't take long for the pink-haired dragon slayer to instantly look at Zane and point at him so as to illustrate who it was he was going to choose. That was somewhat surprising to several playing the game, mostly because they expected Natsu to try and get Gray out of the game before doing anything else. I mean it's the obvious play due to their rivalry. "Zane, truth or dare?" said Natsu. Zane didn't answer at first being that he said,"What do you think Blue Fire?".

Blue Fire aka Happy began to lightly glare at Natsu before whispering something into Zane's ear, as it was like he was telling him something in secret. "Okay, truth. I mean I'm more a dare type of guy but Blue Fire here says other wise." said Zane. "What was that cool-lookin' badass thing you did back at Phantom's guildhall? You know that the thing with the weird eyes, that sick mask, the wings, the rocket boosters, the black skin, and...." said Natsu. Erza growled out,"Natsu.".

She growled this out in a tone implying she were trying to correct his mistake. The redheaded teen knew very well that Zane would tell them about it when he was ready given what happened before hand with his true place of origin. That didn't mean they had a right to hound him about something that had to be very personal. The fact that he lost control to that degree gave her the impression that whatever happened had a rather disheartening backstory to it.

She'd rather not force him to discuss such things. "Don't worry so much Prude Knight. I mean me and Kane have been pals since I was sixteen but he's known me since I was born. I do think I should have Kane explain it since I'm awful at story telling." said Zane. "We got time." said Natsu, blankly. "Okay then. Kane, mind making yourself known." said Zane, holding out his right hand. It glowed black as Kane said,"I can't believe how lazy you are sometimes.".

Zane shrugged as Kane said,"Whatever. What Zane did was something called Avenger and we should start from the very beginning so strap in brats.". For the next half hour or so was spent with a rather lengthy explanation about how Zane become a Vulcorian in order to survive having both Animus and Nether in his body aka two things that don't go together. He gained Avenger after Zane bonded with his inner demon through fighting of course.

There were several pauses as several were curious about Elysian with Zane mentioned that you really didn't want to go there being that it's a mess due to all of the dead bodies from all of the enemies that have been slain by a former Zero, Azalea who did her fair share, Kane, Lucifer, and Sivarth being that the trio of Azalea, Lucifer, and Sivarth had to be explained as well. Any additional stoppages in conversation were Natsu asking ,in his own special way, if all Vulcorians looked that "cool".

Kane told him that other than him and Uriel, the Vulcorians were a very savage species being that they devour anyone whose soul sounded tasty include his. After that, Natsu didn't quite have any desire to meet one any time soon but he did still submit that it looked cool despite everything that was said. This made Kane proud being that Lucifer ,who appeared on Zane's left hand and in a midnight blue glow, said he was better.

The two began fighting with Zane shutting off communication with two of the people who live inside of his body, rent free. Zane need this was necessary and he may as well have gotten it out of the way sooner rather than later. "One thing I don't understand. If you and Kane are good pals, why did you activate Avenger in Phantom's guildhall?" said Erza. "To be honest, I kinda wanted to so that Kane doesn't get lazy." said Zane.

Erza looked at him with a half glare as Natsu said,"So you killed all of those people on purpose then or what?". "Not really. I mean I've been though a lot of fights and my sense of what's accepted in a fight is kinda warped. I have a tendency to overpower most of my enemies back in the day which in turn forced them to get stronger. I have to push myself to the limit and well, my way of fighting is rather dirty. Anything goes being that taunting or hitting below the belt is okay with me." said Zane.

Everyone seemed to nod in understanding at the hero's response, though no one said a word for a small period of time. At the moment, they were all just trying to absorb what was just told to them by one of the two last Vulcorian. It wasn't all too disturbing given how Kane is a peaceful Vulcorian despite his past but it didn't exactly elevate their happiness. "Nice job killing the mood, Natsu." said Cana in a joking tone. "Hey, I was just asking!" said Natsu, defensively.

Gray scoffed as he said,"Yeah. Well next time don't ash for brains.". "Oh, like you weren't curious about it?" said Natsu with his words getting no reaction other than for the raven-haired teen to avert his eyes and ignore the question. "It's fine Natsu. Cana's just messing with you. If you want to be my friend, you have to accept my past and present self. I'm not the same person I was when I was around your age because time changes a person." said Zane.

Cana said,"Still, let's get back to having fun, eh? Elfman, you're up.". The white-haired man began to look around the table with an unreadable expression for once. It appeared that he was choosing his target carefully, but his eyes eventually landed on his elder sister and seemed to stick. Elfman knew his sister very well and could predict what she would choose and since that would undoubtedly be "truth", he had a free pass to ask her something that was bothering him.

He knew exactly what question he wanted to ask and even if she dodged by downing a drink, he would still be able to tell what the answer was. Who knew Elfman could be such an evil mastermind you guys? "Mira. Truth or dare?" said Elfman. "Truth." said Mira in a cheerful tone and a bright smile still etched on her face as it traditionally was. Her smile ,however, wavered upon seeing the smirk forming on her younger sibling's lips.

It seemed that he knew perfectly well what she would choose which only meant that she wouldn't like the question she was about to be asked. Elfman is a secret mastermind calling it now. Calling it now and this is Fairy Legion canon. Keep an eye on him you guys. "So do you happen to like someone big sis? As in, like, like." said Elfman. At this point most everyone at the table paid very close attention to the white-haired woman, each for their own reasons.

Some were curious, some out of dread, and one out of joy but whatever the reason all eyes were currently on her. Mira attempted to stall being that she had two choices laid before her. Option 1 is to cower away and dodge the question. Option 2 is to answer his question and be a little bit bolder than she intended to be. The question was ambiguous yes but if she did choose to answer it and do so honestly, there was another problem.

A certain Cross-Species ,who was sitting at the very same table and playing the very same game, will pick up on her answer and tease her to no extent. Elfman pressed on as he said,"Come on big sis. You either gotta answer or take a drink.". "Yes. I do Elfman." said Mira. At this, several were surprised given that they hadn't actually expected her to answer the question. Two people ,however, only had their suspicions further confirmed by her answer.

Two of them ,in fact, now believed they outright knew what was going on. One was the shockingly evil mastermind Elfman and the other Zane. Zane smirked as he thought,"Wow. This is really funny. Didn't expect Elfman to be so savage or somewhat sneaky.". "Yeah but he'll be punished for it by Mira maybe. Remember what happened to Kevin after he asked Rae about her crush before her liking you was revealed." said Twilight.

Zane chuckled as he thought,"Yeah. I think he still has the scars and a slight fear of her even after all of this time, we spend together.". "I knew it!" thought Elfman, who was fighting back an expression of realization in favor of keeping his calm facade. Bisca watched from her spot as she thought,"So she's interested in someone but who?". There was only one candidate coming to her mind being it's the very same person she desperately wished that the barmaid wasn't interested in.

Bisca was also interesting in him despite him having a girlfriend. "So. Who is it?" said Cana with a cheeky grin. "That wasn't part of the question and you didn't ask it Cana." said Gray in an uncaring tone. "That's right. Your turn's done, Elfman. So Erza's up now." said Mira. She sounded so cheerful but her smile appearing more forced than prior. The reason for her traditionally bright smile lost a bit of its power is simple.

Zane had shown her one of his signature and evil smirks upon hearing her answer a moment ago. The superhero clearly understood that she had been making the attempt at hinting to him that she had been referring to him. "Why does he have to be so damn observant?!" thought Mira. She wanting to do nothing more than slam her foot into the ground and grind the nearest floorboard into a pile of dust but she didn't.

Still, it wasn't exactly the worst thing in the world to have answered the question despite the object of her desire haven picked up on her ever so subtle hint. She still had other things to worry about. Mira's primary goal ,at the moment, was to get Elfman knocked out of the game, if only to punish him for putting her in such a position in the first place. How petty. "Hm. Lucy, truth or dare?" said Erza in a friendly manner, breaking the barmaid out of her thoughts as she did so. "Um. Truth." said Lucy.

She believed that the model of justice would at least ask her something less personal than the color of her underwear. She would be wrong. "Do you have a boyfriend?" said Erza. "What's with you people asking me stuff like this?!" said Lucy. "The object of any competitive game is to win, and the best way to do that is to make you drink until you pass out by asking uncomfortable questions." said Erza in a blunt tone. "Prude Knight is right Triple B." said Zane.

The blonde looked at Natsu ,who just smiled, with her currently mumbling something under her breath. She decided to pick up the nearest mug of alcohol and slowly drink it until nothing within the cup was left. Evidently answering that question was more embarrassing than the color of her panties being revealed by the trio of Happy, Natsu, and Vance. "Okay then, I'm next. Elfman, choose." said Mira.

She didn't even waiting for the scarlet-haired woman to pass off to the next person. "Real men pick dares!" said a proud Elfman, puffing his chest out in an intimidating manner. Mira smiled with it being both sweet and sinister. "I dare you to drink and have fun until you pass out." said Mira, closing her eyes and tilting her head in an innocent manner as she did so. "But that would take me out of the game!" said Elfman. "Which is why you can take a drink and dodge it Elfman." said Cana.

Mira smiled with her saying,"But wouldn't that make him less manly? I mean what kind of man dodges a dare?". She was inwardly smiling sadistically. She could just hear in her head exactly what her younger brother would say. I think we learn who is the real evil genius in this family. "Real men don't dodge dares!" said Elfman running over to the bar and grabbing an entire barrel of booze with him knocked out.

Cana said,"Okay then. Well, I guess that means the first person is out and it's just sad. You're up, Zane.". "Gotcha. Okay, what should I do partner?" said Zane as the cat whisper something into Zane's ear. All he did in response was nod, but shortly thereafter he made to speak. "Natsu, do you want truth or dare?" said Zane. "Dare!" said Natsu, almost shooting up out of his chair in an excited fashion.

Zane smiled,"Okay. I dare you and Gray to a drinking content. Winner is the last one standing and in our next training session, I'll remove some of the weights.". At this, both Gray and Natsu got up from their chairs out of protest. Evidently they both knew what this would mean. It was due to the fact if they should ever have a drinking contest to begin with, they would pass out at the exact same time leaving Happy the winner somehow.

Though neither of them would admit it, alcohol consumption was an area they both lacked in and equal degree. Natsu should have an advantage given his fire magic but well, Igneel didn't teach how to handle the booze like a pro. "What kind of a dare is that?!" said Natsu. "Yeah and why do I have to be involved?" said Gray. "Well, that's the game. I mean you don't have do it but then Natsu, you would back away from a challenge making you a wimp." said Zane.

He smirked with him saying,"Or even worse, you would admit that Gray is better than you. I mean you two would also be chickens and I have a dance for you if you two don't want to do it. Seems like a pretty tough choice to me.". "But that'd make us both out of the game!" whined the two. "They did exactly what I thought they would!" Maybe next time, one of you will ask for me to be on your team. Team Catastrophic for the win!" said Happy with him being content.

He closed his eyes and crossing his arms in a superior fashion. He high fived Zane who sprouted an arm from his back. "You did this Happy?!" said a surprised Natsu. "Yep. It was his idea. I mean it's obvious to everyone that you two wouldn't back away from a challenge against one another and he's my teammate on Team Catastrophic so I can't just say no." said Zane with a smile. "Aye!" said Happy in agreement. "He's got us there. Now bring it on you half-rate stripper!" said Natsu.

Gray said,"I'll crush you like a bug, flame-brain!". The two ran over to join Elfman over by the main bar. "Good job Happy." complimented Zane. The two high fived as Happy said,"Naturally! We're the best team!". Everyone in the game realized that Happy and Zane re a powerful force when the two of them working together. "Well since Gray and Natsu are out, looks like it's your turn Lucy." said Mira with a shrug. "What about me?! I'm still in the game!" said Vance.

Stella sighed as she said,"Your partner is out so you're out too. Sorry Vance.". He sulked as Lucy said with her tone having a slight edge to its normal kindness,"Erza. So truth or dare?". That came as a bit of a surprise to the remaining players of the game, but it wasn't entirely ludicrous given that the redhead had caused Lucy a bit of embarrassment. She would have gone with Cana or Zane but hey, she got revenge on someone. "I will select truth." said Erza.

Cole said,"Wow. She's sounds more like a robot than we do.". "Have you ever had a boyfriend?" said Lucy, obviously relishing the opportunity to get back at the scarlet-haired wizard for her previous turn. Erza ,upon hearing the question, outwardly exhibited a small sense of panic. Her appearance returned to normal a moment later upon actually hearing the wording of the question. The second she heard "boyfriend", her mind just went momentarily blank and needed to be shut down.

Erza said with no hesitation present in her voice,"No, I have not.". Lucy just huffed in response to this answer, obviously not being satisfied with the result of her question. She really thought that would be enough to rattle the scarlet-haired knight, if only a little. "Don't worry Triple B. You'll get her next time. I think we should worry about her though. I mean not having a boyfriend at her age makes her practically a spinster right Happy?" said Zane. "Aye!" said Happy.

Erza glared at Zane with Cana said,"Let me show you how it's done Lucy. Erza, truth or dare?". The duty of calling someone out having shifted directly to her since the blonde ended her turn without placing any facedowns. "Truth." said Erza in a calm tone. The words of Fairy Tail's most adamant drinker made her inwardly curious and apprehensive. "Do you currently want someone to be your boyfriend, meaning a specific person in the guild?" said Cana.

This question causing her blonde-haired friend to give a thumbs-up out of approval. This time, the panic that the female wizard exhibited after the question seemed to stay in place though a more predominant sense of nervousness was shown. The redheaded teen just continued to stutter and mutter things incoherently, obviously in an attempt to stall. Most expected her to immediately answer no being that in Zane's case, he knew what her answer would be.

Her crush is currently drinking with Gray. Mira was the same way. He didn't know why he cared but he's always been interested in others love lives ever since he was little being that he was and is a good matchmaker.  "Umm." mumbled Erza. Somewhat to most surprise, the scarlet-haired hardened warrior took the nearest mug of alcohol and drank it within a few seconds. Her eyes never meeting those of anyone else at the table.

She did this being that she didn't want Zane teasing her. "Well. It looks like I found a way to beat the redhead after all this time." thought Cana with a somewhat sinister smirk. "Cana definitely won't let that slip past her. I need to immediately get her out of the game!" thought Erza. At this point, it may have been her competitive nature taking over in addition to the fact that she didn't want to be "found out" by one of the biggest gossipers in all of Fairy Tail.

Lucy said,"Oh damn, I have to get back to my place now! Rents due and the landlord would kill me if I don't get there in time!". In all the commotion that occurred today, she had conveniently forgotten about her rent payment appointment. It should be somewhat of an important thing to remember if she wished to continuously live in her lovely home. She was gone after that. "Okay. It's my turn. Zane, truth or dare?" said Mira, turning to look at the superhero as she spoke. "Truth." said Zane.

Happy said,"I thought we were going to go with dare if someone asked us!". "Only if Prude Knight asks us remember?" said Zane. "Right! Sorry about that." said Happy, looking sheepish. "Let's me see. What should I ask you? Well since everyone else has asked this, so I might as well! Have you ever had a girlfriend before Levy?" said Mira. She delicately hiding the fact that this was a question she had intended to ask despite what anyone else had said.

Zane smiled as he said,"Yep. I've dated a lot in my time ranging from one lovely lady to seven lovely ladies. I have a picture if you want to see. I mean I would show you the dirty ones but eh. Those are for the personal collection" . The girls there were shocked by his complete honesty. "I shouldn't find that rather surprising but I do. Someone of your looks should be able to find someone. Though I thought your unique personality would have turned them away. Seven at once though?" said Erza.

She started out rather calm, but she just couldn't help herself from realizing that what she was about to say could be interpreted as flirting even she liked someone else. While she was a hardened warrior and a very calm and collected person, romance of any kind was not her department. It definitely wasn't an area where her robotic like demeanor shined through. "I'm with Erza on this one. I mean you really like surprising people." thought Mira aloud.

The news did give her a small sense of joy given that she could also date Zane. "Wow. You would be a playboy but seven at once? Not even Loke could do that without it blowing up in his face." said Cana She smirked suggestively as Zane said,"Despite me sounding like a playboy, I treated each girl who had a chance to date me with complete respect. They also wanted to do the whole harem thing much to my shock at the time and the jealously of my friend Kevin.".

Zane smiled as he said,"He was and is jealous of my luck with the fairer sex.". "So you're not lying at all." said Cana. "Yeah. I did say that you could see a picture of me with them if you want. I mean it's vulgar but hey, it was their idea I should stress." said Zane. Cana winked at him as she said with a large smile,"Interesting. Well I know what I'm daring you to do if you ever pick it.". "Bring it on then Cana." said Zane being that he wasn't at all embarrassed of his past.

The trio of Bisca, Mira, and Stella fought the urge to lunge at the brown haired woman who had just recently opened her mouth and said something she shouldn't have. Levy ,aka Zane's girlfriend, was okay with this being that Zane didn't want to keep any secrets between them and knew about his past when it comes to romance. "It would appear that I am next. Cana, tru.." said Erza. She stop upon seeing the brown-haired woman gulp down an entire mug of booze.

Cana said,"Don't bother asking me. I'll just take the drink because I can handle my alcohol, after all plus drinking is fun.". "Dammit." thought Erza, with her fists balling out of frustration. She couldn't deny the fact that Cana and Zane could outdrink her. If she was the target of each and every one of her turns, she would quickly pass out due to alcohol consumption. Normally, losing the game and allowing that would just hurt her pride.

However, she was up against her rival Zane and leaving him along with Mirajane while she was passed out. With her paranoid thoughts never really leaving her mind, it still remained a present worry. Even though her and Mira were friends, their rivalry is still there but on a smaller level much to Makarov's joy. "Okay. Guess it's my turn." said Zane. A moment later just as in the previous rounds, Happy whispered something right into the superhero's ear.

This time, however, he visibly reacted to the words the cat had said. "Really? She wouldn't have done that? Oh wow. That's so scandalous." said Zane, sounding shocked. "Nope." said Happy, with him shaking his head. "That's harsh though. I mean wow Happy." said Zane. "But we want to win don't we partner?!" said Happy. "True little buddy. Okay, I choose you Cana." said Zane. "Well I'm just gonna take a drink. I don't really need to do anything to win, after all." said Cana sounding cocky.

Zane smirked as he said,"I wouldn't do that if I were you. After all, if you didn't choose dare right now, I may be forced to talk about an incident at a place called "The Golden Barrel"." said Zane, smirking. Two of the remaining players of the game looked at the brown-haired woman with expressions implying they were completely lost. Their confusion was only added on by the fact that Cana seemed to be in a state of absolute panic and dread, her body almost shaking in fear.

Cana said,"Y-You wouldn't Zane!". "My partner here thinks I should right Blue Fire?" said a very nonchalant Zane. "Aye!" said Happy. "Okay, I pick dare." said Cana, calming down a bit given that she obviously believed the multi-haired teen wouldn't blab about something that personal. He totally would by the way. The amount of embarrassment from that incident was something she had to live with as a drinker for all her life.

In actuality all that occurred was that she had opted to try alcohol for the first time and had actually gotten hammered off of a singular drink. Her pride would just never allow anyone to know that ever happened. It's like with Dragon's Ale but much sadder. "I dare you to get up and say that you're the biggest lightweight drinker in the history of Fairy Tail." said Zane. Cana scoffed as she said,"Ha! I'd rather die!" . "So you don't want to do it?" said Zane in a sagely voice.

Cana glared at him as she said,"Yeah. Dammit, I'm out!". She instantly getting up from her seat and rushing over to the main bar next to the currently passed out forms of Elfman, Gray, Natsu, and Stella due to the latter being a very lightweight drinker. As of this moment only three ,or four if you counted Happy being on Zane's team, remained left to play in the game.One of them in particular ,being Erza, was extremely relieved.

This is the one person who seemed to be "on to her" was now out of the game thanks to the dastardly duo of Happy and Zane being that their teamwork was impressive.. On top of that, she now had an opportunity to play the game out with Zane and defeat him if she happen to eliminate the only other player left. "Okay, my turn! Zane, truth or dare?" said Mira. "Truth." said Zane. "Hmm. What do you find attractive in a romantic partner?" said Mira.

She was hiding the slight bashful nature that took over her being upon prompting her question. Zane knew the answer about that question being that he had been asked this a lot. "That's a tough one. I mean no normal women could handle how messed up my life. Let me think." said Zane, with him cupping his chin as he thought about it. "Kind, strong, and not a pushover are some major things. I think compassionate and caring about others and their loved ones is important. said Zane.

Zane looked at Levy with him smiling. "Like I've told Levy many times, I give zero fucks about outer beauty being that I've only cared about is inner beauties. I usually attracts beauties without trying but the biggest thing is that she should be able to accept both sides of me. The superhero Legion Zero and the Cross-Species behind the mask. That good enough for you?" said Zane. Erza and Mira smiled at his answer with the latter staring affectionately at the superhero.

She thought that she was just the ideal woman he had just described. Erza did respect Zane for that mindset because she was curious about why he and Levy were dating until now.  Mira noticed that the other girl staring at Zane but was really staring at Natsu. This caused their rivalry to be reborn anew. "Does she think he was talking about her? If she wants a challenge, I'll give her one." thought Mira.

At this point, the game began to take a new shape for the two remaining females. Each of them now bent on "gathering intelligence" on the other. This wasn't war just yet but if things kept going the way they were. it would quickly turn into one if things go the way they're going. They may be friends now but don't forget that they were fierce rivals like Gray and Natsu back in the day. Erza and Mira just continued to stare skeptically at one another, each simply waiting for Zane to begin his turn.

Happy whispered something into Zane's ear, but his expression told the two that it wasn't necessarily something that would get someone eliminated but did it anyways because why not. "Mira, truth or dare?" said Zane. "Truth." said Mira, taking a break from staring at Erza to give the superhero a bright smile. "I seem to recall a certain pink-haired dragon slayer saying,"You cook with food not little kids right?". So do you cook and eat children? People want to know!" said Zane.

Kaida ran up to her dad with her saying,"Papa! I don't think Mira eats kids!". "I don't know Peanut. I mean from my experience, it's always the nice girls who turns out to be the psychopath but I'll protect you. You're too sweet to eat." said Zane, tussling her hair much to her joy. "No I don't Zane. Why would you ask that?" said a confused Mira. "The cat on my shoulder told me to and I've been known to listen to the devils in my body." said Zane.

The white-haired woman glared at the cat and effectively made him release a nervous chuckle as he began to hide his face behind the sides of Zane's hair. Clearly, she had been annoyed to have been asked such a ridiculous question. "My turn. Mira, choose." said Erza. Kaida decided to sit with her papa being that she joined Team Catastrophic being that instead of alcohol, she would drink some apple juice.

Zane was okay with swearing but underage drinking had to wait until later. I mean to be fair, he had his first drink at four. "Truth." said Mira, obviously not trusting the redhead in the slightest when it came to the only other reaming option. She could just have taken a drink to dodge but there was no need to do so if she didn't have to. "I have my own suspicions but is Zane the one who gave you the advice you were referring to earlier?" said Erza.

Mira said,"Yes. Also just like I said earlier, I can never thank him enough even more so now that he helped Stella when she needed it most.". She had a fiery look in her eyes as she stared down the scarlet-haired teen. "I see then perhaps I was correct in assuming you are attracted to him." thought Erza as he her previous suspicions becoming more and more concrete as the game progressed. "My turn. Erza, truth or dare?" said Mira, not even bothering to wait for the redhead to end her turn.

Erza said with her voice having a serious edge to it,"Truth.". Zane just looked confusedly at the feline that sat atop his shoulder and little girl in his lap, though said duo just shrugged in response. Zane knew what was going on being that he was going to enjoy this. "Who specifically would you want as a boyfriend?" said Mira. In response, Erza just continued to glare at the white-haired woman while she downed a drink.

She didn't quite want a certain someone to hear the answer for personal reasons, and she'd be damned if she let Mira squeeze that information out of her before she had the ability to do the same. Do recall that her crush Natsu is out cold and probably wouldn't hear her unless he could hear people while unconscious. "So Prude Knight, truth or." said Zane. "Truth." said Erza evenly, cutting the orange-haired teen off. "Okay then. So do you cook and eat children?" said Zane.

Erza growled out threateningly,"Happy.". She turned to glare at the blue-furred Exceed as Happy squealed out,"Every cat for himself!". He flew away out of fear. Mildly annoying Mira was one thing but actually upsetting Erza was a one way ticket to sheer unadulterated pain, and he happened to be "allergic" to that. It's like whenever Usopp is allergic to something. "I'll take that as a no and I was pretty sure that you did." said Zane.

He watched his now former partner fly away as Kaida said,"So are we still Team Catastrophic?". "We sure are." said Zane "I'm up. Mira, truth or dare?" said an aggressive sounding Erza. "Truth." said Mira with a small glare now being directed towards the redheaded knight. "Who is it that you would like to have as your romantic partner?" said Erza. Exactly as Fairy Tail's strongest female wizard had done before, Mira just took the nearest mug of alcohol and finished it up within seconds.

A small blush was now present on her cheeks due to the booze, but even so she was still standing and appeared fine. However, she was inwardly panicking given that at this point her technical best friend had to know. "She just has to ask that. The questions she's asked me don't go to any other conclusion I can see." thought Mira. "Are you two okay?" said Kaida in an concern tone. She noticed that the only remaining two players of their 'game' appeared aggravated in some manner.

The two girls said in unison,"I'm fine.". "They're lying but don't worry Peanut. This only means that we have a pretty chance at winning now." said Zane. He could figure out why they are the way they are, so it didn't really benefit him to dwell on it any further. All he could try to do at this point was try his best to win and hopefully not do anything stupid to worsen their moods. I mean lets be honest. He totally is. "Zane. Truth or dare?" said Mira with Zane smiling.

Zane was slightly impressed that Mira wasn't continuing whatever little weird exchange that was occurring between her and Erza. There was a reason that the formerly powerless woman had chosen not to go after her former and possibly future rival. If things continued the way they did, she would be drunk. She had to try and get Zane out of the game. She was currently taking a gamble on the fact that Erza herself would want to hear the answer and just continuously repeat it in the hopes of an answer.

Zane said,"The truth shall set you free. I think I read that in a book once.". The barmaid was happy when he said that. "Who do you think is the prettiest woman in Fairy Tail Zane?" said Mira. At this question, Erza turned to look at Zane in an effort to see his reaction. She wasn't the only one. Every female ,except for Cana and Stella being the former was drinking and the latter was unconscious from drinking, was looking right at the Cross-Species superhero.

He was still coming up with an answer. If Zane present an answer, Mira's name may be said meaning that she won. However, he may not even pick her name being that he may not even choose one and would suffer from an unforeseen accident in the near future. All is fair in love and war, after all, and this was about to be both. "Well..." said Zane. He knew that whoever he picked would be happy and the rest of the girls wouldn't.

He looked back and forth between the two women keeping his company, noticing that they seemed to want him to answer her question. However, there was absolutely no way in hell he would give an answer because he really couldn't, plain and simple. He was up shit creek without a paddle or between a rock and a hard place. In his mind, the choice was obviously between the group of Bisca, Kaida, Levy, Mira, and Stella.

He didn't judge by just looks being that to someone who has the ability of to see through most objects with ease, looks means nothing at all. If he answered, the answer would undoubtedly anger someone being that he could tell that Erza and Mira were agitated at each other. It could be due to the alcohol as he wasn't exactly sure but either way, it was a terrible, terrible idea if he picked Mira. He decided to go with the safe answer.

Zane smiled as he said,"Beauty to me isn't important when it comes to someone's appeal. It's all perspective to say the least.". He downed his drink with seconds as he said,"My point is that the most beautiful female in the guild is just a title and that title belongs to whoever you think is the most beautiful.". "So did you answer the question papa?" said Kaida, sipping her juice. "Kinda. It's mainly to make sure that I don't die any time soon Peanut." said Zane.

Erza said in a higher voice than normal"Zane, truth or dare?!". The superhero's eyes opened being that he was used to seeing an angry expression on her face being that he liked to make her mad. "I'm sensing danger. Thank you Crisis Judgement." thought Zane. "I'm going to regret this but truth." said Zane. "Who do you think the most attractive female in Fairy Tail is?" said Erza. "You pretty much asked the same question again and secondly, it isn't even your turn!" said Zane.

None of his guild mates cared about this though. "You bet your ass that I can ask the same question she did. Now who do you think is the prettiest girl in our guild?!" shouted Erza, ignoring Zane's valid point. "I'll just repeat myself then. The most beautiful female in the guild is just a title and that title belongs to whoever you think is the most beautiful. It's a cop out yes but that's honestly what I think about the matter." said Zane.

Mira questioned in a assertive tone,"Who do you think is the prettiest girl here?!". "I didn't even say truth or dare yet!" said Zane. "Choose!" shouted the two. Zane's right eyebrow twitched being that he was getting annoyed. Kaida knew that her dad was a usually calm and collected person but when he gets mad, things usually go bad. "Fine. Dare." said Zane. "I dare you to tell me who the prettiest girl in this room is." said Mira.

Zane sighed as veins were slowly covering his forehead. "Okay then. I'm going to guess that we're throwing the rule book out the window then." said Zane. "Judge's ruling?!" said Mira. She turned towards her redheaded co-conspirator for support. "Yes, she can." said Erza, giving a nod of approval for the white-haired woman's actions. "Why is she the judge instead of a third party like neither of you?!" said Zane.

Erza looked at him like he was stupid. "Because I have a gavel." sad Erza. She summoning the very same object she mentioned a second later via her magic. "See Zane. That makes total sense. So answer right now Zane." said Mira, demanding him to answer. "Not really. That sounds like one of my reasons for defending one of my actions." said Zane. "Yes it does." said Erza with her argument pretty much did nothing for her case.

Zane sighed as he said,"Fine. Time to activate Plan Knock-Out. All of you are annoying my drinking time. NAP TIME!". He released his circular purple wave of energy, knocking everyone in the guild except a few as he sighed. Kaida smiled as she said,"So why did you do that papa?". "Because your dad had no other choice. Women can be quite stubborn right Zane?" said Sly. "Yeah Sly is right and to be honest, I love the stubborn type." said Zane, thinking back on his past and smiling.

Zane sat in his chair, with him listening to his music. He always found music to be a good way of moving forward in life and remembering the past fondly. He pretended to be out cold being that Bisca and Mira awoke first. Erza was still asleep being that she had markings on her face from Kaida being that Zane would be blamed for it probably if he knows Prude Knight which he does. "He's out cold. I didn't think you could knock him out with drinking." said Bisca.

Mira smiled as she said,"Zane is a conundrum that can't really be solved. So Bisca, truth or dare?". "I guess I'll go with truth." said Bisca. "Do you or do you not want to be romantically interested in Zane being that Levy, Stella, and I are pretty obvious but you're not." said Mira. Even after she woke up from Zane's attack, she was still feeling a bit tipsy. The cowgirl just dodged the question by taking another drink.

After she had done so, a very evident alcoholic blush covered her cheeks and her shoulders began to slump, albeit barely. "Mira. Truth or....." said Bisca. "Truth." said Mira having a tone that dared Bisca to challenge her. "Do you or do you not want to be romantically interested in Zane?" said Bisca. She didn't have Erza's traditionally expensive vocabulary. Mira just did exactly as Bisca had previously done, practically the same results appeared to take place.

Each girl glared at one another with Mira having a scowl on her face being that Bisca had a more confused look. Mira did seemed much less threatening due to the alcohol-induced blushes that took over her respective cheeks. At the moment, the two Fairy Tail wizards sat in silence. It was clear to both of them what the situation currently was and that only meant that this would lead to conflict with Levy who was his current girlfriend.

They perceived that Levy won because due to their hesitation. Both of them knew that Zane was the type to make the first move being that what's he did when it comes to dating Levy. Zane ,while still pretending to be asleep, rolled his eyes as he thought,"Women can be so confusing no matter how old I get. Oh well, I guess this is my fault in a way. Was a total Mack.". He let out a faint groan being that the two girls turned toward him.

They realized that the other girl was looking at him as well being both Bisca and Mira glared at one another before making to speak. "He's mine!" said the two in unison. They jumped at Zane's body in an attempt to claim what was "rightfully" theirs. The end result was for the two to end up on the floor being that Zane sat tightly in his chair. "Even when he's "asleep", he's still so stubborn isn't he?" said Twilight.

She knew that Zane wasn't one to change over night being that his personality has changed so much in the past couple of centuries thanks to him over using his watch and being immortal means that the past Zane is long gone but isn't dead. In response to this, the two females began to use his body as a practical means to play an odd version of tug of war. This wasn't the first time that this has happened to him being that he's been his fair share of tug of wars before.

However, he really wished that they didn't pull his arms so much. His body was swishing back and forth between the two girls. Someone would have commented on this scene being that everyone was out cold which includes Master who slept atop a barrel and Cana ,who currently resided atop the main bar. taking what appeared to be a rather pleasant nap. Zane smiled with him thinking,"Who really cares? I'm going to enjoy my life for once. Time to move on".

Back in Era or more specifically Siegrain's office. "You've been rather quiet. Is something that matter Ultear?" said Siegrain. Directly in front of his desk was the ever so sly Ultear Milkovich. She sat in a chair, her legs crossed and a neutral expression etched across her face. However, it didn't seem that she had been paying any attention as she didn't respond to her colleague's words. Given their topic of discussion however, it was possible that she simply lost herself in deep thought.

Siegrain snapped his fingers to hopefully bring her back to the planet Earthland as he repeated her name. "Hmm." said Ultear, bringing her head up and dawning an expressing that suggested she was still deep in thought. "I said that you've been rather quiet and I asked you what was the matter." said Siegrain, smirking. "I apologize, sir." said Ultear. "Could you be thinking about Zane Alvarez like a love-sick puppy?" said Siegrain.

He raised a brow and his smirk suggested something. The woman actually blushed, which was all the more visible due to her pale skin. She appeared to be caught off guard by the man's question, which had the added effect of eliciting a very amused round of laughter from the esteemed Wizard Saint across from her. "Asshole. No wonder why most people don't like him." thought Ultear.  She wasn't very easy to tease or catch off guard.

When it happened, she just had to suck it up and move on given that she was still acting the part of a subordinate. "Really wish I didn't have to play this role." thought Ultear. Only one other person had done that and it was Zane. "No need to scowl. I was only joking. I think he's a interesting man and he has only gone to prove he is worthy of my attention through his actions against Phantom plus his pet monster took down the Doppelganger." said Siegrain, having already gotten his fun out of the way.

Ultear said,"Indeed. Defeating one of the Ten Wizard Saints is no easy task, even if he had the little amount of assistance from a S-Class wizard. On top of that, it would seem that Fairy Tail's Demon is back into play.". "True. What do you think the odds are that our esteemed friend had something to do with that as well?" said Siegrain. He smiled devilishly as he talk. Real talk. Did the council never expect him to be sinister? I mean he's totally an evil villain.

Ultear said,"I'd say it's almost a guarantee. He has his track record for doing whatever he feels and tends to ignore the rules.". "That's why I think I've taken a liking to him. Both he and Natsu Dragneel continue to surprise me with each passing day, though his powers interests me more. That is a talk for another day." said Siegrain. The  triple agent quirked a curious brow at the words of the blue-haired man, not entirely understanding the meaning behind them.

She knew that both of those two held a key role in his plans but they were destined to be nothing more than a distraction it didn't really matter how much he altered them. "So when are we to send out members of the Rosewood Squadron? I think we need to investigate the recent war between Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail?" said Siegrain, getting back onto the matter at hand. "Two days from now." said Ultear.

She inwardly asking why the question had been asked in the first place. "I would like for you to head the investigation and pay our dear friend a visit. Despite one of the ten Wizard Saints being a member of the Rosewood Squadron, he doesn't tend to do his job being that his main claim to fame is eating more than most members of the army. Inform him that the Magic Council intends to leave him alone once again if he does this." said Siegrain, somewhat to his assumed co-conspirator's surprise.

Ultear said,"But even now the council isn't likely to do anything to him since the guild master of Phantom was acting as the criminal in this situation. If anything, he likely did us a favor.". This got a small chuckle from the blue-haired man. "Yes but he doesn't need to know that, does he? It makes us seem all the more less threatening should we reassure him that he is not in any danger. Well, from the Magic Council, at least." said Siegrain.

Ultear smirked with her saying,"Well then, I then to look forward to it.". She wanted to see Zane again being that she heard that he had a girlfriend in Fairy Tail and from what she has seen, she is a real cutie. She liked Zane more than most other guy he has met being that while Siegrain is very attractive in a physical sense, his personality is something less than annoying. Zane was like this as well but to Ultear, Zane was more appealing.

The very next morning at the Fairy Tail Guild Hall basement. The two previously disoriented females who had been warring over the same person the previous night was begin to stir from their alcohol induced slumber. They each held a hand on their head and released a small groan as they picked up their upper bodies, looking over the basement confused. No one else was awake as evidenced by the rather quiet snores that were coming off of several and the closed eyes of the rest of the guild

At the moment, they were the only two awake being that upon realizing this, they were looking at each other blankly. "Bisca. what...." said Mira, only to stop upon realizing that her hand was currently holding the fabric of a shirt that didn't belong to her or the green hair cowgirl. They looked to see that they had evidently fallen asleep each on one of Zane's respective side, causing both of them to blush being that Zane looked to have fallen asleep.

They were grateful that everyone in Fairy Tail liked to sleep in given that it avoided a very unwanted explanation on their parts. It was true for the most part. "What happened last night?" said Bisca with her blush slowly vanishing as she gathered herself. Despite this, neither of the two actually moved from their current positions. "I remember that we were playing a drinking game and the last there were Erza, me, and Zane." said Mira.

Bisca said,"And I think Zane was getting annoyed with you two not playing the game correctly so he knocked us out using that weird technique of his.". The girl remember what happened after that being that she had a slight glare toward Mira. The barmaid did the exact same thing as she remembered what happened the night before. Their staring contest was eventually stopped by a small groan from the man who they were currently lay on top of. 

As a result of this, the question of how they would handle recent information was brought to light came to their minds. "He doesn't need to know what happened." said the two in unison, after which they smiled at each other as a truce. "Yeah but I already know what happened last night and it's quite the scandalous affair. Poor Levy." said a voice. The two turned to see Zane sitting there, holding a cup of coffee with Kaida sitting on her lap, drawing something and Happy nearby him.

The cat had a blank but cheerful expression on his face. The two females looked at the trio with a confused expression being that the superhero being in two places isn't that strange given his ability to duplicate himself. Other than the two of them, they were the only ones awake. "Um." said Mira with her unable to think of a reason for what happened. Mira remember that Happy ran away after being scared by Erza but well, he knew about what happened last night.   

Bisca ,while trying to mimic Erza, looked at Happy with a stern expression as she said,"Happy, How much do you know?". "Not much but you like Zane." said a teasing Happy. "I mean everyone loves me and Raymond but not Chris." said Zane. It took no time at all for Bisca to get up from her position of being nestled up to Zane's body before slamming her fist directly down onto the center of the cat's head. The blue feline stumbled in place for a few seconds.

He fell down onto the table with only a groan escaping his lips. "Wow. I didn't expect Bisca to be so strong papa." said Kaida. "Yeah. Women are powerful Peanut. I've seen that the hard way through my grandmas aka your great grandmas. So how many hours of his memory did you erase?" said Zane with him sipping his coffee. "Twelve hours or so." said Bisca. "Impressive. I usually go for about six myself." said Zane.

Mira looked at the two of them as she said,"Why did you do that Bisca? And how are you in two places Zane?". "Because we already have one person who blackmails others and I didn't want to be blackmailed by a cats." said Bisca. "And I used Enigma Talisman to do my training. Kane is currently running my body." said Zane. "And I like being up early!" said Kaida. "Okay. So is Happy going to be okay?" said Mira, looking over to see if Happy's head was cracked open like an egg.

Bisca shrugged as she said,"I do feel bad but he'll be fine.". "We could have offered him a fish and he would have forgotten about it!" shouted Mira. "Yeah but would that work for him?" said Bisca, with her pointing to the two Zanes who were fusing back together. "Yeah. I'm kinda hard to hit being that I only get to make my enemies lose focus and I can exploit it." said Zane. "So do you two like my papa like Levy does?" said Kaida, forcing the two older females to focus.

The two gave this issue their undivided thought, realizing that they should take about it not before it comes to bite them later on. They knew that Zane knew about their feelings and wasn't going to do anything about i. If Levy was awake, she was owed an explanation to her about how they felt about her boyfriend. "So have either of you talk with Levy about loving and sharing little old me in the first place? I mean I was going to talk with the whole thing but then we had the Triple B issue." said Zane.

Mira looked at Bisca then Zane as she said,"No. I wasn't sure I really wanted a relationship with you until you saved me yesterday.". "Really? I thought it was when I comforted you at her grave the other day but I've been wrong before." said Zane. "So would Levy hate to see you with another woman like me and Mira?" said Bisca. "No idea. Haven't asked her. I can see into the future to get you an answer but I rather hear it from her in person." said Zane.

Mira sighed as she said,"Well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.". "Yeah. If anything, neither of us are going to give you up Zane. I may not have known you for that long Zane or haven't spend as much time than Levy, Mira, or Stella. I just don't want to hurt Levy because she's one of my Nakama and I'm not willing to lose her for you Zane." said Bisca. "That's fair. Let me say this. While I talk with Levy about this, you two talk with Stella." said Zane. "Why her Papa?" said Kaida.

Zane looked at her as he said,"Stella likes me Peanut. Levy will decided who gets to date me since she's the first girl. This is how my last harem worked and it lasted for a good amount of time before the Massacre.". "The Massacre?" said Bisca, Kaida, and Mira. "I'll tell you about it later. My point is that you three will show Levy how much you care for me and SHE will decided who gets to share me with her. Okay?" said Zane.

He didn't want to see the girls fighting despite Cole and Kane wanting a cat fight much to Athena and Azalea's annoyance. "That sounds like a fair option. You really know what you're doing." said Bisca with Kaida nodding. "I may not look or act like but I'm a genius. Been running my company since I was eighteen years old and it's one of the most successful company in the Omniverse." said Zane as he smiled. 

Mira looked at Bisca with the cowgirl putting out her hand for a handshake. "This situation kinda reminds me of you and Erza back on the day Mira." said Bisca. "Yeah except without the armed combat obviously." said Mira, shaking Bisca's hands. "Did Erza and Mira fight using weapons back in the day?" whispered Kaida. "Yeah but I'm not going to remind them on that. Think smart rather than dumb I always say." whispered Zane.

Before the four could do anything, Natsu shouted,"Ha! I win Gray!". His upper body shot upwards from his position on the ground with his face lacking any form of sleep. Bisca and Mira turned to see Zane who was asleep with the two thinking,"He's going to do something.". The dragon slayer looked around to see that he was just dreaming him defeating Gray. In their drinking contest, the winner was a draw since both of them were out cold at the same time.

They did beat Elfman and Stella but both of them are lightweights. His roar did wake up most of the guild being that many people were groaning and had headaches. They stretched and yawned with them moving around. "Why in the nine realms are you so loud all the damn time?" said Gray with him rubbing his forehead to alleviate his mild headache. "Sorry. I didn't mean to do that to the others but you. Meh." said Natsu, shrugging.

Gray would have fought Natsu but didn't feel like it. "Okay. Whatever. Looks like your roar didn't wake up Zane. You should probably take care of that. Find a stick or something." said Gray with the pinkie turned to respond to Gray. He stopped himself with him having a mischievous glint in his eyes and a wicked smirk crossed his lips. Gray saw this being that he remembered seeing this a lot when they were kids. "What are you thinking you idiot?" said Gray. "Zane's sleeping." said Natsu.

Gray rolled his eyes as he said clearly annoyed,"No shit Sherlock. Even Zane needs to sleep for at least an hour.". "And what does he do when someone wakes up?" said Natsu. Gray instantly got what Natsu was talking about being that who was going to be their target. "You guys should make Erza do it." said Happy. "Why her?" said Natsu. "Because she hit me and I don't know why! I can't remember a dang thing." said Happy.

Mira looked at Bisca who mouthed,"If you want to correct him, go ahead. I kinda want to see what will happen.". "Okay." said Natsu with a smirk. "I don't know. When she find out, she'll be very angry with me and Happy." said Gray. "Yeah but just imagine it. I mean think about it. Remember all of the times she beat you up when we were kids." said Natsu. "And in the past month." said Happy. After that, Gray thought about it and smirked like Natsu. "Okay. Worth it." said Gray.

The trio walked over to the group of Bisca, Erza who had woken up a bit earlier, Kaida, and Mira with Zane still "asleep" with his cup of coffee still warm. "Hey there. Good morning." said Natsu in a cheerful tone. "Morning Gray and Natsu." said Erza. "Same." said Bisca. "So Zane is asleep. You should probably wake him up Erza. I mean we are going to be rebuilding the guild hall and we'll need everyone to help out." said Natsu, pointing to the sleeping superhero.

Bisca, Kaida, and Mira didn't tell Erza about Zane faking being asleep. For some reason, Erza turned to Mira with a smirk on her face with Mira looking confused at Erza's expression. She would have told Erza about what Zane was going to do with her if she tried to wake him up but honestly, she knew Erza pretty well. Even if Mira told her not to, Erza would do it. "Of course I can Natsu. I'm the most suited to do so after all." said Erza.

This confused Gray and Natsu. "Should we stop her?" whispered Kaida. "I would but she won't listen to us Kaida." whispered Bisca. "Are you sure he would like that Erza? I mean you would shaking him like an ape." said Mira in a cheerful tone despite her saying something that she would have said back in the day. "That's the idea Mira." thought Gray with him trying to fight back the urge to laugh at the image of the redheaded knight being thrown around the guild by Zane.

Erza looked insulted with her saying,"Do you really think I'm brash? I'm more than capable of waking him up gracefully.". "Then go nuts." said Mira with her gesturing Erza toward Zane who was playing rock, paper, scissors, and gun with Kane inside of Elysian. The armored redhead walked over to Zane's body with her kneeling at his side. She brought her lips toward his ear, pulling back her hair in order to keep it from whipping as she spoke. "Zane. It's time to wake up." said Erza.

She tried her best to do a sweet voice with Natsu getting jealous of Zane. "So are you doing this to hurt Erza or tease Natsu?" said Athena. "I think both knowing our partner like we do. Isn't it super obvious?" said Cole. "It is but it's Zane." said Athena, earning a nod from Cole. It wasn't seductive but the tone and genuine affection in Erza's voice caused Bisca, Gray, Happy, and Natsu to drop their jaws being that they never thought the strongest and most aggressive female sound like that.

Mira giggled as she said,"Wow Erza. I guess you can't be graceful.". "I would like to see you do better." said Erza, losing all affection as she got back up on her own two feet. Mira did the same thing as her fellow beauty being she had a small blush on her face as it came near Zane. Her lips came a few centimetres of his ear with Bisca scowling due it being direct contact. "You can't be that close to him!" said Bisca.

Erza was confused at Bisca's outburst with Mira saying with a smirk,"I'm nothing touching him so it's fine. Are you jealous of me Bisca?". Bisca crossed her arms as Erza's eyes widened. She remembered Lucy telling her that Zane hates being woken up by someone and she remember when he caught her sword when he was asleep. She turned around to face Gray and Natsu with their faces bright red, both having blank expressions, and dropped jaws.         

Erza sighed as she thought,"Well, those two are idiots. Did they honestly think that they could get me to do something like that?". She turned back to face Mira who was trying to wake up Zane. "Zaney. I need to you wake up because I have to say good morning to my favorite hero." said Mira with her cooing affectionately. Her voice was so sweet being that it caused Gray and Natsu to stumble back to nearly fall over. Happy looked at the boys with him looking confused.

In response to this action, Bisca began to sweat. Even if she tried, she couldn't compete with Mira but her attempt would be better than Erza's though. She was worried that even thought Zane didn't talk with Levy yet, Mira would have a slight advantage over her and Stella who was still asleep. Despite Mira's attempt, Zane was fast asleep with Kaida wondering what her papa was doing. "Wow. You're doing such a great job." said Bisca.

She was pretty sure Zane was only pretending not to wake up to make things equal and also not to get in trouble with Levy. "Well, he could be just out cold. He did have a lot to drink." said Happy. "That seems right. I doubt both of us would fail at waking him up." said Erza with her saying that to keep her pride in tact. "Come on you two. Show them how it's really done!" said Kaida. Bisca looked at Kaida who smirked, matching her father. "Wow. Those two are similar." thought Bisca.

Natsu roared out,"What the hell?! That isn't how you wake someone up! Lets show how its done right Gray?!". "Um I'm good but you go ahead." said Gray. "He's learning." thought Bisca and Mira as they watched Natsu wake up to Zane's side and lightly nudge Zane. In response, Zane's eyes shot up with them turning bright red. He turned toward Natsu with him saying,"Learn your place.". In a single second, Natsu was grabbed by a tendril and thrown into the nearby wall.

He did achieve his goal in waking up Zane being that it wasn't worth the pain. "That really should have worked." said Natsu. "In your defense, you're an idiot." said Gray. "So I have to ask. How did you get to where you hate being woke up?" said Mira. "It's a long story but to make short. When I was around Kaida's age, my dad used to wake me up by attacking me. Improving my guard pretty well but well, I kinda have this condition where I attack anyone who tries to wake me up." said Zane.

He looked at Natsu with him saying,"Pretty sure him and the snowcone was planning on making me do that to you and Prude Knight but don't worry. I would have thrown one of you into next Tuesday and I think it's obvious who I throw.". The two women (Erza and Mira) looked at each other confused with them figuring out their friends/nakama's plan being that Gray shivered at the thought of them beating him up like they did when they were kids.

Natsu would be spared from Erza but Mira was another story. She wasn't here to protect him anymore being that Gray knew that Natsu missed her dearly. "So I should say sorry but I'm not and since I'm such a good sport." said Zane. "What do you mean by that?" said Erza. Zane shrugged as he said,"I think you need to cool down.". With a snap of his fingers, he made one of his portal make Erza disappeared with Natsu saying,"Where did you send her?!".

Zane shrugged as he said,"In the lake outside. I'm not a monster plus she was smelling like the bar and booze. I mean it works for Cana but for Prude Knight. Not so much.". "You know that she's going to kill you right?" said Gray. "He can handle himself but as for you too." said Mira with her glaring lightly at the two boys. One of Fairy Tail's strongest female wizards were get ready to punish Gray and Natsu but Zane decided to step in for the two he saw as his brothers.

Zane walked up behind Gray and Natsu with him punching them on their head, leaving a comical bump on their heads. "Look. I'm up for a good prank as you know but I could have hurt Mira. Prude Knight isn't a dainty flower like Mira is. I may treated all genders equally because I'm neither but I don't want to hurt Mira got it? If you ever attempt to make me do that, I'll increase the weights on your training and bring out your favorite forms. Understand?" said Zane.

The two gulped in fear with them saying,"Aye sir!". "That's real sweet Zaney." said Mira with her hugging the Cross-Species from behind. Needles to say, Bisca wasn't pleased with this as she glared at the barmaid/bartender's form. Zane smiled with him thinking,"Wow. I'm kinda happy that she isnt hiding her feelings toward me but another Rae is a bad thing.". "And how is that a bad thing? Both of them are busty! Your type after all you horndog!" said Kane.

He was hit by Twilight with her saying,"Zane is a gentleman and has to control himself around women especially pretty ones like Mira.". During this, Gray and Natsu were wise enough to shy away and escape since Zane was busy with Mira. "Sure thing Mira but I need to make sure that those two don't escape. Got to teach them their place after all." said Zane. Mira let him go as he went to go get Gray and Natsu who screamed after seeing him behind them.

The three were gone as Happy saying,"So where are they going?". "To be punished with Orb Thunder Form I think." said Kaida, cupping her chin. "Orb Thunder?" said Happy. Kaida tried to explain to the cat that it was really cool with Happy wanting to see it more by the second. Mira was heading over to Bisca with Mira taking pride in the fact that Bisca was scowling so heavily. "Do you really think you get away from that?" said Bisca. "Yep." said Mira with a bright and innocent smile on her face.

Before Bisca could do anything, Makarov came walking down the stairs with him making a gesture that suggested he wanted everyone to stop what they were doing and listen. "Listen up children! Now that the celebrations are out of the way, we've got serious work ahead of us.... Does anyone know where Erza, Gray, Natsu, and Zane are? I can't say this without them here." said Makarov. "Taking a swim because of Zane and go through hell because of Zane." said Sly.

Elfman looked at her with him saying,"You really know your partner don't you?". "I do. Erza will meet us outside and I've told Zane to bring Gray and Natsu back after he has fun with them in Orb Thunder." said Sly. "Orb Thunder?" said Stella and Vance. "Okay then. All of you head outside at once!" said Makarov with the others following. "Well, Zane is going to piss a lot of people off too so pray for him." thought Sly as she went outside.

A bit later, Stella stood there with her saying,"Um. How the hell did you get all of this in the first place Master?". Outside of the destroyed guildhall, there was a lot of construction material. There were wooden beams, nails, and tools being that she was slightly impressed with the elderly wizard managed to get all of it in just a few hours. "Magic." said Makarov with him sounding sarcastic to Stella. "Very funny but are you serious?" said Stella.

Makarov looked at her confused with him saying,"Of course I am my dear. How else do you think I got it here?". Before Stella could answer him, Zane appeared and wrapped his arm around her and this action caused Stella to blush. "Well coward. Back in my dimension when someone answered with magic, they were usually being a sarcastic asshole." said Zane. "I see. So are you doing this on purpose or what?" said Makarov, pointing to Erza, Gray, Natsu, and Stella.

Zane looked at the four with one glaring at him while soaking wet, one shaking in place as he was covered in bruises, one was trying to heat the knight back while covered in bruises, and the final one was blushing madly. "Kinda." said Zane. "Ignore him. So are you going to repair the guild or rebuild it from scratch Master?" said Sly. "We're tearing it down and then rebuilding." said Makarov. Many were unnerved by his reply.

Natsu ,after helping Erza, was visibly aggravated by this statement being that to him, the guild didn't need to change. "Why would we tear it down?! I mean we could just patch it up and maybe add some paint.. We could...." said Natsu. "Simmer down Natsu. A guild isn't defined by the building it owns but the people who are apart of it. Our guildhall may be torn down a hundred, even a thousand times but the spirit of Fairy Tail will stay strong." said Makarov in a serious tone. 

Natsu huffed in an annoyed fashion being that he couldn't argue with Makarov's words being that he was pretty sure that he got that from Zane but he didn't feel like arguing with him. He was okay with it for now. "So how are you going to do that exactly coward? I mean you're not exactly in your prime anymore." said Zane. "I was going to have you blow it up Zane." said Makarov. Zane began laughing with him falling onto the ground due to his laughter.

Sly sighed as she said,"Zane. I know that Master may be old but you really should try to be a good member of the guild.". "Yeah no. I'm good. In fact, I'm going to work on my tan." said Zane with him standing up. He made himself a hammock with him relaxing in it. His clothes changed to a gray short sleeved Hawaiian inspired shirt with a black, red, and white flower/sword design. He's wearing black shorts and brown sandals. He also had a pair of sunglasses resting on his face.

Levy sighed as she said,"Come on Zane. You did help us repair the guild when Gajeel gave it an awful makeover.". "Yeah but if you recall, I told the coward that I wouldn't do this again after I fixed the guild. This includes destroying the guild." said Zane. "He's kinda right." said Sly, floating above Zane. "So are you going to be doing nothing while we do all of the work?" said Erza. "Yep. You got it Prude Knight. I'm pulling a Fanboy and Chumchum here." said Zane.

He made his headphones appear with him listening to some music. "Erza. I did make him a deal with him and I seem to have forgotten that." said Makarov. "Seriously? You're going to let him walk over you like that Master?" said Erza, pointing to Zane who was enjoying himself. "Yes. I'm sure we can do it without his help even though he was about to destroy Jose with a single form of his. If you want to prove something to him, show him what you can do." said Makarov.

Zane nodded as he said,"So as a wise man once said, quit your bitching and do your fucking job or else!". "Seriously? You're quoting Efren now?!" said Sly. "Why not Sly? I was going to eventually so why fight it?" said Zane. Erza mumbled something under her breath with her standing there in her Flame Empress Armor front and center. She held out her sword with it slowly covering itself in fire much to the joy of Natsu. 

She brought her back with her swinging it forth, firing a decently sized wave of fire directly at the highly damaged Fairy Tail guildhall. A large burst of fire and smoke erupted when the attack hit but the fire was gone thanks to Natsu being a human vacuum when it comes to fire. When the smoke cleared up, the guildhall was completely destroyed and nothing was left. "Nice job Prude Knight. I give that destruction a D+." said Zane, holding up a sign with "D+" on it.

Erza glared at him with her saying,"I'm just going to ignore you and your comments.". "Yeah. You can try that but it won't work honey." said Zane, humming a tune. "So what about the tables and stuff we had in the basement?" said Vance, turning to look at the elderly man. Makarov was silent with him thinking that he should have gotten that stuff before hand but shrugging it off. "Don't worry about it Vance. Everything is going to plan." said Makarov.

Vance crossed his arms as he said,"And why is that I doubt you old man?". "Because you're a curious cat Vance." said Makarov. "That makes so much sense." said Vance. He was going to walk over to Zane who was currently being served grapes by Sylvia much to Erza's annoyance. "And where do you think you're going?" said Makarov. "To get some grapes handfed to me from that girl." said Vance, pointing to Sylvia. "Nope. You're going to help us in the reconstruction." said Makarov with a sly grin.

Vance looked at him with him saying,"And why would I do that?". "Because a little birdy told me that you're faster and stronger than Happy. Since Jet is currently out of commission due to his injuries, you get the lucky  You've earn the title of lumber taxi alongside your partner Stella." said Makarov in a happy tone. Vance looked at Makarov with him accepting that he would be put to work when he joined this guild.

Jean totally owed him for this being that the cat would have been fine with manual labor but being forced to use Extreme Speed Magic ,which he learned from Lila before leaving, and carrying large wooden beams all day was the most boring thing he could have imagined himself doing. As a result of this, he turned back to the group with him glaring at them. "Okay. Who told him that?" said Vance in a stern tone as the group shrugged.

They all pointed to Zane who was smiling. "Aw. Did I make the little kitty mad at little old me? Too bad so sad. Everyone has to do their part and your part along with Stella is being the lumber bitch so have fun with that. After all, there is no I in team." said Zane. Vance aimed his gun at him with Stella stopping him. "It isn't worth it and you know it." said Stella. "Yeah but why is he such a major pain to deal with?" said Vance.

Stella shrugged as she said,"Sly says that it's a coping mechanism for all of the death that he has dealt with in the past almost thousand years. So what do you want us to do first?". "Glad to see that one of you is in the right spirit. See that pile of lumber over there. I need the two of you to take it and stack it over on the east side of the construction site. Make sure not to damage any of them since we need every last bit of material we can spare." said Makarov.

Stella nodded as she said,"We're on it sir.". "Yeah. I'm going to kill Zane for making me do this." said Vance with Zane smirking while listening to music. "You can try your best Vance but I'm good at dodging attempts made on my life." thought Zane. "As for the rest of you, all of you are expected to take part in reconstruction in any way you can. However if you're female and wish to abstain, you may do so under the condition that you cater to everyone who is working." said Makarov.

He had a perverted grin on his face with him saying,"You must wear a skimpy maid....". He was cut off by a giant foot crashing into his head. He flew into the rubble of the guild hall with Zane sitting there as the giant foot came from his body. "Master!" said Erza, running over to him. "So while I may be against him being a pervert, you didn't really need to hit him for that." said Bisca. "I didn't hit him because of that Bisca." said Zane as the giant foot went back into Zane's body.

Bisca looked at him as she said,"Should I ask why?". "No. I think it's because Zane hates when females sit around while the men do all of the work. He's an equal justice warrior since both men and women aren't spare from his wrath." said Sly. "Don't you get a joke Zane?" said Makarov. "And I'm sure that it wasn't a joke. Make the girls work or else." said Zane, cracking his knuckles. "Don't you like seeing girls in skimpy outfits?" grumbled Makarov.

Zane smiled as he said,"I do but I also like seeing men as well. I like both genders as well but if you come up with something like that again, you'll be sent flying away again.". He released a bit of his power with Makarov gulping. "Okay. I'm good. Everything that I said goes." said Makarov. Almost after finishing his sentence, Zane's left pinky knuckle was cracked being that he wanted to make sure that Makarov delivered the right message.

It was a bit letdown for some of the girls who caught onto Makarov's words but none of them were willing to voice it given that Zane would have beaten them within an inch of their lives without leaving his hammock. "Minus the uniform part and the girls have to do some work as well." said Makarov in a begrudging tone. "I understand." said Erza with her body engulfed in a bright white light since she was using her magic.

When the light vanished, she was wearing a full body construction uniform. It's a pair of baggy brown pants, a brown shirt, and a yellow hardhat. "Wow Prude Knight. You really don't want a man do you? I mean that uniform is total man repellent." said Zane, moving up his sunglasses to look at her. "Hey! She could totally get if she wants to!" said Natsu. "Not in that outfit she won't." said Sly with her earning a hi five from Zane. "Nice burn partner." said Zane.

After that while resulted in Erza trying to murder Zane with a large hammer but he dodged it all of the time due to his intangibility and portals, the majority of the guild including Erza were scattered and off to the designated areas directed by Makarov. However, two individuals stayed behind with one being Levy and the other Mira. Levy was currently talking with Zane with it looking like a very serious conversation.

Mira couldn't hear them taking due to Zane saying,"Oblivion Atmosphere" a bit earlier. She was sure that they were talking about their whole situation with Levy sighing a lot and Zane looking like he was saying sorry a lot. Mira knew that her possible relationship with Zane all depended on Levy's wiliness to share him. She wondered if this is how Natsu is going to do this with Erza and Lucy with the latter not here due to rent issues.

Lets just say the landlady was making Lucy work for her apartment through means that would make the construction look simple in comparison. "So how long have they been like that?" said a voice as Mira turned to see Bisca standing there. "About ten minutes. From what I can tell, Levy and Zane seem to be taking this seriously." said Mira. "They probably should since most girls aren't too keen on sharing their boyfriend with other women." said Bisca.

Mira nodded as she said,"Yeah. I wouldn't be if I got my hands on him first.". "And who says that you would be the first one? It could have been me or Stella." said Bisca. "Yeah but I was the first one to be friendly with him after all. You all followed in my footsteps and he complimented my looks before all of you." said Mira with her crossing her arms underneath her breasts and smiling. "Yeah but that's because you're a model. Kinda an unfair advantage." said Bisca, getting an idea as she finished.

Bisca smiled as she said with a smile that pissed Mira off,"But Kaida did say that I was her favorite wizard to stay with when she stayed with me at Fairy Hills for that week plus Zane has been in my room. Has he been in yours Mira?". She wasn't lying but it was Zara who is technically Zane's female persona. I'm saying that it counts. "No. So is that how Zane got that book from Erza's room? I was wondering where he got that." said Mira.

She was lightly growling with her teeth gritting together as she spoke. "Probably or maybe Levy gave it to him. Those two are really close after all." said Bisca, pointing to the couple who kissed as the cowgirl walked off. Mira's eyebrow twitched out of annoyance with her shaking it off to go back into her cheerful and nurturing appearance. The reason for this was simple being that she was going to get her revenge on Bisca because you don't mess with the demon of Fairy Tail.

Levy looked at Mira with her saying,"Wow. You really know her don't you?". "Yeah. I got a talent for reading people plus she totally digs me." said Zane. "I can tell. In fact, everyone could after you saved her. I was actually really shocked that you picked me instead of her but well, I'm happy that you didn't Zane. So is it true? I get to decided if Bisca, Mira, and Stella can date you." said Levy with Zane nodding.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yep. You have the choice since you're head girl. I told the two to tell Stella that you'll need to see if they really do like me and I mean both sides of me. Oh and before I forget to do this, want to join my team?". "Huh? I'm already on a team." said Levy. "Who says that you can't be on two. I think you need to move on from Fanboy and Chumchum. I mean I don't like those two because of them being annoying but hey, you're allowed to think differently." said Zane.

Levy looked at Zane with her saying,"I'll think about it but we're going on a job together as a couple right?". "Yep. It's something I'm looking forward to because Bisca, Mira, and Sly could babysit Kaida since I don't trust most people here with her safety." said Zane. "Okay. So do you want me to go help out with the others?" said Levy. "Do whatever you want. I'll be here, relaxing and make comments like a boss so go nuts." said Zane.

Some time later, Stella walked up to the elderly wizard with her saying,"Okay. We got the lumber where you wanted it and Vance says that he's going to kill Zane.". Makarov ,while in his giant form and construction outfit like Erza, was currently putting up the framework of the building being that she could still hear the voice of their female dragon slayer. He stopped what he was doing and went to his normal appearance so he could talk with her properly. "Very good." said Makarov.

Stella crossed her arms as she said,"So is there anything else you need from us? Because I don't think Vance can handle any more labor like that without blasting Zane into oblivion. I would try to stop him but he's a stubborn one.". She remember that little trait of his back in the day. "Nope. You two are good for now I hope. I'll need you two to start chopping the lumber over there. Don't use that overgrown cleaver of yours to do so." said Makarov.

The dragon slayer looked at him with her saying,"My blade isn't a cleaver Master.". "Yeah yeah. Just be quick. We have a lot of work to do." said Makarov. Stella was going to attack the master but she was pretty sure that the man was under a lot of stress at the moment being that she was going to be the bigger woman before figuratively and morally. They had just got to the war with her being one of the injured and she was sure that the Magic Council would be here in time.

This meant that Makarov would be under a lot of stress even thought Makarov didn't do anything that bad in the first place. She got Vance ,being that he was being held inside of a candy syrup prison aka Sweet Confinement, and placed the cat in front of the large pile of lumber the two recently moved over here. Vance held an axe with him saying,"This is going to take forever.". Stella ,while making her Earth Dragon Blade appear, nodded as she said,"Yeah. It will be if you keep bitching.".

Vance sighed as he really hated the bright sun right about now. "I'm going to kill Zane for this for this ideal condition for manual labor." thought Vance. A few minutes later, Vance muttered,"Going to kill Zane for this now.". He and Stella were done with their recent job being that it had taken longer than the cat would have liked. If he wanted to work construction, he would have helped Haru and Kraig with the reconstruction of Blossom Village but he didn't.

He was helping Jean with her magic since her former magic teacher turned out to be a psycho who was obsessed with a woman from his past despite her being there for him in the present. He didn't find manual labor difficult but he wasn't exactly the best at working in the heat since he's covered to the brim in fur. His forehead was covered with sweat, being half of it from the heat and the labor itself. "So having fun you two?" said a voice which Vance grew to hate.

He turned to see Mira and Zane with the latter sipping some lemonade. "So it seems you two are busy working hard." said Mira. "Unlike him." said Vance. "Love you too." said Zane. Stella ignored Vance and Zane arguing since it was like Erza and Zane arguing but slightly better. She was looking at the tray with glasses of lemonade that Mira was holding. The barmaid was probably making sure that everyone was adequately hydrated.

She just appreciated the company which was distracting her from her current job with her partner who pretty much spoke bad thing of her mate who totally did this on purpose to mess with Vance for staring at Mira's breasts yesterday. Yes, Zane is that petty. "So are you doing okay Stella? Vance isn't so I was just curious." said Mira with a cheerful smile on her face. "Yeah. I'm just upset that me and Vance were made glorified construction workers while he does nothing." said Stella.

She ended her statement by pointing at Zane who shrugged. Mira giggled at this with her saying,"At least you have a title unlike the others.". "Plus I haven't messed with you guys like I have with Erza much to her anger. She's trying so hard not to get mad at me but it's going to blow up in her face both figuratively and literally in time." said Zane, smiling. With Erza, the scarlet-haired woman who was the strongest female wizard was currently kneeling.

She was atop of a component of the guild's rafters with her examining the job she done. "I think I'll need to hammer these nails better but other than that, I think that section went up very well." thought Erza. She turned to look at the ground with her seeing her three somewhat involuntary assistants who were standing at the ready, just blankly looking up at her for any orders from her others. "Gray and Natsu. Go get me another thin support beam." said Erza.

The two nodded as they walked off, leaving Bisca at her beck and call. A moment later, the redhaired woman turned her sights toward a series of nails that she need to make sure they were properly in place. Upon seeing them loose, she readied her hammer and gazed down at her target without a care in the world. "Ha. Don't make me laugh so hard Zane." said Mira from a distant. Both Bisca and Erza stiffened upon hearing a continuous giggle for the white-haired barmaid.

Both girls was searching for the source of the noise being that they found Mira and Stella talking with Zane who was in one of his forms being Rubber Form. He look to be eight feet tall with a slim yet muscular appearance. His skin looked to be made out of a black  rubber like substance. His hair is a dark red color and his eyes are unique looking. His eyes are large stylish protective royal blue goggles with red tinted lenses that blink. His eyes look to be made out of rubber. 

He has two black markings on his cheeks and a mouth filled with gold teeth. He has four long arms with four fingers and two legs. He's wearing a black and white jumpsuit with a series of laces on the front, revealing his muscular chest and a red heart in the center of his chest. His jumpsuit is black on the right and white on the left. It also has a silver fur collar and cuffs. He has a red and gold belt with a "LZ" belt buckle. He wears a black army helmet with a white pattern and red straps on the sides. 

Strands of his dark red hair stuck out of his helmet. His hands and feet ,which are a black color, are in the shape of gloves and combat boots respectively. He is wearing the signature robe of his. The rubber being was making both girls have a bright smile on their face. This was done thanks to Zane jugging the angry Vance frown. I don't hate Vance by the way. It's honestly my bias toward Happy and yes, I'll be bringing a lot of hatred toward most Exceeds who will appear except for one. 

Try and guess who the lucky Exceed is if it isn't obvious enough. When she saw this happen, Erza had several things happen in rapid succession. Firstly, the scarlet haired woman morphed into an angry scowl and glare since she wasn't a big fan of Zane's antics. Secondly, her grip tightened to the point that she snapped the handle of the hammer she held in two separate pieces. "Bisca. I need another hammer." said Erza.

Bisca wasn't listening to her being that she didn't take her eyes off Mira, Stella, and Zane with Natsu hearing Erza's request and decided to help her in Bisca's place. "Head's up!" said Natsu. Erza didn't register her comrade's words before the metal part of said hammer slammed into the back of her hardhat. She instantly fell off the beam and landed flat on her stomach and face. This incident caused Bisca to stop staring at the two.

Natsu ran over to her with him saying,"Erza! I'm so sorry!". He was worried about her being that he didn't want to invoke her wrath. Erza groaned as she picked her upper body off the ground and rubbed the back of her head. Even with her hardhat, the hammer hurt. "What the hell did you just do Natsu?" said Gray being that after hearing Natsu's request, he ran off to help Erza and left Gray to carry the thin wooden beam by himself.

It wasn't that difficult for him but it was a shock when it happened. He saw Erza sitting on the ground with her ripping her head and was pretty sure that Natsu was involved. "I just threw her a hammer like she asked but it hit her in the head." said Natsu with him shaking. He didn't mean to do that and didn't want to make Erza mad at him but Erza wasn't the most rational when it comes to her anger. "I guess you're an idiot." said Gray.

However due to the wooden pole he was holding, he slammed it directly into the back of both Bisca and Erza's head. The girls head slammed into the ground as a result being that there was a small grunt at the sudden abrupt hit. "Dude! You just hit Bisca and Erza at the same time! They're going to kill you for that!" said Natsu, pointing to the two of them. "I did what?!" said Gray. However it seems that fate decided to mess with Gray once again.

Gray turned at the same instance that Erza picked her upper body off the ground which resulted in her getting hit by the long wooden beam in the back of her hardhat. This sent her into the dirt once again with Gray shivering. "Oh god. I'm dead meat." said Gray. The two males stood in place where both of them practically in fear. Bisca and Erza picked her entire body up off the ground with both of them looking at them.

They both had an aura of fire from head to toe with their eyes glowing bright red. "Please don't hurt us you two!" said the two boys as the girls approached them. It took about five seconds for both of the boys to be in a lifeless state with the area around them having some guns holes. The moral of this is hell hath no fury than a woman scorned. "Idiots." said Erza, dusting her hands as she walked away from the boys and she went back to work.         

Bisca didn't because she was more focused on Mira and Stella who were keeping Zane ,who was on the floor laughing at what just happened to Erza and not her while juggling Vance, occupied instead of working on her job being that she couldn't allowed this to happen because their reconstruction mattered more. Before she could do anything, Erza decided to stop Zane from having fun. "Zane! Stop bothering Mira and Stella from doing their job! Master says they need to work!" yelled Erza.

Zane sighed as he said,"Wow. What a buzzkill. Do you think buzzkill knight would work as a nickname?". He dropped Vance on the ground with the cat growling in anger. "Probably not. Prude Knight is pretty good even though it's still a mean name." said Mira. "Harsh but fair. Well, I best be leaving you ladies and cat. Don't want to get the knight's bad side too much." said Zane as he was gone by bouncing away.

Stella looked at Mira with her saying,"Probably going to go bother someone else now.". "That does sound like him. So do you think Erza had something to do with this or Bisca?" said Mira. "I want to say Erza given the two's hatred of each other but Bisca likes him right?" said Vance. Stella looked at the cat who said,"It's pretty obvious that she sees you two as serious romantic rivals. Now, lets get back to work.". "Right." said the two.  

A bit later, Zane ,who had deactivated Rubber Form, stood in place while staring at the properly divided mass of lumber Stella and Vance had transported. It would have been far easier to finish it if he helped them but he refused to help build or destroy the guildhall. He wasn't their babysitter or their construction worker. It was done so he couldn't complain too much since the guild would be back to normal eventually.

Right now, he was currently doing some quick training by doing one handed push ups without his Hawaiian shirt. This made a moderately sized group of females really happy since his personality may not be the best around but compared to Laxus and Mystogan, he was pretty nice. They enjoyed him using his muscles especially when he took off his shirt. Zane clearly knew they were watching and wasn't going to stop them since he's used to be watched by women.

It happened after his secret identity was exposed being that whenever he went to go help build houses for charity, there was usually a crowd of people just there to watch him work and he was just used to it by this point in his eternal life. If he was eighteen like the others, he would mind a bit but he cares little now. The group of ladies ,watching Zane, were something that Prude Knight took note off and wasn't happy about it.

She wasn't happy about them doing nothing since Zane made everyone ,male and female, work but they didn't pay attention to her at all since their attention was on Zane and not her. To stop this from happening, she took a spot directly in front of them. She had a light glare and scowl with her crossing her arms under her breasts to make sure that it was clear that she wasn't happy with them. The girls let out a collective chuckle being that they knew that she was there so that's good.

Erza said,"Don't you all have something to do?". "We do but if we did that, we couldn't watch the show. Despite his personality, he's really handsome." said a female. "Mainly with all of those scars on him. You can tell that he's really dedicated to the job." said another female gushing. "You and your scar fetish." said another women. "Get back to work." said Erza in an agitated manner which caused the group to run and scatter out in fear.

At this, the red haired woman released a content sigh. She may not be able to intimidate some of the wizards in her guild ,Stella and Zane, but she was more than capable of doing with others. It may be a little cruel but treating someone as eye candy ,even though his personality isn't that sweet, when they was work to do is something that she couldn't allow to happen. Now if Natsu did what Zane was doing, I doubt Fairy Legion Erza would do anything to stop it.

Makarov walked over to the superhero with him saying,"And here, I thought you would be sitting in your hammock while all of us work harder.". "Yeah. I kinda got my tan done so I'm going out of my way to piss off Prude Knight. I personally think it's working but hey, I could be wrong. So what do you want Stella and Vance to do next? Find a flying pig?" said Zane. "Well, now that you mention it Zane." said Makarov.

He smirked with Zane not regretting his choice of words being that he didn't want Stella to do more stupid assignments but Vance on the other hand. However, Stella and Vance were lend some assistance from Erza. "Sorry to cut into this important conversation but I believe that I could use Stella and Vance's help. Gray and Natsu are currently indisposed." said Erza being that the two boys were still in the ground thanks to her and Bisca.

She felt bad for what she did to Natsu but she was sure he learned not to throw a hammer at her even though she's wearing a helmet. The elderly looking wizard hummed in thought being that he gave a bit of consideration to Erza's request. He may have fun messing with the gray furred feline since it was pretty fun thanks to Zane giving him the idea earlier but the guild's construction came first. "That seems fine. No slacking off!" said Makarov, walking off.

Zane looked at Erza who smiled. "You're despicable you know that?" said Zane. "Oh. Unlike you Zane, I care about my guild." said Erza. "I care but I also like having fun unlike you Prude Knight whose more focused on working and not having fun." said Zane, crossing his arms and pouting. "I guess you'll just have to deal with it. Now come with me you two." said Erza, looking at Stella and Vance. The three began walking toward the nearest area of construction. 

Zane watched them leave as he thought,"Oh Erza. Of course you realize this means war right?". He was gone as he came up with a plan much to the disappointment of Juvia who had been watching him all day and in secret. Pretty sure that Juvia could out stalk Kurumu and Mizore easily. Despite Zane's distraction and some other setbacks, the building was coming along swimmingly being that they should be done with the base by the end of the week.

I would say the end of the day but Zane's distractions kept them from finishing. "Thanks for helping us there. I'm sure those two are working together just to mess with me." said Vance, giving her a grateful smile. "Probably but I'm sure that Zane has his reasons." said Stella. Erza and Vance looked at her with them saying,"Beside being an annoying pain in the ass?". "Yeah but you know that this is just the start right?" said Stella. "Start of what?" said Vance. "War." said Stella.

Some time later,  Erza said to Stella and Vance,"So do you think this section is sturdy enough?". "I guess maybe we could..." said Vance. "Hey, Stella and Vance!" said Mira with her walking toward the duo. "Hey Mira." said Stella in a friendly tone. Erza took specific note that she had been ignored but she half-expected that coming from Mira since she and Zane were so close. They may not be rivals any more but they had their moments of their rivalry being reborn in the current age.

Mira said in a sweet voice,"So can I get you two boys and girl something to drink?". "You know that it's me Mira!" said an angry Erza. "Oh. I'm sorry Erza. I didn't know that was you in that very manly outfit since it's something Elfman would wear." said Mira in an innocent voice. Her voice was devoid of malice or any sense of teasing. While Stella and Vance was pretty sure that she didn't mean to say anything bad, Erza did. "Bite me." growled Erza. 

It was at that moment that she knew that she fucked up. Stella looked at her with her saying,"Wow Erza. Way to be a real bitch. She said that she was sorry and you were being a total Laxus.". She found it unsettling to see the knight bark at the barmaid so easily like she would with Zane. Mira ,as Stella and Vance saw her, was the person who couldn't insult anyone in the entire Omniverse being that neither one could see her doing like Zane would on purpose. "I said I was sorry!" said a sobbing Mira.

Tears were literally pouring out of her eyes as if they were independent waterfalls. Think Aria except cuter and not for every little thing. I'm sure Aria would cry during a happy movie. Erza looked over at Zane ,who appeared from out of nowhere and with his Hawaiian shirt, give her a look not of anger but of disappointment. She figured out what she just did and let her anger toward Zane cloud her judgement.

Zane looked at her with him saying,"I know you hate me more than anything in this dimension but taking it out on Mira? Low blow Prude Knight. Low fucking blow.". He was currently comforting the wailing form of the innocent white-haired woman. Let me get this straight. Mira did nothing wrong but Erza ,in her hatred of Zane, took out on someone who didn't deserve it. Think about like this. You know when you're mad at someone else, you take it out on someone who doesn't deserve it.

That's what just happened. "But I.... She....". said a stammering Erza. She couldn't explain what just happened. "I need a hug!" said Mira with her voice heavy with sadness. It wasn't really a statement rather a spoken intention being that Mira lunged forward and wrapped her arms around Zane. Zane smiled as he brought his arms up and began rubbing her back. It remind him of when he was comforting his kids or Wolfram after something bad.

This was also because Zane couldn't help but noticed her ample chest was pressed up against him for the entire duration of the embrace. "You're the literally devil!" thought Erza while glaring directly at Zane whom she blamed for this and to add insult to injury, he had a devil like tail sticking out of his back. Mira stopped crying being that she didn't leave him. Upon seeing Stella glaring directly at her with her looking draconic, she made sure Zane wasn't paying attention.

She stuck out her tongue childishly at the silver haired teen. This wasn't the best move since Stella grinded her foot against the ground in pure rage and frustration. Nearby her, the duo of Gray and Natsu were recovering from Bisca and Erza before they were sent flying off into the distance thanks to Stella who accidentally casted Earth Dragon Obelisk in her anger toward Mira. Those poor boys am I right?

Stella knew that she couldn't do anything to Mira since Zane was right there and didn't want him of all people disappointed in him. The reason Zane wasn't paying attention to this interaction was due to him thinking about how he was winning the war between him and Erza with him having a lot more victories than losses. "Okay. I think I'm feeling better now." said Mira with her releasing Zane. "And that's good. If you want to cop a feel, no need to ask." said Zane.

Mira giggled as she said in her usual tone,"I'll keep that in mind once Levy says yes. I'll go get you guys some drinks. Do you mind helping me Zane?". "No prob. I ain't do anything important beside you know messing with people. Why not put my time as a waiter to use?" said Zane. The two were gone with Erza, Stella, and Vance looking back at the rafters they were referring to before the bubbly woman and he showed up. "Okay. I'm heading up there to take a closer look." said Erza.

Meanwhile, Mira and Zane were talking with Mira smiling. "I can't believe that worked! You're so evil Mira! I love you!" said Mira. The two glowed as Zane turned out to be Mira and Mira turned out to be one of Zane's forms being Bakeneko Form being the female human version. She has a slender and attractive figure with her being well-endowed. She was actually smaller than Mira with her being 5 feet tall. She has two cats tails sticking out of their coccyx or the lumbar region.

Her finger and toe nails are short yet sharp claws. She has peach colored skin and this goes alongside her long purple hair ,which goes down to her hips, which doesn’t take away the appeal of her sexy gold ,with white cat like pupils, eyes. She usually keeps most of it in a long ponytail with a black cat-shaped hair clip. She has several loose bangs that hang over her forehead to hide the diamond shaped mark on her forehead. 

She wears red lipstick over her lips. She's wearing a choker around her neck with a round bauble that has the symbol of a magic wand etched into it. She has cat-like ears ,with the tips matching her eye color, and is hidden under her black ,totally witch like and cocktail hat, hat on her head with it embroidered with diamonds. The female form have two little sharp fangs in her upper jaw which is more easy to see if she closes her mouth.

The female form wears a black v-neck halter sleeveless dress top, long and open white evening gloves that exposes her fingers, a purple short shorts with a black belt with a gold cat themed buckle, and long white thigh high-heeled boots. She's wearing the cloak. "Thanks Zane. It was all because of you being good at being me. You are Zane right?" said Mira. "Call me Zara. So do you need my help for phase two? I'm sure my male self is helping us." said Zara.

Mira shook her head for no with her saying,"No. I'm sure I'll be fine but I'm sure Vance needs to be kept distracted.". "Oh. I get you. You're a real minx and that's coming from me Mira." said Zara with her tracing her finger around Mira's chest. "You know I like Zane right?" said Mira, blushing at how close Zara was. "Which I am but more curvy. Fun fact, the real and more mature Zara is pretty curvy after the Massacre." said Zara.

Mira looked at Zara with her saying,"If you're curious about that, ask Zane when he and I go back to normal. I'm off to seduce a cat. You would think I would never do that but honestly, this is normal for me.". Mira watched her transform into a normal looking ,at least compared to Happy and Vance, cat being 2 feet tall exactly. She has a slender yet sleek body with four slender legs and dainty paws. She has exquisite and shiny violet fur and large gold eyes with white pupils.

She has large ears with bushy tips and the inner part is white. Both of them have long, thin, and curly tails. Under the hat which is the same hat she wore before as a human, she has a small diamond embedded in her forehead. She has a collar around her neck with a round bauble with the symbol of a magic wand etched into it. With a smile, she strolled off as Mira shook her head. "He'll never not be interesting I swear." said Mira to herself.

Meanwhile, Stella watched Erza climbing up the support beam and onto the wooden structure in question. When she reached the final series of wooden rafters, she looked around for anything that need to be reinforced. She found exactly what she had been looking for since there was a large section that was nearly falling apart due to an error. "Vance. Mind handing me a screw? This section over here needs to be connected before we can move onto the next section." said Erza.   

Stella looked at the spot where Vance stood with her shrugging. Vance had saw Zara ,who was in her cat form, and well, he couldn't resist her. I would make the obvious joke involving cats and the letter P but I think that I'm a bit more mature than that. Just a bit though. "Vance is unable to help at the moment so I will. Are you sure that you need to reach that far just to screw something in? I mean I could easily use one of my spells to do it no problem." said Stella.

She sounded concerned for her fellow female being that Stella liked Erza despite her being a bit too much of a prude for her liking. "Don't worry. I'll be careful. I'm kinda thankful that at least you're concerned for my safety." said Erza. "Yeah. I mean Zane may hate you because well, he's an old man in an young man's body. I do like him but I also like you as well but not in that way." said Stella with Erza smiling.

She grabbed the screw and hammer that she was given being that she focused on the section that needed to be reinforced. "Okay. I just need to...." said Erza as she leaned forward in an attempt at reaching for the area. It turns out that flying or a stone pillar was not needed to reach the spot before she began to hammer the screw that had been missing. It took a few seconds for her to finish after which she retract her arms and body slowly but surely.

However, she had lost her balance upon pulling back which caused her to fall from the wooden rafter where she once stood. She closed her eyes and braced herself for impact upon submitting to her fate upon hitting the ground. However, she hit something that she didn't expected. The impact wasn't as hard as she expected being that she had be caught or if she landed on something or something. She wasn't on the ground and that's what matters.

A second later, Erza picked her head up and opened her eyes only to be greeted with the sight of Natsu's face just inches away from her own. She looked down to see the lower half of her body and in a compromising position no less. Her breasts ,which weren't covered by anything thanks to her very specific uniform, was pressed against his chest with a great deal of force due to her directly landed on him.

As a result of this, her face was crimson red just like Natsu who understand the nature of their current position. "Are you okay Erza?" said Natsu with him trying to find his voice. "Thank you Natsu." said Erza with her being that she was embarrassed. For a moment, the two didn't move away from their current position being that the two of them both knew what was going on. It seemed as if they were both in a daze of embarrassment and confusion 

However this ended with the sound of breaking glass coming from their left and a photo being taken by a camera. The two turned to see the group of Gray, Mira, Stella, and Zane with all four of them having a different reaction to this scene. Gray and Stella had the same expression with their eyes being widen with their faces bright red like Erza and Natsu. Mira stood there with a shell shocked look on her with a tray turned upside down near her.

There was a collection of shattered glass scattered nearby with fluids ,that the glass once held, around them. She had dropped it at seeing the current position of the two close friends. Zane ,who was in the male Bakeneko Form, stood there with his phone in front of him. Zane has a slender and attractive figure being 6 feet tall and well build.  He has two cats tails sticking out of his coccyx or the lumbar region. His finger and toe nails are short yet sharp claws. He has slightly tanned skin.

The male has short dark blue hair which he keeps short to exposed his crimson ,with white cat like pupils, eyes and also hide his moon tattoo. He's bare from the waist upwards, revealing his muscles to the ladies. Dark blue fur covers various parts of his body being that it flanks up to just under his armpits, down his shoulders and biceps, and his legs are completely covered in fur up to his upper thighs. He wears an loose and opened black shirt.

He wears a pair of ripped maroon jeans and black dressed shoes. He wears a black belt with a white belt and a crimson cat themed belt buckle. The male is wearing a black hat that would belong to a sorcerer on his head that has elements of a fedora hat with a moon embroidery. He has cat-like ears with tips matching his eye color instead of having human ears and they are hidden by his hat. He wears a round bauble ,like a necklace, with the symbol of a full moon etched into it.

Mira said in absolute confusion,"What happened?!". "They're horny for each other obviously. Isn't it that clear to you?" said Zane. "No. I fell from the rafters after reinforcing one of the areas and Natsu just happened to catch me." said Erza. "Yeah. I thought I reacted in time but I guess I didn't so she kind just fell on me to be honest." said a bashful Natsu. "You didn't have anything to do with this right Zane?" said Gray.

The cat man shrugged as he said,"Nope. That would be the female not me. She's busy at the moment with I think a cat. Don't know with her even though she's me. Why would I mess with the natural orders of things plus blackmail baby.". At the end of it, he threw up a peace sign and turned to Mira. She had seemed to calm down a bit before she had a smile on her face that was both sweet and sinister. "Just like mine when I'm full on sadist mode." thought Zane.

Mira tilted her head with her saying,"Then why haven't you two gotten up yet?". Stella could hear light grinding of her teeth as she spoke with Mira being slightly scary to her. It reminded her too much of when Terraytha when she was mad. In half a second, the two got up and averted their gaze from each other with a deep blush making itself present on their cheeks. "Guess I have to get those drinking again and please be careful this time Erza." said Mira.

Zane nodded as he said,"And me and Gray will clean up the glass.". "Sure. I would argue with you but I'm sure you'll turn into that and I don't want that." said Gray. Stella made a whip sound as Gray glared at her. "Lets pick up the hammer and screws that fell." said Erza. Natsu nodded in complete understanding with the two collecting the tools that accompanied the fail. It took a few seconds to collect the screws but neither of them could see the hammer.

They seem to find it at the same time with them saying in unison,"I got it.". They both reached for the handle ,take that in any context you want I won't judge, at the same time with their hands grazing against each other since they attempted to grab it in unison. They remained like this for a while before figuring out what was happening and they retracted their hands out of embarrassment. "I guess I'm sorry." said Natsu with a light blush coating his cheeks. "It's fine." said Erza

A moment of silence passed as the redhead grabbed the hammer before they began to walk back over to the area where they had been working. They still had work to do but the more annoying part was done. "We should go pull up that section of the wall and move onto the next spot." said Erza with her blush gone. "Okay!" said Natsu with his toothy grin. "So did they forget we're here or what?" said Stella as she turned to Gray and Zane who were talking.

Stella crossed her arms as she said,"And now you guys?". "We're listening but we have an idea so do you want in?" said Gray. "What's the idea?" said Stella. "As you can clearly see, Natsu ahs a crush for Prude Knight and Triple B so we're trying to figure out who is he going to be with first. So are you in? Team Prude Knight or Team Triple B? We're thinking about getting the entire guild involved." said Zane. "Sure." said Stella as the three talked.    

Mira was trying to keep her bright and cheerful smile on her face being that she had given the group of Erza, Gray, Natsu, and Stella their drinks no problem but she was bothered by Zane ,who had met up back with Zara after the cat woman had some fun with Vance aka making him getting hit by a woman watering her garden and getting drenched in paint, who was chatting with Cana, Kaida, and Levy with the latter on his lap.

She knew that she didn't have a right to be jealous of Levy since she got him first and was pretty sure this was because of what she and Zane did earlier. Karma is a really petty bitch after all. With the girls and Zane, Zane smiled. "This is nice." said Zane. "Yeah. It's a nice hot day for drinking and doing my part to help out." said Cana. "Which is?" said Levy. "Keeping an eye on her for my number one drinking buddy's little one." said Cana, tussling Kaida's hair.

The little girl smiled as Zane said,"Okay. I'm going to do something. I'll be right back.". "Is it another prank like earlier when you made Erza say something mean to "Mira"?" said Cana. "That was you Zane?" said Levy. "Yeah. I mean it was rather obvious. The shocking part is that I got Mira to help out with it. My reason for leaving is going to get some ramen for us. You know the good kind." said Zane. "Okay. Be right back." said Levy, kissing him.

Cana smirked as she said,"So are you two in the honeymoon phase yet?". Levy's face went bright red as Kaida tilted her head in confusion. "Not yet Cana but soon. Be right back honey." said Zane with him leaving to get some ramen. "So you're really happy with him aren't you?" said Cana. "Yeah. He has changed the guild for the better at least for me." said Levy. "Erza on the other hand disagrees with him." said Kaida as the two girls laughed at her innocent.

Mira had hidden her glare behind her smile as she approached the girls with her thinking,"At least Zane is gone for now. Maybe I can talk with her.". "Hey there Mira." said Cana. She was drinking a barrel of booze with Kaida sipping on her lemonade that was given to her earlier in the day. Levy was confused on why Mira hadn't said anything being that she usually responds to her. "So are you okay Mira?" said Levy. "Yep. Just thinking about something." said Mira.

Cana smiled as she said,"Pretty sure it involves our favorite prankster. I mean I'm sure half of the girls and maybe a couple guys like him even though his personality is well awful.". "Yeah but papa is awesome!" said Kaida. "Yes he is." said Mira. Levy noticed this from Mira with her saying,"Mira. I know that you, Bisca, and Stella like Zane but I'm going to be honest with you when I say this. I don't mind sharing him with you.".

Mira's eyes widened at this with Cana saying,"Really? Didn't expected that from you. I remember you not sharing any books with anyone back in the day.". "I'm not that selfish anymore Cana. Just wait before you make your move again Mira?" said Levy. Mira rapidly nodded as Zane returned with five plates of ramen. "Already gave Sly hers much to the jealously of Elfman and that weird dancing guy. What's his name again?" said Zane.

Kaida looked at her father with her saying,"I think it's Vjeeter. Thanks for the food!". "Yeah. You're a good man." said Cana. "Yeah. I may not act like it most of the time but I care about my friends. So Mira, I have to ask you a question?" said Zane. "What is it?" said Mira. "Do you mind coming over to our house after we finish up here?" said Zane. "Are you asking her out Zane?" said Levy. "Nope. I owe her some home made cooking and no, I don't use magic to cook Cana." said Zane.

Cana snapped her fingers in annoyance with Mira said,"Really?". "Yeah! Papa is really good at cooking!" said Kaida. "Thanks. I was thinking of inviting you, Bisca, Cana, Levy, and Stella to my house for some food. I mean you girls have taken care of Peanut and I need to thank you. So will you come over for some Alvarez cooking?" said Zane, smiling. "Sure. I would be honored." said Mira as she smiled. "What about Elfman?" said Cana.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Well, I don't care for him finding out where I live since having the guild there for a party isn't happening any time soon and if it does without my permission, I'm murdering the person who does.". "Ah. You're so nice aren't you?" said Levy. "I try." said Zane, earning some laughs from the girls. Later that day, the entire guild ,except for a handful of members, were outside of their freshly created guildhall.

It taken some time but the result was impressive. The sun was setting being that the structure of the guildhall had been complete. According to Makarov, they were going to make it bigger and better with Natsu liking it the way it was. "Well done my children." said Makarov. "Yeah. You guys did the best while I did nothing. Good teamwork." said Zane. "Shut up." said Vance. "Nah." said Zane as he avoided Vance's cat swipes.

Makarov ,while ignoring Vance and Zane's antics, said,"I would like to thank Stella and Vance for doing the most excruciatingly boring job that I gave the two of them this morning. It helped a good deal with the reconstruction of the guild.". "Thanks master." said Stella with her being in a good mood since she was being thankful for her and Vance's hard effort. Going to Zane's house for a date was helping her mood as well.

She may have to be there with Bisca, Cana, Levy, and Mira but not Elfman much to his anger before he was thrown into a pile of rubble by Zane. The future was looking bright for Fairy Tail. The entire problem with Phantom was long over being that nothing could dampen their parade even if Juvia brings the rain with her emotions. I mean things will won't last but they should be happy for now right? Yeah. Lets leave them like that for now.

Next time,
With Phantom Lord destroyed, everything is back to normal or is it?!  Lucy confirms her father about what happened being that this is the fight that only she can do. Zane also faces his set of problems in the form of the government of this dimension and also dealing with his growing feelings toward Bisca, Juvia, and Mira. This and more next time on Fairy Legion!

Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Rubber Form. This card has a black frame with a giant multi colored rubber band ball in the center of the card. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 46 and it doesn't have a Prime Form.

New Cards/Forms that haven't been seen in Zero yet:
Bakeneko Form. This card has a black frame with two cats silhouette in the center of the card with a full moon behind them. When Zane places this card inside, he becomes a duo of supernatural cats. Both cats are able to switch from feline to human. If it was confusing, this is how the cats look. Both cats are the size of normal cats ,being 2 feet, with the male cat able to become a 6 feet human male and the female cat able to become a 5 feet human female. Both cats have slender yet sleek bodies with four slender legs and dainty paws. Both cats have exquisite and shiny fur with the female having violet fur and the male having dark blue fur. The male cat has large crimson eyes with white pupils while the female cat has large gold eyes with white pupils. Both cats have large ears with bushy tips and the inner part is white. Both of them have long, thin, and curly tails. The male cat has two pairs of pointed teeth visible upon opening his mouth with one being on the upper and the other on the lower. Under the hat which both cats have, the female form has a small diamond embedded in her forehead while the male form has a small crescent moon silhouette on his forehead. Both cats have collar around their necks and a round bauble with the female having the symbol of a magic wand etched into it and the male having the symbol of a full moon etched into it. Both the female and male cat can become human with them having slender and attractive figures. The male is very well build with the female being well-endowed. They both have two cats tails sticking out of their coccyx. Their finger and toe nails are short yet sharp claws. The bauble that both cats wear are still there with the male wearing it like a necklace and the female wearing it like a choker. They have cat-like ears with tips matching their eye color instead of having human ears and they are hidden by their hats. The female has peach skin which is different compared to the male being slightly tanned. The cats have matching eyes in their human form with cat-like pupils. The female has long purple hair ,which goes down to her hips, which doesn’t take away the appeal of her sexy eyes. She usually keeps most of it in a long ponytail with a black cat-shaped hair clip. She has several loose bangs that hang over her forehead to hide the diamond on her forehead. She wears red lipstick. The female form wears a black hat ,that wouldn’t be too far off from a witch and elements have a cocktail hat, on her head. The hats are embroidered with diamonds. The female form have two little sharp fangs in her upper jaw which is more easy to see if she closes her mouth compared to the male when his mouth is open, you can see his fangs. The female form wears a black v-neck halter sleeveless dress top, long and open white evening gloves that exposes her fingers, a purple short shorts with a black belt with a gold cat themed buckle, and long white thigh high-heeled boots. Compared to the female, the male looks more cat like. He has two sharp fangs sticking out of his mouth. The male has short dark blue hair which he keeps short to exposed his eyes and also hide his moon tattoo. The male form is bare from the waist upwards, revealing his muscles. Dark blue fur covers various parts of his body being that it flanks up to just under his armpits, down his shoulders and biceps, and his legs are completely covered in fur up to his upper thighs. He does wears an loose and opened black shirt. He wears a pair of ripped maroon jeans and black dressed shoes. He wears a black belt with a white belt and a crimson cat themed belt buckle. The male is wearing a black hat that would belong to a sorcerer on his head that has elements of a fedora hat with a moon embroidery. This Form hasn't been introduced in Zero yet and it does have a Prime Form.

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