Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Zero Episode 129 Walking a mile in another shoes

A/N: I had to redo this entire episode since I accidentally forgot to save it or I deleted it by accident so yeah, I'm in a bad mood. The thing is that I can remember most of it so it isn't that big of a deal. I think the moral of this story is to save after every couple of minutes and make a file after a couple of episodes. Yeah. You can tell what this title is about once you know where that expression comes from and I mentioned that I may be doing this episode in the future aka the Body Swap Episode.

Like, I mentioned in Fairy Legion Chapter 28 about the spell Soul Swap which Zane did to Team Natsu and Stella. Like in that post, I mentioned how I'm going to be doing body swap in Zero just as a quick reminder. Since it's been over eight months since that post, I'll remind you how the rule works. I'll be writing the name of the character whose talking and then the name of the character's body that they're inhabiting. It's separated by a slash.

I used the example of Danny and Gwen swapping bodies which may or may not be happening in this episode. I enjoy a good body swap episode so I wanted to do this episode for a while. For this post, I'll be using this example instead. Let's set the stage. Brad and Hannah are switching bodies because of them being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It would be like Brad/Hannah if Hannah is in Brad's body and Hannah/Brad if Brad is in Hannah's body.

That would be hilarious and may not be mentioned. So I decided to talk about three articles being 'Captain Marvel 2' will introduce Marvel's next gay hero, Who will play a major role in"Young Avengers', Marvel Just Announced the MCU's perfect Spider-Man Replacement, and And just like that, Robert Downey Jr. is already rumored to be returning as Tony Stark before it got erased. I'll be doing that again and the exact order I did this.

So with Spider-Man leaving Mama Disney to stay with Papa Sony for the future due to Disney being greedy or whatever reasons it may be. It could be Sony wanting Spidey and Venom to meet. I was upset about this at first and I ignored the fact that the Amazon Rainforest was literally on fire. I'm sure most people knew about this but I didn't since I was focused on Spidey leaving the MCU. I got over it since arguably Spider-Man can work without the Marvel Universe as a whole.

It's nice to have Spider-Man in the MCU since Spider-Man is part of the Marvel Universe as a whole but if they make the remaining two Tom Holland Spider-Man movies good like the Sam Raini ,whose last name is really hard for me to spell, trilogy, I'll be okay with this change. Perhaps we'll get Spidey and his world to the MCU but stopping the Disney Monopoly is a good thing. Now what does this rant have to do with the MCU?

So Marvel Studios thinks that Kamala Khan aka the current Ms. Marvel is able to replace Spider-Man and I have problems with it. Spider-Man is arguably the most relatable hero around since compared to Batman and Superman, he isn't rich or a god. He does have incredible luck with the ladies but does that luck help him stick a serious girlfriend? Nope. It depends on the writer. Just watch Comic Drake's video on Spider-Man's Girlfriends which is really good.     

So Kamala Khan isn't a bad character whatsoever. Just wanted to get it out. Unlike most legacy characters, I actually like her since she's different from Captain Marvel unlike Miles Morales who to me is just Black Spider-Man and honestly Spider-Verse didn't change my mind on this. I think I'm racist on why I dislike Miles Morales as a character since he's a stronger Spider-Man and doesn't change a lot at least for me.

Kamala Khan does something different compared to Captain Marvel since she's a good character unlike Captain Marvel. Fight me. She isn't good in the comics and in the movies, she isn't winning any rewards in my book. Kamala is different because she's an Inhuman aka Mutants and she's one of the few Muslim superheroes. I try not to look at races or sexuality when it comes to a character but sometimes, writers only focus on that.

It's good that MCU Ms. Marvel will be comic book accurate and despite it subtly explore themes of social justice ,which is usually a big no in my books, but in terms of ones faith. If you're making a good character with Ms. Marvel, I think she could replace Spidey in terms of the role that she has to fill in the MCU by replacing Spider-Man. Spidey still makes more money but he's Disney's Mickey Mouse and that makes an awful lot of sense. 

So since Kamala is a big fan of Captain Marvel for some reason, how is that going to work since Captain Marvel isn't really on Earth. Did it happen within the five year gap? I just hope this gets answered because it's like how does Female Thor exists within the MCU since the dwarves aren't around. Love and Thunder will have to answer that and maybe I have too high expectations but is it wrong to expect something good?

So there is a rumor that Riri Williams aka Ironheart will be getting a Disney+ show and well, I'm not a big fan of this. Riri in my opinion is an Mary Sue since she's a student at MIT at fifteen years old and was able to reverse engineering an Iron Man suit or at least a copy of it from some junk on campus. I honestly don't like that since Tony built the suit in a cave with a box of scraps and unlike Tony, she had access to one of the best schools in the country.

She's given the role of the Iron Hero/Heroine thanks to Tony's "Death" in Civil War 2 by the hand of Captain Marvel and people say that she's a hero. Ha. I plan to do a rant on her like I did for Carrot, Erza, Lucy, and Smoothie and boy do I have a lot to say about that woman. I may do a rant on a male character but unless their name is Jellal, most male characters are very bland in my book since social justice makes females better to rip on.

With Kate Bishop who I heard is a Mary Sue like Riri but I don't read about Hawkeye to care about, I think we'll be getting a Disney Channel lineup of heroes. I do like how Moon Knight and She-Hulk are getting a show and hopefully be the sexy Amazonian beauty that most fans know and love unlike Hulk with Boobs in the current comics. So to ask a serious question, does anyone ,other than SJWs of course, like these characters?

I don't care for most of them since they're either a different gender or race version of a previous establish character aka Jaqui Briggs from Mortal Kombat being female Jax. I'm also for new characters and legacy characters but make them different. Make them a Kamala rather than a Riri or Miles but the latter is more of my opinion though. If the MCU goes in a diversity frenzy rather than make us care about characters who aren't that popular, it will succeed.

I would say that it would crash and burn but then I remember that it's part of Disney and when does Disney have a bad movie? I mean even if they have a bad movie once in a while, they have enough money thanks to Star Wars and the new Lion King. I like Lion King but I had no interest in the live action version. I didn't go see it and it still made a billion. Disney knows what works and they'll keep doing it so expect Live Action Hercules or Live Action Little Mermaid.

So this article mentioned Natasha Stark aka Iron Woman and honestly, I kinda want to see a Marvel What If story about this. I know that it might not be possible since there wasn't a female Tony Stark in the MCU but honestly, it would make an interesting episode. So the final article is actually a good thing in my book since I like Hulkling as a character. Valkyrie being gay is apparent a big deal but neither of her two movies showed that.

Like I've said before, I shouldn't judge a character based of their sexuality or gender but they're pushing her as the first gay MCU character. Will Love and Thunder show that but we need to see how Jane gets the damn hammer before we learn about who is Valkyrie sleeping with. Back to Hulkling, he's in a relationship with Scarlet Witch's son  Wiccan. You may ask how that happens but honestly, it's comic and you should accept it. There's a reason behind it but just going with the flow.

Hulkling's main feature is that he's the son of a Kree and Skrull aka eternal rivals in the comics. The families behind Romeo and Juliet. I hope this is done good because this to me is a gay character done right since the character's sexuality shouldn't matter but how the character acts. So we're onto the main story. We're going to see old faces and new faces being that we'll learn more about Zenith Industries in the same vein as Zenith Industries Invention Reel. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
In the town of Saint Archers, Michigan, there is a festival that goes once eight years. This festival is known as the Sorcery Festival. It's a big get-together for all types of beings who study the arcane arts aka Magic or Animus in some manner. Due to this festival, the townspeople and guests put up high level enchantments that would cover the town in a never-ending fog. This fog keeps out anyone who threatens a townspeople or guest to the town.

This barrier wasn't really a thing until one of the festival's guest was taken by a human government to be experimented on and killed before she would have become an adult. She was a descendant of a legendary group of beings that literally wrote the rules of magic. This group is known as the Magnus which have been mentioned before. They were wiped due to their planet's sun going supernova and their planet was used as a battleground for the Omniverse War several centuries ago. 

However, this wasn't the case. Not all of the Magnus died back. Just before their sun went supernova way back when, the species left Ithuna and decided to migrate to other planets to get away from the Omniverse War. Some went to live in the Cosmic Dominion as well. Some went to Earth even before humans began appeared and migrated there. They decided to keep themselves hidden unlike when they boldly showed off their impressive talent and powers off. to other species of the Omniverse.

By doing that, it got them got caught up in the war and almost wiped out completely. There was a common thought among the immigrants however. If they didn't show off, would their species be alive and prosperous like they were back then? The immigrants live in underground cities which consists of elaborate tunnels. These tunnels built using their ability to manipulate Impulse and made cities within a couple of days instead of months. Unlike before, they kept to themselves.

They let humanity grow and prosper due to them having great promise as a species. They almost died because they went bragging about their powers to anyone other than their own kind. Despite being them underground and hidden from every single human on Earth, they're far more advanced than the humans. One Magnus city was the city under Cypress Park Springs Gate. They eventually abandoned the city shortly after 1000 A.D due to the possibility of the humans coming to their city. 

This was due to the fear of the humans taking their power to use for their selfish desires. Some of the Magnus immigrants wanted to leave their underground cities and explore the surface world. They were granted access by the current leaders of the Magnus at the time to leave. However, they were told many times to hide their powers from the humans. This group of immigrants later gained the name of Impure by the rest of the Magnus and Omniverse.

The name of the Impure is a result of them refusing to listen to the Cabal. The Cabal are a group of the oldest and most powerful Magnus that they didn't live in the Cosmic Dominion. They only wished to stay hidden from humans and the rest of the Omniverse so they don't die off like several species did during the Omniverse War. It cost them their home. The ones who stayed underground are called the Undergrounders. The Impure began using their powers to become gods like they were once before. 

Due to their actions, the Cabal knew they had to need the help of the only being that they could trust in their issue. Parker was this being and the Cabal asked the Eazairvian to talk away the Impure's Impulse. He didn't say to yes at first but this changed. Parker eventually took away their Impulse after they caused the death of over a billion humans just because they weren't give their annual tribute. He was tempted to get rid of the Cabal and the rest of the Magnus as well but no.

He wanted to make amends for his student's actions so he made sure to keep the remaining Magnus a secret. In due time, the Cabal and Magnus became nothing more than myths or legends among those living in the Omniverse. The Impure weren't too happy about losing their powers because of the damn Eazairvian and swore to do what they can to gain just an inkling of their power back. One method for the Impure to gain back their power was to bond with humans.

By doing this, they would be giving their descendants a chance to get revenge on the Magnus who had sold them out just because they were using their powers incorrectly. The original generation of Impure eventually died out a long time ago due to them dying by old age or a serious wound. The descendants are able to use the Magnus's great power but to a much lesser degree compared to a true blooded Magnus. One of the Magnus ,an undergrounder, decided to attend a Sorcery Festival in the year 1920.

She went with some of her friends but was later kidnapped by the United States Government. The Magnus's power was used by the government to create weapons to use in the war and was killed in the process. Her Impulse was drained by some of the descendants who worked with said government to collect her since they provided the government with information on the Sorcery Festival. One of these weapons was the Nuclear Bomb. 

After seeing its destructive power, the occurrence of the festival was changed. It was also changed from every year to every eight years. They did this so the festival committee could have enough time to plan for anything that could happen or would happen during the festival. There were fools who are able to break through the barrier but they're usually stopped by the guards before they could do any harm to anyone visiting ever again.

Most of the town tends to wear clothing like the pilgrims during the early days of colonization here in America. This was just the normal outfit worn here and not just because of the Sorcery Festival. They just prefer it this way. Instead of cars, they tend to use horse-drawn carriages to get from place to place. They do have cars but they tend to be use to show off to a neighbor or for work. The town are able to use magic in some regard to teleport around.

They also find traveling by carriage to much more soothing rather than by traveling by cars. They just find all of their honking and traffic not worth dealing with. They also starting selling old-fashioned plates and food for the festival. One such guest was enjoying the food rather than the history of the town. This someone was Zane being that unlike his friends right now, he was dressed in his normal casual wear. 

In the more old fashioned town, he stuck out like a sore thumb due to his modern day clothing and his appearance but for once, it's the former rather than the latter. Nearby him, Ana and Sly ,in her human form, stood by him with them dressed in traditional outfits. Ana looked to be the same age as she did when she was sixteen but slightly more mature but that's about it. She's dressed up as a witch and Sly is dressed a judge. 

A female judge would have been not possible during colonization but now a days, it's possibly since Saint Archers's head judge is female. Sly's human form was the exact same as it was in Zero Episode 116 being that she doesn't age. A flock of rat with wings aka pigeons flew in the sky above them. The three of them were standing outside of a costume shop with Zane looking at the door. "You do know that staring at the door won't make them go any faster right Zane." said Sly.

Zane sighed as he said,"Then what do you want me to do? I rather not cause a scene by destroying a clothes shop.". "Is violence the only way you have to solving a problem brother?" said Ana. "Did you seriously ask Zane that? He's the hero that will go to any and all extremes just to get what he wants sometimes." said Sly. "Yeah I did. I realized that as I said it." said Ana. Instead of busting down the door like Ana and Sly though he would have, he knocked on the door.

The Cross Species took a deep breath as he said,"Come on out you guys. We don't have all day you know and if you don't come on out, I will blow down this door and drag all of you out using force if I have too.". "Seriously? This town may allow its guests to use their special abilities but they will inflict forces to those who would dare cause a scene here in town during the festival." said Sly. "You're right about that and totally acting like a judge." said Zane.

Ana nodded as she said,"Yeah. I may be used to you, Uriel, Wolfram, and Zoey acting childish but Danny is different.". "No way in hell I'm leaving Zane! I feel like an dork!" said Danny's voice from the other end of the door. "Actually, I think I look cute not dorky." said Leo's voice. "So I'm pretty sure that he's wearing a girl's outfit right now isn't he Ana?" said Sly. "Most likely. Even if he tries wearing masculine clothing, he'll look feminine and that's concerning." said Ana.

Sly sighed as he said,"Yeah. He's trying his best but at least, he isn't a super buff dude in those outfits of his.". "Fair." said Ana. "Okay then. I think it's time to bring out the dad voice." said Zane. Ana and Sly looked at each other with them standing back from the door. They both knew that both Shawn and Zane were pretty chill when it comes to parenting but when they need to be, they could be rather strict when they come with their kids. 

Zane cracked his knuckles with him saying,"Daniel Frederick Malone! You have to the count of five to come out or I'll be a very angry being. You know very well how I can you wouldn't like me when I'm angry.". The door opened as the trio of Danny, Gwen, and Leo walked out. Danny and Gwen were wearing pilgrim outfits that would signify their status as a couple. Leo was wearing a Victorian long coat, top hat, and matching Victorian aquamarine shirt.

Danny groaned loudly as he said,"I hate this so damn much. I feel like both a dork and dweeb at the exact same time. A doweed if you will.". "As I tell Wolfram often, grow up Danny." said Sly. Danny crossed his arms with Gwen saying,"Why can't you just act like Leo Danny? He doesn't mind dressing like this right?". "It looks nice on me but I'm just happy to be a part of this country's unique historical culture." said Leo. "And with that, I'm changing." said Danny. 

Before he could get back into the store, Zane grabbed Danny by his collar. "That isn't happening since visiting Saint Archers is rare for you, Ana, Leo, and Sly. This town and the Sorcery Festival is pretty much for Animus users and only Animus users after what happened a hundred years ago. Now come on you guys. We have a lot of food to try out and it'll be just amazing. I heard that they're selling some great meats that I've been just dying to try out." said Zane. 

Danny sighed as he said,"You and your stomach sometimes man. Fine, I'll behave and please put me down.". "K." said Zane, putting him down. The group began walking through town with some kids taking pictures of a normal looking wizard statue. It was the founder of Saint Archers who was known for his mastery of elemental magic Vito Xasius who was the seventh Zero and a descendant of the first Zero Ryoka Xasius. 

Vito looks to be in his early twenties with him having a kind yet strong appearance. He looks to be around 5 foot 10 with a light skin tone. He has slightly messy azure blue hair that looks like a calming flame. There was a few strands of hair lingering on the forehead and copper colored eyes with just a hint of green in them. He has a goatee like beard which looked well maintained. Unlike Ryoka, he doesn't wear a mask over his face.

He's wearing a gray sleeveless shirt with a azure blue flame pattern and a zipper down the front. He's wearing brown pants with knee guards sewn into it. He's wears black arm guards and knee-high brown boots. The bottom of the boots are missing, exposing the soles of his feet. He has on a black quiver on his back filled with arrows and was holding a brown wooden bow. He also had on a wristbow ,aka a crossbow on your wrists, attached to his right arm.

Alongside his elemental magic, Vito used long-ranged weaponry to protect those who could not protect themselves. Before he died due to old age, he helped found Saint Arches and he's considered to be one of the best Zeroes of all time. Some local kids and tourists turned toward the costumed members of Zane's group and giggled like schoolgirls as they got an idea. They began taking pictures of them with Leo blushing at this. 

He didn't like all of this attention even though he's often seen as his college's mascot. Gwen and Sly smiled and waves with Ana enjoying seeing Leo's embarrassment and Danny's annoyance. "Can we please change now? I mean we're the only weirdos wearing this stuff and why in the nine realms are you doing that as well Zane?" said Danny, groaning loudly. In the crowd, Zane was taking pictures with his phone and he shrugged.

Zane smiled as he said,"I usually don't follow the crowd as you know but when a opportunity for blackmail arise, I will take it. You should appreciate stuff like this Danny. I mean the next festival isn't for another eight years so enjoy it okay?". "Sometimes Zane. You can be so wise and yet childish at the same time." said Ana with her shaking her head. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane turned around and looked toward a nearby apartment building. 

It had a faint crimson glow to before exploding. Fire erupted from the building alongside rubble and debris. Easily hearing the explosion, Zane looked upwards to see a mushroom cloud of fire and smoke going upwards. At the scene, people were either running for their lives or helping out those were injured or covered in smoke and soot due to said building exploding above them. This kindness is due to Vito as well. 

Those who live in Saint Arches always try to help out their neighbors or others since that is what their town founder did so many years ago. A pair of sorcerers helped out a male ogre ,whose right leg was broken, narrowly missed being crushed by large rocky debris from the building. "Okay. Danny, you're with me. We need to stop the fire and save the innocent." said Zane. "Yeah! Lets go!' said Danny. The two ran to a nearby alleyway as Zane turned into Legion Zero and then Eagle Form. 

Danny nodded as he said,"Time to go from zero to hero!". He transformed into Morph. His pilgrim outfit was changed into his normal outfits before turning into his updated Morph Costume. Even though he was now living in Taelamelan with Gwen, he was able to become a hero in the magical city and was able to use magic and technology in combination. He wasn't on the same level as Gwen and Zane but wasn't a slouch when it comes to Animus. Danny is now 6 foot 2. 

His casual wear is a black open jacket with a hood. It has white circuitry board lines on the arms and sides of the jacket. He's wearing a gray v-neck t-shirt with his superhero logo in the center of it. It's his signature gear with a large drill head pointing downward in the center of the gear. He's wearing black jeans with a similar white circuitry board pattern on it. He wears his gray sneakers and a pair of sunglasses resting on his shirt. 

Danny's new Morph costume is that his hair is still white with black highlights, it glows azure blue whenever he uses his Animus and energy. His eyes is still azure blue like normal. He wears a black long-sleeved shirt with glowing azure blue circuitry lines over the sleeves and chest. It doesn't mess with his superhero logo aka his silver gear with a large drill head pointing downwards in the center of the gear. He wears dark blue jeans and thick black combat boots.

His boots are made out of metal but looks to be made out of cloth. He wears silver gauntlets over his hands. He still wears an obsidian black, metallic helmet being both bulky and sleek. It completely covering his head except for his mouth. It has a smaller version of his logo on the front of the helmet and has white eyepieces over his eyes. Danny made his Phantasmal Drive appear with both Danny and Zane flying toward the fire. 

On the roof of the building that exploded not a moment earlier, two figures emerged from the shadows that were caused by two Animus wielders. One of them was Augur who looked the same as he did four years ago. By his side, there was a smirking woman slightly older than Zane by two years. She has brownish tan skin with her being half Native American from her mother's side of the family. She's athletic and voluptuous. She's cute, hot, and beautiful all in one. 

She has waist-length golden blonde hair with dyed silver white highlights. Her highlights were a result of her unique heritage of Sorcerer and another one that activated some time ago. She has most of her hair pulled back into a high ponytail by a dark navy blue snowflake-like hairband with it being spiked. The rest of her hair hangs loosely down her back. She has ice cold teal eyes. Her outfit truly outlines her beauty. 

The woman is wearing a black sports bra covered partially by a icy blue short sleeved hooded jacket and cape left open. She wears dark blue capri/skinny jeans with a icy blue ribbon around her waist which works as an belt. She wears black knee high heeled boots with opening at the side and pointed toes at the end. Her boots are doing the great job of emphasizing her legs perfectly. She wears a black spiked choker around her neck with golden jewels in them. 

She wears dark fuchsia eyeshadow which spreads around her eyes. It resembles a fusion of a blizzard and the eye of Horus. She's also wearing pale blue lipstick which makes her lips look frostbitten. Her arms and midriff were exposed, exposing the result of her heritage resting on her midriff. There were markings on her that looked like ancient runes. It was styled to form a ice cube pattern being a icy blue color. 

This young woman is Salem Delacroix and is wanted by the Alliance for murdering several beings across the Omniverse for four years now. All of her victims had one thing in common being that their ancestors were involved in the Salem Witch trials. Like Gwen, she was tutored in Animus by a powerful Sorcerer. This sorcerer was Lewis Haynes or General Necrosis. She does whatever she wants being that she has all the power and no one can stop her.

She doesn't shy away from killing her enemies being that she'll kill anyone who stands her way. She's a sadist since she enjoys seeing others in pain. She's very flirty and tends to flirt with anyone who catches her interest even if they're with someone. She's a highly capable Sorceress being that she's highly skilled in various types of spells from the Omniverse that all pack a punch. Her magic is icy blue with a snow like appearance.

What makes her so dangerous is that being that she mainly uses Liasada which is/was the Impulse or magic that the Magnus used. To sorcerers, this type of magic has been called black magic and brings trouble to whoever uses it. Liasada is spoken as a mixture of Ancient and Modern Day Greek. Salem is able to deliver a very strong blast that can hurt others upon contact and destroy any technology that it hits.

She tends to use constructs most of time with her making her signature scythe. It was resting on her back with Salem looking down at the heroes. "I love this team up. Two students of General Necrosis oh wait. I'm the only student of the general! You failed the exam!" said Salem, giggling. "Quit your merrymaking. We have a mission to complete after all. If we wish to free Master Necrosis from his prison, we'll need a high amount of Animus to complete our goals." said Augur.

Salem looked at him with her saying,"So do you really think that a Magnus is here? There are two groups of them as you know. One group are the Undergrounders who barely leave their cities and they're constantly moving around and then there are the Impure. A Magnus from either group is pretty rare to find even more than a person with gills and fire breath.". "You've been to the city that's under the water before which is pretty rare to find." said Augur.

The man crossed his arms as he said with a smirk,"If I recall, you were there to murder the current king's mother which you tried and failed at all.". "So? That woman got lucky! The king may be handsome but he's strong and those muscles aren't for show!" said Salem. "He sworn revenge on you so you need to be careful. The king of Atlantis is a being who will do whatever it takes to get back anyone who hurts his kingdom." said Augur. 

Salem rolled her eyes as she said with a big smile,"Whatever. You know the plan hawk nose. Lets do this! To ultimate power!". As the two watched the destruction, aqua blue water appeared from out of nowhere and the water formed into a human. He's a tall, slender and fairly muscular dark-skinned man with him being in his late 20s with strong facial features with high cheekbones and a wide grin on his face. He looks to be very handsome. 

He has relatively short and slicked back shoulder length white hair. His hair covers the nape of his neck. It always look he got out of the shower. He has light amber colored eyes. He wears black and aqua blue sleeveless swim shirt like tunic with matching colored knee-length shorts. His shorts have an aqua blue wave like pattern. The tunic is covered by aqua blue mystic pictographs. He wears a wide gold belt with a stylized spiked sea serpent. 

His tunic has large coral ,but actually metal, shoulder pad like epaulettes. He wears silver armbands. He isn't wearing shoes. He wears a golden diadem. The man looked down at the fire caused by the magic duo with him saying,"No longer will someone feel sad by your actions witch.". "So are you going to do something that'll make the gentle and peaceful Atlantis look like warmongers and racist toward humans Triton?" said a voice. 

Triton sighed and glared at a familiar figure from his past and sighed. "Why am I not surprised by you being here? Agent Silver Moon but since we're so close, I think I should call you but your birth name Alyssa Harrison." said Triton. Alyssa smiled as she curtsied to him and Triton glared at her. "What do you want Alyssa? I thought you had a mission in Russia and working for that man. Why are you here in America?" said Triton. 

Alyssa looked at Triton with a worried look as she said,"The same could be said for you old friend. I think the last time you were on the surface was New Years 1999. Times have changes since then. I heard about what happened to your mother Shizue. How is she?". "She's fine. Being healed by our best healers and Caspian is at her side acting like a puppy as you call it. So are you here to stop me from complete my mission?" said Triton.

The spy nodded as she said,"You're going down a dark path Triton. I can understand why you want Salem dead but she need to pay for her crime like how we handle criminals. We'll do whatever we can to protect Earth from any danger.". "I understand that but my mother is the only person who is able to rule in my absence. If you still want me to help you in your time of need, I need to make sure that my kingdom is safe and that means I have to kill the woman who almost killed my mother." said Triton.

Alyssa sighed as she said,"Still the responsibility yet stubborn fool Triton. You're serious but very polite. You're responsible and loyal to your kingdom since you took time out of your busy schedule to come after your mother's attempted killer. You lose your temper and become blinded to reality but try to heavily support peace and cooperation with humans. You also wanted to meet the man who wanted to save Caspian from his wrongful imprisonment.".

The woman crossed her arms as she said,"You wield immense power but you've always been one to hold a grudge. Tell me, are you going to kill Salem with your power?". Triton looked away as Alyssa sighed. "Sometime Triton. You're so predictable. So do you sense that powerful Animus or what? I mean I can't sense Impulse like you and someone I know all too well. Augur and Salem are here for a specific reason. It's probably along those lines." said Alyssa.

Triton nodded as he said,"Yes. From what I can tell, a Magnus is here. I think you know the power of the Weather Charm. It was an item created by a Undergrounder and it has immense power. I'm sure you know that Zero is here and he's the one who trusted Conjurer with its power. She's one of the most famous sorceress on the East Coast so I'll be talking with him about the Magnus before I leave this city.". "Sounds like a plan. Good luck your highness." said Alyssa.

Back with Danny and Zane. The duo were putting out the flames with Danny using water Animus spells and Zane blasted the flames away with the wind. The citizens inside of the building ran away with Salem glared down at Zane. "So he's the one who defeated Hawk Nose and Master. I know Hawk Nose called him earlier but I'm totally flirting with him once I get his friends body." thought Salem as she and Augur jumped from the rooftop toward the ground.     

Augur looked at Salem who nodded and aimed her hands toward the two heroes who were focused on putting out the fires. "Waves of Flame! Come to me and burn my enemies to ash!" said Salem. Several large waves of fire ,almost looking like lava, came rushed out being that instead of normal colored fire, it was icy blue like Salem's Animus. Both boys nodded as they headed toward it. "That's it Zero and his little pal. Come to me and you'll be mine to have in my quest for vengeance." said Augur.

Salem coughed as Augur said,"I mean our quest for vengeance.". The boys were putting out the fires with Danny looking into a nearby mirror. "I've never been so happy to be wearing a helmet. Don't have to look a superhero dweeb too." said Danny. "Bro. Do you really have to be such a total asshat like Brad and Kevin are sometimes? I mean you know how much Gwen wanted to come here and you're acting like a total brat." said Zane, crossing his arms. 

It was obvious to everyone on how Danny had been acting since arriving in Saint Archers and Zane was getting sick of it. He decided to talk with Danny about it now rather than later. "Come on. You are seriously asking me this now." said Danny. "Yes I am. Saint Archers is popular among sorcerers for being one of the few places that they go in the Omniverse without being persecuted or hunted by humans who desire power." said Zane.

Danny sighed as he said,"Yeah but did I have to be dressed like that? None of the other tourists and you are dressed like that except for us.". "I would have and proudly but the town's council told me that they refuse to let the reincarnation of their town founder can do whatever he wants. I really do hate how most supernatural beings tend to judge me for who I was in the past rather than judging me for who I am in the present." said Zane.

Before their conversation could continue, a pilgrim hat began flying through in the air and landed on the ground. It was stomped on by Salem. "Oh. It seems that the heroes are having a fight? This is a darn shame isn't it?" said Salem. Before Zane could do anything, he heard,"Petrify!". Salem fired a bolt of Animus at Danny with it hitting the teen in the chest. The man fell onto the ground with Zane catching him before hitting the ground. "Morph! You okay?!" said Zane. 

Danny didn't say anything as Salem giggled. "Aw? Worried about your boyfriend. Don't worry. It won't matter in the end since things will be over for you." said Salem, backflipping over to Augur. Augur nodded as both him and Salem were covered in a sphere of their Animus. It was crimson for Augur and icy blue for Salem. Zane deactivated Eagle Form and turned into Specter Form. Zane held Danny's immobile and unresponsive body with his telekinesis.

He was getting ready for anything that she could do to them.  "Anime di scambi dello potere il e questo. Zona nella persona un'altra con corpi deve, richiesta questa di raggio nel chiunque!" said the two Sorcerers in unison. The spheres around them glowed like the rainbow with each one of them throwing their sphere at Zane. Zane tried to fly away from them but he was stopped. "Don't escape your destiny brat!" said Augur.

He knew that Specter Form was weak to magic since it's connected to Zane's Phantom blood. Augur fired a Animus bolt at Zane, stunning him for a second. The ghost was about to hit the ground but he was capture within Augur's sphere. Zane recovered as he saw that Danny landed inside of Salem's sphere. "Okay. This is going to be annoying." thought Zane. He began noticing that he was heading toward Augur and Danny was heading to Salem. 

As this was going on, the group of Ana, Gwen, Leo, and Sly were trying to calm down a horse that was attached to a wooden carriage thanks to a saddle. This mare was spooked by the fire with Ana saying,"Easy girl. You've be just fine.". "Can't you talk to animals Leo?" said Sly. Leo landed on the back of the horse with him saying,"Easy. You'll be just fine I promise.". The horse didn't listen to him with the horse panicking and ran off. 

Leo was forced along for a ride as he tried to calm her down. Gwen looked at Ana and Sly with her saying,"I get both of them back. Find any civilians okay?". The sorceress flew off after the horse and vampire. Back with Zane, he had tried to phase through his sphere but he bounced right off it. "If phasing doesn't work, lets try hitting it! Violence solves most of my problems after all!" said Zane, with him turning into Pirate Form and began punching it with water. 

He would have gotten Titan Form but Zane was pretty sure that the sphere wouldn't grow in size to fit him. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane looked behind both Augur and Salem to see Gwen and Leo heading toward them on the back of a mane. The mane turned, sending Leo toward Zane whose eyes widened. The young vampire collided with the fish man, sending Zane out of the sphere and onto his but. "Okay. That was annoying." said Zane.

Zane looked up to see that Gwen had saw Danny trapped inside of his sphere with her knocking Danny out of it but trapped herself in of it. Her attack sent Danny into a nearby wall with the Cross Species wincing and hoped that didn't hurt too much. "Gwen! Leo! What are you two doing?!" said Zane. "No! Not you two!" said Augur. "I'm okay with it." said Salem. "But I'm not! He's a freak of nature after all!" said Augur.

The spheres collided with each other, causing a massive explosion of Animus that sent Zane back a little bit. Danny went flying as well with Zane catching him. Zane watched Augur, Gwen, Leo, and Salem faded into each other before flying through the air being that Zane blinked. "Okay then. What in the nine realms just happened? I really do hate magic sometimes. I like Gwen and a lot of culture involving it but most of the time, it's headache inducing as Sivarth puts it." said Zane. 

Before he could do anything, he heard the whining of the mare running wild and decided to go after it as Rubber Form, swinging through the town. Dust and debris emerged from the explosion of Animus as the duo of Gwen and Salem landed on opposite sides of the road. Salem slowly got back up with her rubbing her head in pain. She looked into the nearby broken glass window of a shop at her reflection and her eyes widened. "You!" said Salem. 

She turned around to see that no one was behind her with her going back to her reflection. Augur was out cold due to him being not the most durable sorcerer around. He was called a glass cannon by his former magic teacher after all. Meanwhile, Gwen turned the corner at the display of the two villains with her looking down at her body. "Okay. This isn't bad. It isn't Zero but Slicer. Not a bad outcome in my opinion." said Gwen.

Salem looked to see Leo on the ground fainting with Gwen giggling. "Okay. That's funny and totally had it coming hawk nose for giving me crap earlier." said Gwen. She then pretended to have been knocked out by the explosion mainly to trick Zero and his group. "Okay. I'm in Salem's body now. She must have used....." said Salem. She heard a commotion to see the horse-drawn carriage being held back by Zane in Rubber Form with Ana and Sly in the carriage.

Zane looked back at them with him saying,"I know that I'm rubber but I have my limits when it comes to be stretched!". "We're trying!" said Sly, pulling on the reins of the horse with Ana nodding. "Ana, Sly, and Zane!" said Salem with her running over to the group. "Oh no Slicer. I have your body now after all." thought Gwen. She stood back up and flexed her hands with them shortly covered in a lagoon blue glow.

Gwen blinked as she thought,"Okay. Your Animus is really strong. Her body doesn't have Animus running through it like Augur does or Liasada like mine. It's something else. I guess the rumor of her being a prodigy for the magic arts has some merit after all. I think I need to make sure that no one stops our plan.". The blue haired woman flew through the air with her standing in front of Salem who was shocked to see her. "Sorry Slicer but you're not talking." said Gwen.

She punched Salem in the face, slumping against a tree unconscious. "Oh wow. I guess I don't know my own strength now." said Gwen with a giggle. The horse eventually calmed down with Ana and Sly getting off the carriage. Zane landing on the back of it. "So we should totally do that again right you two?" said Zane. The two glared at the rubber man who sighed. "I was only kidding you two know that right? So what happened here?" said Zane. 

Zane deactivated Rubber Form and was in his costume with Danny walking over to them. "That's a very good question my man. How long was I out?" said Danny, holding his head. "Maybe a couple of minutes. Take it easy." said Zane. Danny nodded as he began breathing in and out getting some fresh air into his lungs. After catching his breath, Danny saw his girlfriend standing nearby them. "Gwen! What's going on?!" said Danny. 

Danny ran toward her with the others following him. Salem was slowly waking back up as Gwen made up a lie on the spot. "Everything that has happened was here because of Augur and Salem. The two are working together." said Gwen. Zane looked at her with his right eyebrow raised and his arms were crossed. Thanks to his hyper hearing, Zane could tell that one of his closest friends was lying. "Why is she lying? Gwen normally doesn't lie." thought Zane.

Salem stood up with her saying,"No! She's lying to you! I'm not Salem. I'm.......". She didn't get a chance to finish due to Gwen kicking Salem in the chest hard. This sent the older woman down the road once again. "Wow. Your girlfriend hits really hard. Better not go and piss her off anytime soon if you want to survive." said Ana. "Duly noted." said Danny. "Okay then. There is something wrong with her. I know Gwen and she has never been this violent before." thought Zane.

As Zane was pondering this, the rest of the group looked at Gwen. "I didn't want her to turn us into lizards into something along those lines. You know how evil sorcerer and sorceress are sometimes right?." said Gwen. "I guess so." said Zane. "While I may find problems with magic, most sorcerer and sorceress are good. There are just some rotten eggs." thought Zane. Above them, Triton watched this and he sighed. 

The Atlantean looked down as he said,"It seems they successfully pulled off the Soul Swap. I'm sure that the king can see how to undo the spell. This does whoever presents a problem. I'll keep my eye on these two while keeping my distance.". He transformed into a puddle and disappeared. About ten minutes later, some cops had cuffed Augur and Salem, putting on the Negation Collar. "Okay then jailbirds. I hope you enjoy your new homes in maximum security." said the first cop.

He watched as his fellow officer threw the two magic users into the back of a police van. "It's just perfect for punks like you two after all." said the cop. The two couldn't say anything due to the collar preventing them from casting any spells. Augur looked away with Salem looking at the group except for Gwen and Leo. They were treating her like she was their enemy with Danny giving her a cold look. Zane on the other hand was different.

She knew that despite being an Animus, Zane had his issues with magic since it's highly unpredictable compared to something like science but he didn't hate it. Zane looked at her with a strong mixture of confusion and worry. To make Salem suffer, Gwen walked up to her with a malicious smile. " Don't worry Salem. I'm make sure that I take great care of your loved one and friends mainly Zero. Morph isn't a bad looking specimen but Zero is on a other level." whispered Gwen.

The police van drove off with Salem couldn't help but angrily glare at Gwen. Augur would have done the same but he was holding back some tears. Gwen turned back to her friends with a smile and Leo was doing something else. He was trying to find something to wear that didn't make him look like a girl but it was a fruitless effort. He began screamed and swearing. It was rather strange to hear Leo swearing and this made Zane looked at his little bro with the same look he gave Salem earlier.

At the Saint Archers harbor, the weather had remained the same with seagulls cawing in the distance and Zane parking the Vindicator there. Efren gave Zane the keys to his precious baby while he's back in Cypress Park. It was parked here in the town due to the Sorcery Festival. The group was back into the regular attire. Ana was wearing the same clothing as she did four years and was now two inches taller aka 5 foot 7. Gwen/Salem is now 5 foot 9 with her still having a athletic, yet sexy physique.

Her hair is the same as it was four years old. She's wearing a new outfit. She's wearing a blue short-sleeve blouse with the hem ending above her belly button. It has a gold clock themed pattern to it and the edges of it are lace embroidered. She's wearing her signature dark purple jacket over it with it now being made out of leather and having a plaid look to it. She's now wearing a dark blue knee length skirt. It ends just above her knees and she wears a white sash around her waist.

She's wearing gray translucent stockings and white clockwork design knee-high hunting boots with black heels. Instead of her charm bracelets, she's wearing something else. It's a gold arm band with a clock like symbol on it. It works just like her charm bracelet. She is still wearing her gold wing and navy black clock mixture earrings. Leo/Augur is now 5 foot 9 with him still looking very androgynous and he has tried to grow a beard in a similar fashion to Zane before but it didn't work.

His auburn hair now exposes his pointed ears with part of it tied up in a small ponytail. It wasn't a manbun but it doesn't help the idea of him being a girl any better. He now has a new casual outfit. He now wears a simple dark orange v-neck kimono style t shirt with a hoof print styled pattern to it. He's wearing dark gray pants with a green vampire bat pattern to it. He still has on the long, dark purple scarf that Zane gave him. He's wearing dark green leather sneakers.

Sly is still the same height in her human form. Whenever she's around people who don't know about the supernatural, she would have her tail out. This place was normally one of those place but thanks to the Sorcery Festival, she was able to keep her tail out. Her hair is the same length as it was four years ago. She's wearing a white t-shirt with it having a dragon scale pattern and blue edges on the neck and sleeves.

She's wearing tight dark red jeans with a silver belt that looked a dragon's tail. She's wearing the same boots as she did four years ago. Gwen/Salem and Leo/Augur were talking with the rest of the group as Zane was half listening due to him doing some research on what he saw earlier. It was a ancient spell that much he was sure about but what those two were doing it is another story. "Dude. Are you doing alright?" said Danny.

Zane had his watch in front of him as the holographic computer screen and keyboard floating above said watch. "What do you mean?" said Zane. "I thought you would be like Gwen since this place has some ancient magical origins or something like that." said Danny. "You would be right but have you noticed that she hasn't done anything like that since Augur and Salem's attack?" said Zane. "Now that you mention it, she hasn't." said Danny.

Both boys looked at Gwen/Salem with her saying,"So Zane is able to select whatever form he needs at any time by selecting the card through the holographic interface that appears above the watch. I mean he's really good at kicking ass after all. There is no need to push anything right you guys?". Ana and Sly looked at each other with their arms crossed. Like Danny and Zane, they were also confused by Gwen's most recent actions. 

Danny nodded as he said,"Yeah. You already know that Gwen since the two of us have been with Zane since he got the damn thing. I still can't believe it's been six years since you become Legion Zero. Good times.". "Yeah. Quit acting like an old man." said Zane. "Focus you two." said Ana. "She is right plus Zane tends to just think about whichever form he needs most of the time. He's done that since I've known him." said Sly.

Gwen/Salem looked at Zane with her thinking,"Interesting. I guess muscles here is more than a good way to assert my dominance.". "So are you okay Leo? I mean Gwen acting like she doesn't know a darn thing about the watch is one thing but you were on the hunt for masculine clothing earlier. You know that I've never been the biggest fan of your fashion choices that make you look feminine but it's weird and out of nowhere for you." said Ana.

Leo/Augur looked at her with him saying,"Maybe because I don't like looking like a girl!". "You need to calm down Leo. So find anything about that spell Zane?" said Sly. "Not yet. I'm not the best when it comes to knowing about magic so I'm looking for through several databases on Animus and Impulse that takes the form of magic. It hasn't come up yet so do you have any idea Gwen? I mean you're an expert on Animus and magic while Danny and I bond over whatever hits the hardest." said Zane.

Danny nodded as he said,"With that said, it's totally Titan Form right?". "Yeah but only when he's really tall." said Zane. "I'm sorry Zane but I have no idea what Augur and Salem were planning to do but it obviously failed since me and Leo are fine. So how about you tell me about you? I mean you were born with a whole lot of power and I want to know about everything that makes you Legion Zero. I don't think that's weird at all." said Gwen/Salem.

After hearing that, Danny sighed. "Okay then. You two are totally going to be having one of your powers talk. I'm going to get something to eat." said Danny. He knew that Gwen and Zane loved to have discussions about what a power can and can't do. These discussions tended to last for a good couple of hours so he decided to get something to eat while he waited. He walked back into the RV with Ana and Sly taking Leo/Augur away so the two older beings could talk in private.

Zane stretched for a bit with him enjoying the fresh air. Wondering how she could get through one of the most stubborn being in history according to rumors, Gwen/Salem eventually decided to get Zane to talk by using her body. Smiling, she walked over to Zane and sat next to him. "So what's on your mind handsome?" said Gwen/Salem, giving him a cute smile. "Is she flirting with me? Okay something is off." thought Zane.

It was always well known that Gwen didn't know how to flirt and it took Rachel a good deal of time to teach the young sorceress how to flirt with Danny. "Okay then. I can understand why you think I'm handsome but what about my awful personality and we should be talking about that spell rather than my appearance." sad Zane. "Of course but I never noticed it before. You may be a general pain to deal with sometimes but you have qualities that make you better than other men." said Gwen/Salem.

She may be flirting with him to get some information but this sorceress did like Zane after hearing about how he defeated Augur and her master when he was only eighteen. Her plan may be finding the Magnus that's here in town by using Zane's body but she was thinking about taking control over him and having him as her man servant/lover instead of using his body. She inched over to Zane with her wrapping her arms around his neck, bringing him closer.

Zane's eyes widened with him knowing this move from Rachel. "Gwen! I like you a lot but as friends since you're with my brother and I'm not a cheater." said Zane. "It's fine Zaney. You know that I would never hurt you since you're my best friend. So how about you tell me about every little detail about yourself including that watch of yours? If you do that, I'll give you a reward." said Gwen/Salem with her not so subtly flirting with Zane.

Before this could get any more uncomfortable, the rest of the group showed up and frozen in shock at the sight of Gwen/Salem so close to Zane. "What are you two doing?!" said a shocked Leo/Augur. He wasn't happy about being in the body but seeing his fellow student flirting with his mortal enemy was killing him. Zane moved away from Gwen/Salem with him saying,"It wasn't my idea since she flirted with me. I know that sounds weird given who I'm talking about here but something is off with her.".

Sly walked over to him as she said,"You're not in trouble since you're not the only one who noticed that Gwen and Leo are acting totally suspicious ever since the attack.". "She's right. Gwen may have a love for learning but she wouldn't betray her love for Danny by cheating on Zane of all people. Zane may be my brother but he isn't worth someone of her level. No offense." said Ana. "It's all good Ana." said Zane. Gwen/Salem looked at Ana with her mouthing something.

Ana suddenly fell to the ground by a green vine which emerged from the ground and had wrapped around her leg. "I won't be talked down to a human of all beings." thought Gwen/Salem as she made the vine twist around her left foot. This caused her to scream out in pain due to the vines protruding spikes and piercing her leg. Sly was shocked by this happening with Leo/Augur sighing. "It's a good thing she's good at silent spellcasting. Damn idiot! You're going to ruin everything!" thought Leo/Augur.               
Danny grabbed Gwen/Salem's shoulder with him saying,"Hey Gwen. I know that you and Leo are probably still a little rattled form what just happened but Zane is trying his best to figure it out.". "He also doesn't need you flirting with him. Why are you so curious about Zane? You've known him for six years and despite having no idea about how his mind operate, you should know that Zane keeps how his powers fully work to himself." said Sly. 

Zane removed himself from his research and glared around the vine wrapped around his sister's leg. "I get this off you Ana. Just remain calm." said Zane. "I will but I want to know how this happen. Is this the work of a sorcerer or someone like Marcus?" said Ana with her rubbing her injured leg. Zane got on his knees with him focusing his fire into a sleek dagger like shape and cut the vine off her. Before the vine burned away, Zane said,"Gaia Restore.". 

Ana's leg began glowing an ethereal turquoise color. "Ana. I did sense a faint trace of Animus but it's gone now. I'm sorry for letting this happen. Will you please forgive me?" said Gwen/Salem with her having an innocent smile on her face. Even though everyone except for Leo/Augur believed her, the Cross Species didn't due to his ability to tell when someone is lying. "So are you sure that you're okay you two? You two are acting strange." said Sly. 

Zane nodded as Leo/Augur said,"I have an idea! How about Gwen cooks up something special just for you Ana!". "Lucky me but sure. I would like that." said Ana, smiling. "If that's the case, do you mind helping me Leo?" said Gwen/Salem with a smile. "Sure." said Leo/Augur. The duo of Gwen/Salem and Leo/Augur walked back into the Vindicator with Danny walking over to Ana. "So mind if your big bro helps you into the RV? You can't walk right?" said Danny.

Ana shrugged as she said,"I can but since you're offering to carry me, I'm not going to say no. Pick me up brother.". "Sure thing." said Danny with him picking up Ana and held her in his arms. The two went into the RV with them leaving behind Sly and Zane. "I'm not going to mince words with you Zane. That isn't Gwen and Leo." said Sly. "Yeah. I mean Gwen was lying which she never does unlike me. Leo has accepted that he looks feminine but he's still a real men according to Efren." said Zane.  

Sly looked at her partner with her saying,"So do you have an idea what happened? Project your theory into me.". "You got it." said Zane. He placed his hand on Sly's head and began projecting images of his and Danny's fight against Augur and Salem earlier. The group of Augur, Gwen, Leo, and Salem were engulfed in rainbow ,made out of Animus, spheres. "So what in the nine realms was that? I don't get Animus and magic." said Sly.

Zane nodded as he said,"Neither do I Sly but those spheres were the spell Soul Swap. I learned about that spell alongside Gwen when we were in high school. Good times. That spell swaps bodies between two people and takes a good deal of time to execute.". "So what's the plan? We can't let Augur and Salem leave town in the wrong bodies plus Leo won't do good in prison regardless of what body he's in." said Sly. "I got an idea." said Zane.

The Akostar looked at him as she said,"Let me guess. You're going to break into the prison where they sent Gwen and Leo.". "Yeah. You know me so well. Mind keeping them distracted?" said Zane. "I can but maybe, make a clone with Zenith Duplication. You need to be informed in what's going on here and we shouldn't take the chance of either of them getting suspicious." said Sly. "You got it. Lets get this plan started." said Zane.   

Speaking of Augur/Leo and Salem/Gwen, a security guard shoved the duo into the prison mess hall as they locked the door behind them. "I'm innocent! You got to believe me!" said Augur/Leo. Even though it was a mixed gender prison, men and women were on different sides of the mess hall since they have been incidents involving women prisoners abusing male prisoners. It's usually the case of the females getting abused by the men but not in Saint Archers. 

The genders were blocked by a glass wall. "That's the oldest excuse in the book even older than my dog ate my homework and I'm looking for the bathroom." said Augur/Leo's guard. "We're owed a trial right?" said Salem/Gwen. "Nope." said Salem/Gwen's guard. Hearing this, Augur/Leo began crying with the other prisoners ,both genders, looking at him in confusion. Salem/Gwen ignored the look of the other inmates and motioned Augur/Leo to follow her.

Even though there was a glass wall separate them, the two could still talk to each other. Augur/Leo was still looking at the ground with him sniffling. "Are you going to be alright Leo? If I could use this body's magic, I would but Zenith Industries makes a good way of preventing our powers. Blame him okay?" said Salem/Gwen with noticeable concern in her voice. "I will but I don't get it. I mean you mentioned it was a spell that got us in here with these monsters." said Augur/Leo.

Salem/Gwen looked at Augur/Leo with her saying,"Yeah. That's Soul Swap. It isn't a permanent swap but we need to find the two who have our bodies to return back to normal. They should be in our bodies and in Saint Archers since Zane and company isn't planning on leaving any time soon. Even if things may look bad, we'll find a way out of here and back to our bodies.". "You really know just what to say Gwen old friend." said a voice in her head.

The sorceress was looking around to find the owner of that voice with Augur/Leo looked at her in confusion. "What's up?" said Augur/Leo. "I'm hearing our leader's voice in my head. Really not used to hear it in there by the way." said Salem/Gwen. "Get used to it. So I'll be at the prison soon since it's hard to break into this place. I mean this prison was made to contained magic criminals and we both know how unpredictable magic can be." said Zane's voice.   

Before she could get some clarification, Salem/Gwen heard a tough, feminine voice,"So what are you in for princess? Decided to take out your anger on some townies?". The sorceress ignored the voice for a second since she was watching Augur/Leo getting dragged away by two bulky prisoners and she turned to see two girls standing there. Both of them looked to be sixteen years old and Salem/Gwen heard Zane say,"Wow. It's a prison version of Janet and Sam.".

Salem/Gwen sighed as she whispered,"So how are you seeing this?". "I'm using that one spell you told me about. The one where I can see through your eyes." said Zane. "Ah. That makes sense. You remember such an obscure spell." whispered Salem/Gwen. One girl has fair skin, blond curly hair, green eyes, and a bandanna tied around her forehead. She's wearing a black jacket over a red and white ripped up sweater, dark blue jeans, and black boots. 

The girl was glaring at Salem/Gwen. Her lackey had noticeable tan skin, straight dyed green hair, and blue eyes. She's wearing a black t-shirt with a star emblem on it and brown cargo pants, and black combat boots. "That's a good one Olga!" said the greenette. "Shut up Patti!" said Olga, rolling her eyes. "They really are Janet and Sam!" said Zane. "While I may agree with you, get here already. I don't think we have time for your commentary." whispered Gwen. 

Olga walked up to Salem/Gwen with her smirking. She patted Salem/Gwen's head with her saying,"I don't care how you got here but there are two rules. Rule #1: I'm in charge. Do what I want you to do little miss witch and you'll be fine.". "And the second one? I doubt it would be pleasant if I break either rule." said Salem/Gwen. "You'll be beaten black and blue with your crybaby boyfriend will be dumping you for Luis." said Patti, cracking her knuckles.

Salem/Gwen looked over Augur/Leo who looked uncomfortable among the burly prisoner who were staring at the sorcerer/vampire with interest. "Zane. I suggest you to hurry before this Luis hurts Leo. I don't want to see him even thought he's in the body of Augur who you called a slightly better Henry in terms of magical ability but worse in the personality term." thought Salem/Gwen. "Got it and leave the genius commentary to me Gwen." said Zane's voice.

Back in Saint Archers, the group ,with the Zane there being a clone made by Zenith Duplication and it had his powers, had head over to the marketplace. Gwen/Salem and Leo/Auger were buying some special ingredients. The others looked on. On the other end of the shop, the king of Atlantis watched this with him seeing that the duo of Augur and Salem were looking over the clams and oysters that were on sale. "It seems Zero found out the truth. Good detective skills." thought Triton.

Danny scratched his head as he said,"Okay. From your list of ingredients Gwen, you and Leo are going to make Ana something exotic.". "Aka something that taste bad." said Ana, gagging. She was using a cast and crutches to walk. "That may be true but Zane would eat it regardless. Black hole stomach after all." said Sly. "Yep. That's me in a nut shell. If whatever Gwen and Leo makes is something disgusting, just give it to me." said Zone as Ana said thanks.

Sly looked at Zone with her thinking,"You pull off a good Zane. Not even Danny can tell you apart and he usually can with your clones.". "Thanks. I had a lot of practice though." thought Zone. As he was telepathically talking with Sly, Zone used his hearing to listen the conversation between the duo of body swapped villains and a shopkeeper who was a fishman. "Even though you took that bitch to justice, I don't have sea urchin eggs. I ain't the seafood king." said the fishman.

He laughed as he said,"You two broads should look somewhere else.". Leo/Augur glared at him as Gwen/Salem smiled. "I got this idiot Hawk Nose. Come to life eight legged animal and take revenge on those who upset me." whispered Gwen/Salem who held up her left pinkie. Her finger glowed lagoon blue as the octopuses shot up from the strand and attached themselves on the man with him falling onto the floor, ink spilling everywhere. "My leg!" said the fishman. 

Leo/Augur smiled as he said,"It seems that those who are mean get what they deserve.". "Instead of being mean, how about you help getting them off?" said Sly. She walked over to the fishman with her saying,"This may hurt a little but I should be able to get them off without hurting them too much.". "I don't care if you hurt them. Just get them off!" said the fishman. While Sly had her hands covered in electricity and was about to get rid of the octopuses from his face, something was about to happen.

Two men ,who were looking suspicious earlier, ran up to the truck that Gwen/Salem placed her ingredients on and quickly fired it up, driving away. With a single move, Sly removed all of the octopuses off the shopkeeper and was left with suction marks. "My truck!" shouted the fishman before he began running after the truck. Said truck was leaving behind a trail of wrecked crates and debris. It was obvious where said vehicle was going. 

Instead of being upset about the truck being stolen, Gwen/Salem was made about something else. "My ingredients!" said Gwen/Salem. "Way to have your priorities in check." thought Ana. Danny looked at Zone with him saying,"I think it's time we change the situation!". Ana and Sly faceplamed as Danny turned into Morph. "No offense but your catchphrase sucks." said Sly. "I'm working on it okay! Lets put the pedal to the medal" said Danny.

His legs transformed into the Phantasmal Drive but it was the BMW motorcycle. "That catchphrase isn't that much better." said Ana. "Ignoring that. So do you two want a ride or what?" said Danny as Gwen/Salem and Leo/Augur jumped onto the back of the bike. The three were gone and went after the truck. Zone looked at Ana and Sly with Ana saying,"Um bro. Shouldn't you go with them?". "I would have but you need to know what's going on. You got this right your highness and Sly." said Zone.

The clone turned into Legion Zero and went after them using Gravity Drive. Sly turned to see Triton standing there. "So who are you here?" said Sly, getting ready to fight the strange man. "I'm no enemy Slytha. Call me a friend of a friend. Your partner knows a human friend of mine and I'm here to get the criminal who almost murdered my mother." said Triton. "Um context please?" said Ana. "Lets go somewhere private to talk." said Triton as they were grabbed by him and went to a rooftop.  

In the stolen truck, the two crooks laughed. It was on a side road in the center of Saint Arches with one of the crooks ,in the passenger seat, said,"What did I tell you man? Easy money." The driver nodded as he looked out his rear-view mirror to see the trio of Danny, Gwen/Salem, and Leo/Augur right behind him. "We're being followed by Morph and two women!" said the driver. Zone was there as well but invisible. "Hey. It could be worse." said the passenger.

The driver looked at him with him saying,"How could it be worse?". "It could be that hero group from Washington." said the passenger, earning a groan from the driver. Something landed on the roof of the truck causing the two to freak out. "So what was that?!" said the duo. Zone ,as Vine Form, appeared on the hood of the truck. "Words to the wise. Stealing will always get you in trouble." said Zone as he made his arms bigger. 

Zone's arms had thorns on them with the two criminals screamed up seeing it as the chest continued through the city. Thanks to said chaos, pedestrians dodged the truck by vines ,controlled by Zane, had grabbed them just before getting hurt. Cars were stopped and numbers objects ,from the truck, came out of it. They were getting close to the park with said truck turning around and Zone wrapped one of his vines around the bumper.

In order to catch them, Gwen/Salem made Danny drive through the park  "Sorry! Excuse us!" said Danny as he tried his best to avoid park goes but was hit by several objects. These objects were a hot dog stand, a park bench, and a water fountain. "So how was your visit to the park Morph? It was nice I hope." said Zone's voice. Leo/Augur turned to see a small version of Zone ,in Vine Form, on Danny's shoulder as he said,"What the?". 

Danny sighed as he said,"So are you using a spell to talk with us or is this one of Vine Form's powers?". "Take your pick. I'm currently climbing up to the roof so hurry up and get here before I finish this." said the plant Zone as it turned into leaves that hit Leo/Augur in the face. As the trio was continuing to flee from its chasers, the robbers looked to see that they were gone. "So do you think they're gone or what?" said the passenger with him earning a shrug from the driver.

Danny was behind the truck with Zone ,out of Vine Form, floated above him. He focused Primordial at the truck's rear and made it turn into chains. "Hey there oaf! Watch where you're shooting!" said Gwen/Salem as Zone rolled his eyes. "If this doesn't prove that you're not Gwen, I don't know what does." thought Zone. They continue the chase as Ana, Sly, and Triton watched from the rooftop. "So can we do?" said Ana, turning to her new friend. 

Triton looked at her as he said,"No idea. From what I gathered from watching you all....". "Which we call stalking." said Sly, earning a giggle from Ana. "Yes. I did do that but Gwen or Salem is trying to reverse the spell's effect and make new targets for it." said Triton. Releasing the chains, Zone flew above the truck with him appearing out of sight of the criminals. "You messed with the wrong woman dumbass." said a voice. 

The two criminals turned to see Gwen/Salem sitting in between them with lagoon blue Animus focused and a glare on her face. "I think we did!" said the two. In the air, Zone ,who turned into Pyre Form, threw a fireball downwards, destroying the back tires. The truck then began careening out of control and hit a brick wall nearby. Rubble and debris from the wall along with food was sent tumbling before Zone landed on the road and a crowd gathered.

Zone ignored them as he said,"Gwen! Are you okay?! Where did Leo and Morph go? And what happened?". Gwen/Salem was laughing loudly at the robbers who were getting assaulted by live lobsters and they were screaming in pain. "We give up for pete sake! Just make them stop!" said the duo. "You got it." said Zone, with him turning into Gluttony Form. Before Zone could start eating them alive, Gwen/Salem stopped him.

The clone looked at her as she said,"I think you should let them suffer Zero. They need to learning that stealing is wrong and stealing from me is just asking for trouble.". She held her bag with her saying with a smile,"And with that done, we have more shopping to do muscles.". "But I can't just ignore these poor beings in...." said Zane. He was being dragged away by the sorceress with Zone shrugging. He stretched out his tongues and grabbed all of the lobsters at once.

Said crooks thanked him before the cops arrested him. "That's real good. So are you going to answer me or what?" said Zone. "They had a little accident." said Gwen/Salem, giggling. A little bit earlier, Danny and Leo/Augur had crashed into a dumpster thanks to Gwen/Salem's magic with both of them grumbling. Ana, Sly, and Triton looked down at the scene with Ana saying,"So my brother down there is a Zone right?". 

Triton nodded as he said,"That's correct. I think he's trying to break into the prison to free the real Gwen and Leo from their wrong imprisonment. He did that for Caspian and his brother so that's what he's doing.". "So Triton. Zane may explained to me what Soul Swap is but why did they want Danny and Zane?" said Sly as Ana nodded. "Those two wanted more power plain and simple. Morph is a very powerful being especially with that raw Impulse of his." said Triton.

Sly nodded as she said,"And according to more beings I know, Zane is the powerful Zero ever. That makes sense.". "With that out of the way, those ingredients must be for Soul Swap right Triton?" said Ana. "That's correct. I'll be keeping an eye on you two as a guardian angel. Zero will free your friends I'm sure of that but keep an eye on those criminals for me okay?" said Triton. "Got it." said Ana and Sly as Triton smiled at them.

Back in the prison, both Augur/Leo and Salem/Gwen were miserable. The duo were currently in line and holding a rusty metal tray as an elderly lunch lady and lunch man ,I think that's what a male lunch lady is called, gave them both a tray full of gruel that looked 100% processed. "It's an interesting color at the least. Pretty sure that it isn't organic." thought Salem/Gwen as she noticed the flies hovering around their food. 

She heard a voice say,"I don't think they have anything organically grown since most prisons are pretty much anti vegans. That's the case in Thunder Cove. Adrian hates vegans a lot. At least this lunch lady didn't put her boogers in it or farted on it.". After throwing up a bit in her mouth due to Zane's comment, Salem/Gwen turned to see Zane's soul floating there with it being steel gray and looks to be made out of cosmic energy. 

It resembles his head but more skeletal. "Make sure you come back for seconds handsome. Plenty more where that came from." said the lunch man winking at Augur/Leo who shivered in place. The vampire ,inside of a sorcerer, sat a bench closest to the glass wall with Salem/Leo do the same on her end. Zane's soul floated in between them as Augur/Leo said with him poking his gruel before puking a bit in his mouth,"So big brother. What happened to us exactly? And where is your body?". 

Zane shrugged as he said,"You two were the unfortunately victims of the Soul Swap spell. If you don't have high amount of Animus aka Augur, you requires certain ingredients to make it work at all. Gwen and I may know it but Augur and Salem were after me and Danny. Their plan would have failed by the way.". "Do you mind explaining Zane? You tend to say things that make no sense even with context." said Salem/Gwen.

The Cross Species nodded as he said,"Well, it's commonly knowing that Eazairvians can't be body swapped due to the other being gaining infinite power if that happens. It would still be bad if Danny got swapped. I mean Salem with Danny's connection to Impulse and his connection to Animus is a really bad thing as well. To answer your second question Leo, my body is outside and currently looks like a corpse except with flesh.".

Before Salem/Gwen could say anything, Olga and Patti walked up to her. "So do you got any magic spells for us? Are you holding out on us?" said Olga. "Wow. Those two are jerks. Good thing the prisoner on my side are actually pretty nice. I guess the guys here must be nicer than the girls." said Augur/Leo, waving to two prisoners who smiled back on him. Salem/Gwen didn't answer her being that Patti slammed her arm back down. 

Olga smiled as she said,"Talk or else, I'll make you eat a knuckle sandwich.". Seeing an opportunity to make a scene, Zane floated over to Augur/Leo and Salem/Gwen, He whispered something into their ears before flying off. After hearing the plan, Salem/Gwen nodded to Augur/Leo. "Okay then. Food fight!" said Salem/Gwen who then threw the tray at the girls, splattering them with gruel causing them to stumble back into the other tables, causing gruel to hit the other girls as well. 

Chaos erupted on both side of the mess hall with gruel flying everywhere. The duo of Augur/Leo and Salem/Gwen tried to get away with Patti brushing the gruel out of her eyes. She charged at her with Salem/Gwen and she avoided her by placing a table in front of Patti. Patti slammed into the table of a rather muscular looking female. You may think she looks male since she looks masculine but her breasts speak another story. 

Patti didn't a change to apologize as she tossed Patti into Olga, sending them both flying backwards a good couple of feet. Unlike Salem/Gwen, Augur/Leo didn't have any trouble escaping since the guys weren't really focused on the seemingly feminine man. Salem/Gwen were grabby by Olga who wasn't happy. "You got guts witch but that's all you got it! Now cough up any magic crap you have!" said Olga. "It isn't magic but science. Here you go." said Salem/Gwen 

She reached into her pants pockets which she was surprised that she had. The sorceress held some of Zane's V.B.R.S with her saying,"Don't know which one he gave me but it'll be good regardless won't it Olga?". The marbles glowed before they formed into Venus flytraps and attacked the other female prisoners along with the lunch lady. "So are you really innocent?" said a guard as Salem/Gwen turned to see Augur/Leo being tackled by four prisoners. 

Salem/Gwen wondered how that happened and presumed they were doing some guy thing. "Nope not at all." said Salem/Gwen as she hoped that Zane's plan would work. She knew that Zane's plans were seen as crazy and would not work whatsoever but they did. Back with Zone. Ana and Danny stood at the bait and tackle shop while Gwen/Salem and Leo/Augur were doing some shopping inside. Sly and Zone ,out of Gluttony Form, were working on a plan. 

The Akostar looked right at Zone with her saying,"So the prime got Gwen and Leo in trouble at the prison?! What kind of plan is that?! I mean it's one of his plans no doubt but still!". "I may be him Sly but I don't know what goes through his head. I have an idea on how to reverse just in case Augur and Salem's plan work. All we can do now is wait." said Zone. "That's a sucky plan but that's all we got huh?" said Sly with Zone.

Unaware of Sly and Zone's conversation, Danny turned to Ana. "Hey Ana. Have you noticed that Gwen, Leo, Sly, and Zane have been acting weird lately? I mean Zane always acts random but I can kinda get what he's doing but this time, I can't." said Danny. To keep Danny from figuring out that his girlfriend and friend had been replaced by sorcerers, Ana need to come up with a good lie. "Not really Danny. I mean she just wants to cook for me. I have to ask. Is she a bad cook?" said Ana.

Danny looked at her as he said,"Not at all. I mean she was at first. She was even worse than Rachel and her mushroom soup. It was a great way to get out of an exam but she has gotten much better over time.". "Okay then. I'm sure that keeping you out of the loop is a bad thing. Here is what's going on Danny." said Ana. Before Ana could say anything, the two heard,"I finally got it you guys. The last ingredient.".

The duo of Gwen/Salem and Leo/Augur left the shop as Sly and Zone joined the group with the sorceress holding a packaged container. Danny carefully grabbed hold of said contained and looked inside. "Huh. Sea urchin eggs?" said Danny. "You know what those are? And by the way, it sounds disgusting." said Ana. "Yeah. Gwen says that it's a common food used in Taelamelan. They're usually quite expensive here on Earth." said Danny.

Leo/Augur smiled as he said,"Don't worry about that little detail. I used my charms into giving us a deal.". "And that's some grade a bullshit." thought Sly. As the group walked away, Zone stayed behind and looked inside. The shopkeepers were gagged with tape and hanging from the ceiling by a rope that was tied around them. They look like a pinata. Zone disappeared to meet up back with the Prime as Zane was ready to put his plan into motion. 

After seeing Zone vanished, Ana grabbed Leo/Augur and Sly grabbed Gwen/Salem. Danny didn't noticed it with Ana and Sly both whispered,"We know your plan you two and we won't let like it happen.". "Not with proof you won't." said Gwen/Salem. Back at the prison, the unique quartet of Augur/Leo, Olga, Patti, and Salem/Gwen were being forced to clean up the mess hall from the food fight's aftermath. 

Standing nearby Salem/Gwen ,who was using a mop alongside Olga and Patti was using a broom, the lunch lady frowned. During the fight, one of those plants bit her in the bunions and it was painful for her but hilarious for the prisoner. "This may be awful but seeing the look on that hag's face is totally worth it. You're good in my book witch. If you need anything..." said Olga who was washing the ground with a hose. "I need to break me and my friend out of here." said Salem/Gwen.

Holding her broom, Patti said,"And that sounds impossible. I mean with armed guards plan you and your boyfriend's powers being blocked, you may have something trouble there.". Ignoring the girl's conversation, Augur/Leo noticed a drain pipe in the center of the room where the water from the hose was going to. "Um. I found a way." said Augur/Leo. "But we need a distraction. Do you two think you can do that?" said Salem/Gwen. "You got it witch." said Olga.  

Before she could do anything, the hose Salem/Gwen floated above her and blasted the guards with water. The guards were hit by several brooms ,that were moving on their own, and the room was covered by smoke. As the smoke covered the room, the four were gone thanks to the drain pipe which had vanished. The guards eventually removed the smoke from the room as they looked down to see Olga flipping the guards off before running after the other.

One of the security guards said,"Call security and get those prisoners!". In the sewer, the quartet of Augur/Leo, Olga, Patti, and Salem/Gwen ran through it. They took a corner and eventually reached a large sewer gate with metal bars in it. "Once we get this open, we're home free!" said Patti as she held onto the gate. "And how do you know that?" said Augur/Leo. "Because I heard that one of the guards mention that it spills out into the city's main drainage system." said Patti.

Suddenly, the flashlight beams from the security guards were seen. "They went that way! We can't let them escape!" said the guards. Before they could do anything, the group heard an eerie high-pitched voice with an echo effect say,"Step back. This is going to get nasty faster than the slop they serve here. I mean I would eat it but still, you should move.". The walls to the sides of them began to glow black with traces of red in it. 

As this was happening, several arms appeared and they linked together. They formed into a wall behind and in front of them and before they could say anything else, the sewer gate was blown away thanks to an explosion of raw energy. The front wall disappeared as the four turned to see Zane ,with him in Alchemy Form, appeared from the shadows with him smiling. "And with this, Prison Break number five is a success! Lets go for twenty by the time I'm hundred and eight!" said Zane. 

Olga's eyes widened with her saying,"Zero?! What is he...?!". Salem/Gwen knocked her out with a chop to the neck as Augur/Leo did the same for Patti. Both of the girls were placed to the side of the sewer with the sorcerer saying,"So are you a hundred percent sure about this big brother? I mean they could go down the path of good one day.". "Mostly likely Leo. They were the most evil girls in the female side of the prison and that includes big Bertha." said Salem/Gwen. 

Augur/Leo nodded as he had seen big Bertha a bit earlier and she was a violent woman. "Even though Zane had to break into prison to save us, I don't think he would let criminals go free without a decent reason." said Salem/Gwen. "She's totally right. So how was prison by the way you two? I hope it convinces you not to do crime." said Zane. "Awful Zero. They were so mean." said Augur/Leo. "He means the prisoners by the way." said Salem/Gwen. 

Zane nodded as he said,"I figured that much. The wall I made will eventually fade away but on the bright side, Olga and Patti are going to hate Augur and Salem when they come back.". The three were gone as the guards founding the two girls with them taking back to the prison. Meanwhile at the Vindicator and harbor, it was night time. The weather was overcast and slightly misty with the group ,except for Leo/Augur and Zane, were standing near the RV.

At this very moment, Gwen/Salem was standing near a large cast-iron cauldron and was using her magic to hold a tray of ingredients which she placed said ingredients with care. The smell from the cauldron went over to the group watching with Ana gagging and plugging her nose. "Oh gods. Please tell me that isn't our dinner." said Ana. "It probably doesn't taste as bad as it smells though." said Danny. "Do you honestly believe that?" said Sly.

The man shrugged as he said,"I'm going to say no but it's nice to look at the possible positives of a situation. That's what Zane usually does. I'll get some scented candles to handle the smell.". He walked away as Sly looked at Leo who was pacing back and forth nearby Gwen/Salem. She was annoyed with her blasting the man away. "So bro will be here soon right?" whispered Ana. "Yeah and everyone will be back in their original bodies." whispered Sly.

Danny was walking toward the main steps of the harbor to get some candles for his girlfriend's very unique smelling dinner. He just presumed that it's from Taelamelan. On the stars, he saw Augur/Leo and Salem/Gwen standing there. "You two!" said Danny as his hands were covered in azure blue energy and got ready to fight. He was still unaware of the body swap. "Okay. This time, I'm getting back for knocking me the last time!" said Danny. 

He was about to attack them but then tripped over nothing. Augur/Leo giggled as Salem/Gwen sighed and crossed her arms. Danny was unable to move with him seeing that his own shadow had pined them to the ground. "I know that you're mad at these two beating you up bro. I need you to hold back your aggression for at least a while." said a voice. Danny saw Zane ,in Stealth Form, appearing from under Augur/Leo's shadow. 

Danny's eyes widened with him saying,"Dude?! What's going on?!". "Danny. I wouldn't have him to do this to you if I didn't know you. You would have kicked mine and Leo's butt without listening to what we have to say." said Salem/Gwen. The metahuman tried to break free from his shadow with him saying,"You got that right. What did you do to my brother?!". "We didn't do anything to him I promise Danny!" said Augur/Leo.

Zane sighed as he said,"Let me explain it to you like this. Augur and Leo. Gwen and Salem. The four I just mentioned got body swapped.". "Really? How stupid do you think I am? I'm sure that I would know if my girlfriend got body swapped with some no-named witch and her boy toy." said Danny. "We don't have time for this. Danny, you must have noticed that Gwen and Leo have been acting strange lately. They swapped bodies."  

Danny tried to break free with him saying,"You got that right. What did you do to my brother?". "We didn't Danny! Me and Augur! Gwen and Salem! We got body swapped!" said Augur/Leo. "Do you seriously think I'm that stupid? I'm pretty sure I know my girlfriend better than some witch and her boy toy?!" said Danny. Zane sighed as he said,"We don't have time for this. Danny, you must have noticed that Gwen and Leo have been acting strange right?".

The metahuman looked at Zane with him thinking about his usually sweet girlfriend has been acting like Sam today and how Leo has been acting like a different person. "You got a point there but why didn't you tell me bro? Does Ana and Sly know? And why did you guys body swap?" said Danny as Zane let him go. "Salem knows about our relationship and you need to be kept in the dark so Salem doesn't know about us breaking out of jail." said Salem/Gwen.

Augur/Leo nodded as he said,"Did that make sense Danny?". "Yeah. So why did you guys do the whole body swap thing?" said Danny, crossing his arms. "When we were fighting, you got knocked out due Salem's Animus being able to affect machines aka you. We were going to body swap with them and trust me, I would have laughed for a good couple of minutes if you were the one to swapped places with a girl." said Zane.     

Danny rolled his eyes as he said,"Sometimes Zane. Why would they want to switch with us? I mean it wouldn't work on you since you.....". "Yes we know why it won't work. She wanted your power and Augur wanted to get revenge on Zero who makes him look stupid.  In our six years we've been together Danny, can't you see that it's me?" said Salem/Gwen. Danny looked into the blonde's eyes as he said,"Yeah. Welcome back Gwen.". 

He hugged her with Salem/Gwen returning the hug. "It seems you completed your mission Zero. A very good job. It seems your ability to break people out of prison is unmatched." said a voice. Danny let go of Salem to see Ana, Sly, and Triton with Danny saying,"So whose the guy? He isn't working for Augur and Salem right?". "He's a friend of mine and wouldn't dare work for Salem after what she did to him." said Zane as Ana and Sly hugged Augur/Leo. 

Ana smiled as she said,"I'm so happy you're back Leo. I'll never question or hate any of your feminine traits again.". "You're welcome I think?" said Augur/Leo. Their happy moment was done as they heard Gwen/Salem shout,"You!". She stood there with Leo/Augur by her side as the former sorcerer said,"You! I'll make you pay!". "For what?"said Augur/Leo. "For being not a man like me! And is that nail polish on my fingers vampire?!" said Leo/Augur. 

Augur/Leo hide his hands as Zane shook his head. "I told you he would be mad if you did that to his body little buddy." said Zane. "Don't blame this on Leo. You're the one who did this to him." said Salem/Gwen. "Because I thought it would be funny to see nail polish on Augur and it was but he's blaming Leo." said Zane. "Focus bro. You two took over one of my friends and girlfriend's body so I'm not exactly in the best mood right now." said Danny, making the Phantom Smashers appear.

Gwen/Salem laughed as she said,"You can be serious Danny. Who are you going to believe?! She and her boytoy bewitched all of you!". "You can't fool me Salem. I'm a living lie detector due to my hyper hearing. Your emotions can make the most hardened person sing like a canary. If you're not Salem, you wouldn't mind if I tell everyone about how you always wanted to be a princess but couldn't due to your hideous sixth right toe." said Zane.

Ana, Danny, and Sly gagged at the sound of that as Triton said,"Why do you know that?". "I got bored earlier so I read her mind. I like to use anything I can about my opponent to make them mess up." said Zane. "Your way of fighting is quite amusing since it clearly worked." said Triton, pointing to a red faced Gwen. "You'll pay for that Alvarez! It was so hard being nice and sweet to you lower beings!" said Gwen/Salem.

She smiled as she said,"After all, I'm a true Sorceress and thankful I got a chance to use my Animus since Gwenny is a sorceress as well!". "That matters not. You two are going to pay for almost killing my mother." said Triton. The duo of Gwen/Salem and Leo/Augur were trapped in chains that were made out of water. "So is this Animus or what?" said Ana. "As a person of Atlantis, I was born with the ability to naturally manipulate water and I learned magic to make me a warrior young girl." said Triton. 

Instead of being worried about it, Gwen/Salem smiled as she closed her eyes. "Go away chains of water! And send them to the ground!" said Gwen/Salem. She created an wavy of lagoon blue Animus and this blasted the water chains away. Due to Zane being made out of shadows and Gwen/Salem's spell is made out of light, Zane disappeared for a moment. The others were knocked to the ground and sent flying away from each other. 

Gwen/Salem laughed as she said,"Unlike you Gwenny, I use the true method to use magic. It isn't Animus but Liasada!". "Liasada? Is that a different form of Animus?" groaned Augur/Leo. "Yes but it's considered to be black magic and brings trouble to whoever uses it." said Salem/Gwen with her glaring at her body. "The pest is gone now since he vanished when you used that spell. What are we going to do now?" said Leo/Augur. 

The sorceress smiled evilly as she said,"It's a simple change. We'll replace you swapping Hunky with fish breath. I'm staying with this body since her Animus is really good.". "Okay. I'm okay with this since I'll be getting a real man's body that I rightfully deserve." said Leo/Augur, smiling. Gwen/Salem aimed her left hand toward the bubbling cauldron where a stream of energy covering her. A circular magical sphere covered her and she smiled. 

During all of this, she didn't see a shadow slipping by her and Leo/Augur's detention and place something into the cauldron. "Time for a change. Anime di scambi dello potere il e questo. Zona nella persona un'altra con corpi deve, richiesta questa di raggio nel chiunque!" said Gwen/Salem. The group plus the two villains was covered in a massive rainbow glow with Zane reappearing. Zane deactivated Stealth Form but in his Zenith Costume.

He stretched with him saying,"Yep. It's official. Magic is complicated. Not a bad thing mind you but going up against it will always be somewhat difficult due to its unpredictability. It seems that Soul Swap doesn't swap powers between the two as well. That was Gwen's Animus used. Her spell was light based so staying in Stealth Form wasn't a great option against her. At least, I was able to change up their plan just a bit.".

Zane stopped his analysis of what just happened with him watching Augur and Salem stumbling out of the smoke. Salem looked at herself as she screamed in anger. "Damn it! I'm back in my body again! I lost that supply of Animus!" said Salem. "Who cares about that? I'm back in mine!" said Augur. Salem punched him in the arm with Augur saying,"You weren't stuck in the body of that vampire. He has no muscle tone. At least, the Negation Collars are off.".

The Cross Species looked at the destroyed collars with him smoking on the floor and made a mental note to make a collar with a strong magic resistance. He put that thought to the back burner for normal with Zane getting ready to fight them. "So I guess your spell crashed and burned!" rang out Danny's voice. "So I should back to be me. What was that my voice?" said Gwen's voice. "No it was Danny. Huh mine sounds different." said Ana's voice. 

Zane heard a loud sigh with Triton's voice saying,"Please don't tell me what I think just happened.". The six walked out of the smoke with them seeing each other and screamed out,"I'm you!". "Okay then. So who is who? I have an idea but I need to know whose who so I can make the proper masks." said Zane as he tilted his head in question. "I'm in Ana's body partner and Ana is in mine. Does that make sense for you?" said Ana/Sly with Sly/Ana nodding. 

The Cross Species nodded with Leo standing there. "And I got swapped with the little girl that Augur was earlier." said Leo/Triton. "Actually your highness, I'm a boy." said Triton/Leo with him looking rather meek. "Seriously?" said Leo/Triton. Triton/Leo sulked as Augur felt bad for the king. "Okay. So that makes you two..." said Zane with Danny and Gwen nodding. "Yep. We're in each other body." said Danny/Gwen and Gwen/Danny.

Due to Soul Swap once again, there were some body swapping going on. Augur and Salem got their original bodies back. Ana swapped bodies with Sly and Sly swapped bodies with Ana. Leo didn't get his body back but he got Triton's body with the king getting the body of the vampire. Danny and Gwen got body swapped with this being the only male to female/female to body swap. Zane began chuckling at this before breaking out into full blown laughter.

This was met much to the annoyance of people who know him already and confusion for the two met him today. "I know that I really shouldn't be laughing at this but this is too dam funny! I mean I was totally going to do this to you later man." said Zane. Don't worry. We won't get a laughter fit like Zane did in the Fairy Legion chapter involving Soul Swap. "You fools! I only have enough ingredients for one more Soul Swap!" said Salem, glaring at them.

Augur looked at her with him saying,"So the plan is to get the king and Slicer's body right?". "Yes that's the plan!" said Salem, annoyed. "Wow. Those two are not good partners. Even though you're using a seemingly stronger version of Animus, you suck at casting spells. I may be a beginner when it comes to magic but I can cast a Soul Swap without the cauldron. I better get ready to cast it.". "You won't get the chance! Since it's time to change the situation!" said Gwen/Danny. 

Both Ana/Sly and Sly/Ana looked at her with them saying,"Please don't say your awful catchphase in your girlfriend's body.". Gwen/Danny rolled her eyes as she try to make the Phantom Smashers appear but it failed. "Danny. You can't use your powers in my body." said Danny/Gwen. "Meaning what? I can't let Salem get what she wants." said Gwen/Danny. "You can Animus like me and Zero so use that instead of your gadgets. I'll be doing the same." said Danny/Gwen.

Danny/Gwen took a deep breath with him making Time Rune appear. Even though she wasn't in her body, the sword was smart enough to know which being was in her body with Leo/Triton turning to his body. "So what can you do vampire?" said Leo/Triton. Before Triton/Leo could answer him, Salem said,"You'll have no time to find out! Arise the creatures of Taelamelan! Tear them all to shreds!". The ground erupted from her with several creatures standing around her side. 

Large humanoid rock golems appeared with them covered in icy blue runes in their skin. Due to their size, Zane guessed that they have enhanced strength and look to be able to use Animus like their mistress. He remember reading that the golems have an impressive healing factor and were able to merge with their mistress to form a durable armor. Their durability does have limits being that a good attack can shatter them into pieces, could be absorbed of their Animus, and burned by acid. 

In the air right above her, there were stone bats that are about four feet long. They are a diamond shape with two bat like wings. They have a single glowing red eye. They can be used to swarm a group due to the sorcerer having the ability to make a couple of them with very little Animus. They're able to fire beams of Animus from their eyes. The final one actually has a name being the Crystup. It's a moss green stone dinosaur like creature stood there.

Said Crystyup has small pupil-less white eyes, black lips with several large teeth sticking out of them, four gray horns on his forehead, and five black claws on its hands. It had icy blue colored runes all over it. It's a very durable creature being extremely strong and made out of stone. It can shoot our magenta Animus beams alongside magenta colored flames. It has a strong weakness toward ice and due to it being made out of stone, it does have its limits. 

The magic creatures charged at the body swapped beings and Zane said,"Stay back. I got this!". Zane turned into Cataclysmic Form, firing a wave of fire blocking the creatures from attacking them. The demon like creature began dodging Animus blasts from Augur and Salem's minions. "So do you mind answering my question already?! I don't want to owe Zane another debt for defending me due to me being unable to help him." said Leo/Triton. 

Triton/Leo nodded as he said,"I can use electricity, fire and lightning magic your highness. Does that help?". "Yes. This will work perfectly." said Leo/Triton. "Good. What about me?" said Triton/Leo with him not getting an answer. The vampire released a giant burst of blue fire from his body as the duo of  Danny/Gwen and Gwen/Danny rushed toward Zane. The fire, Animus enhanced punch, and sword destroyed the minions with Zane smiling. "Nice job." said Ana/Sly and Sly/Ana with a thumbs up. 

Salem floated above them and she said,"Go to sleep right now!". The six body swapped were covered in a icy blue mist with them all out cold as Salem smiled. She noticed that Zane was looked at her with an annoyed look. "Augur! Take him down! I'll get the bodies rest for the swap!" said Salem as she was gone with them. Zane looked at Augur and the revived minions with him smiling. "You're going to regret this!" said Zane, charging toward them. 

About twenty minutes later, Gwen/Danny groaned and slowly woke up due to her feeling a cold breeze hitting her head. "Oh gods. It wasn't a dream. I'm really in Gwen's body." muttered Gwen/Danny. She looked down to see that she was tied to the mast of a nearby boat with rope that prevented her from using her Animus. She may not know Animus like Gwen and Zane but she can at least tell when there is something blocking her powers.

She looked in front of her with her seeing Salem working on another Soul Swap. "You won't get away with this!" said Gwen/Danny. "That's so cute mecha man but you're trapped by anti-Animus rope that I made using the superior Liasada. My partner in crime and pets are handing Legion Zero so he won't be here to save you. I'll be getting the power that I deserve." said Salem. "Why are you doing this to us Salem?" said Leo/Triton's voice. "And turn me around so I can face you killer!" said Triton/Leo's voice.

The king and vampire was tied up nearby in anti-Animus rope since both of them were tied to the boat's other mast that was across from Gwen/Danny. Leo/Triton was on the other side and can't see what's going on. "It's simple really. I told that fool Augur that I wanted to help free General Necrosis from prison but that was a lie. I want to kill all of the people whose ancestors killed my ancestors just because they were jealous of their power." said Salem.

She sighed as she said,"Humans are so petty and letting their jealously control them. I can't let them live for doing that. My attempt at murdering your mother was just work. In order to achieve this goal, we need a Magnus but there is a slight problem. You wouldn't happen to know where that Magnus is do you?". "I know nothing about the Magnus." said Leo/Triton. "Oh come on. You can sense how much stronger than I am than hawk nose since I'm a descendant of the Impure. Talk or...." said Salem. 

The sorceress made a icy blue Animus Scythe appear and held it to the vampire's neck as she said,"Now talk fish boy.". "So do you know what's going on Danny? Or is Gwen? I'm so confused. I've never heard about the Impure and Magnus before now or Liasada before today." said Triton/Leo. "It's me Danny. I'm sure Gwen and Zane know something about all of these new terms we learned today. So why does Gwen put on all of this makeup and lotion. She's already perfect." said Gwen/Danny.

In the hull of the ship, the night's light covered the bowel of the ship and it's three prisoners. The trio of Ana/Sly, Danny/Gwen, and Sly/Ana were trapped inside of old pillories. Salem would have enchanted their prisons to prevent them from escaping since they had no idea how to use their new powers like Augur did when he was in Leo's body. She only had to do that with Danny/Gwen since she knew that Danny could use Animus. "So I got to ask. What is it like being in the body of a boy?" said Ana/Sly.

Sly/Ana looked at her with her saying,"Seriously? Did you just ask her that?". "Hey. If I didn't, Zane would." said Ana/Sly. "She isn't wrong Ana and it isn't that to be honest. I just want to be back in my body and that means we need to stop the duo of Augur and Salem." said Danny/Gwen. The floor in front of them was covered in ice with them hearing,"Sorry about the delay you guys. I had to give Augur and her pets a cold shower. Too hot for their own good.".

Zane ,in Front Form, stood on top of the ice with his arms crossed. "So are you here to get us out of her brother?" said Sly/Ana. "I would with you two but nah. Not really feeling it. You guys can do it since well, you two have spared together. Just focus on the power inside of you. Let it flow through you like a gentle stream. Your powers are a part of you after all." said Zane. "So while we're doing that, you're freeing Gwen right?" said Ana/Sly. "Gotcha." said Zane.

Sly/Ana took a deep breath with the pillory get covered in flames and fell to the ground with Ana/Sly making her claws appear and freeing herself. Zane froze Danny/Gwen's pillory and he smashed through the frozen object using the Spectral Busters. "I was going for his gauntlets. So what's the plan?" said Danny/Gwen. "Freeing Danny, Leo, and the king so we can take down Salem. Augur is probably out of his ice prison by now so lets get going." said Zane, earning a nod from the three.

Up above, Salem smiled. "Let me see. Once I gain control over him, I have him go into one of his lightning forms. With my Liasada increasing those bolts of his, nothing will stop me from getting my revenge. I'll then take down those cowards underground. They let my people get their powers taken by that damn Eazairvian. I will exact revenge on those who killed my fellow Sorcerers in the Salem Witch Trials and the Undergrounders." said Salem with her hurling ingredients in the cauldron.

Before Salem could finish, Augur appeared with him shivering like nothing else. "We have a problem Salem. Zero will able to escape using that dam bug form of his and I think he's going to..." said Augur through shattering teeth. The sound of crunching wood attracted the attention of the two Animus users with Salem looked down to see that her prisoners escaped from the cellar. The ground froze with Augur growling out,"Dam you Alvarez.".   

Salem began laughing with Auger looking confused. He knew that she was crazy but not this crazy. "I know that I wanted Zero as my lover but after this, I want him even more!" said Salem. "Okay then. Go nuts." said Augur, backing away from her. As this was going on, Gwen/Danny loosed the ropes holding her and smiled. "Time to cast a spell." thought Gwen/Danny as her hands glowed lagoon blue. The two Animus users were hit by two water fists and knocked them to the ground.

They went headfirst into the wooden deck with Gwen/Danny standing nearby the cauldron. "You should know that I usually think it's wrong for me to hit a lady but in this case, I'll make an exception." said Gwen/Danny. She ran over to the ropes that were holding Leo/Triton and Triton/Leo with her cutting them free using an Animus construct version of the Ghostly Broadsword. "Thanks for freeing me Danny." said Triton/Leo. "You're welcome but are you two ready to fight?" said Gwen/Danny.

Leo/Triton turned to see the stone golems appear and got ready to fight. "Kill them!" said Salem. "Don't we need them alive for the spell to work?" said Augur. "We need their bodies alive or dead." said Salem as Augur shrugged. The golems charged at the trio with Leo/Triton dodged their swipes with a backflip and turned to his body. Triton/Leo nodded with him manipulating two waves of water from the water below and they soaked the golems. Leo/Triton released electricity onto the golems which exploded.

Augur was about to fire a spell at Gwen/Danny but the ground began to shake with him falling to the ground. "And down goes the Sorcerer!" said a voice. Salem turned to see the rest of the body swapped standing there with Zane in Drill Form which had changed thanks to the Zenith Core. He's now twelve feet tall with him looking to be a robotic humanoid armadillo and mole hybrid like creature. His body is somewhat humanoid and muscular with two arms and legs.

Zane's arms do look slightly more bulky than his legs mainly with his shoulders. His body is covered in natural cobalt blue body armor that covers his back, chest, forearms, head, legs, shoulders, and tail rather well. His skin is gray ,with black horizontal stripes, and blue eyes. He has a long and thin pink nose. His eyes had thin black stripes under them. He has pointy ears. Over his head, he wears a cobalt blue Barbute ,with a y-shaped design, helmet. He wears a black shirt under his chest plate. 

He has three fingers with brown fingerless gloves and pistons coming out of his elbows plus bolts sticking out of his shoulders. He has large mole feet ,with three toes, being that it looks to be half organic and robotic. His tail looks to be an natural armadillo and lizard like tail. The end of his tail is a black mace with five spikes that are in the shape of drills that can transform into one massive drill at the end. "Oh hey there handsome. So you decided to show up." said Salem, smiling.

Zane sighed as he said in a tough, deep voice,"Sorry there but I'm already seeing someone and I refuse to break her heart like I did already. Give up right now or I'll give you a real nasty shake lady.". "Brother. Your quips are terrible just like Danny's." said Sly/Ana. "That's the point in my case but Danny thinks that his are clever." said Zane as Gwen/Danny sulked for a bit. "Focus." said Ana/Sly. "Fine. You're going down and I'll be changing everyone back to normal." said Zane.

Salem smiled as she said,"Augur. Handle these fools. Zero is mine and I got just the spell for you hero. Minions of mine! Form into armor to protect me from my future lover!" said Salem. Two of the golems nodded and went onto their mistress. They formed an highly durable armor around her as Zane charged toward Salem. The sorceress jumped into the air with Zane going after her and smacked her into the water using his tail.

The sorceress emerged from the water with her saying,"I tend to forget you have the ability to walk on the air.". "Yeah. I get that a lot so how did you like your bath? Because you really smell." said Zane with a smirk. Salem glared at him with her levitated over to the cannons on the boat. "I think it's time for another spell. Cannons of old! Destroy them now!" said Salem. The cannons began fired icy blue animus cannonballs out of them. 

Gwen/Danny looked at the two girls with the three punched them and Gwen/Danny smiled. "Girl power am I right?" said Gwen/Danny. Before anyone could answer her, Salem decided to cast the spell once again and she smiled upon reaching the bubbling cauldron. "Anime di scambi dello potere il e questo. Zona nella persona un'altra con corpi deve, richiesta questa di raggio nel chiunque!" said Salem. She fired out the circular sphere toward Zane who did nothing to dodge it. 

Zane smirked as he said,"Oh no. What am I going to do?". He was faking fear since he had an ace in the hole. "Nothing can stop me now!" said Salem. "You really shouldn't have said that." said Zane with him smiling. Ana/Sly and Sly/Ana blasted Salem and Zane out of the orbs. "No!" said Salem with her being held by Danny/Gwen using the Phantom Smashers. Zane punched both orbs into the air with them exploding. "And that takes care of that problem. Lets see if I can do this." said Zane.

Much to Augur and Salem's shock, they saw Zane's hands glowed purple. "Is he trying to cast Soul Swap without the items?!" said Augur. "Stop him!" said Salem. Augur was about to do something but he was surrounded by Ana/Sly, Gwen/Danny, Leo/Triton, Sly/Triton, and Sly/Ana. "You're not stopping him by the way." said Gwen/Danny. "Anime di scambi dello potere il e questo. Zona nella persona un'altra con corpi deve, richiesta questa di raggio nel chiunque!" said Zane. 

Like before, the six swapped beings were covered in a rainbow aura. "No!' shouted Salem. The boat was covered by magical ciphers and casting light throughout the boat. The beam went into the sky, attracting everyone in town's attention. "So is everyone back?" said Zane. "Yeah! I'm finally back in my body! I missed it so much!" said Leo with him hugging himself. "I think you know the answer bro. Nice job saving the day like always." said Danny, fist bumping Zane. 

Zane smirked with him saying,"I think by this point, I'm pretty good at it by now.". "You may have put them back in their right bodies but it doesn't make! I'll make another Soul Swap so tell me how you were able to do it without the ingredients Zane!" yelled Salem. "I'll tell you when pigs start to fly naturally and not by other means! Drill Prime!" said Zane, glowing bright purple. Zane is now 16 feet tall. His upper body looks more stronger than his lower half but he didn’t skip leg day. 

His body is somewhat humanoid and muscular with two arms and legs. His arms do look slightly more bulky than his legs mainly with his shoulders. His body is now covered in natural steel gray body armor that covers his back, chest, forearms, head, legs, shoulders, and tail. His skin is a reddish gray color with black and orange horizontal stripes. He has a long and thin drill like nose. His eyes loses the thin black stripes that were under his eyes and his eyes changes to molten gold. 

He has pointy ears. He wears a cobalt blue Barbute ,with a y-shaped design, helmet. He wears a black shirt under his chest plate. He grows an extra set of arms and all of them are gigantic jackhammers with each of them having a unique purpose for construction. He has five fingers with brown fingerless gloves and jackhammer parts for elbows plus bolts sticking out of his shoulders. He has large mole feet ,with five toes, being that it looks to be half organic and robotic. 

His tail looks to be a natural armadillo and lizard like tail. The end of his tail is a black mace with five spikes in the shape of drills that can form one massive drill at the end. His feet are still the exact same except they have tank treads on the back of them. He began charged toward her as Augur said,"That will not happen any time soon hero!". Augur was stopped by a kick in the face by Leo. "Stay silent or I'll end your life." said Leo, earning a scared head nod from Augur. "Nice intimation tactic." said Ana.

Sly grabbed a nearby cannonball with her handing it to Triton. "Mind throwing this to her? I mean you want revenge on her right?" said Sly. "Oh I do and thanks." said Triton. He hurled the ball toward Salem with the impact of the ball sending her flying into the air. Seeing that she had no chance of winning, she tried to fly away but was brought back to the boat by a giant ball of cement that came from Zane. Upon contact with the wooden deck, the cement fused her to the ship.

Salem tried to cast a spell but couldn't. "Let me go!" said Salem. The trio of Gwen, Triton, and Zane were in front of her with two of them glaring at her angrily. Ana, Danny, Leo, and Sly were taking care of Augur. "So who wants the finishing blow? I mean Gwen had her body swapped with her so that gives her a reason but the king almost lost his mom because of her." said Zane. "That sounds fair. I think you should do this your highness." said Gwen.

Triton smiled as he said,"Thank you my friend.". He cocked back his right fist with him punching Salem in the face and she was out cold with a black eye. "That felt amazing and I really don't like hitting women." said Triton. "And with that, you guys need to go back to the Vindicator. I need to make these sorcerers pay." said Zane with a smile. "Okay. Don't do something too mean to them." said Leo. "Seriously?! You got body swapped twice because of them!" said Sly. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"He's nice and forgiving to everyone Sly. I'm the same way but well, I had a prank idea in mind for a while now.". "That sounds like a good plan. So do you mind telling me about how you fight young vampire?" said Triton. The group was gone as Zane's smile grew much bigger by the second. He was looking right at Augur and Salem with his Animus covered his hands. "I think it's time for your just desserts." said Zane.

Thirty minutes later, the Vindicator was driving out of Saint Archers after having Augur and Salem sent off to jail. Zane ,now out of Drill Prime, was working on one of the Negation Collar while driving. This was thanks to the power of multitasking. Triton was gone after his chat with Leo. "There's no better feeling then being back in your body bro." said Danny with him leaning back in his seat which was next to Zane. 

Zane smiled as he said,"Well, this experience taught you guys to appreciate each other and respect their choices for trips. After this, I have an idea for pranks.". "We sure did. I'm just concerned that you have a new way to prank people." said Ana. "Yeah but at least, we can counter it." said Sly. "So what did Triton talk with you about Leo?" said Gwen. "Um. He said that he would like to fight me one day but in our real bodies. So do you think we can go visit Atlantis?" said Leo. "We can bro." said Zane. 

Danny looked at Zane with him saying"So what did you do to Augur and Salem Zane? I mean she was swearing at you while the police was taking her away.". "You'll see one day but got to keep you in some suspense." said Zane. Back in the prison, Augur and Salem stood by each other as Augur shouted,"This is all your fault Augur!". "It isn't my fault Salem!" said Augur. Zane had swapped Augur and Salem's body. Before they woke up, Zane used their bodies to make the entire prisoner hate their guts.

It was thanks to some good old fashioned telekinesis. "I swear that I get Zero back for this!" said Augur/Salem. "Join the freaking club." said Salem/Augur. Both of the two sorcerers had a Negation Collar on them and were surrounded by the prisoners. Before Olga could hit Salem/Augur, the teenager was floating in the air. "I thought you two couldn't do anything due to those collars!" said Patti. Both sorcerers were confused as someone said,"Leave now or else, I'll kill you all.". 

The prisoners turned to see Feral and Renegade standing there. "And why should we listen to you two freaks?!" said a prisoner. He was going to hit Renegade on the back with a chair but upon contact with the armor, the chair was destroyed. "Feral. You can have fun with them. We only came for one of them after all." said Renegade with him turning toward the prisoner. Feral smiled as he charged toward a group of prisoner with his claws out and ready to strike them down on the criminals. 

Renegade walked toward the two body swapped sorcerers and held his sword. He held his sword and sliced down on them. The two sorcerers had their eyes closed and they slowly opened up them, with revealing the Negation Collar off of them. "Yes! Thanks knight! Now after me and hawk nose return back to our rightfully body, I'll get my revenge on Zero!" said Augur/Salem. "Good. That's some nice support. Feral, we're leaving right now." said Renegade. 

The two sorcerers turned to see a blood covered Feral who smiled. Salem/Augur gulped as she said with fear,"Should we go with them?". "Yes you idiot!" said Augur/Salem as the four were gone, leaving a blood soaked yard. Later that night, Zane was staring out in the night sky while everyone else was asleep. He had put the RV on auto pilot as he was alone to his thoughts. He was sitting at the dinette and he sighed. "So how long are you going to hide in the faucet Triton?" said Zane.

After saying that, the faucet from the kitchen began producing water. Triton appeared as he smiled. "So your senses are more impressive than Alyssa says it is. I've seen in battle already but outside of it, it's sharp." said Triton. "Thanks. I had a lot of training and been a lot of fights to protect people so what are you doing here? Are you here to abduct Leo? We may have worked together to return Gwen and Leo but taking my friend means you get a punch to your jaw." said Zane. 

Triton chucked as he said,"And your humor is still very interesting. So ever heard about the Magnus species?". "Yes. I thought they were extinct like the Vulcorian except for me and Uriel." said Zane with him crossing his arms. "You're not wrong Zane. Let me tell you the story of the Impure and the Undergrounders." said Triton. The underwater king began telling the Phantom king the story of the group of the Magnus.

They decided to leave their home planet of Ithuna in the Gamma Anchor System. "So Salem was a descendant of a Impure and she wanted to find this Magnus to gain more power. She wanted to take revenge. So do you know if this Magnus Augur and Salem were looking for is a member of the Impure or the Undergrounders?" said Zane. "The Undergrounders don't breed with other species most of the time." said Triton. 

He sighed as he said,"They usually don't leave their cities because of what humans did to one of them back in the day being used as a weapon. It's the reason why the Sorcery Festival happens every eight year.". "True. That makes sense. So how are you going to find this Magnus? We've already left Saint Archers about ten minutes ago." said Zane. "According to my sorcerers back in Atlantis, this Magnus is here in this vehicle. What is this vehicle by the way?" said Triton.

Zane blinked as he said,"It's an RV and are you serious?". "Yes. Do you mind if I test my sorcerers's theory? I promise you that no one will be hurt too much Zane." said Triton. "Sure but if this theory seriously hurts anyone, I'll throw you out of the RV and send your ass back to Atlantis." said Zane with him cracking his knuckles. Triton smiled as his hands glowed aqua blue and he said,"I call upon you the spirits to awaken the Magnus!".

The entire RV glowed aqua blue, confusing any nearby drivers. The beings inside inside of the RV didn't noticed except for Triton and Zane. "It seems that the sorcerer were wrong. It does happen once in a blue moon or to be more precise, our sorcerer have a 5% chance of error. Sorry about wasting your time Za..." said Triton. The king turned to his friend who began wincing in pain. "Are you okay Zane? I didn't hurt you did I?" said Triton.

Zane nodded as he said,"You did but I'm fine. Due to my DNA being a mess, Animus and as today, any spells from Salem are painful. It's like my body just went through an intense training session. So did your theory work?". "Look down. It seems that your destiny has given you a certain path for you to go down so will you do it or not?" said Triton, smiling. Zane looked down at himself with him feeling something off with his body. "Really thought I was done gaining more power but nope." said Zane.

He took off his jacket, revealing his black compression/muscle shirt. "So why are you stripping? I don't swing that way." said Triton. "Just be quiet. I make the dirty jokes around here." said Zane as he took off his shirt. He looked at his chest and blinked. "Great. As if I didn't have enough tattoos on my body. This isn't a bad thing but still. I'll stick out more than I do whenever I take off my shirt. Guess it's bye bye privacy on the beach." said Zane.

On the chest of his chest and in the middle of his "Z" shaped piercing, there is a tattoo. It's a black tribal dragon tattoo with it having a crimson red background. The background is a pentagram surrounded by a magic circle. The entire thing was made out of ancient runes. "Zane. Your chest has the sign of...." said Triton. Before he could finish, Zane felt a huge amount of power slowly entering his body and began steadily building up with each heartbeat that pulsed through him.

Zane looked at Triton with him saying."What is this?! Tell me what you did to me or else, I'll....". "I think you need to calm down Zane." said Triton. "Why?!" said Zane. Triton made a water mirror as Zane looked to see that his eyes were glowing molten gold. "Whoa. My eyes. They usually don't get like this unless I'm really mad like veins protruding from my face. My eyes usually becomes gold not molten gold." said Zane.

Triton said,"That's because you're a Magnus but not just a normal Impure or Undergrounder. You are possibly one of the ones who lived on Ithuna! Have you ever been there before Zane?!". "Yeah. I went there on Valentine Day around four years ago. I met Janet there and learned about the Magnus in the first place." said Zane. "It seems that you were destined to become the best Zero and one of the best protectors of the Omniverse." said Triton.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. I've been told that at least three hundred times now. So mind giving me any advice on the Magnus?". "Yes. Just be the strong man you were destined to be. You were able to figure out the limits of your powers so I think you should be able to handle this one be careful. It seems to me that you make a lot of enemies with your mouth and the power you wield. Good luck and see you soon Zane." said Triton.

The king was gone by water with Zane sigh. "I think I'm starting to get sick of this life but whatever. I can't escape my destiny." said Zane. He walked over to the nearby pantry with him putting out a bottle of booze. "I'll figure you out and hopefully, I won't be changing too much." said Zane as he looked at his right arm. "So how am I going to explain the new tattoo to everyone and is it possible that can I hide it from others?" said Zane.

Next time,
With Zane's new tattoo, what powers did he gain from the Magnus? Will Salem return to get the power of Zane despite her plan not working due to Zane's DNA? Are Avalon going to recruit her? Will they do something? And will we meet more people like Alyssa and Triton? This and more next time on Zero!

Zenith Industries Invention Reel: Invention 108.
Negation Collar. The Negation Collar has been used since the year 2016. It was created by Champion Tech to help contain metahuman criminals. Upon placing the collar on a metahuman, they are unable to use their powers until the collar is removed. It can only be removed with someone with the proper authorization. It can be removed by a powerful spell or an EMP. Zane has done his best to patch out the former weakness but it's taking a while due to Animus being an unpredictable and seemingly random source of Impulse. The collar is black and looks like a normal spike collar but without spikes. Instead, it has glowing lines.

Zenith Industries Invention Reel: Invention 302.
Revitalizer Suit. The Revitalizer Suit has two purposes. The first and primary purpose is to help paralyzed individuals move again. The other purpose is able to protect the wearer from the outside world and its harmful effects such as radiation. It was primarily made by Dr. Maxwell Brock and Sharon Matthews after leaving CPU due to Noah Foster's antics. It's similar to Kevin's Costume that he wore in Zero Episode 49. It's a small, metallic black bracelet with a silver strip running around the side. In the center of the bracelet, there is a red upside diamond gem that glows brightly in the sun. It can come in the form of a collar in case of injured animals. It can also come of a small, metallic sphere shaped object being the size of a baseball. It's a black color with a silver strip running around the sphere with a red upside diamond gem in the center of the silver strip. It's that attaches to the wear and covers them upon contact. Upon pressed down on the gem, the bracelet or sphere transforms into a black box ,with it going down to the center of the wearer's waist or wrist, and begins to emit an invisible ,paper thin, membrane of steel gray energy. It spreads all over the user's body. The wearer is able to feel everything around them but it doesn't effect them. This is due to all matter ,except for sound being that they're able to hear, being repealed from the wearer. It protects the wearer from everything outside of them. It can allow the wearer to breath inside of it thanks to the incorporated oxygen device that recycled the CO2 around it into breathable air. It can also work as a brand new space suit and jet pack. It can allow the user to seamlessly hover and fly without any form of rocket thruster. It has no limit when it comes to altitude able to fly into space and under the ocean. It can't be broken. This suit can last for twenty four hours upon activating it being that it takes an hour to recharge. To activate or deactivate the suit, press down on the gem.

Body Swap:
First round of Soul Swap: Casted by Augur and Salem.
Augur swapped bodies with Leo.
Gwen swapped bodies with Salem.
Leo swapped bodies with Augur.
Salem swapped bodies with Gwen.

Second round of Soul Swap: Casted by Salem.
Ana swapped bodies with Sly.
Danny swapped bodies with Gwen.
Gwen swapped bodies with Danny.
Leo swapped bodies with Triton.
Sly swapped bodies with Ana.
Triton swapped bodies with Leo.

Third round of Soul Swap: Casted by Zane.
Augur swapped bodies with Salem.
Salem swapped bodies with Augur.

What Salem is saying with her spells: Liasada is spoken but when cast, it's written in runes. I have a rune translation website. To see what it’s written in runes, type the spell in English into this generator that’s lined here

1. English: Waves of Flame! Come to me and burn my enemies to ash! Liasada: Kýmata Flógas! Éla se ména kai kaíne tous echthroús mou na stáxoun!
2. English: Petrify! Liasada: Apolithó!
3. English: Come to life eight legged animal and take revenge on those who upset me. Liasada: Eláte sti zoí októ pódia zóo kai na ekdikitheí se ekeínous pou me enochloún.
4. English: Go away chains of water! And send them to the ground! Liasada: Pigaínete makriá alysídes neroú! Kai na ta steílete sto édafos!
5. English: Arise the creatures of Taelamelan! Tear them all to shreds! Liasada: Sikóste ta plásmata tou Taelamelan! Tous dakryíste óla se kommátia!
6. English: Go to sleep right now! Liasada: Páme na koimithoúme tóra!
7. English: Minions of mine! Form into armor to protect me from my future lover! Liasada: Merikoí mou! Formárete se panoplía gia na me prostatéfsete apó ton erastí mou!
8. English: Cannons of old! Destroy them now! Liasada: Paliá kanónia! Katastrépste tous tóra!

Triton's Powers: Aquabatics, Aquatic Adaptation, Aquatic Breathing, Beam Emission, Cryokinetic Combat, Cryokinetic Constructs, Cryokinetic Flight, Cryokinetic Surfing, Cryoportation, Cutting, Cutting Wave, Energy Absorption, Energy Attacks, Energy Beam Emission, Energy Cutting, Energy Generation, Energy Infusion, Energy Magic, Energy Manipulation, Enhanced Spearmanship, Enhanced Swimming, Ergokinetic Combat, Ergokinetic Surfing, Flood Creation, Freezing, Hydrokinetic Combat, Hydrokinetic Constructs, Hydrokinetic Flight, Hydrokinetic Surfing, Hydroportation, Ice Absorption, Ice Attacks, Ice Beam Emission, Ice Cutting, Ice Generation, Ice Infusion, Ice Magic, Ice Manipulation, Ice Storm Generation, Ice Transmutation, Impale, Leadership Intuition, Liquid Current Defiance, Liquid Movement, Liquid Surveillance Communication, Magic, Magic Attacks, Magic Combat, Magic Cutting, Magic Detection, Magic Generation, Magic Infusion, Magic Portal Creation, Magic Weaponry, Magical Beam Emission, Magical Constructs, Magical Energy Absorption, Magical Energy Generation, Magical Energy Manipulation, Magical Energy Solidification, Magical Flight, One-Man Army, Merfolk Physiology, Merfolk Lord Physiology, Multi Slash, Multi-Hit Strike, Ray/Beam Manipulation, Semi-Immortality, Slash Effect, Slash Projection, Speed Swimming, Spell Casting, Supernatural Agility, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Leap, Supernatural Lung Capacity, Supernatural Reflexes, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Strength, Thermal Resistance, Tidal Wave Generation, Triton Physiology, Underwater Combat, Underwater Senses, Water Absorption, Water Attacks, Water Beam Emission, Water Cutting, Water Dashing, Water Generation, Water Infusion, Water Magic, Water Maneuverability, Water Manipulation, Water Portal Creation, Water Pressure Generation, Water Solidification, Water Transmutation, Water Walking, and Whirlpool Generation. 

Triton's Power Description: He's the strongest merfolk in Atlantis being that he was born a prodigy and was raised to be the best warrior that he could possible be. His power isn't something to be taken lightly since he can easily handle an army by himself and that army consisted of metahumans. He has the power of Triton and in the water, he's nearly impossible to beat. He's able to lead his army of highly trained soldiers into battle with ease. He's familiar with most forms of Impulse being that he isn't too surprised when it comes to something new involving Impulse. He has formidable physical strength being able to lift a building up and throw a good distance away from him. He has incredible endurance being able to keep fighting even if his ribs are broken. He is a proud student of Atlantis's school of magic being able to cast spells on the same level of a Sorcerer being that he focuses in ice and water magic. He can absorb energy from others and project that energy into other methods. He can't handle electricity too well.  

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