Monday, April 1, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 34 15 Minutes till Jupiter

A/N: Yes. The title is a reference to the song 2 Minutes to Midnight. Yep. I'm a fan of making all kinds of references being that you noticed this with the most recent Fairy Legion Episodes. I'll honestly wonder why I did this when I go back to Zero being that I plan to return back after I finish up Phantom Lord. Not sure if I'm going to do the Loke Arc or something else. I'll stated my reasons for this when we get to this point.

This Author Note will be the review of One Piece Chapter 931 and 932. The main part will be me just ranting about what I've done in the last chapter and what's happening in this part. Lets start with One Piece first since Fairy Legion stuff is going to be rather nitpicky. I know that I bring up the cover page a lot but to me, I like taking about them. It shows Nami and Zeus hanging out being that we don't see either of them in the chapter but a character connected to Zeus.

So Sanji faces off against Page One aka Dino Skrillex. I mean the hair style screams that to me but it doesn't have a man bun from what I can tell. So Sanji fights Page One because well, the people are in danger. Law doesn't care about the town being that he just wants to escape but Sanji decides to fight using his Raid Suit. Now with Totto Land fresh in our minds thanks to the Anime, people were kinda upset with Sanji using this.

I totally understand why they would be being that Oda showed that Sanji's birth family wasn't the best to be around but I was okay after reading the dialogue. He wants to save people from the Yonko even if it means to swallow his pride. We also get to see the Germa 66 transform again being that one of the panels shows Sanji swallowing his pride as he transforms. It's a nice little detail being that I was playing the Germa 66 theme in my head as this happened.

While both Franky and Usopp are star struck by Sanji becoming Stealth Black, Law knows about him thanks to the comic strips that were in the North Blue. This also shows that Law is a fan boy of the comics being that Oda has said that he's a fan of transformations and cool things but doesn't want anyone to know it. I still don't like Law since he keeps stealing the spotlight from the other members of the Supernovas who need it like Apoo, Jewelry, Kid, Killer, and Urouge just to name a few.

So after Sanji becomes Soba Mask aka the worst superhero name according to Franky and Usopp, he then promptly wrecks Page One being that his suit's special power is the ability to blend into his surroundings aka go invisible. His dream of becoming invisible has finally happened shown in his past when he read the Devil Fruit encyclopedia and got royally pissed off at the now deceased Absalom for having that power.

While Sanji made hate that the Germa helped him do this, he's going to peep. I mean it's Sanji and I just shrugged my shoulders. I think every ,straight, male or homosexual female would do the exact same thing as Sanji but being much less subtle. So Page One's Hybrid Form and I thought he looked cool but there's one thing about it. I watch a channel called Roger's Base and I watched his review of this Chapter.

Now, I think that he overreacted a lot to the reveal at the end of the chapter which I'll talk about that when we get there. He mentioned theories about Page One being a woman and I honestly thought that it was a little bit insane. I mean theories are meant to be weird and make no sense. Just look at anyone of my Fairy Tail theories. Imagine Page One as a sexual woman isn't something that came to mine when I first saw him.

This was because we learned more about Drake and I was more focused on that. The chapter shows Robin at Orochi's party being that I really do love the goofball. He reminds me of Ichiya because I love weird characters since they're way more memorable to me than normal bland ones. While our favorite archaeologist searches for stuff about the Ponegliffs, she gets caught by ninja and I enjoyed this scene a lot when I first read it.

My favorites are the one on the catfish, the one with the bag of wind behind him, and the really big ninja on the roof. You wonder how these guys are ninja since they stuck the heck out in a crowd but this is the world of One Piece so this is normal. I think my least favorite ones are the two females and the short plump guy. They didn't interest me too me. We also see a normal looking ninja among the bunch so that's good I guess. 

We also meet their leader Fukurokuji who's head looks like an erases and his earlobes are longer than Enel's earlobes. He is based after one of the seven lucky gods in Japanese method. We're reaching the end of the chapter and the big reveal that got the One Piece Fandom triggered beyond belief. We do see Chopper, Momo, and Tama playing in the forest being babysat by by Kiku. I love Ninja Chopper being that we see a beached whale on the beach.

It's Big Mom with her arriving the same way as Luffy did being that she's all alone except for her hat Napoleon who I forget is a homie sometimes. From my research, Prometheus isn't with her on this trip so is he back at Whole Cake or on the boat? Tama brings up a good question on who is bigger between Big Mom and Kaido. Now we can look at it two ways here. If we're taking weight, it'll be a strong contest since height is I think Kaido barely. I'm not a genius at guessing height.

Anyway, Big Mom wakes up and has amnesia. This means that she "conveniently" forgot about her hatred of the Straw Hats. Now, here's my hot takes on this. Big Mom and memory go together hand and hand. It's like Peanut Butter and Jelly. I'm okay with this being that Oda kinda needed to do this in order to give Luffy and the gang a fighting chance. Now Kaido before the Devil Fruit reveal was easily the most threatening member of the Yonko.

This is my opening being that he easily wrecked the group of Appo, Hawkins, and Kid with the former two joining up with him despite neither of them having a Zoan Devil Fruit. This did a good job of showing how strong Kaido is. Now I'm sure that most people weren't too happy with Big Mom being that she acted like a child in an adult's body. I honestly see her as that being that I find her to be threatening during the Hunger Pains. She's easily deserves her title of Yonko to me.   

Now remember that Big Mom doesn't remember what happened in Elbaf and her eating Carmel and her family. That's an incredibly messed up scene once you figure that out. However, her turn to the pirate Empress wasn't ,at least in my opinion, of her doing. Streusen used her for his own gain and that turned out great for him. Big Mom has always been a mentally fragile character being that her having memory loss isn't too farfetched.

My opinion on why Oda did this was because Kaido is too strong. He is without any doubt and to some people, Oda trying to fix the mistake of Big Mom being that she was seen as too goofy and childish. However by making Kaido this strong, Luffy ,even with the other supernovas and the rest of the rebellion, is going to have pull asspulls in order to beat him being that Big Mom having this is the biggest asspull.

Like I've said before, I'm okay with amnesia because while an easy trope to use and solve a problem for a writer, it's simple. I hate Time Travel being that to me, it always can ruin a story very easily such as the Grand Magic Games. It's not a great Tournament Arc but I enjoyed it. Do note that I have not read the Hunter x Hunter arc since I'm not a fan so I'm not exactly the most well versed in the art of tournaments.

I'll keep my hopes up for Oda to spin this amnesia in a good direction but this is to make sure that Luffy has a fighting chance against Kaido because Oda made him too strong and overpowered so this is the result of that decision. That's my two cents on that argument being that Roger reacted to this in a not so friendly way. I get why he did that and I understand why. However, it doesn't give you the right to badmouth fans who have a different opinion

I don't like this happening but this only happened in my opinion because Kaido is too strong for Luffy to handle. Kaido is going to leave Wano by the end of the arc and having Big Mom being an ally is one of the ways for that to happen without people complaining that Luffy got a power up to win. Most series have this problem. I have this problem and I admit it to it. This is Oda's way of making sure Luffy wins even if it triggers people for a very good reason.

Chapter 932 is far less controversial in my opinion. So to start with the cover page, I do like Caesar Clown even if he's a monster. I mean I'm not going to forgive about what he did to those poor children but hey, he's still getting punished for it. I mean those goats may look like they're working for him but that they're actually eating his fliers since goat eats paper. The next panel shows that Komurasaki is the Shamisen Lady that started and ended the first Arc of Wano.

I wonder if Oda is trying to say that she's important to the story. I mean there is the totally not truth theory about Komurasaki being Momo's sister all grown up being that Oda doesn't make it super obvious later on in the arc. I mean you could see this twist coming from a mile away and in a different state. It's like how Dabi is somehow related to Todoroki. I mean this isn't subtlet at all. So to explain what a shamisen is, it's basically a fancy banjo.

Since I don't like Komurasaki because of that shit that she does so I just went to the next page where Robin is being questioned by the biggest forehead in One Piece and his ninja squad. To get out of this, she says that she's the Witching Hour Boy. To remind you on how this character is, he's like the Japanese Robin Hood. Get it? This answer was wrong being that the ninja decide to capture her since the Japanese Robin Hood was captured earlier.

Will we meet him later on? However, Robin pulled a ninja move on the ninja being that she used the Flower Clone technique. We learn in this chapter that Brook, Nami, and Shinobu are also in the castle as well being that I get why Nami and Shinobu but I like seeing Brook. He's one of my favorite character. So Robin returns back to Orochi but what a background character said about Komurasaki being that Komurasaki isn't a very good person but since, she's pretty it's excused.

We also see the really big ninja being that if you look up, you'll easily see him coming and wonder how he become a ninja. So it's pretty much a given how Kyoshiro and Komurasaki are more than just close friends. It's like how Doffy and Viola were more than just friends. So Orochi brings up the fact that they are outsiders in the city and also it's been twenty years since Oden's death. When Orochi says that they never found Momo's body, Komurasaki is shown.

Huh. I wonder if she's his sister. Perish the thought though. Everyone may call Orochi crazy for being scared of Oden and that prophecy but hey, I think it's good to be prepared for anything. They dare not laugh at Orochi but however, Toko does. Remember how she's constantly laughing, this only sealed her fate. I think this is when I stopped liking her because of that fact that I like Orochi and who would laugh at the Shogun.

Orochi is pissed being that he rushed toward her to try and kill her but Komurasaki pretty much bitch slaps him. I may not like her but I'll admit that was cool. Komursaki says that she never grovels before anymore and also she's the daughter of a samurai. Huh, I wonder who her father could be and her brother. We also see Orochi's Devil Fruit the Yamata no Orochi. For a long time, I was on sure that Orochi had a smile but nope, it's the other way around.

I know that the smile devil fruits are more obvious in nature compared to regular Zoans. It could be like with Momo but hey, I was wrong. I mean we learn that it's the case in the next chapter but the review is done here. The thing that I wanted to talk about before starting is me ranting about Fairy Legion. Do note that Zane knew about Lucy being a rich girl since he met due to him reading her mind but he didn't say or do anything about it.

He has a interesting past with rich people being that most of them are spoiled. Now, you shouldn't judge people of a certain social standing the same. That's stereotyping and I don't try and believe in stereotypes. However, there is one example of the stereotype being true. Now I mentioned that my opinion on Lucy in the author note for Chapter 31 so I won't repeated myself hopefully. I still stand by because it's my opinion and I'm proud of it.

I'll fully admit me to liking a fan character such as Carrot. For me, having an opinion in pretty much anything is very important. It can range from something major as politics to something minor like how a fictional character is. You should have an opinion on something rather than being mindless sheep. I do think Lucy isn't weak but we're still at the beginning of the series where she's more of a background character that's super important.

I don't like summoners and I let my dislike base my opinion on the character. She got stronger after this arc so until this arc ends, she's staying as weak Lucy. She may have her moments but since she lost her keys, she isn't going to be doing anything. I'll admit that she's attractive and tends to wore very little clothing. In fact, the name Triple B has something to do with how Hiro draws her to wear so that shouldn't be a reason to judge her.

Words have different means to people being that one of the three b in Triple B's name has a different mean but to Zane, it means something else. My point is that Zane's rant on Lucy is through his and my experience. If you disagree with my opinions, that's great. You shouldn't blindly follow whatever I'm writing because my stories have some serious flaws to them which I've addressed being that I've introduced multiple plot lines and made Zane invincible.

I'm not trying to write the next One Piece or Harry Potter. This is my story and if you don't like it, I think you should stop reading the story and do something else with your time. I also wanted to talk about Vicar and Eden. Eden is the same Doppelganger from Chapter 29 where her gender was unknown and is a member of Death Head Caucus. To explain her magic, think of Mimic Magic but on a much stronger level.

At the end of this part, I'll be revealing the details on her magic being that I should really get started already. Do note that this Chapter will have some arguing and fighting between Erza and Zane plus Lucy getting belittled by Zane. If you don't like it, just skip it because this will come to an end at the end of an arc. So until it ends, sick up and deal with it. Lets begin before I go on another rate about something stupid. I've done that before.

Narrator P.O.V.
In the Fairy Tail Guildhall, the remaining members of Fiore's strongest guild were sitting there being that they decided not to go on the initial raid on Phantom Lord for their reasons. Kaida and Levy sat at a table as Kaida said,"So are you mad at Papa Levy?". "A little Kaida. Lucy is still my friend so I like her. Your father doesn't like her for his own reasons." said Levy. "Is that a bad thing?" said Kaida as the bluenette didn't know how to answer her.

Mira sat there at the bar with her fighting the urge to drink despite feeling really worry and stress that she has felt. It has been some time since a majority of their guild had stormed off to face Phantom and how Zone basically told her and Levy what he/Zane thinks of Lucy plus how she was captured by Phantom Lord. There has been nothing since they came back. "Something must have happened to them if they aren't back by now. No. I can't think that!" thought Mira.

However, it was hard for her not to. No matter how many she has told herself about what could or couldn't happen to her family, the concern she was feeling was overwhelming. She has to keep thinking positive being that her Nakama were to return, safe and sound. Her inner conflict was cut short by the abrupt opening of the guild's main door. However, opening would be the wrong word to use being that it was more like it was slammed open in an urgent manner.

The three girls soon turned with surprised expressions to those who would enter the guildhall being that upon seeing their current condition, worried filled their heart. "What happened?!" said Mira with her concerned for her fellow Fairy Tail wizards. At the front of the group were Erza and Gray with the boy holding Erza who was clenching her abdomen through her expression didn't show it. The rest of them were slightly bruised.

Erza soon looked at Gray with her saying,"Gray. Mira will help me. You make sure that everyone is okay.". "Sure thing." said Gray, relinquishing his position to Mira. The two women walked toward the bar as Mira said,"Erza. What's going? Why isn't the master with you?". "The master was hit with a potent spell that drained him of his magic and nearly took his life. I had Alzack and Bisca take him to Porlyuscia." said Erza.

The barmaid reached the bar with her placing Erza on a barstool. "Erza. Where is my papa? He went with you right?" said Kaida, walking up to the two. Mira nodded her head as Erza said,"That's a very complicated question to answer. I honestly don't know myself but I can just show you.". Mira soon saw Erza holding a memory projection Lacrima being that she pulled out of her magical space. She decided to show the trio of Kaida, Levy, and Mira about what happened. 

A few minutes later, the Lacrima projection had finished causing the trio of Kaida, Levy, and Mira to stare off into space. Levy and Mira's blood had run cold being that to them, Avenger was a demon and that Zane transformed into it was made their fear even stronger. To Levy and Mira, Zane was a important person to them. Zane gave Levy a way to fight alongside her friends and was just a joy to be around.

Zane saved Mira's life and comforted her when she really needed it. "So that thing was Zane?" said Mira, with her unable to believe what she saw. "No. I don't believe it was him. His body was being used by a creature which turned him into that monster. Zane wasn't in control." said Erza, refusing to believe otherwise. Perhaps it was due to the terror but she along with Gray had forgot that they met Kane the other night and how he looked like Avenger did but more evil somehow.

Cana said,"Yeah. That wasn't the same guy who constantly says offensive things by the moment but the energy he had inside of him. It was terrifying.". There was a cold chill echoing throughout her body at the memory of the creature's roar which was done on purpose. The rest of the guildhall seem to have the same reaction of what the mask wearing demon looked like. However one fact remained to be pointed out.

The scarlet-haired woman decided to point this fact out because she isn't one for subtly. "Despite his more volatile nature, Zane is still a member of our guild and our family. You all know what he is like and how he does this. If anyone has something negative to say about him, speak up!" said an angry Erza being that she was sickened by the fear that they were showing toward their comrade. Even with him constantly belittling the guild, he cared deeply for those who couldn't protect themselves.

They all heard about the tales of Zane's adventures of the past being that he was extremely powerful but never used his powers for evil. Pranks yes but evil not so much. They were soon brought back to their senses upon the redhead's declaration but were still scared of the transformation. It did helped that Zane wasn't like that monster permanently. "So is master okay Erza?" said Levy. "Yes. Master Makarov is still alive. His magic energy was drained heavily." said Erza.

She clenched her fist as she said,"However, it seems like he won't be rejoining us anytime soon and this means that our strength is at its lower point.". "So where is Papa? I don't see him. I also don't see kitty, Natsu, Sly, and Stella." said Kaida. Before Erza could answer her, the doors of the guildhall shot wide open. It revealed Zane standing there with Sly and Stella standing by his side being that Happy flew behind Natsu who had Lucy on his back.

Lucy had woken back up but still had a saddened look which was present in her normally cheerful brown eyes. "So are you guys happy to see us or what?" said Zane. Kaida ran toward her father as he caught her. "Papa! You aren't a monster anymore!" said Kaida, hugging him. "Never was once to begin with despite what the media says." said Zane. "So what happened?" said Gray, running up to them without any hesitation. "It's a long story." said Sly, earning the interest of everyone present. 

In a house within Magnolia's East Forest, there lives a person who has known Makarov ever since he was their age. Porlyuscia hates human ,despite being human herself, so she lives here being away from what annoys her. She's an expert when it comes to healing which is why Master Makarov was brought here. Porlyuscia stood over him being that in the doorway, the trio of Alzack, Bisca, and a Zenith Duplication of Zane aka Zone stood there.

As she mixed together a potion, Porlyscia muttered,"Stupid old fool.". The pink haired woman had a frown on her face, while pouring more ingredients into her potion. Despite her hatred for humans, the woman couldn't turn away the wizards who brought a battered Makarov to her door being that the one who had quite the mouth on him arrived earlier. Upon finishing the potion, she placed it down on a nearby table. 

Currently in a make-shift bear near the window of her cottage, Makarov rested there with his face still green and breathing heavily. Porlyusica looked at Makarov with her saying,"One of you. Help me with his head.". Zone walked over to her and Makarov with him holding up his head using his telekinesis. Porlyusica poured the potion into Makarov's mouth with Zone soon walked back over to his fellow guild wizards.

Upon reaching them, Porylusica soon slapped him across the face. "Why did you do that?!" said Alzack with a concerned look on his face. "Hey! We wanted you to cure the master not wound him anymore!" said Bisca in an angry tone. "To be honest, I wanted to punch him in the face." said Zone, as he shrugged. "It's what he gets for pushing himself so hard at his age. Look at him now. He's an old fool but all of you are like that." said Porlysica.

Zone smiled as he said,"Yeah men are the worst. Preach it girlfriend.". Porlyscia whipped her head at the three, glaring daggers at them. "How long are you humans going to stay here and hover?! Just leave already!" shouted Porlyscia. "No. We're just worried for our master." said Alzack. "We want to help you take care of him." said Bisca, clasping her hands in front of her chest. "Yeah and I'm not human so I can stay right?" said Zone. "Just go home." said Porlyscia.

She turned away from them being that Bisca was about to go off on the woman once again but was stopped by Alzack with Zane standing to the sidelines. "Your worried faces are nothing more than twisting the knives into his wounds. So how did he end up like this? You and that knight of yours just brought him to me without telling how he got to be like this." said Porlyscia as she stared down at Makarov's weak form.

Zone sighed as he said,"That's Prude Knight for you. He was hit by a powerful wind spell known as Metsu or Drain. Metsu drains the victim of their magic. The magic is then drifted along the winds and then vanishes.". "Correct Duplication. If you only gathered Makarov's magic when they were drained from the very start, his recovery could have happened faster. As things stand now, his recovery will time that we don't have." said Porlyscia.

Alzack nodded as he said,"I see. How long do you think?". "The others will want to know if the real you hasn't done anything offense to make Erza mad Zane." said Bisca. "I'm pretty sure that he has by now." said Zone. "Why are you idiots still here?!" said Porlysica, startling the western wizards. Zone was unfazed as Alzack said,"I thought you want to talk with us all this time!" said Alzack, hiding behind Bisca. "Go home already! You humans smell disgusting!" yelled Porlyusica.

She grabbed a nearby broom and began wildly swinging it. "Excuse us! It's been real nice talking to you!" said Bisca, pushing Alzack out of Porlyusica's house. "Come on Alzack!" said Bisca. "I'm coming!" said Alzack. The two were gone as Porlyscia made her way back over to Makarov. "You've always been the troublemaker haven't you?" said Porlyscia in a low tone, her eyes filled with sadness and regret. 

Porlyscia sighed as she said,"A wizard's magic is their life. The greater power, the more devastating the drain spell will be. You're going to have fight with all you got or this will be your deathbed. You are such a pig-headed old fool.". She gently placed a hand on Makarov's shoulder as she said,"Your children need you. They're hurt and scared. They need you more than ever.". "And here I thought that I would never see you be so loving and care. I mean wow." said Zone.

Porlyscia looked at the clone with her saying,"And why didn't you leave with the others?". "Didn't really feel like it. So are you going to attack me with that broom of yours? I mean it wouldn't be a good idea because well, I'm not one to mess with." said Zone, crossing his arms. "Fine. Why are you still here Eazairvian?" said Porlyscia. "Hurt. I thought one of my students would be happy to see me again." said Zone.

Porlyscia sighed as she said,"I'm not since your mouth is still foul. So are you here to help Makarov despite you calling him a coward?". "Yeah." said Zone. He walked over to Makarov with him saying under his breath,"Impulse Energize.". Zane's hands were soon covered in steel gray energy being that it soon spread all over Makarov. It soon form a octahedron barrier. "Impulse. The foundation for all energy in the Omniverse and you're able to use it so freely." said Porlyscia.

She noticed that the green color in his face had vanished and his breathing was a steady pace. "This should help him regain his stamina for when his magic returns. I'm sure that one of the Fairies is already on but I'm not sure on how just yet." said Zone. He walked toward the door as he said,"Oh and tell the old coward that the Prime got this. You'll convince him right Pory? After all, who would know better on how strong I am than you.". He closed the door as Porlysica sighed. 

Inside of Fairy Tail, the mood wasn't exactly the best. The wizards sat at various benches and nursed their injuries sustained in the battle against Phantom Lord. Their morale was low being that Master Makarov had been defeated, stripped of his magic, and was very sick. The worst part of it was that they had to retreat from their fight with Phantom. They were grateful to the Cross-Species destroying the building and only saying that it was because they destroyed their base. Eye for eye.

A wizard said,"I can't believe we had to retreat.". "It isn't fair. We should go back." said another wizard. As the wizards were sulking, Lucy and Zane were nearby a wall being that it was obvious that the two need to talk in private. The blond was sitting on a barrel in dismay. Upon arriving at the guild, Lucy ,out of guilt on her part, told the rest of the guild on why she was captured and why Phantom Lord kidnapped her in the first place.

Zane didn't have a chance to explain his actions at the Phantom Lord base much to Erza's dismay since Lucy's story was more important. Much to the shock of Fairy Tail except for Levy, Mira, Sly, and Zane, it was revealed that she was that she was the heir to a very wealthy family known as the Hearfilia Konzen aka the Heartfilia Railways. It's either or. Lucy told her that her only living parent aka her father cared little for her and she ran away because of it.

Zane wanted to slap her for that. Thanks to his research, Zane knew that Jude had pushed his only child away because of the grief of losing his wife. He knew that grief all too well because he's lived past all of his lovers and burying the person you love with all of your Essence isn't an easy thing to get over. Zane also thought that Lucy and her mother look alike being that they may be another reason why Jude pushed them away.

Do remember that this is my opinion and Zane's perspective is different. He's suffered a lot of lost and like Jude, he pushed everyone away and focused on his work. However unlike like Jude, he tried to move on rather than focusing on the past. Before he could do anything, he was held back by Sly who just gave him a look to wait until she's done explaining herself. Lucy said that it was because of his neglect that made her become a freelance wizard in the first place.

Zane clenched his fist ,causing it to bleed, and to calm himself down, he began playing his music and didn't care if anyone around him didn't like it. From his viewpoint, it was both father and daughter's fault. The father was pushing her away and the daughter didn't make that much of an attempt on trying to connect with him. Again opinion. For some reason, Jude had hired Phantom Lord to bring him for reasons unknown.

Zane knew why after reading the minds of Phantom Lord and also Jose when they were at the main headquarters being that he sighed. "So you're involved in another arrange marriage for power. I guess that you won't be storming into the wedding hall this time around." said Lucifer. "Yeah since he hates the bride." said Twilight. Zane ,with Zone returning after healing Makarov and talking with one of his former students, leaned against a wall nearby her.

Unlike the rest of the guild who looked concerned, he looked annoyed. Since they rescued her from Phantom's clutches, her expression and behavior had nosedived and crashed hard. She was blaming herself for everything that has happened to Fairy Tail. "You know that this isn't your fault right?" said Zane, deciding to break the ice. She looked at him being that he said,"It's like fifty percent. The coward will be fine. I mean he can survive these idiots every day so he should be fine.".

This did little to help Lucy as her head sunk lower. "You can't be nice for one moment can you?" said Lucy on the verge of crying. "It's my fault Zane. Don't sugarcoat it. Droy and Jet getting hurt, the guild being damaged, and you losing to the Element 4." said Lucy. She was stopped by a simple chop to the head as he said,"Nope. That's where you're wrong. It was more like I let them escape since my clone had to focus on protecting you.".

Zane shrugged as he said,"Look if some pebbles and water drops killed me, I would haven't lived far past the normal Zero life expectancy rate of two years upon being chosen.". Lucy trembled slightly as she was trying and failing to hold back her tears. However, Lucy gasped when she felt a strong hand gently squeeze her shoulder. Turning her head, Lucy saw Natsu staring back at her with a concerned look on his face.

Natsu said in a soft tone,"You okay Luce?". He gave Lucy's shoulder another light squeeze. It was hurting him to see Lucy so sad so he was doing his best to comfort her. "I'm here for you, you know that right?" said Natsu. "You've always have been here for me Natsu. In the short time we've been together, you've cared for me more than anyone else I know." thought Lucy, as she slowly nodded her head. "That's one of the reasons I love you." thought Lucy.

Natsu looked at Zane and he said,"I thought you would going to try and comfort her Zane. We don't blame at her at all you know?". "Well, I do. This is more like half her fault." said Zane. The two glared at each other as Stella said,"Ignore him Natsu. Zane's a stubborn old fool and he doesn't try to change. Natsu is right Lucy. We don't blame you and we'll keep fighting.". Lucy looked at the male and female dragon slayer, giving them both a sad smile.

It was very comforting that most of her friends didn't blame her but she still blamed herself. "Zane's right you guys. This all happened because they were after me." said a deject Lucy. "Stop thinking that this is all about you. It isn't. Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail have been fighting for years so this whole war was going to happen eventually. Jude hiring Phantom Lord is just an excuse for them to attack like they've been dreaming about it for years." said Zane.

At a table, Macao stood there with him to a map on a table. "Okay. So their headquarters is here. So we should try and hit them with some long range spells from the southeast hill.". While Wakaba was placing some lacrima into a sack, he shouted,"This time, I'm bringing all of my explosive lacrima this time around!". "You guys! I need some spell books for a holder type magic from the archives right now!" shouted Macao.

Gray looked over at the Dragon Slayers, Lucy, and Zane with him, Elfman, and Sly walking over to them. "Being targeted by dangerous people is the downsides of being rich. At least, you're protected by a real man like me." said Elfman. Gray turned around as he said,"Would you stop that for one minute?!". "He's kinda right. You're being more insensitive than Zane is." said Stella. "Which is an achievement in its own right." said Sly. "Harsh but the truth." said Zane. 

Kaida soon looked up at Lucy with her saying,"I've got to say that I was pretty shocked when I heard the news. Why did you hide the truth from us, Lucy?". "I wasn't trying to hide anything." said Lucy as Zane rolled his eyes. "Sure you were and I was trying my best not to hide that I'm from another dimension." thought Zane. "You did awful at that by the way." said Twilight. "Wasn't really trying Twilight. Just happy that I don't have to deal with Prude Knight lecturing." thought Zane.

Lucy said with an angry look,"Zane already knew and I was going to tell you all eventually but do you know how hard it is to bring up the fact that I'm a runaway in casual conversation. I've been gone for a year and now my father gives a dam about me. He's done all of these horrible things just to get me to come back him. I hate his guts. I hate him!". During this whole speech of her, she drew her fingernails into her arms and tried to draw blood.

Stella ,along with the rest of the group except for Zane, looked at the blond with sympathy. The dragon slayer felt bad for her. Zane stopped leaning with him taking a deep breath. "Kaida. Don't be mad at me for this." said Zane. Kaida nodded as she knew that her father was going to do something and it wasn't going to be pretty. Zane stood in front of Lucy and he said,"Lucy. Look at me.". She soon looked up at him and then she was slapped in the face hard, stunning the guild in a silence.

She hit the ground with Natsu grabbing Zane's collar. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Luce did nothing wrong to you! She's the victim! You can't be so stupid!" yelled Natsu. Zane produced a tendril and forced Natsu to let him go. "I don't care what you think Natsu. Triple B still has family living so she doesn't have the fucking right to treat them like trash to be thrown aside because they hurt her. You also need to stop spoiling her and let her grow the fuck up!" said Zane.

He said,"I'll agree that no parent should ever ignore their children. Family means everything to me so people like Triple B are things that I fucking despise! I was lucky to have the family and friends that I had growing up or I would have become the monster that you all think I am! I can sense that all of you are scared of Avenger but that power is the reason why I'm living in the first place! So don't you dare think bad of Kane or I'll kill you with a single finger.".

Sly noticed that Crimson Red Nether was forming around Zane. "Family should stick together no matter what. Your father hired Phantom to come and find you. Your father became the way he is now because you are the only thing that he has left in his life after your mother died so of course he would be worried about you! Despite him being a fucking moron for letting this go to this extreme, he had a a reason for what he has does!" said Zane.

Zane sighed as he said,"If you want everyone of your oh so precious Nakama to be hurt because you're a selfish brat, go ahead and do whatever you. I'm planning on taking the fucking bounty on your head because of how annoying you've been to me since I've joined! I can't stand people like you and wish that all of you would burn in hell.". Zane's anger was getting more intense with Sly sighing as she said,"Zane. Go get some air. You know that being angry isn't good for you".

Zane looked at her as he said,"Fine. I will after I do this.". Zane soon socked Natsu into a table with him saying,"Don't fucking touch me!". He stormed toward the entrance as he shouted,"I fucking despise you Triple B or you Blond Buxom Bitch! I hope Jose and Jude gets their hands on you! Your life is fucking worthless got it!". The door soon opened and then was slammed closed, breaking them from their hinges with ease and the door was broken.

Sly watched Zane storming off as she said,"Honestly, I thought he was going to be much worse than that. You okay Lucy?". Stella went to go help Natsu out of the table with the blond slowly nodded as she said,"Yeah. How can you stand being around such an asshole Sly? He's the worst and for no good reason.". "Yeah. You may have thick skin or bones." said Gray. "I think it's bones Gray." said Happy with him earning a groan. Sly shrugged as she said,"Honestly, I'm kinda used to this.".

She sighed as she said,"He and I were destined to be partners every since I was born. I respect him as a person because I've seen him push himself past his body's limits in order to protect his treasure. He has changed in the past centuries no doubt. Zane has his reasons for hating Lucy and while I may disagree with him on them, he deserves to have his opinion. I'm not going to defend him on this Lucy and I really don't expect any of you to accept him. I thought you could but I guess not.".

Sly soon flew over to Kaida as she said,"Don't worry Kaida. He won't abandoned you. Zane has some serious trust issues being that he watched most if not all of his family and friends die right in front of him. I had a very strong theory that to be a member of Fairy Tail, having a serious messed up past is a rule. Zane's past easily take the cake and has it too. He need someone to be there for him like his family and friends were. I want Zane to change but Zane is and always be a stubborn asshole.".

During the confusion, Levy had sneaked out of the guild hall and ran after Zane. Like Sly said, Zane need someone to be there and she was going to be there for him. Lucy soon sat back down on her sulking spot as she said,"Though, he's kinda right. If I didn't run away from home, none of this would ever happen.". She had a noticeable red marking on her face being that Zane's slap stung her hard and shook her bad. "No Lucy. Your dad's the one to blame." said Elfman, trying to cheer her up.

Gray punched him as he said,"Idiot!". "I mean it's Phantom's fault!" said Elfman. Stella shook her head as Lucy said,"No. I'm acted selfish. I didn't want to cause anyone I care about. I'm so sorry you guys.". She stood up with her looking determined but she was shaking nervously. "Maybe if I go back home. All of this will be over with." said Lucy. "No!" said Happy, flying over to hug her and began to beg her not to leave. "You can't! You're part of our family! Don't leave us!" said Happy.

Lucy hugged the cat as she said,"Happy.". "Lucy. If my asshole partner was here, he would tell you that you're being a fucking moron and probably hit you again." said Sly. "You really know him don't you?" said Stella. "Be with him for over a hundred years, you pick up on a few things. Phantom Lord won't give up just because the job is done. They clearly hate the humiliation that we gave them and they want payback." said Sly, trying not to be mean like Zane.

Sly smiled as she said,"Plus, Zane told me that he respected you a bit because you kicked Jose right in the family jewels and flipped him off as you jump out of the tower. He isn't going to change his opinion on you any time in the future but standing up to your father and fighting for something that you care about like Fairy Tail is a good step forward. Zane may be an asshole but he does care in his own very special way.". "She's right Luce!" shouted Natsu.

Lucy turned to see Natsu grinning brightly with him saying,"Zane may be an asshole but he's a part of Fairy Tail like you are! I can't see you playing the part of lady. You should be here in this nasty old bar and happily going on adventures with me and Erza.". He placed a hand on her shoulder as he said with a smile,"Even through you freak out all of the time, that's the real Lucy.". "Ain't that the truth Natsu plus I've never seen someone react to someone messing their home like you." said Stella.

Sly smiled as she said,"Maybe Zane but he really hates cleaning up messes.". The blond turned away being that she was taking in everything that she was hearing. "You want to stay here with us. You shouldn't go back to the place you hate. You're not fooling anyone. You're Lucy of Fairy Tail right and this is your home and we're your family." said Natsu, with him jabbing his thumb toward his heart.

Lucy looked back up at Natsu with her feeling tears going down her cheeks and her lower lip pouting out. She was going to start crying again being that she had been completely moved by the dragon slayer's heartfelt words. "I don't know what I do without you by my side Natsu." thought Lucy with her covering her face with her hands. "Just let it out Luce. I don't mind at all." said Natsu, patting the blonde's back.

Sly looked at Natsu and nodded. Unlike Zane whose way of telling people what they need to hear is rather blunt and could be considered an asshole, Natsu's way of doing it was much better. Gray was rubbing the back of his head sheepishly while Elfman shivered in fear, wondering what he should to do. "Come on Lucy. It's not like you." said Gray. "Yeah Lucy. Real men are weak against womanly tears!" said Elfman. "And you ruined the mood." said Stella. "Sorry!" said Lucy.

A good distance away, Loke looked over at the group and sighed. Seeing her upset like this was bring back some painful memories. Sly had flown over to the bar to see that Cana was sitting cross-legged with several cards in front of her. She flipped one over and focused it. She soon lost her concentration as she threw the cards around and growled. "Dammit!" shouted an angry Cana. "Not getting anything on Mystogan are you?" said Sly, startling Cana in the process. 

Cana nodded as she said,"Yeah. I'm pretty sure that at this point, he doesn't want us to see his stinking face.". The dragon patter her shoulder with the dragon smiling. "You did your best. We'll have to do whatever we can if Phantom Lord attacks again." said Sly. "So be honest with me. Do you honestly think that Zane will show his face here again? I mean he doesn't give a damn about Lucy and she's Phantom Lord's target. They're going to attack real soon." said Cana.

She sounded worried with her saying with her bangs covered her face,"We have too many wounded to put up a fight.". "Yeah and Master being seriously wounded isn't helping. We only have Erza and Zane in terms of S-Class so our odds aren't looking good." said Sly. She soon floated down to her as she brushed her bang to get a good look at her worried face. "Here's the thing. Zane may be an ass to people but when he's here, victory is assured. Trust me okay?" said Sly.

Cana said,"How come you're so confident in him Sly?". "Because Cana. I've been by his side through the good and bad times. Zane is always moving forward and never looking back. A saying that he goes by is think positive. Don't lose hope that things will always been the worst. He'll be here in due time so don't worry." said Sly. Cana smiled at this with her plating a kiss on the dragon's forehead as she said,"Thanks Sly.". "No problem." said Sly.

The two girls heard,"Master is seriously injured. We can't find Mystogan and Gildarts never comes back these days. You're the only one left we can turn to. Please help up Laxus.". Mira was in front of a lacrima ball sitting on a golden four-legged stand. On the lacrima, it showed Laxus and he looked annoyed. "Huh?" said Laxus, giving Mira a look. "Please come back. We could really use you. Fairy Tail is grave danger." said Mira, clasping her in front of his chest.       

Laxus said with him laughing loudly,"Man! Makarov is so freaking pathetic! This is no way my damn problem so how about you girls start acting your own age and do it yourself.".  "So you aren't going to help us?! You bastard!" said an angry Cana. "And here I thought you could only drink until you're totaled but nope! Why should I? I mean that senile old fool started this war so he should be the one to finish it. Why the hell should I clean up his mess?!" said Laxus.

Mira furrowed her brows angrily, keeping her emotions under check. "Please Laxus. Phantom Lord is trying to kidnap Lucy, one of our nakama." said Mira. "Who? Do I even know her? That's right." said Laxus with him acting like he doesn't know her but he does. "She's Triple B and Hatchling's fucking big-titted bitch right?" said Laxus. This caused Natsu to perk up from across the room. "Tell you what. I'll come and help you if the Blond Busty Bitch grows the hell up." said Laxus.

Yep. I changed the line from making Lucy into his woman. Natsu's eyes widened up in fury when he heard this. The pink-haired wizard clenched his fists with him slowly walking toward Mira. "You're such an ass! I can't believe someone like you is an S-Class Wizard!" said Cana. "Being an S-Class means you need power! You wouldn't understand after FLUNKING four times! I remember the time when I beat your sorry ass and became S-Class instead of you." said Laxus.

He smirked as he saw the frustrated and sad look on Cana's face. Cana's body shook as memories resurfaced about why she had tried out for the S-Class exams. She wanted to become one so she could tell Gildarts ,whose never here, that she was his daughter but failed over and over. She shook herself to steer her emotions in check before glaring at Laxus bitterly. "You're a real asshole, you know that?!" shouted Cana while fighting back the tears.

Laxus chuckled with him saying," Are you sure that you should be talk that way to the guy who you're begging for help? Not too bright. Do me a favor. If that old bastard pull through this, tell him that he should just retire and hand over to the guild to me!". He soon broke out into another fit of laughter. Suddenly, the lacrima was grabbed by a big figure who appeared from out of nowhere and they figured out who it was easily.

It was Zane with him in Brawn Form being that it had changed thanks to the Zenith Core. This form keeps his colossal and hulking warrior like figure but loses the two rhino like horns. He's still twelve feet tall. His skin is crimson red, his black hair is in a wolf tail which is different from both a chonmage, man bun, and top-knot. His eyes are still greenish yellow eyes. He still has human like hands with five fingers and gray colored nails.

His arms loses the scars that once covered it alongside  the black stripe tattoo. He does gets a replacement tattoo in the form of a burning flame with it being a black color on each shoulder. His chest is covered by a black short sleeved t-shirt ,with six steel gray segments across his abs, and white sleeves. He wears black pants with a gold belt that looks to be a mixture of a wrestling championship belt and sash. He still wears brown combat boots and black fingerless gauntlet-like gloves. 

Zane now wears silver ,steel, pauldrons and silver steel finger-less gauntlets that works as shields with shiny steel studs. "Laxus! SHUT THE FUCK UP RIGHT NOW!" roared Zane, stunning both girls plus Natsu who was shocked for two reasons. He didn't expect Zane to return back after exploding on Lucy being that he stood there. "People here are injured! Your guild and family was attacked by the enemies! I may be an asshole but you're an even bigger asshole than I am!" said Zane.

Laxus chuckled as he said,"Oh wow Zane. I thought me and you were pals. I mean we assholes have to stuck together.". "You're not wrong at all. I may hate Triple B but I'm sure that she'll grow from this thanks to me being an asshole and Natsu being a good fucking friend to her! She needs that and I won't give him crap for that. Next time, we meet. I'll deck you across the face so hard that it'll make any pain you've had before look like nothing." said Zane.

Before Zane smashed the Lacrima into tiny pieces, Zane noticed the real fear in Laxus's eyes and he said,"You may be angry after what the coward did to your dad and Lynn but you should give a fuck about the thing that your one friend cared about.". Zane threw the orb ,like a football, into the wall, shattering into a thousand tiny pieces. "Zane!" said Mira, with her fighting the urge to run up and squeeze the life out of the person who erupted on her friend a bit earlier.

Zane turned around to face Natsu as he said,"Natsu. I'm not going to apologize for what I said to Triple B. You can't change this old man's opinion. Laxus may be someone I'm friends with but if he wants to besmirch her memory, we don't need him.". "Okay man. I know that for some reason, you and Luce don't get along but you care in your own special way right?" said Natsu. The giant of a man soon nodded as he said,"You sound like Sly.".

Zane deactivated the form with Cana saying,"Nice one Zane. I'll enjoy seeing you decking him across the face. So are you alright? I honestly didn't expect you to come back after you exploded on Lucy for some reason. Is it because of you being that monster?". "Levy told me that I could do something and trust me, it's going to be good. We've got bigger problems to deal with so we can ignore Avenger and my connection to the Vulcorian for now okay?" said Zane.

The members of the guild looked at him in understanding, some thankful that they have him on their side despite him having strong disdain for one of them. The quartet of Cana, Natsu, Sly, and Zane soon turned toward Mira whose fists were clenched and tears racing down her face. "Mira." said Cana and Natsu. "I don't understand. How can someone from Fairy Tail be so cruel?" said Mira. She soon took a deep breath with her saying,"I can't stand her and watch! I'm joining the fight too!".

Zane hugged the white-haired woman and he said,"So could one of you two tell her why she can't fight? I'll hold her back.". "He's right Mira." said Cana. "Yeah. I mean I know how much you want to fight but...." said Natsu with a concerned look. "I feel totally useless here at the guild hall. I want to help! Lucy got capture while I was here! I could have helped you Zane!" yelled Mira with her tears pouring from her eyes.

Cana placed a supportive hand on her friend's shoulder. "I understand how you're feeling Mira but you need to take a deep breath. You'll only get in the way as you are now. You just got your magic back after two years of not using it. You were once of one of her best but now..." said Cana with Mira looked over at Cana with tears streaming down her beautiful face. She knew that Cana was right but it only made it worse.

Zane soon pulled her in for an comforting hug. "You'll be okay Mira. Don't blame yourself." said Zane. "I'm not a little girl so don't please treat me like one." mumbled Mira as she returned Zane's embrace. "To me, all of you are kids Mira. Something I've learned is that rushing in head first without a plan doesn't nothing but hurts your friends that you're trying to protect. I almost died because I rushed ahead with a plan. Having an acid bath sounds cleansing but it isn't." said Zane.

He smiled with him saying,"Your magic and you haven't been taking for a while so once all of this is over, we'll do some good old fashioned training to get you back to normal. I'm a pretty good teacher if I do say so myself.". "He says that but he's a real sadist." said Sly, earning a giggle from the two girls and Natsu chuckled. "Ha ha Sly." said Zane, rolling his eyes. "Thank you Zane. Like how Lucy sees Natsu as her strength, you're mine." thought Mira. 

In the basement of the guild hall, Erza was in the shower and clenched her fists while the hot water in the shower hit her. She needed to clear her head so a shower was in order. I mean you may wonder why there is a shower in the guild hall. Lets just say that after a long day, you need a way to feel good and a shower was that way. Makarov built it for perverted reason but was found out rather fast like within seconds. She ran her hands through her scarlet looks, staring at the ceiling above.

She couldn't let go of the fact that Makarov wasn't here. "Master in injured. Laxus and Mystogon aren't here. We have so many injured. I'm the only S-Class wizard here. The only other people here even close to my strength is Natsu and Zane but even with the three of us, we can't keep fighting like this." thought Erza. She suddenly punched the wall of the shower, remembering how she had let Makarov go after Jose by himself and how she let Zane turn into that monster.

Erza thought,"I should have gone with him! Zane could have handle the rift raft of Phantom Lord! All of this is my fault!". "Don't think that Prude Knight." said a voice in her head. She looked around as she said,"Are you in here Zane?". "Nope. Not in the mood to deal with an angry Natsu. I mean I pissed off one of two women he cares about and I really shouldn't push my luck with both. I'm talking to you in your mind. Neither me or Natsu would want you to blame yourself." said Zane's voice.

Erza thought about Natsu with her face going red. She knew that her feelings toward him went farther than just friends with her wondering what this feeling was. The door soon opened up with her slowly turning around to see Natsu standing there. "Hey Erza. What's......" said Natsu with his eyes slowly widening in shock. He's never seen Erza like this ever since he and Erza joined the guild. He seen her in a bikini and some very interesting costumes but nothing like this.

He was dumbfound being that calling her sexy would be an insult to her beauty. She was a goddess in a human form. Her body was made just to be seductive and tempting. His eyes looked her up and down. His favorite thing about her was her scarlet red hair that were marked over her broad forehead and covered with water. She had a breathtaking and beautiful face with pink like strawberries lips that was parted slightly upon seeing him.

She had luxurious breasts that put many girls that he knew to shame and stood there proudly. Her skin was pale, blemish free skin, waxed legs, smooth curves, and full-toned thighs. Erza soon let out an unexpected squeal of embarrassment that sent the guild into an uproar of confusion being that from upstairs, Zane chuckled. "Natsu! This isn't!" said Erza, while trying to hide her body from him but it didn't work in the slightest. He could see everything that she had to offer.

Her body was shaking with embarrassment for being in the same reason especially in their current situation. "Don't look!" said Erza as her face went red. "Sorry!" said Natsu, slamming the door close and broke it. He used his body to hold the door in place with him leaning against the door and slid down. He placed his hands over his heart and it was beating like nothing else. He thought it was going to jump out of him.

He was lucky that he was able to control his dragon instincts much to his inner voice's annoyance as Natsu said,"I'm going to kill Zane for this.". Yep, this is Zane's doing since thanks to the Galuna Island job, the guild conveniently forgot about the fact that Natsu had to kiss either Erza or Lucy. In response to this, Zane decided to tease the duo of dragon and knight and dragon and princess. Like you've seen before, Zane is a very petty super being.

Inside of the shower room, she was still shocked from Natsu's intrusion. She was shocked that he saw her absolutely naked and without a towel. She may have wanted this but not like this. She wanted to wait for the suitable time maybe once they're dating or maybe when they are married. She took deep breaths as her blush was beginning to die down. She hoped that she and Natsu could act normal after this. She stood on wobbling legs and was going to stop the water.

She soon stopped as she heard a snicker behind her. Zane ,who appeared from thin air and looked like a hologram, smirked as he said,"Oh wow. You really love Natsu. I mean showing yourself off like that. So bold.". The water stopped and she said,"Don't make me hurt you Zane.". "Oh I'm scared and your emotion outburst makes it worth it in the end." said Zane. The Cross-Species vanished as Erza stood there in silence.

Without warning, the ground began to shake violently. The vibrations were continuous and occurring after an interval of a few seconds. It meant that it wasn't an earthquake of any kind. Parts of the roof and wall chipped off of the guild hall and fell to the floor. "So what's going on?" said Gray. Alzack soon appeared in the doorway with him saying,"Outside now!". The uninjured Fairy Tail wizards and other dimension beings followed Alzack outside.

All of them were shocked to the core except for Zane who had a very different reaction. Directly in the middle of Lake Sciliora, there stood Phantom Lord Headquarters being it was on top of a huge heap of earth with six enormous mechanical appendages. They were all super long, spider-like legs and were connected to the building by large, flat round parts. All of them bearing the guild's symbol on them which seemed to appear from rectangular holes on the wall.

It also bore other, more bulging, bolted round parts in correspondence to the legs' "joints", from which a number of pipes jutted outwards, letting out large amounts of steam or smoke from within them. Each leg ended in a part consisting of four flat protrusions jutting outwards, granting it more stability when moving and standing still. "How is that possible? I mean I've seen a lot in my life time so this shouldn't shock me." thought Sly.

She turned to Zane who was shivering in excitement and she face palmed. "It's a guild hall with ginormous legs!" said Happy. "It's Phantom isn't it?!" said Loke. Everyone's eyes bulged out with their jaws were hanging low and their bodies were frozen on the spot. "How the hell are we supposed to fight that thing?!" said Wakaba. "By punching it obvious." said Kaida being that like her father, she was impressed by the spider but less obvious about it.

Erza stood there with her shivering in terror while in a pink towel. "I never could have anticipated this. Why would they go to such extreme length to attack us!" said Erza. "Yeah but you have another two problems to deal with." said Sly. Erza soon noticed Zane with his eyes turning into stars as he shouted,"THEY GOT A FREAKING MECHA! SO COOL!". Everyone around him sweatdropped as Sly said,"I'm used to you being a freak for armor, mecha, and powers but right now?". 

Zane looked at her as he said,"Yeah but it's so cool. I mean Jose only did this since a certain someone kicked him in the cohones. Didn't expect him to go all Wild Wild West on us though.". Zane soon saw Erza with her seeing that she was in a pink towel and her hair still dripping wet. Said towel was held tightly half way down her breasts and ended less than half way down her thighs being that it did provide cover but still left little to the imagination.

Zane smiled as he said,"So rocking the towel look aren't you?". "I was taking a shower so of course I would be like this!" said Erza with her showing no sign of embarrassment. "You know that most women aren't like you right?" said Zane. "And that's supposed to me. All of us including you are my family." said Erza, calmly crossing her arms. Zane looked at her in disbelief with him saying,"Hey if that your fetish I would judge you out loud but ....".

He pointed to Natsu with him looking right toward her. She blushed crimson as she glowed. She was in her normal Heart Kreuz armor as she said,"Thank you.". "And here you said that you were okay with people seeing you in the nude. Hungry hungry hypocrite." said Zane, shaking his head. The giant building soon stopped with it coming to a complete halt. Jose stood in his command center as he said with veins bulging along his face,"The magic-focusing cannon Jupiter. Engage.".

The entire front of the upper half of her Guild hall dropped down, revealing a super large cannon that started as a mildly small, odd round cannon with a metal frame but it would extended frontwards several meters, being revealed as just the ending part of the massive, square and elongated barrel sprouting from behind it. Dark blue energy began to swirl and coalesce around the end of the barrel becoming more intense by second.

Zane grimaced being that he's a self-proclaimed weapon expert due to him seeing several types of weapons before. He was sure that the blast from this cannon would not only destroy the Guild Hall but easily a large portion of Magnolia. "Run! Get out of here!" yelled Zane, sounding scared. "It's time to power up!" yelled Zane, rushing toward the cannon. "Zane!" yelled Mira. "Is he stupid or what?!" yelled Cana. "Being a hero means you're stupid and smart at the same time!" shouted Zane.

He soon stopped at the end of the cliff with him saying,"You're going down! I don't give a fuck about this building but you're hurting the innocent! I can't stand for that!". He transformed into Fulmination Form with him aiming his four black antennae out of his back ,with it looking like octopus tentacles and the tips were the plugs, in front of him. "Protecting those when they can't protect themselves is my Hero Way!" shouted Zane.  

Kaida shouted,"That's Fulmination Form! It's really good at absorbing energy within its body for some really strong electrical attacks!". "Yeah but is he going to absorb the whole thing?" said Bisca as she was worried. "Yeah but he has limits right?" said Alzack. "You're risking your life! Don't be stupid!" said Wakaba. Zane ignored him with him saying,"So? Being a hero I mean I do this on a daily basis! Hey Second Place! Hit me with your best shot! Stay back!".

Natsu shouted,"Zane! Stop it!". He was held back by Gray with him turning back to the ice wizard with a glare. "Gray! Let me go right now!" shouted Natsu. "Natsu! I trust Zane so trust him okay! I don't like this either but he knows what he's doing!" yelled Gray. Natsu looked at Gray's eyes with him seeing both worry and confidence in his eyes. "But I...." said Natsu. "Zane Vincent Alvarez! Stop this right now! You gain nothing by risking your life like this!" yelled Erza. 

She made an attempt to move forward with her being stopped by both Gray and Natsu who both knew that they were going to regret this later. She did struggle a bit. "Let me go! Can you two see that I need to stop him?! He's going to get himself killed because of his stubbornness!" yelled Erza with her focused on Zane. "Gray's right. Zane can stop this thing because he's a hero." said Natsu with Gray nodding. 

The knight had stopped struggling with neither Gray and Natsu being stupid enough to let her go with them knowing how stubborn she can be. Lucy was stunned silent being that she didn't believe that the person who hated her so much would go out of his way to save her. Jupiter finished charging with it firing a gigantic blast of concentrated magic ,in the form of a bluish-black beam, now on a collision with the guild.    

The beam pushed away the surrounding water with a massive amount of force with Zane aiming all of his antennae and arms at the beam. "I'm sure that I can do this but I'll go above and beyond to kick your ass and make you learn your place." said Zane with him not taking his eyes off the cannon's projectile for even a second. His body glowed bright purple with him saying,"Fulmination Prime! Void Absorption!".

The blast from Jupiter collided with Zane, a giant flash blinding everyone for a second. "Oh wow Second Place. I totally thought that I would actually break a sweat holding this back but it's nothing more than an ant to me!" shouted Zane's voice. Everyone looked up to see Zane ,with him in the evolved form of Fulmination Form, holding back the large mass of energy. He's now twelve feet tall, looking more muscular than he did before.

His body is now a metallic gray with his tribal tattoos turning into a dark purple color and they were glowing brightly. His eyes are now crimson red ,lightning bolt shaped, eyes with a solid black outline around them. He had a clear sci-fi visor around his eyes. He has five fingers and toes with them being sharp golden claws. His mouth reveal sharp metal golden teeth with resembles crowns. His black muscle shirt ,with white stripes around his chest, fused together with his dark red cargo pants.

He's wearing a black racing suit with silver electricity bolts like lines going through out it. He's wearing the short black robe alongside brown ,cloth but they're metallic, fingerless gloves. He has on a pair of matching cybernetic silver armbands that stops just below his elbows and silver cybernetic shin guards with the both of them looking like electrical circuits. His two tentacles quadrupled themselves aka there were now eight of them. There were now living electricity.

The energy was being absorbed into them with Zane smiling despite his lack of a mouth. Jose was shocked being that his most powerful weapon ,other than himself, was being stopped. This beam did push Zane back a bit with him saying with conviction in them,"You honestly think this will keep me from fighting? You have another thing coming! I never give up so you're going down!!!!!". He added more pressure into it.

This lasted for thirty seconds being that the area around Zane was destroying. The water was long gone being that there was a bunch of smoke rising from the lake and the ground around Zane was gone. As the energy beam vanished from the area, Zane stood there with him taking deep breaths and grinning. "That is impossible! How did he stop my powerful weapon!?" thought Jose. Due to Zane's actions, no one who saw the display got hurt.

Macao said while stunned or shocked by the display,"He actually did it. He stopped Jupiter!". "Yeah but that because he's a real man." said Elfman. "And he did it without any effort." said Erza with her staring at him in amazement. "That was amazing!". said Natsu. Zane smiled as Sly rolled her eyes and said to herself,"And you guys are just inflating his moon sized ego so if he becomes a cocky son of a bitch. I blame you.".

Zane spoke from within a crater that had formed around him,"If you think that display was cool you guys, just watch this. I'm going to show you what happens when you mess with me! You know the old saying Fairies and Phantom. What comes around, goes around! Eye for an eye! So get a taste of Karmic Enlarged Limbo!". He fired a black Mojo energy beam ,being even bigger than Jupiter, and slammed it right toward the barrel. 

Upon contact with the cannon, there was a large explosion with fire and smoke. Phantom Lord's cannon was currently invisible to the view of everyone but it was made clear that Zane had absorbed the cannon's blast and sent it back but much strong. The smoke cleared with it revealing the brand new appearance of the weapon in front of them. Half of the barrel felt into the water with the rest of the cannon looking scorched and cracked in various spots.

No one said anything being that they couldn't believe what they just say. Zane flipped Jose off as he said,"And that's happen when you mess with the best hero in the Omniverse you second place loser!". He turned around with him throwing the guild a thumbs up. Cheering soon erupted around her as the guild celebrated not only Zane's survival, stopping the blast, and sending it back and then some.  

Inside of the mobile guild, all of the masked/cloaked wizard of Phantom Lord backed away in fear but not of Zane. Their master Jose was emitting a tremendous amount of magic that the entire room was shaking in its dark glow. No one dared to speak as Jose's power shook the whole room in a very violent tremor. Jose who had his head down for a while now finally raised it to reveal his eyes had turned black with anger and fury at clearly having had his assault ruined easily.

He roared angrily,"Status report now!". "Jupiter has been damaged but it'll be able to fire again. We however can't use a full power shot like we did before and it'll take more time to fire a shot than before." said a grunt. "Damn him." said Jose, glaring right at the brat that stopped his attack. He could sense that this one was easily the most powerful member that Makarov collected and brainwashed into serving him. "You're dead." said Jose, more annoyed than anything else.

In an instant, Zane had taken out Jupiter and declared war on Jose himself. Zane stood there with his eight appendages ready for anything. The others walked toward him with Gray saying with both shock and aw,"Wow. Too go man. You rocked it.". "Yep. I haven't taking in this much energy in a long time. The closest amount that comes close to this is when one of my enemies absorbed a lot of electricity and went on a rampage. Good times." said Zane.

Lucy said with a smile,"That was a nice shot.". "Thanks Triple B. The evolved form gives me a heads up display but I've been shooting down targets since before the dimension was even born so many years ago." said Zane. The trio of Levy, Mira, and Stella was smiling at their crush being that the trio went over to him. "Are you okay?" said Mira. "Yep. I'm fit as a fiddle or something like that." said Zane. 

Levy looked at him as she said with her lightly reprimand him,"You know that you shouldn't have done that.". "Yeah but watching idiots run straight toward their deaths isn't my kink. I may not care for most of you like you care for me but as a hero, letting anyone whose innocent die due to Second Place over there is something that I'm not a fan of. I also got enough power to keep on fighting for a while." said Zane with a smirk with the barmaid smiling.

Zane deactivated the form with Sly flying over to him, holding a delicious looking red apple. "Good job as always partner but using Fulmination Form?" said Sly, throwing the apple toward him. Zane caught it as he said,"I would have used Comet or Diamond Form but Fulmination Form is one of my best and favorites. Parker even said so and you know how neutral he is when it comes to showing any kind of favoritism among the million plus forms.". "True I guess." said Sly, shrugging.   

Upon hearing the words that Zane spoke to Levy, Erza broke out of her awe-inspired daze. She wanted to give him a stern expression and proper scolding being that she knew that it would be pointless for two reasons. The first reason is because Zane probably won't listen to her and instead of following said orders, make jokes and lecture her instead. The second reason is because she's too happy about seeing him at this point. 

Zane may be an insufferable person who constantly grated on her nerves but she knew that he was someone who could be rely upon mainly when it came to this deadly opponent in front of him aka Jose. However for Gray and Natsu, the two were still in their daze and weren't holding her back any longer. In a single second, she broke free and punched Gray in the gut. She didn't hit Natsu due to her feelings toward him so he got off lucky while Gray was on the floor groaning in pain. 

She didn't find the idea of being restrained in any way too good. "Zane." said Erza, with her voice soon stopping the cheering and looked at the duo of Cross-Species and Knight. "So you really think that you were cool for doing that? Eating an apple when we're still in a fight with Phantom Lord. I suggest that you stop being the badass you think you are and focus on stopping Jose from destroying the city and taking Lucy back to her abusive father. This isn't a story book fantasy." said Erza.

The rest of the guild sweat-dropped nervously before changing their opinions. It would be a really good thing if these two decided to work together but it's well known that Erza and Zane don't get along. Lets just say that the record for these two not having a fight is about an minute before the two begin their squabbling. Zane looked at her remaining silent which only made tick marks forming on Erza's forehead, making the guild more nervous.

Zane was well known for pushing buttons being that he often went out of his way to push the redhead knight's buttons. Sly was pretty sure that Zane found this to be one of his new hobbies being that even back in the day, he went out of his way to mess with the A List. Zane soon smiled with him pulling out a paperback novel from his pocket dimension. "Speaking of story book fantasy, I think I'll read you all a story that I had acquired from Prude Knight's library." said Zane.

His voice was so sweet that it make teeth rot just by hearing it. Erza cringed and caused her face to pale which means that he was going to do something that was going to embarrass her, piss her, or both at the same. The rest of the guild watched the drama unfold keenly, having come to look forward to the usual clashes of these two and the vast amounts of entertainment they provided. They only wished that it wasn't during a dire situation. 

Zane cleared his throat before flipping to a bookmarked page and began reading. Do note that this will be rather mature and not for young children. To show this, we have Sly blocking Kaida's ears much to the young girl's confusion being that she wanted to hear the story. She will but when she's much older like in her teens. Zane may aloud swearing around his daughter but reading naughty stories is a no no. Priorities folks.   

Zane said,"'Sweat began pouring down her pale as moonlight body as she writhed in pleasure, barely able to maintain her state of being. There was only so much she could as Olympia cried out in rapture upon being penetrated by Titus's powerful and massive master sword. Her entire world exploded in a climatic fashion oh yeah!". Zane's rather intense reading had more left more than a couple of intense blushes on their faces along with nosebleeds from the ladies of the guild. 

Some of the guys were shifting uncomfortably while adjusting their pants upon hearing that. Natsu was none the wiser. He's like most Shonen protagonists being that he's denser than obsidian rock which is saying a lot. Cana ,on the other hand, was cracking up at Erza's weird taste in smut. I mean to each there own. Erza was immobile being that she soon sent hundred of swords right at Zane who dodged them by turning his body into his signature electricity/lightning.

They passed right through him as Zane said while leaning on one of the blades,"Oh wow. It seems like we have a violent critic in the crowd tonight and tried to kill your narrator tonight.". Her eyes spoke of murder as she glared at the multi-haired bastard. She really wished that she could be able to intimidate him with a glare and beat the shit out of him. Because now, all her glare was doing was just making Zane smile with satisfaction. "Mission complete." said Zane. 

Erza stated with a demonic look in her eyes that rivaled the Demon,"I'm going to kill you for this Zane. You invaded the garden of maidens so I think the most fitting punishment for you is cut off the thing that makes you a man.". The guys ,like Macao and Wakaba, crossed their legs at the threat with Zane shrugging. "Technically, I did nothing wrong Prude Knight. I may look male but I'm neither male or female. I'm an Eazirvian so that makes me genderless." said Zane.

He soon smiled making Erza only angrier being that she swore to find a way to get under his steel like skin one of these days. Mira soon sighed fondly at the usual antics that the two did with Stella whispering to Levy,"So did you let him into the dorm?". "Yeah. I kinda gave up in stopping his pranks. It's pointless." said Levy. "Smart move." said Sly and Stella. "Anyway, what should we do next gang?" said Zane.

Before anyone could comment, the voice of Jose echoed out from a PA system inside of the Phantom Lord Guild Hall. You think that it was done by magic but nope, it's done by a PA system. "That was an impressive display of powerful takeover magic. You are the one to defeat Black Steel plus the Copycat and her puppet. To be fair, I thought you were at least a bit older but to look the rest of the insufferable brats in front of me, I'm quite annoyed." said Jose, hiding his anger.  

Zane shrugged as he said,"I get that a lot and I'm sure that you're pretty mad about me making you stupid which by the way, you do so naturally. I mean you're Second Place to the coward so I guess you're just used to losing.". Despite his mocking tone, everyone could tell that Zane was serious as he had put on the Legionnaire Gauntlets and cracking his knuckles. "Ha. You may have destroy Jupiter but any chances of victory has disappeared right in front of you." said Jose.

Jose chuckled as he said,"However, I'm one for mercy even though you dare to have nerve to banter while I'm still in front of you! Surrender Lucy Heartfilia right now or I'll send you all to your early graves.". This threat did remind the wizards of their situation but the tension he created was blasted away by Zane who knew how to read the atmosphere but chose not. "Huh? Did you say something Second Place? I was honestly thinking about the true purpose of aglets." said Zane.

He smirked as he said,"They are the plastic tips at the end of shoelaces. Their true purpose is quite sinister and not for the weak hearted.". Question reference for the win. The girls had to stifle their giggles at his behavior being that while most if not all of the time Zane's jokes crash and burn quite hard, this one wasn't. Erza and Gray smirked with Elfman crying a comical amount of tears that were rolling down his eyes, shouting about how manly Zane was.

Even through they couldn't see it, the guild could feel Jose's rising anger. It was almost visible being that his look of anger was because of him being disrespected in a rather casual way from a member of Makarov's guild and this wasn't one of his kinks. "He's doing this on purpose isn't he?" said Azalea with a smile. "Yep Azalea. That's our partner for you. I mean Jose is kinda stupid. I mean his totally not phallic symbol was pretty much destroy by you." said Cole. 

Inside of Natsu's head, Natsu heard the voice in his head,"They're trying to take your mate away from you again so they will be punished.". Natsu clenched his fists with him snarling. "That isn't going to fucking happen!" shouted Alzack, earning a resounding cheer from his fellow wizards around here. "Like any guild would hand over one of their own to a monster like you!" said Bisca with Zane thinking of a response.

Sivarth said,"So are you going to ask him how much he's getting payed for this? Mecha do cost a lot of money.". Zane shrugged as Macao shouted,"You hear that?! Lucy is staying put!". The other Fairy Tail wizard spectating in the back agreed and began to rally behind Macao. "I won't ask you idiots again! You have no choice in the matter!" shouted Jose with seething rage. Lucy was shaking as she listened to all of them coming to her defense. 

The blonde was beginning to cry with her wiping away the forming tears. Even being told multiple times now, everything happening was still her fault. She had confidence in her friends but the guilt was eating her alive. Her father wanted home for some reason being that Zane didn't tell her that it was for the company due to him not caring at all. "Maybe I should just go with them? Give myself up." said a whimpering Lucy.

She was about to step forward, ready to hand herself over like that. However, she was stopped by Sly shouting,"SHUT THE FUCK YOU SECOND RATE GUILD MASTER!". Everyone soon looked at the usually calm Sly being that Zane smiled. He knew that it took a lot to get Sly to lose her cool and well, you don't want to make an Akostar mad. "What did you say?!" said a fuming Jose. "My partner may hate her for reasons but I like her and I never betray my friends!" shouted Sly.

Erza shouted,"Sly is right! We would rather die than betraying our friend!". Lucy's head perked up in shock with the guild cheering in agreement of the two girls. "Our answer will never change so stop asking!" roared Natsu with his face contorted in anger, veins bulging from his forehead. "We'll kick you ass because you will NEVER take Lucy away from me bastard!" roared Natsu as intense rage coursed through his body.  

Most of the guild didn't pay attention to Natsu's words with them let out another cheer. Lucy and Stella heard his words alongside Zane much to his dismay. "Does Natsu love me too? I know that you'll save me Natsu, no matter what." thought Lucy with her not even trying to hid her tears for those around her. The support that Fairy Tail was giving her was destroying the guilt that she had in her heart but there was one member who thought differently. 

He was going to show it but Stella had something to say. "If you think we're going to give her up like that, you're in for a serious ass kicking." said Stella. Here's another rant from Zane so enjoy it and it's a good one in my opinion. "Hold on a second!" shouted Zane with everyone in the guild looking right at Zane. "I'm all for defending your friend but dying to do so? Not a fan of that. I understand that you want to protect Triple B but I’m not letting you speak for me." said Zane with him crossing his arms.

He glared at them with an intense look with him saying,"You all honestly can’t keep kissing her ass and treating her like the fucking spoiled rotten princess that she is! You know that right?! Until I actually feel like giving a rat’s ass about her, I won’t be fighting for her anytime soon.". "Do you have to be such a fucking asshole all of the time?! Lucy is our friend!" yelled Erza and Natsu. They were stopped by the Cross-Species's glare and glowing red eyes. 

Zane shouted,"Shut the hell up! It doesn’t matter what you two thought of her before this war even started! I don’t give a fuck! When a person makes a promise, thought, or has a belief, they need to stuck to their guns and go with it! I can’t respect a person who doesn’t have the courage to stand up for what they believe in or what they want to do with their lives. By themselves or with others! It doesn't matter! Just fucking fight back!". 

Zane walked toward Lucy who was looking at him with confusion, joy, and quilt. He soon lightly tapped her head with his sheathed Lazarus Soul. "I hope you all understand what I’m trying to say here right. None of you are children any more despite you acting like it. This is real life and you can’t expect everyone to do everything for you because you’re all good friends. Triple B, I’ve been heavily thinking about giving you to your father myself." said Zane, shocking the guild.

He smiled as he said,"Being that I rather not let these idiots waste their precious time fighting for a bitch like you!". He soon pulled back Lucy by her hair and and slammed into the ground hard, with the contact of the skull breaking the ground and Lucy's forehead starts bleeds a little. This causes Fairy Tail to be shocked and angered at Zane with the watching Jose being shocked at Zane’s actions as well. It showed no mercy in the slightest. "Zero-G." said Zane.

The gravity around him increased being that everyone around him was forced to the ground. "A person who expects everything to go their way just because they’re pretty and kind will always be killed or thrown under the bus by my hands! I don’t give a crap that all of you care about her like she’s part of your family or your friend despite being in your guild for a month! I truly don’t care about that kinda of crap but here’s the thing!" said Zane.

He soon turned toward Lucy and said,"I hated spoiled bitches like you more than anything in the entire Omniverse! Your entire existence disgust me! If you don’t start growing up here and now, I’m going to send you back to your father being that no one will be able to stop me! After that, I’ll mind control him to steal 70% no all of your family’s fortune, and then walk away scot free! Do you want me to do that?! Answer me now dam it!".

Lucy couldn't answer him because like several times before, Zane scared her when he was really angry. "It’s fine that you don’t want to be around a man who treats you like garbage but a parent will always care for their kids no matter what. This war happened because he cares enough to get robbed blindly from this clown and his troop. If you let everyone fight for you, I’ll end your pathetic life by my hand!" said Zane.

He unsheathed the blade, slamming into the ground just barely missing Lucy’s head shocking both Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord. "I’m not joking here! This isn’t a game here! We’re at war because this dumb bitch couldn’t say a god dam thing before leaving her old man! If you do this type of shit, how can I trust you?! If you actually fight Phantom and these idiots, I’ll say sorry and hope that you all can forgive me but if...." said Zane.

As he was saying this, he slowly sheathed the blade. "You can don’t do anything except being a coward and let the others here fight your battles, I’m going to do something truly evil." said Zane with his eyes turning gold and his pupils slit. "I’m going to mind control the dwarf of a master and make him kick your ass out without a single bit of hesitation. Do you understand now Lucy?! I hope you all do because this is a lesson that you all had to learn eventually.” said Zane.

He soon took a deep breath with him undoing Zero-G, freeing everyone from their gravity hold as Erza held him at sword point. Natsu rushed over to Lucy with him saying,"Lucy! Are you okay? Did he hurt you?!". He was glaring bullets at Zane who said,"Try harder you two. I mean I can just feel your anger and it's so delicious.". "Erza. Natsu. I have something to say to him." said Lucy, shocking the two. "Oh and what's that?" said Zane.

Lucy took a deep breath with her saying,"I know that I somehow make you mad but I don't care. If my Nakama are fighting for me, I'll fight for them.". "Oh. You're sounding quite confident. But can you do without your magic?" said Zane. Lucy looked away being that she had lost her keys thanks to being captured by Juvia earlier. "I'll just fight using my whip, my strength, or my friends's strength. I want to stay with Fairy Tail and nothing is going to stop me!" said Lucy.

The guild smiled at her being that she was a member of their family and Zane smirked. "That's a good start toward a better future. You don't have to take massive leaps every day being that a journey is better if it takes several days. You can do this Triple B. Show them what to do okay? I got to declare someone a fight being that well, I really like pissing off my enemies since it makes them look stupid in the long term." said Zane, smiling.

Zane walked toward Phantom Lord with him saying,"I know that you were watching my show you second place loser so let me say this once. You'll either get you and your guild's ass kicked hard or you give up. I mean you're kinda used to trying your best and then failing to your better. So what's your choice?". Jose ,in his throne room, got up in anger being that his teeth gritted together so hard that Gajeel heard it and wondered if Zane had a talent for making people angry.

Jose roared out,"Are you threatening me boy?! No one threatens a Wizard Saint and lives boy! Don't you know the first thing about respecting authority?!". "Yeah. People have telling to respect those with titles and power but here's a secret buddy. I give no fucks about titles." said Zane, flipping Jose off and only angering him more. "If death is what you want, I'll give you something that'll make Jupiter feel like a walk in the park!" yelled Jose.

Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Man. Who pissed in this guy's cereal? I mean he's more testy that Prude Knight.". "You're doing this on purpose aren't you?" said Sly. Zane nodded as Sly sighed with her head shaking. "Not even rubble or your bones will remain after I'm done with you mainly you Legion Void Knight! Prepare to enjoy the last moments of your lives!" yelled Jose. "No way." said Elfman. "What are we going to do? Zane?" said Cana.

Zane shrugged as Zane said,"Guys. I doubt it's anything worse than a big fucking cannon.". He soon noticed several shadowy figures coming out of the building and swarmed toward Fairy Tail. They all resembled robed Grim Reapers, being that their most obvious feature is the glowing red eyes. "You're in trouble aren't you? There are only two ways for this to end. My troops will tear you apart or be blown apart by Jupiter!" said Jose.

Zane sighed as he said,"You forget about option three buddy. I'll just kick your ass until you're done with your temper tantrum young man.". "Heck yeah! That's a great idea!" said Natsu. "Are you two serious?! If he fires at us, he'll be killing his own men!" said Macao. "Surely that he's bluffing. Who would do something like that?" said Wakaba. Zane raised his hand as he said,"Hey. Before you call me a heartless monster, those Phantoms aren't real for two reasons.".

Cana nodded as she said,"He's right.". The two older wizards were shocked by this as Cana said with a grimace,"Those soldiers were created by Jose's Shade Magic. They're not human but ghosts so it doesn't matter if they're destroyed.". "What the heck are Phantom Soldiers?!" said Bisca. "So you're telling me that they're ghosts?" said Alzack. "Not even. Real Phantoms have Nether and I owe Jose a beating for copyrighting Phantoms!" said Zane, shaking his fist.

Cana shook her head as she said,"Anyway, we have to do something about Jupiter.". "Didn't Zane break it?" said Laki. "Yeah but I'm sure that Jose payed a fortune for that thing so it'll keep on going until it's main power source. I'll think we should clear a pathway before we can begin Operation Smash." said Zane, getting Natsu's interest. Zane stretched his arms with him saying,"Hey Sivarth. I think it's time for you to come out and play. Partner Summon: Sivarth!".

The guild and Jose soon saw a new person appearing beside Zane with his expression reading rather annoyed. He looks about 30 years old with a serious and very unfriendly look to him. He has long crimson red hair ,which goes up to his shoulders, and red eyes that can pierce your soul with a single glance. He has several scars over his body with his most noticeable scar being “Z” shaped on his left cheek.

He wears a tight-skin black shirt with red dragon claw like designs and pants reminding people of a distinct feudal Japanese style. His gold belt is a tied just like an obi-sash and he wears navy blue hakamas. His arms are covered in a golden armor-like shell with it reaching from his shoulders to his hands. He has pointed ears. "Zane. Ready to smash these false Phantoms into oblivion?" said Sivarth as he cracked his knuckles. "Hell yeah. Can you keep up old man?" said Zane.

Sivarth chuckled with him saying,"You may forget that I'm the Eradication Akostar. Destruction is my specialty you cocky shit.". "Instead of talking old man, how you show them? I got my move in mind." said Zane. Sivarth smirked with him focusing Crimson Red Nether being that it came in the form of two Tyrannosaurs heads on his shoulders. They have razor sharp teeth and black eyes with them being sentient beings.

The two heads were forming Crimson Red Nether ,in the form of spheres, in front of them with Sivarth shouting,"Tyrannus Spheroid!". The two heads fired the spheres toward the closing in army with Zane saying,"Omni-Direction Beam Array!". Zane soon gather Impulse into his arms with him soon stretches his fingers being that all ten fingers are aimed in a different direction. At the tip of his fingers, there is a small silver sphere.

He soon release the energy being that several beams hit everything in their path which included the two Nether Sphere. Upon hitting the army, they blasted their way through 75% of the army. The guild was shocked by the duo's combined strength with Erza stunned by his power. They soon reappeared with Sivarth saying,"Tch! Of course they can regenerate. Hey Zane and pinkie!". Natsu pointed to himself as he said,"He means me right?".

Sivarth glared at him with the dinosaur heads joining it. "Of course I am. You and the girl were both raised by a fake Akostar but you were raised by an Akostar! Zane tell them the plan!" said Sivarth with him looking toward Zane, who punched his open left palm. "Okay drunks! Here's the plan. We still got Black Steel, Copycat, and Element Four to handle before we take down the big boss. Most of you will be staying with Sivarth here and defend Magnolia." said Zane.

The guild nodded with Zane saying,"Elfman, Gray, Sly, and Stella. You're with me being that we owe Jose a welcome to the neighborhood present.". Sly and Stella nodded at Zane's orders, Gray smiled being that he was looking forward to a good fight, Elfman cheered about how manly it was it was to charge the enemy base, and Erza's left eyebrow which was twitched violently. It was because of her being ordered by her ,according to Erza, enemy and not being selected.

Alongside Lucy, he was consisting calling her by her nickname being that it was made clearly done on purpose. It bothered her quite a bit. "Hey Zane! What about me?!" said Natsu. Zane was about to answer him with Sivarth saying,"Zane. Tell him already.". "Okay. Happy and Natsu Smash." said Zane, pointing to the cannon. Natsu smiled brightly with him saying,"Hell yeah! I'll teach these bastards a lesson for messing with us and Lucy!".

Everyone blinked at Zane with Sivarth saying,"Hey. For once, he had a decent plan. His usually plan has him punching things but really hard.". "Which works by the way." said Zane. Cana looked at him thinking that it was impossible. "You can't be serious. I mean I know you're strong but..." said Cana being that she was stopped by Zane's serious expression. "We can do this Cana because I'm here and I never lose the fight because I never give up." said Zane.

He cracked his knuckles and head with him walking forward. "We lost the old coward. Fanboy and Chumchum are in the hospital recovering. I destroyed their base. They're not going to stop until they get Triple B. The people of Magnolia are in danger. I'm not a coward being that if I still have power left inside of me, I'll keep on fighting and live to see the next day! We can't lose to these bastard who result to cowardly tricks! Time to show them while we're number one in Fiore!" said Zane.

He soon clenched his fists with him raising them up and shouted,"Who the hell are we?!". "Fairy Tail!" shouted the entire guild. Sivarth smiled with him knowing how good Zane is when it comes to communication. He can either piss you off to no extent or make you respect him. "Zane. I'm coming with you guys." said Lucy. Zane sighed as he said,"Sorry Triple B but you can't. I know that I told you to fight for what you care but you need to stay out of the way.". 

Lucy became offended on that with her shouting back,"I thought you wanted me to fight instead of being a coward!". She sound both hurt and scared mainly due to the enemies of the Copycat, Element 4, Gajeel, and Jose whose powers was said to rival Makarov's. She wanted to make up for what has been happening.  "Yeah I did but but here's the thing. You're missing your keys ." said Zane, pointing to her waist.

Lucy's eyes widened in realization as she looked to her waist where her keys would normally be but they weren't. She paled with her eyes widen up with her jaw dropping in shock. Stella took notice of this with her saying,"Huh. You're right Zane. I mean Haru has his Take Over Magic as a support magic but you don't. He told me that Celestial Wizard are pretty much powerless.". "No. It's just that." whined Lucy.

She fell to her knees, shaking with fear. "I lost Aquarius's key too. When she finds out about what she's going to...." said Lucy with her stopping to imagine whats going to happen. "You lost my key you little brat! I'll annihilate you!" shouted Aquarius with her looking bigger than normal. A tsunami had emerged behind her and was heading for Lucy, intended to swallow her to the depths below and maybe to see Davy Jones Locker.

Lucy whined in fear, gripping her head and cried out,"She's going to kill me for even losing her key in the first place, let alone if I used a toilet bowl to summon her!". "Yep. That sounds Nerida to me. I think she's always been quite temperamental mainly when she was summoned to places that she didn't like. I remember how she destroyed an entire kingdom just because she was summoned in a public drinking water fountain." said Zane. 

Zane sighed as he said,"Natsu. I know that you want to go rampage but we need to still form the plan and you will get to make them pay.". "Don't worry Zane. I know that." said Natsu with a permanent grin etched onto his face. "Okay. Kaida and Levy. I need to ask you two for a favor." said Zane with the guild confused on Kaida. "Sure. What do you need to do?" said Levy. "Yeah! I'll protect Lucy and we have the secret weapon!" said Kaida.

Zane chuckled at his daughter's enthusiasm. It reminded him too much of Uriel and Zoey at that age plus Wolfram. Wolfram has been always like this ever since they met so many years ago. "Lucy. You are Phantom Lord's target. Don't forget that the reason why all of this is happening is because of you and your father. However, I don't want you to think that you shouldn't fight. If you can't fight like the others, you can lend them your support by believing in the guild that'll protect you." said Zane.

Zane looked down at her hand with him saying,"Triple B. What's that on your hand?". "My Fairy Tail Emblem." said Lucy, somewhat surprised at his question. "Right. All of you bear the emblem on you meaning that you're connected as a family. Family does everything that it can to keep it together. We share the good and bad. If a family member has a problem, it's the family's problem. Everyone has a role to play in this game of life so I need you to do yours." said Zane.

He pounded his Essence with him saying,"I've fought tooth and nail to protect my family from danger so don't worry your spoiled ass. Bonds are the strongest power in the Omniverse and we'll show Second Place that no matter what. I won't give up. Neither will anyone here. Just please listen to me for once. I'm not joking around. This is a war. You do remember my threat from earlier? I will act on if I see fit. Please just listen to me for once. Please.".

Everyone was cheering in amusement being that even Erza was amazed on how wise Zane is. She knew that he had been around for a long time being that the old saying is that with age, comes wisdom. "That's the type of person Zane has been since I've known him." said Sly. "Yep. He was inspired by his father and older brothers to become a man who puts his life on the line to defend others who can't defend themselves. It's one of the reason why I respect him." said Sivarth. 

Lucy said nothing with her looking down to the ground, hiding her eyes from view. Everyone but Zane thought it was because she felt useless right now. "Okay Zane. Everyone, don't lose." said Lucy with a smile. The guild nodded as Zane said,"Okay. You girls head to my place. I'm pretty sure that the guild has a hideout but my home is a fortress with weapons. You'll be safe especially with Nemo there. Kaida has a password so the security system won't activate on you again Triple B.". 

The four girls nodded in gratitude after hearing that being that they were gone. Once Zane saw their fleeting forms, Zane turned back to the guild. "Everyone ready to go?" said Zane with him getting a lot of head nodding. "Cana and Loke. You two and Sivarth are going to be the team on defense. Keep these shadows away from the people and the guild hall." said Zane. The two nodded with Cana said with her holding her trademark cards,"Zane! You owe me a drink and kiss after this.".

Zane smiled as he said,"Sure to one of those things since I'm taken unless you can convince Levy but I'm not sure.". "Understood." said Loke. "Natsu. It's smashing time." said Zane. Natsu smiled with him breaking off into a sprint. He soon leaped off the cliff side and shouted,"Happy!". "Aye sir! It's butt kicking time!" shouted Happy, grabbing his back and bringing him into the air. The duo flew toward Phantom's Headquarters.

Zane chuckled as he said,"Good times. Prude Knight. I need you to help out Sivarth's team until you feel like it's a good time to charge in.". "Fine Zane. Protect Natsu for me." said Erza, holding two of her swords. Zane nodded with him charging ahead. The group of Elfman, Gray, Sly, and Stella joined him as Zane shouted,"Everyone! Hold the lines against these Shadow Bastards! Show them no mercy or else!". Sivarth was pretty sure that Zane was the leader of the operation.

Zane soon turned into Turbo Form with him saying,"Sly! You take Elfman and Stella! I'll handle the pervert? Your group to the east and mine to the right!". "You got it. Get on." said Sly, with her turning into a full sized Eastern Dragon. Think Kaido except a better color. Elfman and Stella soon got onto the back of Sly, with her flying toward the base. Zane soon grabbed Gray by the back of his shirt with him saying,"Hang on Gray! Turbo!".

Gray soon gulped with him and Zane soon soared toward the castle being that he was doing aerial moves in the air. Erza stood tall and firm in front of the others and watched the three groups fly into enemy territory. "Be safe." whispered Erza. "So I totally thought that you would going to betray my partner's orders like that." said Sivarth, cracking his knuckles. "Nope. For once, we're in agreement and I kinda respect him." said Erza.

Sivarth smiled as he said,"Yeah. That's Zane for you. He's a good kid if not one for doing stupid crap but hell, he's one of the proud and noble Akostar and Phantom race! He won't lose to someone who calls himself a Phantom without Nether.". Erza looked confused with her thinking,"Yep. I don't think I'll ever understand Zane.". She soon took a battle stance with her saying while holding magical swords,"We will not let those destroy our guild hall!".

The guild roared in response with Cana saying,"Yeah! We're fighting for Lucy, Master Makarov, our guild, and the people of Magnolia!". The guild was inspired by her confidence mainly the duo of Macao and Wakaba. These two have known Cana the longest and the best watched her stand tall and proud ,alongside Erza and Sivarth being that they didn't know the latter but if he came from Zane's body, he must be strong, in front of a dangerous opponent was an eye opener for them.

She wasn't the cute little girl who loved to hear stories of their crazy adventures or was she the lazy drunk that she seemed to be turning into a few years ago being mainly after losing several S-Class exams in a row and losing her older sister figure Lynn. She was a strong, confident, and self-assured woman who don't need no man. She no longer looked as lost or uncertain as she used to. Her eyes were now clear and she looked like she knew what she wanted.

They had notice a few changes in her ever since Lucy, Sly, and Zane joined. She cleaned up her act a bit mainly being that she took her training and work more seriously. She still loved to drink however but she did it in moderation which was why they probably didn't notice how much she's grown up until now. The two old guard of Fairy Tail looked at each other before smiling. They were happy to be able to see this moment.

It wasn't just for Cana but for the rest of the youngsters of the Guild that they had seen grow up. They wondered if this was what Master Makarov felt when he looked at them when they had reached the stages of adulthood. They both deciding to dwell on it later being that they both activated their magic and jumping into the fray. Mira watched from inside with her thinking,"I know that I don't have my full magic power yet Zane but I can't stand here and do nothing.".

She soon turned into a mirrored copy of Lucy ,from head to toe, being that she watched her Nakama blasted down Jose's army. Erza had lead the charge with her slashing through it, with it disappearing in a black haze. Sivarth breathed out a massive stream of fire from his mouth. burning away a good chunk of them with Alzack and Bisca shooting down the ones that he missed with Cana helping out with cards. "Zane and everyone. We're counting on you." thought Mira.

Next time,
The battles begin with Erza and Sivarth's group leading the charge on the Phantom Soldiers while the team of Gray, Natsu, and Zane and Elfman, Sly, and Stella attack Phantom Lord head on. Kaida and Levy protect Lucy. Who is Nemo? Will Fairy Tail succeed? Is the sky blue? Or for another example, did Oda make it super obvious on Komuraskai being Hiyori? This and more next time on Fairy Legion!   

Eden/Vicar's Magic: She can copy any form of magic, right down to quality and quantity. It's called Ultimate Imitation Magic. She can copy an opponent's form by only touching them a single touch and can mimic their appearance, powers, and personality. She can't copy people or magic that's stronger than her being that she can't copy someone like Zane. However, this weakness isn't a factor if she increases her magic power. She uses her magic to take advantage of whatever she copies. It's very much like Black Clover's Imitation Magic and My Hero's Copy Quirk but more like the latter than the former. She also has a major weakness toward large bodies of water like certain fruit eaters with her sinking like a rock upon entering it. 

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