Friday, November 22, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 43 Erza vs Zane equals trouble in Fairy Tail Section 3 (Written on December 10 2021)

This post is a part of Fairy Legion Chapter 43 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Fairy Legion Chapter 43. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

Even the ones who bet on Erza and lost a good amount of money, they still cheered for Zane and his well-earned win. Two wizards were another story. "I still can't believe. Erza lost." said Natsu with his expression screamed complete shock. "Yes! You did it Zane! Way to go man!" said Gray, with him clapping the loudest for him even more than Kaida. "And while I'll be concerned about Zane's man crush on him, you'll probably think about twice about challenge Zane right Natsu." said Lucy.

Natsu was quiet as Happy cried. "Why?! You should have lost Zane. I lost a lot of money! Think of all of the fish I could have bought!" said Happy, punching the ground. "That's just sad. I mean you really should eat some other food before you start smelling like fish." said Vance. "I can't believe that our queen of the fairies lost to him." said Wakaba as his pipe dropped onto the ground. "Yeah. Really happy I bet on him." said Macao.

Elfman proudly smirked and crossed his arms over his muscular chest. "Now that's a real man right there!" yelled Elfman. "And he's my man!" squealed Juvia. Some of the wizards turned toward her direction as Juvia hide within the nearby river. "And he just earned me a but load of drinking money so you're the best drinking partner I could have!" said Cana, jumping in excitement. "Yeah. He's really the best." said Mira, smiling at him.

Natsu slowly walked up to Zane who was standing there. He was currently talking to Kaida who gave him a good job hug. "Zane. While I may be really mad at you for beating Erza but I have an idea how you can make it up to me! Me and you! Round three!" said Natsu, fists flaming. Before he could do anything, Zane's eyes glowed. Natsu's flames were gone as he sat on the ground with him sitting criss cross applesauce. "Um how did you do that papa?" said Kaida.

Zane turned to her as his eyes stopped glowing. "Remember how Fanboy was Camouflage Form the other day? The form has the ability to hypnotize people and that's why Natsu sitting on the floor like that." said Zane. "Ah. So did you tell that to him?" said Kaida. Zane looked at her with her saying,"I think I just asked a stupid question didn't I?". "You did but unlike these numbskulls excluding Levy and some others, you're too cute to be mad at." said Zane.

Kaida nodded as she heard Erza groaning. "She's waking up papa." said Kaida. "Oh right. Better get that ready just in case." said Zane. "In case for what?" said Kaida. "You'll see and don't be too shock about what's going to happen to a poor unfortunate soul." said Zane. Erza's eyes fluttered open as her vision was blurry being that she saw a pink figure standing by her. When her eyes readjusted, she could see Natsu looking down at her.

Kaida and Zane were nearby as Zane decided to let Natsu do this since if he did this, something bad was going to happen to him. The dragon slayer held out his left hand, offering to help her up. As her dazed state passed, Erza reached out and grabbed his hand. This allowed Natsu to pull her back to her feet. Her knees almost buckled but Natsu steadied her and kept her from collapsing back to the ground with her back in her Heart Kreuz armor.   

Natsu turned to her with him saying,"Are you okay Erza? Did Zane go overboard? If he did, I'll kick his ass for you!". Erza turned to look at him hard with a frown, her left eye concealed by her hair. The pink haired wizard knew that he really liked her scarlet red hair. "I'll be fine Natsu but thanks for worrying." said Erza with a smile. "If you want, Zane will heal you without question. I mean he has that weird form that can heal people. He did that for Macao." said Natsu.

Before Erza could sat anything, Natsu was stopped from talking thanks to a glare from Zane. "Natsu. I'm sure you're well aware that I don't do things for free and you're not a close friend yet. Plus I still got enough steam to kick you ass in front of your ladies." said Zane. "Ladies? What is he talking about Natsu?" said Erza. "Um nothing!" said Natsu, looking away from her. "Oh come on. I'm talking about your guns." said Zane. "Right! Obviously!" said Natsu.

Erza and Kaida looked at Zane with the two thinking,"He's lying.". The power of women's intuition is something fierce. "Congrats on winning Zane. I'll admit that I've never been in a fight like that before in my life." said Erza. "I should say that you did a good job and see how you earned the title of Fairy Queen or Titania but honestly, you don't. I mean it may have looked like you had me on the rope but nope, you're a weak fighter and I'll be getting on your bad side constantly from now on." said Zane. 

Erza and Natsu looked at him as Natsu said,"How is she a weak fighter?!". "Hatchling. I could have literally used Equinox Form to make her armor hit herself and like fifty other strategies I had in mind for her. However, I decided to be nice and see what she could do." said Zane. "Ignore him Natsu. It's been a long time I've lost at anything." said Erza. "But you've lost like so much times since I've been a member of the guild." said Zane.

He was punched by Kaida who said,"Papa! Be nice!". "Kaida. If there is one thing I can't do, it's not be honest." said Zane. "Don't worry Kaida. The next time we fight, I'll defeat him." said Erza. "I heavily doubt that but it's good to think positive I guess." said Zane, shrugging. Sly walked over to him as she said,"Nice job partner but aren't you forgetting something?". The two fist bumped as Zane said,"Nope. I'm just waiting to get everyone's attention and also get the blackmail ready.".

Sly shook her head as she said,"Oh Zane. Don't change.". "And I will not." said Zane. "Master, can you believe it? Erza lost to a fight? And Zane is the one who did it!" said Mira, happy with her not so secret crush winning against her former rival. "Yes. It's quite impressive how Zane keeps on defeating powerful wizards left and right. He's a proud Fairy Tail wizard but I envy him completely Mira." said Makarov. "Why master?" said Mira.

The little man laughed like a school girl as he said,"Because he got the best view in the house when  it comes to seeing the Seduction Armor! What a lucky son of a bitch!". "Master! That should have been shown to only Natsu!" said Mira in a reprimanded tone. Elfman walked up behind Zane being that he was slightly taller than Zane. "Great job Zane! That was one of the manliest fight I've ever seen!" said Elfman.

With closed eyes, Elfman slapped Zane's back being that he was giving Zane a good reward for a job well done. Zane turned around to face him with his eyes glowing red. "And now, you get the torture I was giving to give Natsu earlier!" said Zane. He turned into Specter Form with him phasing into the gentle giant and giving him in a green glow. "He had this coming right?" said Kaida. "Yes he did and it'll be funny to watch him learn his place." said Erza.

Lucy watched Elfman ,who was actually Zane, breakdance with her saying,"So is that all Zane can do with that form?". Cana ,who sat next to her on an empty barrel of beer that she drank, shrugged as she said,"I honestly don't care Lucy. He just gave me a lot of money which will pay for my next couple of beers after clearing my tab. He'll be S Class soon at this rate.". "Alright! This fight is over. Everyone picked up your things and head back to the construction site or your homes." said Makarov.

With that, the guild members picked up any stuff that they brought and began walking down the path leading to Magnolia. Zane deactivated Omni Mode with him back in his normal clothes. "And now, I think it's time for a slushie. I'm thinking the Astral Form flavor." said Zane. He was about to leave but was stopped by Erza. "Oh what now?" said Zane. Before Zane could get her answer, she cocked back her armored fist and punched Zane in the gut hard.

Zane looked at her as he said,"Is that supposed to do something?". "Huh? You're supposed to be on the floor." said Erza. "Oh. I'm not the one whose on the floor. I think Fanboy is feeling the pain." said Zane, pointing to something. She saw Droy hunched over and coughed up a bit of blood, waves of pain filled his insides. "Huh. I guessed I picked Chumchum. Totally thought that I picked Fanboy but hey at least you got a guy who was blushing over you earlier." said Zane.

Erza looked right at Zane as she said,"You got very lucky this time Zane. Next time, don't tear off my breastplate.". "Yeah. That wouldn't happen since you either get rid of your reliance in armor or stop making it easy for me. I also have proof and several eyewitness that you were showing off your body like no ones business earlier with that Seduction Armor. Don't act like a prude if you're doing that to me and the Guild in an feeble attempt of defeated me." said Zane.

Erza was going to retort Zane but she was stopped by his solid logic. "Fine. Lets head back to the guild. After our fight, I'm craving a few slushies. You're buying right?" said Erza. "Ha no. That's not happening plus don't forget our bet." said Zane. Erza remember their wager clearly as her face went red. "So when should I expect the kiss?" said Zane. "Soon but no blackmail right?" said Erza as she looked at him. "I promise that I won't." said Zane, clearly crossing his fingers behind his back.         

Meanwhile on a hill in the East Forest which wasn't too far away from Erza's training ground, four figures were watching the fight. The first figure was a slim man of average height with waist-length light-green hair. His bangs are brushed to one side ,which was covering the majority of the right side of his face, and has a pair of thin lightning bolt shaped strands jutting out backwards from the sides of his head.

His hair is gathered at the end and tied in a short ponytail with a gray ribbon. His eyes are greenish blue with the left one lies a small beauty mark. He possesses prominent eyelashes. He's wearing a dark red knee-length double-breasted coat which possesses a wide collar, large lighter-colored cuffs decorated by a darker line on the back part, and edges adorned by two thin golden lines each. There are four yellow buttons closing said coat.

The coat itself has been shown in two different colors on different occasions: red and black. Over it and around Freed's waist, he has a pair of buckled belts. Attached to which ,on his left hip, is his sword. Underneath, he wears a simple, light-colored shirt with large cuffs and a mildly high collar to it. It's mostly obscured by other pieces of his clothing among which a light cravat tie around his neck and the lower part tucked inside the coat.

He's completed with a pair of loose light-colored pants tucked inside simple knee height boot each sporting a line of small buttons on their respective outer sides. His clothes, together with his physical features, make him resemble a French nobleman from the Enlightenment period. On the back of his left hand, there is a green Fairy Tail Mark. This man is Freed Justine, leader of the Thunder Legion aka the strongest team in Fairy Tail and Laxus's personal bodyguards.

He also has some homosexual tendency which isn't a bad thing. That doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things but I just wanted to bring it up. The more you know. The second figure is a tall man with a mildly muscular build and broad shoulders. His upper body is covered in a dark, mildly fitting cloth covered in vertical white stripes which extend up to his head to cover it in a tight hood. This only exposing his hands and face.

The upper part of the latter though is almost always obscured by a metal visor reminiscent of a Medieval sallet. It comes covered with eight small, elongated holes. Four of them in front of each of his eyes ,allowing him to see, but preventing others from being affected by his unique magical talents. He wears large armbands and large shoulder pads each with skulls on its center. His waist is circled by a simple dark band.

This  holds up a massive waistguard made of cloth which comes in four long, light-colored pieces, each adorned by a dark "X", reaching down below his knees. Under such waistguard, he dons a pair of extremely baggy ,loose, dark pants with each leg being adorned by a pair of lighter-colored belts crossing in an "X" formation. Such pants are tucked inside a pair of light, armored greaves. This is Bickslow, the second member of the Thunder Legion.

He could be considered the psycho of Fairy Tail due to his very unique personality. He has five wooden, can shaped dolls with dark-colored wings attached to both sides and different faces painted onto them. These are Bickslow's dolls or babies that's created by his magic. You'll learn what that is at a later date aka the Battle of Fairy Tail Arc. I didn't spoil Freed's magic so I'm not exposing what Bickslow's magic is.

I will show you what's underneath the mask however since I'll forget probably when I get to that point. His hair is blue and black in color ,with the black parts being almost shaven, and the blue ones being that they occupying the top and the sides of his head are being much longer. The one of the top being styled in a mohawk-like crest and the ones on the sides pointing backwards. Bickslow’s large eyebrows are also blue.

The upper part of his nose and his forehead bear the tattoo of a stylized man with it extending his long, curved arms outwards. His irises each have a concentric circle surrounding the pupils inside them. He also has prominent eyelashes ending in a spiraling curved motif, each placed at one of his large eyes sides. The pair of eyelashes pointing towards his nose are headed downwards while the outer ones jut upwards. Below his eyes are two slightly curved lines pointing downwards.

His black Fairy Tail Stamp is located on the upper part of his own tongue often visible due to him sticking it out and I can't say for sure but his tongue may be like Gene Simmons. That may become Fairy Legion canon but don't count on it. And finally, we reached the third and final unknown figure. Unlike the last two, this one is female. She has light brown hair, dark brown eyes with oval glasses over them and visible pink lips.

Her most noticeable feature is her very voluptuous figure. It's paired with very large breasts, curvy hips, and a small waist. Her hair is arranged in a sidewards ponytail. She's wearing a green dress that had movable wings on the back of it. It may be unpractical but there is a reason. She wore navy blue stockings along with white sandals. She carries around a feathered purple fan with three hearts on it so expect a rich woman laugh from her possibly. It's Fairy Legion Canon.

Her green guild stamp is located on the right side of her bust being that her and Stella are the only two ladies in Fairy Tail to have their marks on their mammaries. This is Evergreen, the third member of this trio and the woman who wants to be Queen of the Fairies but a certain Prude Knight has that instead. The final member of this little ground is Laxus being the grandson of Master Makarov, an S-Class Wizard, one of the strongest wizards in Fairy Tail, and someone Zane respects.

Laxus and his groupies ,I may like it them but they're groupies, had heard about the fight between the guild's up and coming star Zane Alvarez who has done more in two months that most wizards will do in their entire lives and Erza Scarlet going on today. Like everyone else, they came to watch but the four of them are quite shy and stayed away from Fairy Tail. Laxus was at the front of the troop with his arms crossed over his broad chest.

He was looking hard at Zane being that his expression didn't read mad but he wasn't happy either. It was more neutral than anything else. Freed walked up to him as he said,"He's quite powerful. You agree right Laxus?". "Yeah. I knew that already because unlike the rest of the nobody weaklings in this guild, he isn't weak. I respect his method with dealing Prude Knight which is a way better name from her rather than Titania right Ever?" said Laxus.

The brunette nodded as Bickslow said,"Hell yeah! He gave us a rocking show. Ain't that right my babies?!". I don't know how to write Bickslow so imagine a rockstar and you got Bickslow in Fairy Legion. The wooden dolls around him all voiced in agreement and sounding happy. One of them did mention something about cheese though. Evergreen looked forward with her looking right at Zane who was stretching. "And he's sexy too." said Evergreen.

Bickslow, Freed, and Bickslow's babies looked at her confused. The greenette shook his head and back at Laxus. "So Laxus. Do you think he'll make a good addition to the Thunder Legion?" said Freed. "Nope. He's a lone wolf who opens his Essence up to only a select few. His kid and girl plus a few of the weaklings are in that group. Lets go." said Laxus. He walked away with a look on his eyes as the Thunder Legion watched him saunted off.

They were confused about their leader's current condition and it was to due with Zane mentioning her name. It's a taboo word to Laxus being that one dark wizard mentioned her name when Laxus was nearby, he was in the hospital for a month. The trio looked at Zane with him not wearing a shirt for some reason. "So what do you guys think? I mean he looks pretty strong and those Take-Overs are killer! Don't get why he's not wearing a shirt though." said Bickslow.

He turned to his teammates being that one of them was hiding their attraction for Zane and the other one was not. Take a guess. "He's got power, sexy body, handsome face, and he's good with kids. I think I want him for sure." said Evergreen with her eyes looking at the lower half of Zane rather than the upper half. "And him defeating Erza is a bonus right?" said Freed. "Uh huh." said Evergreen as she kept staring at him.

Bickslow shrugged as he said,"Even after all of this time, I still don't get you. I mean do you want him for the team and the mission or do you want him in your room?". "Both obviously. I mean Freed likes him too right?" said Evergreen, not hiding her feelings. "I won't deny that but Laxus is the man I'll follow. So who'll ask him to join? I'm not doing it." said Freed. "Freed my second in command. I think your answer is so damn obvious man." said Bickslow, pointing to Evergreen. 

After the fight, Makarov was ordered asked to speak with the Magic Council in Era. Zane had tagged along with the man not by choice mind you but because the polliwog messenger told him that his presence was required by Ultear. Levy went with them because she was worried about Ultear being alone with Zane. The couple was going to keep an eye on Makarov, Levy was going to keep an eye on Ultear, and Zane was going to keep an eye on the Council.

During the meeting, Zane observed with no so subtle hatred. He and any form of government didn't get along being that all of them had a stick up their ass and he wasn't one for following the rules. He and Levy did find it funny how Makarov was sleeping through the entire thing and the faces on most of the Council because of that was hilarious. The only two members of the council who enjoyed this were Siegrain and Ultear.

Tien ,who along with Ira and Melba being that the both of them were laughing, snapped his fingers in front of Makarov and he said,"Master Makarov. Hello?". Makarov didn't respond until Zane got him a tendril slap to the back of his head and woke him up. "I'm present!" said Makarov. "We're in the middle of court and we have a very strict no sleeping policy during it!" said Tien. "And now, you know why I hate the Council beloved. They're anti-me." said Zane.

Makarov said,"What? I wasn't asleep! I was just standing up with my eyes closed!". "Dude. That's a me excuse." said Ira. "And those are awful." said Melba. "Not all of them and some of them have a kernel of truth to them." said Ira. The meeting went on as Levy looked right at her boyfriend with her seeing the pure unadulterated anger within his eyes whenever they spoke about Fairy Tail and how destructive it was.

Zane made quick contact with Siegrain being that he and Prude Knight had a connection. During all of this, Siegrain chuckled at all of Fairy Tail's antics and it took all of Zane's strength to keep him from attacking the man. Levy also helped being that she didn't want her boyfriend to be in jail and break out of it like he has done a lot. Levy did noticed how uncomfortable Siegrain was around Zane being that the councilman felt annoyed and uneasy around Zane.

When they end the meeting, Zane was relieved being that he was used to getting lusty looks from women but not in front of his current girlfriend. Makarov was talking to the sixth seat of the council Yajima whose an old friend of Makarov. "You should be thanking me Macky. I was one of the three council members who actually see the good in Fairy Tail." said Yajima. "And you know that I am Yaji. Come by the guild once it's all repaired so I can treat you for some ramen." said Makarov.

Yajima nodded as he said,"I could go for some fairy ramen but my friend Ira told me about this good place somewhere in Magnolia. Heard about it? He says that the roasted pork there is to die for. I also want twelve slices.". "You're really pushing it you know that?" said Makarov. "I'm sure you're well aware of everything that the Legion Void Knight did during the war including the destruction of a building and killing of several wizards." said Yajima.

Makarov sighed as he said,"Okay fine! I get the point. Have twenty no thirty slices for all I care!". "I think twelve is fine. You're lucky that Ultear is interested in the boy. He has power but his attitude is just like Ira. Makky. You should really think of giving it up. We're not young anymore. Don't tell me that you've forgotten." said Yajima. "Forgotten what?" said Makarov. "What happened to our old pal Rob and Wraith." said Yajima.

Yeah. Read Fairy Tail 100 year quest for context on the latter two mentioned. "No. I could never forget my friends who've left us." said Makarov. "Those were the good old days you know. The team of you, me, Rob, and Porlyusica. Those were the days. All of us were so young. Just a bunch of young fools but we treated every day like it was our last. Living to the fullest." said Yajima. "Fairy Tail was a great place until Rob left us. Erza has sometime mention him." said Makarov.

Yajima turned to his friend with him saying,"I only bring this up because of the talks. The council thinks Fairy tail has been going overboard and out of control the past couple of years. Gandalf and Michello have been demanded to get the paperwork so they can disband Fairy Tail. At this rate, you'll be in a lot of hot water and someone of your age shouldn't have to deal with that. Stress is a killer Maki and I don't want to lose you as well to something like this.".

Makarov was silent as Yajima said,"I'm speaking as one of your oldest friends when I say this. You need to step down sooner rather than later. You're not a kid anymore.". Makarov nodded his head as he said,"I'll keep that in mind. I have a couple of people in mind.". "Is one of those people Laxus? I doubt that he would do it just because you asked him too. You really screwed up your relationship with him because of Ivan and Lynn." said Yajima. Makarov stayed quiet as he sat there.     

The next day, Mira got everyone's attention. She had begin working at the temporary bar ,after it was rebuild, as she said,"So listen up! From today onwards, we're taking job requests! You'll have to excuse the mess but at least, you can get back to work!". The crowd of wizards cheered being that there was over a dozen wizard over at the Request Board, looking for work. Other wizards were nearby by the bar, drinking beer, slushies, or talking about yesterday's fight that was still fresh.

Sly sat at the bar with her sipping on a slushies. "Wow. I've never seen them so eager before. I mean most of the time, they're lazier than my partner is on vacation." said Sly. "That's because they're still feeling the energy from yesterday's fight. Your partner was amazing." said Mira. "Yeah. He tends to have that effect on people." said Sly. "So where is he? I haven't seen him or Kaida yet." said Mira as she looked for Zane. "Probably with Levy. The three of them have been really close." said Sly.

Before Mira could ask for more clarification, Gray walked over to them. "Hey Mira and Sly. Can I ask you two a question?" said Gray. "What can we do for you Gray? I thought you would be in pain after our sadist went to town on you and Natsu." said Mira, resting her hands on the bar and leaned forward. "I would but today is our rest day. So have you see either Lucy or Natsu? Erza wanted us to go on a job together with you and Zane Sly." said Gray, sitting down.

Sly looked at her as she said,"Do you really think you'll get Zane to join you guys? I mean I don't mind but Zane isn't a team player especially with Erza.". "Yeah. That's what I told her but Erza is stubborn. She wanted to see Lucy and Natsu so maybe those two could convince her." said Gray. "I don't think I've seen either of them but I do see Zane." said Mira, pointing to a nearby table. Gray saw Kaida and Levy sitting next to a sleeping Zane with his head and arms lying on the wooden top.

Zane was taking a quick nap being that Kaida was drawing a picture of a can and Levy was reading a book. "Okay. I'll wake him up not." said Gray. "Smart. At least, Happy is here so you can ask him for Lucy and Natsu's location." said Sly. She pointed to Happy who was looking at Zane's exposed watch. He was holding his fish ,that was given to him by Mira, and began laughing mischievously. Happy flew over to Zane's sleeping form and gently landed on a table.

Kaida and Levy looked right at him being that it was clear what he was doing and it involved Zane's watch. He stretched out his paw and pressed down on the faceplate. The watch began to beep as a light purple holographic screen appeared. Happy smiled as he said,"Time to bring me back the Happy! Fairy Tail's strongest wizard!" He was trying to find the command to turn him back into Archer Form or maybe Liger Form.

Before the cat could get anywhere, he heard a cough. He turned to see Kaida and Levy looking right at him. "So what do you think you're doing with my boyfriend's watch Happy?" said Levy, crossing her arms. Upon seeing Levy's tone increased, he backed away and landed on the ground. Zane woke up and he said,"And that was a good nap. So why is Happy on the ground? Did he try to pull another Kitsune Form incident or was it the Ethereal Mania incident? It's either or right?".

Kaida nodded as she said,"Yep! Check it out Papa!". She showed him his picture of a can and he said,"That's awesome. Now remember what Reedus told you about how your magic works.". "I'm still shocked to hear you call him by his name since you still call Erza by her nickname." said Levy as she turned to Zane. "That because he's helping Kaida with her magic where I can not and I don't respect Prude Knight." said Zane. "Sometimes." said Levy.

Gray walked over to them with him saying,"Hey Happy. Have you seen Lucy or Natsu? I need to tell them to convince Zane to join us on a job.". "Seriously? Why in the nine realms would I go with you guys when I haven't gone on my job with Levy yet?" said Zane. "That's what I told her but she's so damn stubborn." said Gray. "I don't know where they are." said Happy, getting Gray and the others attention.

If there is one common thing about Happy, it's the fact that he's always by Natsu and also having a fish in hand. "I think he went out to go train this morning and then head to Lucy's house. I just came here because I need a fish." said Happy. "Oh. That makes sense. That idiot and Lucy are close like you and Zane are Levy." said Gray. "I'm pretty sure that those two aren't hanging out like friends Gray." said Zane. "What do you mean?" said Gray.

Levy punched Zane with her saying,"I thought you weren't going to say anything until they were ready.". "Ready for what?" said Gray. "Oh. You'll see and try not to be too shocked. Lets just say that you and the others will be shocked." said Zane. "Okay then. I hope you can convince Erza that you don't want to go on a job with us. Sly's game right?" said Gray. "Possibly. She's much more friendly than I could ever be." said Zane. "Ain't that the truth." said Sly.

Gray turned to the makeshift bar with him seeing Lucy holding hands with Natsu. The ice wizard noticed that Lucy looked flustered if the slight blush on her face was a serious clue. "Okay. I think I get what you mean by that Zane." said Gray. "Zane! I thought you promised not to say anything about it!" said Lucy. "I didn't. I just made mentioned how you two aren't hanging out like friends. Nothing else I swear." said Zane. "Yeah. Kinda happy for you two." said Gray.

Mira was silent during the whole exchange as Natsu said with a smile,"See Luce! I told you that us dating wouldn't be such a big deal. I better not expect you to do anything with her Gray or else, I'll kill your ass.". After saying this, Gray turned to Mira being that she had dropped the beer mug that she was cleaning and her mouth was widen open. "Um. Are you okay Mira?" said Gray. "Oh Lucy! I can't believe you!" said Mira.

This surprised the blonde being that both Natsu and her sat there. "We need to talk now! Come on Levy!" said Mira as both her and Levy grabbed Lucy as Kaida, Happy, and Zane walked over to the bar. "So what's up with them? I mean Lucy and Natsu shouldn't be that big of a deal. You and Levy were a huge shock Zane. No offense." said Gray. "None taken. Me and her do stuck out since I did change Levy's appearance." said Zane. "You did? How?" said Happy.

Zane smiled as he said,"I'm a god which means that I can alter reality with just the snap of my fingers so I could make it rain fish for example.". Happy's eyes sparkled with him saying,"You aren't lying to me Zane? You could make it rain fish!". "I could but I won't." said Zane. Happy sulked as Kaida said said,"So what is it like dating Lucy Natsu?". "What do you mean Kaida?" said Natsu, raising a pink eyebrow. "You two are dating now. It should be different between you two." said Sly.

Gray looked at Natsu with him saying,"So how did this happen? I mean you two were always pretty close but dating?". "It happened after I beat Gajeel using that sweet move I learned from Zane and we confessed our feelings to each other. We kissed and we've been together since. Hey Zane. You know how to bar tend right?" said Natsu. "Yep. I got this. Learned how to do this when I was eighteen years old." said Zane, phasing through the bar and began pouring Natsu a drink. 

Sly nodded as she said,"Do you understand now Gray?". "Yeah. Kinda happy for you. So what's up with the tattoo on her neck?" said Gray, pointing to the blonde who was talking with Levy and Mira nearby them. "Isn't it obvious?" said Natsu. "No. That's why I'm asking you ash for brains." said Gray with him getting ready to fight Natsu. The ice wizard was stopped by Stella who said,"It's because they're mates. Guess she forgot to hide it today.".

Natsu nodded as he took a sip of his drink. "Wait a minute. Oh god! You two fu....." said Gray being that Sly slapped her hand over his mouth. "Don't say that. Zane may allow swearing in front of Kaida but mentioning the Devil's Tango in front of her is a very bad idea." said Sly. "Plus you'll be a pile of ash if you do." said Natsu, glaring fiercely at Gray. "So why didn't she try to hide it today?" said Zane as he poured himself a drink. "I don't know." said Natsu.

Stella sat next to Natsu as she said,"So Natsu. Mind telling me why she's hiding it?". "It's because Luce doesn't want us to be a couple right now so we're keeping it a secret. We're only letting a few people know it and yes, me and Luce have kissed. Her tattoo is known as a mate mark. It shows to everyone that we're together. Don't breath a word of this to anyone mainly Erza. I need to tell her on my own. Got it Gray?" said Natsu.

Gray nodded as Sly removed her hand from his mouth. "Wow. That's a lot to process. Congrats. Lucy is a great girl. Didn't think you would get this close to a girl after what happened." said Gray. "I really do love her." said Natsu as Zane handed Gray a drink. "Here's my question. I thought you liked Erza." said Gray. "I still do." said Natsu, causing Gray to spit out his drink onto Sly who growled. "Simmer down Sly. Let him explain Gray." said Zane. "Sorry Sly and go on Natsu." said Gray.

Natsu looked around to see that no one was around them. Happy wasn't paying attention to this since he was eating fish and Kaida was four being that she was drawing something. "Gray. Don't tell this to anyone but this has to do with my magic. Normal dragons are normally driven to take one mate during their lifetime and that trait is passed down to dragon slayers." said Natsu. Gray nodded as Stella said,"Yeah but dragon kings are different.".

Gray nodded as he said,"Okay. How?". "Dragon kings take up to three mates each to ensure their magic is passed onto another generation. Since I was raised by a dragon king, my mate is driving me to take multiple mates. It isn't something I can control." said Natsu. "So you'll have three girlfriends Natsu? That sounds complicated. How will you pick them?" said Gray. "And here comes to the fun part in my opinion." said Zane, earning a head nod from Sly.

Stella looked at the two as she sighed. "That's the thing. My magic picks my mates at first sight. I'm sure that I've meet all four of them though." said Natsu, running his fingers through his spiky pink hair. "Wait. I though dragon slayers raised by dragon kinds could only take up to three mates. Four is more than three Einstein. I'm also not sure if I should be jealous or worried for you. I'm going with the latter." said Gray, taking another sip of his drink.

Sly nodded as she said,"Yeah. Natsu is an interesting mess when it comes to his love life. I know two of them and Zane knows three of them.". "And what about the fourth one? Erza is one of them so there are two missing." said Stella. "You know one of them Gray. The last one is a mystery." said Zane with Gray sighing. "Okay. So how was Lucy under the sheets?" said Natsu. "I'll tell you later but..." said Natsu.

He pointed to Kaida and then Lucy who was still talking with Levy and Mira. "Ah. That makes sense man. So Zane, mind if I see a form of yours?" said Gray. "Which one? I got over a million of them in here." said Zane, holding his watch in the air. "I think Kaida mentioned one of them called Prodigy Form. Was kinda curious what it looked like." said Gray. "Please Papa!" said Kaida after hearing Gray wanting to see it.

Zane shrugged as he jumped over the bar and turned into the form as he landed on the ground. He grows to eight feet tall. He looks like a primate like creature with black fur and several white patches of fur that cover his chest, face, feet, fingers, and upper arms. He has four glowing green eyes ,with black irises. Two of his eyes are covered by his dark blue hair with two gray stripes and covers three metallic plates, which can open and reveal his brain.

It's a bright gold color with it pulsating with electricity. He has four arms and two legs. He has four fingers with pads replacing the palms of his hands and four toes on each foot. He has two long and thin tails with two white stripes being that one stripe is near the tip of the tail and bottom of the tail. He wears a black hooded cloak with two navy blue sashes going across his chest and a gold energy star symbol connected the two sashes.

Under his cloak, he wears a dark blue bodysuit with light green cuffs. It lack sleeves and the pants stops at his knees with an opening for the tails. He wears gray skull elbow and kneepads. He wears black fingerless gloves with golden chains wrapped around his wrists. "So what did you turn into Zane? It isn't very manly." said Elfman. "Prodigy Form and it's one of the best forms within the watch. I'm also not counting Prime Forms." said Zane.

Gray crossed his arms as he said,"So what can it do?". "And could it have beaten Erza by itself?" said Macao. "A lot of stuff such as moving things with my mind, intangibility, electricity and energy manipulation, and the ability to detect weakness. My favorite part is this." said Zane with him lowering his head to show the crowd. The three plates on his head opened and reveal his brain. When the crowd saw this, most of their faces turned green. "Oh god! That's so gross!" said Bisca.

Vance looked at Zane with him saying,"Why the hell is showing off your brain your favorite part about this transformation?!". "Zane's weird like that but don't mess with Prodigy Form. He's in the top rankings of Zane's forms for a reason. I dare someone to touch his brain." said Sly. "Who would be stupid enough to do that?" said Macao. "I'll do it Sly!" said Natsu. "And there's the idiot old friend of mine." said Wakaba.

Natsu touched said brain with him getting shocked by golden cosmic energy, sending him through the bar counter. "Okay. That was pretty cool. I'll admit." said Alzack. About five minutes earlier. The duo of Levy and Mira were interrogated Lucy. They went far enough so there would be no one to overheard them being that they were far enough so only three beings could hear them with one of them being Natsu himself and the other two knowing about the whole thing.

Mira looked at Lucy with her saying,"So I guess you two decided to open about your relationship now huh?". Lucy's face was bright red as she unconsciously rubbed the mate mark on her neck. "I guess Cana and Zane weren't lying." said Levy. "Yeah. Me and Natsu are dating and..... Wait! Cana knows about us?!" said Lucy in shock. "You're not shocked about Zane knowing? Also I think Alzack knows but I'm not too sure." said Mira.

Levy coughed loudly as she said,"Um Mira.". Mira turned to the blonde who was about to have a panic attack. "He's been the one helping us and Cana is a good friend of his. Oh god. Is he doing this just to mess with us?" muttered Lucy. "Don't freak out Lucy. Cana won't tell anyone and Zane told me that he may tease about a lot of things but when its a romance, he can hold back a bit." said Mira, grabbing Lucy's shoulders.

Lucy calmed down as she said while rubbing her arm,"So how does Cana know?". "Well, I think she told me that she used Alzack's rifle and saw you and Natsu kissing after Gajeel was defeated." said Levy with Lucy's face turned a dark shade of red. "So is it true that Natsu used his tongue on the second kiss? I mean Zane told me that he did and he wouldn't lie about that right?" said Mira with a red face. Lucy looked down as she said,"So does everyone know yet?".

Levy shook her head as she said,"No Lu. Just a few of us being that she who must not be named doesn't know yet. Zane does however and will be using this to blackmail/tease you plus Cana will as well.". "Great." said Lucy, with a small smile on her face. "So Lucy. Have you and Natsu done the deed yet?" said Mira, nudging Lucy's shoulder. "Mira! We shouldn't ask about what she and Natsu do in their private lives!" said Levy.

Mira looked at her as she said,"Sorry. I was just curious since Zane said that the mark only appears if a dragon slayer has bedded his mate. Plus I love gossip like this.". "He did. That's why I have this mark. I can hide as you know but I guess I forgot when we left my house." said Lucy. "So are your senses heightened?" said Levy. "They are. I could smell the bakery that's near my apartment and I can tell people apart by their scents." said Lucy.

She groaned as she said,"But I can hear the guild acting like idiots from my home. I can see better now but compared to Natsu, Stella, and especially Zane, I'm not that special.". "I think that's just awesome Lucy. So how was he in the sac? Pretty sure that dragons are beast." said Mira with her old self coming back. "He was amazing being that he started gentle and caring at first but then he went full on...." said Lucy.

She was cut off thanks to the loud crash from earlier as the three turned around to see Natsu lying on the ground, wooden fragments all around him and covered in sparks. "Natsu!" said Lucy. She ran up to him and helped him up. "Are you okay Natsu?" said Mira, looking over for him. "Yeah. I touched Zane's brain and this is what happened. Sorry about the bar Mira." said Natsu, rubbing his head. "It's fine but did you say Zane's brain?" said Mira.

The three girls saw Zane standing there. "Oh. I get it now." said Mira. "Sorry about that Natsu. You may be dumber than a bag of bricks but I blame Sly for you touching my cerebral cortex. I do hope you know not to do that again." said Zane. "I may not know what central hamlet means but I won't touch your brain." said Natsu. "At least you get the idea. If you didn't, I would have shrunk with Nano Form and blasted your brain if it's there." said Zane.  

A little bit later, Natsu decided to challenge Zane once again but he was stopped by a single glare from Zane ,who deactivated Prodigy Form, who mouthed,"Try it and you'll be taking a ride with Equinox Form.". Natsu backed down much to Gray's amusement. Zane was sitting at the bar, listening to his music and enjoying the peace with his eyes closed. No one was trying to fight him. It was just him and his music but the peace never last for too long.

The peace was disrupted by a feminine voice said,"Well, well who do we have here?". Zane opened his eyes and turned his head to the right with him seeing a female. Like most women in this dimension, he noticed her large assets. "God damn! She's a hottie!" said Kane. "Hi there. Have we met before? You seem familiar." said Zane. "Yes. My name is Evergreen. Me and you haven't been at the guild at the same time before." said Evergreen. "Well, sit down. I want to know you." said Zane.

From the tables close by, a few wizards were watching the interaction between Evergreen and Zane with interest. "Whoa. It's Evergreen. She hardly comes to the guild." said Nab who was standing at the request board. "And why is she close to Zane?" said Max on a table. "I think she's flirting with him you guys." said Droy. "Huh. I mean she does have a type and Zane is that." said Jet with Bisca watching this with concern and jealous.

Zane nodded as he said,"So Evergreen. I've heard about you before our meeting.". "Oh and what have you heard about little old me?" said Evergreen. "Nothing naughty. I think you're on a three person team right?" said Zane. "Yes. I'm part of the Thunder Legion, the strongest team in Fairy Tail. We used to be a four person team but something happened to our fourth member. I rather not talk about it since it's a touchy subject with our leader." said Evergreen.

Athena nodded as she said,"I think she's talking about Lynn Zane.". "Anyway, I came to ask you something Zane." said Evergreen, smiling coyly. "And what's that? Is it how you got your wings onto your dress because I'm really curious about that." said Zane. Evergreen leaned in with her breasts close to his face. "How would you like to join me and my team on a job?" said Evergreen. This news caused the eavesdroppers to get a shocked look.

Macao said,"Did she just ask him to go on a job with her?". "And with the Thunder Legion? That has never happened before." said Wakaba. "What about when she was around?" said Macao. "Maybe but he would have to approval of them first." said Wakaba. "Yeah. That's true. Kinda forget how picky he can be." said Macao. As the two older drinks talked, Erza and Levy walked toward the bar area. The bookworm asked Erza for her help in picking a job for her and Zane to do.

She wanted something from the S-Class board for the two of them. It took a lot of convincing for Erza to do this since she doesn't want Levy to get hurt but the bookworm told the knight that Zane would protect her from any danger that may happen. Erza knew how protective he was of Levy ever since they began dating. It reminded her a lot of whenever Natsu is protecting her from danger even though she doesn't need protection most of the time.

Erza decided to let this job happen with her sending the client a letter of notification of Fairy Tail accepting the job and the arrival of two of their wizards with one of the duo being the Legion Void Knight. As the two reached the bar area, Erza began looking for her team. Before she could get too far in her search, both Erza and Levy saw Evergreen and Zane. The bookworm noticed how close the brunette was to Zane being that he smiled.

When she heard Evergreen ask Zane to join her and her team on a job, Levy froze in place. "Why would Evergreen of all people ask Zane to join her and the Thunder Legion on a mission?" thought Levy. She took note of Evergreen's not so subtle smile and her eyeing Zane like a hunk of meat. Her eyes narrowed as she tightly clenched her fists. "I get it now." said Levy. Erza watched Levy head straight toward the duo with a trail of steam hissing out from her ears in her wake.

Erza had never seen Levy this mad before in her life. Droy and Jet may say something but here's the thing. The Prude Knight didn't know ,yet, how strong and blinding jealous can be. "Well, I'm very honored that you want me to join you and you friends. I would in any other case but there is a reason that I can't." said Zane. "You do know what she's flirting with you right?" said Sivarth. "When has Zane been dense Sivarth?" said Azalea.

Sivarth agreed with his wife as Zane wondered if Laxus had something to do with this and if a wizard could be on two different teams. I mean it was never stated that they can be in Fairy Tail from what I found so yeah. "We're already going on a job together." said a voice. Zane turned to see Levy with her arms crossed and a scary frown on her face. "Wow. I never thought I would see an expression like that on her. Are you sure that you changed just her body Zane?" said Lucifer.

Evergreen looked away from Zane for a moment and turned to shoot a nasty glare at the opposing woman being that it wasn't Prude Knight but Levy. "Levy. What do you mean he's going on a job with you?" said Evergreen with resentment in her voice. "That's because I promised her that we could go on a job together just the TWO of us and no one else." said Zane with him empathizing two to make sure that three people heard him.

One of them was Natsu who would to join him and Levy with the other two being Droy and Jet due to Zane finding them clingy. I mean they kinda are. "He's right. He and I are going on a job together plus he's my boyfriend and I don't like it when other women try and steal him away from me." said Levy as she wrapped her arm around Zane. "Well, you heard the woman Evergreen. How about another time? Tell him that I wouldn't mind." said Zane.

The two women ignored him as they stared at each other with clear scorn being that Zane was stuck in the middle. Instead of being involved in this, he was humming something about pina colada and dancing in the rain. The wizards who were watching the scene unfold look on, dumbfounded and surprised. "Is Levy really fighting Evergreen for Zane?" said Gray. "Sure seems that way. He's a lucky son of a bitch." said Macao.

Wakaba chuckled as he said,"Yeah. He's been in the guild for two months now and has more girls pining for him than you ever Macao.". "Hey! Watch it there buddy!" said Macao. After a moment passed between the two glaring beauties, Evergreen backdown. "Whatever. I need to get ready for my team's job anyway. See you later handsome." said Evergreen. "See you later and tell your leader that I'm up for that as well!" said Zane, waving to her. 

After saying that, Levy grabbed Zane's right arm and began to drag him off. Her expression looked angry but at the same time worry after hearing Evergreen's comment. "So is there something wrong? I don't mind being dragged but at least tell me why." said Zane. The ones observing the scene watched as Levy pulled Zane away, leaving a very steamed Evergreen behind. "Good going Levy. Didn't know you had in you." said Cana, sipping on a alcohol flavor slushie.

As the couple reached the courtyard, Zane phased through Levy's grip and looked at her with a very serious look. "Levy. Please tell me what just happened." said Zane. "Don't you already know why I did that?" said Levy. "I do but I want to hear it from you. Come on. You know that you can always talk with me about whatever on your mind." said Zane. "Fine. I didn't want her to steal you away from me since I doubt she's willing to share you like the others would." said Levy.

Zane sighed as he said,"That's what I figured but you don't need to worry. I'm with you and I don't cheat on my partner. That isn't the Alvarez Way.". "I know but I just wanted to make sure that she knew that." said Levy. "I'm not mad at you being jealous but don't worry okay? I told you this a thousand times and I'll keep saying until my dying breath. I like you Levy Mcgarden and no one can change my mind on that." said Zane, hugging her.

Levy smiled as she returned the hug. "So did you manage to convince Prude Knight to go on the job we wanted?" said Zane. "Yeah. We're going on a S-Class." said Levy, smiling. "Wow. I'm impressed with you Levy. I mean if I asked, she would say no unless she and Team Natsu join me which is a hard now but I guess I needed a feminine touch." said Zane. "Aren't you Pseudo S-Class?" said Levy as Zane nodded. "Yeah but she hates me having fun." said Zane.

The Cross-Species then put his hands behind his head as he said,"So what's the job? I'm for really anything you got.". Levy held out the job flier as she said,"You've researched the town Grimcroft Spas right?". "Yeah. It's south of Magnolia and in between Hargeon and Margaret Town right?" said Zane. "Yes. It has been under attack by volcanic monsters for the last week. There has been bursts of magma popping up in random spots in town." said Levy.

Zane nodded as Levy said,"According to the flier, groups of the volcanic monsters climb out and terrorize civilians. Several people have been seriously injured and the attacks are frequent. If something isn't done soon, innocent people could be killed. Our job is to go in and destroy these creatures before they could bring more harm to the people.". "Ah. This sounds pretty intense. So are you up for this Levy? If you want to do a lower paying job, I don't mind." said Zane.

Cole gushed as he said,"Ah! You're worried for her safety! So cute!". He was hit by Zane with Levy saying,"Zane. You've been trained me since I got my weapon and I'm not a slouch like you think my teammates are! I want to do this with you so please.". "Okay. I was already in when you told Erza that the two of us could handle it plus my desire to help people is kicking in." said Zane. "Thank you Zane. The two of us will get a hefty reward for completing the job." said Levy.

Zane looked right at his girlfriend with him saying,"Levy. While I may like money and a cool twenty million jewels is nice, I'm doing this for the people okay? The money is just a benefit.". "Yeah. That's what I thought you say when I saw the reward." said Levy, giggling. "Nice job Levy. So when are we heading out? I'm good for whenever." said Zane. "How about tomorrow morning? Meet me here and then we'll head out. I'll even let you take your car if you want." said Levy.   

Levy looked at Zane who smiled. "Do you mean it? I can go fast?" said Zane. "Um yes but not too fast okay?" said Levy. "Of course." said Zane. The couple hear Lucy calling out to them with the rest of her team behind her. Gray and Natsu were fighting being that they were insulting each other. Erza and Happy were enjoying a strawberry and fish slushie respectively. Lucy was none the wiser. "So what's up Lucy? Those two fighting again?" said Zane.

Lucy sighed as she said,"Yes and since Sly got Erza hooked on slushies, she hasn't tried to stop them whatsoever.". "Yeah. That's my bad. I can get them to stop if you want." said Zane. "Sure." said Lucy as Zane smiled. He tapped both boy's shoulders with them saying,"What?!". Zane's face has a pretty mean looking scowl on it and narrowing brow with his arms crossed. This is known as the Demon Stare being something Zane is infamous for along with a lot of things.

Zane said,"Stop right now or else, I'll be making your training worse.". The boys smiled and swung an arm around each other's shoulders as if they were good buddies. "Yes sir!" said the two. "And that's how you whipped them Lucy. Use the whip. It's actually pretty effective." said Zane. Lucy blushed as she said,"I'm not into that kinda of stuff.". "You might be one day." said Zane. "So what's up Lu?" said Levy, stopping her boyfriend's conversation from getting worried.

Lucy nodded as she said,"Anyway. I picked out a job.". "You did? I'm so proud of you. Triple B is finally become a wizard." said Zane, wiping out a tear. "Be nice." said Levy, punching Zane in the side. "I think he is." said Lucy. "Yeah. So is this to pay your rent? And are you sure that he won't make you lose it all." said Zane, pointing to Natsu. "Don't worry. It's a job where Natsu can't possible mess it up." said Lucy. "You sound confident. What is it?" said Levy.

Lucy smiled as she said,"We're going to defeat some benefits who made their home in Lupinus and we're leaving tomorrow morning. Stella and Vance are going to join us and Erza was wondering if you two wanted to join us. I know the answer but Erza.". "Yeah. I'm not going on a job with Prude Knight being that me and Levy have a job on our own." said Zane. "Yep and it's a pretty awesome one." said Levy.   

This caught the team's attention to focus on the couple with Natsu saying,"Seriously? What kind of job?". "You tell them Levy. I'll deal with their outburst afterwards." said Zane. "Me and Zane are going on an S-Class job to slay a group of volcanic monsters that have been terrorizing a town." said Levy. The group's ,except for Erza, jaw dropped in disbelief and shock. "No way!" said the trio of Gray, Happy, and Natsu with a shocked looked on their face.

Natsu looked at Zane with him saying,"You're talking Levy on a S-Class job?! And you're taking down volcano monsters?! No way! I want go!". "Sorry Hatchling but you guys have already accepted a job and you don't want to let down the poor people of Lupinus right? And I wouldn't take any of you on a S-Class job after the last one we went on. It was a major pain to deal with." said Zane. Gray and Natsu's shoulders slumped with their heads lowered in defeat.

Lucy on the other hand seemed happy being that she didn't have to go fight volcanic monsters. "That sounds nice. Have fun you two." said Lucy in a cheerful tone. Lucy quickly grabbed Gray and Natsu by their shirts and dragged them before the two numskulls could somehow convince Zane to let them tag along. She would rather pick bandits other volcanic monsters. Smart move. "Come on Luce! It may be fun to fight bandits but volcano monsters?! Come on!" said Natsu. 

Lucy smiled as she said,"I rather not die anytime soon.". "We'll see you tomorrow before you guys head out." said Erza. She and Happy followed after their group. "So do you want to head back to my place to help me pack for tomorrow?" said Levy. "Sure thing. Oh do you mind if Juvia joins us?" said Zane. From her hiding spot, Juvia looked at Zane. "Did he just say my name?!" said Juvia. "Juvia? I don't mind but she isn't a member of Fairy Tail." said Levy.

Zane sighed as he said,"Levy. I know that you want this to be a couple thing but I'm worried about the job in question. Mount Grimcroft has been dormant for thirty plus years prior to this incident. I also think Juvia's Water Magic will be helpful. She's on the same level as Prude Knight being that I think she's slightly stronger than her.". Levy nodded as she said,"That makes sense. So are you going to ask her?". "She already knows." said Zane.

The two walked over to Juvia's hiding spot with Levy saying,"So you can tell when she's stalking you Zane? Is it because of Crisis Judgement?". "It's kinda that Levy but I've had a lot of stalkers over the centuries and she isn't too different from them in terms of her habits." said Zane. "Should I ask how many you've had?" said Levy. "You can but I'll tell you that it's more than you think." said Zane. The two saw Juvia being that the woman didn't noticed them.

Juvia was mumbling. "Oh Zane. I wish I could walk up to you being that I would embrace you and thank you for allowing me to come on your job with Levy. She's super nice to me even though we were enemies." mumbled Juvia. "Does she know we're here yet?" whispered Levy. "Not until after her hallucination." whispered Zane. Juvia imagined her and Zane alone in his room being that the two were kissing each other.

His kisses were going down her neck, tickling her until they fell onto the floor and undressing each other but then Levy showed up. Levy noticed that Juvia was steaming with Zane saying,"You really don't want to know what she's thinking.". "Ah." said Levy. Juvia stopped as she turned around to see both Levy and Zane. "Hola." said Zane. Juvia passed out as Levy said,"So take her back to Fairy Hills Zane?". "Yep." said Zane, picking up Juvia up as the three went to Fairy Hills.

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