Friday, November 22, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 43 Erza vs Zane equals trouble in Fairy Tail Section 4 (Written on December 10 2021)

This post is a part of Fairy Legion Chapter 43 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Fairy Legion Chapter 43. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

Yeah. We're not done yet but soon, we'll be done. It was morning in Magnolia. If this dimension had TV, I'm sure that Magnolia's morning broadcast would be called Morning in Magnolia. The sun was out with a few white, puffy clouds floated freely across the vast blue sky. Unlike two days ago, the morning temperature was cool. You should probably enjoy it while it can since fall is coming and that means the wind is coming.

Zane Alvarez ,who wars many hats, was walking down the stone streets of Magnolia being that he always did enjoy the cool mornings ever since he was a child. Zane was heading to Fairy Tail being that despite a couple of incidents, the guild hall was slowly being reconstructed. As he walked, he was thinking about the last two days. The introduction of Slushies to Earthland caused him and Erza to fight with him the winner.

There was also Evergreen ,who he heard about but never thought he would me, asking to join her and her team on a job being that Zane was aware of what the job was. She was also making her interest in him super obvious being that even a dense fool could tell that she was interested in Zane. Before Zane could politely tell her that he wasn't interested in her, Levy had surprisingly stepped in and stated that they were going on a job together. 

Zane was pretty sure that Levy was jealous of Evergreen despite Zane telling her that she was the girl for him. The couple's job was going to take down some volcanic monsters that would plaguing the poor people of Grimcroft Spas. After causing Juvia to faint by surprising her, the couple took her back to Levy's room at Fairy Hills. Zane was kinda used to see the many books she had in her room and he wondered where she slept.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
Lucifer said,"I think I know the answer to your question Zane. She sleeps on the books.". "That may be it Lucifer but that isn't good for her health. We need to get her a bed soon. So how long are you going to hold Juvia like that?" said Azalea. Zane looked to see Juvia who was resting on his lap while Levy packed. She had a smile on her face as Zane said,"When she's good and ready, I rather not make her mad.".

Athena nodded as she said,"Smart. So why are you messing with her hair?". Zane was uncurling some of her locks as he said,"To be honest, I think she looks beautiful with her hair down myself but what do I know?". Juvia ,who was fake sleeping, heard this and she blushed. After Zane said this, he decided to sneak off and head toward Erza's room. He did this by using his Enigma Talisman. "So why are you being a creep?" said Athena. "Blackmail." said Zane.

Athena sighed as Azalea said,"The answer was pretty obvious Athena.". He stumbled across a black leather book after entering the knight's room. He decided to take a sneak peek and see what type of book it was. It was a smut novel being that Zane smiled. "Okay this is perfect." said Zane as he heard Levy finish packing. He "secret borrow" the book and went back to his main body before Juvia or Levy could tell that he was gone.

Narrator P.O.V.
Cole said,"So Zane. Why aren't you worried about pissing her off? I mean she may be a closed pervert like most knights in the Omniverse are because that Seduction Armor is just the start of her perversion!". "Yeah. I'm kinda jealous of Hatchling. He has a smoking redhead. I always love redheads. Rae is a amazing woman. So when are you going to introduce her to Levy?" said Lucifer. "Eventually. She's super busy as you know." said Zane.

He made his way into the guild hall being that he went over to the bar. A few wizards ,with Nab being the most prevalent, were gathered around the Request Board, looking for specific jobs that peeked their interest. Zane was trying to sense for Juvia or Levy being that the bluenettes were going to both meet him here so they can ask Makarov to allow Juvia to join Fairy Tail and then go on their job. "Okay. I don't sense either of them here. I hope they're okay." thought Zane.

Twilight could tell that Zane was getting worried as she said,"Don't worry Zane. I'm sure that they're just late. We won't let another Massacre happen.". "You're damn right!" said Kane. Zane smiled as he looked at the bar to see Lucy and Mira talking. Zane walked over to them with him sitting next to Lucy. "Hey there you two." said Zane. "Morning Zane." said the girls. "So shouldn't you have gone on a job with Levy by now?" said Lucy.

Zane shrugged as he sipped from his flask. "No idea. Levy wanted to meet me here. We got a huge thing planned and no, she isn't pregnant." said Zane. Lucy looked at Mira who shrugged. "I wasn't thinking it." said Mira. "So Zane. Can you tell me how Erza began falling in love with those slushies of yours?" said Lucy. "Are you questing the majesty of the slushies Lucy?" said Sly. She appeared with Kaida as Lucy squealed. "Nope. I love the slushies!" said Lucy.

It was made very clear to Lucy that insulting the frozen drink nearby Sly is a death sentence. It's like Erza with anything strawberry. She really didn't want to make the Akostar mad. "Wow Sly! You made herself almost wet herself! That's priceless." said Zane, laughing. "That isn't funny Zane!" said Lucy with a vein throbbing on her forehead. "It kinda is Lucy." said Kaida, sitting next to her dad. "Anyway. Why is your beau sulking over there?" said Zane.

He pointed to Natsu who was sitting a few stools away from Zane. He was clearly sulking being that Happy sat on the counter in front of Natsu. He was trying to comfort his partner with a slushie but the dragon slayer remembered what happened with the last slushie he drink being that he got a little bit green just thinking about it. To his left was Erza with her sipping a strawberry slushie and Lucy was to his right.

Gray walked over to them with him saying,"Natsu challenged Erza earlier and he lost badly. Erza made him look stupider than normal.". The fight in question was Natsu challenging Erza to a fight being that it took a single punch to knock Natsu out while using the Seduction Armor. "I'll win for sure next time." grumbled Natsu. "Yeah and I'm going Prude Knight by her name. Time for a quick nap. Wake me when Levy gets here." said Zane, closing his eyes.

Erza was looking at the sleeping Zane being that instead of being loud and rude, he was tranquil and wasn't doing a thing. Despite his interesting personality, he had the ability to make others feel calm and relaxed around him. Mira giggled being that despite Erza liking Natsu more than other guys, it seems that Titania has fallen for the charms of the Legion Void Knight. "Hey Erza. Mind answering a question of mine?" said Mira. "Sure Mira." said Erza, sipping from her slushie.

Mira smiled as she said,"I really think I should call the people at Sorcerer Weekly. They could really use Zane's service being that most of the models miss seeing him around.". "Um. Go nuts? Why are you asking me this?" said Erza. "Isn't it obvious? I mean you're clearly in love with him right?" said Mira. From the first time since being introduced to them, Erza spat out her slushies onto Natsu with him groaning. "Seriously?" said Natsu.

He then remember what just happened as he turned to Erza as he said,"Is it true Erza?! Do you like Zane?!". Erza was coughing for a bit as she took a moment to catch her breath. "No Natsu! I mean I respect him as a warrior but not as a romantic interest!" said Erza. Gray, Kaida, Lucy, and Sly decided to play along.  Zane would have but he was asleep. "You're right Mira. Erza and Zane would make a couple. Opposite attract after all." said Lucy, smiling.

Kaida tilted her head as she said,"Hold on. I think Papa said that was totally wrong.". "Lucy is just a bit confused Kaida but your father is nice on the eyes but his personality is just the worst. I'm his partner and I'll fully admit that." said Sly. "Plus he's pretty strong just like you are. I think you should probably be with someone on the same level or maybe stronger." said Gray. "What?!" said Erza and Natsu with the latter in complete shock.

Mira squealed with her saying,"You guys are right! They would be a perfect match for each other but I'm on Team Natza myself.". "Team Natza?" said Gray and Happy. "She ships Erza and Natsu. It's a term that Zane came up with when he figured out their relationship." said Sly. Erza began watching her hands as she said,"Time out! Me and Zane are never going to be a couple ever! I don't like him in that way!". "Yeah. I have to agree." said Zane.

He woke up with him saying,"I don't steal other people's girls plus Hatchling did call you a rose after all.". "What do you mean by that?" said Lucy. "Prude Knight is a pretty rose on first glance but when you get closer to her, the thorns come out. Prude Knight is physically beauty to Natsu but she's a very deadly woman. He told me he thinks this about you Prude Knight when he was asking me for advice on girls the other day" said Zane.

Lucy and Mira squealed at the romantic thing Natsu said being that Gray laughed. "Wow. I didn't think that romantic crap could come from you!" said Gray, wiping a tear. Natsu turned his head away from the group with a blush on his face. "So you do like Erza Natsu?! I knew it!" said Happy with him jumping up and down. "Shut up or I'll burn you." grumbled Natsu. "Come on Natsu. It's just some harmless jabbing right Erza?" said Sly.

She turned to Erza with her turning to Natsu. "Natsu." said Erza. Natsu turned toward Erza with him saying,"What's up.....". Before he could finish, Erza kissed him and this shocked the group at the bar with Gray and Happy fainting. "Holy shit! I didn't see you doing that! Way to go Prude Knight and I bet the little Hatchling right?" said Zane, smirking. Erza removed her lips from Natsu being that she dashed off, leaving a stunned Natsu behind.

Mira turned to Zane with her saying,"Let me guess. You had something to do with this didn't you Zane?". "Guilty as charged. Hey Gray, mind getting Natsu to listen up?" said Zane. "Sure. I got the perfect way." said Gray. He walked over to the stunned Natsu, slapping him in the face. "Hey! What the hell was that for Elsa?!" said Natsu. "And he's back!" said Kaida. "Natsu. So do you know why me and Levy are going on a job together?" said Zane.

Natsu looked at Zane with him saying,"Because you two are dating right? I mean I bet the two of us could easily take out those volcano monsters no problem.". "You're right about us dating and wrong about you being able to take out those volcano monsters. Hatchling. When you mastered use both of your elements Natsu, you may be able to do that but not yet. When a person asked to be alone with you, they want to know you better." said Zane.

The dragon slayer looked at him as he said,"Huh?". "Zane. I think you're confusing him. Mind if I get a go?" said Mira. "Sure. Go nuts. I mean women's intuition is a powerful force. Learned that the hard way." said Zane. "Natsu. How did Erza's kiss may you feel?" said Mira. Both Gray and Lucy looked at Natsu whose face was bright red. "I guess pretty good Mira." said the duo. "Aye!" said Happy as he held a fish. "You're also her type Natsu." said Sly.

Natsu looked confused as he said,"Type?". "You really need to start learning women Natsu. Once you have a partial knowledge of how they work. things will be so much better for you. Me and Loke are your best help." said Zane. "Speaking of Loke, have you seen him lately Mira?" said Lucy. "So have you fallen for him too Lucy?" said Mira, smirking. "It isn't like that and you know it Mira!" said Lucy as Kaida and Zane laughed at the blond.

Gray sighed as he said,"I'm thought you would be used to teasing thanks to him.". "Yeah no. I really want to thank him for finding my keys." said Lucy. "Okay. If I see him, I'll make sure to bring it up okay?" said Mira. "Thanks." said Lucy. "So how mad were Hali and Nerida about you losing their keys?" said Sly. "From what Hali told me, both of them were in a bad mood for their keys being trouble and well going to punish you for it." said Zane.

Lucy looked at the two beings from another dimension with her groaning. "Don't remind me, Why is that both of them were like that?" said Lucy with her having a flashback to Hali and Nerida ,with the former being the Aquarius of Zane's time and the latter is the current Aquarius, punishing Lucy for dropping their keys. Lets just say that Lucy's but and whip were involved. "Just thinking about it makes the pain come back in full force." said Lucy, resting her head on the bar.

Gray nodded as he said,"I could freeze you Lucy. Make the pain go away just like that.". "Pretty sure that's not recommended by any doctor who isn't a joke making one." said Lucy, stopping Zane from making a comment. "How about you show your big red but Lucy?!" said Happy, giggling. "No way cat! That's some serious sexual harassment!" said Lucy. "And how do you think she's be when I burn it even more?" said Natsu. "Are all of you devils?!" said Lucy.

Zane chuckled as he said,"Not really Lucy. It's just some teasing and there's my bookworm.". The group turned to see Levy walking over to them with Droy and Jet. "Oh and those two. What were their names again?" said Zane. "Fanboy and Chumchum." said Kaida. "Right. Thanks Peanut." said Zane, causing Kaida to smile. "So are you ready to go honey?" said Levy, hugging Zane much to the ire of Droy and Jet.

Droy crossed his arms as he said,"Still wish we could go with you two but Levy made it clear that she wants to be alone with you.". "Yeah. Think of this returning the favor after you kept Lucy from that punk Gajeel." said Droy. "You guys didn't owe me a dam thing okay? I always help someone out if they need my help." said Zane. Before this could go on any father, a barrel went flying through the air and crashed into Natsu's head.

The group there winced at this with Lucy looking concerned. "Are you okay Natsu?!" said Lucy as she looked him over. "I'm fine but what was that?" said Natsu. "Karma?" said Sly. "Why would you say such a thing?!" screamed a voice. Natsu picked up his head and he let out a throaty growl. He turned to see Erza talking with a cocky looking Laxus sitting by himself at a table. "So what's going on?" said Gray and Lucy. "Conflict obviously you two." said Zane.

Natsu looked at Zane with him saying,"I'll be right back. You stay here Luce.". "And I'm going to tell you to do the same. Don't be an idiot right now Natsu. You and Laxus are on two different levels. I rather not see you injured. Just stay here. I need to go have a chat with Laxus." said Zane. He made Natsu sit back down with Levy and Mira looking worried for him. "He'll be fine. I got faith in him and Laxus is in trouble." said Sly.

Laxus sneered as he said,"I got no issues telling you the truth of that matter. This guild is filled to the brim with fuckups and pathetic sacks of shit that don't deserve to be a member of Fairy Tail!". "You're a piece of shit you know that." said Erza through clenched teen and tightly balled fists. "Hey! I'm just saying the truth Prude Knight! We were made into jokes by Phantom! I couldn't bear to show my face here and hearing about the old coward getting fucked over by that fatass is just pathetic." said Laxus.

Do know that Laxus is an arrogant punk at this point in the story so I'm completing writing him in character. He mellows out later on but right now, he's very arrogant since he's an S Class Wizard and Makarov's grandson. He's also very angry about losing his only real friend in Lynn and his dad being that he was taking it out on others. For me, this is him going through the five stages of grief and kinda stuck at anger.

This justification is very similar to how I defend Jude's actions in the last arc with my only canon. If you don't like it, that's perfectly fine. "Tch. That dirk has only been five minutes and he's already mouthing off." said Gray, crossing his arms over his chest. "I still can't believe someone like him is S-Class." said Lucy, frowning at the blonde. "Actually Lucy, he makes more sense than Prude Knight does. He's strong and she isn't." said Zane.

He got a glare from the people around him ,except Kaida and Sly, with Zane saying,"It's having an different opinion. Jeez. Buzzkills.". Laxus turned around and looked at Team Shadow Gear or more specifically Droy and Jet. "And then we have these two morons. You two were basically Phantom's punching bags and defeated by their dragon slayer! What were your names again? Oh right. Fanboy and Chumchum! Another fucking amazing nickname from the Legion Void Knight!" said Laxus. 

Both Droy and Jet looked down with them angry and ashamed. "Two of Fairy Tail's biggest disgraces alongside with the deadbeat whose never once taken a job in his fucking life!" said Laxus with Nab clenching his fists. "Wow. He's a real bastard." said Vance. "It's like Zane's anger and blunt nature but much worse in my opinion." said Stella. "Hey! Droy, Jet, and Nab did just fine unlike you!" yelled Lucy as this made Natsu made due to Laxus's obnoxious laughter.

Laxus smiled as he said,"And don't think I forgot about the rich little princess wannabe wizard. You are the reason why the guild looks the way it does! Don't you forget that? None of these would have happened if you just stayed in your mansion! All of you weakness are pampering her and not telling her the truth. Me and Zane are the only ones who'll speak the truth! I heard about you slamming her head into the ground and almost stabbing her with your sword! Nice job with that Zane!".     

Lucy looked away in guilt being that Natsu comforted her within seconds with his face screaming very angry. "Laxus! Shut up! The master said that no one in the guild was to be held accountable for what happened. You weren't even here to fight so I really don't care about your opinion and that's an order from your grandfather." said Mira, slamming her hands on the makeshift bar and scaring Kaida just a bit.

Laxus stood up and scoffed. "How about you grow up? That old coward is nothing more than a relic that needs to retire. If I had been here, all of you wouldn't be drowning your sorrows in this pile of rubble right now in this piece of shit! All of you are fucking pathetic! There is one person I respect here and he actually did some good against Phantom!". "Shut up Laxus!" yelled Erza. "Nah. I don't feel like it and since when have I listened to you Prude Knight." said Laxus.

He flicked her forehead, knocking her to the ground. "Erza!" yelled Natsu. He was stopped from doing something by Sly. "Let me go Sly!" said Natsu. "Nope. Like Zane, I'm not a fan of watching idiots walk to their death and beside, Zane is ready." said Sly. Gray turned to see Zane standing up with his fists clenched. "Come on Laxus. You're right about everything." said Zane. Everyone was looking at him as Laxus laughed. "Seriously?! That's your plan!" said Gray.

Zane nodded as he said,"Of course I am. I mean I only see a few of you as my friends to begin and the rest of you are leeches on Fairy Tail's name. He's also expressing his opinion and in a family like you all claim to be, that's perfectly reasonable.". "He's totally right. I think all of us should follow in our lead rather than the old coward. I can't wait to inherit this place and kick all of you weakling out being that we'll be the strongest guild! Demanding only respecting rather than be a joke!" said Laxus.

He laughed as he said,"Your days are outnumbered losers! Things will be a lot different around here when I'm in charge so have fun looking for work somewhere else!". "While I may be all for you being the master Laxus, tell me how you'll be a good leader. Your grandfather isn't a good leader since a good leader doesn't leave his soldiers to die." said Zane. "Don't get cocky Zane. I may respect you since you're willing to take action but defeating Prude Knight isn't that hard." said Laxus.

Erza shouted,"What do you say?!". "You're weak Prude Knight since you're still wearing that armor. I could have defeated you with a single move but I decided to be nice and give you a chance. Oh and I'm thankful that you didn't make fun of Kaida, Levy, and Sly. If you did, lets just say that you'll be regretting every moment of your pathetic life." said Zane with his eyes glowing red. The crowd of wizards gasped at Zane with them shocked to see Zane challenge Laxus like that.

Wakaba said,"Is he really going to fight Laxus?!". "He did challenge one of the former ten wizard saints after all but this won't be good." said Macao. "Zane. Don't fight him." said Erza. "And this is what I have to say to you." said Zane, flipping her off. Laxus laughed as he said,"That's totally a perfect response to Prude Knight's orders! So are you ready to fight me? I hope you're willing to give me a challenge.". "That's my line Sparky." said Zane.

The two glared at each other with Lauxs's glare could kill a person being that the person would have been struck with a lightning a thousand time over. "Wow. I guess Laxus isn't scared of Zane using that really big form of his." whispered Happy. "Yeah. I wish that I could fight that guy instead." said Natsu, punching his fist into an open palm. "Yeah no. You would be nothing more than a fly to him Natsu since he's better with his magic than you are." said Sly.

Zane smiled with him saying,"You call everyone here weak but during the war, I wondered where you were. That's right. You were being a coward yourself. I mean Lucy even fought against Second Place and Lugnut. So I have to ask and be honest with little old me. You didn't show up because you were scared of Second Place or Juvia? Those two were the two strongest on the enemy side and I'm sure despite your elemental advantage, Juvia could have beaten you.".

This comment caused Laxus to see red. Everyone's eyes widened at Zane's words being that he was either being brave or stupid. I think most of the time, it's the same thing but that's just me. "You got guts Zane and I like that but I need to teach you to respect your elders." said Laxus, with his lightning swirling around his arm. "And like I said before, you keep stealing my lines and how about you prove it Sparky?" said Zane, taunting him with both hands. A vein appeared on Laxus's face after that.

He roared as he fired a lightning bolt out of his fist. Zane easily dodged it with him punching Laxus in the face. It felt like he was hit directly by a magic mobile being that Laxus was sent flying across the construction site and several tables. He crashed into a repaired wall, causing rubble onto him but enough to bury him. Laxus raised his head to see Zane cracking his right knuckles. "You're too slow Sparky! I owe you a beat down and I intended to deliver! Sly! Music time!" said Zane.

He threw the Akostar his phone. "Gotcha partner!" said Sly, catching it. She pressed a button on it as a song came out of it. Zane nodded as he said in a fighting pose,"Come on Laxus. Get up. I still need to make you learn your place.". Other than the music, silence filled the area as everyone in Fairy Tail was dumbstruck by what they just saw. Laxus, one of Fairy Tails strongest wizards was just punched by Zane being other two people could lay a hit on him. Those two are the Coward and Ripoff.   

Laxus got up in silent anger, dusting off his cape and shirt. "Nice punch Zane. Didn't even need to use those takeovers of yours. You're going to suffer for this. Really hope Ever doesn't mind you looking bruised after I beat you up." said Laxus. His body was emitting lightning like a turbine about to exploded. The superhero took a deep breath with his body was slowly getting covered in emerald green ,with an obsidian black tint, flames.   

It seems to be wild but it’s actually focused. Upon doing this, the flames begin to roar like a jet engine and it’s quite loud. It’s also an cocoon of oppressive heat. Several strands of his hair floats above him which flows in the breeze. They spike up within minutes upon activating it. The flames closes to Zane glow black, being extremely hot. His body is covered in the emerald green flames being that there are black particles dancing over his body like the spots on a lava lamp.

His eyes have an vivid and celestial, molten gold color to them. His entire body is covered in the same scales aka AZM (Archon Zero Master) aka reddish black ,metallic, scales with a flame like pattern to them. His teeth grows sharper ,looking more like fangs that wouldn’t be far off from a normal dragon and snake, and he grows a reptile like tongue that would fit the description. His feet and hands turn themselves into very sharp, deadly talons and claws respectively.

He grows a long tail being that the end is an arrow-headed spade and the tip of the tail has a sizable flame to the end. Zane’s flames has three ,meteor, sized fireballs orbiting around him with a small dark purple ring swirling around the spheres. His flames in this mode are extremely bright, being that it can be seen from miles away. It’s being called a beacon of justice, the spirit of a hero, and his strength to win no matter what.

Zane said,"I hope you can handle this heat because while I may agree with you on what you said about those four, you're making Lynn cry you know that right?!". Laxus was dead quiet with Zane saying,"Oh that's right. I know you. Too cool to admit your feelings but news flash! You do care about them. Lucy almost died because of Lugnut! Natsu went all out on him and if he fell, I would have beaten Gajeel to an inch of his life like I did with Second Place in his place!".

The hero smiled with him saying,"You probably get off on putting others down! Time for you to learn your place and I'm the one who'll teach you it!". He smashed both of his fists together, causing the flames around his body to increase. The two slowly advanced toward each other being that Erza stood in front of them. "Enough you two! Nakama don't fight each other like this!" ordered Erza. She thought Zane was over his head and going to get himself killed.

Erza was well aware of his strength but to her, he wasn't on Laxus's level. I mean she is wrong but Erza isn't the best at judging ones strength especially when that someone is holding back a lot. "Move right now Prude Knight. If you don't, I can't beat the crap out of Laxus which I really want to do and you'll be burned." said Zane. Lucy turned to Sly with her saying,"Shouldn't you try and stop him?! He needs to be the bigger man here!".

Sly smiled as she said,"He is Lucy. Zane has fought guys like Laxus before and always have come out on top. He's been doing that since high school and when his friend Brad was a bully. Brad was trying to prove that he was a better person through force. My point is that Laxus is a small drop in an ocean of enemies who Zane has beaten over his life. Get some popcorn. This is going to be a very good fight.". "Enough!" roared Laxus.

Laxus charged toward Zane ,moving past Erza at lightning fast speed, being that he was going to deliver Zane a haymaker punch. Zane dodged it being that he swiped at Laxus using his tail, send him flying for a few feet. "Too slow Sparky! Lightning is supposed to be fast but you're slow like Prude Knight is toward her feelings!" said Zane. Laxus groaned in pain being that he could feel the pain from Zane's tail swipe and his back was slightly on fire. These flames are slightly hotter than Natsu's.

The lightning wizard glared at him with him saying,"I knew you were stronger but on the same level as the drifter, I think this will be good!". "Same here." said Zane. Without warning, Laxus charged at Zane being he released a 360 degree expansion of his fire and forced Laxus to stop in his tracks. He was pushed back from the force but smirked. "Do you honestly think those weak ass flames could defeat me? I think they're weaker than Hatchlings!" said Laxus.

Zane smirked as he said,"I'm just warm up but soon, you'll practically beg me for it.". "You say that but you're going to die!". He unleashed a large burst of lighting from his hand that struck Zane as it caused a small explosion with a dust cloud stirred up. "Zane!" yelled the Fairy Tail Wizards being that Kaida was silent being that she was sure her dad was fine. "Heh. He was nothing more than talk after all!" said Laxus, laughing.

He heard,"Come on Sparky. You should know that overconfidence is something you shouldn't have in a fight especially against your betters.". The dust cleared as something rolled out. It was Zane in Gluttony Form. He looked different however being that he was in a ball shape with his short arms, legs, and tail sticking out. "What happened to him?!" said Natsu. "Papa took a bite of Laxus's lightning! Gluttony Form is super good at eating and spitting!" said Kaida.

Erza looked at the form with disdained being that she said,"Why that thing?". "Ah. Have a flashback to when you were like him Erza?" said Stella, smirking. "Shut up!" said Erza. "What the hell? Are you some kind of freak?!" said Laxus. His attack has enough power to knock out most people he fought but this guy had taken it and devoured it. "Sorry but here's the thing. I'm a superhero and I think it's time you learned the power of this little guy!" said Zane.

He opened up his mouth as a giant green energy beam came flying at Laxus. The blonde was stunned by the attack being that he was sent careening back into a wall as another pile of stacked stones fell on top of him. Zane's stomach went back to normal as his form's signature weapon appeared. "And that's what overconfidence gets you. You're not fighting against a mook Laxus but the Earth's protector for over nine hundred years!" said Zane.

The jaws of every wizard present dropped in awe and disbelief. Zane had spent Laxus flying not once but three times within a few minutes being that the song had changed once again. Erza's mouth was open and her eyes were widened as dinner plates. "You've got to be kidding me. This thing can actually fight!" yelled Erza. "Yeah. I just didn't tell you because meh. I use my brains to win rather than my guns." said Zane, shrugging and flexing.

Crisis Judgement went off as debris from the wall went flying outward. A lightning bolt shot out and Zane dodge it by eating it using all seven of his tongues, freaking Lucy out. Zane was pushed back a bit being that he landed. Laxus blasted out from the pile with lightning coursing around his body. The wizard's eyes were golden white and burning with fury. Some of the wizards watching took cautious steps back. "You bastard! You're dead!" roared Laxus.

He sprinted toward Zane with him smiling. "I got a better idea. I'll live instead." said Zane. He fired out three small green energy beams with all three missing Laxus completely and covered the area around in dust. Zane switched into Bull Form and charged toward Laxus. The two clashed with their impact creating a small shockwave. The two backed off with Laxus throwing an electric-charged fist at Zane.

Zane blocked it by grabbing Laxus's wrist and put the lightning wizard into a choke hole. "I'll let you go if you say uncle but your beatdown will happening!" said Zane. "You may have defeated that old fart Jose but you're not on my level!" yelled Laxus. He released a powerful explosion of lightning from his body, covered the two in sparks. "Cute. Let me show you what I can do. So long, Gay Laxus!" said Zane.

He released Laxus from the chokehold and began spinning in a circle. Zane threw Laxus across the air and the lizard wizard began spinning in midair as he landed. He skid back a few feet and growled at Zane. "You'll pay for that!" yelled Laxus. "You keep saying that but why do I doubt you?" said Zane, charging toward Laxus. The two clashed once again being that Zane landed two punches right into Laxus's smug looking face as Laxus returned the favor with a powerful gut punch.

As this happened, the song changed once again. Laxus growled as he released lightning, shocking the bull in the process. Before Zane could do anything, Laxus punched him in the gut with a powerful haymaker and kicked Zane right into a wall, back first. It broke as Zane stood back up. Zane caught Laxus's shoulder tackle. "You may be fast but I'm faster got it punk?!" said Zane as his eyes were filled with determination and strength.

Zane grabbed Laxus and tossed him back with the song changing again. Before the lightning wizard could recovered, Zane said,"Forest Emperor Jaws of a Overflowing Beast!". Laxus was swallowed up by a giant wooden mouth that appeared under him in seconds. It was about 50 feet tall and 100 feet wide. "Wow. I can't believe it. Laxus is getting pummeled by Zane." said Gray, impressed with his friend. "That's enough Zane!" yelled Erza. "Stay out of this and get back!" roared Zane.

The wooden mouth was destroyed by a giant bolt of lighting, producing an large crater. Laxus stood in the center of the crater with him saying,"Zane challenge me to a fight and I'm going to him one got it?!". Erza, the rest of Team Natsu, and Stella narrowed their eyes while getting ready to join in the fight to help Zane. "THIS IS MY FIGHT AND I DON'T NEED HELP!" roared Zane. Erza was going to object but Zane's look screamed determined.

Zane slammed his hands on the ground with him saying,"Forest Emperor Bramble Outburst!". The lightning wizard saw several large bramble vines come out of the ground around Zane. They went toward Laxus being that he was forced to dodge them or destroyed them with the latter option being the most common option. During this, Zane deactivated Bull Form and glowing bright purple. As Laxus landed on the ground, he was suddenly smacked into a wall by something fast.

Laxus fell on his back being that he looked up to see Swift Prime standing there with his visor down at the moment and the song changed once again. Like with Bone Prime, it got an upgrade but since we didn't see it in Fairy Legion. I'll be showing it off. He's eight feet tall with him having a slim yet muscular body. It now looks more aerodynamic than before. His eyes changes color to royal blue with it keeping its oval shape.

He still has sharp teeth inside of his mouth and the markings under his eyes disappeared. His head is still in the shape of a helmet with him having a triangle shaped nose. His helmet is a black color with a single white line going from the top of his helmet and continues onto the chin plate and stops at his neck. He has a molten gold visor ,which is a Z shape, that can flip down while running, making to get bugs in his eyes and mouth. It wasn’t a problem before but it’s nice to have.

It also has a HUD that loads up a map, telling him where to go if needed. It also glows constantly when it's done. His body is still covered in royal blue scales and like before, this isn’t obvious thanks to him wearing a black full body speed suit. In the middle of his suit and his torso, it has a crimson red arrow shaped symbol ,mixed with a fire, with the top of arrow pointing up toward his head.He has two hexagonal crimson red markings on each side of his torso below the armpits.

He wears silver elbow and knee-pads. His shoulders are sharp ,black, pauldron like extensions with sharp molten gold edges. His right arm is a large steel gray drill like appendage which looks it like belongs to Drill Form. His left hand's fingers are three royal blue claws with a steel gray fingerless glove. He wears black boots. He has five white stripes on his arms and legs. He has his gray rocket boosters sticking out of his back with flames coming out of it.

He has two burnt orange dragon like wings which helps him stop easier. His body had a dark red aura/streak and the ground below him is covered in lightning. "Get up Sparky before the song changes once again." said Zane, taunting him. Laxus got back up with him bringing his hand up to the spot where Zane hit him. There was a bruise there and blood. He squeezed his hand with a shacking fist of anger as his lightning grew more intense. "You're dead now Alvarez!" yelled Laxus.

He threw away his cape with him disappearing in a flash of lightning. "My enemies keep saying that and spoiler alert. They're always wrong beyond belief." said Zane as the visor went down and he vanished in a dark red blur. "Where did they go?!" said Lucy. The next second, a loud boom was heard like the sound of thunder. The two fighters reappeared with Laxus falling on the ground and rolled around before getting back up.

He wasn't sure how Zane was catching up to him and what was up with his music? Who is this Mike person and now the song was singing about pizza. Zane reappeared being that he didn't suffer any damage. "Come on! You're a user of Lightning! Speed it up! Clair is faster than you!" said Zane with the hero taunting Laxus using his left hand. Laxus growled as he raised the lightning from his body to the highest level for speed before the two were gone once again.

Jet was in awe of the two's speed being that there was in no way in hell he could reach their speed in his life time. "Wow. Those two are so fast and this music makes no sense!" said Jet. "Zane has a very selective taste in music and this is from a fighting game he plays." said Sly, shrugging. A bench got destroyed as Laxus appeared in front of it. He was gone in a flash of lighting. The sounds of them physically clashing sounding like thunder.

Everyone in Fairy Tail felt these shockwaves emitting every time they heard thunder. With each boom the two created, the benches, ground, stools, and walls were destroyed as the members of Fairy Tail could only hear the two impacting and sometimes they could see either Laxus or Zane before they vanished. It was mainly Laxus since he was getting thrown around by Zane despite having only one hand in this form.

In their world, everyone looked they were in slow motion or watching a video that was going through a delay. "Agh!" said Laxus as he swung his fist to punch Zane in the chest but Zane dodged it. He nailed Laxus in the jaw with his drill arm. This causing him to be sent flying into the back wall and appearing once again. Zane followed suit as he said,"And I win our little spar. If you want to keep up, try harder buddy.".

Hearing this, Laxus got up and developed a dark look before his body exploded with new power. "I hoped this was going to be good and the battle is getting started!" said Laxus. The two got ready for round two with Zane deactivating Swift Form and the song changing once again. Laxus threw a good barrage of lightning bolts at Zane being that Zane caught them using his telekinesis before throwing them back at him.

Laxus stood there as the bolts hit him. "That actually ticked." said Laxus. "I was kinda hoping that it did because you just got a one way ticket on the human centrifuge! Lucky you!" said Zane. He was now Gravity Form with him increased the gravity around Laxus, making a large crater around the lightning wizard. "Hey! I can't move!" said Laxus. "No shit Sparky. I increased the gravity around you so unless you height the same as ten blue whales. You're not leaving." said Zane.

Laxus tried to break out but he saw Zane walking toward him. "Bye bye." said Zane, releasing the gravity around Laxus. However, the lightning wizard was sent flying into the air due to him having no gravity around him. Zane deactivated Gravity Form with him turning into Spring Form and went after Laxus. Before Laxus could recover from Zane's attack, Zane was behind him and was in Liger Form just as the song changed once again.

Laxus's limbs were grabbed by the humanoid feline with Zane saying to Laxus,"Time for an Astral Piledriver Sparky brother!". The lightning wizard was slammed back into the ground by the feline as Happy cheered. "Awesome!" said Happy. Vance shook his head as Zane deactivated Liger Form and turned into Salamander Form. The humanoid lizard released a giant wave of ice around Laxus, freezing the entire area and Laxus was in the center of it.

Laxus broke out of his ice prison easily with him saying,"You're dead meat now Alvarez! Lightning Eradication!". Laxus held out his arms in front of him as he began gathering lightning and focusing it in front of his mouth. The lightning transformed into several very sharp and point spears with Laxus launching them toward Zane. Laxus knew the spell's destructive power being that it could easily pierce through stone and due to the speed, it's hard to avoid. It also moves like a laser beam.

Zane smiled as he turned into Fulmination Prime. He held out his eight electricity tentacles and they absorbed all of the lightning. "You know what they say Laxus. What goes around comes back harder than before! Vibration Roar!" said Zane. The form released a huge stream of dark red sound wave and had a noticeable bass sound to it. Laxus was sent flying away and went toward the ground before catching himself.

He noticed that Zane was gone before getting grabbed by something and thrown to the other side. He was also blasted in the back by red laser beams, making a divot in the ground. Laxus turned around to see something from the ninth circle/level of hell. He’s twice the size of an average human male being twelve feet tall. His body is very large and hulking with very noticeable muscles to him. He has no hair with his armor covering his head.  His skin is green with obsidian black patches.

It comes in the form of scales, and glowing and jagged red lines. These lines are revealed through the parts of his body that weren’t covered by his cybernetic armor or enhancements. It’s mainly shown on his arms, chest, legs, and shoulders. His arms and legs have its muscles woven together very much like rope. He wears a red, tube-like structure around his chin. It doesn’t mess with his six ,squid, facial tentacles that draped down being a nice looking full beard.

They also had the jagged red lines that covered his body. His interesting looking mask was covering his real mouth being that his mouth is a large seven-pointed red star marking and it has a crimson outline. His mouth is filled with razor-sharp teeth with several rows of them. He has two glowing red eyes with a dark outline around them. They were also screaming death and rage. He has dark red metallic spikes that extends from his body.

They're mainly in his arms and legs being that he has five in each arm and leg. He has long, curved black metallic spikes with making three points on each shoulder, two on his bulky forearms, and two on the sides of his hips. He wears black, skin-tight material over his body. It mainly covered the upper half of his body such as his chest, elbows, neck, and shoulders. He wears dark purple army camo pants with silver metal padding on his thighs and shins.

They don’t mess with the spikes in his legs. He wears a black belt. He wears a suit of dark red armor that goes over his body. He wears armored plates over his arms, chest, legs, torso, and shoulders that doesn’t mess with the metallic spikes. He wears metallic boots being that they have spikes on the sides of the boots. He wears a happuri helmet being that it covers his forehead and eyebrows, but it shows off his red eyes.

He wears black gauntlets with a small control console attached to the left gauntlet. It also has a dark purple “Z” over a silver circle and a blue and red gem embedded on the back of his right gauntlet. He also has a trident like hilt broadsword. This caused some of the weaker will members aka most of the ladies and a couple fellas to faint. "Warlord Form. Get up. I'm willing to kick your ass despite you being weaker than dirt under my boots." said Zane in a deep and intimidating voice.

Laxus got back up being that despite his injuries, he wasn't going to give up. The crowd was both impressed and scared how neither of the two were going to give up. They charged toward each other like they have done several times but for some reason, they were stopped by two giant fists blocking the both of them while also breaking the ground. The two looked at the idiot who decided to stop them being that it was something that the two despised for different yet similar reason.

It was Makarov being that he was in his giant form but not at his full size. "That's enough! I will not have my S-Class Wizards fight each other unless I say so!" roared Makarov. Everyone looked to see the giant standing in between the two with the elderly man mad. He only gets this way when someone is real big trouble or someone hurts his children. Laxus and Zane looked at each other with Laxus saying with a smile,"Truce?".

Zane nodded as the two jumped toward Makarov with them both cocking their right fist back. "Stay out of this coward!/Stay out of this coward!" said the two. The two fists collided directly with Makarov's face, sending the titan into the ground and causing the entire town of Magnolia to shake thanks to the impact of their blow. The crowd of Fairy Tail wizards were shocked by this action as they all had an unanimous thought,"They're both dead.".

Laxus and Zane fist bumped upon landing on the ground with Laxus saying,"Oh wow Zane. That felt really good honestly. Been wanting to do that to him for years now. He's such a pain in the ass to deal with most of the time". "Yeah. I did on the first day we met. He was going to let the purple fire wizard guy die because of something stupid like that. So do you feel any better man? I could feel how mad you were/are right now." said Zane.

The lightning wizard looked at Zane with him saying,"A bit Zane but I still hate the weaklings that the coward decided to invite into the shame. You, your partner, daughter, and Levy are good for MY Fairy Tail. Why the hell do you have to hit some hard?". He was rubbing the large bruise on his cheek that was given to him from Swift Prime. "I really don't hold back when someone I consider to be a friend is being an idiot." said Zane.

Laxus nodded as he said,"So do you think he's going to kick us out?". "Laxus. It's the coward. He couldn't do something like that because he sees you as the kid from back in the day and in my sakes, a troubled old soul." said Zane. "Ah." said Laxus. Makarov rose back up with him having a large bruise on his face and his nose was bleeding. "That looks painful." said Laxus. "Yeah. You should just retire Coward and give it to Laxus already." said Zane.

Makarov's body was glowing with light with him saying,"Both of you! This petty fight is over and if neither of you two stop, I'll personally see to stop you myself!". Makarov's face screamed that he wasn't happy about the two fighting like children. Zane began laughing with him saying,"That's fucking funny Coward! Your power is weak. I could handle you very easy mind you but me and Laxus are done right?".

Laxus nodded as he said,"Yeah. Later Zane. Next time, we'll fight for real and I'll win.". "You say that but who was winning this fight mainly? I let you hit me in our fight because I felt so bad for the coward's grandson. And it's on." said Zane. Laxus smiled as he vanished in a flash of lightning. Zane tuned to a still angry Makarov with Zane saying,"What? Sometimes, you need a good punch in the jaw to make you feel right in the world and to get the hint.”.

Makarov looked at Zane with him saying,"Deactivate your form right now.". "How about you shrink down to your pathetic self? Oh wait. That's all the fucking time." said Zane. Despite the rest of Fairy Tail including Laxus being scared of Makarov when he was mad, Zane wasn't since he was much stronger than Makarov. Makarov shrunk back down with Zane saying,"And that's why I don't respect you but I respect Laxus. He has balls and you do not.".

Makarov began rubbing his temples trying to ease the mental wrinkles he was developing from the duo of Laxus and Zane. "Both of you are going to give me a heart attack one of these days and you really do need a serious attitude adjustment." said Makarov. "People have been telling me that for centuries and like I said to them, no way in hell am I changing. I'm precious." said Zane with him deactivating Warlord Form.

Makarov looked at Zane with him saying,"Do you understand what you've done?". "Um. I taught your grandson a lesson that YOU should have done a long time ago and our fight would have been so epic. I mean come on coward. Laxus is easily the top five in the guild. I bet he could take all of the weaklings watching us without breaking a sweat mainly Prude Knight. I mean armor in general is a conductor which means that his lightning will hurt a lot." said Zane, crossing his arms.

Makarov sighed as he sighed. Sly was right about one thing involving Zane being that he was a complete mystery. This includes people who've known him for a long period of time like Sly ,who is his closest partner, only has about a 10-30% understand of Zane. Danny and the members of Team Legion Zero know Zane the best at a solid 80%. In this dimension, Zane has done more in the month that he has been here than any wizard in their life.

He defeated four dark guilds (Dark Outriders, Eisenwald, Ruined Emerald, and Valiant Wraiths) by himself mostly since he did have help with the first two. He defeated two of Zeref's demons being Deliora and Lullaby ,whose name isn't threatening at all but power is fight me, with relative ease. His biggest feat ,at least to the Magic Council, was defeating Jose, one of the Ten Wizards Saint being the seventh strongest one.

Up to this point in Fairy Legion, Zane hasn't lost yet being that he wasn't defeated in Fairy Legion Chapter 25 in my opinion. I personally classified a defeat is someone who has lost and no longer has a chance of winning. Zane could still fight aka had a chance of winning so he didn't lose. My point is that no one has being able to stop Zane and having him fight Laxus like that, all of Magnolia could be destroyed. "Why must you make him become his father Zane?" said Makarov.

Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Excuse me Coward but this current Laxus is all because of you not even reprimanded him once.". "I know. What do you expect me to do?" said Makarov. "Teach him a lesson. Spank the kid for all I care. Show him that you're the master for some reason that I'll never get why." said Zane. Makarov sighed as he said,"I'll do that the next time I see him. I'll be going to my office to relax. Try not to cause trouble before leaving.". "No promises Coward." said Zane,

Makarov walked away as Zane rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "So do you guys really think he's going to do that or not? My prediction is 99% no to 1% yes. Got to give him some benefit of the doubt here." said Zane. "No." said all of Team Legion Zero except for Twilight. "So don't you have something to say to the crowd watching you aka a deep and cheesy speech? I mean they're waiting for you to say something if anything." said Twilight.

Zane nodded as he looked to the crowd with them looking at him. "Fine. All of you better listen to me. Don't you dare listen to Laxus. Everyone in this dam guild is weak is some shape but do I see them as trash like Laxus apparently do? Yes I very much do. Some are us are strong because of our magic power, combat prowess, intelligence, and just being a good person." said Zane. With that, Zane was referring to Kaida, Stella, Levy, and Lucy respectively.

Zane smiled as he said,"I'll agree with this entire mess being Lucy's fault hands down. If she just went to her daddy and told him what she want to do with her life from the very start, this all could have been solved without this dump being remodeled or no injuries but what can you do when you're working with a spoiled brat like her? I'm not perfect either. I was once scared of my real power because of the damage and pain it could cause to others around me.".

Zane clenched his fists as he said,"I pushed people away but I eventually learned that I shouldn’t be scared of any part of myself. The good or bad. I'll never regret anything I ever say in my life because I don't see myself. No one in this Omniverse is perfect but we shouldn’t focus on our weakness like a bully would but on our strength instead. We can learn from every mistakes and loss to be stronger than those who focus on their weakness.”.

Sly smiled as she flew over to him. "Why is that you can be both the inspirational type and an asshole at the same time?" said Sly. Kaida and Levy walked over to Zane as Zane said,"Who knows? I just do whatever comes to mind and I'm going to rest before we go on our job Levy.". "Sure. We also have to make sure she gets approved for the guild before we go." said Levy. "Really?! She's going to join the guild now! She's awesome!" said Kaida. "Yeah she is." said Zane.

Juvia ,from her hiding spot, heard this and blushed. Ever since meeting Kaida, the bluenette rain woman liked her and treated her as her daughter with Zane. After this, the guild had calmed down with Zane's group walking over to the bar. "So Mira. Do you mind explain to me how a jerk like Laxus could be guild master?" said Lucy. "Because he's awesome obviously." said Zane, sitting down at the bar. "You know that you're the minority for thinking that right?" said Levy.

Zane shrugged as he said,"I'm usually am but at least I have an opinion unlike you sheeple.". "I may hate saying this but we may not have a choice in the matter. Since Laxus is Master's flesh and blood grandson, he has the highest chance of becoming Guild Master and will do exactly what he threatens to do." said Mira. "And when that happens, it's going to be awesome." said Zane. "Is there seriously no one else who can take the job?" said Lucy.

Mira frowned as she said,"Not really Lucy. Laxus is at the top of a very short list of people who could assume command if the master were to retire.". "No really? I can't believe it. Someone who talks like that about his Nakama like that shouldn't be our master." said Lucy. "I heavily disagree Lucy." said Zane. "Of course you would. You're totally man crushing on him." said Sly. "Obviously. I mean he's totally my type just like Ignacio is. I really need to go see him soon." said Zane.

Sly nodded as she said,"Unlike his sister, he's enjoying his retirement. Both devils kinda wish to see their favorite Cross-Species.". "Okay. I will eventually and Lucy. Laxus does cares about you guys even you in his own special way. He needs some time to cool off and maybe mature but that may not happen if the Coward doesn't teach him a well need lesson. If I had to pick anyone out of all of you to be master, he would be my top choice.” said Zane.

Mira nodded as she said,"There are rumors floating around about that. Master Makarov refuses to retire because of that.". "Wow. Seriously?" said Lucy. "So if I force him to an early retirement, Laxus could be master am I right?" said Zane. Natsu glared at Zane with him saying,"Don't worry Luce. I'll make sure that Laxus isn't our master and you won't help him right Zane?". "Pretty sure I will since he should have retired at least sixteen years ago." said Zane.

Sly nodded as she said,"But to be fair, humans in this dimension may live longer than humans of our dimension.". "Yeah but since we're from the Prime Dimension, I thought sixty two would be the normal retirement age." said Zane. "Natsu. You need to calm down." said Erza as she placed her hand on Natsu's shoulder. "There is no reason to mess around with the guild's two bad eggs." said Erza as Happy flew over to Zane. "She's talking about you and Laxus Zane." whispered Happy.

After hearing this, Zane smiled and he picked up Happy with his mind, throwing him away. "And he's gone!" said Kaida, clapping. "You're really your father's daughter aren't you?" said Mira. "Yep and being an Alvarez is the best." said Kaida. As this was going on, Erza finally noticed that the brand new mark on Lucy's neck finally. You may be wondering how it's here since Lucy has the ability to hide it from others.

Lets just say that Lucy wasn't focused on that due to the fight and the news that Laxus has the best candidate to become the fourth guild master of Fairy Tail. "Lucy. What's up with your new mark on your neck?" said Erza being that Lucy and Natsu exchanged a quick look. "Can we talk in private Erza for a second? It's something important." said Natsu. "Um sure Natsu. There is a secluded spot behind the construction site where we can talk." said Erza, walking toward the spot

Natsu shared one last look at Lucy before going after Erza like a dog. "So since those two are going to be busy for a while, is there any other candidates for guild masters?" said Lucy. "Yes. Any one of our sixth guild masters could be guild master." said Mira. "Um Mira. While I'm not against you being master, do you really think Zane would make a good guild master?" said Gray. He along with the trio of Happy, Stella and Vance joined the group at the bar.

Zane looked hurt as he said,"I'm hurt Gray but I would refuse. I already a company and a kingdom of Phantoms so someone else like Laxus could handle that while I enjoy just being the guild's number one asshole. No one is taking that from me.". "So the other candidates are?" said Stella. "Mystogan is never here and an a solo act. Erza probably couldn't handle the responsibility and stress for being Guild Master." said Mira.

Vance nodded as he said,"Yeah. I have to agree because I did some research on Makarov before he become guild master. He aged a lot due to age and stress.". "Just like most political leaders." said Zane as Sly agreed with that statement. "There is also Gildarts." said Mira. "Who is Gildarts?" said Lucy. "I think he's an S-Class Wizard but I haven't met him once since I've been a member of the guild. What about you three?" said Stella, pointing to Lucy, Sly, and Zane.

Sly shrugged as she said,"Never heard about him before but I think Zane had.". "Yeah. He's never around and I think Laxus called him a drifter." said Zane. "Gildarts is the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail next to Makarov and unlike Laxus, he's a really nice guy." said Happy. "And has beaten Natsu up more times than Zane has." said Gray. "Wow. That's impressive." said Vance. "And I could easily beat him no problem. So why not ask him to do it?" said Zane.

Mira sighed as she said,"Well, I think you and him share a similar reason for not doing that. He's more of a fighter rather than a guild master. I also don't think he could do paper work and could stay in the guild for a long period of time.". "He sounds awfully like Darin and Theron." said Sly. "And those two are?" said Stella. "Two of my friends/teachers in the Alliance. Lets just say that they make your guys destruction look tiny in comparison." said Zane. "Ah." said the group around him. 

While this was going on, Erza and Natsu were having a private conversation. Once both wizards were in private, Natsu double checked to make sure that no one followed them. Juvia was there but she's really good at hiding being able to hide from a dragon slayer's senses but not Zane's. "Natsu. What's so important that we have to talk in private like this." said Erza. "It's about Luce." said Natsu with the knight raising an eyebrow. "You wondered why she looked so different." said Natsu. 

Erza nodded as she said,"Yes. I noticed the strange mark on her neck. It's strange since I haven't noticed it on her before today.". "Well, there is a very specific reason Luce looks like that. I really don't want you to get upset or jump to conclusion. Can you do that for me?" said Natsu as he placed his hands on Erza's shoulders. "Sure thing Natsu. Please tell me what's going on. You're really starting to worry me." said a concerned Erza.

Natsu took a deep breath to calm himself before he was going to drop a bomb ,maybe an Fat Man or Little Boy, on Erza. "Luce and I are dating." said Natsu. This news caused Erza to be silent with her eventually saying,"Come again. I don't think I heard you right.". "Luce and I are in a relationship Erza. She has that tattoo because we're mates." said Natsu with him seeing realization flash right through her eyes. "So you two...." said Erza.

Natsu nodded as he squeezed Erza's shoulders. "Yeah. It was about a week ago but there is something you need to know. It has to do with me being raised by a dragon king. Even thought I'm with Lucy, I still lo--" said Natsu. "Congratulations. I'm really happy for the two of you." said Erza, cutting Natsu off in the middle of his explanation. "Erza. Please leave me finish." said Natsu. The knight removed herself from his grasp and she began to walk away. "Erza wait!" said Natsu, reaching out for her.

Erza smiled at Natsu being that even a blind person could tell was fake. "It's fine Natsu. You have no need to explain anything. I understand completely. Now how about we get the team together and go on our mission?". "Okay." said Natsu, hanging his head. He tightly balled his fists and clenched his teeth. "Dam it. I really messed this up. Why does Erza have to be so stubborn?! Why wouldn't you let me to tell you that I love you too?! We can still be together!" thought Natsu.

Erza walked away to meet up with the others at the bar being that once she got a good distance away from Natsu, she hung her head and leaned against a support beam. She was trying to hide her tears that were going down her cheeks. "Damn it! I waited too long! I lost him to Lucy! I can't have a chance to tell him how I feel!" thought Erza, wiping away her tears. Poor Erza. She feels real bad but don't worry. She'll get her chance eventually maybe in like five plus chapters.

It all depends on when I start writing the Tower of Heaven Arc. A few minutes after they were able to get back to normal, Erza and Natsu were at the bar with the others. "Um Gray. Your clothes are gone again." said Stella. Gray looked down and saw that he was in his boxers again. "Zane. Do you have something that could keep Gray's clothes on? Kinda sick of seeing him in the nude." said Vance. "I think. Have to check the catalog of inventions and stuff in my house. I got a lot there." said Zane.

Erza smiled as she placed her hands on her hips. She may look happy but lets just say that right now in Erza's head, she's fuming mad. "We've been working together since the Eisenwald incident so I guess we're a team now." said Erza. This statement caused most of the guild to look at her. "You can't be serious. I thought it was a thing since that day." said Wakaba. "Erza may be strong but she isn't very bright when it comes to be social." said Cana, earning a nod from Macao.

Erza looked at Stella and Vance with her saying,"Stella and Vance. How would you two like to join our team? The seven of us could make an impressive team.". "Sure. I'm game. You guys were my first real friends in Fairy Tail after you almost had me killed. However, I'm willing to forgive and forget so what about you Vance?" said Stella. "Do I have a choice in the matter? I'm going to protect you from all danger Stella no matter if I'm working with him." said Vance.

He pointed to Happy who smiled. "So are you sure about me being on your team? I mean I'm not exactly the strongest wizard." said Lucy. "Not someone like you! Luce! It has to be you!" said Natsu with a toothy grin. "Aye!" said Happy. "It honestly would feel weird not having you on our team since we're you know." said Natsu, pointing to his neck. Lucy smiled as she got what he really mean with her nodding.

Cana smiled as she said,"So since Erza confirmed it, I guess they're our strongest team.". "Yeah. It's about time!" said Macao. "Is Happy and Vance strong though? I mean Lucy is slightly stronger than the felines." said Wakaba, getting blasted by Vance's weapon. "I know that I would be done for if she sicced that psycho Aquarius on me." said Alzack. Zane was silent as Athena said,"I think I know what we need to do soon.". "Yep. Tell Nerida what the plan is." said Zane.

Bisca smirked as she said,"She may not be the physically strongest but she has a pretty sharp mouth just like our resident asshole and a big heart.". "I have to work with him?" said Gray. "If you two don't want to work together, I got some more training ideas. I think I'll use Nemo this time and just maybe, Orb Thunder will return." said Zane, smiling. The ice wizard shivered in fear as he nodded his head. "I'm perfectly fine with it!" said Gray with Vance making a whipped sound effect.

Happy looked serious as he said,"What about Sly and Zane? I mean Kaida is only four and Levy is part of Shadow Gear.". "Yeah. I don't want Sly and Zane to be all alone." said Natsu. "I'm not since I got friends and Levy is part of my team." said Zane. "Hold on. I thought you could be only be on one team." said Gray. Makarov ,who appeared from out of nowhere, said,"Nope. Wizards can be on more than one team so I guess it's you two plus Sly huh Levy?".

Levy nodded as she said,"Yep. So why are are you out of your office?". "I have an very important announcement to make so I need all of you to listen up." said Makarov. The short man instantly got everyone's attention. "Despite Zane's very unique perspective on everything, I realized something today." said Makarov. "That's a good way of saying that I'm an asshole Coward. Is your very big announcement is that you're going to announce Laxus as the next master?" said Zane.

The crowd was silent as Zane said,"Wow. Tough crowd. I'm hurt.". "No. That isn't it. Zane has the key components of a wizard. He has intelligence, power, and strength but an S-Class wizard has both a strong conviction and heart. You've told me and the others in the guild about the countless times that you willingly put yourself in life threatening situations not for a reward but to help a single person from danger." said Makarov.

He smiled as he said,"And that's what makes someone a real wizard or superhero. For a wizard isn't powerful by the quality or size of their magic but by their heart. And on that note, I'm grateful in officially making Zane Vincent Alvarez into becoming the next S-Class Wizard of Fairy Tail! He shares the same rank of Gildarts, Erza, Laxus, Mira, and Mystogan.". The crowd cheered at this with Natsu saying,"Sweet! This means that you can take us on official S-Class Jobs Zane!".         

Zane smiled as he said,"Thanks Coward but honestly, I rather just be a pseudo S-Class Wizard.". At this moment, everyone stopped as they went wide eye with shock and silent as well. "You can't be serious? You're going to give up the chance to become S-Class!" said Macao. "Yeah. I mean I know that you like pissing everyone off but this doesn't happen every day." said Wakaba. "Why would you give this up!? You've done so much for the Guild and that makes you a real man!" said Elfman.

He was crying tears of the manly variety which is just tears but they belong to a real man. Just wanted to make that clear. At this, Droy and Jet scooted back with them saying,"Better stay away before he does something brash.". "Smart." said Laki, overhearing them. "Come on Zane. This is the perfect way to show respect because the real S-Class test is way tougher than this one." said Cana with her sipping her beer.

Lucy nodded as she said,"I may disagree with you a lot but I really think you're S-Class like Erza is being that you're part of the reason why I'm still here as a member of Fairy Tail.". "You can't turn it down like this! I've been working my ass off trying and become S-Class just for the next test and when you earn it, you're going to throw it away like it was nothing?! What the hell is wrong with you man?!" roared Natsu.

Makarov was crying with regret. "Come on Zane. You can't just decided not to be an S-Class after you defeated Jose! You're famous and the magic council practically demanded that I make you our guild's sixth S-Class wizard. You were there at the meeting!" said Makarov. Zane blinked with him saying,"Um Levy dear. Mind telling me if I said that I was going to not be one?". "Nope. You just want to be a Pseudo S-Class Wizard because it sounds cooler." said Levy.

Stella looked at Zane with her sighing. "Why is that so obvious with you?" said Stella. "It's Zane. He does that often and I know all too well. He practically refused becoming President of the United States since he didn't want his hair to go gray and also he wasn't going to take it from the two pretty good candidates at the time." said Sly. "It's also something that Warrior did and also being a king is way better than being a president easily." said Zane.

He smiled as he said,"But whatever I don't care. I'll be your S-Class wizard despite me being a Magnus rather than a sorcerer or wizard. I'm just being semantic at this point now.". After hearing this, everyone stopping their straight up bitching. "Under one condition." said Zane. "Okay. What is that condition?" said Makarov. Zane smiled as he walked away and the crowd looked at Levy who smiled. "You'll see soon Master." said Levy.

The crowd heard a female voice,"Um Zane! I'm not ready for this! I'm not dressed right and they hate me!". "So? I mean me, Kaida, and Levy like you along with Elfman and Mira so that's already six people who liked you compared to the hundred plus people in your old guild who didn't." said Zane's voice. The superhero came back with Juvia by his side. "My good friend Juvia Lockser aka the Rain Woman of the former Phantom Lord joins Fairy Tail and be a part of Team Maelstrom." said Zane. 

At this moment, everyone but the trio of Kaida, Levy, and Sly were shocked by this including Juvia who knew about Levy and Zane's plan of getting her to join Fairy Tail. She was a former member of Phantom Lord, one of their Element Four, and she was part of the trio who kidnapped Lucy in the first place. The latter of which is because Zone 2 ,in Raven Form, giving her to Sol. Juvia could feel the stares of fear and hated aimed at her when Zane said that.

She sighed with her looking at the ground and figured out the truth about what was going on. "I knew it. They can't accept me at all. Thank you Kaida, Levy, Sly, and Zane but I have to go. They won't let me join." said Juvia. "I doubt that. Am I right Coward?" said Zane. "Sure. Why not? I don't mind at all." said Makarov. This caused everyone to went wide eye at this and shouted what in shock with this annoying Zane a good deal.

Zane smirked as he said,"I know that Juvia here was a part of Phantom Lord but heck, I've always been one to see the good in people and always give them a second choice to be a good being. A wise scholar once said that yesterday's enemy can become today's ally. I mean Gray and Hatchling are polar opposites but they get along decently.". "And the fact that she's a cutie. We could also use more of those in the guild. She may give Mira a way for her money in Sorcerer's Weekly!" said Makarov.

The crowd looked at their Master concerned for his well-being. "Ignore him Juvia. I mean me and Laxus do and we're fine. I promise you this. If everyone in the guild hates you, you'll always have my support and friendship. So come on. Join Fairy Tail being that we don't see you for having great magic power like Jose but as a good friend." said Zane. Juvia looked at Zane with her crying at bit as she cupped her mouth.

She looked at Zane with Kaida, Levy, and Sly standing beside him with the latter floating in the air. "I think I will. Thank you for having me all of you." said Juvia. Thanks to her stalking senses, she was being watched with it being because of Happy, Natsu, and Vance. The trio was looking at her very confused as Juvia said while hiding behind Zane,"Um. Can I help you three?". The two looked at her puzzled with her unable to take the concentration looks. "So who are you?" said Vance. 

Juvia almost fainted after hearing this from the cat. "Um. I'm sure Happy and Natsu would do this but you Vance? You met her before. Remember when I fought her?" said Zane. "And she's been here for the past couple of days now." said Sly. "To be fair, I think only Zane noticed her since she's called what again Kaida?" said Levy. "A super stalker!" said Kaida. "Right. That's a Zane level nickname due to it being so clever." said Levy. "Yep. They're related." said Sly.

After hearing this, Kaida smiled. "Um Zane. Juvia has curly blue hair and dressed in an outfit that covers her from head to toe except her face. I mean this chick has her hair in locks." said Natsu. "I think I'm more shocked about you knowing something about hair rather than you being an idiot for once." said Zane, blinking. He grabbed two of Juvia's bangs ,causing her to blush, and curled them as the trio of Happy, Natsu, and Vance's eyes widened. "It's Juvia!" said Happy.

Zane let them down as Happy cried out in terror,"Ah! What happened to Juvia?! Did you kill her like you said you would!". "Idiot cat. I like this look of hers a lot being that she can have whatever hair she wants because well, she's a beautiful woman regardless." said Zane, smiling. This caused Juvia to blush madly with her head generating steam. "You really can't turn off the playboy." said Sly with her punching Zane in the shoulder. "Yeah but I don't care. It makes me well me." said Zane.

Next time,
With Juvia a part of Fairy Tail and the new Team Maelstrom consisting of Kaida, Levy, Sly, and Zane, how will they fair against the volcanic monsters plaguing Crimcroft Spas? Pretty well I bet but lets keep it hidden for now. Will Erza take out her anger about Natsu being with Lucy on the girl in question or will the poor dark guild be a victim of her wrath? And what's up with Loke? This and more next time on Fairy Legion! I promise the next one won't be as longer as this chapter. 

Just a quick point to make before I end this. I didn't downplay Erza. She is a strong wizard but she has a serious weakness which is ironically her strength. It's her armor. Once the Tower of Heaven happens, that problem is solved. She isn't comfortable without her armor right now except among her closest friends. It's like how Zane is nice to some people rather than everything else. In the fight between Erza and Zane, Zane was seriously holding back against her.

Erza wasn't since she wanted to see how strong he really was. To Zane, it was a sparring contest. If Zane did go all out with Astral Form or anyone one of his big guns, Erza would be dead or in a lot of pain. There will also be a lot of destruction as well. This applies for Laxus as well but I think Laxus is stronger than she is so Zane used a bit more of his power on him and cause the guild's construction to be set back again.

Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Inventor Form. This card has a black frame with several famous inventors in the background and a forge in the center. When Zane places this card inside, Zane becomes an inventor. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 118 and it doesn't have a Prime Form.

Jackpot Form.This card has a black frame with a scorpion wrapped around a pot of gold ,filled to the brim, in the background. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 55 and it doesn't have a Prime Form. This form later gets a change/upgrade thanks to the Zenith Core. It's very similar to Brain and Frost Form being that instead of going through a metamorphosis, Jackpot Form progress into the future or matures according to Parker. It's seen in person around the time of Zero Episode 132.5.

Ram Form. This card has a black frame with a caprine like creature standing in the center of the card getting ready to fight with a sunset background. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 47 and it doesn't have a Prime Form.

Equinox Form. This card has a black frame with the right side of the card being black and the left side of the being white with the center of the card having a symbol for Yin Yang. He can control both Darkness and Light in this form. This Form was been introduced in Zero Episode 97 and it doesn't have a Prime Form.

New Cards/Forms that haven't been seen in Zero yet:
Archfiend Form. This card has a black frame with a devil like creature sitting right in front of a junkyard ,with several mechanical monstrosity vehicles inside of it and ready to attack, with a evil smirk plastering on his face and fingers put together. This Form hasn't been introduced in Zero yet and it does have a Prime Form.

Dancer Form. This card has a black frame with a creature mediating/skating on a lake with several swans flying behind him or on the water and the sun is going down behind the lake, painting a beautiful picture. When Zane places this card inside, he becomes a fighter of grace and power or a very deadly dancer. Parker combined this form with both the Boxer Punch and Warrior Blade with him telling Zane that he can still use the cards separately if he chooses but tends not to do. This form had some very feminine traits but Zane doesn't mind that since he's nether gender to begin with. This Form hasn't been introduced in Zero yet and it does have a Prime Form.

Prodigy Form. This card has a black frame with a creature floating in the center of the card with a space like background. When Zane places this card inside, he becomes super smart being only defeated by Brain Form by a bit and becomes one with the cosmos itself. This Form hasn't been introduced in Zero yet and it does have a Prime Form.

Warlord Form. This card has a black frame with a warlord like figure standing in the center of the card and behind the figure, a destroyed city. When Zane places this card inside, he gets a lot stronger and more squid like. This Form hasn't been introduced in Zero yet and it doesn't have a Prime Form.

Wizard Saint Ranking: After Phantom Lord Arc. Personal Opinion.
1. God Serena.
2. Draculos Hyberion.
3. Wolfheim.
4. Warrod Sequen.
5. Ira Yates.
6. Makarov Dreyar.
7. Lisa Vastia.
8. Jura Neekis.
9. Siegrain.
10. Unknown.

Fairy Tail's Top Ten Wizards: After Phantom Lord Arc. Personal Opinion.
1. Zane Alvarez. He does count as a wizard since he has Animus/Ethernano/Impulse within his body and he's a Magnus/Sorcerer.
2. Makarov Dreyar.
3. Gildarts Clive.
4. Laxus Dreyar.
5. Mystogan.
6. Juvia Lockser/Natsu Dragneel when he's serious and at his best.
7.  Erza Scarlet/Mirajane Strauss after she gets some training done/Stella Lockhart.
8. Freed Justine.
9. Gray Fullbuster.

Erza's Original Armors:
Blizzard Empress Armor. This armor lowers colder environments by 50% and grants her the ability to produce and manipulate ice. By holding her fans in her hands, she can absorb ice and snow. Her outfit can fly short distances. It can freeze at incredible speed and it’s very strong but it can be broken with enough strength and power but it can be melted away using Fire magic.

Sandstorm Empress Armor. This armor grants her the ability to produce and manipulate sand. Her blades are able to be used as a whip, able to disarm enemies and trip them She’s able to turn herself into sand, able to evade attacks better than her other armor. It does have the weakness of lower durability compared to her other armors.

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