Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Zero Episode 135 Dishonored Apprentice

A/N: Yeah. I really did feel like that we need to go back to Zero after the last four Fairy Legions post being quite the beefers mainly Chapter 43. I could have made it shorter but meh. I'm going to try my best and keep a constant schedule between Fairy Legion and Zero. My goal is hopefully two of each series a month and just maybe, I'll work on Power Fiction Stories. That's a lower priority right now so lets begin. It's a short Author Note because well, I got something planned for the next one.

Narrator P.O.V.
In Bosgan Reef, New York which is an island off the coast of New York City and not visible on most if any universal maps, people were fleeing into a castle. This castle looked to be crafted beautifully and has a very Gothic architecture. It looks like it came straight from Notre Dame. The people that were running wore very strange matching outfits. These strangely dressed people are the lower ranked members of Avalon.

All of them were wearing a black business suit ,with white under shirt and black tie, and silver chain mail armor underneath. They wear brown boots. On the left side of his suit, they have the symbol of their group. It had a silver shield like symbol in the center of their robes with a mobius strip being a gold color in the center of the shield. They are also wearing silver helmet like hoods which completes covered their head with red sunglasses visors.

Under the helmet, they all have thick brown hair and blue eyes with noticeable eyebrows. They also have a large crooked nose. Their matching appearance is due to them have the same appearance due to them being made from a cloning facility. They usually carry around a red energy broadsword and large red energy angular shield. "Open the gates! He's coming!" shouted the men in unison as one of their matching brothers began releasing the chains of a pulley.

He was going to make sure that his identical brothers in arms were brought in for safety and to keep their enemy out. Once all of them were safely inside, the knight ,who was manning the pulley, began to reroll it, closing the drawbridges. All of them held their weapons, ready to defend one of their many bases against the invader. The invader's stomps literally shook the ground below as its roar caused one of the clones to wet himself.

They began hearing the invader blasted the door with the red energy that made their weapons but was much stronger. This sound echoed throughout the castle being that no matter what they fired at them earlier, neither of them were giving up just like the hero of Cypress Park Zero when they come in contact with him. This went on for a good minute in the half but it was dead silent. Did the intruder give up and leave?

Silence is all that echoed through the castle but not a single warrior dared to move. Thirty seconds have passed so is it over now? Nope. The bridge was blasted open, sending pieces of wood and stone flying. A shadowed figure floated in the doorway with it saying with his masculine voice,"You extremely dumb humans. Do they honestly think they could have stopped me using a door? It's such a damn shame that I have destroy another one of your forts.".

Before the clones could do anything about them, a group of them was on the ground and bleeding profusely. The shadowed figure landed on the ground, growing in size and was about twenty feet tall with him roaring. The rest of them ran away as they were blasted by bright red fire like energy that came from the giant's eyes. This attack in turn set the perimeter of the castle on fire. One knight in particular ran away in fear as the shadowed figure followed after him.

Despite going on a rather slow speed, the figure was right on his tail. The clone was hit in his side by an invisible force and sent flying into a wall. The hit would have killed him if not for his armor and his body being created to withstand an impressive amount of damage. Before he could go anywhere, he was held to the ground by a red energy hand. "Tell me where it is or I'll end your short, pathetic life." said the shadowed figure.

The knight shivered as he said,"I don't know what you're talking about! I don't have any knowledge outside of hating you mutated freaks!". The knight's arm was blasted clean off by the shadow figure with him screaming in pain before his head was gone. "Such a shame. You really shouldn't do what he did if you want to live?" said the figure. There was a clone in the box with it slowly shrinking around him, crushing him to death.

The shadowed figure said,"I'll ask you this one time. Where is the Alternator? You insects should know that I don't show mercy to liars.". "In the great hall! Just up ahead! You can't miss it! I'm not lying  about that. Please let me live sir! I'm close to become a real person....." said the knight being that he was dead due to the crushing. The shadowy figure flew down as it was a male if the voice made it too obvious to anyone.

He looks to be a Caucasian American of over twenty years old but he’s actually much older. He has rather pale skin but with a lean, muscular build. He has shaggy ,from lack of maintenance rather than on purpose, silver hair and he has two reddish yellow eyes. He has noticeable black circles around them which is a result of lack of sleep on his part rather than anything else. He wears a black tunic like shirt with white stripes.

The stripes form into a DNA helix symbol in the center of it. His arms are covered by metal sleeves. He wears dark gray khakis with pockets and brown sandals. He wears a gold fingerless gauntlet on his left hand. It goes up to his wrist and covers the back of his hand. "Thank you. You're so smart unlike your counterpart. It's time to get my just dues. He'll be dead and I'll have the most powerful weapon in the Omniverse on my wrist!" said the man.

Meanwhile in Cypress Park, it was the dead of night. The streets of the city were still lit up and a very few amount of its residents were walking the streets since the rest were asleep. The sky is clear with no sign of rain whatsoever. If they looked up above, they would see a dark slime like shape swing through the city. It looked to be 8 inches by inches when stationary and not moving whatsoever. It hurled its limb forward, a rope of its body toward the nearest building.

Once it latched on, it swung low before it threw its other limb forward. By doing this, it released another strand that allowed it to continue onward. If anyone actually looked up from their phones, it would be a strong assumption that this was their home's protector and most famous hero on the planet Earth. The Earth's Protector or the Earth's Plague according to Curtis of Apex Mind. Legion Zero is his name and he's a favorite among many people.

However if taken a close look at the creature, they wouldn't see the "LZ" logo on his chest. It's a dark red "X" over a black ,with a white spider-web pattern, circle. This is the Vordlarin partner of the supervillaness Xenosect Darth Krakirm. Due to his bonding with Megan Nash and collecting of many different Vordlarins, he had changed and looks different from when he's bonding with Megan. He's now a white color with glowing red eyes and yellow mouth.   

His mouth shows that it has razor-sharp teeth, black tongue, and its eyes have a jagged black outline to them. The bottom half of his face is black. Darth let out a low growl as he released part of his body but this time he didn't fired off another strand of his body. He let his momentum carry him through the air and land on the top of an apartment complex in the resident district. He was slightly worried about Megan who had been arrested two weeks earlier by Zero.

He escaped from police custody by taking over a police officer and make his way back to Florida so he could find a suitable host until Megan breaks out. Darth growled at the hero being that he was the reason why he couldn't be with his beau Twilight Equinox whom he could sense but inside of the tower belonging to the hero whom he hated. He hated all humans being that he was forced to make them weapons using him as their guinea pig.

However, he took care of his demon spawns by devouring them and absorbing them into him. He grew in power being that out of Vordlarins, he was easily the strongest. So why was he like this? He placed his hand over the area where his stomach was and let out a pitiable whine. His stomach was killing him being that he was pretty sure that Megan and the last handful of hosts weren't sick. Like the rest of his species prior to him being kicking out, he couldn't get sick.

His next thought was that one of his hosts ,perhaps the trucker who had the genius idea of eating from a road-stop burger that was clearly out of date, must have disagreed with their stomach and that pain unfortunately transferred to him. He wasn't sure being that he began to stumble across the rooftop and in a daze, he was looking for a host. "Alright boys! Let's get this show on the road!" said a male's voice.

Darth began slithering his way down and saw a single suitable host among many unsuitable ones. The hosts were part of a group of trouble making and extremely idiotic males who were planning on robbing several families throughout the city. They did plan their robberies by making sure that the families ,whom they were going to rob, were out of town and had a good amount of cash. The latter of which wasn't a problem since most families in Cypress were in the upper middle class.

There was poverty like all cities in the world yes but it has the lowest poverty rate among the cities that lie along on the eastern seaboard. "Oh man! I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they come back!" said one of the men. "Yeah! And they'll be crying their poor eyes out because Santa took their money!" said another men. The group of men laughed at their friend's comment before they heard their boss's serious, stoic but irritated voice. "Get back to work now." said the boss.

The group turned to see the metahuman criminal known as Militant standing there with his ,larger than normal, arms crossed over his muscular chest. He’s a large, tall ape like man being about eight feet tall. His skin is a reddish brown color with the front side being a solid dark blue color. His head is a round shape with a canine like face. He has black wild mane like hair with gray sideburns due to him being middle aged. He has small, blazing red eyes.

He doesn’t have eyebrows but has a jagged scar over his right eye and a five o clock shadow.  He has two upper canines that stick out his mouth. His face showed a serious expression of it. His upper body is more muscular than his lower half, showing with his large, muscular tree trunk like arms and has two small legs. His hands had long talons instead of fingernails and his feet are webbed. His shoulders has three blade spikes, resembling the tips of arrows on his shoulders.

He’s wearing blackish-gray sleeveless vest over a gray shirt. He wears slightly tattered blue jeans with a spiked leather belt. He’s wearing brown dress shoes. When he was a young man, he joined the army to serve his country. Unfortunately, he was seriously injured during a fight with a terrorist cell and was honorably discharged from the military. After being discharged, he went to work in private security for Thunder Cove Detention Center.

He was the head jailer for many years who was known for beating prisoners even if they were on the best behavior. He was later fired thanks to Legion Zero, who gone and exposed his more violent approach to handling prisoners. After that, he went to his local gym and took his frustration on his life turning to crap on a innocent punching bag. As this assault happened, his metagene attracted and turned him into what he is today.

Instead of being a hero, he decided to a criminal being that whoever gets in his way gets beaten into a bloody pulp. He was dedicated to keeping the world safe from crime being that with Adrian subtly motivating his more violent actions to punishing the prisoners. This is due to him often beating up the prisoners for seemingly no good reason beside him wanting to fight crime. He’s willing to murder the inmates if they went against so most of Thunder Cove ,prisoner and guards, were terrified of him.

He’s often gruff to pretty much everyone being that he hates everyone and everything equally. He once admired Legion Zero, seeing him as the only true hero against the criminals but this changed after Zero got him fired and seeing how soft he was on crime. He sees the world in black and white being that anyone who is with him is good and anyone who is without him is bad. He’s very strong being able to break through most objects with ease.

His body can naturally withstand high amount of damage and pressure. Despite his size, he can move and act rather fast. He’s able to fight for long periods of time without a break. He can turn his hands into blades which hurt according to his victims. His main weakness is his thirst for violence. He will beat the crap out of anyone , this includes either friend or foe, who decides to stop him. Darth saw the man with him saying to himself,"He'll do for now.".

As he slithered his way to the metahuman, Militant said,"Get moving before Zero shows up. I don't want him stopping another heist of mine.". "Yes sir!" said the goons. They began rushing into the nearby house, robbing them blind. Militant sat in the back of the getaway car ,which was a black pickup truck, with him smiling. "Once I get enough loot, I can have him enhance me so Zero will be nothing more than a stain on the ground." said Militant.

He heard,"Now why would you want something like that? You don't need money if you want true power.". The man looked around and he said,"Whose there? If it's one of you punks pranking me, I'll kill you!". "Nope. It isn't one of those idiots but the being who is going to borrow your body for a just bit. Perhaps get rid of this sickness I've been having." said the voice. Militant turned around and he screamed as Darth bonded with by forming his body into a incredible mass of slime.

The goons heard their boss's screams as one of them said while holding a flat screen,"Did you guys hear Militant scream too or what just me?". "No. For once it wasn't." said a second guy. They all went back to their truck being that this was the last mistake they'll ever make in their criminals lives. The area was empty, devoid of life as they were several loud, blood curling screams as something had attacked them and left their bodies littered around the destroyed getaway car. 

Militant ,in his new body thanks to Darth, looked over and saw something, smiling. They knew the perfect way to get Zane's attention and roared. They jumped down on the partially empty street and smiled their big, tooth grin. They made their hands into large machete like blades and jumped into a building, slicing their way in. "And now we wait for Zero to show up and in the mean time, I'll figure out how to get rid of my stomach pain." said Militant, with their stomach still growling.

Zane ,as Legion Zero, landed on the ground where he began looking around where he landed. He was outside of a couple of homes that all had their home anit-theft systems active. Like what he has done a countless amount of times before hand as Zero throughout six years, he expected to be chasing right after the thugs. However, he got something else. Bones were littered around a destroyed pick up truck and blood went into the nearby sewer grates.

The hero walked over to it with Cole saying,"So do you have any idea what happened here? I mean I thought these home robberies involve you chasing after the robbers.". "No clue Cole. It could be a wild animal but I'm sure a couple of robbers can handle it. This looks like Darth's handwork. Before bonding with Megan, he used to do stuff like this all over the country and it wasn't pleasant to look at all. I remember seeing Megan without him when they got arrest." said Zane.  

Athena nodded as she said,"Sounds like a good assumption. He probably haphazardly bonding with a couple of partners from here to Washington in order to survive. Twilight told me that bonding with beings outside of your perfect partner has disastrous result to the Vordlarin. Darth probably doesn't know this since this information was discovered after he was kicked out.". "So he's probably sick and has no idea right? That's kinda sad. Are there any shops being robbed?" said Zane.

Athena nodded as she said,"Yes. There is a chocolate shop who was broken into by a criminal and is currently having a standoff with the police. It's right next to a meat shop.". "What a weird combo of shops next to each other." said Cole. "Yeah. Lets head there. I'm sure that Darth's latest partner is there but I need to clean this mess up fast." said Zane. "Yeah. It shouldn't take too long but try and hurry Zane." said Athena. Zane nodded as he began to clean up the destroyed car and dead bodies.            

Zane appeared outside of where the butchers makes the meat and where the choclatiers makes some delicious chocolate. The hero looked around to see several destroyed police cars and ripped apart buildings. Most of the area was covered in white tendrils, pretty much barricading the entire area in the bodily substance belonging to Darth. "Okay. I think we have where Darth went to so where is he in question?" said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went off and he dodged several white tendrils heading toward him with a well performed backflip. "Why must you escaped being impaled Legion Zero?" said a voice. "Because of me not like being impaling obvious. Now how about you come out and play? I mean if you do, I won't tell Megan how you've been sleeping around with other humans whom you hate more than anything if I recall." said Zane.

There was a small shake as Militant appeared a couple of feet away from Zane. He was in his new appearance thanks to Darth. He’s now a large, monstrous ,being twelve feet tall, white creature with huge dinosaur-like ,being sharp as steal knives, fangs and a long drooling black tongue. The latter of which has an green acid coming out of the ground. It has four glowing red eyes with a jagged black outline to them. The bottom half of his face is black.

His upper body is more muscular than it was before with him having huge pecs and six pack abs. He now has four large, muscular tree trunk like arms and four equally small legs. His hands have long talons instead of fingernails and his feet are webbed. The back of his hands have green triangle shaped areas. His shoulders has five blade spikes, resembling the tips of machete on his shoulders. In the center, there is a dark red "X" over a black ,with a white spider-web pattern, circle.

The monster growled as Zane said,"You're going to die by my hands insect.". "Insect? I thought that I was a pest. I'm hurt Militant or should I say Darth? Either one works right?" said Zane with his hands behind his head. "I'm going to enjoy eating you and shut you up." said Militant with a very wicked grin on his face. "Okay. I'll be honest with you. You're really not going to get a mate like that unless you swing for the another team." said Zane.

Militant growled with Zane saying,"Wow. You're no fun like always. Time for have a classic Legion Zero beatdown.". The metahuman rushed toward Zane with his body making several bladed tendrils and covered in acid. "You're dead Zero!" said Militant. "Of course I'm not. All of you villains say the same darn thing. Come up with some new material." said Zane. "I'm stronger now than the last time the two of us fought you." said Militant, making his blades fly toward Zane.

Zane dodged them as they implanted themselves in the ground before they were cut from their source thanks to Zane's Curved Atlatls over both hands. "So is that all you got? I mean Darth has been doing the past four years." said Zane. This comment caused Militant to charge toward Zane. Militant began to bring down his blade fingers before they were blocked by a solid wave of water. Militant turned to see Zane in Water Form.

Zane smiled with him saying,"So you're so determined to kill me. I guess I hope you need to be put down before you hurt yourself and others.". Zane jumped back as several blades that came from Militant. Zane made several bursts of water come from his body ,like a minigun, toward the opponent's upper body. The fist barrage of water bullets stuck his body with ease before Militant was forced to block the water bullets using his body's new suit.

When the suit came in contact with the water bullet, it was destroyed. "Why is this isn't working on stopping you?!" said Militant. "Because Darth uses the same tricks and honestly, your arrogance is annoying. I mean I know that Darth makes its hosts proud, extremely arrogant, daring, and resort to violence quite easily. I would suggest using that peas brain of yours and come up with something new like a hammer. Yeah that's never been done before." said Zane.

Zane dodged a hammer like construct from Militant with him saying,"Yeah. I lied. You're more unorginally than I thought. I mean at least Xenosect had some ranged weapons but Darth, I think you picked a pretty bad host this time around. Bryan was more threatening than this D class villain.". "Shut up!" said Militant. "Nah. I don't feel like it." said Zane. The hero began to move from side to side, easily dodging Militant's attacks.     

While dodging, Zane made several water bullets come from his body and they pierced the man's body. They stick there before slowly getting removed from Militant's body.  Zane was just getting started being that he need to work off some stress. He decided to take out on Darth/Militant in a prolonged fight since no one was in danger. Zane blocked a slash from Militant before sliding under him and turned into Titan Form, shocking the duo.

This form of their enemy isn't seen often due to it being very easy to cause property damage with this form. Zane grew to 50 feet tall with him grabbing Militant. "I hope you're ready to reach the heavens you two!" said Zane. "How about no?!" said Militant. "Nah. That doesn't very good for me." said Zane. He tossed Militant into the air, reaching the mesosphere and coming crashing down like a meteor. The duo went crashing into a empty building, breaking it.     

Militant reemerged from the rubble with blood leaking from his mouth. "Are you ready for round two? Instead of reaching the heavens, here's a laser from me to you." said Zane, firing red energy from his eyes. The beams hit Militant in his chest, causing parts of Darth's costume to go missing. "I won't lost because of you!" yelled Militant. Several blades went flying toward Zane and he instantly deactivated Titan Form.

Militant looked for Zane with him hearing,"If energy beams and coming from space won't make you stop, I'll try something else like a piledriver!". The monster was tossed into the air by a large hurricane thanks to Terrapin Form. Zane jumped into the air, flying toward Militant. He turned into Basilisk Form. He grabbed Militant, performing an impressive piledriver with Militant's head hitting the ground hard and causing a cloud of debris to rise from their impact.

Militant groaned in pain, slowly rise up and barely keeping Darth. Darth was wondering why Zane was beating him so easy being that he was still feeling sick despite eating 30,000 calories or 8/9 pounds. "So how about you give up? I mean if you give up now, I'll make sure that you get a decent cell in Thunder Cover which you'll probably break out of. We'll be repeating this song and dance so give up." said Zane, crossing his arms.

Militant roared as he said,"I never give up against you! I will enjoy the taste of your blood!". The man began channeling his rage from withing, making his muscles. He began slashing at everything within his range being that Zane dodged them. "Seriously? Why is that all of my enemies never listen to me. I mean the cell is pretty nice but whatever." said Zane. He made several pieces of rubble float around Militant, poised to impale him at the snap of his fingers.

Zane didn't do that being that with a single thought, they came rushing toward Militant. He roared in agony and fury. "And now, time to wrap you up for the police. I mean they just love it when you guys are wrapped up and unable to escape." said Zane, clapping his hands. "No!" yelled Militant. The area around him turned into candy syrup with it covering his body. He was trapped in a ball of hardened candy syrup from his face down, unable to move any part of his body.

Zane smiled as he said,"So what's next? I was thinking that you give up this poor man's body and go into this Darth shaped jar.". He was holding a glass jar that he made it earlier using the heat from Militant's body. "Probably shouldn't ended the fight earlier and keep people from using their jobs but I can repair it before the police comes back." said Zane. Militant's mouth opened and with a loud and disgusting retch, a thick liquid gushed from his throat.

It's a sticky and gooey sapphire blue mess. It looked to be half digested and half melt. Zane slowly backed away with him saying,"Dude. That's disgusting. I hope you don't do that in public. It's kinda a turnoff except for those who like that kinda of stuff. Different strokes for different folks. Now, lets get you to jail. I'm sure the wonderful Zenith Industries has a device for removing Vordlarins. Let's get you cleaned up.".

Zane made part of Militant's prison wipe off the disgusting remnants from his mouth and landed on the ground, forming a puddle of it on the floor. "I feel better now." said Militant. "So is that Darth talking or Militant?" said Athena. "Both/both?" said Cole and Zane. "I wasn't asking a question. It was hypothetical!" said Athena. "We know that. It's called making a joke." said Cole. "Sometimes Athena. You really need to learn how to take a joke." said Zane.

Athena sighed as she said,"Whatever. Lets just go.". Zane shrugged as he picked up Militant's prison using his telekinesis and flew off toward the prison. In the process, he left behind the disgusting Militant's upchuck. Zane should have stayed behind just a bit longer to see that the goo was moving across the ground on its own and right into the sewer. The Restoration Guardians flew in to restore the area like the fight never happened.

The next morning, Zane sighed. He leaned back in his office chair and stared right at his watch's computer screen. He had been reading emails, project reports for his company's many divisions, and stock market projections since he arrived into the office at about 6 in the morning. Zenith Industries's main building is the former Champion Tech building before it got shut down after all of its crimes were revealed and stocks went down.

It was cleaned out of all criminal activity by the Alliance since Zane wasn't going to trust Swarm to do the job. He was currently looking over a profile that was given to him by Silas Mercer. According to Silas, this men is a higher up of Avalon. Not much is known about Avalon unlike Swarm whose evil is well known among the general public since they're not subtle whatsoever. It lies within the heart of America being that it's sophisticate and extremely unethical.

According to Silas's highly detailed report on them, they were once a group of loyal knights that served King Douglas. The knights claimed that they would follow Douglas's teachings forever. However, the knights turned on the king after he became soft toward the supernatural beings that plagues human by killing him and the friends he kept secret from the group that he once founded. It was later discovered by Silas.

They were made apparent to the man after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It's dedicated to construct ways to protect humanity for the next threat aka the metahumans and the monsters under the bed and in the closet by killing anything that isn't human. Anyone can join this group being that the only rule is that you have to be willing to make sacrifices to protect your fellow human from the threats that are slowly growing in number.

It's spent over five billion dollars from the country's tax payers for over seventy years. It's existence is a well kept secret to the general public being nothing more than a rumor. They've opened an illegal black market for the criminal underworld in order to make sure that they have a leg to stand on if their actions are publicly exposed. They've also stolen money from the banks under the pretense of keeping it away from the criminals.       

One criminal activity was hiring the group Tremendous to steal famous paintings being shipped to Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. They were stopped by Legion Zero ,who was visiting Reggie during Late January of 2023, stopping them and learned about Avalon. He knew a bit about them thanks to Megan being a member of the group before becoming Toxic Widow. After handing the Tremendous and Megan, Zero became a thorn in their sides and stopping several plans of theirs.

A crime Zane stopped was finding a hidden cache of gold that was underneath a statue of Abraham Lincoln in a park in Hardin Country, Kentucky. They began collecting artifact and other valuables such as the Vordlarins that were created by Champion Tech. It was all to prepare for World War 3 that was come soon. One member of the group was recently revealed to the world being a man by the name of Phillip ,by goes by Phil, Keller. He was once the head of finances at Collins Enterprise.

He was later fired for two reasons being that he had a very special "hands on approach" when dealing with the female employees. Andrew had often told Zane about the multiple complains from the fairer sex and even after multiple warnings from Andrew, he kept on doing it. He fired the creep after the sixty ninth warning. He was also discovered working for several criminals even Andrew turned his company over a new leaf when he was defeated by Legion Zero.

Somehow, the man became a billionaire from out of nowhere. He recently spend a year, using his wealth to redecorate and remodel a company that was filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy a handful months prior to Phil Keller buying it. They spend most of their resources to held rebuild any part of America that was damaged or destroyed by the actions of anything supernatural. Though their outer appearance showed good, the inner showed evil.

Phil allowed Avalon to use his buildings to host black markets and auctions for super criminals and have been taking money from the government without getting caught. "So how is this guy bad? And how sure of this are you?" said Zane. While researching this man and all known information about Avalon, he was talking to Silas. "I'm more than sure. I had Agent Silver Moon investigate one of their recent fund raising events." said Silas.

Zane rolled his eyes hard as he said,"And what did she find? How the rich love to throw their money around at problems hoping to fix them?". "Yes but also this. There was a recent explosion in Bosgan Reef, New York." said Silas. "Uh huh. You do know that I'm busy right? I do run one of the world's fastest growing companies and I'm the Earth's protector." said Zane. "Just take a look at it and if you get a chance, investigate it." said Silas.

Silas hanged up as Zane sighed. He opened the email Silas gave him and saw pictures. "Okay. It's a ruined castle. Looks pretty nice." said Zane. He noticed one of the pictures having a flag being that it bear the symbol of Avalon aka a good mobius strip on it. Zane sighed as he said,"Guess I'm going to New York. Fantastic.". The office was silent as Zane nodded to himself. "Yeah. I just love going to the criminal city of America." said Zane.       

He was thankful that Cypress Park has been so quiet lately except for the usuals which consist of petty thugs, purse-snatchers, and super villains. None of his bigger name threats were making any form of activity. He deactivated his watch's inboard computer and was going to teleport his way to New York when Crisis Judgement went off. He looked around him and he shrugged. "Whatever. I must be sensing thing." said Zane. He teleported away as something entered the building. 

Whatever entered the building is a story for another time. After arriving in New York City, Zane had made his way toward the ruins of the castle by foot and in his Zeta Costume, the tactical version. "So according to Silas's message, it seems that this castle was recently purchased by Phil and Avalon's flag is inside of this. This does seem kinda sketchy." said Athena. "Yeah. Have to agree with Athena on this. Think we should call the whole gang back to Earth and help?" said Lucifer.

Zane shook his head as he said,"Twilight wanted to visit her mom on Golax Prime and her coming back will take at least two days even with the warp drive engine.". "Okay then. What about Kane?" said Sivarth. "He and Lynx are finally spending time together deal. They haven't seen each other in over a thousand years. We may have forced them too but it's a start I guess." said Azalea. Zane left the woods and looked over the water to see the smoldering ruins of the castle .

He flew over them with him saying,"This place is destroyed.". "Yeah but who destroyed it? That is the question." said Cole as Zane began digging through the wreckage. The only things he found were bones of the clones, a couple piece of destroyed armor, a handful of test tubes, and that's about it. "I guess I have to go back and see what happened here." thought Zane. Before going into Robot Form, Zane heard a groan.

Zane turned to see a Avalon clone with his body looking bruised up. "The man showed no mercy to me and my brothers." said the clone. "So did you attack them just because they were different? I'm sure you're aware of who I am and what I stand for." said Zane. "Yes I am Zero but for once in my ten days alive, me and my brothers did nothing to those freaks. For the past two weeks, they've been attacking our castles searching for something." said the clone.   

The hero crossed his arms as he said,"Yeah. I've heard and I don't feel bad about you nazis losing one of your summer cottages.". "They saw that one of them along took out an entire hive of Sirkils on the coast of Maine." said the knight. He passed out as Zane thought,"I would be impressed if I knew what the Sirkils are. I remember Janet mentioning their species to me once during our chat the other day. Let me see.".

He held up his left gauntlet and opened up the file on the Sirkils. "Oh wow. That is both impressive and reckless. Whoever did this had to have confidence in their abilities or they got lucky. The Sirkils don't mess around. I better tell Silas to come down here." thought Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Lucifer said,"Are we sure about Silas not being a meta? He has been able to appear when we need him too.".

Zane shrugged as he turned around to Silas standing there. The man also had Alyssa standing beside him and one of the few Vordlarins who survived Darth and Megan's wrath Kelly. "Wow Zane. You really went to town on this place. What's the reason this time?" said Alyssa. "For once, he didn't do anything Agent Moon." said Silas. Kelly ,who came out of Alyssa's arm as a snake like head, looked shocked. "Do you really have to be shocked by that Kelly? I'm not that destructive." said Zane.

Kelly looked at Alyssa who shrugged. "He's better than Triton when it came to us raid towns for nazis back in World War 2. So if it wasn't you, who?" said Alyssa. "I'm about to find out Alyssa since before you three got here, the clone here me about a single man being responsible for several Avalon bases getting destroyed." said Zane. "Well, get on with it. You don't have all day to waste around right? You have a hangout with your friends right?" said Silas.

Zane looked at him as he said while turning into Robot Form,"I'll just ignore how much of a stalker you are and find out.". As Zane's eyes glowed red, Silas looked at Alyssa. "So have you done what I asked?" said Silas. Kelly handed the man a report as she said with a smile and salute,"Yep! We checked out all of the possible candidates for the Centurion Project and one of them passed your super strict criteria sir!". "Centurion Project? You're actually going through with that?" said Zane.

Alyssa looked right at Silas with her saying,"How does he?". "He hacked into several government databases and finds any information needed to help the common man. He also leave no traces of him being that unlike Phil. It's like he wanted us to find him." said Silas, looking over the report. Zane's eyes turned back to their normal color. "So what did you see?" said Silas. "The person who has been attacking Avalon is the infamous criminal Vuldall." said Zane.

Silas nodded as he said while Zane deactivating Robot Form,"I see Zane. He's wanted across the Omniverse for his crime. So why would he be on Earth?". "He was after something that called the Alternator. According to what the clones knew, it's intended purpose was to emit a pulse that would eliminate all individuals on Earth who have altered DNA aka metahumans and anything that isn't human. Vuldall was mostly likely going used to get back at Parker." said Zane.

Kelly nodded as she said,"Hold on. You're talking in the present tense when it comes to the Alternator and Vuldall.". "Yeah. The Alternator and Vuldall went up alongside the castle. I didn't see if Vuldall escaped but knowing how he's been able to evade the Alliance for many years now, I doubt that he died like this. He is the creator of the Universe Crucifixion, the once thought to be killer of the Magnus, and former student of Parker. He isn't dead from something like this." said Zane.

Silas looked at Zane with him saying,"So have any idea where he could be going? His precious invention went up in flames so he may go after the creator. I can send a team there to handle him if needed." said Silas. "Nope. He's heading to my hometown to find the creator. He's there and under the protection of Avalon. Team Maelstrom has home court advantage. We got this guy handle and he won't be running any longer." said Zane with him teleporting away.

Alyssa smiled as she said,"So while you were stalking Zane, did any of his friends make the cut for the CP?". "Like with you and your partner's research, I can say that only one of them make the cut for the Centurion Project. We need to get this ready sooner rather than later." said Silas. "So do you honestly think that messing with those items is a good idea?" said Alyssa. "Protecting the Earth or protecting the Omniverse will require me to get my hands dirty with blood." said Silas.

Later that night and at Rachel's house, Zane knocked on his door. He was going to get the entire team together to handle Vuldall but there was a couple of problems. Eight members of Team Maelstrom with this group being Efren, Heidi, Jordan, Kevin, Leo, Lynx, Sly, and Wolfram were unable to help due to them being busy. There was also his responsibilities he has as Legion Zero and CEO of Zenith Industries.

To the people of Cypress Park, it was another amazing day in their home. It was fair weathered being that the people were happy and content. Parents went to work, kids went to school, and the elderly enjoyed the quiet. They were used to this being that they had their protector Legion Zero keeping them out of danger for the past six years. Zane had stopped ten terrorist bomb plans by himself all before lunch and there was another breakout from Thunder Cove.

He was wondering how the prisoners kept breaking out despite having his company's security system in place and it's the best in the business. It didn't take too long to handle but Zane wasn't too sure when Vuldall was going to do something. The most stressful for him to handle is two rivaling gangs planning on fighting each other and Cypress Elementary was caught in the middle. The fact that his little girl was in the center of it made Zane take it serious.

It would have taken Zane about ten seconds to handle them but since Vuldall was out there and Uriel was in danger, he did it with a single second. The two gangs felt a burning sensation in their bodies as Zane handcuffed them and vanished shortly after. All of them took Zane until later that night to get the four members of his team who were available and willing to help him against Vuldall. They were all at Rachel's house like he asked them to.

Zane knocked on the door with Azalea saying,"So why didn't you tell them about why you asked them to meet up at Rachel's place? They're your partners right?". "Yeah. I would have done that but I got busy. Athena and Cole could have done it but they were busy disabling bombs." said Zane as he sighed. "That's fair but you still could have put more into the message than just meet me at Rae's house ASAP." said Sivarth. "He's right Zane." said Lucifer.

Before Zane could argue any further with his team, he heard a voice on the end,"Coming! Let me just put my face on.". Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Come on Rae. You know its me. I'm sure you can sense me and this is very important.". The door opened with Rachel being there and wearing an apron over his clothes. "Hi there babe. So would you like? I got dinner, a bath, and me ready for you." said Rachel.

Zane smiled as he said,"Normally, I would say all three at once since all of the kids are at my parent's place but I have something important to tell you.". Rachel looked at her fiancee's eyes being that he was being serious. "Um sure. The others are in the parlor room." said Rachel. She held Zane's hands as she said,"Are you okay Zane? Have you been thinking of them? It's almost one of their birthdays. Do you need me to stay with you like I did the last couple of years?".

Zane shook his head as he said,"No but if we keep staying here talking about it, I'll have to watch all of you died again and that won't happen. I promised them that. Now come on. The other three are here right Rae?". "Yeah." said Rachel. The two walked inside as Zane's back produced a tendril and closed the door behind him. "Okay Danny. I'll only ask you this once. The demon weighs 100 kilograms, ten meters per second, and two meters from the Ferris Wheel." said Gwen's voice.   

Zane looked in the parlor room ,being the same one from Episode 114, to see the trio of Allen on one couch with Danny and Gwen on the other. Allen is now 6 foot 2. He had a small beard covering his face which is the best he can do. He's jealous of Zane's beard but he's thankful that it's better than whatever Kevin can grow. The sides of his hair had grown back with his fiery red hair now having his bangs covering a bit of his eyes. It's still styled in a quiff.

He's wearing a dark gray short sleeve fitted shirt with it looking ragged. It looked to have been slashed and clawed by a ferocious beast with scythes for claws. It has a gold crown on front. He sometimes wears a dark green jacket with a small symbol for plasma etched on the left side. He's wearing slim dark blue jeans with a black belt. He's still wearing red sneakers that now have small heel parts on the bottom of it. His costume as Quark stayed the same as it was four years ago.

Allen was watching the couple of Danny and Gwen feasting on Fantasia Fries. "Gwen. I may need to right this down so do you mind?" said Danny. "Sure. Take your time. We're no rush whatsoever and it's good to recover any knowledge lost using the power of food." said Gwen. "I still really don't get how someone with your super computer like brain doesn't understand this. It's like watching you struggle though high school all over again mate." said Allen.

Danny rolled his eyes as he heard,"Yeah but don't forget Allen. Danny's computer really needs to be update and he's always sucked at math.". Danny looked at Zane with him saying,"Screw you.". Zane smiled as he said,"I'm up for it but will Gwen and Rae mind us together?". "I am since I've been dying to try a four way." said Rachel. "Maybe another time or never. So what happened?" said Gwen. "Yeah mate. Your text sounded important." said Allen. "Get ready because this story isn't pretty." said Zane.

The four members of Team Maelstrom looked at Zane as he finished. "So wait? This group of nazis has been around since the age of King Arthur? They're older than Swarm too." said Danny. "Yeah but they don't target Phantoms. They target everything else including metahumans." said Zane. "And that was what the Alternator was going to be use for right? A way to kill all beings that aren't human on Earth so that is everyone in our family but Natasha." said Rachel.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. So since all of you up to speed, why didn't anyone answer my text? I know that it wasn't specific at all but seriously? Not a single reply.". "Kinda busy studying for my physics test tomorrow with Gwen. Everyone on Team Maelstrom and Cypress High knows how bad I was and am with physics. Why is that my computer brain has trouble with physics? It can help me solve practically anything but physics. Also why do Sorcerers need this?" said Danny.

He was trying not to blast his textbook. "And I've been busy with college." said Allen. "Yeah Zane. I think it's clear that everyone was busy. I mean you were too busy to help Danny with his physics the first time around. You were practically looking over Leigh's shoulder Danny." said Rachel. "Um. I know that you forgot but it was....." said Allen, getting elbowed by Gwen. "We promised not to say their names in front of him remember?!" said Gwen.

Zane sighed as he said,"Gwen. You and the others don't need to go pussyfooting around me. I'm fine okay? I think I can hear their names without having a panic attack.". "So this Vuldall guy wants the creator of the Alternator since it blew up in his face? How come you're so sure that he isn't dead like the clones were?" said Danny. "I'm sure. Parker told me once that Vuldall is like a cockroach. It can't die no matter what you throw at it just like Avalon." said Zane.

Gwen looked at Zane with her saying,"Zane. You haven't been going after Avalon by yourself haven't you? Didn't we tell you multiple times not to do stuff like this? We're a team and we'll be there for each other. After the duo of Annihilation Day and Massacre, all of us are going to be there for each other for the long hall.". "Yeah. I know Gwen. That's why I contact everyone on Team Maelstrom to see if they could help but everyone was busy." said Zane.

Rachel looked at Zane with her saying,"At least, he's being honest. Right Danny?". "Yeah. His right eye isn't twitching. I'll help you but I don't get how to calculate the angle of momentum. I'm just barely passing the reviews and honestly, I need to pass. I want to be an Alliance Agent like you and this is the way to do it." said Danny. "So what can this Vuldall guy do? He's an alien like you are right mate?" said Allen.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. He's smart being only a few I.Q. points than Parker and myself when I'm in one of my real egg head forms. He has energy manipulation, flight, telekinesis, and the ability to create anything using his mind. His main power and the one we need to be careful of his ability to mimic my form's powers but not their appearance.". "You mean he can turn into Astral Form and erase us?" said Gwen. "Nope. It was confirmed to me by Parker that he can't do that." said Zane.

Gwen let out a sigh of relief as Danny said,"Instead of talking about this, we need to get out there and find this guy. If you say that he's on the same level as Basalt, Kilene, and Skull Plague, we need to stop his plans from happening.". "Yeah. He's right you guys. Thanks for always having my back man." said Zane. "Will do. I got stronger to protect you from getting killed after all." said Danny. Rachel coughed as she said,"I really hate to interrupt the bromace. Actually no I don't by the way.".

Allen shrugged as he said,"She has a point there mates. So do you have any clues Zane? This guy is looking for the creator of the Alternator right?". "Yeah. If the bomb is broken, just go to the creator for a new one." said Zane. "If we were going to do hunt for clues, I think we need some food and I'm think Fantasia." said Gwen. "You've really missed Fantasia Fries and their slushies haven't you Gwen?" said Danny. "Yes I did. We better get going. They close at 10 and it's 8:50 right now." said Gwen.

She left the house with Allen saying,"Wow. I never thought that I would see someone obsessed over Fantasia like you Zane.". "You haven't seen Sly before. She's obsessed with slushies like seriously obsessed. It's like my kids and Wolfram with pancakes. Good thing I bought the company when I was eighteen or half of my pay check would go to that place alone." said Zane. The four heard Zane's car honk as Danny said,"Lets get going.".

At the Fantasia that was nearby the mall, a ton of teenagers were nearby discussing the recent escape of their town's protector while eating their Fantasia Fries and sipping their Legion Zero endorsed slushies. Courtney ,Zane's adopted older sister and looked the same as she did four years ago, smiled when she heard people say good things about Zane. After the Massacre, she was one of the many worried people about Zane and wanted to spend time with him.

She did but she left most of the comfort to his fiancee Rachel. She has always liked Rachel from the day Zane introduced her to the older redhead. Rachel and her became real close with Courtney having a clear idea about her crush on Zane from day one. She was happy that the two were finally together but she would have to put her good mood on hold since she had a customer. "Welcome to Fantasia. How may I help you today ma'am?" said Courtney.

The female has pale skin with her having a lean, muscular build to her. She look to be 5 foot 6 which is a height that's slightly above average for women. Her snow white hair goes up to her shoulders. It’s in a high ponytail and has her bangs in a messy look. Her eyes are red. It’s almond shaped and slit like a feline. She wears black eyeshadow. She wears a goth/punk style look to her with her looking cool and sexy.

She wears an intentionally ripped black tanktop, which was exposing her midriff and a black bellybutton piercing glinting in the light. Coming out of her tanktop, she wears long black fishnet sleeves that go up to her elbows. She wears a dark red skirt with a black crosshatch design, black leggings that exposes her long, slim legs, and flat black and dark gray shoes. She wears a black silk choker around her neck with a silver "DNA helix" charm hanging from it. 

She wears a gold fingerless gauntlet on her right hand. It goes up to her wrist and covers the back of her hand while exposing her palm. She wears a silver hair-clip in the shape of a DNA helix. She wears black studded earrings. Her lips are covered in red lipstick and her nails were colored red. The one noticeable thing about her is a lack of curves aka a small chest and butt. "Oh wow. If she had some curves, she would be Zane's type. He loves women with a pronounced figure." thought Courtney.

The female coughed as she spoke with a posh British accent,"While this place may disgust me on a genetic level, I'll need substance in order to get my revenge.". "Okay then miss. Whose the person you're here to get revenge on? And what do you want from our fine establishment?" said Courtney. "I'm here to find an ex of mine. Through my research, I found that he was here in this town. He made me into this." said the girl, gesturing to her body. 

Courtney looked at her as she said,"Um cute? You would be my brother's type except for the lack of curves. While he may say that he likes all kinds of women, he does have his preferences like all men do.". "No! I'm not cute at all. I'm not worthy of praise like that. I'll take these Fantasia Fries and a slushie. Lets see. I'll pick my favorite one of those forms and go with Diamond Form." said the girl with a small blush on her face.

The red head noticed the blush and began to come up with a teasing remake. "Ah. That's my brother's favorite as well. He and you would be a pretty cute couple." said Courtney. "Just get my food!" said the girl with her placing the money on the counter. "Calm down. I will and keep that in mind after you deal with your ex. Everyone deserves love even if you think that you don't." said Courtney. She was gone as the girl looked at her nails.

She was thinking about what Courtney said."Why would she say something like that to me of all beings in the Omniverse? She may not know who I really am but him and I? After what he has done to me, I find that thought utter disgusting." thought the girl. The girl was pulled out of her thought by Courtney. She turned toward her with the woman holding the bag. "Have fun and kick your ex in the royal jewels for all women out there!" said Courtney as she watched the strange but interesting girl leave. 

The girl opened the package and sniffed it. "Why is this something made by humans? It's so disgusting but has a high amount of calories. It'll give me the strength to get me back to normal so I get my revenge." said the girl. As she was gone, Zane walked inside. "Why is it that I have to buy the food? I really hate the no nose game sometimes." grumbled Zane. He got Courtney's attention with him saying,"Hey Court. Get me the Alvarez special.". 

Courtney smiled at her brother as she said,"Zane. If I didn't know about your supernatural metabolism. I would tell you to ease up on the triple portions. Rachel may love you as you are now but if your body makes a hippo look dainty in comparison, she may just leave you faster than you can apply for a gym membership.". "She might but I actually kinda need them for my friends. Going on a stakeout." said Zane.

Courtney smiled as she said,"Ah. Have fun. You'll invite me to your wedding right?". "Of course. I'm sure Rae would agree with me on important you two are." said Zane, grabbing the bag. Outside of the restaurant, the rest of the team sat there in Zane's sports car. They saw the strange girl leaving and she burped. "That isn't very lady like whatsoever." said Allen. "Yeah. At least cover your mouth." said Gwen. "It's time for my revenge." said the girl with her putting her hands on her hips.

She floated in the air with her saying,"Turbo!". She flew off at an incredible speed with Danny saying,"I have so many questions but we'll get them answered later!". He pushed down on the gas pedal and took off after the flying girl. "Um you guys. What about Zane?" said Rachel. "He'll catch up Rae in a nano second. If he doesn't get stopped to help a crime." said Gwen. "Which will happen." said Allen. Zane watched them leave as he said,"And this is why I don't get the food.".

Later, Danny pulled the vehicle to the side and the four watched the girl ,from earlier, fight an Avalon goon. The guard tried to slash her but she easily dodging by turning intangible and she stuck her hand through his chest. She pulled his hand out, holding his heart and freezing it solid. The clone was dead as the girl said,"Thanks for telling me where he is.". The girl easily dodged a laser blast from a group of clones with her saying,"It's time for you to die!".

She rushed toward the clones with her growing in size, reminding Team Maelstrom of Titan Form. "I think Zane got the info very wrong about Vuldall. Instead of a guy, he's a goth chick." said Allen. "We'll deal with that later. Lets help her!" said Gwen. The four turned into their superhero identity as Rachel ran it and kicked a clone into the water below the drawbridge. "It's Riptide! If she's here, Zero will be here in no time so get rid of them!" said a clone.

Two clones were going to slash Riptide but their blades were blocked by Gwen's sword. "You need to try again in another life." said Gwen, pushing the two back. A knight was going to attack the strange goth girl but she was protected by Allen who uppercutted the clone into the moat. A clone fire an energy beam at Allen but it didn't do anything much to his shock. Before he could do anything, he was punched into the castle wall by Danny's Phantom Smashers.

The clone went into the water below with him blasting two clones away with his azure blue energy blasts. The goth girl stood there with her saying,"Why are you heroes here? You don't know what you're getting into.". "Um. Who are you? I mean you kinda killed that clone." said Allen. "I don't care at all. I know you fours. You're friends with him! While I may be looking for someone, I can multi task. So where is Zane Alvarez?!" said the goth, grabbing Danny's shoulders since he was the closet to her.

Gwen pushed her off as she said,"Hands off.". "Thanks but I need you to tell me where Zane Alvarez aka Legion Zero is." said the girl, lightly burping. The four heroes recoiled at the stench with Rachel saying,"I don't think your meal isn't agreeing with you.". "Yes devil princess but I need nourishment and according to your low tech internet, it was the best restaurant within the area." said the goth. "So do you have a name?" said Danny.

The goth smiled as she said,"It seems that my old name won't be effected. Call me Velda. I need to speak with Zane Alvarez aka Legion Zero right now being that he and I have a personal score to settle before he was born. He took something that should belong to a champion like myself.". "So I think that she's a little cuckoo." said Rachel. "Wow you guys. I'm hurt that you left me behind like that but at the very least, I had some crime to stop." said Zane's voice.

The five turned to see Zane in Archangel Form. "I get that you don't like when I get the really spicy stuff but....." said Zane. He looked at the goth with him saying,"And who is she? She's very pretty even though you're not very womanly.". With this comment, Rachel pinched his ear. "Zane Alvarez. It seems that you're hard to find but I'm happy. You know who I am right?" said Velda. "A superpowered stalker" said Allen and Danny with them shrugging.

Velda sighed as she said with a bow,"My name is Vuldall, a member of the proud Stausosk.". The girl was held in place by golden energy chains. "Um Zane. Is this really Vuldall?" said Gwen. The Cross-Species deactivated the form with him nodding. "Yeah. So did you decided to get a sex change to hide from the Alliance or what Velda? And why are you so not womanly?" said Zane. "And that matters why exactly?" said Rachel.

Zane looked at her as he said,"Because Parker told me that Vuldall liked girls who had a figure.". "So just like you." said Danny. "Silences! Give me your Z.E.R.O. Watch and I need it to get back at Parker whose admiration and respect belongs to me!" said Velda. Zane crossed his arms as he said with his eyes rolled,"Sure. I'll give you the most powerful weapon in the Omniverse just to kill my godfather because you're a petty bitch.". 

Velda looked at him as she said,"He's a damn fool Alvarez and I refused to let a child take care of Skull Plague whose plan for his Apocageddon is coming soon. You're not aware of your watch's catastrophic mistakes and I'll fix them so give it to me." said Velda. "Yeah no. You should know that I'm not alone in taking care of Skull Plague since my team is by my side and the watch is perfectly fine. No issues or mistakes what so ever." said Zane.

Velda sighed as she said,"Your powers have given you a lot of luck but it'll ruin out eventually. I won't let you destroy the Omniverse when a real being can use it much better!". "You're not trusting her at all right mate?" said Allen. "Of course I'm not. She's clearly insane according to Parker and her sudden gender swap probably made it worse. So why you're like this?" said Zane. "My reason for this is rather simple but I despise it." said Velda. 

She clenched her fists as she said,"While I do wish that I had more of a womanly figure, I rather be the being that I was for the past thousand years. I've look and crave food like a human. I'm just lucky that I'm not touching myself in inappropriate places yet!". "Please don't do that in public. There could be kids nearby." said Danny. "But we're away from the city and it's night time. So why would kids be out here bro?" said Zane. "Focus Zane and answer Zane's question Velda." said Rachel. 

Velda sighed as she said,"The reason why I'm female is because of the Alternator having a very strange countermeasure for hackers and it exploded on me!". Allen blinked as he said,"Wow. That's one strange countermeasure.". "And I'm here searching for the man who turned me into this and make him change me back." said Velda. Danny walked up to Velda who was held prisoner in the chains. "So why would you want the watch?" said Danny. "This is because it rightfully belongs to me!" said Velda. 

Zane looked at her as he said,"Then why did Parker say that it was built for me because of a vision from my grandma?". "Because Parker shouldn't have given the most powerful weapon in the Omniverse to a child just because of a human's vision." scoffed Velda. "Yeah no. My grandma doesn't make mistakes with her visions. How about you give up? You're outnumbered five to one." said Zane with his team crossing their arms. "Oh. You think I'm one of your villains don't you? Well think again!" said Velda. 

She broke out of her prison ,by growing to twenty feet tall, and released a loud roar. This sent the group back with Velda grabbing Zane and flying off with him. She was holding Zane in the air using telekinesis. "Um. So do you provide food or airline entertainment Velda?". "It's Vuldall you fool! And no!" said Velda. "See. This is why you don't have friends and not getting this watch since it belongs to me." said Zane. Zane turned into Fulmination Form, releasing a high amount of light purple electricity.

This caused her to drop Zane toward the moat. He turned into Orb Form with him entering his ball just as he entered the moat and making a big splash. Velda flew down firing two red energy beams from her eyes ,matching Turbo Form's energy beams, and Zane rolled out of the water. As he got out of the water, he was being assaulted by high bursts of wind mixed in with energy blasts. Zane was in his ball form with him withstanding both attacks of them. "I'm actually inda annoyed now." said Zane.

He deactivated Orb Form and turned into Boulder Form. He launched a barrage of boulders at Velda who said while dodging the rocks,"Boulder Form? Seriously?! You're not worthy to wear that watch if that's your first choice! Turbo!". She began flying fast in the air and crashed into Zane with the two being sent flying into the castle due to her speed. "Um you guys. We should probably try and help  Zane. Our friend, brother, and my fiancĂ©." said Rachel. "Right!" said Allen and Danny.

Zane shook his head as he saw Velda standing over him. "I guess you're smarter than you look. So are you going to let me go? I mean this watch is kinda coded to my DNA exactly since Parker made sure about that since every being has unlimited evil and good counterparts somewhere in the Omniverse." said Zane. Velda smiled as she said,"Even in your defeat Zane, you always have something to say.". "Who said that I was defeated?" said Zane.

Before the woman could say anything, she was in the back by a azure blue energy blast and plasma spot. She was sent flying into the ruins with Zane saying,"And that's why I never work by myself Velda.". Velda flew into the air with her seeing the quartet of Allen, Danny, Gwen, and Rachel aimed plasma, azure blue energy, lagoon blue animus, and Ardor right at her. "You honestly think that will work. I can use one of the watch's way to absorb energy!" said Velda.

Her shadow was grabbed as Zane stood up in Magus Form. "You won't be able to escape or do anything to stop it because your shadow is captured. Fire you guys!" said Zane. The four nodded as they fired their ranged attacks at Velda who growled. "You can't stop me. Parker wasn't and neither will you!" said Velda. She fired her red energy beams at the wall nearby them, breaking a section off and covered the duo of Velda and Zane in rubble.

Velda escaped her shadow imprisonment as Danny and the others heard,"I just had a manicure and I hate to ruin it. I already know he isn't here so goodbye for now! Turbo!". Danny was going to fly after her with Gwen saying,"We don't need to chase after her Danny. She can be tracked down like an animal right?". "Yeah." said Zane's voice. Zane reappear from the shadows below the group with him saying,"It's Velda hunting time.".

Inside of Zane's car which was now the Astral Tank due to them still being in costume, Danny was driving as Zane was tracking Velda by her energy using Psychic Form and his hands had the form's dark magenta flame like aura around them. All of them looked determined with Danny saying,"So Zane. Got anything on Parker's former student? She's out there doing something right?". "Yeah. Turn here!' said Zane.

Danny nodded as he made a sharp left turn and the five saw a group of Avalon Clones running away in fear. "So it's pretty obvious where she went and also. How come I didn't know this was here?" said Allen. The Astral Tank was parked outside of a large building that was in the style of a medieval castle that's built with white stone. The castle sat upon on a hill that was behind a large ornate fence and had two large Avalon flags on the top of the castle.

The castle looked destroyed being that parts of it were destroyed with flames and frost around it. "I think Avalon is good at hiding themselves. So where is she?" said Gwen. "All over the building. I think she cloned herself in order to find the good scientist." said Zane. "Wow. She's determined to really find this guy." said Allen. The five walked into the castle with most of it looked destroyed due to Avalon. "Yeah. So how are we going to find her? We're splitting up right?" said Rachel.

She looked at Zane with him deactivating Psychic Form. "Simple. Me and Rae with Allen, Danny, and Gwen being the other." said Zane. "Of course you would want to go with your fiancee." said Danny. "Yeah. I was going to put you and Allen together but I decided to be nice to my struggling brother. In fact, we'll do that since you're backsassing me. That's my thing." said Zane. "You had this coming Danny." said Gwen. "I know." said Danny, sighing. 

The five walked up to a two way hallway with Allen and Danny going to the left and Zane and the girls went to the right. "So is partnering up with me a bad thing Morph? She went this way if this guy is an indication. This is Slime Form's handiwork and I think it's from Velda." said Allen. He pointed to an unconscious clone who had his face melted off by red slime. "No. I don't man. You're my friend. I just really want to get this over. I need to pass this Physics test." said Danny.

Allen nodded as he said,"Right mate. Don't worry. You got this test and we'll catch this girl.".  The two turned a corner to see a red slime like substance on the ground over a clone. "I think we found her and she isn't subtle like Zane." said Danny. The red slime went toward them as Allen made a plasma sword and sliced the air in front of him. He sent a plasma slash toward the slime, causing it to move to the side.

Danny made his Spook Howitzer ,being his left arm, appear, firing several azure blue energy shots and this forced the slime into the air. The slime turned into Velda with her arm growing in size. "She's totally using one of Zane's size changing forms to make her limbs bigger right?" said Allen. "Yeah. I mean I doubt she has candy syrup blood like Zane does." said Danny. He easily blocked her fist with his Phantom Smasher, causing a shockwave.

She disappeared with Allen said,"Okay. That was too easy.". Before Danny could answer him, the real Velda appeared behind them. She blasted the duo into the wall that was closest to each male with packing foam. Both of them were unable to move. She made a knife appear in her hands as she said,"I wonder what Zane will do once he finds you injured by Avalon. He'll waste all of his energy taking out Avalon. After all, destroy one faction of Avalon and four more shall take its's place.".

She put her knife up against Danny's face and before she could do anything, she and her knife were blasted back by turquoise energy. The knife and woman were sent back a couple of feet. "Yep. This is packing foam. There is no leverage! Most of the time, it's criminals on the other end." said Allen. The two girls in their little group ran in as Velda fired several blasts of energy from her. Zane jumped in front of them, blocking her shots with a turquoise energy field and erasing them from existence.

Zane cracked his knuckles with him saying,"Listen Velda. You're not leaving here without my watch or the scientist who turned you into this.". "You're wrong on both accounts." said Velda. Zane saw a clone of Velda with her holding Donald Walsh aka Engineer who looked the same as he did four years ago. "So it was you. I had a feeling since you've done dealings with Avalon in the past." said Zane. "Yes Zero. It was the Engineer who turned me into this thing!" said Velda.

She was pointing to her body as Allen said,"An attractive girl?". Velda blushed as she said,"Why would I want that?!". "Because your previous self was ugly. Before my Alternator blew up, it recorded your image and may I saw this. You really need some sleep because you looked like I do after a lack of sleep for a week." said Donald. Velda growled as Danny said,"Smart idea. Make the person whose holding you hostage mad.". "Doesn't Zero do that all of the time?" said Allen.

Danny was going to say something but Allen had a fair point. "Silence! I have all of your powers and a bigger brain than yours! Surrender now if you value your lives and the scientist!" said Velda with her clone making a sword and putting it up against Donald's neck. "Zero knows that my brain and personality have been uploaded to the internet already so you threatening me won't do a thing to me but hurting his friends and killing me will only hurting you." said Donald.

Velda looked at Zane who shrugged. "He's not wrong but I'm going to stop you so that the killing will stop." said Zane. He turned into Zombie Form with him dancing. Velda growled as she fired packing foam with Zane dodging it by dancing. He jumped toward Velda with him punching Velda right in the chest. This sent the girl flying into another room being that Velda stood up. She began dodging the bullets from the zombie's guns.

Velda said while dodging the bullets,"I honestly forget that this dancing fool can fight. You really don't think that dancing will be defeat me!". She engulfed herself in fire, blasting a huge stream of fire at Zane who turned into Insect Form. He dodged the flames before firing a steel gray energy beam at her and sent her into a pile of boxes. "Fine. I'll use a bit of my power on you." said Velda with her charging toward Zane.

She began growing in size, reaching twenty feet. She was about to smack Zane but the inscet flew back and evading the tackle. Velda was outside and was about to go back inside. "Hey. How about instead of charging, take a spill instead." said Zane, earning Zane a roar and the giant woman charging. During her rage, she didn't see the ground below him become mud and this caused her to slip on the ground.

Zane ,out of Insect Form and back in Zombie Form, appeared above her and punched her in the face hard. Meanwhile, Rachel was focusing her Ardor in a small beam and aimed it at the packing form that held Gwen as Gwen used Time Rune to cut through the foam that held Danny. "Please be careful Rae. I've seen you destroy people with that energy of yours." said Allen. "At least, you're not worried about your girlfriend slashing you in half with her sword." said Danny.

The two females looked at the males with them saying,"Stop with the backtalking or we'll leave you here.". "Yes ma'am." said the boys. "Whipped aren't they?" said Donald to the Velda clone who was silent. "At least, they talk unlike this one." said Donald. Outside of the castle, Velda phased right through the zombie who had been punched her face for a good five minutes. Velda reappeared as Zane fired bullets at her being that she began flying around the bullets.

Velda took a deep breath, releasing a wave of fire and lightning from her mouth. "Okay. Really not a fan of fire and lightning right about now." said Zane. He deactivated the form with him blasting her with a large burst of mojo, causing her to scream out in pain. She made multiple clones of herself and they began to swarm Zane from all sides. "Okay. I think I know what Morph means by he really hates when I clone myself." said Zane.

He began fighting off the clones being that all of them releasing sound waves like Voice Form and this caused Zane to cover his ears. Several bladed tendrils came out of his back and pierced through most of them. The remaining clone aka Velda was captured by a black ,with a crimson red tint, web as she hit the wall. Zane walked up to her with him saying,"You may have my powers but none of my experience using them.".

Velda blasted him in the face using her red energy beams from her eyes. She broke out of the webs as she said,"Fine. I'll use mine!". She made several swords appear around her being that she made them from nothing and threw them at Zane. Zane caught them using his telekinesis before breathing out of his fire like an Akostar or dragon. Velda and Zane charged at each other with both of them glowing with energy. It was red for Velda and black Mojo for Zane.

The two collided fists, creating a shockwave. This sent Velda back being that Gwen and Rachel were chiseling and blasting at the male's packing foam. "So did Zero really need our help? I mean we've been captured this entire time." said Allen. "He was worried about us after what happened almost three years ago." said Rachel, blasting at Allen's binding. He broke out and he said,"Yeah. I know and I don't want to be reminding about what happened that day either.".

Gwen cut Danny out with the four rushing toward Velda. Allen made plasma chains around Velda as she said,"Release me you energy fools!". "Yeah and why would he do that? You've killed how many clones in the search of the Alternator and Donald?" said Danny. "He did kill a lot of them but they're like rabbits boy. They really fit the main saying of Avalon." said Donald. Before Gwen could say anything, a turquoise light appeared on the ground.

Velda froze up in fear with her saying,"No. Not him. Why not?". "And this is?" said Rachel. "My godfather." said Zane. "You're what?" said Donald. He was knocked out by Gwen as Parker ,in his slime form, appeared. "You're shocked to see me aren't you Vuldall? So why would you let this human change your gender? Let me guess. You let your ego get the better of you once again didn't you girl?" said Parker.

Zane smiled as he said,"Ah. I really miss the public berating from my favorite godparent.". "And it's good to see that you're using YOUR invention properly. A good amount of usage from all of your forms." said Parker, smiling. "So he's berating her and praising you? That never happens when others are around." whispered Danny. "It's usually the other way so let him have this." said Rachel. "And it's good to see you with friends. Taking my words to heart aren't you Zane?" said Parker.

The hero nodded as Parker turned to Velda. "And then we have you. My former assistant who stole a small amount on the Z.E.R.O watch and tried to make her own but it failed due to her arrogance and ego corrupting her genius! You're well aware of the power that the watch holds and how there can be only one. It belongs to the savior of the Omniverse, not an ego driven fool!" said Parker. "Wow. I do not feel bad for you mate." said Allen in a singsong voice.

Velda glared at Allen before turning back to Parker. "I do not care Eazairvian. Why give a child the most powerful weapon? Is it because of her vision? I didn't approve you of giving the watch to Shawn Alvarez when I thought it was for so why would I approve of his seed? The Omniverse is doomed in his hands!" said Velda. "And it would be in yours as well!" said Parker. "So why are you so testy? I mean you look nice. I mean you could be ugly." said Zane.

Velda blushed as Rachel looked at Zane. "What? Was I flirting again? I really hate how I can't help myself from doing that." said Zane. "I blame Jaime. Vuldall or should I say Velda. Your actions since I FIRED you have been causing the Omniverse more trouble than benefits. You've proven to be a pain to everyone." said Parker. The slime crawled onto Velda's leg and she screamed. "What are you doing to me?!" said Velda.

Parker went off as he said,"Don't have your mind in the gutter. You may look human but you're still a Stausosk. I placed something on you and nothing more.". Gwen noticed a high tech looking ankle tag on her right leg as she said,"So what will this do?". "Keep her under my constant surveillance and negate her powers. You'll still be smarter than the average criminal. I have a feeling that you've got a spot for her at your prison." said Parker. "I do and if she escapes, inform me at once." said Zane.

The Eazairvian nodded as he said,"And I'll keep you in this unique form of yours. I feel like it's a good thing to learn from the errors of your mistakes.". "No you won't!" said Velda. "Oh. Are you trying to bargain with me girl? Did you let your victims beg to their criminals when they used your weapon for evil?!" said Parker. Velda was quiet as her mouth was covered by lagoon blue Animus. "She was getting annoying. We were all thinking it." said Gwen.

Danny smiled as he said,"That's my girl.". "I'm sure she'll be bothering you all again but I have faith that you and your friends can handle anything that threatens the Omniverse by sticking together rather than by yourself." said Parker. "So I got a couple of questions why you're here. How many forms does Zane have?" said Allen. "Infinite but Zane has more than enough to handle evil in any shape or form it may come in. You're making me proud." said Parker.

Zane smirked as he said,"Don't you mean Janet Parker? I mean the watch was made to protect the Omniverse from Skull Plague but it was made as an apology from you to her. So has she come by the planet?". Parker was silent as Danny said,"Wow. I never thought you of all people would have game but color me impressed.". "Good luck boy and friends. You'll need and remember to call if you need my assistance but not for something stupid and don't break it!" said Parker.

He was gone as Rachel said,"And now, he's back to normal. So are you ready for the physics test Danny?". "Shit. When is that?" said Danny. "In about two and half hours. Good luck. You'll need it buddy since you suck at physics." said Zane, patting his friend's back. Danny groaned as Gwen took him and herself back to Terrarune. "And I'm off too but I can sleep in a bit. Have fun with the prison drop off you two." said Allen, flying off.

Rachel and Zane were later outside of Thunder Cove as they had already given Donald over to the guards and was looking at Velda who had her mouth guard removed. "So Velda. Is there anything you have to say before we drop you off for your summer home." said Rachel. "Only one thing. While you two were flirting with each other and be quite disgusting, I realized something." said Velda. "And that would be?" said Zane.

Velda looked at Zane with her thinking,"Why must these thoughts plague my mind? Every since that woman told me about how I and Zane would make a cute couple, it was the only thing on my mind during this whole ordeal! I'll admit that he's handsome unlike those brutes of men who tried to pick me up at the bar earlier before I obtain nourishment from Fantasia but why must I have these day dreams of us?! Rolling around in bed and pleasuring each other!".

During her thoughts, she was walking toward Zane. "Um. What are you doing?" said Zane with him noticing how she was to him. "So I know that she's your enemy and all but don't lie. You think she's cute right now?" said Cole. "Yeah. She is. The flustered cheeks and half lidded eyes would make our Zane here blush like a tree if not for his smoking fiancee being there and the fact that he can hide his blush." said Lucifer.

Before Velda could realize what she was doing, she had her lips gently touched Zane and began to push herself against Zane. Rachel smiled as she thought,"I knew she liked you Zaney. I mean no women could truly resist your charms for that long. She was looking at you like she wanted you more than anything. I know the feeling girlfriend. Go for it.". Zane looked at her with him looking at his fiancee who only shrugged.

The two guards ,both male, watching this as they both said,"Lucky bastard.". Velda's eyes widened as she figured out what she was doing and pushed herself away from Zane. "So you do love me? And once again, women's intuition strikes again." said Zane. Velda took off running into the prison as she cursed Zane while crying her eyes out. "Wow. You really make them run away huh dear?" said Rachel as she kissed him much to the guard's jealously.

Zane smirked as he said,"And you're actually jealous of her aren't you?". "What can I say? You're mine and I won't let anyone have you. Even if I approve of them." said Rachel. "So kind. We better get back home. I think it's time for me to relax." said Zane. "And I'll help you my hero." said Rachel. The two heroes were gone as the right guard said,"Hey. Is it bad that I want to be jealous of him?". "No. I think it's perfectly normal to be jealous of him." said the left guard.

Later that day, the group of Allen, Danny, Gwen, Rachel, and Zane were hanging out. "And you guys said I would fail! A-!" said Danny. "And Zane thought you weren't actually studying." said Gwen. "To be fair Gwen, I thought he was going to cheat." said Zane, earning a punch from Rachel."So was Velda okay with her being human?" said Allen. "I think so since she and Zane kissed." said Rachel. "She kissed me first off and I think she'll be a threat but we'll handle her." said Zane.

At the same time, Velda was pacing back and forth in her prison cell. "Why bother with a cell? It's prison enough being human!" said Velda. "Hey girlie who kissed our town's hero. It's meal time." said a guard from behind her door. Adrian had personally put her in a private cell after hearing about her kiss with Zero. A mail slot opened up and a green like sludge on a metal plate fell onto the ground. "It will be soon but I'll be free and make him pay for doing this to me." said Velda.

The guard said,"And oh yeah. I think someone aka the warden wanted me to give this to you.". A piece of paper flew into the cell and Velda caught it. "He's a real sicko but hey, he pays my kid's college. Just got to deal with the sickos and freaks Zero brings in." said the guard. Velda looked at the paper with her blushing. It was Zane ,as Legion Zero, without his shirt being that this picture was taken for a charity event. "Dam you Legion Zero!" shouted Velda.

About a few hours later inside of Zane's apartment, the door to the apartment opened. The quartet of Danny, Gwen, Rachel, and Zane. "So I can't believe you're agreeing to this." said Zane. "Zane. I've been studying both physics and how to kick your ass at video games." said Danny. "Even when they are adults, they haven't changed have they?" said Gwen. "Nope." said Rachel, smiling. The four were met with darkness being that Rachel said,"Zaney. Did you pay the electric bill?".

Zane looked at her with him saying,"Rae. You know that my tower is powered by Chakra and it's pretty much unlimited power. Someone is in here". "How about we find the light switch before we go all hero on this idiot's ass?" said Danny, punching his closed right fist into his open left palm. "That's a very good idea." said Gwen. She found the light switch being that she began repeatedly flipping the switch but the lights never came on.

Zane made a glowing crimson red Zenith Sphere which was made out of his Zenith Sphere. He used it to light the room with him saying,"Stay close and don't do anything too risky.". The three nodded as they made their way through the apartment. In about thirty seconds, both Danny and Zane heard two simultaneous thuds. They turned around to see Gwen and Rachel on the floor. "Gwen! Rae!" said the boys. "Zane. You really shouldn't have been ghosting me." said a voice.

Next time, 
Who is the mysterious person inside of Zane's apartment? Why did he knock out Gwen and Rachel? Will Velda return? What is Avalon? And what is the Centurion Project? What was the strange gunk that came out of Darth/Militant? And what entered Zenith Industries? This and more next time on Zero!

Random Shit:
Sirkils. The Sirkils are a nomadic species. The reason for them is that because their home planet was destroyed by Basalt during his early days of conquest throughout the Omniverse due to their planet being next door neighbors to the Maferno aka Basalt’s species. They are humanoid in appearance. They have gray skin with orange/blue lines covering their bones. They have round heads with two large reddish blue eyes and no mouth. They have two sharp horns protruding from their foreheads.The tops of their heads are pointed. They have five black claws on their two arms and legs. Their species is super strong, being extremely durable. All members have sharp claws which can easily cut through metal and stone. They’re able to adapt to any environment within a couple of days due to their adaptability. They also have the ability to make highly advanced technology such as space travel. They communicate through telepathy and can mentally control others with weak wills. They can blend into their surround but only if they’re perfectly still. If they move while in camouflage, their camouflage is negated. Their species are greatly affected by fire being highly flammable. 

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