Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Zero Episode 30 Passionate Romance

A/N: Yep. This title features a passionate romance between two characters. If you know me and my style of writing, you should know who the romance is involving. I would make something clever but I can't be. I'm a honest writer and I try to make a secret arrival but I somehow ruin it. Lest begin with it being extremely hot down in Cypress Park.

Narrator P.O.V.
Danny was sweating like crazy and he said,"So how are you two not hot?". Atem and Zane looked at him and Atem said with a smile,"I grew up in ancient Egypt Uncle Danny. My skin may look human but it's actually my natural bandages which can absorb sun.". "And I'm a quarter dead plus I can use my aura to be cold. However, it's quite strange." said Zane. "What do you mean?" said Danny. The three were walking to Atem's elementary school before heading to the high school.

Zane said,"Usually, we get this type of weather in the summer but we're in fall.". "Do you think that Cinder is doing this?" said Danny. "Perhaps but according to daddy, Cinder isn't exact brain smart. It could be global warming." said Atem. "Maybe but I really doubt it. I checked this morning and the ice caps are still there little guy." said Zane. "So could you splash me with Water Form man? I am so going to." said Danny.

Zane looked around as he activated his water turning into Water Form. He blasted Danny with a small stream of water as Danny said,"Thanks. I need that.". Zane went back to normal as Atem said,"So are you going to pick me up? Grandma is staying in the house because she hates the sun.". "She doesn't hate the sun Atem. She hates hot weather." said Danny. "He's right and I will but if someone else picks you up." said Zane. "You'll be fighting against a super villain." said Atem.

Danny said as he put his arm around Zane,"Yeah but remember that daddy here is going to be there for you always along your aunts and uncles.". Atem nodded as he said,"I think I'll run to school. I was going to meet some kids from my class for a prank.". He ran off as Zane said,"I wonder who Atem is going to prank.". "Yeah and if those jerks trick Atem, I think your son is smarter enough to figure it out." said Danny.

Zane nodded and Danny said,"So did you get the air conditioner fixed so it actually gets every room in the building?". "Yep. Brain Form had a field day and it's going to be nice." said Zane. "Thank god man. I mean those A List jerks would have taken all of the air for themselves." said Danny. "Yeah and as the people's president, I need to make sure that all students are equal rather than just a select bunch of them." said Zane.

The two were walking to school as Danny said,"So what about Ray?". "I heard that he was going to hide out in the school's garage to help out with some stuff here but I think he's here to see my cousin and the air." said Zane. "Are you okay with Tara dating?" said Danny. "If my mom or Tara decides to date, I won't try to stop them but if they get hurt, I won't be gentle to the person who breaks this heart." said Zane. Danny noticed that Zane's hands was electricity as he said,"Dude. Calm down.".

The electricity was gone from his palms as Zane said,"Sorry. I have too much power inside of me and sometimes, I let it out unconsciously.". "Doesn't it drain you?" said Danny. "It does and Athena tries to help me with that but sometimes, it slips out." said Zane. "I see." said Danny. The two reached the campus and Zane watched a student enter the building feeling like he just walked through the desert exhausted and then he wasn't. "Yep. I'm a good president." thought Zane.

Zane was sitting in his office which he got upon becoming president. It was a simple office with the boy thinking that he could give an upgrade but until he made the school more balanced, he was going to wait. He sighed as he heard someone knocking on the door. "Um. Are you busy Zane?" said a shy feminine voice. "Come on girl! He isn't scary." said another feminine voice. "I don't know Becca. I should..." said the shy voice.

The door busted open as Zane saw four teens standing there. One was large and muscular with him being taller than the other three. His skin is light with dark brown eyes and gray hair. He is wearing a black short-sleeved hoodie jacket with a big front pocket and hoodie. On the back of the jacket, there was a design of a skull with two guitars across the skull. Under the jacket, he is wearing a white t-shirt. He is wearing black jeans with large pockets and red and white work boots.

The next one was a male who had messy dark brown hair with the bands brushed to the right side of his face and dark blue eyes. He's wearing a plain green cap on his head and black rimmed glasses. He is wearing a light blue polo shirt with a long sleeved black shirt under it. He is wearing black and purple checkered jeans with a brown belt. On his left wrist, he is wearing a red watch and grayish green sneakers.

The next one was a tan skin girl with her being a medium height and having a small build at least compared to the big guy. She has bright and eccentric periwinkle eyes and dark reddish-brown wavy hair that goes down her back. She wears pink-rimmed glasses with a black cat spot on each side. She is wearing a black tank top over a plaid shirt with it having black, pink, and white stripes, light blue jeans, and black sneakers.

The final one was a girl who was taller than the other girl there but shorter than the two boys and Zane. She has long black hair with the tips of her hair being violet and rose pink eyes. She also had freckles. She has a lean and slight curvaceous build to her. She is wearing a black shirt with a swan-necked collar with white short sleeves. She wears black fingerless lace gloves that have a butterfly pattern design and it ends halfway up her forearm.

She wears dark purple pants that has holes above her knees. She is wearing black earrings. She wears black high top sneakers with white soles with pink lace. "Sorry about the door." said the big guy. "It's fine. So why are you guys here?" said Zane. 'Well, Heidi here need to talk with you." said the tan girl as she pushed Heidi aka the violet tip girl in front of Zane. "Um... I....." said Heidi. "Wait. I remember you." said Zane. "You do?" said Heidi.

Zane said,"Yeah. I saved you from one of Brad's pranks that was meant for little old me.". "Yeah. She is and she's here wanted to thank you." said the brunette. "Oh. It's no problem Heidi." said Zane. She nodded as Zane said,"So who are the rest of you?". "The name is Evan Becker and the big guy here is Travis Romero." said Evan. "And I'm Rebecca Briggs. So I heard that you and Zero are friends. I wanted to know if I could get an interview with him for the paper." said Rebecca.

Zane thought,"Should I?". "Maybe but he isn't a fan of interviews." said Zane. "I see. Well, we better get going right guys?" said Rebecca. "Um Zane. Are you busy after school?" said Heidi. "Sorry but I have something important to do." said Zane. "Oh okay. See you around." said Heidi. She rushed out of there as Evan said,"Wow. She can run.". "She is fast." said Travis. The three were gone as Athena said,"You can be an idiot sometimes partner.". "Huh?" said Zane.

Later, Zane was driving with Atem in the seat next to him. Normally, Zane would have him in a car seat but Natasha said that Atem would be fine due to his mummy physiology. "So how was school today my pharaoh?" teased Zane. "Dad. Please don't call me that okay. It was fine and the prank was successful." said Atem. "May I ask on who?" said Zane. "This jerk of a gym teacher. He was talking about grandma in a nasty way and I couldn't stand it." said Atem.

Zane then stopped the car on the sidewalk and Atem looked right at his father who was silent. "Um dad. Did I do.." said Atem. Zane hugged him and he said,"That's my boy! You showed him what happens when you look at the females in our family.". "Thanks dad. Great grandpa helped me with using my powers and no one found out." said Atem. "If I was a goody two shoes, you would be in trouble for using your powers but I'm not." said Zane.

Zane started back up his car and the two heard sirens. They saw several police cars drive by them as Atem said,"Dad. Could I join you?". "Only if you get into your superhero costume." said Zane. Atem turned into his mummy form and Zane drove into an alleyway. He turned into Zero as his car turned into the personal tank. "Watch this." said Zane. He pressed a button as a grappling hook appear from the front. It hooked onto the roof of a building as Zane drove the car up the wall.

Atem said,"So what are they going after Athena?". "This one Pharaoh." said Athena as a screen appear on the dashboard. "So you're going with that name? I like it." said Zane. "Focus Z." said Atem. "They're chasing a criminal who stole something called Nuclear Ignition. Nuclear Ignition is said to be a new clean power source according to scientists. However, it's still in its prototype state being that it's rumored to be very hot being that it equals the heat produced by lava." said Athena.

Zane said,"So this criminal must be able to handle fire or they stole a suit able to survive flame so they could steal Nuclear Ignition.". "Correct. I think me and Atem will go by car while you try to head the criminal off on foot." said Athena. "Sounds like a plan and don't let Atem drive." said Zane as he opened up the car door. He flew off as Atem said,"Athena. Could I at least fire the weapons if we need them?". "Sure." said Athena as the car drove off.        

On the ground, some people were standing inside of a store ,mainly for the AC, and the reporter on the TV inside said,"This strange and out of nowhere heat wave affecting Cypress Park will last for the next two days. Currently, there was a break in at Research Center here in Cypress Park which in turn caused a high-speed pursuit downtown.". Several police cars drove nearby as they were chasing after the criminal.

In a car, Tony looked out his window and he saw the criminal running on the rooftops. "Is it a male or female partner?" said a woman's voice. Tony turned to see his partner Ramona Kennedy sitting there as he said,"Can't tell.". Ramona looked to be about 5 foot 8/9. She has waist length brownish orange hair with blue eyes and a mole under her right eyes. She is wearing a dark blue top, form-fitting black jeans, a light brown leather jacket, and plain knee high tan colored combat boots.

The criminal was wearing a black ,skin tight, suit with pink glowing lines that went around her body. The eyes are big and white. It was carrying Nuclear Ignition with the device being kept in a duffle-bag that had a holy flame on it. It looked down to see the police car causing it as it said,"This is way easy. You humans can't catch me because I'm so much faster than your cars.". It kept running along the rooftops as it grabbed a pole causing it to fly through the air.

Before landing on the ground, it did a tuck and roll. "Tony!" said Ramona. The cop looked ahead and he slammed down the brake hard. Several cars were stopped by something blocking the road as Tony said,"Son of a bitch! What stopped us?!". Ramona stuck her head out of the window and she said,"A tipped over truck. It's going to take a few hours to move it meaning the criminal is getting away with Nuclear Ignition.". "With me Detective Kennedy, it'll take less time." said a voice

She turned to see the local hero Zero standing there as she said,"Zero! Thank god.". Zane looked up and he saw the criminal along the rooftops. "I got him. Let me just switch into something more comfy and I'll back in a flash!" said Zane. Zane's body glowed as he turned into Werewolf Form. He jumped onto the roof as he turned his head. "Just move that truck before someone gets hurt officer. I'll be back!" howled Zane as he landed on the roof.

He looked at the thief as he jumped in front of it. He tried to swipe at it but it dodge him. It went into a construction area and Zane went after it. He jumped after her before releasing a sonic howl which in turn caused it to fall on its but. "Are you going to give up now? Even with the heat, I'm still going and I ain't stopping." said Zane. He saw it below him stretching its arms and Zane sighed. He saw it landing nearby him as he got his claws ready.

He walked toward it as he said,"How about you handle over the device and I won't turn you into my next meal?". It looked down as it said,"Sorry but I don't plan on giving up to a hero like you. If you want it so much, come and get it fur ball.". Zane rushed after it as the two went falling toward the ground. Zane missed it since it back flipped over him but he then looked up to see that criminal's mask was moving back to reveal their face in its place as Zane said,"You're a girl?".

She had red hair with her bangs parting to the right even while in the air, light red/bright pink rosy cheeks, maroon eyes, red lips, and large but feminine white eyebrows. In her right ear, there are gold earrings. Zane went flying toward the ground as she stretched back to the platform. Zane soon looked down and he aimed his mouth down. He released a sonic wave as he landed on a rooftop below the girl.

She smiled as her mask went back on and said,"Sorry Zero. You may have the muscles but I got my brain on my side.". Nuclear Ignition ,which was a glowing orb, went flying toward the ground as she screamed out,"No!". Zane went running after it as it landed on the ground with Zane following after it. "Don't touch it Zero!" said Atem. Zane turned to see Atem in his tank as a long hand grabbed the orb. Zane looked up to see the girl grabbing the orb placing it back in her bag.

The girl said,"It's been a honor Zero but here's some advice. Lose the fur and maybe, we'll talk about something else. See you later hero boy.". She jumped off as Zane jumped after her. Zane looked on the rooftop as the tank followed suit. "Okay. My nose can't track her so where did she and the Nuclear Ignition go?" said Zane. "According to the tank's scanners, she went that way or north. We will meet there." said Athena.

The tank drove down the wall as Zane followed using his sonic howl to descend. Atem got out of the car holding a device as he said,"So how long are you going to stay like that? You must be boiling in there.". Zane went back to normal as he said,"Right now. She was really good like she had years of practice or something.". "I think she would like you now more Zero." said Atem. "What do you mean by that? I mean I'm wearing a helmet." said Zane.

He smacked his helmet as Atem said,"She did say something about you losing the fur and maybe she'll talk to you.". "Okay. She must have mean my Cartoon Form. According to Morph, I have fan sites with my fans gushing over Cartoon Form and Frankenstein's white streaks. It may be a pain to transform into but it gets the job done." said Zane. "No wonder why Force calls you dense than osmium dad." said Atem.

Zane sighed as he said,"So what's the device for?". "To track the thief. She is in there." said Athena from the device which looked like a tablet. The two saw a tunnel as Zane made an Nether ball in his hands. "Atem. If things get too dangerous." said Zane as they were walking through the tunnel. "I'll call Uncle Morph or Ray." said Atem. They walked through as they were on the other side. "What in Ra's name is this?" said Atem.

Zane looked at his son and he said,"Welcome to Springs Gate. It was created after some immigrants of Terrarune came here. If you're looking for Phantoms, aliens, or monsters, you come here.". It was like a mini city as Atem ,using his bandages, grabbed Zane and carried the two down toward the ground. "So where is it squirt?" said Zane as he deactivated his costume. "What are you doing Zero?!" said Atem. "Ah Zero. Good to see you again. Looking for a criminal?" said a woman.

Atem turned to see a rhino lady with her child as Zane said,"Yep. I will see you around.". She walked off as Zane said,"They know who I am since the immigrants are from Terrarune and know about my grandpa being king so they're friendly like Bane and the gang.". Atem was back to normal as he said with a smile,"I found the device. It's close.". The two walked around as Atem looked around. "Like it my boy? I knew you would." said Zane.

Atem said,"How did you find out about this place?". "Aster took me here after he pissed off Erin and well, I was like you when I got here. I actually came down here one day and just explore. They have this amazing pretzel place which we'll go check out after we find the criminal." said Zane. The two stopped in front of a building as Athena said,"The trail ends here. I guess we'll have to look around for her I guess.".

The two were walking around as Atem said,"So dad, do these Phantoms cause trouble?". "Well, they don't. I was curious but they only go above if they really need. Humans aren't accepting to changes and if this place was found, the government would go to town on this place." said Zane. "So do you feel more comfy here? I mean you're not human right?" said Atem. "I do but I'm going to stay up top because well, I have you, grandma, and the rest of the family." said Zane.

Zane pulled out two dollar bills and he payed a clerk. He threw Atem a bottle of water as Atem said with a smile,"Thanks dad.". "No problem squirt." said Zane. He chugged the bottle as Atem poured it on himself. "It's really hot down here. I thought it would be colder but I guess not." said Zane. Atem looked up as he said,"Hey dad.". Zane looked up and he saw the thief running above in the pipes that were above the small city. "Oh." said Zane.

Atem grabbed Zane and he launched his other arm toward the roof. It grabbed something as the two went up there. They ran after the thief as she reached a dead end. She took off her mask as she said with a smile,"So you're human now and my age. I like this form way more than wolfy.". "Well, I'm usually in this form but you need to hand over Nuclear Ignition right now." said Zane. "Lets say that I can't, would I be a bad girl?" said the thief.

Atem said,"Is she dad?". "Yep. You stole something that doesn't belong to you. I don't care for what reason why but you need to know that stealing is wrong no matter what the reason." said Zane. "Can't you trust me hero boy? I'll return once I'm done." said the thief as she backed up. She fell down as the two rushed to catch her. However, she landed on a pipe as she ran off. "I'll go by foot. You swing or something." said Zane.

He turned back into Zero with him flying after her. Atem nodded as he turned into his mummy form and he swung after them. He cut some pipes using his Plasma Knife ,that he kept inside of him, and it blocked the thief. She turned and ran a different way. Zane turned into Sound Form and he threw the discs toward her. She dodged them all as Atem blocked her path. "I really don't want a kid." said the thief. She dodged a really big fist as she turned to see a bigger Atem.

She kicked him as he took in the attacks. She went back and she pushed Atem into a pipe. "Hands off the kid!" said a voice. The two were stopped by a sonic wall as Zane floated thanks to two discs that were under his feet. "This game is over." said Zane. The pipe was breaking as the thief said,"I think you're wrong Zero.". The pipe collapsed as Atem held onto a pipe. He descended down to see Zane holding the satchel with him on top of the thief. Zane said,"Booyah.".  

A male voice said,"Get your filthy hands off the Phoenix Priestess!". The three saw several humans that were fused with fire standing there as one stood there. He looked to be the biggest as he said,"I do hope your ears are still there because the Celestial Flame aren't too kind to your kind.". Several of them had fireballs ready to go as Zane went back freeing the thief. "Give us Nuclear Ignition now or else?" said the man. "Or what ember?" said Zane.

Atem said,"You won't get your hands on the device you scoundrels. How was that?". "Needs a little more work but he's right. You're going down with a fight." said Zane. However, the thief threw the device toward the head flame as she said,"Sorry about that hero boy but you were fun to race against.". "You're making a grave mistake." said Zane as the sound discs flew around him. "I like you in your human form so lets go out sometimes okay?" said the thief.

Zane looked confused as the mummy sighed. "Stop talking to that machine Corona. He isn't worthy enough to be in your presence." said the head flame. She pouted as she winked at Zane. "Finish him off." said the head flame. "What?! You can't be serious Scorch! That's Zero!" said Corona. "And also Pharaoh! He may just be starting out but don't forget about him," said Zane as he deactivated Sound Form as he was wearing his normal superhero outfit.

Scorch said,"Back inside!". "You told me that no one would be hurt Scorch. This isn't the way of the Celestial Flame." said Corona. "I am chief and you will listen to me if you want to keep on leaving our home so you can flirt with humans like him. Now go!" said Scorch. She sighed as the flames surrounding him. "Well buddy, I guess we should get going." said Zane. He turned into Gravity Form as he said,"Time to take you for a ride!".

He threw them up and down as Atem said,"Run right?". Zane nodded but the flames got up faster than Zane thought. However, they were stopped thanks to some water which came from a pipe and Zane ,back to normal, saw Corona with her arms stretched. "I can't let you do this. You're acting weird old friend and I won't allow it." said Corona. The two sneaked away as Corona grabbed Zane's left arm and she said,"Lets go boys!". They were gone as Scorch growled.

They were in a sewer as Corona said,"Stop dragging your feet and lets go.". Zane phased through her grip as he said,"Listen Corona.". "You remember my name?" said Corona. "I can't run away even if my enemies is literally fire itself. I have to stop them." said Zane. "They got what they want and they will be good I promise." said Corona. "This is all sorts of wrong." said Atem. "He's right and why are you..." said Zane. He was grabbed as Atem followed.

A sewer drain moved up as Corona said,"We should be safe up here.". She ran off as Zane said,"So who were those guys anyway?". Corona went under a tree as she said,"We're the Celestial Flames, a race of living fires from another planet. We came here in hopes of make an alliance with Earth but you humans are very what's the word.". "Bigots?" said Atem as he turned human. "Bingo. This is your kid brother right?" said Corona.

Zane said,"He's my son. So why did they need the Fusion Engine and why aren't you well a walking candle?". "Well, my mom was the leader of the Celestial Flame before she passed on and my dad is a human but he died before I got to know the guy. He seemed nice according to Scorch. They wanted the device for something." said Corona as she stretched. "We should go back there." said Zane. "You can be such a party pooper sometimes. Let me just change so I don't alert the cops." said Corona.

Atem covered his eyes as Zane saw a girl standing there. She looked to be an average height and thin Japanese girl. She is wearing a black peasant top, frilly white skirt, black and white crocheted leather belt, and purple and white tennis shoes. "My name is actually Jasmine Rose but the Celestial Flames calls me Corona." said Jasmine. "Wow. You're hot." said Zane. She blushed as she said,"Well, Aren't you a charmer?".

The two were flirting as Atem thought,"I can't believe how good Dad is at that even thought he is dense than rocks.". Zane stood up from the car that they were sitting on and he said,"Lets make the sun go away for some rain.". He turned into Water Form and he fired some water into the air. The kids around them cheered as Jasmine heard,"Oh Jazz.". She looked up to see Atem and some kids with Zane aiming his water cannons at her.

Jasmine said,"Come on Zero. Don't do it.". "Should I do it you guys?" said Zane. "Do it!" said the kids. Zane fired as she was soaked. Later, Zane handed her a towel as she was sitting in the shade and Atem was playing with the kids. Jasmine said,"Wow. You're so evil you know that hero boy?". "I get it from my uncle Louie." said Zane. He sat next to her as Zane said with a frown,"So why did you steal Nuclear Ignition anyway?".

Jasmine said as she grasped her hands together,"Well Zero, I wanted to come here up to the surface and see Earth. Before my mom died, she told me that Earth was amazing and it is. I saw that all of you are so happy despite the problems facing your race.". "Well, why don't you come up here more then?" said Zane. "I couldn't. Scorch is the leader of the group meaning that we follow his rules and he hates humans." said Jasmine.

Zane thought,"I figured that out and I don't even know him.". "So are you going to turn me in?" said Jasmine. "No." said Zane. She looked at him as he said,"I don't like being the bad guy. I'm just a guy who wants to see peace for my family and friends.". He was stopped as he heard,"Jasmine! Come play with us.". She got up as she said,"You heard my dying public.". She ran over to play jump rope with the kids.

Zane smiled as he heard Athena saying,"Zane. You can't let your feelings for her get in the way. You need to find a way to tell her that we need to get the Nuclear Ignition back. I don't know what the Celestial Flame plan to do with it but it can't be good. I'm 100% sure that the Celestial Flame are being controlled by an outside force. You need to tell her or I'll take over you which in turn meaning that you'll be seen as a bastard like Brad.".

Underground, Scorch was standing in front of a machine which looked like a giant drill and he said to two fire beings,"You two! Place the Nuclear Ignition inside of the drill now!". "So what is taking so long Scorch? I thought that the priestess would have brought the device in a second due to her love of the Earth." said a voice. Scorch turned to see a living flame like them and he said,"Lord Volcanis. She was stopped by a hero.".

Volcanis said,"Hero? Who was it? There are several heroes above.". "I think she said Zero. I don't get her obsession with him." said Scorch. "She's half human unlike you Scorch. Remember that as I promised you a world like back home. No longer do you have to be underground when you want to be above." said Volcanos. "I understand. How much longer?" said Scorch. "Ten seconds Chief!" said a fire being. "Let the world burn." said Scorch as the machine started.

A beam fired into the ground as a fire being said,"Scorch! We've hit it!". "Go. Open the values and let it go." said Scorch. The ground suddenly erupted in magma spots as Scorch said,"Let the era of fire began!". "Perfect. Just keeping going." said Volcanis. The magma spread as Volcanis thought,"You will all be serving me soon enough.". On the surface, magma erupted from the ground and everyone started running from the fiery rock.

It was slowly destroying the town as Atem, Jasmine, and Zane saw this with the kids that they were playing with running away. "I didn't know that this was going to happen!" said Jasmine. "Really? The Celestial Flame was going to use Nuclear Ignition to power up something that makes freaking magma appear from the ground! I should have done something!" said Zane. Jasmine looked away from him as Atem said,"Dad. This is no time to blaming each other.".

Zane sighed as he said,"You're right. I'll handle this magma spout. I need you two aim some water at the magma.". The two burst open two nearby fire hydrants which released water upwards. Atem and Jasmine made dishes using their arms as it hit the water causing steam. Zane turned into Frost Form and he took a deep breath. He released it causing the entire magma flow to be frozen over and the trio saw several diamonds in the street.

Zane went back to normal as Atem said,"This is good right?". "Wrong. I'll tell the others and the police to gather and use liquid nitrogen to stop the magma. However, we need to get back Nuclear Ignition so will you help us Jasmine? I don't want to say this but your people are using your dreams to get what they want." said Zane. "No! They just wanted to make it more bearable for Volcanis, the God of Fire and for the rest of my people the Jiddyrk!" said Jasmine.

Atem said,"Volcanis? Isn't he?". "Yeah. An enemy and a pyro. He's using your people for his gain and we need to stop him. So where is the Celestial Flame's base?" said Zane. "Do you know what you're asking me to do Zero? They took me in and raised me despite not being a full blooded." said Jasmine as she looked down. "I know and I wouldn't ask you to do this but I need your help. My allies will be busy stopping Volcanis's plan and we're the ones who can so please." said Zane.

Back underground, a group of Jiddyrk were gathering around a magma pool and they were absorbing the fire. They pumped the fire into a machine with several empty tubes slowly be filled with magma as Scorch said,"Yes. Your plan is working my god.". "Yes. Once those above are dealt with, we will get what rightfully belongs to..." said Volcanis. "Scorch!" said a voice. He turned to see Jasmine ,in her thief outfit, standing there with her hands on her hips.

She walked up to the duo as she said,"You lied to me! You lied to your priestess.". "How long could we stay here Corona? Maybe a century or two but soon enough, we would die. We need a place like our home planet Sostars. It has three suns not one. We need the sun and if that involves killing the people above, fine." said Scorch. "This isn't the way Scorch! Earth belongs to the humans and not you or the false god." said Jasmine.

Scorch said,"You shall not speak out of turn young lady! I am chief meaning that I'm in charge of the Celestial Flame!". The two glared at each other as Atem ,in his mummy form, and Zane were staring at them from a nearby cave. "So what's the plan dad? Volcanis is going to remember you." said Atem. "I got an idea but I need some space." said Zane. Atem scooted back as Zane's chest plate had a card inside of it. It had a black frame with a nuclear power plant in the center of the card.

Zane was now a dark purple heavy oven like suit making him about 9 feet tall. He had bolts on his shoulders and knees. Over where his face would be, he had five grills so he's able to see. "Radiation Form! You need to create a diversion my son because comrade Jasmine may be unable to keep back her family. I'll get the device." said Zane in a thick Russian accent.    Atem nodded as he ran out.

He stood behind the Jiddyrk and he said,"Hey everyone. Look at me and say hey!". The group turned around and Atem said,"I learned something in school today and it's quite fun. It's called punched the moron.". He threw his fists at several fire beings knocking them down to the ground. The rest glared as Atem ran off. They ran after him as Zane said,"Note to self, teach boy about making better distractions.". He walked out of the cave.

Scorch said,"You brought outsiders. Your mother would be ashamed of you.". Atem ran toward a wall as he launched himself into the air. He dodged the fire balls and he landed on the ground on the other side of a hut. He was then cornered as he said,"Time for some kung fu fighting boys and girls.". He dodged a punch as the fire being went through him. He punched a fire being as he blocked two at the same time.

He kept on fighting before running away. "Idiots! Keep an eye on her god while I handle the mummy and his annoying father." said Scorch. "Zero is here? Colored me impressed." said Volcanis as he made two arms and they held Jasmine. Atem blocked attacks but he went back and Scorch tried to stomp him. Atem looked at Scorch as his fists went flying toward the fire being. He grabbed them as he said,"Fly bandages!".

He threw Atem into the air with him slam dunking Atem into the ground. "Atem!" said Jasmine. She stretched and she threw Volcanis at Scorch. Atem stood back up as Scorch and Volcanis followed. "I will handle Scorch Atem! You get Volcanis!" said Jasmine. "Right but my name is Pharaoh right now. I don't want anyone finding out." said Atem. He began dodging fire balls as Jasmine and Scorch had a battle of fists. "Hurry Dad!" said Atem as he slammed two at Volcanis.

He fell over as Volcanis turned to see Zane climbing the drill. "Keep him away! I won't let him stop my plan!" said Volcanis. Several members flew up to the drill as Zane said,"That's cute. You think that you can stop me?". His suit glowed red as the Jiddyrk went back. They eventually pushed him to the ground and several members tried to pull off the suit. "Whatever you do, don't pull off my suit. I'll die!" said Zane.

They pulled off the armor revealing Zane's real appearance. He looked to be a humanoid nuclear or radiation energy being a yellow color with a glowing green outline around his body. He's wearing a black tunic and jeans with him having steel like cuffs around his ankles and knees being the same color as his suit. He also's seven feet. His mouth looked like a jack-o-lantern with several sharp edges and glowing green eyes. His head is roughly triangular shape.

Zane said,"Man. You guys are dumber than high school jocks and that's something!". He blasted them back using radiation blasts form his body. He flew toward the drill and he then grabbed Nuclear Ignition. "It looks so good but at the same time, it's highly radioactive for a normal person to be around. As living radiation, this is like a energy recharge." said Zane. He opened his mouth and he said,"It's eating time!".

Scorch said,"Stop him from.....". Zane ate it and he said,"Man. That was a good...".He then burped causing a minor nuke to go off in front of him stunning everyone there and Zane later said,"My bad friends! Get a load of this!". He fired a volley of nuclear energy at the rest of the machines which in turn stopped the machines on the surface. Volcanis was trapped in an energy cage. "You're not going anywhere except back to Terraune." said Zane.

He slipped back into his armor and punched Volcanis back into the realm. Scorch looked around and he said,"What happened here?". "You don't remember Scorch?" said Jasmine. "It was Volcanis who controlled you." said Atem. "Our people are doomed." said Scorch. "Humans really can't stand the heat." said Jasmine. "The ones who lived in the snow can't or people from Colorado. I do think I'll be coming here for the magma hot springs? Whose with me?" said Zane.

Scorch said,"That seems fair but isn't that against the Celestial Flame?" said Scorch. Jasmine said as Zane went back to his normal outfit,"It was but I think its due time for the old to go out with the new things.". "But also keeping the old in mind. You know the old Earth saying? If you forget the past you're doomed to repeat it. Good quote." said Zane. "Mom would have wanted this as well Scorch so lets make her happy." said Jasmine. "Yeah. Who's your mom?" said Zane.

Jasmine said,"She was the leader before Scorch.". "Ah." said Atem as he stood next to Zane. The fire beings bowed as Zane said,"So did I use Gravity Form during that?". "No. She defeated me with the help of Zero and Pharaoh was it?" said Scorch. "I really hate that we have to listen to a woman and a half-breed." said a alien. Zane punched him as he said,"Sorry. I'm a quarter human so I hate when people say that and I hate sexism.". "It's fine." said Scorch.

Zane said as a piece of the machine fell to the ground,"But if you ever do something like that again, I won't be holding back.". "As leader of the Celestial Flame, we're going to go coexistence with Zero and the rest of humanity." said Jasmine. She hugged him and she kissed him on the lips. Zane's eyes widened as Atem said,"I hope this isn't going to cause problems.". Zane's stomach then growled as Jasmine said,"How about some food?". "Yep. This is going to be troublesome." said Atem.

Next time,
With the fiery beauty Jasmine Rose, how will Zane's love life fair? A old foe comes to get his revenge on Zane after what he did and also "allies" comes to Cypress Park. This and more next time on Zero!

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