Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Zero Episode 39 An Unbreakable Bond

A/N: That last episode sure was intense so lets calm things down. This episode was first called Family Bonding which works but the Unbreakable Bond sounds cooler. Do note that the last episode was called Let the Games Begin. It doesn't make much sense to be so I changed it. Here's the thing. I write the ideas for a story way early on and over time, I either go through with it or I change it. This season ,season 2, was going to end after EP 50 but that's changed to maybe high fifties or sixties.

Not sure yet but I hope you all enjoy. Lets begin in three days after the fight and ass kicking. I don't think that far ahead when I'm writing either Soul or Zero. This is the one of the many reasons why this story and Soul take a long time to post but I do a lot of thinking for the series and things change over time. I got nothing else to say so enjoy episode thirty nine. Fun fact, this series started in late January and the plan was to start the sequels around this time. Blame the three months of editing and me.

Narrator P.O.V.
Somewhere in the Obsidian Mountains ,which is named after the mountain range looking like the color of obsidian, and somewhere in Oregon/Washington, Lilith Rune was standing in front of a mansion sized mountain lodge. It looked to be very famous with it having an LR sign on the top. She entered the chalet with her heading toward the fireplace. The lounge area looked like something from a hunting lodge as it was covered with hunting trophies of several animals.

The most noticeable animal is a large panda bear rug on the floor with its head still attached and baring its teeth at anyone who looks at it. She then pulled down the bust of Charles Darwin as the fireplace went up revealing an elevator. She entered it as she said,"Take me down to the Lab.". "Yes Lady Lilith." said a feminine mechanical voice. The elevator went down and the businesswoman hummed a tune from some spy movie.

The elevator stopped as she arrived in a lab. It looked to be rather basic and rather generic for a lab but the things that made this lab unique is the several large monitors along with several computers around the area. It also had several pods ,shaped like eggs and looked sci-fi, around the room. She floated over to one of them as she said,"Call Dyno.". "Yes Lady Lilith." said the same voice. The screen soon showed the police warden as he said,"What?".

Lilith said,"How is the extraction going?". "Fine. Tell me why you're not telling the other generals about your plan to give back Spiro his true power." said Dyno. "There's a method to my madness so how is...." said Lilith. A security guard was blasted by a giant Red Nether Beam with Dyno saying with a frown,"I think your answer is obvious boss.". Lilith saw a giant and buff Phantom fighting several guards along with Crunch, Riveter, and Slug.

Their opponent had six arms, an beast-like face, navy blue fur, giant and sharp fangs, longer than normal claws, and gray skin around its face. It's glowing red with crimson red eyebrows making them stuck out. It's legs are very much like a tail belong to a dragon. It has backwards spiky hair on the top of its head with it having two cuffs on each arm. "The Colossal Keeper, a powerful Phantom for sure but you can handle it right?" said Lilith.

Dyno said,"You have no idea how strong this Phantom is. He's the guardian of the king's real power.". "Yes. I think you should use some of your guards as bait so you can obtain the Nightmare key." said Lilith. She looked at a nearby monitor with it showing a glass pyramid display cage with it glowing with an unhealthy green aura. Inside of the glass, it had a silver key with a crow on the op. It seems to be resting on a crimson red tasseled pillow on the top of a gold pedestal.

Lilith said,"The Nightmare Key. It's able to open any door in all of the Omniverse and it's main power is to unleash anyone's true potential.". "Right boss but you have to fight him to obtain it or you'll be chased to the ends of the Omniverse but him." said Dyno. "I'll be there in a minute Dyno so just wait." said Lilith. Two rings appeared around her and she turned into Sovereign. She was soon gone from Earth and then she reappeared next to Dyno.

Both Phantoms saw that three guards were then squished by the hands of CK. The beast looked to see Sovereign standing there with her smirking. "Get your injured out of here now Dyno. I'll handle this overgrown pest." said Sovereign. The warden nodded as he flew toward the injured guards. CK aimed his mouth at Sovereign releasing a burst of large white flames. Sovereign smiled as she made a curved red Nether Shield in front of her.

The burst of flames hit the shield causing it to reflect and hit the Phantom with his own attack. The shield was gone as CK roared. CK opened two of his hands revealing the sharp claws. He slammed the other four onto Sovereign with him smirking. "How cute. You honestly think that work on me weakling." said Sovereign. The giant Phantom was punched by a Red Nether Boxing Gloves with the vampire mistress disappearing.

The giant Phantom looked around for the vampire with her reappearing under CK. Her right fist then charged with red Nether, releasing an uppercut the monster. The force of the hit launched the monster into the air and he roared at her. Sovereign smiled as she multiplied into ten copies of herself with them charging up Nether. CK then flew toward the ten with all six fists clenched and he's ready to smash the vampire.

The clones sprung into action as three of them fired several Nether whips at CK, four clones fired several Nether eye beams, one fired two Nether beams from their hands, and the final clone fired an Nether Construct of a Air Fighter Jet. The attacks hit with the hand beams hitting his forehead, eye beams slamming into his chest, and the whips tied up his hands with the jet slamming the chest very much like the eye beams.  

CK was taking several deep breaths as the clones fired off their attacks again. Dyno slammed a Pink Judge Gavel on CK as he said,"Finish him off already. This is getting sad.". CK broke out of his rope cuffs with him using his tail to slammed five of the clones. The other clones were gone as CK looked for the vampire. Dyno sighed as he saw his boss rushing toward the key with CK going after her. "You think that he would have gotten the hint by now." said Dyno.

Sovereign turned around to see CK rushing right toward her as she said,"Go away.". She made a giant human Nether construct around her with the constructs grabbed the hands together. She slammed CK and he went flying toward a different part of Terrarune at an alarming rate. She held the case as she said,"I'll take this back with me. You recover and get ready to bring my reign to life.". She was gone as Dyno flew off.

Sovereign then reappeared in her lab with her turning into Lilith. She placed the key in a safe with her saying,"Phase one is complete. Now, it's time for phase two.". She looked at a picture which showed her, Natasha, Reggie, Edward, and Shawn. It showed Natasha standing next to Lilith with the red head smiling and Lilith looking her way, Edward smiled, Shawn smiled while looking and holding Natasha's hand, and Reggie glared at Lilith. "Lets begin." said Lilith.

Danny P.O.V.
It had been three days since Zane's epic fight with Sierra and well, things have been rather calm. I'm guessing that it may have something to do with Zane well winning against Hydro Storm. His career went down faster than he did against Zane after it was revealed about all of his crimes. I was shocked to learn that such a hero could be so corrupted and I wonder if we could become corrupted like he was.

I shook my head as I got out of the bus. I was at the hospital visiting Zane who was recovering from his fight. According to the eternal space booger, Zane used more power than he could handle causing him to be unable to move for at least two days at the most. Zane got a lecture from his mom about his fight and well, it was kinda of sad. I entered the building and I walked up to the receptionist. "You're here to see Zane again?" said the receptionist.

I nodded as I said,"Yeah. He's supposed to get out today right?". "He is but I don't think he wants to leave this place." said the receptionist. I sighed as I said,"I'll try and convince him so he doesn't eat the entire hospital food supply.". "Thanks." said the receptionist. I headed up to the seventh floor with me listening to the cheesy elevator music. "Man. I can't believe this is still a thing." I said to myself as the door opened.

I walked down the hallway and I heard,"Man! The food here is amazing!". I sighed as I walked to a room with me seeing my best friend pigging out on hospital food and I also saw Sierra sitting in one of the chair. "Daniel. It's good to see you again." said Sierra. I glared at her with me closing the door behind me. "Danny! What are you doing here? I thought you had school today." said Zane. "You do too Zane. According to that booger, you're cleared good so why are you?" I said.

Sierra said,"Because the food is good right Zane?". He nodded as I said,"You should at least try to be at school.". "You're sounding like my mom man. Total buzzkill." said Zane. "You know that our class doesn't start till next week right?" said Sierra. She was accepted into Arcadia University as well with me saying,"Yeah. Zane Alvarez has school work as the student council president.". Zane sighed as he said,"I guess you've a point.".

He slowly got out of bed with him wearing a typical hospital gown and he said,"This food is so good and where can I get food this good again?". "We could always fight again and you could land in the hospital." said Sierra. I looked at the girl with her saying,"I'm kidding Daniel.". Zane slowly put on a gray sweater with a black zigzag pattern to it with him wearing his blueish gray jeans and red and white tennis shoes.

I noticed that Zane didn't have the Z.E.R.O. watch as he said,"Parker took it. He's upgraded it so I'm back to normal Zane.". "Okay. What are you up to Sierra?" I said, "Go spend time at the house with Omega." said Sierra. "She likes the name Ana. I called her that." said Zane. "Whatever. Later Zane and Daniel." said Sierra. She was gone with me growling afterward. I didn't like her for some reason but I can't figure out why.

Narrator P.O.V.
After signing Zane out, the two boys were heading to the school. "I can't believe that fall is finally here man." said Zane. Danny noticed that the trees ,around them, had most of their leaves been an orange color with him saying,"Yeah but our town is way behind the time or season.". "Yeah. So do you Sierra hate each other?" said Zane. "No. I don't think we do. Why do you ask?" said Danny. "I don't know why but ever since I used Archon Zero, I've been feeling weird." said Zane.

Danny said,"Archon Zero? What the heck is that? Wait. Was it that weird power that you used against Sierra and Anthony?". "Yeah. Parker told me about it while also lecturing me about going over my limits." said Zane. "You have a limit? I've seen you destroy mountains with that weird form that's a living plant." said Danny. "So are you talking about Vine Form right? Or Swamp Form?" said Zane. "It doesn't matter man!" said Danny.

Zane said,"Yes. I can use 10% of my power.". "Hey. That's pretty good. You've only been a hero since August and you're 1/10th of the way to being the real Zero." said Danny. "Danny. You're off. My max potential is 1,000,000%. I'm not even close to being at 100% yet. Parker says that all of the Zeroes before me's power stack upon each other and well, I have their power. They all reached 1,000% so you can do the math." said Zane looking at his hands. "So does that include Hyde?" said Danny.

Zane nodded as he said,"He was a Zero before he well died. It's tragic but he had it coming.". "So how is Ana doing?" said Danny. "From what Atem tells me, she is enjoying living with us. My mom says that I need to stop picking up strays but I tell her that she needed a family. She also wanted a daughter in the family so she was okay with it." said Zane. The two walked up to the school as Danny said,"That's good. I mean nothing has really changed here.".

As Zane entered the school, he made his bag appear out of thin air. "Should you be doing that here? I mean someone could see you." said Danny. "Normally, you would be right. I think I'm good since all of our classmates are currently on their phones texting about Hydro Storm's fallout." said Zane. "How did you?" said Danny. Zane pointed to his Galaxy Phones as he said,"They may help with my hearing problem but they do an C plus job.".

Danny nodded as the P.A. said,"Phantom Alert! Phantom Alert!". Two red alarm lights begin flashing as Zane covered his ears more in annoyance than shock unlike his classmates. "You may want to get out of here." said Danny getting Zane's attention. "Huh?!" said Zane. "You can't hear a single word I'm saying can you?" said Danny. Zane nodded as Karen and Rachel walked up to them. Zane took his hands off his ears as he said,"So what's with the Phantom Alert?".

Rachel said,"Didn't Danny tell you about it?". "He forgot." said Zane. "That sounds like Danny. We got it in the memo." said Karen holding a piece of paper. "We get a memo?" said Zane. "I think your mom burns them." said Danny. "That sounds like her." said Zane. "So the school is running Phantom drills now just in case of one." said Rachel. "Phantom drills? You really can't predict Phantoms. Trust me." said Zane.

Zane's CJ went off as Danny said,"Wow. I think I've seen scarier things in one of the shops in Gwen's home than that.". Zane turned around to see Coach Barnett wearing a ugly mask with him holding his hands above him. "Fear me children! I'm a Phantom that can rip you apart limb from limb!" yelled the coach. Zane face palmed as he said,"I'm so dam offended right now.". "So are you going to do something about it?" said Rachel.

Zane nodded as he placed his hand on a nearby locker. An eerie steel gray color went heading toward the teacher as Karen said,"Should we try and stop him? I mean he isn't really doing anything.". "He did make fun of Zane's race plus he looks ugly in that mask so." said Danny. The steel gray color covered the teacher as he said,"What the?". "Erase." said Zane. The mask was gone along all of his clothing was gone in a flash.

He looked down with his hairy chest being shown along with his pink boxers. He was shocked as the crowd began laughing at the teacher. "Yeah. I'm not respecting his authority again but I didn't to begin with." said Zane. Karen covered her eyes as Danny said,"You shouldn't have done that but it was funny.". Zane walked back over to his friends as Crisis Judgement went off. "Uh oh." said Zane. He turned around to see the half naked man holding a portrait of Theodore Roosevelt as cover himself.

Warren said,"I know that I can't prove that it was you Alvarez but you're staying after school.". "You can't be serious. He just got back to school today." said Danny. "Oh so do you want to go with him Mr. Malone?" said Warren. "It's fine man. I got nothing to do after school anyway." said Zane. The coach walked off as Karen said,"Interesting first day back huh?". "Interesting is a strong word." said Zane as he sighed.

Later, Kristen and Zane were walking to Kristen's home with the hero holding several textbooks in hand and in his back. "Man. That guy is such a prick." said Zane. "At least you didn't have detention Zane. You can easily breeze through this using Brain, Swift, or any of your friends." said Kristen. "I would but Parker is doing an upgrade to the watch leaving me only with my base model. The base model still works but I really miss having diamond hard skin." said Zane looking at his wrist.

Kristen said,"Anyway, thanks for offering to help me with science. I'm doing good in all of my other classes but this one.". "At least, you're still on the squad Kristen. You got to represent the Spanish on the pretty much white squad." said Zane. "You have a point but it's a bad one. Have you even been to one of our rallies?" said Kristen. "Let me see. I always seem to attract the wrong type of attention aka Phantoms and with the alarm, I can't risk having them hurt." said Zane.

Kristen said,"You really care about them despite you only being a fourth.". "Well, they are my friends from my past life." said Zane. "Aren't Celeste and Jennifer your girlfriends?" said Kristen. "Yeah but now, we're just friends." said Zane. "I hope." thought Zane. The two reached the house as Kristen said with a smile,"You wait here. You don't want another make out session now do you?". "Well, Wolfram does the same thing except sometimes, he's the bigger version." said Zane.

Kristen walked in as Zane's CJ went off. He dodged a giant fireball ,that appeared from the right side of him, and he said,"Seriously? You should know that I'm not an easy target Cinder.". Cinder stood there with him saying,"You're the boy who is an amigo with Zero. What are you doing outside of my herman's house?". He was charging up a fireball with Zane saying,"The better question is what you're doing here? I heard Zero kicked your but for the umpteenth time.".

The fire around Cinder increased in size as Zane thought,"Do note. I think pissing him off when I'm not wearing a costume or suit that can prevent heat.". "Shut up! I'll turn you into a Falda!" said Cinder as he threw a giant fireball. Zane was about to dodge it before the fire ball was stopped by a huge amount of fire retardant. Cinder and Zane then turned to see Kristen holding her Plasma Swiss Army Knife in its fire hydrant form.

Zane thought,"What can't that thing?". "What are you doing here Carlos? You should be serving your time!" said Kristen. "That carcel can't hold me." said Cinder crossing his arms. "Yeah. It's a revolving door." said Zane. "See!? Your novio gets it! I don't know how he knows that about my carcel but who cares about that. Thanks future cunado." said Cinder. Kristen's face was bright red as Zane said,"My Spanish isn't very good so what did he say?". "Except when I'm Zero." thought Zane.

Kristen said after calming down,"It's nothing Zane. So why are you here?". "Can't I see my lovely hermana? I mean we're family after all." said Cinder. "You just came back because you need money don't you?" said Kristen. "I'm hurt sister." said Cinder. During the sibling bickering, Zane dialed 911 as he said,"We have some science to do so could you....". Zane dodged another fire ball and Cinder said,"Shut up! We're talking novio!".

Zane began hearing sirens as he thought,"Just a little while longer.". Cinder heard the sirens as he said,"The policia! You bastard! You're dead!". He began to breath fire as Kristen got ready to fire her Swiss Army Knife but the fire was stopped by Morph. He looked at the two and he said,"Get inside right now!". Zane nodded as the two ran inside. Cinder growled as Danny said,"You're going down matchstick.".

Later, Zane was standing in the backyard with Kristen working on a textbook. "So explain to me why we're trying out a new technique outside just after a villain attack?" said Zane. "Well, I wanted to see how fast you can go without using your watch." said Kristen. "I think my max speed is Mach 2." said Zane. "Your Crisis Judgement is doing good according to our encounter with my brother. I'm so sorry about him trying to kill you." said Kristen.

Zane said,"At least, Danny was there to save us before the cops arrived.". "Yeah." said Kristen. She looked down as Zane said,"What's up? You look down in the dumps.". He sat next to her as she said with her holding a pencil,"It's my brother. I can't believe he's just some thug.". "In his defense, he did evade my capture for at least an hour. Bedrock usually doesn't escape." said Zane. "You know that it isn't the point." said Kristen.

Zane said,"Listen. I think I can help your brother.". "What are you?" said Kristen. "Athena was telling me that the watch can repair DNA." said Zane. "So. What are you saying?" said Kristen. "I can get rid of Carlos's power. He'll be a normal human with some time to serve." said Zane. "Are you serious? I mean that would be awesome." said Kristen. "I'll try once I get it back." said Zane. She hugged him as she said,"Thanks Zane!".

Zane blushed as he said,"No problem. We're friends despite you hating me for Freshman year.". The girl lightly pushed him as she said,"I didn't hate you!". "You didn't want to spend a single minute with me outside of school before the Zoo." said Zane. "Well, that was the past Z. So have you even flown anyone?" said Kristen. "Danny once. He begged me too. Care for a flight?" said Zane as he turned into Zero. "It would be an honor." said Kristen. Zane picked Kristen ,bridal style, as he flew up.

In a nearby house, Lilith was standing there. "Just like Johnny." said Lilith. "So what do you mean by that vampire?" said a voice. She turned to see Apazar standing there with his arms crossed. "He's a ladies man or man whore. He's just like Johnny." said Lilith. "I can see it due to his aura rather than his personality vampire. So why did you take the Custodians to your lab? They did fine according to the tests." said Apazar.

Lilith looked at him as she said,"Those were against lifeless drones from the Billionaire's company not actual opponents. Zero no Zane defeated all three of them along with the idiot quartet. He did it using one form aka that living bowling ball.". "True but they were defeated by Zane's friends and the traitor. I heard that she's going to AU. That's good for an ex-con." said Apazar. "Ignoring that Apazar. I'm going to show you what my Custodians can do against him." said Lilith.

She was gone as Apazar said,"Yep. She's totally obsessed with Zaney. You know what you have to do Midnight?". The shadow man appeared as Apazar said,"Now while I maybe be a nice boss, you really don't want to piss off the other big wigs.". "I understand Apazar. I won't let you down at all. What do you want me to do?" said Midnight. "Grab Lilith if she gets defeated along with her pets." said Apazar. Midnight was gone as Apazar followed suit.

At the Alvarez house, Atem was sitting there on the couch. He was currently working on a paper for school most likely . "Hey auntie." said Atem. He looked at Ana ,who was sitting on the nearby couch reading a book, as she said,"My name is Omega Atem. I'm also not your sister.". "Well, daddy calls you family so I guess you're family." said Atem. "And why am I your aunt? And what do you need Atem?" said Ana. "I'm sorry for bothering you but you're a smart girl right?" said Atem.

Ana looked at the paper that Atem's working at and she said,"You're having trouble?". Atem shook his head as he said,"Nope. It's a family history project. I don't know my dad's past before he moved to Cypress Park. I also don't know if I should include you.". "Well, we can ask him when he gets home from his date." said Ana. "Date?" said Atem. "Is your father dating?" said Ana. "Um. I honestly don't know." said Atem. "I see. So where is your grandmother?" said Ana.

The two heard an explosion as Atem said,"Basement lab.".  Ana and Atem walked down there to see Natasha covered in soot as Ana said,"So is this normal for her Atem?". "According to dad, yes." said Atem. "Ah you two! How is your project going Atem? I'm very sorry to interrupt you but I was tested the nano machines." said Natasha. "Nano machines? Isn't that how Danny uses his powers in the first place?" said Ana.

Natasha said,"You're right. He took the prototypes which gives him Enhanced Condition plus the very unique ability to change his limbs into weapons.". "So. You're making the next version grandma? I'm sure you should tell Danny." said Atem. " I do plan on telling Danny once I'm finished." said Natasha with a smile. "You caused the explosion right?" said Ana. "I plan on giving them the ability to control the elements with a later upgrade being the manipulation." said Natasha.

Atem said,"I see.". "You don't understand do you?" said Ana. Atem shook his head as the three heard a voice,"Yo're just like his father except smarter and a better mouth.". They then turned to see Parker sitting on a counter. "What's the booger?!" said Atem. "Pray tell young one. Your father calls me that doesn't he?" said Parker. "Um. I don't know if I should answer that. Daddy would hate me for saying that." said Atem. "So who is he?" said Ana.

Natasha said,"Parker, the smartest being in the Omniverse and the Alliance. He's also Zane's godfather along with yours Ana and Atem's great godfather.". "I'm not part of this family." said Ana under her breath. "I need to speak with Zane. It's about his costume and watch." said Parker. He made a box appear from his body as Ana said,"That's gross.". "It's also cool!" said Atem. "I have inside of that box, this is the third version of the Z.E.R.O. watch." said Parker.

Natasha said,"And when were you going to tell me about this?". "He didn't tell you? I thought that he would for sure." said Parker. "I haven't seen him for the past two days." said Natasha. "You been busy in the lab haven't you?" said Parker. "Yes. I have." said Natasha. The two then started talking as Ana said,"They're friends?". "They're usually on good terms better than my great grandpas. So what do you know about my dad? He told me that you worked with bad guys before we met." said Atem.

Ana said,"I'll tell you along with your dad.". "Okay. Should we stop them?" said Atem. "We're fine young one. Do you mind calling Zane for me? I don't have his number." said Parker. "We will under one condition." said Natasha. "You wish to know why I care so much about this Zero compared to the other ninety nine." said Parker. "Bingo." said Natasha. "This is good right Atem?" said Ana. "I guess so." said Atem. "Let me start from when I went to go see Zane after his fight." said Parker.

Meanwhile at Fantasia, Karen was sipping her drink with Danny, Gwen, and Rachel. "So I'm taking you're not a fan of Kristen and Zane's study date." said Danny. "I think their couple name is Kane or is that yours?" said Gwen. "You're right. Karen and Zane would be Kane and Kristen and Zane would be Krisane." said Rachel. "Seriously Rae?" said Danny. "Girls talk a lot Danny." said Rachel. "It's true. They do talk a good amount even at my old school." said Gwen.

Karen slammed her head on the top as she said,"Why can't I tell him how I feel?". "You're scared of ruining your friendship. I would be too." said Rachel. "You just need to have confidence Karen. We're on your side." said Danny. "Yep." said Gwen. "Thanks." said Karen. The four heard a car alarm go off as Danny said,"Who bets on it being trouble?". "I think that's a foolish bet to make Danny. You guys suit up. I'll call Zane." said Rachel. "Okay." said the three.

In front of Zane's house, Zane landed as Kristen said,"Wow. You really can go fast.". Her hair was all messed up as Zane said,"Sorry about that Kristen. I tend to go a little overboard when it comes to my flying.". "Let me guess. You blame that on your forms." said Kristen. "Maybe Kris. So why do you think my mom wanted me here so fast? It must be for Atem's project." said Zane. "What's the little guy working on? And Kris?" said Kristen.

Zane said,"A family tree. I like nicknames. I'm still working on them so what do you think?". "Some serious work. I remember doing that project. It was before Carlos went Cinder." said Kristen. "That's sounds both good and bad. I didn't do it since I came here in the third grade. I do hope that he's making friends and not enemies." said Zane. "He isn't you Zane." said Kristen. "And what is that supposed to mean?" said Zane.

The girl was about to say something as she heard,"If you two primates are done flirting, I need a word with the both of you right now.". Kristen and Zane turned to see Parker resting on Wolfram's head as Zane said,"Booger face!? What are you doing here? I thought you were on your planet.". "I finished early and also..." said Parker. He stretched his arm out and he hit Zane. "Speak to your elders with some respect!" said Parker.

Kristen giggled as Zane said,"It isn't that funny.". The two were sitting in the living room as Parker looked at them. "It's funny Zane. Listen, I've finished your request.". "Seriously? I thought it would least take a week or two." said Zane. "For an idiot, it would have but I'm the smartest." said Parker with a smirk. "Wow. I guess all Eazarivian have egos." said Kristen. "Hey." said Zane. "She's right Zane. So what do you have to ask me dear?" said Parker.

Kristen said,"Can you read minds?". "Yes. All Eazarivian can. I'm pretty sure that Zane could do it if he mastered Archon Zero at such a young age." said Parker. "Archon Zero? Isn't that the weird dino thing you did against the sphinx?" said Kristen. "Not even. That was a Nether form that only the idiot here has. You wonder if the watch can restore your brother back to normal." said Parker. "Yes. Can it bring my brother?" said Kristen.

Parker said,"Well, I don't know your brother but here's the thing. He may like having power. Was he bullied?". "I don't think he was. I mean he was a bad kid ever since middle school." said Kristen. "I think we'll talk later in private." said Parker. "Um. Why are you in a rush? Got a hot date?" said Zane with a smirk. He was smacked by Parker as the slime said,"No. You have been buzzing for the past minute and it's bothering me.".

Kristen looked at his phone ,which was on the table where Parker was, as she said,"It's Rachel. You should answer it.". "If it prevents me from getting slapping, I'll do it." said Zane. He answered it ,with him putting it on speaker, and he heard,"Why the hell haven't you answered?!". Kristen saw Parker and Zane covering their ears with her thinking,"Does Parker even have ears?". "You do know that Zane has highly sensitivity ears right?" said Kristen.

Rachel said,"Kristen?! You two need to get over to Fantasia instead of "studying" right now.". The girl had a blush as Zane said,"What? Is Fantasia offering a new flavor?". "Not exactly. Remember that vampire?" said Rachel. "Sovereign. I heard about her from Bane. She's a threat except in the desert according to him. What's going on? Is she doing something?" said Zane. "Her, the three from your fight with Hydro Storm, and a whole bazaar of animals! Get here now!" said Rachel.

She hanged up as Zane stood up. "Where are you going?" said Parker. Zane turned into Zero as he said,"Going to save my friends and my town. You're not stopping me.". "Who said that I was? You just need this." said Parker. He threw the box ,which was a square shaped and covered with a violet grid design, at Zane. "Take it. You'll need its power." said Parker. "Okay. I'll be right back." said Zane as he ran upstairs.

Kristen said,"He's a big kid isn't he?". "I think that may be the result of him using Cartoon Form too much. I made sure that he uses more forms. So do you wish to help him?" said Parker. "What do you mean?" said Kristen. "I'm pretty sure that once Zane finishes changing, he'll be storming out of here with everyone ,in the family, plastered at the TV to make sure that Zane doesn't kill himself for some reason." said Parker.     

Kristen looked confused as Parker said,"Listen. Zane's a lot like his father and mother mixed into one package. He isn't one to give up a fight even when he's out of energy and can't fight afterwards. You and his friends are the only ones who can protect him from himself.". "So what do you need me to do anyway?" said Kristen. Parker grabbed her as he said,"Time for a superhero upgrade.". "Okay. I really hope that this isn't painful." said Kristen. "It isn't." said Parker.

Back in the city, Danny ,as Morph, just punched back a Phantom bat ,that was currently producing frost, and he said,"Okay. I'm getting sick of these animals.". He looked at Gwen ,as Slicer, who was going against a eight armed gorilla as she said,"We can switch dance partners if you would like. He's quite fiesty.". "Maybe he would like the Phantom Smashers!" said Danny. He punched the ape back a couple of feet with his giant fists as Gwen said,"Thanks. How many more do we have left?".

Danny looked to see an group of Phantom animals as he said,"A good amount. I can't believe that I'm saying this but I wish that....". He was about to be attacked by a Phantom Cow but it was blasted by a giant fireball. Gwen saw Sierra standing there wearing a costume. She's wearing a navy blue long sleeved shirt with a SWAT styled vest, black jeans with several pockets, and brown boots. She's wearing a gold and silver belt.

Her eyes and hair are now gray. "Thanks for the save." said Danny. "You're welcome. Where's Zero?" said Sierra. "He hasn't arrived yet. Sonic is helping with civilians and I'm sure that Agent Phoenix will be here to help us with the pets." said Gwen. Sierra nodded as she said with a smirk,"So we're just the cleanup crew before the big man shows up. "That's fine with me guys but lets make some noise before the cavalry shows up!" said Sierra.

Several fireballs went flying toward the animals with the fireballs hitting several frogs and snakes and it made a massive burn. "I have a little wager for you. Whoever takes out the most between us makes the loser do whatever they want." said Danny. "Deal." said Sierra. The two rushed toward the group of animals as Gwen said,"Those two are two rivals.". She helped them by slicing the animals from behind them.

Karen ,as Sonic, was currently helping civilians while blasting away any Phantom animals that got closer to them. "Are you okay miss?" said a voice. She turned to see a officer as she said,"I'm fine. I just hope Zero can get here.". "Zero? Isn't he one of them?" said an old woman. "Nope. Zero is a good one and he isn't the only one." said the officer. Karen agreed with the officer and she fired off another sonic scream at some animals.

The old woman said,"And how would you know that?". "You shouldn't judge every single member of a race just because one happened to do a bad thing." said the officer. "You two need to get out of here right now. I'm not sure how long I can..." said Karen. The two were gone when Karen was grabbed by Sovereign. "You're the perfect bait for him." said Sovereign. Karen soon kicked her in the face with Sovereign blasting her, sending her away. She flew off after that.

Danny, Gwen, and Sierra were looking at the defeated army with Sierra said,"I guess you have to do what I want Morph.". "No way. I took down more of them than you!" said Danny. The two looked at Gwen who said,"I wasn't paying attention at all. Lets just say that you both won.". "Fine." said the two. The three then saw three people walking their way and Danny heard,"Oh good. We get to have our revenge on those who defeated us.".

The heroes soon saw Chomp, Port, and Tone standing there. "I call dibs on the hungry hungry..." said Danny. She took in a deep breath as she released a huge stream of fire. The three then jumped back as Danny said,"Didn't you?!". "I don't care. Here's how we decided who has to be the bitch of the loser aka you." said Sierra as her mouth was covered with flames. The two boys ran toward the trio as Gwen sighed. "Sometimes." said Gwen.

She didn't noticed that a Phantom Rat ,with rabbit ears and chipmunk teeth, was about to attack her but he was blasted back by a giant stream of water. "Yeah. She isn't on the menu." said a voice. The sorceress turned to see Kristen. Her hair was now water and her eyes are bright blue. She's wearing a black cropped v-neck shirt with a blue water themed trim on the sleeves and black pants with a blue trim at the waist and end of her jeans.

She has on white thigh high high-heeled boots with a water design at the top. She had a blue necklace that looked like a water droplet. Kristen then ran over to Gwen as the sorceress said,"Kristen? What are you wearing?". "To make a long story short here, I'm a superhero and my codename is Aqua. I'll explain after we finish taking care of this herd." said Kristen. Gwen saw that the Phantom animals were rising as she said,"Darn it.".

Danny was blocking Chomp's energy blasts as the heavy eater said,"How do you like my atomic burps?". "It's gross man. You shouldn't like that but I'll give you something go to eat." said Danny as his right hand was changing into his signature sword. "Time for you to have a taste of my Ghostly Broadsword!" said Danny. He slashed Chomp back as he said,"It needs some less iron.". Danny noticed that the sword had some bite mark as he said,"You can't be serious man. That's my arm!".

Chomp then fired a giant energy beam from his mouth with Danny blocking it. "Nice job kid. You made his attacks more disgusting." said Tone. She made two fist constructs at Sierra who blocked it with a fire wall. "That isn't going to work on me Tone was it?" said Sierra. She then blocked Port's kick with Danny stretching his left arm out to grab Port. "Hey! Put me down!" yelled Port. "If you insist." said Danny.

He placed him in right of front of Chomp's energy blasts with Danny smirking. "Sorry about that man." said Chomp. "You bastard!" said Port. The two were then hit by Gwen and Kristen with Danny saying,"I have so many questions.". "She'll answer them later. You need to take down these two." said Gwen as Chomp and Port got back up. The two were hit by Danny's Phantom Smashers knocking them out as Tone ,covered in ice, joined them.

Sierra said,"So I guess I'm the bitch then. Fine.". "Yes." said Danny as he cheered. "What's going on?" said Kristen. "I'll tell you later. Where's Zero?" said Gwen. "He said that he'll handle the big cheese." said Kristen. "Okay. We should go check on Sonic. She's been alone for too long." said Danny. "For once, you make sense." said Sierra. The four ran off leaving the Custodians to be grabbed by Midnight.

Sovereign held Karen ,who was out cold,  in a Red Nether prison. "Where is he girlie? He should be here by now. My pets are defeated along with the custodians." said Sovereign. "I'm right here Sovereign! You're going to pay for hurting my friend! Turbo!" yelled a voice. Sovereign saw something rush by her as Karen's jail was destroyed and something grabbed Karen. She woke up as she heard,"Hey. Are you okay Sonic?". She looked up to see a reptile like creature standing there.

He's 6 feet tall with a humanoid body. His body is covered in emerald green scales. The shape of his two eyes are in the shape of black motorcycle goggle lenses and has noticeable green eyes which stuck out. He has two gold thin horns which works as his eyebrows and they're in the shape of thunderbolts. His neck has a set of gills on them. His legs are bent at the knee and straightened at the thigh. He's missing a finger and toe, making him have four fingers and toes. His feet and hands are webbed. 

He has a lizard like tail sticking out of his body with the tip of his tail being in the shape of a spade. It's a gold color. He has two emerald green wings that are under his arms. The flaps of his wings stretch down to his tail and has large sharp gold blades attached to the end of them. The front side of his wings have a black zigzag like pattern being that the patagrim of his wings are a burgundy color. He's wearing a black jumpsuit.

It has a single dark red stripe ,in the shape of a thunderbolt, down the center of the jumpsuit. It has an opening for his tail and wings. He wears a black and white cape that covers the back of his wings along with the top part of his chest. He's wearing black elbow length fingerless gloves with a red arm opening, and black toeless boots with white edges. "Zane? Is that you" whispered Karen. Zane placed Karen on the ground as he turned to her.

Zane smiled as he said,"This is Turbo Form. This form is really fast at pretty much everything he can do. You just rest okay? You did great and I'm proud to call yourself my friend. I'll take care of her.". He glared at Sovereign as she said,"So you're in a new form. What can this one do? You can't defeat me.". She found out what this form could do when she was blasted back by steel gray energy from Zane.

Zane looked at her with him floating in the air. His horns and the tip of his tail were glowing steel gray. She was about to attack him but she heard,"Not happening Garlic Breath! Turbo!". He was gone with her looking for Zane. The young hero had flown above her and when she found him, it was too late. The young man had turned into Orb Form with him slamming into her in his ball form. He bounced off her as he turned back into Turbo Form.

Sovereign growled as Zane said,"I'm so scared of you. You couldn't defeat me when you're too slow to even see me! Turbo!". Zane flew toward him with Sovereign smiling. "You honestly think I can't defeat you when you're an overgrown..." said Sovereign. She was punched in the face by Brawn Form as he turned into Raptor Form. He landed a powerful roundhouse kick on her which sent her flying away as Zane landed on the ground.

Karen couldn't look away as she heard,"Sonic!". She saw her friends with Kristen as she said,"So why are you dressed as a superhero?". "She'll tell us after Zero kicks her but." said Sierra. "So do you know why Zane is swapping forms so fast?" said Gwen. Danny looked to see that Zane was now Frost Form as he took a deep breath releasing a powerful ice breath which froze her Nether attacks and he said,"No idea. Parker must have given him an upgrade.".

Karen nodded as Sovereign said,"You can't be defeated me!". Zane looked at his friends with him giving them a wink. "Why did he wink at us?" said Kristen. "Who knows?" said Karen. Zane then turned into Atomic Form with him charging up. "Listen Vampire Mistress! You can suck blood but you won't hurt my friends got that?! Nuclear Blowout!" said Zane. He then threw a giant ball of nuclear energy at Sovereign which sent her flying back.

She didn't see Danny and Sierra behind her with Danny's arms being the Phantom Smashers and Sierra's arms covered in water. The two punched her back toward Zane as Danny said,"I can't believe that I wasn't the only one who got that we're going to punch her back.". "I'm not an idiot Morph." said Sierra with her crossing her arms. Sovereign saw that Zane made a portal to Terrarune as she was soon sent right in it. Zane smiled as he went back to normal.

He's now wearing a new costume. His hair was now ash gray/ash blonde instead of the gold color that it turned into when he went his superhero form, his eyes are still steel gray with a blue tint, and his body was covered in a steel gray aura. He wasn't wearing his helmet being that he was currently had a pair of goggles around his eyes. They're an average size ,made out of metal, with a black and white strap and clear lenses that shows off his eyes but he wears them when he gets serious.

He can wear them in his other forms making this how people tell that it's Zane aka Zero. He's wearing a gray t-shirt with his logo, a crimson red LZ, in the center of his shirt with the front of it being a dark purple. He's decided to ditch the jacket for this. Both Karen and Kristen blushed as it exposed Zane's fighter like figure rather nice with it not looking tight on him at all. Most of his arms were exposed except for his shoulders.

Instead of his jacket, he's now wearing a black combat vest with glowing violet lining and two ,small or medium sized, pockets on each side. He's wearing black jeans and matching colored combat boots on his feet. It had titanium mesh straps and violet glowing lines very much in the same design as his vest. He's now wearing a pair of black fingerless gloves on both hands and he's wearing black/silver amplification metallic arm guards/vambraces.

Danny said,"I like the new costume bro.". "I'm personally digging the vest." said Sierra. "I guess you two like it. What about you ladies?" said Zane. He was looking at Karen as she said,"You look nice Zero. So why the new costume?". "I was getting an upgrade to the watch and well, I thought that a new costume was in order. It may have been against the Alliance and my previous selves but I'm not them." said Zane.

Gwen said,"So what's the plan?". "I use Swift Form to clean up the Phantoms." said Zane. "Or maybe Turbo Form. Do you yell Turbo when you fly?" said Karen. "Dude. That's really sad." said Danny. "I don't really have a choice in the matter. These forms were created by the space booger himself. You should tell them about how you got your power Aqua." said Zane. He turned into Swift Form as he rushed off. "Well, it begins back at Zane's house." said Kristen.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
Parker looked at some test tubs with Kristen said,"So how are you giving me powers?". "I don't think Zane has spend a single moment using his Eazairvian power. He would know that as a quarter of the most powerful species in the Omniverse, he can bend reality to his will." said Parker. "Really?" said Kristen. "Yes. You only need 1% of Eazairvian blood to bend reality to your will. I'm granting you the powers opposite of your hermano or brother." said Parker.

Kristen said,"How do you know that?". "I'm the Alliance's head scientist meaning I have access to everything on Earth in terms of databases. You'll be having water manipulation. Zane and co will help you train your powers." said Parker. His arm turned into a syringe as Kristen said,"I thought that you said that it wouldn't hurt.". It went into Kristen as she said,"Wow. This doesn't hurt.". "I told you so Kristen." said Parker.

Narrator P.O.V.
Danny, Gwen, Karen, Kristen, Rachel, and Sierra were heading right back to Zane's house as Danny said,"I honestly thought that the origin story of Aqua would be more interesting.". "It's better than yours." said Sierra. The two glared at each other as Rachel said,"Easy you two. I guess we have another superhero on team Power.". "Your team name. Shouldn't it be Team Zero? Zane is the leader correct?" said Sierra.

Gwen said,"Not exactly. Zane may be the strongest one in the group but we're a team Sierra.". "Yeah and letting Zane rule is a bad idea." said Karen. "He may get an even bigger ego." said Kristen. "You guys know that I can hear you right?" said a voice. They turned around to see Zane ,flying above them in Turbo Form, as he said,"Just finished clean up duty. Agent Phoenix fired at me a couple of times before get this, the crowd helped me.".

Sierra said,"Agent Phoenix?". "She's one of Zane's enemies." said Gwen. "She really hates every single Phantom because I and Wolfram may have destroyed her father's lab. Her dad forgives me but she doesn't. Not sure where she even got the tech in the first place. Athena and I were doing work on it before the upgrade. She may be targeting you now too Kristen." said Zane. He turned back to normal as Kristen said,"Why?".

Zane's left hand went in front of him as Danny said,"What are you doing?". "I can sense Nether or Animus within a person Danny. You, Karen, Rachel, and Sierra don't have either but Gwen has Animus." said Zane. "Wait. What about Kristen?" said Rachel. "You're half Phantom meaning that you're now able to go through walls and do some pretty neat stuff." said Zane. Kristen was quiet as Zane said,"I'll be training you on how to use your powers because right now, you're in the ground.".

She looked down as she saw that she was halfway in the ground. She was about to scream as Zane said,"Just focus on materializing.". She got back on the sidewalk as Kristen said,"That felt so weird Zane.". "You'll get used to it. I'll help you Kristen." said Zane. "Thanks hero boy." said Kristen. The two looked at each other as Karen sighed. "So why did Parker upgrade your watch anyway?" said Gwen. "It's a long story." said Zane.

Flashback Zane P.O.V.
I was currently resting in my hospital bed watching TV. I looked at the Z.E.R.O. watch resting on the nearby table with me sighing. I recovered from my fight with Hydro Storm but I couldn't forget about how I access that power against him and Sierra. I haven't told anyone about how I access it but when I looked up to the sky, I then heard the voices of the previous Zeroes including Hyde. They told me to accept this power so I could save Sierra and I did so.

I looked back at the TV as I said to myself,"Man. This is so boring and annoying. How can people watch this and why am I watching this?". "I've ask myself this questions since humans invented the television." said a voice. I turned to see Parker with him currently sitting there. I learned that he had limbs like I do but they're invisible. Eazarivian are an interesting species for sure. "So aren't you curious about me coming here?" said Parker.

I shrugged as I said,"I had a feeling that my mom told grandpa who told you about my hospital visit after my fight with Anthony or Hydro Storm.". "Yes. Anthony was a hero for the wrong reasons and you stopped him so good job." said Parker. "So how is Sapara? I heard that it's a nice planet during the fall." I said. "It is but I was here on Earth dealing with the fire and ice combo. I decide to come and see you Zane." said Parker.

He touched my chest as he said,"You used Archon Zero didn't you?". "That's its name?" I said as I looked at my hands. Parker looked at the watch as he said,"You've only used thirty one percent of your forms?! You have a hundred! I thought you would be trying to use a new form every fight that you get into.". "Well, I just like to make sure that I'm good with all of my forms. You sound just like Athena." I said.

Parker said,"Do you know why I created your watch?". "To help me with my powers?" I said. "Yes and no. You've only recently surpassed Zero #2 in terms of power." said Parker. "I don't know if that's a good thing or not." I said. "Archon Zero is the power stacking of all Zeroes before and after the current Zero. You're number 100 after the last one died to the Form Morpher. You'll met him soon. Answer a question of mine Zane." said Parker.

I noted the serious tone in his voice as I said,"What's up?". "Tell me why are you a hero? Do you did for the thrill of being a hero? Is it because being a dictator is so last century? This isn't a yes or no question. I need your honest answer Zane. No jokes." said Parker. I took a deep breath as I said,"At first, I didn't want to be a hero at all. I gained the power so I can do good and protect my home and family from those who will hurt for pleasure.".

Parker looked at me as I said,"When I power up, I'm serious right there and now. I truly believe that someone on Earth or in the Omniverse dies every day but if I can stop a single death from a bad guy or girl, that's more important to me than gold or fame. To be honest, I'm not sure why you would put this much pressure on a teen with some serious daddy issues but when the chips are down and things are currently shit, I'll give my all to protect those I care about even if it cost me my life.".

Parker was quiet with a smile as I thought,"Did I say the wrong thing? I think he's smiling too. It's so weird to see smiling without a face.". "You're a good kid. I came here to get rid of your powers, erase all memories of Zero and the Omniverse, and take away your son plus your dogs." said Parker. I got up as I said,"No you won't slimey.". I subconsciously turned into Zero and I saw ,thanks to a mirror, that the two Tyrannosaurus heads were there.

I calmed down as Parker said,"You're different from all Zeroes before you. Let me take your costume and watch.". "Why?" I said. "I'm giving them an upgrade worthy of Zero #100 no Legion Zero." said Parker. "Um sure." I said. He held the watch and I went back into my hospital gown. "I guess I will see you soon Legion." said Parker. He was gone as I said,"I guess he's happy with me. Oh well, back to TV or maybe room service.".

Zane P.O.V.
After saying goodbye to my friends, I was sitting in my room with my attention completely focused on the brand new Z.E.R.O. watch in front of me. It was way sleeker than the previous model for sure as it looked like a normal wristwatch. I did miss the clunky, functional, and oddly fashionable watch but this one looked nice. I also didn't have to say that I got it from Japan and from my Godfather. This isn't a lie per say but I didn't like lying to my friends who didn't know my secret idenity.

I currently had the watch off. The wristband/wrist strap has a black and crimson red color scheme to it. Parker left me a note saying that I'll understand what this color scheme means in the future once I access my true Eazairvian nature or something along those lines being that when I heard that, I very much shrugged my shoulders after reading that part of the note because I had to place the watch on to save my friends from Sovereign.

In the center of the watch, there is a black and round faceplate with a steel gray band/dial switch around the faceplate. The faceplate has molten gold stripes, forming an “LZ” outline. It has two gray buttons on each side. I looked at it and I sensed Atem looking at me who was peeking through my bedroom door. "Atem. What are you doing? You can come in." I said with a smile. He walked over to me and he said,"Could you tell me about grandpa? I mean I never heard about him before.".

I looked away as Atem said,"I know that you and grandpa haven't seen each other in over ten years so can I put him on my report? I also wanted to put Ana on my report but she says that she isn't family with her going to her room. I think Wolfram wants to play with her but she doesn't let him.". I let him sit on my lap as I said,"I'm not mad at grandpa Atem. He's alive but in the Infinite Void, he'll may never come back and I just have to accept that but it's hard. I'm stubborn like that.".

Atem smiled as he said,"Don't worry dad. You'll find him. I mean you can go there right?". "Yeah but I may not find my way back. I don't want grandma to be sad like I normally am plus me getting lost in the Infinite Void means that I would also be hurting all of my friends plus you." I said. Atem soon looked away at the floor as I said,"Anyway Atem, lets switch to a more positive note. So how is your project going?".

Atem said with a smile,"Good. I just needed to ask Ana about adding her to the project.". "Maybe slushies may convince her." I said. "Could I get the blueberry strawberry flavor?" said Atem. "Sure thing. Let me put on my watch and then I'll grab Ana." I said. "I'll get her!" said Atem. He was gone as I put on my watch. It activated as I heard,"I missed being by your side Zane. It may have been a couple of days but I have so many snarky comments for you.".

I said,"Me too Athena. So how's the new guy doing?". "He's fine. I'm still getting used to him and you will meet him soon. So Slushies?" said Athena. "You can't enjoy slushies Athena." I said. "Well, I just like your company, I need to dump my snarky comments off on you, and also you like slushies so I can deal with it." said Athena. "Hurry up daddy! I got her and she might not stay!" yelled Atem. I smiled as I grabbed my car keys and I went down to spend time with my adopted son and sister.

Next time,
Zane learns more about being a parent and also more about his friends. This and more next time on Zero!

New Cards/Forms
Turbo Form. This card has a black frame with something flying around the center of the card with air, space, and water around it.

Cinder's Words:
Amigo: friend.
Hermana: sister.
Falda: brisket.
Carcel: jail.
Novio: boyfriend.
Cunado: brother in law.
Policia: police.

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