Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Zero Episode 45 One Sided Revenge

A/N: Welcome to Episode 45 and this episode is special. It's not the start of season three but it's the first appearance of Global Planeta ,from episode 2 of the Zero Shorts, and we're going to meet her true master. Before, she worked for Doctor Bot but we're going to meet her master and trust me, this title is going to make so much sense one we get started. We will see some new forms and maybe a prime but who knows. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane ,in costume, was currently flying through the city and he said,"Man. It's only been ten days since Spiro's attack and I think things are going back....". An alarm went off as Zane said,"I really should learn to just shut up sometimes.". "That's from the jewelry store on fifth and Parker. We can get there in a flash." said Athena. "And you're going to be late for class again and also guess the badie robbing the store." said Cole. "I know who." said Zane.

Right before the alarm went off, a man was walking into the store with his daughter Christina. This is Roland Gordon, the owner of the best hotels in the world. He has short dark brown hair ,with small gray streaks, and dark green eyes. His cheekbones were most prominent and a larger than normal nose. On both of his middle fingers, he's wearing gold rings. He's wearing a black suit with a white undershirt and tie. "Daddy. What are we doing here again?" said Christina.

Roland said,"We're dropping off the jewels from our collection.". "Oh right. Can we hurry up? I want to go see my Zaney." said Christina. "I don't get what you see in him sweetheart." said Roland as he went to the counter. "He's extremely nice and I'm pretty sure he's connected to money." said Christina. The room was soon covered in sand as all of the jewelry was being taken by the sand. It soon formed into a giant mass and it turned into several different weapons.

They smashed all of the glass and it took Roland's rings. All of the sand soon formed into Bedrock as the jewelry covered his body. "Okay. I'm loving this! Jewels make the man!" said Bedrock. "Wow. I didn't know that you could look so fabulous Bedrock." said a voice. Bedrock turned to see Zane with a smirk. "You! I can't have you messing up my score like you did with the other ones! This one is too important!" yelled Bedrock.

His right arm went flying toward Zane and the teen dodged his attack. "Okay. I think you need some calcium in your diet! How about a knuckle sandwich?!" said Zane. Zane then punched right through Bedrock's jaw and he drop kicked his chest. His body soon reformed as Bedrock turned his left hand into a hammer. Zane dodged the first hammer swing but he was hit by the other one. Zane went right through a store which turned out to be a hair salon.

He crashed into a sink as he said,"Okay. You're faster than last time. I guess prison does improve you in ways other than ones mind.". Bedrock soon entered the store as he said,"Nice due Chump. How's the hair?". Zane soon got out of the sink and he said,"You're looking pretty old Bedrock. How about I give you a new look?". He turned into Gluttony Form and Bedrock started laughing. "And what are you going to do? Eat me to death." said Bedrock.

Zane's tongue soon grabbed several bottles of soap and he said,"Not at Rocky! I'm going to clean you up!". He fire out an energy bolt which hit Bedrock and his chest soon started to melt. "What did you do to me kid?!" said Bedrock. "I CLEANED you Rocky. I guess that prison didn't teach you anything about the weakness of having earth based super powers." said Zane. His tongues went past Bedrock and he said,"You missed!". He turned to see an energy bolt blasting him back.

Zane turned back to normal and he heard his phone ring. "Not now!" thought Zane. Bedrock soon hit Zane into the wall as he said,"I'm sorry kid. Am I bothering you Mr. Popular? I guess you should see what he's like". "Well, I have friends unlike you and mine are the friendly kind. I can hear them now and it's the Police Ringtone." said Zane as sirens were going off. Bedrock looked around and his body turned back into sand.

He went through a nearby drain pipe and he left behind the jewels. "Oh come on!" said Bedrock's voice. Zane held them and he heard,"Hold it right there!". Zane turned around to see Roland and he said,"Easy there! I'm not into jewelry like you are.". He gave them back and he flew off. Christina smiled as she said,"Daddy! That was Legion Zero!". "I know who he is. I heard about him enough and him being mention every five minutes getting old rather fast." said Roland.

Meanwhile on a nearby building, Global Planeta was watching the fight. "Master. Does this footage work?" said Global Planeta. "Yes. Come back to H.Q. We have enough footage to get revenge on Legion Zero, Zane, and anyone who made fun of me!" said the voice. The robot flew off and this is the sign of things getting worse. Later, Zane was walking into school ground and he said,"It's going to be fine. I'll find Bedrock before the party this weekend.".

Crisis Judgement went off as he was soon grabbed by Kristen. "Morning Zaney!" said Kristen as she gave her boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. "Whoa! I didn't expect that this morning! Did you pass your bio re-take?" said Zane. "Yep. My hunk of a tutor helped me ace it and also something good happen this weekend." said Kristen. The two walked into campus as Karen and Rachel watched them. "So those two are acting too lovey dovey for my liking." said Rachel.

Karen said,"Well, they are the school's new power couple.". "Oh no. They're not!" said Hannah. She stormed by them as Rachel said,"Oh. I sense some drama in the school's social circle. This is going to be so much fun!". "You know that you can be really evil sometimes." said Karen. The ten minute bell rang as Zane was walking with Kristen and Hannah was talking to Kristen. "Come on Kristen. I can't believe you're actually going steady with Zit! He's a huge jerk!" said Hannah.

Zane said,"Only during the fall and summer season and the rest of the year, I'm a mild jerk.". "Come on Hannah. Let me be happy. Brad is so last year. Zaney helped me with Bio and my big brother is back." said Hannah. "Wait? Carlos?" said Zane. "Yep! One of our school's most popular students. He was suspended for a while after he went crazy after a Phantom attacked him. I wish that you were kicked out." said Hannah. "Love you too Hannah." said Zane.

Zane looked at his girlfriend ,who started whistling, and he saw Carlos talking to some people. "He seems to be good." said Athena. "And not burning people alive!" said Cole. "Do you have to hold his hand? I mean he's soaked. You're making the A List look worse" said Hannah. "Wow. I can't believe that me dating Kristen makes the A List look bad. I guess your harpie screams wouldn't ruin it any more than it already has." said Zane.

Hannah was about to say something as Kristen said after lighting punching him,"Zaney! What did I say about making fun of people?". "Only when they make it easy for me and trust me, she did." said Zane. David walked over to Zane as he said,"Hey Z. Good to see you again.". "Sup David. So how was Poetry night?" said Zane. "You wrote poetry? I'm shocked." said Roxy. "Well, I was doing it for Travis and man, his poems were good." said David.

Travis ,who was standing nearby, smiled as Zane thought,"I better get going. Bedrock seemed more agitated than normal and stronger. He also may go back for those....". Zane's CJ went off and he then threw someone onto the ground. "Okay. I guess I shouldn't sneak up on you then sugah." said a southern yet sexy Mississippi accented voice. Zane saw Nova on the ground and he said,"Nova! Holy shit! I'm sorry!". "Zane. Who is this and how do you know her?" said Kristen.

Nova held up her hands and she said,"Easy! Me and Zane are just pals. I saw him during that whole love zombie thing and also we met in New York. I finally finished all the paperwork.". "Welcome to the one of the worst schools in America." said Zane. "Zane!" said Kristen. "What? I didn't say we were the worst school. Anyway, this is my girlfriend Kristen Ortiz. She's a cheerleader and one of the best on the team." said Zane.

The trio then heard the five minute bell as Kristen said,"That's the bell. I'll see you later Zaney.". She kissed his left cheek as she walked to class with Roxy and Susan. "Wow. You and her make a cute couple don't you?" said Nova. "Yeah. She's way too good for me. So do you need me to walk you to class?" said Zane. "Sure Dragon Child." said Nova. She wrapped her arm around his as Zane thought to himself,"Okay. This isn't half bad but I'm loyal to Kristen.".

In the city, several Model K-98s were rampaging through the city. People were running away as one was soon charging up a laser beam. It fired its beam and its target was gone. Zane ,in Boulder Form, said to himself,"Okay. You're not Bedrock but you're still target practice!". He fired a boulder at the robot knocking it down. Zane soon grabbed its arm and he threw it toward another one. Zane smirked as he said,"Okay. You're out of here!".

He went walked toward the remaining batch as a kid stood in his way. He looked to be ten years old with him having blonde hair and green eyes. His forehead was rather large with Zane thinking that the forehead could easily be used as a table but he kept that to himself. He's wearing a black tux with a gold bow tie. His tux has gold buttons at the end of the sleeves and gold pockets. Under the tux, he's wearing a white shirt with black shorts and black dress shoes.

The kid said,"You didn't say one of your catchphases Legion Zero.". "Do you not see that I'm fighting giant robots? We'll talk after I finish taking care of the trash." said Zane. He walked right past him as the boy glared at him. Zane stepped back as one of the robots fired a laser at him. Zane swapped forms with him becoming Specter Form and floated toward the robot. He turned around to see the former robot getting back up.

They both fired laser beams being that Zane turned intangible, causing the beams to phase through his body and hitting the robots. "Okay. That was way too easy. These things usually give me some trouble but it seems like they're being controlled." said Zane. "Legion Zero!" yelled a voice. Zane turned to see the boy as he said,"I demand that you pay....". "Listen! This is a war zone so go away okay kid." said Zane. He soon head toward the destroyed robots and was about to do something.

Zane took a deep breath as the boy said,"Stop!". Zane saw that the remaining robots stopped as he said,"Okay then. You're more annoying than I thought.". "Oh real clever. I guess you haven't improve your material since the last time we met hero. We're enemies! Your Specter Form is rather lame Zero but I guess you were always lame. Attack him." said the boy. The robots were charging up their lasers once again and Zane sighed.

He turned into Mirror Form and the laser beams reflected back upon hitting Zane. Zane soon trapped the boy in a mirror construct hand. "Okay. You're telling me how you control those things. Got a remote control or something? And how did you get them?" said Zane. The boy broke out of the hand by pressing onto his right wrist. A jet pack soon formed from the back of his tux as the boy said,"That isn't going to happen Zane. It's a secret.".

Athena said,"Zane. I think this kid may be a bigger threat than you thought.". Zane soon saw several robots heading toward him and the boy flew to a nearby rooftop. Global Planeta stood next to him as she said,"Shall I assist the droids in defeating Zane?". "No! I want him to suffer a bit thanks to my robots before I crush him!" said the boy. "Okay. He's far more annoying than I thought and why is the robot assassin Global Plantea working with him?" thought Zane.

The boy flew into the air as Zane dodged the robots. He aimed a mirror to cover both sides of him and the robots blasted their lasers only to destroy each other. He had a laser pistol aimed at Zane as he said,"Eat this mirror freak!". The laser blast hit Zane which reflected and blasted the boy down to the ground. Zane walked over to him and he turned back into his costume form. "So who the heck are you? And also other questions?" said Zane.

The boy looked around and he saw his pistol. He smiled as he brushed dust off his suit. "Of course you don't remember Zero. I heard that your memory was bad but to forget me, Timothy Bucks! The richest kid in town and Zane's sworn rival since middle school!" said Timothy. "Zane already has a rival Timmy and it ain't you. I thought Christina was the richest kid but you may be the richest boy so you're kinda right. So why do you hate Zane again?" said Zane.

Timothy growled as he said,"My name isn't Timmy! I was smarter than him and that school should have been my playground. He then threw me in the trash after I decided to flirt with Karen, the most beautiful girl in the world.". "Okay. Calm down. I seriously don't remember you and I go to Cypress High. So how did you control those robots?" said Zane. "It's none of your dam business! I got them to kill you and then Zane! He doesn't deserve what he's got!" said Timmy.

Zane said,"So why are you short Timmy? Most teens are at least 5 foot. You look barely past 4 and like a kid.". "I'm still growing! I'm a genius after all so I build a device to control any robots that I just happened to get my hands on. And my name isn't Timmy!" said Timmy. "Whatever. How about we go down to the police station and I take you back to the police station? Mommy and daddy must be worried sick about you." said Zane.

Timmy soon growled as he said,"I'm not a child!". "You're throwing a tantrum like one though." said Athena. "Athena! Nice burn!" said Cole with the two A.I highfiving. Timmy ran past Zane and he said,"You're about to see what's it like being so short!". He fired the gun at Zane who stood there. He yawned as he said,"I think you got rid of my wrinkles Timmy. Thanks buddy.". "What the? My Age Reversal Beam should have aged you down to ten!" said Timmy.

Zane said,"I guess you didn't know that I'm immune to age reversal.". "I told you studying the manual to your powers would be a good thing." said Athena. GP walked toward the smaller boy and Timmy said,"Curses! I thought that was just a rumor of yours online! My age reversal ray failed! Time for plan B!". He pulled out his phone and several Model K-98 went running toward him. Zane soon ran away from the laser beams and he said,"It's time to switch things up!".

Zane soon glowed and a new creature stood there. He's a crimson red furred feline ,with him missing the tail, and pointed elf-like ears. He looked six feet tall. The left side of his wavy hair was white, the right side of his hair was black, and streaks of purple. He has black tattoo like markings around his cheeks and forehead. His body is covered in fur except for the middle of his chest, face, and stomach being a snow white color. He has black stripes on his arms, legs, and shoulders.

His pupils are cat like and has large pointed upper canines. His clothing is archer like and built for speed. He's wearing a pair of dark purple sunglasses with silver frames over his eyes. He's wearing a navy blue armored shirt with no sleeves, hood, and a scale theme. He's wearing that over a dark green vest that also has a scale theme. He's wearing black pants and brown boots with silver laces. On his back, he has a quiver filled to the brim with arrows. It looked fused to his back.

He has on a pair of long black fingerless gloves that allowed full dexterity. He's wearing black knee and shoulder pads. "Archer Form!" said Zane. He made an energy bow appeared as he fired an arrow at the robot causing it to exploded. He began dodging laser fire as Zane said,"You couldn't catch even if my pants were done.". He soon attract the robots to follow him as Timmy said,"Hey GP. Who's more famous? The hero or the guy who destroyed him.".

He was soon hit with a punching bag arrow ,from far away, as Zane said with a smirk,"The gun with the punching bag arrow of course!". GP soon appeared and the two began fighting while keeping the robots moving. "What the heck is he doing?!" said Timmy. They were soon on Cypress Park's famous Serenity Crossing bridge. The cat was knocked over to the edge of the bridge. Zane looked around to see no one on the bridge as GP said,"I hope you have your last words for Master Timothy.".

Zane said,"Seriously? You're working for the Brat? How far you've gone. Oh and this is called a diversion by the way.". He fired an arrow which bounced over the bridge and it destroyed the parts holding it together. Zane smiled as he said,"I should get working on the bridge before I go look for Timmy and his Cyborg Babysitter.". He fired several arrows fixing the bridge as he soon jumped away.

Meanwhile, Bedrock was sitting in a bar ,somewhere in the city, sipping on a beer. "I didn't expect the kid to be there but you losing all of the jewels. You're rusty Walt." said a voice. The man looked up to see no one there. He was the only one there beside the barkeep who was currently listening to some music on his phone. He was currently on the phone as he said,"Listen. I didn't know that Zero would be there. He's so ugh!".

The voice said,"You gained your vocabulary from Ember head didn't you? He's gone straight and he's a good guy.". "Well, I'm not him! Tell me what I have to do." said Bedrock. The voice was silent as it said,"Okay. I need you to get me a couple of things and well, you'll be payed handsomely and get what you want back.". "Okay. I'm in." said Bedrock. Bedrock was silent as he got his orders and he left the bar by turning into sand.

Back with Zane, he was sitting in the cafeteria. "So tell me again why we can't have tater tots?" said Zane. He was sitting with Andre, David, Kristen, Nova, Selena, and Susan with Andre saying,"Didn't you listen to the assembly? It's because the food fights.". "I had water in my ears or I wasn't paying attention. I'll let you decide on my answer. So explain to when the last game of the season is again? I plan to show up for that." said Zane.

Kristen said,"Soon. You'll be there right?". "To cheer on my girl yes. Brad no." said Zane. "You have good priorities." said David. "Don't judge him David. I still can't believe Captain Scott Castro is teaching Criminology. Isn't he Karen's Uncle?" said Selena. "Actually, that's her dad. They don't look anything alike but trust me, they're related in many ways." said Zane. "It could be due to the rise of Phantoms and crime lately." said Andre.

Nova said,"Phantoms are nice right? I mean Legion Zero's a Phantom right?". "Yeah but most of the town thinks the same except for a few." said Susan. "She means the rich. They have the money to make sure Legion Zero and the rest of them die." said Roxy. Kristen grabbed Zane's hand tightly as Carlos walked over. "Hey guys. Can I join you?" said Carlos. "Sure bro!" said Kristen. Zane had a small glare as Athena said,"Didn't Kristen tell you that he's changed?".

Carlos said,"So you guys going to the party this weekend?". "Yeah. You got an invite? I mean you're a former...." said Selena. "Villain!" coughed Zane. Kristen punched him lightly as she said,"Yes. I didn't due to me being Brad's ex and also I don't think Zane did either.". "Actually, I did." said Zane with a smirk. "You got an invite Zane?" said Susan. "I'm so confused." said Nova. "Let me give you the rundown Nova. Brad hates Zane and vise versa." said David.

Nova nodded as Zane said,"Honestly, I was shocked that I got one. I guess us being friends helped or something Andre.". "Maybe. That sounds right." said Andre. Later, Zane was flying through the city as he thought,"I can't believe how today turned out. Bedrock and Cinder showed up with one being a good guy now and then there's Timmy!". "Isn't his name Timothy Zane?" said Cole. "I highly doubt that he's going to say his name right." said Athena.

Zane said,"I don't get what my problem is. I mean everything is awesome. I got awesome friends, a supportive family, and Kristen.". He heard another alarm go off and it was from a tech storage unit. "I guess Bedrock's striking tech now. He must be working with or for Georgie." said Zane. He soon flew down and he went into the building by phasing through the wall. Zane walked around the main lobby and he saw no one but an statue of Heracles.

Zane said,"Okay. I'm ignoring the statue. Where are you Rocky?". He looked around and soon, his Crisis Judgement went off. He dodge two rock lions as they exploded into sand. "You again! Why are you always following me?! Got some creepy crush on me?!" said Bedrock. He turned his arms into very sharp maces and they went flying toward Zane. He turned into Slime Form and evade the attack but he was soon flung back.

Bedrock's arms went back to normal as Zane said,"Bedrock. I didn't expect you as a tech man. You would be so old school. You would belong in a museum for sure with the rest of the fossils. Feel out of place here or what?". Bedrock ran off as Cole said,"After him!". Zane went after him and he saw that Bedrock left behind sand down a three way path. "Who build this here?!" said Zane. "A very strange architect. Try using a form that can track something." said Athena.

Zane nodded as he began to glow and was now a large quadruped mammal being 8 feet tall. It doesn't matter if he was standing up straight or on all fours. His body has been called a mixture of a ape mainly shown in the upper part of his body, dragon, and jaguar. His body is covered in brownish red fur/scales. His face, feet, and hands are covered in red skin. He has a v-shaped maroon red fur that goes from his neck to his chest and back to his neck. His head is in the shape of a Tyrannosaurs Red.

His face looks feline with a short snout and four almond shaped green eyes. His mouth is currently closed but two fangs ,that come out from the top of his mouth, peaking out of it. Out of his back, he has two large bat-like wings usually in standby mode until Zane needs to fly. His hind legs were similar to a dog while his front legs look like arms. He can use his front or hind legs for hands if needed. He has four fingers/toes on each hand/feet.

His back is covered in metal organic plating that resembles a alligator/crocodile back. He has a husky like tail with two white stripes at the end of it. His tail is spiked like a stegosaurus. He wears a shirt with the top of the shirt being a black color and the bottom half being a molten gold color. It’s divided in half by a single white strap. He wears black pants with the cuffs being a steel gray color. He wears a black and white horn helm currently on his head.

He doesn’t wearing gloves and shoes. He does wear black spiked leather bands on his ankles/wrists and a black spiked leather collar. "Cryptid Form! This form is be the best for me tracking Rocky Road or should I go with Dusty?" said Zane. He started sniffing as he went down the middle. Zane found him in a room filled with ancient statues and pots. "Okay then. The decorator was more than just very strange." said Cole. "Rocky Dusty is in here. So where would he be?" said Zane.

He didn't noticed that one of the pots was slowly forming into Bedrock. The beast man was being eaten alive by Bedrock and the earth man smiled. Zane started to try and bust his way out of Bedrock with the living rock trying to keep him there. He failed to keep Zane contained as two furred covered hands burst from him. They generate a web like substance from them as Zane ,still in Cryptid Form, pulled himself out.

He began spitting out a ton of sand as Bedrock said with a growl,"How about you just stay out of my way fuzzy?! I'm not here for kicks like before Zero! I got something truly important on the line and it depends on me stealing some shit!". He stretched his limbs out with them grabbing several pieces of tech and putting into his body. Zane jumped toward him but was backhanded into an armor shop as Zane said,"Who decorated this place? It is worse than the main lobby of Timmy's tower!".

Meanwhile at the tower, the kid like teen sneezed. Zane looked up to see a giant version of Bedrock and he said,"You're bigger. What did they give you in prison?! I know someone who could use the height.". Bedrock's fists went flying toward the mutt who jumped up and clung to the walls with him evading them with relative ease. Bedrock tried to hit Zane with the teen saying,"So rocky. I've got to ask. What's up with your new power?"

Bedrock smiled as he said,"Like my new tricks don't you ? It's something I learned while in jail. I kept falling apart even with my collar on so I learned how to control the earth way better than I could ever before! Here's the next part of my trick!". The man sprouted several arms which went and grabbed swords. They were aimed at Zane who started to dodge them. Zane turned back to normal as he said,"You know something Beddy? You're a real idiot!". "I'm an idiot?!" said Bedrock.

He threw the swords at Zane as Zane dodged them. "Yeah. I mean I don't know why you're doing this but whatever reason it may be, I understand that. However with your powers Walter and the Alliances very helpful support, you could be a hero instead of hired help." said Zane. Bedrock turned back into a normal size as he said,"What did you say?". "You could be a hero instead of hired help. I promise that I'll help you and prevent you from this horribly decorated building!" said Zane.

He was then smacked by a giant hammer as he went into the ground. Police sirens were nearby as Bedrock said,"I would love to continue our chat but I have to get going! Time to roll out!". He turned into a giant boulder as he destroyed the police barricade and rolled away. Zane went to go help the cops as he said,"Athena and Cole. Find out anything that you can about Walter Davis aka Bedrock. I also need any info on Timmy.".

Cole said,"Why though? I mean I get Walter but why Timmy?". "I know Zane doesn't call Timothy by his real name out of spite or petty nature but why you?" said Athena. "Because it's fine but you should answer my question." said Cole. "Let's just say that these two have something in common. I got a strong feeling about that. Inside, Cryptid Form picked up Timmy's scent in the build. It was faint but still, I think pipsqueak is hiding something." said Zane. He was gone after helping the police.

On Saturday, Zane was walking to Brad's party and he was currently talking with his A.Is. "So did we figure out Timmy's plan? I'm really tired of having sand all over my body." said Zane. "All we got is that Bedrock is stealing from rival companies of the Bucks Family. We should keep an eye out and also we know about her." said Athena. "Yeah. I'll stop by the party and well, I'll see when I should go look for Sandy." said Zane.

He heard a car horn as he saw David driving up to him. He was driving a navy blue convertible with Kristen in the back and Susan in the front. "Hey guys. Won't Hannah get jealous?" said Zane. "She's pretty a drama queen, glory hound, and other words. She won't notice or care." said David. "So why did you guys stop?" said Zane. "Didn't you get my text Zaney?" said Kristen. Zane then pulled out his phone and he said,"Oh my bad. I've been preoccupied lately.".

Susan said,"It's fine Zane. Your little sister is very robotic.". "She's learned human emotions but it's taking a while." said Zane as he got into the back. Kristen snuggled up next to him as David said,"I know you two are lovey dovey right now but trust me, you don't want to have kids back there!". "We weren't!" said Kristen with a deep blush. "Right." said Susan. David drove and he then stopped. "You weren't kidding when you said you lived close by." said David. "Yep." said Zane.

Zane walked into the party and Brad said,"Hey! Why is Zit crashing my party?". "Well, I did get an invite plus I'm David's plus one." said Zane. "Kid's cool Brad." said David. "I invited him. He helped me with English so I owe him a ticket to your party little bro." said Andre. "I had an feeling it was you and also Andre told me the origin of your nickname. I guess you always do rush to conclusions like you did with that locker room." said Zane. Everyone there laughed as Brad glared.

On the beach which was nearby by the pier, a little girl ,about eight to nine years old, with short black hair and olive green eyes was playing there and trying to build a sand castle. She's wearing a brown dress with white leggings, and brown boots. She also had on a cute purple scarf. Some teens nearby her laughed as the sand soon began to morph. It was turning into a sand dragon and it roared loudly scaring them away. The dragon soon dissolved and it turned into a extremely fancy castle.

That was soon gone as Bedrock stood there with a shovel in his head. "Daddy. You have something in your head." said the girl gigging. Bedrock pulled the shovel out and the girl hugged her. "I love you too Camille. You get home. I have to talk with someone." said Bedrock. She ran home as he heard,"I so didn't see you as the fatherly type Walter but hey, I'm not one to judge people.". Bedrock turned around to see Zane ,in costume, standing on the pier.

Bedrock went over to him as he said,"You! How did you?". "I have sources. You're stealing to protect her aren't you? That's awesome." said Zane. "You're not here to turn me in?" said Bedrock. "I'm not but you're going to tell me about the tech you stole. It's for Timmy right?" said Zane. "I think he likes to be called Timothy but yeah." said Bedrock. "How did a twerp get you working his payload and is he planning on stealing anything?" said Zane.     

Bedrock said,"He has an oil tanker coming in from overseas and it's to power up some machine he's building to kill you and some kid from my Alma Mater.". "Okay. I want to help you protect Camille. I get why you want to protect her Walter but you need to trust me on this. I know what it's like to push yourself for family but seeing that little girl cry her eyes out, it would break my heart. So are you in Walter?" said Zane as he held out his hand.

Bedrock looked at it as he said,"What's that?". "My hand. I'm going in for a handshake." said Zane as Bedrock grabbed it. "Deal. So how are we getting on that boat? I'm a convicted Felon and you're a super hero. We stuck out like sore thumbs plus Timmy's got those drones." said Bedrock. Zane smiled as he said,"Trust me Walt. I think we have a plan. You're an artist so make yourself and me look like the drones.". Bedrock nodded as the two disappeared through sand.

Inside of Bucks's tower, several King L-78 and Model K-98 units were building a machine with GP and Timmy standing nearby them. "GP. I've build a multi-dimensional projector to send Legion Zero and Zane to a dimension and they won't come back! I'm be the champion and they'll be nothing more than smelly losers!" said Timmy. "And then what?" said GP. "All of Cypress Park will be under my rule. We should keep rocky around by holding his little girl hostage." said Timmy.

He walked up to two of the robots as he said,"Bolt for brains! What part of go faster or you're being scrap metal don't you understand?". He messed with his remote control and the two robots went a little bit faster. "GO! GO! GO!" said Timmy. He soon increased the power of the remote and they went slightly faster. He kept increasing the power until it short circuited. The robots stopped moving and glared him as Timmy said,"Uh oh.".

Outside of the tower, Bedrock and Zane stood there. "This tower is too big. I mean it makes the Empire State Building look tiny." said Bedrock. "It also has a horrible decorator. He's jealous of me even though he's richer than most rich guys I knows!" said Zane. They heard an explosion and Zane saw Timmy and GP falling toward them. "Should we catch them?" said Bedrock. "Nah. I want him to suffer a bit." said Zane. "You're a monster sometimes kid." said Bedrock.

They crashed into the ground and Timmy said,"I knew you wouldn't betray me.". He turned to see the hired help and his rival standing there. "Bedrock. Legion Zero. I hate to be rude but I have a award for my great work and I must be going." said Timmy. Bedrock grabbed the kid and he said,"You ain't going anywhere kid!".GP aimed her cannon arm at Bedrock with Zane said,"Putting him down. This isn't going anywhere.".

Bedrock dropped him as Timmy shook the sand out of his suit. "Let me guess. That explosion was caused by you being a super impatient brat. I like the new sun roof by the way. It's very classy and totally not middle class." said Zane with a smirk. "I HAD EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL! I DID!" yelled GP. Bedrock and GP sighed as she said,"We may need your help.". "No! We don't! I got this!" said Timmy rushing back to his tower. "Sigh." said Zane.

The four stood in a elevator as Timmy said,"Tell me how you turn into different forms.". "Yeah. It's a secret I'm not willing to share." said Zane. "I bet I could do it much better than you can!" said Timmy as Bedrock looked out the window. "Holy crap. I didn't notice but you build your tower bigger than that liquid guy's tower." said Bedrock. "Anthony owns property here? I guess he wanted to keep an eye on his baby momma and if his daughter shows up." thought Zane.

Timmy said,"Of course MY tower is BIGGER than his!". "Does that really matter? Size doesn't make the man you know. You have all of this money and tech but you're using to make yourself look better than everyone else but you're being so spoiled with it. You're made this huge mess just to get back at me and Bedrock. Not cool. We have to clean up." said Zane. "So? I got this because I'm the richest and smartest kid in the world!" said Timmy singing that last part.

Zane said,"On what? I know several people smarter than you. Bedrock here is smarter than you in stealing things and I"m smarter than you at being a hero. You also tried to kill me with robots aka Doctor Bot did it first and better.". "Can't you really be smart at stealing things and being a hero in the first place?" said Bedrock. "I have a way better superhero name than you Legion Zero. Obsidian Champion." said Timmy. "Meh. It works better as a supervillain name if you ask me." said Bedrock.

Timmy said,"No! I'm going to be the best dam hero in Cypress Park and then the entire world! You are going to be nothing like the newspaper.". "Meh. You're going to be forgotten and people still read the paper. You're smart Timmy but you're using it in the wrong way and extremely jealous of things that you don't own." said Zane. The elevator stopped as GP said,"We're currently on the roof of the main lab.".

Timmy was gone as Bedrock said,"Why are you working for him again? I mean you could be doing so much better than Obsidian Champion. I would say anyone could work better.". "I was programmed to have human like emotions and well, this job pays the bills." said GP. "And also his parents as well." said Zane. The two looked at him as Zane said,"It's called doing research you know.". The trio was soon above the main lab as Bedrock said,"Maybe you should go Thunder Form.".

GP said,"These robots are electricity proof meaning that any electricity would do nothing but charge them up.". "I got an idea." said Zane. He turned into Orb Form as Bedrock said,"So why did you turn into him?". "You grew up nearby the pier right Bedrock? Remember that old pinball machine in the arcade nearby. Lets make a live action version of it." said Zane. Zane went into an ball and the living earth turned his arm into a mallet as he said,"Fore!".

Zane soon started bouncing around the room and he smashed into several robots. "I don't think we should let him have all of the fun." said GP. "I have to agree with you there robot girl. Lets make it a home run!" said Bedrock as his clothing matched a baseball player. GP nodded as he swung a earth bat at her. She went crashing into several robots and Bedrock soon helped smash them. "So where's the Obsidian Champion? He's missing out on the fun!" said Zane.

He soon rolled into the air and he turned into Archangel Form. He then fired several gold energy arrows covering the room in them as Bedrock soon grew in size causing the robots to focus on him rather than the angel boy. The wall was soon busted as they heard,"Have no fear! Obsidian Champion is here!". "Is that him?" said Bedrock as he smashed a robot with a mace hand. Timmy stood in an black suit of knight like armor which made him look strong and tall.

He stood there as GP said,"So what are you doing?". "I'm thinking of a way to kick all of their buts GP." said Timmy. "Your thinking is causing both Bedrock and Legion Zero to steal the spotlight once again." said GP. "NOT THIS TIME!" yelled Timmy. GP smiled as she thought,"He's not a bad kid but well, he has a long list of problems.". Zane was soon cornered by two Model K-98 and they were charging up their laser.

Zane turned into Vision Form and he jumped into the air causing the beams to destroy them. Zane saw Timmy randomly destroying objects and the room as Zane said,"Timmy! Focus on destroying the portal rather than the robots! It's about to overload!". Bedrock turned to the machine and he saw that it was on fire. "Kid's right!" said Bedrock. "Who cares about that? Whoever destroys the most robots is the better hero!" said Timmy. "Not isn't the time!" said Zane.

Timmy was soon blasted by the robots as GP said,"Perhaps he's right.". Zane turned into Brick Form and he separated himself forming two copies. They both smashed a robot before he reforming back to a new form. He looked to a mixture of a hedgehog/pig. His body is more muscular with his arms and slightly hunched back being covered in sharp ,white, bones. He's six feet. He has dark red and gray fur covering most of his body, black skin covered his arms and torso, and he had a gold shell.

His nose was longer and pointed and he has big red eyes. For hair, he had gills with a giant one on the tip of his tiny tail. He has clawed hands and feet. His arms and legs are covered in bandages with him wearing a black t-shirt that has an orange bone in the center, he's wearing a brown jacket, and dark blue jeans tucked into black boots ,that are light and hyper friction resistant, with a single red strap on them. "Bone Form! Bedrock and GP! Up for some volleyball!" said Zane with a southern accent.

Zane went into his shell forming a spiky ball as Bedrock picked up. The trio started to play volleyball with the robots being caught in the crossfire. Zane looked at the portal and he said,"Timmy! Turn off the machine now!". Timmy blasted Zane into the wall with him saying,"You ain't the boss of me! I am the Obsidian Champion and I'm going to destroy the portal!". "Honestly, I really don't care who does it so just destroy it!" yelled Bedrock.

Timmy blasted an energy beam at the machine destroying it. Bedrock covered the explosion and GP said,"No!". He turned into glass and he soon turned into glass breaking. Zane rolled back over and he said,"Walter. What am I going to tell her?". "Yes! I destroyed the machine with MY awesome suit of armor! I saved the town!" said Timmy. "You were the one going to destroy it and killing my friend." said Zane, trying not to punch him.

Timmy sang,"I saved the world! Ha ha! It wasn't LEGION ZERO but Timothy Bucks aka the Obsidian Champion.". GP saw Bedrock reforming as she said,"You're alive!". She hugged him as Bedrock said,"I didn't know you cared so much.". GP was silent as Timmy said,"Hey GP! I thought you were my personal assistant! I SAVED THE DAY NOT SANDY BEACHES OVER HERE!". Zane pulled off a spike as he threw it at Timothy's armor.

The suit was gone as Timothy face plated. "Okay. That was a nice shot kid." said Bedrock. Zane turned back into Legion Zero as he said,"I did it mainly to shut him up. So are you going to put up a fight?". "I have a choice between surrendering or staying loyal to Timmy. I'll go with the former." said GP. "That's a good plan." said Bedrock. Zane picked up Timmy and the trio was soon gone. Zane was soon surrounded by reporters as one said,"So what happened in there Legion Zero?".

Another reporter said,"Is it true that villains Bedrock and Global Planeta helped you?". Zane looked over at the two who were talking with some cops as Zane said,"They did.". Timmy was being placed in a squad car as he said,"It isn't fair! I did all of the work and I saved Cypress Park! He gets all of the credit again!". Tony threw him into the car as he said,"Act you age kid.". "Yeah. You're looking really embarrassing." said Zane.

Later that night, Zane was talking to Kristen while working on his laptop. "So Timmy tried to kill you because he was jealous?" said Kristen. "Pretty much Kris. He had Walter's daughter hostage and he was forced to steal the parts for his machine which he destroyed." said Zane. "So people can change Zane?" said Kristen. "Yeah. I guess I can trust your brother so what did I miss at the party? I did bail early." said Zane. "Nothing important. I love you." said Kristen. "Me too." said Zane.

Next time,
A highly valuable device comes to Cypress Park and Zane gets caught up in a three way conflict between George Richard and his Battalion, Rocco Sloan and his Deviants, and Fallout and his Odium Society plus trouble with the ladies. This and more next time on Zero!
New Cards/Forms:
Archer Form. This card has a black frame with a bow and quiver held by a cat like creature in a forest like background.

Cryptid Form. This card has a black frame with a cryptid like creature of some kind in the center of the card with it roaring. This card gets in touch with his inner animal more than any other form.

Bone Form. This card has a black frame with bones all over the center of the card with it looking like a garden and there is also a mammal like creature in the center of the bone garden.

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