Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Zero Episode 84 Revenge is a dish best served with love

A/N: Yeah. It's a weird title because this episode is the combination of two different episodes I had planned out. This is because these episodes are very similar in nature. I decided to do this because it just just made sense to me. I'll say that this episode will introduce the previous group in a way that you don't expect. If you know my writing style, it'll be awesome. So the last episode didn't introduce any new forms but it showed off some old forms plus the true introduction of Zenith Sphere.

Zenith Sphere is one of Zane's signature's attack being that he he first used in episode 77 being that he used it to break out of that . The mask ,from the last episode, will be explained in this part but let's just say that it gives Zane some extra strength at the cost of his sanity. We'll also be seeing some old friends like we did last episode. I would say more than the last episode but I could be very much wrong.

I also don't know if I ever mentioned if Cypress Park had a mall. I should also say that I'm not way in hell an expert of fashion. I've said this before but it's going to be really obvious. I basically changed their outfits ,from Season 1 and 2, only slightly. It's because most characters usually wears the same clothing every time but only changes the color. Lets begin already before I go on another rant about little things.

Also David is the same age as Zane and the main cast. I didn't explain this at all in the previous parts because I just plain forgot about it. David just looks to be a year older than them because of his height but now, Andre, Ray, Selena, and Tara who are in college now or in Ray's case, a job nearby the college so he can be with his sweetheart. We'll see more of David in this I promise but don't hold me to that.

Narrator P.O.V.
At Cypress Park Mall, the group of Danny, Gwen, and Rachel were hanging out. "So what did you get Danny? I was confused on why you wanted to meet us at the mall instead of the normal hangout spot." said Gwen. Danny smiled as he held a phone. "Okay. It's a phone. What's so special?" said Rachel. "Rachel. This isn't just a normal phone. Let me introduce you to the phone that was upgraded by both Brain and Gadget Form." said Danny.

The girls both looked at the smartphone as they said in unison,"It looks to be the exact same as your old and normal phone Danny.". "Jinx." said Rachel. Gwen soon rolled her eyes as she said,"Explain why we had to meet at the mall.". "Because I asked him too." said a voice. The girls soon saw Kevin standing there with his arms crossed. He grew up to be handsome and mature which is a very big shock compared to those who have known him since childhood.

He grew up to be 5 foot 9 with a muscular, well-defined, and slender build. His eyes changed from brown to a dull green color and his brown hair looked a little shaggy. He's wearing his glasses now with an blue frame to it. He's wearing a dark red 3/4 sleeve ,short sleeve, shirt with a black vest over it and gray tie. He's wearing tan cargo pants and dark green sneakers. He wears a necklace ,which was held up by a black string, and a atom shaped pendant.

Kevin sat down as Rachel said,"It's good to see you President.". "You know I really don't like being called that. Zane was voted Student Council President but both me and Cam had to cover for him while he was training. I called this meeting to help Karen get together with Zane." said Kevin. "Are you serious?" said Gwen. "He sounded serious. I mean Kevin here has repented and well, I like this Kevin way more than the old one." said Danny.

Rachel said,"True. I don't think we'll have that much trouble this time because Karen has gotten a massive confidence boost. We do have problems being Roxy. She seems determined to flirt with Zane more than ever.". "Yeah but what about Rain? Zane mentioned her that the two were "dating". It's for a drama that they're filming here in town. I think they're at the cafe right now." said Danny. "I guess one of us will have to block her from seeing Zane. It sucks because I like her as an actor." said Kevin.

Rachel sighed as she said,"Yeah. This is going to be hard but I got faith. So where is Karen? I thought she was going to meet us here. We were going to make you guys carry some bags for us since Zane is busy with Zane stuff.". "She said she was busy. I think she's preparing for that scholarship. According to her, it's really important." said Gwen. "Yeah. She'll have to compete with Della who will mostly use the A-List to cheat." said Rachel. "That sucks." said Kevin.

At the table next to them, Susan and Vicky sat down next to them. Susan had grown up a bit being that she looked to be the same as she did two years ago. She's also the same height as Vicky aka 5 foot 7. She's wearing a white cardigan over a long sleeve orange turtleneck blouse, aqua blue pants, and brown ,1 inch, boots. "Hey." said Danny. "So where's Zane? You guys are usually together." said Vicky. "He said that he was busy today." said Rachel.

Susan said,"Sorry about this you guys but Roxy told me ask this when I see you guys at the mall. Is Zane currently dating anyone?". "I seriously can't believe she asked you that. I mean Roxy is such a weird girl sometimes. I mean why doesn't she ask him himself? " said Vicky. "She's embarrassed. She doesn't mind flirting with him but asking a easy question is rather difficult to her." said Susan. "You also like him too don't you Vicky?" said Kevin.

The group looked at him as he said with a shrug,"What? I'm not wrong.". "I like him as a friend. He's a really nice guy." said Vicky looking away from them mainly to hide a small blush on her face. In the past, Zane wouldn't have been on her radar. However, she and him became friends mainly during that time Spiro took over. While Zane has been gone, her feelings grew. "Zane's one lucky bastard sometimes. This is going to be a really hard challenge now." thought Danny to himself. 

Suddenly, Zane ,as Legion Zero, crashed into a nearby table. People soon started to run away as the seven teens heard,"Foolish child. You've failed to stop me several times. What makes you think this time will be any different. I'm far stronger than I was the last time we fought and I don't need those idiots in the Battalion to help get my revenge on you for taking away my love.". Above them, Karla Garner aka Cyber stood there in an upgraded form.

She looked 5 foot 11 being a mixture of her human and robot side. Her frame looked to be the model of perfection. Her body is still black with light blue lines that looked like a living circuit board. Her clothing looked organic to her body. She's wearing a dark blue leather trench coat with a black belt around her waist and it showed off her white v-neck tunic, black jeans, and black combat heels. She had four long spikes sticking out of her head with electricity gathered around it creating a ring.

She had long black hair that goes down to her waist, sky blue eyes with long eyelashes and pupil-less eyes, and red lipstick. Her face was also blue. "So? I just let you get those hits on me earlier." said Zane. "Such a childish response but I expect nothing less." said Cyber. Zane smirked as he said,"I'm now ready to send you back to the scrapyard. Archon Zero!". The teen soon activated it and he soon disappeared with a huge cloud of smoke covering his tracks.

Cyber looked for Zane and she heard,"Can't find me can you? Even with your cybernetic powers, you still can't find me because I'm too fast! Tyrannus Spheroid Shower!". The robot woman soon saw several crimson red Nether spheres flying toward her. She dodged most of them before making it a barrier of nano machines. Zane reappeared as he jumped toward her. However, this caused some food to land on Vicky. She growled as she said,"I really wish daddy would give back my suit.".

Zane's right fist glowed Crimson Red and his right arm turned into Frankenstein Form. The punch soon landed on her sending her flying back. Zane stood on the second floor as he smirked. She turned her left hand into a cannon and she fired a blast which send Vicky toward the ground. Zane growled as he said,"I'll make you pay!". He turned into Ram Form and he jumped toward her. "I thought that you would have controlled those emotions of yours." said Cyber.

She evaded Zane's headbutt as Zane looked for her upon landing on the ground. Crisis Judgement went off as he evade Cyber's grip. "Emotions are your greatest weakness and until you learn to master this, you'll be easy to take down!" said Cyber. Zane's eyes widened as he was soon blasted into a display case of wooden models wearing clothing. The woman was gone as Vicky walked toward the pile. "Get out of my way! I need to have a word with....." said Vicky.

She pushed through the crowd to see a dazed Zane ,turning into him upon hitting said models, resting among them "Zane. Do you just like surprising people? I didn't expect you to be such a ladies man but I guess you like wood more than flesh." said Vicky. "Honestly, I'm into women with kind and beating hearts rather than wooden ones." said Zane. Rachel rolled her eyes as she said,"Gag me with a spoon.". "No thanks." said Kevin.

Cyber watched from the second floor as she thought,"Perfect. I can use Zane's emotions against him because he's a teen. His rage toward those who hurt his friends, desire toward the fairer sex, and so many other emotions I can use against him!". She soon disappeared from the mall as Zane was helped out of the models's grip. "I doubt this is going to be the last of this Zane. If that happens against him, I'll enjoy it." said Sivarth. Zane didn't get what his partner said till much.

The next day, Zane and the rest of the senior student body was about to take a tour of Champion Tech which is currently part of Derrick Price's company Price Co. Zane's body was currently sitting front of the cliffside of town with Danny ,nearby, knowing that Zane was currently in Elysian. Danny knew this due to Zane being in the Burmese Posture with his eyes closed. His chest was slowly beating up and down to make sure he's alive. "Okay. I'll just say that he's asleep." said Danny.

Inside of Elysian, Zane was talking with both Kane and Sivarth. Kane currently looked like he did when he met Shawn for the first time. The trio was currently looking at a window that was showing the building with the logo having a poster under the logo saying,"Part of Price Co.". "It's better that this Derrick Price guy owns this place right Zane? It beats Lilith.". "True but my gut is saying not to trust this guy. For some reason, I get this strange feeling around her." said Zane.

Cole said,"So are you feeling alright Zane? You've been acting rather weird lately.". "I think that this change is good for him." said Athena. "It's because we've been training on how to control his emotions so that his enemies can't use that against him. I'm still pissed that the clone was able to knock you out." said Sivarth. "Isn't it because that form has a weakness at that spot? I mean it's a huge Achilles Heel." said Kane.

Sivarth looked away as Zane said,"Yeah but Cyber used my emotions against me yet again. I should have expected her to blast me.". "Yeah but you enjoyed Vicky's company didn't you Zane?" said Kane. Zane's face went red as Sivarth sighed. "Zane. You're loyal to Rain right?" said Sivarth. "Of course I am but I really can't prevent how much I like the ladies." said Zane. "That's true but I'm sure you won't break her heart." said Cole. "For once, Cole is right." said Athena.

Kane placed his arm around Zane as he said,"So partner, I'll tell you this now. We may be connect to each other thanks to your essence but if you break Rain's heart, I'll kill you and I don't care if I die as well.". "I'll be reincarnated so this doesn't effect me. He's serious Zane." said Sivarth. "I'm not like Mack but I'll need you to make sure I don't go down that path. You know how stubborn I can be sometimes." said Zane. "Got it punk." said Kane as the two fist bumped.

Outside, Danny saw Zane's eyes open as he said,"So how was the trip?". "Fine. So are we ready to go in there? It's weird how they asked us here to arrive around ten but won't up until 1:30." said Zane as he pondered it. "Maybe they had to clean up an experiment. You can read their minds when we get in there. I'm going to hang out with Gwen, Kevin, and Rachel. You?" said Danny. "That sounds like fun to me. I'm hanging out with Karen, Kristen, Nova, and Roxy. Karen is here right?" said Zane.

Danny slapped Zane's back as he said,"She is but you're one lucky son of a bitch you know that. You should know that those four are in love with you.". "I know that." said Zane. "You do?!" said Danny with a shocked tone. Danny was shocked as Zane said,"You've known me for years now and you can't tell me when I'm acting. I played the idiot to make sure that I didn't break anyone's heart but well, it's time to grow up.". "True. So have you decided what to do after high school?" said Danny.

Zane shrugged as he said,"To be honest, I may go travel around the Omniverse. I will come back to Cypress Park for events and stuff but well, I got a shit load of time on my hands. So what's your plan man?". "I was thinking of going to Taelamelan, mainly to be with Gwen." said Danny. "I thought you were going to be a pro baseball player." said Zane. "Dude. You know that the teacher was pressuring me when I hit that ball out of the park that one time." said Danny.

He was quiet as Danny said,"I've heard a rumor.". 'What rumor?" said Zane. "Dawn ,who misses you by the way, says that there is a potion that give immortal life. I'm your rival and I want to make sure you don't ever go soft." said Danny. "Thanks but are you sure? I could just give you my blood. This potion could have negative consequences on your body." said Zane. "We'll just have to find that out on a latter date. Got any plans?" said Danny. "I'll give you an answer." said Zane.

Zane's phone rang as he said,"I guess we'll ready to go in.". "Zane. Want to race there? It's on the other side of town." said Danny. Zane turned into Legion Zero as Zane said,"How about we get there without using any speed enhancement powers?". Danny nodded as he activated his costume which got a massive upgrade in Zane's opinion and also Gwen being that she may saw that she doesn't care and her outside appearance but thanks to a quick mind read, her true feelings are exposed.

He's wearing a long sleeved dark blue shirt with small pieces of black metal that cover his chest and shoulders. On his torso, there is a larger piece in the shape of his superhero logo being the piece is in the center of his chest, covering his heart. His superhero logo ,for a quick reminder, is a silver gear with a large drill head pointing downward in the center of the gear. His shirt has several black stripes along the sleeve making an "#". He wears blue jeans.

He wears silver gauntlets ,on both arms, and thick boots with both of them have the ability to fold out to weigh less upon his ability to make weapons. He wears a obsidian black, metallic sleek helmet that covers his forehead and wraps around the upper part of his head and down his neck, leaving the sides of his head exposed. His brown hair and azure blue eyes changed to green. His helmet has a visor that goes in front of his face with five midnight blue lines.

Danny said,"So do you like it Zane? This is the first time you've seen in action and I made it myself so tell me what you think.". To mask his identity even further, his voice was modify. "Yeah. I guess you were my biggest fan of my second costume. I mean being inspired by my costume isn't a bad thing but it's totally you man. I'm happy for you." said Zane. "People like this costume more than my last one. I bet you're just jealous of my helmet" said Danny.

Zane shrugged his shoulders as he said,"Okay then. Whoever wins this race, we'll keep doing these type of contests until you die. You and I are eternal rivals so we'll keep having contests of skills. They can range from eating contests or fighting like this. So are you in bro?" said Zane. The teen held out his right fist as Danny smiled. "Yeah and you're going down." said Danny. The two fist bumped as the two jumped toward the lab, racing.

The class was soon inside of the lab as Warner Barnett ,who was forced to keep an eye on the kids because of poker night, said,"Well class, it's very nice that Mr. Mills to give a rather impromptu tour of Champion Tech.". "It's a pleasure to have young minds here at Champion Tech plus it beats being forced to decide on your future at every moment. We're missing a couple of your students right?" said Jim as Danny and Zane were currently running toward the lab.

Warner said,"Those two idiots are probably doing something stupid like normal. Lets go already. I would like to be done with this snooze fest.". "Okay. Put the shields down." said Jim. The door to the main lab soon opened up as Danny and Zane ,back in their normal clothing, soon joined the group. "I bet they didn't expect a..." said Danny. Jim stood there as he said,"Zane. May I have a word with you alone?". "I'll be fine. Tell the girls for me." said Zane. Danny shrugged as he joined the group.

Inside the lab, Warner went to the employee lounge as Kevin walked over to a jetpack been displayed. It's a black color with dark indigo markings on the back and side. It's has shoulder straps that looked to be connected to a belt buckle ,with the Champion Tech logo, for a user to secure on a torso. The left strap had the switch for the jets, white the right strap had a knob to determine the power. It had several available power settings on it.

Gwen said,"So what's that Kevin?". "That's the XJ-100 Rocket Pack. It's said to be able to launch the user into space in a record breaking speed of one minute." said Kevin. "Nerd!" coughed Brad as the class laughed. Kevin rolled his eyes as he said,"I'm going to be the bigger man ,which in terms of height I am, here.". Brad grumbled as the class laughed. "And this thing here is a really big computer right?" said Rachel as she pointed to a high tech battery.

Kevin shook his head as he said,"This isn't just some computer.". "Isn't it a super computer?" said Danny. "You would think that Danny but this is the hub that connects to the actual computer in outer space. Fun fact, this computer is connected to all countries in the United Nations. They plan on make easy to have internet in smaller countries." said Kevin. "Why is it space?" said Hannah. "This one computer could control the entire world." said Kevin.

Bryan said,"So this computer can cause an Armageddon?". "Yeah but it's really hard to hack into. It would talk several years no decades to hack into it." said Kevin. "It's sad what kids can find on the internet these days." said a security guard. "I'm impressed that he knows all of it and he's teaching the class. I would expect this being that their teacher is a highly underpaid man." said the security guard next to him. In the employee's lounge, Warner sneezed.

Roxy was looking at a picture frame of an employee with his family. "Wow. I really want that with Zane." thought Roxy. She imagined the two of them together as she heard,"Roxy. You look really creepy like that. As your friend, I should tell you that.". She turned to see Kristen and Nova. Both of them were the same height as Rachel aka 5 foot 8. Kristen had her long brown hair parted to the side making her brown eyes stuck out.

She's wearing a long sleeved black blouse and short pink tunic top over it. The latter has a flower lace design around the collar and the sleeves. She's wearing a purple scarf around her neck. She's wearing brown jeans with a flame design sash around her waist, and strapped tan gladiator sandals. She's also wearing pink lipstick and gold hoop earrings. Nova's hair grew down to her neck ,losing her pixie cut somewhat, and her bangs covered her forehead. Her eyes remained the same orange color.

She's dressed more conservatively than she did when she met Zane in NYC. She's wearing a white off the shoulder tunic sweater ,that has the symbol of a white skull with the top of the skull being on fire and covered in veins, with her light blue bra strap sticking out, blackish blue skinny jeans, and black and white converse sneakers with violet soles. She's wearing a silver bracelet around her right wrist and silver stud earrings.

Roxy said,"I'm just thinking about the future.". "And it's with Zane of all people?" said Kristen, with her being slightly jealous. "Yeah. I mean he's good with kids, smart, handsome, and so many great traits." said Roxy with a goofy smile. Nova crossed her arms as she said in her southern yet sexy Mississippi accent,"I like Zane too but I don't get why you've been so obsessed with him since he's been back in town. To be honest, it's kinda of creepy girl.".

Roxy looked to the ground as she said,"It's my mom.". "Okay so what does your mom this have to do with Zane being back?" said Nova. "Yeah. You guys do know that my family's annual party is coming right?" said Roxy. "Yeah. It's the biggest event of the year. So why do you need Zane exactly and why can't you ask him yourself?" said Kristen. Roxy grabbed the two girls as she whispered something as their eyes widened in shock.

Vicky walked into a room as she sighed. However, Cyber ,who had been watching her since the fight at the mall, appeared behind her through binary code. "Sorry but I need you to stay in here for a while sweetie." said Cyber. She soon pressed a button as the teen was locked in. Cyber soon looked at the battery and she turned into binary. She soon entered it. Kevin soon heard a faint buzzing sound as he said,"Weird. Anyway, this is the only known way into the main computer.".

Outside of the lab. Jim said,"Are you okay Zane? You seem out of it.". Zane looked around and he saw a portrait of Derrick. "Yep. I'm just thinking about something." said Zane. Jim placed his hand on Zane's shoulder as he said,"Well despite your temper, you're just like your parents. A person driven by their emotions and well, very vocal. My daughter likes you.". He laughed as Kane said,"Get used to this awkward chat Zane.".

Jim bent down a little as he said,"Zane. Your mother is a good friend of mine but try your best to keep your family's weirdness around from her. She was hunting Phantoms almost two years ago and that include Legion Zero.". He walked away as Zane said,"I'll try sir.". Zane sighed as he walked around. "Zane. I thought you would be with the others in the lab. Roxy needed to talk with you about something important." said Athena.

Cole said,"I bet she's planning on giving you a big smooch! She's in love with you!". "So who's next to hit him?" said Zane with a sigh. Cole was soon hit by Sivarth as Kane said,"So why aren't you with your pals?". "I just need to walk around. Crisis Judgement has been buzzing since yesterday. It's faint but dam, it's more annoying than it has a right to be." said Zane. He sighed as he heard a voice,"Zane. Can we talk?". Zane turned to see Karen and well, his breath was taken away.

She was one of the cutest nerd according to some rumors and she's matured into a beautiful woman in a matter of almost two years but it could be two years. Karen is a very beautiful young woman with a slender and athletic figure. She also has an impressive figure. She's the same height that Zane was before being 5 foot 8. Her blond hair went to her shoulders with her bangs pushed to the right showing her face. Her hair was currently in a low ponytail with it held by an red elastic band.

She's wearing black framed glasses but she sometimes wears contacts. She's wearing a dark red hoodie jacket with the sleeves rolled up. It was slightly opened revealing a v-neck black tank top under it. She's wearing dark purple pants and ankle high black boots. She wears a gold bracelet, gold star themed earrings, and a violet infinity scarf. Karen soon waved her hands in front of him as she said,"Are you okay Zane?". Zane shook his head as he said,"I'm fine. What's up?".

The four voices in his body or his watch said in unison,"Smooth Zane.". "So are you okay? You seem out of it." said Karen. "And how would you know?" said Zane. "Excuse me?" said Karen. "Sorry. I'm just a little tense." said Zane. "Okay then Zane. So did you miss me?" said Karen. The two were on the floor as Zane said,"Of course I did. I mean it was really boring overseas.". "Yeah. I mean I'm just happy to have you back." said Karen. She hugged him as Zane's face went red.

Zane's Crisis Judgement went off as Sivarth said,"I hate to interrupt this but this is a real threat right now.". "Hey Zane. Do you feel the building shaking?" said Karen. An alarm went off as Zane said,"I guess a super villain is trying to steal from Champion Tech.". "Yeah." said Karen. Zane's right eye soon raised as Kane said,"Get going!". "Karen. I'll..." said Zane. She was gone as Zane thought to himself,"Man. I at least leave a clone behind before I leave. Rude.". He soon vanished.

In the main lab, Agent Phoenix broke in through the roof and she stood on her hoverboard. She soon aimed her massive rifle like weapon at the crowd with her firing on them. The crowd soon ran out of the room as Zane ,in costume, arrived. AP looked at him and she turned away. She flew off as Zane thought,"Okay. That's weird. She would normally try and blast me upon sight. What's going on?". He soon flew after her as Jim ran into the room.

He was shocked to see the destruction as Vicky entered the main lab. "What happened?" said Vicky as she was soon grabbed by her father. Inside of the main battery, Cyber floated there as she said,"I'll hack into this computer and soon, everyone will love me. This code may have a 1,000,000 letter and number password but it's nothing.". She pressed a button and it failed. "Legion Zero will be coming around here eventually so lets play to his weakness." said Cyber.

At the Mills's house, Jim was lecturing his daughter about the incident in the lab. "I'm telling you the truth Daddy! That wasn't me!" said Vicky. "Really? That was your suit? I thought I had that thing locked up tight but I guess it was hacked into." said Jim. "Someone could be framing me! I mean I would have blasted him but she ran away from him! I also wouldn't have destroyed your lab that you worked so hard to rebuild after that Daemon problem!" said Vicky. She stormed off as Jim sighed. 

Vicky was in her room as she was soon resting on her bed. "I didn't do it. Who could be framing me in the first place? Marilyn. I haven't heard about her in a while now. She used to contact me about jobs killing those things but for some reason, she just stopped and it isn't a good sign." thought Vicky. Her thoughts were soon stopped by her desktop beeping. She turned to see that Zane had sent her a message.

She said,"Vicky. Are you okay?". She typed and said,"Yeah. I don't know what happened at the lab but I'm okay. My dad thinks I'm the one who did it.". Back at the Alvarez's house, Zane was on his bed strumming his guitar. "It's weird right? I mean she would try and blast me to pieces. She hates my guts." said Zane. "True Zane but this problem has more to it. Why would she attack her father's lab when she really cares about her dad and his career." said Athena.

Cole said,"Yeah. I mean she wouldn't be part of the A List anymore if she did that.". Zane's laptop dinged as he said,"It's from Vicky.". "So explain to me why you didn't text her." said Sivarth. "It's because Jim usually takes away her phone when she's in trouble whatsoever. She told me that before and I'm pretty sure he did that after today." said Zane as he grabbed his laptop using his stretchy arms. "I guess you do have your moments." said Kane.

Zane rolled his eyes as he read,"Zane. Are you okay?". "So cute." said Cole. Zane typed out as he said,"Yeah. So how mad is your dad? I'm sure he's not happy about your suit trashing his lab. Kevin tells me that the battery in the lab is safe.". The two typed out messages all night as Zane ignored his phone and it had several messages ,text and call, on it. The next day at Cypress High, Zane had just parked his car in the parking lot.

He saw Kevin waiting for him as Zane said,"What's up man? You told me that the battery is safe and everything's fine.". "You do know that you're flirting with danger right?" said Kevin. "What do you mean? I mean Vicky is harmless." said Zane. "Zane. We both know how determined she can be. You learned through your extra curricular activity and I learned through my flirting days." said Kevin. "I guess you have a point there." said Zane as he yawned.

Kevin said,"You didn't stay up all night did you? I thought your mother would force you to sleep using sleeping gas or something.". The two were walking as Zane said,"Yeah but I was talking with Vicky and handing some crime all night and this morning. I'm really good at multi-tasking. Vicky may tried to kill Legion Zero in the past but she's a nice person underneath that suit of hers. Did you know that she's a tenth degree black belt? Her favorite fruit is pineapple.".

Kevin sighed as he said,"I did know the former as she threw me onto a table back in Sophomore year because I was flirting with her. I still can't believe you're past the part where she tried to kill you. It's weird to see how forgiving you are.". "I still forgave you after all of the shit you did back then. We shouldn't live in the past Kevin. So tell me, how does your powers work? Danny told me you had them and well, I'm interested." said Zane. Kevin sighed as he talked with Zane.      

Inside of the school, Susan and Vicky were walking. "So did you know that Zane's planing to travel once high school is over? He usually bowls a perfect game." said Vicky. "I guess that's nice Vicky but I know Zane for his mouth. He's a nice guy but he tends to speak his mind. I'm jealous." said Susan as the two walked toward Zane who was at his locker. "I could teach you Susan. I bet you want to smack some sense into Hannah with your words rather than your fists." said Zane.

Susan shrugged as she said,"I'll think about it. Later you guys.". She walked off as Vicky said,"She's in love with David but well, Hannah.". "Fair point. We could do something about it but I'm sure that David doesn't want his family to suffer. He's a big guy with a big heart." said Zane. "David is just like someone I know." said Vicky. "Is the Victoria Mills flirting with the Zane Alvarez whom she hated? I bet the past me would be shocked at this." said Zane.

Nearby, Rachel stood there with Kevin. "I can't believe Zane sometimes. She tries to kill him and he's being friends with her. I'm just hoping nothing more." said Rachel. "Zane says that he sees Vicky as a friend Rae and remember, I'm for Karen and Zane. Have they talk yet?" said Kevin. "Not yet. They were interrupted by Vicky's suit. We should keep an eye on them." said Rachel. "Or let Zane do this by himself." said Kevin.

Rachel looked at him as Kevin said,"Do you really think Zane wouldn't know about us spying on him? He has incredible senses remember?". "Yeah but I'm worried." said Rachel. "Don't worry. Zane may be an idiot when it comes to women but he wouldn't break their hearts. That's Mack." said Kevin with the player sneezing. "True. So what about you? You've gotten more popular with the ladies and Sophie." said Rachel. Kevin rolled his eyes as he let the teasing from Rachel begin begin. 

A few days later, Zane was on cloud nine. He was currently walking to met up with his friends. He had just spend the past couple of days hanging out with Vicky at this amazing dinner where they served the best fries, a baseball game where Zane used his powers to mess with some of the A list with Vicky giggling, and at the pier where the two watched a firework show with the Ferris Wheel stopped to give them the best view.

Athena said,"Zane. I know that you're happy but you need to focus on the big picture.". "Give the guy a break. He's happy because he's with a really good friend. They used to hate each other back in the day according to the records." said Cole. "He has a point Athena. I can't believe I agreed with Cole on something. Zane, don't you find it weird that the Ferris Wheel just happened to stop there at the best shot for the fireworks?" said Sivarth.

Zane said,"A bit. So any news on Cyber? She's been quiet and I know Cyber. She's very driven on getting what she wants.". "She joined up with George's group just to get back at you for stopping her from getting Ray back and turning Tara into an android like Vicky was. So do you think Cyber is planning something?" said Kane "I'm pretty sure that Kevin has an idea about it. He's a smart guy and a good ally." said Zane. "You're right. Be careful Zane." said Sivarth.

Zane said,"Don't worry so much. I"ll be fine.". Zane soon saw his friends as Danny said,"Dude. We have a problem.". "What's up?" said Zane. "It's Cyber. She's currently inside of the super computer at Champion Tech." said Gwen. "And you know this how exactly?" said Zane. "I was looking through my photos that I have saved on my computer and I saw that one of the pictures showed Ray and Tara but under it, it said,"Raymond should belong to Karla not her."." said Rachel.

Zane said,"True. That does sound like her.". "Zane. We're thinking that Cyber is trying to push you and Vicky together." said Rachel. Zane began laughing as Danny said,"See. I told you that he would react like that.".  "We're not joking Zane." said Rachel. "I know you aren't Rae but still. Cyber hates emotions more than anything despite herself being crazy for revenge." said Zane as he wiped away a tear. "And she's using yours and Vicky's emotions against you." said Gwen. 

Kevin said,"Don't you find it a bit strange that the Ferris Wheel just happened to stop at the best spot to see the fireworks?". "Yeah but still, I like Vicky. It isn't in a romantic way but she's a good person and well, I'm a person who doesn't like seeing people he cares about hurt. I'm thinking about telling her the truth about me." said Zane. Vicky ,who was nearby, was shocked as Rachel said,"Are you serious about this?".

Kevin said,"Yeah. I mean what if....". Gwen soon punched him as she noticed Vicky with Kevin soon figuring that part out. "We're your friends Zane and if you want in our group, I'm all for it. You're not the type of guy that would do all of this just to get some action." said Danny. "Thanks you guys. I'm supposed to meet Vicky before class. She needed to talk with me about something." said Zane. He was gone as Vicky walked up to them.

Vicky said,"Did you really mean that Danny? You do remember that I was a jerk to you guys just because I'm part of the A list.". "Yeah but Zane is a forgiving person. He's an idiot most of the times but I trust him. Welcome to the group Vicky." said Danny. She soon hugged him as he said,"I'm not cheating on you Gwen!". "I know that idiot." said Gwen. "So what were you and Zane going to talk about? Sounds juicy." said Rachel. "I'm going to ask him out." said Vicky.

The four looked at her as Vicky said,"I know that sounds strange since me and Zane have hated each other since middle school but for some reason, I like him now. He's a really nice guy with a big heart and he isn't scared of speaking his mind. I used to hate that about him but for some reason, I find that part of him attractive. So wish me good luck.". She was gone as Danny said,"Hey Kevin.". "Yeah. I'm jealous of Zane's luck with the ladies too." said Kevin. The two girls sighed.

In front of the school, Zane was waiting for Vicky. "Wow. I can't believe Cyber would be cupid. I so didn't see that coming." said Zane to himself. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane said,"Okay. You're out for me aren't you Universe?". Agent Phoenix soon appeared with her weapon aimed right at the teen. Her visor showed binary as Zane said,"Yep. You are after me. So is Vicky in there or are you Cyber?".

Cyber's voice said from the suit,"So you figured it out. I know all about you Zane Alvarez. You're known for having strong emotions just like that pesky hero. You two are on two sides of the same coin aren't you. Look to your right Zane? Isn't she just pretty?". Zane saw Vicky walking and she saw him standing there. She waved as Zane waved back. "Get running now." said Cyber. Zane started to run as Vicky said,"Zane. I just talk with your friends and well, I.....".

He ran past her as Vicky saw Agent Phoenix chasing him. "That's my suit?! And why is it going after Zane?!" said Vicky. She soon spotted a large stick as she smiled. Zane looked at Agent Phoenix as he said,"So why are you doing this? I'm sure you're not the emotional type of robot.". "It's to make sure I have no problems." said Cyber. She soon blasted him with her weapons as he evade every shot. "This robot is getting on my nerves. Go hero already!" said Sivarth.

Cyber said,"I bet you wish we weren't being watched by all of these cameras. It makes this too much fun. I wonder which one of your mistress will miss you the most.". "What are you?" said Zane. "You're down child!" said Cyber. She aimed the weapon right at Zane and she was about to fire. She was soon stopped by a can of soda. Vicky stood there as she jumped toward the suit. She slammed the stick into the suit causing it to fall off the board. "Run Zane!" said Vicky.

The suit landed on the ground as Zane said,"Vicky! I'm not leaving you with her!". "Just go!" said Vicky. Zane was gone as the suit soon back up. It soon rushed toward Vicky as she soon kicked the suit back using the stick as a makeshift staff. She soon aimed it at the suit with Cyber thinking,"I'm hoping that the child doesn't forget their anniversary.". Zane soon hide behind the dumpster and he turned into Legion Zero. "Time for some payback Cyber." said Zane.

The suit fired a blast as Vicky avoided it. It kept on firing as Vicky evaded them. "Wow. Whoever is in that suit is a terrible shot." said Vicky. Cyber ,inside of the body, sneezed. Vicky soon hid behind a table as the suit fired a shot. It destroyed the table as Vicky took a deep breath. She threw something at the suit and it turned out to be several pencils. The suit tilted its head as Vicky said,"I really wish I asked Zane for one of his mom's inventions.".

She was soon blasted by the gun's stray shot knocking her to the ground. The suit was about to blast her as Zane ,in Bull Form, slammed into her. She was sent flying as Zane turned into Spring Form and he bounced toward her. He soon punched her into a tower. The suit aimed its gun at the teen and he evaded the shot. The hoverboard soon appeared and she jumped on it. She was heading toward the teen and he jumped over her shot. He soon landed behind her.

He was soon back into his costume as Zane fired a steel gray Nether beam at her. The hoverboard was soon destroyed as the suit crashed into the ground. Zane stood there looking at the suit who was about to shoot her. "Vicky may not be in there and I'm not going to like this." thought Zane. He soon turned into a new form. He looked to be eight feet tall with him being a humanoid rock. He looked to be similar to Boulder Form.

His body is an obsidian black color with his arms and legs being a gray color. Both his arms and legs are long and tubular. He has five fingers with claws and three toes with claws. The top of his head is carved in a crown like shape with five sharp protrusions coming out of it. His face look human like. He has very angular and strong features with a square chin, straight nose, and sharp cheekbones. His hexagonal gem eyes are a glowing sky blue color. 

Zane's eyes commanded power and authority. His mouth is lined with sharp teeth. He wears a black jumpsuit that stops before his chest and before his knees. He's wearing white prison shackles ,that looked to be made out of quartz, around his ankles and knees. "Chaos Form!" said Zane. He threw a massive rock toward the suit and the suit blasted the rock into pebbles. The suit however didn't see Zane appear in front of it with a smile on his face. 

He smashed the suit to pieces with two giant rock hands that appeared from the sides of it. "I'm really sorry about this." said Zane. He soon turned back to normal as Zane looked at Vicky. She looked sad as Cyber said,"Her heart is shattered. My plan is going smoothly.". She soon went back to work. The school bell rang as Zane said,"Listen. I have to go but I'm not against you Vicky. You'll probably just ignore me but I'm not the bad guy.". 

Zane flew off as Vicky said,"He tried to kill me but that wasn't me. I thought he was a nice guy but he's a monster just like I thought. I have proof now.". She looked at a security camera with her smiling right at it. Later, Jim looked at the video feed from earlier. "That could have been you Vicky but it wasn't whatsoever!" said Jim. "Yeah but it wasn't. Some weirdo hacked into my suit and they tried to kill me and Zane." said Vicky.

Jim sighed as he said,"I'm sorry for not believing you and good job saving Zane. He's a good kid but he gets himself in messes more than a normal teen.". "You're just happy that the suit is destroyed aren't you?" said Vicky. "Bingo!" said Jim. Back at the Alvarez's house, Zane was sitting on his bed and he was depressed. "Vicky. I could easily feel her anger toward me but I was just defending myself from Cyber." thought Zane.

He soon closed his eyes and sighed loudly as Kevin said,"You going to be alright man?". Zane then turned to see Danny, Gwen, Kevin, and Rachel on his laptop screen. "Yeah. So what's the plan?" said Zane. "We know that Cyber is behind the attack at the lab and in front of the school. She's probably trying to crack the one million long code and hack into the computer in space." said Danny. "Which means that she's planning on taking over the world using it." said Rachel.

Kevin said,"You only know that Rae because I told you.". "Zane. Are you okay?" said Gwen. "I'm just not in the mood. I'll stop Cyber for sure but that look of hers. It screamed,"You tried to kill me Legion Zero! I'll end you!". I'm now double guessing myself. I was going to tell her the truth about me but after this, I'll be dead meat." said Zane with a loud sigh. "You weren't though." said Rachel. "I know that but in the past couple of days, I've learned that she's stubborn like me." said Zane.

Zane looked up to the roof as he said,"If we're going to be friends, I can never tell her that I'm Legion Zero ever. She hates his guts more than anything. I'm going to stop Cyber.". Zane soon heard a knock on the door as he heard,"Zane. Can we talk?". "Um sure Grandpa." said Zane. The door opened as the elder Phantom stood there. He didn't change whatsoever. "I've heard on the street that you have some relationship issues." said Arturo.

He looked at the computer as he said,"I'm sorry but I need to have a word with my grandson. It isn't personal but it's family stuff.". "Understood. See you later Zane." said the four. The four hanged up as Zane said,"So is this going to be awkward? I mean that is mom's job.". "It is Zane but your mother is busy with your son and my great grandson's life." said Arturo. "Thank the gods. I've heard that he has a girlfriend. So what do you want to talk about?" said Zane.

Arturo sat on Zane's bed with him saying,"Zane. You're the heir to the throne of Terrarune and the Maiden Clan.". "Don't remind me grandpa. I like being a normal super-powered teen with Kane and Sivarth ,aka two powerful beings, inside of me." said Zane. "You do know that both me and your mother expect great things from you." said Arturo. "I have the best grades, a decent enough social life, and I'm an amazing superhero. I just really suck at the whole dating scene." said Zane.

Arturo said,"I had the same problem. When I met your grandmother, she was such a sweet woman and we....". Zane's face turned red as Zane said,"I'm good not knowing how my mom was born thank you very much!". "Well, I think you need to hear this. Your heart/essence is bigger than most and you feel bad for what happened with Vicky right?" said Arturo. Zane nodded as Arturo said,"I don't think you want to hurt anyone now do you?".

Zane said,"No way! I like Vicky but not in that way. She's a really good friend and I was going to tell her my secret. I wasn't going to pull back my punches either. It's just. I like over five girls right now and is that normal?". "You're a very special case Zane. You have the blood of five species inside of you and well, you're not going to be happy if you stay with one partner." said Arturo. "Wait. Are you saying what I think you're saying?" said Zane.

Artruo said,"Yes Zane. If you want to be truly happy, you'll need a harem.". "Grandpa. I'm sure that it's been a long time since you've been a teen but having a harem? It's not exactly well common here in the states because it's polygamy!" said Zane. "Yes." said Arturo. "And even I'm sorta of okay with it, do you think they're going to be? They were raised to believe that it's just two people in a romantic relationship like boyfriend and girlfriend or some families, the same sex." said Zane.

Arturo said,"I'm not sure myself but don't doubt the female mind. It may just surprise you. Zane, you may be able to destroy entire armies without breaking a sweat but don't forget that you're still just a teen. I think you should go meet up with your friends. Cyber sounds like a serious problem and I don't think you should blow it off.". Zane nodded as he turned into Legion Zero. "Thanks Grandpa. I know what I need to do." said Zane. The teen was gone as Arturo sighed.

Outside of Champion Tech, Zane ,in costume, and the group stood there. "Ready guys?" said Zane. "I still can't believe that you're sneaking into Champion Tech again." said Rachel. "Yeah and both times involved Vicky." said Gwen. "I'll ask later. We'll stay out here and inform you if anyone leaves or enters the building." said Kevin. "Thanks you guys. Wish me luck." said Zane. Zane flew off as Danny said,"Stay safe man.".

Zane ,in Camouflage Form, was sneaking around through the air vents. He was heading toward the lab but he heard,"This isn't going to be too awkward is it?". "Vicky?" whispered Zane. He soon went toward her as he spied on her and Jim through the vent in the cafeteria, eating some dessert. "Most likely. You really tried to save Zane from your suit. He's a good kid just like the rest of his large family." said Jim. "Yeah. I'm hoping we can be more than just friends." said Vicky.

Zane felt his heart break as he thought,"Hey Kane.". "What's up?" said Kane. "Can we talk after all of this is over?" thought Zane. "Yeah kid. We're partners after all. Get going to the lab now. The world is in danger." said Kane. Zane headed toward the lab as he crawled into the room. He looked to see the battery, jetpack, and the destroyed remains of Agent Phoenix. "Okay. I'm you guys. So where is she?" said Zane.

Zane's watch ,despite being in a form, could connect to any Galaxy Phones. "Cyber is still in the system and I'm not sure how much long she has left." said Kevin. Zane looked at the jetpack and he said,"I'll explain later.". He turned back to normal as he phased through the security barrier around the jetpack. He held it as he heard,"You!". Zane turned around to see Jim and Vicky standing there as he said,"Wait! I can explain!".

Cyber smiled as she said,"Soon, the world will belong to me!". She was about to finish the code when she heard,"Vicky! Calm down!". "Huh? What's that? Security Camera 18-H." said Cyber. A monitor appeared and it showed Vicky holding an energy rifle. She aimed it at Zane who turned into his candy syrup form and he said,"Listen! There's a technopath inside of the battery.". "It's called SARK which stands for...." said Kevin. "Not now Kevin!" screamed Danny, Gwen, and Rachel.

Zane held his ears as he said,"Listen to me. She's planning on taking over the world.". "Do all of you Phantoms lie to get what you want?" said Vicky. "Zero. I trust you but you're not giving me enough proof to...." said Jim. "I need more time!" yelled Cyber. "See dad? This is why all of you Phantoms should die! I need to be the one to stand up to these selfish pricks!" said Vicky as she held a part of her former suit. "Perfect!!!" said Cyber.

One of the security cameras blasted Vicky as Jim and Zane said,"Vicky!". Her body soon glowed as a new suit appeared on her. She's wearing a black battlesuit with a mask with a reflective clear-glass face shield that was in the shape of a phoenix. She's wearing dark blue gloves that covered most of her forearms with a opening in the part that would cover her palms and the same boots as before. It looked to be her old suit with a high tech upgrade as she said,"Yeah. This is more like it.".

Cyber said,"I'm done!". Cyber soon flew toward the satellite at an alarming speed. She soon fused with it being that she laughed. Back in the lab, the trio saw Cyber on a monitor. "You failed once again Legion Zero! I'm now one with all of the Earth's technology and everyone will be serving me as their queen!" said Cyber. "You're going down." said Zane. Zane soon turned into Gadget Form and he absorbed the jetpack. "Sorry but I need its power!" said Zane.

He soon made the jetpack as Zane rushed out of there. Vicky jumped into the air as she made a bird shaped hover board. "Vicky! Get out of that suit now!" yelled Jim. "I will daddy but that asshole is going to die!" yelled Vicky. She soon flew after Zane with her breaking the roof of the building even more thanks to five spheres firing beams. "Okay! This is too cool!" yelled Zane. Danny's group saw Vicky flying after him as Rachel said,"Focus Zane. You have company and it isn't good!".

Zane soon evaded several energy beams coming from Vicky as Zane turned back to see them coming out of five spheres floating around her. "That's just great. Can someone tell me why I have such trouble with women?" said Zane. "Your life sounds so hard Zane." said Kevin with a huge amount of sarcasm. "Kevin! I was being rhetorical and you know it!" said Zane. He evaded her shots as he flew toward the satellite.

Vicky aimed her right gauntlet at him as her shot knocked her back. Zane soon dodged the shot as it went right through him. He heard laughter as he saw the Satellite. "You may have chased me out here but you're too late! My face is all over the world and they're under my command!" said Cyber. Zane soon fired missiles at her but they bounced off. "That won't work on me." said Cyber.  Zane's Crisis Judgement went off as Zane was caught in Vicky's hoverboard. "Eat this!" said Vicky.

She pressed a button on her left gauntlet as Zane was soon being shocked. Vicky smiled as Zane said with a grin forming,"Thank's for the juice but I need you to stop." said Zane. He aimed his right hand at her as it turned into a cannon. He fired on her as she was out cold. "I'm happy I come with a sleeping gas cannon." said Zane. He soon looked at Vicky and he glared. He rushed toward Cyber and he said,"Take this!".

Both of his arms turned into a massive rocker launcher as he fired a missile. The missile soon hit the satellite as it exploded. "Zane! Everyone on Earth is back to normal and not serving Cyber. Where did she go?" said Cole. "Who cares right now Cole? I need to get Vicky back." said Zane. He soon grabbed her as he flew back to Earth with her. Zane looked at her as he said,"I'm sorry.". Vicky ,who was slightly awake, was confused by this statement.

The next day, Zane was currently sitting at a table. His hands were covering his face as Danny said,"I don't think you have to do this man.". Zane looked up to see his friends ,Danny, Gwen, Kevin, and Rachel, standing there as he said,"Yeah. She's really into me.". "You're a real lucky son of a...." said Kevin. He was soon hit by Rachel as she said,"But Zane, are you sure that she won't blast you into well pieces.". "Yeah. Cyber gave her an upgrade and well, I like her." said Zane.

Zane felt his shoulder being touched as he heard,"Zane.". He turned to see Vicky with her left arm in a slung. "Vicky! I heard about what happened at the lab." said Zane. "Yeah. We can talk about it after we have our overdue talk." said Vicky. Gwen grabbed Danny as the group soon left them alone. "Can I go first? Zane, the past couple of days have been a blast. You're a great guy but I think you and I are just friends for right now." said Vicky.

Vicky crossed her right arm as she said,"My life just got complicated. My dad still has a job but who knows how long that's going to last? He's a good guy but the world keeps pushing him down. I want to be with you Zane but right now, I need to make sure that my dad is happy. Can we be just friends Zane?". Zane clenched his left fist as he said,"Yeah. See you around Vicky.". She kissed his cheek as she walked off. Zane sat back down on the bench and he had his hands over his face. 

Vicky looked at Zane as she activated her suit. "I'm sorry but I need to make him pay." said Vicky as she flew off. Zane sat there ,sulking, as Karen walked right up to him. "Zane." said Karen. "What's up Karen?" said Zane. She sat next to him as she said,"You and Vicky huh?". "Yeah. We got to be friends over the past week but shit hit the fan." said Zane. "You'll always have me." said Karen. She hugged him as Zane smiled. "Thanks Karen." said Zane, hugging her back.

Nearby, the group (Danny, Gwen, Kevin, and Rachel) watched as Gwen said,"I'm happy for her but I'm sad for Vicky and Zane.". "Yeah but we'll just have to make sure that he doesn't do anything too stupid." said Danny. "Amen to that." said Kevin. The two girls looked at the boys as Gwen said,"So can you explain to me their thinking?". "I honestly don't know. I hope that things changed for Zane and I hope for the better." said Rachel. As the four rejoined Karen and Zane, Vicky flew off.

Meanwhile in the Obsidian Mountains, Lilith was sitting in her study. She was reading a book as she heard,"So in time, we can get rid of him right?". She looked up to see a hooded figure as Lilith said with a smile,"Yes. We'll get our revenge on him.". She turned her computer monitor to see Vicky ,in her suit, flying and Lilith said,"And she'll be the key to the entire plan. We'll get revenge on him soon enough.".

Next time,
Will Zane recover from Vicky and vise versa? Will his emotions get the better of him once again? Who is the hooded figure? How are he/she and Lilith connected? Who is Atem's girlfriend? What's going on with Karen and Roxy? This and more next time on Zero!

New Cards/Forms:
Chaos Form. This card has a black frame with Earth in the background and a person standing in front of it. When Zane places this card inside, he's one with the Earth.

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