Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Zero Episode 34 A Magical Encounter

A/N: This title makes it obvious about whats going on. It will involve magic and an encounter. You may have noticed that I've been pumping out episodes of Zero lately. I'm trying to get the Crossover because I'm really looking forward to them. Fairy Tail will be done by the time I start working on it or as it going on but I will be showing everything maybe some of the anime exclusive stuff. You'll see what I mean when I get to that part. Lets begin on the rooftops of Cypress Park. This was written around Late June and also has grammar mistakes but it can be read right? Also Gwen's Text only goes bold when she uses Chronos's power. I may have mention this before but I could be wrong.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane was finishing up his nightly patrol and he said to Athena,"I can't believe it Athena.". "Yeah. A single person almost took over Cypress Park using flowers." said Athena. "No. I mean the book that we found. It had the perfect way to stop her. It mention something about the Astral Realm that I didn't even know about." said Zane. "So who is the author of this book?" said Athena. The boy held the book as he said,"The name is scratched out. I wonder what happened to the other ones.".

Athena said,"Have you used your bracer to track it?". "I have but it isn't on Earth. It's in Taelamelan partner and I plan on going there tomorrow with Gwen. She needs to go see a professor of her and she told me that the professor wishes to meet me." said Zane. "I hope you find what you're looking for Zane. I believe in you." said Athena. "Thanks. So do you know if I have super smell?" said Zane. "I should ask why but go nuts." said Athena.

Zane then followed the scent and he saw Dragoness sitting there on the rooftop. She was sitting on a blanket with a bottle of wine and two glasses. "Wow and here I thought that seeing a woman sitting on a rooftop would be less romantic and more life threatening." said Zane. She turned and she said,"I didn't think you would show up after what happened last night.". "Well, I didn't think I would be up against zombies. So what are you doing?" said Zane.

Dragoness said,"After our last encounter, I couldn't stop thinking about you. You want to talk or what hero?". Zane stood on the roof as he said,"About what? Like how you're giving up on crime and will return all of the items that you have stole?". "Cute hero. I just don't meet any interesting guys in my line of work." said Dragoness. "You do try and steal objects from people like Robin Hood except I'm pretty sure that you don't give it to the poor." said Zane.

Dragoness said,"You wound me good sir. I'm so happy that you came here after seeing one of my ads in the mail. It's the best way for us to meet because if I went online, the cops would find me.". "How much have you stolen?" said Zane. "More than I can count and most of the people that I have stolen from were bad guys." said Dragoness. "So you want us to have a date on the rooftops instead of done there?" said Zane.

Dragoness said,"Do you know how hard it was to bring wine up here? I don't have two extra arms if you haven't noticed.". Zane stood in front of her as the two stared at each other. "So are you married hero?" said Dragoness. "Nope." said Zane. "Like girls?" said Dragoness. "More than boys. They can be such rude jerks." said Zane. "Cute. So why do you wear the helmet? I'm sure that you'r not a freak under there." said Dragoness.

She sat on the blanket as she said,"Come on Hero Boy. You take off the helmet because I don't at all bite.". Zane sighed as he removed his helmet. Dragoness saw that he had gold hair, steel gray ,with a blue tint, eyes, and a warm smile. "Hand me a glass." said Zane. She handed him a glass as she said,"To friendship?". "Yeah." said Zane. The two chinked their drinks as they started talking and soon Dragoness was laughing.

Zane said with a blush,"It isn't that funny.". "It really is honey. I mean you were...." said Dragoness as she looked at Zane. Zane looked down and he heard whining from a machine. "What's up hero? Are your super hero senses tingling?" said Dragoness. "You don't hear anything?" said Zane with a confused look. "I may be a human mixed with some dragon abilities but my hearing is really awful. So what is it hero boy?" said Dragoness.

He pushed her and himself to the ground with him putting on his helmet. Dragoness looked up to see that Agent Phoenix was standing there on her hoverboard with her arms crossed. "So is she a friend of yours?" said Dragoness. Several red dots appeared on Zane as he said,"I think we should run or are you?". Dragoness swiped toward Agent Phoenix which got rid of the dots and Zane said,"Yep. She's a fiery one already.". The two girls were fighting as Zane said,"This is awesome.".

Agent Phoenix flew off as Dragoness said,"I guess she gave up after seeing us together.". "Yeah. We should probably..." said Zane. Dragoness took off his helmet and she kissed him. Zane was stunned as Dragoness said,"See you around Hero Boy.". She was gone as Athena said,"So are you going to tell anyone about this?". "Not planning on it." said Zane as he put on his helmet. "I won't tell anyone I promise." said Athena. "Thanks." said Zane as he flew off.

Meanwhile, there was a man sitting in the center of a room. He looked to be a tall Caucasian man with a very lean face and deep brown eyes that you could melt into. Over his head, he's wearing a headdress that was made out of a silver coronet and black covering most of his head except for his face with him wearing face paint resembling a vulture. Over his body, he is wearing a jumpsuit that looks very like a straight jacket. He was sitting criss cross and floating in the air.

He was currently sitting in a prison cell in Taelamelan and he mumbled,"I will get what I want. The Tome of Conquered Dimensions Arcane Lexicon.". Two men were outside of his cell and they were both members of the Sentry Corps. They wearing black flight-suits with crimson red ballistic vests that on the back had FS in white, and to finish off their outfit, they were wearing gold knee-high combat boots.

On their heads, they were wearing black, gold, and white armored berets with a chin guard. On there person, they had grenades and each one was holding assault rifles. "I can't believe that we got stuck watching this dam poser when we could be watching the ball game right now. I've twenty drachma on that game and I'm stuck working." said the guard on the right. "Jerry. You do know that this poser almost destroyed the Shopping District right?" said the guard on the left.

Jerry said,"I don't care Ben. I wish that something would happen.". The guard got his wish as a fellow Sentinel went flying toward them along with the door to the wing of the prison. The two aimed their guns at the smoke and they heard,"Sorry but I have to free my stupid uncle from jail. I guess I owe him from springing me out of juvie.". The smoke cleared as a fair colored skin teenage girl stood there and she was holding a magic staff.

It looked to be made out of wood with it having a mammoth theme head piece on the top with its tusks being rather big. It looked to be about three feet tall. She has a thin figure with her being a bit taller than a girl her age. She has pointy ears with her being beautiful, cute, and hot. She has long flat silver hair with it going to her thighs even with most of it in a ponytail and orchid colored eyes. The fringes of her hair was spiky with the tips of her hair and ponytail is purple.

She was wearing a black undersuit ,made out of nylon, that covers the upper half of her body which includes her arms ending off in finger less gloves, a mahogany red robe that has some pink accents around the bottom of the robe and on the shoulders of the robe are dark purple shapes roughly in the shape of a heart outlined in pink. Under her robe, she's wearing a purple dress with a pink ribbon around her waist.

Her legs were long with her wearing black stockings and matching black leather heeled boots. For accessories, she is wearing a black princess like crown on her head and a gold amulet with a red gem inside of it resting on her collarbone. Over her eyes, she is wearing black Gothic inspired Eye of Horus styled eyeliner and black lipstick over her lips. "Get her!" said Ben. The two aimed their rifles at her as several bullets went flying toward her.

She sighed as she said,"Seriously guys? Wow.". She slammed her staff to the ground as a pink and purple magic barrier went around her with it blocking all of the bullets. The girl held two balls of magic energy with her throwing it at the two. It landed causing a red explosion which launched the two guys into the wall. She looked into the cell and she said,"Stand back or float uncle.". A magic ball appear in her hand and she threw it at the cell door.

It caused the door to exploded with her standing by the door. "So are you really here uncle or you in the Magic Realm?" said the girl. The man opened his eyes as he said,"Dear Dawn. I thank you for freeing me from the Alliance but I can deal without your sass.". "Seriously Uncle Shaman? Do you know how much time and planning goes into breaking you out of prison." said Dawn. "Show me respect or I will throw you back." said Shaman.

His eyes then glowed gold as Dawn looked down with her saying,"Sorry Uncle.". "Good. Get me out of this garment. It is preventing my magic powers beside levitation." said Shaman. Dawn made her staff disappeared and a broadsword ,made out of magic energy, then appeared in her hands. She then slashed the jumpsuit off Shaman and he glowed gold. After the light was gone, he was now wearing a black long sleeve muscle shirt that covered his neck.

Around his hands and legs, he has large metal bands like cuffs with strange magic writing. Over his muscle shirt, he has on a diamond covered tunic that goes down to his knees and also covers the upper part of his arms. He wears a red slash around his waist like a belt. "Its good to have Animus back in my body." said Shaman. A yellow beam came out of his hands with Dawn jumping back from the beam only to turn around to see that it hit both Ben and Jerry knocking them out.

Shaman said,"We are running out of time niece. Time is drawing near.". He fired the beam to the nearby wall breaking it as he said,"We must go.". He got on the destroyed door with Dawn following suit as Shaman said,"Soon, the ones who put me here will pay with their lives after I gain unlimited power.". The Sentinels rushed into the room as they saw the two fly off. On the wall, it had a picture of Eon and Gwen with a tied up and glaring Shaman in the background.

The next day, Zane was walking with Gwen as she was silent. "So what's up Gwen? You have been looking forward to this trip back to Taelamelan for a while now." said Zane. The two were heading to the town's abandoned subway that would take them to Taelamelan. "It's nothing Zane. I just hope that Daniel would be okay." said Gwen. "Danny is a good guy and he can handle a cold." said Zane. "But I didn't mean to." said Gwen. "And he knows that to. So don't worry okay." said Zane.

Gwen said,"So Zane, why are you ignoring Karen?". "Huh?" said Zane. "I know that you can be quite dense but I think you would noticed Karen by now." said Gwen. "Notice Karen? Of course I do." said Zane. "Really?" said Gwen. "Yeah so you and Danny?" said Zane. "Well, he is my best friend here on Earth." said Gwen. "I see. We may be rivals because I'm his best friend." said Zane. "I don't think we have the same feelings toward him." said Gwen.

The two reached the abandoned subway station with Zane opening the subway. Gwen went in with Zane re closing the door. They walked down the stairs and Zane said,"Well, Danny and I have been best friends for almost ten years now. He was my first friend outside of my family due to me being a sheltered child.". "It may have to do with your mother being slightly worried about your destiny and your dad." said Gwen. "I know that now but back then, I didn't." said Zane.

The two reached the bottom of the station as Zane said,"So where is the train?". "You need pull down a lever and we need to find it to enter Taelamelan." said Gwen. She made a small fire ball appear in front of her as it lit the room up. "Wow. This place looks real empty." said Zane. "We should look for the level because we really shouldn't be late for meeting with the headmistress." said Gwen. "You're right Gwen." said Zane as he turned into Cartoon Form.

He and his clones walked around the station as Gwen said,"Should you really be using your powers for stuff like this Zane?". "Well, my grandpa says that I should practice using my forms even at the risk of losing myself. I want to protect all of you so I can handle being a little cuckoo." said the head Cartoon form. "Hey boss! I think I found it!" said one of the clones. Gwen saw that one of the clones was holding a level as she said,"You found it. Well done.".

The head Cartoon went over to the clone and the clones went back to the main form Zane pulled down the level and the two heard a train. A regular subway train appeared as Gwen said,"Are you coming Zane?". The cartoon jumped in as the train said,"Welcome to Taelamelan's Instant Travel Service Slicer and Zero.". "I'm happy that they didn't call me my dad's son but by Zero instead." said Zane, turning back to normal and sat down.

Gwen sat in the seat across from him as she said,"Do people in Terrarune call you Johnny?", "More than I would like to admit. I'm pretty sure that they see me as Johnny and not Zane. That may change but I'm not sure. So do people see you as Slicer?" said Zane. "Yes but all of you see me as Gwen so I'm okay with being called Slicer in one place. I understand that you're still getting used to this." said Gwen. "Yeah. I mean I like being a hero but having most of the town hate you isn't a good thing." said Zane.

The train stopped as Zane said,"That was fast.". "It is called Instant." said Gwen. "True." said Zane as the two left the train. It was gone as they waked around the magic capital. "Wow. I can't believe how much of a fantasy town this can be and yet at the exact same time, it can be so dam futuristic. Magic is truly amazing." said Zane. "Well, we do build things that can survive our magic because of the fact young Sorcerers have no control of their magic." said Gwen.

Zane said,"Did you have trouble with your magic?". "Well, I did have help from Master Eon but I did have some trouble." said Gwen. "It's good to know that you're not perfect. You're still human despite not being one." said Zane. "Thanks I think. Should we head toward the school or find out about the book? I will tell the headmistress of our choice." said Gwen. "To be honest with you, I was thinking of stopping by Mel's place. I need some help with a project of mine." said Zane. "Okay." said Gwen.

Meanwhile, Shaman was sitting in front of a fire and he was chanting something. Dawn stood nearby him as she said,"So what's going on again?". "Dear niece. Do you not understand how much time and planning it takes to find Arcane Lexicon." said Shaman. "Isn't Arcane Lexicon just some book that you can get at a store?" said Dawn. "It seems that you leaving Raliara at such a young age make you unknown to the most powerful book of magic." said Shaman.

Dawn said,"Right. So do you need me to help you or could I go?". Shaman fired a beam of energy as it barely hit Dawn. "You will leave when I'm done with you." said Shaman. "Fine Uncle." said Dawn as she sat down on the floor. "Arcane Lexicon allows the user to use high level spells, have luck that can't be matched, make others unlucky, be immortal to pain from physical wounds and injuries and time time itself, and also increase my magical and physical ability." said Shaman.

Dawn said,"Ah. I get you. So where is this powerful book?". "Somewhere in Taelamelan. We will be searching throughout the city using a distraction." said Shaman. "Why? I mean we can handle those goons." said Dawn. "Slicer and Zero have arrived in the city. I don't want either one stopping me and I want my revenge on Eon." said Shaman. "Zero?" said Dawn. "Such a naive child. Let me tell you about the hero who has been around since the start." said Shaman.

Zane then opened the door to Mel's shop and he heard,"Welcome customers! I'll be with you in a moment.". Gwen looked around as she said,"Mel's shop smells quite nice for a blacksmith's shop. I thought it would smell like fire or something else.". "I guess Mel wants customers." said Zane. The cyclops stuck his head out and he said,"Zane and Gwen! My two favorite students!". The cyclops hugged them as Gwen said,"We missed you too. Right Zane?".

Zane said,"He's crushing my kidneys.". The cyclop let them go as he said,"So what is both Slicer and Zero doing in Taelamelan?". "Well, Zane wanted to stop here." said Gwen. "Yep. After three months of being Zero, I decided that I need a weapon." said Zane. "Hold on Zane. We found out that you're a hand to hand fighter." said Mel. "He is right. I mean we tried teaching you how to fight with an ax or hammer but it failed horribly." said Gwen.

Zane said,"Ray had it coming but look at this you two.". He pulled out a notebook and Mel grabbed it from the boy. "Oh wow. You have been working hard on this Zane." said Gwen. "Well, I have spent any free time working on it." said Zane. "I see! You wish to have a weapon much like your father did. He used a shield which by the way, hurt." said Mel. "Yep. I was also inspired by Gwen's Time Rune. It's a powerful blade." said Zane.

Gwen made the sword appeared in her arms and she said,"This blade was created to handle any kind of threat since this sword was made for me.". "Meaning?" said Zane. "You may have the design of the blade down Zane but we need to make this blade unique to you as a Zero." said Mel. "Oh. I got that too. It's on there." said Zane. Mel read through the notebook and he said,"Wow. You really put everything into this Zane.".

Zane said,"While I was designing it, I knew that I had to have elements that well is me. The metal of the blade will be from the Astral Realm since I am a quarter Eazairvian. I have immense power so I plan to infuse my power into the blade. I want to absorb, cut, and use any kind of magic thanks to me being a Sorcerer in training. I also want to use Phantom abilities as well so I'm going to add Nether as well.".

Gwen said,"Zane. Are you sure that the sword will be able to handle all of that energy? I remember learning that Animus and Nether can't work together.". "You know that I can use Animus and Nether right?" said Zane. "At the same time?" said Gwen. "Well, I could try." said Zane. "Gwen and Zane. I can make this weapon for him." said Mel. "Seriously?" said Gwen. "You rock Mel!" said Zane. "I want to know how you're going to do this." said Gwen.

Mel said,"I made Zane's father shield with it being the most powerful weapon that I have ever made until now. Zane, I promise that this blade will be the powerful.". "Thank you Mel. So how long will it take?" said Zane. "Maybe a couple of hours. You should head to the school in the mean time." said Mel. "That sounds like a good plan to me. Ready to go Zane?" said Gwen. "Sure thing." said Zane. The two were gone as the cyclops went to the forge.

Later, Gwen and Zane were heading through the city as Zane said,"So what's the headmistress like Gwen?". "I think she's nice but I was a star student so my judgement may be skewed." said Gwen. "I see. Don't piss her off?" said Zane. "Yep." said Gwen. The two heard screaming as Zane said,"I think we can be a little late right?". "If it's for a good reason, she will understand and this is a very good reason Zane." said Gwen.

The two later saw several people about to be crushed by a collapsing building and Zane said,"I'll hold it!". He turned into his Brawn Form as he rushed toward the building while growing in size to be at 50 feet. The people then looked up to see Zane and he said,"Run now!". They ran away as he said to himself,"Okay. This is heavy.". He heard something coming at him as it was a giant blade and it was coming toward him at an alarming speed.

Gwen ,as Slicer, blocked the blade and she said,"Are you okay Zero?". "Peachy. Could you help me by slicing this building? It's getting heavy!" said Zane. "Ah. These buildings were made to last for centuries and they were made using...." said Gwen. "Slice and dice!" said Zane. Gwen nodded as she sliced the building into several small pieces. Zane then stretched while he shrunk back to the Brawn Form's original size.

Zane said,"So what was with that blade?". "Who knows but I don't think we're done." said Gwen as she made Time Rune appear from its pocket space. Zane removed Brawn Form and he looked up to see a light blue giant ,who is wearing Norse inspired armor, walking toward them. "Is he friendly or not?" said Zane. Gwen activated Chronos's power and she said,"He isn't. Get ready to fight.". Zane nodded as the giant roared at the teens.

Gwen jumped toward the giant and she said,"Clockwork Slashes!". A giant clock appeared in front of the giant causing him to freeze in place. She landed on the giant and she slashed the man several times before the giant glared at her. He swiped at her with his fist as she jumped back. "Now Zero! I think this is the best chance to strike!" said Gwen. The giant then turned to see Zane ,standing on the top of a carriage, and a new card appeared in his chest plate.

It had a black frame with a beast like creature standing in the center of the card and it looks to be roaring. Zane grew to be about ten feet tall with him having a hulking frame to him. His arms are larger and longer than normal. He has muscular pecs with him having a slim yet muscular abdominal to him. He has large triceps and biceps with his entire body getting covered in gray fur except for his face and stomach.

His hair grew longer to about his shoulders. His ears are point with him having sharp teeth. His exposed skin and the skin under his face was now scales. Armor plating covered his face with his eyes and sharp teeth being the only part of his face seen. His black jeans are still on him. "Beast Form!" said Zane. He jumped toward the giant and he smacked the giant with a hard right punch being that it looked painful.

As the giant went crashing directly into some buildings, Zane landed back on the ground and Gwen said,"Zero. Are you in there or are you?". "I'm in here partner. This form may be my animal side released and if I get mad, I will destroy the city. Lets take care of biggie." said Zane. The two rushed toward the giant who was standing back up. The giant swung his fist at the two once again but they dodge it and they struck the giant in the chest hard.

Nearby, Dawn and Shaman watched the two fight the giant. "Wow. That boy is Zero and he's partner with her?" said Dawn. "Not exactly. Zero has a partner and it isn't the Slicer. She and him are just friends due to their mutual friendship with Morph." said Shaman. "Morph? He's a superhero from Earth right?" said Dawn. "You know more about that culture than your own. How sad." said Shaman with him shrugging his shoulders.

Dawn said,"So where is the Arcane Lexicon anyway uncle?". "I found it in the Hall of Ancestors and Sorcery which is right next to Raliara, Institute of Magic." said Shaman. "So? Lets go." said Dawn as she was about to go. Shaman stopped her as he said,"Patience is key to victory. We will use the duo down there to get it.". Dawn watched as Zane turned back to normal with him firing a giant steel gray nether blast which defeated the giant as she said,"Okay Uncle.".

Zane was stretching his arms as Gwen said,"You seem rather relaxed.". The two were in Raliara and it looked like a kingdom from both the inside and outside. "I'm used to going to the principal's office or in this case headmistress office but this time, it's good." said Zane. "You head to Mr. Underwood's office at least twice a day." said Gwen. "Yeah. It isn't my fault. Those stuck up sons of bitches blamed me for punching Sam. She had it coming." said Zane. "You shouldn't punch her." said Gwen.

Zane sighed as he said,"You used to go here right?". "Yes. All students from First Grade to Twelfth Grade go here." said Gwen. "I noticed. So am I famous here or what? Several girls were giggling at me." said Zane. "Your hearing always seems to be impressive." said Gwen. Zane tapped his ears and he said,"And you know why I wear the Galaxy Phones right?". "Your ears are your biggest weakness beside the other ones." said Gwen. "Bingo so about my question." said Zane.

Gwen said,"You are Zero which means you're quite famous in Taelamelan already and your family is the other reason.". "You mean my dad right?" said Zane. "Yes. Shawn was a good man and a sorcerer that will be remembered for centuries." said a voice. Zane turned to see a woman in her early 30s who also has an impressive figure standing there. She looked to be 5 foot 7 with her heels gave her three extra inches.

Her light blonde hair ,which goes to her shoulders, had curls handing down both sides of her face and she had orchid eyes. She is wearing a white long sleeved pleated top with a wide keyhole necklace that slightly revealed her chest, a black high-waist pencil skirt, black stockings, and white boots with gold heels. Over her eyes, she is wearing thin ovular glasses with her have a snow white decorated hijab on her forehead.  

The woman said,"Oh. I forgot to introduce myself to you Zane. My name is Morgan Ballard and I'm the headmistress of the school.". "It's nice to meet you. May I ask why you didn't call me Zero like the students and other teachers have?" said Zane. "Well, I was good friends with your father and I was the first people to hold you." said Morgan. Zane's eyes widened as Gwen said,"Maybe I should have told you that.". "Yeah. You should have." said Zane.

The three were in Morgan's office as Gwen said,"So why did you call us down here Headmistress Ballard?". "I have a little problem." said Morgan. "Then ask the Alliance to handle it. I'm not saying that I don't want to help but don't they usually solve problems in Taelamelan?" said Zane. "They do but I can't ask the Alliance for help with him." said Morgan. "You're not talking about?" said Gwen. "I am Gwendolyn." said Morgan.

Zane said,"Mind filling in the peanut gallery about who you two are talking about?". "His name is Henry Bradley or should I call him by his sorcerer moniker Shaman. He is an evil man and he hates the Alliance plus us in the Mages." said Morgan. "Before you ask Zane, the Mages are a title held by the seven best sorcerers. Headmistress Ballard is one of them alongside your father." said Gwen. "But my dad isn't with us anymore. He shouldn't count right?" said Zane.

Gwen and Morgan looked at each other as Zane said,"What?". "Let me ask you something. Have you heard of the Infinite Void?" said Morgan. "I do teach. My dad went there after saving everyone in Taelamelan from the Infernal King when I was five." said Zane. "Yes but there is something else. The book that you found during your encounter with Xona. You have it?" said Morgan. He pulled it out as he said,"Do you know of it?".

Morgan nodded as she said,"This was written by a powerful Sorcerer known as the Astral Priestess. It along with its other six copies were written about the Omniverse and its many things about them by her special magic.". "It's true then. The Multiple Universe Theory is true or is it All Universe Theory now?" said Zane. "Wait. You mention something about her special magic plus the fact that Shawn is still a Sorcerer despite being lost in the Infinite Void." said Gwen.

Zane said,"Gwen. You don't have to say lost. He's dead. It's been ten or eleven years since then. I'm slowly getting over his deaath. So what is her special magic?". "It is known as Ultimate Perception. I have done some research on it and think of it as the best form of precognition." said Morgan. "I think one of my forms can see into the future and Crisis Judgement can but the latter can only for about a only few seconds up to five. We've trained to find that detail out." said Zane.

Gwen said,"So where are the other six books?". "An unknown location. I know that there are in either on Earth, Taelamelan, or Terrarune. I think that should be your goal if you have some time off work and your studies Zane." said Morgan. "Yeah. So why did you call Gwen down here anyway?" said Zane. "It was about Shaman right? Is he after the Arcane Lexicon again?" said Gwen. "Again? You think he would try something else after the first attempt." said Zane.

Morgan said,"He's quite stubborn in his desire to out class the rest of us due to him not being one of us.". "So he's a Cross Species like me?" said Zane. "Nope. He's all human. I think a magic portal had opened and well, he entered it. He gained magic power." said Gwen. "Really. Huh. Neat. So where is he right now?" said Zane. "In the city. He may be planning on attacking the Hall of Ancestors and Sorcery since that this is where we keep it." said Morgan.

Zane said,"So I'm guessing that you need me and Gwen to keep a close eye on it.". "Correct. You are smarter than you look." said Morgan. "Zane isn't seen as a strategy genius but according to Danny, he is an expert on both Hero Journey and World War Infinite." said Gwen. "Those are games played with others online on Earth correct?" said Morgan. "Yep. You got the perfect duo working here. Ready to protect Taelamelan?" said Zane. "Indeed." said Gwen. The two high-fived as the woman smiled.

At the hall, Gwen ,in her costume, was standing in front of the safe where Arcane Lexicon is guarded under a high advanced security system mainly for Sorcerers. "So any sign of criminals there Zane?" said Gwen as she touched her Galaxy Phones. "Yeah. Everything is fine and I don't think they can escape the sight of this form." said Zane's voice on the other end. "Correct. Do you seen anything out of the ordinary?" said Gwen.

Zane's voice said,"You do know that I'm not familiar with Taelamelan as well you but me and Danny have played more than enough fantasy games to understand what is normal here and what isn't.". "I see. Be prepare for anything Zane." said Gwen. "Understood Slicer. You and the rest of the team have protected my Cypress Park at least ten or more times so its time to protect my dad's home plus yours!" said Zane.

Gwen smiled as she said,"You're a good man Zane Alvarez. I'm sure that Taelamelan will respect you as Zane Alvarez rather than Zero and Shawn's son.". "Thanks Gwen. You're perfect for the job of being my ally so lets finish this job up faster than you can say.." said Zane's voice. He was silent as he said,"Are we the only ones here?". "Yeah. Why?" said Gwen. "I'm sure that we'll be causing a lot of property damage so be ready for a fight!" said Zane.

Shaman stood with Dawn as she said,"Are you sure that this was a good idea uncle?". The two of them were surrounded by a army. They were made out of rock ,being brown with glowing white lines covering their bodies, and has sharp claws. "Niece. The creation of an army of golems was a good idea being that they are quite easy to control as well. Now, take care of any opposing forces!" said Shaman.

The army rushed toward the museum but they were stopped by a pillar of fire. "What the? That isn't a fire based spell." said Dawn. "That's because I'm not using magic!" said a voice. Something then jumped out of the fire and Dawn said,"Is that Zero?". "Who knows Dawn but I don't like it at all. Kill it!" said Shaman. He and Dawn were gone as the golems rushed toward the unknown object but they were blasted down by a beam.

Earlier, Zane was on the top of the museum with a new card appearing in his chest plate. It had a black frame with several eyes plastered all over it. As the card entered, Zane looked to be a mixture of a human, reptile, and eyes. He looked to be 6 feet tall with him having black reptile like scales over his body except for his chest which are gray scales. He wears black pants with red prison like cuffs around his arms and legs.

His body is more muscular on the upper half despite having slightly bulky legs with him having five fingers and toes. He has a giant green eye on his chest and face. He wears a silver metal helmet that covers his hair and exposing his face eye and mouth. On both shoulders, he has a pair of medium sized green eyes resting there. He also has eyes on each palm. "Vision Form!" said Zane. His eyes then looked around him as Zane was talking to Gwen, he spot Dawn, Shaman, and their army.

He turned into his Thermal Form and he launched a giant fire ball which turned into a giant pillar of flames. He landed in front of the army as he said,"Bring it on!". The army rushed toward Zane and he said,"I don't think fire would stop you for long. Golems usually align with the element of earth so I don't think fire will work but maybe ice would stop you.". A golem was about to hit him but it froze.

The other golems were confused as Zane said,"This form allows me to control both anything hot or...". Several golem were frozen solid but some were burned. "Cold. However, I seem to have a little control issue with both so I use my fire more than my ice powers but since we're the only one here, I can go all out on you bastards! So lets see how you like my Thermal Pit!" said Zane as the entire area was covered in fire or ice.    

Back inside, Gwen was waiting for either Dawn or Shaman with her holding Time Rune in a battle ready stance. The two in question were currently in front of her but she couldn't see or feel their magical presence due to the golems. "So how isn't Slicer able to hear or see us?" said Dawn. "It is due to the golems outside. They have the Zero occupied and Slicer occupied meaning that they can not see us stealing Arcane Lexicon from under their...." said Shaman.

He stopped as he noticed Gwen's blade was glowing. "I know you're there Henry and I won't let you take Arcane Lexicon ever again." said Gwen. She slashed down as Shaman blocked her attack using a magic circle. Dawn was revealed as Gwen thought,"Isn't that?". "She's distracted. Eat this." said the man. Gwen blocked a fireball aimed at her with Dawn saying,"I'm totally not sorry about this.". She fired several magic energy blades at Gwen.

Gwen blocked most of them but she was pierced to the wall by a couple of blades. Gwen tried to get out of her hold but Shaman appeared in front of her. A giant magic circle appeared and a giant ball of water appeared. It soaked her from head to toe as Gwen said,"Why are you using her? Did you trick her or did you?". Gwen was shocked by a bolt of lightning and she was out cold. Dawn stood there as Shaman said,"Well down my niece.".

Zane was running through the hall and he noticed that it was mainly destroyed. "Hey Athena. Can you contact Gwen? I may need help in restoring the place after I finish the person or persons who do this?" said Zane. "I can't track her Galaxy Phone signal or her magic presence." said Athena. Zane stopped as Athena said,'What?". Zane got ready to fight as he said,"We have company and it isn't the nice kind.".

He activated Vine Form and he aimed his vines at the person running toward him. It was Dawn as she said,"Stop!". The vines went down as he said,"So who are you? I thought everyone was out here. I was sure of it.". "Um, I...." said Dawn. She remember what her uncle told her to say if Zero or one of the Sentinels found her and she said,"I was trapped in a detection proof room.". "Really now? I see. I think I should get you out of here." said Zane.

He was about to walk off as he thought,"Wait a second.". He then dodged a magic explosion barely as Dawn said,"Oh. That missed? I'm shocked but he was right about your impressive reflexes. That isn't magic right?.". Zane looked at her as he said,"What are you doing? You are working with or for a man who plans to hurt millions!". "Helping the only person whose seen me not as a monster but a human being! Eat this!" said Dawn.

She made two knight like creature come to alive as they rushed toward Zane. Zane deactivated Vine Form as he dodged the swords which clashed above him. "Too close." said Zane. "You're my age? I thought you were older." said Dawn. "Well, I tend to act old for my age. How about you get a taste of my magic?" said Zane. A black magic circle appeared in front of him with a steel gray energy beam coming out.

Dawn went back as she said,"Dragon Blaster Lance. A basic first year spell. I thought Slicer or Eon would have taught you something at least level 5 or above.". "I can't grasp magic just yet. I'm so dam pathetic sometimes." said Zane. He covered his mouth and Dawn said,"Wow. You fell for a negative spell. That's pretty sad.". "Shut up!" said Zane. He fired a steel gray nether beam at her but it was blocked by a magic circle.

Dawn said,"Are you seriously trying to fight me? I mean you're nothing compared to me and plus you don't stand a ghost of chance against my uncle.". "I'm not fighting your uncle! I'm fighting you and if I have a sliver of a chance, I will keep on fighting!" said Zane. He made Boxer Punch appeared and he rushed toward her. "Stay back!" said Dawn. She fired magic explosion at him with him dodging each one as he said,"Light Speed Uppercut!".

His right fist was covered in light as it moved extremely fast. It hit Dawn back and Zane said,"You've given me such a performance honey. Maybe you should take a bow.". He leg swiped her causing her to fall hard. "Are you okay?" said Zane. He held out her hand as he said,"Sorry. I know for a fact that I have a strong kick or punch but I'm pretty sure that you're stronger than a normal girl my age.". She swiped it away as she said,"I'm your enemy! Why are you being so nice?!".

Zane smiled ,under his helmet, as he said,"Well, I don't know why but I can tell when someone is serious in a fight. You may be a magic expert compared to the novice but here, I can see that your talents are being used by an awful man. Help me and Slicer.". She looked away and she said,"Okay. I will but how are you going to defeat my uncle?". "With brute force!" said Zane. He punched his fists together with Dawn thinking,"You're perfect.".

Shaman looked at Gwen ,who was tied up, and he said,"Look at you. You are nothing more than a disgrace to Eon's "good" name.". "Shut up! You are just a false Sorcerer!" said Gwen. She was then slammed into the ground by a giant magical hand as Shaman said,"You have no right to talk back to me woman! I now have the Arcane Lexicon. I just need to unseal it and well, I'll be the only ruling Taelamelan.". Gwen saw that the man was holding a normal sized book.

It looked rather worn out with a gold lock, locking its content. The cover had an eight leaf clover ,in the center of it, on it and it's a black color. Gwen's eyes widened as Shaman said,"You know of its power but here's the thing, it hides even more power once all of the keys are in place and I am only missing one key.". "Key?" said Gwen. "They'll open the door to unlimited power. The keys are all in place here in the Hall of Ancestors and Sorcery. Let see if fate plays out like it..." said Shaman.

Thanks to a magic circle, he blocked a steel gray nether beam which caused a smoke explosion. Gwen looked up to see Zane in front of her as he said,"Are you okay Gwen? Did he?". He freed Gwen from her prison and she said,"Not yet. We need to get out of here now.". "But..." said Zane. She dragged him out of the room with Shaman releasing the smoke by smashing the window on the ceiling and he said,"Yep. He's a Phantom.".

Dawn walked up to him and she said,"I really didn't expect him to sneak up on you. I was trying to get him to work on releasing the book for you.". "It's fine." said Shaman. "It seems that he isn't like his father. He would trust you even though you're his enemy." thought Shaman. "Uncle?" said Dawn with her tilting her. "I think harming them before they make it outside will be a good idea. Stay in the shadows dear niece." said Shaman. "Sure." said Dawn. She was gone.

Gwen and Zane were running through the museum as Gwen said,"So you can't contact anyone? I thought that the Galaxy Phones were...". "Yeah but I think Shaman made a jamming spell. That's a thing right?" said Zane. "Yes. It shouldn't effect technology though. I suppose that Arcane Lexicon ,in its locked form, is slowly giving him more power." said Gwen. "Wow. So why is locked up? Did Eon and the Headmistress?" said Zane.

Gwen nodded as she said,"After the last time, Eon and Headmistress Ballard placed a seal on the book and it requires certain things to open it.". "Certain things?" said Zane. "Yes. I don't know what exactly and I would ask Eon but I can't send a signal out." said Gwen. "How about we try finding our way out of here? I mean haven't we been running for like a while." said Zane. Gwen stopped as she said,"He is changing the layout.". "Wow. Magic sure is advanced." said Zane.

CJ went off as Zane dodged several magic explosions. "Gwen. If you don't mind, find the Sorcerer who is doing this!" said Zane. He phased right through the wall and Gwen looked around to find the Sorcerer. She spotted Shaman standing there holding a magic book. It was rather small with it being dark blue with gold stripes. "Wait a minute." said Gwen. She spotted Zane ,in his Beast Form, popped from the ground and crash into shaman.

Zane said,"Give me back Arcane Lexicon!". "Zane! Get back!" said Gwen. He then looked at her with Shaman blasting the beast back into a display. Shaman turned into Dawn as she said,"You're so cute for a beast but you need a collar boy.". Several rings went flying toward Zane and he punched one. However, it didn't go back but it went bigger. Zane ran away from it and he hid from the ring as he took a breath but several stone creatures surrounding him. "Son of a..." said Zane.

Dawn smiled as Gwen kicked her back. "I don't know why you're working with Shaman but me and Zero will stop you and your uncle's plan for sure." said Gwen. Her wrist was grabbed by a stone beast which looked an ape or dog hybrid. "You know that you can't win against me or my uncle even with Zero's help." said Dawn. "Sorry but I'm not the same Slicer as I was before." said Gwen. She kicked the stone beasts to pieces with Dawn shocked.

Dawn was about to fire a magic explosion at her but Zane ,after finishing off several creatures, was about to push a metal knight statue on her. She noticed the shadow and she dodged it. Zane roared as Gwen said,"Even with those stone creatures of your uncle, you can't defeat us.". Zane stood next to her as he said,"Why are you working with him? I may not know a lot about Animus but I know when someone is being used and trust me, you're being used.".

Dawn looked down as she said,"Eat this!". Several stone golems with them having violet colored runes on their body stood there as Gwen said,"I'll handle her pets and you...". Zane jumped over one to slam Dawn to the ground as Gwen said,"Yep. You're a beast already.". With Time Rune, she sliced one of the golem in half before stabbing another one. "Get off of me!" said Dawn. Zane was blasted to the roof by a magic explosion and then landed a feet from her.

Dawn said,"Sorry but you won't be returning back to wherever you came from.". She fired several tiny but powerful magic explosions at him causing the floor to collapsed under him. Zane sighed as he fell into the ground. Gwen finished off one golem and as one was about to attack her, she blasted it to pieces using her sword. She went toward Dawn and she said,"Get back!". She fired out a wave of pure animus which launched Gwen into the same hole.

Zane caught her as he said,"Are you alright?". "Yeah but we're trapped." said Gwen. Zane placed her down as he looked confused. "The basement to the Hall of Ancestors and Sorcery contains weapons that once tried to hurt Taelamelan. The only way out of here is to smash through all of them." said Gwen. Zane turned into Brawn Form as he said,"I'm liking those odds. Are you ready to fight all of them?". "Yep. Ready?" said Gwen. "Yeah!" said Zane. They rushed off.      

Dawn was walking around through the hall and she stopped in front of the Shawn Alvarez statue as she said,"So? You're supposed to be some kind of hero right? I mean you were just like me right? I guess I should follow in your footsteps but well, I don't know. My uncle wants me to help take over Taelamelan but for some reason, it feels wrong. I mean I have both Slicer and Zero defeated but for some reason, I should help them.".

She was stopped from her inner monologue by a unseen force by a smacking force. She looked up to Zane ,in Camouflage Form, with a smirk. "Sorry. Threads of Fate!" said Zane. The girl was caught in the wrappings as she said,"Wait! I want to help you defeat my uncle!". Zane looked at her with him saying,"Why should I trust you? You did try o kill me and Slicer but I see the good in you. My gut is telling me that I should have Gwen using some truth detection spell on you.".

Dawn said,"Do you think that everything here is done with spells?". "Yes! I mean I may be a new visitor but there's a spell for something. I saw one for turning on an freaking fan!" said Zane with him crossing his arms. "My uncle made me do all of this. I didn't want to hurt anyone." said Dawn. "Do you seriously think I'm going to buy that? Why didn't you just leave him in jail? I mean you're the one who broke him out right?" said Zane.

Dawn sighed as she said,"Yes. My name is Dawn Ballard. My uncle forces me to do things that he wants under the idea of threatening me with violence. I can help you get Arcane Lexicon back and stop his evil plan.". "Are you making new pals dear niece?" said a voice. Zane soon looked to see Shaman standing there with the book attached to his hip. Zane looked up to see Gwen held in the air as Shaman said,"Surrender Zero or else, she'll die!".

Dawn said,"I won't let you hurt any more people Uncle!". Several stone bats came flying and Zane thought,"Note to self, Threads of Fate doesn't negate Animus. Good to know.". The avian creatures surrounded Shaman with him saying,"Dawn! How dare you betray me?!". He was dragged away by the bats as Gwen fell to the ground. The bats dropped him outside in the fountain. "I guess you're an ally after all." said Zane.

Zane went to Gwen as he said,"Are you okay?". "I'm fine. He caught me off guard is all. Don't worry okay?" said Gwen. "My uncle is going to be steaming mad and well, I don't want to be around when that happens.". "Okay but me and Slicer are here to help you. If the three of us work together, nothing in the nine realms can't stop us." said Zane. Dawn hugged him as she said,"Thank you! I owe you one for sure Zero!".

Zane blushed as he thought,"Wow. She's really big. I think she's wearing active wrapping bandages around her chest. Mom told me that it was to make sure that girls ,who were athletes, wear them to look smaller and keep them out of the way while they're doing stuff. It's weird but this may be my weird and random fact that I know.". Zane was heading toward the exit but he was blasted into the wall as he landed right in front of Shaman who was all dry.

Shaman moved Zane into the air as he said,"Hey ladies! A little help here!". "Sorry Zero but they'll be helping me instead." said Shaman. Dawn stood there as Gwen disappeared right in front of Zane as he growled. "Don't growl lizard boy. Old Slicer got caught by Uncle Shaman after you two split up like a bad duo. I don't how you're going to stop us without your magic but oh well, it was nice and I'm a hater of pervs." said Dawn.

She placed his hand on his chest as it glowed pink. Zane howled out in pain as he reverted back to his normal not superhero self with him falling to the ground out cold. Dawn then held a dark purple orb of Animus as she said,"We got the pieces right?". "Yes. We have the magic power of both Slicer and Zero in our grasp. We'll see each other real soon Zero. It will be the end of days for all who oppose me and my conquest!" said Shaman. Both him and Dawn were gone as Zane was left defeated.

On a rooftop nearby, Dawn was juggling both Zane's Animus orb and Gwen's Animus orb which was a lagoon blue color. "Well planned Dawn. I didn't expect you to trick both Slicer and Zero. It is a sneaky move." said Shaman. "Yeah. Well, I learned that in juvie. So what's up next?" said Dawn. "To gain unlimited power, we must go to the Sorcery Tower. It is perfect." said Shaman. "Whatever you say uncle. This is going to be fun." said Dawn. The two were gone.

Zane heard,"Zane. Wake up.". Zane slowly opened his eyes to see Mel with Gwen and Morgan at his left and right. Gwen was wearing her normal street clothes as Morgan was wearing something else. She is wearing a large snow white magic robe with a blue and red trim. If she rose her arms, the sleeves of her robe looked like the wings of a swan. "What happened?" said Zane. Zane slowly stood up as Gwen said,"Dawn tricked me like just she did with you.".

Zane said,"Wait a minute. I didn't see this early but your last name is Ballard right headmistress? You and Dawn are related right?". Morgan sighed as she said,"Yes. She is my daughter.". "So are you and Shaman?" said Zane. "Not even. Morgan here is an only child and her husband died just a few months after Dawn was born." said Mel. "Yes. She was abandoned by her..." said Gwen. The two then noticed Zane's eyes changed from violet to red.

Zane said with a growl,"Why did you give up your daughter?!". "I didn't!" said Morgan. Gwen said with a frown,"She didn't Zane. Her daughter was taken from her right after she lost her husband so calm down.". Zane's eyes went back to their normal color as he said,"Morgan. I'm so sorry. I didn't know. So how did she end up with Shaman?". "You know that he has a name right?" said Gwen. "I don't see him as a human anymore but a mad man." said Zane with a shrug.

Morgan said,"I don't know but I spend several resources from the school's budget to keep an eye on my daughter. She went to juvie for stealing a magic staff when she was ten years old but here's the thing, that staff was used by her father before he died.". "Wow. If I knew that one of my father's tools was being used as something other than its intended purpose, I would totally steal it too. So where is the shield that was used by my..." said Zane.

Mel said,"It die with him Zane. So what did Dawn do to you before you passed out? Both you and Gwen's Animus are missing.". "So is that like my Essence?" said Zane. "In a sense, look at this chart Zane." said Morgan. She pulled a chart as Zane thought,"What can't magic do?". He noticed that there was a diagram of the human body ,much like in a science lab, with him noticing a glowing orb where the lungs were.

Gwen said,"Everything in the Nine Realms and Omniverse has Animus inside of them including your kind Zane.". "What do you mean by your kind?" said Zane. "She doesn't mind anything offensive Zane. Phantoms have Animus but they use it as Nether instead. Right now, Gwen is useless to stop Shaman. He took yours and her ability to use Animus for something." said Mel. "Hey. Can you use a sword right now Gwen?" said Zane.

She nodded as she said,"Eon had me trained in swordsmanship. What's the plan?". "We can still fight even with our magic gone. I have a plan. Athena, did you ask what I asked you to do?" said Zane as he looked at his watch. "Zane. I have found all known knowledge on the Arcane Lexicon. They need to be at the highest point in Taelamelan with two Animus of high power aka yours and Gwen. There is a way to stop it." said Athena. "Really?" said Gwen and Morgan.

Zane smiled as he said,"So are you in?". "I will be by your side forever Zane. I made a promise to your mother to protect you from yourself." said Gwen. "Thanks I think?" said Zane. "As am I. We are bonded thanks to your father but thanks to your newly made sword, we are partners in a new art as well." said Mel. "If I can save my daughter, I'm in." said Morgan. "Okay. Here's the plan to save Earth and Taelamelan." said Zane.

Later that day, Dawn and Shaman were gliding through the air with them heading toward the Sorcery Tower. "So how is this isn't any kind of levitation or flying magic again uncle?" said Dawn. "As you can see even with Arcane Lexicon sealed, I can bend space and time which in turn allows us to glide through air like birds except without gravity holding us back." said Shaman. "I totally get it uncle. I hope." said Dawn. "We're here." said Shaman.

The girl saw the Sorcery Tower. It was extremely tall with it being immense in size and shape. It has a cylindrical design to it. On the outside, it looked like a skyscraper with a roller coaster track going around it. Dawn noticed that the entrance ,which was a hexagon shape, was guarded by two members of the Sentry Corps. "So how are we?" said Dawn. She saw that Shaman aimed his hands at the two guards causing them to be blasted away with her saying,"Never mind!".

They reached the top of the tower with Shaman saying,"Seal off ways of entry niece. I wish not to be disturbed by anyone.". He crossed his legs as he was floating in the air with both Gwen and Zane's Animus Orbs floating around him in a clockwise fashion and Arcane Lexicon was in the center of the spinning Orbs. Dawn placed a magic bubble around the top with her saying,"You're welcoming uncle.". He began chanting with Dawn rolling her eyes.

On the bottom floor, Zane and his group arrived in front of the tower. "We're running out of time. The ritual is almost done and I don't think we can take the front door." said Morgan. The door was warped shut as Gwen said,"So what's the plan Zane? I mean we can't use magic.". "Gwen. You're my ally no my friend. We can do this together plus we have the Headmistress and Mel with us. Do you trust me Gwen like I trust you with Danny?" said Zane.

Gwen said,"Zane. What can I do without magic? I'm not like you or the others. Magic is my way of well living.". "Gwen. I've seen you fight enemies without using magic and you kicked Ray's but more times than I can count without using any magic according to Eon. Believe in yourself." said Zane. He placed his hand on her shoulder with her smiling. "So how are we getting up there?" said Mel. "So the roller coaster track works right?" said Zane.

Mel smiled as he said,"I see. Plan to use one of your forms to activate it so we can get up there in a second.". "No. That would be the plan Mel except my daughter has placed a magic barrier meaning no one with Animus can get in..." said Morgan. Zane turned into Zero with him saying,"Gwen. I will get your magic powers back. Lets go save your home.". She nodded as Mel said,"He is more like his father than he knows.". "Right." said Morgan.

On the roof, Dawn stood nearby Shaman as the book was slowly opening causing meteors to hit the entire city of Taelamelan. "Did you honestly think you could get rid of us by taking away our magic huh Henry?" said a voice. He was then blasted with a Plasma shot as he and Dawn turned to see Gwen on a roller coaster car with her holding a Plasma Rifle. "If you give up now, I promise this won't hurt as much." said Gwen.

Dawn said,"This is annoying. I mean she doesn't even have any magic anymore. It's a trick.". The man made Gwen fly as he threw her into the magic barrier. "Your feeble attempt at stopping me has failed." said Gwen. "You should know better than anyone Shaman that magic isn't just about power or having the best spells. It's about leading your attention away." said Gwen. Shaman looked to see Zane ,in his Atomic Form, flying toward him.

He smashed into the wizard with him saying,"You just got owned sucker! Yee ha!". Zane began to dodge Shaman's magic beams with Shaman saying,"I shall not be deny my revenge on all who made me suffer!". "Taking revenge is so last year pal. I'm going to show what's hip." said Zane. He charged up energy with him saying,"Take this!". A ball of nuclear energy went toward Shaman but he smacked it away with a magic energy staff.

It exploded in the air as Shaman was focused on Zane. "Hey Dawn! Get a lot of some Plasma!" said Gwen. She fired the gun at Dawn with her making an magic circle barrier. "Are you serious? Did you think that it would...." said Dawn. She was smacked to the ground by a kick to the stomach as Gwen said,"I learn that this is where a Sorcerer is weakest. You may strong in magic but your physical body is not.".

Gwen looked around for the magic orbs and she spotted them. She rushed toward them as Dawn said with a smile,"Not happening!". She threw several magic explosions but they were blocked by Zane with him saying,"Magic may be effective on my other forms but Atomic is able to take a lot of damage. Now Slicer!". She held both orbs as Shaman said,"No! Niece! Stop her!". "I understand. I won't let you..." said Dawn.

Gwen's Animus orb went inside of her as she said,"Oh yeah. I'm feeling the magic rushing through my body! Zero! Catch!". The orb went into the hero and he said,"Oh yeah!". Zane switched forms as Dawn and Shaman fired their attacks on him causing him to fall off the tower. "Zane!" said Gwen as she turned into Slicer. She went toward the edge as Dawn stopped her. Dawn made a broadsword as she said,"Rematch?". Time Rune appeared as Gwen said,"Rematch.". The two fought.

While falling, Zane said,"So are you ready Athena?! I'm going to become a pancake if you're not and we need some serious magic power". "Yes. With your Animus returned, this form is at its best!" said Athena. "Sweet! Hey Shaman! I hope you're ready for a performance!" yelled Zane. Shaman looked at Zane as he had a new card in his chest plate. It has a black frame with a wizard standing in the center of the card with a sun exploding in the background.

Zane looked to be eight feet tall with him having a noticeable broad chest and shoulders. His posture was similar to a warrior. His skin is grayish purple with it being scales rather than skin. He has four purplish yellow eyes with black sclera. His hair is a dark purple color. He has pointy ears which are covered by his hair. He has five-fingered hands with sharp claws at the end and humanlike five-toed feet with sharp claws in place of toenails. 

He had a red diamond cut gem with a black outline on his forehead which looks totally natural. To the left and right of the diamond, he had small bumps. He wears a silver couter and rerebrace on his right elbow and arm respectively, and silver metal spiked vambraces on his arms. He wears silver chest armor as well. His body is covered in red body markings very much like war paint around his eyes and any expose part of his body. 

Zane is wears a dark blue cloak ,with a high collar and hood that he's currently wearing over his head at this very moment. It's fastened to him with a gold latch. Under his chest armor, he had on a short sleeved black muscle shirt with a red magic circle in the middle. He wears matching colored gloves ,to his shirt, that covered his entire forearm plus his hands with the only part not covered being his middle finger, pinky, and thumbs. 

He's wearing dark green combat boots and dark blue boots that look very durable. "Magus Form! Lets see what this form can do." said Zane. Shaman noticed that Zane was gathering shadows and several claws came out of the shadows. They grabbed onto a nearby building with Zane swinging himself toward the tower and he said,"Miss me didn't you Shaman my good pal?!". He grabbed Shaman and Shaman said,"Hands off your future emperor demon spawn!".

Zane dodged his attack as he said,"Arcane Emperor....!". "Arcane Emperor? It can't be. He can't know those..." thought Shaman. His thought was stopped as Shaman was punched in the face by Zane's left ,dark purple metallic scales with a spiral pattern to it, fist. "Adamantine Punch!" yelled Zane as Shaman went flying in front of Dawn and Gwen. Shaman slowly got back up from this. Zane stood there as Shaman yelled,"How does a freak like you know the Emperor spells?!".

Zane looked confused as Gwen said,"Zane. Does this form increased your control of magic?". "Yes. I think these Emperor spells are powerful right?" said Zane. His Crisis Judgement went off as the niece threw several explosions at him. Zane went into the shadows to avoid them as he said,"Thank the gods that I can still use Crisis Judgement.". "Why are you fighting Uncle?" said Dawn. "He's a bad man." said Gwen. "Blunt much huh Gwen?" said Zane.

Dawn held several pebbles as she said,"Arise from the pits of Deadacia!". She threw the stones to the ground as several stone golems appeared. "Gwen. Can you keep them busy while I complete stage two of our plan?" said Zane. "Sure thing Zane." said Gwen as she activate Chronos's power. Zane then placed his hand on the ground as he said,"My name is Azrael Soutlfire in this form Gwen so remember that. Shadow Ramp!". He made a ramp which went toward the ground. 

Morgan looked down as Mel said,"Are you alright?". She looked at the cyclopes as she said,"Zane is very much like Shawn isn't he?". "Yes but in many ways, he isn't. I wonder if the Phantoms sees that." said Mel. "Maybe. This sounds extremely racist mind you but from what I read about this JV character, it's hard to compete with." said Morgan. The two noticed a ramp of shadows as Mel said,"I think this is Zane right?". "Yep." said Morgan. The two ran across them.

Dawn looked at Gwen and later Zane as Shaman said,"You two are too late!". The teens looked up to see that there was both a moon and sun above them. "How did we miss that?!" said Zane. "Beats me Zane." said Gwen as she blocked a stone creation's punch. The planets soon fused together as Zane said,"So you made an eclipse right?". "Dawn. I have no longer any use for you." said Shaman as he charged up an attack. He fired it at her causing her to fall off the tower.

Zane growled as Gwen said,"Zane! Look!". He looked up to see that several meteors were coming out of the fused planet as Shaman said,"I soon will have the power!". Zane blasted several meteors using shadow hands as he said,"Not happening. Gwen.". Gwen rushed off to check on Dawn as the man said,"Why do you care so much about Dawn? She's nothing but a pawn for my conquest. To be honest with you, I took her for that reason alone.". 

On the ramp, Morgan saw this as she yelled,"Dawn!". She rushed toward her as Mel saw two shadow hands ,appear from the ramp, and grabbed Dawn. "Well done." said Mel. The teen looked at the two as she said,"So who the hell are you two?". "Friends of Zero." said Mel. Morgan nodded as Dawn said,"You know that he can't stop Uncle Shaman right? He's just a Cross-Species now.". "Don't doubt the Alvarez family." said Morgan. "Alvarez?" said Dawn.  

Her eyes widened as she said,"Is he related to Shawn Alvarez?!". "He is." said Morgan. "That's so cool! I mean Shawn was the savior of Taelamelan." said Dawn. "Mel! Morgan!" yelled a voice. The trio saw Gwen as Morgan said,"I'm guessing that Zane is handling Shaman.". "He is but Shaman is about to unlock the Arcane Lexicon." said Gwen. "Not exactly. I'm not sure if you guys know this but Uncle... I mean Shaman found a different way to open it." said Dawn.

Mel said,"What do you mean?". The four were running up the ramp as Dawn said,"So normally, you would need to be at the highest point with two powerful Animus aka Slicer and Zero. Shaman found another way being that he's going to use his Animus instead.". "Doesn't that man know what could happen to him?!" said Morgan. "He does but he doesn't care." said Dawn. The four reached the top as they saw Shaman standing there panting as Zane ,in his normal form, stood there.

Earlier, Zane was dodging Shaman's Animus blasts as the pseudo-Sorcerer yelled,"Stay still!". Zane went into the shadows avoiding the attack. Shaman looked for Zane but he didn't see the young hero coming out of the ground. "Arcane Emperor Steel Punch!" said Zane. Shaman was hit by a steel fist as he was sent flying. Shaman caught himself as he said,"Die now!". He fired several missiles right at Zane with Zane smiling. 

Shaman noticed that Zane's hands were gathering bright red energy and he said,"Are you trying to use Nether against me? A god of Animus!". "Not exactly." said Zane. He fired two bolts of the red energy at the missiles. It causes a massive explosion upon hitting two of the missiles and Shaman was blinded by it. He didn't noticed that Zane had appear right behind him using a pair of purple demonic wings that had a wingspan of ten feet.

He clenched both of his hands together and he slammed it on Shaman launching him toward the tower. Zane landed on the ground and he turned back to his normal form after his wings folded back into his body. Shaman slowly got back up as he saw the four standing there. "Dawn. Come to my side and defeat this child while I finish the ceremony." said Shaman. "Did you not just blast her off the roof?" said Zane.

Shaman said,"I saved her boy so you have no right to talk.". "We're going to have a big problem here boys." said Dawn. The two looked at her as Mel said,"So what's going on?". "It's simple Cyclops. It is finally time for people to see the real Dawn Ballard. I'm taking the power of Arcane Lexicon and you get nothing." said Dawn. Shaman was about to fire an energy beam at her but it was blocked by an explosion launching him into the elevator door to the top floor knocking him out.

Dawn walked over to him as she said,"Zane may have weakened you and totally kicked your but. I still won in the end because I got you to create the ritual without using my Animus so thanks.". "We can't let her do this!" said Gwen. Zane nodded as the two teen rushes toward her but they were then stopped by several vines. "Not going to happen you two and don't think I forgot about you two." said Dawn as Mel and Morgan were trapped in vines.

Dawn said,"Okay. Time to begin my reign of Taelamelan!". She held out her hands as the sky started to darken. The city was getting scared and Dawn said,"Arcane Lexicon will be mine!". "Dawn! Stop before it's too late!" yelled Zane. He struggled in his vine prison as he said,"Listen. You don't have to be like him. I mean he's crazy from being bulled and I know that you were too.". Dawn glared at him as she increased the vines.

Dawn yelled,"What do you know about me huh?! I was treated like trash for sixteen years! You know what it's like not knowing where you came from Shawn's Son?! I bet you think you're so cool because you're his kid but you're not! You're just a Cross-Species!". "You're right but you're wrong. I didn't know about all of this until three months. My mom kept this entire world for me for more of my life Dawn but she did it to protect me. Your mom didn't want to become this." said Zane. 

Dawn grabbed his helmet and threw it to the sides. "And what do you know about my mom?! Going to say that she's disappointed in me!" said Dawn. "I'm not Dawn." said Morgan. Dawn looked at her as she said,"You're my mom? The Head Mistress of Raliara is my mom?!". "Yep. So if you could let us go, that would be just great." said Zane. "Your favorite color is purple. You wanted to learn magic so you could make us happy." said Morgan.

Dawn fell to her knees as she said,"I don't know what to do.". Gwen ,thanks to her sword, sliced her way through the vine prison as she said,"Dawn. Tell us how to stop all of this before the city gets destroyed.". "There are three ways to open Arcane Lexicon. Either have two powerful Animus at the top of the highest building in the area, have strong enough Animus to focus it own, or the chosen one who can use the Emperor Spells can save us but there is no time." said Dawn.

Mel said,"Emperor Spells? Those spells were used by one of the most powerful sorcerer way back when. I can't remember his name but he was powerful.". "Which means that." said Gwen. The four looked at Zane with him tilting his head to the side. "What?" said Zane. "I think you're the chosen one Zane." said Morgan. "Wow. That's convenient. You really have good luck don't you partner?" said Athena. Zane flew up and he opened up the book causing a huge flash of light ending the storm.

Later, Zane was currently resting on a bench as he saw Shaman being taking away by the grunts of the Sentry Corps. He looked at the closed Arcane Lexicon as he thought,"Great. I have to study how to use magic even more. I'm thankful that I'm immortal.". Gwen slowly walked over to him as she said,"I guess we had a pretty interesting trip then.". She sat next to him as Zane said,"Yep. We defeated a bad guy, reunited a family, and well, I got some new toys.".

Gwen said,"So did Mel give them to you?". "Nope. He gave them to my mom. She says that we will be training real soon so pumped for that." said Zane. "Hey Zaney!" said a voice. The two saw Dawn running toward them with Morgan behind her. "What's up?" said Zane. Dawn hugged him as Morgan said,"She wanted to thank you Zane for saving her from her soon to be downward spiral. Oh, let me just make this clear. If you hurt her...".

Gwen said,"Um. I think Zane is unable to answer the phone right now.". His face was pale as he had no air. Dawn looked at Zane as she said,"I'll see you real soon Zaney. I want you and I to be real good friends.". She was gone as Morgan said with a sigh,"I do hope that she isn't going to be too much of a hassle.". She was gone as Gwen helped Zane up with her saying,"Yep. You're just like your father Zane aka a real lady killer.". The two were gone in a magic portal.

Later Shaman was back in his prison uniform with his body covered in chains. He was currently sitting in the back of a prison transfer vehicle. "What are you idiots doing? I can't see anything but I know that we're going the wrong way!" said Shaman. "Shut up you faliure. We are heading to your new home so be quiet." said one of the Sentry Corps. Shaman went quiet as he thought,"So where could they be taking me?".

The car stopped as the driver said,"We're here General.". "General?" said Shaman. The door opened as he saw two people standing there with several grunts. One was a girl about the same age as Dawn and Zane with her having pale skin. She has dark blue hair ,which goes to the middle of her chin and shoulders, which she has some of it in a side ponytail on the right side. She has a light blue snowflake tattoo on both of her bicep. She's wearing light red lipstick and nail polish.

She's wearing a beautiful silk black yukata. It has light purple highlights and has a light blue snowflake pattern. The sleeves of the yukata are very big going to her hips extending far past her arms. She wears a snowflake design white sash around her waist. Under her yukata, she wears a sarashi over her chest. She finish off her outfit by wearing traditional wooden geta sandals. The person next to her was a man at least twenty plus years older than her.

He's tall and tanned with a lean muscular figure. He has on a pair of black round sunglasses over his gray eyes. His light blue/green hair which went down to his chin and looked to be frozen solid. He has a beard. He wears a large thick blue and white jacket that's open with brownish animal fur lined the helm, neck, and wrists of the jacket. Under his jacket, he's wearing a dark gray v-neck shirt with him wearing a dark blue bandanna that covers most of his head except for the back.

He's wearing a pair of brown leather gloves, blue jeans with a black belt, and large military issued gray leather boots. The left side of his face and neck are covered in scars from a fight. His right leg is pitch black being a prosthesis. "So what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you two?" said Shaman. He felt the air getting cold as the man said,"Settle down Valerie. He's nothing more than a false sorcerer and he also got defeated by someone younger than him.".

Shaman rushed toward the man before he went to the ground. "Didn't you tell him about if he starts to attack us, his chains increase in weight?" said Valerie. "We didn't Snow Nun!" said the two grunts saluting her. "So where am I?" said Shaman. "The worst prison in the Omniverse. Welcome to your new home. Take him away." said the man. Several guards dragged Shaman away as Valerie said,"I'm shocked that someone like him was defeated by a child sir.".

The man said,"Well, the child is Zero.". "I don't think that should matter." said Valerie. "He is also the son of Shawn Alvarez. I see a lot of Shawn in Zane but at the same time, I very much see Zane as his own person." said the man. "So are we going to increase it?" said Valerie. "Yep. You can call me by my name Lucas Hammond." said Lucas. The two were walking away as the era of Shaman ended by Zero.

Next Time,
Royalty comes to Cypress Park and she wants someone who isn't Zane! This and more next time on Zero!

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