Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Zero Episode 97 Revenge is really a dish best served cold

A/N: Yeah, I really do love a confused as hell title being that the last episode was about the brand new villainess Voltaire aka Clair Fisher. She may been seen as the replacement Cinder aka Carlos Ortiz but I may just surprise you. However, don't quote me on that. This episode will be featuring an old villain who wasn't the main focus being that the main villain has soaring above the clouds. Yeah, I don't have a lot to talk about in these parts and you can just tell the difference between this and Fairy Legion.

Narrator P.O.V.
In an unknown location, Cryonic aka Thomas Wright placed a case on a table that was right in front of Taurus. "And here's the goods from Champion Tech Taurus. I really do think that our time together was...." said Thomas. "Not so fast cowboy. The Boss needs you to fulfill you and your gang's promise about taking care of that pesky hero." said Taurus. "You've got a point there. I can't exact do anything against him." said Thomas.

Taurus said,"We asked you not to open the case correct? Well, it's time to open it.". Thomas slowly opened up the case, revealing a phial filled with Chemical PX. "Isn't this the stuff that makes those metahumans?" said Thomas. "It is. You'll be part of the metahuman hit-man squad that the boss has been building since Zero's return. We're taking over this town. Do you understand what you have to do Cryonic?" said Taurus. Thomas held the phial as he said,"I do.".

Meanwhile, Zane ,still in costume, was currently exhausted on his bed. He spend all night chasing after someone who robbed Champion Tech of an phial of Chemical PX being that instead of given a random power, it would give anyone who ingested it a specific power. According to Conrad Gibson whose left eye twitched when he saw Zane or heard his name which was just weird, this phial would give the person the ability to control and create.

Natasha's voice echoed,"Zane. It's time to get up. You're going to be late for his tutoring session with your nice friend Allen.". However, Zane was dead asleep being that he couldn't hear her even with his hyper hearing. She was soon approaching the door with several tendrils ,being black with a crimson red web pattern all over it, coming out of his body. They soon grabbed Zane's comforter and placed it over him.

Natasha soon opened the door to see Zane ,with his head back to normal and awake, looking at her as he said,"Good morning mother.". His eyes looked lifeless. "Are you okay Zane? You've slept in till almost noon. I know that it's Saturday but still." said Natasha. "I'm fine. I spend several hours looking for something and finishing up my inventions that I showed you." said Zane. He soon removed the  comforter from his body with Natasha looking over his son, seeing that he was in his normal clothing.

Natasha said,"Well, okay then. I'll be at Kathleen's. Just text me when you're leaving. I'm guessing Allen doesn't mind you being late.". "He won't. Have fun." said Zane. Natasha soon closed his door as the teen sighed. "I really hate lying to the woman. According to your memories, she seems so nice but I can't have you dying until I find him Zane. Sleep for now my idiot host and all will be told to you soon enough." said a unknown voice, coming from Zane's mouth.

Later, Zane ,who was confused on how he got downstairs and dressed, was currently eating some brunch. He looked up to see a picture of him, Natasha, and Shawn. Zane glared at the picture with him walking toward it. "Zane. Are you still mad about what happened back then?" said Kane as Zane soon held the picture. "Not really Kane. It's just....." said Zane. "Zane. I'm very much sure that Daryl, Liv, Marshal/Marissa, and the rest of them will find Shawn." said Sivarth.

Zane said,"True. So do you guys know how I got downstairs plus how and when I changed out of my costume and into my normal clothes? I can't remember.". "Well, you were...." said Athena. "Athena! I am shocked that you can't answer Zane in a second. He was sleepwalking of course! Remember? I mean your Vampire Form allows you to fight when you're asleep so by using logic, you're able to do things while you're asleep because of that." said Cole.

Zane was quiet as he said,"That makes sense.". "Seriously?! You actually believe that idiot." said Sivarth. "Yeah. I mean Cole wouldn't lie to me and that makes sense. I mean I didn't even know that I even activate Vampire Form the first time." said Zane. He soon placed his dish into the sink, with him cleaning it using his powers. "Well anyway, you should probably getting going to Allen's place." said Athena. "Right. I'll take the fastest way possible." said Zane.  

Zane ,in costume, was currently flying through the city with him talking with Andre. "So how is Clair doing? I remember she was trying to kill us because we turned her into that monster." said Zane. Andre was at the lab as he said,"She's at Heartstone, getting some treatment before they cart her off to Thunder Cove. So where are you? You stuck in traffic? I heard cars going off like crazy.".  "Yeah. So are you going to ask Selena this century?" said Zane.

Andre said with a sign,"Dude. I know that you're just trying to help but right now, I just need to think some things out. I'll call you later. Doctor. Brock needs me.". "Yeah." said Zane. He hanged up as the superhero bounced toward a building. On a nearby building, a man ,with an earpiece, stood there with binoculars and he was watching Zane. "The hen is in the hen house or he was but he's in the area. Are you ready to go with the plan boss?" said the man.

Zane was soon heading toward Allen's apartment being that the embassy was a massive tower. Zane was messing with his watch as he heard,"Zane. It's always good to see one of my son's first friends upon moving to Cypress Park. Came to help Allen with his homework?". Zane soon saw Blake with him saying,"Yeah but he helps me as well. It's equivalent exchange.". "Don't be so modest. Men like us are far and few between." said Blake.

He placed his hand on Zane's shoulder with him saying,"I'm raising my son to be a fine young man like us but he has an obsession with women. It's common for boys his age but I was never like that at his age. I was a driven, smart, responsible, and self-made man.". "So is he insulting his son or what Zane?" said Cole. "So where is Allen Mr. Newman? I'm actually a little late for our study session due to me sleeping me. I had a longer than normal night." said Zane.

Blake said,"That's fine Zane. As human being, we lose track of time when we're truly dedicated toward something important. Blake is currently on the terrace and looking over the city plus he's been studying Chapter 7-9 like you told him in your text. I have to get going Zane. I'm going to be late for the meeting concerning the the Stars family's charity ball that they're holding. I've heard that you and Ms. Stars are quite close.".

Zane blushed a bit as he said,"We are sir. I think we're more than just friends but who knows with girls sometimes. I hope your meeting goes well.". He soon walked out onto the terrace with Allen saying,"Hey Zane. How was talking with my dad?". Zane sat down on a bench as he said,"Okay. He's a good guy.". "Yeah. I just wish that he would stop spending time with Derrick Price. I don't trust that guy at all." said Allen. "Me too but we know the truth about him." said Kane.

Zane said,"Anyway, are you understand Spanish? It's a pretty easy class all things considered and it really shouldn't be a problem for someone of your G.P.A.". "You're totally right Zane but for teens with a bad case of senioritis, it's killing me. In other news, Bryan has been trying to woo Susan since they broke up during football tryouts. We've been hanging out as friends Zane. I like Susan but her and David need to a thing." said Allen.

Zane said with a sign,"I've been trying to make that a possible since freshman year and it's slowly coming together. The two also seem none the wiser. I'm sure of it.". "Yeah. So do you want me to do a practice test before you head off?" said Allen. "Sure man. Sorry about cutting our session short but...." said Zane. "You're busy but you always make time for your mates so give me this test." said Allen. "Understood Mr. Newman." said Zane.

Later that night, Zane ,in costume, was currently flying through the city. The grunt from earlier was watching him as he said,"Okay. He's back. Send Operation Frostbite into action.". Back in a jewelry store, the duo of Harvey ,with him looking smaller, and Roger were back in action. The two soon ran out of the store with the alarm going off. Zane spotted the duo, entering a car. "I'm happy to see those two back together but why are they taking a car?" said Zane.

Cole said,"I'm shocked that Harvey could even fit in there but I guess he must have some sort of device that can shrink him.". Zane soon turned into Frost Form, with him floating down toward the car. Roger looked behind him as he said,"He's behind us Harvey. We can't go too fast because we may lose him.". The animal hybrid looked at the water man with him saying,"I got it the first time. We'll get to kick his ass before he gets a chance to fight right?".

The car soon turned into the warehouse district with Roger smiling. "Yeah. We get a crack at him before the boss gets a chance." said Roger. The car soon parked as the two got out. Roger made his arms into hammers with Harvey sharpening his claws. They hid behind some machine, being that Zane ,still in Frost Form, was currently watching them from the rooftop. "Those two are working with the Odium Society for some reason." said Zane.

Sivarth said,"But for what reason is the question? It's like with Crash and his partners from the other day.". "We'll ask them later. I suggest changing into a more durable form for this fight Zane. I doubt those two are going to go easy on you and Frost Form isn't exactly the most durable form in your bag of tricks." said Athena. "You've kicked their buts how many times now Zane. I mean even with their powers, they're still small fry." said Kane.

Zane nodded as he soon floated into the building. He soon turned into Radiation Form with the two super villains looking at him. "Are you two ready for your beatdown? Huh, I feel like I've said that at least 89 times now." said Zane. Roger threw his arms toward Zane, being that the arms soon evaporated due to Zane's immense body heat. "Sorry but that won't be working." said Zane with Harvey rushing toward him.

Zane soon slammed the ground with it soon melting around the villains and they soon slipped on it due to them trying to attack Zane. It soon hardened itself back up, leaving both Harvey and Roger unable to fight. "And here I thought you guys would be a challenge but I guess I was wrong about that." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as a giant block of ice went flying right toward him. Zane soon melted the ice upon contact with him. He was pushed back.

Zane looked to see a man standing there. He has pale white skin, snow white ,ice like, hair, bright blue eyes, and a protective dark blue face mask that only covered his mouth and freckles. His beard and eyebrows were snow white and his eyes were covered in blue veins being that his mask made them stuck out. He wears a blue heavy plated sleeveless parka/trench coat with silver fur around the cuffs, hood, and shoulders.

He wears a blue and white striped v-neck muscle shirt under it. He has several grenades on his black belt that can freeze anything that was caught in the area of explosion. He wears black pants and armored silver winter boots. He wears a pair of black thermal goggles that has red lenses and rest around his neck when not in use. "Was that too cold for you?" said the man, with his hands covered in frost. He soon slammed the ground being that several waves of ice came flying toward Zane.

Zane soon left his protection suit being that it was soon frozen solid. "Darn. I really did like that one." said Zane. Zane flew around the air with the man firing several beams of ice at him, being that they missed and froze the air solid. "How about you just stay still and accept your punishment as a man rather than being a chicken?" said the man. "Yeah. I'm not going to do that but thanks for the advice snowcone." said Zane.

The man walked toward Zane with him saying,"We've met before kid. I think that name will work in this situation as well. Call me Cryonic!". He soon fired a giant snowball ,made of ice, at Zane with the teen dodging it. Zane soon flew toward Thomas being that he said,"Have a taste of some good old fashioned Radiation!". The teen was about to hit Thomas before he was sent flying back by a giant blizzard.

The being of radiation soon landed on the ground, with the ice slowly melting around him. "You've got a lot to learn. Unlike Backwater and the Living Pet over there, I did my research on you. You've got some spunk but I've finally got the power!" said Thomas. He soon made a giant ice fist with it soon hitting Zane, into some garbage. Thomas looked at the area with him soon hearing a truck heading right toward him. Harvey was driving it as Zane looked up.

The truck soon slammed into the garbage pile, causing the trash to fly everywhere. Harvey got out as he said,"Man! That felt so good!". "You dam fool! All you and your pals were supposed to be was bait for that brat!" said Thomas. The creature was soon frozen solid with Thomas saying,"I'm sure that you'll be quiet for now on.". He soon felt something on his back as he heard,"You should be kind to your seniors chilly because they're experience at getting their buts kicked by me.".

Thomas soon turned to see Zane in Shredding Form on his back with Thomas soon throwing him to the side. "I guess you're stronger than your seniors but to me, you crooks are nothing more than target practice." said Zane, as his claws went flying toward Thomas. They sliced his jacket with the man looking at Zane. "Time for you to freeze kitty cat." said Thomas. Zane soon dodged several ice blasts with him soon flying toward some trash due to him getting punched by Thomas.

Zane soon looked around to see that he was currently inside of the trash compactor. Thomas stood there as he held one of his grenades. "I had one of the boys make these grenades for me because I don't want you to escape like the mangy pest that you are." said Thomas. He soon threw a grenade at Zane, being that he was soon trapped in ice. "Zane! This ice is stronger than normal due to the fact that it's preventing your ability to phase through stuff!" said Cole.

Thomas soon activated the compact with him saying,"See you in the next life kid. I hope the boss man is happy with this job.". He soon walked away with him hearing,"Hey! What about us?!". The ice man turned to see Roger ,still trapped in cement, and Harvey ,still frozen, as Thomas said,"You two are grown men and I ain't no one's babysitter. Figure it out before the cops come.". The man was soon gone thanks to a ice bridge. After they broke out, Harvey and Roger were soon gone.

It was silent with someone saying,"Okay! I'm really hating this guy!". In a pile of trash, there was a cube and it was soon sliced into pieces. Zane ,still in Shredding Form, stood there with him shivering for a bit. "I'm happy that this form is more durable than normal cats and that ice helped me live another day." said Zane. "Word of advice Zane. Get rid of the smell before heading home. You really smell like a dump." said Athena.

Zane sniffed himself with him saying,"Will do Athena. So how would I do that?". "You can either douse yourself in Baking Soda, Bleach, or Kitty Litter. Have fun with that." said Cole. Zane turned into Turbo Form with him saying,"Time to head over to the chemical factory for a quick rinse before I head home. Turbo!". He soon flew off with him thinking,"Okay Cryonic. You're going to be my next target.".

The next day, Zane was currently in gym class with him talking with Allen. Both boys were wearing the school's brand new gym uniform which consisted of a black tank-top with a white t-shirt ,which has a red neckline, black shorts, and socks and sneakers. The girls were wearing this as well. "I'm sorry for not being there to help you study man." said Zane. "It's fine mate. I passed my Spanish test with an A-. That's better than failing I guess." said Allen.

The two boys were waiting to climb the rope with the girls ,behind the boys, playing some volleyball as Zane said,"I know but I still feel bad.". "At least you're not playing volleyball. I heard that you're a proud hater of the game despite it being a pretty interesting sport to watch during the summer games according to most guys." said Allen. "Well, most games had my team yelling at the other team for the whole match. This means I was sitting around waiting for the game to be over." said Zane.

Allen said,"It sounds like a fair reason to me. Wish me luck mate. I've never been good at climbing the rope.". Allen soon climbed the rope with him slipping before reaching the top. He soon slammed onto the ground with Bryan laughing at him. Zane glared at him as he said,"How about you shut up for reason jungle legs?". Zane soon helped Allen up with Allen said,"It's fine mate. He's just jealous that I'm hanging out with his ex.". "What did you say?!" said Bryan.

David soon held Bryan back as Zane said,"He said that you're jealous of him being friend with Susan unlike you jungle legs. How about you and me race? First one to the top does whatever the winner says without question.". Bryan glared at Zane with David saying,"Dude. I know Zane called you out but you should know that wagering with Zane usually ends up badly.". "Please try and control your power." said Sivarth.

The volleyball soon went in from of Bryan with Karen ,also in the gym class along with Hannah and Kristen, said,"Ball please.". Coach Warren soon walked over to Zane with him saying,"Okay. You two have a serious rivalry going on and this is a less violent way of getting rid of it. You two are teammates so after this, you two will act like it got it? Line up.". Bryan and Zane stood at their ropes with Allen whispering,"Doesn't he tell the other players to crush Zane?".

David said,"Yeah but my dad ain't here to stop him so he can go to town on Zane.". The two were about to climb when Bryan started to sniff Zane. "Dude. What are you doing?" said Zane. "Why the hell do you smell like a freaking soap factory?" said Bryan. "I like being clean unlike you Jungle Legs." said Zane, causing the guys to laugh. "Ball please!" said Karen. Hannah placed her hand on Karen's shoulder as she said,"I got this geekette.".

Kristen crossed her arms as Hannah yelled,"Hey Zit for brains! We need the ball like now!". Zane soon grabbed the ball with him saying,"Okay. Fetch!". He threw the ball right at Hannah, knocking her to the ground. She soon got back up and glared at him. "I thought you would catch it but I guess you can't catch." said Zane. "Alvarez! Get out of here right now!" yelled Warren. "Screw you." said Zane. Zane stormed off as Karen and Kristen looked at him in concern.

Meanwhile, Zane ,in costume, was soon outside of a electronic store with Athena saying,"According to that grunt's mind, a robbery should be going on here. So why did you throw that ball at Hannah? I know you don't like her but using your powers on a innocent. Low blow.". "I didn't use an ounce of it and I was sure she was going to catch it." said Zane. "He's right Athena. We can tell when Zane uses his powers and Zane just threw the ball at his lowest strength." said Kane.

Zane soon heard,"I can't believe that even with super powers, we're still doing the grunt work for the commander.". "It's show time." said Zane. Next to the store, Roger was lifting boxes into a truck as Harvey stood guard. "I can't believe that I didn't get to claw that brat's eyes out. That living snowcone made us look bad. Hey man, do you smell soap or is that you?" said Harvey. "It isn't me Harvey and no, I do not smell soap." said Roger.

The two soon heard,"And here I thought you didn't have a super sniffer but I guess I was wrong about you Harvey.". The two saw Zane standing there in a new form. He looked twelve feet tall with his body separated into six different parts. These six parts are his two arms, his chest, his head, and two legs. All of them are connected using his own personal gravity. His skin is silver and rock like with black and white ,split down the middle, crystals protruding from various body.

His face is bone like with four glowing gold eyes. His arms, chest, head, and legs have several gray lines, looking like he was cracked. The left side of his chest has a black crescent moon symbol and the right side of his chest has a white sun symbol that glow gold. He has five claws on his hands and feet with them made out of the same black and white crystals that protrude from his body. For his clothing, he wears a black top ,with a gray stripe, over his chest.

He wears black pants ,with a gray stripe, over his legs. He's wearing his signature black robe. "I don't get it! You should be dead!" said Harvey. He rushed inside of the truck as Zane said in an British gentleman accent,"Come on Harv. You should know by now not to charge at me especially when I'm in Equinox Form.". Just before Harvey could touch Zane, the hero soon went into the shadow and this action caused Harvey to crash into the boxes.

Roger saw this and he said,"Idiot!". "Roger. I know that you just hate when you're ignored by little old me. I'll make sure you get your turn too." said Zane as he soon punched Roger in the face, knocking him out. Later, Harvey and Roger were tied up thanks to the darkness and light chains as Zane ,stood there with him saying,"I'm sure you have a way to contact iceburg. Tell him that you can't kill me that easily. I'm sure that you two can handle a simple task like that.".

The teen was soon gone as Harvey growled,"I really hate that guy.". "Oh join the club fido." said Roger. The police soon arrived and the shop keeper was happy being that nothing was stolen thanks to the town's protector. Later, Natasha was reading a book in the kitchen with her hearing,"Hey there mom. I'm back and this time before midnight.". Zane ,back to normal, walked into the kitchen with Natasha putting down her book to talk with her son.

She smiled as she said,"That's a good thing Zane and this should be normal for you but crime doesn't take a break. The trio have been waiting for their daddy all night and I'm sure they're just waiting to see their dad before they go up to bed.". "Yeah. I'll be up there real soon mom. Get some sleep okay. I know that I shouldn't be saying that but you know what I mean." said Zane. He kissed her cheek as he went upstairs and was tackled by his children.

At an unknown dive bar, Thomas ,who wasn't in his costume from the other night, was playing some pool. He was wearing the same clothes as before the transformation but his hair color and skin were altered. "The Commander isn't happy right now." said a voice. Taurus stood there as Thomas said as he altered his cue stick,"And that matters because? I took care of the kid. He seemed to be way more annoying that my research led him onto be.".

Taurus soon crushed a ball with him saying,"You didn't live up to your rep snowcone. People have been saying that Zero is still alive and make us lose money.". "Okay. I'll go after him. Just let me enjoy my game and don't give me any baggage for the job. This kid is smart, he called me out I'm guessing so I'll answer his call. A man to man duel. The winner gets to survive another day while the loser dies." said Thomas, as he hit all the balls into the holes with frost covering the table.

Later, Zane ,in Equinox Form, was currently flying over the city and looking for Thomas. "So where is this guy? I called him out to fight and he hasn't responded." said Zane. "Who knows Zane? I can't hear a dam thing because these cars are going off." said Kane. "According to the news, the town was just hit with ten giant pillars of ice in the last hour. I'm betting that he's trying to bring you out Zane. I would suggest using Vampire Form." said Athena.

Cole said,"Why not Equinox Form? I mean he can blend into the shadows way better!". "I'm sure that this Cryonic isn't a one trick pony like Roger. He's smart. I'm guessing that those frost pillars are an equal distance apart so they won't cause too much property damage." said Sivarth with him nodding his head. "That's correct. Do you remember that helicopter pilot who tried to kill you when you were going after Cosmonaut? He must be Cryonic." said Athena.

Zane said,"Yeah. I do. I guess he somehow got powers. So how do you think he got them? I'm guessing he got them from that Chemical PX phial that was stolen. Oh, we're here.". The being soon floated in front of an abandoned building with Athena saying,"This was a great theater back in the day but it was abandoned for some reason. Are you ready to go?". Zane nodded as he slipped into the shadows.

The grunt from earlier watched him disappeared before he was knocked out by Zane. "And why did you do that?" said Athena. "In a man to man fight, there are no witness." said Zane. "He's right Athena. You wouldn't understand since you're a girl." said Cole. "He has a point Athena despite him being an idiot." said Sivarth. "I'll accept that reason only if I get to hit him." said Athena. "That sounds fair to me." said Kane. Zane was soon gone as Athena hit Cole.

Inside of the theater, Zane ,in Vampire Form, slowly flew down as he said,"Where are you my precious freezer?". Crisis Judgement went off as a voice said,"I'm right here.". Zane soon dodged an ice blast with Thomas walking out of the shadow. "I'm pretty sure I ended you but I'm sure that you the stubborn type." said Thomas. Zane soon dodged several ice blasts with the area of impact soon freezing. "I'm sure a close range shoot will end you faster than...." said Thomas.

The man was soon knocked back thanks to a sonic explosion that came from Zane. "Sorry but that won't be happening snowcone. " said Zane. Zane soon dodged another round of shots with Thomas saying,"I admire you kid. In my time as a man for hire, no one has given me a challenge like you but business is business. I rather not piss off the Commander.". He soon fired a wave of icicles as Zane said,"I know who the Commander is Outlaw so tell me who he really is.".

Thomas said,"I can't do that kid. The boss's identity is hush-hush.". "Okay then. I still have several other questions. So can you still tan now or what?" said Zane. "It's nothing personal kid. A real man has reasons for hiding his identity for the world. I don't pry into other lives just because I can and also he honors his responsibility." said Thomas. Zane soon dodged another ice blast with him firing an energy beam at some chairs.

Thomas soon looked up to see rubble flying toward him and just before it hit, an ice barrier went around him. "Cure trick kid but that won't work on me!" said Thomas. Zane soon dodged several ice blasts with him saying,"This place is going the way of the dodo so I guess I can all out here too I hope.". Thomas soon saw Zane glowing bright purple with him saying,"Not happening kid.". He soon threw a massive ball of ice at Zane, causing an ice explosion.

Thomas smiled as he heard,"Sorry but you were just too slow Tommy boy.". Something rushed by him as the curtain ,from the stage, went over him. It was soon off as Thomas said,"I thought you want to fight me man to man no man to coward.". "And I thought you were an a smart guy. You can't go into battle with your emotions taking control because having the element of surprise works so much better but against Vampire Prime, you're going to lose" said Zane's voice.

Thomas fired several ice beams with him looking for Zane. "Where in gods name is he?" thought Thomas. He was soon punched hard in the gut as he saw Zane. However, he looked different. He was still in Vampire Form but in it's Prime Form. He was now three feet tall being 10 feet tall. He's now wearing a black suit with brown leather riding boots and white undershirt. He wears a black tie with a crimson red full moon on it.

He still wears his black gloves with him having a gold cross on the back. His skin is still pale and his eyes are a pale red which glows brighter upon getting mad and they slit. He has short silver hair. "I hope you're happy to see me Tommy." said Zane, as he watched Thomas head right into some ice that covered the room. The man fired back at Zane who dodged. "Wow. You're making Harvey and Roger look like pros. I think you've had your powers for a couple of days now right?" said Zane.

Thomas said,"I may be new to the powers game but being a man for hire is my passion!". Several ice blasts went toward Zane who soon dodged them all by either moving out of the way or turning into a colony of bats. "Quit running child!" said Thomas. He soon fired a massive blast of ice at Zane with the teen saying,"You're doing perfectly darling.". The vampire was gone as the building collapsed on Thomas. Thomas smiled as he said,"Well done kid.". He was soon covered in rubble.

Zane stood outside of the building with him saying,"Okay. I better start digging you out for the police.". Several pieces of rubble floated in the air with Athena saying,"Before you forget, you should go say to the Commander. Remember the plan.". "I remember. I was just having some fun. You know how hard it is to have fun with an opponent these day. I hope this Gold Commander guy can give me a challenge once I pay him a visit." said Zane.

Meanwhile at Champion Tech, Derrick Price was sitting in his office. His phone buzzed as he said,"I have some paperwork to do. Who is it?". "It's me Price. Open up." said the voice. "Don't be so rude with me Taurus. I can have your head off your body in so many ways." said Derrick. Taurus soon walked into the room with him saying,"Legion Zero. We want him gone.". "Which is why I let you take that Chemical PX. So where is your boss?" said Derrick.

Taurus soon pulled out his phone as he said,"Go ahead boss.". "Thank you Taurus. As you already know, Legion Zero is a thorn in the side of the Odium Society. He's busy with our super criminals such as the Cosmonaut, Cryonic, Downpour, Steamroller, and Voltaire. I would like to help us take down this kid before we have to get serious. Are you in?" said the voice. "Yes. Now get out of my office. I do have a job to run." said Derrick. Taurus was gone as Derrick went back to work.

Natasha was currently working on a invention with Zane's voice saying,"And here is my cut.". The woman soon looked up to see a wad of money on the table as she said,"And what's this young man? I know you don't have a job.". Zane ,out of costume, crossed his arms as he said,"Despite me saying that I didn't want money, people have been paying me for tutoring. I've told them at least several times now that I don't want money for tutoring but I can't say no sometimes.".

Zane said,"This money is to pay you back for eighteen years of taking care of me through the good and bad times. I'm also putting some money toward the trio's college fund and heck, I've found a way to add a job into my schedule.". "Zane. You're going to wear yourself thin. I know that you want to live life to the fullest but at this rate...." said Natasha. "You and the rest of the family are my biggest responsibility and a man honor them. Let me help." said Zane.

Natasha said with a sigh,"You're stubborn just like your father. Okay, I'll let you help out around the house but I want you to take a break once in a while. You can't make memories if you're too tired to remember them. So how was your other job?". "I took down this guy called Cryonic and well, I think I got a new foe to go up against." said Zane. Zane kept talking with Natasha just smiling at her son rambling on about his superheroics.

Soon after their chat, Zane went upstairs to his room and Natasha to the lab. "So why didn't you tell her about your meeting with Gold Commander. She should know." said Kane. Zane soon was on his bed as he said,"I don't want her to worry more than she already does. She's right. I have been pushing myself too much lately because I want to protect so many things. I better get some sleep so good night.". He soon closed his eyes as he remember his meeting with the Gold Commander.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
After finding Thomas, reading his mind using his telepathic abilities, and leaving him for the police to take in, Zane ,in costume, was soon flying toward Gold Commander's base of operation. Zane soon landed on the nearby building with him saying,"So what did you guys get about this guy? I mean we know his real name thanks to Tommy but I don't know anything about him.". "Not much. He isn't a true native of Cypress Park. He was born in Eagle Creek, South Carolina." said Athena.

Zane said,"That place is ruled by gangs right?". "Yeah and the boss has a stranger than normal case of albinism meaning that the Commander was bullied for a good chunk of his life. So are you ready to kick some but?" said Cole. Zane nodded with him turning into Equinox Form. "You really like being in that form don't you?" said Sivarth. "It's a combatant and an expert infiltrator." said Zane as he slipped into the shadow.

Inside of an office room, two bodyguards heard a noise. They looked around for it with them not noticing two giant hands coming out of the shadows. They were soon grabbed and slammed into the roof. The two of them were out cold as Zane soon came out of the shadows. "I'm here to see you Mr. Collins or do you go by the name Gold Commander." said Zane. "You really should have made an appointment but I'll make an exception for the hero of Cypress Park." said a deep voice.

Zane soon turned to the desk and saw a man sitting there. He stands at an impressive six foot 2. He’s very physical strong and looks to be good looking. His skin was white ,due to a lack of pigmentation aka albinism, but right now, his skin is gold. He has gelled back chin length Reddish Brown hair and Brown eyes. He has a scar that goes vertical on his right eyebrow. He wears a black suit with a white dress shirt underneath, red cravat, and brown dress shoes.

He wears gold brass knuckles on both of his hands. "My name is Andrew Collins but my friends call me Drew for short." said Drew. "I don't care what you decide to call yourself. You've endangered several people just to get my attention with those metahumans and well, I'm not going to let that continue." said Zane. The man soon stood up with him saying,"I'm guessing that you just play the fool but in all reality, you're quite the smart man.".

Zane soon turned back into his normal costume as he said,"I'm not taking you lightly. I may have fought some juggernauts before but this is....". Crisis Judgement went off as he avoided the man's punch. "Impressive reflexes. Lets see how long you can dodge before I strike you down." said Drew as he rushed toward Zane. The two fought being that Zane dodged his punches. "Listen. I don't have anything against your kind hero." said Drew.

Drew soon dodged a punch as he said,"You're different from other heroes I've met being that you're capable of stopping my empire dead in its tracks. I really do mind when someone interrupts my business being that I'm forced to work with those far below me. You're able to scare my men into hiding with your immense power. I'll be fighting you kid until you give up or join me. I pay my men quite handsomely if they let a couple of criminals go loose.".

He snapped his fingers with several briefcases filled with case appeared. "We all could use money to pay for our problems. If you join up me...." said Drew. Zane soon punched the man to the ground with him saying,"I'm not that kind of man sir.". Drew sighed as he said,"I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other real soon.". "We will and when I'm gone, don't try and turn on your silent alarm. I disable it before I came in. See you real soon Drew." said Zane. He was gone as Drew smiled.

Zane was flying off as he said,"I may won most of my battles so far but I'm nowhere near the end of this war. You made yourself an enemy that you can't hope to defeat.". "I'll be there to help you kick goldie's butt!" said Cole. "Same. I mean we have no choice but kicking that guy's but will be the most satisfying." said Kane. "Lets get back home." said Sivarth. Zane soon heard an alarm go off as Athena said,"After that.". Zane soon flew after it.

Next time,
The conflict between Andrew Collins aka Gold Commander and Zane Alvarez continue on. What was with those tentacles that came out of his body? Is it related to that slime who attacked him and also those webs? This and more next time on Zero!

New Cards/Forms:
Equinox Form. This card has a black frame with the right side of the card being black and the left side of the being white with the center of the card having a symbol for Yin Yang. He can control both Darkness and Light in this form.

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