Monday, October 2, 2017

Zero Episode 41 The Battalion

A/N: Welcome to Episode 41 which is a big old fashioned bad guy team up. Their team is called the Battalion, I would call them something else but Battalion sounds cool. We're going to learn about the  the Z.E.R.O. watch in this part and how it works slightly more. I should have done this way back in episode 13 but meh what are you going do. I don't think ahead with my stories because I believe in the moment rather the minute.

Narrator P.O.V.
Outside of Heartstone Medical Hospital, a female doctor was talking with a patient. "Carlos. I'm very proud of you." said the doctor. Carlos Oritz aka Cinder stood there with him wearing a new suit ,with it looking just like his first costume from EP 3, and it was made to contain his power. "You've had some great progress in the time you've been here with us. You may need to continue therapy but I know you'll do great things even with your powers." said the doctor.

Cinder smiled as he said,"I owe it all to you doc. Have a good rest of your day.". She walked back inside as Cinder walked over to a payphone. "I still can't believe that there's a telefono publico de monedas outside of the hospital." said Cinder. He placed a coin and he dialed a certain number. "I'm free as a pajaro now. So what's the plan?" said Cinder. "Well done Carlos. I'm so happy to hear that you're finally free." said the voice.

Cinder said,"So what's the plan? I mean Bedrock is still in the slammer and it's out of town.". "Don't worry. You'll get your revenge on him soon enough." said the voice. "Yeah. I mean taking down that annoying mocoso is music to my ears. You, Bedrock, and I are a perfect trio to take him down." said Cinder. "Trio? You think that but I was thinking six no seven members. See you soon Cinder." said the voice. Cinder hanged up as he flew off using his fire power.

Meanwhile at Thunder Cove Detention Center's main yard, George Richard stood there as he went over to Occult Master. "I've been informed that you'll be needing my and Titan's service soon." said OM. "Correct. I think having two magic men will scream perfection. See you soon Occult." said George. He walked past a security guard with the guard heading back inside. He turned into Cyber as she said,"Soon. Revenge will be mine.".

In her security guard guise, she was walking in the super human section of the prison as she placed her hand on the wall. To the security guard, she placed her hand on the wall for no reason but she was sending her chips through the system. She stopped in front of a cell placing some food in the slot as it went inside. "Please stay away from the door or a high amount of voltage will be released to effect Titan aka Alonzo Barrett." said an automated voice. "I've heard you the first time." said Titan.

She later stood in front of Bedrock's cell as she placed her food inside. "Please stay away from the door or you'll be blasted with a high stream of water Bedrock aka Walter Davis." said the voice. "I can't believe this. You know that I asked for a steak not this flabby sandwich!" said Bedrock. He threw the sandwich at the door with the guard saying,"Just save room then Bedrock. You won't be disappointed in Legion Zero grilled just right.".

Later that night, Cinder was standing outside of the prison as he said,"Are you sure that this plan will work boss?". He had a headset on as he heard,"Correct. You have met your allies. One is with you and the other is finishing her part.". The pyro looked up to see Jester standing there as Cinder said,"I usually don't doubt you but this payaso.". "I got this so keep them busy." said Jester. He was gone as Cinder released a giant burst of flames alerting the guards.

They aimed their guns at him as Cinder said,"Yeah. That ain't going to work.". He fired a giant burst of flames out causing the guards to duck as they hit the generator causing an explosion. The prison was turned off as the alarm went off. Titan stood up as he said,"Thank fucking god!". He broke out of his cell with the door crashing into the wall which broke Bedrock's cell freeing him. "Hell yeah! Lets go kid." said Bedrock. The two highfived as they ran off.

The two found themselves in the main prison area as Titan said,"So who should free?". "Not sure. I got an idea. Lets free them over." said Bedrock. He turned his arms into rock with them stretching out and breaking out of the cell doors. Prisoners ran out as the two saw Emperor and Occult Master with Bedrock saying,"This is a great night.". "Yeah. Lets go." said OM. Titan ,in a bigger state, soon broke down the doors as the others followed him.

Titan was soon hit with stun guns as they did nothing. "Sorry but when I'm big, electricity does jack to me." said Titan. He grabbed the wires and he swung them away. The four soon hid behind a wall as OM said,"So why can they use their powers and we can't? I thought we had these dam collars on.". "I had our friends make sure that Bedrock and Titan's collar just happen to miswork. Our partners will be here right now." said George.

The wall in front of them exploded as the four ran through the hole. Cinder stood there as George said,"It's good to see you in person Carlos.". "Not to be rude or nothing but I like the name Cinder now. So where's the fantasma and that woman?" said Cinder. "That's fair. So would you mind freeing us from the collars?" said George. Cinder nodded as he fired four small streams of fire ,from his right hand, burning them in half. "Wow. I don't even feel the burn." said Titan.

The five looked up to see a helicopter with an unmanned pilot. Jester reappeared in the cockpit as he said,"Get in. Computer girl and the other one are back at base.". The five jumped on with Cinder looking back at the prison. "Destroy it. It doesn't matter." said George. Cinder then threw a massive fireball back at the prison causing it to exploded in a burst of flames. "So it's game time." said Titan cracking his knuckles. "Time to bring the end of Legion Zero." said George.

In the morning, Zane was slowly walking up. "Man. I can't believe that I was up all night testing out Brawn Form. I love Saturdays because I can just sleep in until noon." said Zane. He put on his normal clothes as he activated his watch. "Hey Athena and Cole. So can you tell me why I grow over 10 feet in some of my forms but others I shrunk." said Zane. "Your forms are basically fancy suits of armors being that they can be used in different spots." said Athena.

Cole said,"And the reason why you're so big or short is because I can't see Brain Form being so dam big and Brawn Form tiny just makes me laugh out loud.". "Does anyone else in the Omniverse have these powers? I know future me did but he was the catalyst." said Zane as he brushed his teeth. "You are unique in that regard." said Athena. "So what's the plan today? Going to see Kristen." said Cole as Zane headed downstairs.

Zane said,"You would be right Cole except she has shopping plans and she told me that it's just for women. I promised to see her for lunch which is about 2. She knows how lazy I am on Saturdays so I'm heading to Ray's garage.". "To hit him really hard?" said Cole. "Not exactly. He had something to show me so I don't mind going down there." said Zane. He saw that Natasha was just sitting in the living room watching TV.

Zane said,"Mom? What are you still down here? I thought you and Ms. Hunter were going on to see some play today.". "To be honest Zane, I'm not feeling so good. My baby boy has a girlfriend and my adorable grandson is out playing with some friends." said Natasha. "What about Ana? She's home right?" said Zane. "She's walking the dogs right now and planning on helping your grandfather with something today. I'm also not feeling so good." said Natasha.

Zane placed his hand on her forehead as he said,"You feel fine to me. You and Ms. Hunter have been planning on this trip before I became Legion Zero. You need to get out of the lab once in a while and this is the best chance.". He didn't noticed that the TV was showing the mugshots of four super villains Bedrock, George, Occult and Titan with Natasha saying,"You have a point.". Zane then kissed her forehead as he said,"Have fun. You're not getting any younger.". He was hit with a pillow.

Outside of Ray's garage, Zane saw Andre and he said,"Hey man. What are you doing here?". "Dude. I know that I told you that I left my dad's car here. I crashed into Coach Barnett's car." said Andre. "Oh right. I like the bike." said Zane. Andre looked at his bike ,which was a BMW, as he said,"Got it for me Zane. I'm going to take Selena on a stroll. Have fun with Ray. Oh congrats with Kristen by the way. You two are cute together.". He was gone as Zane said,"I wonder what's up with Ray.".

Zane opened the door as he said,"Hey Ray! I'm here so what's...". "Zane!" said Ray. Zane looked at his friend who was covered in grease and he smells something. "Dude. You look awful. How long have you been in the garage? It smells like someone die in here and it sounds like it as well." said Zane. Ray crossed his arms as he said,"I'm not going to ask how what death sounds like. I'm taking a shower so wait here. This is going to be big.".

He was gone as Zane said,"So anything going on in the city?". "Nothing Zane. This is getting strange Zane. No crimes have been happening." said Athena. "Yeah but at least, we have the entire day to ourselves." said Cole. "You may have a point there. Could you tell me something about the upgraded watch?" said Zane looking at the watch. "Sure Zane." said Athena. "Can you explain to me where the cards went? I mean when I activated a transformation, it went into my chest plate." said Zane.

Cole said,"Did our creator not tell you anything? Remember how we met.". "I put on the watch and I heard your voice. I thought I was going crazy until Athena told me about you. I really don't think we should go into detail on that." said Zane. "You can transform by just thinking about it now. Try it but don't pick a big one." said Athena. Zane closed his eyes as he transformed into Mummy Form. He then opened his eyes as he said,"Way too cool.".

Cole said,"Your forms may be very big but you can turn into anyone of your forms with just a single thought. It also comes up as a hologram on your watch with them being in the card format.". Ray stood there ,clean, as he said,"So why go Mummy?". "I wanted to try something. So what do you need me to see?" said Zane as he crossed his arms. "Well follow me your highness." said Ray. He began walking away as Zane tripped him. "I'm not royalty yet." said Zane.

Ray and Zane ,still in Mummy Form, walked into a different part of the garage. Ray said,"You know how you'll be asking for a bike man.". "When have I done that Ray?" said Zane. "When we were kids, I'll also remember fondly." said Ray. "Old man." said Zane. "Says the guy whose going to be a thousand years old at one point. Let me show you to the Astral Bike!" said Ray as the two stopped in a room and he turned on the light.

Zane saw a Black Chrome Kawaski Ninja 300/ZX-14 hybrid bike standing there. the seat is leather with the tire in the back being bigger than the normal sized wheel. It totally looked like it could fit himself and another person on it. "Well. What do you think? I can't tell due to your face being well bandages." said Ray. "It's nice Ray. Thanks. Why did you build this?" said Zane. "I was bored plus I wanted to be a good bro for once." said Ray.

Zane looked at Ray as he said,"Listen. I know that I was a dick about forgetting my engagement to the princess of well your second home. I hurt Tara and she's slowly forgiving me. I'm happy for that but I need to make my bro forgive me. You were my first real pal and I can't compete with Danny but I'll try my best to make you forgive me.". "That's so sweet!" said Cole as he was crying. "Well, you got my A.I. to cry. Lets test this bad boy out." said Zane. "Speaking my language." said Ray.

The two were soon going around the town on their bikes. "Man. This is pretty cool!" said Zane with him wearing a helmet similar to the helmet that he wore in his costume. "Yeah. I wonder what Gadget Form could do it with it." said Ray riding his newly rebuilt bike that was destroyed. Zane smiled as he thought of the form. He turned into Gadget Form as he fused with his bike. "Calling all Cars! It's time to transform!" said Zane. "If you're going to do that, do it an alleyway." said Ray.

Zane drove into an alleyway as Ray followed suit. The bike soon transformed as it has three wheels with the front of the bike is armored. It's body structure is very much like the bike it was before hand with it having gull-wing doors being that you could get on either side. The bike turned a navy blue color with the hood being the starry night, and his logo in the center of it on the hood alongside the two wheels in the back.

Ray said,"Dude. What did you do?". Zane reappeared from the bike as he said,"This isn't your bike Ray. Let me introduce you to the third vehicle of the Astral Realm called Saver.". "So what can't Gadget Form do?" said Ray. "Change anything organic." said Zane. The two heard police sirens as Zane said,"I'll handle it. Thanks for the bike Ray!". Zane jumped into the bike as he drove off. "I guess I'm forgiven in his eyes." said Ray.

At the theater, Natasha was talking with Marcia's mom Kathleen Hunter. She has mid-length brown with it combed back and dark blue eyes. She has a thin but athletic figure with her actually taking judo. She wears a green blouse with a red vest over it, a dark gray skirt, and matching green high heels. She wears gold earrings and necklace. "I heard that this movie is really funny." said Kathleen with Natasha smiling.

Police cars drove by them as they stopped a few blocks from the theater. A swat truck pulled up as the officers aimed their guns at something. An officer said,"Put your hands in the air Titan or else, it won't be pretty.". The officers heard footsteps as the swat officers fired several stun guns at the giant who was growing in size. He smashed through the police barricade as some officers fired stronger bullets at him. He smashed their car.

Natasha was shocked as she said,"That's Titan. I heard that he's part of a trio with Occult Master and Crash.". "Yeah. Marcia tells me about them." said Kathleen. Titan glared at the officer ,who ordered him earlier to stop, and he was about to smash her in giant form. Several cops dog pilled him but he threw them away with ease. He grabbed a car and he threw it right toward the theater with it barely missing the two mothers.

Zane ,in Saver, drove past his mom as Titan was walking past him. Zane jumped out of the bike and he landed on the totaled swat car back in his normal superhero outfit. "Hey Big guy. I told them that no prison could contain you. They tried though and I'm going to be send you back with a whole lot of stamps." said Zane. "Cute Zero. You're one funny guy." said Titan. "Wow. You're actually trying to quip back. So where's Occult and the twerp? You three are usually...." said Zane.

Zane's CJ went off as he thought,"Wait. Titan's in front of me so why is...". He was then punched by a giant rock fist with him landed back first into the theater's sign. He landed on the ground face first as he said,"Yep. That was Bedrock's fist. I remember that fist.". Bedrock stood on the truck as he said,"I didn't know we had to wait. I just gets so antsy.". Zane recovered as Zane said,"Wow. Switching up the game. I didn't know you had it in you Titan.".

He heard Bedrock say,"I guess you can't count huh Legion Zero?". Cyber stood there as she said with a smile,"We're going to enjoy kicking your but for trying to take him away from us.". Zane was slowly standing back up as he heard something. He looked up to see Occult Master floating in the air above them with Countess Chimera and Jester to his left and right respectively. The trio flew right by him as Cinder appeared from the nearby building and flying in the air using flames.

George reappeared in front of the swat truck as the rest of the villains were behind him. "Any last words Zero before we ripped you apart?" said George. "Gods dam it." said Zane. The eight soon walked toward him with Natasha standing in front of Zane. "Natasha my dear. Please move so I can end the little pest between us." said George. "You know him?" said Kathleen. "So you can attack this poor boy? I think not!" said Natasha.

Kathleen grabbed her friend as Zane said,"I'll be fine. I eat punks like them for breakfast. Just get to safety please.". "Let's rush through them!" said Titan. "We can't. I mean killing two old women will bad for our street cred." said Jester. "Do you honestly care about that Jester?" said EC. "The show's about to begin so best get inside! I heard that the popcorn is great with hot sauce!" said Zane. He then pushed the two inside.

Zane said,"I'll be fine. These guys are nothing.". "Are you sure?" said Natasha. Zane was grabbed by Chimera as he said,"Just peachy! Now go to the exit! Leave now!".  Zane was dragged out of the theater as George said,"See you later my sweet.". Kathleen grabbed her friend as the two were gone with OM said,"Fire him back already!". Chimea threw Zane into the air as Jester and Occult blasted him into a billboard hard landing onto a car. Cinder threw a fireball as Zane dodged it barely.   

Inside, the people were going crazy as Kathleen looked at Natasha who looked terrible. "Natasha. Are you okay?" said Kathleen. "My body isn't working at all." said Natasha. She passed out as Kathleen caught her before she fell. "Someone call 911!" yelled Kathleen. Outside, Titan was chasing after the hero as he said,"You guys may have the numbers but I have more power than you and also clones!". He turned into Cartoon Form as he said,"Now! It's time to test this out!".

He and his seven clones turned into Bull Form, Brawn Form, Diamond Form, Frankenstein Form, Liger Form, Radiation Form, Swamp Form, and Werewolf Form. "So only nine? I guess you didn't have enough cred to get the big names." said Swamp Form. Cinder then threw a fireball right at the walking swamp with it going right through him. Bull Form found Occult as he said,"We should get rid of the weakest line first!".

He punched Occult as the bovine grabbed his fist. "What the? It hurt?" said Bull Form. "My normal clothing is laced with magic Legion aka your Achilles!" said OM. He blasted Bull Form back to the Cartoon Form as it disappeared. "In fact, we've learned a lot from watching you fight!" said George as he then threw both Diamond and Frankenstein right toward Bedrock. "And you're out of here!" said Bedrock. The two were gone as they slammed into a giant TV.

All of the clones were soon gone as Zane reappeared covered in bruises. "I can't beat these guys right now so I need to ditch them faster than you can say Pluto." said Zane. He phased through the ground as Cinder tried to hit him with a fireball. Titan looked at the ground and he said,"So should we just rip it or what?". "Not exactly. You and Cyber stay above to keep the police in line. We'll go after the boy and rip him apart." said George.

A magic circle appeared as it fired a giant beam out of it revealing the sewers. The other villains went in the sewer as OM said,"So how are we supposed to find him? He's really good at hiding.". "And he may attack us but you forget about my enhanced senses Occult. I can smell him down there along with several old foods." said Countess. "What about cocodrilos? I heard that they're living down here." said Cinder making his hand into a flame for light.

George said,"I'm impress that you can use your powers now Cinder but you may alert Zero of us.". "I guess you have a point." said Cinder. He went back up as Bedrock said,"I better go with the kid. I'm not the best down here." said Bedrock. "I guessed Bedrock is a big old baby." said Jester. "What did you say clowny?!" said Bedrock. Zane was above them in Camouflage Form with several bugs soon going over him as he thought,"Gross.".

Karen was sitting with Danny, Gwen, Rachel, Ray, and Tara as Danny said,"You just let him go fight eight villains at once!". Ray went back as he said,"I didn't know about it eight villains! I thought it was just one.". "Where is he anyway? I can't reach him." said Tara. Karen was worried as Rachel said,"He may be still hiding from all of those villains.". Gwen looked at her phone as she said,"We need to find him now.".

Danny and Ray said,"Why?". "No one but one woman was injured during the attack. There was a low amount of property damage so good for that." said Gwen. "So whose the lucky woman?" said Tara as Karen got interested. "Natasha Alvarez." said Gwen. "We have to find him now!" said Rachel. "Lets keep calling him. Tell everyone we know about this. The more people, the better." said Danny as he then clenched his fists hard.

Back at Zane's house, he had crawled back into his room with him deactivating. "God. I"m so tired right now." said Zane. He stretched as his phone rang. "I'm not in the mood." said Zane as he silenced it. He threw his phone onto his bed as he walked out of his room. He went over to his mom's room as he heard silence. "I hope she wasn't too scary. I better get some sleep." said Zane. He flew back to his room as he crashed onto it with his clothes. "I wish those idiots would go back to jail." said Zane.

He fell asleep as his home phone went on its answering machine. "Hello. This's Natasha Alvarez and the rest of the Alvarez family consisting of Ana, Arturo, Atem, Edgar, Kania, Wolfram, and Zane. I'm sure one of us will call you back." said the machine. "Zane. It's Arturo. Everyone is looking for you and your mother is in the hospital. Please pick your phone." said Arturo. The machine had fifty plus message on it.

Back in the town, Tony was walking over to Ramona as he said,"So what's up with them now?". "I think they're eating." said Ramona. "Really?" said Tony. She handed him binoculars as he said,"They must be blind. I mean eating there of all places.". "I don't think that the point here Tony but I would have picked that French place on third." said Ramona. Inside of the restaurant, Occult was holding a glass as he said,"To the Battalion and Zero's end!".

Cyber said,"He can't be dead. We think he's too stubborn to die just like our beloved is.".  Titan then slammed the table as he said,"I was above along with firehead, nano chip girl, and sandy. The rest of you were searching for him and found jack! Next time, I'm smashing him.". "Revenge is so my past life. Now, I'm just after jewels and maybe that brat's head but money is more important." said Jester standing up.

Chimera said,"Legion Zero long gone so we can now bring all of this town to its knees and maybe even the world!". Chimera, Cyber, Jester, and Titan glared at each other as Cinder said,"Stop! We'll get everything our heart desires! All we have to do is listen to Emperor and we can have it okay amigos?". "Thanks Cinder. We all have a score to settle with Zero's escape pissing us all off. He's defeated us alone but I promise that Zero will die." said Emperor.

OM said,"How do you suggest we do that then?". "He's probably in that dimension where clowny is from." said Bedrock. "We get his attention. It's simple no?" said George. He looked at the waiter as he said,"So where do I pay?". "It's on the house sir!" said the waiter. He was long gone as George said,"I guess he knows our power doesn't he boys?". "And girls." said Cyber. "Whatever. Lets bring out the hero." said George.

Back at the Alvarez house, Zane was fast asleep with the TV saying,"The group calling themselves the Battalion has left the central district and seems to be heading toward the bank right nearby the city park.". Zane began to glow as a new form stood there. He has pale white skin with white ,shark like, teeth. Two of them sticking out of his mouth for fangs. He has bat like ears. His eyes are bright red. He's wearing a black and red jumpsuit. He has a chest plate like Frost Form. He looks 7 feet.

He's wearing black gloves. His suit is covered with red marking looking like veins and wearing a white mask that covers his face and head except for the mask. He opened up his bedroom's window and he flew off. He turned into a small black bat with two black ,with red interior, wings. He reached the bank ,in record time, as he was soon hit by Cyber. Zane turned back to the vampire form. "Our friend is here!" said Cyber. Zane was soon being held in place by Bedrock.

Bedrock said,"Look at him. He's a bat of some kind.". He threw him into the air as Jester fired an Orange Nether blast with Titan punched Zane right into a car. Occult Master fired a giant explosion from a magic hat cannon causing the car to exploded. Zane landed on a lightpost with him jumping off it to dodge George's spell aka a hammer. Zane landed on the ground with Chimera saying,"I guess you were right. He did show up.". The others were around Zane.

Zane was silent as George said,"Silent are we batty? Titan. You won the coin toss so you can inflict the first wound on him.". "Turning him into a pancake." said Titan. Titan was getting ready to attack but Zane stood there. "What's the matter scared?" said Jester. Titan rushed toward him as Zane opened his mouth releasing something. They were small dark blue ruby shaped objects with light blue eyes, little horns, and black bat like wings.

They landed on George and Titan as Zane only opened his right eye. Titan punched Bedrock as OM said,"What are you doing?! We're working together to stop....". George blasted OM with a magic spell as Cinder said,"Zero's doing it! Those cosas de murcielago are controling them! Let me take care of him.". He threw a fire stream at Zane who jumped into the air causing it to hit George with him landing onto a car. Zane flew into the nearby park as his enemies ran after him.

Outside of the bank, the police arrived as Tony said,"Everyone. Make sure the hostage are okay and no super powered punk stay behind.". Ramona stood by him as she said,"So while they're doing the not so fun stuff, we're having fun.". "Yep." said Tony. The two ran into the park as Cyber was about to attack Zane with several nano chips whips. The villains corned him on the bridge as he dodged the attack all with ease as he fired an energy beam at Bedrock.

OM tried to blast him but Zane flew under the bridge. Chimera jumped after him but Zane grabbed her and threw her to the ground. He soon flew up there grabbing George and flying back down with him using the man as a shield for Jester's Nether fists. George went back as Cinder threw a fire ball at Zane. The vampire growled as Cinder said,"Don't like the sun do you? Lets give you more!". He then starting throwing more of them as Zane dodged them left and right.

Zane fired two bats out of his mouth with them hitting Cinder and OM. He caused the two to blast each other with Zane getting punched by a rocky fist. Zane went under the bridge with Zane soon recovered glaring Bedrock. He taunted him as Bedrock said,"You're dead kid!". He rushed toward Zane with Zane's senses telling him that Cyber was coming in for a sneak attack. The two were soon about to him as Zane jumped up causing a crash.

Bedrock reformed as Titan grabbed the ground. Zane was on the other side as Titan threw it away from the group. Zane jumped off as he flew in a loop. He went up to them releasing a high pitch explosion on Titan causing him to stumble off the bridge thanks to the hole he made. Zane jumped back to avoid Cinder, Jester, and OM's attack with him keep on going. Zane rushed toward them with him crossing his arms. He slammed into the them as he opened his fangs.

Before he get a bite, he heard Titan. He turned around and he taunted the giant. "You're dead Legion Zero!" yelled Titan. He rushed toward Zane as he jumped over him. Zane landed behind the big guy as he kicked him in the back hard causing him to fly into the trees. Zane soon flew over to the big guy as he fired a explosive punch at the giant causing him to fly. The three from before accidentally hit Titan as he screamed out in pain.

Titan stood there as Cinder said,"Son of a!". "God dam it!" said OM. "He tricked us into hitting that oaf!" said Jester. "Round two!" said OM. The three fired their attack as Zane used him for makeshift cover. Jester and OM aimed their attacks at Zane with OM saying,"Okay hothead! Lets see how you do up close with that vampire freak.". Cinder nodded as he lifted himself into the air and toward Zane.

Ramona and Tony were nearby as they watch. Zane's CJ went off as he threw Titan at Cinder with him saying,"Stupid vampiro.". The giant landed on the hot head hard as the ground shook. Jester and OM fired attacks at Zane who just kept dodging. He landed on the ground as Bedrock, Cyber, and Chimera saw what happened to Titan. "Seriously?! He took out the big guy!". said Bedrock. George return as he said,"Help Cinder Bedrock.".

Bedrock rushed over to Cinder as he said,"Get him off!". The fire around him increased as Bedrock said,"Turn off the fire power and I can help you!". Cyber saw ,from the sky, that Zane was heading to the sewer grate as she said,"He's trying to escape again! We won't let that happen!". Zane held the grate as he slammed into Cyber with Zane landed on the ground. "Move before we blast you like we did with Titan!" said Jester.

Cyber flew off as Zane dodged his attack. Zane took off after Cyber with the two having an aerial race. "Leave us alone!" yelled Cyber. Zane kicked her into the ground hard as she was out cold from that. Zane began dodging Jester's attack with him behind the Phantom. Jester tried to blast him as OM said,"Calm down! He's trying to trick you like with Cyber!". Zane fired a bat out at Jester with the phantom standing there unable to move.

Bedrock rushed toward Zane with Zane making Jester blast Bedrock. Zane smiled as he fired out a pair of bats from his mouth. It landed on Bedrock and OM as he blasted Jester who blasted Bedrock and Bedrock aimed for OM. Zane flew above them and went crashing down causing an shockwave of energy knocking the three of them out. Zane was soon grabbed by George who said,"I knew that you were serious when you stopped talking. Just like your old man.".

George looked at Titan with him saying,"I think Titan would like his reward. Do you know how hard it is to win at eight person coin toss? Quite hard if you ask me but he did it.". "Get him off." said Cinder as the fire around him increased. "You need to calm down...." said Chimera. The hothead released a huge area of fire which got Chimera and George as Zane flew back. Cinder was out cold along with Chimera as Zane flew above George.

He went flying down with his feet aimed right at George sending him flying. Zane grabbed George and he threw him with his pals. "Well down kid." said Ramona. Zane looked to see the two and he pointed to them. "Yep. We'll take care of them. You get some rest. You're in school right? My son is a huge fan of yours." said Tony. "What kid isn't?" said Ramona. Zane flew off after he send Jester back to Terrarune.

The next morning, Zane ,back to normal, woke up as he said,"What the hell? Why do I feel like crap or something worse?". He tried to stand up but his body felt weak. "Zane. Don't you remember what happened?" said Cole. "Um no. I just went to bed for ten hours. It's a record for me to sleep more than five hours so what happened?" said Zane as his body felt like crap. "You were sleep fighting as Vampire Form, one of your best close combat fighters." said Athena.

He went over to his mom's room. "I kicked some but while asleep. That's so cool. I should do that more often." said Zane. "Yep. The problem is that you didn't make any jokes. You were dead asleep." said Cole. Zane placed his ear on the door as he heard nothing. "She must be asleep after what happened to her yesterday." said Zane. He headed downstairs with him opening the door and grabbed the mail.

Zane soon noticed the newspaper as he said,"They're still make newspapers? And I also kicked the Battalion's but? I think I'm liking sleep fighting and Vampire Form. This form kicks so much ass even when I'm asleep!". "Zane!" said a voice. He looked up to see Marcia and Travis as Zane said,"Nice PJs Marcia.". "Where have you been? Your mom is..." said Marcia. "She's asleep. Some super villains attacked her and your mom Marcia." said Zane as he closed the door.

Travis said,"You seriously don't know?". "Know what?" said Zane. Marcia grabbed his hand as she said,"Zane. Your mom had a heart attack while trying to escape from the Battalion and Legion Zero's fight. We've been looking for you. She'll be okay but she in the hospital.". Zane's face was stunned as Zane said,"No....". "Where have you been man?" said Travis. "I have to get going." said Zane. He ran off toward the garage as he said with tears,"Mommy. Please don't leave me like daddy.".

Next time,
Will Natasha recover? This and more next time on Zero! I would make up more but I got nothing at all!

New Cards/Forms:      
Vampire Form. This transformation's card has a black frame with a coffin and crimson red moon background as a vampire like creature standing there. Zane's body turns more vampire like and he can transform into a bat form or pure vampire form. He can control people using something he spits out called Hypno Bats. He speaks with a very noticeable Transylvanian Accent.

Cinder's Words:
Telefono publico de monedas: payphone.
Pakaro: bird.
Mocoso: brat.
Payaso; clown.
Fantasma: ghost.
Cocodrilos: crocodiles.
Amigos: pals.
Cosas de murcielago= bat things.
Vampiro= vampire.

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