Sunday, October 15, 2017

Zero Shorts Episode 4 The Real You PT 2 Welcome to Noble Haven

A/N: Yeah. I didn't plan on having the Next Time thing because I don't plan the shorts unlike the regular series. The regular series has some planning but not like sixty steps ahead or something. I tend to go with the flow or whatever I'm thinking. This part will be showing off the background of Zane and Danny. Also Zane gets captured a lot and knocked out. This is the best way I can think of making weak. You'll see this a lot in the series.

I'm not sure on the crossovers but I'm just going to say that certain events in the main ,and possibly the shorts, will change Zane for the better? You'll just have to wait until December I hope. I really hope I get it started before the end of the year. Anyway, lets begin in Japan. I was going to pick China but I picked Japan because I like it more and also I could make a reference to Soul. It may go into future events of the series. Wink.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane was resting on a bench as Danny looked at his friend. The two were being driven to Citadel as Zane was mumbling. "Zane." said Danny. "Hey. What's with the watch? I mean Zane didn't use the watch before right?" said an soldier. Danny turned to see two soldiers talking as one said,"I don't think Zane's fully there right now. I mean we've all seen him and Morph on the news lately. They're superheroes now. I don't think Abnormal likes that.".

Danny thought,"Abnormal? Why does that sound familiar?". He shook his head as he overheard,"We need to take him to base. Doc wants to see the two of them in person. I think she wanted to place the five into the Alliance and restore Zane's memories.". "I hope that this amnesia phase isn't permanent at all. The last time Zane went through his Amnesia Phase, wow." said a soldier. Danny rolled his eyes as he tried to help Zane. The two had gotten in the armored carrier tank for two reasons.

They had no idea about why they were brought here and also Zane was feeling awful. Danny looked at his watch and he whispered,"Athena. Do you know who these guys are?". "I don't but they know the both of you just like that man. I couldn't find him in the Alliance Database but I did find out that we were in Japan." said Athena. "That's better than nothing I guess. So do you think that Cole was taken?" whispered Danny. Zane began to stir with Danny looking at his friend.

Zane soon grabbed his head in pain but on the inside, he was being flashed with several years worthy of memories. He then saw himself fighting against several opponents ,human or not, with him either in one of his forty one shown forms, in costume, or in his regular clothing. He also saw that he has been fighting since he was a very young child. They were so violent and then he saw a very strange looking skull laughing at him. His eyes widened and he stood up.

He was panting as Danny said,"Zane! Are you okay?!". "Skull....." said Zane. Before Danny could force Zane to explain himself, they were interrupted by something big. The car shook violently and the soldiers readied their weapons in alarm. "What the hell was that?" said Danny. The tank shook once again as the troops stood up and one of them slammed on the shutter door. It opened and they dashed out. "Stay here Zane. I'll be back." said Danny.

He ran outside and he saw a large monster standing there. "It's one of his creatures! Open fire!" said the commander. The monster slammed the carrier with Zane tumbling out into the outside. He landed roughly on his back and he looked up to see the monster. It had an gray ,elephant like, body with four giant muscular ,dinosaur, arms. It has two mouths ,filled with several jagged teeth, and spikes all over its body.

It raised one of its massive arms to hit the shocked Zane as Danny said,"Move now Zane!". He was running toward his friend but Zane ,instinctively, barrel rolled out of harms way. The ground shook as Zane stumbled to his feet. The creature rushed toward Zane as the commander said,"Danny! Protect Zane! He's not himself right now and a liability! We'll keep it distracted!". The small army fired their weapons on the beasts as Danny went toward Zane.

Zane thought,"What's that? Where am I?". The beast slammed into Zane causing him to hit the side of the caravan knocking the air out of him and coughing a bit. "Zane!" yelled Danny. He turned his hands into the Phantom Smashers and he then punched the beast toward the ground. Zane's watch suddenly began to glow as Zane looked down. "What's going on?!" said Zane. He tried to take off the watch but couldn't.

The commander said,"Open fire! Radio H.Q for backup! Go!". They fired at the monster but the only thing that did any damage was Danny who kept looking at Zane. The teen tried to get the watch off as he soon heard,"I don't know what's going on with you but we need to help Danny.". "Huh? Who said that?" said Zane. His body was covered in a glowing light as the beast, army, and Danny turned to see that Zane was gone. The monster rushed toward the light.

The light disappeared revealing Liger Form. Danny sighed as Zane said,"Where are you now brother?! I'm very confused and angry at the same time! Listen here tell me where I am or else you will get the crap beaten out of...". He was slammed into the ground by one of the monster's arms as one of the armed men said,"Ouch. That looked painful.". Danny then noticed that the arm didn't slam Zane into the ground.

Zane held the arm there with the ground breaking below him. "Leave me alone you overgrown multi-armed pachyderm brother!" said Zane. The arm slammed back into the beast with it causing a loud impacting sound. "You didn't let me finishing talking brother! You will be ripped a new one and everyone will know who did that to you!" said Zane. Zane jumped into the air with him saying,"Time for my Nuclear Drop brother!". 

His elbows aimed at the monster. He began spinning around with energy gathering around him. He hit the beast causing a giant explosion knocking it to its knees. Zane landed on the beast's back and he said,"I will take your down you overgrown multi-armed pachyderm brother!". He kept punched the arms and then began using its own arms against it. "Why are you hurting yourself brother?! Oh I know! I'm the one hurting you!" said Zane.

During this beatdown, the injured soldiers were being dragged into another truck. "So where's that backup Commander? I really hope Zane doesn't start attacking us after he finishes with that thing and I'm kinda feeling bad for it." said Danny. The two saw Zane tying the monster's extra arms around its body and it roared in victory. Zane then turned to see Danny looking right at him. "You need to calm down Zane. You won against that thing. We also learned that we're not getting you drunk." said Danny.

He was looking at the fallen monster that Zane was standing on and it was crying. "Okay then. I know all too well that  this form likes to fight so I'll give it one!" said Danny. His right arm turned into the Ghostly Broadsword as Zane looked at him. He didn't know who this kid was but his instincts was telling him to kick his ass to Tuesday. It was a weird instinct but Zane decided to trust it since when has his instinct lead him wrong before.

Zane turned into Radiation Form as he said,"Okay Comrade. Tell me your name.". Danny cocked his eyebrow as he said,"Um you know my name bro. We've been friends for years. It's Morph right now by the way.". Zane nodded and he said,"Sorry there comrade but I've never met you before today. Have a taste of Mother Radiation!". Danny was then blasted by a radiation beam but he blocked it with his sword but it pushed him back.

Danny thought,"Okay. I know for a fact that this form is rather slow despite its immense power so let's use that to my advantage!". Danny clanged the sword against on Zane's body and Zane said,"You may be faster than me comrade but I'm stronger than you!". Danny was punched in the stomach by said living nuclear being. Danny staggered back a bit but he recovered fast. "I guess I've been slacking in my training. Time to make sure you get your memory back the HARD way!" said Danny. 

Within seconds, his hands turned into the Phantom Smashers. "My memory is working just fine comrade. It's hard like Mother Ion!" said Zane. "That makes no sense." said Danny. "And I don't care if it does comrade!" said Zane. He blasted Danny toward the city as Zane glowed once again. He turned into Orb Form and he rolled after Danny. After all of the soldiers were safe, Commander Fuller said to his intercom,"We may have a little problem doc.".

Danny recovered as he said,"Okay. Zane isn't there right now. He made that perfectly clear.". He got up and he was soon launched into a building by Orb Form. He turned back into Radiation Form and he said,"Are you done comrade? You've no chance of defeating me when I can easily destroy you with my power.". Danny soon punched Zane back and he said,"You always told me never to give up even the odds are against you!".

Zane stopped as he turned back to normal. "Thank god! I don't think I could last any longer. I may need to do some serious training after this is all over." thought Danny. He walked over to Zane and he said,"So are you back to normal Zane?". Zane looked up to see everyone looking at him and he got in a defensive position. "Easy there partner. I'm your friend even after you sent me flying which by the way hurt!" said Danny.

Zane looked skeptic with him soon feeling a throbbing pain erupted in his head. It soon caused Zane to fall onto his knees. "Hey. Are you okay?" said Danny. He looked at his friend and he thought,"I'm sure that Zane's pretty much on empty right now.". Various memories and images surged throughout Zane's brain and they were rushing. He saw pictures of his friends, family, and new ones. Zane then opened his eyes and he hugged Danny.

Zane said,"Danny! I remember everything and everyone! I finally feel whole!". "Okay. Can you let me go now?" said Danny. Zane let him go as he said,"So why are we back in Noble Haven? We now live in Cypress Park.". "That's a good question. That weird plant armed chick brought us here, you tried to kill me, and you wrecked a monster that was given those armed soldiers some trouble." said Danny.

Zane said,"Yeah. I don't remember beating you up like at all. I must have been awesome doing it right man?". "Sure you were." said Danny sarcastically. "Blanche brought us here for Rocco. I think he's after me for my ability to adapt. I mean he created the Deviants and Freakshow for that reason." said Zane. "Who are the Deviants and is that group that attacked us the Freakshow?" said Danny. "You don't remember man? it was pretty traumatic but you at least had a friend on the outside." said Zane.

Danny said,"Okay. Can you bring the Midnight Bird here? I'm really not in the mood for being sent across the world.". Zane focused as he said,"Yeah. For some reason, I can't. Don't you have the keys to the plane?". "Rachel does. I guess we'll stuck here until you recharge by..." said Danny. He turned to see Zane with a huge amount of food on him. "Did you steal that?" said Danny. "I "borrow" them and I'll "return it" about six hours later." said Zane.

He started eating as Zane said,"Don't you have a weapon that can allow you flight?". "Uh. I think I do but I need some time to create it. So can you?" said Danny. Zane finished off the food and he said,"I got it.". He activated Falcon Board as Danny said,"I honestly didn't know that you still had that. So are you ready?". Zane was about to fly off but his Crisis Judgement activated. He turned into Brawn Form and he got ready to fight.

Danny soon saw the strange man from before with the reptile, stone face, and the woman with the plant arms. "Rocco. I'm so happy to see you again." said Zane crackled his knuckles. "So you know remember everything do you Zane? I guess I should return Cole back to you." said Rocco. "Athena and Zane! I missed you both so very much! I may have missed Athena more but you're like my second person I missed!" said Cole.

Danny said,"So how are you able to manipulate Zane's watch and why did you bring us here?". "You still don't remember anything?" said Blanche. "I guess not Blanche. Send them to the Citadel. They'll find out soon." said Rocco. "I understand boss. Good seeing you again Zane" said Blanche. She then threw two seeds at the teens and they were gone by a portal. The two were inside of a building and it was on the outskirts of Noble Haven.

Danny then soon saw Zane ,in Brawn Form, barf as Danny said,"It sucks that you barf whenever you go in a portal of any kind but you need weakness.". "Not the point here Danny. So where did she take us?" said Zane. "Halt!" said a voice. The two then saw that they were surrounded by men ,with them wearing the same outfit as the men from before, and their guns were aimed at them. "We come in peace?" said Zane. The two were then electrocuted and knocked out once again.

Danny slowly waked up and he saw that he was in a laboratory. He looked around and he said,"I'm really getting sick of waking in places. Where am I?". He got up from the lab table with him seeing that the table was attached to some kind of machine. "You're awake. It's finally good to meet you after all of these years Morph." said a voice. He turned around to see a man standing there with his arms crossed.

He's a tall man with him being slightly lean and muscular. He looked like a statue with Danny pretty sure that he's a normal human. He has short dark blond hair and brown eyes which are hidden thanks to the sunglasses shades over his eyes. He's wearing a black business suit with a matching colored tie and white dress shirt. He wears military combat boots. He has two blades sheathed on his back with him looking he's been fighting. "Trust me, you and I are good friends." said the man.

Danny said,"I would believe that but your friends shocked me and Zane. Speaking of him, where is he and if you don't tell me...". "You'll bring out your nano machines with you trying to attack me and go find Zane." said the man. "How did you?" said Danny. "I've known you for a long time. You and Zane are brothers in arms. We're fighting to protect our world from Abnormal and his Deviants. He's actually planning something." said the man.

Danny said,"Tell me your name or code name sir. I'm not going to run off and attack your men. This machine disable my nano machines didn't they?". "You're right. You were the brains of this operation here Morph." said the man. "Is that a code name? Am I human or machine?" said Danny. "You're human kid. It seems that you're suffering from memory loss. Do you wish to know the truth?" said the man. He held a small remote and Danny said,"What is that?".

The man held up a remote as he said,"This was made by the doc. She's currently checking on Zane. I don't think he liked our electricity attacks earlier.". "Brawn Form may be a powerhouse but unlike Liger Form, he doesn't like electricity. So what's the remote?" said Danny. "We placed some nano machines in your body to help with your memory loss. I can activate them and you'll remember a lot so are you up for it?" said the man.

Danny said,"Are you a good man?". "I promise that I won't let anyone touch you while you're getting your memory. I promise." said the man. "Okay. You never told me your name." said Danny. The man pressed a button as Danny fell back asleep. "My name is Mustang. I taught you and Zane how to fight but well, your nano machines and Zane's unique DNA have improved leaps and bond. I'm promise to protect you because I owe your parents a lot." said Mustang.

Zane ,in costume, was walking around in his cell. He had woken up faster than he expected. He was currently talking with Athena and Cole. He was currently being unguarded. "So we're in Japan? And you and Danny used to live here before you two moved to Cypress Park." said Cole. "And the Citadel is what? And why can't I get any signal?" said Athena. "Citadel is a black ops faction of the Alliance with no one beside the higher ranked members know about them plus I'm a member." said Zane.

Cole said,"Wait! I thought you didn't know about the Alliance until you went through your puberty in New York. I remember this because Parker was building me aka the better A.I. when you left.". "He's right. I'm going to say that your memory was erased in order to make sure that you don't say anything stupid." said Athena. "Yeah. So should I break out of here? I mean I'm fully charged up and well, this would be easy." said Zane.

Cole said,"I would normally say yes but we need to find out about the Freakshow.". "And those bombs that were placed in front of the bank. Our signal may be very limited here but we can't tell that those bombs were created by the more human member. He knows you Zane." said Athena. Zane placed his hand on the glass and he said,"Let me show you Athena. We have to go.". He turned into Specter Form and he floated off.

Outside of the building, a portal soon appeared. Blanche stood there with Solomon and Tototl behind here. "What are we doing here Master?" said Blanche. Rocco walked toward them as he said,"We're going after our dear friend Zane. I owe him a lot. He's the one who gave us our powers alongside the good doctor.". "I know that Zane is here but what about the doctor?" said Solomon. "I'm not sure but soon, I'll find out." said Rocco.

He snapped his fingers with several creatures ,very much like before but one a smaller scale, came out from the ground behind him. "They will be the distraction for the Citadel. We'll be rescuing our brothers and sisters from this hole. They were captured after Agent Mustang defeated them. Lets go save them." said Rocco. The creatures went toward the base as Blanche made a portal. Rocco smiled as he thought,"Time to gain Unlimited Power.". The portal was gone as the base was ransacked.

Danny woke up as Mustang said,"Danny. Are you?". "Yeah. Let me guess. Rocco wants Zane and his genes." said Danny. "Can you blame him? He's able to handle immense power in his body and well, I think we have work to do." said Mustang. He focused as he made navy blue energy blades appeared from his body. "I'm really good at manipulate energy. You be my backup against the freakshow and I think we owe the doctor a visit after this." said Mustang. "Bingo." said Danny.

Blanche and the rest of her group arrived in the base as Tototl growled out something. "I'll be going against Zane. The rest of you will handle the Alliance and Mustang. Understood?" said Rocco. "Yes. We'll handle them Master Abnormal." said Solomon bowing. The two other henchmen bowed with Rocco heading down a different hallway. Tototl growled as Blanche said,"We'll kill them Toto. I promise that for sure.". "Yep. Begin fighting. I also heard you coming Mustang." said Solomon.

He then blocked Mustang's attack as Tototl was about to grab Mustang using his tongue. He was soon blasted by a giant bullet which blasted him back. Blanche saw Danny standing there with his Spook Howitzer and he said,"Hey ugly! That was for touching me with your tongue!". Toto growled and he rushed toward Danny. Danny soon turned his cannon into his Ghostly Broadsword. He soon sliced the stone creature back as Toto roared out something.

Blanche soon nodded as her larger arms stretching toward the two. Danny smiled as he said,"Do you remember how I work Blanche?". He then turned his right foot into the Spectral Busters as he kicked Toto into Blanche's stretched arms. Toto growled and Blanche said,"Calm down Toto! If you keep moving, you'll get tied up!". Danny soon noticed that Toto wasn't listening to her and Blanche's arms was tied around him.

Danny smiled as he said,"Hey ugly. I bet you can't get me while you're tied up.". Toto then ran toward Danny ,who was slowly running away, and Blanche was being dragged along the ground. Danny ran away as the two deviants were gone with Mustang and Solomon fighting. "You've gotten sloppy. You were a challenge but now, you're not." said Mustang. Solomon soon fired out a barrage of diamond shaped projectiles at Mustang.

He sliced them and it destroyed the room around them. "It seems that you're nothing more than a pest Solomon. I thought your more diamond upgrade would give more of a challenge." said Mustang. "It's a good thing that you're not the reason why we're here." said Solomon. He fired more crystals at the agent who sliced them in half. He jumped into the air and over Solomon. He kicked the creature in his back hard with him stumbling for a bit.

He was about to swing his massive club at him but he was soon hit by both Blanche and Toto who were both dizzy. The three were then defeated as Mustang turned to see Danny with the Phantom Smashers activated. "It's good to have you back Danny." said Mustang. "Yeah but right now, their freaky boss is after Zane. Where is he now?" said Danny. Mustang pulled out a phone and he said,"I think the main laboratory Danny. That's where his tracker says he is.".

Danny said,"Yeah. Zane may have been told about the tracker thanks to Athena and Cole. They could have gotten rid of it and placed it somewhere to confuse you.". "That sounds like Zane. We should go to the main laboratory to try and help him." said Mustang. "You're right but what about them?" said Danny. He pointed to the Freakshow and Mustang said,"They won't be moving after I placed some sleeping darts in them.".

He placed some sleeping darts in the three as Danny said,"So explain to me why they're called the Freakshow again?". "I think they used to be former carnies with the three being selected by Rocco to use as his minions. I may have to do some research after all of this is over." said Mustang. "Indeed. I think we should get going but first, we should tied them together." said Danny. The two were gone as the freakshow were tied by Blanche's arms or Toto's tongue.

Deep into the base, there was a room filled with several computers, monitors, and a giant circle and hollow table. It had a monitor ,in the center, with a green colored map of the world. A woman was working there with her unaware about Rocco and his Freakshow attacking. She has bright green eyes and black hair with it tied in a high bun on the top of her head. Her bangs are neatly combed to the side of her forehead. She has freckles.

She's tall and elegant. She looked like a supermodel and not at all a scientist. She's currently wearing a white lab coat ,how typical, with her wearing a black turtle neck shirt with a red vest over it. She wears dark brown colored pants with black knee high heeled boots. She matches this outfit with a dark orange utility belt. She also has freckles on her face. She heard the door open and she said,"Do you mind I'm trying...".

She didn't see anyone there as she said,"Okay then. Someone must be playing a joke on me.". She went back to work and it showed some nano machines. "I can't believe Natasha. She evolved them more than I could ever..." said the woman. "She was always a brilliant woman wasn't she Doctor? I do hope you're the perfect bait for him." said a voice that she knew too well. She was then grabbed by vines as she yelled,"Rocco! Get out here!".

The man appeared from the ground as he said,"Ah. It's good to see you again. When was the last time we last spoke?". "Oh. I remember very clearly. You attacked Danny causing him to almost die!" said the woman. "He and Zane were bothering our research. We were trying to improve the world for all types of humans but those two brats tried to stop that. I only need a few things and one of them are you Tabitha..." said Rocco. He and the vine prison were soon frozen solid.

Tabitha was free and the two heard,"Sorry there Rocco. This doctor is unable to cure your cold.". She soon saw Zane ,in Frost Form, however he looked different. He was still a slender humanoid bug but with more muscles and lost the antennas that stuck out of his head. He's now eight feet tall. He has four black ,with snow white edges, wings being that they're able to wrap around his body, covering it except for his head and looking like an assassin or ninja.

He has a third eye which was placed vertically between both of his normal eyes and it was closed. It can open upon Zane wants. His eyes are still red ,with noticeable pupils, and has his rosy red cheeks which is noticeable thanks to his skull like face. His mouth was currently closed and doesn't require him to breath heavily. His body was naturally creating frost, primarily focused on his forearms and shins. He then yawned, revealing his naturally snow white teeth.

His body ,his abdomen, chest, face, and neck, is now black. This doesn't count whatsoever since his ankles, armpits, legs, shoulders, and upper arms being a navy blue color. He has five pointed dark cyan fingers ,missing his thumbs with one finger working as his thumb, and toes. The palms of his hands, soles of his feet, and both sides of his neck have a strange snow white icicle shaped marking on them. His torso still has his body armor/plates but missing the marking on his right chest plate.

Tabitha were shocked by this as she said,"Zane. That is Frost Form right?". "Yes. This form went through a metamorphosis. It was just like a butterfly or something. I like it to be honest. You need to get out of here because that ice is going to hold for that much longer." said Zane. She nodded as she said,"I'll go find Danny and Mustang!". The two were gone as the ice soon began to crack. Zane turned into Liger Form ,once again, as Rocco was free from his icy prison.

Zane said,"Listen up brother who was aformer scientist of the Aliance and leader of the Freakshow! I'm going to make you pay for what you did to me and your plans will be stopped before they come true!". "I forgot that you always say brother in this form. Okay then, I do suggest that you calm down before I..." said Rocco. He was then punched by Zane who said,"Shut up right now brother! If you don't, I will make your intestines into a scarf!". 

The feline fired energy out of his mouth and it caused an explosion. Zane flexed as he said,"I am much stronger than you and you can't defeat someone of my level you son of a....". Zane turned back to his normal self as Rocco said,"Did you forget that I can still manipulate your watch boy.". "Dang it. I knew that this was going to bite me in the ass." said Zane. Zane saw this trench coat was destroyed and Rocco now had four spider like pincers sticking out of his back. 

Zane blasted him with a steel gray Nether Blast with Rocco soon absorbing his attack and he fired it back at Zane. Zane slammed right into several monitors and he was going to turn back into Zero. It was in a second but Zane soon tied to the computer by web. Zane tried to get out but Rocco ,who seemingly teleported to Zane, held him there with his left claw. "I'm going to make sure you stay here for forever Zane." said Rocco.

The pincers held Zane to the destroyed computer and he said,"Thanks to my pincers, you're not leaving me. My strength is holding you down and if you run away, I can hear where you run away too and get you back. I can absorb any energy you try to hit me with with them going back at twice their strength. I can fire a powerful radioactive blast from my eye able to push back your Brawn Form.". Zane spit in Rocco's face as the man said,"How very mature of you Zane.". 

Zane shrugged as he said,"What can I say Rocco old enemy? I find you more annoying than Kevin is which is saying a lot.". "Anyway, I'm going to gain my real power from absorbing you Zane!" said Rocco. He placed his right claw on Zane's watch and he began absorbing it. "I can't believe that he's trying to absorb our power! That's our power!" said Cole. "He's so dumb even more than you can be Cole." said Athena with a sigh at the end.

Zane kicked the man back and Rocco said,"I'm not here for games anymore Zane! Your watch and power will be mine!". Several vines went flying toward Zane who said,"Time to make you see the error of your ways Rocco!". He was soon covered in a holy light as the plants went back and Rocco covered his eyes. Rocco recovered as he saw that Zane looked different. He looked to be eight feet tall, having chin length white hair, and heterochromia eyes. 

His left eye is a blue color and right eye was a red color. His figure is skinny yet muscular with pale skin. He looked to be female and Zane wasn't going to deny that. He's wearing a white sleeveless shirt with black sides. He wears black shorts with these shorts covering most of his legs. He's wearing a brown belt with a gold cross shaped belt buckle on his waist. He wears brown sandals with crossing black bands and fuzzy white trims. He wears gold arm bands. 

On his back, he had a small pair of white angel wings that looked able to grow in size. He wears a gold halo over his head. Zane looked at Rocco with the angel smiling. "Fine! I'll just change you back to Brain Form!" said Rocco. Rocco began looking at Zane with the angel cracking his knuckles. "Why can't I change your form child?!" said Rocco. "You failed thanks to Archangel Form negating your power! Time for an Holy Rampage!" said Zane.

Tabitha soon bumped into Mustang as Danny said,"Hey there Doc. Have you seen Zane or Rocco? Is he back in the main lab?". "Yeah Danny. The two were about to start fighting when I was leaving the room. So do you remember everything?" said Tabitha. "He does but right now, we still have work to do." said Mustang. The three heard the hallway shake as they said,"Zane.". They ran down the hall as they soon a hole in the room and went after it.

Rocco couldn't move because of the gold energy arrows in him. Zane floating in the air and Rocco said,"You'll never defeat me Zane! I will have your DNA to rule the world with my Deviants!". Zane made a gold energy bow appeared and he pulled back the drawstring. Several hundred arrows went flying toward Rocco as Blanche ,who recovered from the sleeping dart and getting free, teleporting him away. She blew him a kiss as Athena said,"We won't tell Kristen.". "Thank you." said Zane.

Later, Danny and Zane were getting on the Midnight Bird with Mustang and Tabitha standing there with a smile. "So do you guys have to go?" said Tabitha. "Well, I think our friends are missing us and also we need to get rid of Rocco's bombs." said Danny. "Yeah and also I need to explain my past to my son." said Zane. "I still can't believe you adopted a kid. I never thought you would be a dad and so young." said Mustang.

Danny said,"Yeah. Zane here wants to make sure that he doesn't turn into him.". "Wow. That must be really hard." said the two adults. Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"So I'll start up the plane. You and Tabitha need to talk Danny.". Zane went inside as Mustang went off to go check on the repairs. The two stood there as Danny said,"So I'll see you around.". Tabitha hugged Danny as she said,"I'm going to come visit my adorable son and his girlfriend.".

Danny blushed as he said,"Mom! Who told you? Zane!". Zane smirked from inside of the plane as the woman said,"Goodbye Danny. You aren't mad at me are you?". "Not at all mom. I do hate Rocco for almost killing me but I have the power to protect my best friend. We'll see each other again." said Danny. He went inside and the plane soon flew off. Tabitha smiled as Mustang looked at the plane and he said,"You're good kids Agent Zane and Danny aka Morph.".

On the plane, Danny said,"So why couldn't anyone contact us again?". "Citadel built a very powerful signal jammering barrier." said Zane. "Oh right. So are you going to tell Kristen about Blanche giving you an air kiss?" said Danny. "If you tell her Danny, I'm going to tell Gwen about your little girlfriend in Spain." said Zane. "Dude! I was a little kid." said Danny. "You two were cute together." said Zane as the two bickered their way back to Cypress Park.

Meanwhile in a unknown location, Rocco was looking at the ground as he heard,"You want Zaney dead? I can promise you that if you and your pack work with us.". "Sure. I just want Zane's DNA to take over the world." said Rocco. Apazar stood there with a magic portal and he said,"I think that can be arranged.". Rocco walked through it as Apazar said,"Welcome to the Odium Society Rocco Sloan.". Apazar was gone.

New Cards/Forms:
Frost Form. This transformation's card doesn't changed from it being a black frame with a blizzard going through the card and an insect like creature standing there. This form ,very much, went through a metamorphosis like a caterpillar to a butterfly. He's a much fast flyer, more acrobatic in the air or on the ground, has better ice control, and can see incredible distances.

Archangel Form. This transformation's card has a black frame with a holy cross in the center of the card. This card is the card of God's Servants/Warriors. He can manipulate his emotions into weapons.

Members of Rocco's Group:
Tototl. He's incredible strong being that his tongue ,which is oddly made out of stone but moves like rubber, can throw someone an incredible distance. He's incredibly durable and also very agile. He can release a fire breath which can burn things fast. He's very dumb and tends to talk in grunts rather than speaking words. The only ones who can understand him are the members of the group or others.

Solomon. He's able to produce crystal from his body at all times very much like Diamond Form. He can use his left hand as a club or shape them into a weapon like a hammer. He can fire out a barrage of crystal from his right hand or his mouth. They're incredible hard and dense being very hard to break through and they can impale things hard. He can make them grow from the ground but he isn't able to create diamonds from any metals. He's very strong and durable. He isn't the smartest but he is smarter than Tototl. He's very loyal to his leader being very strong willed. He's seen as the second in command of the group right under Abnormal.

Blanche. She's has enhanced strength with her larger arms and they're able to stretch to incredible lengths. She can also turn her hands into claws being able to slice through objects and she can clench onto walls being able to wall climb. She can regenerate from wounds rather effective. She can throw the seeds on her arms that can be used to capture, keep people away by smoke bombs, or create plant based portals which tear a hole through reality and space. She's able to stand in them and she can send opponent close or farther from her. She can also allow others to go through it. She doesn't have the best mental space being that she can be defeated by her stress levels reaching a point.

Abnormal aka Rocco Sloan. He has incredible strength, speed, hearing, and agility. He's able to absorb energy ,from around him or attacks, and redirect at twice their initial strength. He can fire a powerful radioactive blasts from his eyes being able to push back powerful opponents. He can interfere with the Z.E.R.O. watch by turning Zane into whatever form he wants but only if he's seen it before. He however can't after seeing Archangel Form being that it's a holy creature. He can fire a web like material from his hands and mouth. He can reach speeds of Mach 20 and he's very much a animal in combat. He's an expert in melee fighting being able to use his claws perfectly. Thanks to him stealing energy from Zane, he can manipulate the environment creating strong roots that can grab, hold, and aid him in combat. He can form them from his body to protect his vital organs. He seems immortal being that he regenerate himself no matter how great the wound he gained. He can punch through solid diamond with ease and he's able to control any Deviants that were created by his hand.

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